Uzrrd/Dtzezkv - De') VRGV Yrc/Zgre' - TV: Ug:: PHDQVQXNH Zdu5Xvvldqhqyr
Uzrrd/Dtzezkv - De') VRGV Yrc/Zgre' - TV: Ug:: PHDQVQXNH Zdu5Xvvldqhqyr
Uzrrd/Dtzezkv - De') VRGV Yrc/Zgre' - TV: Ug:: PHDQVQXNH Zdu5Xvvldqhqyr
place. I would not like to say “We are trying to send a will be “nuclear and devastat-
KXPDQLWDULDQ anything beforehand”. team to the eastern zone to ing”, amid spiralling tensions
Russian military offensive, ensure people can get out. We with the West over Moscow’s
so far, is taking place in east and will do this by using all assets, ongoing massive military oper-
north-eastern parts of Ukraine including C-17s. We will bring ation against Ukraine.
close to the Russian border. In back every Indian,” Bagchi “A third World War would
fact, Kharkiv is about 40 km assured. be a devastating nuclear war,”
?=BQ =4F34;78
New Delhi: India’s national flags. “I ran to the market,
tricolour came to the rescue of bought some colour sprays
not only the stranded Indians and a curtain. I then cut the
but also those hailing from curtain and spray-painted it to
Pakistan and Turkey to cross make the Indian tricolour,”
into the neighbouring coun- said a student.
tries of Ukraine. They added that even some
The Indian students who Pakistani and Turkish students
arrived in the city of Bucharest passed checkpoints using the
in Romania from Ukraine said Indian flag. “The Turkish and
that the national tricolour Pakistani students were also
helped them as well as some using the Indian flag,” a student
Pakistani and Turkish students said, adding that the Indian flag
in safely crossing the various was of great help to the
checkpoints in the war-torn Pakistani, Turkish students.
country. The students from Odessa
The Indian students moved from Molodova to
arrived in the Romanian city to Romania. “We booked the bus
catch the special evacuation from Odesa and came to the
flights being operated under Molodova border. The
‘Operation Ganga’ from the 8]SXP]]PcX^]P[bTePRdPcTSUa^\fPac^a]DZaPX]T^]cWTXaPaaXeP[PccWT8]SXaP Moldovan citizens were very
neighbouring countries of 6P]SWX8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^acX]=Tf3T[WX^]FTS]TbSPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa nice. They provided us with
Ukraine. free accommodation and taxis
“We were told in Ukraine any problems,” said a medical The students narrated how and buses to get to Romania,”
that being Indians and carry- student who arrived from they bought spray paints from a student said.
ing Indian flag, we won’t have Odesa in Southern Ukraine. the markets to prepare Indian Continued on Page 2
EPaP]PbX) BcaT]VcW^U^[SP]S
fX]b !^U '
U^RdbbWXUcX]V^]cf^aTVX^]b C^SXbRdbbfXcW day after political strategist
Prashant Kishor met him at his
B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0
2T]caT0[[8]SXP farmhouse at Erravell near
Hyderabad. KCR is accompanied T he Trinamool Congress
(TMC) on Wednesday dec-
2WXTU<X]XbcTaH^VX0SXchP]PcW BTaeXRTRPSaT by his daughter K Kavitha, State imated the Opposition by gain-
planning board vice-chairman B ing a brute majority in West
72D?7>;3B24=CA4´B ad[TP\T]S\T]c Vinod Kumar, State Minister V Bengal in the just concluded
10=>=<4380>=4 Srinivas Goud, and Rajya Sabha civic elections. The State ruling
:^RWX) CWT:TaP[P7XVW2^dac^] ?=BQ =4F34;78 MP J Santosh Kumar. outfit won 102 out of 108
FTS]TbSPhd_WT[ScWT2T]caT³b Sources said KCR is likely municipal boards.
QP]^]<P[PhP[P\]TfbRWP]]T[ enewing his efforts to unite to meet AAP chief Arvind A day after senior leader
R the Opposition at the
national level, Telangana Chief
Kejriwal and discuss his pro-
posed federal front. Prominent
and TMC MP Saugato Roy
criticised “unnecessary vio-
RTacPX]Pb_TRcb\T]cX^]TSX]cWT Minister K Chandrashekar is in farmers’ union leader Rakesh lence and booth capture” in the
X]cT[[XVT]RTaT_^acbPQ^dccWT the national Capital to meet Tikait, who led the agitation for municipal elections, the TMC
RWP]]T[WPSPQTPaX]V^]_dQ[XR leaders and representatives repealing of the three farm laws on Wednesday netted 95 per
^aSTa^]]PcX^]P[bTRdaXch from different political parties, at the Delhi border, is also like- cent boards getting an overall
including Delhi Chief Minister ly to meet KCR. vote of 63-plus per cent.
B70A944;8=BC860C43 Arvind Kejriwal and farmer The Telangana While the Left Front man-
A4;868>DB<>1)?>;824 leader Rakesh Tikait. Government had announced aged to win only one munici-
=Tf3T[WX) CWT3T[WX?^[XRT^] Sources said KCR, as he is C3 lakh ex-gratia to bereaved pality of Taherpur in Nadia dis-
FTS]TbSPhc^[ScWT3T[WX popularly known, may also families of farmers, who died trict, the BJP drew a blank.
7XVW2^daccWPc9=DbcdST]c discuss the contentious All during the agitation. KCR is One board went to “others”,
BWPaYTT[8\P\PaaTbcTSX]P India Ser vice cadre rule also keen on meeting Akhilesh while four others were left
bTSXcX^]RPbTfPbbTT] amendments with Central Yadav, who is busy in UP elec- with hung houses.
P[[TVTS[hX]bcXVPcX]VP_PacXRd[Pa Government officials. tions until March 7. Curiously the newly formed
aT[XVX^dbbTRcX^]^UcWT KCR will also inspect the KCR met Shiv Sena chief Hamro Party sprung a major
R^\\d]XchPVPX]bccWT work on the construction of Uddhav Thackeray and NCP surprise,bagging the Darjeeling
V^eTa]\T]cQhRaTPcX]V TRS office on land allotted by chief Sharad Pawar last week. municipality by winning 18 out
d]U^d]STSUTPabX]cWTXa\X]Sb the Centre in the national He had earlier got in touch with of 32 wards. The traditional Hill
aTVPaSX]VcWT2XcXiT]bWX_ Capital and meet President his West Bengal counterpart outfits like Gorkha Janmukti
0\T]S\T]c0Rc200P]S Ramnath Kovind to extend an Mamata Banerjee and Tamil Morcha or Gorkha National
cWT_a^RTbb^U=PcX^]P[ATVXbcTa invitation for the inauguration Nadu Chief Minister M K Liberation Front failed to win
^U2XcXiT]b=A2 of renovated Yadadri temple. Stalin. the voters’ trust.
The tour was chalked out a Continued on Page 2 Detailed Report on Page 5
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k<0A27"!!! ]PcX^]!
>RYRVRdVd4`gZUcVdecZTeZ`_d =21c^WXaTTg_TacbUXa\bc^
rants & bars, sports complex-
es, gyms, spas, swimming
pools, religious places, the-
aters & auditoriums, tourist
at the State Executive
Committee (SEC) held on
February 25, based on the
inputs received from the State
allowed social, sports, enter-
tainment, academic, cultural,
religious, political, festival-
related events, including those
tutions may function with full
On the issue of vaccination
requirement at different places,
?=BQ =4F34;78 Such companies will also Guwahati.
2^\\XccTTWT[S^] places, entertainment parks etc Health Department as well as relating to Marriages and the Maharashtra government help NCB investigators "pre- The move comes in the
5TQadPah!$QPbTS have been allowed to operate the Covid-19 Task Force and Funerals and other gatherings has made full vaccination he Narcotics Control pare statements of income backdrop of NCB unearthing
with cent per capacity in 14 dis-
tricts, while there will be 50 per
the current situation in the
state. The new eased restric-
and congregations to 50 per
cent capacity. However, if the
mandatory for the following
category of people: all staff
T Bureau (NCB) will hire
experts and firms dealing
and expenditure of the inter-
ested party and related parties
cases involving the use of the
dark web, cryptocurrencies
BcPcT7TP[cW3T_c cent restrictions in other dis- tions will come into force from attendance is more than 1,000 members of all the establish- with financial data analysis to unearth the ill-gotten and multiple payments gate-
PbfT[[PbcWT tricts. The state government 0000 hours on March 4, 2022. people, the organisers will have ments that cater to public at and forensic audit to augment money," they ways and channels for nar-
2^eXSCPbZ5^aRT has identified 14 districts that In the 14 districts, the state to seek permission from the large, all home delivery staff, all its probe in sophisticated said. cotic deals. has
P]ScWTRdaaT]c form the List A on the basis of government has allowed District Disaster Management users of any public transport, drug crimes that involve use The experts will also assist increased.
bXcdPcX^]X]cWT the following criteria: where resumption of offline (physical) Authority (DDMA). all visitors to malls, theatres, of the dark web, cryptocur- NCB sleuths in conducting With a view to check drug
BcPcT first dose of vaccination is
more than 90 per cent, where
classes in all academic institu-
tions, subject to any orders of
While all home delivery
services have been allowed in
auditoriums, tourist places,
restaurants, sporting events
rencies and deals concealed
through layered
forensic audits, scrutiny of
reports and documents and
crimes, the NCB is conduct-
ing cyber patrolling for which
the second dose of vaccination the concerned administrative 14 districts, there will be no and religious places, all staff transactions. analysing bank statements, domain experts were required
C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 is more than 70 per cent, where department of Government of restrictions for inter-state and members in any office or estab- The NCB has issued a and property transactions to to be roped in for professional
the positivity rate less than 10 Maharashtra. intra-state movement for fully lishment, public or private that notice for empanelment of unearth the illegal income of investigation of sophisticated
s the Covid-19 situation per cent and where the bed “Administrations of all aca- vaccinated persons. For per- has a dealing with general consultancy agencies which an accused, associates and cases.
A improved in most parts of
the state, the Maharashtra
occupancy of oxygen support-
ed or ICU bed is less than 40
demic institutions are encour-
aged to leverage hybrid model
sons who are not fully vacci-
nated, inter-state movement is
public and all people engaged
in any industrial activities.
would be required to help it
in "unearthing the chain of
family members.
The experts will also pro-
Last month, the NCB
arrested 22 persons, including
Government on Wednesday per cent. The 14 districts iden- of imparting education though subject to production of nega- The DDMAs will enforce transactions for drug money vide services analysis of finan- software engineers, a financial
announced the easing of the tified under the “A” list are: online and offline modes. All tive RT-PCR test valid for 72 requirement of fully vaccinat- and provide effective guid- cial data and prepare compa- analyst, an MBA graduate
restrictions in as many as 14 Mumbai city, Mumbai subur- pre-schools as well as hours. There will be no need ed on any public service where- ance in financial investigation ny and sector-specif ic and one of their own person-
districts, including Mumbai ban, Pune, Bhandara, Aanganwadis can now be for any NOC for such travel, in there is a possibility of inter- matters." reports. nel as it busted a pan-India
city, Mumbai suburban, Pune Sindhudurg, Nagpur, Raigad, restarted physically as well. All not required otherwise than for action with other citizens and The empanelled agencies Initially, the financial drug trafficking network that
and Nagpur, with effect from Wardha, Ratnagiri, Satara, these institutions, establish- purposes of DMA. wherein such interaction may will assist the NCB in experts will be attached with uses the 'dark net' and cryp-
March 4 (Friday). Sangli, Gondia, Chandrapur ments shall scrupulously follow All offices, including gov- cause spread of Covid 19 and analysing financial statements the agency’s zonal offices tocurrency to courier nar-
As per the order issued on and Kolhapur. CAB,” the state government ernment and private, may func- wherein Covid Appropriate and data available in various located in Delhi, Chennai, cotics at home of the con-
Wednesday, all shopping com- The decision to ease order stated. tion with full capacity, while all Behaviour (CAB) may not be databases of the bureau and Kolkata, Mumbai, sumers of the
plexes, cinema halls, restau- Covid-19 restrictions was taken The state government has industrial and scientific insti- effectively implementable. sister agencies, officials said. Chandigarh, Bengaluru and contraband.
7QeXQdY83cdQic_bTUbY^ BcdST]cbQT[^]VX]V
bW^fcWTXaRP_PQX[XcTbPc ?C8Q :>;:0C0 cise the government on matters
of external affairs. But some- 8Y]Q^dQc=33fY_\QdY_^SQcU PaaXeTUa^\DZaPX]T
4gTaRXbTEPhdBWPZcX W est Bengal Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee on
Wednesday wondered why
times I have seen that we are
lagging behind on matters of
external affairs because of some
?C8Q 6DF070C8 duty, but refused to accept the
ground that was given on
The case against Sarma was
filed by the then additional
?C8Q 347A03D=
were students not brought back coordination gap and political he Gauhati High Court on behalf of the accused petition- chief electoral officer in May tudents from Uttarakhand
?=BQ =4F34;78 last one took place in 2019.
Out of 148 aircraft partic-
earlier from war-torn Ukraine
and said it is the Centre's
"Our students are stuck
T Wednesday stayed the fine
and appearance order slapped
er, who was busy with the
Hon'ble President of India," the
2019 against Sarma, who was
then a minister holding sever-
stranded in Ukraine con-
to arrive in small batch-
s many as 148 aircraft of ipating in the exercise this responsibility to evacuate there, and somebody died. on Assam Chief Minister order said. The judge said that al portfolios in former chief es from the strife-torn east
A the Indian Air Force (IAF)
will demonstrate their capabil-
year, 109 will be fighter
Indians stranded in the east
European country.
Some are staying in bunkers,
and some are in Romania, a
Himanta Biswa Sarma in a
lower court in a case related to
the accused being the current
chief minister was present with
minister Sarbananda Sonowal's
government, and the News Live
European countr y on
ities at Exercise Vayu Shakti in Jaguar fighter jet, Sukhoi- She also said the central neighbour of Ukraine," alleged violation of model code the president, who was on a TV Channel, of which his wife Twelve students from the
Pokharan range in Jaisalmer on 30 fighter jet, MiG-29 fighter government should realise that Banerjee said. Her comments of conduct during the Lok three-day tour to Assam and it is the chairman-cum-managing state have so far landed at the
March 7. jet, Tejas fighter aircraft and humanity is more important came a day after a medical stu- Sabha poll in the state in 2019. was known to all citizens of the director, for allegedly violating Indira Gandhi International
Rafale aircraft will partic- various others will show their than politics and urged it to dent from Karnataka's Haveri The Kamrup Metropolitan state. the model code of conduct in (IGI) airport in Delhi in sepa-
ipate at this exercise for the first capabilities at Exercise Vayu take a lead role in peace talks. district was killed in intense chief judicial magistrate A K "...His absence before the the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. rate flights since Wednesday
time and Prime Minister Shakti 2022. "It is the Union govern- shelling in the eastern Baruah had on February 25 court cannot be viewed with The CJM in his order on morning, the Chief Minister's
Narendra Modi will be the Capabilities of Aakash mis- ment's responsibility to bring Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on slapped Rs 2,000 fine on Sarma serious complicity and partic- February 11 asked both the Office (CMO) said
chief guest. sile system and Spyder missile back Indians stuck in war-hit Tuesday, marking India's first and his wife Riniki Bhuyan ularly, a petition was also accused to appear befor it on here.
The IAF conducts Exercise system will also be shown at the Ukraine. I don't want to criti- casualty in the war. Sarma, who is the chairman- moved on behalf of the peti- February 25, but the duo did A total of 40 students from
Vayu Shakti at Pokharan range exercise. cum-managing director of a tioner assigning reasons. In not and sought more time. The the hill state have returned
every three years to demon- Transport aircraft C17 and TV news channel and ordered that view of the matter, impo- CJM had accepted their plea home from Ukraine since
strate its readiness to conduct
full spectrum operations. The
C130J will also participate in
the exercise. 5PaXSPQPS?^[XRTbTcbd_B8Cc^ the two to appear before it on
March 21.
sition of cost appears to be not
on lawful consideration," the
and asked them to appear on
March 21. It had slapped a fine
Russia launched an offensive
against the
_a^QT³bdXRXSTQh2[Pbb bcdST]c Sarma had approached the
HC on February 28 and filed a
order said.
Stating that "serious aspect
of Rs 2,000 on them.
Before accepting their joint
petition challenging this order of law and other related issues" plea on February 25, the CJM
?C8Q 50A830103 Commissioner of Police and appealing to quash the com- have been raised in the quash- issued a bailable warrant of Rs
Satyapal Yadav, a police plaint filed by the Assam addi- ing plea by Sarma, Justice 1,000 each against Sarma and
he Faridabad police has spokesperson said, adding the tional chief electoral officer in Phukan admitted the petition his wife as they failed to appear
set up a special investiga- probe would be monitored by May 2019. In the first hearing of and asked all the respondents and there was no representa-
tion team to probe the alleged Central Faridabad's deputy the petition on Wednesday, to submit their responses with- tion on their behalf till 10:55
suicide by a class 10 student of commissioner of police. Justice Rumi Kumari Phukan in four weeks. am. Their advocate had
a private school here, leading to The other members of the stayed all the proceedings in the Sarma has filed the petition reached the courtroom at 11
the arrest of the school's head- SIT are SHO Arjun Dev of case at the CJM court and called against the Election am and submitted two petitions From page 1
mistress. BPTP police station, Sub- for all the records. Commission, the chief election on their behalf requesting the
The headmistress was Inspector Geeta of Women "... It appears that the commissioner, EC senior prin- court to defer the appearance Of late KCR has been vocal
arrested last Saturday for Police Station and Assistant Sub learned trial court has, howev- cipal secretary, the state elec- and cancel the warrant. against Prime Minister
allegedly abetting the suicide by Inspector Rakesh, police er, overstepped in the side of tion department, the chief elec- In his order on February Narendra Modi and has come
the student who had taken the spokesperson Sube Singh said, the complainant, which are toral officer and Vibekananda 11, the CJM had noted that out in full support of former
extreme step, leaving behind a adding the district Child not healthy affairs for a court Phookan, who was the addi- as per the complaint, the Congress chief Rahul Gandhi.
suicide note in which he had Welfare Committee officer too of law (the orders reflect). tional chief electoral officer in two accused - Sarma and News He sought the resignation of
said, “This school has killed would assist in the probe. "Furthermore, it appears May 2019. As Phookan Live Channel owned by Pride Assam CM Hemanta Biswa
me.” Singh said as part of the that in the last order dated has retired, the HC asked to East Entertainments Pvt Ltd and Sarma for making a personal
Faridabad Police investigation “the student's 25.02.2022, while the Court implead the election depart- represented by the then chair- attack against Rahul Gandhi
Commissioner Vikas Kumar handwritten diary and other accepted the cause of absence ment joint secretary Pradip man-cum-managing director, and backed the Gandhi scions’
Arora set up the SIT headed by documents from home and of the complainant, who was Doley as the seventh respon- had prima facie violated the demand for a “proof ” on sur-
Central Faridabad's Assistant school have been sent to the stated to be busy in election dent. MCC of Lok Sabha election. gical strikes.
handwriting expert to match
their writings”.
on February 25 by jumping off From page 1
the top floor of his apartment
block here, leaving behind a Russia has long resisted
note in which he had accused Ukraine’s move towards the From page 1 proper shelter and provided
his school headmistress of European Union and the West’s with food while the registration
harassing him and other chil- defensive military alliance, Further adding that they takes place while dates on
dren of bullying him, police From page 1 NATO. In a pre-dawn TV did not face much problem in which they will be evacuated
had said. address on Februar y 24, Molodova as the Indian are finalised,” the student
As fighting rages in President Putin declared that embassy had already made the said.
Ukraine Russia on Wednesday Russia could not feel “safe, arrangements. Earlier on Monday, the
assured it will ensure safety and develop and exist” because of The students also Indian government deputed
security of Indian citizens in what he claimed was a constant expressed their gratitude to four Union Cabinet ministers
conflict zone this assurance threat from modern Ukraine. the Indian embassy officials to the neighbouring countries
came a day after an Indian stu- Putin claimed that his goal was who arranged for their food of Ukraine to coordinate the
dent was killed in shelling and to protect people subjected to and shelter as they awaited evacuation efforts following a
Russian envoy to New Delhi bullying and genocide and aim their flights back to India. high-level meeting chaired by
said Russia will investigate it. + for the “demilitarisation and “When a student is arriv- Prime Minister Narendra
MEA briefing (Rahul) de-Nazification” of Ukraine. ing here, he’s first taken to a Modi. ANI
From page 1 dents awaiting their flights at responsibilities, including Tuesday.
Bucharest airport and assured assisting with medical emer- The envoy also said Russia
External Affairs Minister S them of quick departure to the gencies, a 24*7 call center and is working on a “humanitarian
Jaishankar on Wednesday said homeland. state-wise data collection.” corridor” for the safe passage of
that six flights under “Met & interacted with MoS Civil Aviation Gen Indians through the Russia-
“Operation Ganga” have Indian students awaiting their (Retd) VK Singh also interact- Ukraine border. The fighting
departed for India in the last 24 flights at the Bucharest Airport. ed with 600 Indian students at is taking place in eastern and
hours. Overwhelmed by their grit & Hotel Prezydenckie in Rzeszow, north-eastern parts of Ukraine
Aviation Minister concerned by their anxiety Poland. “If your course isn’t close to the Russian border.
Jyotiraditya Scindia tweeted on amid the tough times. complete...all people I met in If the corridor becomes
Wednesday: “We are mounting However, assured them of their Poland said that they’ll take up functional, the Indian students
six flights today in Bucharest, quick departure from responsibility for the education can leave badly hit towns like
Romania, carrying over 1,200 Bucharest. PM Narendra Modi of all students who were in Kharkiv which is about 40 km
Indian students back to India.” and all of India have got their Ukraine”, he said. from the Russian border. There
Scindia, who is in back!”, said Scindia on Twitter. Meanwhile, as fighting are more than 4,000 Indians
Bucharest, on Wednesday held The Aviation Minister fur- rages in Ukraine, Russia has including students in Kharkiv.
a meeting with heads of Indian ther tweeted, “Chaired a meet- assured it will ensure the safe- Naveen Shekarappa, 21, a
companies that work in ing with Ambassador Rahul ty and security of Indian citi- final year medical student from
Romania to decentralize evac- Shrivastava and the Indian zens in conflict zones. Russian Karnataka was killed in shelling
uation operations for Indians diaspora -- heads of Indian envoy designates Denis Alipov on Ukraine’s second biggest city
stranded in Ukraine due to the companies in Romania to to New Delhi said Russia will Kharkiv on Tuesday. He was
Russian military offensive and decentralize the evacuation investigate the death of an hit when he stepped out to buy
interacted with the Indian stu- operations and map out Indian student in shelling on groceries.
D Satyendar Jain on
Wednesday inaugu-
rated an 'Underground
increases low water pressure
and flow by providing the
extra boost needed to bring
who are still stuck there to extend
any help they need and assure
them that all necessary steps are
er help they need.
"These are tough times for the
families of students who are still
waste per day in the national
The Mayor of the EDMC,
Reservoir' (UGR) with 2.95 water pressure to the desired being taken for their welfare, offi- stuck in Ukraine. Officials will Shyam Sundar Aggarwal said:
crore litres capacity in level. Thus the water can cials said on Wednesday. meet families of such students and "This plant is definitely envi-
Mundka to meet the demand move from a storage tank or They also said district author- put them in touch with other high- ronment friendly as bio gas
for drinking water. The throughout a whole house or ities have engaged teachers and er authorities engaged in the evac- supplies energy for cooking and
Minister also inaugurated an commercial facility. other staff in their respective juris- uation process, provide them with lighting. It also makes high
UGR in Sonia Vihar to ben- The Mundka UGR will diction to effectively execute these helpline numbers and other help as quality fertilisers as well."
efit approximately six lakh supply drinking water to five orders. well," the official told PTI. Talking about the initia-
residents of East Delhi. unauthorised colonies and According to the orders issued Another official from Shahdara tive, the Chairman of the EDMC
The work on the UGR of villages, namely Hiran by district authorities, the teams district said that teachers and other Standing Committee, Beer
2.68 crore liters capacity in Kudna Village, Mundka concerned will meet the families of staff who are engaged in this exer- Singh Panwar stated that this
Sonia Vihar has been fully Village, Tikri Village, Baba stranded students and assure them cise will also ask students evacuat- plant has been set in the direc-
completed and will lead to Haridass Nagar, Lekh Ram that adequate steps are being taken ed from Ukraine under the tion of implementing Solid
the augmentation of water Park of Mundka to ensure the welfare of their wards. Operation Ganga about their expe- Waste Management Rules 2016
supply in Karawal Nagar and Constituency at present and They will also visit the houses of riences and the difficulties they and Bye-laws 2018.
the Mustafabad Assembly gradually additional colonies students evacuated from Ukraine faced. "The corporations will sci-
Constituency in North-East Nehru Vihar, etc. with the colonies of Mundka, Sonia area and will also help in the and villages will get the ben- and ask about their well-being and "They will be extended what- entifically dispose of 5,000 kg
Delhi. This will directly ben- availability of water at an ade- Vihar and Harsh Vihar." abatement of pollution from efits, namely Neelwal Village, offer whatever help they need, an ever help they require," the official wet litter and 500 kilowatt of
efit approximately six lakh quate pressure. The Minister laid the the river Yamuna after com- Rajdhani Park, Gulshan official of the Central district said. said. He added that teams of teach- electricity will be generated.
residents of unauthorised Jain said, "This will be a foundation stone of a new pletion. The project will be Park, Nangloi JJ Camp No.2, Such orders have been issued by ers and other staff of the district Besides, 750 kg organic manure
colonies like Shiv Vihar, significant step to increase the sewerage pumping station at completed in 12 months Kavita Colony, Swaran Park, all 11 districts of the national have also been deployed at the air- will be made every day," Panwar
Ankur Enclave, Mahalaxmi water pressure in the area and Harsh Vihar with a capacity with a 10-year operations Friends Enclave, Bakkarwala Capital. Chief Minister Arvind port for immediate help of evac- said. A cost of C 159.50 lakh has
Enclave, Ambika Vihar, will help to solve the existing of pumping 1.75 crore litres and maintenance period. Village, Bakkarwala RSC, Kejriwal had on Tuesday urged the uees. been incurred in constructing
Johripur, Dayalpur, Sadatpur, water crisis in Delhi. These of sewage per day. In order to increase the Lok Nayak Puram, etc. It is Central Government to bring back India began evacuation of this plant. A senior EDMC offi-
Bhagat Singh Colony, initiatives will benefit approx- The project at Harsh availability of water in the expected to benefit approx- Indians stranded in Ukraine at the around 14,000 of its stranded citi- cial said that the electricity pro-
Ziauddin Nagar, Ambedkar imately 8.45 lakh residents Vihar will improve the surrounding households, the imately 1.25 lakh residents of earliest and provide them with all zens on February 26 as Ukraine duced by this plant will be pro-
Nagar, Bhagirathi Vihar, who live in the unauthorised hygienic conditions of the Delhi Government has come the area. help. fights a Russian military operation. vided to the BSES.
=8+3fZ]UZ_XdfdeRZ_RS]VZ_T]fdZgV 0bWaP\2W^fZ;PY_Pc=PVPa W^\T*[XeTX]_Pac]Ta
VT`_`^j^fdeeR\VTV_ecVdeRXV d]STa_^[XRT[T]b BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78
?C8Q =4F34;78 Creating a '24-hour city' with a night-time
economy, extensive transport infrastructure, elhi Bharatiya Janata Party BC055A4?>AC4AQ 6DAD6A0<
?=BQ =4F34;78 per cent of the inventory. India After the offensive
and Russia have time tested began, various western
ith Russia subjected to strategic relations. countries — including
W various sanctions and its "We know the geopolitical the US — have decided
likely fallout for India, includ- situation is difficult (current- to block assets of four
ing the ongoing defence deals, ly)… Our relations with Russia large Russian banks,
Vice Chief of IAF Air Marshal will continue," the Vice Chief impose export controls
Sandeep Singh said here on said at a press briefing here. and sanction oligarchs
Wednesday these curbs will Russia started its military close to the Russian ?=BQ =4F34;78 The statement said the two Republic and the prime min- that respect for international
have little impact on the coun- offensive against Ukraine on president. leaders underlined the impor- ister of India agreed on the law, the UN Charter and the
try as it shares strong relations February 24. Western nations, On the issue of rime Minister Narendra tance of ensuring unhindered importance of reaching a cease- territorial integrity and sover-
with the US and Russia.
However, India may face
including the US, have
imposed major economic and
supply of spare parts
from Russia to India, he
P Modi and French President
Emmanuel Macron discussed
humanitarian access and
agreed to maintain close coor-
fire as soon as possible, ensur-
ing unhindered humanitarian
eignty of all states underpin the
contemporary world order," it
difficulties in procuring spare other sanctions on Russia fol- said there is no doubt the situation in Ukraine and dination on the crisis, particu- access, and maintaining close said.
parts for its equipment for two lowing the offensive. there will be difficulties underlined the importance of larly at the UN Security coordination, particularly at It said the prime minister
months or so from Russia, he Asked if US sanctions on for a month or two. unhindered humanitarian Council. the UN Security Council," the welcomed the talks between
added. His remarks came in the Russia will impact the IAF, "There are sanctions access. The death of the 21- "The discussion focused French embassy said. Ukraine and Russia and
backdrop of apprehensions Singh said, "Things are still but we have gone year old medical student on the Russian aggression An Indian statement on stressed upon the importance
about the S-400 air defence deal unfolding. Our position is very through similar issues Naveen Shankarappa in against Ukraine, in particular Tuesday night had said the two of ensuring free and uninter-
worth Rs 45,000 crores with strong and our relations with earlier and maybe, this would with the IAF. Ukraine on Tuesday also came the issue of the impact on the leaders discussed the ongoing rupted humanitarian access
Russia. While the preliminary both the countries have be more serious than that... I "The upgrade of An-32 up in the parleys. civilian population at a time situation in Ukraine and shared and smooth movement of all
equipment for this sophisti- remained (strong) and you think it will not affect us crit- aircraft was affected before too The two leaders talked on when a young Indian national their concerns over continuing people.
cated arrived in India a few have seen that. ically and I hope for it also," the when Ukraine was under pres- Tuesday, according to a com- had tragically died in Kharkiv hostilities and the deteriorating "The prime minister also
weeks back, the five missile sys- "We are evaluating the sit- Vice Chief said. sure due to the Crimean issue munique by the French as a result of the shelling," humanitarian situation in that briefed President Macron about
tems have to come to the coun- uation. There will be certain Replying to another ques- in 2014 and 2015," he noted. embassy here on Wednesday. It according to the readout. country. India's efforts to evacuate its
try within the next few months. difficulties, there is no doubt tion about upgrade of AN-32 After that, the IAF has signif- said Modi and Macron focused Macron has been among a It said Modi reiterated citizens from the conflict areas
Moreover, Indian armed about it. But I think it should transport planes in Ukraine, he icantly indigenised many of the on the "Russian aggression" few European leaders actively India's consistent appeal for and to send urgent relief sup-
forces use Russian and erst- not affect us too much. I am said this aircraft fleet has been spare parts that needed to be against Ukraine and agreed engaged in diplomacy to defuse cessation of hostilities and a plies, including medicines for
while USSR origin weapons confident that it won't affect us upgraded to a large extent. upgraded by Ukraine, the Vice on the importance of reaching the crisis in Ukraine. "The return to dialogue and diplo- the affected populations," it
and they amount to nearly 70 significantly," he added. There are about 100 AN-32s Chief said. a ceasefire as soon as possible. president of the French macy. "He stressed India's belief added.
he perceived slow Russian water nuclear reactors, each Moscow is not interested in tainability to vaccine produc- lighted the Budget’s emphasis
T advances in Ukraine are
guided by shrewd military
generating 950 MW.
The Russian strategy of
west of Dnieper where most of
the nuclear plants are located. rime Minister Narendra
tion at the time of Covid. We
have to replicate this success in
on sunrise sectors like Artificial
Intelligence, Geo-spatial
planning by the Kremlin to
secure the civilian nuclear
slow advances of troops is
aimed at countering Western
Counter-terrorism and
defence analyst Dr Rituraj
P Modi on Wednesday said
that the Union Budget laid
every sector”, he said.
Modi said in the field of
Systems, Drones, Semi-con-
ductors, Space technology,
power plants, mostly dotting countries led by the US to Mate told The Pioneer, “The ?=B064=284BQ =4F34;78 Anand Sharma and Shashi down a clear roadmap for 5G economy, the vision is linked Genomics, Pharmaceuticals
west of Dnieper River that destroy these civilian nuclear Russian strategy of slow Tharoor. spectrum auction and schemes with areas like digital economy and Clean Technologies to 5G.
divides east and west Ukraine. plants and put the blame on advances is to check Ukranian xternal Affairs Minister S Ministers chair the con- have been proposed for design- and fintech. Similarly advance He asked the Private sector
The Russians are seeking
to check the Ukrainians from
Russian President Vladimir
Putin for the catastrophe.
advances to the nuclear plants
so Ukranian state-sponsored
E Jaishankar is likely to brief
on Thursday the consultative
sultative committees of their
respective ministries, can call
led manufacturing related "with
a strong 5G eco-system."
technology has huge role in
infrastructure and public ser-
to increase their efforts in this
gaining access to the civilian With no military power saboteur activities could be committee of his Ministry, the meeting. “Technology for us is a vice deliver y related Referring to the dictum
nuclear plants and thwarting left, Ukraine is largely banking thwarted.” which has Congress leader The main objective of these medium to empower the peo- vision. ‘Science is Universal and
any possible bid by the local on the 20,000-strong militia He said, Putin’s defensive Rahul Gandhi and MPs from committees is to provide a ple of the country. For us, “Technology for us is a Technology is Local’, the Prime
militia or the US-led West to raised following the Russian alert to its nuclear forces is other parties as its members. forum for an informal discus- technology is the mainstay of medium to empower the peo- Minister said “We are familiar
destroy such reactors and offensive, who have been aimed at checking the bom- During the meeting of the sion between MPs and minis- making the countr y ple of the country. For us, with the principles of science,
blame Moscow for the resul- armed with Kalashnikovs and bardment of the Ukrainian 21-member Consultative ters and senior officers on the Aatmanirbhar. The same vision technology is the mainstay of but we have to emphasize on
tant catastrophe, according to are bereft of any military nuclear plants and providing Committee on External Affairs, policies, principles and pro- is reflected in this year’s bud- making the country self-reliant. how to make maximum use of
defence analysts. understanding or under- disaster relief in case of acci- a host of issues are expected to grammes of the government get as well”, said Modi address- The same vision is reflected in technology for the Ease of
There are nearly 50 civil- standing of tactical conflict sit- dents by Western design or be discussed including and the manner of their imple- ing the seventh post-budget this year’s budget as well”, said Living.” He mentioned invest-
ian nuclear plants on the west- uations and could end up providence. Russia's attack on Ukraine mentation. Weninar. the Prime Minister. ment in house constructions,
ern side of the Dnieper river blowing the nuclear reactors Meanwhile, Turkey has and the evacuation of Indians, On Monday, Shringla had “Budget lays down a clear He talked of US President railway, airways, waterways
of which half are operational many of which are dysfunc- supplied an unspecified num- an MP said on Wednesday. briefed the Parliamentary roadmap for 5G spectrum auc- Joe Biden’s latest address to and optical fibres.
and the remaining are either tional. ber of Baykar Bayraktar TB2 Alongside the minister, Standing Committee on tion and PLI schemes have underline the importance of Noting the expanding
abandoned or dysfunctional. Sensing the possibility of tactical UAV (unmanned aer- Foreign Secretar y Harsh External Affairs on 'Operation been proposed for design-led 'Aatmnirbharta' as developed global market for gaming, the
On Tuesday, the Russians the Western propaganda and ial vehicles) to Kyiv to check Vardhan Shringla is also Ganga' which has been manufacturing related with a countries like the USA are also Prime Minister said that the
advanced their troops to just possible threats to the the Russian advances. expected to attend the meeting launched for the evacuation of strong 5G eco-system”, he said talking about this. budget has focussed on
and brief the members, who Indian citizens from the east- Prime Minister said there “In the light of emerging Animation Visual Effects
also include former ministers of ern European is need to emphasize on how new global systems, it is criti- Gaming Comic.
state in External Affairs nation. to make maximum use of tech- cal that we move forward with Similarly he also stressed
Ministry and Congress leaders nology for the Ease of Living. a focus on Aatmnirbharta”, he the need to have toys adapted
“The world has seen our said. to Indian milieu and
reliability from our self-sus- The Prime Minister high- needs.
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q impacted by what is offered on “We direct that the fresh
=4F34;78 the platter, said the Bench communication/ order be given
comprising Justices Vipin wide publicity to in all the
bserving that it is a fun- Sanghi and DK national dailies,” the bench
O damental right of the con-
sumer to know the details of
The HC passed the order
The Bench further said,
the packaged food, Delhi High while hearing a plea for “Since the right of every person
Court on Wednesday directed labelling "all items" used by the under Article 21 (protection of
the Food Safety and Standards public, including home appli- life and personal liberty) and
Authority of India (FSSAI) to ances and apparel, as "vegetar- Article 25 (freedom to con-
issue a fresh communication to ian" or "non-vegetarian" on science and free profession,
all the authorities concerned the basis of their ingredients practice and propagation of
stating the obligation to make and "items used in manufac- religion) under the
clear disclosure as to whether turing process". Judges agreed Constitution is impacted by
the food article is vegetarian or with the submission made by what is offered on a platter, in
non-vegetarian. the petitioner's counsel that it our view it is fundamental that
There must be a complete is pointless to issue such a a full and complete disclosure
disclosure regarding a food communication to the author- regarding the food article being
article being vegetarian or non- ities and not to the general pub- vegetarian or non-vegetarian is
vegetarian as fundamental lic whose fundamental rights made a part
rights of every person are are affected. of consumer awareness.”
0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 ther recommends that the nessed decrease in recent times
Libraries may conduct special , one of the reasons being
Covid-19 pandemic. It has
the digital era,
libraries can
longer work in isolation
membership drives at local
schools, universities, NGOs etc.
in order to get students and
come down to 1.5 lakh mem-
bership from what it was prior
either geographically or by researchers to join the library. to the corona period i.e. 1.85
sector and there is a need to This would permit increased lakh. Being a model library cre-
take measures to meet the utilization of the resources ated in 1951 in Asia with
challenges posed by services or available at the Central UNESCO’s technical, finan-
products like Google, Wiki, Libraries,” said the panel as it cial assistance, it should lead
Quora, Social Media, E- found that the membership other libraries in the country
Resources, etc, a Parliamentary had been declining and many and extend all possible help in
panel has noted as it stressed on libraries were in poor condition. their growth. Delhi Public
introducing new innovative Expressing unhappiness at Library should make all out
technologies. the vacant posts, the efforts to increase its member-
The Union Culture Committee said that, “fails to ship/ viewership in the interest
Ministry, therefore, should comprehend how the National of the general public.”
endeavour to keep reinventing, Library in Kolkata could be The panel also pointed out
reshaping services, redesigning expected to function to its infrastructure shortage and
spaces and above all, de-learn- maximum potential when the called for a special exercise
ing age-old practices before top-level post of director-gen- across all the Central Libraries
adopting new models of pro- eral of the library has been in the country in order to
viding information, said the lying vacant for years. The assess the need for infrastruc-
panel in its report submitted to Committee recommends that tural improvement therein.
Rajya sabha recently. the post of the Director- The 7 Libraries/Organisations
Led by MP TG Venkatesh, General in the National Library financed by Ministry of Culture
the panel also took exception at should not be kept vacant for are National Library, Kolkata
the government’s failure to fill long and steps be taken to fill (Subordinate Office), Central
the vacant posts in many of its it up immediately. Reference Library, Kolkata
major libraries and also asked The Committee also noted (Subordinate Office), Central
it taking steps to permit the that there was no regular direc- Secretariat Library, Delhi, Delhi
general public to join/ renew/ tor in the Khuda Bakhsh Public Librar y, Delhi
cancel the membership via Oriental Public Library, Patna, (Autonomous org.), Rampur
submission of an online form for five years (2014- 2019). Raza Library, Rampur in Uttar
along with the online payment There was also no board there Pradesh (Autonomous Org.),
of membership fees in its cen- for a while. The Board was Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public
tral libraries across the country. reconstituted in 2020. Librar y, Patna in Bihar
“Doing so would give a Regarding Delhi Public (Autonomous Org.) and Raja
major boost to the membership Library status, the Committee Rammohun Roy Librar y
figures of all the Central noted “that membership of Foundation, Kolkata
Libraries. The Committee fur- Delhi Public Library has wit- (Autonomous Org.)
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k<0A27"!!!
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q parliamentary constituency of ference with Yadav in Lucknow
=4F34;78E0A0=0B8 Prime Minister Narendra where she predicted SP's vic- :D<0A274;;0??0=Q :>278 legal infirmities in the judg- E0A0=0B8 B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 out of 21 wards in the Contai
Modi, on Thursday and return tory against the BJP, like her ment of the single bench judge or Kanthi Municipality. The
ith Prime Minister to Kolkata on Friday evening. party in West Bengal state. he decision of the Ministry warranting our interference in nion Home Minister Amit istory continued to repeat BJP got two wards. History was
W Narendra Modi sched-
uled to campaign for his party
Last year, Mamata-led TMC
gave a drubbing to BJP in gen-
Varanasi goes to polls on
March 7 during the seventh
T of Information and
Broadcasting to revoke the
an intra court appeal,” said the
U Shah said that during the Hin Bengal even as the
tenure of Samajwadi Party Trinamool Congress decimat-
also created in Behrampore
municipality in Murshidabad
candidates by stationing him- eral and Modi in particular in and last phase of assembly telecast licence issued to Media The channel management president Akhilesh Yadav, kat- ed the Opposition by gaining a district considered a stronghold
self in Varanasi, Opposition the West Bengal assembly elec- polls in UP. Results of the One, a Malayalam news chan- had told the court that under tas (country-made pistols) were brute majority in the recently of Congress MP Adhir Ranjan
leaders including West Bengal tions where the ruling party at seven-phase UP assembly polls nel owned by the Jamaat-e- the camouflage of national made in the State while in the concluded civic elections in Chowdhury.
Chief Minister Mamata Centre had hoped to form a will be declared on March 10. Islami, was upheld by the security, the Ministry has pro- time of Prime Minister Bengal . The State ruling out- The Trinamool Congress
Banerjee too are headed for government. Former Congress presi- Division Bench of Kerala High hibited the broadcasting of a Narendra Modi missiles are fit won 102 out of 108 munic- won this municipality after 30
Kashi to seek votes for BJP’s “I am going to Varanasi to dent Rahul Gandhi will address Court on Wednesday. news channel that has been in being made in the country. ipal boards. years. Joyngar in South 24
strong contender Samajwadi campaign for Samajwadi Party a rally in Varanasi on Friday The Bench consisting of existence for more than a Addressing a public meet- A day after senior leader Parganas also came to the
Party led by former Uttar and Akhilesh Yadav. I will also while his sibling and Congress Chief Justice S Manikumar decade. ing at Valmiki Inter College and TMC MP Saugato Roy TMC for the first time.
Pradesh Chief Minister visit the Vishwanath Mandir General Secretary Priyanka and Justice Shaji P Chaly dis- The channel’s telecasting grounds at Balua in Sakaldiha criticized “unnecessary vio- Curiously both Adhikaris
Akhilesh Yadav. Ghat and light a Diya there,” Gandhi will address three ral- missed a series of writ petitions was suspended by the Ministry Assembly constituency of lence and booth capture” in the and Chowdhury who had for
Congress, which is fighting Mamata said at Kolkatta air- lies in the pooravanchal belt submitted by the channel man- of Information and adjoining trans-Ganga municipal elections the most of their career fought
in the high-pitched four-cor- port. including Varanasi during the agement, staff and Kerala Broadcasting citing security Chandauli district on Trinamool on Wednesday net- fierce political battles with the
nered assembly elections, has Banerjee had tweaked her next two days. Union of Working Journalists concerns. Though the Wednesday, Shah said that the ted 95 percent boards getting Left Front had managed to save
also rushed its key leaders to party's poll anthem of "khela Rahul has been keeping and stated that there were Channel’s license had lapsed in Bharatiya Janata Party would an overall vote of 63-plus per- their strongholds from the
campaign hard for the remain- hobe' to 'Khela Hoga' (the away from UP assembly cam- ‘clear, significant indications September 2021, it was allowed win more than 300 seats in the cent. Marxists.
ing polls on March 7 for which game is on) and stressed “if paigns as he campaigned exten- impacting public order and to operate pending renewal of Assembly elections. While the Left Front man- A fuming Chowdhury
the campaign will end on Bengal can do it (defeat BJP), sively in other states like security’ in the contents aired license. Highlighting the achieve- aged to win only one munici- reacted to the TMC victory say-
March 5. so can Uttar Pradesh". Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and by the channel and hence the The MIB, based on reports ments of the BJP government pality of Taherpur in Nadia dis- ing, “TMC has won with the
Banerjee reached Varanasi Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Manipur where voting is over Ministry of Information and received from Home Ministry in the state during the last five trict principal opposition BJP help of goons and police,” call-
late evening after the massive Jayant Chaudhary will join and results are awaited on Broadcasting, the licensing had informed the channel that years, Shah said that the Yogi won none. One board went to ing for a mock vote. “I call all
victory in the municipal bod- Akhilesh Yadav and Banerjee, March 10. authority, was right in rejecting its license was being revoked Adityanath government had “others” while four others were concerned for a mock vote and
ies elections in the State in for Thursday's joint poll rally in Other Congress leaders the appeal by the channel for due to security related issues freed the land of people from left with hung houses. if the TMC wins even a single
which Trinamool Congress Varanasi. RLD is fighting the like Chhattisgarh Chief renewing the license for up- and thus the channel went off the mafia. Curiously the newly ward I will quit politics,” he
won 102 municipalities of the UP assembly elections in tie-up Minister Bhupesh Baghel and linking and downlinking the the air. He said land worth more formed Hamro Party sprung a said.
108 polled. Banerjee will hold with SP. Banerjee had visited Rajasthan CM, Ashok Gehlot programmes. The management than Rs 2,000 crore was freed major surprise, bagging the BJP spokesperson Samik
a joint rally with Akhilesh Uttar Pradesh on February 7- are also scheduled to be in the The channel had chal- approached the Kerala High from the possession of the Darjeeling municipality win- Bhattacharya said that “this was
Yadav in Varanasi, which is the 8 and held a joint press con- region. lenged an order issued by Court on the same day and the mafia and today Mukhtar ning 18 out of 32 wards. The no election …we had to fight
Justice Nagresh who had dis- single bench judge kept the Ansari, Mohammad Azam traditional Hill outfits like against criminals and the State
missed the petition filed by the order from MIB in abeyance Khan and Atiq Ahmed were in Gorkha Janmukti Morcha or repression … though we
1[dT?aX]cU^a:TaP[P´b management citing security
reports filed by the Union
Home Ministr y to the
and asked the latter to provide
the details that necessitated
the revoking of license to the
"The opposition parties
used to take only the votes of
Gorkha National Liberation
Front failed to win the voters’
should have put up more
resistance … this election will
leave no organizational impact
Information and Broadcasting channel and allowed the oper- the poor," he said, adding that The BJP which has an MP on our party and we will con-
Ministry. ation of the channel. if the BJP government was from Darjeeling could win no tinue to remain in Bengal.”
Though the licensing The permission to broad- formed again, girl students seat there. The ruling TMC The Left Front attacked the
authority for TV channels is the cast was extended twice by the enrolled in higher education- secured little more than 63 per- Trinamool with one of its for-
?=BQ ;D2:=>F :D<0A274;;0??0=Q :>278 the Party Congress, chances of Information and Broadcasting judge who was provided with al courses would be given lap- cent votes overall while the Left mer MPs saying, “Mamata
any suggestions getting amend- Ministry, it follows the reports the reports by the Home tops, scooties and smart- pushed the BJP back to third Banerjee’s aggression can be
ven as BJP and Samajwadi he CPI(M), rated as the last ed look bleak as it was prepared submitted by the Home Ministry in sealed cover. phones. position winning 14 percent equated with that of Putin’s.”
E Party are claiming clear Tword in Marxian ideology
victory, low turnout in almost in India, has made a revolu-
by Vijayan, the most powerful
person in the CPI(M) as on
Ministry to grant and renew
licenses for telecasting.
Justice Nagresh, the single
bench judge said in his order
"The government will also
waive the electricity bills of
The Left had secured about Ignoring the Opposition
two-thirds of assembly seats tionary change in its stance vis- today. The Division Bench after a that the licensing authority farmers. Earlier, Sakaldiha 7.5 percent in 2019 parlia- attack and apparently putting
during five rounds of polling à-vis private investment in While addressing the del- perusal of the documents sub- was well within its right to areas in Chandauli used to get mentary elections and 5.5 per- her stamp on the alleged elec-
has baffled political observers. industry, infrastructure and egates late Tuesday evening, mitted by the Ministry of revoke the license based on the electricity for only eight hours, cent votes in 2021 Assembly toral violence Chief Minister
The voter turnout has been higher education. Vijayan emphasised the need Information and Broadcasting Home Ministry’s input. now the district is getting polls. The saffron outfit which Mamata Banerjee advised her
more or less the same as in The Blue Print for the for welcoming private and for- in sealed covers found that This order was challenged power supply for 20 hours," he got 38 percent votes in the last party men to “work with sin-
2017 polls, leaving political development of Kerala as New eign universities to the State. there were clear and significant by the channel management by said, adding that now the year’s Assembly elections got cerity and be humble to the
parties and experts guessing Kerala, authored by Chief He called for mechanisa- indications impacting the pub- filing a writ petition that was health ser vices had also about 13 percent votes while people as this victory has given
whether it was pro-incumben- Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and tion, automation and mod- lic order and security of the heard by the Division Bench. improved. the Congress and “others” us more responsibility.”
cy or anti-incumbency votes. presented to the delegates of ernisation of traditional indus- State. “It can be seen that the Apex He appealed to the people secured 5 percent each. Before flying off to
As per comparative data of the triennial state conference of tries of the State like cashew “The company running Court, while emphasizing the to go to hospitals with In terms of wards won, the Varanasi where she would cam-
voters turnout in 45 districts in the party being held at nut, coir which are facing the channel has some links relevance and importance of Ayushman cards and get free TMC won about 1728 wards paign for Samajwadi Party the
2017 and five phases of Ernakulam states that private extinction because of the fail- with certain undesirable forces the freedom of Press, makes it treatment up to Rs five lakh. out of 2171 that went to polls. Chief Minister said “there were
Assembly polls in 2022, there investment should be encour- ure to move forward in syn- which is stated to be a securi- abundantly clear that the He also said that government The BJP won in 65 wards many places like Joynagar
has been no major change in aged in sectors like infrastruc- chronisation with the changing ty threat. There are serious restrictions contained under took care of poor even during while the Left and the Congress where we won never in our life
turnout and in over two third ture, health, higher education, times. adverse reports by the Articles 19(3) and (4) of COVID-19 pandemic period won 59 and 57 each. The … but won this time round …
of districts, it was marginally traditional industries and Vijayan gave a piece of his Intelligence Bureau against the Constitution of India dealing and gave them free ration. Independent candidates, most- this means our schemes like
lower in 2022 as compared to major industries. mind to the militant trade channel and its managing with public order include the Shah said that there were ly dissenters from the TMC Duare Sarkar, Paraye
2017. The delegates are dis- unions which have ‘succeeded’ director. security of the State," the Court only 10 medical colleges in won 113 wards. Samadhan (solution at your
A look at voters' turnout in cussing the New Kerala model in getting many enterprises Secgtions 19 and 20 of the said. state when Yogi government More history was made locality) Kanyashree etc have
2019 general elections in state initiatives prepared by Vijayan shut down because of their Cable TV Networks The Court further said assumed office in 2017 but now with the Contai --- a strong- given us more credibility.”
also doesn't reflect much of a before accepting it and placing intransigent attitude towards (Regulation) Act 1995enable that the government cannot there were 40 medical col- hold of the Adhikari family She tweeted, “Heart-felt
difference. the same before the Party entrepreneurs. The last week the Centre to do the needful to ordinarily tinker with the free- leges in state. "UP has become held for the last thirty years by gratitude to Ma-Mati-Manush
While some attribute it to Congress of the CPI(M) which saw three major business enter- protect the larger interest of the dom of the press "since the number one in production of former Union Minister Sisir for according yet another
Coronavirus, others say that is scheduled to be held at prises in Kozhikode and nation and the citizens, rather principles of democracy and milk, sugar, peas etc in coun- Adhikary, his son and Bengal overwhelming mandate to us.
voters tested all parties in polls Kannur next month. Though Kannur districts downing than protecting the interests of rule of law prevailing in the try," he said, highlighting how Opposition Leader Suvendu - Congratulations to the winning
and hence were not enthused the development proposals shutters and entrepreneurs a telecasting company. The country is largely dependent Narendra Modi government -- going into the hands of the candidates of All India
by new poll promises made by would be formally declared as returning to West Asia fed up company failed to establish upon the freedom of speech repealed Article 370 relating to TMC. Trinamool Congress in the
competing parties. the party stance only during with militant trade unions. any jurisdictional error or other enjoyed by the press." state of Jammu and Kashmir.. The Trinamool won 18 Municipal Elections.”
C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 gle-member HC bench of
Justice Nitin W Sambre had
Munmun was working as a
model. Alluding to claim to the
early three and half months noted in his detailed order contrary made by the NCB, the A067D=0C70=<D<108)
N after the Bombay High
Court rejected the allegations
released on Saturday: “... there
is no material on record to infer
Judge said: “As far as the
accused number 1 Aryan is n a big relief to the state
made by it against Bollywood
superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son
that applicants (Aryan and two
others) have hatched conspira-
concerned, but for irrelevant
whatsapp chats noticed in his
health authorities,
on Wednesday
Aryan and two others, the cy to commit offence. mobile, there is no material evi- did not record any Covid-19
Narcotics Control Bureau That being so, at this stage, dence to connect all these appli- death for the first time in two
(NCB) on Wednesday dis- it is difficult to infer that the cants with other co-accused in years, even as the daily Covid-
missed media report that there applicants are involved in an the case”. 19 infections in Maharashtra
was no evidence against Aryan offence of commercial quanti- Aryan, Arbaaz, Munmun came down to 544 and the
in the mid-sea drug bust case, ty. As such, parameters laid were among eight persons who daily cases in Mumbai rose
by saying that “the media down under section 37 of the were initially detained on night marginally from 77 to 100.
reports are not true” and “the NDPS Act will hardly be of any of October 2, 2021 and later BcdST]cbW^[SX]VcaXR^[^da\PZTP_XcRWU^a_TPRTQTcfTT]AdbbXPP]SDZaPX]TX]9P\\d^]FTS]TbSPh?C8?W^c^ A day after the state
investigation is not yet com- consequence while considering arrested on October 3, after recorded 675, infections, the
plete”. the prayer for grant of bail”. NCB officials busted a rave daily cases dropped to 544. 5,643. The fatality rate in the
Refuting the reports in a Raising serious manner in party and seized 13 grams of With fresh infections record- state stood static at 1.82 per
section of the media that there which the NCB investigated the cocaine, 5 grams of MD ed on Wednesday, the total cent. The active cases in Pune
was no evidence to prove that case, the Judge had slammed (Mephedrone), 21 grams of number of Covid-19 cases in dropped from 2177 to 2051.
Aryan was part of a larger the investigating agency for Charas, 22 pills of MDMA the state rose from 78,66,380 The active cases in Mumbai
drug conspiracy or an interna- not subjecting to medical exam- (Ecstasy) and Rs 1.33 lakh in to 78,66,924. dropped 757 to 689, while the
tional drug trafficking syndi- ination “so as to determine cash from Goa-bound Cordelia In a big relief to the state number of active cases in the
cate, NCB’s Deputy Director- whether at the relevant time, Cruises' Empress ship, off the health authorities, there was neighbouring Thane dropped
General (DDG) Sanjay Singh they had consumed drugs” and Mumbai coast. Subsequently, 12 <>78C:0=370A8 Q 90<<D Village Defence Committees it VDC's members have been no Covid-19 death in the from 481 to 445.
said: “As far as the media made mince meat of the inves- more persons were arrested in has been decided that the performing different duties in state. As a result, the total The active cases in
reports are concerned they're tigators’ claim that they had the mid-sea drug bust case. head of the conduct of the members of the village defence different topographies of the number of deaths registered Ahmednagar dropped from
are not true these are just spec-
ulation and nothing else these
found incriminating whatsapp
chat from Aryan’s phone, by
Observing that Aryan was
not found in possession of any
A first ever Assembly polls in
the Union Territory of Jammu
group shall be designated as
Village Defence Guards(VDG).
They assist the Border
in the state since the outbreak
of Covid-19 in the state in
626 to 564, while the number
of active cases in Nagpur
reports were not cross checked observing that “nothing objec- objectionable substance, the and Kashmir decks have been Each VDG will have eight to 10 Security force and the Indian March 2020 stood static at came down from 261 to 244.
with NCB”. tionable could be noticed to Judge said that Arbaaz and cleared by the Union Home members and all of them will army and act as their eyes and 1,43,706. Of the 7,80,03,848 sam-
“Investigation is not yet suggest that he and two other Munmun were found to be in Ministr y to revive and have equal rank and receive ears on the ground zero to pre- With the fresh 100 cases, ples sent to various laborato-
complete. Nothing can be said accused had hatched a con- illegal possession of drugs strengthen the Village Defence monthly salaries in their bank vent any major infiltration bid the total number of cases in ries across the state so far,
at this stage. (It’s) Premature to spiracy. which is covered under the pro- Committees (VDC's) which accounts. while directly fight with the ter- Mumbai mounted f rom 78,66,924 have tested positive
say anything at this stage,” The Judge noted that going visions of the NDPS Act. If remained in the forefront of "In more vulnerable areas rorists in the hilly areas of 10,56,549 to 10,56,649. (10.09 per cent) for COVID-
Singh said in a statement issued by material brought on record independently considered, counter terrorist operations at persons who shall be lead- Chenab valley region where While the recovery rate 19 until Wednesday.
here.The NCB’s clarification before it, “this Court has prima drugs seized from Arbaaz and the peak of militancy in the ing/coordinating the VDG minority population was targt- stood static at 98 per cent, the Currently, 45,422 people
came as bit of a surprise in view facie not noticed any positive Munmun was a small quantity Jammu region. would be paid 4500 per month ed to trigger second wave of overall growth rate of Covid- are in home quarantine while
of fact that that Bombay High evidence against applicants”. “which is not a disputed fact” Under the revival plan the and other persons who are migration. 19 cases in the metropolis for 660 people are in institution-
Court had on November “This court is of opinion that Tearing into NCB’s allega- members are likely to be members of these VDG's on a These VDC members were a period from February 23 al quarantine.
20,2021 had rejected outright claim put forth by the respon- tion that Aryan and two other equipped with advanced voluntary basis will be paid a trained in self defence, impart- and March 1 stood static at Meanwhile, 38 f resh
investigating agency’s allegation dent that the applicants should accused were part of conspira- weapons fulfilling one of the uniform rate of 4000 per ed training of weapon han- 0.01 per cent. Omicron cases were recorded
that Aryan, two other accused be considered to have the com- cy, the Judge said: “For inferring long pending demands of the month". dling, security drills at regular As 1,007 C ovid-19 in Maharashtra on Friday,
Arbaaz Merchant and mon intention to commit an act of hatching conspiracy on VDC's. The letter further stated training camps/ workshops patients were discharged from taking the total number of the
Munmun Dhamecha were part offence under NDPS Act, hav- part of Aryan and two other The significant announce- these VDG's will function organised by the Indian army the hospitals across the state new Covid-19 variant to
of conspiracy in case and also ing been found in possession of accused, there has to be positive ment was made by the Union under the direction of SP/SSP and Jammu and Kashmir after full recovery, the total 4,771. Of these cases, 4,269
disallowed its effort to use their commercial quantity. evidence about an agreement to Home Minister Amit Shah of the concerned district. police. number of people discharged patients have been discharged
“confessional statements as a In backdrop of a case of do a unlawful act or to do a law- during his interaction with the More than 27,000 VDC mem- Briefing media persons from the hospitals since the after they tested negative in
tool” to infer that they had com- hatching conspiracy is liable to ful act by unlawful means and delegation of VDC members in bers are currently enrolled about the revival plan, BJP second week of March 2020 the RT-PCR tests.
mitted offences under Narcotic be rejected”. At beginning of such agreement must precede New Delhi. In a formal com- with the Home Department in General Secretary and former increased from 77,12,568 to Till Friday evening, 9,382
Drugs and Psychotropic his summerised order relating meeting of minds... There is munication sent to the office of Jammu and Kashmir. These cabinet minister Sunil Sharma 77,13,575. samples had been sent for
Substances (NDPS) Act. Giving to all accused, the Judge said hardly any positive evidence to the Chief Secretary, Union VDC's were constituted in Wednesday said," complete The recovery rate in the genome sequencing, out of
his reasoning for granting bail that they had no criminal convince this court that all Territor y of Jammu and 1995 following targeted killings revival plan was discussed dur- state rose from 98.04 per cent which, results of 8,480
to Aryan Khan, Arbaaz and antecedents of similar nature or accused persons with common Kashmir on Wednesday the of members belonging to the ing a meeting with the Union to 98.05 per cent. The num- patients have been received,
Munmun in the mid-sea drug otherwise. While Aryan and intention agreed to commit Union Home Ministry said minority community in erst- Home Minister Amit Shah in ber of “active cases” in the while the results of 902 sam-
bust case on October 28, a sin- Arbaaz were students, unlawful act”. after examining the issue of while Doda district.These New Delhi on Tuesday". state dropped from 6,106 to ples are awaited.
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k<0A27"!!!
UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa
he original Ashokan
T Lion Capital in the
Sarnath museum had
lions on a pedestal and
a wheel resting over them. It
depicted lions or the State as the
rolled off. And all that remained
7KH\DUHFOXHOHVV time to catch up with the
LQDGYDQFHE\WKHILUVWZHHNRI0DUFKVD\LQJWKH\ Sarnath is, saw the wheel rolling
eous or self-righteous in the
WKH\ ZRXOG EH EDFN VRRQHU RU ODWHU ,Q HDVWHUQ next five years. Yogi Adityanath
would rule the State. And that
DQ\FDVHWKH\DUHULJKWQRZGHVSHUDWHWRVDYHWKHLUOLYHVDQGJHWRXWIURPWKHUH years. The five basic tenets of fed chickens! A petrified Sher mission is another man’s les- lactose intolerant, social intol-
7KH\KDYHDYDJXHKRSHWKDWKLVWRULFDOO\XQLYHUVLWLHVVXUYLYHZDUVDQGWKDWWKHLU Dhamma — abstain from sex- Khan (of Lion King) must son. The Yogi Government erance though is acceptable.
FODVVHVZLOOUHVXPHRQFHWKHSROLWLFDOLPEURJOLRLVUHVROYHG7KHSDUHQWVZLOOVRRQ ual misconduct, practice non- have muttered: “But, sir, we went on to book Azam Khan Now Yogiji is working on
violence and non-killing, don’t have been eating beef much for buffalo theft, goat theft his speech. Falsehood and
EHYRLFLQJWKHLUFRQFHUQVDERXWWKHLUZDUGV·IXWXUH7KH\DUHVXUHWRDVNWKH8QLRQ indulge in stealing, practice before your scriptures were and book theft. Indeed an malicious speech would soon
*RYHUQPHQWLIWKHVWXGHQWVFDQVRPHKRZFRPSOHWHWKHUHPDLQLQJFRXUVHGXUD truthfulness and avoid mali- written.” But no one listened; extreme step for many but a be things of the past in UP.
WLRQIURP,QGLDQFROOHJHVE\SDVVLQJDWHVWRUDUUDQJLQJIRUDWUDQVIHURIFUHGLWV cious speech, and abstain from less cared. Some adjusted, mission is a mission. The Now that we have left Corona
7KRVHLQWKHILUVWDQGVHFRQG\HDUVVWLOOKDYHWKHFKDQFHRIVWDUWLQJDIUHVKLQDQRWK alcohol — became the touch- some didn’t. A stubborn preg- virtue of non-stealing must be behind, there would be no
stone of Yogi Government’s nant tigress almost starved to imbibed and the message need to lie about the fatality
HUFROOHJHLQDQRWKHUFRXQWU\LIWKH\FDQDIIRUGLWDQGLI8NUDLQH·VIXWXUHKDQJVLQ policy. Thus a monk with a mis- death in Kanpur zoo but did should go far and wide. figures or about medical oxy-
EDODQFH,WLVWKHVHQLRUVZKRZLOOORVHWKHPRVWLIWKH\FDQQRWUHWXUQWRWKHLUXQL sion set out to do what destiny not switch to white meat. Property, private or pub- gen supplies. Soon, the very
YHUVLWLHVDWOHDVWE\WKLV\HDUHQG,WLVQRWMXVWDERXWFRPSOHWLQJWKHFRXUVH7KH\ chose him to do. An idea whose They did not understand the B>>=C74E4AH lic, should not be stolen or rationale of lying would die.
KDYHDOVRWRFRPSOHWHDPRQWKVXSHUYLVHGLQWHUQVKLSDQGUHSHDWWKHSURFHVV time had come! grand design. Shameless ani- damaged and who does that And we can assume that hate
To instil righteousness, and mals! A0C8>=0;4>5 is on the wrong side of right- speech would also become
to pave the path for moksha, the
Yogi Government started turn-
Then the drive pro-
gressed to ensure non-vio-
;H8=6F>D;3384 eousness. The
Government slapped cases
UP redundant once the ‘despica-
ble’ leave the State. In an act
ing the wheel of Dhamma. To lence and non-stealing in the 0=3F420= of recovery on the CAA and of compassion, he absolved
?82D1<; discourage sexual misconduct,
it decided to catch ‘Romeos’.
State. Now how do you teach
non-violence to mobsters? 0BBD<4C70C70C4 NRC protesters. How does it
matter that some of these
himself of pending cases of
hate speech. That is how the
Romeo had whispered before Simple: Maim them. As per B?4427F>D;3 people were well over 90 wheel turns. Make a begin-
his banishment “O I am for- news reports, after Yogi years of age and included ning, let go of the past!
tune’s fool”. Many ‘Romeos’ were Adityanath came to power, 0;B>142><4 women, students and Yogi, like a true crusader
turned into ‘fortune’s fools’ by
the anti-Romeo squads. To tame
UP Police injured at least
3,302 alleged criminals in A43D=30=C>=24 activists? But then the
Supreme Court played spoil-
of Dhamma, has done all he
could. He lit 12 lakh diyas to
them, the squads patrolled uni- 8,742 ‘encounters’. Several of C74²34B?8201;4³ sport. An unrighteous dispel darkness on the Saryu’s
versities, cinema halls, parks and them had bullets lodged in Supreme Court (which still banks, a fitting reply to VS
gave on-the-spot punishment their legs; thus was born the ;40E4C74BC0C4 has the Dhamma wheel over Naipaul’s An Area of
for their ‘sins’. It was a beginning;
a first step towards infusing
term ‘Operation Langda’
(lame). In the same period,
C70C8B7>FC74 the lions in its emblem) over-
turned the UP Government
Darkness. UP is all lit. And if
you criticise him for his
righteousness in people. 151 people were reported F744;CDA=B drive for the recovery of Hindu bias, please don’t. The
The next big step was to killed in police action. You money. Moving on to the next time frame of Treta Yug he
ensure vegetarianism and may question the methods tenet, Yogi imposed a com- comes from did not have
killings by all beings. The UP but aren’t the motives more plete ban on the sale of liquor today’s minorities or their
Government banned cow and important, sacrosanct? What and meat in Mathura. He graveyards.
buffalo meat. I am not making do you do if you don’t kill a urged liquor sellers to sell (The writer is a columnist
it up: After Yogi came to power, guy, Vikas Dubey, who was milk to revive the glory of and documentary filmmaker.
even the lions in UP’s zoos already lame? Mind you, it is Mathura; a complete turn- The views expressed are
were not fed red meat; they were not a lame joke. One man’s around. You can’t afford to be personal.)
?T^_[TeXbXccWT#$cW8]cTa]PcX^]P[:^[ZPcP1^^Z5PXa ?C8
4?>µD;55@D8549C12<541D49C14F1>D175 8fX[[WPeTc^
Sir — The first part of the Budget session
CdQ\Y^QcdXUbYcY^WcdQb WPeTPR^\_[TcT
of Parliament concluded without any PbbTbb\T]cS^]T
major disruptions and it is expected that bdRRTbb fWXRW WT ^fTb c^ WXb UPcWTa P]S ^]X\_PRc^U
the second part will be conducted success- bcP[fPac U^a\Ta C= 2WXTU <X]XbcTa < DZaPX]TRaXbXb
fully. The last session was marked by pan- :Pad]P]XSWXBcP[X]_a^eTSWXbbP[c³bf^acW ^]8]SXP
7KHRQJRLQJZDUKDVWKURZQXSDIHZ demonium in both the Houses, so many
Bills could not be passed. I want to men-
fWT] WXb 3aPeSXP] <^ST[ ^U V^eTa]P]RT
^QUdbRPcTS cWT \dRW U[Pd]cTS 6dYPaPc
¯ =Xa\P[PBXcWPaP\P]
DGPLUDEOHTXDOLWLHVRIWKH8NUDLQH3UHVLGHQW tion that the denial of any part of a legit-
imate pension is a clear violation of
ing premature retirement, a court has com-
hard work pertaining to duties are not bW^d[SQTVXeT]
P\X[=PSd2WXTU<X]XbcTa<:BcP[X]WPb >?BBPbXZP[P UPRc^a BcP[X]³b PaaXeP[ fPb
DQGWKHVHFRQGODUJHVWFLW\RI.KDUNLYWKHODWWHU·V3UHVLGHQW9RORG\P\U=HOHQVNL\LV That may be one of the reasons for the cX\T]^fR^dacTbhWXb_^[XcXRP[[hbPVP XbPeTabPcX[T_Tab^]P[XchVXUcTSfXcW_^[Xc 8]SXP]bcdST]cb
growing graph of dishonesty amongst
another case, a court said the officials at c^ eXbXc cWT ]^]19? ]^]2^]VaTbb 2WXTU RWTbb7TWPbT\TaVTSPbPaXbX]VbcPa^] ¯ 8V^a?^[XZWP
FODLPLQJWKDWLWZRXOGSUHVVDKHDGZLWKWKHEOLW]NULHJ the helm must have knowledge of the dis- <X]XbcTabCWTXSTPXbc^_aTePX[d_^]cWT\ cWT]PcX^]³b_^[XcXRP[W^aXi^]1dcWTfX[[WPeT
XQWLOLWV´JRDOVDUHPHWµ=HOHQVNL\KDVUHIXVHGWR ability Acts to provide fair justice to the
U^acWTU^a\PcX^]^UhTcP]^cWTaCWXaS5a^]c c^aT\PX]fPah^UcWT_^[XcXRP[ZP[TXS^bR^_T
disabled. In banks, the pensioners are
EHFRZHGVD\LQJWKDWQRWKLQJRUQRERG\FDQEUHDN highly discriminated against and denied c^VTcWTac^cPZT^]cWTU^a\XSPQ[T19?FXcW RWP]VX]VaP_XS[hX]_^[XcXRbQTPaX]VX]\X]S
cWT!!#_Pa[XP\T]cPahT[TRcX^]P__a^PRW cWPcP]hUPdg_PbX]_^[XcXRbXbd]_PaS^] 0Rc^aPRc^aW^cP
KLV SHRSOH DQG FRXQWU\ ´:H DUH VWURQJ ZH DUH their legal rights. Several representations WPXPda bcPabcPa
X]VXc³bP]X]SXRPc^acWPcBcP[X]f^d[S_[Ph PQ[TP]SXc\XVWccda]X]c^P]XaaTcaXTePQ[T
8NUDLQLDQVµWKXQGHUHGWKHIRUPHUSURGXFHUPDLQOHDG were sent to various authorities including
PbXV]XUXRP]ca^[TPccWT]PcX^]P[[TeT[CWXb [^bX]V_a^_^bXcX^]PbfT[[ W^cPWPX<h
Chairman IBA and all trade union lead- bRT]PaX^W^fTeTad]aPeT[bcWTbc^ah^UWXb 0iWPa0:WP]| AP\_da a^dVWY^da]Th
DLUHGEHWZHHQDQGDQGZDVDPDVVLYH ers, but due to the society’s insensitive atti- \PST\T
KLWDOD RXU5DPD\DQ DQG0DKDEKDUDW1RWEHWUD\ tude towards the disabled, no one is ready plummeted but the fear of the pandem- grow, they gradually forget their initial P]PRc^a
LQJHYHQWKHVOLJKWHVWKLQWRIKLVGD\VDVWKHPDGH to listen to or address their problems. In ic is still haunting people. The Union aim of making people’s lives better. The 0Rc^a
a way, it is a near-breakdown of our Government must speed up the process same is happening to these big compa- ¯ A^]XcA^h
XSZLWKFKDONDQGSRZGHUPDQLQIDFWGLVSOD\LQJ Constitution. of kickstarting employment opportuni- nies in Guwahati, the only city they serve
DVHQVHRIFRXUDJHLQWKHOLQHRIILUHKHKDVFDWH Yash Pal Ralhan | Jalandhar ties immediately all over India as our job- in the entire northeast.
JRULFDOO\VDLG.\LYZDVQ·WSUHSDUHGWRPDNHFRQFHV less youth have been at the receiving end I was in Guwahati for a few days recent- 8cfPb[XZTcf^
VLRQVZKHQ´RQHVLGHLVKLWWLQJDQRWKHUZLWKURFNHWDUWLOOHU\µ D89>;?66EDEB516D5BD85@1>45=93 for two years now. The Centre and all ly and, like I always do there, I ordered [X^]bV^X]VPc
Sir — This refers to ‘Telangana returning States Governments must be sensitive a ride in Uber. But my ride was cancelled TPRW^cWTa8cfPb
(YHQDIHZGD\VEDFNMXVWEHIRUHWKH5XVVLDQLQYDVLRQEHJDQZKHQKHZDVRIIHUHG to normalcy’ (March 1). The joy of the towards the plight of people and take four times and the fifth time it displayed
people of Telangana is immense upon steps to check the skyrocketing prices of an amount that was almost double than
PLQDWLRQDQGUHVROYHZKHQKHVSRNHDERXW´QRWJRLQJDQ\ZKHUH«,DPKHUH«ZLOO learning that their State is back to nor- petrol, fuels and other essential com- the first time. Feeling bad for me, the dri-
EHKHUHZLWKP\SHRSOHµ:KDWHYHUWKHUHVSHFWLYHVKDUHGKLVWRULHVRI5XVVLDDQG mal after the pandamic totally paralysed modities in order to recoup the losses suf- ver of my cab suggested the name of a
our normal life. The State has ultimate- fered during the last couple of lockdowns. local app, PeIndia, which is now the talk
8NUDLQHYLVjYLV ,QGLDDQGWKHUHLVDPDUNHGGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHWZR,VUDHODQG ly got a huge relief from COVID-19, a Zubair Khan | Hyderabad of the “travel town” for being fast and ¯ 9daVT]:[^__
5XVVLDDUHWKHRQO\WZRFRXQWULHVWKDWKDYHDOZD\VVXSSRUWHG,QGLDRQHYHU\LVVXH deadly nightmare that lasted a couple of affordable. It was true to the good name
DWHYHU\SODWIRUPZKLOH8NUDLQHKDVQHYHUEHHQDWUXVWZRUWK\DOO\IDUIURPLWDFWX years. Much to our regret, we lost many CE@@?BD?EB<?31<5>DB5@B5>5EBC it has been earning as I ordered all my
DOO\WKHPRRWSRLQWUHPDLQVWKDWDJRRGOHDGHUGHVHUYHVHYHU\RQH·VUHVSHFW,QIDFW friends and relatives to the virus; people Sir — Commuting is one of the biggest next rides in Guwahati on PeIndia and 7Xbc^aXRP[[h
have undergone mental agony and trau- challenges in metropolitan cities in the it has been a hassle-free experience.
LWWXUQVUDWKHULQWRDGPLUDWLRQRIVRUWVLIRQHZHUHWRWDNHLQWRDFFRXQWWKHSXPPHOOLQJ ma due to COVID-19 and its Delta and 21st century and because of the below Instead of paying our money to
Omicron strains. March 2, 2022, marks par facilities offered by public transport, American companies, why not support
VWDUWHGWDONLQJDERXWXQSDFNLQJLWV¶)DWKHU2I$OO%RPEV·LQWKHZDUDJDLQVW8NUDLQH the completion of a span of two years of people were pining for something bet- our local entrepreneurs?!
DVSDUWRI3XWLQ·V´VKRFNDQGDZHµFDPSDLJQ7KHVXSHUSRZHUIXOQRQQXFOHDUWKHU living with COVID-19. ter. Private aggregators like Uber and Ola Noopur Baruah | Tezpur
The Telangana Government has now lift- cashed on this opportunity and gradu-
PREDULFERPEKDVDEODVWHTXLYDOHQWWRPRUHWKDQWRQQHRI7173XWLQPD\EH ed all COVID-19 restrictions, except ally became trusted brands for short dis- BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) 2^]VaTbb[TPSTa
DOHDGHUZLWKELJJHUZHDSRQU\EXW=HOHQVNL\·VEROGQHVVFDQ·WEHXQGHUSOD\HG masks. Nearly 99 per cent cases have tance travel within cities. When brands [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ¯ APWd[6P]SWX
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k<0A27"!!!
gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa
ongress Party and its Government
C89F1:9B0A:0A in Rajasthan recognizes its duty to
provide socio-economic security
LQJWR&HQWUHIRU0HGLD6WXGLHV&06,QLWPD\FURVVC elected Government to ensure that the
employees live their life with a sense of
LQWKHVWDNHVLQ83UHPDLQKLJKDQGVRLVWKHVSHQGLQJ,Q:HVW invaluable contribution to cause of good
VSHQWCLQXSIURPCSHUYRWHU:LWKLQIODWLRQDQGPXO mented which had provision for an inbuilt
pension/ family Pension, Gratuity and com-
sion system was done away with by the
Vajpayee Government in December, 2003
and replaced it with a New Pension System the interest of talented youth in The fact that the armed forces Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Himachal
(NPS) w.e.f. 01.04.2004. Government job dwindled with the have not been included in the NPS Pradesh and Punjab have setup
The NPS in its current form is riddled C74BC0C4 implementation of NPS. The deci- right from the beginning, makes it state level committees to review the
with a number of problems and the sion to implement OPS will attract clear that the OPS adequately pro- NPS in their respective states in
employees throughout the country have
6>E4A=<4=C>5 large number of talented youth vides social security to them. The view of the protests by the NPS
been demanding for the restoration of the A090BC70= towards government jobs in future. NPS was implemented for employ- employees. The West Bengal
Old Pension System (OPS) as the NPS fails =4E4A A number of factors convinced ees in Indian Coastguard under the Government has not yet imple-
to take care of their current as well as post the Government of Rajasthan to defense ministry while the employ- mented the NPS.
retirement needs. National Human Rights 2><?A><8B43 restore the OPS. In the Old Pension ees of this service work with the While preparing the NPS, no
Commission, CAG Report No. 13 of 2020 F8C7C74 System, an employee was guaran- same alertness and face the same attention was paid to the pension
and the Second National Judicial Pay 34E4;>?<4=C teed the right of pension as half of challenges as faced by the person- amount payable to the employee
Commission have also raised questions the last basic salary plus dearness nel of armed forces. Similar services after the retirement. This has cre-
about the efficacy of the NPS in providing B274<4B>5C74 relief at the time of retirement and are rendered by employees of BSF, ated a sense of insecurity among
guaranteed socio-economic security to the BC0C434B?8C4 in the case of in-service death, the CISF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB etc. yet they the employees throughout the
employees. Under the NPS, the hard- =?B;8:4F8B4 employee and his family was given have been covered under NPS. The country. If the NPS is so sacrosanct
earned retirement fund of employees is sub- economic support in the form of employees of the central and the then why the Second National
LQ$FFRUGLQJWR&DUQHJLH)RXQGDWLRQ,QGLDQHOHFWLRQVLQ jected to the vagaries of share market which 34E4;>?<4=C Death- Cum-Retirement Gratuity State Governments also discharge Judicial Pay Commission has, in its
FRVWELOOLRQDQGWKH86SUHVLGHQWLDOSROOELOOLRQLQ%XW fluctuates at the drop of a hat. In the event F>A:BF8;; (DCRG). No such guarantee is their duties with the same spirit and report in February 2020, suggest-
&06VD\VDURXQGCFURUHRUELOOLRQZHUHVSHQWGXULQJWKH of major international crises like the pre- 2>=C8=D48= provided in the NPS. commitment. Keeping two differ- ed that NPS should not be imple-
sent Ukraine crisis, the share market nose- Table 1.1 exhibits the major dif- ent systems of pension is discrim- mented in the Judicial Services.
/RN6DEKDHOHFWLRQV$WKLUGRILWZHQWWRZDUGVFDPSDLJQLQJDQG dives thereby increasing the heartbeats of C74BC0C44E4= ference between the OPS and the inatory and is against the principle The employees appointed
SXEOLFLW\7KHVHFRQGODUJHVWFRPSRQHQWZDVSXWWLQJPRQH\GLUHFWO\ employees and perennially putting their 05C4AC74 NPS. of natural justice. on/after 01.01.2004 and who have
LQWKHKDQGVRIWKHYRWHU&06HVWLPDWHVWKDWURXJKO\SHUFHQWDERXW social security at risk. An employee can- In the performance audit of the retired now, they have either not
8<?;4<4=C0C8>= NPS (Report No. 13 of 2020) the received any pension or if they
YRWHUVDFNQRZOHGJHUHFHLYLQJFDVK tribute to good governance if his socio-eco- >5>?B Des- Old NPS CAG has come out with revealing have received any pension then it
,Q83PDQ\SDUWLHVDUHUHSRUWHGO\JLYLQJVSHFLDOHPSKDVLVWRSRRU nomic security is threatened. Since the pen- C74BC0C4 cription Pension (Tier-I) facts regarding the planning, imple- is not sufficient to make their both
sion fund is invested in market which is System mentation and monitoring of the ends meet. Therefore, it can be said
replete with risk and provides no guaran- 6>E4A=<4=C NPS. The CAG report mentions that NPS failed to achieve its
that ‘Even after 15 years of intro- objective. There was no provision
mentation of NPS, it engenders old age 0F0A4>5C74 employee plus DA)
duction of NPS, rules on service of family pension and gratuity in
FDVKIRUYRWHLWKDVWKHSRWHQWLDOWRVZD\WKHSV\FKHRIVRPHYRW insecurity among the employees. conditions/retirement benefits in NPS in the beginning. The
HUV$OPRVWDOOSROLWLFDOSDUWLHVVWDUWHGFDPSDLJQLQJDERXWWKUHHPRQWKV In order to protect the interests of 0=G84C84B respect of employees covered by Government of India had to imple-
EHIRUH(&DQQRXQFHGWKHGDWHV7KHH[SHQVHVDWPHHWLQJVUDOOLHV Rajasthan Government employees and 20DB431H=?B Guarantee by Yes No. NPS were pending finalization ment the same later.
PDUFKHVDQGURDGVKRZVDUHKHDY\FRVWVDQGDUHQRWSDUWRIWKH safeguard their life after retirement, the 0<>=6C74 Government (Para 3.2)’. Raising objection to the The State Government of
H[SHQGLWXUHVILOHGZLWKWKH(&7KHRSSRVLWLRQFRPSODLQVWKDWWKHUXO Congress Government in Rajasthan decid- viability of the fund/scheme, the Rajasthan never compromised with
ed to restore the Old Pension System (OPS) 4<?;>H44B Amount 50% of No link CAG in para 3.9 says: “There was the development schemes of the
LQJSDUW\KDVDGYDQWDJHVRIXVLQJRIILFLDOPDFKLQHU\WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ for all the employees joining government of last pay with last no indication that actuarial evalu- State despite NPS. Likewise, the
DQGRWKHUSDUDSKHUQDOLDWRRUJDQL]HWKHLUSROORULHQWHGPHHWLQJVLQDX services on or after 1 January, 2004. Pension drawn pay ation of the fund/scheme was con- development works will continue
JXUDWLRQV RU ODXQFKLQJV RI SURJUDPPHV ´WR ZRR WKH YRWHUVµ In my budget speech in the State Dearness ducted once in two years and of in the state even after the imple-
6XUSULVLQJO\QRSDUW\DIWHUFRPLQJWRSRZHUOLNHVWRSUHYHQWLWDQG Assembly on 23 February, 2022, I have Relief provided adoption of any other mechanism mentation of OPS. The State
WKH\DOVRLQGXOJHLQVLPLODUSUDFWLFHV,Q83DVVHPEO\HOHFWLRQV announced to implement the OPS from the by Govt for Yes No. to assess the viability of the Government was fully aware of the
%-3VKRZHGDQH[SHQGLWXUHRICFURUH&RQJUHVVCFURUH next Financial Year. This decision has been mitigating impact fund/scheme.” Questioning the anxieties caused by NPS among the
,QGLYLGXDOFDQGLGDWHVVSHQWCODNKDVSHU(&QRUPZKLFKLQ hailed not only by the employees in of inflation implementation of NPS, the CAG employees.
Rajasthan but also by the employees of all in para 4.1.3 of the same report The Old Pension System pro-
KDVEHHQLQFUHDVHGWRCODNK7KLVZLOOEHDGGLWLRQDODERXWC the States. Earlier, Pension was the prima- Commut No stipulates that “there was no assur- vides social and economic securi-
33% option ance that 100 percent of eligible ty to the employees hence, the
WKHFRQVWLWXHQFLHV6PDOOHUSDUWLHVDQGLQGHSHQGHQWVZRXOGEHLQFXU Government and the private jobs. The Pay Pension employees were covered under Government of Rajasthan decided
ULQJH[WUD7KHUHDUHDOVRFRVWVRQSDUW\YROXQWHHUVIDQQLQJRXWWRUHPRWH scales in Government jobs cannot exceed the GPF Eligibility Yes No. NPS despite 15 years of implemen- to restore OPS in the larger inter-
DUHDVIRUGLUHFWYRWHUPHHWV7KHULFKHUDQGPRUHRUJDQL]HGSDUWLHV prescribed limit. Talented youths used to (The writer is the
NPS Upto 25% of the
tation”. These are indeed serious est of the employees. It is not fair
DUHDSSDUHQWO\VSHQGLQJPRUHWKURXJKWKHLUFDPSDLJQPDQDJHUVDQG accord priority to government jobs because Chief Minister of objections which threaten the to have two categories of pension
guaranteed pension under OPS provided Rajasthan. The views With- Yes amount deposited socio-economic security of the schemes and differentiate among
security to their future. It has been observed employees. States like Kerala, the employees.
%63C FURUH7KH&06VD\VWKDWSXEOLFLW\H[SHQVHVFRPSULVH C74A8668=6F0B?40245D;0=3E>C8=6 C74?4>?;470E438B20A343C7419?2?<
BD:0=C0<09D<30A :D=0;67>B7
ncertain flow of income entrepreneurship? May be, but presentation publicly, we are of ideating, iterating and reach- Just giving out MSME loans will
ed a powerful missile attack on artillery and air bombardments that the Russian invasion was- continued Wednesday, even as The invading forces also Officials on Wednesday
the site of the Babyn Yar to pulverize cities and crush n't just about hitting military Russia said it would be ready to pressed their assault on other reported 117 deaths, taking
Holocaust memorial, near the fighters' resolve. targets but also about breaking resume talks with the towns and cities, including the the total number above 1,000.
tower. A spokesman for the
memorial said a Jewish ceme-
The bombing of the TV
tower came after Russia
their spirit. The bombardment
blew out windows and walls of
Ukrainian side in the evening.
A Russian strike on the region-
strategic ports of Odesa and
Mariupol in the south. SQceQ\dYUcY^E[bQY^U About 80% of the deaths have
occurred since late December.
tery at the site, where Nazi announced it would target buildings that ring the massive al police and intelligence head- As the seventh day of the ?C8Q 14898=6 and is "extremely concerned" Most involved elderly
occupiers killed more than transmission facilities in the square, which was piled high quarters, according to the war dawned Wednesday, Russia with the harm to civilians, patients who were not fully vac-
33,000 Jews over two days in capital used by Ukraine's intel- with debris and dust. Inside one Ukrainian state emergency ser- found itself increasingly iso- hina is deeply grieved to China's state-run Xinhua news cinated.
1941, was damaged, but the
extent would not be clear until
ligence agency. It urged people
living near such places to leave
building, chunks of plaster were
scattered, and doors, ripped
vice. It said three people were
lated, beset by the sanctions
that have thrown its economy
C see the outbreak of conflict
between Ukraine and Russia
agency reported.
In expressing serious con-
"We recorded about 55,000
infections today, which is with-
daylight. their homes. from their hinges, lay across The strike blew off the into turmoil and left the coun- and "extremely concerned" cern over the harm to civilians, in our expectation. Recently
At the same time, a 40-mile Overall death tolls from the hallways. roof of the police building and try practically friendless, apart over the damage done to civil- Wang, however, was careful every two or three days the
set the top floor on fire, and from a few nations like China, ians, Chinese Foreign Minister not to blame Russia, whose number of confirmed cases is
pieces of the five-story build- Belarus and North Korea. Wang Yi has told his Ukrainian President Vladimir Putin has doubling," said Albert Au, a
ing were strewn across adjacent Leading Russian bank counterpart Dmytro Kuleba launched "special military health officer with the Centre
streets, according to videos Sberbank announced and called on Kyiv and operation" against Ukraine for Health Protection.
and photos released by the Wednesday that it is pulling out Moscow to resolve the raging and instead said, according to He said cases have not yet
emergency service. of European markets amid the crisis through negotiations. Foreign Ministry press release, peaked. US Authorities on
In Wednesday's strikes, tightening Western The two ministers spoke China is "deeply grieved to see Wednesday warned Americans
four people died, nine were sanctions. for the first time on the phone the conflict between Ukraine against traveling to Hong Kong,
wounded and rescuers pulled As fighting raged, the on Tuesday since violence and Russia and highly con- with the State Department rais-
10 people out of the rubble, humanitarian situation wors- broke out in Ukraine following cerned about the damage done ing its travel advisory to Level
according to the ened. Roughly 660,000 people an attack from Russia. to civilians". 4 - Do Not Travel - because of
service. have fled Ukraine, and count- Wang said that the situa- China is a close ally of rising cases and restrictions
Biden used his first State of less others have taken shelter tion in Ukraine has changed Russia and is walking a fine imposed by the city and main-
the Union address to highlight underground. rapidly and that China laments line by airing its concerns but land China under their "zero-
the resolve of a reinvigorated The death toll was less the outbreak of the conflict not condemning Moscow's tolerance" policy toward the
Western alliance that has clear, with neither Russia nor between Ukraine and Russia military offensive. coronavirus.
worked to rearm the Ukrainian Ukraine releasing the number
military and adopt tough sanc- of troops lost.
0?Q 10=6:>: criticizing the army's seizure of ment, state-run television report-
power were released from prison ed. The celebrities released from
0?Q 20?420=0E4A0;DB
<PadcXbWPaTb ²?^[XRhc^_a^\^cT 5TSfX[[aPXbT 8]SXP]UXa\
bTT%UP[[Pb _aXePcTbTRc^aA3 aPcTbcWXb VTcb_PcT]c
UXa\aT_^acb X]aPX[fPhbb^^]³ \^]cW)?^fT[[
New Delhi: The Indian cT[[b2^]VaTbb
fW^[TbP[TbSX_ Railways will come up with a
New Delhi: Best Agrolife
)DFHGZLWK margins, which converted into
a price-driven growth of 17.5
Mumbai: BSE benchmark
Sensex plummeted 778 points
bourses in Hong Kong, Tokyo
and Shanghai ended with loss-
policy in the next 7-8 days to Washington: Federal Reserve Limited, a leading agrochemi-
New Delhi: Shares of Maruti make private-sector research Chair Jerome Powell made clear cal company in India, has
FRQVXPSWLRQ per cent in comparison to a
year ago in 2020.
to close below the 55,500-level
on Wednesday following a
es, while Seoul closed in the
green.Stock exchanges in
Suzuki India (MSI) on
Wednesday tumbled 6 per cent
and development a major part
of the railway budget with 90
on Wednesday that the Fed will
begin raising interest rates this
received one more patent for
herbicidal composition of
VORZGRZQLQ Even in the October-
December (Q4/2021) quarter,
broad-based selloff in global
markets as the Russia-Ukraine
Europe were trading mixed in
afternoon trade.
after the company reported a
drop in total wholesales in
per cent allocation in the
future, Union Minister Ashwini
month in a high-stakes effort to
restrain surging inflation.
haloxyfop, imazethapyr, and
chlorimuron, likely to emerge as
XUEDQPDUNHWV the FMCG industry has wit-
nessed a consumption de-
crisis escalated.
The 30-share BSE index
Tracking the Ukraine cri-
sis, Brent crude futures rose
The stock tanked 6 per cent
Vaishnaw said on Wednesday.
While speaking in the
In prepared testimony he
will deliver to a congressional
an effective one-shot solution to
protect soyabean crops from the
New Delhi: The Indian FMCG growth of 2.6 per cent due to ended 778.38 points or 1.38 per 5.09 per cent to USD 110.31 to settle at Rs 7,813.85 apiece concluding session of a post- committee, Powell cautions attack of narrow-leaved weeds,
industry witnessed a con- inflationary pressure, and other cent lower at 55,468.90. per barrel.US President Joe on the BSE. During the day, it Budget webinar on technology- that the financial consequences broadleaved weeds, and sedges.
sumption slowdown in urban macroeconomic factors, said Similarly, the NSE Nifty Biden announced that the plunged 6.58 per cent to Rs enabled development, the of Russia's invasion of Ukraine "India ranks fourth in the
markets and de-growth in rural the FMCG Snapshot released by plunged 187.95 points or 1.12 United States is closing its air- 7,765.On the NSE, it plunged Railway Minister said the are "highly uncertain." world with 11.4 mn hectare area
areas in 2021 as the sector was NielsenIQ's Retail Intelligence per cent to 16,605.95. space to Russian planes, assert- 6.01 per cent to settle at Rs defence and space sector has He says the Fed will "need under soybean, which accounts
hit hard by higher inflation lev- team on Wednesday. Maruti was the top loser in ing that this along with other 7,814.20.The country's largest already broken the silos by to be nimble" in responding to for 9.12% of the world. The
els forcing companies to go for "Higher inflation levels the Sensex pack, shedding 6 per punitive measures would weak- car maker Maruti Suzuki India opening up research and devel- unexpected changes resulting company is moving ahead with
successive price increases, during 2021 have led to three cent, followed by Dr Reddy's, en Moscow. The US and EU on Tuesday reported a mar- opment (R&D) for the private from the war or the sanctions the procedures of filing the
according to data analytics consecutive quarters with dou- Asian Paints, ICICI Bank, have imposed various sanctions ginal drop in total wholesales sector and the same needs to be that the United States and PCT application to globalize the
firm NielsenIQ. ble-digit price increase result- HDFC and HDFC Bank. on Russia. These include curbs at 1,64,056 units in February. done in other sectors as well. Europe have imposed in proprietary brand 'Shot Down'
In 2021, the FMCG indus- ing in consumption slowdown On the other hand, Tata on Russia's biggest banks and The company had sold "In another 7-8 days, we will response. The Fed is widely in many other major soyabean
try had to go for double-digit in urban markets, and con- Steel, Titan, Reliance and Nestle excluding its financial institu- 1,64,469 units in February launch a new policy where pri- expected to raise its benchmark producing countries" said Vimal
price growth in three consec- sumption degrowth in rural India were among the gainers. tions from the SWIFT global 2021, MSI said in a regulatory vate sector R&D would become short-term interest rate sever- Alawadhi, MD, Best Agrolife
utive quarters to protect its markets," it said. PTI In other Asian markets, payments system. PTI filing. PTI an integral part”. PTI al times this year. AP Ltd.
Ses onheWings, India’s fastest growing
social enterprise which focuss-
educating women and men
on women's health and hygiene
management and towards eradicat-
ing period poverty, today organised
a Women Bike Riders event with
support from IWR (Indian
Women Riders) and in association
with Crowne Plaza Greater Noida.
The women's bike rider event was
organised to elevate the awareness
of breastfeeding amongst the work-
ing women of the society. The
other popular brands which associated with the cause. We are
extended their support in this ready to extend our full support in
great initiative by SheWings are Oil whatever way we can.”
India Limited, Radico Khaitan, “We are excited to be part of this
Eugenix, BSC Women, Manipal great initiative. Being a woman I
Hospitals and more. know what it takes to be a working
The Women’s Bike Rider event mother especially when you are a
s a part of the Azadi Ka University and Regional Science panel discussions and exposi- is one of the on-ground activities mother of a newborn baby. I agree
?>F4A6A83=A8WP]STS^eTa 2;Fcda]b^dc#"!]ST[TRcaXR
]T^]PcP[eT]cX[Pc^abc^3XbcaXRc [^R^\^cXeTb^UcWT5H!! !!
7^b_XcP[6dadVaP\d]STa2BA C hittaranjan Locomotive
Works (CLW) created
another history by surpassing
the record 431 electric locomo-
tives in the current Financial
Year 2021-22 in record 258
working days which is the
fastest in terms of working
days in any Financial Year.
In continuation of the
trend of producing 40+ loco-
motives per month, CLW
achieves another achievement
in that it produced a record 50
locomotives in February in FY
BWaX0bWfX]XEPXbW]Pe<X]XbcTaU^aAPX[fPhbaTRTXeTS8]SXP]]PcX^]P[bTePRdPcTSUa^\ 2021-22, this is the best pro-
DZaPX]TPccWT8]SXaP6P]SWX8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^acX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh]XVWc0b_TRXP[aPX[ duction figure of February in
aTbTaePcX^]R^d]cTafPbbTcd_Pc8680Xa_^acc^UPRX[XcPcTcWT^]fPaSY^da]Th^UaTcda]TTbCWT any Financial year.
D]X^]6^eTa]\T]cWPb[Pd]RWTS³>_TaPcX^]6P]VP´c^QaX]VQPRZbcaP]STS8]SXP]]PcX^]P[b It is a proud moment for
P]SbcdST]cbUa^\DZaPX]TSdTc^cWTAdbbXPDZaPX]TfPa CLW that the record-breaking
CWT<X]XbcTafT[R^\TScWT\P]SPbbdaTScWT\^UP[[PbbXbcP]RTUa^\cWT6^eTa]\T]c^U8]SXP 432nd loco WAG9 HC (Loco
P]SbPXScWPcXcfX[[QTT]bdaTScWPcTeTah8]SXP]X]DZaPX]TaTcda]bW^\TbPUT[hCWT_PaT]cb^U No. 33466) of the current year
cWTbcdST]cbTg_aTbbTSX\\T]bTVaPcXcdSTc^cWT6^eTa]\T]cU^abPUT[hQaX]VX]VQPRZcWTXa was flagged off by Shri Satish figure of 431 in 2019-20 which encouragement to the work-
fPaSb Kumar Kashyup, general man- is surpassed today.This feat force of CLW.
0b_TRXP[aPX[aTbTaePcX^]R^d]cTaWPbP[b^QTT]bTcd_Pc8680Xa_^acc^UPRX[XcPcTcWT^]fPaS OWERGRID, Northern Region-I forefront in facilitating the augmen- ager from saloon siding on was possible under the leader- Shri Kashyup congratu-
Y^da]Th^UcWTaTcda]TTbc^cWTXaW^\Tc^f]b P under its Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) initiative handed
tation of health infrastructure within
the state of Haryana as well as in other
February 28.
It is worth mentioning
ship & guidance of Shri
Kashyup, general
lated the entire team of CLW
and appreciated their commit-
over Neo-Natal Ventilators to Dr states through its various CSR initia- that CLW had earlier achieved manager/CLW & with his con- ment to the progress of pro-
Virender Yadav, CMO, District tives that include works related to the highest loco production tinuous motivation and duction.
>aS]P]RT5PRc^ahBTaeXRT ('$c^^ZRWPaVT^UcWT
Hospital, Gurugram on March 2. This health, rural development, education,
CSR initiative of POWERGRID, com- environment and more with a vision
pleted under the guidance and leader- of contributing towards the integrat-
ship of Shri A K Mishra, Executive ed development of the country. On the
Director, NR-I marks the second and behalf of District Hospital, Gurugram
final phase of providing lifesaving Dr Virender Yadav, CMO, Gurugram
medical equipment to Faridabad, and Shri Gaurav Singh, Additional
Gurugram and Mewat districts of CEO from Haryana State CSR Trust
Haryana. were handed over the Neo-Natal ower Grid Corporation of
5PRc^ah:P]_daP]ScWT>aS]P]RT5PRc^ah:P]_da During the first phase of the pro-
ject, handheld ABG Machines were
Ventilators. Sh. Vinayak Chauhan, Sr
GM (CSR), Shri Vinod Prakash Baxla,
P India Limited has always
been at the forefront of social
SXaTRc^aVT]TaP[>aS]P]RTPccWT3XaTRc^aPcT^U provided to various district hospitals Sr. DGM (HR) from POWERGRID responsibility work.
>aS]P]RT2^^aSX]PcX^]BTaeXRTb:^[ZPcP in these three districts of the state. and other senior officials were also POWERGRID’s CSR
POWERGRID has always been on the present at the event. includes works related to
health, rural development, edu-
cation, environment and more
to contribute to the integrated
development of the country.
Accordingly, POWER-
GRID had undertaken the
hri Sanjay Arora, DG ITBP and CSR project of organising
Dr Randeep Guleria, director
inaugurated a one-day
sewing training for women
living below the poverty line in
mega blood donation Camp at Sec-10A, Gurugram. The pro- Kumari Mishra distributed ous sections of society. He
AIIMS, New Delhi on February ject included imparting six the Sewing Machines and emphasised that working
25. months of training to these training certificates to these towards the skill development
More than 2,500 CAPF per- women and distributing beneficiaries. On this occasion, of society is the need of the
sonnel including ITBP, CRPF, sewing machines to all the ben- Sh. A.K. Mishra, executive hour. He also asserted that
BSF, SSB, RAF and more voluntar- eficiaries upon completion of director, POWERGRID, NR-I, acquiring this additional voca-
ily participated at the camp. More the course. The six months Shri Sanjay Sharma, Sr GM, tional skill will help women gain
than 2,500 units of blood were training was successfully Shri P N Ghildiyal, Sr GM and confidence, become self-reliant
donated during the camp. imparted but the distribution other senior officials from and increase their income by
The CAPFs have been volun- of sewing machines to the POWERGRID were also pre- pursuing tailoring as a career.
tarily participating at this annual beneficiaries was withheld due sent at the event. While interacting with the
blood donation camp for the past to the spread of Covid-19. Speaking on the occasion, chief guest, Smt Annu Kumari
three years. Keeping in view the con- Shri Mishra reiterated Mishra appreciated the efforts
This year, the camp has been trolled situation of Covid 19, POWERGRID’s commitment of POWERGRID and empha-
themed at 'Azadi Ka Amrit an event was organised on to contributing to the develop- sised that this newly acquired
Mahotsav'. AIIMS has been cele- February 24 at Community ment of the nation as a whole skill shall enhance the overall
brating a week-long Raktadan Centre, Sector 10A, Gurugram by working towards the wellbe- quality of their life and their
Mahotsav from February 18 to 25. where chief guest, Smt Annu ing and upliftment of the vari- family members.
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k<0A27"!!! b_^acb
Zinchenko and Peterborough
captain Frankie Kent held a
Ukrainian flag together as they led
the teams out at the start of the
Once the action got underway,
Guardiola's men took time to make
the breakthrough against a side sit-
ting bottom of the Championship.
Mahrez took his tally for the
season to an impressive 19 goals in
just 32 appearances as the Algerian
cleverly guided the ball into the far
0?Q ;>=3>= corner from a narrow angle on the
honour of his career. hour mark.
iddlesbrough produced Middlesbrough were by far the Grealish has had a far less pro-
0?Q ;>=3>= more than $2 billion in loans after 19 years time we get round to sanctioning him." Abramovich has denied taking any orders
of injecting cash to elevate the club into one Abramovich tried to distance himself from Putin.
ressure is growing on Roman of the most successful in Europe. from decision-making at Chelsea on Saturday Abramovich was last seen in public on
P Abramovich to sell Chelsea, and one
potential buyer claims the Russian oligarch
Parliamentary privilege has been used by
Chris Bryant, a legislator in Britain's oppo-
by announcing plans to shift the "steward-
ship and care" of the club its foundation
the field in Abu Dhabi last month after
Chelsea won the Club World Cup. His last
is already trying to offload the Premier
League club. Chelsea and Abramovich's
sition Labour Party, to make claims about
Abramovich over the last week. Bryant has
trustees. But the Charity Commission,
which regulates the Chelsea Foundation, has
public visit to a match at the club's Stamford
Bridge home was last year. =^ePZ3Y^Z^eXR]^
representatives have not disputed Swiss bil- accused Abramovich in the House of received a "serious incident report" from the Abramovich has not had a British visa
lionaire Hansjorg Wyss saying he "received Commons of having "links to the Russian Foundation's trustees amid concerns about since 2018 when a renewal application was
an offer on Tuesday to buy Chelsea from state and his public association with corrupt how Abramovich's plan can be enacted. taking longer than usual to go through and
Abramovich" along with three other people.
"Abramovich is currently asking far too
activity and practices," while urging him to
sell the club.
Abramovich has faced calls to condemn
Russia's attack on Ukraine which he hasn't
was withdrawn. That came at a time
when Britain pledged to review the long-term R^PRW<PaXP]EPYSP
much," Wyss was quoted as telling Swiss Bryant claimed in an intervention in the done yet. In 2012, a High Court judge in visas of rich Russians in the aftermath of the 0?Q 14;6A034
newspaper Blick. As Russia's war on Ukraine House of Commons on Tuesday that London highlighted Abramovich's connec- poisonings of Russian former spy Sergei
entered a seventh day, the British government Abramovich was already looking to sell tions to Putin in a ruling related to a legal Skripal and his daughter in the English city ovak Djokovic and coach Marian
was yet to say if Abramovich would be includ-
ed among the wealthy Russians to be target-
London properties, speculating that "he's ter-
rified of being sanctioned."
battle. Judge Elizabeth Gloster said
Abramovich had "very good relations" and
of Salisbury. Britain blamed Russia for the
pair's exposure to a nerve agent, an allega-
N Vajda are no longer working
together, splitting up after 15 years and
ed in sanctions. Chelsea, the reigning Bryant added: "The danger is that Mr "privileged access" to Putin though adding tion Moscow denies, and Abramovich is not 20 Grand Slam titles.
European champion, owes Abramovich Abramovich will have sold everything by the he could not "pull the presidential strings". linked to. A statement that went up on
Djokovic's website on Tuesday said that
0?Q 14A;8= ing the most important and memorable
moments in my career," Djokovic said
nion Berlin reached the semi- in the posting.
finals of the German Cup for the "Together we have achieved some
first time in more than 20 years on incredible things and I am very grate-
0?Q <8;0= Tuesday as a late goal by substitute ful for his friendship and dedication
Andreas Voglsammer sealed a 2-1 over the last 15 years. While he might
nter Milan's miserable month continued when it drew win over St Pauli. be leaving the professional team he will
0-0 against city rival AC Milan in first leg of their
Cup semifinal.
Voglsammer came off the bench
to hit the winner in the last-eight tie
always be family and I can't thank him
enough for all he has done."
Inter has won only one of its past seven matches and send Union into the last four of During Vajda's tenure, Djokovic
in all competitions since the start of February. That run the cup for the first time since also has picked up other coaches at var-
has seen the defending Serie A champion fall off the 2000/01. ious times - including Boris Becker,
top spot in the league and lose 2-0 at home to Liverpool Second-division St Pauli took a Andre Agassi and Radek Stepanek -
in the first leg of their Champions League matchup. first-half lead in Berlin when a free- and Goran Ivanisevic, who has been
It was also the fourth straight match in which Inter kick by Ghana midfielder Daniel-Kofi part of the team since 2019, will con-
failed to score. The Nerazzurri have now gone more Kyereh found the back of the net. ond-division teams made the quar- featuring Erling Haaland lost 2-1 at tinue to work with the 34-year-old
than 400 minutes without finding the back of the net. Union drew level thanks to ter-finals, as most of the big clubs fell St Pauli. from Serbia. Djokovic and Vajda took
"We've had lots of games and we need to rediscov- Sheraldo Becker's chip just before the by the wayside. Union, last season's losing final- a break from each other in 2017 but
er our spark but we're working on it," Inter coach half-time whistle. Bundesliga leaders Bayern ists RB Leipzig, Bochum and Freiburg reunited the next year.
Simone Inzaghi said. strength." Both teams had chances at San Siro and Voglsammer capitalised on a Munich were crushed 5-0 at Borussia are the four Bundesliga clubs still left. "During my time with Novak, I
"We still have the best attack. Going four match- though neither goalkeeper was really troubled, Inter's long pass and a slip by St Pauli Moenchengladbach in the second On Wednesday, Hamburg host have been lucky to watch him trans-
es without scoring obviously creates headlines but we'll Samir Handanovic did have to pull off a one-handed defender Jakov Medic to bang in the round last October in a freak result Karlsruhe in an all-second division form into the player he is today. I will
soon be scoring again. save to keep out a Rafael Leão curler at the start of the winner 15 minutes from time. which set shock waves through tie, while Hanover 96 hope to upset look back on our time together with
"I think it's only natural for us to drop off a bit now. second half. Milan hasn't won the cup in nearly two The 30-year-old Voglsammer German football. Leipzig. immense pride and am so very thank-
We were going full throttle in November, December decades - since 2003 - while Inter hasn't gotten past the then hit the post in stoppage time. Holders Borussia Dortmund The semi-finals will be played on ful for the success we have achieved,"
and January. We're not playing as well as we were ... semifinals since winning the last of its seven titles in This is only the second time in were dumped out in the third round April 19 and 20, with the final at Vajda said in the post on Djokovic's
We're trying to recover our physical and mental 2011. the cup's 72-year history that four sec- in January when a full-strength side Berlin's Olympic Stadium. site.
ers to exclude Russian and
Belarusian athletes and offi-
cials from international events. ?C8Q =4F34;78 doubles specialist in Rohan would work to India's advan- ly gives India the edge.
FIFA and UEFA followed Bopanna. tage and was especially pleased "It all depends who you are
suit by banning Russia from playing against, if you have a
international football tourna-
ments with World Athletics one
Ithatndia's Davis Cup captain
Rohit Rajpal acknowledged
there is a "gap" in Indian
"We have a decent line-up
for singles, we have a good line-
up for doubles but we do have
to have Yuki Bhambri back in
the mix. Bhambri (863) along
with Ramkumar Ramanathan
Federer and Nadal then you
haven't won half the battle.
of many governing bodies also tennis at the moment with the an issue that some of the play- (182) and Prajnesh Otherwise, the home side has
to implement a ban. next line not quite visible but ers are getting older for exam- Gunneswaran (228) make up advantage because you get to
"A deep sense of distress, asserted that a "structured plan" ple, Rohan is getting on the the singles line-up. choose the surface," he point-
shock and sadness has been felt is in place to ensure that the other side of 40, and that is wor- "Ram has been playing ed out. Denmark Captain
across the entire tennis commu- fresh pool of talent emerges rying for me," Rajpal said in a well, he won a Challenger in the Frederik Nielsen agreed with
nity following Russia's invasion soon. Speaking to the media press conference here. Middle East. I am very happy that assessment.
of Ukraine in the past week," ahead of the Davis Cup World "There is a gap in Indian Delhi, we have picked up some to have Yuki Bhambri in the "I trust my boys, playing on
said the joint statement. Group 1 play-off tie against tennis at this moment. We are kids, some more will be picked. team. We have been working on the grass court will not be the
"Our thoughts are with the Denmark on Friday and also opening centre of excel- We have a structured plan. We his fitness to make sure he is biggest upset in the history of
people of Ukraine, and we com- Saturday, Rajpal was asked lence and sports science centre. are trying to cover the gap. ready for the tie," Rajpal said. Davis Cup but it's needless to
mend the many tennis players about the plan for the future in Overall, we are trying to create That's the effort," he added. Asked about the home say that it may cause some
who have spoken out and taken Indian tennis given that the a pipeline. (Davis Cup coach) About the tie, Rajpal reit- advantage against the Danes, upsets to win this tie," said
action against this unacceptable squad still features a 41-year-old Zeeshan Ali has moved to erated that the grass court Rajpal said the surface certain- Nielsen.
act of aggression. We echo their
calls for the violence to end and
peace to return."
The ruling means new
men's world number one Daniil
Medvedev is free to compete on
0?Q ;>=3>= invasion of Ukraine. tour. 0?Q ?0A8B the game goalless until the 48th
However, they will not be Russia's Medvedev on minute, when Nice took the lead.
ussian and Belarusian tennis allowed to compete under the Monday became the first man mine Gouiri starred as Nice ended Young forward Gouiri chested
R players will be allowed to
continue competing in ATP
name or flag of Russia or
since 2004 outside the game's
"Big Four" of Novak Djokovic,
A fourth-tier Versailles' incredible
run with a 2-0 victory on Tuesday to
down a cross inside the area and lashed
the ball into the top corner to score his
and WTA tournaments and The ITF have suspended Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer reach their first French Cup final in 25 12th goal of the season.
Grand Slam events, the sport's both countries from team and Andy Murray to occupy the years. Christophe Galtier's Nice, also Versailles continued to look dan-
governing bodies said on events, the Davis Cup and Billie top spot. in the hunt for Champions League gerous on the counter-attack but the
Tuesday. Jean King Cup. Medvedev is one of many qualification from Ligue 1, are bidding semi-final was ended as a contest by
A statement from the ATP, And the ATP and WTA Russian and Belarusian tennis for a first major trophy since lifting the a moment of brilliance from Gouiri
WTA, ITF and the organisers of tournaments set to be held in stars that have used their profile French Cup in 1997. Most supporters with 17 minutes to play.
the four Grand Slam competi- Moscow in October have been on social media to plead for would have expected the hosts, fund- The 22-year-old raced forwards
tions said Russians and suspended. peace. ed by British billionaire Jim Ratcliffe's from just inside the Versailles half,
Belarusians can keep competing The International Olympic "I want to ask for peace in Ineos company, to comfortably see off before a remarkable piece of skill
in professional events "for the Committee on Monday urged the world, for peace between Versailles at the Allianz Riviera. took him past three defenders on the
time being", despite Russia's sports federations and organis- countries," he posted on Sunday. But the visitors dug deep and kept edge of the box.
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k<0A27"!!! b_^acb !
I Don’t Judge Myself Based on Numbers: Harman
?C8Q 27A8BC27DA27 favour.
“When things are not going your
enior India player Harmanpreet way a lot of people say a lot of things but ?C8Q 27A8BC27DA27 because of lot of pressure but
?C8Q <>70;8
?C8Q <D<108 a 10-team affair.
Ministers of the state govern- <X]XbcTab^UcWT
ll the IPL teams will start train- ment — Aaditya Thackeray and bcPcTV^eTa]\T]c
A ing in the city from March 14 or
15 onwards and five practice venues
Eknath Shinde — along with MCA
chief Vijay Patil and apex council ° 0PSXchP
have been identified. members Ajinkya Naik and Abhay CWPRZTaPhP]S
7HDP,QGLDWRKDYH It is understood that the MCA
ground in suburban Bandra Kurla
Hadap were present at the meeting.
It is also understood that all the 4Z]PcWBWX]ST°
Complex, MCA ground in Thane, participants will have to undergo RT-
the Dr DY Patil University ground
and a football pitch along with the
PCR test 48 hours prior to their
arrival in Mumbai.
CCI (Cricket Club of India) and While 10 plush P]SP_TgR^d]RX[
?C8Q 270=3860A7 well as dedicated “rehab special- the Reliance Corporate Park hotels have been identi- \T\QTab0YX]ZhP