On The Lambert W Function
On The Lambert W Function
On The Lambert W Function
The text below is the same as that published in Advances in Computational Mathematics,
Vol 5 (1996) 329 – 359, except for a minor correction after equation (1.1). The pagination
matches the published version until the bibliography.
The Lambert W function is defined to be the multivalued inverse of the function
w → wew . It has many applications in pure and applied mathematics, some of which
are briefly described here. We present a new discussion of the complex branches of W , an
asymptotic expansion valid for all branches, an efficient numerical procedure for evaluating
the function to arbitrary precision, and a method for the symbolic integration of expressions
containing W .
1. Introduction
In 1758, Lambert solved the trinomial equation x = q + xm by giving a series develop-
ment for x in powers of q. Later, he extended the series to give powers of x as well [48,49].
In [28], Euler transformed Lambert’s equation into the more symmetrical form
xα − xβ = (α − β)vxα+β (1.1)
by substituting x−β for x and setting m = α/β and q = (α − β)v. Euler’s version of
Lambert’s series solution was thus
xn = 1 + nv + 12 n(n + α + β)v 2
+ 16 n(n + α + 2β)(n + 2α + β)v 3
+ 1
n(n + α + 3β)(n + 2α + 2β)(n + 3α + β)v 4
+ etc.
After deriving the series, Euler looked at special cases, starting with α = β. To see
what this means in the original trinomial equation, we divide (1.1) by (α − β) and then
let β → α to get
log x = vxα . (1.3)
Euler noticed that if we can solve equation (1.3) for α = 1, then we can solve it for
On the Lambert W function 330
any α = 0. To see this, multiply equation (1.3) by α, simplify α log x to log xα , put z = xα
and u = αv. We get log z = uz, which is just equation (1.3) with α = 1.
To solve this equation using (1.2), Euler first put α = β = 1 and then rewrote (1.2)
as a series for (xn − 1)/n. Next he set n = 0 to obtain log x on the left-hand side and a
nice series on the right-hand side:
21 2 32 3 43 4 54 5
log x = v + v + v + v + v + etc. (1.4)
2! 3! 4! 5!
This series, which can be seen to converge for |v| < 1/e, defines a function T (v) called the
tree function [41]. It equals −W (−v), where W (z) is defined to be the function satisfying
−1 1 2 3
Figure 1. The two real branches of W (x). ——, W0 (x); – – –, W−1 (x).
there is no possibility for confusion, and the branch satisfying W (x) ≤ −1 by W−1 (x).
W0 (x) is referred to as the principal branch of the W function. This notation will be
explained and extended in section 4.
2. Applications
Since W is such a simple function, we would expect by Pareto’s principle (eighty
percent of your work is accomplished with twenty percent of your tools) that W would
have many applications. In fact this is the case, although the presence of W often goes
unrecognized. We present below a selection of applications.
Combinatorial applications
The tree function and related functions are used in the enumeration of trees. Let tn
be the number
of rooted trees on n labelled points. The exponential generating function
T (x) = tn xn /n! satisfies the functional equation T (x) = x + xT (x) + xT (x)2 /2! + · · · =
xeT (x) , so T (x)e−T (x) = x and T (x) = −W (−x). In [57], Pólya used this approach and
Lagrange inversion to deduce that tn = nn−1 , a formula that had previously been proved
in other ways [10,13,67].
If we put
U (x) = T (x) − 12 T (x)2 , (2.1)
then one can show that U (x) generates the number of labelled unrooted trees [24,41].
V (x) = 12 log (2.2)
1 − T (x)
generates the number of unicyclic components of a multigraph; subtract 2 T (x) + 14 T (x)2
to generate the unicyclic components of a graph (when loops
On the Lambert W function 332
and parallel edges are not permitted). In fact, the exponential generating function for all
connected graphs having a fixed excess of edges over vertices can be expressed as a function
of T (x) [41, 72].
The number of mappings from {1, 2, . . . , n} into itself having exactly k component
cycles is the coefficient of y k in tn (y), where tn (y) is called the tree polynomial of order n
(see [47]) and is generated by
1 zn
= t n (y) . (2.3)
(1 − T (z))y n!
whenever it makes sense. Euler was the first to prove that this iteration converges for
real z between e−e and e1/e . For convergence in the complex plane, it was shown in [5]
that (2.4) converges for log z ∈ U = {te−t : |t| < 1 or tn = 1 for some n = 1, 2, . . .} and
that it diverges elsewhere. See [6] for further details and references.
It is not widely known, even though an old result (see [25]), that the function h(z)
has a closed-form expression in terms of T . When the iteration converges, it converges to
T (log z) W (− log z)
h(z) = = , (2.5)
log z − log z
as can be seen on solving h(z) = z h(z) for h(z) by taking logarithms. This immediately
answers the question posed in [46] about the analytic continuation of h(z).
Euler observed in [27] that the equation g = z z sometimes has real roots g that are
not roots of h = z h . A complete analysis of such questions, considering also the complex
roots, involves the T function, as shown by Hayes in [37].
Solution of equations
The solution of xex = a is x = W (a) by definition, but Lémeray noted in [53] that
a variety of other equations can be solved in terms of the same transcendental function.
For example, the solution of xbx = a is x = W (a log b)/ log b. The solution of xx = b is
exp(W (a log b)/a), and the solution of ax = x + b is x = −b − W (−a−b log a)/ log a.
On the Lambert W function 333
where Et is the endurance, CL and CD are the lift and drag coefficients, w0 is the initial
weight of the plane, w1 is the final weight of the plane, R is the range, S is the area of the
horizontal projection of the plane’s wings, and ρ is the ambient air density. We simplify
these equations by first grouping the physical parameters and nondimensionalizing. We
put w = w1 /w0 and c = Et CD ct /CL and introduce the new parameter
√ 1/2
2Et w0
A=− . (2.8)
This equation has exactly one real solution if A < 0, since the left-hand side is a strictly
increasing function of w. It can be solved in terms of W , the solution being
⎧ −2 2 A
⎨ A W0 Ae , if A ≤ −1,
w= (2.10)
⎩ −2 2 A
A W−1 Ae , if −1 ≤ A < 0.
Once w is known, the thrust specific fuel consumption follows from c = − log w.
Solution of a model combustion problem
The problem
= y 2 (1 − y), y(0) = ε > 0 (2.11)
is used in [54,59] to explore perturbation methods. We show here that an explicit analytic
solution is possible, in terms of W , and thus all the perturbation results in [54] can be
simply tested by comparison with the exact solution. The model problem is separable and
integration leads to an implicit form for the solution y(t) (as given in [54]):
1 1 1 1
+ log − 1 = + log −1 −t, (2.12)
y y ε ε
On the Lambert W function 334
(σ + 1)s0
c0 = (2.14)
σs0 + 1
ds0 (σ + 1)s0
=− . (2.15)
dτ σs0 + 1
1 σ−(σ+1)τ
s0 = W σe . (2.16)
This solution satisfies s0 (0) = 1 and uses the principal branch of the W function. The first
order correction terms can also be expressed in terms of s0 , and hence in terms of W .
Solution of linear constant-coefficient delay equations
Perhaps the most significant use of the W function is in the solution of linear constant-
coefficient delay equations [8,69]. Many of the complex-variable properties of this function
(and generalizations of it) were proved by workers in this field, motivated by the appearance
of W in the solution of simple delay equations such as the following:
subject to y(t) = f (t), a known function, on 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. This problem gains its significance
from its occurrence in the study of the stability of nonlinear delay equations, for example.
One approach to solving this problem is to guess that y = exp(st) is a solution for
some value of s. This gives immediately that
s = Wk (a) ,
for any branch Wk . (See section 4 below for a description of the complex branches of W .)
If exp(Wk (a)t) is a solution of ẏ = ay(t − 1), then by linearity so is
y= ck exp(Wk (a)t) , (2.18)
for any ‘reasonable’ choice of ck (i.e. such that the sum makes sense). One sees immediately
that the solution will grow exponentially if any of the Wk (a) has a positive real part, and
this observation leads to important stability theorems in the theory of delay equations [8].
This approach can be generalized to handle systems of constant-coefficient ‘pure’ delay
equations, and scalar delay equations of the form
We can also solve ẏ = Ay(t − 1) + By(t) where A and B are matrices, in the special case
that A and B commute. Further generalizations require generalizations of the W function.
See [8,19,69] for further discussion.
Resolution of a paradox in physics
We give here a brief overview of the recent use of W in [62,63] to explain an anomaly
in the calculation of exchange forces between two nuclei within the hydrogen molecular
ion (H+2 ). In considering the one-dimensional limit of this system, namely the double-well
Dirac delta function model, the wave equation in atomic units
1 d2 ψ
− − q [δ(x) + λδ(x − R)] ψ = E(λ)ψ , (2.20)
2 dx2
was used. The solution of this equation is expressed as a linear combination of atomic
orbital solutions:
ψ = Ae−c|x| + Be−c|x−R| . (2.21)
Making this solution continuous at each well (x = 0 and x = R) leads to the following
transcendental equations for c:
c± = q 1 ± e−c± R . (2.22)
Scott et al. then go on to use this exact solution to explain how exponentially subdominant
terms in the true asymptotic expansion of this solution account for differences between the
predictions of previous numerical and asymptotic solutions for the model equations. In
brief, the exponentially subdominant terms were
On the Lambert W function 336
missing from the previous asymptotic developments, but are still significant for small
enough R.
Similarity solution for the Richards equation
Recent work uses both real branches of W to give a new exact solution for the Richards
equation for water movement in soil [7]. By a similarity transformation, the Richards
equation for the moisture tension Ψ,
dθ ∂Ψ ∂ ∂Ψ
= K(Ψ) − K(Ψ) , (2.24)
dΨ ∂t ∂z ∂z
α∗ A =1−A (2.25)
which can be solved in terms of W as
(A(0) − 1)α∗ − t
A(t) = 1 + W (−1 + A(0)) exp . (2.26)
1 − A(0)
Both real branches of W give rise to physically meaningful solutions. If we use W0 the
solution corresponds to capillary rise, while if instead we use W−1 the solution can be
interpreted as infiltration.
Volterra equations for population growth
In [22, pp 102–109], we find an implicit analytic phase plane solution of the Volterra
dx dy
= ax(1 − y), = −cy(1 − x) , (2.27)
dt dt
essentially in terms of the W function (see equations (11) and (12) on page 104 of [22]).
These equations, with a = 2 and c = 1, appear as problem B1 of the DETEST test suite
for numerical methods for integration of ordinary differential equations [40]. The analytic
solution is a closed loop in the phase plane. If the upper branch is y + and the lower y − ,
y + = −W−1 −Cx−c/a ecx/a ,
y − = −W0 −Cx−c/a ecx/a ,
There are square-root singularities and branches in these integrals, but these can be han-
dled with standard changes of variables.
On the Lambert W function 337
γ = 1 − e−αγ . (2.33)
This formula, derived heuristically for fixed integer α by Solomonoff and Rapoport [65],
then proved rigorously by Landau [50], holds also when α is an expected value (not fixed
for all individuals, and not necessarily an integer). Since (2.33) can be written
we have
γ = 1 − T (αe−α )/α = 1 + W (−αe−α )/α (2.34)
when α ≥ 1, using the principal branches of T and W .
The epidemic or reachability problem is closely related to the size of the ‘giant compo-
nent’ in a random graph, a phenomenon first demonstrated in a famous paper by Erdős and
Rényi [26]. When a graph on n vertices has m = 12 αn edges chosen at random, for α > 1,
it almost surely has a connected component with approximately γn vertices, where γ is
given by (2.34). The study of the emergence of this giant component when α = 1 + βn−1/3
is particularly interesting [41].
Analysis of algorithms
The behaviour of epidemics, random graphs and other dynamic models gives insight
also into the behaviour of computer methods and data structures, so it is not surprising
that the T and W functions occur frequently in theoretical computer science. For example,
algorithms that are based on a divide-and-conquer paradigm related to random graphs
require the analysis of solutions to the recurrence relation
n−1 k−1 n−k−1
1 n k n−k
xn = cn + xk (2.35)
n−1 k n n
On the Lambert W function 338
for various given sequences c0 , c1 , . . . and the theory of this recurrence depends on the
behaviour of W (x) near its quadratic singularity at x = −1/e [47]. Many derivations in
algorithmic analysis depend on generating functions, and the formulae
a ∞
T (z) aT (z) zn
=e = a(a + n)n−1 , (2.36)
z n=0
aT (z) ∞
e zn
= (a + n)n (2.37)
1 − T (z) n=0 n!
for any power series F , where [z n ] extracts the coefficient of z n . These formulae are
consequences of the Lagrange inversion theorem.
One of the most important methods for information retrieval is a technique known
as hashing with uniform probing: each of n items is mapped into a random permutation
(p1 , . . . pm ) of {1, . . . , m} and stored in the first cell pj that is currently unoccupied. Gonnet
proved in [34] that the expected maximum number of probes (the maximum j) over all n
items, when n = αm and α < 1, is approximately T (m log2 α)/ log α − 1 for large m.
Another, quite different, application to information retrieval concerns the expected
height of random binary search trees [23,60]. Let binary search trees with n nodes be
constructed by standard insertions from a random permutation of 1, . . . , n; let hn be a
random variable giving the height of such trees. Devroye proved in [23] that the expected
value E(hn ) obeys
E(hn ) 1
lim =c= , (2.40)
n→∞ log n T (1/(2e))
and, moreover, for all > 0,
example, similar to the logarithm and the square root, of a multivalued function. In fact, it
is probably the simplest function that exhibits both algebraic and logarithmic singularities.
It also provides a simple example of the application of the Lagrange inversion theorem [12].
The asymptotic analysis of the W function might profitably be used in a later course.
3. Calculus
The principal branch of W is analytic at 0. This follows from the Lagrange inversion
theorem (see e.g. [12]), which gives the series expansion below for W0 (z):
(−n)n−1 n
W0 (z) = z . (3.1)
It is an interesting exercise to calculate this series by directly reverting the series for wew .
Because of the derivative singularity of W0 at z = −1/e (the existence of which follows
from the derivative of w → wew being 0 at w = −1), the radius of convergence of the
series (3.1) must be less than or equal to 1/e. That it is in fact exactly equal to 1/e is
easily seen using the ratio test.
Speaking of convergence, Euler did not mention that the series (1.2) converges at least
ME (α, β)|v| < ,
where ME (a, b) = (a2 + b2 )/2 is the ‘Euclidean mean’ of a and b. This result follows, for
example, by applying the ratio test and then converting α and β to polar coordinates. For
most α and β the series will converge for larger v, but if α = β this is exactly the radius of
convergence of the series. The details of this calculation, which are not completely trivial,
are left as an exercise for the reader. Since the series for W can be derived from (1.2) by
putting α = β = −1 we see that this result implies the convergence result for W above.
Differentiating the defining equation x = W (x)eW (x) for W and solving for W , we
obtain the following expressions for the derivative of W :
W (x) =
(1 + W (x)) exp(W (x))
W (x)
= , if x = 0.
x(1 + W (x))
Historically, computer algebra systems have been quite cavalier about the handling
of exceptional points. The equation above is a typical example, for Maple V Release 3
will return W (x)/(x(1 + W (x))) when asked to differentiate W , and hence is able to
compute W0 (0) = 1 only as a limit. See [20] for further discussion
On the Lambert W function 340
of the handling of special cases (the so-called specialization problem) by computer algebra
Taking further derivatives, we can see by induction that the nth derivative of W is
The initial polynomial is p1 (w) = 1. The value of pn (0) is (−n)n−1/n! for n ≥ 1. Although
the polynomials pn do not seem to be known in other contexts, there is a similar formula
dn W (ex ) qn W (ex )
= 2n−1 for n ≥ 1 , (3.5)
dxn 1 + W (ex )
qn (w) = (−1)k wk+1 , (3.6)
contain coefficients expressed in terms of the second-order Eulerian numbers [35]. We have
and q1 (w) = w.
Taking logarithms of both sides of W eW = z and rearranging terms, we obtain the
simplification transformation
which is valid at least for the principal branch when z > 0. See [43] for a more general
We turn now to the question of integrating expressions containing the W function.
In [58], K. B. Ranger used the following example to illustrate some attempts to integrate
the Navier-Stokes equations in parametric form:
x = pep , (3.9)
=p. (3.10)
Differentiating equation (3.9) with respect to y gives
dx dp p dp
= e + pep , (3.11)
dy dy dy
On the Lambert W function 341
= p(p + 1)ep , (3.12)
When one tries this technique on other functions containing W , one sees that it is
really a special change of variable. Putting w = W (x), so x = wew and dx = (w +1)ew dw,
we see for example that
xW (x) dx = wew · w · (1 + w)ew dw
This is valid for all branches of W , as by definition dw wew = 0 at any interior point of
any branch.
The problem of integrating expressions containing W is a special case of integrating
expressions containing inverse functions. By using the technique described above, several
authors have rediscovered the following formula [55].
f (x) dx = yf (y) − f (y) dy . (3.16)
Finally, note that this technique allows the Risch algorithm to be applied to determine
whether integrals containing W are elementary or not. For an introduction to the Risch
algorithm see for example [31].
4. Branches and Asymptotics
We have seen that W has two branches on the real line. We have also seen, in the
delay equations example, that complex values for W are required. Thus, to extend
On the Lambert W function 342
B 3π A
B Principal π A
B −π A
Figure 2. The ranges of the branches of p = log z. The range of the principal branch
is −π < Im(p) ≤ π. The pairs of heavy lines, one solid, one dashed, together show one
boundary of the branch. The solid line shows that the branch is closed when the boundary
is approached from below. The points A, B, C, and D are mapped by z = ep onto the
corresponding points in Figure 3. The pair of heavy lines in Figure 3 correspond not to a
pair from this figure, but to the two lines on either side of a branch.
W to the complex plane, we must define all of the branches of W (z). For the sake of
clarity, the following discussion is quite detailed. We begin by recalling the definition of
the branches of the complex logarithm, partly to establish our notation and partly because
we use the complex logarithm later.
If p = log z, then z = ep . We follow standard usage and say that z is in the z-plane
and p is in the p-plane. One set of branches for the logarithm is obtained by partitioning
the p-plane with horizontal boundary lines at p = (2k + 1)πi, as shown in Figure 2. Each
of the regions so defined then maps precisely onto the z-plane minus (−∞, 0]. Further, it is
nearly universal to consider the points on the boundary between two regions as belonging
to the region below them. In other words, the boundary is attached to the region below it.
This is shown on the figure by drawing two lines for each boundary: a solid line showing
the points on the boundary attached to the region below them, and a dashed line showing
points next to the boundary but belonging to the region above them. The region straddling
the origin (−π < Im(p) ≤ π) defines the range of the principal branch of the logarithm.
The z-plane corresponding to Figure 2 is shown in Figure 3. All of the solid boundary
lines in Figure 2 map onto the solid line running along the negative real axis, and all of
the dashed near-boundary lines map onto the dashed line just below the axis. The letters
A, B, C, D further indicate the geometry of the map.
The negative real axis in the z-plane is called the branch cut for the logarithm, and
the limiting value z = 0 is called the branch point. The branch choices shown in Figures 2
and 3 conform to the rule of counter-clockwise continuity
On the Lambert W function 343
Figure 3. The branch cut for p = log z. The heavy solid line is the image under z = ep
of the solid lines in Figure 2. The dashed line from C to D is the image of the similarly
dashed lines in Figure 2, indicating in this figure the open edge of the domain of p = log z.
The dashed circle running counterclockwise from C to B is the image of the similarly
dashed lines in Figure 2, with closure at B.
(CCC) around the branch point, which is a mnemonic principle that gives some uniformity
to choices for the branch cuts of all the elementary functions [44]. Here, this convention
distinguishes between two possibilities, namely the choice of attaching the image of the
boundary in the p-plane to the top or to the bottom of the branch cut in the z-plane. The
phrase counter-clockwise continuous is intended to convey the idea that a curve is being
drawn around the branch point z = 0, its start and end points being on the branch cut and
distinguished by the counter-clockwise sense. The image of any such curve is continuous in
the limit as we approach its end, meaning in this case the positive side of the branch cut.
In Figure 3, the curve is a circle, which we traverse from C to B, and then CCC ensures
that the image of this circle is closed at the image of B in the p-plane.
Turning to the W function, we put w = W (z) and z = wew . We shall now specify
the boundary curves that maximally partition the w-plane and find the images of these
boundary curves, which are the branch cuts in the z-plane. If w = ξ + iη and z = x + iy,
x = eξ (ξ cos η − η sin η) , (4.1)
y = eξ (η cos η + ξ sin η) . (4.2)
We should like the z-plane branch cut(s) for W to be similar to that for the logarithm,
and therefore we consider the images of the negative real z-axis in the w-plane. If y = 0
in (4.2) then
η = 0 or ξ = −η cot η . (4.3)
If further ξ cos η − η sin η < 0, then the images are precisely the negative real z-axis. See
Figure 4. We number the resulting regions in the w-plane as indicated in the figure, and
denote the branch of W taking values in region k by Wk (z).
The curve which separates the principal branch, W0 , from the branches W1 and W−1
{−η cot η + ηi : −π < η < π} (4.4)
On the Lambert W function 344
4π Branch k= 2
2π Branch k= 1
Branch k=0
−2π Branch k= −1
Branch k= −2
Figure 4. The ranges of the branches of W (z). This figure does not contain closure
information, which is given in the separate detailed figures of individual branches. Each
branch is given a number, the principal branch being numbered 0. The boundaries of the
branches are asymptotic to the dashed lines, which are horizontal at multiples of π.
together with −1 (which is the limiting value at η = 0). The curve separating W1 and W−1
is simply (−∞, −1]. Finally, the curves separating the remaining branches are
These curves, the inverse images of the negative real axis under the map w → wew ,
partition the w-plane. It needs to be shown that each partition maps bijectively onto the
z-plane. This can be established by an appeal to the Argument principle, or more simply
2 2
2ξ 2 2
Jacobian of the transformation (considered as a map from R → R ) is
by noting that the
e (ξ +1) +η , which is nonzero everywhere except at the branch point. This implies by
the inverse function theorem that simple curves surrounding the branch point, approaching
the branch cut from opposite sides, map to curves from one inverse image of the branch
cut to another in the w-plane.
Remark. The curves (4.4) and (4.5) together form a subset of the so-called Quadratrix
of Hippias [9], the missing parts being the curves corresponding to (2k − 1)π < ±η < 2kπ.
That is, the Quadratrix of Hippias is the union of the images of the real axis under the
various branches of W , excluding (−∞, −1).
W0 (z) is special, as it is the only branch which contains any part of the positive real
axis in its range, and as noted previously we call this the principal branch of W (z). It has
a second-order branch point at z = −1/e corresponding to w = −1, which it shares with
both W−1 (z) and W1 (z). W0 (z) is analytic at z = 0, with value W0 (0) = 0. Its branch
cut is {z : −∞ < z ≤ −1/e}. We choose to close the
On the Lambert W function 345
−2 2 4
Figure 5. The range of the principal branch, W0 (z). The heavy solid line again indicates
closure. The points A, B, C, and D are the images of the corresponding points in Figure 6.
The light dashed line — — — to the right of the imaginary axis is the image of the
imaginary axis in Figure 6.
Figure 6. The branch cut for W0 (z). The heavy solid line is the image under z = wew
of the heavy solid line in Figure 5, and similarly for the dashed line. The dashed circle
running counterclockwise from C to B is the image of the similarly dashed line in Figure 5,
and is closed at B. The branch cut is {z : −∞ < z ≤ −1/e}.
branch cut on the top, so W0 (z) has counter-clockwise continuity (CCC) around the branch
point z = −1/e. Thus the image of the curve z = −1/e + εeit around the branch point in
the z-plane, for −π < t ≤ π, is a continuous curve in the region labelled 0. See Figure 5
and Figure 6.
Because of the extra branch point, W−1 and W1 each have a double branch cut,
{z : −∞ < z ≤ −1/e} and {z : −∞ < z ≤ 0}. We close the branch cuts as before on the
top. The function is thus CCC on the cut from the branch point at z = 0. This choice
of closure implies that W−1 (z) is real for z ∈ [−1/e, 0). Thus W0 (z) and W−1 (z) are the
only branches of W that take on real values. See Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9. All
other branches of W have only the branch cut {z : −∞ < z ≤ 0}, closed on the top for
counter-clockwise continuity, and thus are similar to the branches of the logarithm.
On the Lambert W function 346
Figure 7. The branch cut for Wk (z), k = 0. Closure is indicated by a heavy solid line.
For W1 (z) and W−1 (z), the dashed semicircles centred at z = −1/e are the images under
z = wew of the corresponding arcs in Figures 8 and 9. The dashed circle running counter-
clockwise from D to C, closed at C, is the image of a line running from the corresponding
points D to C in each of Figures 8 and 9.
−6 −4 −2 2
Figure 8. Details of the range of W−1 (z). The curve from positive infinity, through A,
to the ‘corner’ at W = −1 is the image of z = (−∞, −1/e]. The curve from W = −1,
through C to negative infinity is the image of z = [−1/e, 0). Thus, the range of W−1 (z)
includes part of the real line by this choice of closure. The light solid line and the light
dashed lines that cut CD and the imaginary axis are images of the positive real axis and
the imaginary axis respectively.
For all multivalued functions, the division of the complex plane into branches is
somewhat arbitrary, and even the elementary functions do not have universally accepted
branches [44]. The benefits of our choices for the Lambert W function are as follows.
Most importantly, the coincidence of the branch cut for the branch point at 0 with the
corresponding branch cut for the logarithm and the fact that both functions are CCC yield
nice asymptotic expansions of the branches of W at both 0 and (complex) infinity. Sec-
ondly, the placement of the branch cuts in the real axis implies that W has near conjugate
symmetry, meaning that except for points in the branch cut we have Wk (z) = W−k (z) for
all integers k. Systems having a signed 0 (for example, ones implementing IEEE Standard
754 [2]) can exploit this symmetry on the branch cut as well.
The main drawback with this choice of branches is that one particular expansion
On the Lambert W function 347
−6 −4 −2 2
Figure 9. Details of the range of W1 (z). The curve passing through A and C is the image
of the negative real z-axis. Notice that W1 (z) contains no part of the real axis in its range,
by choice of closure. The light solid line is the image of the positive real axis, and the light
dashed lines are the image of the imaginary axis.
below, namely equation (4.22), is more complicated than it would be if the branch cuts
were chosen as {z : −∞ < z ≤ −1/e} and {z : 0 ≤ z < ∞}.
Asymptotic expansions
To develop the asymptotic expansions of the branches of W at both 0 and (complex)
infinity, we note that in both cases it is the exponential character of w → wew which
dominates, and hence the leading term of such an expansion will be some form of logarithm.
(Unless, of course, the principal branch at z = 0 is being considered.) We write
where for z either close to 0 or large we expect u to be small relative to log z, and where
we are not specifying at this point which branch of the logarithm we intend to use. Sub-
stituting this expression into the defining relation for W , namely wew = z, we obtain
and hence
u 1
(1 + )eu = . (4.8)
log z log z
Under the assumption that |u|
| log z| we have eu ∼ 1/ log z, hence
u ∼ log , (4.9)
log z
where it must be stressed that the two logarithms in (4.9) need not be the same. However,
the size assumption on u is best satisfied by choosing the principal branch for the outer
logarithm in (4.9), so we will make that choice at this point. To emphasize that the branch
of the inner logarithm is not yet chosen, we will
On the Lambert W function 348
Remark This already establishes that for any branch choice of the logarithm denoted
by Log in (4.11) (which all differ by multiples of 2πi) there is exactly one number v ∈ |ζ| < π
so that w defined by (4.11) satisfies wew = z. This establishes the existence of the infinite
number of roots Wk (z) (at least for large z and for z near zero). This point was not noted
in [11].
Now for every ζ on the integration path, |σζ| + |τ | is less than 12 |e−ζ − 1|, so we
can expand the denominator of the integrand of (4.15) in an absolutely and uniformly
convergent power series
= (e−ζ − 1)−k−m−1 ζ k σ k τ m (−1)m Cm
. (4.16)
e−ζ − 1 − σζ + τ m=0
Substituting (4.16) into (4.15) and integrating term by term, we obtain v as the sum
of an absolutely convergent double power series in σ and τ . Notice that all terms not
containing τ vanish, because the corresponding integrands are regular at ζ = 0. Therefore,
we can conclude that (4.13) has exactly one solution v satisfying |v| < π, and this solution
can be written as
∞ ∞
v= ckm σ k τ m , (4.17)
k=0 m=1
The coefficients ckm can be found using the Lagrange Inversion Theorem [12]. In [15, pp
228–229], Comtet observed that solving (4.13) for v in terms of τ is equivalent
to finding
the inverse of the function 1 − e−v + σv, and thus obtained ckm = m! (−1)k k+m
k+1 , where
is a Stirling cycle number [35,42].
The series in (4.18), being absolutely convergent, can be rearranged into the form
L2 L2 (−2 + L2 ) L2 6 − 9 L2 + 2 L2
W (z) =L1 − L2 + + +
L1 2 L1 2 6 L1 3
L2 −12 + 36 L2 − 22 L2 2 + 3 L2 3 L2
+ +O ,
12 L1 4 L1
where L1 = Log z and L2 = log Log z. This display of the expansion corrects a typograph-
ical error in equation (2.4.4) in [11].
To complete this development, it only remains to determine which branch of W is
approximated when a particular branch of Log is chosen in (4.18). A
On the Lambert W function 350
straightforward analysis of the imaginary parts of the first two terms of the series (4.18),
which is asymptotically arg z + 2πk for some k, yields the concise result
allows rapid calculation of the series, and provides a useful means of calculating W near
the branch point.
On the Lambert W function 351
For W−1 we take p = − 2(ez + 1), provided Im(z) ≥ 0. For Im(z) < 0, this series
with the negative square root gives instead good approximations for W1 (z). This is what we
meant earlier when we said that the expansion at the branch point −1/e was complicated
by the choice of locations for the branch cuts.
The relation between W−1 and W0 near the branch point was investigated in [45] by
Karamata, who studied the coefficients cn in the power series
μ = σ + 23 σ 2 + 49 σ 3 + 44 4
135 σ +··· = cn σ n , (4.26)
This power series arises, for example, in the study of random graphs [41, page 323]. He
tabulated cn for n ≤ 15 and proved that
1 1 1 − 1/n
≤ cn ≤ + . (4.28)
n n n(1 + 1/2 + · · · + 1/n)
In Maple V Release 3, the branch cuts for W are those described above. Prior to
Maple V Release 2, only the real-valued inverse of the real function ξ → ξeξ on [−1, ∞)
was implemented, so the question of branches did not arise. In Maple V Release 2, the
branch cuts were chosen to be (−∞, −1/e] and (0, ∞), but the simplification of the asymp-
totic expansions resulting from moving the latter branch cut to the negative real axis was
considered to be significant enough to change the branch cuts for W in Maple V Release 3.
5. Numerical Analysis
In [27], Euler made brief mention of the complex roots of x = ax when a is real, but the
first person to explain how all values Wk (x) could be calculated for real x was apparently
Lémeray [51,52]. Then in [36] Hayes showed how to find all the values Wk (x) when x
is complex, and how to bound their real part. Wright made further studies, reported
in [70], and then wrote a comprehensive paper [71] containing a detailed algorithm for the
calculation of all branches.
The numerical analysis of the W function must take into account two contexts:
fixed precision implementations, and arbitrary precision implementations, the latter being
needed for computer algebra systems such as Maple. We first consider the conditioning of
W , and then go on to examine methods for efficient approximation.
The standard theory of conditioning of function evaluation (see e.g. [16, p. 14]) gives
the expression C = xf (x)/f (x) which estimates the relative effect on y = f (x) of a small
relative change in x. Here it is easy to see that for y = W (z), the condition number C is
C= . (5.1)
1 + W (z)
On the Lambert W function 352
w − z .
r = we (5.2)
This residual is computable, though some extra precision may be necessary, particularly if
w w, then w
is large and near the imaginary axis. Note that since z + r = we = W (z + r)
exactly. Further, z+r
= W (z + r) = W (z) +
w W (ζ) dζ , (5.3)
where the path of integration in the second equation does not cross any branch cut. We
emphasize that we have exact equality here—our approximation w is the exact value of W
for a slightly different argument, where the backward error is just r. Then, use of the
fundamental theorem of calculus (or, in the real-variable case, the Mean Value Theorem)
as above gives us an exact expression for the forward error, as well. If we can find a simple
bound for |W (z)| we will then have a good forward error bound.
To find such a bound, we first look at the real case. It is obvious from (3.2), or
from the graph of W (x), that W (x) < 1 if x > 0. Hence we can say immediately that
W (x) − w = W (x + θr)r (for some 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1) is bounded in magnitude by |r|, which
provides a very convenient and computable error bound (it is very pessimistic, though,
for very large z). This suggests examining the region in the z-plane where W (z) has
magnitude 1. We thus put
W (z) = W
= eiψ (5.4)
(1 + W )e
and now try to find the curve or curves in the z-plane which satisfy that equation.
To do this, we first modify and then solve equation (5.4) exactly, as follows. We con-
sider the more general case where we wish to find the curves where W (z) has magnitude ρ:
W (z) = W (z)
= ρeiψ . (5.5)
(W (z) + 1)e
This gives us an exact and very interesting expression for the location of the curves where
|W (z)| = ρ. One can see immediately that the curves for Wk (z) are the same as those
for W−k (z), by using the near conjugate symmetry relation Wk (z) = W−k (z) (see Sec-
tion 4). Further, since the magnitude of Wk (z) increases as k increases, we see that for
large k the curve in the z-plane is really a small modification of the circle of radius ρ−1
centred on the branch point z = 0. Thus for large k one sees that essentially the forward
error is less than 10 times the residual if z is outside a circle of radius 1/10 centred on the
This gives us a complete error analysis, because away from the branch points we
can bound W (z) and thus compute a bound on the forward error from the computable
backward error. However, the above analysis is not terribly practical if, for example, we are
at all close to the branch point z = −1/e and wish to compute W0 (z), W−1 (z) or W1 (z).
In these cases, though, we may use the series expansion (4.22) which is valid near the
branch point itself, or Padé approximants based on that series.
The residual r of approximations based on n terms of (4.22) is O(pn+1 ). Thus for z
close enough to the branch point, the smallness of the residual itself compensates some-
what for the amplification of the forward error due to ill-conditioning near that point.
For simplicity we abandon error bounds for error estimates, and make this compensation
Equation (4.22) implies that near the branch point W0 (z) = (1 − 2/3p + O(p2 ))dp/dz.
Now p2 = 2(ez + 1), so dp/dz = e/p. This implies that W0 (z) = O(1/p) near the branch
point. Thus if we are attempting to calculate W0 (z0 ) and p0 = 2(ez0 + 1) is small, and
further we have an estimate with residual O(pk0 ) by taking k − 1 terms in the series about
the branch point, then the forward error is clearly O(pk−1 0 ).
1 2
For definiteness, suppose we take w = −1 + p0 − 3 p . Then the residual is given by
r = −11p40 /(72e) + O(p50 ), and the forward error is
p0 +r
11 3
W0 (p0 ) − W0 (p0 + r) = − W0 (ζ) dζ = p0 + O(p40 ) . (5.8)
p0 72
Notice that this agrees, as it should, with simply comparing w with a higher-order accurate
initial approximation. Thus we lose one order of accuracy of the series approximation in
going from the residual to the forward error.
We turn now to practical methods for computing all the branches of W (z). We are
interested in such computations in an arbitrary precision context, and so we focus our
attention on methods which are easily scaled to higher accuracy. Since W is an inverse
function, it is natural to consider root-finding methods such as Newton’s method, which is
a second-order method. For general root-finding problems, there is little to be gained by
considering higher order methods, because the cost of computing the requisite derivatives
becomes prohibitive. However, for the function x → xex this is not the case, because the
nth derivative is just (x + n)ex , which is obtainable at the cost of one (complex) floating
point multiplication operation, once the value of ex has been computed.
On the Lambert W function 354
with two iterations. It would make sense to incorporate their work into a fast, low precision
Maple evaluator for W0 (x), −1/e ≤ x, and W−1 (x), −1/e ≤ x < 0, but that has not yet
been done. A project to develop a routine for the single and double precision evaluation
of all of the branches of W at real and complex arguments is currently under way.
For the W function, Halley’s method takes the form
wj ewj − z
wj+1 = wj − . (5.9)
(w j + 2)(wj ewj
− z)
ewj (wj + 1) −
2wj + 2
In the Maple implementation, the initial guess is determined as follows. For most argu-
ments z, a sufficiently accurate value is given by just the first two terms of the asymptotic
expansion (4.18). When computing any of W0 (z), W−1 (z) or W1 (z) for z near the branch
point at −1/e, the first two terms of the series (4.22) can be used (with the appropriate
changes of sign in the case of W−1 and W1 ). When computing W0 (z) near 0, a Padé
approximant can be used (Maple uses a (3,2)-Padé approximant). Finally, when comput-
ing W−1 (z) for z near but not too near either of the branch points 0 or −1/e a simple
rational approximation to W−1 should be used, as for such z neither the asymptotic ex-
pansion nor the series expansion at −1/e is very accurate. A similar remark holds true
for W1 . For the implementation in Maple, the approximate boundaries of these regions
were determined empirically.
6. Concluding Remarks
We have collected here many available results on the Lambert W function, for con-
venient reference. We have presented some of the history of W and some examples of
applications; we have presented new results on the numerical analysis, asymptotic analy-
sis, and symbolic calculus of this function. An important part of this paper is our proposal
of a standard notation for all the branches of W in the complex plane (and, likewise, for
the related tree function T (x)). Names are important. The Lambert W function has been
widely used in many fields, but because of differing notation and the absence of a standard
name, awareness of the function was not as high as it should have been. Since the pub-
lication of this paper as a technical report and since the publication of [21], many more
applications have been recognized.
A very large number of people responded to the publication of this paper as a technical
report, and we are very grateful for their contributions, which have substantially improved
the work. We are especially indebted to André Heck and Neville Robinson for pointing
out the connection to delay-differential equations.
On the Lambert W function 356
Bruno Salvy pointed out that the coefficients of the asymptotic series for W were known
in closed form, and gave us the reference to Comtet’s work. J. Borwein pointed out a
connection between (3.11) and the Legendre Transform [4]. The jet-fuel problem was
communicated to us by Michael Kamprath, with commentary by Harald Hanche-Olsen.
We thank G.-C. Rota and D. Loeb for discussions, and we thank Prof. D. E. Gerber for his
help in translating (from the Latin) parts of Euler’s paper [28]; other parts of the paper
were translated by Matt Davison. Finally, we thank Nathalie Sinclair, who translated
Lambert’s éloge from the French.
This work was supported in part by the Natural Science and Engineering Research
Council of Canada and the Information Technology Research Council of Ontario.
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Appendix: Biographical Notes. [This part is on page 358 in the published version]
Johann Heinrich Lambert was born in Mulhouse on 26 August 1728, and died in
Berlin on 25 September 1777 [32]. His scientific interests were remarkably broad. The self-
educated son of a tailor, he produced fundamentally important work in number theory,
geometry, statistics, astronomy, meteorology, hygrometry, pyrometry, optics, cosmology
and philosophy. He worked on the parallel postulate,
On the Lambert W function 360