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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7434,581 B1

Reddy et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 14, 2008
(54) CONDOMS FOR REDUCING FAILURE RATE 2,586,674. A 2f1952 Lonne
AND EXTENDING PLEASURE 4,009,717 A 3, 1977 Allen
4,432,357 A 2f1984 Pomeranz
(76) Inventors: Alla V. K. Reddy, 9 Webster Ct. 4,795,425 A 1/1989 Pugh
4,855,169 A 8, 1989 McGlothlin et al.
Plainsboro, NJ (US) 08536; Ravikumar 4,910,803 A 3, 1990 Cukier
Reddy Alla, 5876 155th Ave. SE., 4,934,382 A 6/1990 Barone, Jr.
Bellevue, WA (US) 98006; 5,024,852 A 6, 1991 BuSnel et al.
Madhusudhan Reddy Alla, 938 Sunset 5,045,341 A 9, 1991 Shlenker
Ridge, Bridgewater, NJ (US) 08807: 5,050,619 A 9/1991 Ferguson
Raghunatha Reddy Alla, 54 Mercer St., 5,082,004 A 1/1992 Reddy
Apt. 1, Jersey City, NJ (US) 07302 (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP O645128 9, 1994
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/778,010 Primary Examiner Patricia Bianco
Assistant Examiner—Brandon Jackson
(22) Filed: Jul. 13, 2007 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Mattingly, Stanger, Malur &
Related U.S. Application Data Brundidge, P.C.
(60) Provisional application No. 60/928,045, filed on May (57) ABSTRACT
7, 2007, provisional application No. 60/926,250, filed
on Apr. 25, 2007. A condom with reduced chance of failure includes an inner
pouch within an outer pouch. The inner pouch is bonded to the
(51) Int. Cl. outer pouch adjacent to their open ends to form a sealed
A6 IF 6/02 (2006.01) interstitial space between the inner and outer pouches. A
46F 6/04 (2006.01) lubricant is located in the interstitial space to enable the outer
A6DF 5/44 (2006.01) pouch to slide relative to the inner pouch during sexual inter
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 128/844; 128/842; 128/918: course. The outer pouch has an enlarged head area so that the
6O4/347 outer pouch easily slides back and forth over the inner pouch
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 604/347, and glans of the penis during intercourse. The inner pouch has
604/349, 352, 364; 128/842, 844, 918; 424/34.1, a wall thickness that is less than the wall thickness of the outer
424/443, 44.3; 428/35.5, 36.8, 36.9; 600/38-40 pouch for increased sensitivity. The inner pouch has a narrow
See application file for complete search history. segment extending into a smaller bulb exerting pressure at the
junction of the glans and shaft covering the entire frenulum
(56) References Cited area, thereby inhibiting premature ejaculation and reducing
2,410,460 A 11, 1946 Robinson 19 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets

1E &rio
a at it as

US 7,434,581 B1
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,965,276 A * 10/1999 Shlenker et al. ............. 428/492

6,000,398 A 12/1999 Alla et al.
5,102.405 A 4/1992 Conway et al. 6,365,278 B1 4/2002 Hoerner et al.
5, 191902 A 3, 1993 Wilk 6,367.477 B2 4/2002 Lee
5,284, 159 A 2, 1994 Wilk 6,776,755 B1* 8/2004 Raskin ...................... 600, 39
5,331,974 A 7, 1994 Sook 6,796,311 B1 9/2004 Zurakowski
5,351,698 A 10, 1994 Wheeler et al. 6,983,751 B2 1/2006 Osterberg
5.425,379 A 6/1995 Broad, Jr. 2004/0103901 A1 6/2004 Rensburg
5,454,379 A 10/1995 Shepherd 2006,0048784 A1 3, 2006 Turner
5,486.322 A 1/1996 Fuchs 2006/0169287 A1 8/2006 Harrison et al.
5,513,652 A 5/1996 Schwartz 2006/0264.856 A1 1 1/2006 Wong
5,513,654 A 5, 1996 Delson 2007/0144529 A1 6/2007 Bryant
5,549,924 A 8, 1996 Shlenker et al.
5,577.514 A 1 1/1996 Zimmerman FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
5,579,784. A 12/1996 Harari
5,606.982 A 3, 1997 Piotti EP O745,362 5, 1996
5,622, 186 A 4/1997 Schwartz FR 2616062 12, 1988
5,623,945 A 4/1997 Shecterle et al. FR 2642961 8, 1990
5,626,149 A 5, 1997 Schwartz GB 13006.76 4f1971
5,679,399 A 10/1997 Shlenker et al. IL 108250 4f1997
5,694,948 A 12/1997 Jahangiri-Famenini JP 8033664 2, 1996
5,836,307 A * 1 1/1998 Scholl ........................ 128,844
5,927,278 A 7, 1999 Omrani * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent US 7434,581 B1
U.S. Patent US 7434,581 B1



U.S. Patent Oct. 14, 2008 Sheet 3 of 6 US 7434,581 B1

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U.S. Patent Oct. 14, 2008 Sheet 4 of 6 US 7434,581 B1

U.S. Patent Oct. 14, 2008 Sheet 5 of 6 US 7434,581 B1

U.S. Patent Oct. 14, 2008 Sheet 6 of 6 US 7434,581 B1
US 7,434,581 B1
1. 2
CONDOMS FOR REDUCING FAILURE RATE an ongoing need for a condom having a design that will
AND EXTENDING PLEASURE induce a much lower failure rate.
Additionally, it is believed that every man has his own
CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED length of time necessary for reaching ejaculation during
APPLICATIONS sexual intercourse. During intercourse nerve impulses pass
from the glans of the penis to the brain via the spinal cord to
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional signal ejaculation. The time to reach ejaculation may vary
Application No. 60/926,250, filed Apr. 25, 2007, and U.S. from less than one minute to any number of minutes, depend
Provisional Application No. 60/928,045, filed May 7, 2007, ing on the particular individual’s signal mechanisms. Vasodi
both to the same inventors as herein, the entire disclosures of 10 lator drugs, such as Viagra R, while useful for helping a man
which are incorporated herein by reference. achieve and maintain an erection, do not have any effect on
prolonging the length of time for sexual intercourse. Appli
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION cation of local anesthetics, such as Lidocaine, sensation-re
ducing creams, and the like, may prolong the time of inter
1. Field of the Invention 15 course, but at same time can severely reduce the pleasure
The present invention relates generally to condoms for use experienced by the male during the intercourse because they
during sexual intercourse. essentially numb the nerve endings. Accordingly, it would
also be desirable if a condom were able to extend the time
2. Description of Related Art which it takes a man to reach ejaculation during intercourse,
With the proliferation of sexually transmitted diseases while still providing pleasurable sensations to both partners.
(STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the Related art in the area of the invention includes U.S. Pat.
virus that causes acquired immune-deficiency syndrome Nos. 5,191,902; 5,425,379; 5,623,945; 5,050,619; 5,045,341:
(AIDS), and with the uncontrolled growth of the world’s 4,930,522; 5,284,159; 5,102,405; 6,000,398; 5,082,004:
population, there is a pressing unmet need for an effective 5,331,974; 5,622, 186: 5,513,652; 4,009,717; and European
means for preventing the transmission of STDs and for con 25 Patent Application No. EP0645128, the entire disclosures of
trolling population growth. One method for accomplishing which are incorporated herein by reference.
both these goals is by introducing an effective barrier between
male and female sex organs during sexual intercourse for SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
preventing the transmission of bodily fluids and for limiting
the actual skin-to-skin contact between the sexual organs. 30 This invention relates to male barrier contraceptives having
Heretofore, conventional means for creating Such barriers a reduced chance of breakage, slippage and pinholes.
have included the use of condoms, diaphragms, prophylactic Embodiments of the contraceptives of the invention are also
gels, creams, and the like. able to increase the pleasure for both partners, in addition to
Since ancient times, one Successful means for creating a being able to prolong the length of time for sexual inter
barrier to bodily fluids during sex has been the use of male 35 course. The invention provides male prophylactic devices
condoms. Condoms for placement over the penis were origi that are worn over the penis to prevent transmission of STDs,
nally constructed from animal tissue, and condoms of this including AIDS, and to also prevent pregnancy. The present
type are still in use today. Condoms of animal tissue are prophylactic devices are designed to have a reduced failure
generally effective for preventing the passage of semen, but rate, greater chance of properusage, and an increased accept
do not prevent the passage of certain microbes, and in par 40
ability for use by males. These and other features and advan
ticular viruses, such as HIV. Accordingly, most male con tages of the present invention will become apparent to those
doms are now constructed from latex, polyurethane, or other of ordinary skill in the art in view of the following detailed
resilient modern polymers that are able to act as a barrier to description of the preferred embodiments.
microbes as well as bodily fluids. While condoms have
become popular for the control of STDs and pregnancy 45 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
worldwide, there is still much room for improvement. For
example, many men do not like to use male condoms because The accompanying drawings, in conjunction with the gen
Such condoms can deaden sensation, thereby causing erectile eral description given above, and the detailed description of
dysfunction and reduced pleasure. the preferred embodiments given below, serve to illustrate
Additionally, conventional condoms have unacceptable 50
and explain the principles of the preferred embodiments of
failure rates due to a number of factors, such as breaking of the best mode of the invention presently contemplated.
the condom, pin holes in the condom wall, slippage of the FIG. 1A illustrates an elevation view of an exemplary
condom following ejaculation and other failures caused by embodiment of a double-walled condom according to the
poor design or improperusage. A recent study showed that the invention.
failure rate of male condoms due to breakage was 15 percent. 55
FIG. 1B illustrates an end view of the open end of the
(See, R A Crosby et al., “Men with Broken Condoms: Who condom of FIG. 1A as viewed from line 1B-1B.
and Why?. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 83(1), pp
71-75, February 2007.) Even though the failure rates are high, FIG. 1C illustrates a cross section view taken along line
1C-1C of FIG. 1A.
people continue to use condoms that break frequently
because they lack any better alternative for prevention of 60 FIG. 1D illustrates a cross section view taken along line
STDs and pregnancy. For example, female condoms, contra 1D-1D of FIG. 1A.
ceptive gels, contraceptive creams, diaphragms and cervical FIG. 1E illustrates a cross section view taken along line
caps all are less effective at preventing pregnancy and the 1E-1E of FIG. 1A.
transmission of STDs than male condoms. Further, since the FIG. 2 illustrates an elevation view of the inner pouch of the
onset of the deadly AIDS epidemic, it has become more 65 condom of FIG. 1A.
important than ever to have a condom with reduced failure FIG.3 illustrates an elevation view of the outer pouch of the
rates, and preferably a Zero failure rate. Accordingly, there is condom of FIG. 1A.
US 7,434,581 B1
3 4
FIG. 4A illustrates a plan view of an exemplary embodi undulations or deviations in the condom body, so that the
ment of a guide that may be used with the condom of the condom body twists relative to a centerline extending from
invention. the opening, such as right and out, and then left and in.
FIG. 4B illustrates an elevation view of the guide of FIG. Embodiments of the invention also incorporate an enlarged
4A. bellows mechanism along a distal end portion of the tubular
FIG.5A illustrates a plan view of the guide of FIG. 4A with body of the condom for enabling easy forward and backward
a condom installed thereon. movement to provide additional pleasure to both partners.
FIG. 5B illustrates an elevation view of the guide of FIG. FIGS. 1A-1E illustrate an exemplary embodiment of a
4B with a condom installed thereon. condom 100 according to the invention. Condom 100 has a
FIG. 6A illustrates another exemplary embodiment of a 10 proximal open end 102 and a distal closed end 104, and
condom of the invention. includes an elongated hollow inner first pouch 110 disposed
FIG. 6B illustrates a top view of the condom of FIG. 6A, as within an elongated hollow outer second pouch 120. Inner
taken along line 6B-6B. pouch 110 and outer pouch 120 are also illustrated in FIGS. 2
FIG. 7 illustrates another exemplary embodiment of a con and 3, respectively. Inner pouch 110 includes a first open end
dom of the invention. 15 111 and a first closed end 112, with a first tubular body 113
FIG. 8 illustrates another exemplary embodiment of a con extending distally from first open end 111 toward first closed
dom of the invention. end 112. Outer pouch 120 includes a second open end 121 and
a second closed end 122, with a second tubular body 123
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION extending distally from second open end 121 toward second
closed end 122.
In the following detailed description of the invention, ref First tubular body 113 of inner pouch 110 has a first large
erence is made to the accompanying drawings which form a diameter segment 118 that extends distally to a first transition
part of the disclosure, and, in which are shown by way of segment 119 that reduces in diameter to a narrow segment
illustration, and not of limitation, specific embodiments by 109. First large diameter segment 118 has a diameter D1 at
which the invention may be practiced. In the drawings, like 25 first open end 111 of pouch 110, which is generally the same
numerals describe Substantially similar components through as the diameter of outer pouch 120 at second open end 121.
out the several views. Further, the drawings, the foregoing The diameter of first tubular body 113 is reduced distally of
discussion, and following description are exemplary and first open end 111 and may include a transition segment 119
explanatory only, and are not intended to limit the scope of the where the diameter reduces to a diameter D2 at a proximal
invention or this application in any manner. 30 periphery 117 of narrow segment 109. Narrow segment 109
In some embodiments of the present invention, there are may be a constant diameter from proximal periphery 117 to a
provided prophylactic devices which are adopted to be worn first neck portion 114 having a diameter D3. However, in
by a person to prevent transmission of STDs and semen, even other embodiments, diameter D3 may be slightly less than
during strenuous sexual intercourse which might cause diameter D2. Distally of first neck portion 114, the diameter
breakage in conventional condoms. Some embodiments of 35 of inner pouch 110 increases to create a bulbous first head
the invention include a condom within a condom, having an portion 115 having a diameter D4, which is approximately
inner pouch located within an outer pouch to create a double equal to or less than diameter D1 of first open end 111. First
walled condom with unique attributes. The inner pouch of the head portion 115 reaches a maximum diameter D4 and then
double-walled condom includes a narrow segment that exerts decreases in diameter distally toward closed end 112, which
a circumferential constrictive pressure immediately below 40 may include a reservoir type tip 116.
and around the glans penis, which helps extend the amount of Second tubular body 123 of outer pouch 120 may be gen
time during intercourse before the male reaches ejaculation, erally cylindrical, having a diameter D5 along the length of
and which also prevents the inner condom from sliding rela second tubular body 123 that is approximately the same as
tive to the shaft of the penis during intercourse. Further, the diameter D1 of open end 111 of inner pouch 110, and that
outer pouch is sized to be large enough so that the outer film 45 remains approximately constant from open end 121 until
of the outer pouch slides back and forth over the inner pouch reaching a second neck portion 124, which is located gener
to create extra pleasurable sensations during intercourse. The ally adjacent to first neck portion 114 of inner pouch 110
combination of the pressure generated by the inner pouch on when inner pouch 110 is disposed within outer pouch 120.
the penis and the sliding of the outer pouch on the inner pouch Distally of second neck portion 124, the diameter of outer
causes a delay in ejaculation combined with increased plea 50 pouch 120 increases to create a bulbous second head portion
sure. Further, the outer film of the outer pouch sliding over the 125 having a diameter D6 that is greater than diameter D4 of
inner film of the inner pouch, with a lubricant located between first head portion 115 of inner pouch 110. Second head por
the two films, transmits pleasurable sensations to the glans of tion 125 increases in diameter distally of second neckportion
the penis. The extended pleasure created by the outer film of 124, reaches a maximum diameter D6, and then decreases in
the condom neutralizes the squeezing pressure effect created 55 diameter distally to create closed end 122, which may include
by the narrow segment portion of the inner pouch. The plea a reservoir type tip 126.
Surable sensation caused by the outer film enhances neu Typical condoms range between 160 to 180 mm or more in
rotransmission of ejaculation signals from the glans penis to length. In the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 1-3, outer
the brain, while the narrow portion of the inner pouch helps pouch 120 is 180+10 mm in length and inner pouch 110 is
inhibit premature ejaculation. In other words, the dimensions 60 about the same length as outer pouch 120 following assembly
of the condom of the invention can be designed to enhance of inner pouch 110 with outer pouch 120. However, in some
pleasure and/or extend the time of intercourse, while particu embodiments, inner pouch 110 may be molded to be 10-30
lar dimensions of the condom may be varied to increase or mm longer than outer pouch 120. Then, during assembly, the
reduce one of these attributes with respect to the other extra length of inner pouch 110 can be folded back over open
attribute. Embodiments of the invention also include a guide 65 end 121 of outer pouch 120 to form a reinforcement at sealed
that ensures that a condom is not put on inside out. Embodi area 105. Additionally, in the embodiment illustrated, the first
ments of the invention also include a condom with multiple large diameter segment 118 is about one third the length of
US 7,434,581 B1
5 6
inner pouch 110, the narrow segment 109 is about one third each condom 100, and an additional quantity of lubricant may
the length of inner pouch 110, and first head portion 115 is be added to the exterior of condom 100 to improve ease of
about one third the length of inner pouch 110. Thus, in a donning the condom and insertion into a vagina. The negative
preferred embodiment, narrow segment is 40+20 mm in pressure created between the two pouches 110, 120 causes
length. This distributes the pressure created by the narrow outer pouch 120 to bunch or cling around inner pouch 110 in
segment and prevents uncomfortable circumferential pres a collapsed configuration thereby maximizing contact of the
Sure from concentrating on a small area of the users' penis. outer pouch with the inner pouch, and enables the pouches to
However, these relative segment lengths may vary Substan generally function as a single unit except toward the distal end
tially in other embodiments of the condom 100. For example, 104, where, because of the larger relative diameters of the
first large diameter segment 118 may be between 10 and 100 10 neck and head portions 124,125 of outer pouch 120, the outer
mm in length, while narrow segment 109 may also be pouch has a slack portion that enables the outer pouch to
between 10 and 100 mm. The length of first head portion 115 easily slide back and forth over the inner pouch to create
is less flexible and preferably about 30-60 mm, since the pleasurable sensations. This pleasurable effect is enhanced
length of head portion 115 aids in properly positioning nar because the narrow segment 109 causes the inner the pouch to
be locked over the penis during intercourse, or, in other
row segment 109 below the glans of the penis, as is discussed 15
words, the constriction of the narrow segment prevents the
further below. inner pouch from sliding relative to the shaft of the user's
As illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1E, the diameter D6 of penis during intercourse, while the outer pouch is able to slide
second head portion 125 is substantially larger than the diam relative to both the penis and the inner pouch.
eter D4 of first head portion 115. For example, first head Conventional condoms typically have a wall thickness of
portion 115 may be of a diameter D4 to fit rather Snuggly on 0.06-0.08 mm, while the so called “ultra sensitive' condoms
the average erect human penis, while second head portion 125 have wall thicknesses between 0.04 and 0.05 mm. In embodi
may be of a diameter to be quite loose on the average erect ments of the present invention, inner pouch 110 is preferably
penis, so that second head portion 125 of outer pouch 120 can constructed having a wall thickness T1 that is thinner than a
freely slide back and forth relative to first head portion 115 of wall thickness T2 of outer pouch 120. In some embodiments,
inner pouch 110 and the glans of the penis. In preferred 25 inner pouch 110 has a wall thickness T1 of 0.06 mm or less
embodiments, diameters D2 and D3 may be 26+4 mm; diam and outer pouch 120 has a wall thickness T2 of 0.08 mm or
eter D1 of first open end 111, diameter D4 of first headportion more. Under Such a configuration, the inner pouch is thin,
115 of inner pouch 110, and diameter D5 of outer tubular thereby providing maximum sensitivity to the user, while the
body 123 may be 32+4 mm; and the diameter D6 of outer outer pouch is as thick, or thicker, than a conventional con
pouch 120 may be 42-6 mm. Thus, in some embodiments, the 30 dom, thereby providing additional protection against break
diameters D1, D4 and D5 are about 75 percent of the diameter age, since the outer pouch is able to withstanda large amount
D6. Also, in other embodiments, the relative diameters of D1, of stress. The sliding action of the outer pouch 120 against the
D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6 may vary from those set forth above. inner pouch 110 increases pleasure to the user because inner
Additional significance and utility of the relative diameters pouch 110 is thin, providing high sensitivity, while the pres
D1-D6 of the portions of inner pouch 110 and outer pouch 35 ence of the lubricant 103 and the relatively larger diameters of
120 is discussed further below. the neck and head portions 124,125 of the outer pouch enable
Inner pouch 110 and outer pouch 120 are each constructed outer pouch 120 to slide back and forth over the inner pouch
from an elastic, flexible and resilient film material, such as 110 which is maintained relatively immobile on the penis
latex, polyurethane, or the like. Techniques for manufacturing during intercourse due to the gripping action of narrow seg
inner pouch 110 and outer pouch 120 include dip molding, ment 109. In other higher strength embodiments, inner pouch
whereby forms having the desired configuration for each of 40 110 has a wall thickness T1 that is less than 0.10mmandouter
the inner pouch 110 and the outer pouch 120 are dipped into pouch 120 has a wall thickness that is thicker than inner pouch
a tank of the elastic material in liquid state, so that uniform 110 and that is less than 0.20 mm. Further, because each of
films are produced over the forms. The films set and are then inner pouch 110 and outer pouch 120 serve as redundant
removed from the forms to serve as the inner pouch and outer protection against breakage or pinholes in the other pouch
pouch. Inner pouch 110 and outer pouch 120 are sealed to 45 110, 120, should one of the inner or outer pouches fail, the
each other at a sealed area 105 located at, and optionally other of the pouches still functions to prevent pregnancy and
extending distally adjacent to, open end 102 of condom 100, transmission of STDs.
using an adhesive, heat seal, ultrasonic weld, or the like. Additionally, studies in the US have shown that the circum
Sealed area 105 may be confined to a ring-shaped bead 106 ference of the erect penis of the majority of adult human
located at open end 102, or sealed area 105 may extend 50 males is between 3.9 and 5 inches (99-127mm), which equals
distally from open end 102 along the length of tubular bodies an average diameter between 1.24 and 1.59 inches (31-40
113, 123, as illustrated in FIG. 1A, thereby encompassing mm). The inner pouch 110 of the invention includes narrow
part of tubular bodies 113, 123. For example, in some segment 113 which terminates in first neckportion 114 that is
embodiments, sealed area 105 may extend from 10-100 mm intended to be positioned just behind (i.e., below and adjacent
distally from open end 102. 55 to) the glans of the user's penis when the condom 100 is put
Condom 100 and pouches 110, 120 are illustrated in FIGS. on. In embodiments of the invention, the diameter D2 of
1-3 in an as-molded configuration for purposes of illustration narrow segment 113 and first neckportion 114 is substantially
and discussion of various relative dimensions. However, dur less than the diameter of the average erect adult penis So as to
ing assembly of condom 100, when inner pouch 110 is placed apply a pressure to the area below the glans of the penis and
within outer pouch 120, and prior to completing sealing of 60
adjacent to the penile frenulum. In some preferred embodi
sealed area 105, negative pressure is created between inner ments, the diameter D2 of the first neck portion 114 of inner
pouch 110 and outer pouch 120 to remove any air pockets. pouch 110 is 26-4 mm, and preferably about 24 mm. The
Further, a lubricant 103, optionally including a silicon lubri inventor has found that the narrow segment 113 of inner
cant, spermicidal, antiseptic, antibacterial, and/or antiviral pouch 110 of condom 100 of the invention applies a circum
agent, is disposed in the interstitial area 106 between the inner ferential Squeezing pressure on the penis just below the glans
pouch 110 and outer pouch 120 to enable smooth gliding of 65 of the penis, in the vicinity of the penile frenulum, which is
outer pouch 120 over inner pouch 110. For example, one cc of able to produce results similar to the so called “squeeze tech
liquid lubricant may be used in the interstitial area 106 for nique” for preventing premature ejaculation developed by the
US 7,434,581 B1
7 8
American sex therapists Masters and Johnson. (See, e.g., An annular lip 212 is included at lower second end 206 to help
Masters W. H. Johnson V. E. Human Sexual Inadequacy, retain rolled condom 210 on guide 200 until a user is ready to
Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1970, which is incorporated put on condom 210. The guide 200 is sized so that condom
herein by reference.) Thus, the condom 100 of the invention is 210, in the rolled configuration, as illustrated in FIGS.5A and
able to increase the length of time of sexual intercourse by 5B, will fit snuggly around cylindrical body 202, and be
inhibiting premature ejaculation due to the narrow segment retained on cylindrical body 202 by annular lip 212. A pair of
overlying and applying pressure to the penile frenulum, while opposed arc-shaped cut outs 213 may be included in cylin
the sliding action of the outer pouch 120 over the thinner inner drical body 202 to make it easier for a user to grasp and pinch
pouch 110 creates a uniquely pleasurable sensation for both the tip 214 of condom 210 while unrolling condom 210 onto
10 a penis. Guide 200 may be constructed from plastic, such as
Further, first head portion 115 of inner pouch 110 has a from molded thermoplastic polymer, or other suitable mate
diameter D4 that may be sized larger or Smaller to increase or rial.
decrease the amount of pleasure experienced by the wearer of In use, condom 210 is preferably prepackaged and pre
the condom, while the diameter of narrow segment 109 can mounted on guide 200. The user places guide 200 with rolled
also be adjusted to control the degree of Squeezing effected. 15
condom 210 mounted thereon on the end of the penis so that
For example, first head portion 115 may have a diameter D4 lower second end 206 of guide 200 is closest to the penis. The
of 28 mm that will fit tightly on the average human penis, user then unrolls the condom onto the penis in the direction of
while narrow segment 109 may have a diameter D3 of 24 mm arrows 216, while simultaneously pinching the tip 214 of
or less. This configuration will create an inner pouch that fits condom 210 to remove any air from the tip. Once the condom
tightly on the average human penis and that applies a circum has been unrolled off the guide 200, guide 200 may be dis
ferential Squeezing pressure in the area of the penile frenulum carded. If a user should attempt to unroll condom 210 onto the
and glans that has an inhibiting effect on premature ejacula penis in the incorrect direction (i.e., opposite to arrows 216),
tion, but also results in slightly reduced pleasure for the user. it may be seen that restrictors 208 will prevent the condom
On the other hand, as another example, when first head por from being unrolled in this direction. Further, should the user
tion has a diameter D4 of 36 mm and narrow segment 109 has force the condom over restrictors 208, the guide will be
a diameter D3 of 24-28 mm, the pleasure experienced by the 25 trapped between the condom and the user's penis which will
user is greater because first head portion 115 is able to slide alert the user that that condom 210 is being applied incor
relative to the glans of the penis, while the remainder of the rectly. Additionally, as mentioned above, while guide 200 is
inner pouch 110 is held immobile due to the circumferential particularly useful for use with condom 100 of the invention,
pressure applied by narrow segment 109. Further, the circum guide 200 may be used with any rolled condom for ensuring
ferential pressure applied by narrow segment 109 in the area 30 proper application, and is not limited to use with condom 100
below the glans penis at the location of the penile frenulum is described above.
still able to have an inhibiting effect on premature ejaculation. Condom Having an Undulated Body
Accordingly, it may be seen that the dimensions of the inner FIGS. 6A-6B illustrate another embodiment of a condom
pouch may be tailored to achieve varying effects in increasing 300 having an undulated body configuration. Condom 300
or decreasing pleasure and in inhibiting premature ejacula consists of a hollow tubular body 310 having a proximal open
tion. 35
end 311 and a distal closed end 312, with a distal tip 314.
Additionally, in alternative embodiments, the inner pouch Tubular body 310 is undulated or in deviation from the center
110 may be used independently of the outer pouch 120 as a line 302, such that if centerline 302 forms an x axis in an xyz
standalone condom, but in Such cases, a number of advan frame of reference, then in FIG. 6A, the Z axis 316 is coming
tages of condom 100 will be lost, including the additional out of the page, and in FIG. 6B, the y axis 318 is coming out
protection against breakage provided by the outer pouch, and 40 of the page. Thus, it may be seen that tubular body 310
the added sensation due to the sliding action of the outer undulates in multiple directions along its length. In the
pouch 120 over the inner pouch and glans of the penis. Fur example illustrated, a first segment 320 is substantially par
thermore, the sizes and dimensions given above are intended allel with centerline 302. A second segment 322 turns upward
to accommodate the range of the average human penis, as in they direction a distance of d1, such that the distance d1
discussed above. It will be apparent that the relative dimen 45 may be measured to the centerline 302 as the radius r of
sions of the condom 100 of the invention may be adjusted to tubular body 310 at open end 311 plus distance d1. Addition
create a larger or Smaller overall condom able to produce the ally, second segment 322 also extends outward in the Z direc
same beneficial attributes to enable the condom to fit prop tion a distance of r-d2 from the centerline 302. In the embodi
erly, as described, on men having larger or Smaller penises ment shown d1 d2, but this is not necessarily the case in other
than average, respectively. 50 embodiments. A third segment 324 extends back in the minus
Guide y direction a distance of r+d3, while extending back in the
minus Z direction a distance of r+d4 from the centerline 302.
FIGS. 4A-4B and 5A-5B illustrate a condom guide 200
that serves as an aid in preventing condom 100 or any other In the embodiment shown d3–d4, but this is not necessarily
condom from being applied inside out. Because the condom the case in other embodiments. A fourth segment extends in
100 of the invention includes an inner pouch 110 and an outer the positive y and positive Z directions again to return tip 208
pouch 120 that are distinct in structure, purpose and function, to centerline 302. Condom 300 may be lubricated and rolled
it is important that condom 100 not be applied inside out. like a regular condom for easy application. The unique shape
However, condom 100 is rolled like a conventional condom of condom 300 provides a pleasurable sensation to the userby
for use, and so there is a risk that condom 100 might be put on creating areas of slack along the length of the condom, while
incorrectly by a user. In order to reduce this risk a guide 200 other areas are stretched more tightly to maintain the condom
may be provided and packaged with condom 100 to aid in 60 in position.
proper application of condom 100. Bellows Head Condoms
In a preferred embodiment, guide 200 includes a cylindri FIGS. 7 and 8 illustrate two exemplary embodiments of
cal body 202 having an upper first end 204 and a lower second condoms having a bellows formed toward the closed end. As
end 206. A pair of opposed restrictors 208 extend outwardly illustrated in FIG. 7, a condom 400 includes a pouch 403
in a wing-like manner perpendicularly from cylindrical body 65 having a proximal open end 402 and a distal closed end 404.
202 at first end 204 and serve to prevent a rolled condom 210 Closed end 404 is a round flat slightly domed end, rather than
from being unrolled from guide 200 in the incorrect direction. having a conventional reservoir tip. Pouch 403 includes a
US 7,434,581 B1
9 10
tubular body portion 410 and an expanded bellows configu posed on the penis of a user for inhibiting premature
ration 408 formed distally toward the closed end 404 of ejaculation for the user of the condom.
tubular body 410. Bellows configuration 408 is formed by a 2. The condom according to claim 1,
spiral shaped channel or bulge 412 that extends radially out wherein said first wall thickness is 0.10 mm or less and said
ward from tubular body 410 and that extends along the second wall thickness is 0.20 mm or less and thicker than
remaining length of pouch 403 in a spiral configuration. Spi said first wall thickness.
ral shaped bulge 412 is formed on condom 400, so that when 3. The condom according to claim 1,
condom 400 is placed on a user's penis, the bellows configu wherein said first wall thickness is 0.06 mm or less and said
ration 408 is positioned so as to begin below the glans of the second wall thickness is 0.08 mm or more.
penis. Bulge 412 is sufficiently larger in diameter than tubular 10 4. The condom according to claim 1, further comprising:
body 410 that so that the bellows configuration 408 fits said first pouch having a first tubular body, said first tubular
loosely on the end of the user's penis and is able to move body having a first diameter segment having a first diam
freely back and forth, while tubular body 410 fits sufficiently eter at said first open end, said first tubular body transi
Snuggly around the shaft of the user's penis to prevent slip tioning distally of said first opening to a second diameter
page of the condom from the base of the penis. For example, 15 at a proximal periphery of a narrow segment, said nar
in some embodiments, tubular body 410 may be 34 mm in row segment extending distally to a first neck portion of
diameter, while bulge 412 forming bellows 408 the closed said first pouch, said first neck portion having a third
end 404 may be 51-55 mm in diameter. During use, the diameter, said narrow segment being between 10 and
bellows configuration 408 moves back and forth (i.e., 100 mm in length, said first tubular body transitioning to
expands and contracts) with each thrust made during inter a fourth diameter distally of said first neck portion at a
course, thereby providing additional pleasurable stimulation first head portion of said first pouch and then transition
to both partners. ing to said first closed end.
FIG. 8 illustrates a condom 401, similar to condom 400 5. The condom according to claim 4.
described above, and having a bellows configuration 418 wherein said second diameter and said third diameter are
formed toward the distal end 404 thereof. Condom 401 25 less than said first diameter and said fourth diameter, the
includes two spiral shaped bulges 412, and functions in a portion of said first tubular body extending between said
manner similar to condom 400 described above. Bellows second diameter and said third diameter comprising said
configuration 418 may be of a diameter similar to bellows narrow segment, and being less thananaverage diameter
configuration 408 of condom 400, and thus, in some embodi of an erect human penis,
ments, tubular body 410 may be 34 mm in diameter, while 30 wherein, when said condom is disposed on the penis, said
bulges 412 forming bellows 418 and closed end 404 may be first neckportion is located immediately below the glans
from 51-55 mm in diameter. Further either of condoms 400, of the penis and said narrow segment applies said cir
401 may be used as the outer pouch 120 in the embodiment of cumferential pressure.
FIGS. 1A-1E, thereby providing even greater sliding sensa 6. The condom according to claim 5.
tion caused by outer pouch 120. 35 wherein said second pouch has a second tubular body, said
Thus, it may be seen that the inventive condoms described second tubular body having a second neck portion
above provide improved and extended pleasure to the users, located in the vicinity of said first neckportion when said
and also can decrease the likelihood of failure. Further, while first pouch is disposed within said second pouch, said
specific embodiments have been illustrated and described in second neck portion having a fifth diameter that is
this specification, those of ordinary skill in the art appreciate 40 greater than said third diameter of said first neckportion,
that any arrangement that is calculated to achieve the same said second neck portion transitioning to a sixth diam
purpose may be substituted for the specific embodiments eter distally of said second neckportion at a second head
disclosed. This disclosure is intended to cover any and all portion and then transitioning to said second closed end,
adaptations or variations of the present invention, and it is to wherein said fourth diameter at said first head portion is 76
be understood that the above description has been made in an 45 percent or less than the sixth diameter at said second
illustrative fashion, and not a restrictive one. Accordingly, the head portion so that said second pouch is able to easily
scope of the invention should properly be determined with slide back and forth relative to said first pouch at said
reference to the appended claims, along with the full range of second head portion due to back and forth movement of
equivalents to which Such claims are entitled. the penis and the condom during intercourse.
What is claimed is:
50 7. The condom according to claim 6.
wherein said sixth diameter is 42 mm or more and said
1. A condom comprising: fourth diameter is 32 mm or less.
a first pouch having a first open end and a first closed end, 8. The condom according to claim 1,
said first pouch being disposed within a second pouch, wherein said first pouch is bonded to said second pouch at
said second pouch having a second open end and a 55 a bonded area adjacent to said first and second open
second closed end; ends, said bonded area extending distally of said first and
said first pouch being bonded to said second pouch adja second open ends between 10 and 100 mm.
cent to said first and second open ends to form a sealed 9. The condom according to claim 1,
interstitial space between the first and second pouches; wherein the interstitial space between said first pouch and
a lubricant being located in said interstitial space to enable 60 said second pouch is under negative pressure so that said
said second pouch to slide relative to said first pouch; second pouch clings around said first pouch in a col
said first pouch having a first wall thickness that is less than lapsed configuration.
a second wall thickness of the second pouch; and 10. A condom comprising:
said first pouch having a narrow segment that is less thanan a first pouch having a first open end and a first closed end,
average diameter of an erect human penis, said narrow 65 said first pouch being disposed within a second pouch,
segment applying circumferential pressure to an area said second pouch having a second open end and a
below the glans of the penis when the condom is dis second closed end,
US 7,434,581 B1
11 12
said first pouch being bonded to said second pouch adja 16. A condom comprising:
cent to said first and second open ends to form a sealed a first pouch having a first open end and a first closed end,
interstitial space between the first and second pouches; said first pouch being disposed within a second pouch,
a lubricant located in said interstitial space to enable said said second pouch having a second open end and a
second pouch to slide relative to said first pouch; second closed end,
said first pouch having a first tubular body, said first tubular said first pouch being bonded to said second pouch adja
body having a first diameter segment having a first diam cent to said first and second open ends to form a sealed
eter at said first open end, said first tubular body transi interstitial space between the first and second pouches;
tioning distally of said first opening to a second diameter a lubricant located in said interstitial space to enable said
at a proximal periphery of a narrow segment, said nar 10 second pouch to slide relative to said first pouch;
row segment extending distally to a first neck portion of said first pouch having a first wall thickness that is less than
said first pouch, said first neck portion having a third a second wall thickness of the second pouch;
diameter, said narrow segment being between 10 and said first pouch having a first tubular body, said first tubular
100 mm in length, said first tubular body transitioning to body having a first diameter segment having a first diam
a fourth diameter distally of said first neck portion at a 15 eter at said first open end, said first tubular body transi
first head portion of said first pouch and then transition tioning distally of said first opening to a second diameter
ing to said first closed end, at a proximal periphery of a narrow segment, said nar
wherein said second diameter and said third diameter are row segment extending distally to a first neck portion of
less than said first diameter and said fourth diameter, the said first pouch, said first neck portion having a third
portion of said first tubular body extending between said diameter, said narrow segment being between 10 and
second diameter and said third diameter comprising said 100 mm in length, said first tubular body transitioning to
narrow segment, and being less than an average diameter a fourth diameter distally of said first neck portion at a
of an erect human penis, first head portion of said first pouch and then transition
wherein, when said condom is disposed on the penis, said ing to said first closed end,
first neck portion is located below the glans of the penis 25 wherein said second diameter and said third diameter are
and said narrow segment applies circumferential pres less than said first diameter and said fourth diameter,
sure to the vicinity of the penile frenulum for inhibiting said third diameter being less than an average diameter
premature ejaculation for a user of the condom said first of an erect human penis,
pouch having a first wall thickness that is less than a wherein, when said condom is disposed on the penis, said
second wall thickness of the second pouch. 30 first neckportion is located below the glans of the penis,
11. The condom according to claim 10, and said narrow segment applies circumferential pres
wherein said first pouch has a wall thickness of 0.06 mm or sure to the vicinity of the penile frenulum for inhibiting
less and said second pouch has a wall thickness of 0.08 premature ejaculation for a user of the condom; and
O. O. said second pouch having a second tubular body said sec
12. The condom according to claim 10, 35 ond tubular body having a second neck portion located
wherein said first wall thickness is 0.10 mm or less and said in the vicinity of said first neck portion when said first
second wall thickness is 0.20 mm or less and thicker than pouch is disposed within said second pouch, said second
said first wall thickness. neck portion having a fifth diameter that is greater than
13. The condom according to claim 10, said third diameter of said first neckportion, said second
wherein said first diameter is 32+4 mm, and 40 neck portion transitioning to a sixth diameter distally of
wherein said second diameter and said third diameter are said second neck portion at a second head portion and
8+4 mm less than said first diameter. then transitioning to said second closed end,
14. The condom according to claim 10, further comprising: wherein said fourth diameter at said first head portion is 76
said second pouch having a second tubular body, said sec percent or less than the sixth diameter at said second
ond tubular body having a second neck portion located 45 head portion so that said second pouch is able to easily
in the vicinity of said first neck portion when said first slide back and forth relative to said first pouch at said
pouch is disposed within said second pouch, said second second head portion during intercourse, thereby provid
neck portion having a fifth diameter that is greater than ing stimulation to the glans of the penis.
said third diameter of said first neckportion, said second 17. The condom according to claim 16,
neck portion transitioning to a sixth diameter distally of 50 wherein said sixth diameter is 42 mm or more and said
said second neck portion at a second head portion and fourth diameter is 32 mm or less.
then transitioning to said second closed end, 18. The condom according to claim 16,
wherein said fourth diameter at said first head portion is 76 wherein said first pouch is bonded to said second pouch at
percent or less than the sixth diameter at said second a bonded area adjacent to said first and second open
head portion so that said second pouch is able to easily 55 ends, said bonded area extending distally of said first and
slide back and forth relative to said first pouch at said second open ends between 10 and 100 mm, and
second head portion during intercourse. wherein the interstitial space between said first pouch and
15. The condom according to claim 10, said second pouch is under negative pressure so that said
wherein said first pouch is bonded to said second pouch at second pouch clings around said first pouch in a col
a bonded area adjacent to said first and second open 60 lapsed configuration.
ends, said bonded area extending distally of said first and 19. The condom according to claim 16,
second open ends between 10 and 100 mm, and wherein said first wall thickness is 0.10 mm or less and said
wherein the interstitial space between said first pouch and second wall thickness is 0.20 mm or less and thicker than
said second pouch is under negative pressure so that said said first wall thickness.
second pouch clings around said first pouch in a col 65
lapsed configuration.

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