AW FallenEmpires Updated (v1?)
AW FallenEmpires Updated (v1?)
AW FallenEmpires Updated (v1?)
The gods? This is their doing, all of it. Your bold comrades? If you could rely on them
you wouldn’t be here. Your precious old mother? She’s a darling but what will she do for
you but weep and mourn. No, you pray for death’s gray bird, a bonepicker, to lay a hand
upon you, and the cauter, and to tell you whether you will live or die.
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Battlefield grace: while you are caring for people, not fighting, you get +1armor.
Canny: when you grasp outward into the world’s psychic maelstrom, roll+sharp
Fly at someone; instead of +weird.
Waylay someone;
Do battle Detachment: you can choose to roll+sharp instead of roll+history when you help
someone who’s rolling.
The second devotion: burn incense against reluctance, whisper someone’s name
Seduce or manipulate to the world’s psychic maelstrom, and spend 0–3 devotion. Roll+devotion spent. On a
If you and another character have sex, they
someone choose 1: 10+, choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• You get +1 to your history with them, and they • The world’s psychic maelstrom whispers back whether they are alive or dead.
highlight get +1 to their history with you. • The world’s psychic maelstrom will protect them from harm, if it is able.
• You recover 1 spent devotion, but they get -1 to • The world’s psychic maelstrom will do them harm, if it is able.
their history with you. • The world’s psychic maelstrom whispers back who they are with and what they are doing.
Read a person;
Read a situation • You recover 1 spent devotion, and you must • Recover 1 of the devotion you spent, if you spent any.
answer any one question they ask. On a miss, ask the MC what the world’s psychic maelstrom whispers to you.
highlight Still-room: you get a still-room, a ceremonial space (cf) of healing. Bring your
patients into it and you can contemplate, understand, and transform them like a
Grasp outward mystic can contemplate and transform reality.
experience > >>improve
Necromancer: when someone dies in your care, you can use them for augury. This
Get +1sharp (max sharp+3) is contrary to your devotion, but still, you can.
highlight Get +1cool (max cool+2)
Get +1hard (max hard+2)
Get +1hard (max hard+2)
Get +1weird (max weird+2)
Get a new bonepicker move
Get a new bonepicker move
Get an acolyte (detail with the MC)
Get a move from another playbook
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
Your devotion allows you to speak life to the living and death to the dying. The
trappings of your devotion include some or all of: To create your bonepicker, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, and history.
• The cauter • The misericorde (deadly: intimate)
• The gray bird’s wing • The blindfold
• Bandages, knives, split-twig clamps, needles, a glass blade Ama, Bishe, Cailo, Curdarre, Five, Imsha, Everyone introduces their characters by
• The seven salves: awakening, blood-stop, bone-set, leaping-heart, proof-against-pain, Jerre, Mala, Naise, Pavia, Poise, Sara, Tell. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
unwakening, and wound-knit
List the other characters’ names.
• The four incenses: against grief, against fear, against despair, and against reluctance
Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing, Go around again for history. On your turn,
When you are fully rested, prepared, and initiated, you have a measure of 6 devotion.
or concealed. ask 1, 2, or all 3:
When you attend yourself to the wounded, you choose how much of your devotion and
• Which one of you do I see as doomed to self-
endurance to give them, measured as 0–3 devotion “spent.” Dark skin, light skin.
You begin play with your full measure of 6 devotion. At need, you can spend 1 keep to Sturdy gray robes. For that character, write history-2.
recover 2 devotion, if your circumstances allow you the time to rest, prepare and renew • Which one of you put a hand in when it
Haggard face, kind face, lively face, pretty
your initiations. mattered, and helped me save a life?
face, rugged face, or strong face.
For that character, write history+2.
When you devote yourself to someone with 1–3 wounds, you heal their wounds, 1 by
Bright eyes, caring eyes, clear eyes, hard • Which one of you has been beside me all
1. These must be fresh wounds; there is no cure for old wounds. Ask the MC how long
eyes, laughing eyes, or quick eyes. along, and has seen everything I’ve seen?
it’ll take, and how little they can exert themselves without undoing your work. Then
For that character, write history+3.
your patient chooses: you spend 1 devotion and salve them against pain and fear; or else Big body, compact body, rangy body, spare
you spend none, and they spend their recovery in misery like everyone else. body, stout body, or sturdy body. For everyone else, write history+1. You
keep your eyes open.
When you devote yourself to someone with 4–6 wounds, roll+devotion spent. On a
hit, you heal them down to 3 wounds, and choose 2 (on a 10+) or 1 (on a 7–9): On the others’ turns, answer their
Choose one set:
• They fight you and you must apply unwakening. How long will they be out? questions as you like.
• Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp+2, Weird-1
• The pain, incense, and salves make them babble the truth. Ask them what secret they spill.
• Cool+1, Hard+1, Hot=0, Sharp+2, Weird-1 At the end, choose one of the characters
• Their body is eager to be healed. Recover 1 of the devotion you spent, if you spent any.
• Cool-1, Hard+1, Hot=0, Sharp+2, Weird+1 with the highest history on your sheet.
• They’re at your complete mercy. What do you do to them?
• Cool+2, Hard=0, Hot-1, Sharp+2, Weird-1 Ask that player which of your stats is most
• Their course of recovery teaches you something about your own devotion. Mark experience.
interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
• They owe you for your time, attention, and expense, and you’re going to hold them to it.
have you highlight a second stat too.
On a miss, their life is ending. Speak death to them or defy your devotion.
You get all the basic moves, and choose 2
When you speak death to the dying, whisper the words and deliver mercy. bonepicker moves.
During play, it’s your job to have your
When you devote yourself to someone who has just died, spend 2 devotion. They come You can use all the battle moves, but when
character make and pursue goals. They
back, but you choose how they come back. Choose from the regular list, or else choose 1: you get the chance, look up baiting a trap
can be any goals you want, long term and
• They come back in your deep, deep debt. and keeping lookout, as well as the rules
short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
• You and they both come back with +1weird (max weird+3). for harm.
might be this very morning, as play begins.
You have an acolyte. Whenever you spend your devotion, first your acolyte spends
1 on your behalf. Thus, to roll+1, spend 0; to roll+2, spend 1; to revive someone who has
You begin play with:
just died, spend only 1; and so on. Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
• The trappings of your devotion, without an
whenever you reset your history with
someone, mark an experience circle. When
• A small practical weapon.
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your lifestyle. If you can’t or you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
• Coin or goods worth 2 keep.
won’t, tell the MC and answer her questions. You can earn your keep by: working the • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail). Each time you improve, choose one of the
hard earth; tending to the health of a dozen families or more; serving in a powerful NPC’s options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
army; serving a powerful NPC as priest and healer; or other means as you can negotiate Small practical weapons (choose 1):
them. • Dagger (deadly: in quarters)
• Fighting baton (deadly: in the yard)
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and • Fighting knife (deadly: in quarters)
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute • Head-breaker [brass knuckles] (deadly: in
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or quarters)
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them. • Short sword (deadly: in the yard)
There are, in this world of fallen empires, those more dangerous than the rest. The
children of battle, the ones who carry themselves apart, the ones who glitter like bare
blades in the dust. Lower your eyes when you pass them; they are the flame into which
moths and fools fling themselves.
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Anointed for battle: paint your skin with symbols of terror and power and they
highlight count as armor: 2 armor if you’re otherwise naked or nearly naked; 1 armor if you’re
wearing non-armor clothing. When you wear armor, use it instead.
Fly at someone;
Waylay someone; Ice cold: when you fly at an NPC, roll+cool instead of +hard. When you fly at
Do battle another PC, roll+history instead.
highlight Like the viper: when you enter into a charged situation, roll+hot. On a 10+, hold 2.
On a 7–9, hold 1. Spend your hold 1-for-1 to make eye contact with an NPC present;
Seduce or manipulate If you and another character have sex, you they freeze or flinch and can’t take action until you break it off. On a miss, your
someone annul their special move. Whatever it is, it enemies immediately identify you as their foremost threat.
doesn’t happen.
Merciless: when you inflict harm, inflict +1 harm.
Perfect instincts: when you’ve read a charged situation and you’re acting on the
Read a person; MC’s answers, take +2 to the roll instead of +1.
Read a situation
Visions of death: when you go into battle, roll+weird. On a 10+, name one NPC
who’ll die and one NPC who’ll live. On a 7–9, name one NPC who’ll die OR one NPC
who’ll live. The MC will make your vision come true, if it is within their power. On a
miss, you foresee your own death, and take -1 ongoing until the battle ends.
Grasp outward
experience > >>improve
Get +1hard (max hard+2)
highlight Get +1hot (max hot+2)
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
Get +1weird (max weird+2)
Get a new child of battle move
Get a new child of battle move
Get an ally (cf; detail with the MC)
Get a war-band (you detail) and leadership
Get a move from another playbook
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
A distinctive dagger: A distinctive sword:
Deadly (circle 1): Blade (circle 2): Deadly (circle 1): Blade (circle 2): To create your child of battle, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, and
In quarters Broken-backed In the yard Age-darkened history.
Waylay Curved On the field Curved
Flame-shaped Mounted Enchanted Alabaster, Bind, Culistair, Fasha, Hawk, Everyone introduces their characters by
Hilt (circle 1):
Heavy Flame-shaped Joy, Marred, Never, Pity, Pyre, Sun, name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
Copper Hilt (circle 1):
Leaf-shaped Heavy Zephyr.
Crude 2‑handed List the other characters’ names.
Long Leaf-shaped
Golden Crude
Notched Light Go around again for history. On your
Hide-wrapped Golden
Of unusual metal Long Man, woman, ambiguous, or turn, ask the other players which of their
Inlaid Graceful
Razor-sharp Notched transgressing. characters you can trust.
Intricate Hide-wrapped
Shining Of unusual metal • For the characters you can trust, write
Ivory Inlaid Dark skin, light skin.
Slender Razor-sharp history -1.
Jeweled Intricate
Spike-pointed Shining Austere clothing, fanciful clothing, plain • For the characters you can’t trust, write
Plain Ivory
Short clothing, or rich clothing. history +2.
Distinctive armor (2-armor): Plain Boyish face, girlish face, handsome face, You are indifferent to what is safe, and
Qualities (circle 2): smooth face, striking face, or sweet face. drawn to what is not.
Antique Of unusual metal A distinctive hand weapon: Arresting eyes, calculating eyes, frosty On the others’ turns, answer their
Brilliantly Ornate
Deadly (circle 1): To strike (circle 2): eyes, indifferent eyes, or merciless eyes. questions as you like.
enameled Sculpted
Elaborate helmet breastplate In the yard Chain Angular body, gorgeous body, muscular At the end, choose one of the characters
Enameled black Striking helmet On the field Chisel head body, sweet body, or slim body. with the highest history on your sheet.
Menacing Supple chain mail Mounted Curved blade Ask that player which of your stats is most
Mirror-polished Velvet brigandine Vs mounted Heavy blade interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
Or: Heavy head Choose one set: have you highlight a second stat too.
+1 to the roll Hook • Cool+3, Hard-1, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird=0
Other distinctive weapons: Pierces armor Long blade • Cool+3, Hard-1, Hot+2, Sharp=0, Weird-1
A magical spell that strikes your enemies Piercing spike • Cool+3, Hard-2, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird+1 During play, it’s your job to have your
Quality (circle 1):
with blades of darkness (thrown, area, Short blade • Cool+3, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird-1 character make and pursue goals. They
ignores armor) Spikes can be any goals you want, long term and
A matched set of onyx-handled throwing Striking head short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
daggers (thrown, deadly: waylay) Two blades You get all the basic moves, and choose 2 might be this very morning, as play begins.
To hold (circle 1): child of battle moves.
A recurved bow and leaf-blade arrows (at Chain
range, deadly: aimed) Haft You can use all the battle moves, but when
A variety of hidden blades, spikes, and Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
Handle you get the chance, look up keeping watch
garrotes (deadly: in quarters) whenever you reset your history with
Staff and the subterfuge moves.
someone, mark an experience circle. When
you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your lifestyle. If you can’t You begin play with: Each time you improve, choose one of the
or won’t, tell the MC and answer her questions. You can earn your keep by: working • 3 distinctive weapons or armor. options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
the hard earth; extorting, raiding, or robbing a wealthy population; executing a murder on • Coin or goods worth 4 keep. again.
behalf of a wealthy NPC; serving a powerful NPC as bodyguard; or other means as you can • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail),
negotiate them. including at your option light armor (1
armor) or heavy armor (2 armor).
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them.
Mesmerasts are the weird, creeping, spying psychic sorcerers of this world of fallen
empires. They have powers of compulsion, sorcerous puppet strings, alien hearts, dead
souls, and eyes like broken things. They stand in your peripheral vision and whisper
into your head, staring. They place polished stones upon your eyes and read your
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Alien & compelling: when you try to seduce someone, roll+weird instead of
highlight roll+hot.
Fly at someone; Mesmeric initiate: you get +1weird (to weird+3).
Waylay someone;
Do battle Plumbing psychic depths: when you have time and physical intimacy with
someone—mutual intimacy like holding each other in your arms, or 1-sided intimacy
highlight like kneeling over them while they’re bound—you can reach your mind into their
soul. Roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 2. Spend your hold 1 for 1 to ask
Seduce or manipulate If you and another character have sex, you their player questions:
someone immediately plumb their psychic depths, • What was your character’s lowest moment?
whether you have the move or not. Roll+weird • For what does your character crave forgiveness, and of whom?
highlight as normal. However, the MC chooses which • What are your character’s secret pains?
questions to ask. • In what ways are your character’s body and mind vulnerable to me?
Read a person; On a miss, you inflict 1 harm upon your subject, ignoring armor, to no benefit.
Read a situation
Sorcerous puppet strings: when you have time and intimacy with someone—
again, mutual or 1-sided—you can plant a command inside their mind. Roll+weird.
On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. At your will, no matter the circumstances, you can
spend your hold 1 for 1:
Grasp outward
• Inflict 1 harm upon them, ignoring armor.
experience > >>improve
• They take -1 to the roll they’re making now.
Get +1cool (max cool+2) If they fulfill your command, it counts for all of your remaining hold and they’re free.
highlight Get +1sharp (max sharp+2) On a miss, you inflict 1 harm upon them, ignoring armor, to no benefit.
Get +1hard (max hard+2)
Unworldly senses: when you read someone, roll+weird instead of roll+sharp. Your
Get +1hard (max hard+2)
victim has to be able to see you, but you need not interact in any way.
Get a new mesmerast move
Get a new mesmerast move Whispering malice: you can roll+weird to get the effect of flying at someone
Get 2 new or replacement mesmerast trappings without making any physical motion. Your victim has to be able to see you, but you
Get a small holding (you detail) and wealth don’t have to interact. If your victim forces your hand, your mesmeric will counts as a
Get a move from another playbook weapon (1 harm, ignoring armor).
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
Choose 2:
Incense: against reserve. Burn it where your subject will breathe it. To create your mesmerast, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, and history.
While someone is breathing the smoke of incense against reserve, if you read them or
use a mesmerast move on them that gives you hold, you get +1 hold—see reading a
Arrama, Brace, Charmer, Foraire, Pallor, Everyone introduces their characters by
person, psychic delve and sorcerous puppet strings.
Sin, Sundown, Thast, Xansti. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
Invested surrogate. Place it where your subject will be able to see it.
List the other characters’ names.
For your purposes—see unworldly senses and whispering malice—if someone can
see your invested surrogate, it is as though they can see you. Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing, Go around again for history. On your turn,
or concealed. ask 1, 2, or all 3:
Object of radiant misery. Breathe upon it and whisper the incantation to bring it to
• Which one of you has slept in my presence
life. Dark skin, light skin.
(knowingly or unknowingly)?
An invisible creature violently assaults the souls of everyone present, except you. They
Bizarre clothing, grand clothing, rags, For that character, write history+2.
cannot defend themselves. It hits them for 1 harm apiece, ignoring armor, and then
robes, or vestments. • Which one of you have I been watching
returns to lifelessness.
carefully, in secret?
Bony face, flushed face, plump moist face,
Salve: the crown of peace. Anoint your subject with it. For that character, write history+2.
scarred face, smooth face, or scarred face.
Protects your subject from all mesmerast moves and trappings. This effect lasts • Which one of you most evidently dislikes and
through one full day and into a second, or until washed away. Caring eyes, dead eyes, deep eyes, pale distrusts me?
eyes, ruined eyes, soft eyes, or wet eyes. For that character, write history+3.
Salve: the flayed nerve. Anoint your victim with it.
If you anoint someone with the flayed nerve, and you inflict harm upon them with Awkward angular body, crippled body, fat For everyone else, write history+1. You
a mesmerast move or trapping, inflict +1 harm—see the object of radiant misery, body, slight body, or soft body. have weird insights into everyone.
psychic delve, sorcerous puppet strings, and whispering malice. This effect lasts
On the others’ turns, answer their
through one full day and into a second, or until washed away.
Choose one set: questions as you like.
Violation glove. Wear it. • Cool+1, Hard+1, Hot-2, Sharp+1, Weird+2
At the end, choose one of the characters
For your purposes—see plumbing psychic depths and sorcerous puppet strings— • Cool=0, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp=0, Weird+2
with the highest history on your sheet.
merely touching their skin with your violation glove counts as time and intimacy with • Cool+1, Hard-2, Hot-1, Sharp+2, Weird+2
Ask that player which of your stats is most
them. • Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot-1, Sharp=0, Weird+2
interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
have you highlight a second stat too.
You get all the basic moves, and choose 2
mesmerast moves.
During play, it’s your job to have your
You can use all the battle moves, but when
character make and pursue goals. They
you get the chance, look up baiting a trap,
can be any goals you want, long term and
keeping lookout, and turning the tables.
short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
might be this very morning, as play begins.
You begin play with:
• 2 mesmerast trappings.
Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
• A small fancy weapon.
whenever you reset your history with
• Coin or goods worth 8 keep.
someone, mark an experience circle. When
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your lifestyle. If you can’t • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail).
you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
or won’t, tell the MC and answer her questions. You can earn your keep by: working Small fancy weapons (choose 1):
the hard earth; interrogating a warlord NPC’s prisoners; serving a powerful NPC as Each time you improve, choose one of the
• Antique dagger (deadly: in quarters)
kept mesmerast; extorting or blackmailing a powerful NPC; or other means as you can options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
• Glass-edge knife (deadly: in quarters)
negotiate them. again.
• Hidden knives (deadly: in quarters)
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and • Jeweled skull-pick (deadly: in the yard)
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute • Ornate dagger (deadly: in quarters)
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them.
When the golden empires of the world fell, their machinery of war did not save them.
Their monstrous engines of war, their hundred-mile supply trains, their armies of
thousands and hundreds of thousands, their legions of Countless, their legions of
Immortals—when the empires fell, all fell.
In this time of dust, what is left is what there was before: a sword, an axe, a human
highlight creature with the will to wield them, a human creature with the will to lead.
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Fly at someone; Bloody-crowned: when you try to impose your will upon your war-band,
Waylay someone; roll+hard. On a 10+, all 3. On a 7–9, choose 1:
Do battle • They do what you order (otherwise, they refuse).
highlight • They don’t fight back over it (otherwise, they do fight back).
• You don’t have to make an example of one of them (otherwise, you must).
Seduce or manipulate If you and another character have sex, they Foragers and thieves: when you have your war-band search their wallets and
someone immediately change their history with you to saddlebags for something, roll+hard. It has to be something small enough to be
+3. They also choose whether to give you +1 or carried. On a 10+, one of you has just the thing. On a 7–9, one of you happens to have
highlight -1 to your history with them. something similar, that will perhaps serve. On a miss, one of you used to have just
the thing, but come to discover that now it’s missing, likely stolen in turn.
Read a person;
Read a situation
Grasp outward
experience > >>improve
Get +1hard (max hard+3)
highlight Get +1cool (max cool+2)
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
Get +1weird (max weird+2)
Get +1weird (max weird+2)
Add or remove an option for your war-band
Add or remove an option for your war-band
Get a small holding (you detail) and wealth
Get a move from another playbook
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
Kind (circle 1): Looks (circle 2):
Camel (fast=0, strong+2, hungry=0, stubborn) Battle-scarred, caparisoned, To create your wolfshead, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, mount,
Elephant (fast-1, strong+3, hungry+2, cowardly, huge) ferocious, hale, half‑wild, war‑band, and history.
Horse (fast+1, strong+1, hungry+1, temperamental) handsome, powerful,
ragged, regal, sleek,
Fast Strong Hungry ugly, underfed, well‑fed, Arned, Brunt, Burke, Damre, Dienne, Juck, Detail your mount and your war-band.
well‑groomed. Kaley, Maise, Malerre, Tambore, Truth.
In addition, you begin play with:
Harm Armor • Armor and 2 no-nonsense weapons.
• Coin or goods worth 2 keep.
Man, woman, ambiguous, or
• Clothing suitable to your look (you detail).
By default, your war-band consists of around a dozen Armor (choose 1):
Dark skin, light skin.
warriors, with mounts like yours, an eclectic assortment Number • Leather coat, helmet, boots (1 armor).
of arms and armor, and no discipline to speak of (2 harm, Filthy clothing, functional clothing, poor • Breastplate, helmet, boots (2 armor).
1 armor). clothing, stolen clothing, sturdy clothing. • Mail coat, helmet, boots (2 armor).
Harm Armor Broken face, narrow face, rugged face, No-nonsense weapons (choose 3):
Then, choose 2:
Your war-band numbers 20 or so. strong face, or weathered face. • Bastard sword (deadly: on the field)
Your war-band’s well-armed (+1 harm). • Battle-axe (deadly: on the field)
Calculating eyes, kind eyes, narrow eyes,
Your war-band’s well-armored (+1 armor). • Dagger (deadly: in quarters)
scorched eyes, or weary eyes.
Your war-band’s well-disciplined (choose 1 drill). Tags • Fighting knife (deadly: in quarters)
Your war-band’s well-disciplined (choose 1 drill). Fat body, rangy body, squat body, sturdy • Lance (deadly: mounted)
Your war-band’s well-disciplined (choose 1 drill). body, or wiry body. • Sword (deadly: in the yard)
Your war-band includes several skilled archers and all • War-mace (deadly: on the field)
have bows (tag: at range).
Your war-band’s nomadic at heart, and able to keep and Choose one set:
care for its mounts without needing a permanent home Drills • Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot-1, Sharp+1, Weird=0 Everyone introduces their characters by
(tag: mobile). • Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot+1, Sharp=0, Weird-1 name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
Against archers • Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot=0, Sharp+1, Weird-1
Your war-band’s self-sufficient, able to provide for itself by Against cavalry List the other characters’ names.
raiding and scavenging (tag: rich). • Cool+2, Hard+2, Hot-1, Sharp=0, Weird-1
Against ranks Go around again for history. On your turn,
And choose 1: Against surprise ask 1, 2, or all 3:
Your war-band’s mounts are in bad shape and need You get all the basic moves, and both • Which one of you used to fight in my
constant attention (tag: vulnerable: undermounted). Losses wolfshead moves. war‑band?
Your war-band’s loose-knit, with warriors coming and For that character, write history+1.
going as they choose (tag: vulnerable: desertion). Names & Ranks You can use all the battle moves, and
• Which one of you believes that you could
Your war-band is in significant debt to someone powerful probably will.
outfight me, if it came to it?
(tag: vulnerable: obligation). For that character, write history+2.
Your war-band has powerful enemies (tag: vulnerable: • Which one of you once stood up to me,
reprisals). During play, it’s your job to have your
war‑band and all?
character make and pursue goals. They
For that character, write history+3.
can be any goals you want, long term and
short-. Begin by thinking what your goals For everyone else, write history-1. Their
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your own lifestyle, plus 0, might be this very morning, as play begins. affairs are not, you suppose, your concern.
1, or 2 keep for your mount’s hungry. If you can’t or won’t, tell the MC and answer
On the others’ turns, answer their
her questions. You can earn your keep by: working the hard earth; extorting, raiding,
questions as you like.
or robbing a wealthy population; executing a murder on behalf of a wealthy NPC; serving a Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
powerful NPC as bodyguard; or other means as you can negotiate them. whenever you reset your history with At the end, choose one of the characters
someone, mark an experience circle. When with the highest history on your sheet.
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and
you mark the 5th, improve and erase. Ask that player which of your stats is most
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute
interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or Each time you improve, choose one of the
have you highlight a second stat too.
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them. options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
When the great empires of the golden age fell, with them fell law and society. This world
in their dust is ugly, desperate, violent. What’s yours is yours only while you can hold
it in your hands. There’s no peace. There’s no stability but what you carve, inch by inch,
out of the ruins and wilds, and then defend with murder and blood.
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Read a person;
No fool, I: name your escape route and roll+hard. On a 10+, you win free and you’re
Read a situation gone. On a 7-9, you can go or stay, but if you go, it costs you: leave something behind,
or take something with you, and the MC will tell you what. On a miss, you’re caught
vulnerable, half in and half out.
Ruthless: you get +1hard (to hard+3).
Grasp outward
experience > >>improve
Get +1cool (max cool+2)
highlight Get +1hot (max hot+2)
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
Get +1weird (max weird+2)
Get a new sword master move
Get a new sword master move
Get a war-band (you detail) and bloody-crowned
Get a small holding (you detail) and wealth
Get a move from another playbook
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
Terrifying Weapons of War (choose 1):
Crossbow & quarrels (at range, slow, pierces armor) To create your sword master, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, and
Greatsword (deadly: on the field) history.
Poleaxe (deadly: on the field & vs mounted)
Staff-sword (deadly: on the field & vs mounted) Chaplain, Etienne, Grekkor, Jonker, Kelle, Everyone introduces their characters by
Spiked flail (deadly: on the field) Regine, Rue, Touner, Vanne, Viktor. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
Serious Weapons (choose 1): List the other characters’ names.
Bastard sword (deadly: on the field)
Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing, Go around again for history. On your turn,
Battle-axe (deadly: on the field) or concealed. ask 1, 2, or all 3:
Battle pick (pierces armor) • Which one of you once left me bleeding, and
Dark skin, light skin.
Cat-gutter [short sword] (deadly: in the yard) did nothing for me?
Sword (deadly: in the yard) Battered old armor, immaculate armor, For that character, write history-2.
mismatched armor, well-kept armor. • Which one of you has fought shoulder to
Shod cudgel (deadly: in the yard)
shoulder with me?
Shortbow & arrows (at range, deadly: aimed) Bony face, blunt face, dull face, plain face,
For that character, write history+2.
War-mace (deadly: on the field) scarred face, or worn face.
• Which one of you is the prettiest and/or the
Backup Weapons (choose 1): Cunning eyes, desperate eyes, raging eyes, smartest?
sad eyes, or wise eyes. For that character, write history+3.
Dagger (deadly: in quarters)
Fighting knife (deadly: in quarters) Battered body, compact body, hard body, For everyone else, write history-1. You find
huge body, stocky body, stringy body. no urgent need to understand most people.
Head breaker [brass knuckles] (deadly: in quarters)
Staff (+1 to the roll) On the others’ turns, answer their
Weighted chain (deadly: in the yard) questions as you like.
Choose one set:
Armor (choose 1): • Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot-1, Sharp+1, Weird=0 At the end, choose one of the characters
• Cool-1, Hard+2, Hot-2, Sharp+1, Weird+2 with the highest history on your sheet.
Leather coat, helmet, boots (1 armor) • Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot-2, Sharp+2, Weird-1 Ask that player which of your stats is most
Breastplate, helmet, boots (2 armor) • Cool+2, Hard+2, Hot-2, Sharp=0, Weird=0 interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
Brigandine, helmet, boots (2 armor) have you highlight a second stat too.
Hide cape, helmet, boots (2 armor)
Laced plates, helmet, boots (2 armor) You get all the basic moves, and choose 2
sword master moves. During play, it’s your job to have your
Leather apron, helmet, boots (2 armor) character make and pursue goals. They
Mail coat, helmet, boots (2 armor) You can use all the battle moves, and
can be any goals you want, long term and
probably will.
short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
might be this very morning, as play begins.
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your lifestyle. If you can’t You begin play with:
or won’t, tell the MC and answer her questions. You can earn your keep by: working • 1 terrifying weapon of war.
Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
the hard earth; extorting, raiding, or robbing a wealthy population; executing a murder on • 1 serious weapon.
whenever you reset your history with
behalf of a wealthy NPC; serving a powerful NPC as bodyguard; or other means as you can • 1 backup weapon.
someone, mark an experience circle. When
negotiate them. • Armor.
you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
• Coin or goods worth 2 keep.
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail). Each time you improve, choose one of the
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or again.
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them.
In the golden age of empires now fallen, there were no strongholders. There were lords
and ladies, who must bow to the great crowned heads; and the great crowned heads
must kneel on their faces before empires.
An empire was not a battered baked-mud fortress at the curve of a river, it spanned
nations and continents. An army was not a little band of sword-arms, it was a thousand
highlight thousand in rank, mounted on war-horses, on chariots, on elephants, on engines of war
Help or interfere; Session end whose skeletons still, here and there, stand.
Go into danger
Leadership: when you have to order your war-band to advance, regroup, hold
Fly at someone; position, hold discipline, or put their damned backs into it, roll+hard. On a hit, they
Waylay someone; do it. In battle, this means that they’re fighting in ranks (cf ). On a 10+, they snap to:
Do battle take +1forward. On a miss, they do it, but you’ll hear about it from them later.
highlight Wealth: When your stronghold is secure and your rule unchallenged, at the
beginning of the session, roll+hard. On a 10+, you have plenty at hand and available
Seduce or manipulate If you and another character have sex, you can for the needs of the session. On a 7-9, you have plenty, but choose 1 want. On a miss,
someone give the other character gifts worth 1 keep, at or if your stronghold is compromised or your rule contested, your hold is in want. The
no cost to you. precise values of your plenty and want depend upon the details of your stronghold.
Read a person;
Read a situation
Grasp outward
experience > >>improve
Get +1hard (max hard+3)
highlight Get +1cool (max cool+2)
Get +1hot (max hot+2)
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
Get +1weird (max weird+2)
Choose a new option for your stronghold
Choose a new option for your stronghold
Remove an option from your stronghold
Get a move from another playbook
Your stronghold provides for your day-to-day living, so while you’re there ruling it, you
Get a move from another playbook
need not spend barter for your lifestyle at the beginning of the session.
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening When you give gifts, these might be worth 1 keep: a month’s hospitality, including a place
Retire your character to safety
to live and meals in common with others; a night in high luxury and company; a bodyguard’s
Create a second character to play
Life-threatening protection; a servant’s service; a weapon or other equipment; a half-hour’s worth of your
Change your character to a new playbook
Dying undivided attention, in private audience; rich or beautiful clothing; or, of course, the requisite
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them coins.
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird. In times of abundance, your stronghold’s plenty is yours to spend personally as you
Change to a new playbook. see fit; your share, levy, or tax. You can suppose that your subjects’ lives are the more
Die. abundant too, in proportion.
By default, your stronghold is home to several families, totaling 50–75 souls, who
survive by farming and hunting (plenty: 1 keep, want: hunger). It’s protected by simple To create your strongholder, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, stronghold,
ditches, fences, and low fieldstone walls (one advantage for defenders). It musters and and history.
regularly drills around 20 warriors, and it has an armory of mixed and makeshift
weapons and simple armor (2 harm, 1 armor, choose 1 drill). Your stables keep mounts
for 8 warriors, plus pack animals; choose camels (fast=0, strong+2, hungry=0, Blache, Boleyr, Borbeq, Dunnerre, Lin, Everyone introduces their characters by
stubborn), elephants (fast-1, strong+3, hungry+2, cowardly, huge), or horses (fast+1, Marca, Simos, Sumia, Ucli. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
strong+1, hungry+1, temperamental).
List the other characters’ names.
Then, choose 4:
Man, woman, ambiguous, or Go around again for history. On your turn,
Your subjects are many, 100–150 souls (plenty: +1 keep, want: disease).
transgressing. ask either or both:
Your subjects are few, 20–40 souls (want: anxiety instead of want: hunger).
• Which of you have been with me since
Your subjects include skilled tradespeople (plenty: +1 keep, want: idleness). Dark skin, light skin.
Your stronghold commands local river trade (plenty: +1 keep, want: obligation).
Distinctive clothing, fine clothing, grand For those characters, write history+2.
You are allied with a neighboring stronghold (plenty: +1 keep, want: obligation).
clothing, or practical clothing. • Have any of you ever betrayed or stolen from
Your stronghold defends a coastal landing (plenty: +1 keep, want: raiders).
Your stronghold defends a busy market crossroad (plenty: +1 keep, want: strangers). Aristocratic face, cruel face, gorgeous face,
For those character, write history+3.
Your stronghold is defended by concentric ditches and stone walls (two advantages for soft face, stern face, strong face.
defenders). For everyone else, write history+1. It’s
Commanding eyes, cool eyes, forgiving
Your stronghold includes a small library of histories and maps (plenty: insight). in your interests to know everyone’s
eyes, generous eyes, languid eyes, or sharp
Your war-band is large, mustering 40–50. business.
Your war-band is well-disciplined (choose an additional drill).
On the others’ turns, answer their
Your war-band’s armory is well-stocked and maintained (+1 harm, +1 armor). Fat body, massive body, sensual body, soft
questions as you like.
Your war-band engages in lucrative raiding (plenty: +1 keep, want: reprisals). body, tall spare body, or wiry body.
Your stables keep mounts for 16 warriors, in addition to pack animals. At the end, choose one of the characters
with the highest history on your sheet.
And choose 2:
Choose one set: Ask that player which of your stats is most
Your subjects are uncivilized and rude in their habits (want: disease).
• Cool-1, Hard+2, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird=0 interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
Your subjects are mostly old and young, with few able adults (want: famine).
• Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot+1, Sharp=+1, Weird-2 have you highlight a second stat too.
Your subjects follow a sybaritic cult (plenty: -1 keep, want: fanaticism).
• Cool-2, Hard+2, Hot=0, Sharp+2, Weird=0
Your war-band is small, mustering only 8–12.
• Cool=0, Hard+2, Hot+1, Sharp-1, Weird+1
Your war-band is a pack of bloody hyenas (want: savagery).
During play, it’s your job to have your
Your war-band’s armory is very poor (-1 harm, -1 armor).
character make and pursue goals. They
Your stables keep no mounts for warriors, only pack animals.
You get all the basic moves and both can be any goals you want, long term and
strongholder moves. short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
Tags Souls Number might be this very morning, as play begins.
You can use all the battle moves, and
probably will.
Harm Armor Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
Losses whenever you reset your history with
Detail your holding.
Notables: someone, mark an experience circle. When
Tags In addition, you begin play with: you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
• Dagger (deadly: in quarters)
Each time you improve, choose one of the
Plenty • Sword (deadly: in the yard).
options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
• Mail coat, helmet, boots (2 armor).
Drills • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail).
Against archers
Want Against siege
Against surprise
When the empires fell, did their gods fall with them, swept away by the same psychic
maelstrom of hate and violence? Or, was it that their gods abandoned them, leaving
them exposed to the maelstrom at last? Or again, was it that their gods turned on
them, and the maelstrom was their unsheathed sword?
Here in the dust of their fall, only this is certain: the gods are gone, and the maelstrom
highlight remains.
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Fortunes: fortune, plenty, and want all depend upon your followers. At the beginning
highlight of the session, roll+fortune. On a 10+, your followers have plenty. On a 7-9, they have
plenty, but choose 1 want. On a miss, they are in want. If their plenty lists keep, like 1
Fly at someone; keep or 2 keep, that’s your personal share, to spend for your lifestyle or for what you
Waylay someone;
Do battle will.
highlight Charismatic: when you try to manipulate someone, roll+weird instead of roll+hot.
Frenzy: when you speak the truth to a mob, roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9,
Seduce or manipulate If you and another character have sex, you each hold 1. Spend your hold 1 for 1 to make the mob:
someone hold 1. Either of you can spend your hold at • Bring people forward and deliver them to you.
any time to help or interfere with the other, at • Bring forward all their precious things.
highlight a distance or despite any barriers that would • Unite and fight for you as a war-band (numbering as appropriate, 1 or 2 harm, 0 armor).
normally prevent it. • Fall into an orgy of uninhibited emotion: coupling, lamenting, fighting, sharing,
Read a person; celebrating, as you choose.
Read a situation • Go quietly back to their lives.
On a miss, the mob turns on you.
Prey to inexpressible impulses: you get +1weird (to weird+3).
Grasp outward Sanctified: the world’s psychic maelstrom gives you +1 armor.
experience > >>improve
Seeing souls: when you help or interfere with someone, you can roll+weird instead
Get +1cool (max cool+2) of roll+history.
highlight Get +1hard (max hard+2)
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
Get a new hocus move
Get a new hocus move
Choose a new option for your followers
Choose a new option for your followers
Get a small holding (you detail) and wealth
Get a move from another playbook
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
By default you have around 20 followers, loyal to you but not fanatical. They have their
own lives apart from you, integrated in the local population (fortune +1, plenty: 1 keep, To create your hocus, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, followers, and
want: desertion). history.
Characterize them (circle 1):
Your court, your cult, your disciples, your emissaries, your family, your students.
Always, Cat, Dust, Gull, Hope, Jackal, Everyone introduces their characters by
When you travel, they (circle 1): travel with you, or congregate in their own communities. Lark, Must, Rabbit, Sorrow, Trout. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
Then, choose 2: List the other characters’ names.
Your followers are devoted to you (plenty: +1 keep, and want: hunger instead of
want: desertion). Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing, Go around again for history. On your turn,
Your followers are involved in successful commerce (+1 fortune). or concealed. ask either or both:
Your followers, in ceremony, can reach into the world’s psychic maelstrom • Which of you are my followers?
Dark skin, light skin.
(plenty: augury). For those characters, write history+2.
Your followers are joyous and celebratory (plenty: revelry). Grand vestments, immaculate vestments, • One of you, I’ve seen your soul. Which one?
Your followers are rigorous and argumentative (plenty: insight). or tattered vestments. For that character, write history+3.
Your followers are hard-working, frugal, and scorn frivolity (plenty: +1 keep). Ascetic face, determined face, dirty face, For everyone else, write history+1. You’re a
Your followers are eager, enthusiastic, and successful recruiters (plenty: growth). innocent face, open face, or severe face. good and quick judge of others.
And choose 1: Burning eyes, clear eyes, dazed eyes, On the others’ turns, answer their
You have few followers, 10 or fewer (plenty: -1 keep). forgiving eyes, or suspicious eyes. questions as you like.
Your followers aren’t yours, you’re theirs (want: demands instead of want: desertion).
Your followers rely entirely upon you for their lives and needs (want: desperation). Bony body, fat body, fit body, graceful At the end, choose one of the characters
Your followers love wine and drugs (plenty: stupor). body, lanky body, or soft body. with the highest history on your sheet.
Your followers disdain fashion, luxury, and convention (want: disease). Ask that player which of your stats is most
Your followers disdain law, peace, reason, and society (plenty: violence). interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
Your followers are decadent, perverse, and violent (want: savagery). Choose one set: have you highlight a second stat too.
Your followers have pure and perfect hope in a better world after death (want: suicide). • Cool=0, Hard+1, Hot-1, Sharp+1, Weird+2
• Cool+1, Hard-1, Hot+1, Sharp=0, Weird+2
Number Plenty Notables: • Cool-1, Hard+1, Hot=0, Sharp+1, Weird+2 During play, it’s your job to have your
• Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp-1, Weird+2 character make and pursue goals. They
can be any goals you want, long term and
Fortune short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
Want You get all the basic moves. You get might be this very morning, as play begins.
fortunes, and choose 2 more hocus moves.
You can use all the battle moves, but when
Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
you get the chance, look up seize by force
Losses whenever you reset your history with
and keeping lookout.
someone, mark an experience circle. When
you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
Detail your followers. Each time you improve, choose one of the
options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
You also begin play with:
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your lifestyle. If you can’t • A simple weapon.
or won’t, tell the MC and answer her questions. You can earn your keep by: working • Coin or goods worth 4 keep.
the hard earth; serving a powerful NPC as auger and advisor; serving a powerful NPC as • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail).
ceremonist; serving a population as counselor and intercessor; or other means as you can Simple weapons (choose 1):
negotiate them. • Cudgel (deadly: in the yard)
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and • Dagger (deadly: in quarters)
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute • Fighting knife (deadly: in quarters)
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or • Staff (+1 to the roll)
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them.
Empires fell. Empires always fall. The world is alive.
Help or interfere; Session end Bonefeel: at the beginning of the session, roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 1+1. On a 7-9,
Go into danger
hold 1. At any time, either you or the MC can spend your hold to have you already be
there, with proper tools and knowledge, with or without any clear explanation why.
If your hold was 1+1, take +1 forward now. On a miss, the MC holds 1, and either you
or the MC can spend it to have you already be there, but somehow pinned, caught, or
Fly at someone;
Waylay someone; Implacable: when you go into danger, roll+weird instead of roll+cool. When you
Do battle make a battle move that calls for you to roll+cool, you can roll+weird instead.
highlight Things speak: whenever you handle or examine something interesting, roll+weird.
On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:
Seduce or manipulate If you and another character have sex, they • Who handled this thing before me?
someone immediately speak to you, as though they were • Who made this thing?
a thing and you’d rolled a 10+, whether you • What has this thing seen and heard?
highlight have things speak or not. The other player and • What secret does thing know?
the MC should answer your questions between • What’s wrong with this thing, and how might I put it right?
Read a person; them. On a miss, ask the MC what the world’s psychic maelstrom whispers to you.
Read a situation
This is the only time that move works on Unsettling insights: you get +1 weird (to weird+3).
people. Otherwise, only things.
highlight Wisdom: when a character comes to you for advice, tell them what you honestly
think the best course is. If they do it, they take +1 to any rolls they make in the doing,
Grasp outward and you mark experience.
experience > >>improve
The world’s fraying edge: some component of your ceremonial space, or
Get +1cool (max cool+2) some arrangement of its components, is uniquely receptive to the world’s psychic
highlight Get +1hard (max hard+2) maelstrom (add augury). Choose and name it, or else leave it for the MC to reveal
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2) during play.
Get a new mystic move
Get a new mystic move
Get followers (you detail) and fortunes
Add 2 options to your ceremonial space
Add 2 options to your ceremonial space
Get a move from another playbook
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
Choose which of the following your ceremonial space includes. Choose 4:
Acolytes (Carna, Theuy, Pamenne, eg) To create your mystic, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, ceremonial
A bloody altar, abnegated by sigils space, and history.
Captive birds
A garden of useful plants
A great, smoky crystal, a closed window Andai, Barad, Burdock, Etrenne, Fauci, Everyone introduces their characters by
A labyrinth Iassica, Iosta, Lah, Olive, Tal, Whitien. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
A library of books and scrolls
The magician’s iron tree List the other characters’ names.
A mooncatching pool Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing, Go around again for history. On your turn,
A relic of the golden age of empires or concealed. ask 1, 2, or all 3:
A shrine to one of the chained gods • Which of you is the most strange?
A spring of fresh water Dark skin, light skin.
For that character, write history+1.
Standing stones Practical clothing, simple vestments. • Which of you is the most curious?
Supplies for compounding incense and salves For that character, write history+1.
Tools for engraving and inscription Expressive face, open face, plain face, or
• Which of you is the biggest potential
A vulvic grotto pretty face.
In your ceremonial space you can discover the truth about something, transform Appraising eyes, calm eyes, dancing eyes, For that character, write history+2.
something, or imbue something with magical power. Tell the MC what, and answer the quick eyes, or squinting eyes.
For everyone else, write history-1. You
MC’s questions. Once the MC understands your undertaking, they’ll tell you what it Fat body, hunched body, slight body, have other things to .
will require. strange body, stumpy body, or wiry body.
On the others’ turns, answer their
MC, choose 1-4 of the following: questions as you like.
• It’s going to take hours/days/weeks/months of work and attention.
• First you’ll have to get/build/fix/figure out —. Choose one set: At the end, choose one of the characters
• You’re going to need —’s help and insight. • Cool-1, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird+2 with the highest history on your sheet.
• It’s going to cost you a great deal of money. • Cool=0, Hard-1, Hot-1, Sharp+2, Weird+2 Ask that player which of your stats is most
• You cannot be certain of your results; they’ll be weak or unreliable. • Cool+1, Hard-1, Hot=0, Sharp+1, Weird+2 interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
• It’s going to mean exposing yourself (plus any others who work with you) to serious danger. • Cool+1, Hard+1, Hot-1, Sharp=0, Weird+2 have you highlight a second stat too.
• You’re going to have to add — to your ceremonial space first.
• It’s going to take several/dozens/hundreds of tries.
• You’re going to have to take — apart to do it. You get all the basic moves, and choose 2 During play, it’s your job to have your
mystic moves. character make and pursue goals. They
MC, connect them all with “and,” or throw in a merciful “or.” can be any goals you want, long term and
You can use all the battle moves, but
Once you’ve accomplished the necessaries, you can proceed to accomplish the thing short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
when you get the chance, look up keeping
itself. Ask the MC the details of what you’ve learned or created. might be this very morning, as play begins.
lookout, baiting a trap, and turning the
Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your lifestyle. If you can’t
whenever you reset your history with
or won’t, tell the MC and answer her questions. You can earn your keep by: working Detail your ceremonial space.
someone, mark an experience circle. When
the hard earth; serving a powerful NPC as oracle and counselor; serving a population as
You also begin play with: you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
celebrant and judge; conducting research for a powerful NPC; or other means as you can
• A simple weapon.
negotiate them. Each time you improve, choose one of the
• Coin or goods worth 6 keep.
options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail).
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute
Simple weapons (choose 1):
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or
• Cudgel (deadly: in the yard)
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them.
• Dagger (deadly: in quarters)
• Fighting knife (deadly: in quarters)
• Staff (+1 to the roll)
The oldest living remember it, a childhood time of terror, the great cities of empire
thrashing, burning, falling. Thousands of years of culture, the greatest achievements of
civilization, lost in dust and smoke and hate.
There is a new beauty come into the world now, though, wild, sharp. The glittering frost,
the slim blade, the poison flower. There’s little in it of kindness, but still, it is beautiful.
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Artful & gracious: when you perform your chosen art—any act of expression or
culture—or when you put your chosen art before an audience, roll+hot. On a 10+,
highlight spend 3. On a 7-9, spend 1. Spend 1 to name an NPC member of your audience and
choose one:
Fly at someone; This person must meet me.
Waylay someone; This person must have my services.
Do battle
This person loves me.
highlight This person must give me a gift.
This person admires my patron.
Seduce or manipulate If you and another character have sex, choose 1: On a miss, you gain no benefit, but suffer no harm or lost opportunity. You simply
someone • You take +1 forward and so do they. perform very well.
• You take +1 forward, but they take -1 forward. Breathtaking: you get +1 hot (to hot+3).
highlight • They must give you a gift worth at least 1 keep.
• You get +1 history with them; at your choice, they Hypnotic: when you have time and solitude with someone, they become fixated
Read a person; get +1 history with you. upon you. Roll+hot. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. They can spend your hold,
Read a situation • You can hypnotize them as though you’d rolled a 1 for 1, by:
10+, even if you haven’t chosen to get the move. • Giving you something you want.
highlight • Acting as your eyes and ears.
• Fighting to protect or champion you.
Grasp outward • Doing what you ask them to do.
experience > >>improve For NPCs, while you have hold over them they simply can’t act against you. For PCs,
instead, any time you like you can spend your hold, 1 for 1:
Get +1cool (max cool+2) • They distract themselves with the thought of you. They’re going into danger.
highlight Get +1cool (max cool+2) • They inspire themselves with the thought of you. They take +1 right now.
Get +1hard (max hard+2) On a miss, they hold 2 over you, on the exact same terms.
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
Get a new nightshade move Lost: when you whisper someone’s name to the world’s psychic maelstrom,
Get a new nightshade move
roll+weird. On a hit, they come to you, with or without any clear explanation why. On
a 10+, take +1 forward against them as well. On a miss, ask the MC what or who the
Get followers (you detail) and fortunes
world’s psychic maelstrom brings to you instead.
Get a war-band (you detail) and bloody-crowned
Get a move from another playbook Radiant passion: when you make a show and display of passion—anguish, desire,
Get a move from another playbook fury, any—no one who can see you can do anything but watch. You command their
absolute attention. If you choose, you can exempt individual people, by name.
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
Gracious weapons (choose 2):
A dagger with a worked-gold hilt and golden blade inlay (deadly: in quarters) To create your nightshade, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, and history.
A hunting bow and swan-fletched arrows (at range, deadly: aimed)
A jasper-handled throwing knife (thrown, deadly: waylay) Dune, Dusk, Gazelle, Grace, Heron, June, Everyone introduces their characters by
A magical spell that strikes your enemy’s heart as with skewers of glass (thrown, Lion, Mercury, October, Plum, Venus. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
ignores armor)
List the other characters’ names.
A magical spell that turns your enemy’s blade aside at the last instant (1 armor)
A slim and jewel-hilted sword (deadly: in the yard) Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing, Go around again for history. On your turn,
or androgyne. ask 1, 2, or all 3:
Precious things (choose 2): • Which one of you is my friend?
A case of cedar-wood, beautifully carved with many figures. Dark skin, light skin.
For that character, write history+2.
A circlet of beaten gold, primitive in style but shockingly rich in design. Fine clothing, luxurious clothing, • Which one of you is my lover?
Gold and silver coins showing the faces of ancient emperors, drilled to wear as spectacular clothing, understated clothing. For that character, write history+1.
jewelry. • Which one of you is in love with me?
Beautiful face, fresh face, strange face,
For that character, write history-1.
A magical spell that, cast in darkness, hides you from the view of both friend and striking face, or sweet face.
enemy, until once you speak aloud. For everyone else, write history+1 or
Arresting eyes, bright eyes, cool eyes,
A magical spell that, cast in a high and exposed place, calls to you the spirit of its history -1, as you choose. You find no
dark eyes, laughing eyes, mocking eyes,
wild wind. Ask the spirit three questions about what it has touched. urgent need to understand most people.
shadowed eyes, or troubled eyes.
A magical spell that, cast upon a pair of shoes, carries their wearer high into the air, On the others’ turns, answer their
to alight safely where they choose. Calloused hands, expressive hands, quick
questions as you like.
hands, steady hands, strong hands.
A polished glass lens in an engraved silver frame. Peer through it; it enlarges what At the end, choose one of the characters
you examine. Fat body, lush body, slim body, toned body,
with the highest history on your sheet.
A polished silver mirror, backed with cavorting figures in inlaid gold. unnatural body, or young body.
Ask that player which of your stats is most
A trailing cape made of the winter fur of leopards. interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
A veil of silk, shining white, weighted with polished stone beads. have you highlight a second stat too.
Choose one set:
• Cool+1, Hard-1, Hot+2, Sharp+1, Weird=0
• Cool=0, Hard=0, Hot+2, Sharp=0, Weird+1
During play, it’s your job to have your
• Cool-1, Hard=0, Hot+2, Sharp+2, Weird-1
character make and pursue goals. They
• Cool+1, Hard+1, Hot+2, Sharp+1, Weird-2
can be any goals you want, long term and
short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
might be this very morning, as play begins.
You get all the basic moves, and choose 2
nightshade moves.
You can use all the battle moves, but Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
when you get the chance, look up keeping whenever you reset your history with
lookout, standing guard, baiting a trap, someone, mark an experience circle. When
and turning the tables. you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
Each time you improve, choose one of the
At the beginning of the session, spend 1, 2, or 3 keep for your lifestyle. If you can’t options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
or won’t, tell the MC and answer her questions. You can earn your keep by: working You begin play with:
the hard earth; performing for a public audience, for their coins; performing for a private • 2 gracious weapons.
audience, for their commission; appearing at the side of a powerful NPC; or other means as • 2 precious things.
you can negotiate them. • Coin or goods worth 2 keep.
• Clothing suitable to your look (you detail).
In addition to your lifestyle, you might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and
company; someone else’s protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute
to a warlord; the bribes required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or
beautiful clothing; or other things as you can arrange for them.
Before the empires fell, there were sacred places in the world, where pure water flowed
and spoke and sang to its chosen anointed. Before the empires rose, there yet were. Now
the empires have fallen, and there yet are.
No empire created the sacred waters, and the fall of no empire destroyed them.
Help or interfere; Session end
Go into danger
Lawbringer: when someone breaks your law, roll+cool. On a 10+, choose:
• You let them off with a warning, reduced penalty, or reprieve.
highlight • You make an exception for them and they have no blame.
• They must face the full penalty.
Fly at someone; On a 7-9, they must face the full penalty. On a miss, or if you are unable to enact
Waylay someone; judgment for any reason, responsibility falls to you, and you must face the penalty
Do battle
yourself, or present yourself otherwise accountable.
highlight Peacemaker: when you call for two rivals or enemies to come to you and meet, to
settle things between them, roll+cool. On a hit, they must both come, at the time you
Seduce or manipulate When you and another character have sex, ask specify. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1:
someone them to do something for you. Whether they • They must come alone.
agree or refuse in the moment, if they go on to • They must come unarmed.
highlight do it, both you and they mark experience. • They must bring gifts, peace offerings, prisoners to exchange, or tokens of good will.
On a miss, they can make demands of you, and come only if you accede.
Read a person;
Read a situation Stranglehold: you can fly at someone with deprivation as your weapon, inflicting
d-harm (water).
highlight All are welcome: when you personally welcome newcomers in, roll+sharp. On a
10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 2. On a miss, ask 1 anyway:
Grasp outward • Are they hiding any weapons?
experience > >>improve • Are they hiding any valuables?
Get +1cool (max cool+2) • Are they hiding a disease?
highlight Get +1cool (max cool+2) • Are they hiding my enemies among them?
Get +1hard (max hard+2) • Are they keeping any malicious secrets?
Get +1sharp (max sharp+2) Step into the flow: when you lead a group in true ceremony, roll+cool. On a 10+,
Get a new nightshade move choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1:
Get a new nightshade move • Any sick NPC present is healed. • Any distraught NPC present is calmed.
Get followers (you detail) and fortunes • Any injured NPC present is healed. • Any bereft NPC present is comforted.
Get a war-band (you detail) and bloody-crowned • Any lost NPC present is reassured. • The source speaks to you.
Get a move from another playbook On a miss, the world’s psychic maelstrom interferes. Open your brain instead.
Get a move from another playbook
Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
Not life-threatening Retire your character to safety
Life-threatening Create a second character to play
Change your character to a new playbook
Choose 3 basic moves and advance them
Come back with -1 Hard. Advance the other 3 basic moves
Come back with +1 Weird.
Change to a new playbook.
You have a source of abundant pure water. Choose the water’s special quality:
It is the only reliable source of clean drinking water around. To create your anointed, choose name, look, stats, moves, equipment, source, and
It has healing properties, and can count as a bonepicker’s acolyte. history.
A prosperous marketplace, largely self-governing, has grown up around it.
It is sacred to a god / the gods / the ghosts of the dead / life itself (circle 1).
Choose 3-5 features of the source’s atmosphere, surroundings, and culture: Rebia, Quahanna, Latha, Chalice, Green, Everyone introduces their characters by
hot springs lush vegetation faith & ritual birds & birdsong Nasus, Swift, Myint, Kariba, or Calistoga. name, look and outlook. Take your turn.
art fragrant water a grotto or cave music List the other characters’ names.
wide flat rocks a deep well sex strong currents
fish a reflective pool fountains leisure Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing, Go around again for history. On your turn,
icy cold water refuge & security a grove of trees dance or concealed. ask either or both:
tended gardens calm & quiet personal liberty and a relaxation of mores • Which one of you once gave me water in the
Dark skin, light skin.
a basin of a unique material glazed tile sluice-ducts and plumbing wilderness, real or metaphoric?
giant & invulnerable stone cisterns mysteriously luminous plant life Ornate clothing, simple clothing, bare For that character, write history+3.
dreams of deep and subtle portent seductive dreams of pleasure and wonder rags, vestments, or half-dressed. • Which of you, like me, serve the source?
For those characters, write history+2.
Many people have come to the source over time, and some of them have become your Open face, scarred face, weathered face,
chosen friends. Detail 3 of them with a name (Gage, Babylon, Lissa, Porter, Nieperre, placid face, strong face or beautiful face. For everyone else, write history+1. You saw
Splendor, — ) and a role (guardian, foundling, lover, exile, potter, brewer, self-appointed guide, them coming.
Soft eyes, calm eyes, distant eyes, liquid
healer, dyer, prophet, librarian, wizard, — ). They give you insight.
eyes, deep-set eyes, or watchful eyes. On the others’ turns, answer their
, my questions as you like.
Huge body, mended body, wiry body, tiny
, my body, graceful body, or angular body. At the end, choose one of the characters
, my with the highest history on your sheet.
Ask that player which of your stats is most
The source has laws that all must obey. You didn’t create these laws, but it’s your Choose one set: interesting, and highlight it. The MC will
responsibility to enforce them. Choose 3–5 laws and the penalties for breaking them. • Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird=0 have you highlight a second stat too.
Laws Penalties • Cool+2, Hard+1, Hot=0, Sharp+1, Weird-1
Offer sacrifices of blood / labor / precious things. • Disenfranchisement • Cool+2, Hard+1, Hot-1, Sharp+1, Weird=0
Surrender your firearms. • Disfigurement • Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot+1, Sharp=0, Weird+1 During play, it’s your job to have your
A slave who crosses the threshold is free. • Execution character make and pursue goals. They
Leave your grudges outside. • Exile can be any goals you want, long term and
Everyone drinks. Everyone eats. No one goes without. • Forced labor You get all the basic moves. You get short-. Begin by thinking what your goals
Do no violence and no intentional harm. • Forced poverty lawbringer, and choose 2 more anointed might be this very morning, as play begins.
Honor the god / the gods / the ghosts of the dead / all living things. • Formal combat moves.
Everything belongs to everyone. Give freely. • Imprisonment
Don’t touch what isn’t yours. • Public humiliation You can use all the battle moves, but when
Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and
Keep your agreements. • Punitive violence you get the chance, look up seize by force,
whenever you reset your history with
Settle your grievances privately by trial and ordeal. • Restitution especially the variant to keep hold of
someone, mark an experience circle. When
Speak the truth. • something you have.
you mark the 5th, improve and erase.
Each time you improve, choose one of the
Detail your source. options. Check it off; you can’t choose it
The source provides for your day-to-day living, so while you’re there, you need not You also begin play with:
spend barter for your lifestyle at the beginning of the session. • A simple weapon.
• Coin or goods worth 4 keep.
You might spend your keep on: a night in high luxury and company; someone else’s • Clothing suitable to your look (you detail).
protection, service, or labor; a weapon or other equipment; tribute to a warlord; the bribes
required to turn someone’s eye or secure someone’s complicity; rich or beautiful clothing; or Simple weapons (choose 1):
other things as you can arrange for them. • Cudgel (deadly: in the yard)
• Dagger (deadly: in quarters)
• Fighting knife (deadly: in quarters)
• Staff (+1 to the roll)
When you read a person in a charged interaction, roll+sharp. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9,
hold 1. While you’re interacting with them, spend your hold to ask their player questions,
All player characters can use all the basic moves.
1 for 1:
• is your character telling the truth?
• what’s your character really feeling?
When you go into danger, or hold your course despite danger, roll+cool. On a 10+, you do
• what does your character intend to do?
it. On a 7–9, you flinch, hesitate, or stall: the MC can offer you a worse outcome, a hard
• what does your character wish I’d do?
bargain, or an ugly choice. On a miss, be prepared for the worst.
• how could I get your character to __?
Advanced: on a 12+, you transcend the danger. You do what you set out to do, and the MC On a miss, ask 1 anyway, but be prepared for the worst.
must offer you a better outcome, true beauty, inspiration, or a moment of grace.
Advanced: on a 12+, hold 3, but spend them 1 for 1 to ask any question you like.
When you help or interfere with someone who’s making a roll, roll+your history with
When you’re in battle, you can bring the battle moves into play. them. On a 10+, they take +2 (help) or -2 (interfere) to their roll. On a 7–9, they take +1
(help) or -1 (interfere) to their roll. On a miss, be prepared for the worst.
When you try to seduce, manipulate, bluff, disorient, or lie to someone, tell them what
you want them to do, give them a reason, and roll+hot. For NPCs: on a 10+, they’ll go At the beginning of every session, spend 1, 2 ,or 3 keep for your lifestyle (plus 0, 1, or 2
along with you, unless or until some fact or action betrays the reason you gave them. On more keep for your mount’s hunger, if you have one). If you can’t or won’t, tell the MC so,
a 7–9, they’ll go along with you, but they need some concrete assurance, corroboration, and answer her questions. If you need coins, goods, or keep during a session, tell the MC
evidence, or show of good faith first. For PCs: on a 10+, both. On a 7–9, choose 1: you’d like to work to earn your keep.
• if they do it, they mark experience
• if they refuse, erase one of their stat highlights for the remainder of the session
What they do then is up to them. At the end of every session, choose a character who knows you better than they used
to. If there’s more than one, choose one at your whim. Tell that player to add +1 to their
On a miss, for either NPCs or PCs, be prepared for the worst.
history with you on their sheet. If this brings them to history+4, they reset to history+1
Advanced: on a 12+, only if they’re an NPC, they do it, and furthermore you win them (and therefore mark experience). If no one knows you better, choose a character who
fully over to you. Tell the MC to erase their threat type and make them an ally. Choose 1: doesn’t know you as well as they thought, or choose any character at your whim. Tell that
• Ally: confidante. • Ally: guardian. • Ally: representative. player to take -1 to their history with you on their sheet. If this brings them to history -3,
• Ally: friend. • Ally: lover. • Ally: right hand. they reset to history=0 (and therefore mark experience).
By default, nobody has access to insight, but the strongholder, hocus, and anointed all
have options that give it to them.
When you call upon someone or something for insight, ask them what they think your
By default, the following harm & healing moves are in play. The MC might decide to forgo
best course is, and the MC will tell you. If you pursue that course, take +1 to any rolls you
them, case by case.
make in the pursuit. If you pursue that course but don’t accomplish your ends, you mark
This move is unusual in that a hit is bad for the player and a miss is good: experience.
When you suffer harm, roll+harm suffered (after armor, if you’re wearing any). On a 10+,
the MC can choose 1: By default, nobody has access to augury, but the bonepicker, hocus, and mystic all have
• You’re out of action: unconscious, trapped, incoherent or panicked. options that give it to them.
• It’s worse than it seemed. Take an additional 1-harm.
When you use someone or something for augury, roll+weird. On a hit, you can choose 1:
• Choose 2 from the 7–9 list below.
• Reach through the world’s psychic maelstrom to something or someone connected to it.
On a 7–9, the MC can choose 1:
• Isolate and protect a person or thing from the world’s psychic maelstrom.
• You lose your footing.
• Isolate and contain a fragment of the world’s psychic maelstrom itself.
• You lose your grip on whatever you’re holding.
• Speak words into the world’s psychic maelstrom.
• You lose track of someone or something you’re attending to.
• Open a window into the world’s psychic maelstrom.
• You miss noticing something important.
By default, the effect will last only as long as you hold it, will reach only shallowly into the
On a miss, the MC can nevertheless choose something from the 7–9 list above. If she
world’s psychic maelstrom as it is local to you, and will bleed instability. On a 10+, choose
does, though, it’s instead of some of the harm you’re suffering, so you take -1harm.
2; on a 7–9, choose 1:
When you inflict harm on another player’s character, the other character gets • It’ll persist (for a while) without your actively holding it.
+1history with you (on their sheet) for every segment of harm you inflict. If this brings • It reaches deep into the world’s psychic maelstrom.
them to history+4, they reset to history+1 as usual, and therefore mark experience. • It reaches broadly throughout the world’s psychic maelstrom.
• It’s stable and contained, no bleeding.
When you heal another player’s character’s harm, you get +1history with them (on
On a miss, whatever bad happens, the instrument of your augury bears the brunt.
your sheet) for every segment of harm you heal. If this brings you to history+4, you reset
to history+1 as usual, and therefore mark experience.
When you hurt someone, they see you more clearly. When you heal someone, you see By default, anyone with a mount has access to these moves.
them more clearly.
When you try to outrace another rider, roll+the difference between your mounts’
speeds. On a 10+, you outrace them. On a 7–9, choose: drive your mount to suffer 1 harm
(ap) and outrace them, or else let them outrace you. On a miss, they outrace you.
By default, characters have access to the commerce moves, but the MC might decide to
limit them, case by case. When you push your mount to hard labor or long endurance, roll+your mount’s strong.
On a 10+, your mount proves capable and accomplishes it. On a 7–9, choose: push your
When you give 1 keep’s worth of coin or goods to someone, but with strings attached, it
mount beyond its capacity, to accomplish it, but inflicting 1 harm; or else let your mount
counts as manipulating them and hitting the roll with a 10+, no roll required.
set its own limits and fall not too far short. On a miss, your mount balks.
When you go into a bustling market, looking for some particular thing to buy, and it’s
not already obvious that you’ll be able to find it for sale, roll+sharp. On a 10+, yes, you
find it for sale. On a 7–9, the MC chooses one of the following: At the beginning of any session, or at the end if you forgot, anyone can call for new
• It costs 1 keep’s worth more than you’d expect highlighted stats. Go around the circle, following the same procedure you used to
• It’s not openly for sale, but you find someone who can lead you to someone selling it. highlight stats in the first place: the player with the highest history chooses one stat to
• It’s not openly for sale, but you find someone who sold it recently, who may be willing to highlight, and the MC chooses another.
introduce you to their previous buyer.
You’re allowed to ask someone to highlight a particular stat for you, but you aren’t
• It’s not available for sale, but you find something similar. Will it do?
allowed to insist.
When you make known that you want something, that you’ll pay to speed it on its way,
If you have a particular stat that, because of your moves, you never roll, you’re allowed to
roll+keep spent (max roll+3). It has to be something you could legitimately get this way.
insist that someone highlight a different stat instead.
On a 10+ it comes to you, no strings attached. On a 7–9 it comes to you, or something
pretty close. On a miss, it comes to you, but with strings very much attached.
To seize something by force, exchange harm, but first roll+hard. On a 10+, choose 3. On
a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• You inflict terrible harm (+1 harm).
Establishing harm: • You suffer little harm (-1 harm).
• If you’re fighting for sport, not in earnest, you inflict 0 harm. • You take definite and undeniable control of it.
• If you’re fighting unarmed, you inflict 1 harm. • You impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.
• If you’re fighting armed, but not when or where your weapon is deadly, you inflict 2 harm.
• If you’re fighting when or where your weapon is deadly, you inflict 3 harm.
• To assault a secure position, roll to seize by force, but instead of choosing to take
• Subtract your armor from the harm against you, unless the attack specifically pierces, ignores,
definite control of it, you can choose to force your way into your enemy’s position.
or otherwise bypasses armor.
• To keep hold of something you have, roll to seize by force, but instead of choosing to
• If you’re mounted and your enemy is not, you inflict +1 harm and suffer -1 harm.
take definite control of it, you can choose to keep definite control of it.
• If you outnumber your enemy, you inflict +1 harm and suffer -1 harm. If your numbers double
• To fight your way free, roll to seize by force, but instead of choosing to take definite
theirs, make it +2/-2. If yours triple theirs, +3/-3, and so on, as for war-bands (cf).
control of it, you can choose to win free.
Exchanging harm: • To defend someone else from attack, roll to seize by force, but instead of choosing to
• Both sides simultaneously inflict and suffer harm as established. take definite control of it, you can choose to protect them from harm.
Weapons have three ranges: at range, thrown, and within reach. A weapon’s range is within
When you do single combat, no quarters, exchange harm, but first roll+hard. On a 10+,
reach unless its listing specifies at range or thrown.
both. On a 7–9, choose 1. On a miss, your enemy chooses 1 against you:
Weapons can’t be brought to bear outside their range. However, the ranges overlap: the • You inflict terrible harm (+1 harm).
nearest part of at range overlaps with the farthest part of thrown, and the nearest past of • You suffer little harm (-1 harm).
thrown overlaps with the farthest part of within reach. After you exchange harm, do you prefer to end the fight now, or to fight on? If both of you
prefer to end the fight now, it ends. If both of you prefer to fight on, it continues, and you
must make the move again. If you prefer to end the fight, though, and your enemy prefers
Many weapons list the places where they’re most effective, as deadly:
to fight on, then you must choose: flee, submit to your enemy’s mercy, or fight on after all.
• On the field means a place that affords you full freedom of motion. You can take three
long strides in any direction, circle your enemy with distance between you, and swing
your weapon at full extension without touching any obstacle. Examples: a literal field, a
When you fight to hold your enemies off, or stand guard over your allies, roll+hard. On a
sweeping hillside, a wide and open town common.
10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• In the yard means a place that affords you general freedom of motion, but with some
• You buy an ally the liberty to move or act freely.
obstacles and only within bounds. You can stride in most any direction, circle your
• You give another PC +1 to the roll for their own battle move.
enemy, and swing your weapon at full extension, but you must also attend to barriers
• You deny an enemy the chance to move or act freely. (If a PC, they may still act under fire.)
and obstacles. Examples: a castle courtyard, a wide road, a forest clearing.
• You seize a fleeting opportunity and strike an enemy within your reach, inflicting harm.
• In quarters means a place closed in or full of obstacles. Stride in any direction and you’ll
hit a wall, or a tree, or some other thing; swing a long weapon and the same. Examples:
in a room or hallway, in a forest, in a town’s close streets, on the deck of a ship.
When you keep watch for what’s coming, roll+sharp. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold
If you’re fighting on the field, but neither your nor your enemy’s weapon is deadly: on the 2. On a miss, hold 1. During the battle, spend your hold, 1 for 1, to ask the MC what’s
field, then either of you can choose to treat the field as in the yard instead. Naturally, if coming and choose 1:
you have a weapon that is deadly: in the yard, and your enemy doesn’t, you’ll choose this • Direct a PC ally’s attention to an enemy. If they make a seize by force move against that
option; and if your enemy does, but you don’t, they will. enemy, they get +1 choice.
• Give a PC ally an order, instruction, or suggestion. If they do it, they get +1 to any rolls they
The corresponding options are not available if you’re fighting in the yard or in quarters.
make in the effort.
Other weapons list as deadly the circumstances under which they’re most effective: • Direct any ally’s attention to an enemy. If they attack that enemy, they inflict +1 harm.
• Aimed means that you have the time and space to set up your shot, lead your enemy, and • Direct any ally’s attention to a danger. They take -1 harm from that danger.
release at your own best time.
• Intimate means that you are already physically close to your enemy, shoulder to
shoulder or nearer, grappling or holding them, when you make your attack.
• Mounted means that you are mounted, whether your enemy is also mounted or on foot.
• Vs mounted means against an enemy on a mount, while you are yourself on foot.
• Waylay means the same as the basic move: you’ve attacked your enemy by surprise or
while they’re helpless. Even if you might miss or they might be able to fight back, you
get to inflict 3 harm instead of 2.
When you’re the bait, roll+cool. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1: You can use your war-band as a weapon by having them fly at someone, waylay them, or
• You draw your prey all the way into the trap. Otherwise, they only approach. make a battle move against them. When you do, you roll the dice and make the choices,
• Your prey doesn’t suspect you. Otherwise, they’re wary and alert. but it’s your war-band that inflicts and suffers harm, not you yourself.
• You don’t expose yourself to extra risk. Otherwise, if your prey or their allies inflict any harm
War-bands inflict and suffer harm as established:
on you, they inflict +1 harm.
• Your war-band inflicts harm equal to its listing’s harm rating.
On a miss, the MC chooses 1 for you.
• Subtract your war-band’s armor from the harm against them, unless the attack specifically
When you’re the cat, roll+cool. On a hit, you catch your prey out. On a 10+, you’ve driven pierces, ignores, or otherwise bypasses armor.
them first to a place of your choosing; say where. On a 7–9, you’ve had to follow them to
There are a number of advantages that one war-band might have over another,
where they wanted to go; they say where. On a miss, your prey escapes you.
modifying the harm they inflict and suffer. Each advantage is worth +1/-1, which is to
When you’re the mouse, roll+cool. On a 10+, you escape clean and leave your hunter say, for each advantage you have, you inflict 1 additional harm and suffer 1 harm less:
hunting. On a 7–9, your hunter catches you out, but only after you’ve led them to a place • Number: a force that outnumbers its enemy by at least half again has 1 advantage over them.
of your choosing; say where. On a miss, your hunter catches you out and the MC says A force that doubles its enemy has 2 advantages over them. A force that triples, quadruples, or
where. quintuples its enemy has 3, 4, or 5 advantages over them, and so on.
• Archers: a war-band that includes a force of archers has 1 advantage over one that doesn’t (in
When you don’t know whether you’re the cat or the mouse, roll+sharp. On a hit, you
addition to the ability to strike at range).
decide which you are. On a 10+, you take +1forward as well. On a miss, you’re the mouse.
• Cavalry: a mounted war-band has 1 advantage over one on foot.
• Ranks: a war-band that fights in ranks has 1 advantage over one that doesn’t.
• Siege: a war-band with siege engines has 1 or 2 advantages over a besieged war-band.
Conduct a pitched battle by using fly at someone, seize by force or single combat.
• Surprise: a war-band that strikes by surprise has 1 advantage over a war-band caught out.
If both war-leaders intend only to reduce the other’s force, treat it as single combat. If • Walls: a war-band fighting to defend a stronghold has 1 or more advantages over an attacking
either war-leader hopes to achieve any other tactical or material objective, use seize by war-band, depending on the size and quality of the stronghold’s walls.
force or a variation. Use fly at someone only if your enemy was not expecting to meet
To mitigate other war-bands’ advantages, a war-band can drill. Drilling is an act of
you now, here, on this particular pitch, from this particular direction.
regular discipline and practice. Each of a war-band’s drills eliminates one of the above
advantages, but note that there are not drills to eliminate all of them:
• Drilling against archers eliminates the advantage of an enemy with archers.
To lay a siege, you must commit a war-band to the effort. Roll+hard. On a 10+, hold 3.
• Drilling against cavalry eliminates the advantage of a mounted enemy.
On a 7–9, hold 2. During the remainder of the session, you can spend your hold 1 for 1 to
• Drilling against ranks eliminates the advantage of an enemy that fights in ranks.
declare that:
• Drilling against siege eliminates the advantage of an enemy with siege engines.
• For purposes of wealth, the stronghold is not secure, nor the strongholder’s rule unchallenged.
• Drilling against surprise eliminates the advantage of an enemy that strikes by surprise.
• No one inside the stronghold can leave it.
• The people inside the stronghold are suffering d-harm: food.
• The people inside the stronghold are suffering d-harm: water.
These moves apply after the war-band’s armor and all modifiers for advantage.
• The people inside the stronghold are subject to a disease, which the MC should create as an
affliction threat. When your war-band suffers harm, each 1 harm it suffers puts one warrior in ten, plus
• Your forces now launch a full assault upon the stronghold. one mount in ten, out of the fight. 1 harm means 10%, 2 harm means 20%, 3 harm means
• A small raiding party of your warriors try to slip inside the stronghold. 30%, and so on. These warriors are driven away, pinned down, wounded, killed, dazed,
On a miss, hold 2 as above, but choose 1 as well: held off, or otherwise rendered noncombatant. Collectively, they are your fallen. If the
• Your besieging forces are themselves suffering d-harm: food. battle continues, discount them from your war-band’s number. Then, at the end of the
• Your besieging forces are bankrupting you; spend 3 keep now. battle, sum your fallen and count your dead among them.
• Your besieging forces are losing heart, in want, or prey to their vulnerabilities.
Normally, a war-band breaks once it’s taken 2 harm. You can hold your war-band together
Renew your siege at the beginning of every session until you abandon it, or until your
with leadership or bloody-crowned, though, until it takes 4 harm.
enemy submits, flees, sallies out, or somehow breaks it.
For PCs leading or fighting in the war-band, ask the MC how much harm you take, and
For a PC besieged by an NPC, roll+hard, once when the siege is laid, and again at the
answer the MC’s questions about your role in the fight. Expect to take harm equal to the
beginning of every session the siege continues. On a 10+, your enemy holds 2 as above,
harm the war-band’s taken, but the MC can modify it by 1 or 2.
but cannot maintain the siege and abandons it at the end of this session. On a 7–9, your
enemy holds 2 as above. On a miss, your enemy holds 3 as above. When you count your dead, roll+harm, the total harm that your war-band has suffered.
This move is unusual: a hit is bad for you, a miss is good. On a 10+, a solid and undeniable
half of your fallen are dead or dying of their wounds. On a 7–9, less than half of your
fallen are dead or dying of their wounds, a third or a quarter of them. On a miss, few of
your fallen are dead or dying of their wounds, only a fifth or a sixth.
A person suffers d-harm from deprivation. d-harm is strictly for acute cases of
deprivation. For scarcity and chronic deprivation, create affliction threats instead.
Individual NPCs simply suffer the effects of d-harm as follows.
You suffer harm as established: the harm rating of the enemy, weapon, or mishap
For PCs suffering d-harm, tell them the effects they’re suffering, and if they can’t or don’t
inflicting the harm, minus your own armor, modified by any advantages or other
alleviate their deprivation, inflict regular harm alongside it, in increments of 1-harm ap.
modifiers that hold.
For a population suffering d-harm, the two questions are how it behaves, and how long it
When you suffer harm, mark 1 wound for each 1 harm you suffer.
can last before breaking up, tearing itself apart, or dying.
Wounds 1–3 are not life threatening; wounds 4–6 are. When you mark the 6 th wound,
d-harm (air), asphyxiation: Difficulty breathing, panic, convulsions, paralysis,
your life is ending.
unconsciousness, brain damage, death within minutes.
While your wounds 1–3 are fresh, they can be healed, but failing that, after a session
Inflicted on a population: Immediate panic. Social cohesion breaks down basically at once
passes, mark them over in pen. Old wounds linger.
into a survival-driven desperation to find air.
When you take a life-threatening wound, wounds 4–6, mark that you’re dying. Without
d-harm (warmth), hypothermia: shivering, hunger, dizziness, confusion, drowsiness,
healing, your wounds will get worse: as time passes, the MC can have you continue to
frostbite, delirium, unconsciousness, irregular heartbeat, death in an hour or more,
take harm and mark wounds for no other reason.
depending on the cold.
When your life is ending, choose 1:
Inflicted on a population: Huddling together, despair, lethargy, resignation. Isolated
• Come back with -1hard.
individuals suffer worsening individual symptoms, so social cohesion can last basically as
• Come back with +1weird (max +3).
long as the individuals can.
• Change to a new playbook.
• Die. d-harm (cool), heat stroke: headache, dehydration, weakness or cramps, confusion, fever,
vomiting, seizures, unconsciousness, death in an hour or more, depending on the heat.
If you choose to come back, decide with the MC how many wounds you should come back
with, if any. Inflicted on a population: Desperation, panic, lethargy, resignation. Social cohesion can
last as long as the individuals can, as the less vulnerable individuals try to help the more
• 1 harm: a disfiguring wound, pain, disorientation, fear if the NPC’s likely to be afraid of pain.
d-harm (water), dehydration: desperation, headache, confusion, delirium, collapse,
• 2 harm: wounds, unconsciousness, bad pain, broken bones, shock. Often fatal, eventually;
death in 3 days.
occasionally immediately fatal.
• 3 harm: often immediately fatal. Otherwise, terrible wounds, shock, and death soon enough. Inflicted on a population: Rationing & hoarding, desperation, infighting. Social cohesion
• 4 harm: usually immediately fatal, but sometimes the poor soul has to wait to die, mangled can last up to a week before breaking down into violence or dispersal.
and ruined.
d-harm (food), starvation: irritability, hunger, weakness, diarrhea, lethargy,
• 5 harm and more: always fatal and, as harm increases, increasingly bodily destructive.
dehydration, muscular atrophy, heart failure and death within 2–3 months.
Inflicted on a population: Rationing & hoarding, desperation, infighting. Social cohesion
Always add an animal’s strong to any armor it wears. can last up to 2 weeks before breaking down into violence, cannibalism, or dispersal.
• 1 harm: a minor wound or injury. The mount can press on for now, and will recover with rest. d-harm (sleep), sleep deprivation, irritability, disorientation, nodding off, depression,
• 2 harm: a serious wound or injury. The mount can press on, at risk of the injury worsening, headache, hallucinations, mania, personality changes, bizarre behavior.
but will recover with rest and routine care.
Inflicted on a population: Malaise, infighting, tantrums, desperation. For long-term
• 3 harm: a dangerous wound or injury. If you force the mount to press on, it will become life-
acute sleep deprivation, create affliction threats instead.
ending. The mount can recover only with dedicated care.
• 4 harm: a life-ending wound. You may be able to save the animal’s life, but only with prolonged
care, and it will never again be the animal it was.
• 5 harm and more: always fatal and, as harm increases, increasingly bodily destructive.
These harm rules apply to pack animals as well.
s-harm means stun. It disables its target without causing any regular harm. NPCs
suffering s-harm are simply unable to act. For a PC suffering s-harm, doing anything at
all means doing it under fire; the fire is “you’re stunned” or “you’re dazed.”
At the beginning of every session, spend 1, 2 ,or 3 keep for your lifestyle (plus 0, 1, or 2 more
keep for your mount’s hunger, if you have one). If you can’t or won’t, tell the MC so, and answer
her questions.
Imagine four possible lifestyles, relative to one another, here in the dust of fallen
empires. First is the typical one: you eat what the people around you eat, wear what they
wear, sleep where they sleep. Spend 1 keep at the beginning of the session to live this life.
Next is better: you eat first and best, as an honored guest, a beloved leader, or a feared
intruder. You wear finer clothing than the people around you, and sleep apart from them,
in greater comfort. Spend 2 keep at the beginning of the session to live this life.
Next is better still: you do not eat the best of their food, but better food, food of your
own, prepared by your own servants, of ingredients not available to the people around
you. You wear clothing the like of which they have never before seen; kingly, queenly
stuff. You sleep in luxury. Spend 3 keep at the beginning of the session to live this life.
Last is worst: you are starving, in rags, desperate, dying of hunger, thirst, and exposure.
This is what it should mean to spend 0 keep at the beginning of the session, and it still
might. But first, answer the MC’s questions.
MC, start with, “then who will pay 1 keep to keep — alive?”
If someone will, good. Let them work out the debt, gift, or exchange between them.
If no one will, though, choose:
• Choose an NPC who’ll provide for them. Tell them so, and ask whether they’ll accept their
patronage. Likely there are strings attached.
• Ask them, “so, who do you think should pay for your keep? How do you approach them?” Play it
out in summary or in detail.
• Give them an opportunity to work for their keep before it comes to its worst case. Ask them
what they propose to do, and for whom, or choose an NPC yourself to offer them work.
• Or they are, yes, desperate and starving after all. Inflict harm, take away their stuff. Tell them
their circumstances now and ask what they do.
Someone has to pay for their keep, or they have none.
If you need coins, goods, or keep during a session, tell the MC you’d like to work to earn your
Working the hard earth is worth 1 keep.
Other duties should be worth 2–4 keep, depending on both how onerous they are and
how well you perform them. Expect 3 keep, be grateful for 4, and resent 2.
When you work, the MC gets to choose:
• The MC describes the work you do very quickly, in summary.
• You play out the work you do, making moves and conducting play as normal.
• Make a single move or a quick snowball of moves to see how it goes.
At the end, the MC tells you how much it was worth.
The players have it easy. They have these fun little procedures to go through and then they’re
ready to play. Your job is harder, you have a lot more to set up than they do. They each have
• Make this world of fallen empires seem real. • Make maps.
one character to create, you have the whole fallen world, so you get the whole first session to
• Make the players’ characters’ lives interesting. • Turn questions back on the asker or over
create it in.
• Play to find out what happens. to the group at large.
• Digress occasionally.
• Elide the action sometimes, and zoom in
on its details other times. While the players are making their characters, here are some things to get out up-front:
• What the principles demand.
• Go around the table. • Your characters don’t have to be friends, but they should definitely be allies.
• What the rules demand.
• Take breaks and take your time. • Your characters are unique in this world of fallen empires.
• What your prep demands.
• I’m not out to get you. I’m here to find out what’s going to happen. Same as you!
• What honesty demands.
• What storytelling demands
In order to play to find out what happens,
you’ll need to pass decision-making off • MC the game. Bring it.
sometimes. Whenever something comes • Describe. Barf forth Sword & Sorcery.
• Barf forth Sword & Sorcery: fantasy, beauty,
up that you’d prefer not to decide by • Springboard off character creation.
mystery, horror.
personal whim and will, don’t. The game • Ask every question you think of.
• Address yourself to the characters, not the
gives you four key tools you can use to • Leave yourself things to wonder about.
disclaim responsibility. You can: • Look for where they’re not in control.
• Make your move, but don’t break causality.
• Put it in your NPCs’ hands. • Push there.
• Make your move, but never speak its name.
• Put it in the players’ hands. • Give every character good screen time with other characters.
• Name everyone, make everyone human, make
• Create a countdown. • Do not follow characters when they’re alone; summarize.
everyone mortal.
• Make it a stakes question. • Leap forward with named, human NPCs.
• Ask provocative questions and build on the
• Hell, have a fight.
• Start creating your threat map.
• Use intermittent rewards and punishment.
• Be a fan of the players’ characters.
• Think offscreen too.
• Sometimes, disclaim decision-making. During play, keep notes on the threats in the world by noting them on your threat map.
The innermost circle is for the PCs and their resources. There, list the PCs’ war-bands,
followers, strongholds, and everything else they own that you’ll be responsible to play. Many
• Push a player move. of your essential threats go here.
• Make a threat move (from one of your threats).
• Inflict or exchange harm (as established). The next circle out, “closer,” is for the NPCs that surround them and their immediate
• Announce off-screen or future badness. landscape. The third circle, “farther,” is for things that they would have to travel in order to
• Take away their trappings or gear. encounter. Things that they have only heard rumors of, or ideas you have that you have not
• Make them pay. yet introduced, you can write outside the circle, as “notional.”
• Enact their trappings’ or gear’s downside.
• Tell them the possible consequences and ask.
• Offer an opportunity, with or without a cost. • Go back over the threat map. Pull it apart into individual threats.
• Turn their move back on them. • Consider the resources that are available to each of them, and the resources that aren’t.
• After every move: “what do you do?” • Create them as threats, using the threat creation rules.
• Before the second session, be sure you’ve created your essential threats.
• Hunting pack (to victimize anyone • Relentless — (to keep moving) • Prison (to contain, to deny egress) • A precipice (to send someone over)
vulnerable) • Cagey — (to protect what it carries) • Breeding pit (to generate badness) • A wall (to bring someone up short)
• Sybarites (to consume someone’s • Wild — (to defy danger) • Furnace (to consume things) • An overhang (to bring danger down upon
resources) • Ferocious — (to outrun) • Mirage (to entice and betray people) someone)
• Enforcers (to victimize anyone who stands • Vicious — (to kill and destroy) • Maze (to trap, to frustrate passage) • An exposed place (to expose someone to
out) • Bold — (to dominate others) • Fortress (to deny access) danger)
• Cult (to victimize & incorporate people) bastard, bitch, devil, creature, thing, beast Threat moves for landscapes: • Shifting ground (to cost someone their
• Mob (to riot, burn, kill scapegoats) Threat moves for animals: • Push terrain. bearing)
• Family (to close ranks, protect their own) • Leap away. • Reveal something to someone. • Broken ground (to break what crosses)
Threat moves for brutes: • Smash into an obstacle. • Display something for all to see. Threat moves for terrain:
• Push reading a situation. • Smash through an obstacle. • Hide something. • Push reading a situation.
• Burst out in uncoordinated, undirected • Veer stupidly into danger. • Bar the way. • Inflict harm (1-harm or d-harm).
violence. • Tear past. • Open the way. • Stall someone.
• Make a coordinated attack with a coherent • Spin, buck, and sunfish. • Provide another way. • Isolate someone.
objective. • Wander unheeding. • Shift, move, rearrange. • Bring someone somewhere.
• Tell stories (truth, lies, allegories, • Shoulder, kick, and bite another animal. • Offer a guide. • Hide evidence.
homilies). • Submit cowishly to another animal. • Present a guardian. • Give someone a vantage point.
• Demand consideration or indulgence. • Balk and stop abruptly. • Disgorge something. • Give someone a secure position.
• Rigidly follow or defy authority. • Take something away: lost, used up,
• Cling to or defy reason. destroyed.
• Make a show of solidarity and power.
• Ask for help or for someone’s participation.
Is called: Is called:
Kind: Kind:
Impulse: W E Impulse: W E
Stakes: Stakes:
Habitual & instinctive threat moves: Harm Armor Habitual & instinctive threat moves: Harm Armor
Losses Losses
Is called: Is called:
Kind: Kind:
Impulse: W E Impulse: W E
Stakes: Stakes:
Habitual & instinctive threat moves: Harm Armor Habitual & instinctive threat moves: Harm Armor
Losses Losses