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Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

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Journal of Business Research

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Service networks for sustainable business: A dynamic evolution analysis

over half a century
Xinxin Wang a, Zeshui Xu a, *, Yong Qin a, Marinko Skare b
Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia


Keywords: Scientific research on service networks for sustainable business (SN-SB) and its impact on business and eco­
Service networks nomics has been growing in recent years. The first document was published in 1968, and the SN-SB research has
Sustainable business lasted over half a century. This paper offers a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the academic literature
Bibliometric analysis
published between 1968 and 2019 with regards to the SN-SB research in 2,366 publications from Web of Science.
Business and economics
By applying different bibliometric analyses, such as performance analysis, cooperation analysis, co-occurrence
analysis, burst detection analysis, and timeline view analysis, we have presented the fundamental characteris­
tics of these publications, and identified the most influential countries/regions, institutions, and authors, as well
as the evolution of the keywords these years. More discussions including popular issues in current study, chal­
lenges and avenues for future research, implications, and limitations are conducted to address the existing gaps
in knowledge. This paper helps in understanding the evolution of the SN-SB research from the perspective of the
bibliometric and inspires researchers to think from multiple aspects in this field.

1. Introduction business and contributes to value creation, and improving service net­
works, updating social networks, using social networks for corporate
Service networks for sustainable business (SN-SB) research in the big purposes, having a high level of training in digital tools, can enhance
data era have received more attention in the development of advanced company performance (Ribeiro-Navarrete et al., 2021). The internet of
theories and new technologies for adaptation to a dynamic and turbulent everything may alter service networks, business models and the ways in
business environment (Caputo et al., 2021). At present, the research which individuals and organizations create value (Langley et al., 2021).
trend has been spurred by the introduction of new innovations and sit­ Therefore, it has been gradually presented that business networks found
uations, although service networks are not a new phenomenon. Owing in firms have played a vital role in building flexible, resilient, and sus­
to the state of global enterprises and complex service networks, it is tainable organizations in recent years. How SN-SB research develops
necessary for firms to build the best possible value chain and overcome and what characteristics they present are problems explored in this
many challenges and barriers through effective innovation, new study. Little attention has been paid to managing sustainable in­
customer value creation, business model development, an agile work­ novations in the current knowledge-intensive context. Thus, there is a
force, talent recruitment, customer relationship management, and social compelling need for more research on service networks for sustainable
networks (Childs & Jin, 2015; Kliestik et al., 2020). On the one hand, the businesses, and studying the evolution of the SN-SB research could help
lack of service networks for sustainable business has been one of the in understanding the development and popular issues in the relevant
great hindrances, because traditional service models may be unsus­ fields.
tainable and unprofitable, and mobile money service is an example To comprehensively consider the present study on SN-SB research, a
(David-West, Iheanachor, & Umukoro, 2020). On the other hand, bibliometric analysis is one of the suitable approaches to show the topics
advanced service networks facilitate decision-making and extraction of and research directions visually because it can reveal the evolution with
actionable insights and knowledge from large datasets in the big data the extensive intersection and combination of philology, information
environment (Saura, 2021). For example, digitalization is a reality for science, mathematics, and statistics (He et al., 2017). Bibliometry is a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: xuzeshui@263.net (Z. Xu).

Received 15 February 2021; Received in revised form 26 July 2021; Accepted 29 July 2021
Available online 11 August 2021
0148-2963/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

mature and effective way to present the evolution and relationships of sources, search protocols, and bibliometric methods. Subsequently, we
items of a subject or a journal by analyzing the relevant literature (Shang detail the performance analysis; an analysis of the countries/regions,
et al., 2015). Because of these advantages and characteristics, biblio­ institutions, and authors; and a keyword analysis conducted in this study
metrics has rapidly developed and has been widely applied in many and present the results. We then discuss the four-pronged interpretation
fields and journals. Recent studies have used a bibliometric analysis on of our substantive findings, its popular issues in the current study,
various subjects, including digitalization and business models (Caputo challenges and avenues for future research, implications, and limitations
et al., 2021), the intellectual structure of consumer complaining of our approach. Finally, we provide some concluding remarks
behavior research (Arora & Chakraborty, 2021), mapping inclusive regarding this research.
innovation (Mortazavi et al., 2021), group decision-making (Wang,
Chang, et al, 2021; Wang, Xu, et al., 2021), and comparative advertising 2. Methodology
research (del Barrio-Garcia, Munoz-Leiva, & Golden, 2020). On the
other hand, several journals have also used this approach to explore the This study aims to provide a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of
development and features, such as Technological and Economic Develop­ SN-SB. In response to this issue, we first retrieve relevant publications
ment of Economy (Yu, Xu, & Saparauskas, 2019), Economic Research- based on a database that followed the systematic search protocol
Ekonomska Istraživanja (Wang, Xu, & Skare, 2020), Accounting and (Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart, 2003). To describe the fundamental char­
Finance (Linnenluecke, Marrone, & Singh, 2020), and International acteristics of the retrieved publications, we used several statistical in­
Journal of Systems Science (Wang, Chang, et al, 2021; Wang, Xu, et al., dicators to evaluate the development of the tendency. Subsequently, we
2021). reveal the knowledge structure of these publications, consistent with
The purpose of this article is to explore and provide an informative cooperation and keywords, using complementary bibliometric methods
overview of the existing publications through a bibliometric analysis of (Ferreira, 2018). Finally, we discuss the current study, future research,
SN-SB research, which is a rapidly developing field with progress made implications, and limitations. Fig. 1 illustrates the research framework
within society. This study sets out the following objectives by employing of the methodology used in this study.
corresponding methods: (1) To reveal the development tendency and
distribution of publications in SN-SB research, a performance analysis 2.1. Data source and search protocol
consisting of a set of accepted bibliometric indicators is conducted. For
example, annual indicators, such as the number of publications, number To collect the literature data, a systematic search was launched on
of citations, average number of citations, and H-index, are used to show the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS) database, owned by Thomson
the development trend, influential years, and publications in terms of & Reuters Co. WoS not only yields the highest quality of publications
different aspects. The most influential publications and distributions, (Raghuram, et al., 2019), it also provides reliable and multidisciplinary
such as categories, types, and countries, are also presented through a bibliographic data, and has gradually become the mainstream data
performance analysis. (2) To identify the relationships between different source for bibliometric analysis (Zhang & Liang, 2020). Consistent with
items (country/region and institution), and to outline the different the purpose of this study, we derived data on December 31, 2020, and
keywords perspectives in the SN-SB research that eventually shape the starting search time was set to 1900, which is the earliest time in the
invisible clusters, we conducted network and keyword analyses. Spe­ WoS system. To collect publications dealing with SN-SB as accurately as
cifically, a co-authorship analysis was conducted to show the relation­ possible, the terms “business network” and “business service” need to be
ships among the countries/regions and institutions found in the related presented in the title to identify the boundary of the field. In addition,
publications. A co-occurrence analysis, bust detection analysis, and the term “sustainable business,” presented in the title, abstract, or key­
timeline view analysis were conducted to reveal the keywords and fea­ words of the publication, could ensure the comprehensive nature of our
tures from multiple perspectives. (3) To assess the main characteristics search. Therefore, the search process for data in WoS jointly combined
and science mapping of SN-SB research, the highly cited sources/ the search string with the Boolean operator as follows: Database = Core
countries/regions/institutions of publications are presented through a Collection database; Title = business network OR Title = business ser­
citation analysis. In addition, three software programs, VoS Viewer (Van vice AND Topic = sustainable business; Timespan = 1900–2020. As a
Eck & Waltman, 2010), CiteSpace (Chen, 2006) and Bibliometrix (Aria result, 2,366 publications were retrieved after removing the duplicated
& Cuccurullo, 2017) are used to conduct science mapping analysis data in the original dataset, and we exported them in plain text and
related to SN-SB research, which have a visual and high-quality effect on comma-separated values (CSV) file formats for the bibliometric analysis.
bibliometric studies when considering their evolution and cooperation, The collected data contain large amount of detailed and representative
such as a dual-map overlay and collaboration network. perspective information, including the title, abstract, keywords, cita­
In this article, the contributions to the SN-SB research are shown in at tions, and references (Ji et al., 2021). The first document with respect to
least four ways: (1) We present a holistic assessment of the literature communications networks in a business organization structure (Wick­
related to SN-SB research during the last half century and delineate the esberg, 1968) was published in the Academy of Management Journal in
fundamental statistical features from the perspectives of annual in­ 1968, and all collected publications are from 1968 to 2020, which is a
dicators, categories and types of publications, and highly cited publi­ period of more than half a century.
cations. (2) With the identification of the influential countries/regions,
institutions, and authors within SN-SB research, we present intertwining 2.2. Bibliometric methods
networks used to map the connections. (3) We highlight the keyword
perspective of SN-SB research, which is relatively important for recog­ The bibliometric field, as a type of scientometric discipline, as well as
nition in the extant literature. Further, we identify the main topics and a mature subject, applies statistical methods to evaluate scientific ac­
emerging themes and show the keyword tendencies in different clusters tivities in a certain journal or field of research (Broadus, 1987), and
from the past, present, and future. (4) SN-SB research is at a crossroads, highlights the main features in a structured way (Mourao & Martinho
and is facing the challenges of maturity. We present an objective view of 2020). Aria and Cuccurullo (2017) proposed that a performance analysis
this field and discuss the perspectives of popular issues, challenges, and and science mapping analysis are the two main procedures applied in
avenues for future research, implications, and limitations. The biblio­ bibliometrics. Based on this, the bibliometric analysis described in this
metric review at this stage can rekindle interest in the domain and paper is focused on two parts to present comprehensive relationships
inspire scholars in this area to think creatively. and reveal the development of SN-SB research.
The remainder of this paper is organized into four sections. We first A performance analysis is the first part based on the activity in­
discuss the methodology employed in this study, including the data dicators (Mingers & Leydesdorff, 2015) used to measure the

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

Data source and search protocol

Database WoS
Title = business network OR
Search strategy Title = business service AND
Topic = sustainable business
Timespan 1900-2020 publications

Performance analysis Science mapping analysis

The number of publications (NP) Citation analysis

VOS viewer Cooperation Co-authorship analysis
Activity indicators
The number of citations (NC) CiteSpace networks and
Co-occurrence analysis
H-index Bibliometrix keywords
analysis Burst detection analysis
The average number of citations (AC) Timeline analysis


Popular issues in current study

Challenges and avenues for future research

Fig. 1. Research framework of the methodology used in this study.

productivity and influence of the publications counted through an item (3) Co-occurrence analysis: This is a form of content analysis using
analysis (e.g., country/region, institution, and author). Some accepted the keywords provided by authors or journals to investigate the
bibliometric indicators can present the fundamental characteristics of conceptual structure of a field (Callon et al., 1983). When the
the literature. For example, the scientific community provides several terms of the two keywords occur together among the publica­
recognized and significant indicators, including the number of publi­ tions, the degree of correlation can be recorded, as revealed by
cations (NP), number of citations (NC), average number of citations the total strengths of the keywords (Kamdem et al., 2019).
(AC), and H-index (Hirsch, 2005). Specifically, the H-index considers Because it presents the relationship among keywords in the
both NP and NC to express the quality of publications excluding self- literature, it has become a powerful and appropriate way to assist
citations, and can also evaluate countries/regions, institutions, and au­ in understanding the conceptual structure of a journal or field.
thors. Through these specific indicators, the objective results can be (4) Burst detection analysis: This identifies the emerging trends of
obtained, and individuals can interpret the results or rankings differ­ items, such as keywords, authors, and references, combining the
ently according to their interests or requirements (Hsieh & Chang, number of citations within certain time periods. This makes it
2009). possible to find publications that receive particular attention
A science mapping analysis is the second part demonstrating the from the related scientific communities within a certain period of
structural and dynamic organization of knowledge for a journal or field time, and a research cluster with a citation burst can be regarded
of research (Iwami et al., 2020). This provides a spatial depiction of the as a new field of research (Zhou, Chen, & Huang, 2019; Li & Xu,
ways in which various scientific items are related to one another. The 2021).
bibliometric methods involved in this part are reflected in cooperation (5) Timeline analysis: This reveals dynamic features, such as poten­
networks and keyword analysis according to the data pertaining to the tially transformative changes and emerging trends over the time
volume and impact of the research. slice (Yin et al., 2020). At the same time, it offers a visual way to
show the developing tendency of the keywords and presents hot
(1) Citation analysis: This measures the similarity between publica­ topics or research directions based on the size of the note or links.
tions, sources, countries/regions, or institutions through the fre­ The various clusters in the timeline network can be conducted
quency in which two items are independently cited by one or using different clustering algorithms, such as the least squares
more items (Dabic, González-Loureiro, & Harvey, 2015). If items method and the K-means method. From the past to the present,
are cited together, we assume that they are more likely to be these clusters may inspire scholars to think about popular topics
related (Tang et al., 2020). or the development of a journal or field.
(2) Co-authorship analysis: This is a type of social network analysis
(SNA), and is effective for retrieving information to indicate the When considering the bibliometric software tools used for mining
structural features of a research network. The relatedness of items and analyzing the data, in accord with the practices in bibliometrics
(countries/regions, institutions, and authors) is based on the published in top journals (Griffin & Grote, 2020), we adopted three
number of co-authored publications (Van Eck & Waltman, 2010), powerful visual software tools, i.e., VOS viewer (Van Eck & Waltman,
and networks of different items can present their relationships 2010), CiteSpace (Chen, 2006), and Bibliometrix (Aria & Cuccurullo,
clearly. 2017). It is noted that there are other available tools that are also

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

suitable to make bibliometric analysis, such as Bibexcel, Pajek, and To summarize, this study provides a comprehensive bibliometric
SALSA, and each tool has its characteristics and applicable scene. For analysis of SN-SB research using the above bibliometric methods. Spe­
example, Bibexcel is suitable to make citation analysis, but cannot make cifically, the fundamental characteristics are first presented based on a
timeline analysis. Pajek is more applied to social network analysis performance analysis. An analysis of a bibliometric network, mainly
because of complex network nodes. Considering that bibliometric reflected in cooperation networks to show the features and relationships
methods used in this study are focused on the evolution and the con­ of countries/regions and institutions, is then described. Next, a keyword
nections between items of documents, like authors, countries/regions, analysis revealing the evolution trend and knowledge mapping in SN-SB
and keywords, these three bibliometric software tools are complemen­ research is detailed. Finally, a further discussion is provided based on
tary and take advantage of literature data to better explore the features the above-mentioned analysis.
and development of the SN-SB research than other tools. To be specific,
the VOS viewer is an excellent knowledge mapping tool for scientific 3. Results
landscapes reflected in network and density visualizations. According to
these networks used for various items based on adopted metric links (e. A comprehensive bibliometric analysis of publications is conducted
g., citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-authorship), the relation­ with respect to the service networks for SN-SB research regarding the
ships and cooperation of items can be clearly presented (Stopar & Bartol, evolution of the scientific field. Using the data and bibliometric methods
2019). CiteSpace is another popular mapping tool for searching for described in Section 2, the results of this analysis, as well as those of a
emerging trends and transient patterns in the scientific literature (Yu & cooperation network analysis and a keyword analysis, are provided to
Xu, 2017). As a complementary tool, CiteSpace emphasizes expanding present the development and characteristics in terms of the past, pre­
the understanding of scholars regarding the status and dynamics of a sent, and future of the SN-SB field.
certain knowledge domain. Bibliometrix is an open-source instrument
based on the R language for a science mapping analysis. This is a newer 3.1. Performance analysis
tool compared with VOS viewer and CiteSpace, and provides more
graphic figures, such as the distribution and cooperation of countries/ Considering several bibliometric indicators, a performance analysis
regions on the global map, to help researchers understand the features of provides the development and distribution in the field of SN-SB research
the studied publications. from three statistical analysis perspectives: the annual tendency in terms

180 8.00% 3500 12.00%

160 7.00%
3000 10.00%
140 6.00%
120 2500
5.00% 8.00%
100 2000
4.00% 6.00%
80 1500
60 4.00%
2.00% 1000
500 2.00%
20 1.00%
0 0.00% 0 0.00%

The number of publications Percentage The number of citations Percentage

(a) Tendency in the number of publications (b) Tendency in the number of citations

90 25
70 20
50 15
30 10


(c) Tendency in the number of ACs. (d) Tendency in the H-index.

Fig. 2. Trends of statistical indicators of publications regarding SN-SB research from 1968 to 2020.

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

of productivity and influence, distributions of the type and research have reached a consensus for recognized publications. Fig. 2 (d) shows
categories, and detailed information of highly cited publications. the tendency in terms of the H-index, which shows an increasing trend
with fluctuations until 2013. The highest H-index was 22 in 2013, fol­
3.1.1. Annual indicators of publications lowed by 21 in 2012, and 19 in 2010. During the last 15 years, except for
In this section, we evaluate the publications of the SN-SB research by 2019 and 2020, H-indexes have been higher than in other years, indi­
using four statistical indicators: NP, NC, AC, and H-index. The dataset cating that SN-SB research in these years has been studied more, which
consists of 2,366 publications from 1968 to 2020, and Fig. 2 shows the is reflected in both the productivity and citation impact. Overall, SN-SB
evolution of these publication indicators regarding SN-SB research research has been focused on for a long time, with the publications in
during more than half a century. As shown in Fig. 2 (a), the trend of NP 1994 having the highest AC, indicating that this topic has a solid
continues to increase. To be specific, there were fewer than 10 publi­ research foundation. Owing to the rapid development of society, SN-SB
cations before 1990, and there was an obvious increasing trend with research has become more productive and has been recognized more
slight fluctuations from 1990 to 2018, which later showed a small during the last 20 years than during the first 30 years in terms of the NP
downward trend from 2018 to 2020. The publications related to SN-SB and H-index.
research reached the maximum number (169) in 2018. This might occur
because, in recent years, firms have increasingly recognized the vital 3.1.2. Categories and types of publications
role of business networks with partner organizations in building agile, In the WoS, 2,366 publications regarding SN-SB research refer to 147
flexible, resilient, and sustainable organizations (Lee & Trimi, 2018). categories and 14 types over the past half century. Fig. 3 shows the
Hence, researchers have paid more attention to SN-SB research in recent distribution of the top-10 categories and all types. The three largest
years. Fig. 2 (b) shows the tendency of NC, which has exhibited a high numbers of categories are business (614 publications), management
volatility since 1990. There are several obvious peaks in 1994, 2001, (561 publications), and computer science information systems (354
2002, 2004, 2005, and 2013. Among them, the publications in 2001 publications), which have obvious strengths compared with the other
received the most citations (2,955), followed by 1,723 citations in 2002, categories. The remaining seven categories are electrical and electronic
1,671 citations in 2013, 1,664 citations in 2005, 1,599 citations in 2004, engineering (243 publications), telecommunications (215 publications),
and 1,586 citations in 1994. Overall, there are three stages in which the computer science theory methods (190 publications), economics (184
publications on SN-SB research have a strong influence. The stages are publications), artificial intelligence in computer science (172 publica­
the early phase in 1994, the medium phase from 2001 to 2015, and the tions), interdisciplinary applications in computer science (171 publica­
latest phase in 2013. It should be noted that the falloff of NC since 2016 tions), and operations research management science (140 publications).
might be influenced by the immediacy and time delay that is usually These appear to be the most popular research directions in both theory
incurred in recent publications that are widely read, recognized, and and application at present, and indicate that SN-SB research has been
cited, as well as by the AC and H-index. In Fig. 2 (c), the tendency of the involved in a wide range of business management, computer science,
number of ACs presents a sharp fluctuation and shows an obvious jagged engineering, and economics studies. Fig. 3 (b) presents all types of
graph. The AC considers both indicators of NP and NC, objectively publications, with 1,194 articles accounting for almost half of the pub­
revealing the importance and popularity of the publications. The results lications, followed by 927 proceedings papers, 175 book reviews, 69
indicate that the publications in 1994 have the highest AC at 79.3, fol­ editorial materials, 36 reviews, 32 early accesses, 23 meeting abstracts,
lowed by 65.67 in 2001, 54.85 in 1999, and 38.29 in 2002. At the same and 13 news items. In addition, there are a few other types: corrections
time, the publications during these years are almost in line with the high (4), letters (3), bibliography (1), database review (1), and software re­
NC, as shown in Fig. 2 (b). There is a bigger gap in the AC around the view (1). This shows that studies on SN-SB research involve multiple
peak year 1994, and later, the gap decreases. The reason for this may be forms, the main types of which are articles, proceedings papers, and
that the publications in 1994 have made significant contributions to SN- reviews.
SB research with a far-reaching influence. In recent years, SN-SB
research has developed rapidly, and an increasing number of scholars


927 175
Computer science information
171 systems
172 Engineering electrical
184 Telecommunications 1194
Computer science theory
561 methods
Economics Article Proceedings papers Book review
Computer science artifical Editorial material Review Early access
intelligence Meeting abstract News item Correction
Computer science
interdisciplinary applications Letter Note Bibliography
Operations research Database review Software review
management science

(a) Distribution of the top-10 categories (b) Distribution of all types.

Fig. 3. Distributions of the top-10 categories and all types of publications regarding SN-SB research.

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

3.1.3. Highly cited publications and analyzed the nature of this phenomenon, as well as the impact of
When a publication is read and recognized, it is cited by another this development on tourism, hotels, and city destinations. Because
publication. Hence, the number of citations is a vital indicator for these publications have been cited many times, their topics may be
measuring the quality and influence of the publication. Table 1 provides interesting and popular in the current studies on SN-SB research and
a list of the top-12 highly cited publications related to SN-SB research scholars might pay more attention to them within this field.
within the dataset, ranked according to the NC, and Table 2 lists the top- The journal dual-map overlay, developed by Chen and Leydesdorff
12 highly cited publications ranked in terms of the AC. Tables 1 and 2 (2014), allows us to conduct a publication portfolio analysis that can
contain detailed information including the source, type, year, NC, AC, further reveal the type or focus of the journal. As a result, Fig. 4 presents
number of authors (AN), number of institutions (IN), and number of a knowledge panorama of the dual-map overlay in the SN-SB research
countries/regions (CN). The citation analysis suggests that the most through the “JCR Journal Maps” function embedded in CiteSpace.
influential document was published by Tsai (2001), with the highest NC Clearly, two base maps are present in the diagram. The left base map is
(2,063) and AC (98.24), which are far ahead of the second-most influ­ produced by citing journals, and the cited journals create the base map
ential document. In Table 2, the highly cited publications are all articles on the right. Through the citation relation, these two base maps are
published in the most impactful journals and ranged from the years 1994 linked together to display the citation structure as well as the discipline
to 2007. These studies on SN-SB research are mainly focused on distribution of SN-SB journals. Moreover, the ovals in the diagram
knowledge transfer (Bettencourt et al., 2002), dyadic and complex represent the journal groups, and the size of these ovals matches the
networks (Anderson, Hakansson, & Johanson, 1994; Ritter, Wilkinson, total number of journals in a discipline domain (Jin & Li, 2019). After
& Johnston, 2004; Rauch, 2001), coopetition and interaction (Bengtsson calculating the z-score-scaled frequency of the citations, some compel­
& Kock, 2000; Håkansson & Ford, 2002), a network approach to ling observations were obtained through the perusal shown in Fig. 4.
entrepreneurship (Bruderl & Preisendorfer, 1998; Kochan et al., 2003; First, four main citation trajectories in our dataset were detected. The
Andersson, Forsgren, & Holm, 2007), and empirical research (Halinen & frontier research results are mainly distributed in 10. economics, eco­
Tomroos, 2005; Ulaga & Eggert 2006). As an interesting phenomenon, nomic, political and 6. psychology, education, health. This indicates that
more than half of the publications were accomplished through cooper­ these disciplines are actively involved in research into the SN-SB field.
ation. Specifically, almost half of them were achieved through domestic By contrast, the knowledge foundations that frontier researches rely on
cooperation, whereas the others were achieved through transnational mainly originated from 12. economics, economic, political and 7. psy­
cooperation. This feature shows that cooperation seems to be an effec­ chology, education, social. Then, powerful and productive publication
tive way to make significant contributions to academic research because journals with reference to the study of the SN-SB domain are also
of the cross-disciplinary and convenient international communication. identified. In terms of cited journals, Industrial Marking Management and
Considering the AC indicator, there are three new publications in Journal of Business Research published the most articles on SN-SB.
Table 2 that differ from the publications in Table 1. As common points, Correspondingly, cited journals, such as Industrial Marking Manage­
these three publications were published during the last 10 years and ment, Strategic Management Journal, and Academy of Management Review,
have higher ACs, although the NCs are not as noticeable. Concretely, provide a robust source of knowledge for SN-SB research. Finally, based
Reim et al. (2015) conducted a systematic literature review regarding on our observations, we argue that SN-SB research is still relatively
product-service systems business models and tactics to combine eco­ conservative, covering only three main areas as set forth. Therefore,
nomic prosperity and sustainable resource management. Visnjic Kastalli researchers should actively absorb theories and ideas from other disci­
and Van Looy (2013) analyzed the impact of service business model plines to break this deadlock.
innovation on the performance of a manufacturing firm and suggested
pathways to sustainable growth through servitization. Oskam and Bos­
wijk (2016) studied the networked hospitality business through Airbnb

Table 1
Top-12 highly cited publications related to SN-SB research.
Rank Title Source Type Year NC AC AN IN CN

1 Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational networks: Effects of network Academy of Article 2001 2,063 98.24 1 1 1
position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and Management Journal
2 Dyadic business relationships within a business network context Journal of Marketing Article 1994 967 34.54 3 3 2
3 “Coopetition” in business networks - to cooperate and compete Industrial Marketing Article 2000 758 34.45 2 2 2
simultaneously Management
4 How should companies interact in business networks? Journal of Business Article 2002 701 35.05 2 2 2
5 Network support and the success of newly founded businesses Small Business Article 1998 586 24.42 2 2 1
6 Using case methods in the study of contemporary business networks Journal of Business Article 2005 461 27.12 2 2 1
7 Business and social networks in international trade Journal of Economic Article 2001 447 21.29 1 1 1
8 The effects of diversity on business performance: Report of the diversity Human Resource Article 2003 416 21.89 9 6 1
research network Management
9 Client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services California Management Article 2002 371 18.55 4 3 1
10 Managing in complex business networks Industrial Marking Article; 2004 338 18.78 3 3 3
Management Proceedings
11 Relationship value and relationship quality - Broadening the European Journal of Article 2006 328 20.50 2 2 2
nomological network of business-to-business relationships Marketing
12 Balancing subsidiary influence in the federative MNC: A business Journal of International Article 2007 286 19.07 1 1 1
network view Business Studies

Sources: Authors’ own research.

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

Table 2
Top-12 average cited publications related to SN-SB research.
Rank Title Source Type Year NC AC AN IN CN

1 Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational networks: Effects of network position Academy of Article 2001 2,063 98.24 1 1 1
and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance Management Journal
2 Product-Service Systems (PSS) business models and tactics - a systematic literature Journal of Cleaner Review 2015 280 40.00 3 2 2
review Production
3 How should companies interact in business networks? Journal of Business Article 2002 701 35.05 2 2 2
4 Dyadic business relationships within a business network context Journal of Marketing Article 1994 967 34.54 3 3 2
5 “Coopetition” in business networks - to cooperate and compete simultaneously Industrial Marketing Article 2000 758 34.45 2 2 2
6 Servitization: Disentangling the impact of service business model innovation on Journal of Operations Article 2013 283 31.44 2 3 3
manufacturing firm performance Management
7 Airbnb: the future of networked hospitality businesses Journal of Tourism Article 2016 173 28.83 2 2 1
8 Using case methods in the study of contemporary business networks Journal of Business Article 2005 461 27.12 2 2 1
9 Network support and the success of newly founded businesses Small Business Article 1998 586 24.42 2 2 1
10 The effects of diversity on business performance: Report of the diversity research Human Resource Article 2003 416 21.89 9 6 1
network Management
11 Business and social networks in international trade Journal of Economic Article 2001 447 21.29 1 1 1
12 Relationship value and relationship quality - Broadening the nomological network European Journal of Article 2006 328 20.50 2 2 2
of business-to-business relationships Marketing

Sources: Authors’ own research.

Fig. 4. Dual-map overlay of SN-SB research.

Table 3
Top-10 highly cited sources/countries/regions/institutions of publications related to SN-SB research.
Rank Source NC Country/Region NC Institution NC

1 Industrial Marketing Management 3,772 USA 8,173 Uppsala Univ. 2,114

2 Academy of Management Journal 2,072 England 4,432 Penn. State Univ. 2,068
3 Journal of Business Research 1,671 Sweden 3,943 Turku Univ. 1,011
4 Journal of Cleaner Production 980 Finland 3,718 Stockholm Sch. Econ. 1,008
5 Journal of Marketing 967 Germany 2,040 Copenhagen Business Sch. 836
6 Small Business Economics 732 Netherlands 1,903 Swedish Sch. Econ & Business Adm. 781
7 Expert Systems with Applications 726 Australia 1,500 Umea Univ. 772
8 Journal of Small Business Management 595 Denmark 1,457 Univ. Bath. 717
9 Journal of International Business Studies 587 France 1,221 Norwegian Sch. Management 701
10 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 582 Norway 1,181 Univ. Twente 668

Sources: Authors’ own research.

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

3.2. Analysis of countries/regions, institutions, and authors 372, followed by China (287) and England (242). In addition, the line
between the different countries/regions and its thickness clarifies the
To identify the most influential sources, countries/regions, and in­ existence and intensity of the cooperation relationship between them. It
stitutions of SN-SB research, we adopted a citation analysis for com­ is apparent that China, the USA, and Australia maintain their closest
parison, contrast, and integration. Furthermore, cooperation networks cooperative ties with each other. Surprisingly, several countries or re­
are provided to show the relationships and connections between coun­ gions, such as Russia and Canada, demonstrate a weak willingness to
tries/regions and institutions through science mapping analysis. communicate externally despite their considerable scientific output.
Thus, scholars from diverse countries/regions, particularly for high-
3.2.1. Citation analysis yielding areas, should break down their geographical barriers to facili­
Table 3 provides the top-10 highly cited sources, countries/regions, tate the full development of SN-SB research. Matching the collaboration
and institutions of publications related to the SN-SB research, ranked trends in Fig. 5 (a), a more intuitive cooperation network is generated by
also in terms of NC. Based on this, we can further understand what CiteSpace, as shown in Fig. 5 (b). More importantly, Fig. 5 (b) reports the
scholars studying SN-SB research are paying attention to. centrality information of each node in the graph, which is a measure of
The largest number of citations are for Industrial Marketing Manage­ its importance within the network. In general, a node with a high value
ment (3,772), Academy of Management Journal (2,072), Journal of Busi­ of betweenness centrality has a greater impact on the diffusion of in­
ness Research (1,671), Journal of Cleaner Production (980), and Journal of formation in the network (Zhu, Kim, & Chen, 2017). As shown in Fig. 5
Marketing (967). These appear to be the most influential journals in the (b), the nodes with high betweenness centrality are marked in the purple
fields of business and economics. With regard to the countries/regions, outer ring, which clearly demonstrates the influential countries/regions
publications from the United States have received the most citations with regard to the SN-SB field (Qin et al., 2020).
(8,173), followed by England (4,432), Sweden (3,943), Finland (3,718), According to the statistics from CiteSpace, the USA has the highest
and Germany (2,040). The NCs of the five remaining countries betweenness centrality of 0.29. Other countries/regions with values of
(Netherlands, Australia, Denmark, France, and Norway) numbered less greater than 0.1 include England, France, Australia, and the
than 2000. Obviously, countries from Europe have made significant Netherlands. This indicates that extensive research has been conducted
contributions to SN-SB research. Considering the institutions, Uppsala in these countries on SN-SB, and that publications in this research area
University in Sweden ranks first with 2,114 citations, followed by Penn are highly recognized by national and international scholars. Moreover,
State University in USA with 2,068 citations, Turku University in we also found that the USA was the first country to conduct research on
Finland with 1,011 citations, Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden SN-SB (1968), which makes it easy to explain why it has a leading voice
with 1,008 citations, and the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark in the field.
with 836 citations. Among the top-10 institutions, four institutions are
from Sweden, which is ahead of other countries in the field of SN-SB 3.2.3. Most productive institutions
research. One institution is from the USA, Finland, Denmark, England, This section analyzes the cooperation of various contributing in­
Norway, and the Netherlands each. This result is consistent with the stitutions in publishing SN-SB literature. Our bibliometric data initially
influential countries and confirms the contribution of the authors from show that more than 2000 institutions have teams engaged in SN-SB
these institutions in the field of SN-SB research. research. Among these active institutions, the most productive institu­
tion is Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands (20 ar­
3.2.2. Most productive countries/regions ticles), followed by the University of Manchester in England (20
Another practical diagram to consider is the collaboration network of articles), Uppsala University in Sweden (19 articles), and the National
countries/regions, which displays the production distribution and the University of Singapore (18 articles). To further investigate the main
cooperative relationship among various countries/regions, as depicted structure of the network of institutional cooperation, a knowledge map
in Fig. 5. was generated using the VOS viewer after setting the minimum number
Specifically, Fig. 5 (a) sheds light on the scientific production dis­ of documents of an institution at 5.
tribution of countries/regions at the geographical level, as well as their As shown in Fig. 6, 83 institutions from different countries/regions
collaborative trajectories. Obviously, SN-SB research has spread across formed a relatively close cooperation network. According to their
the world, particularly in the USA, China, England, Germany, Australia, pattern of collaboration, the VOS viewer clusters institutions into 12
Finland, and some African countries/regions. In particular, the USA categories labeled with diverse colors. The largest category is in red and
dominates the number of publications in this area, with a staggering has 11 institutes, wherein the National University of Singapore occupies

(a) Collaboration paths of countries/regions (b) Collaboration network of countries/regions

Fig. 5. Global geographic distribution and collaboration network of documents related to the research topic.

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

Fig. 6. Institution cooperation network of SN-SB research.

a central position. The second largest category of contributing in­ University of Posts and Telecommunications, and Harbin Institute of
stitutions is for green, yellow, and blue items, at nine institutions each. Technology.
The remaining categories include eight or fewer research institutions
from different countries and regions. It is worth mentioning that in­
stitutions under different clusters usually come from multiple countries 3.3. Keyword analysis
or regions, which to some extent suggest that cross-institutional patterns
of cooperation are emerging. By scrutinizing the collaboration network, To identify emerging themes and describe and visualize the in­
we find that Eindhoven University of Technology, which has the highest teractions between topics related to SN-SB research, a keyword analysis
scientific output, is unsurprisingly the core node in the entire graph; was conducted using VoS viewer and CiteSpace. We reveal the features
however, it is not located in the largest cluster. This likely stems from the of the publications from co-occurrence, burst-detection, and timeline-
fact that this institution’s external communication and interaction are view analyses.
still insufficient. In addition, although China is a late entrant into this
field, there are considerable institutions that have made outstanding 3.3.1. Co-occurrence analysis
contributions to SN-SB research, such as Tsinghua University, Beijing The keyword co-occurrence analysis provides a visualization of the
collective interconnection of terms based on the presence of pairs in

(a) Co-occurrence network of keywords. (b) Overlay of co-occurrence network of keywords.

Fig. 7. Visualization map of the keyword co-occurrence network concerning SN-SB research.

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

keywords (Altarturi, Saadoon, & Anuar, 2020). To complete this anal­ research on SN-SB has evolved from the previous focus on service
ysis, VOS viewer software was employed to visualize the co-occurrence network topics to more practical and business-oriented topics at present.
network of high-frequency keywords in the SN-SB literature, as pre­
sented in Fig. 7. 3.3.2. Burst detection analysis
In Fig. 7 (a), each node represents a keyword, and the larger the The burstness of a document is a valuable indicator of the most active
node, the higher the frequency of the keyword. In addition, the distance research themes at diverse levels of granularity (Chen, Dubin, & Kim,
between keywords directly reflects their relevance. Moreover, the 2014). Burstness in keywords is characterized by a sudden increase in
shorter the distance, the stronger the relationship between them (Shi the number of citations for a term within a certain period of time. A
et al., 2020; van Nunen et al., 2018). From this perspective, there is a stronger burst indicates that the research topic is more popular, which
high degree of correlation between several prevailing research themes, could be interpreted as a research frontier during this period (Hou, Yang,
such as “innovation,” “performance,” “management,” and “business & Chen, 2018). With the help of the burst detection function in Cite­
networks.” At the same time, it is easy to see that keywords are divided Space, the research frontiers and emerging trends in the field of SN-SB in
into nine categories, which are illustrated by different colors. The red various periods are examined. As a result, Table 4 reveals what was new
group contains the highest number of keywords, of which, “business in the SN-SB research from 1968 onward at a finer-grained level. The
model” and “systems” received a high level of attention. The second blue lines in the list indicate the observed time intervals. Keywords that
category is shown in the green color and formed with the general words have a burstness period are marked with a red line segment, which in­
related to social networks and governance in SN-SB, as represented by dicates the duration of the topic outbreak. Overall, 14 keywords
the keywords “networks,” “policy,” “network analysis,” and “corporate received the strongest attention from 1968 to 2020. Based on the tem­
governance.” However, the smallest category contains six keywords, i.e., poral patterns, the keyword with the earliest citation burst is “organi­
“business models,” “business value networks,” “e-service,” “service,” zation” (5.59), and this topic lasted for 11 consecutive years
“service engineering,” and “web service.” Notably, this cluster focuses (2000–2010). This is partly indicative of the fact that research in this
more on business value and service innovation. From the angle of area flourished during the early 21st century. It is followed by “e-busi­
keyword co-occurrence frequency, the topics in Clusters 4 and 8 are the ness” (2001–2010), “business network,” (2002–2012), and “growth”
most popular and favored by researchers. A summary of the co- (2004–2009). Obviously, with the rapid development and popularity of
occurrence network reveals that a rich variety of research directions the Internet during the early stages, more attention has been focused on
are rapidly evolving and intersecting within the field. the development of business operational modes. In addition, more
Moreover, Fig. 7 (b) shows the overlay co-occurrence network for recently, the burst pattern of keywords shows that the research themes
keywords, which illustrates the temporal distribution of the keyword in related to “sustainable business model” (2018–2020) and “entrepre­
different groups. The VOS viewer colored each keyword in the diagram neurial orientation” (2018–2020) gained the upper hand. In terms of
based on a score. This score is determined by the average published year burst strength, the keyword “e-business” had the strongest burst strength
for each keyword (Caputo et al., 2021). The final visualization shows of 6.89. A keyword that also scored above 6 is “business model.” Thus,
that a dramatic change in keywords appeared between 2010 and 2016. research on these themes has made profound contributions to the field of
Keywords used more in 2010 are denoted in purple, whereas those used SN-SB. In summary, analyzing the burst of keywords provides a deeper
more in 2016 are denoted in yellow. From a temporal view of a co- insight into the emerging trends of the SN-SB field.
occurrence network, most studies concentrated on “e-business,” “neu­
ral networks,” “business relationships,” and so on in previous years. In 3.3.3. Timeline view analysis
the most recent years, however, some burgeoning research themes A timeline view of distinct clusters is presented in Fig. 8, which can
seemed to have gain more attention, such as “value creation,” “business help in understanding the origins and development tendencies of the SN-
model innovation,” and “sustainability.” Taken together, the field of SB field. By clustering the keywords, ten major clusters were generated

Table 4
Top-14 keywords on citation burst over time.

Sources: Authors’ own research.

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

Fig. 8. Timeline view of keywords in different clusters.

with core labels. The “internationalization” (Cluster #0) stands out, implications, and limitations.
followed by “sustainability,” “web service,” “business networks,” “net­
works,” “sustainable business model,” “Bangalore,” “neural networks,”
“power,” and “business engineering.” In the map, clusters are displayed 4.1. Popular issues in current study
horizontally along a timeline, with points on the timeline representing
important keywords. In addition, the size of a keyword node is deter­ SN-SB research is not a new phenomenon and can be regarded as a
mined by its frequency of occurrence (Yin et al., 2020). Finally, the large complex framework. Prior bibliometric results have shown several
number of connected curves signifies the symbiotic relationship of the popular issues from the perspectives of theories, empirical studies, and
keywords, indicating the advent of hotspots (Jin & Li, 2019). futuristic views on advanced technologies. A dual-map overlay reveals
As can be seen, most of the clusters are concentrated from 1995 that SN-SB research has recently shown an interdisciplinary trend. It
onward. We can easily find that the duration of cluster #4 is the longest, focuses on “economics, economic, political” and “psychology, educa­
and after a 30-year period, the cluster is still active. Admittedly, this tion, health” in terms of citing papers, and “economics, economic, po­
result is in line with the expectations because the core of the SN-SB field litical,” “psychology, education, health,” and “systems, computing,
is the construction and optimization of networks. Cluster #0 and cluster computer” when considering the cited papers. As a result, SN-SB
#1, which followed closely behind, span a period of 29 years. However, research refers to multiple fields and contains content in science and
several clusters are relatively short-lived and do not carry over to the the humanities. Keyword clusters based on a burst detection analysis
present. For example, cluster #7 (neural networks) died out by show a degree of popularity to a certain extent, and we summarize four
approximately 2013. It is difficult to explain this result, but it might be hot issues in the current study within SN-SB research.
related to the fact that neural network algorithms are not well integrated “Internationalization and web service” is the biggest research topic
or applied in the field of SN-SB. Focusing on cluster #5, research related linking most keywords. Almost all business firms, regardless of their size
on a sustainable business model emerged after approximately 1995 and or industry type, can be regarded as a global enterprise. Thus, firms
formed the largest node (i.e., keyword “innovation”) in the diagram. compete globally through their value chains, which defines their orga­
Thus far, innovation-driven business model exploration in this cluster nizational competence. Even a world-class firm does not possess word-
continues to endure, as evidenced by a surge of research connected to class competence throughout its value chain. The challenges of effec­
“innovation” in recent years. Through a further analysis of the specific tively managing professional services at a global scale is a common issue
terms in each cluster, we found that the research facets in the early in most firms under the advanced information age (Zhang, Gregory, &
stages are relatively macro and generalized, such as “economics,” “sys­ Neely, 2016). For example, how can network resources and deeply
tem,” and “engineering.” However, specific issues such as “mechanism,” dispersed resources be accessed globally? What is the optimal plan when
“business elite,” and “entrepreneurial network” gradually came into considering network coordination and integrating network activities,
focus during the middle and later periods. particularly for web services? Which types of network learning and
knowledge management learning are most suitable to the features of a
4. Discussion business that further promote the development of a firm? Recent studies
have conducted analyses in relevant areas; for example, Herstad and
In this section, we further discuss the SN-SB research based on the Ebersberger (2015) conducted research on the link between urban
results of the above-mentioned analysis from four aspects: popular issues location and the involvement of knowledge-intensive business service
in the current study, challenges and avenues for future research, firms in collaboration networks and the internationalization process,
which considered whether the diversity of partner types used locally,

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

domestically, and abroad differ between locations. Firm factors that For example, some of the most prevalent goals can be obtained by
influence the internationalization and subsequent financial performance business networks, including securing a stronger position in the power
of fashion service retailers were studied and contributed knowledge of dynamics between suppliers and buyers, innovation collaboration,
how variations in specific factors of a firm produce different outcomes in market share expansion, cost reduction through bulk purchasing,
terms of internationalization, market policy, and financial performance knowledge and workforce sharing, and securing larger contracts
(Childs & Jin, 2015). (Håkansson & Ford, 2002). In the future, research on business networks
“Sustainable business model” is the second focused topic that ad­ for SMEs will still be a hot topic in line with the dynamic business
dresses the intention of management and is also the basic necessary of environment, particularly for co-innovation.
enterprises and society. For example, Ouhimmou et al. (2021) estab­ Considering collaborative relationships in organizational networks,
lished a generic decision support model composed of divergent the traditional issues in the strategy and innovation literature are stra­
manufacturing processes, bills of materials, distribution nodes, and a tegic alliances, technology licensing arrangements, joint ventures, and
circular business-to-business economy, to assess the value chain of the marketing partnerships. In today’s big data and digital era, the method
sustainable integration of new products. Donner and de Vries (2021) and aim of organizational networks are different from past phenomena
studied how to innovate business models for a circular bio-economy and (Hedvall, Jagstedt, & Dubois, 2019). More advanced technologies,
obtained insight into the uncharted research field of business model including artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and big data ana­
innovation for a circular and sustainable bio-economy. It can be seen lytics, have allowed organizations to quickly sense the trajectory of
that the sustainability business model refers to multiple fields and is still market changes and identify candidate organizations as network part­
dominant owing to economic viability. ners (Afuah & Tucci, 2013). Excluding technical updates, the aim of
“Business networks” is the third popular topic, and is far more than business networks is not only value creation for the organization but also
the business itself, incorporating suppliers, customers, third-party de­ more aspirational goals “for the greater good” of all stakeholders.
velopers, distributors, and others. A business network is a complex Overall, open innovation, collaborative innovation, and living innova­
network of companies that work together to accomplish certain goals. tion ideas have emerged as core strengths of business networks.
For more than 20 years, researchers have been looking into the specific As for digital transformation and business models, testing various
field of industrial markets searching for answers to the many questions theoretical and conceptual frameworks is an important avenue for future
raised by such markets. With the increasing interest in business net­ research, not just for improving existing business processes with
works, there is also an increasing interest in the notion of “network advanced technologies (Kraus, Roig-Tierno, & Bouncken, 2019), but
pictures” among researchers in the field of business-to-business mar­ also involving a fundamental reinvention of the way things are done by
keting (Henneberg, Mouzas, & Naude, 2006). In recent years, re­ an organization. An emerging management approach in this process
searchers have studied business networks to promote the development involves the integration of service-dominant logic and stakeholder the­
of society in relevant areas, including business continuity-inspired ory (Reim, Sjodin, & Parida, 2019). Thus far, little attention has been
resilient supply chain network design (Namdar et al., 2020), a radical given to managing sustainable innovation in the current knowledge-
constructivist approach to boundaries in business network research intensive context (Veronica et al., 2020). Therefore, service networks
(Guercini & Medlin, 2020), and implications of the interorganizational for sustainable business research may compel more scholars to research
perspective of solutions in business networks (Hedvall, Jagstedt, & this topic.
Dubois, 2019). In general, these possible challenges and avenues can expand upon
“Business engineering” is the final hot topic, and is an interdisci­ existing research areas and identify new topics related to the different
plinary field of engineering that focuses on how complex businesses forms of service networks that have developed in recent years. Future
should be designed and managed. During the past half a century, studies can assess the impact of SN-SB research in social enterprises and
attention has been paid to keywords such as “parallel processing,” media marketing, considering service-dominant logic, stakeholder the­
“artificial neural network,” “e-business,” and “enterprise architecture.” ory, virtual networks, and knowledge management. In addition, through
As we can see, business engineering involves both technical and appli­ further research, we can move on from our bibliometric analysis and
cation levels. In recent studies, Sachs et al. (2019) framed the microgrid extend the identified clusters in more depth.
design from a business and information systems engineering perspec­
tive. Chang et al. (2019) explored the use of blockchain technology in 5. Implications and limitations
international trade business process re-engineering for letters of credit,
and suggested devoting blockchain research and application across SN-SB research is an integrative direction of significant managerial
different sectors to improve the performance of business process oper­ importance, referring to empirical research and theoretical methods,
ations. There have also been some blind spots in business and infor­ and there are some factors affecting SN-SB in various fields. For
mation systems engineering (Hinz, van der Aalst, & Weinhardt, 2019) example, the time-expanded network reduction problem is an important
for researchers to consider. factor for a logistics service network because planning cost-effective
Overall, we created an initial classification to present the most logistics operations involves the integration of multiple decision-
popular issues of SN-SB research, which are literally spread throughout a making levels, and realistic instances are too large for on-the-shelf
wide variety of different areas in both theory and application, are optimization solvers to solve within acceptable run-times (Belieres
important, and could be far-reaching in the era big data. et al., 2021). Another factor is the need for efficient embedding of
network services to meet the requirements of virtualized cellular net­
4.2. Challenges and avenues for future research works and emerging 5G services, and the diversity of resource demands
across dimensions, such as CPU, memory, and storage, has increased
In the current business landscape, traditional small and medium- (Pentelas et al., 2021). Considering that the social relationships among
sized enterprises (SMEs) have faced certain challenges owing to a lack users are often extremely sparse in a service network, which signifi­
of resources, such as technological advances, globalization, and inno­ cantly impedes the effective extension of the users’ social circle, it is
vation requirements (Hughes et al., 2019). To overcome these chal­ necessary to build trust relationships and predict new links in the
lenges, a growing number of SMEs have attempted to join or create network (Kou et al., 2021). Therefore, a service network for sustainable
networks to build scale and economic capabilities in recent years business is required by social actuality, and represents the general trend
(Gronum, Verreynne, & Kastelle, 2012). Therefore, business networks of the times. Moreover, our study benefits researchers, policymakers,
may be an effective framework for SMEs to manage a shortage of re­ and practitioners in several ways. In the field of SN-SB research, this
sources, and is just one of the goals that business networks can deal with. work provides researchers with a comprehensive review and intellectual

X. Wang et al. Journal of Business Research 136 (2021) 543–557

structure over the past century through a bibliometric analysis. Based on are critical not only in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, but also
performance and keyword analyses, we present the evolution of this remain valid for the sustained development of business in light of
field and summarize popular topics during these years. Evidence in­ complex environment. For researchers, this study provides a compre­
dicates that researchers can augment the existing efforts at stressing the hensive review and intellectual structure over the past century through a
development view of SN-SB research and adapt to a dynamic environ­ bibliometric analysis, and identifies multiple directions in both service
ment. In addition to portraying the topics emphasized in the existing and virtual networks, such as collaborative innovation, supply chain
literature, this exercise identifies multiple directions in both service and management, digital technologies, platform-to-platform methods, and
virtual networks, such as collaborative innovation, supply chain man­ social enterprise. This helps scholars who are interested in SN-SB
agement, digital technologies, platform-to-platform methods, and social research better understand the evolution of this field. Overall, this
enterprise. These research fronts and popular issues have important study presents important implications for academics, companies, and
implications for academics, companies, and policymakers. policymakers.
Despite the adoption of this relatively comprehensive bibliometric In the future, we will focus on the development of SN-SB research
approach to minimize the drawbacks as much as possible, some limi­ from the perspectives of both theory and application. Except for quan­
tations remain. One limitation lies in the data source that focuses on SN- titative indicators, we will pay more attention to qualitative indicators
SB research in the Web of Science database. On the one hand, a single for future scientific research, such as publication results, contents, lin­
citation database may lead to missed publications. On the other hand, it guistic assessment information. Combined with qualitative indicators,
may not be completely involved in all relative publications by using we could make in-deep analysis and obtain more objective and inter­
specific research streams, particularly for younger fields. In further esting findings. In addition, more advanced approaches, such as ma­
studies, more loosely defined terms and various databases, such as chine learning algorithms and text mining, will be used to conduct a
Google Scholars and Scopus, will be considered for collecting data. As comprehensive analysis.
another limitation, our methods used in this study are prevalent,
demonstrating a wider panoramic view of the field, instead of an in- Declaration of Competing Interest
depth analysis of the content. This is characteristic of bibliometric
analysis, as well as a tradeoff, and further studies will build upon the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
results and expand these findings. Despite these limitations, this study interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
provides a multidimensional view of the evolution of SN-SB research the work reported in this paper.
and can inspire some important implications for related researchers,
policy makers, and practitioners.
6. Conclusions
The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
The insights and contributions provided in this paper pertain to
of China (Nos. 71571123, and 71771155), and the Fundamental
revealing the fundamental characteristics, knowledge structure, and
Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. YJ202063).
hot-keyword tendency of documents with regard to service networks for
Author contributions
sustainable business (SN-SB) by conducting a bibliometric analysis from
Xinxin Wang, Zeshui Xu,*, Yong Qin, Marinko Skare conceived the
different perspectives. Such analyses can integrate the results of the past,
study and were responsible for the data collection, design and devel­
present, and future of SN-SB research. The main findings are listed as
opment of the data analysis as well as for data interpretation. Xinxin
follows: (1) Evidence from a performance analysis shows that, not only
Wang, Zeshui Xu, Yong Qin wrote the first draft of the article.
has SN-SB research increased, it has also referenced more research di­
rections in recent years. (2) Industrial Marketing Management, Academy of
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University, China. His research interests include decision making, optimization, infor­
Ekonomska Istrazivanja (2007–2019). Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 33
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crowdsourcing systems: A bibliometric analysis. Technology in Society, 63, Article journals, Department Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirković” in Pula, Juraj Dobrila
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Yu, D., & Xu, C. (2017). Mapping research on carbon emissions trading: A co-citation &Tourism, Pula, Assistant Dean for International Cooperation, Faculty of Economics &
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Yu, D. J., Xu, Z. S., & Saparauskas, J. (2019). The evolution of “Technological and Cooperation, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. He has published several books and many
Economic Development of Economy”: A bibliometric analysis. Technological and scientific papers about economic growth, welfare economics and poverty, human capital
Economic Development of Economy, 25(3), 369–385. https://doi.org/10.3846/ economics in transition, economic philosophy and monetary economics.


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