ebs 간접연계

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04 월 간접연계

1. 밑줄 친 We see what we need to see가 다음 글에서 의미 NOTE

하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Basically, pictorial or visual is determined by the visual

information observed, the interpretation and perception of
visual clues and data, the total visual statement. The
designer-determined content and form represents only
three of the four factors in the model of the visual
communication process, artist, content, form. What of the
fourth, the audience? Perception, the power to organize
the visual information seen, depends on the natural
workings, the needs and propensities of the human
nervous system. While the whole body of work of the
Gestalt school of psychology is called by the French, “la
psychologie de la forme,” it would be wrong not to give
equal importance to the physiology of perception in the
examination of how we retrieve visual information from
what we see. The content and form is the statement; the
mechanics of perception is the means for interpretation.
Visual input is heavily affected by what needs motivate
visual investigation and also by the state of mind or mood
of the subject. We see what we need to see.

*propensity: 경향, 성향

① The meaning of visual information is determined by its

② The content of visual information can be expressed in
a statement.
③ The information in visual data emerges from subjective
④ The content and form of visual information are
⑤ The Interpretation of images is closely related to the
theories of psychology.

04 월 간접연계

3. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Some claim that advertisements are effective because

they help people who buy the advertised products feel
better about themselves, I find this claim to be plausible.
Consumers lured by the hope of “being like” the person in
an ad might experience some initial measure of
satisfaction in the form of an ego boost. We have all
experienced a certain optimism immediately after acquiring
something we’ve wanted ― a good feeling that we’re one
step closer to becoming who we want to be. However, in
my experience this sense of optimism is transitory,
invariably giving way to disappointment that the purchase
did not live up to its implicit promise. Advertisements are
effective in selling products, such as diet aids, skin
creams, and fitness machines. But the end result for the
consumer is an unhealthy preoccupation with physical
appearance and youth, which often leads to low
self-esteem, eating disorders, injuries from over-exercise,
and so forth.

* lure 꾀다, 유혹하다

① consequences associated with increasing consumption

② advertising technique used effectively in selling
③ the best way to create brand awareness via ads
④ a rise in consumers’ cravings for attractive
⑤ the negative effect of ads leading to many problems in

04 월 간접연계

5. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Self-sacrificial behaviors have been observed in some

animal societies, notably among ants, bees, wasps, and
termites. Most cases of self-sacrifice among these animals
have a defensive function and typically occur in response
to an acute external threat to the colony rather than to
the individual. Individuals performing these fatal defensive
behaviors die as a result of either sting autotomy (the
self-amputation of the stinger and the poison sac following
an external threat, typically by a larger vertebrate) or
autothysis (secreting of a harmful substance through
rupturing of the body). While typically not lethal for the
stung individual, the defender dies within hours or days
after sting autotomy, whereas in the case of autothysis,
both the attacker and defender die instantaneously.
Because the members of these insect colonies are closely
related to each other, there are certain parallels between
their self-sacrifice and some forms of self-sacrifice in
humans in that the beneficiaries of these acts are
members of the same social unit, invoking kinship as a
potential unifying principle that may help to explain at
least some of these instances of convergent evolution of
an extremely altruistic act.

*amputation (팔다리 따위의) 절단

① evolutionary similarities between humans and animals

② animals that engage in altruistic behavior in predation
③ animals with inexplicable aggressive behavior patterns
④ insects' first strike strategies for their own survival
⑤ evolutionistically explainable self-sacrifice of the insects

04 월 간접연계

7. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Twentieth-century man, it is clear, needs a new organ

for dealing with destiny, a new system of religious beliefs
and attitudes adapted to the new situation in which his
societies now have to exist, including the new knowledge
which they have discovered and amassed. Earlier religious
and belief-systems were largely adaptations to cope with
man’s ignorance and fears, with the result that they came
to concern themselves primarily with stability of attitude.
But the need today is for a belief-system adapted to cope
with his knowledge and his creative possibilities; and this
implies the capacity to meet and to inspire change. In
other words, the primary function of earlier systems was
of necessity to maintain social and spiritual morale in face
of the unknown; and this they accomplished with a
considerable measure of success. But the primary function
of any system today must be to utilize all available
knowledge in giving guidance and encouragement for the
continuing adventure of human development.

① role of a belief-system in maintaining society

② the change in the role of religion
③ myths and facts about a religious system
④ importance of having balanced view on religion
⑤ correlation between religion and science

04 월 간접연계

9. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

If you want to retain top talent, bring fresh ideas into

the discussion, or encourage people in your organization
to speak up to stop an unsafe action, first build the safety
net that will reduce the threat of exclusion or rejection.
For most people there is a risk in bringing up a problem
or idea that no one else seems to see or isn't willing to
talk about. The retaliation that people fear isn't always as
obvious as getting fired or physically attacked. It can be
as subtle as an unconscious fear that you will lose your
credibility or membership in a group that you value. The
truth is that unless the leader makes it specifically okay
to bring up potential problems, even late in the planning
process, resentment from co-workers can arise. Also,
people will not take feedback or corrective information
from people outside of relationship. This means that there
is a pre-established relationship of credibility, trust and

*retaliation: 보복, 앙갚음

① the efforts of the leader to restore the members’ trust

② the most effective way to promote organizational
③ the practical method for resolving conflicts within an
④ the importance of raising issues that members are
reluctant to discuss
⑤ the leader's role in creating a trust-based
communication among members

04 월 간접연계

11. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

In an interesting experiment conducted by Paul Ekman

and Wallace Friesen, American and Japanese men were
videotaped while they watched film clips. Some of the clips
were of neutral or pleasant events, such as a canoe trip,
while others were of rather disgusting things such as
nasal surgery. In one showing, the subjects watched the
clips in private, while in another an interviewer was
present. When alone, similar facial expressions were
observed in both subjects. When the interviewer was
present, however, the Japanese smiled more and showed
less disgust than their counterparts. The most interesting
thing about this experiment, however, became apparent
only when the videotapes were viewed in slow motion.
Only then was it possible to observe that, when the
interviewer was present, the Japanese subjects actually
started to make the same expressions of disgust as the
Americans did, and succeeded in masking these
expressions only a few fractions of a second later. In
other words, the same basic emotions were felt by both
the Americans and the Japanese. These biological
responses were automatic, beyond voluntary control. Only
after consciousness caught up, a few hundred milliseconds
later, could be imposed on top of
the basic biological response.

① the learned display rules

② the state of emotional equilibrium
③ the involuntary avoidance responses
④ the expression of negative emotion
⑤ the absence of important others

04 월 간접연계

13. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

We will infer that the assumption of induction is

metaphysical. Science cannot justify itself on this basis.
The principle of induction is one of the unresolved
metaphysical issues. Unless science accepts that its
presupposition (induction) is metaphysical, then the truth
of science is skeptical. This brings us to these questions:
is the principle of induction self-evident? If it is, this
would be tantamount to rejecting empiricism (which seems
to inform science with its foundation). If it is not, then
any attempt to prove it would be doomed to failure.
Should the principle of induction be transformed into an
article of dogmatic faith. But dogmatic faith and science
supposedly are mutually exclusive. This bring us to the
realm of metaphysics — that is we can never be sure of
, if any is true.

*tantamount to:~와 마찬가지로

① the truth and certainty of science

② the usefulness of metaphysical knowledge
③ the scientific effort to break dogmatic beliefs
④ the similarity between science and metaphysics
⑤ the imperfection of scientific knowledge of the world

04 월 간접연계

15. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to

attribute another person's behaviour to that person's
inner dispositions and character traits - while downplaying
the possibility that situational factors may have played a
large role in causing the behaviour. Psychologists have
always advocated, but sociocultural theorists have doubted
the of the fundamental attribution error. For
example, some studies have suggested that people from
East Asia are on the whole less vulnerable to misjudging
others based on fundamental attribution errors - in other
words, they are better at taking situational variables into
account. Indeed, sociocultural research has shown that as
a general rule. East Asians may tend to do better at
taking information of all sorts into account before coming
to final judgements about other people's behaviour. This
includes social contents and personal histories.

① partiality ② flexibility
③ popularity ④ variability
⑤ universality

04 월 간접연계

17. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Different kinds of social infrastructure play different

roles in the local environment, and support different kinds
of social ties. Some places, such as libraries, YMCAs, and
schools, provide space for recurring interaction, often
programmed, and tend to encourage more durable
relationships. Others, such as playgrounds and street
markets, tend to support looser connections but of course
these ties can, and sometimes do, grow more substantial if
the interactions become more frequent or the parties
establish a deeper bond. Countless close friendships
between mothers, and then entire families, begin because
two toddlers visit the same swing set. Basketball players
who participate in regular pickup games often befriend
people with different political preferences, or with a
different ethnic, religious, or class status, and wind up

① focusing on how basketball skills are learned and

② made career changes allowing them to reach their
goals sooner
③ learning to recognize and correct the unnecessary
court rules
④ exposed to ideas they wouldn’t likely encounter off the
⑤ becoming the most loyal and dedicated NBA fans

04 월 간접연계

19. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Fears of contagion drive anyone to become more

conformist and less adventurous.
. Consequently, something that
reduces the risk of infection in the first place would have
offered a clear survival benefit. Of this cause, we have
established a series of involuntary psychological responses
first line of protection which limit our interaction with
possible pathogens. The disgust reaction is one of the
most evident components of the behavioral immune
system. Because breaking social norms can have harmful
and unintended consequences. If we avoid objects that
smell unpleasant or depress that consider being unclean,
we unconsciously seek to prevent the risk of contagion.
Even, thinking about a situation like a pandemic can make
people value conformity over eccentricity. The same logic
may explain why we become more morally vigilant in such
an outbreak.

*pathogene 병원체 **eccentricity 기행, 기이한 행동

***vigilant 바짝 경계하는

① The perspective on social issues becomes more flexible

and radical
② We maintain hygienic living conditions to control and
prevent illnesses
③ The highest priorities are the sustainability and
preservation of our society
④ We become insensitive to the disease as a result of
long-term fear of contagion
⑤ The moral decisions are becoming stricter and the
personal views are becoming more social

04 월 간접연계

21. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Research by psychologist Steven Sloman and marketing

expert Phil Fernbach shows that people who claim to
understand complicated political topics such as cap and
trade and flat taxes tend to reveal their ignorance when
asked to provide a detailed explanation without the aid of
Google. Though people on either side of an issue may
believe they know their opponents’ positions, when put to
the task of breaking it down they soon learn that they
have only a basic understanding of the topic being
argued. Stranger still, once subjects in such studies
recognize this, they reliably become more moderate in
their beliefs. Zealotry wanes; fanatical opposition is
dampened. The research suggests simply working to better
explain your own opinion saps your fervor. Yet that same
research shows the opposite effect when subjects are
asked to justify their positions on a contentious issue.
Justification strengthens a worldview, but
weakens it.

*zealotry: 열성(적인 태도) **fanatical: 광신적인

***sap: 약화시키다, 무너뜨리다 ****fervor: 열정

① confirmation ② connection
③ exploration ④ ignorance
⑤ validity

04 월 간접연계

23. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

It is clear that daily time management is in part

delegated to the new media. This is true in professional
and private life. New messages arrive constantly,
disturbing the even flow of time and changing its
organization by requiring the reorientation of activities.
This is also true in family life on two levels. Some
activities that mark key moments in daily life or that
govern its organization begin and end to fit in with the
television. As Liliane Lurçat has observed, in modern
societies: “The television in the domestic living space
tends to become the mistress of the home, the center
around which daily life is organized and lived.” So in
many homes, for the whole family, the times of the meals,
bedtime, and sometimes the time to get up are all
determined by the television. For the schoolchildren, the
same goes for the time for homework. Television news has
a hallowed place in many families and regulates the times
of meals. Every episode of weekly soap operas must be
watched, so as not to miss anything of the story. So they
regulate the evening activities, and bedtime is when the
last program to be watched ends. As Michel Desmurguet
has noted, television time is a substitute for
*mistress: 여주인

① entertaining ② intellectual
③ mediated ④ unrecognizable
⑤ physiological

04 월 간접연계

25. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Volunteering is in decline, prompting concerns from

community groups that people will experience greater
social isolation and organizations will fail to provide
services. Given the positive benefits of volunteering for
both the organization and for individuals, a new United
States study from the School of Public Policy has called
for charities and not-for-profits to renew their efforts to
encourage people to donate their time. Some research
found the decline is due to a lack of attachment to the
community, the time it takes to commute, socioeconomic
characteristics and the communities inability to provide its
residents with ongoing and regular civic opportunities. In
the United States, volunteers have historically provided
more than eight billion hours of service to their
communities through organizations. The decline could
threaten not only the capacity of organizations to provide
needed services but could contribute to detrimental side
effects for volunteers, including disengagement with y.

① the loss of self-esteem

② not getting social services
③ disengagement with society
④ having a sense of belonging
⑤ feeling of the emptiness of life

04 월 간접연계

27. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은? NOTE

Several surveys showed that agencies’ most frequently

cited social distancing strategies involved using telework
and flexible schedules for their workforces. ① Restrictions
on meetings and gatherings and avoiding unnecessary
travel were also part of agencies’ plans. ② Given the
potential severity of a pandemic, it is important that
employees understand the policies and requirements of
their agencies and the alternatives, such as telework, that
may be available to them. ③ Many employees and their
supervisors will have questions about their rights,
entitlements, alternative work arrangements, benefits, leave
and pay flexibilities, and hiring flexibilities available during
the turmoil created by a pandemic. ④ Although many of
the agencies' pandemic influenza plans rely on social
distancing strategies, primarily telework, few agencies
tested its IT infrastructure to a great extent. ⑤ Therefore,
it is important that each agency implement a process to
communicate its human capital guidance for emergencies
to managers and make staff aware of that guidance.

04 월 간접연계

29. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 것은? NOTE

The results of having a positively biased view of the

future can be quite dire bloody battles, economic
meltdowns, divorce, and faulty planning. Yes, the optimism
bias can sometimes be destructive. However, as we will
soon discover, optimism is also adaptive. ① As with all
other illusions of the human mind, the optimism illusion
had developed for a reason: It has a function. ② The
optimism bias protects us from accurately perceiving the
pain and difficulties the future undoubtedly holds, and it
may defend us from viewing our options in life as
somewhat limited. ③ Having a limited point of view
doesn’t allow to accept various information out there and
therefore, hinders further progress. ④ As a result, stress
and anxiety are reduced, physical and mental health are
improved, and the motivation to act and be productive is
enhanced. ⑤ In order to progress, we need to be able to
imagine alternative realities - not just any old realities,
but better ones, and we need to believe them to be

*dire 지독한, 끔찍한

04 월 간접연계

31. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? NOTE

Law is not autonomous, but rather a part of society, a

product of social forces; likewise it is dependent on
outside social conditions in its effects. ① Social actors
make demands on the legal system and these determine
the content of law, but once in place, law has independent
feedback effects on social life, affecting the type and
shape of future demands. ② Legal change is most likely
to be effective if it reinforces and furthers social changes
already in process. ③ Thus to understand the legal
system, one has to study it from the outside; its internal
doctrines and arguments give little guidance as to how it
actually works. ④ Thorough investigation and analysis of
the law itself significantly helps us understand the forces
that motivate social changes. ⑤ And one has to study it
in action; the focus is on the grubby detail at the working
level of trial courts, bureaucrats' and lawyers' offices,
police on the streets, clients, and prisoners.

04 월 간접연계

33. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? NOTE

At its core, social media holds out the promise of

connection. A key idea behind Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Snapchat, and other platforms is that we can
create abundant networks of friends, receive frequent
updates from people in our lives, and build a sense of
community. On sites such as Facebook, it is not
uncommon for someone to have hundreds of “friends.”
Yet, in reality, the experience does not always live up to
the hype. ① Despite this ever-present promise of
community, many people feel isolated and alone. ②
Although people may have hundreds or even thousands of
online “friends,” they may have few actual people in real
life that they can rely on. ③ Of course, the real-life
friends do not always guarantee a sense of belonging and
security. ④ One commonly held view holds that spending
too much time on social media is detrimental. ⑤ Many
influential people have warned that overuse of social
media can be harmful and isolating.

04 월 간접연계

35. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Older adults are more apt than younger adults to

direct their attention away from negative stimuli, have
greater working memory for positive than for negative
emotional images, evaluate events in their own lives
(positive, negative, and neutral ones) more positively
than younger adults, and are generally more satisfied
with the decisions they make than younger adults.

(A) Older people, in contrast, view time as more limited

and thus “direct attention to emotionally meaningful
aspects of life, such as the desire to lead a meaningful
life, to have emotionally intimate social relationships, and
to feel socially interconnected.” They tend to emphasize
the positive aspects of experiences and devote more
cognitive (and social) effort to them.

(B) In general, older adults are more emotionally positive

than younger adults. One explanation for older peoples’
positivity bias is provided by socioemotional selectivity
theory proposed by Laura Carstensen and her colleagues.

(C) According to this theory, younger people view time as

expansive and tend to focus on the future. As such, they
invest their time in new activities with an eye to
expanding their horizons.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

04 월 간접연계

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 적절한 것은? NOTE

Historical revisionism could be evidence supporting

narrative history's claim to provide real understanding,
but only if, like successive scientific explanations,
historical explanations convergence.

(A) By contrast, historians' successive explanations for the

same historical events ― historical revisionism ― don't
show the same kind of convergence. Instead, these
explanations or the same events, whether long like the
Reformation or short like the outbreak of World War One,
differ radically from one another.

(B) Although narrative historians may be able to offer

cogent explanations for their revisionism, the succession
of these explanations and their lack of convergence, in
stark contrast to explanations in the natural sciences,
should give us pause for thought.

(C) Scientific theories may start off being very wrong, but,
over time, at least the ones that survive testing get better,
as scientists home in on an ever-smaller number of better
explanations of what their predecessors set out to explain.

*cogent 설득력 있는

① (A)—(C)—(B) ② (B)—(A)—(C)
③ (B)—(C)—(A) ④ (C)—(A)—(B)
⑤ (C)—(B)—(A)

04 월 간접연계

39. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Poverty involves gauging the average standards of

any given society at a certain point in time and making
comparisons against them. When people lack the
resources to obtain what is required to be able to
function and participate fully in the norms of that
society they can be said to be impoverished.

(A) Such comparisons require that the social standards in

which people live be taken into account, an exercise that
can involve subjective value judgements. This idea of
poverty is centred on the tenet that people are social
animals with social and familial roles, responsibilities and

(B) To be prevented from participating in events and

activities of the family and society that a person belongs
to due to a lack of income was unacceptable and
constituted 'a state of observable and demonstrable
disadvantage'. People can be said to be in poverty if they
lack the resources to live a life free from deprivation.

(C) Such social responsibilities require people to

participate in family and cultural life course events such
as births, marriages and deaths and celebrations such as
birthdays, Christmas and other religious festivals.

*tenet: 주의(主義), 교리(敎理)

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

04 월 간접연계

41. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 NOTE

한 것은?

It may not have the power to reverse long-standing

societal ills, but does have the potential to make them
visible in new and perhaps productive ways.

It’s important to understand how inequalities and

prejudices shape youth’s networked lives. Existing social
divisions are not disappearing simply because people have
access to technology. Tools that enable communication do
not sweep away distrust, hatred, and prejudice. ( ① )
Racism, in particular, takes on new forms in a networked
setting. ( ② ) Far from being a panacea, the internet
simply sheds new light on the divisive social dynamics
that plague contemporary society. ( ③ ) When teens are
online, they bring their experiences with them. ( ④ ) They
make visible their values and attitudes, hopes and
prejudices. ( ⑤ ) Through their experiences living in a
mediated world in which social divisions remain salient, we
can see and deal realistically with their more harmful
assumptions and prejudices.

*panacea: (비유적인 의미의) 만병통치약

04 월 간접연계

43. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 NOTE

한 것은?

Therefore, campaign materials that propose to alter the

belief structure of the receiver of the message are not
likely to be adhered to.

Members of the public spontaneously tend to choose

content that will be in line with their needs, tastes, and
opinions. ( ① ) Cognitive filters based on prior interests
and views lead to selective exposure to media content,
then to selective perception, and finally, to selective
memorization. ( ② ) This selection is especially true for
messages that go against the personal views of the
individual; these messages are more likely to be filtered in
order to avoid psychological discomfort, a phenomenon
known as “cognitive dissonance.” ( ③ ) Dutta-Bergman is
one of the few researchers to have acknowledged the
value of this concept for campaign planners. ( ④ )
Selective exposure theory documents that individuals
selectively orient their attention to those stimuli in their
environments that match their existing predispositions,
values, and behaviors. ( ⑤ ) Instead, those individuals who
are already interested in the issue end up learning from
the message.

04 월 간접연계

45. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 NOTE

한 것은?

This is true because no one would know anything that

all others did not know and hence would not be able to
add anything to a common objective.

The values which come to the individual from being

different from all others are great. ( ① ) Perhaps that is
why nature sets such great store by them and has gone
to such length to provide them. ( ② ) The fact that an
individual is unique assures him a special place and
special worth in his own society. ( ③ ) It is precisely
because he is different that makes it possible for him to
make contributions to the welfare of others, and to
develop anything that could be called a society. ( ④ ) If
people were really alike, as we often seem to wish they
were; if everyone had the same experiential background,
the same knowledge, and the same skills that everybody
else had, there would be nothing that individuals could do
together. ( ⑤ ) Hence there could be no society but
simply a collection of individuals, each going his own way,
accomplishing little, because no one can do very much
just by himself.

*set store by ~을 중시하다 **go to length 온갖 노력을 하다

04 월 간접연계

[47-48] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.


Even writings that are contemporary with the events

writers describe must be carefully scrutinized for bias or
possible distortions of the truth. Royal inscriptions and
chronicles may lie or (a)exaggerate in order to glorify the
ruler. The author of a personal letter may have
misunderstood or misrepresented contemporary events.
Some texts may describe ideals more than reality. Because
of these (b)limitations, the most reliable information often
comes from analysis of writings that were not intended to
provide historical data. Personal business records, lists of
temple personnel, transcripts of legal proceedings, and
other “nonhistorical” documents often provide the
historian with valuable clues about the times and societies
in which they were produced. Occasionally, such materials
also provide information about major historical figures or
The greatest difficulty faced by the historian of the
ancient Near East, however, is the (c)comprehensive
nature of the evidence. Only a small portion of the
material that once existed now survives, and only a
portion of that surviving material has been recovered for
study. The “clues” we have are often very inadequate.
Nevertheless, by painstaking testing, analysis, and
correlation of the evidence provided by archaeology and
written sources, historians have been able to plausibly
reconstruct the ancient Near Eastern world. Naturally, this
construct is only (d)tentative. At time, the discovery of
new evidence could change it. Also, changes in historians’
assumptions, concerns, and interests constantly lead them
to seek out new evidence or to ask new questions of old
evidence. Thus, the process of discovering and explaining
the past any never (e)ends.

*scrutinize 세심히 살피다

월간 대이변 간접연계
특집 04

47. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

① The Limitations of Historical Data: Irreversible

② The Most Valuable Clues: Non-historical Materials
③ Recurring Tragedy in the History: The Solution?
④ Historical Records: An Endless Journey to The Truth
⑤ Why do We Have to Stick to Historical Data?

48. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

않은 것은?

① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)



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