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Mandarin Elementary Quarter1 - Weeks 1 3

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Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207

E-mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. -Proverbs 1:7

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade and Section: ____________________________ Score: _____________

( Good day students ! Welcome in our Mandarin class . I prepare the lesson in chunks for you to understand
it clearly. I will also prepare a private group for the access of the activity and the video lessons related on
the topics below. For the old students , you can completely finish the lessons and acquire an advanced topic
if your assessment is good. The topics and lessons below will give a review and recall on your last Mandarin
lessons. . )

Pinyin Lesson 1: Introduction to Pinyin
Quarter I Weeks 1-3
What is Pinyin?

Phonetic System Writing System

Pinyin Chinese Characters

Pinyin : Chinese Phonetic System

b p m f
d t n l
g k h
z c s
zh ch sh r
j q x

a o e i u ü ai ei
ao ou an en ang eng ong er
ia iao ie iu ian in iang ü

Why Pinyin is created ?

Because there are 56 ethnic groups in China , pinyin is created to help people read Chinese characters in united way.
Pinyin also makes it easier for Mandarin learners from all over the world to read Chinese.

Chinese Character strokes like : Pinyin is important for pronunciation

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207
E-mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com


mother Pinyin Components of Pinyin

Tones and Meanings :

Pinyin Lesson 2: Simple Finals

Objective: To learn and speak 6 simple finals , which are a , o, e , i, u, ü


1 a Sounds like Ah
Example: The sound of A in ‘bag’
2 o Sounds like O
Example: The sound of O in ‘orange’
3 e Sounds like UGH
Example: The sound of U in ‘burp’
4 i Sounds like I
Example: The sound of I in ‘input’
5 u Sounds like OO
Example: The sound of OO in ‘ooze’
6 ü Sounds like YI with pouty lips while pronouncing
Example: The sound of YEA in ‘year’

Activity #1 Take 1
Grade 1 -2 : Write the 6 simple finals in your paper and with the assistance of your guardian , record a video
pronouncing the finals. Repeat each word thrice . Upload it on a comment section of the post .
Grade 3-4 : Write the 6 simple finals in a bond paper and with the assistance of your guardian , record a video
pronouncing the finals. Repeat each word thrice . Upload it on a comment section of the post .
Grade 5-6 : Create a video record of the 6 simple finals using Tiktok or any other editing applications.

Pinyin Lesson 3: Four Tones and the Neutral Tone

Objective: To learn and speak 4 tones and the neutral tone correctly
In Mandarin, pronouncing a syllable in one tone has a specific meaning. The same syllable pronounced in a
different tone will have a completely different meaning.
These tones are represented by tone graphs with their respective tone descriptions as follows:

Tone Tone graph Tone description Read this !

1st High unchanging tone
2nd Quick rising tone
3rd Dipping then rising tone
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207
E-mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

4th Falling tone

Neutral No tone No emphasis
symbol used

(To fully understand the lesson , try to open the app “LEARN PINYIN” and go to TONES. Listen on the
pronunciation of each tones and practice it to be familiar. )
Activity #2 Take 2
Grade 1 -2 : Write the 6 simple finals with tone marks ( shown above ) in your paper and with the assistance of your
guardian , record a video pronouncing the tones. Upload it on a comment section of the post .
Grade 3-4 : Write the 6 simple finals with tone marks ( shown above) in a bond paper and with the assistance of
your guardian , record a video pronouncing the tones. Repeat each word thrice . Upload it on a comment section of the
post .
Grade 5-6 : Create a video record of the 6 simple finals with tone marks ( shown above) and the pinyin given below
using Tiktok or any other editing applications.

Pinyin Lesson 4: Compound Finals

Objective: To learn 8 compound finals: ai, ei, ao, ou, iu, ui, ie, ü e


1 ai Sounds like AY
Example: The sound of I in ‘hi’
2 ei Sounds like EY
Example: The sound of EY in ‘hey’
3 ao Sounds like AW
Example: The sound of AW in ‘now’
4 ou Sounds like OW
Example: The sound of OW in ‘low’
5 iu Sounds like YOW
Example: The sound of Y+O ‘ocean’
6 ui Sounds like WEY
Example: The sound of WEIGH in ‘weight’
7 ie Sounds like YE
Example: The sound of YE in ‘yesterday’
8 üe Sounds like YE with pouty lips while pronouncing
Example: The sounds of YE in ‘yes’

Pinyin Lesson 5: Nasal Finals

Objective: To learn 9 nasal finals: an, en, in, un,ü n, ang, eng, ing, ong
1 an Sounds like AN
Example: The sound of AN in ‘band’
2 en Sounds like UGH+N
Example: The sound of UN in ‘under’
3 in Sounds like IN
Example: The sound of IN in ‘inside’
4 un Sounds like YIN with pouty lips while pronouncing
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207
E-mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

Example: The sound of Y + IN in ‘intend’

5 ün Sounds like YIN with pouty lips while pronouncing
However, this compound vowel is exclusively attached to the letters J, Q,
X, Y
6 ang Sounds like ANG
Example: The sound of ANG in ‘bang’
7 eng Sounds like UGH+NG
Example: The sound of UN in ‘bun’ + the sounds of NG in ‘long’
8 ing Sounds like ING
Example: The sound of ING in ‘sing’
9 ong Sounds like ONG
Example: The sound of ONG in ‘song’

Pinyin Lesson 6: Initials

Objective: To learn 4 initials , which are b,p,m , f.

b(puo) p(phuo) m(muo) f(fuo)

Pinyin Lesson 7 : Initials (2)

Objective: To learn 4 initials , which are d, t, n , l .

d(tuh) t(tuhh) n(nuh) l(luh)

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207
E-mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFUxFK6lx0o&list=PLrYgra2FrMh-4BZ10qd8AQ2A-

Pinyin Lesson 8 : Initials (3)

Objective: To learn 3 initials , which are g, k , h
g(geh) k(kehh) h(heh)

Reference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8-zgU7a09Q&list=PLrYgra2FrMh-4BZ10qd8AQ2A-

Pinyin Lesson 9 : Initials (4)

Objective: To learn 3 initials , which are j , q , x .

1. Put the tip of your tongue 1. Same way as j but the puff 1. Let the tip of your tongue to
to the back of your lower of the air would be much touch the bottom of your
teeth. stronger . lower teeth.
2. Let the blade of your 2. Lower the tongue , and
tongue gently touch the touch the back of your
front part of the hard lower teeth.
3. Make the air come out.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207
E-mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

Pinyin Lesson 10 : Initials (5)

Objective: To learn 4 initials , which are zh, xh , sh , r

Tips : Let the tip of your tongue touch the roof of your mouth.
English word – Her er er er rrr...
English alphabet R
1. Make the R sound
2. Keep the tongue still.
3. Let the air come out through the sides of your tongue.


1. Make the r sound

2. Slowly move your tongue forward to the back of your upper teeth , meanwhile round
your lips. ( say GIRaffe)

( pronounce Cheap)

( prounce Sheep)

Pinyin Lesson 11 : Initials (6)

Objective: To learn 5 initials , which are z,c,s,y,w .

Z ( buzz ) C ( Cats) – prolong it S ( Snake) -prolong it Y (i)

W (u )

Y and w can be the

head of one syllable
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207
E-mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

Reference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rX5QBc-dTw

Pinyin Lesson 12 : Tone Changing Rules

Objective: To learn several rules about the changing of tones.

Chinese Mandarin Speaking Rubric

Poor ( 0 pts.) Fair ( 1 pt.) Good ( 3 pts.) Excellent ( 5 pts.)
Pronunciation Student Student’s Student’s Student’s
pronunciation was pronunciation pronunciation was pronunciation was
incomprehensible. inhibited understandable like a native
Tones were understanding . with some error. speaker. Tones
extremely unclear. Tones were Tones were clear were clear with few
partially with several if any mistakes.
understandable. mistakes.
Confidence Did not Demonstrate very Demonstrated Demonstrated
demonstrate any little confidence. much confidence . confidence.

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