Syllabus Funda - Of-Martial Arts

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Republic of the Philippines


Roxas Campus


Course Syllabus
First Semester, School Year 2020-2021

Course Number Course Title Credit Unit/s Hours per week

Crim PE 1 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 2 2


A leading research university in the ASEAN Region. ISU Expected Graduate Attributes

Skilled Communicator (SC)

UNIVERSITY MISSION  Recognizes and values communication as a tool for conveying and interacting with others, and
The Isabela State University is committed to develop globally competitive human, fostering their own learning.
technological resources and services through quality instruction, innovative research,
responsive community engagement and viable resource management programs for Inquiry-focused and Knowledgeable (IFK)
inclusive growth and sustainable development.  Creates new knowledge and understanding through the process of research and inquiry
 Demonstrates comprehensive theoretical and technical concepts related to their field of
QUALITY POLICY specialization with relevant connections to industry, professional and regional knowledge.
The Isabela State University endeavors to be a lead university in instruction,
research, extension, and resource generation through continual improvement of services. Competent and Productive Professional (CPP)
.  Initiates and innovates better ways of doing things
 Promotes quality and productivity

Collaborative and Effective Leader (CEL)

 Works in collaboration with others and manages group functioning to meet common goal.

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019
Lifelong Learner (LL)
 Acquires new skills and adapts to rapid changes in professional and personal environments


In line with the Isabela State University’s vision and mission, the College of Criminal Common Program Outcomes (C.P.O.):
Justice Education of is tasked to:

C.P.O # 1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
1. Encourage research and inquiry on the nature, causes, treatment, or punishment
of criminal behavior and how criminal justice agencies function and respond to C.P.O # 2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
crime, criminals, and victims; C.P.O # 3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
2. Prepare the students for careers in crime prevention, law enforcement, scientific C.P.O # 4. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility.
crime detection, correctional administration, public safety and allied fields;
C.P.O # 5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage.”
3. Foster the values of leadership, integrity, accountability, and responsibility while
serving their fellowman, community, and country.
Specific Program Outcomes (S.P.O):
The graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Criminology Program must be able to:

S.P.O #1 Conduct criminological research on crimes, crime causation, victims and offenders to include
deviant behavior
S.P.O #2 Internalize the concepts of human rights and victim welfare
S.P.O #3 Demonstrate competence and broad understanding in law enforcement administration, public
safety and criminal justice

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019
S.P.O #4 Utilize criminalistics or forensic science in the investigation and detection of crime
S.P.O #5 Apply the principles and jurisprudence of criminal law, evidence and criminal procedure
S.P.O #6 Ensure offenders’ rehabilitation, welfare, development and re-integration in the community.
Course Description
: The course deals with the study of Karate-do, Judo and Arnis as means of self-defense for law enforcement officers. It includes the instructions on safety falls, kickback throws, fighting
instance, pushing and open hand strikes, hand grips and grabbing, head lock and hammer lock, training and conditioning of the body through calisthenics, developing force and flexibility.
C Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

 State the importance of martial arts in the field of law enforcement.
 Enumerate and define the various martial arts
 Appreciate martial arts particularly karate-do, judo, arnis.
 Imbibe the discipline from the various martial arts
 Demonstrate properly the various stances, blocks, strikes, punches, safe way of falling and throwing.
 Execute the basic strikes in Karate-do and Arnis.
Prerequisite/s :
PE 2
Course Plan
Assessmen Assessm Number of
Program Teaching and Teaching t Tasks ent Tools hours
Graduate Attributes Outcomes Intended Learning Outcomes Learning Content Learning Learning Lect Labo
Activities modality ure rator
SC, CEL, PO4, PO5 State the vision and mission of Vision and Mission of the
the University, quality policy, University Brainstorming Online Recitation 1
institutional outcomes and Quality Policy class Hr.
goals of the College. Institutional Outcomes Discussion discussio
Goals of the College n using

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019
Chapter I. Introduction to 4
 Define Martial Arts Martial Arts hrs.
LL, CPP PO3  Enumerate and  Martial arts
discuss the various  Types of Martial Discussion Online
types of martial arts Arts class
and its character traits.  Character traits Brainstorming discussio
 Discuss the aspects of of Martial Arts n using Quiz
martial arts  Aspects of SEDI
 Enumerate the 7 ways Martial Arts
to guide training  7 ways to guide

LL,CPP PO3 Chapter II. Karate-do

 Summarize the history
of karate-do
 History of Karate- Online
 Enumerate and
do class Assignment 5.5
distinguish the sub- Discussion discussio #1 hrs.
groups of karatedo  Sub-group of
n using
 Enumerate the Karate-do
Demonstratio SEDI Quiz
necessary elements of  Elements of
Karate-do Karate-do
 Discuss the  Five Famous
contribution of the five Karate Masters
famous masters in the  Terminologies in
field of Karate-do Karate-do
 State and utilize the  Warm-up
basic terms during the exercises
training proper  Side bend
 Perform the various  Front bend

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019
warm-up exercises  Back stretch
before the training  Thigh stretch
proper  Straight-leg
 Floor sits
 Knee lift
 Outside leg
 Squat thrust
Preliminary Examinations – 1.5 hour Total = 12 Hours
Chapter III. Karate-do Discussion Online 8 hr
LL, CPP PO3 training proper class Quiz
Demonstrati discussio
on n using Assignment
 Making fist
 Perform the various SEDI #2
karate stances,
 Front stance
blocks, punches and
 Back stance
 Horse stance
 Blocks
 Downward
sweeping block
 Rising block
 Outside block
 Inside block
 Knife-hand block
 Punches
 Straight punch
 Stepping punch
 Reverse punch
 Leading hand

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019
 Kicks
 Front kick
 Demonstrate Heian  Side thrust kick
 Round house kick
 Spinning back kick
 Strikes
 Back fist strike
 Palm-heel strike
 Knife- hand strike
 Roundhouse
elbow strike
 Rising elbow
 Karate-do Online
Beginners Kata class
 Heian Shodan
n using Quiz Rubrics
 Define the origin of SEDI
Judo Chapter IV. Judo
LL, CPP PO3  Introduction to Online 4 hr
Judo Discussion class
 Judo or Jujitsu discussio Quiz
 Origin Brainstormin n using

Mid-term Examination – 2 hours Total = 12 hours

Chapter V. Judo 5
Training Proper Discussion- Online Assignment Hrs
LL, CPP PO3  Demonstrate the  Breaking the Falls class #3
proper and safe way of Demonstrati discussio
 Roll-outs
falling in Judo on n using Quiz Rubrics
ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014
Effectivity: March 12, 2019
 Stop falls SEDI ,
 Variations Youtube
 Judo principles browsing
 Identify and
and the art of
Demonstrate the
principles and the art throwing
of throwing in Judo  Movement
 Stopping or
sweeping away
 Postures
 Summarize the history Chapter VI. Arnis
LL, CPP PO3 of Arnis 5
 History Discussion Online hrs
 Perform the courtesy
 Courtesy and class Quiz Rubrics
and bowing in the
Bowing Demonstrati discussio
sports of Arnis
 Stances and on n using
 Define the different SEDI
stances and positions
 Basic Stances
of Arnis
 The 12 Striking
 Distinguish the techniques of
different striking Arnis
techniques of arnis

 Demonstrate the  Five main forms of

different stances in
 Six cardinal rules
blocking arnis attacks.
in Arnis
 Arnis Blocks
 Define and distinguish
the different hitting
points of the different
movements of arnis.
 The Basic
Movements of

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019
 Double Sinawali
 Single Sinawali
 Redonda

Final examination – 2 Hr. Total = 12 hrs

Course Requirements:
Grading Scheme: Grade Equivalent
1.0 98 – 100
Final Examination…………………...25% 1.25 95 – 97
1.5 92 – 94
Midterm Examination……………….25% 1.75 89 – 91
Prelim Examination…………………15% 2.0 86 – 88
Demonstration……………………....10% 2.25 83 – 85
2.5 80 – 82
2.75 77 – 79
Assignment 3.0 75 – 76
Quizzes ... 25% 5.0 74 and below Failed
Inc. Incomplete
Recitation/Oral Participation


 Teves, M. Weapons and Disarming Techniques, 2017
 Fragrante, B. Dynamic Arnis, 1997

 http://www.rkm

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019

1. Observance of Health Protocols

a. Everybody who is entering the campus and classroom premises is required to wear a face mask – NO FACE MASK, NO ENTRY POLICY
b. Observe at all times, in all places and in all transactions, social / physical distancing of at least 1 meter apart as advocated by the Department of Health.
c. When classes are conducted outside the classroom, physical distancing will still be observed.

2. Uniform and Dress code

a. Students should be in proper uniform, wear ID and appropriate shoes except during laboratory class.
b. On Wednesdays, cross dressing, hip-hop dresses and get-ups are not allowed, e.g. shorts, slippers, spaghetti strap, earrings for males, etc.
c. PE uniforms should be worn only during PE class.

3. Taking Examination

a. Cheating and copying are strictly prohibited. When caught during quizzes and long/units exams, deduction of points will be imposed by the teacher and during midterm or final
exam. Means a grade of 5.0 in the subject.
b. Borrowing of calculators and other exam paraphernalia is not allowed during exam.
c. During prelim, midterm, and final exam, only test papers answer sheets, permits, calculators, pens, pencils and erasers are allowed on the desk; other things should be deposited
on a place designated by the teacher.
d. Other policies will be imposed as deemed necessary and as agreed upon between the students and the subject professor.

4. Other Policies

4.1 Face-to-face FTLM

a. Cellphone should be shut-off or in silent mode during class hours.
b. Chairs should be arranged at least 1.5 meters apart to observe social distancing.
c. Chairs should be arranged before leaving the classroom.
d. Vandalism is strictly prohibited and punishable.
e. No Smoking within the school premises.
f. Students under the influence of liquor are not allowed inside the school compound.
ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014
Effectivity: March 12, 2019
g. Any form of deadly weapons should not be brought to school except cleaning/cutting tools during cleanup days and laboratory classes.
h. Unnecessary noise to the point of creating disturbances is prohibited.
i. Proper grooming should be observed at all times, e.g. short and undyed hair for males.
j. Other policies will be strictly imposed as contained in the student manual.

4.2. Online FTLM (synchronous)

a. Unnecessary noise to the point of creating disturbances is prohibited.
b. Participative learning is encouraged
c. Wear proper attire
d. Courtesy and proper decorum should be observed at all times
e. Meeting time set should be strictly observed by both faculty and students
f. Policies on the recording of class lecture is subject to the approval/agreement between the student and faculty which shall be governed by existing laws such as cyber-crime act, data
privacy act and intellectual property right laws.
g. Posting of unnecessary comments/messages are prohibited during online classes.

4.3. Remote FTLM (asynchronous)

a. Submit required output on time via online or on designated drop-off / pick up points.
b. Submission of duplicated / copied output is prohibited.
c. Posting of unnecessary comments/messages are prohibited during group chat/discussion forum.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Approved by:


Subject Teacher Dean, CCJE Campus ARA Director

ISUR- CCJE- Syl-014

Effectivity: March 12, 2019

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