June Newsletter 2019

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June Newsletter 2019

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE teria services. Robyn Clayton is  Amber Fougere (7-Muise)

likely familiar to many families as  Bridget DeMille (7-Nakpil)
she provides services in some of Special Dates
our elementary schools. She is GRADE 8’s:
June 13th—CLT DAY—
busy developing a new menu and  Cameron Brown (8-Bishara) Dismissal @ 1:50pm
pricing that is appropriate for
 Chaley Surette (8-Cottreau) June 14th—LIBRARY
Junior High students. We will be
The final month of the school looking for new SAC members to  Anneke Robinson (8-Garnett) CLOSED UNTIL SEP-
year is upon us. There are fill upcoming seats in the new  James Canton (8-Goodwin) TEMBER
many events and celebrations year. If you are interested, please  Jada White (8-Levac) June 21st—National
this month to mark the mile- contact me. @(902) 749-5160.  Allison Theriault (8-Snow) Indigenous Peoples
stones of finishing our school Day
year. I would encourage every- On behalf of our Staff, I would CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL—
like to thank all of you for your GREAT JOB!! June 24th—Grove Cel-
one to get involved and attend
support this year. For students ebration Night @
some of these great events. The
and families moving on, we wish Thank you, MGEC at 7pm
Maple Grove Celebration Night
(Volunteers & Student Extra- you well and it has been our Stephanie Wallace—Guidance June 26th—LAST DAY
curricular Awards) formerly pleasure working with you. Please Counselor OF CLASSES
known as the Activity Awards come back to visit us. To students
SCHOOLSPLUS June 26th—Semi-
Assembly, will be held at Maple and families moving into Grade 8,
Formal—Last Dance of
Grove on the evening of Mon- we look forward to growing with
SchoolsPlus would the year from 7-10 pm
day, June 24th @ 7pm. We are you in the new school year. Have
a safe and enjoyable summer! like to take the time June 27th—GRADING
excited to have a special even- to thank our families,
ing to share memories of our DAY—No school for
Thanks, friends, community students
school year and celebrate to- partners, colleagues
gether. Sean Kenney—Principal June 28th—LAST DAY
and schools for a terrific school
GUIDANCE CORNER year. We would also like to re- OF SCHOOL
We are very encouraged by the
announcement made by The mind you we are still up and op-
Honorable Zach Churchill for a STUDENT OF THE erating all summer. Please keep
$200,000 Capital Expenditures MONTH—MAY: your eyes and ears open for any
Grant for our school. We are programs and activities being run
Each month at Ma-
hoping to target new student over the summer. Also, feel free
ple Grove, one stu-
lockers, enlarging the outdoor to reach out to Jeanine Muise
dent from each
play space, and taking care of (902) 740-2643 or Dani Gallagher
homeroom will be chosen by their
some safety concerns in and (902) 740-1386 with any questions
homeroom teacher as Student of
around the school. The com- or concerns.
the Month. These students
mitment to modernize Maple demonstrate respect, a positive Have a great summer!
Grove is a welcome relief and attitude, and work ethic, on a
one that we are very grateful Thank you,
consistent basis. Recognizing and
for. celebrating student achievement Jeanine Muise, BSW, RSW -
I would like to thank our is very important at Maple Grove, SchoolsPlus Facilitator, Yar-
School Advisory Council (SAC) so each month there will be a spe- mouth County
for all of their work and sup- cial lunch trip with these students
port this year. They have been and a staff member. Winning stu-
instrumental in making our dents stay tuned for your reward
new outdoor classroom a reali- in the next few days. Congratula-
ty. They have had many great tions to all of our APRIL winners!!
ideas and have been very sup- STUDENT OF THE MONTH—MAY
portive of our school’s direc-
tion. GRADE 7’s:
We are also excited to an-  Micah MacLeod (7-Boudreau)
nounce that, starting in Sep-  Serenity Crowell (7-Coggins)
tember, we will be using a new  Nadia Crosby (7-Dixon)
catering company for the cafe-
 Danica Nakpil (7-Kennerson)
 Luke Corning (7-MacLeod)
June Newsletter 2019
FROM THE OFFICE OF MELIS- see students receive their certifi-
SA FELLS-ADAMS cates and so that we can say our
goodbyes—I am so incredibly
I am at MGEC on proud of all of you.
Mondays, Wednes-
days, Thursdays and I’d like to take this opportunity to
Fridays to offer sup- congratulate all Grade 8’s moving
port to African Nova Scotian Stu- on to High School. Junior High has
dents. had it’s ups and downs but you
made it!! Good for you!! I’ll miss
For more information on the Stu- seeing you around and talking with
dent Support Worker Program, you, but I am very happy knowing
Please copy and paste the link be- that you’re moving on with your
low to your browser. futures. You can accomplish any-
http://www.tcrsb.ca/rch/ thing if you’re willing to work hard
default.aspx to achieve it—and above all else—
believe in yourselves no matter
Thank you, what. Reach for the stars guys—go
for it!! I know you can do it!! I’ll be
Melissa Fells —African Nova Sco-
at Semi to get pictures with all of
tian Student Support Worker
Parents/Guardians—GREAT JOB
It’s been a great year! getting your child through to this
We had 3 authors visit stage of their education! They
us this year as well as 2 would not be where they are today
Scholastic Book Fairs. without each and every one of you
The Library has been a and you should be proud of your-
very busy place and the students selves and of your children.
have been fantastic. Have a great summer everyone…
I would ask that students with SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER!!
overdue Library books please bring
them to the Main Office on or be- Take care,
fore June 29th. A list of overdue
Louise Johnson
books will be sent to Teachers and
TA’s so that they can follow up with Library Technician.
this in my absence. The Main Office
will also have this list.
It’s important that all books come
back. Check your lockers, your
backpacks, and your rooms at
home. It doesn’t matter how long
overdue they are, bring them back
anyway. No one will be upset with
you and you won’t get in trouble.
The main thing is that the books
When: June 26th, 2019
are returned. If you can’t find them
(it happens—but please try your
best) just let the Office and/or your
Time: 7— 10 pm
homeroom teacher know, and I’ll
deal with that when I return in Sep-
We need 5 parents to chaperone this dance. If you
My last day for this school year is
Friday, June 14th. If you have books
that are due beyond that date,
please return them to the Main
Office or your homeroom teacher.
are able to act as chaperone, please phone the
I’ll be back for June events
taking place during the last
school @ 902-749-5160.
half of the month, as well as
on the last day of school to

Great track results this year. The team worked hard and practiced as much as possible with the weather.
Please click on the following link for competition results:


Thanks for your support and have a great summer!!

Brent Schwan—Coach


JUNE 21st, 2018
National Indigenous Day (formerly National Aboriginal Day—
renamed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2017) was first
celebrated in 1996, after it was proclaimed that year by then
Governor General of Canada, Roméo LeBlanc, to be celebrated
on June 21st annually. That date was chosen for many reasons,
including its cultural significance as the summer solstice, and
the fact that it is a day on which many Aboriginal groups tradi-
tionally celebrate their heritage.

What is National Indigenous Peo-

ples Day?
June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a day for all
Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, di-
verse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Na-
tions, Inuit and Métis peoples. The Canadian Constitution recog-
nizes these three groups as Aboriginal peoples, also known as Indigenous peoples.

Although these groups share many similarities, they each have their own distinct heritage, language, cultural
practices and spiritual beliefs.

In cooperation with Indigenous organizations, the Government of Canada chose June 21, the summer solstice,
for National Aboriginal Day, now known as National Indigenous Peoples Day. For generations, many Indigenous
peoples and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of
the summer solstice as the longest day of the year.

What led to the creation of National Aboriginal Day?

National Aboriginal Day was announced in 1996 by then Governor General of Canada, Roméo LeBlanc, through
the Proclamation Declaring June 21 of Each Year as National Aboriginal Day. This was the result of consultations and
statements of support for such a day made by various Indigenous groups:

 in 1982, the National Indian Brotherhood (now the Assembly of First Nations) called for the creation of Na-
tional Aboriginal Solidarity Day

 in 1995, the Sacred Assembly, a national conference of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people chaired by
Elijah Harper, called for a national holiday to celebrate the contributions of Indigenous Peoples

 also in 1995, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples recommended the designation of a National First
Peoples Day

On June 21, 2017, the Prime Minister issued a statement announcing the intention to rename this day National
Indigenous Peoples Day.

For more information:


Teens & Selfies – Summertime Digital Safety Tips
Turn-off geo-localization. Location apps are great ways
to get from A to Z (Google Maps), but you may not always
need to broadcast your holiday location on social me-
dia. Not to make you paranoid, but take a look at this
Huffington Post article detailing how social media increas-
es home thefts.

Sexy selfies. In our day, we took funny polaroids or

crammed into picture booths, but today’s teens have
smartphones are ever-ready to ham it up. Those quick pic-
tures taken on the beach or at a party may seem cool at the
time, but teens may forget that once posted, those sexy
selfies can end up anywhere. (Think of a university re-
cruiter Googling your name and seeing those beach party
selfies.) You might want to consider toning it down. Watch
this teen video “The dangers of selfies and posting photos online” made by the Internet Watch Foun-
dation and The Parent Zone.

Don’t post inappropriate pictures of others. You may think it’s funny and that photo of (insert
“inappropriate activity” here) was hysterical. But you shouldn’t post pictures of that activity, nor
should you forward on any inappropriate photos that you receive. Check out this Parent’s Guide to
Instagram for more tips on how to protect your privacy and photos and how to protect the privacy of

Connect safely. Just because your are laid back and meeting lots of cool new people over the
summer, that’s no reason to connect right and left. A timeless rule of thumb is: a ‘friend’ is someone
that you personally know, have shaken their hand, and have had over to the house.

Privacy settings. Double check those privacy settings and make sure that you are not sharing
anything and everything with anyone and everyone. And if you think, ‘Ah um, I don’t have the
time.’ … remember that school starts in September, not tomorrow.

Maintain a good digital reputation – even over the summer. You can and should enjoy your
summer with adventures, spontaneity and lots of cool fun. But with the global impact of the Inter-
net, maintaining a good online reputation does not stop and start with the seasons. Remember the
importance of having a good reputation and you can find more great tips from Microsoft, Yahoo and
Google in this informative Digital Reputation Guide from the Family Online Safety Institute.


Strawberry Blueberry Frozen Yogurt Bark



 1 cup yogurt, plain

 1 tablespoon maple syrup, pure

 1/4 cup blueberries
 1/4 cup strawberries


 Mix the yogurt with maple syrup and place onto a

parchment lined cookie sheet.

 Top yogurt with blueberries and strawberries.

 Freeze for 6-8 hours or overnight. Break up and serve.


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