Mandarin Elementary Quarter1 - Weeks 1 3
Mandarin Elementary Quarter1 - Weeks 1 3
Mandarin Elementary Quarter1 - Weeks 1 3
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. -Proverbs 1:7
( Good day students ! Welcome in our Mandarin class . I prepare the lesson in chunks for you to understand
it clearly. I will also prepare a private group for the access of the activity and the video lessons related on
the topics below. For the old students , you can completely finish the lessons and acquire an advanced topic
if your assessment is good. The topics and lessons below will give a review and recall on your last Mandarin
lessons. . )
Pinyin Lesson 1: Introduction to Pinyin
Quarter I Weeks 1-3
What is Pinyin?
b p m f
d t n l
g k h
z c s
zh ch sh r
j q x
a o e i u ü ai ei
ao ou an en ang eng ong er
ia iao ie iu ian in iang ü
Activity #1 Take 1
Grade 1 -2 : Write the 6 simple finals in your paper and with the assistance of your guardian , record a video
pronouncing the finals. Repeat each word thrice . Upload it on a comment section of the post .
Grade 3-4 : Write the 6 simple finals in a bond paper and with the assistance of your guardian , record a video
pronouncing the finals. Repeat each word thrice . Upload it on a comment section of the post .
Grade 5-6 : Create a video record of the 6 simple finals using Tiktok or any other editing applications.
(To fully understand the lesson , try to open the app “LEARN PINYIN” and go to TONES. Listen on the
pronunciation of each tones and practice it to be familiar. )
Activity #2 Take 2
Grade 1 -2 : Write the 6 simple finals with tone marks ( shown above ) in your paper and with the assistance of your
guardian , record a video pronouncing the tones. Upload it on a comment section of the post .
Grade 3-4 : Write the 6 simple finals with tone marks ( shown above) in a bond paper and with the assistance of
your guardian , record a video pronouncing the tones. Repeat each word thrice . Upload it on a comment section of the
post .
Grade 5-6 : Create a video record of the 6 simple finals with tone marks ( shown above) and the pinyin given below
using Tiktok or any other editing applications.
Reference :
1. Put the tip of your tongue 1. Same way as j but the puff 1. Let the tip of your tongue to
to the back of your lower of the air would be much touch the bottom of your
teeth. stronger . lower teeth.
2. Let the blade of your 2. Lower the tongue , and
tongue gently touch the touch the back of your
front part of the hard lower teeth.
3. Make the air come out.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro, 5207
Tips : Let the tip of your tongue touch the roof of your mouth.
English word – Her er er er rrr...
English alphabet R
1. Make the R sound
2. Keep the tongue still.
3. Let the air come out through the sides of your tongue.
( pronounce Cheap)
( prounce Sheep)
Reference :