1 Reproduction in Organisms
1 Reproduction in Organisms
1 Reproduction in Organisms
Question : Why unicellular organism like amoeba and paramecium are called immortal?
Answer: There is no natural death in unicellular organisms. Cell division is the mode of reproduction in them.
Question: Why life span of individual should not be equated with their size?
Answer: As there can be a large difference between organism’s life span of organism with approx. same size.
e.g. parrot life span-140 year crow life span -14 yrs (both with aprox same size)
mango tree life span is very short comparative to peepal tree.
Life spans of some organisms
Organism Lifespan Organism Lifespan
Rose Parrot 140 yrs
Rice plant 3-7 months Crocodile 60 yrs
Banyan tree 400+ yrs Horse 40-50 yrs
Banana tree 2-3 yrs Tortoise 100-150 yrs
Dog 22 yrs Crow 15 yrs
Butterfly 1-2 weeks Cow 22 yrs
Fruit fly 2 weeks Elephant 50-70 yrs
- Reproduction is a biological process in which an organism produces young ones (offspring) similar to itself.
- Question: what is the significance of reproduction?
Answer: 1. Continuity of species generation after generation 2. Transfer of genetic material from parent to
3. The offspring are identical to one another and to 3. It results in offspring that are not identical to
their parent. (morphologically and genetically the parents or amongst themselves. (they are not
similar individuals are known as clones.)
4.It is comparatively faster process (give rise to 4. It is an elaborate, complex and slow process as
large number of individuals in less time period). compared to asexual reproduction.
• Budding: In yeast (unicellular), cell divide unequally give rise to a small bud (small cell) appears and grows
on the parent body (large cell). After maturation, it is detached from parent body to form new individual. E.g.
Hydra, Sponge, Yeast etc.
• Spores: spores are unicellular structure which germinate in favourable conditions to give rise to new
Question : Asexual reproduction is the common method in simple organisms like algae and fungi. During
adverse conditions, they can shift to sexual mode of reproduction. Explain why?
Answer: 1. During sexual reproduction zygote form a thick covering around it which protect it from adverse
2. Sexual reproduction brings variation into the individuals, some of which might help the individuals
to adapt to the changed conditions and survive. This ensures the continuity of species.
Question : differentiate among annual, biennial and perineal plants.
Complete life span within only one Complete life span within 2 years Take more than 2 years to
year and die. (vegetative, (juvenile phase attained in first complete life cycle (attain
reproductive and senescence phase year-vegetative growth only, in reproductive ability again and
attained within one year only) second year reproduce and die) again)
Flower only once in a year Flower once in life time Flower every year
Question: What is responsible for transition between three phases of life span (javelin, reproductive and
Answer: - In both plants and animals, hormones are responsible for the transitions between the three phases.
- Interaction between hormones and certain environmental factors regulate the reproductive processes
and the associated behavioral expressions of organisms.
Question : Differentiate between seasonal breeders and annual breeders.
Seasonal Breeder Continuous Breeder
1. The can breed only during a particular period / Can breed in any season throughout year as
particular season in a year active reproductive reproductive cycle run throughout
cycle during favorable season reproductive phase
2. Temperature impact the secretion of their sex Temperature does not impact their sex
hormones hormones
3. e.g. birds, cattles e.g. human
Question: Birds living in nature lay eggs only seasonally. However, birds in captivity (e.g. poultry) can be
made to lay eggs throughout the year. How can this be possible?
Answer: Those birds in poultry farms are kept on temperature which matches with temperature of their
reproduction season, this activates their sex hormones that’s how they can be made reproductively active.
Question : differentiate between oestrus and menstrual cycle?
Oestrus cycle Menstrual cycle
1. In non-primates placental mammals (female) In primates placental mammals (female)
ovaries and reproductive tract undergoes into cyclic ovaries and reproductive tract undergoes into
changes to make oraginsm ready for reproduction. cyclic changes to make oraginsm ready for
2. e.g. cows, sheep, rat, deer, dog, tiger etc Human , monkey, chimpanzee ,ape
1.Pre-fertilisation Events
These are the events prior to the fusion of gametes. They include gametogenesis and gamete transfer.
a. Gametogenesis
- It is the formation of male and female gametes.
- MEIOCYTE: In diploid organisms, Gamete Mother Cell which undergoes into meiosis division to give rise
to gamete cell called as meiocyte.
Question: What is the relation between chromosome numbers of meiocyte and gametes?
Answer: Gametes contain half number of chromosomes that is present in Meiocyte cell.
Meiocyte (2n) contains 2 sets of chromosomes and gamete(n) contain one set of chromosomes
Question: If rice plant contain 20 chromosomes then how many chromosomes are present in meiocyte
and gametes?
- Gametes (haploid cells) produced by organisms are 2 types:
Homogametes (isogametes): Heterogametes:
Morphologically Similar gametes. They cannot The male and female gametes are morphologically
categorize into male & female gametes. distinct types.
E.g. Some algae like Cladophora. E.g. Fucus (an alga) Human beings etc.
Marchentia (unisexual)
Chara (bisexual)
c. Fertilisation:
- also called as syngamy
- Fusion of male and female gametes result in formation of zygote called as fertilization
3. Post-fertilisation Events
These are the events after the formation of zygote.
Zygote (2n) undergo into meiosis division zygote (2n) undergoes mitosis to form
to give rise to haploid spores which grows diploid spores or embryo (2n)
to develop into new individual (n)
- Embryogenesis is a phenomenon in which
- zygote undergoes cell division (mitosis) and cell differentiation to develop into embryo.