2.4-Rotational Mechanical System Transfer Functions: Table 3

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Control system/4th

Class‐Lecture (4)
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2.4- Rotational Mechanical System Transfer Functions
Having covered electrical and translational mechanical systems, we now
move on to consider rotational mechanical systems. Rotational mechanical systems
are handled the same way as translational mechanical systems, except that torque
replaces force and angular displacement replaces translational displacement. The
mechanical components for rotational systems are the same as those for translational
systems, except that the components undergo rotation instead of translation.
Table 3 shows the components along with the relationships between torque and
angular velocity, as well as angular displacement. Notice that the symbols for the

TABLE 3 Torque-angular velocity, torque-angular displacement, and impedance

rotational relationships for springs, viscous dampers, and inertia

-The concept of impedance

Components look the same as translational symbols, but they are undergoing
rotation and not translation. Also notice that the term associated with the mass is
replaced by inertia. The values of K, D, and J are called spring constant, coefficient
of viscous friction, and moment of inertia, respectively. The impedances of the
mechanical components are also summarized in the last column of Table 3. The
values can be found by taking the Laplace transform, assuming zero initial
conditions, of the torque-angular displacement column of Table 3.
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The concept of degrees of freedom carries over to rotational systems, except

that we test a point of motion by rotating it while holding still all other points of
motion. The number of points of motion that can be rotated while all others are held
still equals the number of equations of motion required to describe the system.

Writing the equations of motion for rotational systems is similar to writing

them for translational systems; the only difference is that the free-body diagram
consists of torques rather than forces. We obtain these torques using superposition.

First, we rotate a body while holding all other points still and place on its free-
body diagram all torques due to the body’s own motion. Then, holding the body still,
we rotate adjacent points of motion one at a time and add the torques due to the
adjacent motion to the free-body diagram. The process is repeated for each point of
motion. For each free-body diagram, these torques are summed and set equal to zero
to form the equations of motion.

For the Spring, TK(s) = K ϴ(s)

For the Viscous damper, TD(s) = D S ϴ (s)

For the Inertia, TJ(s) = J S2 ϴ (s)

If we define impedance for Rotational components as:

ZM(s) = T(s) / ϴ(s)

2.4.1 Status of Rotational Components:

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