Geed8 Ethics: All Rights Reserved @OLSHCO

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I. Meaning and Division of Ethics
II. Ethics and Other Sciences

Time Frame: Jan 17-28, 2022

This module includes on the meaning and definition of ethics. It will give insights of
what ethics is and why there is a necessity to study this course. It will also show the significance
and relationship of ethics to other sciences.
Learning outcomes
1. Differentiate ethics and morality to give a clarification.
2. Explain the two division of ethics.
3. Discuss the relationship of ethics with to the other sciences.
Learning Resources
 Computer / laptop / mobile phone / tablet
 Internet connectivity
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Installed video conferencing application (Zoom/Google Meet)
Corpuz, Ronald M. (2007). ETHICS: STANDARD OF HUMAN CONDUCT.Mindshapers
Co., Inc. Intramuros Manila.

Learning Expectations
1. Attend and participate actively in the class discussion.
2. Read and accomplish the activities in this module.



Before we start our lesson for today let us ask first the guidance and blessing of the Lord through

Dear Lord, Father of all,

Thank you for today.
Thank you for Your love, protection, and provision for us all.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds as we are about to begin our
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen, write and speak.
Guide us by Your Eternal light as we discover more about good things in
this world.
This is all we ask in Your mighty name Jesus, Amen.

Covered under copyrights Law of the Philippines

All rights reserved @OLSHCO
This first module focuses on meaning and division of ethics. But before we proceed to our
discussion, you have to accomplish the activity below- Acrostic Poetry:
Give your own meaning to each letters of the word “ETHICS”

Etymologically, ethics is derived from the Greek word ethicos, or that which pertains to
ethos, the English translation of which is “custom” or “character.”
Ethics is often called moral philosophy, a study that deals with the principles and laws
governing the morality of the human act.
If ethics deals with the morality of the human acts, then let us define it. Morality of human
acts means the goodness or badness, the rightness or wrongness or the acceptability or
unacceptability of human acts.
Before we continue to the next topic, you need to answer the question below:
What is the difference between ethics and morality?

Now, let’s move on to the next topic about the Difference between Ethics and Morality.
Etymologically, there is no difference between ethics and morality, because morality comes
from the latin word mos or moris, which also means ‘’customs”. For this reason, ethics provides
principles on the morality of human acts; it provides man with the theoretical knowledge of the
morality of human acts. While we know that there is a big difference between knowing and
doing, not all men follow what they know. Ethics, therefore, does not guarantee that man will be
moral. He can only be moral if he applies ethics. In other words, ethics provides the theory or
principles of right or wrong or goodness and badness while morality actualizes the theory.
Morality is nothing else but the doing of ethics.

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Before we proceed to the last topic, you need to do the activity below:
In your own words, explain the two major parts of ethics.

Again, let’s move on to the last topic about the Division of Ethics. Ethics has two major
parts; these are General and Special Ethics.

General Ethics presents truths about human acts, and from these truths deduce the general
principles of morality. General ethics is applied to the individual in relation to himself, to God
and to his fellow men.
Special Ethics is applied ethics. It applies the principles of general ethics in different
departments of human activity, individual and social. It includes man’s relations within the
family, in the state and in the world (International Ethics).
Before we end this module, you need to accomplish the activity below.

How can you relate Empowerment to your understanding about Ethics?


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Good day, begin your journey in this module by reading your materials below.
Importance and relationship of ethics to other sciences
1. Ethics means living in the proper way and it is in the development of a good moral character
and virtues that man finds perfection and understands his purpose of existence. The Greek
triumvirate, the Christian teachings and the majority of Oriental philosophers affirmed that the
ultimate end and purpose of human existence is not the acquisition of material possession, power
and prestige; not even the development of intellectual skills but the development of moral
qualities that make men unique and supreme from all creation.
2. Everybody aims to have peace and harmony among all people, which is indeed the common
interest of the people and the government. The first way to the moral development of the people
is to educate them.
Confucius laid great emphasis on cultivation of character, purity of heart and conduct. He
exhorted to the people to have a good character first, which is a priceless jewel and which is the
best of all virtues.
According to Immanuel Kant, “Man is rational being.” Every action of man must be in
accordance with laws of reason that makes man a moral agent. It is the duty of man to live a
moral life.
Relationship of Ethics to Other Sciences
1. Ethics and Logic. Logic is the science and art of correct reasoning. Ethics is the science of
good and proper living. But good living presupposes correct thinking and reasoning. Doing
follows thinking. Lack of knowledge of proper living leads man to live contrary to the standards
and norms prescribed by the society.
2. Ethics and Psychology. According to Lupato and Cornista, psychology is the scientific study
of behavior and cognitive (mental) processes. Mental processes include thoughts, memories,
emotions, motivations, dreams, perceptions and beliefs. Both involve the study of man, human
nature, and human behavior. There is, however, a basic difference. Psychology is not concerned
with the morality of human behavior, unlike ethics. Psychology only investigates how man
behaves. Ethics is concerned with moral obligation while psychology is not.
3. Ethics and Sociology. Sociology is the scientific study of the society and culture while ethics
is concerned with the moral order, which also includes social order. Society cannot exist if the
people do not comply with ethical standards. Chaos and violence will rule and good human
relations will perish. Society exists because of the observance of moral laws that makes
sociology dependent on ethics. Both are complimentary, norms and cultures of the people
are the basis of the ethical standards of a particular society.
4. Ethics and Economics. Economics is the proper allocation and efficient use of available
resources for the maximum satisfaction of human wants. Man, indeed is an economic being. He
has to earn a living. His means of livelihood therefore must be morally acceptable; he has to
observe corporate and business ethics. He has to ensure that he is not enriching himself at the
expense of others. He must observe justice and fairness with his fellow beings
5. Ethics and Education. Education liberates men from ignorance not only from ethical
standards but also from laws that are implemented by the society. Education is concerned with

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the total human development that includes the moral, intellectual and physical faculties of man.
Through education man becomes civilized and cultured; this guides him to live morally.

6. Ethics and Law. Laws imposed by the society must be fair, just, and humane. It must be for
the welfare of the majority of the people and not offensive to morality. There is a difference
between what is moral and what is legal.
According to Montemayor, the legal only covers the external acts of man; the moral governs
even the internal acts of man, such as the volitional and intentional activities of the will and
mind, i.e., man’s thoughts and desires. This will include moral issues about divorce, the death
penalty, abortion, etc. which are legal in other countries.
7. Ethics and Art. Man’s artistic creation must have a noble purpose, which should not be
offensive to morality. A piece of art should reflect beauty and must inspire every person who
sees it. The question often arises as to when we consider an art to be offensive to morals or ugly.
Issues such as pornography, obscenity, libel etc. arise in the particular aspect.
8. Ethics and Political Science. Political Science is the study of state and government. Politics
covers the administration and management of our government. Our politicians must promote the
temporal welfare of the citizens. Politics is concerned with the material needs of man while
ethics is concerned with the spiritual; these two are inseparable.
Politics is not bad at all, if used properly; the politicians must set aside their personal interest and
rather promote the general welfare of the citizens. They must refrain from immoral conduct such
as graft and corruption, bribery, malversation, etc. They must inculcate in their minds the true
meaning of public service and be the real servants of the people.
Man is the only Moral Being
Man has intellect that separates him from all brute creation. Man has the ability to think
before doing a particular action. Man may foresee the consequences of action. He has the
capacity to know what is right and what is wrong. Morality of human acts cannot be applied to
animals for they do not possess intelligence but instinct. Unlike humans, they have the power to
acquire knowledge only from experience and from their environment.
Man, as a Rational Being
Man’s actions are in accordance with reason. Every action of his has purpose and
meaning. It is the duty of man to be moral according to Immanuel Kant. Man, as a rational being
means his actions are diligently and intelligently made. He carefully examines and analyzes the
consequences of his actions.
Man, as an Animal
Similarly, both man and animals possess appetency and knowledge. Animals, as similar
to man, need also to gratify their instinctive sexual desires. But what separates man from animals
is that, man has intellect and free will. The actions of animals lack meaning and are beyond their
control and therefore that makes the morality of human acts inapplicable to them. In this we can
include imbeciles, morons, idiots, insane and other psychologically deranged people.

Covered under copyrights Law of the Philippines

All rights reserved @OLSHCO
Before we end this module, you need to accomplish the activities below
Instruction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in the box.
1. From the given sciences above choose at least two that you think has a great
connection or relationship with the ethics. Justify your answer.

What makes man the only moral being?

2. What makes man different from animals?

3. Is there a difference between what is moral and what is legal?

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4. Why is it that the morality of human acts is not applicable to animals?

Congratulations and job well done!
In this module, I learned that

Prepared by:


College Instructors

Checked by:


Chair & College Dean/Program Head

Covered under copyrights Law of the Philippines

All rights reserved @OLSHCO

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