P He T Energy Forms and Changes

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PHET Simulation Activity

Energy Forms and Changes Name: ____________________________

Intro: Thermal Energy

 Go to the Intro tab on the simulation

 Drag and attach thermometers to the iron block, brick, and water—attach on the
right hand side.
Part 1: Heating
1. Place the iron block on a stand
2. Drag the temperature slider underneath to heat the block. Heat the block to its
maximum temperature based on the thermometer reading.

3. Drag and place the iron block into the water.

4. Observe and describe how this affects the temperature of:
a. the iron block
b. the water.
5. Drag the iron block back to the stand
6. Drag the temperature underneath to cool the block. Cool the block to its maximum
temperature based on the thermometer reading.
7. Drag and place the iron block into the water again.
8. Observe and describe how this affects the temperature of:
a. the iron block
b. the water

9. Turn on the energy symbols tab: and repeat the process

10. Observe and describe what is happening to the energy symbols as the iron block is
heated, and then placed into the water:
11. Repeat this same process above, but this time use the brick.
12. When the heated brick is placed into the water, how does this affect the
temperature of :
a. the brick
b. the water
13. When the cooled brick is placed into the water, how does this affect the
temperature of:
a. the brick
b. the water
14. Describe any similarities and differences that you observed for the iron block and
the brick during this process.

15. What thermal process is being simulated here? Explain.

Part 3: Thermal contact properties

1. Heat the iron block to its maximum temperature and place it ON TOP of the brick.
Observe and describe what happens to both the iron block and the brick:
2. Heat the brick to its maximum temperature and place it ON TOP of the iron block.
Observe and describe any similarities and differences from what you observed in #1.

3. Heat the water to maximum and place it ON TOP of the iron block and the brick.

Record the results below:

a. Water on Iron block:

b. Water on Brick:

4. Repeat the processes above, but this time COOL the iron block and the brick. Note
any differences in this process below:

5. What thermal process is being simulated here? Explain.

6. How is this process different from Parts 1 and 2? Explain.

7. Investigate: How could you heat/cool and arrange the objects here to show BOTH of
the properties mentioned above? Explain: (Hint: Can you stack up all of these objects
or put one inside the other one?
Energy Systems:
 Click on the Energy Systems tab:

 Turn on the Energy Symbols tab:

 Experiment with the water faucet by sliding it all the way to the right. Observe
what happens to the wheel turbine as you do this. Describe below:

 Using the objects in the chart, turn them all the way “on” and observe the energy
 Fill in the Chart below:
Turbine—rate Water—rate Energy Forms Energy Transfers—
Energy Source
of spinning of heating used list ALL


Tea Kettle


 Why must the cyclist be fed in order to continue? Explain.

 Place a light bulb in the circuit instead of the water heater:
 Describe how this changes the forms of energy in the circuit:
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________

 Replace the turbine with the solar panel:

 How will this affect the results of each of the energy sources?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
 If you increase the amount of clouds in the sunshine tab, what happens?
 ________________________________________________________________

 Compare the output of energy of the standard (incandescent) light bulb:

with that of the fluorescent light bulb: .

 What do you notice about the energy and output of these bulbs?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
 Which form of energy is used to transfer all of the other energy types to the
 ________________________________________
 Why do you think this form of energy is used most often for this purpose?
 ______________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________
 What form of energy do you think is missing from this simulation and why?
 ______________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________

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