Module 2 Organized Crime Investigation-1
Module 2 Organized Crime Investigation-1
Module 2 Organized Crime Investigation-1
It is a crime or form of illegal activity carried out systematically by criminal
organizations sometimes called criminal enterprise or crime syndicates.
It also refers to the criminal organization itself.
It exists purposely to engage in illegal activities, primarily for monetary profit.
Its organization is highly structured.
Its members have infiltrated a vast variety of legitimate resources. High profile
B. Criminal gangs
Is a group of two or more persons who have common identifying sign or symbol and
whose members individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of
criminal activity, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation within the community
or a specific area using violence and intimidation.
Its organizational tends to have less control over their members/loose connections.
Its members may have previous petty crime experiences.
Its resources includes basic criminal tools, with minimal logistical support and its
members have minimum or specific training and indoctrination.
A. Terrorist groups
its main objective is politically or ideologically motivated
Formed in mid 19th century by a group of bandits and based primarily at Sicily
In Sicily, the word Mafia tends to mean “manly” and a Mafioso considers himself a
“Man of Honor”.
The Sicilian Mafia is known as the “Cosa Nostra” which mean “our thing or our affair”.
Specializes in heroin trafficking, political corruption and military arms trafficking and
it is the most powerful and most active Italian Organized Crime Group in the United
States with estimates of more than 2,500 Sicilian mafia.