A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards The Services of Canara Bank With Special Reference To Tirupur City

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Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260 | e-ISSN: 2250-1819 | Vol.8. No.

4 | December’2018

A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards The Services Of Canara


Bank With Special Reference To Tirupur City

Associate Professor & Research Supervisor, PG & Research Department of Management
Science, Park’s College,(Autonomous) Tirupur – 5, India.
Ph.D Scholar, PG & Research Department of Management Science, Parks
College,(Autonomous) Tirupur – 5, India.

Abstract: This study focuses on the performance and customer satisfaction in banking sector
with special reference to Canara Bank Tirupur city. Data were collected from the customers
of Canara Bank with a sample size numbering 530. A well-structured questionnaire was
employed to collect data from the respondents. Tools such as percentage analysis, chi square
test and garrett ranking tests were used to analyse the data. The analysis revealed certain
interesting results regarding the customer experiences with respect to the bank’ facilities.

Keywords: Banking Service Satisfaction, Customers satisfaction, ATM Service, Banking

Awareness and Attitude, Canara Bank.

The bank system is facing challenges with stiff competition and advancement of technology.
It becomes imperative for service providers to meet or exceed the target customers’
satisfaction with quality of services expected by them. Hence, the present research attempted
to study customer’s satisfaction and awareness of Technology usage of services, customer
expectation features from the perception of quality of services. An efficient financial sector
is an engine for economic growth. In present day competitive world, banks have been
permitted to undertake new activities such as investment banking, securities trading,
insurance business, net – banking etc.


 To study customer awareness about banking facilities.

 To determine whether technology improves customer satisfaction
 To determine customer expectation and level of satisfaction and level of satisfaction among the
 To study customer satisfaction based on demographic details.
 To suggest improvement in the banking services of the bank under study (canara bank)



A relevant research design was planned so as to proceed in the right direction. Specific to the
statement of the problem at hand, the data source and objective of the study, data analysis and
interpretation were formulated in order to carry out the research. The details are given below.

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Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260 | e-ISSN: 2250-1819 | Vol.8. No.4 | December’2018


After much thought and discussion, Convenient sampling method was employed in order to
collect data from the respondents.


The study took data from 530 respondents.


Primary data was collected by the researcher from the field personally for the purpose of the research
work. It was carried out mainly through the use of questionnaire and interviews to obtain original
data for the purpose of answering the research questions or problems from the respondents.


The sampling unit of the study are the customers of Canara Bank branches in Tirupur City.
Secondary data was used to ensure completeness of the research work. It involved the consultation
and use of articles, Journals, Journals of management, Canara Bank Annual reports and website and
consolidated balance sheet.

2.1.5 TOOLS FOR DATA COLLECTION Questionnaire: A Questionnaire was drafted according to the need of the study. It was
improved so as to bring in the relevant information. Interview: The researcher used a schedule to collect opinion from the respondents regarding
satisfaction level. These schedule structure set of open ended and closed ended questionnaires. The
interview schedule was prepared after brainstorming, and consultation with experts in the field. After
a thorough study, the questionnaire was finalized so that it is relevant and apt.


In order to establish the relevance of the questionnaire, a pilot study was conducted with the sample
size of 30 respondents. The required changes and modifications were carried out and the
questionnaire was finalized for the study.


The following tools were used for analyzing the data.
1. Simple percentage analysis
2. Chi- square test
3. Garrett ranking Technique


In carrying out the research work, the researcher encountered the following limitations:
 Some of the customers are reluctant to disclose information.
 Time constraint was a major limitation.
 The working hours of the bank branches were a limitation in order to approach the
 The data and interpretation are limited only to the bank under study and cannot be generalized
to other banks or branches.

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With the object of understanding the topic of study, the following articles and journals were

Harshita B (2015)1 in her study entitled “Metamorphosis of Banking Products - A Perception

of Bank Employees” has reported that, in view of several developments in the 1990s, the entire
banking products structure has undergone a major change. As a result of economic reforms,
banking industry is totally deregulated and made competitive.

Nerkar(2015)2 in his article entitled “Banking Industry in India: Innovations and Challenges”
has reported about the challenges and opportunities for the Indian Banking Industry along with
the innovative way of banking since the inception of the banking industry. The banking sector
in India has seen a number of changes. Most of the banks have begun to take an innovative
approach towards banking with the objective of creating more value for customers in the banks.

Hariharan and Reeshma (2015)3 in their study entitled “Challenges of Core Banking
Systems” have reported that Under core banking, one is not a customer of a branch but is
considered as customer of the bank. All the commercial banks have interconnectivity through a
common operating system.

Ali (2015)4 his study entitled “Perception on Customer Satisfaction Regarding Innovative
Services among Selected Banks in Madurai City Towards CRM” has reported that customer
satisfaction is the sum total of customer expression of the service quality. Banks should know
the perception of customers on innovative service to enable for improvement of quality of

Ganesamurthy (2015)5 in his study entitled “Innovative Services in Banks through Customer
Relationship Management” has reported that, a purpose of marketing strategy is to develop a
competitive advantage; it provides customers with superior value compared with competitive

Nejad et al (2014)6 in their study entitled “Service Quality, Relationship Quality and Customer
Loyalty (Case Study: Banking Industry in Iran)”have reported that, Customer loyalty has two
meanings: long-term and short-term loyalty. Customers with long-term loyalty do not easily
switch to other service providers, while customers with short-term loyalty defect more easily
when offered a perceived better alternative.


Analysis of the data has given some very interesting results as shown below.

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Table No. 1 Percentage Analysis: Demographic Data

Sl.No Demographic simple Group Percentage
percentage Analysis
1 Age wise distribution of 31-40 48.2
2 Gender wise Distribution of Male 84.6
3 Education wise distribution of Degree 41
4 Marital Status of the Married 78.4
5 Profession status of the Private 43.4
Respondents Employee
6 Family Type of the Nuclear 64
Respondents Family
7 Family size of the respondents 3 40.6
8 Number of Dependents 2 47.2
9 Number of earning member in 2 43.2
the family
10 Monthly income of the 25000- 30.8
Respondents 30000
Source: Primary data

The above table clearly shows that percentage of the respondents belong to categories such as
age group, Gender, Education, Marital Status, Profession Status, Family type ,Family size,
Number of Dependents, Number of earning member in the family, Monthly income of the
Respondents in this factor satisfaction respondent response highest in 84.6 percentage gender
wise distribution and in this satisfaction lowest in monthly income of the respondents.

Table - 2
Sl. Awareness level of the Group Perc
No Respondents enta
1 Bank Caters Aware 90.6
2 Account Marinating Details 1-5years 51.4
3 Card Details Debit Card 57.2
4 Card Usage Level Below 5 59.2
5 Customer Card Usage level VISA 75.4
6 Type of Credit Card Usage VISA 39
7 Advance Banking Technology Public Sector 88.8
8 Banking Service Value Quality of Service 54.2
9 Type of Account Saving A/c 55.8
10 Types of saving Account Details SB Power Plus 24.2
of the respondent
11 Technology in Banking Less time in Transaction 63.2

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12 Loan Details of the respondents Loan arrived 63.8

13 Bank loan of the respondents Home Improvement loan 31.4
14 Time taken for Loan Approval 11 days and above 40
15 Service and Approaches of the Average 27.4
16 Bank listed its share in stock Listed 43.8
17 Core Banking of the Respondents C.B Facilities Available 76.6
18 Banking Competitive service Offers 82
19 Bank offers Competitive Interest Bank offers 77
20 Customer using alternative Not Using 54
banking service
21 Feel about overall service Good 59.8
22 Recommend the bank to your Some times 62.8
friends and relatives
23 Perceive the bank service Personalized service 44.4
24 Computer usage level of Banking Advance computer 37.8
25 Computer usage level in ATM Debit card Service 100
26 Banking Service – Frequency of 1 to 3 times per month 50.8

Table 3. Internet Banking Service

1 Account 28 188 2 5 0 225 4.5 I
information and 6 1 5 1
Balance enquiry
2 E-payments 20 285 1 0 0 219 4.3 III
5 0 5 9
3 Account to Account 24 243 1 1 0 223 4.4 II
Transfer 6 0 4 6
4 Due instalment 14 322 2 1 5 210 4.2 IV
enquiry 7 5 5 1
5 Statement request 13 315 5 0 5 206 4.1 V
(email,fax) 0 0 5 3
Source: Primary data
From the above table, it can be seen that account information and balance enquiry has been
ranked first with a score of 2255 points followed by, account to account transfer has been
ranked second with a score of 2234 points followed by, e-payment ranked third with a score of
2195 and due instalment enquiry ranked fourth with a score of 2105 points ranks and
statement request(by email, fax, mail ) fifth rank with a score of 2065 respectively.

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Table 4. Telephone Banking Service

Pleasant musical 71 249 174 6 0 1873 3.74 I
1 background
2 Reasonable number of 26 260 208 6 0 1806 3.61 III
voice prompts
3 Clear instructions 20 315 164 1 0 1854 3.70 II
4 voice directions / on line 15 277 206 2 0 1805 3.61 III
directions for new users
5 Provide additional 20 278 200 2 0 1816 3.63 IV
Source: Primary data

From the above table, it can be seen that pleasant musical background ranked first with a score
of 1873 points followed by, clear instruction has been ranked second with a score of 1854
points followed by, voice directions/ on line directions for new users and reasonable number of
voice prompts third with a score of 1805 and due in provide additional options fourth with a
score of 1816 points rank with a score of 1816 respectively.

Table 5. Mobile Banking Service

1 Rewards points status 67 336 96 0 1 1968 3.93 IV
2 Prepaid Mobile Recharge 63 362 75 0 0 1988 3.97 II
3 SMS alerts about specific 211 207 82 0 0 2129 4.25 I
information to the bank
service/new products
4 Transaction status 108 260 132 0 0 1976 3.95 III
5 Expensive 90 262 148 0 0 1942 3.88 V
Source: Primary data

From the above table, it can be seen that SMS alerts about specific information to the bank
service/ new product was ranked first with a score of 2129 points followed by, prepaid mobile
recharge was ranked second with a score of 1988 points followed by, transaction status at the
third rank with a score of 1968 and rewards points status at fourth rank with a score of 1968
points and expensive services at fifth rank with a garret’s score of 1942 respectively.

Table .6 Customer Expectation features from the Banks

Features 1 2 3 Average
of ranks
Wealth Management Products 109 161 230 2.24 3
Insurance products 191 203 106 1.83 1
Personal life benefits 201 175 124 1.85 2
Source: Primary data
In order to know the respondents reasons for preferring the Customer Expectation
features in banking sector, weighted average ranking was applied. It is inferred that above table
that, the respondent’s main reason for preferring the Insurance products achieved first rank,
Personal life benefits second rank and Wealth Management product get achieved in third

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7. Tangibility:
Tangibility offers sense of contact on touch with the various aspects of the bank
especially the modern technique logical developments, such as sophisticated devices.

8. Bank has Up-To-date equipment & Technology

Among the 500 respondents, 256 respondents Highly Agree that quality has Up-To-date
equipment & Technology banking service,176 respondents agree and 16 disagree remaining
none of the respondents fell under the category of neutral, disagree and highly disagree, the
weighted mean score (4.37) showed that most of the quality service and give rank 1.

9. Location of the Bank

Among the 530 respondents, 242 respondents Highly Agree that quality has Location of
the Bank,169 respondents agree and 89 remaining none of the respondents fell under the
category of neutral, the weighted mean score (4.30) and give the rank 2 to the most of the
quality service dimensions in location of the bank.

10. Sufficient number of ATM machines

Among the 500 respondents, 162 respondents Highly Agree that quality has Location of
the Bank,222 respondents agree and 116 remaining none of the respondents fell under the
category of neutral, the weighted mean score (4.09) and give 3 rd rank in sufficient number of
ATM machine service quality.

11. Cash counting machines

Among the 530 respondents, 112 respondents Highly Agree ,214 respondents
agree and 174 remaining none of the respondents fell under the category of neutral, the
weighted mean score (3.87) and give the rank 6 to the most of the dimensions in cash
counting machine.

12. Counter partitions in Bank and its branches

Among the 530 respondents, 67 respondents Highly Agree that quality has Location of
the Bank,313 respondents agree and 120 remaining none of the respondents fell under the
category of neutral, the weighted mean score (3.93) and give the rank 5 to the most of the
quality service dimensions in counter partition in bank and its branches.

13. Materials associated with the banks office (Pamphlets, brochures) are visually appealing
at the banks office .Among the 530 respondents, 56 respondents Highly Agree that quality has
Location of the Bank,358 respondents agree and 85 remaining none of the respondents fell
under the category of neutral, the weighted mean score (3.93) and give the rank 4 to the most
of the quality service on Materials associated with the bank office

14. The employees approach

Among the 530 respondents, 61 respondents Highly Agree that quality has
Location of the Bank,348 respondents agree and 93 remaining none of the respondents fell
under the category of neutral, the weighted mean score (3.93) and give the rank 4 to the most
of the quality service on the employees approach bank office.

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15. Guide signs indicating as to which counters are offering which services
Among the 530 respondents,49 respondents Highly Agree that quality has Location of the
Bank,352 respondents agree and 93 remaining none of the respondents fell under the category
of neutral, the weighted mean score (3.89) and give the rank 5 to the most of the quality
service on the guide signs indicating as to which counters are offeringbankoffice.


Table – 1 Problems Faced By The Respondent

In order to understand the problems faced by the respondents upon using the banking services
satisfaction, a Garret ranking test was employed. The results are given in below table.
Sl.No ATM Problems Garrett Ranking
1 Cards get blocked 48.89 IV
2 Machine out of cash 56.31 II
3 Non printing of statement 59.16 I
4 Machine out of order 53.02 III
5 long waiting time in queues 40.33 VI
6 Reduction in balance without 41.10 V
cash payment
Source: Primary data
The above table shows the ATM problem faced by the respondents. It can be seen that non
printing statement was chosen as the first ranking problem with a score of 59.16, Machine out
of cash was chosen as second ranking problem with score of 56.31, Machine out of order was
chosen as third ranking problem with score of 53.02, cards get blocked was chosen as fourth
ranking problem with score of 48.89, Reduction in balance without cash payment was
chosen as fifth ranking problem with score of 41.10 and Long waiting time in queues was
chosen as sixth ranking problem with a Garrett’s score of 40.33.

Table – 2 Problems Faced By The Respondents

In order to understand the problems faced by the customer garret’s ranking test was employed
and the results are presented below:
Sl.No Communication Problems Mean Ranking
1 Not providing information 3.65 II
2 Not being able to maintain security 3.92 IV
3 Not giving fast response 3.00 I
4 Leaving the operation unfinished 4.02 V
5 Internet banking can be tampered with by 3.82 III
6 Waiting for long time for conducting of 5.02 VII
7 Too many steps in processing transaction 4.57 VI
Source: Primary data

The above table shows the communication Problem response faced by the respondents. It can
be seen that not giving fast response was chosen as the first ranking problem with a score of
3.00, not providing information was chosen as second ranking problem with score of
3.65,Internet banking can be tampered with by other was chosen as third ranking problem

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with score of 3.82, Too many steps in processing transaction was chosen as fourth ranking
problem with score of 4.57, Leaving the operation unfinished was chosen as fifth ranking
problem with score of 4.02, Too many steps in processing transaction was chosen as sixth
ranking problem with score of 4.57 and Waiting for long time for conducting of transaction
was chosen as sixth ranking problem with a garret’s rank test score of 40.33.

Table No. 8 Tele Phone Banking Problems

Tele Phone Banking Problems Mean Ranking
1 Lack knowledge of customer service 2.48 II
2 Absence immediate connection to the 2.64 IV
3 Lack of prompt service. 2.28 I
4 Lack of clear guidelines. 2.60 III
Source: Primary Data

The above table shows the Tele phone banking problems faced by the respondents. It can be
seen that Lack of prompt service was chosen as the first ranking problem with a score of
2.28, Lack knowledge of customer service representative was chosen as second ranking
problem with score of 2.48, Lack of clear guidelines was chosen as third ranking problem
with score of 2.60 and Absence immediate connection to the service was chosen as sixth
ranking problem with a garret’s Rank test score of 2.64.

Table No. 3 Mobile Banking Problems

Mobile Banking Problems Mean Ranking
1 Login / Sign off are not easy. 1.97 II
2 Lack of security in transactions 2.32 III
3 Lack of appropriate software. 1.71 I
Source: Primary data

The above table shows the Mobile Banking Problems faced by the respondents. It can be seen
that Lack of appropriate software was chosen as the first ranking problem with a score of
1.71, Login/Sign off are not easy was chosen as second ranking problem with score of 1.97,
Lack of security in transaction was chosen as third ranking problem with a garret’s Rank test
score of 2.32.
Table No .4 Net Banking
Net Banking Mean Ranking
1 PKD(digital signature) Guidelines 3.88 II
2 Application Forms 3.34 I
3 Online PPF A/c opening 4.42 V
4 Bill payment 4.32 IV
5 Online Tax Payment 4.03 III
6 Online Trading 4.78 VI
7 About e-mail frauds 6.02 VIII
8 Fraud reporting 5.20 VII
Source: Primary data

The above table shows Net Banking Problem response faced by the respondents. It can be
seen that Application forms was chosen as the first ranking problem with a score of 3.34,

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PKD( digital signature) Guidelines was chosen as second ranking problem with score of 3.88,
Online Tax Payment was chosen as third ranking problem with score of 4.03,Bill payment
was chosen as fourth ranking problem with score of 4.32, Online Tax Payment was chosen
as fifth ranking problems with score of 4.42, Online Trading was chosen as sixth ranking
problem with score of 4.78, Fraud reporting was chosen as the seventh ranking problems with
score 5.20 About e-mail fraud was chosen as sixth ranking problem with a garret’s rank test
score of 6.02.

Table .No 5 Maintaining minimum Charges for Account Maintaining

Sl.No Frequency Percentage
1 Maintain 186 37.2
2 Does not maintain 314 62.8
Total 500 100
Source: Primary data

The study found that 37.2 percent of respondents maintain having awareness about the
minimum charges for account maintain remaining 62.8 percent of respondent says that does
not maintain the minimum charges for account maintaining.
Table No.6 Time taken for delivery of the services
Sl.No 1 % 2 % 3 %
1 Opening 449 89.8 228 45.6 70 14
saving A/c
2 Opening 51 10.2 257 51.4 313 62.6
current A/c
3 Availing - - 15 3 117 23.4
Cheque book
Total 500 100 500 100 500 100
Source: Primary data

6.1 Opening Saving Account: The study found that 89.8 percent of respondent time taken
for less than 3 days, 10.2 percent of respondent time taken for 3-6 days, time taken for
delivery of the services.

6.2 Opening Current Account: The study found that 45.6 percent of respondent time taken
for less than 3 days, 51.4 percent of respondent time taken for 3-6 days, remaining the 3
percent of respondent to the time taken for delivery of the services.

6.3 Availing Cheque Book : The study found that 14 percent of respondent time taken for 3-
6 days, 62.6 percent of respondent time taken for 3-6 days remaining the 23.4 percent of
respondent to the time taken for delivery 7-14 days of the services.
Table No. 7 Consideration and priorities for opening an account in the bank
Consideration Mean Rank
Speedy service / fewer 2.37 II
Good product range 1.63 I
Trust of bank 2.67 III
Friends references 3.33 IV
Source: Primary data

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7.1 Speedy Service/ fewer formalities: Among the 500 respondents the weighted mean
score (2.37) showed that most of the quality service and give rank II.
7.2 Good product range: Among the 500 respondents the weighted mean score (1.63)
showed that most of the quality service and give rank I.
7.3 Trust of Bank: Among the 500 respondents the weighted mean score (2.67) showed that
most of the quality service and give rank III.
7.4 Friend’s references: Among the 500 respondents the weighted mean score (3.33)
showed that most of the quality service and give rank IV.


17.1 Chi-Square Test
In order to understand the level of satisfaction perceived by the respondents is using the
banking service because the banking is one of most important depositor for saving the
amount and industry each an everybody are using the demographic factor of banking
services, Chi square test was employed to understand the association between level of
satisfaction and other factors. There are small level and large level amount holders.
Table .1 Gender of the Respondents
Sl. Gender Calculated Table Degree of Remarks
No Chi square Value Freedom
1 Gender Satisfaction Level 17.7 14.06 2 Reject Ho

2 Technology Advanced 6.275 3.841 1 Reject Ho

3 Bank Value 2.708 11.07 5 Accept Ho

4 Perception of Bank 70.802 31.4 20 Reject Ho

5 Technology advance Bank 6.275 3.841 1 Reject Ho
6 Education level of status 25.151 31.41 20 Accept Ho
7 Type of saving Account 98.847 59.3035 44 Reject Ho
8 Type of loan status 2.573 96.22 75 Accept Ho
Source: Primary data
Table No. 2 Age of the Respondents
Sl. Age of the Respondents Calculated Table Degree of Remarks
No Chi square Value Freedom
1 Age Level 26.56 37.65 25 Reject Ho

2 Perception of the bank 70.80 31.41 20 Reject Ho

3 Technology advance bank 10.80 5.991 2 Accept Ho

4 Marital status respondent 27.18 15.50 8 Accept Ho

5 Profession 7.29 11.07 5 Reject Ho
6 Usage of new Technology 73.67 37.65 25 Accept Ho
7 Technology advanced 24.99 9.48 4 Accept Ho
Source: Primary data

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Table No. 3. Type of family Respondents

Sl. Family type of the Calculated Table Degree Remarks
No Respondents Chi square Value of
value Freedo
1 Usage of new Technology 47.82 31.41 20 Reject Ho

2 Perception of the bank 102.26 26.29 16 Reject Ho

3 Technology advance bank 10.89 12.59 6 Accept Ho

4 Family Size status 62.16 43.77 30 Reject Ho

5 Earning Members 50.37 37.65 25 Reject Ho
6 Monthly Income 21.31 15.50 8 Reject Ho
7 Technologyadvanced bank 57.45 55.75 40 Accept Ho
Source: Primary data

The age wise distribution of the respondents shows that the majority of the
respondents fall in the 31-40 years with 48.2 percent followed by 26-30 years with
18.2 percent.
Among the total of 500 respondents of customer were 78.4 percent were married, 17
percent were unmarried, 1.6 percent were widowed, and 3 percent were customer
were divorced.
The study finding shows that 84.6 percent of the customer male and 15.5 percent of
customer are female.
The study finding shows that 41 percent of the customer was completed in Degree,
24.8 percent of the customer were completed their High school, 14.4 percent Master
Degree, 12.4 percent Intermediate, 6.6 percent of the customer 0.8 respectively.
The study shows 43.4 percent of respondent were Private Employee, 28.4 percent of
respondent were doing business, 15.4 percent self employee, 11.6 percent were
government employee, 0.6 were student and house wife respectively.
The study finding shows that Family type in 64 percent Nuclear family and 36 percent
of respondents were Joint family.
In this finding were family size of the percentage of respondents 40.6 percent family
size 3 followed by, 26.2 percent family size in 5 above members , 21 percent of
family size in 4, 11.2 percent of family size 2 respondents, 1 percent of respondents
having 1 member in their family.
The study finding shows that the number of dependents were in 47.2 percentage
respondents have 2 dependents and average 28.2 percentage were calculated on 3
dependents in their family.
The Study finding shows that 43.2 percentage 2 number of members earning their
family remaining 43 percentage 1 number of member earning their family remaining
average in the earning the member in family.
The study finding shows that 30.8 percent of the respondents earn maximum o f
25000-30000 monthly income and 15.8 percent earn below 10000 thousand monthly

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There is a significant association between gender of the respondents and the level of
satisfaction perceived by them in terms of the banking services offered by the Canara
The test revealed that there is a significant association between the gender and the use
of advanced banking technology.
The findings point out that there is a significant association between gender of the
respondents and their opinion regarding the attributes of the bank.
It can be seen that there is no significant association between the gender and the
knowledge level of the respondents with reference to using bank cards.
The study showed that there is a significant association between gender of the
respondent and the type of saving account used by the respondent.
It can be seen that there is a significant association between the gender and the type of
loan that are availed by the respondents.
The findings reveal that there is no significant association between the age of the
respondents and their opinion regarding the advanced technology offers by the bank.
The chi square test regarding the age and factors that promote the usage of new
technology and it can be seen that there is a significant association between the age
and the factors that promote the usage of new technology.
The study shows that there is a significant association between the age and their
knowledge to use their services.
There study revealed that there is a significant association between the marital status
and the usage of new technology by the respondents.
The study shows that there is a significant association between the marital status and
the perception on the banking services.
The tests show that there is a significant association between the profession and their
use of advanced technology by the respondents.
The study showed that there is no significant association between the profession and
the knowledge to use advanced technology.
The study shows that there is no significant association between the family type and
knowledge to use advanced technology.
The study shows that there is no significant association between the number of
dependents and the usage of advanced technology.
The study shows that there is no significant association between the monthly income
and the usage of new technology.
The study revealed that there is no significant association between the monthly
income and the knowledge of advanced technology in banking services.

After studying the impact the canara bank has on the customer satisfaction, it has been
suggested that proper understanding of the customer and proper identification of their needs
and want must be concentrate on,
 The customers have to be made aware of the new developments and advances that are
taking place in the banking sector. The online transactions enter straightaway into the
records revealing the identity of customer. Once these safety measures are taken care
of, then the whole concept becomes very discrete and confidential.
 The customers of the bank should be taken into confidence by issuing the loans in
time so that the customer service can be improved.
 The problems that are faced by the customers have to be solved weaknesses be
converted into strengths.

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Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260 | e-ISSN: 2250-1819 | Vol.8. No.4 | December’2018

 Special training can be arranged for the managers on current developments and the
new ways to carry out customer service.
 The bank should consider extending Internet Banking to more branches and enable
more transactions at ATMs and also to open more ATMs for the benefits of the
customers and this will bring in more new accounts.
 Increasing manpower would be a very important addition in order to serve the
customers better.
 Implementing new methods of transactions would be very beneficial for the
customers and speedy operations would be a better prospect for the growth of the
 Appointing more numbers of youngsters at counters would be a wise decision in
order to give better service.
 Recruiting more marketing managers, to create awareness about the services on offer
and find the new difficulties that are faced by the customers.
 Information from new customers can be taken in the form of feedback and use it to
improve its services.

In view of the findings of this study, it is concluded that banking performance and customer
satisfaction in Tirupur has to create any significant impact on service delivery, which will
consequently lead to improved customer satisfaction. Based on the findings of this research,
it is recommended that:

 Much needs to be done in the area of creating awareness about the availability of
electronic banking products and services, how they operate and their benefits. Banks
should organize public exhibitions and talk shows and make products accessible to all
customers. In addition, they should improve their service delivery to justify the
benefits of electronic banking products and services. This way, customers’ interest
would be aroused.


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