Coke Oven Collection: Main Pressure Control
Coke Oven Collection: Main Pressure Control
Coke Oven Collection: Main Pressure Control
Problem: Within the coke battery, the primary device responsible for
controlling the pressure of outgoing byproduct gases is called the Cross
Over Valve. Typically a butterfly style valve, the Cross Over Valve is part of a
collection system that is designed to keep the collection main under a small
positive operating pressure to prevent the infiltration of air/oxygen. Too much
pressure in the coke oven may cause the byproduct gas to be diverted from
the co-product plant to the atmosphere which is environmentally hazardous.
Too little pressure may cause air/oxygen to enter the oven, which ruins the
coke, damages the refractory, and allows oxygen into the system which could
also be a fire risk.
Rev 1
the flexibility of user configured control.
Electraulic™ Technology is comprised of two primary
subassemblies: a mechanical sub-assembly and an electrical
sub-assembly. The principle behind its technology is a unique
hydraulic circuitry called the flow match valve system. The
actuator incorporates a bi-directional gear pump coupled
to either a DC stepper or an AC servo motor that provides
a highly efficient method of pumping hydraulic fluid from
one side of a double-acting cylinder to the other. The
discrete operation of the motor and pump creates action
only when a position change is required. Once the required
position is reached, the motor shuts off and the flow match Result
valve system hydraulically locks the actuator in place. Power
is not required to maintain actuator position. The motor REXA’s Electraulic™ Actuators have been
and pump sit idle until a new command signal is received. engineered for use with constantly modulating
Balancing the pressure within the collection lines Cross Over Valves in coke ovens, for the production
requires an actuator technology with precise modulating of coke. REXA’s technology provides the precise
control and 100% duty cycle capabilities. Pressure within the modulating control required by using cylinders
oven is not uniform throughout the transformation process, rated for 2,000,000 full strokes or 20,000,000
and can build dramatically at certain key steps. For instance, dither cycles. Sophisticated electronics allow
as the coal charge increases, the coal undergoes physical complex diagnostics and partial stroking for
and chemical changes where it is liquefied and re-solidified enhancing the operation and service life of the
into pure carbon (coke). This liberates gases, referred to as valve. REXA also incorporates in the actuator
coke oven gases (COG), that travel upward within the oven package a seat loading cylinder to protect the
to a flue at the top of the chamber. Should the Cross Over severe service trim.
Valve fail to properly control pressure, the transformation Software designed specifically for REXA
process could shift outside the allowable limits required to Actuators allows the user to calibrate and
produce a stable end-product. In a worst case scenario, the customize the actuator operation. The actuation
lack of pressure control could result in air entering the coke package supports both HART (Highway
oven with a possibility of an explosion or fire. Addressable Remote Transducer) and Foundation
As with any extreme service, the reliability of the actuator Fieldbus control system protocols.
technology is vital for operational safety and efficiency. As a result of the design, features and
Coke plant operators have turned to Electraulic™ Actuation, performance of the REXA Actuators, problems
which provides precise modulation control and 100% duty with pressure changes during the carbonization
cycle demanded for the coke transformation process. To process are overcome with less downtime, less
meet these strict requirements, Electraulic™ Actuators have fugitive emissions, and a more efficient coke oven
large torque, fast moving, and accurate fully open/close operation.
cycling. Actuators featuring this technology have been
field-proven over decades to handle critical applications in
the harshest environments. Rotary Electraulic™ Actuators
installed on coke oven Cross Over Valves have proven to REXA, Inc.
Headquarters & Factory
be highly reliable and require virtually no maintenance. 4 Manley Street
These actuators are also capable of rotating to 355 degrees West Bridgewater, MA 02379
required for valve tar cleaning. (508) 584-1199