Landscape Spec
Landscape Spec
Landscape Spec
Riyadh, KSA
Landscape Specification
Issued for Tender-Rev.01
Table of Contents
T-Sheet Code
Description CSI Section
AM-101 Bearing Plate 055000
AM-102 Flat Steel Section 055000
AM-103 Steel Strip 055000
AM-301 Water Inlet Brass 055000
AM-302 Gargoyle Brass 055000
AM-303 Pergola Rectangular Pipe 055000
BAL-101 Ornamental Handrail and Railing 055200
BAL-105 Wooden Handrail and Railing 129300
BLK-100 Series COMMON BLOCKWORK 042200
BLK-101 Masonry Wall 042000
BLK-401 Clay Masonry Unit 042220
BLK-410 Regular-coursed Rubble Stone Masonry Unit 044200
CAN-200 Series METAL CANOPIES 107316
CAN-201 Shade Structure 107316
CON-100 Series FORMED FINISHES 033000
CON-101 Cast-in Situ Concrete- Water Feature 033500
Cast-in Place Concrete-Footpath (Refer to Infrastructure Specification) 033500
Cast-in Place Concrete-Street (Refer to Infrastructure Specification) 033500
EWS-301 Stone Block Wall 044200
EWS-302 Stone Block Wall 044200
EXE-101 Trash Bin 129300
EXE-201 Rambla Bench 129300
EXE-202 Park Curved Bench 129300
EXE-205 Curved Stone Block Saw-In-Place 129300
EXE-401 Outdoor Fitness Station 1 116800
EXE-402 Outdoor Fitness Station 2 116800
EXE-403 Outdoor Fitness Station 3 116800
EXE-410 Play Equipment 1 116800
EXE-411 Play Equipment 2 116800
EXE-412 Play Equipment 3 116800
EXE-415 Play Equipment 4 116800
EXE-901 Four-Legged Jack Stand 116800
EXE-902 Diagonal Stake 116800
EXH-100 Series SLAB PAVINGS 321400
EXH-101 Stone Tile 321400
EXH-102 Paving Stone Flamed 321400
EXH-103 Paving Stone Polished 321400
EXH-104 Paving Stone Flamed 321400
EXH-105 Paving Stone Flamed 321400
Landscape Specification
Issued for Tender-Rev.01
11/09/2014 Page 1 of 2 AECOM Middle East
Al Malga Development-Riyadh,KSA
Technical Reference Sheet (TRS) T-SHEET
T-Sheet Code
Description CSI Section
Landscape Specification
Issued for Tender-Rev.01
11/09/2014 Page 2 of 2 AECOM Middle East
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
e) Full details of tests on trial mixes carried out in accordance with Clauses within this Section.
f) The quantities of each material per cubic meter of fully compacted concrete;
7. Admixtures for Concrete Mix: Obtain the Engineer's acceptance prior to the use of admixtures in
each mix. The suitability of admixture shall be verified by trial mixes.
a) Both the amount of admixture to be added and the method of use require the acceptance of
the Engineer for whom the following data shall be provided:
1. The chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s) in the admixture.
2. Whether or not the admixture contains chlorides and the chloride content and alkali
content of the admixture.
3. The typical dosage and detrimental effects of under-dosage and over-dosage.
4. Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used at the
manufacturer's recommended dosage.
5. Long-term and short-term effects of the admixture on concrete, and the effect of
different types of cement and aggregate.
6. Storage life and any special storage requirements.
7. Health and Safety precautions in handling.
8. Availability of on-Site technical service.
b) Any admixture or ingredient other than cement, aggregate or water-reducing admixture,
used by the Contractor in accordance with the absorption requirement shall be indicated by
an independent authority to have been used in concrete exposed to a coastal or marine
environment without significant deterioration of the cement matrix, embedded reinforcing
steel or measurable reduction in performance of the product on absorption. This shall be
indicated prior to implementation for project use.
8. Concrete Mix Design Adjustments: Any changes in the source of material or in mix proportions
(except changes in the cementitious content of not more than 20 kg/ m³) shall be subject to
acceptance by the Engineer prior to implementation for project use.
a) Adjustment to Concrete Mixes: Submit documents detailing proposed mix design
adjustments when characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other
circumstances warrant, at no additional cost to the Owner. New field data, data from new
trial mixtures, or evidence that indicates that the change shall not adversely affect the
relevant properties of the concrete shall be submitted for acceptance by the Engineer before
9. Method Statement for Use of Silica Fume in Concrete Mix: The method of incorporation of the
silica fume into the mix shall be subject to the acceptance of the Engineer. Submit a method
statement describing the plant and equipment proposed for batching and mixing and the timing of
the addition of the silica fume to the mix. The method statement shall be supported by a letter
from the silica fume supplier approving the methodology.
a) Details of the proposed super plasticizing admixture shall be submitted to the Engineer for
b) Provide reports from the supplier for on-Site monitoring regarding silica fume used on the
project to the Engineer.
10. Method Statement for Concrete Sections greater than 1200mm thick: Submit to the Engineer
detailed proposals of the measures to be taken. These measures shall include but are not limited
to: control of concrete mix constituents; curing water; formwork type; surface insulation; and,
cooling by embedded pipes. All submissions shall be based on measured values of heat of
hydration generated by the proposed mix to meet the criteria set out below:
a) Maximum temperature difference between the core and the surface of any pour; Design
target is 15°C. Field maximum is 20°C.
b) Maximum temperature difference between a new pour and a previous pour; Design target is
12°C. Field maximum is 15°C.
c) Absolute maximum temperature anywhere in a pour; Design target is 60°C. Field maximum
is 70°C.
d) Instrumentation shall be installed in the work to verify compliance with the above criteria.
Temperature measurements shall be made by means of thermocouples positioned in a line
perpendicular to the concrete faces at locations determined by the Engineer. The
thermocouples shall be fastened and fixed in position: at the concrete faces; at the center of
the section; and, at equal intervals of approximately 300mm to permit measurement
11. Method Statement for Temperature Measurement Procedure: Submit to the Engineer details of
the proposed methods and equipment for the measurement and logging of concrete
12. Method Statement for Control of Alkali Aggregate Reaction: Demonstrate to the Engineer's
acceptance that the cement-aggregate combination shall be stable and not liable to excessive
internal expansion due to alkali-aggregate reaction. Method statements shall be submitted and
shall take account of the time necessary for any testing. Under exceptional circumstances, the
demonstration may be based on previous long term experience of the materials to the
acceptance of the Engineer. Otherwise, undertake a program of tests using an independent
testing laboratory in accordance with the following requirements:
a) Aggregates shall be in accordance with the Aggregates Table A in Appendix 033000.
b) Aggregates shall be initially assessed for reactivity in accordance with ASTM C289 and
C1260 and if potential reactivity is indicated, perform tests in accordance with ASTM C227
and ASTM C586.
13. Method Statement for Placing Concrete in Hot Weather: Full details of the placement method
proposed shall be submitted in advance to the Engineer for acceptance before placing begins.
14. Hot Weather Protection: Submit detailed proposals and method statement for review and
comment by the Engineer. In the method statement, demonstrate how the following shall be
a) Limit temperature differential between the hottest and coolest position in the concrete to
less than 20°C by means of adequate thermal insulation of exposed surfaces throughout the
curing period.
b) Arrange pouring sequence to avoid external restraint movement and in particular to avoid
"trapped bays".
c) Ensure the adequacy of the supply of concrete, the means of placing, compaction and
covering to guarantee that a pour, once commenced, shall be completed.
d) Provide all necessary means of measuring and recording concrete temperature, both inside
and on the surface of the concrete, to ensure that temperature differentials shall be kept
within the required limits and to assist in determining formwork stripping times.
e) All necessary equipment, material and personnel provisions shall be made to ensure the
continuity of the operation.
f) Details of all plant, personnel and standby arrangements.
15. Method Statement for Large Pour Construction:
a) Prepare a proposed method of work for the acceptance of the Engineer and then carry out a
program of temperature monitoring on large pours to evaluate thermal and strength
characteristics of the concrete mix, from which construction practices to control thermal
effects and shrinkage shall be determined. Revised working practices and/ or mix details
shall be submitted to the Engineer for acceptance prior to implementation on the project.
b) The Method Statement shall demonstrate to the Engineer the proposal to achieve the
1. Limit temperature differential between the hottest and coolest position in the concrete
to less than 20°C by means of adequate thermal insulation of exposed surfaces
throughout the curing period.
2. Arrange pouring sequence to avoid external restraint movement and in particular avoid
"trapped bays".
3. Ensure the adequacy of the supply of concrete, the means of placing, compaction, and
covering to guarantee that a pour, once commenced shall be completed.
c) The Engineer shall not sign a permit to commence the concreting of a large pour until the
Contractor has made all the necessary preparations in accordance with the accepted
method statement.
16. Method Statement for Pumped Concrete: Prior to commencing work with pumped concrete
define the following:
a) The extent of each pour and the maximum length of pipeline that shall be used.
b) The special measures that shall be taken to reduce the possibility of early shrinkage
c) Details of plant and labor to be employed including type/ make, model of pumps, pipe
diameters and the manufacturer's recommendations regarding maximum height and reach
of equipment.
1. Provide such spare items of plant as the Engineer considers necessary to avoid delays
due to mechanical breakdown.
d) Details of the proposed mix design in conformity with this Section.
17. Method Statement for Water-Resistant Concrete: Prior to commencing work define the proposed
methods for supporting and maintaining the water-bars in the correct position while the concrete
is placed.
18. Provide list of all tests included for concrete work.
19. Submit all certified test data as indicated within this Section.
20. Submit Dry Bulb temperature calculations as they shall be performed.
21. Provide full technical information relating to the proposed water-bar system.
22. Submit proposals for the supply of silica fume to the Engineer for review.
23. Submit silica fume certification on delivered loads.
24. Only certified aggregates whose source contains a sufficient quantity of aggregate to complete
the work shall be used. The following information shall be submitted to the Engineer for
acceptance prior to the commencement of the work:
a) The name and location of the pit or quarry.
b) Groups classification in accordance with BS EN 932: Part 1.
A. Standards, General: All Building Codes, Industry Standard specifications and applicable By-Laws
referred to in the Specification shall be the current published editions including all latest revisions,
amendments, addendums and additions.
1. Refer to all relevant ASTM International and ACI Standards for this section of work. Where there
is no relevant ASTM or ACI standard the Contractor is to make reference to the relevant British
a) Alternate standards may be proposed to the Engineer for consideration. The Engineer shall
be the sole judge as to whether the proposed standards adequately support the design
B. Codes
1. American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International Standards:
a) ASTM C33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates.
b) ASTM C40 Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete.
c) ASTM C87 Effect of organic impurities in fine aggregate on strength of mortar.
d) ASTM C88 Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or
Magnesium Sulfate.
e) ASTM C94 Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete.
f) ASTM C109 Test method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using
2inch or 50mm cube specimens).
g) ASTM C123 Test Method for Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate.
h) ASTM C127 Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate.
i) ASTM C128 Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate.
j) ASTM C131 Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by
Abrasion and impact in the Los Angeles Machine.
k) ASTM C138 Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete.
l) ASTM C142 Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates.
m) ASTM C143 Test Method for Slump.
n) ASTM C150 Specification for Portland Cement.
o) ASTM C157 Test method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic - Cement Mortar and
p) ASTM C172 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete
q) ASTM C191 Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle.
r) ASTM C227 Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations
(Mortar-Bar Method).
s) ASTM C231 Test Method of Air content.
t) ASTM C232 Test Methods for Bleeding of Concrete.
u) ASTM C260 Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete.
v) ASTM C289 Test for potential reactivity of aggregates (chemical method).
w) ASTM C494 Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.
x) ASTM C511 Specification for Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms and Water Storage Tanks Used
in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes.
y) ASTM C642 Standard Test Method for Density, Absorption, and Voids in Hardened
z) ASTM C900 Standard Test Method for Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete.
aa) ASTM C1017 Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete.
bb) ASTM C1064 Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Cement Concrete.
cc) ASTM C1077 Standard Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete
Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation.
dd) ASTM C1202 Test Method For Electrical Indication of Concretes Ability to Resist Chloride
Ion Penetration.
ee) ASTM C1240 Standard Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures.
ff) ASTM C1556 Standard Test Method for Determining the Apparent Chloride Diffusion
Coefficient of Cementitious Mixtures by Bulk Diffusion.
gg) ASTM C1611 Standard Test Method for Slump Flow of Self-Consolidating Concrete.
hh) ASTM D512 Test Methods for Chloride in Water.
ii) ASTM D513 Test Methods for Total and Dissolved Carbon Dioxide in Water.
jj) ASTM D516 Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water.
kk) ASTM D2419 Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate.
ll) ASTM E329 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection and/
or Testing.
2. American Concrete Institute, ACI Standards:
a) ACI 117 Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and
b) ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete.
c) ACI 305 Hot Weather Concreting.
d) ACI 308 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete.
e) ACI 347.2R Guide for Shoring/ Re-shoring of Concrete Multistorey Buildings.
f) ACI 347 Guide to Formwork for concrete.
g) ACI 440.1R Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with
FRP Bars.
h) ACI 440.3R Guide for Test Methods for Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) for Reinforcing
and Strengthening Concrete Structures.
i) ACI 318/ ACI 318M Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary.
C. In addition to the above, the work shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Riyadh
D. Also read this Specification in conjunction with CIRIA Guide SP 31 'The CIRIA Guide to Concrete
Construction in the Gulf Region'.
E. Cement shall be ordinary Portland cement in accordance with ASTM standards and shall be supplied
by a manufacturer who holds a current BSI Certificate of Registration as a BSI Registered Firm of
Assessed Capability.
F. Certificates: Minimum 10 days prior to starting concrete work submit to the Engineer manufacturer's
test data and certification by qualified independent inspection and testing laboratory that the following
materials shall meet specified requirements:
1. Portland cement.
2. Blended hydraulic cement.
3. Supplementary cement materials.
4. Grout.
5. Admixtures.
6. Aggregates.
7. Water.
8. Waterstops.
9. Waterstop joints.
10. Joint filler.
11. Provide certification that mix proportions selected shall produce concrete of quality, yield and
strength as specified in concrete mixes, and shall be in accordance with standards defined in this
12. Provide certification that all plant, equipment, and materials used in the concrete work shall be in
accordance with requirements of this Section.
G. Provide mock-ups, prototypes, quality benchmark installations, testing and inspection in accordance
with Division 01, Section 014000 Quality Requirements.
H. Mock-ups:
1. Before concrete work filling commences, demonstrate that proposals for grouting and packing
shall be satisfactory by carrying out a trial on a sample representative of the work, using the
proposed plant.
I. Testing: The results of all testing shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and comment.
1. In addition to the requirements described within Part 3 Site Quality Control for testing, provide the
following testing.
2. Tests shall be carried out on, or certificates shall be provided for each delivered batch of GGBS
(Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag) in accordance with BS EN 15167: Part 1 for at least the
following criteria:
a) Loss on ignition.
b) Moisture content.
c) Fineness.
d) Specific gravity.
e) SO3 content.
f) Magnesia (MgO) content.
3. Tests shall be carried out on, or certificates shall be provided for each batch of PFA (Pulverized
Fuel Ash) in accordance with BS 3892 for at least the following criteria:
a) Loss on ignition.
b) Moisture content.
c) Fineness.
d) Specific gravity.
4. Tests shall be carried out on microsilica and certificates shall be provided for each batch of
microsilica, for at least the following criteria:
a) Loss on ignition.
b) Moisture content.
c) Fineness.
d) Specific gravity.
5. If GGBS, PFA and/ or microsilica material is to be supplied from a different source it shall be fully
tested and test certificates detailing compliance with the requirements of this Section provided
prior to implementation of the project.
6. Aggregate Testing: Before any material from a particular source is used, obtain representative
samples of fine and coarse aggregates and carry out the necessary tests and analyses to show
that the samples shall be in accordance with this Section. During the progress of the work, the
grading and chemical characteristics shall be checked at frequent intervals.
a) The results of these tests shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and comment before
any of the material is used in the work. Part of each sample shall be required for concrete
trial mixes and part shall be retained for comparison with subsequent deliveries.
b) Sampling for testing and analysis shall be carried out, where applicable, in accordance with
BS EN 1097: Part 5.
c) Carry out routine testing of aggregates for compliance with this Section during the period in
which concrete is being produced for the permanent work. The tests set out below shall be
performed on aggregates from each separate source. The frequency of routine testing on
aggregates shall be in accordance with the Aggregates Table B in Appendix 033000.
d) Drying shrinkage and potential reactivity of aggregates shall be determined initially at the
start of the project or whenever there is a change in the source of supply or where in the
opinion of the Engineer the material is deemed to be changed.
e) Take account of the fact that when the chloride content is variable it may be necessary to
test every load in order to prevent excessive amounts of chloride contaminating the
concrete. For this purpose use the rapid field test also known as the Quantab test.
1. In the event of disagreement regarding the results of the field test, the chloride content
of the aggregate shall be determined in the laboratory as described in BS 812 for the
Volhard test.
7. Water Testing: Water used for mixing and concrete curing shall be tested in accordance with
a) The initial setting times of cement, determined from a test block manufactured using the
proposed water and a control test block manufactured using distilled water, tested in
accordance with BS EN 196, shall not differ by more than 30 minutes.
b) The average compressive strength of test cubes manufactured using the proposed water
and control test cubes manufactured using distilled water tested in accordance with BS EN
196, shall be at least 90% of the average compressive strength of the control cubes.
8. Ready Mix Concrete Testing: Durability test results shall be provided with testing results
determined within the 12 months of submittal. Durability test is required for Mix types 1 and 4 as
provided on the Design Drawings.
a) The CIRIA modified guidelines from SP32 shall be required unless restricted further in
Section 3302:
1. Water Absorption to BS 1881: Part 122: Maximum 1.5%.
5. All aggregates shall be stockpiled before use in order to prevent segregation of material, to
ensure uniform moisture content and to provide uniform conditions for proportioning plant control.
Variations in moisture content shall be controlled and compensated for by continuous read-out
moisture meters in either the aggregate storage bins or the weigh hoppers.
6. Stockpiling of aggregates shall be in the manner accepted by the Engineer, and in addition, every
precaution shall be taken to prevent segregation. Segregation shall be prevented by making no
layer higher than 1.5m and if 2 or more layers shall be required, each successive layer shall not
be allowed to "cone" down over the next lower layer.
7. Aggregates shall not be stockpiled against the supports of proportioning hoppers and weighing
8. Cement and Cementitious Additions:
a) Different cements, PFA and GGBS shall be stored in separate silos. Alternatively, these
materials may be stored in bags in dry weatherproof sheds with raised floors. Each
consignment shall be kept separate and distinct.
b) Silos for storing PFA and GGBS shall be equipped with aerators to ensure free flow within
the silo.
c) Cement, PFA, GGBS and Microsilica batches shall be used in order of delivery to the Site.
d) Transportation to and storage on Site of cementitious additions shall be in containers
accepted by the Engineer. All cementitious materials shall be fully protected from the
weather during both transportation and Site storage.
9. Admixtures: Admixtures shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations
in containers which shall be clearly marked to show the contents.
a) Admixtures shall be stored so as to avoid deterioration and segregation and in accordance
with the manufacturer's specification.
C. Handling
1. The temperature of cement shall not exceed 50°C at the time of incorporation within the mix.
2. Cement which has been deleteriously affected by moisture shall not be used in the work and
shall be removed from Site immediately.
3. The use of equipment or methods of handling aggregates which result in the degradation and
contamination of the aggregates is strictly prohibited. Bulldozers with metal tracks shall not be
used on coarse aggregate stockpiles. All equipment used for handling aggregates shall be
accepted by the Engineer.
4. All aggregates shall be kept free from contact with deleterious matter with adequate provision for
drainage, and shall be stored and handled so as to avoid segregation and inter-mixing.
5. Segregated aggregates shall not be used until they have been thoroughly re-mixed and the
resultant pile is of uniform and acceptable gradation at any point from which a representative
sample is taken.
a) Re-mix aggregate piles when directed by the Engineer prior to project use.
A. Provide new materials equal in all respects to those specified within this Section.
B. Type CON-101 Cast-in Situ Concrete
1. Produce a smooth, even finish with an impervious sheet material (e.g. high quality resin film
faced plywood), arranged in an accepted regular pattern as a feature of the surface. This shall
coincide with the architectural features as indicated on the Design Drawings. Do not replace
parts of formwork panels where this may cause a change in color in the concrete. The layout of
features on the Design Drawings may determine the number of uses of shuttering.
2. Abrupt irregularities shall be not greater than 1mm. Gradual irregularities, expressed as
maximum permissible deviation from a 1m straightedge, shall be not greater than 3mm.
3. The surface shall be free from discoloration caused by contamination from a release agent, grout
leakage or other sources.
4. Cover spacers: No cover spacers shall be visible, nor cause rust marks.
5. Generally, surfaces shall be free of voids, honeycombing, segregation and other defects. Voids
shall be kept to an absolute minimum whilst ensuring compliance with other requirements of the
Specification. The following criteria shall be observed:
a) No blowholes larger than 5mm in diameter shall be permitted. There shall be no more than
3 such holes in any square metre of surface area. The surface shall be free of voids,
honeycombing, segregation and other defects.
b) The concrete shall have a consistent, uniform, matt, light colored face.
c) The concrete shall be free of surface blemishes visible to the eye at 3m.
d) No repairs are permitted to the formwork without acceptance of the Engineer. Damaged
panels shall be replaced with material of the same performance and shall be grout washed
to blend in with the existing panels.
e) No water or grout loss shall be permitted. Marks no larger than 50mm in any dimension
shall be acceptable.
f) Making good: Apart from the making good allowed for in the Structural Engineer's
specification, making good shall be minimal and consistent to an accepted sample. As far as
possible the finished surface shall be achieved without making good. The improvement of
the surface finish by the Contractor (e.g. filling noticeable surface blemishes) shall be
agreed with the Engineer, prior to any work being carried out. Blowholes shall be filled and
all irregularities stoned off. After at least three weeks curing, the visible facework shall be
rubbed down to produce a smooth, even surface. Continuity of personnel for making good,
where required, shall be provided by the Contractor, to the complete acceptance of the
g) Arrises shall be as detailed on the Design Drawings.
h) Formwork tie holes shall be in an accepted regular pattern, or as indicated on the Design
Drawings, filled with an exactly matching prepared cement/ fine aggregate paste to an
accepted sample as specified. Nail spacing shall be to an agreed regular layout coordinated
with tie hole centers.
A. The concrete work has been designed as continuous construction to cater for temperature effects in
accordance with International Building Code (IBC). Refer to the Design Drawings for information that
outlines the requirements of pour strips to cater for the effect of shrinkage regarding the extent of
B. All structural concrete has been designed in accordance with the requirements of ACI 318M where
appropriate unless otherwise indicated in this Section or on the Design Drawings. All concrete work
shall be in accordance with ACI 301. Any differences between these requirements and this Section
shall be submitted to the Engineer for acceptance.
C. Concrete work shall consist of furnishing all materials and constructing structures of the forms, shapes
and dimensions indicated on the Design Drawings or as directed in accordance with the details
indicated on the Design Drawings and the Specification.
D. The Design Drawings have been prepared to indicate the design reinforcement required for all
structural members. It is the Contractor's responsibility to use the Design Drawings to prepare shop
details and reinforcement bending schedules for all the structural elements.
E. Concrete General Requirements
1. Provide concrete which is described by the Engineer by reference to a combination of
characteristic properties. These shall include but shall not be limited to the performance
requirements described in the Design Drawings.
2. Mixes for structural concrete shall be designed by the Contractor to meet the performance
requirements outlined in this Section and as indicated in the Design Drawings.
3. The Contractor is responsible to the Engineer for demonstrating that the proposed mix is in
accordance with the performance requirements.
4. Concrete shall be in accordance with ACI 318M, except where BS EN 1992: Part 3 or this
Section differs. Sampling for test purposes shall be in accordance with ASTM C172.
5. If air-entrainment is specified the average air content at the time of placing measured in
accordance with BS EN 12350 shall be: concrete containing 20mm maximum size aggregate 5%
± 1%. Concrete for water-retaining elements shall be watertight and shall be in accordance with
the recommendations of BS EN 1992: Part 3. Air-entrainment admixtures shall be in accordance
with ASTM C260.
6. If concrete specimens shall be cured at higher temperatures or for longer periods than BS EN
12390 requires, the adjusted CCS (Characteristic Compressive Strength) shall be calculated as
a) 100 f1/ f = A + B log {24D (T+12)/ 1000}:
1. f1 = adjusted CCS.
2. f = specified CCS.
3. T = curing temperature.
4. D = age at testing in days.
b) A + B shall be coefficients given as follows:
1. For Recorded Cube Strength Mpa of less than 15, A equals 10.0 and B equals 67.5.
2. For Recorded Cube Strength Mpa between 15 to 35, A equals 20.0 and B equals 60.0.
3. For Recorded Cube Strength Mpa greater than 35, A equals 30.0 and B equals 52.5.
c) The above equation applies only to OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement), MSRPC (Moderate
Sulfate Resisting Portland Cement), SRPC (Sulfate Resisting Portland Cement) and
concrete containing silica fume.
d) This calculation shall be applied for curing at temperatures up to 27°C.
7. Before placing concrete obtain acceptance from the Engineer for the mixes proposed for each
class of concrete and the average target strengths. The mixes shall be designed to achieve the
minimum workability for the Contractor to place and compact the concrete with the equipment
proposed for use.
8. The design mean strength shall exceed the minimum CCS specified in the performance
requirements by a margin of 1.64 times the standard deviation expected from the concreting
plant, except that no standard deviation less than 4 MPa shall be used as a basis for designing a
9. The total acid soluble chloride content of the concrete arising from all the mix constituents when
calculated from certified chloride ion concentrations or when determined in accordance with BS
1881: Part 124, shall not exceed 0.1% expressed as the percentage of ion by weight of
cementitious material.
10. The total acid soluble sulphate content of the concrete arising from all the mix constituents
expressed as SO3, when calculated from certified sulphate ion concentrations or determined in
accordance with BS 1881: Part 124, shall not exceed 4.0% SO3 by weight of cementitious
F. Concrete Strength and Current Margin
1. The strength of concrete for trial mixes and production mixes shall be assessed in accordance
with ACI 301. The target strength shall exceed the characteristic strength by a sufficient margin to
consistently meet the compliance criteria.
2. Control of Alkali Aggregate Reaction: Control of alkali aggregate reaction shall be achieved
through the guidance presented in Concrete Society Technical Report No 30 'Alkali-silica
reaction: minimizing the risk of damage to concrete' (CSTR 30) and submitted to the Engineer for
G. Trial Mixes
1. Give sufficient notice, as defined in the Division 01 and the Contract documents, to ensure the
Engineer shall be present at the making of trial mixes and the preliminary testing of cubes.
a) Prepare trial mixes cast-in panels, using samples of the agreed materials, plant and
equipment typical of those proposed for use in the work, to the acceptance of the Engineer
before the commencement of concreting. Trial panels shall contain reinforcement typical of
the configuration to be used in the work.
2. Sampling and testing procedures shall be in accordance with the relevant ACI and ASTM
standards indicated within this Section.
3. The concreting plant shall be similar to the corresponding plant to be used in the work. A clean
dry mixer shall be used and the first batch discarded. Test cubes shall be taken from trial mixes
as follows:
a) For each concrete mix with no specific early strength requirements a set of 6 cubes shall be
made from each of 3 consecutive batches. 3 cubes from each set of 6 shall be tested for
compressive strength at an age of 7 days and 3 at an age of 28 days. And, 3 cubes from
each set of 6 shall be tested for durability at an age of 28 days and 3 cubes at an age of 56
and 90 days. The tests shall be carried out at a laboratory accepted by the Engineer.
b) For concrete with early strength requirements an additional 3 cubes shall be made for each
of the 3 consecutive batches and tested for compressive strength at an age of 24 hours or
such time proposed by the Contractor to match that at which loading shall occur in the work.
4. The target mean strength, defined as the average strength of the 9 cubes (3 from 3 consecutive
batches) tested at 28 days, shall exceed the specified characteristic strength by the current
margin. In addition, for concrete with early strength requirements the target mean strength,
defined as the average strength of the 9 cubes (3 from 3 consecutive batches) tested at 24 hours
or the time proposed by the Contractor, shall exceed the specified characteristic strength by the
current margin.
5. Preliminary laboratory tests shall be carried out to determine if the mixes satisfy the Specification
6. Trial mixes shall be tested to determine the following properties of mixes proposed for initial field
a) Bleeding shall be in accordance with ASTM C232, non-vibrating method shall not exceed
b) Drying Shrinkage of Aggregates shall be in accordance with BS EN 1367: Part 4.
c) Air content, if applicable shall be in accordance with BS EN 12350: Part 7.
d) Free water/ cement ratio.
e) Workability tests shall be in accordance with BS EN 12350: Part 2, BS EN 12350: Part 3,
BS EN 12350: Part 4 and BS EN 12350: Part 5.
f) Fresh and hardened concrete densities shall be in accordance with BS EN 12350: Part 6
and BS EN 12390: Part 7 respectively.
g) Compressive strength shall be in accordance with BS EN 12390: Part 3. The CCS of the
concrete shall be determined on test specimens obtained and prepared in accordance with
BS EN 12390: Part 1 and BS EN 12390: Part 2.
a) The overall grading of the aggregates shall be such as to produce concrete of the specified
quality that shall work readily into position without segregation or exhibiting a depth of bleed
water in excess of 0.5% of the height of the pour.
b) The overall grading shall be controlled throughout the work ensuring that it conforms closely
to that assumed in the selection of the mix proportions.
c) The Contractor shall measure the free moisture content of the aggregate prior to batching,
at regular interval and not less than twice per day. The free moisture in the aggregate shall
be allowed for in the quantity of water to be added to the concrete.
d) Copies of the results of routine control tests carried out by the aggregate producer shall be
retained by the Contractor.
A. Slumps
1. The workability of the fresh concrete shall be such that the concrete is suitable for the conditions
of handling and placing as described in this Section ensuring that after compaction it surrounds
all reinforcement and completely fills the formwork. Workability shall be measured for each batch
in accordance with BS EN 12350: Part 2 for traditionally placed concrete or in accordance with
ASTM C1611 for self-compacting concrete and shall be within the following limits of the required
values: Slump± 25mm ± 1/ 3 of the required value, whichever is the greater.
2. Where proposed cohesive mixes provide lower values of slump, submit criteria to the Engineer
for acceptance prior to implementation, acceptance is contingent upon adequate compaction of
formwork being demonstrated.
3. Concrete which is not in accordance with the required workability shall not be used in the
permanent work.
B. Admixtures: Admixtures used in the concrete shall be in accordance with ASTM C494 and ASTM
C260, and with the following requirements:
1. The quantity and method of adding admixtures shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and in all cases shall be subject to the review and comment of the Engineer.
2. Any admixture which contains a chloride ion content in excess of 2% by weight of admixture or
0.03% by weight of the cementitious content of the concrete mix shall not be used.
3. Calcium chloride shall not be used in any form.
4. Admixtures shall be stored and used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
The shelf life of any admixture shall not be exceeded. Any admixture, which has exceeded its
shelf life, shall be immediately removed from the work.
5. The Contractor shall demonstrate the action of any proposed admixture by means of trial mixes,
and acceptance of the Engineer.
C. Kickers: Kickers shall not be less than 150mm high.
D. Aggregates: Aggregates shall be assembled in such quantities that sufficient material is available to
complete any continuous pour necessary for any element. The batching plant shall be of adequate
size to permit the stockpiling of sufficient, un-segregated materials, having proper and uniform
moisture content, to ensure continuous and uniform operation. Aggregates shall enter the mixer in a
manner to ensure that no matter foreign to the concrete or matter capable of changing the desired
proportions is included. In the event 2 or more sizes or types of coarse or fine aggregates shall be
used on the same project, only 1 size or type of each aggregate may be used on one continuous
concrete pour unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer.
E. Batching and Mixing
1. Cast-in-place concrete shall be ready mixed concrete, batched off the Site, generally as defined
in ACI 301 but as amended in this Section.
2. Concrete shall only be mixed at a depot to the acceptance of the Engineer.
3. Unless accepted by the Engineer, the concrete shall be mixed and the water added to the mixer
at the depot. No additional water shall be added at any stage from batching to placing. When the
Engineer is asked to accept dry batching, the Contractor shall demonstrate that appropriate
steps shall be taken to ensure the quality, consistency and strength of the concrete as placed
and that the water shall be added to the dry ingredients under properly controlled conditions to
the acceptance of the Engineer prior to implementation.
4. The quantities of cement, aggregate and water shall be measured by weight.
5. Separate weighing machines shall be used for cementitious materials. Alternatively, cementitious
materials may be measured by using a whole number of bags in each mix.
6. Cement and aggregates shall be measured to the tolerances stated in mixing concrete below.
7. The mixing water shall be measured by weight or by volume. In either case the measurement
shall be accurate to within 1% throughout the range of use.
8. All admixtures shall be measured by weight.
9. Admixtures shall be dispensed by a system to the acceptance of the admixture supplier and the
Engineer and shall be capable of dispensing liquid to an accuracy of 1% by volume.
10. The quantity of water shall be adjusted to make allowance for the free moisture content of the
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 033000 / 12 Cast-In Place Concrete
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
11. The batch weight of aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for the free moisture content of the
aggregate being used.
12. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. The accuracy
of measuring equipment shall be checked over the range to be used, when set up at each Site,
and maintained thereafter. Weekly checks on the accuracy of the weigh batching equipment
shall be made unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer.
13. The accuracy of the equipment shall fall within the following limits:
a) The measurement of the cementitious material shall be ± 3% of the quantity of cementitious
material in each batch.
b) The measurement of the water shall be ± 3% of the quantity of water in each batch.
c) The measurement of the aggregates shall be ± 3% of the total quantity of aggregate in each
d) The measurement of the admixture shall be ± 5% of the quantity of admixture in each batch.
14. Mixing Equipment:
a) The mixer shall be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Care shall
be taken to ensure that all components shall be thoroughly mixed and in particular any
admixtures shall be uniformly distributed throughout the batch.
b) The mixing blades of pan mixers shall be maintained within the tolerances specified by the
manufacturer of the mixer and the blades shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to
maintain the tolerances by adjustment.
c) Adequate standby equipment shall be available ensuring that in the event of a breakdown of
mixing plant, critical concreting operations shall not be interrupted.
d) The mixing time shall be established during the trials but shall be not less than that
recommended by the manufacturer of the mixer, subject to the Engineer's review and
comment of the trial mixes.
e) Mixers that have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned
before any fresh concrete is mixed. The first batch of concrete through the mixer shall then
contain only two-thirds of the normal quantity of coarse aggregate. The mixer shall be
cleaned prior to mixing of a concrete containing a different cement or binder type.
f) Unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer, concrete shall be mixed in a batch type mixer
manufactured in accordance with BS 1305. Where appropriate the batch capacity, method
of loading, mixing time and drum speed shall conform to the details furnished in accordance
with the requirements of BS 3963 for the mix which corresponds most closely to the mix
proportions being used. The mixing blades of pan mixers shall be maintained within the
tolerances specified by the manufacturer of the mixer and the blades shall be replaced
when it is no longer possible to maintain the tolerance by adjustment. The period of mixing,
judged from the time that all the ingredients including water shall be in the mixing drum shall
be as ordered by the Engineer's representative and shall be in accordance with the mixer
manufacturer's recommendations.
15. The quantities of all of the constituents, the temperatures of the cement and water when added
to the mix, the time of mixing and the temperature of the mixed concrete immediately before
discharge shall be recorded for each batch.
16. The temperature of the cement when added to the mix shall not exceed 30°C.
17. The temperature of the concrete immediately after mixing shall not exceed 30°C and 25°C for
large pours.
18. No re-mixing of partially hardened concrete with or without additional cement, aggregate or water
shall be allowed.
19. The stockpiles and the mixing plant shall be protected from the accumulation of dust.
20. The weighing and water-dispensing mechanisms shall be maintained in good order. Their
accuracy shall be maintained within the tolerances described in BS 1305 and checked against
accurate weights and volumes when required by the Engineer.
21. The mass of the fine and coarse aggregates shall be adjusted to allow for the free water
contained in them. The water to be added to the mix shall be reduced by the quantity of free
water contained in the fine and coarse aggregates, which shall be determined by the Contractor
by a method accepted by the Engineer immediately before mixing begins and further as the
Engineer requires.
22. The method of discharge from the mixer shall be such as to cause no segregation whether partial
or otherwise of the concrete materials.
23. Ensure that the constituent materials of the concrete shall be sufficiently cool to prevent the
concrete from stiffening in the interval between its discharge from the mixer and compaction in its
final position. Precautions shall include the shading of aggregate stockpiles and the use of chilled
24. The concrete shall be carried in purpose-made agitators, operating continuously, or truck mixers.
The concrete shall be compacted and in its final position within 1 hour of the introduction of
cement to the aggregates, unless a longer time is accepted by the Engineer. The time of such
introduction shall be recorded on the delivery note together with the weight of the constituents of
each mix.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 033000 / 13 Cast-In Place Concrete
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
25. Truck mixer units and their mixing and discharge performance shall be to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. Mixing shall continue for the number and rate of revolutions recommended in the
manufacturer's instructions, in the absence of which mixing shall continue for not less than 100
revolutions at a rate of not less than 7 revolutions per minute.
26. Pumping concrete through delivery pipes may be permitted but only with the prior acceptance of
the Engineer.
27. Re-mixing of concrete which has commenced to set shall not be allowed and in no case shall
such concrete be used in the work.
F. Adjustment to mix proportions: Adjustments to mix proportions shall be made in order to minimize the
variability of strength and to maintain the target mean strength. Such adjustments shall not be taken to
imply any change in the current margin.
G. Change of current margin: When required, recalculate the current margin. The recalculated value
shall then be adopted and it shall become the current margin for concrete produced subsequently.
H. Construction Joints: In general, incorporate both horizontal and vertical construction joints in
accordance with typical details indicated on the Design Drawings.
1. Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints.
2. Construction joints shall be prepared by removing the surface skin and laitance of the previous
pour by light mechanical means. Hardened surfaces shall not be `hacked'.
3. Formwork retarding agents shall not be used without the acceptance of the Engineer.
4. The joint surface shall be clean and damp but free of standing water immediately before any
fresh concrete is placed against it. Wetting shall be undertaken sufficiently early to allow the
construction joint to be saturated but free from standing water. The practice of first placing a layer
of mortar or grout when concreting joints shall not be undertaken.
5. The position and detail of any construction joints not described in the Design Drawings shall be
subject to the acceptance of the Engineer and shall be so arranged to minimize the formation of
shrinkage cracks.
6. The timetable for the depositing of concrete between construction joints shall be so arranged that
no face of concrete shall be left for more than 30 minutes before fresh concrete is deposited
against it. Pauses for meals, servicing of machines, changes of shift, and similar events and the
distribution of concrete among the positions where work may be proceeding simultaneously shall
be carefully organized to ensure that the above mentioned interval shall not be exceeded to the
acceptance of the Engineer.
7. When the continuous placement of concrete in any structural member is interrupted or delayed,
for any reason, for a period longer than 30 minutes, the Engineer shall declare such joint a cold
joint and the Contractor shall immediately remove the previously partially placed concrete from
the forms. The Engineer may suspend all or any part of subsequent concrete work until he
deems the Contractor has corrected the cause for the cold joint occurrence.
8. Where dowels, reinforcing bars or other adequate ties shall not be required by the Design
Drawings, keys shall be as made by embedding water soaked beveled woods in soft concrete.
The key shall be sized as directed by the Engineer and shall be removed when the concrete has
set. In resuming work the surface of the concrete previously placed shall be thoroughly cleaned
of dirt, scum, laitence or other soft material with stiff wire brushes, and if deemed necessary by
the Engineer, shall be grit blasted followed by pre-wetting for a period of at least 12 hours after
which concreting of the next pour may proceed.
9. The surface of lifts of concrete walls and columns shall be horizontal and if the formwork extends
above the joint on the exposed face, it shall be cleaned of adhering concrete before the next lift is
placed. The concrete placed immediately above a horizontal construction joint shall be a
modified mix with the same properties as the regular mix but with a lower coarse aggregate
content. It shall be thoroughly compacted and worked against the existing concrete.
10. Where sections of the work shall be carried out in pours the reinforcement projecting from the
pour being cast shall be adequately supported to prevent movement of the bars during the
casting and setting of the concrete.
11. Expansion joints shall be constructed at the locations of the materials and to the dimensions
indicated on the Design Drawings.
A. Cement, General Requirements
1. The cement for the project concrete work shall be Portland Cement obtained from manufacturers
certified in writing and shall be as described under one of the following headings:
a) OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement): Cement in accordance with ASTM C150 Type I, but
containing not less than 7% and not more than 12% by weight of tricalcium aluminate
b) MSRPC (Moderate Sulfate Resisting Portland Cement): Cement in accordance with ASTM
C150 Type II, but containing not less than 5% and not more than 9% by weight of tricalcium
aluminate (C3A). In either case the cement lie shall not contain more than 2.7% by weight of
sulfur trioxide (S03).
c) SRPC (Sulfate Resisting Portland Cement): Cement in accordance with ASTM C150 Type
V, but containing not more than 4% by weight of tricalcium aluminate (C3A).
2. In addition to the above requirements, the cement for the project concrete work shall have the
acid soluble alkali level measured as (Na2O + 0.658 K2O) and shall not exceed 0.6% by weight.
Also the heat of hydration at 7 days in accordance with ASTM C186 shall not exceed 290 kJ/ kg
and the fineness (specific) in accordance with BS EN 196: Part 6 shall not be less than 280 m2/
kg, where measured by the Air Permeability method.
3. Cement shall be free flowing and free of lumps. It shall be supplied in the manufacturer's sealed
and unbroken bags or in bulk.
4. Cement which has become hardened or lumpy or fails in accordance with this Section in any way
shall be removed immediately from the Site.
5. High alumina cement shall not be used.
6. The Engineer may order additional tests on cement and the Contractor shall draw the necessary
samples from the stocks on Site.
7. Cement which has been deleteriously affected by moisture shall not be used in the work and
shall be immediately removed from the Site.
B. Silica Fume
1. Where accepted by the Engineer the concrete mix shall contain silica fume. The silica fume shall
originate from production of silicon from Ferro-silicon alloys and shall have a silicon dioxide
content not less than 90%. The silica fume shall be in accordance with the technical
requirements of BS EN 197-1 or ASTM C 1240.
2. Chemical / physical analysis shall be provided for the following:
a) Specific gravity: 2,200kg/ m³ minimum.
b) Bulk density (densified powder): 500-650kg/ m³.
c) Specific surface: 18m²/ g minimum.
d) CaO: 2.0% maximum.
e) SiO2:2.0% maximum.
f) Al2O3: 1.0% maximum.
g) Fe2O3: 1.5% maximum.
h) MgO: 2.0% maximum.
i) SO3: 1.5% maximum.
j) Alkali as Na2O, includes K2O: 4.5% maximum.
k) C: 3% maximum.
l) Activity Index: Maximum 95% after 28 days.
m) Loss of ignition: Maximum 4%.
n) Percentage of particles greater than 44u,m: Maximum 2%.
o) Moisture content: Maximum 2%.
p) Chloride content: Maximum 0.1%.
3. Methods of test shall be in accordance with Norsk Standard NS 3045 or BS 4550 where
4. Certification shall be provided for each consignment of silica fume delivered.
5. The silica fume supplied shall be from a single furnace and shall not be sub-supplied. The
process of production of silica fume, that is the furnace product of which the silica fume is a by-
product, shall not vary unless otherwise indicated by the Engineer in writing.
6. Silica fume shall be used in conjunction with a super plasticizing admixture specially formulated
to aid dispersion of the silica fume throughout the mix.
7. Ensure that the silica fume supplier provides periodic on-Site monitoring of batching, mixing,
placing and curing of the concrete. Reports on the above topics shall be submitted to the
Engineer for inspection. The representative of the silica fume supplier shall have the necessary
technical expertise and local experience.
C. Cementitious Additions
1. Cementitious additions shall consist of either GGBS (Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag) or
PFA (Pulverized Fuel Ash). Microsilica shall also be used in conjunction with cement and with
cement and either GGBS or PFA. GGBS shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS EN
15167: Part 1.
2. Where accepted by the Engineer GGBS or PFA shall be combined in the mix. GGBS and PFA
shall not both be added to the same concrete mix. The procedure given in BS EN 206 and BS
8500 shall be followed.
3. The alumina content of the GGBS shall not exceed 10%.
4. No GGBS shall be added to any mix containing cements in accordance with BS EN 197: Part 1
or BS 6610, or any other cement combinations containing PFA.
5. No PFA shall be added to any mix containing Portland Blast Furnace cements in accordance with
BS EN 197: Part 1 and BS EN 15743 or any other cement combination containing GGBS.
Combination of cement with GGBS or PFA shall be carried out under controlled conditions and
the proportions used shall be within the limits in BS EN 15743, BS EN 197: Part 1 and BS 6610
as appropriate.
6. No GGBS, PFA or cement combination including either of them shall be included in concrete
mixes containing sulfate resisting cement in accordance with BS 4027. Supersulfated cement in
accordance with BS EN 15743 shall not be GGBS and shall be in accordance with the
requirements of BS EN 15167: Part 1 Specification for ground granulated blast furnace slag for
use with Portland cement.
7. All GGBS shall be supplied from a single source.
8. The specific surface of GGBS when tested in accordance with BS EN 196: Part 6, shall be not
less than 275m²/ kg.
9. PFA shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 450: Part 1 +A1 'Fly ash for
concrete. Definition, specifications and conformity criteria'.
10. PFA shall only be supplied from a single source.
11. The specific surface of PFA when tested in accordance with BS EN 196: Part 6, shall be not less
than 450 m²/ kg.
12. Microsilica shall be supplied from a single source.
13. Microsilica shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Section and the technical
requirements of ASTM C 1240.
14. When supplied separately, dry Portland cement, PFA, GGBS and microsilica shall be thoroughly
blended in the mixer.
D. Aggregates
1. Except as permitted to be modified within this Section the aggregate, both fine and coarse, for all
types of concrete shall be in accordance with BS EN 12620 'Aggregates for concrete' and meet
the requirements of ASTM C33.
2. The aggregates used in the permanent work shall be naturally occurring crushed materials
obtained only from certified and accepted sources. Aggregates subject to high drying shrinkage
shall not be used. Aggregates shall be clean hard, durable and shall not contain iron pyrites, iron
oxides, mica, shale, coal or other laminar, soft or porous materials or hollow shells.
3. The maximum size of the coarse aggregate shall be 20mm, except where mass concrete is
used, or where the spacing of reinforcement allows a larger aggregate size to be successfully
placed and compacted. The Engineer shall accept any use of aggregate greater than 20mm prior
to the implementation on the project. The maximum size of the aggregate shall not be larger than
20% of the narrowest dimension between sides of the member for which the concrete is to be
used and 75% of the maximum clear distance between reinforcing bars or the side form.
4. Fine Aggregate shall be clean sharp natural and/ or crushed sand and shall be in accordance
with the requirements within BS EN 12620.
5. Beach sand or marine dredged aggregates shall not be permitted for use in concrete mixes.
6. Coarse aggregate shall be crushed aggregate obtained from a quarry accepted by the Engineer.
7. Unless otherwise indicated, by the Engineer, coarse aggregate shall be delivered to the batching
plant in separate sizes according to the maximum specified aggregate size for each grade of
8. Coarse aggregate shall be prepared as single sized aggregate and blended to produce normal
size grading. The combined grading shall be within the appropriate grading limits given in BS EN
9. Mechanically washing aggregate to remove salts and other impurities in order to meet the
requirements within this Section shall be acceptable.
10. Refer to the following tables within Appendix 033000 for Aggregates Table A 'Table of Limits for
Physical, Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Aggregates for Concrete' and Aggregates Table
B 'Table of Frequency of Routine Tests on Aggregates' for additional requirements.
E. Water
1. Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from salt and other
impurities to the acceptance of the Engineer.
2. Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall have a pH value in the basic range of 7 to 9
and the soluble solids shall not exceed the following limits:
a) Total dissolved solids: 2000 mg/ l.
b) Chlorides (NaC2): 250 mg/ l.
c) Sulfate (SO3): 350 mg/ l.
d) Alkali Carbonates & Bicarbonates: 500 mg/ l.
3. The temperature of mixing water for concrete should not be less than 5°C nor more than 25°C.
Water may be cooled by the gradual addition of chilled water or flaked ice where this is the case
no ice particles shall be present when the water is added to the mix. The ice used shall be the
product of water which complies with the above acceptance criteria.
4. Water shall be potable and shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C94.
5. Water direct from the sea shall not be used.
6. Where water for use in the work is not available from a public utility it shall be in accordance with
the specific requirements of ASTM C94
7. The water shall be clean and free from industrial wastes and other deleterious material. Water
which is highly colored or which has a pronounced odor or in which algae is growing shall not be
F. Admixtures
1. Admixtures shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions unless
otherwise indicated by the Engineer.
2. The shelf life of the admixture shall not be exceeded where this is the case the admixture shall
be immediately removed from Site.
3. Calcium chloride shall not be used. Any admixture containing chlorides or sulfates shall not be
used without the prior consent of the Engineer. The supplier shall demonstrate to the Engineer
that any admixture or ingredient used, or their combination, does not detrimentally affect the
strength or other properties of the concrete.
4. Admixtures shall be in accordance with the following standards, unless otherwise indicated and
accepted by the Engineer: ASTM C494, ASTM C260, ASTM C1017, BS EN 480 and BS EN 934:
Part 2, BS EN 934: Part 6, BS EN 480: Part 4, BS EN 480: Part 5, BS EN 480: Part 6, BS EN
480: Part 8, BS EN 480: Part 10, BS EN 480: Part 11 and BS EN 480: Part 12 as applicable.
5. Air entrainment agents shall be such that the air content can be maintained within the limits
specified even if the mixing time is extended to 30 minutes.
6. Admixtures from different suppliers shall not be used in the same concrete mix. Two or more
admixtures from the same supplier may be used subject to successful trial mixes and acceptance
by the supplier and the Engineer.
G. Ready Mix Concrete
1. Concrete Mixes: Provide concrete mixes in accordance with the requirements as indicated in the
structural General Notes drawing within the Design Drawings.
a) Strength Requirements: Compressive strength requirements shall be indicated on the
Design Drawings and shall be based on cube tests at indicated age. Concrete made with
high-early strength cement shall have a 7 day strength equal to the specified 28 day
strength for concrete made with Type III Portland cement.
1. Type III Portland cement shall be used only where specifically noted on the Design
b) Cement Content for Slabs: Not less than those indicated in ACI 301.
c) Water/ Cementitious Material Ratio: Not to exceed limits indicated on the Design Drawings.
d) Air Entrainment: Use air entraining admixture in exterior exposed concrete as indicated on
the Design Drawings.
e) Slump: Determine slump. Each concrete mix submitted shall have the slump specified.
Slump tolerances shall meet the requirements of ACI 117.
f) Admixtures: Concrete may contain admixtures, such as water reducers, super plasticizers,
or set retarding agents to provide special properties to the concrete. When admixtures shall
be specified or required for workability for particular parts of the work, use the types
g) Chloride Ion: Maximum water soluble chloride ion concentrations in hardened concrete at
ages 28 to 42 days contributed from the ingredients, including water, aggregates,
cementitious materials and admixtures, shall not exceed a maximum, by weight of cement,
of 0.08%, in accordance with ACI 222R, 'Table 3.1-Chloride limits for new construction'.
2. Ready-mixed concrete shall be in accordance with this Section, including the following special
a) The concrete shall be carried in purpose-made agitators, operating continuously, or truck
mixers. The concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 2 hours of the
introduction of cement to the aggregate, unless a longer or shorter time is accepted by the
Engineer. The time of such introduction shall be recorded on the Delivery Note together with
the weights of the constituents of each mix.
b) When truck-mixed concrete is used, water shall be added under supervision either at the
Site or at the central batching plant as accepted by the Engineer, but under no
circumstances shall water be added in transit.
H. Grout: Non-shrink grout shall be premixed 'Emaco' non-shrink grout as manufactured by Master
Builders Technologies Ltd or acceptable equivalent.
I. Curing Compound and Sealing Compound: Refer to Infrastructure Specification, Section 033500
Concrete Finishing.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 033000 / 17 Cast-In Place Concrete
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
A. Ensure that no water is present to those areas in which concrete shall be placed. No flooding water is
permitted on foundation beds and skim coats where footings and other concrete work shall be placed.
B. Ensure that foundations bear on undisturbed soil or on accepted compacted fill. If bearing surfaces
shall not be acceptable because conditions shall not meet those anticipated during design, make
adjustments only as directed by the Engineer. No extra payment shall be made for adjustments made
necessary because of damage to bearing surfaces caused by weather, traffic, or by presence of
adjacent construction or services incorporated in the work.
C. Ensure that compacted fill has been placed to meet specified requirements.
D. Keep excavations dry while placing concrete. Pump as required.
E. Notify the Engineer of unsatisfactory conditions. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.
A. Reinforcement shall be stored in such a manner that it is off the ground, and kept free of mud and
foreign matter.
B. Reinforcement shall be fixed rigidly in position and secured against displacement.
C. A sufficient number of intersecting and lapping bars shall be tied using tying wire to prevent movement
of the reinforcement. The ends of tying wire, tying devices and clips shall not encroach into the cover
to the reinforcement.
D. Laps and joints in reinforcement shall be made only at the specified positions and by the specified
E. Sufficient numbers of cover spacers, chairs, supports and spacers other than cover spacers shall be
provided to maintain the reinforcement in the correct location and to maintain the specified cover at all
positions. Cover spacers, chairs, supports and spacers other than cover spacers shall be placed at a
maximum spacing of 1.5m. Chairs, supports and spacers other than cover spacers shall be
positioned adjacent to or above cover spacers and shall have at least the same cover as the
F. Reinforcement which is to be left exposed shall be protected by a method accepted by the Engineer.
This includes the protection of starter bars.
G. The cover to reinforcement shall be within 5mm of the specified cover.
H. Before concrete is placed, all reinforcing steel, accessories and hangers, inserts, conduits, sleeves,
and outlets, shall be securely tied in place and reviewed.
I. All dirt, clips, sawdust, water, and other foreign matter shall be removed from forms and reinforcing
J. The bottom of excavations for footings and foundations shall be undisturbed soil or compacted fill,
clean, free from water, properly leveled off and accepted by the Engineer prior to the placing of
K. Concreting Final Preparation and Inspection
1. The Engineer shall accept final preparation work prior to concrete placement.
2. Formwork and thermal protection shall be left in place until the difference between maximum
concrete temperature and minimum ambient temperature is less than 20°C. Do not commence
stripping formwork or thermal protection without the acceptance of the Engineer.
3. Prior to commencing work with pumped concrete the Contractor shall define the following:
a) The extent of each pour and the maximum length of pipeline that shall be used.
b) The special measures that shall be taken to reduce the possibility of early shrinkage
c) Details of plant and labor that shall be employed including make, model of pumps, pipe
diameters and the manufacturer's recommendations regarding maximum height and reach
of equipment.
d) Details of the proposed mix design demonstrating its conformity with this Section. Provide
such spare items of plant as the Engineer considers necessary to avoid delays due to
mechanical breakdown.
e) Precautions shall be taken to avoid depositing water or grout in the work during starting-up
operations or in flushing or clearing of the pipe-line. The concrete shall pass through the
pipe-line in not more than 20 minutes.
4. Extent of Pours: The limit of individual pours and the height of lifts shall be as accepted by the
Engineer. The sequence of pours shall be arranged to minimize thermal and shrinkage strains.
A. General, Workmanship
1. Provide a competent and experienced supervisor or foreman who shall be present on the Site
continuously throughout each working day.
B. Placing Concrete
1. No concrete shall be mixed or placed when the light is insufficient, unless an adequate artificial
lighting system is operated and such night work is permitted by the Engineer.
2. As a minimum requirement, preparations for concreting shall follow the guidelines given in ACI
3. The concrete-mixing plant, mixers, pipelines, pumps, chutes and transport equipment shall be
shaded and/ or painted white. L Pump lines and other surfaces shall be kept cool by insulating
them or by covering them with a hessian layer kept damp by spraying with water.
4. Surfaces on which concrete is to be placed shall be moist but free of standing water at the time
of concreting. This shall be achieved by spraying the forms and reinforcement prior to placing
concrete. Shading shall be provided to prevent solar heat gain of forms and reinforcement.
5. When daytime temperature and drying conditions shall be critical the concreting shall be
scheduled to begin during the late afternoon to prevent the occurrence of severe thermal effects.
Consideration should also be given to night time concreting.
6. Give the Engineer at least 48 hours written notice before concreting to allow time for the final
7. The planned casting shall be made continuously without stopping.
8. Concrete shall be conveyed to the place of final deposit by methods which shall prevent the
segregation or loss of material.
9. The methods of transporting and placing concrete shall be subject to the review and comment of
the Engineer and shall be in accordance with ACI 318M, unless otherwise required by this
10. Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of discharge from the mixer
unless carried in purpose-made agitators, operating continuously, when the time shall be within 2
hours of the introduction of cement to the aggregates and within 30 minutes of discharge from
the agitator, provided that the concrete is sufficiently workable.
11. Conveying and placing equipment shall be such that when concreting has started, the depositing
of concrete shall be at such a rate and of such sequence that the concrete is at all times
sufficiently plastic to ensure proper bonding of successive layers or panels. Fresh concrete shall
not be placed against poured-in-place concrete which has been in position for more than 30
minutes unless the poured-in-place concrete has been kept damp with a layer of wet hessian and
protected from the weather. When poured-in-place concrete has been in place for 4 hours or if
the concrete has reached its initial set, no further concrete shall be placed against it for a further
24 hours and a construction joint shall be formed.
12. Conveying and placing equipment shall be kept free from hardened concrete and foreign material
and shall be cleaned at frequent intervals.
13. Concrete shall be deposited in the forms as close as it is practicable to its final position to avoid
segregation due to rehandling or flowing and in approximately horizontal lifts to maintain a level
14. Concrete shall not be dropped into place from a height exceeding 1m except with the use of
trunking and/ or chutes. When trunking or chutes shall be used they shall be kept clean and
used in such a way as to avoid segregation.
15. While concrete is being placed it shall be consolidated thoroughly and uniformly by means of
tamping, hand tools, vibrators or finishing machines to secure a dense, homogeneous structure,
close bond with reinforcement and with smooth formed surfaces. Internal vibrators shall be used
wherever practicable. The placing and compaction of concrete shall be carried out in such a way
as not to cause displacement or other disturbance to reinforcement or formwork or to damage
the faces of formwork. The reinforcement projecting above the lift shall be adequately supported
so as to prevent movement of the bars during the casting and setting of the concrete.
16. Internal vibrators shall be applied at the point of deposit in the areas of freshly placed concrete,
allowed to sink by their own weight in the concrete until they penetrate into the previous layer of
concrete. They shall be withdrawn immediately at the same speed at which they sank, moved
approximately 300mm to a new location and the process repeated. Extreme care shall be taken
to ensure that internal type vibrators do not disturb the reinforcing steel or the forms.
17. Concrete, when deposited, shall have a temperature of not less than 20°C.
18. Reinforcement which is hot enough to dry the concrete on contact shall be cooled by spraying it
with mixing-quality water immediately before concrete is placed, surplus water should not be left
standing in the formwork.
19. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by vibration, during the operation of placing, and
thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, embedded fixtures and into corners of the
formwork to form a solid mass free from voids. When vibrators shall be used to compact the
concrete, vibration shall be applied continuously during the placing of each batch of concrete
until the expulsion of air has practically ceased and in a manner that does not promote
segregation of the constituents.
20. Concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to a compacted depth not exceeding 450mm
where internal vibrators shall be used or 150mm in all other cases.
21. Surfaces upon which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free from standing water.
Loose, shattered or unsound concrete fragments shall be removed.
22. A sufficient number of vibrators in serviceable condition shall be on Site to ensure that spare
equipment is always available in the event of breakdowns.
23. Vibration shall not be applied by way of the reinforcement. Where vibrators of the immersion
type shall be used, contact with reinforcement and all inserts shall be avoided as far as is
practicable. Internal vibrators shall operate at not less than 10,000 cycles per minute and
external vibrators at not less than 3,000 cycles per minute. Vibration shall not be used as a
means of distributing heaped concrete into position.
24. Concrete should not be re-vibrated.
25. Concrete shall not be subjected to disturbance between 2 hours and 24 hours after compaction.
Whenever vibration shall be applied externally, the design of formwork and disposition of
vibrators shall ensure efficient compaction and the avoidance of surface blemishes.
26. The method of transport and placing concrete shall be to the acceptance of the Engineer.
Concrete shall be so transported and placed that contamination, segregation or loss of the
constituent materials does not occur.
27. Prior to placing any concrete for reinforced elements on natural surfaces a blinding layer of
concrete shall be laid to a minimum of 50mm thickness unless otherwise indicated on the Design
Drawings. Blinding shall be suitably cured prior to subsequent concrete placement. The blinding
shall be clean and free from any dust or impurities prior to subsequent concrete placement.
28. No concrete shall be placed in a foundation until the extent of excavation and the character of
bearing material have been verified by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer.
29. No concrete shall be placed in any structure until the placement of reinforcing steel and the
adequacy of the forms and falsework have been accepted.
30. Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the work until the Engineer's acceptance has been
given. If concrete has not started within 24 hours of such acceptance being given, review shall
again be requested. Concreting shall then proceed continuously over the area between
construction joints.
C. Concrete in Hot Weather
1. Hot weather shall be defined as any combination of high air temperature, low relative humidity
and wind velocity tending to impair the quality of fresh or hardened concrete. The climatic factors
affecting concrete in hot weather shall be high air temperature and reduced relative humidity, the
effects of which may be considerably more pronounced with increases in wind velocity. The
effects of hot weather on concrete shall be most critical during periods of rising temperature,
falling relative humidity or both.
2. When trunking or chutes shall be used they shall be kept clean and used in such a way as to
avoid segregation. Where steep slopes shall be required for placing concrete with chutes, the
chutes shall be equipped with baffle boards or be in short lengths that reverse the direction of the
movement. Chutes and the use of chutes shall be accepted by the Engineer. All chutes shall be
kept clean and free from coating of hardened concrete by thoroughly flushing with water after
each run. The water used for flushing shall be discharged clear of the concrete already in place.
3. Concrete shall not be placed using chutes or conduits of aluminum or aluminum alloy.
4. No concrete shall be placed in flowing water. Underwater concrete shall be placed in position by
tremie or by pipeline from the mixer.
5. Where the concrete is placed by the tremie, its size and method of operation shall be in
accordance with BS EN 1997: Part 1. During and after concreting under water, pumping or
dewatering operations in the immediate vicinity shall be suspended until the Engineer permits
them to be continued.
6. Measures shall be taken to avoid premature stiffening of concrete placed in contact with hot, dry
surfaces. Surfaces including reinforcement against which concrete is to be placed shall be
shielded against the direct rays of the sun and shall be sprayed with water to prevent excessive
absorption by the surfaces of water from the fresh concrete.
7. A complete record shall be kept of the date, time, temperature and conditions of placing the
concrete in each portion of the work and shall be available for inspection by the Engineer at any
D. Hot Weather Protection Requirements
1. Attention shall be drawn to specific clauses in this Section that relate to environmental conditions
which affect concreting and curing, primarily the temperature and occurrence of drying winds. In
addition, no concreting shall be attempted during periods of inclement weather including storms
and dust storms, at the discretion of the Engineer. Where ambient daytime temperature is greater
than 35°C concreting shall not take place until after 17:00 hours.
2. Precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to ensure the maximum temperature of the concrete
mix at time of placing is less than 30°C, and 25°C for large pours. The constituents, including
reinforcement, may be shaded from the sun prior to the pour. Aggregates shall be stored in
shaded bunkers. Cold, potable water shall be sprayed on the stockpiles to further reduce
temperature. Precautions and monitoring shall be undertaken to ensure there is no significant
increase in the level of dust, chlorides or sulfates present in the aggregate through this
3. During transportation, delivery and placing of concrete the Contractor shall take precautions to
prevent evaporation of water from the concrete and to minimize the increase in temperature
through exposure to sunlight. To this end, concreting shall be carried out at such times that avoid
the hottest parts of the day.
4. Formwork shall be examined before concreting and shall be clean, correctly and rigidly fastened
in position, and free of dust or other materials. The formwork shall be kept as cool as possible
before and during concreting, and, where practicable, shall be shaded from direct sunlight. The
formwork shall be leak proof and not move during concreting.
5. When the rate of evaporation of surface moisture from concrete is expected to approach 1 kg/ m/
hr, using Fig. 2.1.5 in ACI 305R, or when the shade air temperature is 35°C and rising,
precautions shall be taken, including the following:
a) Dampening the forms.
b) Reducing the concrete temperature to the lowest practical level by procedures such as:
1. Shading the aggregate.
2. Cooling the mixing water before use.
c) Screening the mixing plant and transporting vehicles from wind, rain and sun.
d) Erecting wind breaks and sunshades at the concrete placing location.
e) Reducing the time between the placing of the concrete and the start of curing to the
minimum possible.
f) Minimizing evaporation (particularly during the first few hours subsequent to placing the
concrete) by suitable means such as applying moisture by fog spraying.
6. Demonstrate that all precautions shall be available for use prior to any concreting operations. All
precautions to be taken shall be subject to the Engineer's acceptance.
7. In the event that conditions become such that these requirements cannot be met, concreting
shall be suspended immediately and not resumed until the requirements can be met again.
Under such circumstances, additional precautions may have been taken to avoid the
temperatures being exceeded on future pours.
8. Ensure that the concrete work is not adversely affected by the climate factors, namely, higher air
temperature, low relative humidity and wind velocity. Calculations or experiments showing that
the dry bulb temperature of the placed concrete, taking into consideration the heat of hydration of
cement, does not exceed 38°C and that the rate of water evaporation does not exceed 980 g/ m²
per hour shall be submitted for the Engineer's review and comment.
9. Air concrete thermometers shall be kept on the Site. Concrete shall not be placed if the shade
temperature exceeds 36°C or the concrete temperature exceeds 30°C, and 25°C for large pours.
10. Special precautions shall be taken if the shade temperature exceeds 28°C. Between May and
August inclusive, placing of concrete shall not be done after 09:00 hours and before 12:00 hours,
time stated as 24 hour clock, and if necessary shall be carried out at night in which case,
adequate lighting shall be arranged.
11. When the air temperature is expected to approach 38°C or the rate of water evaporation is
expected to reach 980g/ m² per hour, precautions consisting of dampening the subgrade and the
forms, erecting sunshades and windbreaks and reducing time between placement of concrete
and start of curing shall be taken.
12. Take precautionary measures to prevent or to minimize undesirable hot weather effects, in
accordance with ACI 318M except as modified in this Section. Lower the water temperature by
mechanical refrigeration or by mixing water with crushed ice, or by pre-cooling the aggregates
ensuring that the temperature of the concrete as delivered shall not exceed 26°C for large pour
construction and 30°C for other concrete structures. Ice, when used as part of and for cooling
mixing water, shall be limited to a maximum of 90% of the total water content. Ice shall be
completely melted in mixing water prior to adding water to the mixer.
13. Evaporation shall be minimized, particularly during the first few hours subsequent to placing
concrete, by suitable means such as applying moisture by fog spraying or any other means
accepted by the Engineer. A water-reducing, set-retarding chemical admixture in accordance with
the requirements of ASTM C494 and ASTM C260 shall be used in varying proportions under
different air temperature conditions. The admixture shall meet the requirements specified within
this Section. During the placing of all concrete exposed or subject to rapid evaporation from
drying conditions, including hot weather, drying winds, and sunlight, work shall be protected,
immediately following screeding, with a protective application of "Confirm" or acceptable
14. Material shall be sprayed over the entire surface of fresh, plastic concrete in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations following screeding at a rate of not less than 10 gallons of
sprayable solution for each 2000m² of surface area, 5m² per liter.
15. Sprayable solution shall be prepared to ratio of 1 part "Confirm" or acceptable equivalent to 9
parts of water.
16. Under severe drying conditions, additional applications shall be required following completion of
17. For all concrete sections, take precautions to limit the effects of heat of hydration.
18. Concrete temperatures shall be measured and logged continuously from the start of the pour
until instructed to stop by the Engineer.
19. If temperature measurements exceed any of the criteria above then action shall be taken in
accordance with the requirements on defective concrete within this Section.
E. Troweling and Screeding
1. No repairs to concrete shall be made until after inspection by the Engineer and then only in strict
accordance with the Engineer's directions. All repairs and replacements specified shall be
executed promptly by the Contractor entirely at his expense.
2. Immediately on removal of the forms, all surfaces shall be carefully examined and any
irregularities found in the concrete surface shall be immediately rubbed down in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer to produce a smooth, uniform and continuous surface. Blowholes
shall be filled with a cementitious mortar. Concrete containing voids, holes, honeycombing or
similar depression defects shall be completely removed and replaced to the acceptance of the
3. Cement mortar for filling blowholes shall consist of cement and fine aggregate together with the
minimum amount of water necessary to achieve a consistency suitable for completely filling the
4. Cement mortar for filling holes left by formwork ties and components shall consist of 1 part of
cement to 3 parts of fine aggregate together with the minimum amount of water necessary to
achieve a consistency suitable for compacting the mortar into the holes; the mix shall be
adequately compensated against shrinkage by use of a suitable admixture.
5. Concrete to be waterproofed where membrane waterproofing is required, treat as exposed finish.
Obtain the review of and comments on the finished surfaces by the waterproofing Subcontractor.
6. Where indicated in the Design Drawings and/ or within the Specification, floor slabs to be
"sealed" shall use a sealing compound in strict accordance with the manufacturer's
F. Finishing and Tolerances
1. Bring tops of floors to even level or sloping surfaces as indicated in the Design Drawings.
2. Steel trowel all floor slabs, unless otherwise indicated in the Design Drawings and within the
3. Refer to Section 033500 Concrete Finishing.
4. Finished levels shall be determined by a 3m straightedge placed anywhere on the slab in any
5. Tolerances: The concrete work shall be constructed to an accuracy which shall permit the proper
assembly of components and installations and shall be compatible with the finish. The accuracy
of the work shall be in accordance with the following tolerances:
a) Plan setting out, Foundations: ±20mm.
b) Plan setting out, Columns/ Walls: ±10mm.
c) Sections of concrete members, up to and including 300mm thick slabs: within range of
+10mm and -5mm.
d) Foundations, surface against ground; underside: +50mm.
e) Foundations, top surfaces of bases and piers: ±20mm.
f) Floor slabs, surface level with 3m straightedge: ±5mm.
g) Floor slabs, surface level to datum, before removal of props: ±10mm.
h) Columns and walls, plumb in story height: ±10mm.
i) Cross diagonal distortion in story height:
1. Between adjacent columns: ±10mm.
2. Plumb to any point in building height: ±20mm.
3. Inside faces of lift shafts in story height: ±5mm.
4. Dimensions and position of openings: ±5mm.
j) The distance from any one corner to the plane containing the other three corners shall be
accurate to within the following:
1. Refer to illustrated Tolerances, Diagram 1 within Appendix 033000.
2. Value = 25mm, for up to and including 33m height.
3. Value = 50mm, for over 33m height.
k) Permitted deviation on Cast-in Fastenings:
1. No fastening shall be more than 5mm from the intended position.
2. Refer to illustrated Tolerances, Diagram 2 within Appendix 033000.
l) Permitted deviation on Cast-in Foundation Bolts:
6. Concrete surfaces shall be kept damp using soaked hessian sheeting. Polythene sheet covering
shall be used where directed by the Engineer to minimize evaporation. The hessian sheeting
shall be maintained continuously damp for a minimum period of 14 days after casting for normal
curing periods, as listed within Table C 'Table for Normal Curing Periods' in Appendix 033000.
7. Subject to the acceptance of the Engineer, curing with an acceptable proprietary product shall be
used as an alternative to curing with water except that membrane curing product shall not be
applied to surfaces of concrete from which the shuttering has been struck, until the concrete has
been inspected and accepted by the Engineer's representative.
8. The concrete curing compound shall be of an acceptable type which shall be readily
distinguishable upon the concrete surface for at least 4 hours after application. The curing
compound shall be compatible with subsequent surface finishes. The color, if any, shall become
inconspicuous within 7 days of application.
9. Refer also to Hot Weather Protection Requirements within this Section.
10. All equipment needed for curing and protection of the concrete shall be on hand and ready for
use before actual placing is started.
11. Liquid curing membranes shall not be used on concrete surfaces against which concrete has
subsequently to be placed.
12. The maximum temperature of the concrete during curing shall not exceed 70°C. For concrete
with early strength requirements the maximum temperature during curing shall not exceed 75°C
unless acceptable to the Engineer.
13. The curing time shall be the number of days, as listed within Table C 'Table for Normal Curing
Periods' in Appendix 033000, unless the average surface temperature of the concrete during the
required number of days falls below 10°C, in which case the period of curing shall be extended
until the maturity of the concrete reaches the value given in the Table C in Appendix 033000.
14. The curing for mass concrete foundations shall be as follows, unless otherwise indicated:
a) Curing agent applied to the top surface followed by 1000 gauge polythene sheeting + 50mm
polystyrene boards + 150mm loose fill material. The fill material is to be kept damp for a
period of 14 days, flooding is not acceptable.
15. Wheeling, handling, piling or storing of any material over or on new constructed slabs is
prohibited during the first 7 days after placing concrete, except such handling or wheeling on
planked runways accepted by the Engineer.
16. Protect all freshly placed concrete from extreme heat, running water, and mechanical shock for
the duration of the curing period.
H. Defective Concrete
1. The Engineer shall, before placement, reject any batch of concrete which in his opinion does not
conform with the acceptable mix design or is unsatisfactory in any respect or, in the case of
concrete mixed off-Site, for which a delivery docket containing the full information as specified
within this Section is not immediately available.
2. Concrete not meeting the requirements of the Specification, the Design Drawings and the Shop
Drawings shall be considered defective concrete.
3. Finished lines, dimensions and surfaces shall be correct and true within tolerances specified in
this Section.
4. Concrete not in accordance with lines, details, quality and grade specified or as indicated on the
Design Drawings shall be modified or replaced to the acceptance of the Engineer.
5. Cores shall be drilled and tested from areas in question, as directed by the Engineer or load
testing of the structural elements in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer.
6. Defective concrete shall be repaired or replaced to the Engineer's acceptance.
I. Conduits, Pipes, Openings and Inserts
1. Electrical conduit and other pipe embedded in the concrete shall not be of a material harmful to
the concrete and shall be as follows:
a) Not a larger outside diameter than one-third the thickness of the slab, wall or beam in which
they shall be embedded.
b) Not spaced closer than 3 diameters on center unless otherwise indicated on the Design
c) Have a concrete covering of not less than 40mm, other than at exit/ entry points.
d) Be installed in a manner that it shall not require cutting, bending or displacement of the
reinforcement or impair the structural strength of the system.
2. Provide and cast-in all sleeves, frameouts, inserts and fastening devices indicated on the Design
Drawings unless otherwise indicated.
3. Openings and driven fasteners required in the concrete work after the concrete is placed shall be
accepted by the Engineer prior to installation.
4. Check the Design Drawings and Specification for the requirements of other trades as they affect
the placing of concrete and make provisions for holes through structural members and be
responsible for all inserts, sleeves, conduits, and similar items as set.
a) Inform the Engineer of any conditions that arise creating deviations from documented
requirements and proceed only upon acceptance by the Engineer.
J. Grout and Packing
1. General, wherever the Contractor is required to obtain the acceptance of the Engineer, this shall
be requested in writing and obtained before the work concerned is put in hand.
2. Grout Types:
a) Except where non-shrinking grout or dry packing is used, all grout or packing shall be
b) When non-shrinking grout is specified, the material shall be stored, handled, mixed and
placed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
3. All work which fails in accordance with this Section shall be rectified to the acceptance of the
Engineer. Work which cannot be rectified shall be broken out and reconstructed to the specified
requirement standards.
4. Only admixtures which have been accepted by the Engineer shall be used for expanding grout
and concrete. Admixtures shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
a) Admixtures shall not be used where high strength is specified. In such cases a suitable
proprietary cementitious grout shall be used to the acceptance of the Engineer.
b) Agreement shall not be given to admixtures which contain chlorides, nitrates, iron or
foaming agents.
5. Proprietary cementitious materials shall be supplied pre-packed in the correct proportions, ready
for the addition of water only. The constituents shall be stored in sealed containers under cover
and used in strict rotation. Each consignment shall bear a batch number, date of production and
shelf life of the material. Materials containing calcium chloride or iron shall not be accepted.
6. The compressive strength of the grout shall not be less than that of the concrete under the base
plate or unit, with a minimum of 40N/ mm² at 28 days.
7. The testing methods and compliance requirements shall be as specified in the test procedure.
8. Expanding grout for filling areas where the least clear dimension is less than 50mm shall be of
mix proportions 1 to 2 respectively for cement to fine aggregate, by weight. The water/ cement
ratio shall be kept to a minimum compatible with flowability.
a) Flowability shall be measured using a flowmeter and the reading shall be between 350mm
and 650mm depending on grouting method used.
9. Dry packing mortar or concrete shall only be used where specified by the Engineer or where its
use has been accepted by the Engineer. Where it is used field trials shall be carried out as
specified within this Section to prove satisfactory performance. Sufficient water shall be added
such that the slump does not exceed 5mm.
a) For spaces with least dimension less than 75mm, the mix proportions shall be 1 to 2
respectively for cement to fine aggregate.
b) For spaces with a least dimension greater than 75mm the mix proportions shall be 1 to 1 to
2 respectively for cement to fine aggregate to single sized 10mm coarse aggregate.
c) The use of admixtures shall not be permitted. The optimum water content for each batch of
material shall be determined prior to use by flow tests under steel plates under similar
conditions to the actual application. Upon removal of the test plate, each quadrant of the
upper surface of the mortar shall not contain more than 5% area of voids.
10. To avoid any alkali-aggregate reaction in the concrete work, provide work in accordance with the
requirements given within this Section.
11. The surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly scabbled to provide a clean rough surface. All
bolt and other pockets shall be cleaned immediately before the baseplate or unit is placed in
position. Immediately before filling, the space between the concrete and the baseplate or unit
shall be cleaned again and thoroughly wetted. All pockets shall be free from water before filling.
12. Hand mixing shall not be permitted. Grout shall be mixed in a colloidal type mixer.
13. Bedding material shall be poured into the formwork and worked into position by straps, rods, or
other suitable means until the whole of the space is completely filled. Dry pack shall be rammed
against firm formers to ensure full compaction.
14. In all cases the grout shall be worked from one side and in one direction only, in a manner which
shall avoid the formation of air pockets and voids.
15. Except where it is specified that bolt sleeves shall be left unfilled, the bolt sleeves shall be filled
to within 50mm of the concrete foundation level prior to the grouting of the baseplate.
16. Expanding grout shall not be vibrated.
17. Edge formwork shall be fastened around each baseplate or unit as required to suit the placing
method. It shall be sufficiently robust to allow the bedding material to be placed without leakage.
Unless otherwise indicated on the Design Drawings, the horizontal clearance between the
formwork and the baseplate or unit shall be as small as possible. The gap should not exceed
75mm on the entry side and 50mm elsewhere. A separate feeding hopper shall be used if
necessary to maintain the 75mm limit.
18. For wide baseplates or units where a well and plunger is used, the formwork shall be well
anchored down.
19. Where it is specified that the edge of the grout beyond the baseplate or unit is to be chamfered,
bull nosed or trimmed, the excess bedding material shall be cut off whilst it is still green.
20. Formwork shall not be struck earlier than 24 hours after completion of filling.
21. Curing shall be carried out by covering with moist hessian for a period of 5 days. During hot, dry
weather the hessian shall be frequently wetted to prevent drying out.
22. Grout Testing: Assume responsibility for all testing. All testing shall be accepted from the
Engineer and shall be commercially independent from the Contractor. The Engineer shall be
permitted access to the laboratories to witness any tests.
a) Gang molds suitable for preparing 3 of 6 specimens simultaneously shall be constructed.
The molds shall be constructed to produce specimens 100mm x 100mm x 25mm with the
25mm dimension uppermost.
b) The molds shall be coated on all internal surfaces and joint faces with a release agent
suitable to the type of bedding material being molded.
c) Where a batch of bedding material has been selected by the Engineer for sampling for the
purpose of making test prisms, 1 prism shall be made from each of 6 samples. The
sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the appropriate British Standard. The test
prisms shall be made at the Site of application.
d) The prisms shall be removed from the molds after 24 hours and shall be cured under the
same conditions as the bedding material to which they refer.
e) Testing shall be in accordance with BS EN 12390. The compression testing machine shall
be in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 12390 and be maintained in an
environment between 15° and 25°C. Three prisms shall be tested at 7 days and three at 28
days. The type of failure shall also be recorded.
f) The specified compressive strength shall been achieved if none of the 3 prisms has a
strength less than that specified or the average strength of the 3 prisms is not less than the
specified strength and the difference between the highest and lowest of the 3 strengths is
not more than 20% of the average strength.
K. Large Pour Construction Procedure
1. Floor slab concrete shall be designated as `large pours' by the Engineer.
2. Sets of thermocouples shall be cast into the concrete. Each set shall consist of 3 or more
thermocouples arranged ensuring that they shall record the maximum temperature and the
maximum temperature gradient in the pour, even if 1 thermocouple in the set fails to work
satisfactorily. In order to check the thermal gradient across a construction joint it shall be
necessary to cast thermocouples into the concrete on both sides of the joint.
3. Each thermocouple shall be accurate to within 3°C.
4. The type of thermocouple and the methods of calibration, installation, protection against damage
and connection to the recording apparatus shall be accepted by the Engineer.
5. Temperatures shall be read as follows:
a) As soon as possible after the concrete has been placed.
1. 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 hours thereafter.
2. Every day until the maximum temperature is less than 20°C above ambient.
3. Every three days until the maximum temperature is less than 10°C above ambient.
4. Every 2 weeks until the maximum temperature is less than 5°C above ambient
6. Temperatures and temperature gradients during curing need not be monitored for concrete in
members where the maximum thickness of the cast concrete is not more than 600mm.
7. Formwork and thermal protection shall be left in place until the difference between the maximum
concrete temperature and the minimum ambient temperature is less than 20°C. The stripping of
formwork or thermal protection shall not commence without the review and comment of the
L. Pumped Concrete: Precaution shall be taken to avoid depositing water or grout in the work during
starting-up operations or in flushing or clearing of the pipe-line. The concrete shall pass through the
pipe-line in not more than 20 minutes.
M. Retaining Walls: The concrete in each section between joints or corners shall be placed in successive
pours working away in both directions from the center most panel of that section. The minimum
interval between placing adjacent panels shall be 3 days unless otherwise indicated.
N. Water-Resistant Concrete
1. This Section relates requirements for retaining or excluding water or other aqueous liquids.
2. The watertight structures shall be designed and detailed in accordance with the requirements of
this Section and with those of BS EN 1992: Part 3.
3. Water Excluding Structures: The term 'Watertight' as applied to any wall, floor or other member
shall mean that 6 calendar months after the completion of the whole of the work including the
superstructure, or 6 calendar months after the cessation of all pumping of ground water on Site,
whichever is the latest, there shall be no seepage of water through any wall, floor or other
member nor any damp patch in excess of 0.5m² in area visible on its internal face. The number
of damp patches shall not exceed 1 patch for every 200m², or part of 200m², of the total internal
surface area of walls, floor and other elements of structure surfaces of which shall be in contact
with water.
4. The maximum allowable drying shrinkage of aggregates shall be 0.05%.
5. Assume full responsibility for ensuring that the resulting construction is completely watertight and
free from penetration of moisture. When, in the opinion of the Engineer, damp patches and/ or
leakage of water in the finished work shall be due to failure of the Contractor in accordance with
this Section the affected work shall be made good at the Contractor's expense.
6. The maximum length of wall panels placed in one continuous pour between vertical construction
and/ or movement joints shall be 15m. Where intermediate crack inducing joints at 5m maximum
centers shall be incorporated in the work then the only restriction on the length of wall panels
cast in one operation shall be the centers of the construction and movement joints indicated on
the Design Drawings or shall be the Contractor's capacity for making continuous pours whichever
is the lesser, but shall not exceed 15m.
7. Kickers shall not be less than 150mm high and shall be cast monolithically with the base.
8. Obtain the acceptance from the Engineer of the layout and form of all additional construction
details other than those indicated on the Design Drawings prior to commencement of the work.
9. Particular care shall be taken to ensure full compaction of the concrete around all joints and
10. The concrete at the joint shall be bonded with that subsequently placed against it, without
provision for relative movement between the two. Concrete shall not be allowed to run to a
feather-edge, and all joints shall be formed against a stop end. Particular care shall be taken
when forming the joints.
11. The surface of the first pour shall be roughened to increase the bond strength and to provide
aggregate interlock. If the joint surface is not roughened until the concrete has hardened, the
larger aggregate particles near the surface shall be exposed by sandblasting or by applying a
scaling hammer or other mechanical device. Powerful hammers shall not be used as they may
damage or dislodge aggregate particles so reducing, rather than increasing, the capacity of the
joint to transfer stresses.
12. Care shall be taken that the joint surface is clean immediately before the fresh concrete is placed
against it. It shall be dampened prior to the new concrete being placed, to prevent excessive loss
of mix water into it by absorption.
13. Water bars shall be provided in all construction and day work joints, in addition to any joint
indicated on the Design Drawings.
14. All construction joints in watertight concrete shall be formed as indicated on the Design
Drawings, unless otherwise indicated.
15. All water bars shall be jointed by welding, however all multiple joints and special intersections
shall be as manufactured by the supplier.
16. Care shall be taken at all times to ensure that water bars shall not be perforated or damaged in
any manner and the concrete shall be carefully placed and compacted around the water bars to
ensure dense void free impervious concrete.
17. The formwork shall be in accordance with the relevant clauses in this Section. Any bolt or
fastening embedded in or passing through the concrete shall be to the acceptance of the
Engineer and shall not impair the watertightness of the structure. The use of through-bolts and
through-sleeves shall be strictly prohibited.
18. All cast-in service holes shall incorporate sleeves with puddle flanges, and temporary openings
for services shall incorporate water bars.
19. Slotted inserts or sockets cast into the structural concrete shall be provided for all fastenings;
including services. The cutting of holes in watertight concrete shall be strictly prohibited.
20. Water-Resistant Concrete Testing:
a) Ensure the program and method of construction allows for the satisfactory completion of
tests for watertightness on each water-retaining or water excluding structure following
completion of the work. Completed parts of structures may be tested subject to prior
consent by the Engineer but no part shall be tested until all the concrete in a structure has
reached the specified strength.
b) When filling is complete the structure shall be kept full for an absorption period of 7 days
before the test commences. On satisfactory completion of the test the water shall be
disposed of in a manner accepted by the Engineer.
c) Water Retaining Structures:
1. For uncovered structures, where the plan area of the water does not exceed 1000m²,
after the water retaining structure has been filled with water, and at the end of the
absorption period, an open topped steel tank shall be filled with water to the same
depth as the structure and shall be placed in the structure. This water tank shall have a
plan area of at least 1.5m² and a capacity of at least 1.8m³ and shall previously have
been proved to be watertight. The levels of the water in the structure and in the tank
shall be equalized and recorded at intervals of 24 hours for 7 days following an
absorption period of 7 days. The structure shall be deemed to be watertight if the
difference between the water levels does not exceed 10mm at the end of the 7 days
test period.
2. When the uncovered plan area of the water exceeds 1000m², record the wet and dry
bulb temperatures, the humidity, for 7 days following an absorption period of 7 days.
From the information recorded, calculate the variation in the depth of water due to
rainfall, sunshine, and similar conditions during these 7 days, making allowance for the
degree of exposure of the Site. The resultant drop in water level due to leakage alone
shall then be calculated. The structure shall be deemed to be watertight if the reviewed
calculations show that the drop due to leakage is equivalent to a depth of less than
10mm. When the leakage recorded exceeds this amount but is decreasing daily the
structure shall be deemed to be watertight if the requirement is achieved in the
subsequent 7 days.
3. Covered structures shall be deemed watertight if the drop in water level does not
exceed 10mm at the end of 7 days following an absorption period of 7 days.
A. General
1. Routine testing of production concrete materials strength and of proposed mix design materials
and strength shall be carried out by an independent inspection and testing company, accepted by
the Engineer, and appointed by and paid by the Contractor.
2. Any testing required by the Contractor to vary mix design, grade of steel, or to prove strength of
concrete in place, or load testing where specified design strengths shall not be attained, or where
errors have been made in construction, shall be done at the Contractor's expense.
B. Routine Inspection and Testing
1. All sampling and testing of constituent materials shall be carried out in accordance with the
appropriate British Standard. In particular, sampling and testing of fresh and hardened concrete
shall be in accordance with ASTM C172 unless otherwise indicated within this Specification.
2. If fresh concrete is not in accordance with the workability requirements of this Specification, then
it shall not be placed in the permanent work without acceptance from the Engineer prior to
project use.
3. Provide at least one person on Site trained and competent to sample concrete, undertake slump
tests and prepare test specimens in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C172. Cube
preparation shall only be undertaken by trained Contractor's personnel.
4. The Engineer shall review proposed concrete mix design and require check-testing if considered
necessary as the concrete work progresses.
5. Concrete Strength Tests: Compliance with the specified characteristic strength shall be based on
tests made on cubes at an age of 28 days, unless there is satisfactory evidence that a particular
testing regime is capable of predicting the strength at 28 days, of concrete tested at an earlier
a) For concrete with early strength requirements, compliance shall be based on tests made on
cubes at an age proposed by the Contractor. Loading shall not be applied to elements of
the work composed of the concrete with early strength requirements until such time as the
minimum strength requirement has been achieved, as demonstrated by cube test results
from samples manufactured from the concrete proposed for loading and cured in a manner
identical to the concrete in the work.
b) Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the rate of sampling shall be not less than 4
samples on each day for each type of concrete grade and binder that is cast. In addition,
where multiple deliveries of the same concrete type shall be made, the rates of sampling
shall be as listed in the Other Tests, Table E in Appendix 033000, or until such time the
Engineer is satisfied that the Contractor has demonstrated the concrete is of a consistent
c) Perform a standard slump test for each set of samples.
d) Provide 4 samples molded in 150mm x 150mm x 150mm steel molds, stored, and
laboratory cured in accordance with ASTM C172 for strength tests. 2 samples shall be
compression tested at 7 days and the remaining 2 samples at 28 days after.
e) Each sample shall be taken from a randomly selected batch of concrete. Samples shall be
taken at the point of discharge from the delivery vehicle.
f) On completion of curing, the cubes shall be tested and the mean of the 2 measured values
taken as the test result.
g) When the difference between the two measured values divided by their mean exceeds 15%,
the test result shall be deemed invalid.
h) The compliance criteria shall be in accordance with ACI 301 and the requirements of this
i) The 'current margin' shall be calculated as specified.
j) If only one test result fails to meet the compliance test requirement noted above, then that
result shall be considered to represent only the particular batch of concrete from which the
test cubes were taken.
k) If the average strength of any group of 4 consecutive test results fails to meet the
compliance test requirement, then all the concrete in all the batches represented by all such
results shall be deemed not to be in accordance with the strength requirements. For the
purposes of this clause the batches of concrete represented by a group of 4 consecutive
test results shall include the batches from which samples were taken to make the first and
the last cubes in the group of 4, together with all the intervening batches.
l) The action required in the case of non-compliance shall be determined by the Engineer,
including but not limited to the testing of additional samples of the concrete or the removal
of the non-compliant concrete. All additional testing or remedial work shall be at the
Contractor's expense.
m) Identify and correlate reinforcing steel with mill test reports for compliance.
n) Specimens of unidentified reinforcing steel shall be tested for each 10 tons of steel. The
cost of this inspection and testing shall be paid for by the Contractor.
o) The frequency of sampling may vary as directed by the Engineer if non-compliance is found.
p) The procedures shall be repeated when materials or design mixes are changed by the
q) If the above criteria is not satisfied, the unit represented by the sample shall be deemed
questionable and any or all of the following actions shall be instructed by the Engineer at the
Contractor's expense:
1. Changing the concrete mix.
2. Improving quality control.
3. Cutting and testing cores from placed concrete.
4. Non-destructive testing of placed concrete.
5. Cutting-out and replacing defective concrete.
6. In the event cutting and testing of cores shall be required, the Contractor shall cut
cores from acceptable locations to the Engineer, and test them in accordance with
ASTM C172.
6. Flexural Tensile Strength Tests, not applicable to piling.
a) Samples shall be taken and two beams cast to determine the tensile strength of the
concrete at 7 days and 28 days, as specified in ASTM C172.
b) The samples shall be taken in accordance with the minimum test requirements for concrete
in this Specification and shall coincide with samples taken for test cubes.
7. Durability Tests
a) Samples shall be taken in accordance with the minimum test requirements for concrete in
this Specification and shall coincide with samples taken for test cubes.
b) The concrete shall be tested for durability properties by undertaking absorption and
permeability tests as directed within the tables in Appendix 033000, Durability Tests, Table D
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5.
8. Other Tests
a) Submit to the Engineer the proposed methods for complying with the creep strain criteria of
the performance requirements of the Specification. These shall include, but shall not be
limited to: Tests to establish the strength of the concrete and the static modulus of elasticity
of the concrete to ASTM C172.
b) Sufficient tests shall be undertaken to allow an accurate assessment of the creep strain to
be made prior to, and during, the concreting operations. These tests shall only cease when
directed by the Engineer.
c) Large pour construction shall be tested for drying shrinkage and wetting expansion, for
which 75mm x 75mm prisms shall be prepared and tested in accordance with BS EN 1367:
Part 4.
d) Cubes may be required and trials carried out to determine stripping times for formwork, the
duration of curing and to check testing and sampling errors, all shall be supplied at the
Contractor's expense.
e) The air content of air-entrained concrete shall be determined in accordance with this
f) Compaction factor, slump, Vebe or other workability tests shall be carried out as required
during concreting of permanent work to control workability at the batching plant and at the
Site of the pour. For each sample the temperature of the concrete shall be measured and
recorded with the time the test was performed. The degree of workability shall be as for the
trial mixes; permitted tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 301.
g) Minimum test requirements for concrete samples shall be taken and specimens made for
the following tests for each class of concrete and for each particular application representing
a maximum quantity of concrete as listed in the Other Tests, Table E 'Table for the Rate of
Sampling Concrete' in Appendix 033000. Provide a set of 4 cubes for cube strength tests.
Each set of cubes shall be made from a separate batch. A minimum of 4 cubes for cube
strength tests shall be taken for each foundation.
h) Initial sampling rates for concrete to be as listed in the Other Tests, Table E 'Table for the
Rate of Sampling Concrete' in Appendix 033000. The Engineer may allow an increase in
sampling rates for intermediate structures, up to 50m³ and for heavy construction up to
100m³, once initial trials and testing regime indicates that the concrete production is
providing a mix of proven strength and standard deviation. The Engineer may revert the
sampling rate at any time back to the rates as listed Other Tests, Table E 'Table for the Rate
of Sampling Concrete' in Appendix 033000 should test results indicate a reduction in the
control of concrete production, including but not limited to lower average strengths or an
increase in standard deviation.
1. Cement: One (1) 2kg sample for quality testing to ensure compliance with Part 2 of this
section shall be taken from each 1,500 bags or equivalent weight or one day's output
of the cement plant for each class of cement, whichever is the lesser.
2. Water: One (1) 5L sample shall be obtained prior to use from each source for quality
testing in accordance with this Section.
3. Samples of concrete, cement and water shall be taken and tested as described in the
above clauses at least once a week during concreting operations.
i) Reports: Testing company reports of test of materials and compression tests of concrete
control cubes shall be distributed as directed by the Engineer.
1. Concrete cube test reports shall contain the following information: whether specimens
laboratory or field cured, date cast, date received in lab, date tested, unit weight of
concrete, specified 28 day strength, correlation of the exact location of each pour with
the test cubes in question, concrete supplier, person who cast the cube, time mixer
charged, time cube cast, measured slump, temperature of concrete and air, whether or
not water was added at the job, nominal aggregate size, type of admixture, air-
entrainment agent, project identification and with sequential numerical identification.
2. Should a crushed cube show a test result required by the Specification, the testing
company shall immediately advise the Engineer by telephone of such occurrence in
order to expedite curing or remedial measures which may be required.
3. In the event that test cubes indicate a strength of concrete below that which is
specified, the test report shall state the reason for the lack of strength: poor quality
concrete in place, cubes improperly taken, stored, capped, frozen, improperly handled
or faulty testing procedure. A correct analysis of the cause of poor tests shall save
unnecessary inconvenience when the report is submitted to all parties involved.
4. The testing company shall supply written reports of tests or materials and reinforcing
steel, giving all pertinent information required by the Specification and applicable
Standard requirements.
C. Responsibility of the Testing Company
1. The representative of the testing company shall not be required to supervise the work or to
instruct the Contractor. The tester's function shall be that of sampling and testing materials and
cubes, observing procedures and reporting of same to the Engineer. If any material is at
variance with the Specification the tester shall immediately advise the superintendent and then
inform the Engineer by telephone.
2. The testing company shall advise and cooperate with the Contractor regarding adequate
handling and storage of cubes.
D. Responsibility of the Contractor
1. Cooperate with the representatives of the testing company.
2. Advise the testing company and the Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of the placing of
3. Provide suitable handling and storage of test cubes.
4. Keep a record set of the Design Drawings upon which the Contractor's superintendent shall
mark, the time and date of pouring of each section of concrete, the date of removal of forms and
a daily record of the temperature.
E. Retesting: Payment for retesting and reinspection of work, replacing that found defective following
initial inspection made under Contract Work, or as otherwise made evident, is the responsibility of the
Contractor and shall not be considered as additional work to this Section.
F. Clean-Up
1. Upon satisfactory completion of the work, clear away from the Site, excess materials, waste
materials and debris and leave the premises in a condition acceptable to the Engineer within the
Contract time.
2. Do not unload excess concrete from concrete trucks during clean-up operations and do not
deposit in undesignated or unacceptable locations within the scope of work boundaries whether
concealed or not.
G. Defective Concrete
1. The action to be taken in the event of non-compliance of test results with the Specification,
including but not limited to cube strength results, shall be determined by the Engineer and may
range from qualified acceptance, additional testing to the acceptance of the Engineer, to rejection
and removal of all or part of the affected work.
2. The Contractor shall provide at his own expense all additional testing required by the Engineer,
this consists of all records, samples, including core samples, tests and their results, regardless of
whether the concrete be finally accepted or not by the Engineer.
End of Section
3.12 PARGING 13
1. Masonry Units:
a) Include material test reports substantiating compliance with requirements.
b) For masonry units, include data and calculations establishing average net-area compressive
strength of units.
2. Cementitious Materials: Include brand, type, and name of manufacturer.
3. Preblended, Dry mortar Mixes: Include description of type and propMrtions of ingredients.
4. Grout Mixes: Include description of type and proportions of ingredients.
5. Reinforcing bars.
6. Joint reinforcement.
7. Anchors, ties, and metal accessories.
M. Mix Designs: For each type of mortar and grout, include description of type and proportions of
1. Include test reports for mortar mixes required in accordance with the Specification. Test
according to ASTM C109/ C109M for compressive strength, ASTM C1506 for water retention and
ASTM C91 for air content.
2. Include test reports, according to ASTM C1019, for grout mixes required in accordance with
compressive strength requirement.
N. Statement of Compressive Strength of Masonry: For each combination of masonry unit type and
mortar type, provide statement of average net-area compressive strength of masonry units, mortar
type, and resulting net-area compressive strength of masonry determined according to Tables 1 and 2
in ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602.
A. Deliver material to Site suitably packaged to prevent damage and contamination, clearly identified with
type, grade and date of manufacture. Do not remove labels or packaging until time for use. Inspect
materials before use and reject any that are cracked, damaged or contaminated.
B. Store masonry units on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an enclosed
location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting, securely tied. Protect from adverse
weather, moisture, staining and contamination with earth and other foreign materials. Allow air to
circulate around units. If units become wet, do not install until they are dry.
C. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use
cementitious materials that have become damp.
D. Sands shall be stored separately, according to type, on clean, hard, dry standings and shall be
protected from contamination.
E. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and
contamination avoided.
F. Deliver pre-blended, dry mortar mix in moisture-resistant containers designed for use with dispensing
silos. Store pre-blended, dry mortar mix in delivery containers on elevated platforms, under cover, and
in a dry location or in covered weatherproof dispensing silos.
G. Store masonry accessories, including metal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and
H. Handle block units to prevent chipping, breakage, soiling or other damage. Lift with wide-belt type
slings wherever possible; do not use wire rope or ropes containing tar or other substances that might
cause staining. If required, use wood rollers and provide cushion at end of wood slides.
A. Protection of Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof
sheeting at the end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in
1. Extend cover a minimum of 600mm down both sides of walls and hold cover securely in place.
2. Where 1 wythe of multi-wythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other wythes, secure
cover a minimum of 600mm down face next to unconstructed wythe and hold cover in place.
B. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3
days after building masonry walls or columns.
C. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed
or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such masonry.
1. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and from mortar splatter by spreading coverings on
ground and over wall surface.
2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings.
3. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral
finishes, from mortar droppings.
4. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at the end of each day to prevent rain from splashing
mortar and dirt onto completed masonry.
D. Adverse Weather
1. Comply with hot and cold weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/
TMS 602.
2. Do not lay blocks when the air temperature is at or below 3°C unless mortar has a minimum
temperature of 4°C when laid and walling is protected.
3. All newly erected work shall be protected from precipitation and drying out too rapidly in hot/ dry
conditions by covering thoroughly at all times when work is not proceeding.
A. Source of Supply: Obtain products from manufacturers with at least 10 years' experience of producing
similar items.
B. Type BLK-101 Masonry Wall
1. Description: Masonry wall to external areas including all necessary fastenings and accessories to
complete the installation.
2. Size and Thickness: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
3. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Grout Type, Pointing Mortar Type and Sealant Type: The Contractor shall determine which
method and material type to seal the stone units for the installation to the acceptance of the
5. Grout, Pointing Mortar and Sealant Colors: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's
full range of color options.
6. Joints: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
C. Type BLK-401 Clay Masonry Unit
1. Description: Clay masonry wall to external areas including all necessary fastenings and
accessories to complete the installation.
2. Size and Thickness: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
3. Masonry Type: Clay.
4. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
5. Grout Type, Pointing Mortar Type and Sealant Type: The Contractor shall determine which
method and material type to seal the stone units for the installation to the acceptance of the
6. Grout, Pointing Mortar and Sealant Colors: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's
full range of color options.
A. Specific Movements and Deflections
1. Refer to the Infrastructure Specification and Division 01 General Requirements.
2. The work shall be detailed and installed to allow for and withstand all deflections and tolerances
of the main structural elements under all design loads or combination of loads without damage or
any reduction in the performance of the work.
3. All fastenings shall be capable of providing the correct degree of movement required for the
circumstances involved, to suit deflections specified and to provide adequate stability for the
4. Control joints shall be located at all junctions with adjoining work as indicated on the Design
B. Loads: The work shall be detailed and installed to achieve adequate and satisfactory performance in
accordance with the conditions specified in International Building Code.
C. Fire Requirements
1. All elements of the work shall be either non-combustible or not easily ignitable with low flame
spread characteristics, and shall not produce excessive quantities of smoke or toxic gases.
2. Surface-Burning Characteristics: In accordance with UL 723 and ASTM E84.
3. All requirements for resistance of fire shall be in accordance with the provisions of the NFPA and
the Fire Strategy Report.
4. The work shall achieve the fire ratings as indicated on the Design Drawings and tested for fire
resistance in accordance with ASTM E119 by a Qualified Testing Agency. Identify products with
appropriate markings of applicable Testing Agency.
5. Indicate design designations from UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" or from the listings of another
Qualified Testing Agency.
6. Combustion Characteristics: In accordance with ASTM E136.
7. Ensure a tight fit between the work and cavity barriers to prevent fire and smoke penetration.
3. Anchor Bolts: Headed or L-shaped steel bolts in accordance with ASTM F568M, Property Class
4.6; with ASTM A563M hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers; hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with ASTM A153/ A153M, Class C; of dimensions indicated.
4. Post-installed Anchors: Torque-controlled expansion anchors or chemical anchors.
a) Load Capacity: Capable of sustaining, without failure, a load equal to 6 times the load
imposed when installed in unit masonry and four times the load imposed when installed in
concrete, as determined by testing according to ASTM E488, conducted by a Qualified
Independent Testing Agency.
b) Material for Interior Locations: Carbon-steel components zinc plated in accordance with
ASTM B633 or ASTM F1941M, Class Fe/ Zn 5 unless otherwise indicated.
c) Material for Exterior Locations and where Stainless Steel is Indicated: Alloy Group A1
Group A4 stainless steel bolts, ASTM F738M, and nuts, ASTM F836M.
F. Embedded Flashing Materials
1. Metal Flashing: Provide metal flashing in accordance with SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal
Manual"/ Section 076200 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim and as follows:
a) Stainless Steel: In accordance with ASTM A240/ A240M, Type 304.
2. Application: Unless otherwise indicated, use the following:
a) Where flashing is indicated to receive counterflashing, use metal flashing.
b) Where flashing is indicated to be turned down at or beyond the wall face, use metal
c) Where flashing is partly exposed and is indicated to terminate at the wall face, use metal
flashing with a drip edge with a sealant stop or flexible flashing with a metal drip edge/ or
elastomeric thermoplastic flashing with drip edge or flexible flashing with a metal sealant
d) Where flashing is fully concealed, use metal flashing or flexible flashing.
3. Adhesives, Primers, and Seam Tapes for Flashings: Flashing manufacturer's standard products
or products recommended by flashing manufacturer for bonding flashing sheets to each other
and to substrates.
G. Miscellaneous Masonry Accessories
1. Compressible Filler: Premolded filler strips in accordance with ASTM D1056, Grade 2A1;
compressible up to 35%; of width and thickness indicated; formulated from neoprene/ urethane
or PVC.
2. Weep/ Vent Products: Use one of the following unless otherwise indicated:
a) Wicking Material: Absorbent rope, made from cotton or UV-resistant synthetic fiber, in length
required to produce 50mm exposure on exterior and 450mm in cavity. Use only for weeps.
b) Round Plastic Weep/ Vent Tubing: Medium-density polyethylene.
c) Rectangular Plastic Weep/ Vent Tubing: Clear butyrate.
d) Cellular Plastic Weep/ Vent: 1-piece, flexible extrusion made from UV-resistant
polypropylene copolymer, full height and width of head joint and depth 3mm less than depth
of outer wythe, in color selected from manufacturer's standard.
e) Mesh Weep/ Vent: Free-draining mesh made from polyethylene strands, full height and
width of head joint and depth 3mm less than depth of outer wythe; in color selected from
manufacturer's standard.
f) Aluminum Weep Hole/ Vent: 1-piece, L-shaped units made from sheet aluminum, designed
to fit into a head joint and consisting of a vertical channel with louvers stamped in web and
with a top flap to keep mortar out of the head joint; painted before installation in accordance
with Section 099100 Painting in color selected by the Engineer.
g) Vinyl Weep Hole/ Vent: 1-piece, offset, T-shaped units made from flexible PVC, designed to
fit into a head joint and consisting of a louvered vertical leg, flexible wings to seal against
ends of masonry units, and a top flap to keep mortar out of the head joint; in color selected
by the Engineer.
3. Cavity Drainage Material: Free-draining mesh, made from polymer strands that will not degrade
within the wall cavity.
a) Provide 1 of the following configurations:
1. Strips, full-depth of cavity and 250mm high, with dovetail shaped notches 175mm deep
that prevent clogging with mortar droppings.
2. Strips, not less than 19mm/ 38mm thick and 250mm high, with dimpled surface
designed to catch mortar droppings and prevent weep holes from clogging with mortar.
3. Sheets or strips full depth of cavity and installed to full height of cavity.
4. Sheets or strips not less than 19mm/ 25mm thick and installed to full height of cavity
with additional strips 100mm high at weep holes and thick enough to fill entire depth of
cavity and prevent weep holes from clogging with mortar.
4. Reinforcing Bar Positioners: Wire units designed to fit into mortar bed joints spanning masonry
unit cells and hold reinforcing bars in center of cells. Units are formed from 3.77mm steel wire,
hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Provide units designed for number of bars indicated.
H. Masonry Cleaners
1. Proprietary Acidic Cleaner: Manufacturer's standard-strength cleaner designed for removing
mortar/ grout stains, efflorescence, and other new construction stains from new masonry without
discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces. Use product expressly accepted for intended use by
cleaner manufacturer and manufacturer of masonry units being cleaned.
I. Mortar and Grout Mixes
1. General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators,
retarders, water-repellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless otherwise
a) Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout.
b) For exterior masonry, use portland cement-lime/ masonry cement or mortar cement mortar.
c) Add cold weather admixture (if used) at same rate for all mortar that will be exposed to view,
regardless of weather conditions, to ensure that mortar color is consistent.
2. Preblended, Dry Mortar Mix: Furnish dry mortar ingredients in form of a preblended mix. Measure
quantities by weight to ensure accurate proportions, and thoroughly blend ingredients before
delivering to Site.
3. Mortar for Unit Masonry: In accordance with ASTM C270. Provide the following types of mortar
for applications stated unless another type is indicated or needed to provide required
compressive strength of masonry.
a) For exterior, above-grade, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls and parapet walls; for
interior load-bearing walls; for interior non-load-bearing partitions; and for other applications
where another type is not indicated, use Type N.
b) For interior non-load-bearing partitions, Type O may be used instead of Type N.
4. Colored-Aggregate Mortar: Produce required mortar color by using colored aggregates and
natural color or white cement as necessary to produce required mortar color.
a) Mix to match Engineer's sample.
b) Application: Use colored aggregate mortar for exposed mortar joints with the following units:
1. Masonry wall.
2. Stone block wall.
3. Clay masonry unit.
5. Grout for Unit Masonry: In accordance with ASTM C476.
a) Use grout of type indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, of type (fine or coarse) in
accordance with Table 1.15.1 in ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602 for dimensions of grout
spaces and pour height.
b) Proportion grout in accordance with ASTM C476, Table 1 or paragraph 4.2.2 for specified
28-day compressive strength indicated, but not less than 14MPa.
c) Provide grout with a slump of 203 to 279mm/ 254 to 279mm as measured in accordance
with ASTM C143/ C143M.
6. Epoxy Pointing Mortar: Mix epoxy pointing mortar in accordance with mortar manufacturer's
written instructions.
a) Application: Use epoxy pointing mortar for exposed mortar joints with the following units:
1. Pre-faced CMUs.
2. Glazed structural-clay facing tile.
A. Examine conditions, with the Installer present, for compliance with the requirements for installation
tolerances and other conditions affecting the performance of the Work.
1. For the record, prepare a written report, endorsed by the Installer, listing conditions detrimental to
the performance of the work.
2. Verify that foundations are within tolerances specified.
3. Verify that reinforcing dowels are properly placed.
4. Verify that wind posts and restraints, membranes and waterproofing materials have been
correctly installed.
B. Before installation, examine rough-in and built-in construction for piping systems to verify actual
locations of piping connections.
C. Notify the Engineer of unsatisfactory conditions. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.
A. Clean substrates, anchor slots and inserts free of grout and extraneous material. Remove projections
detrimental to the installation of the dampproof course. Do not modify or alter adjacent work, unless
otherwise instructed by the Engineer.
B. Supports and Attachments: Install purpose made supports and attachments, including wind posts and
head restraints. Install proprietary items in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Provide bearing surfaces level. Install items with full contact of bearing surface by shimming and
grouting. Comply with the anchor manufacturer's instructions for edge distances and torque settings.
Protect items to receive intumescent paint from damage.
C. Setting Out
1. Be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the work, the correctness of position, levels,
dimensions and alignment of all walling including openings.
2. Before work begins on Site submit proposed methods for dimensional setting out and
crosschecking with other trades to satisfy the required accuracy.
3. All controlling dimensions, especially at interface with surrounding elements shall be observed.
All dimensions shall be checked on Site.
4. Setting-out dimensions shall be taken from grid lines as indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Allow for all necessary formers to achieve required opening sizes and tolerances.
D. Site Dimensions: Take Site dimensions as necessary to ensure a proper fit between the masonry and
adjacent work and to achieve specified erection tolerances.
E. Putlog Scaffolding: Putlog scaffolding to facework shall not be permitted.
A. Accurately set out the work. Provide uniform spacing of bond pattern and joint widths. Correctly locate
openings and returns.
B. Materials shall be clean and built uniform and level within the tolerances specified.
C. Quoins and jambs shall be plumbed as the work proceeds. The head of all walls shall be laid level.
D. Damaged materials shall not be used.
E. Build chases and recesses to accommodate items specified in this and other Work Sections.
F. Leave openings for equipment to be installed before completing masonry. After installing equipment,
complete masonry to match the construction immediately adjacent to opening.
G. Use full-size units without cutting if possible. If cutting is required to provide a continuous pattern or to
fit adjoining construction, cut units with motor-driven saws; provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges.
Allow units to dry before laying unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces
and, where possible, cut edges concealed.
H. Maintain a clear gap at head of each wall or partition as specified for head restraints to accommodate
slab deflection.
I. Build in dampproof courses in walls and partitions.
J. Mixing plant, tools and banker boards shall be kept clean at all times.
K. Materials shall be measured accurately by volume using clean gauge boxes. Proportions of mixes
shall be for dry sand making allowance for bulking if it is damp.
L. Ingredients shall be mixed thoroughly to a consistency suitable for the work and free from lumps.
Mortars containing air-entraining admixtures shall be mixed by machine, but not overmixed.
M. Retarded mortar shall be used within the time recommended in writing by the manufacturer relative to
the extreme temperatures that may be experienced on Site. Mortar shall be retempered to restore
workability, but only within these time limits.
N. If pre-mixed mortars are used, the characteristics, product data, and testing criteria shall be submitted
to the Engineer for review.
O. Select and arrange units for exposed unit masonry to produce a uniform blend of colors and textures.
1. Mix units from several pallets or cubes as they are placed.
P. Matching Existing Masonry: Match coursing, bonding, color, and texture of existing masonry.
Q. Wetting of Brick: Wet brick before laying if initial rate of absorption exceeds 30g/ 194cm² per minute
when tested per ASTM C67. Allow units to absorb water so they are damp but not wet at time of
A. Dimensions and Locations of Elements
1. For dimensions in cross section or elevation do not vary by more than +12mm or -6mm.
2. For location of elements in plan do not vary from that indicated by more than ±12mm.
3. For location of elements in elevation do not vary from that indicated by more than ±6mm in a
story height or 12mm total.
B. Lines and Levels
1. For bed joints and top surfaces of bearing walls do not vary from level by more than 6mm in
3000mm or 12mm maximum.
2. For conspicuous horizontal lines, such as lintels, sills, parapets and reveals do not vary from
level by more than 3mm in 3000mm, 6mm in 6000mm or 12mm maximum.
3. For vertical lines and surfaces do not vary from plumb by more than 6mm in 3000mm, 9mm in
6000mm or 12mm maximum.
4. For conspicuous vertical lines, such as exterior corners, door jambs, reveals and expansion and
control joints do not vary from plumb by more than 3mm in 3000mm, 6mm in 6000mm or 12mm
5. For lines and surfaces do not vary from straight by more than 6mm in 3000mm, 9mm in 6000mm
or 12mm maximum.
6. For vertical alignment of exposed head joints do not vary from plumb by more than 6mm in 3m or
12mm maximum.
7. For faces of adjacent exposed masonry units do not vary from flush alignment by more than
1.5mm except due to warpage of masonry units within tolerances specified for warpage of units.
C. Joints
1. For bed joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than ±3mm, with a maximum
thickness limited to 12mm.
2. For exposed bed joints, do not vary from bed joint thickness of adjacent courses by more than
3. For head and collar joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than +9mm or -6mm.
4. For exposed head joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than ±3mm. Do not vary
from adjacent bed joint and head joint thicknesses by more than 3mm.
5. For exposed bed joints and head joints of stacked bond, do not vary from a straight line by more
than 1.5mm from 1 No. masonry unit to the next.
A. Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint thicknesses
and for accurate location of openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid using less-
than-half-size units, particularly at corners, jambs, and, where possible, at other locations.
B. Bond Pattern for Exposed Masonry: Unless otherwise indicated, lay exposed masonry in running
bond/ stack bond/ one-third running bond/ Flemish bond/ English bond/ bond pattern indicated on the
Design Drawings; do not use units with less than nominal 100mm horizontal face dimensions at
corners or jambs.
C. Lay concealed masonry with all units in a wythe in running bond or bonded by lapping not less than
50mm/ 100mm. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less
than nominal 100mm horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs.
D. Stopping and Resuming Work: Stop work by racking back units in each course from those in the
course below; do not tooth. When resuming work, clean masonry surfaces that are to receive mortar,
remove loose masonry units and mortar, and wet brick if required before laying fresh masonry.
E. Built-in Work: As construction progresses, build in items specified in this and other Work Sections. Fill
in solidly with masonry around built-in items.
F. Fill space between steel frames and masonry solidly with mortar unless otherwise indicated.
G. Where built-in items are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of metal lath,
wire mesh, or plastic mesh in the joint below and rod mortar or grout into core.
H. Fill cores in hollow CMUs with grout 600mm under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar
items unless otherwise indicated.
I. Build non-load-bearing interior partitions full height of story to underside of solid floor or roof structure
above unless otherwise indicated.
1. Install compressible filler in joint between top of partition and underside of structure above.
2. Fasten partition top anchors to structure above and build into top of partition. Grout cells of
CMUs solidly around plastic tubes of anchors and push tubes down into grout to provide 13mm
clearance between end of anchor rod and end of tube. Space anchors 1200mm o.c. unless
otherwise indicated.
3. Wedge non-load-bearing partitions against structure above with small pieces of tile, slate, or
metal. Fill joint with mortar after dead-load deflection of structure above approaches final
4. At fire-rated partitions, treat joint between top of partition and underside of structure above in
accordance with Section 079200 Joint Sealants.
A. Lay hollow CMUs as follows.
1. With face shells fully bedded in mortar and with head joints of depth equal to bed joints.
2. With webs fully bedded in mortar in all courses of piers, columns, and pilasters.
3. With webs fully bedded in mortar in grouted masonry, including starting course on footings.
4. With entire units, including areas under cells, fully bedded in mortar at starting course on footings
where cells are not grouted.
B. Lay solid masonry units with completely filled bed and head joints; butter ends with sufficient mortar to
fill head joints and put into place. Do not deeply furrow bed joints or slush head joints.
C. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using a jointer larger than joint thickness
unless otherwise indicated.
1. For glazed masonry units, use a non-metallic jointer 19mm or more in width.
D. Cut joints flush for masonry walls to receive plaster or other direct-applied finishes (other than paint)
unless otherwise indicated.
A. Bond wythes of cavity walls together using one of the following methods.
1. Individual Metal Ties: Provide ties as indicated installed in horizontal joints, but not less than 1
metal tie for 0.42m²/ 0.25m²/ 0.16m² of wall area spaced not to exceed 914mm/ 610mm/ 406mm
o.c. horizontally and 406mm o.c. vertically. Stagger ties in alternate courses. Provide additional
ties within 305mm of openings and space not more than 915mm apart around perimeter of
openings. At intersecting and abutting walls, provide ties at no more than 610mm o.c. vertically.
a) Where bed joints of wythes do not align, use adjustable (2-piece) type ties.
b) Where 1 wythe is of clay masonry and the other of concrete masonry, use adjustable (2-
piece) type ties to allow for differential movement regardless of whether bed joints align.
2. Masonry Joint Reinforcement: Installed in horizontal mortar joints.
a) Where bed joints of both wythes align, use ladder-type reinforcement extending across both
wythes/ tab-type reinforcement.
b) Where bed joints of wythes do not align, use adjustable (2-piece) type reinforcement with
continuous horizontal wire in facing wythe attached to ties.
c) Where 1 wythe is of clay masonry and the other of concrete masonry, use adjustable (2-
piece) type reinforcement with continuous horizontal wire in facing wythe attached to ties to
allow for differential movement regardless of whether bed joints align.
3. Header Bonding: Provide masonry unit headers extending not less than 76mm into each wythe.
Space headers not over 203mm/ 305mm clear horizontally and 406mm clear vertically.
4. Masonry Veneer Anchors: Comply with requirements for anchoring masonry veneers.
B. Bond wythes of cavity walls together using bonding system indicated on Design Drawings.
C. Keep cavities clean of mortar droppings and other materials during construction. Bevel beds away
from cavity, to minimize mortar protrusions into cavity. Do not attempt to trowel or remove mortar fins
protruding into cavity.
D. Parge cavity face of back-up wythe in a single coat approximately 10mm thick. Trowel face of parge
coat smooth.
E. Apply air barrier to face of back-up wythe in accordance with the manufacturer's written
F. Installing Cavity-Wall Insulation: Place small dabs of adhesive, spaced approximately 300mm o.c.
both ways, on inside face of insulation boards, or attach with plastic fasteners designed for this
purpose. Fit courses of insulation between wall ties and other confining obstructions in cavity, with
edges butted tightly both ways. Press units firmly against inside wythe of masonry or other
construction as indicated.
1. Fill cracks and open gaps in insulation with crack sealer compatible with insulation and masonry.
A. General: Install entire length of longitudinal side rods in mortar with a minimum cover of 16mm on
exterior side of walls, 13mm elsewhere. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 150mm.
1. Space reinforcement not more than 406mm o.c.
2. Space reinforcement not more than 203mm o.c. in foundation walls and parapet walls.
3. Provide reinforcement not more than 203mm above and below wall openings and extending
305mm beyond openings in addition to continuous reinforcement.
B. Interrupt joint reinforcement at control and expansion joints unless otherwise indicated.
C. Provide continuity at wall intersections by using prefabricated T-shaped units.
D. Provide continuity at corners by using prefabricated L-shaped units.
E. Cut and bend reinforcing units as directed by manufacturer for continuity at corners, returns, offsets,
column fireproofing, pipe enclosures, and other special conditions.
A. General: Install embedded flashing and weep holes in masonry at shelf angles, lintels, ledges, other
obstructions to downward flow of water in wall, and where indicated. Install vents at shelf angles,
ledges, and other obstructions to upward flow of air in cavities, and where indicated.
2. Do not remove forms and shores until reinforced masonry members have hardened sufficiently to
carry their own weight and other loads that may be placed on them during construction.
B. Placing Reinforcement: In accordance with requirements in ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602.
C. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained enough strength
to resist grout pressure.
1. In accordance with requirements in ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602 for cleanouts and for grout
placement, including minimum grout space and maximum pour height.
2. Limit height of vertical grout pours to not more than 1520mm/ 3860mm.
A. Testing and Inspecting: The Employer/ Contractor shall engage special inspectors to perform tests
and inspections and prepare reports. Allow inspectors access to scaffolding and work areas, as
needed to perform tests and inspections. Retesting of materials that fail in accordance with specified
requirements shall be done at the Contractor's expense.
B. Inspections: Level 1/ Level 2 special inspections according to the "International Building Code."
1. Begin masonry construction only after inspectors have verified proportions of Site-prepared
2. Place grout only after inspectors have verified compliance of grout spaces and of grades, sizes,
and locations of reinforcement.
3. Place grout only after inspectors have verified proportions of Site-prepared grout.
C. Testing Prior to Construction: 1 No. set of tests.
D. Testing Frequency: 1 No. set of tests for each 464m² of wall area or portion thereof.
E. Clay Masonry Unit Test: For each type of unit provided, according to ASTM C67 for compressive
F. Concrete Masonry Unit Test: For each type of unit provided, according to ASTM C140 for compressive
G. Mortar Aggregate Ratio Test (Proportion Specification): For each mix provided, according to ASTM
H. Mortar Test (Property Specification): For each mix provided, according to ASTM C780. Test mortar for
mortar air content and compressive strength.
I. Grout Test (Compressive Strength): For each mix provided, according to ASTM C1019.
J. Prism Test: For each type of construction provided, according to ASTM C1314 at 7 days and at 28
A. Parge exterior faces of below-grade masonry walls, where indicated, in 2 No. uniform coats to a total
thickness of 19mm. Dampen wall before applying first coat and scarify first coat to ensure full bond to
subsequent coat.
B. Use a steel-trowel finish to produce a smooth, flat, dense surface with a maximum surface variation of
3mm per 300mm. Form a wash at top of parging and a cove at bottom.
C. Damp-cure parging for at least 24 hours and protect parging until cured.
A. Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or
that do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units; install in fresh mortar,
pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement.
B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weep holes, and completely fill
with mortar. Point up joints, including corners, openings, and adjacent construction, to provide a neat,
uniform appearance. Prepare joints for sealant application, where indicated.
C. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit masonry as work progresses by dry brushing to remove mortar fins
and smears before tooling joints.
D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows.
1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and non-metallic scrape hoes or
2. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave ½ of panel uncleaned for comparison
purposes. Obtain Engineer's acceptance of sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of
3. Protect adjacent stone and non-masonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them
with liquid strippable masking agent or polyethylene film and waterproof masking tape.
4. Wet wall surfaces with water before applying cleaners; remove cleaners promptly by rinsing
surfaces thoroughly with clear water.
5. Clean masonry with a proprietary acidic cleaner applied according to the manufacturer's written
6. Clean concrete masonry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8-2A applicable to type of
stain on exposed surfaces.
A. Salvageable Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's
property. At completion of unit masonry work, remove from Site.
B. Waste Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including excess or soil-
contaminated sand, waste mortar, and broken masonry units, by crushing and mixing with fill material
as fill is placed.
1. Crush masonry waste to less than 100mm in each dimension.
2. Mix masonry waste with at least 2 parts of specified fill material for each part of masonry waste.
Fill material is specified by the Structural Engineer.
3. Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within 450mm of finished grade.
C. Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess clean masonry waste that cannot be used as fill, as
described above, and other masonry waste, and legally dispose of off the Employer's property.
End of Section
3. Supplementary Product Literature: Include a statement from the manufacturer for the design life
of the system.
4. Statement of manufacturer's review confirming suitability of specified materials.
5. Qualification Data: For Installer.
6. Qualification Data: For fabricator.
7. Qualification Data: For professional engineer.
8. Qualification Data: For Testing Agency.
9. Certified test data.
10. Welding certificates.
11. Material Test Reports: From a Qualified Independent Testing Agency, as follows:
a) Stone Test Reports: For each stone variety proposed for use on the Project, provide test
data indicating compliance with required physical properties, other than abrasion resistance,
according to referenced ASTM standards. Base reports on testing done within the previous
3 years.
b) For metal components, indicate chemical and physical properties of metal.
c) Sealant Compatibility and Adhesion Test Report: From sealant manufacturer in accordance
with the requirements in Section 079200 Joint Sealants and indicating that sealants shall
not stain or damage stone. Include interpretation of test results and recommendations for
primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion.
d) Preconstruction Sealant Site Test Report: From Installer, in accordance with the
requirements in Section 079200 Joint Sealants.
E. Post Contract Samples
1. Samples of all types of cladding materials, 600mm x 600mm cladding or typical module for each
color, grade, finish, and variety of stone required; submit samples exhibiting extremes of the full
range of color and other visual characteristics expected.
2. Colored Pointing Mortar Samples: For each color required, showing the full range of exposed
color and texture expected in the completed work.
3. Samples of waterproofing.
4. Samples of visible accessories.
5. Various samples of fastening devices and anchors.
6. Various stone samples for testing of stone properties and performance. Refer to testing
requirements specified.
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017800
Closeout Submittals, and submit the following.
1. Warranties.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Manuals: Include component list with manufacturer's
reference numbers, descriptions of materials and procedures for repairing and cleaning of
finishes; and cleaning frequency.
A. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in installing dimension stone cladding systems
similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has a record of
successful in-service performance.
1. A specialist who is certified to ISO 9001 or operates a similar quality system acceptable to the
Engineer, and has a full time experienced foreman who is acceptable to the Engineer.
B. Fabricator Qualifications: Shop that employs skilled workers who custom-fabricate dimension stone
cladding systems similar to that required for this Project and whose products have a record of
successful in-service performance.
1. Fabricator's responsibilities include fabricating dimension stone cladding and providing
professional engineering services needed to assume engineering responsibility.
2. Engineering Responsibility: Comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional
3. A specialist who is certified to ISO 9001 or operates a similar quality system acceptable to the
Engineer, and has a full time experienced foreman who is acceptable to the Engineer.
C. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency qualified according to ASTM E329 for testing
D. Source Limitations for Stone: Obtain each variety of stone, regardless of finish, from a single quarry
with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties.
1. For stone types that include same list of varieties and sources, provide same variety from same
source for each.
2. Make quarried blocks available for examination by the Engineer for appearance characteristics.
E. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain mortar ingredients of uniform quality for each
cementitious component from a single manufacturer and each aggregate from one source or
F. Source Limitations for Other Materials: Obtain each type of stone accessory, sealant and other
material from a single manufacturer for each product.
G. Preconstruction Stone Testing: Engage a Qualified Independent Testing Agency to perform
preconstruction testing indicated below.
1. Furnish test specimens that are representative of materials proposed for incorporation into the
2. Physical Property Tests: For each stone variety proposed for use on the Project, tested for
compliance with physical property requirements, other than abrasion resistance, according to
referenced ASTM standards.
3. Flexural Strength Tests: For each combination of stone variety, thickness, orientation of cut, and
finish, proposed for use on the Project, tested according to ASTM C880, in both wet and dry
4. Anchorage Tests: For each combination of stone variety, orientation of cut, finish, and anchor
type proposed for use on the Project, tested according to ASTM C1354.
5. Anchoring System Prototype Tests: For performance of stone anchoring system, evaluated for
compliance with requirements by prototype testing in accordance with ASTM C1201, Procedure
B, with a maximum test load equal to 3 times the design load.
6. Cladding System Prototype Tests: For performance of dimension stone cladding system,
evaluated for compliance with requirements by prototype testing in accordance with ASTM E72,
with a maximum test load equal to 3 times the design load.
7. The Contractor is required to build test prototypes of representative portion of dimension stone
cladding system corresponding to area indicated on the Design Drawings. Build test prototypes
at the Testing Agency's facilities from the same materials proposed for the Project, using
installers who will perform the same tasks for the Project.
8. The Testing Agency shall report test results in writing to the Engineer and Contractor.
H. Preconstruction Sealant Compatibility and Adhesion Testing: Submit to the joint-sealant
manufacturers, for compatibility and adhesion testing according to sealant manufacturer's standard
testing methods and Section 079200 Joint Sealants, samples of materials that will contact or affect
joint sealants.
I. Preconstruction Site Testing of Sealants: Before installing joint sealants, Site test their adhesion to
joint substrates in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 079200 Joint Sealants.
J. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to American Welding Society's (AWS) D1.1/
D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel"; AWS D1.2/ D1.2M, "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum";
and AWS D1.3, "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel."
K. Provide mock-ups, prototypes, quality benchmark installations, testing and inspections in accordance
with Division 01 General Requirements, Section 014000 Quality Requirements.
L. Mock-ups: Build mock-ups to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate
aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution.
1. Build mock-up of typical wall area as shown on the Design Drawings.
a) Show typical components, attachments to building structure, and methods of installation.
b) Include sealant-filled joint in accordance with the requirements in Section 079200 Joint
c) Include window opening with stone returns and trim.
M. Prototypes
1. Prototype for testing purposes. Refer to testing requirements specified.
N. Quality Benchmark Installation
1. First full height structural bay of each type of the work installed on Site representing finished
work, and geometry in a location to be agreed with the Engineer.
A. Delivery
1. Deliver stone cladding to Site in a clean condition suitably protected against wetting, staining and
physical damage.
2. Deliver materials and components in sealed manufacturer's packaging, clearly labeled to show
brand, type, class, quality and other qualifying information.
3. Deliver stone cladding required for each area on same pallets and grouped together. Ensure
materials in contact with stone cladding are non-staining.
4. Deliver sealants to Site in original unopened containers labeled with manufacturer's name,
product name and designation, color, expiration period, pot life, curing time, and mixing
instructions for multi-component materials.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 044200 / 3 Exterior Stone Cladding
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
B. Storage
1. Store and handle stone and related materials to prevent deterioration or damage due to
moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, corrosion, breaking, chipping, and other causes.
2. Store stone on wood skids or pallets with non-staining, waterproof covers. Arrange to distribute
weight evenly and to prevent damage to stone. Ventilate under covers to prevent condensation.
Observe particular requirements of the material manufacturer.
3. Storage of Mortar Materials:
a) Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do
not use cementitious materials that have become damp.
b) Store aggregates in locations where grading and other required characteristics can be
maintained and where contamination can be avoided.
C. Handling
1. Mark stone units, on surface that will be concealed after installation, with designations used on
Shop Drawings to identify individual stone units. Orient markings on vertical panels so that they
are right side up when units are installed.
2. Handle material carefully to avoid damage to face, edges and corners.
3. Lift stone with wide-belt slings; do not use wire rope or ropes that might cause staining. Move
stone, if required, using dollies with cushioned wood supports.
4. Inspect stone for damage on receipt and immediately prior to installation. Immediately replace
damaged stone, units outside the acceptable range or otherwise unfit for use.
5. Do not open manufacturer's packaging containing proprietary materials until immediately before
A. Protect dimension stone cladding during erection as follows.
1. Cover tops of dimension stone cladding installation with non-staining, waterproof sheeting at the
end of each day's work. Cover partially completed structures when work is not in progress.
Extend cover a minimum of 600mm down both sides and hold securely in place.
2. Prevent staining of stone from mortar, grout, sealants, and other sources. Immediately remove
such materials without damaging stone.
3. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and mortar splatter by coverings spread on ground
and over wall surface.
4. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar and sealant droppings.
5. Strictly observe ambient and surface temperatures recommended by the manufacturer of the
setting products.
6. Protect the work from direct sunlight until fully cured.
B. Hot-Weather Requirements: In accordance with hot-weather construction and protection requirements
for masonry contained in ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602.
C. Environmental Limitations for Sealants: Do not install sealants when ambient and substrate
temperatures are outside limits permitted by the sealant manufacturer or below 5°C or when joint
substrates are wet.
A. Coordinate installation of inserts that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry, flashing reglets,
and similar items to be used by dimension stone cladding Installer for anchoring, supporting, and
flashing of dimension stone cladding system. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for
installing such items and deliver to Site in time for installation.
B. Time delivery and installation of dimension stone cladding to avoid extended on-Site storage and to
coordinate with work adjacent to dimension stone cladding.
C. Sequence stone cladding installation with other exterior work to minimize possibility of damage and
soiling during remainder of construction period.
A. Type BLK-410 Regular-coursed rubble stone masonry rubble
1. Description: Regular-coursed rubble masonry made up of natural stone including all fastenings
and accessories to complete the installation.
2. Size and Thickness: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
3. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Masonry Type: Cut stone.
5. Finish: Flamed on one side and rough-cut on the other.
6. Grout Type, Pointing Mortar Type and Sealant Type: The Contractor shall determine which
method and material type to seal the stone units for the installation to the acceptance of the
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 044200 / 4 Exterior Stone Cladding
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
7. Grout, Pointing Mortar and Sealant Colors: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's
full range of color options.
8. Joints: As indicated by the Engineer.
B. Type EWS-301 Stone Block Wall
1. Description: Natural stone block wall to external areas including all necessary fastenings and
accessories to complete the installation.
2. Stone Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
3. Size and Thickness: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
4. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
5. Grout Type, Pointing Mortar Type and Sealant Type: The Contractor shall determine which
method and material type to seal the stone units for the installation to the acceptance of the
6. Grout, Pointing Mortar and Sealant Colors: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's
full range of color options.
7. Joints: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
C. Type EWS-302 Stone Block Wall
1. Description: Natural stone block wall to external areas including all necessary fastenings and
accessories to complete the installation.
2. Stone Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
3. Size and Thickness: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
4. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
5. Grout Type, Pointing Mortar Type and Sealant Type: The Contractor shall determine which
method and material type to seal the stone units for the installation to the acceptance of the
6. Grout, Pointing Mortar and Sealant Colors: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's
full range of color options
7. Joints: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
A. Dimension Stone Cladding System Definition: An exterior wall covering system consisting of
dimension stone panels and trim together with anchors, backup structure,/ secondary weather barrier
(sheathing),/ mortar,/ adhesives, fasteners, and sealants used to secure the stone to building structure
and to produce a weather-resistant covering.
1. Backup structure includes prefabricated steel trusses/ prefabricated steel strongback frames/
prefabricated steel stud frames/ metal-grid system/ and miscellaneous steel framing required to
secure stone to building structure.
B. Nominal sizes of the natural stone cladding panels and stone fins shall be as indicated on the Design
C. Expansion and movement joints shall appear inconspicuous within the work.
D. Panels shall incorporate suitable lifting brackets for hoisting panels into position. These shall not be
evident in terms of the final appearance of the work.
E. System shall include all necessary shims and adjustable brackets necessary to accommodate
tolerances of the structural frame, whilst maintaining the visual intent of the Design Drawings.
F. Cut-outs/ apertures to allow through fastening of architectural features/ signage to the building
structure as indicated on the Design Drawings, including provision of suitable seals/ sealants to
maintain the performance of the system.
G. All fastenings, framing, supports, brackets, sealants and accessories necessary to complete the work.
A. General: Design stone anchors and anchoring systems according to ASTM C1242.
B. Structural Performance: Provide dimension stone cladding system capable of withstanding the effects
of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated.
1. Wind Loads: Determine loads based on the following minimum design wind pressures:
a) Uniform pressure of 957Pa/ 1436Pa, acting inward or outward.
b) Uniform pressure as indicated on the Design Drawings.
2. Equipment Loads: Allow for loads due to window cleaning and maintenance equipment.
C. Seismic Performance: Provide dimension stone cladding system capable of withstanding the effects of
earthquake motions determined according to ASCE 7.
D. Thermal Movements: Provide dimension stone cladding system that allows for thermal movements
resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by
preventing displacement of stone, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of joint
sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base engineering calculation on
surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss.
1. Temperature Change (Range): 0°C, ambient; 60°C, material surfaces.
E. Thermal Properties: Cavity insulation shall provide a maximum U-value for the whole wall section of
0.35W/ m²K.
F. Specific Dead Loads
1. The work shall accommodate its own dead loading without causing deflections or movements
which adversely affect the system itself or the supporting structure.
2. Provide dead loading calculations for the installed system. This shall be expressed as the weight
in kN/ m², plus any other dead and imposed loadings transmitted to surrounding construction.
G. Specific Live Loads
1. The work shall accommodate the following live loads without any reduction in performance.
a) The prevailing wind loads to be determined as part of the Detailed Design.
b) A horizontal line load applied to the work, due to the occupants.
H. Horizontal Building Movement (Interstory Drift): Allow for maximum horizontal building movement
equal to quotient resulting from dividing floor-to-floor height at any floor by 400, to the acceptance of
the Structural Engineer.
I. Shrinkage and Creep for Concrete Frame Buildings Only: Allow for progressive vertical shortening of
building frame equal to 3mm in 3m.
J. Safety Factors for Stone: Design dimension stone cladding system to withstand loads indicated
without exceeding allowable working stress of stone determined by dividing stone's average ultimate
strength, as established by testing, by the following safety factors.
1. Safety Factor for Granite: 3.
2. Safety Factor for Oolitic Limestone: 8.
3. Safety Factor for Dolomitic Limestone: 6.
4. Safety Factor for Marble: 5.
5. Safety Factor for Quartz-Based Stone: 6.
6. Safety Factor for Serpentine: 6.
7. Safety Factor for Slate: 5.
8. Safety Factor for Travertine: 8.
9. Safety Factor for Concentrated Stresses: 4 for granite and 10 for stone varieties other than
K. Provide stone anchors and backup structure to withstand loads indicated without exceeding allowable
working stresses established by the following.
1. For Structural Steel: American Institute of Steel Construction's (AISC) "Specification for Structural
Steel Buildings - Allowable Stress Design and Plastic Design."
2. For Cold-Formed Steel: American Iron and Steel Institute's (AISI) "North American Specification
for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members."
3. For Cold-Formed Stainless Steel: American Society of Civil Engineers' ASCE 8, "Specification for
the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members."
4. For Aluminum: The Aluminum Association, Inc's AA ADM-1, "The Aluminum Design Manual."
5. For Cast-in-Place and Post-Installed Fasteners in Concrete: ¼ of tested capacity when installed
in concrete with compressive strength indicated.
6. For Post-Installed Fasteners in Masonry: 1/ 6 of tested capacity when installed in masonry units
L. Limit deflection in each prefabricated assembly caused by indicated loads and thermal movements,
acting singly or in combination with one another, to not more than 1/ 720 of assembly's clear span or
the following, whichever is smaller.
1. 1.5mm, measured in plane of wall.
2. 6mm, measured perpendicular to wall.
M. Provisions for Fabrication and Erection Tolerances: Allow for fabrication and erection tolerances of
building's structural system. Concrete fabrication and erection tolerances are specified in the Infrastructure
Specification. Structural-steel fabrication and erection tolerances are specified in the Infrastructure
N. Provision for Deflection of Building Structure: Allow for the following.
1. Deflection Due to Weight of Dimension Stone Cladding System: Allow for 6mm vertical deflection
in 6m span of structural members supporting dimension stone cladding system.
2. Live Load Deflection: Allow for 6mm vertical deflection, in 6m span of structural members
supporting dimension stone cladding system, due to live loads imposed on building's structural
frame after stone installation.
O. Leakage Resistance, Water and Air, General
1. Prevent airflow from the outside to the inside of the building through joints and junctions to avoid
areas of concentrated airflow.
2. Air leakage shall be distributed and not concentrated at any one location.
3. Provide air leakage test results to demonstrate compliance.
P. Leakage Resistance, Water and Air, for Prefabricated Panels: Provide dimension stone cladding
system that is in accordance with the following.
1. Air Infiltration: Not more than 0.3L/ s per m² of wall area, as measured by testing mock-up in
accordance with ASTM E283 at a differential pressure of 75Pa.
2. Water Penetration: No uncontrolled water penetration beyond plane of back of dimension stone
cladding system that is not contained or drained back to exterior, as measured by testing mock-
up in accordance ASTM E331 at a differential pressure of 20% of positive design wind load, but
not less than 479Pa.
Q. Control of Corrosion and Staining: Prevent galvanic and other forms of corrosion, as well as staining
by isolating metals and other materials from direct contact with incompatible materials. Use materials
that do not stain exposed surfaces of stone and joint materials.
R. Moisture Movement
1. The work shall withstand the following movement without permanent deformation or any
reduction in the specified performance:
a) Due to changes in the moisture content of its components, resulting from variations in the
moisture content of the air.
b) Due to drying shrinkage in cladding components or supporting structures, both short term
and long term.
c) Allowance/ provision shall be made within the design to control the flow of any water that
may collect behind the stone and for directing this water to the outside of the work.
S. Capillarity: The Detailed Design shall eliminate the entry of water/ moisture inside the building or
within the construction caused by water migration due to capillary action.
T. Weather and Water Penetration Resistance
1. The work shall be weatherproof and watertight, ensuring the prevention of water leakage to
internal faces.
2. Flashings and junctions shall remain weatherproof and watertight under all structural conditions.
3. Movement and other fixed joints shall remain rigid and accommodate all thermal, building
structure or other movements and any applicable loads without compromising watertightness.
U. Local Factors
1. Accommodate local microclimatic conditions and grades of materials confirming their suitability
and durability.
2. An assessment of microclimatic conditions shall be made with due allowance for any factors
likely to have an adverse effect upon materials intended for the work contract. More appropriate
materials shall be substituted if adverse effects are predicted.
V. Durability: The performance criteria shall be satisfied for the full design life of the work, as stated in
the Specification.
W. Demountability
1. Panels shall be individually and independently removable.
2. Removal of panels shall not affect the safety of the system.
X. Fire Resistance
1. Materials and assemblies contributing to the fire resistance of the system shall provide the
required level of fire resistance.
A. General Requirements of Stone Cladding
1. The stone types specified are based on the visual requirements of the Engineer. The Contractor
shall confirm the suitability of the stone types specified based on performance requirements and
testing as specified and confirm suitability for all intended purposes and applications. Should the
Contractor deem the stone types inappropriate, in terms of application, the Contractor shall
inform the Engineer in writing, and recommend suitable stone type(s) similar in appearance to
those specified by the Engineer, and provide samples for review and acceptance.
2. Arrangements shall be made for the Engineer, and others as necessary, to inspect samples of
stone in the respective quarries which represent the range of variations in appearance. The
acceptance of the Engineer shall be obtained before confirming orders with suppliers or
proceeding with production.
3. The stone shall be thoroughly seasoned and free from cracks, vents, fissures or other defects
that may adversely affect appearance, strength, weathering qualities or durability. Stone to be
dressed and worked prior to delivery to Site.
4. No deleterious constituents or Pyrite shall be permitted.
5. Stone shall be insusceptible to staining.
6. Stone finishes shall as described and accepted by sampling.
7. The desired colors and textures shall be established through range samples due to their
permissible variations in material characteristics. Present a selection of representative range
samples to the Engineer for viewing, sufficient in number to show the complete range of
variations in colors and textures of the proposed stone prior to commencing production.
B. Stone Cladding Types
1. Granite Stone Cladding Type: In accordance with ASTM C615.
2. Limestone Stone Cladding Type: In accordance with ASTM C568.
3. Marble Stone Cladding Type: In accordance with ASTM C503, Classification I, Calcite or
Classification II, Dolomite.
4. Quartz-Based Stone Cladding Type: In accordance with ASTM C616, Classification I, Sandstone
Classification II, Quartzitic Sandstone or Classification III, Quartzite.
5. Serpentine Stone Cladding Type: In accordance with ASTM C1526, Classification I, Exterior or
Classification II, Interior.
6. Slate Stone Cladding Type: In accordance with ASTM C629, Classification I, Exterior.
7. Travertine Stone Cladding Type: In accordance with ASTM C1527, Classification I, Exterior.
C. Stone Cladding Mortar Materials
1. Portland Cement: In accordance with ASTM C150, Type I or Type II. Provide natural color or
white cement as required to produce mortar color indicated.
a) Low-Alkali Cement: Portland cement for use with limestone shall contain not more than
0.60% total alkali when tested according to ASTM C114.
2. Hydrated Lime: In accordance with ASTM C207.
3. Portland Cement-Lime Mix: Packaged blend of Portland cement in accordance with ASTM C150,
Type I or Type III, and hydrated lime in accordance with ASTM C207.
4. Colored Portland Cement-Lime Mix: Packaged blend of Portland cement in accordance with
ASTM C150, Type I or Type III; hydrated lime in accordance with ASTM C207; and mortar
pigments. Use a mix of formulation required to produce color indicated or, if not indicated, as
selected from manufacturer's standard formulations. Pigments shall not exceed 10% of Portland
cement by weight.
5. Aggregate: In accordance with ASTM C144; except for joints narrower than 6mm and pointing
mortar, use aggregate graded with 100% passing 1.18mm sieve.
a) White Aggregates: Natural white sand or ground white stone.
b) Colored Aggregates: Natural-colored sand or ground marble, granite, or other durable
stone; of color necessary to produce required mortar color.
6. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides, compounded for use in mortar mixes. Use
only pigments with a record of satisfactory performance in mortar and containing no carbon
7. Water: Potable.
D. Stone Cladding Anchors and Fasteners
1. Fabricate anchors, including shelf angles, from stainless steel, in accordance with ASTM A666,
Type 304, temper as required to support loads imposed without exceeding allowable design
stresses. Fabricate dowels and pins for anchors from stainless steel, in accordance with ASTM
A276, Type 304.
2. Fabricate shelf angles for limestone from hot-dip galvanized steel, in accordance with ASTM A36/
A36M for materials and ASTM A123/ A123M for galvanizing.
3. Fabricate anchors, including shelf angles, from extruded aluminum, in accordance with ASTM
B221M, alloy and temper as required to support loads imposed without exceeding allowable
design stresses, but not less than strength and durability properties of Alloy 6063-T6.
4. Cast-in-Place Concrete Inserts: Steel, cast iron, or malleable iron adjustable inserts, with bolts,
nuts, washers, and shims; all hot-dip galvanized or mechanically zinc coated, with capability to
sustain, without failure, a load equal to 4 times the loads imposed as determined by testing in
accordance with ASTM E488, conducted by a Qualified Independent Testing Agency.
5. Post-installed Anchor Bolts for Concrete and Masonry: Provide either chemical anchors, torque-
controlled expansion anchors or undercut anchors made from stainless steel components in
accordance with ASTM F738M and ASTM F836M, Alloy Group A1 or Alloy Group A4 for bolts and
nuts; in accordance with ASTM A666 or ASTM A276, Type 304, for anchors, with capability to
sustain, without failure, a load equal to 4 times the loads imposed, for concrete, or 6 times the
load imposed, for masonry, as determined by testing in accordance with ASTM E488, conducted
by a Qualified Independent Testing Agency.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 044200 / 8 Exterior Stone Cladding
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
6. Threaded Fasteners: Heavy hexagon structural bolts, heavy hexagon nuts, and hardened
a) For stainless steel and aluminum, use annealed stainless steel bolts, nuts, and washers; in
accordance with ASTM F738M for bolts; and ASTM F836M for nuts, Alloy Group A1.
b) For galvanized steel shelf angles and backup structure, use carbon steel bolts, nuts, and
washers; in accordance with ASTM F568M, Property Class 4.6, for bolts; ASTM A563M,
Grade A, for nuts; and ASTM F436M for washers; all hot-dip or mechanically zinc coated.
7. Weld Plates for Installation in Concrete: In accordance with Section 055000 Metal Fabrications.
E. Framing for Backup Structure
1. Steel Trusses/ Strongback Frames/ and Miscellaneous Steel Framing: For framing members in
contact with stone fabricate from same material and finish specified for anchors. For framing
members not in contact with stone, comply with requirements indicated below:
a) Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: In accordance with ASTM A36/ A36M, minimum thickness
of 5mm.
b) Steel Tubing: In accordance with ASTM A500 (cold formed), or ASTM A513, Type 5
(mandrel drawn), minimum thickness of 5mm.
c) Slotted Channel Framing: Cold-formed metal channels with continuous slot in accordance
with MFMA-3, made from galvanized steel in accordance with ASTM A653/ A653M,
structural steel, Grade 230, with Z275 coating, and not less than 2.74mm nominal thickness
or steel sheet in accordance with ASTM A1008/ A1008M, structural steel, Grade 230, not
less than 2.66mm nominal thickness, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication to comply with
ASTM A123/ A123M.
2. Prefabricated Steel Stud Frames: Galvanized steel wall framing in accordance with cold-formed
metal framing requirements specified in the Infrastructure Specification.
a) Secondary Weather Barrier (Sheathing): Galvanized steel sheet in accordance with ASTM
A653/ A653M, commercial steel, coating designation Z275.
3. Metal-Grid Systems: Provide manufacturer's standard integrated system that combines metal
struts, fittings, fasteners, and stone anchors and that is engineered expressly for mechanically
installing dimension stone cladding and that is in accordance with the following requirements:
a) Struts: Cold-formed metal channels with continuous slot in accordance with MFMA-3, of
size and shape required for application indicated, made from galvanized steel in accordance
with ASTM A653/ A653M, with Z275 coating, and not less than 2.74mm nominal thickness/
or/ steel sheet in accordance with ASTM A1008/ A1008M, not less than 2.66mm nominal
thickness, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication to comply with ASTM A123/ A123M.
b) Fittings and Fasteners: System manufacturer's standard components of design, size, and
material required to securely attach struts to building structure, by method indicated or
selected, and stone anchors to struts, as well as to prevent galvanic corrosion. Fabricate
components in contact with stone from same material specified for anchors.
c) Stone Anchors: Shapes and sizes standard with system manufacturer, in accordance with
"Stone Cladding Anchors and Fasteners" specified within this Section.
F. Stone Cladding Accessories
1. Setting Shims: Strips of either resilient plastic or vulcanized neoprene, Type A Shore durometer
hardness of 50 to 70 as determined by ASTM D2240, non-staining to stone, of thickness needed
to prevent point loading of stone on anchors and of depths to suit anchors without intruding into
required depths of pointing materials.
2. Setting Buttons: Resilient plastic buttons, non-staining to stone, sized to suit joint thicknesses
and bed depths of stone units without intruding into required depths of pointing materials.
3. Concealed Sheet Metal Flashing: Fabricate from zinc-tin alloy-coated stainless steel in
thicknesses indicated, but not less than 0.4mm thick.
4. Cementitious Dampproofing for Limestone: Provide cementitious formulations that are
recommended by ILI and that are non-staining to stone, compatible with joint sealants, and non-
corrosive to anchors and attachments.
5. Weep and Vent Tubes: Provide either medium-density polyethylene tubing or rectangular,
cellular, polypropylene or clear butyrate extrusion, of length required to extend from exterior face
of stone to cavity behind.
6. Plastic Weep Hole/ Vents: One-piece, flexible extrusion manufactured from UV-resistant
polypropylene copolymer, designed to weep moisture in masonry cavity to exterior, in color
selected from manufacturer's standard.
7. Wicking Material: Absorbent rope, made from either cotton or UV-resistant synthetic fiber, 6mm to
10mm in diameter, in length required to produce 50mm exposure on exterior and 450mm in
cavity between wythes.
8. Sealants for Joints in Dimension Stone Cladding: Manufacturer's standard chemically curing,
elastomeric sealants of base polymer and characteristics indicated below that are in accordance
with applicable requirements in Section 079200 Joint Sealants and do not stain stone.
a) Provide either Multi-component or Single-component, non-sag, polysulfide sealant.
D. Cut and drill sinkages and holes in stone for anchors, fasteners, supports and lifting devices as
indicated or needed to set stone securely in place.
E. Finish exposed faces and edges of stone, except sawed reveals, in accordance with the requirements
indicated for finish and to match approved samples and mock-ups.
F. Cut stone to produce uniform joints 10mm/ 13mm wide as indicated on the Design Drawings and in
locations indicated.
G. Contiguous Work: Provide chases, reveals, reglets, openings, and similar features as required to
accommodate contiguous work.
H. Fabricate molded work, including washes and drips, to produce stone shapes with a uniform profile
throughout entire unit length, with precisely formed arris slightly eased to prevent snipping, and with
matching profile at joints between units.
1. Produce moldings and molded edges with machines that use abrasive shaping wheels made to
reverse contour of molding shape.
I. Clean backs of stone to remove rust stains, iron particles, and stone dust.
J. Inspect finished stone units at the fabrication plant for compliance with requirements for appearance,
material, and fabrication. Replace defective units.
1. Grade and mark stone for overall uniform appearance when assembled in place. Natural
variations in appearance are acceptable if installed stone units match range of colors and other
appearance characteristics represented in approved samples and mock-ups.
K. Fabrication of Backup Structure
1. Fabrication of Steel Trusses/ Strongback Frames/ and Miscellaneous Steel Framing: Fabricate
in shop in accordance with AISC's "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings - Allowable Stress
Design and Plastic Design," to accommodate construction tolerances specified, and as indicated
on the Shop Drawings.
a) Weld shop connections in accordance with applicable provisions of AWS D1.1/ D1.1M.
b) Fabricate joints to exclude water or to permit its escape to building exterior, at locations
where water could accumulate because of condensation or other causes.
c) Hot-dip galvanize backup structure after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A123/ A123M.
2. Fabrication of Prefabricated Steel Stud Frames: Fabricate and assemble by welding in
accordance with requirements for cold-formed metal framing specified in the
Infrastructure Specification.
a) Weld secondary weather barrier (sheathing) to outside face of steel stud frames. Use
continuous welds at all four edges of sheets to provide continuous weather seal.
b) For assemblies made from galvanized steel, clean welds, bolted connections, and abraded
areas and repair galvanizing in accordance with ASTM A780.
L. Shop-Painted Steel Finishes
1. General: Paint uncoated steel backup structure before delivering to Site in accordance with
SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of
2. Surface Preparation: After completing fabrication of steel items, prepare surfaces in accordance
with SSPC-SP 6/ NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning."
3. Apply two-coat high-performance coating system consisting of organic zinc-rich primer, in
accordance with SSPC-Paint 20 or SSPC-Paint 29 and topcoat of high-build urethane or epoxy
coating recommended by manufacturer for application over specified zinc-rich primer.
M. Stone Cladding Mortar Mixes
1. General: Comply with referenced standards and with manufacturers' written instructions for mix
proportions, mixing equipment, mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other
procedures needed to produce mortar of uniform quality and with optimum performance
a) Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders,
water-repellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless otherwise
indicated. Do not use calcium chloride.
b) Combine and thoroughly mix cementitious materials, water, and aggregates in a mechanical
batch mixer, unless otherwise indicated. Discard mortar when it has reached initial set.
2. Portland Cement-Lime Setting Mortar: In accordance with ASTM C270, Proportion Specification,
for types of mortar indicated below:
a) Set granite with Type S mortar.
b) Set limestone with Type N mortar.
c) Set marble with Type S mortar.
d) Set quartz-based stone with Type S/ N mortar.
e) Set serpentine with Type S mortar.
f) Set slate with Type S mortar.
2. Each stone unit shall be clearly marked with its identification symbol relative to its position within
the wall layout. Production and storage of units shall be arranged so that delivery in accurate
sequence for Site fastening is possible.
3. The finished work shall have a satisfactory appearance, being square, regular, true to line, level
and plane with a satisfactory fit at all junctions, all to the Engineer's acceptance.
A. Installing Backup Structure
1. Installing Steel Trusses/ Strongback Frames/ and Miscellaneous Steel Framing: Comply with
AISC's "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings - Allowable Stress Design and Plastic
Design," and install to accommodate construction tolerances specified and as indicated on Shop
a) Maintain erection tolerances of backup structure within AISC's "Code of Standard Practice
for Steel Buildings and Bridges."
b) For prefabricated units to which stone has been installed before erection, maintain
tolerances of stone faces and edges as specified in "Installation Tolerances" Article.
c) Install by welding to steel weld-plates anchored in concrete/ bolting to inserts cast into
concrete/ or bolting to structural-steel frame.
d) Clean welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas immediately after erection.
1. Repair galvanizing in accordance with ASTM A780.
2. Apply paint to exposed areas using same material as used for shop painting.
2. Installing Prefabricated Steel Stud Frames: Install by welding to steel weld-plates anchored in
concrete/ by welding to structural-steel frame/ by bolting to structural-steel frame in accordance
with cold-formed metal framing requirements specified in the Infrastructure Specification.
a) Install prefabricated steel stud frames level, plumb, and true to line with no variation in plane
or alignment exceeding 1.5mm and no variation in position exceeding 3mm.
b) For prefabricated frames to which stone has been installed before erection, maintain
tolerances of stone faces and edges as specified in "Installation Tolerances".
c) Clean welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas immediately after erection. Repair
galvanizing in accordance with ASTM A780.
3. Installing Metal-Grid Systems: Comply with the manufacturer's written instructions to provide an
integrated system that combines metal struts, fittings, fasteners, and stone anchors.
a) Fasten struts by bolting to inserts in concrete/ steel angle clips bolted to steel framing.
b) Fasten stone supports and anchors by bolting to struts.
c) Shim and adjust struts and stone supports and anchors to provide grid that is level, plumb,
and true to line with no variation in plane or alignment exceeding 1.5mm and no variation in
position exceeding 3mm.
B. Setting Dimension Stone Cladding, General
1. Before setting stone clean surfaces that are dirty or stained by removing soil, stains, and foreign
materials. Clean stone by thoroughly scrubbing with fiber brushes and then drenching with clear
water. Use only mild cleaning compounds that contain no caustic or harsh materials or
2. Coat limestone with dampproofing to extent indicated below:
a) Stone at Grade: Beds, joints, and back surfaces to at least 300mm above finish-grade
b) Stone Extending below Grade: Beds, joints, back surfaces, and face surfaces below grade.
c) Allow cementitious dampproofing formulations to cure before setting dampproofed stone.
Do not damage or remove dampproofing while handling and setting stone.
3. Parge back side of travertine panels with mortar not less than 10mm thick.
4. Execute dimension stone cladding installation by skilled mechanics and employ skilled stone
fitters at Site to do necessary Site cutting as stone is set.
a) Use power saws with diamond blades to cut stone. Produce lines cut straight and true, with
edges eased slightly to prevent snipping.
5. Contiguous Work: Provide reveals, reglets, and openings as required to accommodate
contiguous work.
6. Set stone in accordance with the requirements indicated on the Design Drawings and Shop
Drawings. Install anchors, supports, fasteners, and other attachments indicated or necessary to
secure dimension stone cladding in place. Shim and adjust anchors, supports, and accessories
to set stone accurately in locations indicated with uniform joints of widths indicated and with
edges and faces aligned according to established relationships and indicated tolerances.
7. Provide expansion, control, and pressure-relieving joints of widths and at locations indicated.
a) Keep expansion joints free of mortar and other rigid materials.
8. Install concealed flashing at continuous shelf angles, lintels, ledges, and similar obstructions to
downward flow of water to divert water to building exterior.
9. Keep cavities open where unfilled space is indicated between back of stone units and backup
wall; do not fill cavities with mortar or grout.
a) Place weep holes in joints where moisture may accumulate, including base of cavity walls,
above shelf angles, and flashing. Locate weep holes at intervals not exceeding 600mm. Use
weep and vent tubes/ plastic weep hole/ vents/ or wicking material.
b) Place vents in cavity walls at tops of cavities, below shelf angles and flashing, and at
intervals not exceeding 6m vertically. Locate vents in joints at intervals not exceeding
1500mm horizontally. Use weep and vent tubes plastic weep hole/ vents.
C. Setting Dimension Stone Cladding with Mortar
1. Set stone in full bed of mortar with head joints filled, unless otherwise indicated.
a) Use setting buttons of adequate size, in sufficient quantity, and of thickness required to
maintain uniform joint width and to prevent mortar from extruding. Hold buttons back from
face of stone a distance at least equal to width of joint, but not less than depth of pointing
b) Do not set heavy units or projecting courses until mortar in courses below has hardened
enough to resist being squeezed out of joint.
c) Support and brace projecting stones until wall above is in place and mortar has set.
d) Provide compressible filler in ends of dowel holes and bottoms of kerfs to prevent end
bearing of dowels and anchor tabs on stone. Fill remainder of anchor holes and kerfs with
2. Fill space between back of stone units and backup wall solidly with mortar or grout.
3. Embed ends of sills in mortar; leave remainder of joint open until final pointing.
4. Mortar Pointed Joint Installation:
a) Rake out joints for pointing with mortar to depths of not less than 12mm. Rake joints to
uniform depths with square bottoms and clean sides.
b) Prepare stone-joint surfaces for pointing with mortar by removing dust and mortar particles.
Where setting mortar was removed to depths greater than surrounding areas, apply first
layer of pointing mortar in layers not more than 10mm until a uniform depth is formed.
c) Point stone joints by placing pointing mortar in layers not more than 10mm. Compact each
layer thoroughly and allow to become thumbprint hard before applying next layer.
d) Tool joints with a round jointer having a diameter 3mm larger than width of joint, when
pointing mortar is thumbprint hard.
5. Sealant Pointed Joint Installation
a) Rake out mortar from sealant-pointed joints to depths of not less than 12mm nor less than
that required for sealant and sealant backing. Rake joints to uniform depths with square
bottoms and clean sides.
6. Set the following dimension stone cladding with unfilled head joints for installing joint sealants:
a) Cornices.
b) Copings.
c) Belt and other projecting courses.
D. Joint-Sealant Installation
1. Prepare joints and apply sealants of type and at locations indicated to comply with applicable
requirements in Section 079200 Joint Sealants.
E. Lightning Protection and Earth Bonding
1. Bonding is required between individual sections of cladding, to ensure continuity between
adjacent sections, both vertically and horizontally over the whole façade. Bonding between
sections shall have a minimum cross section of 50mm².
2. Bonding between the cladding and structural steelwork shall be carried out at intervals as
indicated on the Design Drawings. The first level of bonding to the structural steelwork shall be at
the highest floor level of each part of the building.
3. Provide studs/ bolts on the cladding for subsequent connections to be made by the lightning
protection contractor.
4. All straps/ connections shall be concealed.
5. No straps shall be fastened along copings.
A. The work shall be installed to achieve the following.
1. Vertical tolerance: ±1mm over 2000mm from its notional setting-out position.
2. Horizontal tolerance: ±1mm over 2000mm from its notional setting-out position.
3. Flatness: The variation in gap under a straightedge placed anywhere on the surface shall be not
more than the following:
a) 2.5mm under a 3m straightedge.
b) 1mm under a 1m straightedge.
4. Straight lines and flat planes in all directions.
5. The installation shall accommodate all required tolerances including differences between actual
Site dimensions and dimensions indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Account shall be taken of the installation tolerance requirements such that repetitive units are
accurately located, relative to each other.
7. The maximum offset in plane, level or section of the work from design datum shall be ±2mm.
8. The maximum offset in plane, level or section between any two adjacent sections shall be ±1mm.
9. Joints shall be located to within ±2mm of their design location.
10. The work shall be flat, flush and true at abutments with adjacent surfaces.
11. The work shall be installed such that finished surfaces shall be installed to achieve the design
tolerances, providing a flush, true and flat interface with adjacent finishes, free from steps, slopes
or flaws.
12. Bay divisions and movement joints shall be accommodated in the design and coordinated with
joints and other elements as indicated on the Design Drawings.
13. Cut-outs for interfacing work shall be in accordance with the dimensions indicated on the Design
Drawings ±1mm.
14. At the time of completion, the visual requirements of the work are such that within any planning
grid section the allowable tolerances are achieved.
B. On-Site Dimensions
1. All dimensions shall be checked on Site.
2. The final design shall accommodate all specified tolerances and differences between actual Site
dimensions and dimensions shown on the Shop Drawings.
C. Level Across Joints: The maximum deviation between surfaces either side of a joint, including
movement joints shall be
1. 1mm for joints less than 6mm wide (±0.5mm).
2. 2mm for joints 6mm or greater in width (±0.5mm).
D. Variation from Plumb: For vertical lines and surfaces of walls, do not exceed 6mm in 3m, 10mm in 6m,
or 12mm in 12m or more. For external corners, corners and jambs within 6m of an entrance,
expansion joints, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 3mm in 3m, 6mm in 6m, or 10mm in
12m or more.
E. Variation from Level: For lintels, sills, water tables, parapets, horizontal bands, horizontal grooves, and
other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 3mm in 3m, 6mm in 6m, or 10mm maximum.
F. Variation of Linear Building Line: For positions shown in plan and related portions of walls and
partitions, do not exceed 6mm in 6m or 12mm in 12m or more.
G. Variation in Cross-Sectional Dimensions: For thickness of walls from dimensions indicated, do not
exceed plus or minus 6mm.
H. Variation in Joint Width: Do not vary from average joint width more than ±3mm or a quarter of nominal
joint width, whichever is less. For joints within 1500mm of each other, do not vary more than 3mm or a
quarter of nominal joint width, whichever is less from one to the other.
I. Variation in Plane between Adjacent Stone Units (Edging): Do not exceed 1.5mm difference between
planes of adjacent units.
A. Site Quality-Control Water Leakage Test: Test dimension stone cladding system according to AAMA
1. Notify the Engineer 7 days in advance of dates and times when testing will be done.
2. Perform test at 3 No. locations as directed by the Engineer.
3. Report test results in writing to the Engineer and the Employer.
A. Cleaning
1. Clean any dirt or blemishes from exposed surfaces.
2. Wash and rinse in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Protect adjacent surfaces from damage due to cleaning operations.
4. Do not use cleaning materials or processes, which could alter the character of exposed finishes.
B. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean dimension stone cladding as work progresses. Remove mortar fins and
smears before tooling joints. Remove excess sealant and smears as sealant is installed.
C. Final Cleaning: Clean dimension stone cladding no fewer than 6 days after completion of pointing and
sealing, using clean water and stiff-bristle fiber brushes. Do not use wire brushes, acid-type cleaning
agents, cleaning agents containing caustic compounds or abrasives, or other materials or methods
that could damage stone.
D. Adjusting
1. Remove and replace broken, chipped, stained, or otherwise damaged stone, defective joints, and
dimension stone cladding that does not match approved samples and mock-ups. Damaged
stone may be repaired if the Engineer approves methods and results. Grind surfaces only when
instructed by the Engineer.
2. Replace in a manner that results in dimension stone cladding's matching approved samples and
mock-ups, complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence of replacement.
A. Protect finished installation from damage, wetting and staining, by construction operations. Prevent
contact with cladding until Taking-Over.
End of Section
B. Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Coatings: The selected PVDF coating system is required to achieve a
high quality durable finish in accordance with the requirements identified herein. The formulation mix
shall be not less than 70% polyvinylidene fluoropolymer resin with the remaining percentage made up
of acrylics.
C. Powder Coatings
1. In accordance with AAMA 2603 except with a minimum dry film thickness of 0.04 mm.
2. In accordance with coating manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning, conversion coating,
and applying and baking finish.
3. Plastisol Finishes: Color consistency: Color consistency shall be assured from batch to batch for
the project as accepted by the Engineer.
A. Anodizing: Fabricated pieces shall meet the requirements of AAMA 611, AA-M12C22A31, AA-
M12C22A34, AA-M12C22A41 and AA-M12C22A44.
B. Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Coatings
1. When metallic colors are to be used, the top and bottom limits of color variation and appearance
shall be accepted by the Engineer prior to coating commencement. The grain on PVDF coated
materials shall be identified in order to ensure that they are fastened in the same direction in their
finished position.
2. The PVDF coating minimum and maximum local dry film thickness on adjacent panels shall not
vary by more than 20%. Submitted samples shall confirm compliance.
3. The PVDF coating finish shall be identical in all respects subject to the criterion specified, on all
components similarly finished, and hung in the same direction.
4. Film Thickness: The minimum dry film thickness shall be 30 microns for solid colors and 40
microns for metallic colors, when measured in accordance with AAMA 2605, Clause 4.3. The
minimum local dry film thickness shall be increased to be consistent with color selection and type
of coating as recommended by the coating manufacturer. Additionally, the local dry film thickness
shall be increased consistent with durability requirements and environmental conditions, as
recommended by the coating manufacturer.
C. Powder Coatings
1. The minimum and maximum local dry film thickness on adjacent panels shall not vary by more
than 20%. If this is not achievable, submit samples to the Engineer for review showing the
maximum variation in coating thickness.
2. The powder coating shall be consistent throughout in all respects within the upper and lower
levels agreed which shall be based on samples provided and agreed with the Engineer.
3. In addition to the requirements of AAMA 2603 the pretreatment shall use a chromate process.
A. In accordance with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for
recommendations for applying and designating finishes.
B. Metalwork Finishes, General
1. Applying Coatings:
a) Apply after fabrication is complete and all fastening holes have been drilled, unless
otherwise specified.
b) Before applying coating remove all paint, grease, flux, rust, burrs and sharp arrises.
c) Make good all defects that would show after application of coating and finish surfaces
2. All finishes shall be stable, fade resistant and not affected by ultraviolet light.
3. All finishes shall be durable, of uniform texture and color and be resilient to all known and/ or
specified environmental and pollution effects. This shall include scratching and cigarette smoke
and burns. Submit data and samples for review by the Engineer.
4. All finishes shall be within the limits of the agreed samples and without irregularities or
distortions. Fastenings and stiffeners that are not intended to be visible shall be treated so that
there is no discontinuity in the finished surface appearance.
5. Z11/ 5 chromium plating shall be in accordance with ASTM B851.
6. Unless otherwise specified, concealed items shall be mill finished aluminum in internal conditions
only, or hot dip galvanized steel in accordance with ASTM A123/ A123M. Any cut edges shall be
treated to ensure that the level of protection is maintained.
7. Galvanizing General: In accordance with ASTM A153/ A153M and ASTM A123/ A123M.
8. Coating thicknesses shall be in accordance with ASTM A153/ A153M and ASTM A123/ A123M to
suit the requirements of the Specification.
9. Where galvanizing is visible, the final finish shall be smooth, continuous, consistent and free from
flux staining and other forms of staining. Coating weight shall be consistent maintaining a uniform
appearance throughout the service life of the work.
10. Distortion: Ensure that no distortion of fabricated elements occurs during galvanizing. Advise the
Engineer on the possibility for distortion of the steelwork elements during the galvanizing process
to enable design modifications of components to be made before fabrication of these
11. Refer to the recommendations of the Zinc Development Association for galvanizing and zinc
12. Immersion Process: This shall be discussed and agreed with the Engineer and submitted for
formal comment. This is to ensure that during the galvanizing process drips are not allowed to
run off fair-faced surfaces and thus disfigure them. Fair-faced surfaces are all those surfaces that
will be visible in the completed work. Agree location of all fair-faced surfaces with the Engineer
before application.
13. Breathing Holes: Locate in unobtrusive places. Agree the location of these holes with the
Engineer and mark clearly on the Shop Drawings.
14. Galvanized Self Finish Surfaces:
a) Galvanizing: The steelwork shall be supplied to the galvanizer in a suitable condition to be
acid pickled in dilute hydrochloric acid, passivated and then hot dip galvanized in
accordance with the provisions of ASTM A153/ A153M and ASTM A123/ A123M.
b) Uniformity: The galvanising shall be carried out in such a way as to maximize the
smoothness and uniformity of the deposited coating. Only use double dipping where no
alternative exists.
15. Galvanized Surfaces to be Over Painted: ASTM A153/ A153M and ASTM A123/ A123M.
16. Aluminum Finishes:
a) Finish designations prefixed by AA in accordance with the system established by the
Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes.
b) Class II, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A31 (Mechanical Finish: Nonspecular as
fabricated; Chemical Finish: Etched, medium matt; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class II,
clear coating 0.010mm or thicker) in accordance with AAMA 611.
c) Class I, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A41 (Mechanical Finish: Nonspecular as
fabricated; Chemical Finish: Etched, medium matt; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class I,
clear coating 0.018mm or thicker) in accordance with AAMA 611.
d) Class II, Color Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A32/ A34 (Mechanical Finish: Nonspecular as
fabricated; Chemical Finish: Etched, medium matt; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class II,
integrally colored or electrolytically deposited color coating 0.010mm or thicker) in
accordance with AAMA 611.
e) Class I, Color Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A42/ A44 (Mechanical Finish: Nonspecular as
fabricated; Chemical Finish: Etched, medium matt; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class I,
integrally colored or electrolytically deposited color coating 0.018mm or thicker) in
accordance with AAMA 611.
f) Baked-Enamel Finish: AA-C12C42R1x (Chemical Finish: Cleaned with inhibited chemicals;
Chemical Finish: Acid-chromate-fluoride-phosphate conversion coating; Organic Coating: As
specified below). Apply baked enamel in accordance with paint manufacturer's written
instructions for cleaning, conversion coating, and painting.
1. Organic Coating: Thermosetting, modified-acrylic or polyester enamel primer/ topcoat
system in accordance with AAMA 2603, except with a minimum dry film thickness of
0.04 mm, medium gloss.
g) High-Performance Organic Finish (2-Coat Fluoropolymer): AA-C12C40R1x (Chemical
Finish: Cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: Conversion coating; Organic
Coating: Manufacturer's standard 2-coat, thermocured system consisting of specially
formulated inhibitive primer and fluoropolymer color topcoat containing not less than 70%
polyvinylidene fluoride resin by weight). Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed
metal surfaces in accordance with AAMA 2605 and with coating and resin manufacturers'
written instructions.
h) High-Performance Organic Finish (3-Coat Fluoropolymer): AA-C12C40R1x (Chemical
Finish: cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: Conversion coatings; Organic
Coating: Manufacturer's standard 3-coat, thermocured system consisting of specially
formulated inhibitive primer, fluoropolymer color coat, and clear fluoropolymer topcoat, with
both color coat and clear topcoat containing not less than 70% polyvinylidene fluoride resin
by weight). Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces in accordance
with AAMA 2605 and with coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions.
C. Anodizing: AAMA 611, AA-M12C22A31, AA-M12C22A34, AA-M12C22A41 and AA-M12C22A44.
D. Steel Finishes
1. Prime Finish: Apply manufacturer's standard primer immediately after cleaning and pretreating.
a) Shop Primer: Manufacturer's standard, fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free primer in
accordance with ANSI/ SDI A250.10 acceptance criteria; recommended by primer
manufacturer for substrate; compatible with substrate and field-applied coatings despite
prolonged exposure.
2. Factory-Applied Paint Finish: Manufacturer's standard, in accordance with ANSI/ SDI A250.3 for
performance and acceptance criteria.
E. Stainless Steel Finishes
1. General: Remove tool and die marks and stretch lines or blend into finish. Grind and polish
surfaces to produce uniform, directionally textured, polished finish indicated, free of cross
scratches. Run grain with long dimension of each piece.
a) Directional Satin Finish: No. 4.
b) Reflective, Directional Polish: No. 7.
c) Mirror Reflective, Non-directional Polish: No. 8.
2. When polishing is completed, passivate and rinse surfaces. Remove embedded foreign matter
and leave surfaces chemically clean.
F. PVDF Coatings
1. Color: The color shall be selected by the Engineer from the RAL ranges unless otherwise
2. Color Consistency: Color consistency shall be maintained between batches.
G. Powder Coatings
1. Color: The color shall be selected by the Engineer from the RAL ranges.
2. Color Consistency: Color consistency shall be assured from batch to batch for the work.
3. Color Uniformity: Limits for acceptable color variations in production shall be established and
accepted by the Engineer from samples provided by the Contractor prior to production. When
metallic colors are used, top and bottom limits of color variation and appearance shall be
established and agreed prior to coating commencement. All color samples shall be submitted
and accepted by the Engineer before coating commences.
4. The minimum and maximum local dry film thickness on adjacent panels shall not vary by more
than 20%. If this is not achievable, submit samples to the Engineer for review showing the
maximum variation in coating thickness.
H. Bronze
1. The combination and subsequent reaction of the bronze substrate and the post-applied factory
finish shall achieve the visual requirements of the Engineer as produced through sampling. The
finish shall be consistent throughout and shall be patinated using a Brown Bronze Powder
applied with consideration to natural toning or artificial toning in strict accordance with the
manufacturer's written recommendations to achieve the finish as per the sample.
A. Anodizing
1. Abrasion Resistance: In the event of a dispute, perform tests in accordance with ASTM D4060.
2. Sealing Value of Anodizing: In the event of a dispute, perform tests in accordance with ASTM
3. Film Thickness: In the event of a dispute, perform tests in accordance with ASTM B244. The
minimum local film thickness shall be 20 microns with a maximum of 35 microns.
4. The temperatures of the anodizing bath and chemical content shall be set and maintained to
achieve good quality control of the finished product.
5. A quality control system for cleaning extrusion dies shall be adopted such that no lines appear on
the face of the extrusions. As a minimum check every fifth extrusion.
6. Rejected anodized extrusions shall only be reprocessed once.
B. Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Coatings
1. Abrasion Test: The coating shall demonstrate a minimum value of 40 for the abrasion coefficient,
when tested in accordance with AAMA 2605, Clause 7.6.2.
2. Salt Spray Resistance: The coating shall pass the requirements of AAMA 2605, Clause 7.8.2
after an exposure period of 4000 hours.
3. Humidity Resistance: The coating shall pass the requirements of AAMA 2605, Clause 7.8.1 after
an exposure period of 4000 hours.
4. Mortar Resistance: Easy removal of mortar shall be obtained after 24 hours when tested in
accordance with AAMA 2605, Clause 7.7.2. In addition, there shall be no loss of film adhesion or
visual change in appearance.
5. Muriatic Acid Resistance: The coating shall show no signs of attack when tested in accordance
with AAMA 2605, Clause 7.7.1.
6. Product Tests:
a) Product tests shall meet all the requirements of the Specification.
3. The maximum size of an area of touch-up shall be determined by locating the point on the
damaged surface that is furthest from an intact galvanized coating. If the distance from this point
to the galvanizing is in excess of 10mm, then the member shall be re-galvanized or rejected.
4. Galvafroid or paint applied finishes shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
F. Adjusting Anodized Finishes
1. Repair of damage: Surface areas likely to be damaged during handling, fastening or by other
building trades shall be fully protected until completion of all other work in the area of the
installation. If during fastening or glazing any damage does occur, this shall be rectified
immediately and not left until the end of the installation. Site rectification of damage shall only be
carried out with the Engineer's acceptance and shall carry a 25 year guarantee for color
retention, avoidance of discoloration and corrosion resistance.
G. Adjusting Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and Polyester Powder Coatings (PPC)
1. Repair of Damage: If during installation, or later, damage occurs, this shall be rectified
immediately and not left to the end of the installation. Site rectification of damage shall only be
carried out with the Engineer's acceptance and shall carry a guarantee for color retention, gloss
retention and adhesion for the remaining period of the original guarantee.
A. Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and Polyester Powder Coatings (PPC)
1. Protective Tapes/ Films: When adhesive/ protective tapes/ films are proposed to protect finished
products, tapes/ films of a low tack nature shall be used. They shall be applied at room
temperature, after the coating is fully stoved, and remain in contact with the surface for a
maximum period of 6 months. Should longer periods be required, then the tape/ film shall be
removed and replaced. Care shall be taken when removing adhesive/ protective tapes/ films. No
sharp instruments or abrasive materials shall be used to remove the tape/ film. No solvents or
cleaning solutions shall be used to remove residues, without the prior permission of the Engineer.
Where adhesive/ protective tapes/ films are used, then the color shall be white or lighter in tone
than the finish it is protecting.
End of Section
C. Appearance: Unless otherwise specified, fastenings shall not be visible; where fastenings are visible
these shall match or suit the items being fixed or be in accordance with the Design Drawings.
D. Use fastenings that are suitable for their intended purpose and adequate to be in accordance with the
requirements stated in the Specification.
E. All bolts, screws, nuts, anchors and other fastenings shall be of adequate strength for their designed
purpose and shall, unless specified otherwise, be manufactured from the most appropriate grade of
austenitic stainless steel or other materials as specified. Where specified, structural steel fastenings
shall be in accordance with the grades specified.
F. Supply all necessary and appropriate fasteners, fastenings, bearings and brackets necessary for the
safe and proper installation, plus associated flashings and closures.
A. All fastenings shall be of sufficient strength, appropriate to their location, and provided at adequate
positions so as to ensure the performance of the elements being attached. The fastenings shall be
suitable and used solely for the purposes intended by the manufacturer, in order to satisfy the
requirements of the Specification.
1. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Work Sections, provide Type 316 stainless steel
fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating in accordance with ASTM B633
or ASTM F1941/ F1941M, Class Fe/ Zn 5, at exterior walls. Select fasteners for type, grade, and
class required.
a) Provide stainless steel fasteners for fastening aluminum.
b) Provide stainless steel fasteners for fastening stainless steel.
c) Provide stainless steel fasteners for fastening nickel silver.
d) Provide bronze fasteners for fastening bronze.
2. Steel Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon-head bolts, ASTM A307, Grade A/ ASTM F568M,
Property Class 4.6; with hex nuts, ASTM A563/ A563M; and, where indicated, flat washers.
3. Steel Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon-head bolts, ASTM A325, Type 3/ A325M, Type 3; with hex
nuts, ASTM A563, Grade C3/ ASTM A563M, Class 8S3; and, where indicated, flat washers.
4. Stainless Steel Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon-head annealed stainless steel bolts, ASTM
F738M; with hex nuts, ASTM F836M; and, where indicated, flat washers; Alloy Group 2 (A4).
5. Anchor Bolts: ASTM F1554, Grade 36, of dimensions indicated; with nuts, ASTM A563; and,
where indicated, flat washers.
a) Hot-dip galvanize or provide mechanically deposited, zinc coating where item being
fastened is indicated to be galvanized.
6. Frame Anchors: ASTM A879/ A879M, Commercial Steel (CS), 40Z (12G) coating designation;
mill phosphatized.
a) For anchors built into exterior walls, steel sheet in accordance with ASTM A1008/ A1008M
or ASTM A1011/ A1011M, hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A153/ A153M, Class B.
7. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A153/ A153M.
8. Machine Screws: In accordance with ASME B18.6.3 and ASME B18.6.7M.
9. Powder Actuated Fastening Systems:
a) Tools shall be in accordance with ASTM E1190.
b) Powder-Actuated Fasteners in Concrete: Fastener system of type suitable for application
indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other accessory
devices for attaching hollow metal frames of type indicated.
c) Do not use powder actuated fastening systems without acceptance.
d) Fasteners, accessories and consumables shall be types recommended by the tool
10. Screw Fastenings: Washers and screw cups, where specified, shall be of the same material as
the screw.
11. Packings, General:
a) Provide suitable, tight packings at fastening points to take up tolerances and prevent
b) Use non-compressible, rot-proof, non-corrodible materials positioned adjacent to fastening
12. Masonry Nails: Do not use without acceptance from the Engineer.
13. Plugs, General: Use proprietary types selected to suit the background, loads to be supported and
conditions expected in use.
14. Eyebolts: In accordance with ASTM A489.
15. Lag Screws: In accordance with ASME B18.2.3.8M.
16. Wood Screws: Flat head, in accordance with ASME B18.6.1.
2. "Die Drawings" for metalwork to the Engineer for review. These shall be considered as Shop
Drawings. The "Die Drawings" shall indicate polished surfaces and shape.
3. Product data on materials and components for use.
4. Supplementary Product Literature: Include a statement from the manufacturer for the design life
of the system.
5. Statement of manufacturer's review confirming suitability of specified materials.
6. List of tests included.
7. Summary of deviations from the Specification.
8. Outline technical specifications reflecting proposed materials/ systems.
9. A list of proposed suppliers and Subcontractors intended to be used.
10. Preliminary Method Statement.
11. Preliminary Quality Plan.
12. Certified test data.
E. Post-contract Samples
1. 1000mm length of each type of item specified.
2. All fastenings.
F. Preconstruction Testing/ Reports
1. Include for testing by an accredited independent testing specialist or provide independently
certified test data to demonstrate compliance with the Specification.
2. The provision of testing data or the carrying-out of tests does not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities regarding the durability or service life requirements, etc.
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017800
Closeout Submittals, and submit the following.
1. Warranties.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Manuals: Include component list with the manufacturer's
reference numbers, descriptions of materials and procedures for repairing and cleaning of
finishes and cleaning frequency.
A. Qualification Data
1. For qualified professional engineer.
2. Certification to ISO 9001 or operates an acceptable alternative quality system.
B. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following.
1. AWS D1.1/ D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel."
2. AWS D1.2/ D1.2M, "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum."
3. AWS D1.3, "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel."
4. AWS D1.6, "Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel."
C. Certifications
1. Mill Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of stainless steel certifying that products furnished are
in accordance with requirements.
2. Welding certificates.
3. Paint Compatibility Certificates: From manufacturers of topcoats applied over shop primers
certifying that shop primers are compatible with topcoats.
D. Provide mock-ups, prototypes, quality benchmark installations, testing and inspections in accordance
with Division 01 General Requirements, Section 014000 Quality Requirements.
E. Mock-ups: Typical work interface with surrounding structure including all fastening details.
F. Prototypes: Not required.
G. Quality Benchmark Installation: An area determined by the Engineer of each element of the work fully
installed, completed and accepted by the Engineer.
H. Preconstruction Testing/ Reports
1. Submit reports of independent tests demonstrating that the products and systems are in
accordance with the specified performance requirements.
2. The provision of testing data or the carrying-out of tests does not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities regarding the durability or service life requirements.
A. Site Measurements: Verify actual locations of walls and other construction contiguous with metal
fabrications by Site measurements before fabrication.
A. Coordinate selection of shop primers with topcoats to be applied over them in accordance with paint
and coating manufacturers' written recommendations to ensure that shop primers and topcoats are
compatible with one another.
B. Coordinate installation of anchorages and steel weld plates and angles for casting into concrete.
Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves,
concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or
masonry. Deliver such items to Site in time for installation.
A. Delivery: Deliver materials to Site ready for use in largest sections feasible. Identify deliveries in
accordance with submittals. Protect materials from damage during fabrication and delivery. Deliver
materials to Site as close to installation time as possible.
B. Storage: Store materials and component parts under cover in dry and clean conditions, clear of the
ground. Protect materials from damage or marring of exposed surfaces and coatings. Retain
protection for as long as possible after installation.
C. Handling: Handle materials using methods and equipment without damage to members or coatings.
Inspect components before installation. Replace damaged items or work which cannot be
satisfactorily re-finished on Site to the acceptance of the Engineer.
D. Provide protective coatings or coverings to protect the work during shipment and construction, without
affecting finishes, imparting residue, affecting adhesion of sealants, or causing deleterious effects in
the work.
A. General: Install materials and components in weather conditions recommended by the manufacturer.
Do not install any work on surfaces that are frost covered, dirty, wet or contaminated such that a
proper bond, seating or fastening cannot be ensured.
B. Temperature: Make allowance for differences between design temperature and temperatures on Site
during installation when sizing construction and movement joints.
A. General
1. Do not use products that bear names, logos or references on visible surfaces.
B. Source of Supply
1. Obtain each product from a single manufacturer with at least 10 years' experience of producing
similar items.
2. Obtain auxiliary materials and components from, or under the direction of, the principal products
3. Products visible in the finished work shall be obtained from a single production run to ensure
C. Type AM-101 Bearing Plate
1. Description: Metal bearing plate support to stair banister including necessary fasteners and
accessories to complete the installation.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Material Type: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Angle Supports: Provide steel/ stainless steel/ aluminum angle supports as indicated on the
Design Drawings.
6. Include steel/ stainless steel/ aluminum angle stiffeners and fixed and removable sections as
indicated on the Design Drawings.
D. Type AM-102 Flat Steel Section
1. Description: Flat steel section including all accessories and fasteners to complete the installation.
2. Manufacturers: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Material Type: Flat Steel Section.
4. Size and Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Color and Finish: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Supports: Manufacturer's standard as accepted by the Engineer.
E. Type AM-103 Steel Strip
1. Description: Flat steel strip including all accessories and fasteners to complete the installation.
b) A horizontal line load applied to the work, due to the occupants and vehicles, in accordance
with the International Building Code (IBC) and Structural Engineer's requirements.
c) Impact loads, or transferred impact loads, that occur during the service life of the work,
without deterioration in performance and without sustaining non-repairable damage.
d) Loads imposed during replacement.
C. Deflections
1. The maximum allowable deflection of any element of the work, when carrying full design loads,
shall not exceed 15mm or 1/ 175 of their clear span in a direction normal to the plane of that
element, whichever is the lesser value.
2. The work shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any element of
themselves or adjacent structural or building elements.
3. All components, couplings and fastenings shall be capable of accommodating all of the above
deflection without permanent distortion, deformation or failure.
4. The work shall accommodate differential structural movements arising from any loads imposed
by adjacent structures.
5. The magnitude of the allowable deflections shall be reduced if they are detrimental to any part of
the work, their support structure or internal finishes.
D. Structural Integrity
1. The work indicated on the Shop Drawings and described in the Specification shall be in
accordance with the conditions specified in the IBC, unless stated otherwise.
2. Construction of barriers shall be in accordance with the conditions specified in the IBC, unless
stated otherwise.
E. Specific Fire Performance Requirements
1. Refer to the Fire Strategy Report and the NFPA.
2. Surface Spread of Flame Classification: In accordance with UL 723 and ASTM E84.
F. Demountability
1. Elements of the work shall be individually and independently removable ensuring access for
maintenance and/ or replacement of solid units in the event of breakage or damage.
2. The removal of units shall not affect the performance or safety of adjacent or any other part of
the work.
G. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes
acting on exterior metal fabrications by preventing buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of
components, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects.
1. Temperature Change: 67°C, ambient; 100°C, material surfaces.
H. Durability
1. The work shall retain its original appearance and performance throughout the life of the building
without failure when maintained in accordance with an agreed maintenance program. Failure
shall be defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following defects arising from
deficiencies in design, material selection or workmanship.
a) Collapse, damage or excessive deflection resulting from the application of specified loads.
b) Distortion, displacement or other damage to a woven metal fabric that renders it
unserviceable or unattractive.
c) Atmospheric corrosion, stress corrosion, bimetallic/ electro-chemical corrosion or other
premature deterioration of a material.
d) Degradation of protective coatings causing galvanized items to suffer corrosion during their
life and painted items to suffer coating breakdown in the period up to first maintenance.
e) Component parts that may suffer damage under design safety loading shall permit easy
replacement with the minimum amount of disturbance to the building users.
I. Impact and Abrasion Resistance
1. The work shall resist abrasion from agreed cleaning methods and maintenance systems without
any noticeable change in surface appearance. Generally, surfaces shall be sufficiently hard to
resist all reasonable impacts from hand-held objects.
2. Impact tests shall be carried out to all work adjacent to pedestrian areas in accordance with the
conditions specified in the IBC, unless stated otherwise.
3. The extent of any damage determined through testing shall be recorded and, where possible,
quantified. Details shall be submitted to the Engineer.
4. Details of tests shall be provided to demonstrate the performance of materials and finishes in
resisting abrasion from pedestrian traffic (hands, rings, luggage, cloth and shoes) and any other
abrasion resulting from adjacent traffic movements.
A. General
1. Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces unless otherwise indicated.
For metal fabrications exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials without seam
marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or blemishes.
2. Aluminum:
a) Aluminum panels shall be manufactured such that the grain on each runs in the same
b) Aluminum extrusions containing score lines resulting from poorly polished surfaces shall not
be acceptable.
c) Aluminum sheets shall not suffer bowing, dimpling, oil canning, sagging, pillowing, rippling,
warp, abrupt transitions or other visible deformation or irregularity.
3. Stainless Steel:
a) Stress corrosion or cracking shall not occur and all necessary precautions in the fabrication
and installation of stainless steel elements/ materials shall be undertaken, avoiding the
simultaneous presence of any of the following:
1. Tensile stresses.
2. Residual stresses after cold working or welding.
3. Aggressive local environmental conditions.
4. Metal temperatures that in conjunction with the above may induce stress corrosion
b) Thermal Cutting of Stainless Steel: After cutting, grind off material that is liable to corrode.
c) Stainless Steel Castings:
1. Shall be manufactured using the lost wax process or such other process as may be
proposed by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer.
2. The surface finish of the castings shall be determined by the submission of samples for
review and acceptance by the Engineer. Samples once accepted should be the
standard required for all subsequent castings to be used in the work.
B. Ferrous Metals in accordance with the following.
1. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A36/ A36M.
2. Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate: ASTM A240/ A240M or ASTM A666, Type 304/ Type
3. Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes: ASTM A276, Type 304/ Type 316L.
4. Rolled Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A786/ A786M, rolled from plate complying with ASTM A36/ A36M
or ASTM A283/ A283M, Grade C or D.
5. Rolled Stainless Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A793.
6. Stainless Steel Castings: ASTM A743/ A743M.
7. Steel Tubing: ASTM A500, cold-formed steel tubing.
8. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53/ A53M, standard weight (Schedule 40) unless otherwise indicated.
9. Slotted Channel Framing: Cold-formed metal box channels (struts) in accordance with MFMA-4.
10. Cast Iron: Either gray iron, ASTM A48/ A48M, or malleable iron, ASTM A47/ A47M, unless
otherwise indicated.
C. Non-Ferrous Metals in accordance with the following.
1. Aluminum Plate and Sheet: ASTM B209M, Alloy 6061-T6.
2. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B221M, Alloy 6063-T6.
3. Aluminum-Alloy Rolled Tread Plate: ASTM B632/ B632M, Alloy 6061-T6.
4. Aluminum Castings: ASTM B26/ B26M, Alloy 443.0-F.
5. Bronze Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Bars: ASTM B36/ B36M, Alloy UNS No. C28000 (muntz metal,
60% copper).
6. Bronze Extrusions: ASTM B455, Alloy UNS No. C38500 (extruded architectural bronze).
7. Bronze Castings: ASTM B584, Alloy UNS No. C83600 (leaded red brass) or No. C84400 (leaded
semi-red brass).
8. Nickel Silver Extrusions: ASTM B151/ B151M, Alloy UNS No. C74500.
9. Nickel Silver Castings: ASTM B584, Alloy UNS No. C97600 (20% leaded nickel bronze).
D. Fasteners in accordance with the following.
1. General: Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 304/ Type 316 stainless steel fasteners for
exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating in accordance with ASTM B633 or ASTM
F1941M, Class Fe/ Zn 5, at exterior walls. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required.
a) Provide stainless steel fasteners for fastening aluminum.
3. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of
approximately 1mm unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed
4. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or
otherwise impairing work.
5. Form exposed work with accurate angles and surfaces and straight edges.
6. Welding/ Brazing General:
a) Weld corners and seams continuously in accordance with the following:
1. Thoroughly clean surfaces to be joined.
2. Ensure accurate fit using clamps and jigs where practicable. Use tack welds only for
temporary attachment.
3. Make joints with parent and filler metal fully bonded throughout with no inclusions,
holes, porosity or cracks.
4. Prevent weld spatter falling on surfaces of materials that will be self-finished and visible
in completed work.
5. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and
corrosion resistance of base metals.
6. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
7. Remove welding flux immediately.
8. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no
roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of
adjacent surface.
9. Metal arc welding shall be to AWS D1.1/ D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel" and
AWS D1.2/ D1.2M, "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum.", or other methods subject to
review by the Engineer.
10. Where Site or shop welding is required, it shall be by the process known as manual
inert gas tungsten-arc welding and it shall be carried out by a procedure qualified and
certified to AWS D1.1/ D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel" and AWS D1.2/
D1.2M, "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum".
7. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners or
welds where possible. Where exposed fasteners are required, use Phillips flat-head
(countersunk) fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Locate joints where least conspicuous.
8. Fabricate seams and other connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude
water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate.
9. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap metal fabrications as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws,
and similar items.
10. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Space anchoring
devices to secure metal fabrications rigidly in place and to support indicated loads.
11. Wall mounting brackets shall be 2-part, with the connection plate fixed to either structural
concrete walls, or concealed mild steel members with suitable countersunk fastenings prior to
commencement of the following trades.
12. Infills shall be to profiles positioned horizontally at centers indicated on the Design Drawings, and
in accordance with IBC requirements. Where necessary, rods shall be factory bent to suit
balustrade layout.
13. Metals used in exposed work shall have smooth surfaces, free of blemishes including pitting,
seam marks, roller marks, waves, striations, tool and die marks. Profiles shall be true to angle or
curvature as required with sharp edges and corners.
14. Fabricate metal items free of stress corrosion or cracking.
15. Select materials and methods of fabrication to achieve accuracy and fit.
16. Fabricate members and components straight, free of distortion and to the specified tolerances.
Heat-treat components to relieve residual stresses.
17. Visible surfaces to be true to line and level, free from imperfection, with sharp angles and straight
18. Incorporate dowels and spigots into joints to accurately align components.
19. Isolate dissimilar materials to prevent galvanic action.
20. Do not permit contact between dissimilar metals in components that are to be fixed where
moisture may be present or occur.
21. Clearly mark items for proper assembly and installation, using methods that will not mar
protective finishes.
22. Paint finished components shall have fully welded connections, unless otherwise accepted, to
protect unprotected joint faces from corrosion.
23. The Detailed Design of sections, material thicknesses and the dimensions indicated on the
Design Drawings shall be maintained within specified tolerances.
24. Before and after making permanent connections in frames and other structural elements, which
are assembled before delivery to Site, the fit shall be checked for accuracy.
25. Unless otherwise specified, concealed items shall be mill finished aluminum in internal conditions
only, or hot dip galvanized steel. Any cut edges shall be treated to ensure that the level of
protection is maintained.
26. Finished components shall be rigid and free from distortion, cracks, burrs and sharp arrises.
Moving parts shall move freely and without binding.
27. Unless specified otherwise, miter corner junctions of identical sections.
28. Cold Formed Work: Use brake presses or cold rolling to produce accurate profiles with straight
29. Adhesive Bonding:
a) Prepare surfaces of metals to receive adhesives by degreasing and abrading mechanically
or chemically.
b) Use adhesives to the manufacturer's written recommendations.
c) Form bond under pressure.
30. Lightning Protection and Earth Bonding:
a) Bonding is required between individual sections of the work to ensure continuity between
adjacent sections, both vertically and horizontally over the whole façade.
b) Bonding between the work and structural steelwork shall be carried out at intervals as
indicated on the Design Drawings. The first level of bonding to the structural steelwork shall
be at the highest floor level of each part of the building.
c) Provide studs/ bolts on the cladding for subsequent connection.
d) All straps/ connections shall be concealed.
e) No straps shall be fixed along copings.
31. Fabrication Tolerances - Non-cumulative:
a) Deviations in panel length, width and diagonal dimension tolerances shall not exceed
b) Straightness: L/ 1000 or 2mm, whichever is the lesser.
c) Squareness of Cut Profiles: Depth of profile/ 1000.
d) Squareness of Fabricated Items: Maximum 2mm difference between diagonals.
e) Flatness of Fabricated Items: Maximum 2mm difference between one corner and another.
f) Plumbness: ±2 to 1mm/ m.
g) Level: ±1mm/ m.
h) The twist and warping shall not cause any point of the panel to be more than 0.5mm out of
plane. The twist and warping shall not cause any point of the structural frame to be more
than 2mm out of plane.
B. Miscellaneous Framing and Supports
1. General: Provide steel framing and supports not specified in other Work Sections as needed to
complete the Work.
2. Fabricate units from steel shapes, plates, and bars of welded construction unless otherwise
indicated. Fabricate to sizes, shapes, and profiles indicated and as necessary to receive
adjacent construction.
a) Fabricate units from slotted channel framing where indicated.
b) Furnish inserts for units installed after concrete is placed.
C. Miscellaneous Steel Trim
1. Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate units from steel shapes, plates, and bars of profiles
indicated with continuously welded joints and smooth exposed edges. Miter corners and use
concealed Site splices where possible.
2. Provide cutouts, fittings, and anchorages as needed to coordinate assembly and installation with
other work.
a) Provide with integrally welded steel strap anchors for embedding in concrete or masonry
D. Steel Weld Plates and Angles
1. Provide steel weld plates and angles not specified in other Work Sections, for items supported
from concrete construction as needed to complete the Work. Provide each unit with no fewer
than 2 integrally welded steel strap anchors for embedding in concrete.
A. General
1. Refer to Section 050513 Shop Applied Coatings for Metal.
2. Finish metal fabrications after assembly.
3. Finish exposed surfaces to remove tool and die marks and stretch lines, and to blend into
surrounding surface.
B. Steel and Iron Finishes
1. Galvanizing: Hot-dip galvanize items as indicated in accordance with ASTM A153/ A153M for
steel and iron hardware and with ASTM A123/ A123M for other steel and iron products.
a) Do not quench or apply post galvanizing treatments that might interfere with paint adhesion.
2. Shop prime iron and steel items not indicated to be galvanized unless they are to be embedded
in concrete, sprayed-on fireproofing, or masonry, or unless otherwise indicated.
a) Shop prime with primers specified in Section 099100 Painting.
3. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP 6/ NACE No. 3,
"Commercial Blast Cleaning"./ SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning"./ requirements indicated
a) Exterior Items: SSPC-SP 6/ NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning".
b) Items Indicated to Receive Zinc-Rich Primer: SSPC-SP 6/ NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast
c) Other Items: SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning".
4. Shop Priming: Apply shop primer in accordance with SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification
No. 1: Shop, Site, and Maintenance Painting of Steel", for shop painting.
a) Stripe paint corners, crevices, bolts, welds, and sharp edges.
C. Aluminum Finishes
1. Finish designations prefixed by AA in accordance with the system established by the Aluminum
Association for designating aluminum finishes.
2. As-Fabricated Finish: AA-M10 (Mechanical Finish: As fabricated, unspecified).
3. Class I, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A41 (Mechanical Finish: Non-specular as fabricated;
Chemical Finish: Etched, medium matte; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class I, clear coating
0.018mm or thicker) in accordance with AAMA 611.
A. For requirements for fastenings, refer to Section 050523 Metal Fastenings.
A. Fastening to Adjacent Construction
1. Coordinate the delivery and accurate placing of inserts, anchors and brackets for building into or
for attachment to adjacent construction with minimal delay.
2. Provide templates or setting out drawings for forming and locating holes.
3. Do not cut, drill or otherwise modify the work of others without the acceptance of the Engineer.
B. Separate materials identified as reactive in PD 6484 to prevent electro-chemical corrosion.
A. General
1. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal
fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; with edges
and surfaces level, plumb, true, and free of rack; and measured from established lines and
a) Acceptance shall be received from the Engineer before drilling or cutting parts of the
structure, other than where indicted on the Shop Drawings.
b) Cut and abrade items only with the consent of the fabricator. Carry out modifications and
refinishing of items at the shop, unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer.
c) Do not install items that are warped, bowed, deformed or otherwise damaged or defaced to
such extent as to impair strength or appearance.
d) Isolating tape, plastic washers, or other suitable means to prevent bimetallic corrosion shall
be provided between dissimilar metals, or between preservation treated wood and metal.
2. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that are not
to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Do
not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hot-dip galvanized after
fabrication and are for bolted or screwed Site connections.
3. Site Welding: In accordance with the following requirements:
a) Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion
resistance of base metals.
b) Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
c) Remove welding flux immediately.
d) At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no
roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent
4. No welds other than those indicated on the Shop Drawings, even for temporary attachments or
repairs, shall be acceptable unless agreed in advance by the Engineer. If welded temporary
connections are agreed upon, then the welding and removal of the connection shall be in
accordance with AWS requirements.
5. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where metal
fabrications are required to be fastened to in-place construction. Provide threaded fasteners for
use with concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through bolts, lag screws, wood screws, and
other connectors.
6. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete,
masonry, or similar construction.
7. Corrosion Protection: Coat concealed surfaces of aluminum that will come into contact with
grout, concrete, masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals with the following:
a) Cast Aluminum: Heavy coat of bituminous paint.
b) Extruded Aluminum: 2 No. coats of clear lacquer.
8. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent bimetallic corrosion between dissimilar metals and
to isolate aluminum components from cementitious surfaces. To this end attention is drawn to
publication PD 6484 'Commentary on corrosion at bimetallic contacts and its alleviation'.
9. Assembly and Fitting:
a) Securely anchor work to supporting structure. Use expansion bolts for concrete and
masonry, machine screws or bolts for metal, and screws for wood.
b) Attach brackets to walls with screws. Exposed cast-in inserts in fair-faced concrete surfaces
are not permitted.
c) Do not exceed the limitations imposed on the spacing and edge distances of expansion
anchors by the manufacturer nor exceed accepted shimming thicknesses.
d) Bolt connections tight, with threads entirely concealed; cut off exposed threads flush with
adjoining surface. Make allowance for re-torque of stainless steel bolts following the
relaxation in stress experienced by such fastenings.
e) Set fasteners with heads parallel to the surface; set countersunk heads flush.
f) Grind joints smooth and make good finishes as necessary. Secure exposed connections
accurately together with tight hairline joints.
g) Use only shop-drilled holes for the assembly of the work. Site drilling for fasteners shall not
be permitted unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer. Locate as instructed.
h) Welding:
1. Weld connections only when permitted; do not weld galvanized materials or
connections intended for bolting.
2. Weld only those items that can be ground and finished to match the appearance of the
adjacent surfaces.
3. Weld continuously along joints without causing distortion, discoloration or other
imperfections in the finished work.
4. Grind welds smooth and imperceptible in the finished work.
10. Touch up galvanizing to bolts, welds and burned or scratched surfaces.
11. Tension mesh infill panels to remain within the specified deflection limits without causing
distortion in the weave.
12. Vent holes in hollow sections shall be sealed in a manner that shall prevent the ingress of
moisture. The proposed method of achieving this requirement shall be submitted for review by
the Engineer.
B. Installing Miscellaneous Framing and Supports
1. General: Install framing and supports in accordance with the requirements of items being
supported, including the manufacturers' written instructions and requirements indicated on the
Shop Drawings.
2. Anchor supports for operable partitions securely to and rigidly brace from building structure.
3. Support steel girders on solid grouted masonry, concrete, or steel pipe columns. Secure girders
with anchor bolts embedded in grouted masonry or concrete or with bolts through top plates of
pipe columns.
a) Where grout space under bearing plates is indicated for girders supported on concrete or
masonry, install as specified in "Installing Bearing and Leveling Plates" Article.
4. Install pipe columns on concrete footings with grouted baseplates. Position and grout column
baseplates as specified in "Installing Bearing and Leveling Plates" Article.
a) Grout baseplates of columns supporting steel girders after girders are installed and leveled.
C. Installing Bearing and Leveling Plates
1. Clean concrete and masonry bearing surfaces of bond-reducing materials, and roughen to
improve bond to surfaces. Clean bottom surface of plates.
2. Set bearing and leveling plates on wedges, shims, or leveling nuts. After bearing members have
been positioned and plumbed, tighten anchor bolts. Do not remove wedges or shims but, if
protruding, cut off flush with edge of bearing plate before packing with grout.
a) Use non-shrink grout, either metallic or non-metallic, in concealed locations where not
exposed to moisture; use non-shrink, non-metallic grout in exposed locations unless
otherwise indicated.
b) Pack grout solidly between bearing surfaces and plates to ensure that no voids remain.
A. Site Tests and Inspections: Perform the specified tests and inspections using a suitably experienced
quality manager.
B. Manufacturer's Site Service: Arrange for a technical representative from the manufacturer to do Site
visits for 1 full day at the start of the installation, and once/ twice weekly as the work progresses.
Technical representative to provide surveillance of the materials installation, and monitor and report
installation procedures and unacceptable conditions.
C. Testing of Fastenings: As the work proceeds, allow for the bolts to be proof load tested as required
and witnessed by the Structural Engineer.
A. Cleaning
1. Remove debris and unused materials from Site upon completion and dispose of safely. Clean
exposed surfaces using methods recommended by the material manufacturers, and without
scratching surfaces. Do not use abrasive cleaners or materials that will damage adjacent work.
2. If stainless steel has not been protected by adhesive film, thoroughly clean prior to presentation
to the Engineer for acceptance.
B. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean Site welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing
in accordance with ASTM A780.
C. Adjusting
1. Adjust operating parts to provide smooth unbinding operation. Make good adjacent surfaces
marred during installation, to the acceptance of the Engineer. Repair or replace damaged or
defective items to the acceptance of the Engineer.
2. Touch-up Painting: Immediately after erection, clean Site welds, bolted connections, and abraded
areas. Paint uncoated and abraded areas with the same material as used for shop painting in
accordance with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-painted surfaces.
a) Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum 0.05mm dry film thickness.
A. Protect exposed surfaces during and after installation, with boards, coverings, low tack tapes and
adhesive film. Remove and replace protection as instructed, for inspection; remove immediately
before Taking-Over.
B. Protective Tapes/ Films: When adhesive/ protective tapes/ films are proposed to protect finished
products, tapes/ films of a low tack nature shall be used. They shall be applied at room temperature,
after the coating is fully stoved, and remain in contact with the surface for a maximum period of 6
months. Should longer periods be required, then the tape/ film shall be removed and replaced. Care
shall be taken when removing adhesive/ protective tapes/ films. No sharp instruments or abrasive
materials shall be used to remove the tape/ film. No solvents or cleaning solutions shall be used to
remove residues, without the prior permission of the Engineer. Where adhesive/ protective tapes/ films
are used, then the color shall be white or lighter in tone than the finish it is protecting.
End of Section
D. Provide protective coatings or coverings to protect the work during shipment and construction, without
affecting finishes, imparting residue, affecting adhesion of sealants, or causing deleterious effects in
the work.
A. General: Install materials and components in weather conditions recommended by the manufacturer.
Do not install any work on surfaces that are dirty, wet or contaminated such that a proper bond,
seating or fastening cannot be ensured.
B. Temperature: Make allowance for differences between design temperature and temperatures on Site
during installation when sizing construction and movement joints.
A. General
1. Do not use products that bear names, logos or references on visible surfaces.
B. Source of Supply
1. Obtain each product from a single manufacturer with at least 5 years' experience of producing
similar items.
2. Obtain auxiliary materials and components from, or under the direction of, the principal products
3. Products visible in the finished work shall be obtained from a single production run to ensure
C. Type BAL-101 Ornamental Handrail and Railing
1. Description: Metal balustrade with handrail, including all necessary fastenings, bracketing and
accessories required to complete the installation.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Railing: Stainless steel or Hot-dip steel.
a) Dimension: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
b) Finish: Baked paint.
c) Color: RAL 1013.
4. Handrail: Stainless steel or Hot-dip steel.
a) Dimension: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
b) Finish: Baked paint.
c) Color: RAL 1013.
5. Fastenings: All fastenings shall be concealed.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of construction, fabrication, detailing and
installation in accordance with the Specification. This shall include ensuring that all interfacing
requirements relating to the building structure and other systems are accommodated in accordance
with the Structural Engineer's details, and that interfaces with any external envelope elements are fully
B. Materials used for fastening shall be stainless steel Type 316. Fastenings shall be concealed or
inconspicuous to the acceptance of the Engineer.
C. Agree with the Engineer the period during which the sealant shall not change in appearance or color.
Any discoloration of sealant during this time shall not be acceptable.
D. Sealant performance shall be verified by provision of current independent test certificates.
A. Specific Movements
1. The work shall be fabricated and installed to withstand all movements of the building structure
under all specified design loads or combination of loads without damage or any reduction in the
performance of the work.
2. All fastenings shall be capable of providing adequate adjustment with the minimal use of packing
shims, which shall be acceptable to the Engineer.
3. All necessary movement joints shall be designed to accommodate the maximum movements that
can be derived from the specified and determined design loads and movements. Under
maximum movements the joints shall meet the requirements of the Specification.
4. The work shall resist all specified static and dynamic design loads likely to be encountered
without causing permanent deformation of components or the failure of members or seals and
shall transmit such loads safely to the points of support.
5. The work shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any elements of the
work or adjacent structural or building elements.
6. The work shall accommodate the following movements without any permanent deformation or
reduction in the specified performance.
a) Deflection under design loads.
b) The effects of internal/ external wind and pressure loadings.
c) Changes in dimension and shape of components arising from building movements,
including settlement, creep, twisting and racking.
d) Movement of any joint whether designed to permit movement or not.
e) Thermal movements.
B. Specific Dead Loads
1. The work shall be capable of accommodating the following dead loads without any reduction in
a) The work's own dead load shall be accommodated locally and without causing deflections
or movements, which adversely affect the performance or appearance of the system
b) The dead loads derived from permanent fixtures or services attached to the surfaces of the
C. Deflections
1. The maximum allowable deflection of any element of the work, when carrying full design loads,
shall not exceed 15mm or 1/ 175 of their clear span in a direction normal to the plane of that
element, whichever is the lesser value.
2. The work shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any element of itself or
adjacent structural or building elements.
3. All components, couplings and fastenings shall be capable of accommodating all of the above
deflection without permanent distortion, deformation or failure.
4. The work shall accommodate differential structural movements arising from any loads imposed
by adjacent structures.
5. The magnitude of the allowable deflections shall be reduced if they are detrimental to any part of
the work, their support structure or internal finishes.
D. Structural Integrity
1. Balustrades and handrails indicated on the Design Drawings and described in the Specification
shall be in accordance with ASTM E894 and ASTM E935, unless stated otherwise.
2. Construction of barriers shall be in accordance with ASTM E894 and ASTM E935, to the
acceptance of the Structural Engineer.
E. Specific Fire Performance Requirements
1. Refer to the NFPA.
F. Demountability
1. Elements of the work shall be individually and independently removable ensuring access for
maintenance and/ or replacement of glazed and solid units in the event of breakage or damage.
2. The removal of units shall not affect the performance or safety of adjacent or any other part of
the work.
G. Thermal Movement: The work shall withstand expansion and contraction forces, including differential
rates of movement between different materials, components and color finishes, resulting from
temperature changes.
H. Durability
1. The work shall retain its original appearance and performance throughout the life of the building
without failure when maintained in accordance with an accepted maintenance program. Failure
shall be defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following defects arising from
deficiencies in design, material selection or workmanship.
a) Collapse, damage or excessive deflection resulting from the application of specified loads.
b) Distortion, displacement or other damage to a woven metal fabric that renders it
unserviceable or unattractive.
c) Atmospheric corrosion, stress corrosion, bimetallic/ electro-chemical corrosion or other
premature deterioration of a material.
d) Degradation of protective coatings causing galvanized items to suffer corrosion during their
life and painted items to suffer coating breakdown in the period up to first maintenance.
e) Component parts that may suffer damage under design safety loading shall permit easy
replacement with the minimum amount of disturbance to the building users.
I. Impact and Abrasion Resistance
1. The extent of any damage determined through testing shall be recorded and, where possible,
quantified. Details shall be submitted to the Engineer.
2. Details of tests shall be provided to demonstrate the performance of materials and finishes in
resisting abrasion from pedestrian traffic (hands, rings, luggage, cloth and shoes) and any other
abrasion resulting from adjacent traffic movements.
A. Steel and Iron
1. Tubing: In accordance with ASTM A500, cold formed.
2. Pipe: In accordance with ASTM A53/ A53M, Type F or Type S, Grade A, Standard Weight
(Schedule 40), unless another grade and weight are required by structural loads.
a) Provide galvanized finish for exterior installations and where indicated on the Shop
3. Plates, Shapes, and Bars: In accordance with ASTM A36/ A36M.
4. Cast Iron: Either gray iron, in accordance with ASTM A48/ A48M, or malleable iron, in
accordance with ASTM A47/ A47M, unless otherwise indicated on the Shop Drawings.
5. Expanded Metal: In accordance with ASTM F1267.
6. Perforated Metal: Cold-rolled steel sheet, in accordance with ASTM A1008/ A1008M, or hot-rolled
steel sheet, in accordance with ASTM A1011/ A1011M.
7. Perforated Metal: Galvanized-steel sheet, in accordance with ASTM A653/ A653M, Z275 coating,
commercial steel Type B.
8. Woven-Wire Mesh: Intermediate-crimp, woven-wire mesh in accordance with ASTM A510M.
B. Stainless Steel
1. Tubing: In accordance with ASTM A554,Grade MT 304/ Grade MT 316L.
2. Pipe: In accordance with ASTM A312/ A312M, Grade TP 304/ Grade TP 316L.
3. Castings: In accordance with ASTM A743/ A743M, Grade CF 8 or CF 20/ Grade CF 8M or CF
4. Plate and Sheet: In accordance with ASTM A240/ A240M or ASTM A666, Type 304/ Type 316L.
5. Expanded Metal: In accordance with ASTM F1267, Type I (expanded), Type II (expanded and
flattened), Class 3 (corrosion-resistant steel), made from stainless steel sheet, in accordance
with ASTM A240/ A240M or ASTM A666, Type 304/ Type 316.
6. Perforated Metal: Stainless steel sheet, in accordance with ASTM A240/ A240M or ASTM A666,
Type 304/ Type 316L.
7. Woven-Wire Mesh: Intermediate-crimp, woven-wire mesh, in accordance with ASTM A580/
A580M, Type 304/ Type 316.
C. Fastenings/ Fasteners
1. Refer to Section 050523 Metal Fastenings.
2. Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 304/ Type 316 stainless steel fasteners for interior/
exterior use.
3. Ungalvanized-Steel Railings: Plated steel fasteners in accordance with ASTM B633 or ASTM
F1941M, Class Fe/ Zn 5 for zinc coating.
4. Hot-Dip Galvanized Railings: Type 304 stainless steel or hot-dip zinc-coated steel fasteners in
accordance with ASTM A153M or ASTM F2329 for zinc coating.
5. Stainless Steel Railings: Type 304 stainless steel fasteners for interior applications; Type 316
stainless steel fasteners for exterior applications.
6. Fasteners for Anchoring Railings to Other Construction: Select fasteners of type, grade, and
class required to produce connections suitable for anchoring railings to other types of
construction indicated and capable of withstanding design loads.
7. Fasteners for Interconnecting Railing Components:
a) Provide concealed fasteners for interconnecting railing components and for attaching them
to other work, unless exposed fasteners are unavoidable or are the standard fastening
method for railings indicated in the Specification.
b) Provide Phillips or hex socket, as selected by the Engineer, flat-head machine screws for
exposed fasteners unless otherwise indicated on the Shop Drawings.
8. Post-Installed Anchors: Unless otherwise specified in the Civil Engineer's documentation provide
torque-controlled expansion anchors capable of sustaining, without failure, a load equal to 6
times the load imposed when installed in unit masonry and four times the load imposed when
installed in concrete, as determined by testing according to ASTM E488, conducted by a
Qualified Independent Testing Agency.
a) Material for Interior Locations: Carbon-steel components zinc-plated in accordance with
ASTM B633 or ASTM F1941M, Class Fe/ Zn 5, unless otherwise indicated.
b) Material for Exterior Locations and Where Stainless Steel is Indicated: Alloy Group A4
stainless steel bolts, ASTM F738M, and nuts, ASTM F836M.
9. Fastening components shall be in accordance with all statutory requirements (and be to the
acceptance of the Relevant Approving Authority and/ or Structural Engineer) both as to strength
and type and shall be designed to carry all dead, live and wind loading under due consideration
of any applicable thermal movements.
10. All necessary fastenings shall be installed for the work.
11. Direct contact between aluminum or aluminum alloys and treated wood shall be avoided, unless
with the prior acceptance of the Engineer.
12. Visible fastenings shall match approved samples.
13. Unless otherwise specified, the following basic requirements shall be adhered to:
a) Rigidity: Only fastenings that are suited to the likely stresses, movements and vibrations in
use without allowing any wobble, creaks or deflection of any fixtures or fittings shall be
b) Removability: Items that require accessibility or removal shall be fixed with bolts.
D. Inserts: Stainless steel Type 304 or Type 316 of suitable design and strength to suit application.
E. Shims: Horseshoe type made from stainless or suitably coated steel where concealed. Use sleeve
type spacers of stainless steel for visible shims.
F. Isolating Materials: Self-adhesive PVC tape, polyester powder coat or 2-pack epoxy paint as
recommended by the manufacturer to suit application.
G. Sealants: Refer to Section 079200 Joint Sealants.
H. Gaskets
1. Gaskets shall be made of either Ethylene Propylene material (EPDM/ EP) or of Silicone.
2. All visible glazing gaskets shall have factory-formed corners. All other gaskets shall have
overlapping joints with appropriate sealant in between.
3. The gasket system shall comprise both extruded and molded elements. These shall perform and
appear as a single element.
4. All gaskets shall be fabricated to the most appropriate grade and hardness. Design and select all
gaskets in order to:
a) Be most appropriate to the extrusion design.
b) Ensure that they do not permanently distort over the working life of the Works
5. Provide written confirmation from the gasket manufacturer that the gasket material and designs
are wholly suitable for their specific use in any part of the Works and are compatible with all other
materials and sealants used within the installation and at interfaces with other materials/
6. The color of all gaskets shall be black unless specified otherwise.
7. Gaskets shall not shrink nor warp and shall not deteriorate between the periods stated in the
Contractor's stated times for replacement.
8. Gasket corners in frames shall be preformed and factory vulcanized in ladders.
I. The choice of seals and gaskets shall not result in any reduction in sound insulation performance.
A. General
1. End caps shall be provided to exposed stop ends of metal handrails.
2. Systems shall include fastenings, bracketry, support framing and all other components/
accessories necessary to complete the work in accordance with the Specification and as
indicated on the Design Drawings.
3. Tubular handrails shall be fixed to sleeves in balustrades with concealed fastenings. All handrails
shall feature concealed internal sleeved joints.
4. Form work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces.
5. Fabricate connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide
weep holes where water may accumulate.
6. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items.
7. Wall mounting brackets shall be minimum 10mm mild steel plates with adjustable wall mounting
angles, shaped to match the diameter of the handrail and to profiles indicated on the Design
8. Wall mounting brackets shall be 2-part, with the connection plate fixed to either structural
concrete walls, or concealed mild steel members with suitable countersunk fastenings prior to
commencement of plasterboard dry lining.
9. The handrail corners shall be radiused or mitered, as indicated on the Design Drawings.
10. Balustrade infills shall be to profiles positioned horizontally at centers indicated on the Design
Drawings, and in accordance with Riyadh Municipality requirements. Where necessary, rods
shall be factory bent to suit balustrade layout.
6. All visible cut ends shall be polished smooth with no crude machine cut visible.
7. Welds on mechanical finished surfaces to match and blend with adjoining surfaces and be
8. Make joints with parent and filler metal fully bonded throughout with no inclusions, holes, porosity
or cracks.
9. Prevent weld spatter falling on surfaces of materials that will be self-finished and visible in
completed work.
10. Remove all traces of flux residue, slag and weld spatter.
11. Metal arc welding shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1/ D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code -
Steel" and AWS D1.2/ D1.2M, "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum.", or other methods subject
to review by the Engineer.
12. Where Site or shop welding is required, it shall be by the process known as manual inert gas
tungsten-arc welding and it shall be carried out by a procedure qualified and certified to AWS
D1.1/ D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel" and AWS D1.2/ D1.2M, "Structural Welding Code
- Aluminum".
a) Welds shall be continuous and of a material and technique suitable to the sections being
b) Weld finish shall be smooth with all flux residues removed and no surface defects (e.g.
undercut, porosity and deep ridges).
13. Finishing Welded/ Brazed Joints: Visible butt joints in completed work shall be smooth and flush
with adjacent surfaces.
E. Visible fillet joints in completed work shall be executed neatly. Grind smooth where specified.
F. External visible lines and depressions caused by the internal welding of hollow section steelwork shall
be positioned in the work so as to be non-visible.
G. Stainless Steel
1. Unless otherwise specified, welds to visible areas of stainless steel shall be ground smooth to
achieve a seamless surface. Heat tints shall be removed using light abrasives, pickling paste,
wire brushing or similar to achieve continuity with the specified finish. Areas difficult to access
shall be manually finished if necessary.
2. All welds shall comply with AWS D1.1/ D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel". Distortion due
to thermal movement shall be minimized using jigs or other methods as appropriate during
welding. Welding methods and consumables shall be chosen as most appropriate to the type,
thickness, shape and location of joints to meet the performance levels required and have
mechanical properties at least equal to the original base metal. In addition, consumables shall
have an equal or superior corrosion resistance to the base metal being welded. All welding
recommendations required to meet other relevant standards as specified shall also apply.
Electrodes for manual metal arc welding shall comply with AWS requirements.
3. Stress corrosion or cracking shall not occur and all necessary precautions in the fabrication and
installation of stainless steel elements/ materials shall be undertaken, avoiding the simultaneous
presence of any of the following:
a) Tensile stresses.
b) Residual stresses after cold working or welding.
c) Aggressive local environmental conditions.
d) Metal temperatures that in conjunction with the above may induce stress corrosion cracking.
4. Thermal Cutting of Stainless Steel: After cutting, grind off material that is liable to corrode.
H. Fabrication Tolerances: Non-cumulative
1. Deviations in panel length, width and diagonal dimension tolerances shall not exceed ±1mm.
2. Straightness: L/ 1000 or 2mm, whichever is the lesser.
3. Squareness of Cut Profiles: Depth of profile/ 1000.
4. Squareness of Fabricated Items: Maximum 2mm difference between diagonals.
5. Flatness of Fabricated Items: Maximum 2mm difference between one corner and another.
6. Plumbness: ±2 to 1mm/ m.
7. Level: ±1mm/ m.
8. The twist and warping shall not cause any point of the panel to be more than 0.5mm out of plane.
The twist and warping shall not cause any point of the structural frame to be more than 2mm out
of plane.
A. General
1. Carry out welding, cutting and machining before applying protective coating and finishes.
2. Prime visible surfaces of non-ferrous metals. Prime all surfaces, including joint faces, of ferrous
metal fabrications. Do not paint surfaces within 50mm of Site welds; prepare and finish after
connections are completed.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 055200 / 8 Metal Railings
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
3. Apply finishes to visible surfaces of non-ferrous and ferrous metals in accordance with the paint
manufacturer's instructions.
B. Factory-Applied Finishes: In accordance with Section 050513 Shop Applied Coatings for Metal.
C. Steel and Iron Finishes
1. Galvanized Railings:
a) In accordance with ASTM A123/ A123M for hot-dip galvanized railings.
b) In accordance with ASTM A153/ A153M for hot-dip galvanized hardware.
D. Stainless Steel Finishes
1. 180-Grit Polished Finish: Oil-ground, uniform, directionally textured finish unless otherwise
specified by the Engineer.
2. 320-Grit Polished Finish: Oil-ground, uniform, fine, directionally textured finish unless otherwise
specified by the Engineer.
3. Polished and Buffed Finish: Oil-ground, 180-grit finish followed by buffing finish unless otherwise
specified by the Engineer.
4. When polishing is completed, passivate and rinse surfaces. Remove embedded foreign matter
and leave surfaces chemically clean.
A. Verification of Conditions: Prior to commencing installation, examine the areas and the conditions in
which the work will be installed. Verify dimensions and alignments, and surfaces to receive the work of
this Work Section. Notify the Engineer of unsatisfactory conditions.
A. Fastening to Adjacent Construction
1. Coordinate the delivery and accurate placing of inserts, anchors and brackets for building into or
for attachment to adjacent construction with minimal delay.
2. Provide templates or setting out drawings for forming and locating holes.
3. Do not cut, drill or otherwise modify the work of others without the acceptance of the Engineer.
B. Separate materials identified as reactive in PD 6484 to prevent electro-chemical corrosion.
A. General
1. Install work accurately in location, alignment and elevation; plumb, level, true and free of rack.
2. Acceptance shall be received from the Engineer before drilling or cutting parts of the structure,
other than where indicated on the Shop Drawings.
3. Cut and abrade items only with the consent of the fabricator. Carry out modifications and
refinishing of items at the shop, unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer.
4. The work shall be square, regular to line, level and plane, with all junctions fitting to the stated
5. Do not install items that are warped, bowed, deformed or otherwise damaged or defaced to such
extent as to impair strength or appearance.
6. Isolating tape, plastic washers, or other suitable means to prevent bimetallic corrosion shall be
provided between dissimilar metals, or between preservation treated wood and metal.
7. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing railings. Set railings accurately in
location, alignment, and elevation; measured from established lines and levels and free of rack.
a) Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of railing components that have been coated or
finished after fabrication and that are intended for Site connection by mechanical or other
means without further cutting or fitting.
b) Align rails so variations from level for horizontal members and variations from parallel with
rake of steps and ramps for sloping members do not exceed 5mm in 3000mm.
c) Corrosion Protection: Coat concealed surfaces of aluminum that will be in contact with
grout, concrete, masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals, with a heavy coat of bituminous paint.
8. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Use anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for
securing railings and for properly transferring loads to in-place construction.
B. Assembly and Fitting
1. Assemble and fit the work.
2. Securely anchor work to supporting structure. Use expansion bolts for concrete and masonry,
machine screws or bolts for metal, and screws for wood.
3. Attach handrail brackets to walls with screws. Exposed cast-in inserts in fair-faced concrete
surfaces are not permitted.
4. Do not exceed the limitations imposed on the spacing and edge distances of expansion anchors
by the manufacturer nor exceed accepted shimming thicknesses.
5. Bolt connections tight, with threads entirely concealed; cut off exposed threads flush with
adjoining surface. Make allowance for re-torque of stainless steel bolts following the relaxation in
stress experienced by such fastenings.
6. Set fasteners with heads parallel to the surface; set countersunk heads flush.
7. Grind joints smooth and make good finishes as necessary. Secure exposed connections
accurately together with tight hairline joints.
8. Use only shop-drilled holes for the assembly of the work. Site drilling for fasteners shall not be
permitted unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer. Locate as instructed.
9. Welding:
a) Weld connections only when permitted; do not weld galvanized materials or connections
intended for bolting.
b) Weld only those items that can be ground and finished to match the appearance of the
adjacent surfaces.
c) Weld continuously along joints without causing distortion, discoloration or other
imperfections in the finished work.
d) Grind welds smooth and imperceptible in the finished work.
10. Anchoring Posts:
a) Use metal sleeves preset and anchored into concrete for installing posts. After posts have
been inserted into sleeves, fill annular space between post and sleeve with non-shrink, non-
metallic grout or anchoring cement, mixed and placed in accordance with anchoring
material manufacturer's written instructions.
b) Anchor posts to metal surfaces with oval flanges, angle type, or floor type as required by
conditions, connected to posts and to metal supporting members as follows:
1. For aluminum pipe railings, attach posts using fittings designed and engineered for this
2. For stainless steel pipe railings, weld flanges to post and bolt to supporting surfaces.
3. For steel pipe railings, weld flanges to post and bolt to metal supporting surfaces.
c) Install removable railing sections, where indicated, in slip-fit metal sockets cast in concrete.
C. Tension mesh infill panels to remain within the specified deflection limits without causing distortion in
the weave.
D. Fastening Directly to Structure
1. Provide and install all fastening devices, including framing, bearing brackets and movement
fastenings and carry out all necessary preparation work such as drilling, plugging, screwing,
bolting, cutting for anchor bolts or sockets to be cast in, making good, including grouting-in of
anchor bolts, and fastening whatsoever necessary.
2. All fastenings shall be to the slab edge face condition, to be coordinated with the superstructure
E. Installation Tolerances
1. The work shall be erected in proper alignment in relation to established lines and grids indicated
on the Design Drawings.
2. Joints: The width of any joint shall not deviate from the nominal width by more than ±1mm. Any
variation shall be equally distributed with no sudden changes. The work shall be erected such
that no joint is more than 1.5mm from a vertical plane. The cumulative slope between the same
locations on any vertical plane shall not exceed 1 in 1000. The vertical plane of the work shall be
within ±1.5mm of the theoretical position.
3. Alignment: Adjacent elements of balustrades shall not deviate from either their intended
horizontal or vertical alignment by more than ±2mm.
4. Level of Horizontal/ Raking Members: ±1mm from datum in 1500mm non-cumulative.
5. Plumb of Vertical Members: ±1mm to the vertical in any 1500mm, non-cumulative.
6. Squareness: Any diagonal length across the panel shall not deviate by more than the lesser of
±3mm or ±0.075% of design dimension.
7. Bow: The center section of the element shall not bow by more than the lesser of 3mm or 0.075%
of the length of the element measured from a straight line between the ends of the element.
8. Straightness: Any surface of edge shall not deviate by more than ±2mm from a 2000mm
straightedge placed against it in a direction parallel to the long axis of the element.
9. Flatness: Any surface shall not deviate by more than ±2mm from a 2000mm straightedge placed
against it in any direction.
10. Twist: No section of the element may be twisted by more than 1° from the section at either end of
the element.
C. Touch-up Painting: Immediately after erection, clean Site welds, bolted connections, and abraded
areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop painting in
accordance with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-painted surfaces.
D. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean Site welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing
in accordance with ASTM A780.
A. Protect exposed surfaces during and after installation, with boards, coverings, low tack tapes and
adhesive film. Remove and replace protection as instructed by the Engineer, for inspection; remove
immediately before Taking-Over.
End of Section
4. Where contaminants capable of interfering with adhesion have not yet been removed from joint
A. Special Installer's Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which the Installer agrees to repair or
replace joint sealants that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this
Section within specified warranty period.
1. Warranty Period: 2 years from date of Taking-Over.
B. Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which joint-sealant manufacturer
agrees to furnish joint sealants to repair or replace those that do not comply with performance and
other requirements specified in this Work Section within specified warranty period.
1. Warranty Period: 5 years from date of Taking-Over.
C. Special warranties specified in this article exclude deterioration or failure of joint sealants from the
1. Movement of the structure caused by structural settlement or errors attributable to design or
construction resulting in stresses on the sealant exceeding sealant manufacturer's written
specifications for sealant elongation and compression.
2. Disintegration of joint substrates from natural causes exceeding design specifications.
3. Mechanical damage caused by individuals, tools, or other outside agents.
4. Changes in sealant appearance caused by accumulation of dirt or other atmospheric
A. Source of Supply: Use the same type of product for each item of work and obtain from a single
manufacturer with at least 10 years' experience of producing similar products. Products visible in the
finished work shall be produced from a single production run to ensure uniformity.
A. General
1. General: Comply with the performance requirements specified in Division 01 General
2. Sealed joints shall withstand exposure to environmental conditions to which they will be
subjected whilst accommodating anticipated joint movement.
a) Temperature Change (Range): -5°C to 60°C.
3. Compatibility: Sealants, joint fillers, backer rods and primers in contact with one another shall be
compatible and not cause staining of joint surfaces.
4. Adhesion: Sealants and joint fillers shall firmly bond to the joint surfaces and resist anticipated
imposed loads and joint movements without displacement. Elastometric sealants shall attain a
minimum 66.8N peel strength in tension.
5. Durability and Appearance: Sealants and joint fillers to be serviceable and maintain their
performance for the duration of their service life without the following failures or defects.
a) Adhesive or cohesive failure.
b) Spalling of joint edges.
c) Slumping or folding of surface.
d) Extrusion beyond surfaces adjacent to joint.
e) Inclusions.
f) Crazing of surface greater than 0.1mm in depth.
g) Staining of adjacent surfaces.
h) Blistering of the surface.
i) Puncture of surface.
j) Chalking or color change.
k) Change in 'Shore A' durometer hardness of more than 15% of 7-day value.
l) Displacement.
m) Chemical attack.
A. General
1. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backings, and other related materials that are compatible
with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as
demonstrated by joint sealant manufacturer, based on testing and Site experience.
2. Liquid Applied Joint Sealants: In accordance with ASTM C920 and other requirements indicated
for each liquid applied joint sealant specified, including those referencing ASTM C920
classifications for type, grade, class, and uses related to exposure and joint substrates.
a) Suitability for Immersion in Liquids. Where sealants are indicated for Use I for joints that will
be continuously immersed in liquids, provide products that have undergone testing
according to ASTM C1247. Liquid used for testing sealants is deionized water, unless
otherwise indicated.
3. Stain-Test-Response Characteristics: Where sealants are specified to be non-staining to porous
substrates, provide products that have undergone testing according to ASTM C1248 and have
not stained porous joint substrates indicated for the Project.
4. Suitability for Contact with Food: Where sealants are indicated for joints that will come in
repeated contact with food, provide products that comply with 21 CFR 177.2600.
5. Colors of Exposed Joint Sealants: As selected by the Engineer from manufacturer's full range
and indicated within the applicable Work Sections.
B. Silicone Joint Sealants in accordance with the following:
1. Single-Component, Non-sag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade
NS, Class 100/ 50, for Use NT.
2. Single-Component, Non-sag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade
NS, Class 50, for Use NT.
3. Single-Component, Non-sag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade
NS, Class 25, for Use NT.
4. Single-Component, Non-sag, Acid-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade
NS, Class 25, for Use NT.
5. Single-Component, Non-sag, Traffic-Grade, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920,
Type S, Grade NS, Class 100/ 50, for Use T.
6. Single-Component, Pourable, Traffic-Grade, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920,
Type S, Grade P, Class 100/ 50, for Use T.
7. Multicomponent, Non-sag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type M, Grade
NS, Class 50, for Use NT.
8. Multicomponent, Pourable, Traffic-Grade, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920,
Type M, Grade P, Class 100/ 50, for Use T.
9. Mildew-Resistant, Single-Component, Non-sag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM
C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, for Use NT.
10. Mildew-Resistant, Single-Component, Acid-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S,
Grade NS, Class 25, for Use NT.
C. Urethane Joint Sealants in accordance with the following:
1. Single-Component, Non-sag, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class
100/ 50, for Use NT.
2. Single-Component, Non-sag, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 50,
for Use NT.
3. Single-Component, Non-sag, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25,
for Use NT.
4. Single-Component, Non-sag, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade
NS, Class 25, for Use T.
5. Single-Component, Pourable, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade
P, Class 25, for Use T.
6. Multicomponent, Non-sag, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type M, Grade NS, Class 50,
for Use NT.
7. Multicomponent, Non-sag, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type M, Grade NS, Class 25,
for Use NT.
8. Multicomponent, Non-sag, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type M, Grade
NS, Class 50, for Use T.
9. Multicomponent, Non-sag, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type M, Grade
NS, Class 25, for Use T.
10. Immersible, Single-Component, Non-sag, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920,
Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, for Uses T and I.
11. Immersible, Single-Component, Pourable, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920,
Type S, Grade P, Class 25, for Uses T and I.
12. Immersible Multicomponent, Non-sag, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type
M, Grade NS, Class 25, for Uses T and I.
13. Immersible Multicomponent, Pourable, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTM C920, Type
M, Grade P, Class 25, for Use T and I.
a) Where the structural silicone bonds glass to the cladding framework, the weakest element in
the line of stress shall have a minimum strength of 600kPa or 6 times the design strength,
whichever is the greater, in accordance with ETAG 01/ 015 or ETAG 002 documents which
set out the requirements for use of structural silicone. This criterion shall be proven with a
statistical confidence of 99%. For each combination of substrate and design conditions,
provide a report from the sealant manufacturer for the tests performed in the following
1. Assemble and fully cure under production conditions (not laboratory conditions) a
minimum of 12 No. samples. Each sample shall be a minimum of 150mm long. The
sample shall be made of actual substrate material, including but not limited to, glass
with actual coating (low E and/ or fritting) and aluminum sections with finishes. The
joint geometry shall be as accepted by the Engineer.
2. Double-sided tape or other spacer material shall be installed such that it does not add
to the silicone joint strength.
3. Weather seals shall not be installed on the samples.
4. After full cure the samples shall be totally immersed in tap water at room temperature
for 7 days.
5. Samples shall be tested in a tensometer 25 hours after removal from the water
immersion tank.
6. Each sample shall be subjected to a tensile load test. The crosshead speed shall be
50mm/ min. Continue testing until failure occurs or until 830kPa or 6 times the design
load, whichever is the greater, is applied to the samples. Report the maximum stress
and mode of failure including percentage area of cohesive failure and any area of voids
in the sealant for each sample. Adhesive failure area or void cross section area parallel
to the substrate face greater than 20% is unacceptable.
7. A statistical analysis of results shall indicate a design stress of not less than 600kPa or
6 times the design stress of the sealant, whichever is the greater, with a confidence of
99% over the temperature range as described in the Specification.
8. If the sample set does not meet the requirements of the above criteria, the design of
the failed element shall be revised and subjected to a re-test. This procedure shall
continue until the above requirements have been met.
9. Prepare a report of the above testing. No fabrication shall commence until the results
have been accepted by the Engineer.
10. Retain all test results with regard to the structural silicone glazing for a minimum period
of 15 years from project completion. These shall be made available to the Engineer on
B. Product Testing: Test joint sealants using a qualified testing agency.
1. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing agency qualified according to ASTM
C1021 to conduct the testing indicated.
2. Test according to SWRI's Sealant Validation Program for compliance with requirements specified
by reference to ASTM C920 for adhesion and cohesion under cyclic movement, adhesion-in-
peel, and indentation hardness.
A. Examine joints indicated to receive joint sealants, with the Installer present, for compliance with
requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting joint sealant
B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants in accordance
with joint sealant manufacturer's written instructions and the following requirements.
1. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion of joint
sealant, including dust, paints (except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for
sealant adhesion and compatibility by sealant manufacturer), old joint sealants, oil, grease,
waterproofing, water repellents, water and surface dirt.
2. Clean porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, mechanical abrading, or a
combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing
optimum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining after cleaning operations
above by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. Porous joint substrates
include the following:
a) Concrete.
b) Masonry.
c) Unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile.
d) Exterior insulation and finish systems.
3. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. Grind surfaces to remove old joint
sealers, water repellents and other contamination; provide a smooth surface.
4. Clean nonporous joint substrate surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do not
stain, harm substrates, or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint sealants.
Nonporous joint substrates include the following:
a) Metal.
b) Glass.
c) Porcelain enamel.
d) Glazed surfaces of ceramic tile.
5. Protective Oils: Remove with the sealant manufacturer's joint cleaning solvent or seek advice
from the component supplier.
6. Lacquers and Paints: Check adhesion of coatings to substrate and their compatibility with
sealant. Perform tests for durability and adhesion. Remove unsuitable coatings and apply new
system as necessary to maintain corrosion protection.
7. Plastics: Check procedures with the component manufacturer before using solvents.
B. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where recommended by joint sealant manufacturer or as
indicated by preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer in
accordance with joint sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Confine primers to areas of joint
sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces.
C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of sealant or primer with adjoining
surfaces that otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning
methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without
disturbing joint seal.
D. Mixing: Mix sealants strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and use
materials within the time limits stipulated by the manufacturer.
A. General: Comply with joint sealant manufacturer's written installation instructions for products and
applications indicated, unless more stringent requirements apply.
B. Sealant Installation Standard: In accordance with recommendations in ASTM C1193 for use of joint
sealants as applicable to materials, applications and conditions indicated.
C. Install sealant backings of kind indicated to support sealants during application and at position
required to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that
allow optimum sealant movement capability.
1. Do not leave gaps between ends of sealant backings.
2. Do not stretch, twist, puncture, or tear sealant backings.
3. Remove absorbent sealant backings that have become wet before sealant application and
replace them with dry materials.
D. Install bond-breaker tape behind sealants where sealant backings are not used between sealants and
backs of joints.
E. Install sealants using proven techniques that comply with the following and at the same time backings
are installed.
1. Place sealants so they directly contact and fully wet joint substrates.
2. Completely fill recesses in each joint configuration.
3. Produce uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum
sealant movement capability.
F. Tooling of Non-sag Sealants: Immediately after sealant application and before skinning or curing
begins, tool sealants according to requirements specified in subparagraphs below to form smooth,
uniform beads of configuration indicated; to eliminate air pockets and to ensure contact and adhesion
of sealant with sides of joint.
1. Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joints.
2. Use tooling agents that are approved in writing by sealant manufacturer and that do not discolor
sealants or adjacent surfaces.
3. Provide concave joint profile in accordance with Figure 8A in ASTM C1193, unless otherwise
4. Provide flush joint profile where indicated in accordance with Figure 8B in ASTM C1193.
5. Provide recessed joint configuration of recess depth and at locations indicated in accordance
with Figure 8C in ASTM C1193.
a) Use masking tape to protect surfaces adjacent to recessed tooled joints.
G. Installation of Preformed Silicone Sealant System: Comply with the following requirements.
1. Apply masking tape to each side of joint, outside of area to be covered by sealant system.
2. Apply silicone sealant to each side of joint to produce a bead of size complying with preformed
silicone sealant system manufacturer's written instructions and covering a bonding area of not
less than 10mm. Hold edge of sealant bead 6mm inside masking tape.
3. Within 10 minutes of sealant application, press silicone extrusion into sealant to wet extrusion
and substrate. Use a roller to apply consistent pressure and ensure uniform contact between
sealant and both extrusion and substrate.
4. Complete installation of sealant system in horizontal joints before installing in vertical joints. Lap
vertical joints over horizontal joints. At ends of joints, cut silicone extrusion with a razor knife.
H. Installation of Preformed Foam Sealants: Install each length of sealant immediately after removing
protective wrapping. Do not pull or stretch material. Produce seal continuity at ends, turns, and
intersections of joints. For applications at low ambient temperatures, apply heat to sealant in
compliance with sealant manufacturer's written instructions.
I. Acoustical Sealant Installation: At sound-rated assemblies and elsewhere as indicated, seal
construction at perimeters, behind control joints, and at openings and penetrations with a continuous
bead of acoustical sealant. Install acoustical sealant at both faces of partitions at perimeters and
through penetrations. Installation shall be in accordance with ASTM C919 and with manufacturer's
written recommendations.
A. Site-Adhesion Testing: Site test joint sealant adhesion to joint substrates as follows.
1. Extent of Testing: Test completed and cured sealant joints as follows:
a) Perform 10 No. tests for the first 300m of joint length for each kind of sealant and joint
b) Perform 1 No. test for each 300m of joint length thereafter or 1 No. test each floor per
2. Test Method: Test joint sealants according to Method A, Field-Applied Sealant Joint Hand Pull
Tab, in Appendix X1 in ASTM C1193 or Method A, Tail Procedure, in ASTM C1521.
a) For joints with dissimilar substrates, verify adhesion to each substrate separately; extend
cut along one side, verifying adhesion to opposite side. Repeat procedure for opposite side.
3. Inspect tested joints and report on the following:
a) Whether sealants filled joint cavities and are free of voids.
b) Whether sealant dimensions and configurations comply with specified requirements.
c) Whether sealants in joints connected to pulled-out portion failed to adhere to joint substrates
or tore cohesively. Include data on pull distance used to test each kind of product and joint
substrate. Compare these results to determine if adhesion passes sealant manufacturer's
Site-adhesion hand-pull test criteria.
4. Record test results in a Site-adhesion test log. Include dates when sealants were installed,
names of persons who installed sealants, test dates, test locations, whether joints were primed,
adhesion results and percent elongations, sealant fill, sealant configuration, and sealant
5. Repair sealants pulled from test area by applying new sealants following same procedures used
originally to seal joints. Ensure that original sealant surfaces are clean and that new sealant
contacts original sealant.
B. Evaluation of Site-Adhesion Test Results: Sealants not evidencing adhesive failure from testing or
noncompliance with other indicated requirements shall be considered satisfactory. Remove sealants
that fail to adhere to joint substrates during testing or in accordance with other requirements. Retest
failed applications until test results prove sealants comply with indicated requirements.
A. Clean off excess sealant or sealant smears adjacent to joints as the Work progresses by methods and
with cleaning materials approved in writing by the manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in
which joints occur.
A. Protect joint sealants during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances and
from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so sealants are without
deterioration or damage at time of Taking-Over. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration
occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint sealants immediately so installations with
repaired areas are indistinguishable from original work.
B. Coatings: Do not permit paint or other coatings to be applied near joint surfaces until sealants are
nominally cured.
A. Structural Silicone Maintenance
1. Document an on-going inspection/ maintenance program for the structural silicone and employ
accepted Testing Authorities to carry out these inspections which shall include the following:
a) Cleaning: Specify acceptable detergents and methods to be used.
b) Inspection: Provide forms to be filled out periodically, each pre-dated with the inspection
date and an adequate quantity for the design life of the building. The form shall state the full
procedure for the inspection.
c) Sample Cut-out: Provide forms for periodic cut-out of structural seals and weather seals to
check Shore hardness and tensile properties of the seal.
d) Each of the procedures shall clearly state pass/ fail criteria and indicate action required
when a failure is obtained as a result. The Testing Authority shall be required to produce a
report based on its findings and recommendations for any remedial work to the Engineer.
End of Section
1. Description: Fixed sail anchored by steel tubes including all necessary fastenings and
accessories to complete the installation.
2. Manufacturer: Corradi or acceptable equivalent.
3. Product Reference: Sosta (catalogue VELE 2014).
4. Type: Triangular.
5. Sail Fabric
a) Fabric: Tentmesh fabric.
b) Color: Ivory.
c) Size and Configuration: 5000mm x 5000mm x 5000mm.
6. Support
a) Primary Structure: Aluminum poles anchored directly to the ground using steel tubes (in-
ground securing) into which support poles are inserted, or in the event of existing flooring
(wood, concrete or rock) using a flange with four fastening holes.
b) Pole Support Finish: Anodized.
A. Specific Movements: Refer to the Infrastructure Specification and Design Drawings as applicable and as
prepared by the Structural Engineer.
B. Deflections
1. The work shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any element of the work
or adjacent structural or building elements.
2. All components, couplings and fastenings shall be capable of accommodating all deflection
without permanent distortion, deformation or failure.
3. The magnitude of the allowable deflections shall be reduced if they are detrimental to any part of
the work or their support structure.
C. Design Loads
1. The system shall withstand all dead loads and imposed loads without affecting the system's
ability to meet the specified performance requirements.
2. Self-weight Gravity Loads: The work shall be capable of accommodating the self-weight of the
system including all of its framing and supporting system.
D. Imposed Gravity Loads
1. The work shall be capable of accommodating loads imposed by adjacent and/ or attached
elements that bear onto, are suspended from or fastened to the system.
2. Refer to the Design Drawings for information on such elements and/ or required load capacities.
No elements from other trades shall be fastened to and/ or supported by the canopy, unless
accurately specified, indicated on the Design Drawings and/ or accepted by the Engineer.
E. Live Loads
1. The work shall be capable of accommodating the following live loads without any reduction in
a) All loads resulting from movements of the building structure.
b) Known impact loads, or transferred impact loads, that occur during its service life, without
deterioration in performance and without sustaining non-repairable damage.
c) Sand loads in accordance with the Infrastructure Specification.
d) Wind loads.
F. Imposed Movements: The work shall be capable of accommodating loads imposed upon the system
by defined movements of its supporting structure and/ or other adjacent elements.
G. Wind/ Air Pressure Loads
1. The system shall withstand the effects of positive and negative wind loads as defined in Division
01 General Requirements.
2. The loads created by wind loading as specified shall be accommodated safely, without detriment
to the overall design, structural integrity and performance of the work.
H. Thermal Movements
1. All components shall be designed to resist thermal movement resulting from the maximum and
minimum surface temperatures occurring. The design shall cater for all temporary and permanent
conditions envisaged for the work.
2. The service temperature range for components of the work shall be taken as -25°C and +90°C.
3. The work, including all necessary support structure, shall accommodate changes in dimension
and shape of its components resulting from changes in temperatures without any reduction in the
specified performance.
4. The annual surface temperature ranges for the materials used in the work shall be confirmed
during the Detailed Design period. Due regard shall be made to the effects of orientation of the
building towards the sun.
5. The above thermal movements shall be easily accommodated without buckling, failure, under
stress, damage to fastenings, reduction in performance or any other detrimental effects. The
engineering computation submitted by the Contractor shall clearly identify thermal movements
and demonstrate adequate accommodation of such movements within the system components.
6. Thermal movements shall not result in audible noise.
I. Calculations
1. The Contractor shall be required to retain the services of an approved chartered structural
engineer for the purpose of preparing full and detailed computations. Computations shall be
submitted for all members and fastenings included. Computations shall include:
a) Table of contents.
b) Basic data.
c) Narrative on structural principles, philosophy and assumptions.
d) Summary of deflection and stresses.
e) Summary of joint movements.
f) Summary of fastening loads and loading pattern on building structure.
g) Summary of fastening analysis.
2. Acceptance of the Shop Drawings and computation submitted shall in no way relieve the
Contractor of the necessity of compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
3. Test reports from a recognized laboratory may be acceptable in lieu of calculations for some
components, e.g. inserts and some screw capacities.
J. Solar Performance
1. Exposure to sunlight during the lifetime of the work shall not reduce the performance or visual
appearance of any element/ component.
2. Submit independently certified test data in respect of solar and visible light performance
confirming compliance with the Specification. Maintain facilities to evaluate and report on
expected solar performance under varying conditions of solar radiation and external/ internal air
K. Fire
1. Surface Spread of Flame Classification: In accordance with UL 723 and ASTM E 84.
A. Materials General
1. All materials and components shall be new and shall be suited for the purpose for which they are
to be used.
2. Materials shall be supplied in accordance with relevant standards and test certificates provided
3. Color and Appearance: Color to be selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's standard
range. The coating shall have been applied so as to achieve a surface with no discontinuities,
discolorations, spots or lumps which would be objectionable in appearance to the unaided eye
from a distance of 3000mm, held 1000mm away from a white wall in daylight. This includes any
tears or patches to repair tears, whether carried out in the work or on Site. The coating shall not
discolor because of UV degradation, plasticizer migration, mold growth or other internal changes
within the guarantee period.
4. Site joints to be used only where indicated on the Shop Drawings, unless agreed otherwise with
the Engineer. Aluminum clamps, where used, shall be to grade 6082 TF or acceptable
B. Steel Frames
1. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: In accordance with ASTM A 36/ A 36M.
2. Cold-Formed Steel Tubing: In accordance with ASTM A500/ A500M, grade as required by
structural loads.
3. Steel Pipe: In accordance with ASTM A53/ A53M, standard weight (Schedule 40) unless another
weight is indicated or required by structural loads.
4. Steel Mechanical Tubing: Cold-rolled, electric-resistance-welded carbon or alloy steel tubing in
accordance with ASTM A513 or steel tubing fabricated from steel complying with ASTM A1011/
A1011M and complying with dimensional tolerances in ASTM A500/ A500M.
C. Aluminum Frames: Alloy and temper recommended by canopy manufacturer for type of use and finish
indicated and with not less than the strength and durability properties of alloy and temper required by
structural loads.
1. Aluminum Plate and Sheet: In accordance with ASTM B 209/ B 209M.
C. Frames: Preassemble awning frames in the shop to greatest extent possible. Disassemble units only
as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of
joined pieces. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation.
1. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or
otherwise impairing work.
2. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight edges.
3. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners
where possible. Fabricate slip-fit connections that shall be exposed to weather in a manner to
exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate.
4. Weld corners and connections continuously. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove
welding flux immediately. At exposed corners and connections, finish exposed welds and
surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded
surface matches that of adjacent surface.
5. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Space anchoring
devices to secure metal fabrications in place and to properly transfer loads.
A. Pre-production Material Tests
1. Submit results of the following tests prior to commencement of production. These tests shall be
carried out on actual production material, or on a representative sample of the same standard
and formulation from the membrane manufacturer:
a) Strip tensile (warp and fill).
b) Trapezoidal tear (warp and fill).
c) Wide panel tear test.
d) Seam strength test.
2. Production Material: The membrane manufacturer shall provide certificates with each roll giving
details of cloth batch, coating batch, coated weight.
3. Biaxial Strain Under Pre-stress: Carry out biaxial load extension tests on the actual production
material to establish the appropriate stretch correction factors.
A. Verification of Conditions: Prior to commencing installation, examine the areas and the conditions in
which the work shall be performed. Verify dimensions of the supporting construction, positions of
inserts, and surfaces to receive the work of this Work Section. Notify the Engineer of unsatisfactory
B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Brackets, Support Framework and Attachments: Accurately set out the work. Drill the supporting
structure to receive brackets, support framework and attachments. Attach items using bolts, unless
accepted otherwise by the Engineer. Do not Site-modify support brackets which shall not function as
designed. Separate dissimilar materials as necessary to avoid galvanic corrosion and effectively seal
around penetrations through waterproof membranes and the cladding.
B. Dimensional Checking: Before work begins at the Site, the proposed method of dimensional setting-
out and crosschecking with adjacent trades and elements to satisfy the accuracy requirements shall
be submitted to the Engineer. The checking of any setting-out or of any line or level by the Engineer,
or his representative, shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the
correctness thereof.
A. General: Install canopies at locations and in position indicated, securely connected to supports, free of
rack, and in proper relation to adjacent construction. Use mounting methods of types described and
in compliance with the Shop Drawings and the fabricator's written instructions.
B. Slip fit frame connections accurately together to form hairline joints, and tighten to secure.
C. Weld frame connections that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because
of shipping size limitations.
1. Site Welding: Comply with the following requirements:
a) Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion
resistance of base metals.
b) Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
c) Remove welding flux immediately.
d) At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no
roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent
D. Cable Work
1. The cable lengths shown on the Shop Drawings shall allow for construction stretch.
2. Cables shall be terminated to a tolerance of 1.4mm over the cable length. An additional
tolerance in construction stretch of 1.05% is acceptable.
3. Cables shall only be cut using carborundum disc cutters or other accepted mechanical devices.
Under no circumstances shall thermal cutting be acceptable.
E. Heating: No heating is to be carried out which may result in material properties that do not conform to
the specified requirements for the as-supplied material. Provide heating procedures before
commencement of the work.
F. Anchoring to In-Place Construction: Use anchors, fasteners, fittings, hardware, and installation
accessories where necessary for securing awnings to structural support and for properly transferring
load to in-place construction.
G. Attach using concealed fasteners with allowances for differential movement between components.
H. Separate dissimilar materials to prevent galvanic corrosion.
I. Corrosion Protection: Coat concealed surfaces of aluminum that come in contact with grout, concrete,
masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals with a heavy coat of bituminous paint.
J. Coordinate awning installation with flashing and joint-sealant installation so these materials are
installed in sequence and in a manner that prevents exterior moisture from passing through completed
exterior wall and roof assemblies.
K. The work, when installed, shall not be subject to warping or twisting and shall be strictly rigid, firm,
free from vibration, knocking, rattles, squeaks and other noises when subject to the worst combination
of environmental conditions and wind loads.
L. Lightning Protection and Earth Bonding
1. Bonding to metal components shall be provided to ensure continuity between adjacent sections,
both vertically and horizontally over the whole façade. Bonding between sections shall have a
minimum cross section of 50mm².
2. Bonding to structural steelwork shall be carried out at intervals as indicated on the Design
3. Provide studs/ bolts for subsequent connection.
4. All straps/ connections shall be concealed.
M. Erection Tolerances
1. Submit a Method Statement including a schedule of tolerances for review by the Engineer.
2. Dimensional variations in the building frame and/ or work surrounding or supporting the work of
this Work Section are as determined in the Site measurement of the work in place.
A. Cleaning During On Site Assembly
1. As a component of the quality assurance program, ensure that techniques are employed during
on-Site assembly to avoid the collection and entrapment of swarf, dust and construction debris,
within the interstices of the systems.
2. Advertising or other stickers, labels or the like shall be removed from the system/ materials/
products on arrival at Site, and all others similarly throughout the duration of the work.
B. Final Cleaning
1. Upon Substantial Completion of the work and prior to the date of Taking-Over, thoroughly clean
and inspect the exterior surface of the installed work.
2. Each cleaning compound proposed for use shall be acceptable to the manufacturers of the
various components and finishes of the systems.
3. Obtain from each relevant manufacturer, written recommendations and approvals relating to the
use of each cleaning compound proposed prior to the application of any of the proposed cleaning
compounds. Submit for acceptance details of the cleaning compounds proposed for use and
proposed application methods for each product.
C. Adjust hardware and moving parts to function smoothly, and lubricate as recommended by
retractable-awning manufacturer.
D. Touchup Painting: Immediately after erection, clean Site welds, connections, and abraded areas.
Paint uncoated and abraded areas with same or compatible material as used for shop-applied finish
E. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean Site welds, connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to
comply with ASTM A780.
A. Provide temporary coverings to protect items during construction, and as recommended by the
manufacturer. Remove protection at Taking-Over.
B. Protection of Cables and Fittings
1. All wires from which steel cables are made shall be galvanized.
2. Either before or after fabrication, as appropriate, and prior to galvanizing, all the millscale rust
and grease shall be removed by grit blasting. Light steelwork or steel forging may be cleaned by
total immersion in hydrochloric or sulphuric acid.
End of Section
c) Finish and Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Frames, Supports and Mounting: Manufacturer's standard.
4. Game 1.2
a) Product Reference: The Curve of light or acceptable equivalent.
b) Size and Configuration: Manufacturer's standard.
c) Finish and Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Frames, Supports and Mounting: Manufacturer's standard.
F. Type EXE-411 Play Equipment 2
1. Description: Outdoor play equipment including all necessary accessories and fastenings to
complete the installation.
2. Game 2.1
a) Manufacturer: Richter Spielgerate GmbH or acceptable equivalent.
b) Product Reference: Jumping Disc or acceptable equivalent.
c) Size and Configuration: Manufacturer's standard.
d) Finish and Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
e) Frames, Supports and Mounting: Manufacturer's standard.
3. Game 2.2
a) Manufacturer: Berliner Seil fabrik or acceptable equivalent.
b) Product Reference: Peak.01 90.292.001 or acceptable equivalent.
c) Product Description: Climbing tower with bamboo panels an access net, rope ladder,
climbing rope and a straight banister.
d) Size and Configuration: Manufacturer's standard.
e) Finish and Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
G. Type EXE-412 Play Equipment 3
1. Description: Outdoor play equipment including all necessary accessories and fastenings to
complete the installation.
2. Manufacturer: Markus Ehring-play points or acceptable equivalent.
3. Game 3.1
a) Product Reference: The Dish or acceptable equivalent.
b) Size and Configuration: Manufacturer's standard.
c) Finish and Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Frames, Supports and Mounting: Manufacturer's standard.
4. Game 3.2
a) Product Reference: The leaves N°2 or acceptable equivalent.
b) Size and Configuration: Manufacturer's standard.
c) Finish and Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Frames, Supports and Mounting: Manufacturer's standard.
H. Type EXE-415 Play Equipment 4
1. Description: Outdoor play equipment including all necessary accessories and fastenings to
complete the installation.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: Pyracord or acceptable equivalent.
4. Size and Configuration: Manufacturer's standard.
5. Finish and Color: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
6. Frames, Supports and Mounting: Manufacturer's standard.
I. Type EXE-901 Four-Legged Jack Stand
1. Description: Play equipment for outdoor usage including all necessary fasteners and accessories
to complete the installation.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Size and Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Frames and Supports: Manufacturer's standard.
6. Finish: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
F. Impact and Abrasion Resistance: The work shall resist abrasion from agreed cleaning methods and
maintenance systems without any noticeable change in surface appearance. Generally, surfaces shall
be sufficiently hard to resist all reasonable impacts from hand-held objects.
A. Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by the manufacturer for type of use and finish indicated.
1. Extruded Bars, Profiles, and Tubes: In accordance with ASTM B221/ B221M.
2. Cast Aluminum: In accordance with ASTM B179.
3. Flat Sheet: In accordance with ASTM B209/ B209M.
B. Steel shall be in accordance with the following.
1. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A36/ A36M, hot-dip galvanized.
2. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53/ A53M or ASTM A135/ A135M standard-weight, hot-dip galvanized.
3. Steel Tubing: ASTM A513, cold formed, hot-dip galvanized.
4. Steel Sheet: ASTM A1011/ A1011M, hot-dip galvanized not less than G60 (Z180) coating
5. Perforated Metal: Steel sheet not less than 1.9mm/ 2.3mm/ 3.0mm uncoated thickness; hot-dip
galvanized; manufacturer's standard perforation pattern.
6. Expanded Metal: Manufacturer's standard carbon-steel sheets in accordance with ASTM F1267,
Type II (expanded and flattened); deburred after expansion.
7. Woven Wire Mesh: Manufacturer's standard, with wire in accordance with ASTM A510/ A510M.
C. Stainless Steel Sheet: In accordance with ASTM A240/ A240M or ASTM A666; Type 304; finished on
exposed faces with No. 2B finish.
D. Certified Wood: Fabricate the following playground equipment with wood components produced from
wood obtained from forests certified by an FSC-accredited certification body in accordance with FSC
STD-01-001, "FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship":
E. Wood: Surface smooth on all sides and all edges rounded, Douglas fir, preservative treated after
fabrication/ Pine, preservative treated after fabrication/ Western red cedar.
F. Softwood Plywood: In accordance with U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) PS 1 Standard,
Exterior; smooth surface with rounded edges; preservative treated after fabrication. Refer to Section
060573 Wood Treatment.
G. Opaque Plastic: Color impregnated, UV stabilized, and mold resistant.
1. Polyethylene: Fabricated from virgin or recycled plastic resin; rotationally molded HDPE, LLDPE,
or MDPE with not less than 6mm wall thickness.
H. Transparent Plastic: Abrasion-resistant, UV-stabilized monolithic polycarbonate sheet; clear, colorless;
not less than 5mm thick.
I. Chain and Fittings: In accordance with ASTM A 467/ A 467M, Class CS, 4/ 0 or 5/ 0, welded-straight-
link coil chain; hot-dip galvanized, zinc plated or PVC coated. With commercial-quality, hot-dip
galvanized or zinc-plated steel connectors and swing or ring hangers.
J. Castings and Hangers: Malleable iron, in accordance with ASTM A 47/ A 47M, Grade 32510, hot-dip
K. Post Caps: Cast aluminum or color-impregnated, UV-stabilized, mold-resistant polyethylene or
polypropylene; color to match posts.
L. Platform Clamps and Hangers: Cast aluminum or zinc-plated steel, not less than 2.7mm nominal
M. Hardware: Manufacturer's standard; commercial-quality; corrosion-resistant; hot-dip galvanized steel
and iron, stainless steel, or aluminum; of a secure and vandal-resistant design.
N. Fasteners
1. Manufacturer's standard; corrosion-resistant; hot-dip galvanized or plated steel and iron, or
stainless steel; permanently capped, and theft resistant.
2. Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 304/ Type 316 stainless steel fasteners for interior/
exterior use.
O. Wood Preservative-Treated Materials: Refer to Section 060573 Wood Treatment for preservative
treatment requirements.
P. Cast-In-Place Concrete: Refer to Section 033000 Cast-in-Place Concrete.
1. Concrete Materials and Properties: Comply with requirements in accordance with ACI 301/ ACI
301M to produce normal-weight, air-entrained concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive
strength of 20.7 mPa, 75mm slump, and maximum 25mm size aggregate.
2. Concrete Materials and Properties: Dry-packaged concrete mix in accordance with ASTM C 387/
C 387M and mixed at Site with potable water, according to manufacturer's written instructions, to
produce normal-weight concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 20.7MPa,
75mm slump, and maximum 25mm size aggregate.
A. General: Provide sizes, strengths, thicknesses, wall thickness, and weights of components as
indicated on the Shop Drawings but not less than required in accordance with structural performance
and other requirements in ASTM F 1487. Factory drill components for Site assembly. Unnecessary
holes in components, not required for field assembly, are not permitted. Provide complete play
structure, including supporting members and connections, means of access and egress, designated
play surfaces, barriers, guardrails, handrails, handholds, and other components indicated or required
in accordance with referenced standards for equipment indicated on the Shop Drawings.
1. Composite Play Structure: Provide complete play structure, designed to be modular, linked, and
expandable, forming 1 No. integral unit for more than 1 No. play activity.
B. Metal Frame: Fabricate main-frame upright support posts from metal pipe or tubing with cross-section
profile and dimensions as indicated on the $PREDEFINED_WORKING_DRAWINGS. Unless
otherwise indicated, provide each pipe or tubing main-frame member with the manufacturer's standard
drainable bottom plate or support flange. Fabricate secondary frame members, bracing, and
connections from either steel or aluminum.
C. Wood Frame: Fabricate main-frame upright support posts from wood species and with profile and
dimensions as indicated on the $PREDEFINED_WORKING_DRAWINGS. Fabricate secondary frame
members, bracing, and connections from wood, steel, or aluminum.
D. Composite Frame: Fabricate main-frame upright support posts from metal and plastic with profile and
dimensions as indicated on the $PREDEFINED_WORKING_DRAWINGS. Fabricate secondary frame
members, bracing, and connections from either steel or aluminum.
E. Play Surfaces: Provide the manufacturer's standard elevated drainable decks, platforms, landings,
walkways, ramps, and similar transitional play surfaces, designed to withstand loads; fabricated from
perforated or expanded metal, molded plastic, plastic panel or plank, recycled polyethylene panel or
plank and wood plank to suit the design requirements, made into floor units with slip-resistant foot
surfaces. Fabricate units in the manufacturer's standard modular sizes and shapes to form
assembled play surfaces indicated.
1. Elevated Play Surfaces: Provide protective devices, completely surrounding play surface except
for access openings, if play-surface heights above protective surfacing exceed requirements in
ASTM F 1487 and CPSC No. 325.
2. Stepped Play Surfaces: Provide protective infill between stepped platforms.
F. Protective Barriers: Fabricated such that openings within the barrier and between the barrier and the
play surface preclude passage of the torso probe according to the most stringent requirements in
ASTM F 1487 and CPSC No. 325. Provide barriers designed to minimize the possibility of climbing,
free of hand and footholds, and configured to completely surround the protected area except for
access openings. Extend barriers above the protected elevated surface for use by age group
indicated by the manufacturer.
G. Guardrails: Provide guardrails configured to completely surround the protected area except for access
openings. Fabricate from welded metal pipe or tubing; or metal pipe or tubing, and wood. Extend
guardrails in accordance with requirements for use by age group indicated by the manufacturer.
H. Handrails: Welded metal pipe or tubing.
1. Provide handrails at heights in accordance with requirements for use by age group indicated in
accordance with ASTM F 1487 and CPSC No. 325.
I. Roofs and Canopies: Manufacturer's standard, designed to be positioned overhead and to discourage
and minimize climbing by users.
J. Signs: Manufacturer's standard sign panels attached to upright support posts.
A. Aluminum Finishes
1. Refer to Section 050513 Shop Applied Coatings for Metal.
2. Baked-Enamel or Powder-Coat Finish: Manufacturer's standard, baked, polyester, powder-coat
finish complying with the finish manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation,
including pretreatment, application, baking, and minimum dry film thickness.
3. PVC Finish: Manufacturer's standard, UV-stabilized, mold-resistant, slip-resistant, matte-textured,
dipped or sprayed-on, PVC-plastisol finish, with flame retardant added, complying with the
coating manufacturer's written instructions for pretreatment and application.
B. Iron and Steel Finishes
1. Refer to Section 050513 Shop Applied Coatings for Metal.
2. Galvanizing: Hot-dip galvanized products made from rolled-, pressed-, and forged-steel shapes,
castings, plates, bars, and strips indicated to be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 123/ A
a) Hot-dip galvanized steel and iron hardware indicated to be galvanized in accordance with
ASTM A 153/ A 153M.
b) Galvanized-Steel Sheet: Commercial steel sheet, hot-dip galvanized, in accordance with
ASTM A 653/ A 653M for not less than G60 (Z180) coating designation; mill phosphatized.
3. Baked-Enamel or Powder-Coat Finish: Immediately after cleaning and pretreating, apply the
manufacturer's standard 2-coat, baked-on finish consisting of prime coat and thermosetting
topcoat. Comply with the coating manufacturer's written instructions for applying and baking.
7. Accurately cut and form the materials to the required shape and profile with all exposed surfaces
free from irregularities and defects. Carefully fit and match all components before assembly to
maintain continuity of line between them. Provide hairline joints between contact surfaces of non-
welded joints, unless indicated otherwise on the $PREDEFINED_WORKING_DRAWINGS.
Complete all cutting, drilling, welding, before the application of final finishes.
8. Drill, countersink and tap components as necessary to receive threaded fasteners. Use
concealed fasteners wherever possible. Set out exposed fasteners where permitted in an even
9. Accurately align components and rigidly secure all non-moving joints by welding or fastening with
machine screws or bolts. Reinforce joints and components as necessary to achieve the required
strength and provide proper joint fastening. Ensure that no areas of unfinished material are
visible in the finished work. Drive in all exposed fasteners level and flush with the adjacent
surfaces. Disassemble the work only to the extent necessary to facilitate transportation to Site.
F. Metalwork
1. All inaccessible steel shall be properly protected against corrosion for the design life of the work.
2. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent bimetallic corrosion between dissimilar metals and
to isolate aluminum components from cementitious surfaces.
3. No welds other than those indicated on the Shop Drawings, even for temporary attachments or
repairs, shall be acceptable unless accepted in advance by the Engineer. If welded temporary
connections are agreed upon, then the welding and removal of the connection shall be in
accordance with AWS requirements.
4. Vent holes in hollow sections shall be sealed in a manner that shall prevent the ingress of
moisture. The proposed method of achieving this requirement shall be submitted for review by
the Engineer.
G. Welding
1. Weld connections only when permitted; do not weld galvanized materials or connections
intended for bolting.
2. Weld only those items that can be ground and finished to match the appearance of the adjacent
3. Weld continuously along joints without causing distortion, discoloration or other imperfections in
the finished work.
4. Grind welds smooth and imperceptible in the finished work.
H. Installation Tolerances
1. A high degree of accuracy shall be employed in the fabrication and installation of the work and
support structures.
2. At the time of completion, the visual requirements of the work are such that within any planning
grid section the allowable tolerances are achieved.
3. On-Site Dimensions:
a) All dimensions to be checked on Site.
b) The final design shall accommodate all specified tolerances and differences between actual
Site dimensions and dimensions indicated on the Shop Drawings.
c) The work shall be erected in proper alignment in relation to established lines and grades as
indicated on the Shop Drawings and account shall be taken of the installation tolerance
requirements of the panel system such that units are accurately located.
d) Cut-outs for interfacing work shall be to the dimensions indicated on the Design Drawings
A. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified testing agency to perform tests and inspections.
B. Perform tests and inspections.
1. Manufacturer's Site Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect
components, assemblies, and equipment installations, including connections, and to assist in
C. Tests and Inspections: For playground and playground equipment and components during installation
and at final completion and to certify compliance with ASTM F 1487 and CPSC No. 325.
D. Prepare test and inspection reports.
E. Notify the Engineer 48 hours in advance of date and time of final inspection.
A. Cleaning
1. If stainless steel has not been protected by adhesive film, thoroughly clean prior to presentation
to the Engineer for acceptance.
2. Upon completion remove debris and unused materials from the Site and dispose of safely. Clean
the work of dirt, splashes and excess material. Make good adjacent surfaces marred by the
execution of the work, to the acceptance of the Engineer.
B. Adjusting: Make good fastening holes and minor damage to the acceptance of the Engineer. Return
items to the shop that cannot be satisfactorily repaired on Site for refinishing or replacement.
A. Do not deliver components to Site until required and do not remove protective packaging/ coverings
until immediately before required for fastening.
B. Keep components and completed work clean and dry, and adequately protect from physical damage
until Taking-Over.
End of Section
C. Handrail
1. Type BAL-105 Wooden Handrail and Railing
a) Description: Wooden handrail and railing including all necessary fastenings and accessories
to complete the installation.
b) Wood: Locally sourced planed wood and untreated. This type of wood should be selected to
withstand the weather without being treated, as accepted by the Engineer.
c) Dimension/ Unit Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
d) Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
e) Construction/ Support: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
f) All fastenings shall be concealed.
D. Seating and Tables
1. Type EXE-201 Rambla Bench
a) Description: Bench seating including all necessary fastenings and accessories to complete
the installation.
b) Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
c) Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer form the manufacturer's full range.
d) Size and Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
e) Material: Quarried stone.
f) Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
g) Mounting: Free standing.
2. Type EXE-202 Park Curved Bench
a) Description: Curved seating bench including all necessary fastenings and accessories to
complete the installation.
b) Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
c) Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Size and Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
e) Material: Local limestone block with a chamfer.
f) Finish: Flamed.
g) Mounting: Manufacturer's standard and as accepted by the Engineer.
3. Type EXE-205 Curved Stone Block Saw-In-Place
a) Description: Curved stone block feature including all necessary fastenings and accessories
to complete the installation.
b) Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
c) Stone: Local limestone for curved blocks.
d) Size and Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
e) Finish: Flamed face, Sawn face or Rough cut.
f) Mounting: Manufacturer's standard and as accepted by the Engineer.
E. Trash Receptacles
1. Type EXE-101 Trash Bin
a) Description: Trash receptacle with ash receptacle function.
b) Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
c) Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Size and Dimension: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
e) Material:
1. Body and Lid: Manufacturer's standard and as accepted by the Engineer.
2. Separater: Manufacturer's standard and as accepted by the Engineer.
f) Liner: Manufacturer's standard and as accepted by the Engineer.
1. Mounting: Manufacturer's standard and as accepted by the Engineer.
g) Fastenings/ Fixings: Manufacturer's standard components in accordance with the
manufacturer's written installation instructions.
F. Water Feature
1. Type EXH-720 Water Feature Park
a) Description: Exterior water feature comprising of stone masonry and metal elements
including all fasteners and accessories to complete the installation.
1. Elements:
a) Stone Masonry: Type BLK-410 Regular-coursed Rubble Stone Masonry Unit.
Refer to Section 044200 Exterior Stone Cladding.
b) Cast-in-Situ Concrete: Type CON-101 Cast-in-Situ Concrete. Refer to Section
033000 Cast-in-Place Concrete.
c) Water Inlet: Type AM-301 Water Inlet Stainless Steel. Refer to Section 055000
Metal Fabrication.
d) Gargoyle: Type AM-302 Gargoyle Brass. Refer to Section 055000 Metal
e) Tile: Type EXH-215 Mosaic Tile. Refer to Section 321400 Unit Paving.
f) Coping: Type EXH-310 Stone Coping. Refer to Section 321600 Curbs and
2. Fastenings/ Fixings: Manufacturer's standard components in accordance with the
manufacturer's written installation instructions.
3. Mounting: Anchoring under the impacting surface; fixing to concrete foundation.
2. Type EXH-725 Dry Placed Stone (Water Feature)
a) Description: Stone water feature including all necessary fastenings and accessories to
complete the installation.
b) Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
c) Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Size and Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
e) Frames and Configuration: Manufacturer's standard.
f) Finish: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
g) Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
h) Mounting: Anchoring under the impacting surface; fixing to concrete foundation.
3. Type EXH-726 Dry Placed Stone Oasis (Water Feature)
a) Description: Stone water feature including all necessary fastenings and accessories to
complete the installation.
b) Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
c) Size and Configuration: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
d) Frames and Supports: Manufacturer's standard.
e) Finish: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
f) Color: As selected by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
g) Mounting: Anchoring under the impacting surface; fixing to concrete foundation.
A. Specific Live Loads
1. The works shall be capable of accommodating the following live loads without any reduction in
a) A horizontal line load applied to the works in accordance with the International Building
Code and the Infrastructure Specification.
B. Durability
1. The design life of the works shall be not less than the design life and service life requirements
specified in Division 01 General Requirements and require the minimum of maintenance.
2. The performance criteria shall be satisfied for the full design life of the works, provided always
that the maintenance has been carried out as specified in the Specification.
3. The finished work shall resist heavy impacts from hand-held objects without any noticeable
change to the surface appearance.
4. The works shall maintain its original appearance throughout its design life, when maintained in
accordance with an accepted program, without failure and without developing an objectionable
appearance as a result of defects in the design, materials or workmanship.
5. Failure shall be defined as breakage, excessive wear, displacement, unevenness, edging of
joints or rattle of any metal. An objectionable appearance shall include discoloration, staining,
cracking and/ or displacement of joint material.
6. Corrosion Protection:
9. Accurately align components and rigidly secure all non-moving joints by welding or fastening with
machine screws or bolts. Reinforce joints and components as necessary to achieve the required
strength and provide proper joint fastening. Ensure that no areas of unfinished material are
visible in the finished work. Drive in all exposed fasteners level and flush with the adjacent
surfaces. Disassemble the works only to the extent necessary to facilitate transportation to Site.
C. Metalwork
1. All inaccessible steel shall be properly protected against corrosion for the design life of the
2. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent bimetallic corrosion between dissimilar metals and
to isolate aluminum components from cementitious surfaces.
3. No welds other than those indicated on the Shop Drawings, even for temporary attachments or
repairs, shall be acceptable unless accepted in advance by the Engineer. If welded temporary
connections are agreed upon, then the welding and removal of the connection shall be in
accordance with AWS requirements.
4. Vent holes in hollow sections shall be sealed in a manner that shall prevent the ingress of
moisture. The proposed method of achieving this requirement shall be submitted for review by
the Engineer.
D. Welding
1. Weld connections only when permitted; do not weld galvanized materials or connections
intended for bolting.
2. Weld only those items that can be ground and finished to match the appearance of the adjacent
3. Weld continuously along joints without causing distortion, discoloration or other imperfections in
the finished work.
4. Grind welds smooth and imperceptible in the finished work.
E. Adhesives
1. Surfaces to receive adhesive shall be sound, unfrozen and free from dust, grease and any other
contamination likely to affect bond. Where necessary, clean surfaces using methods and
materials recommended by the adhesive manufacturer.
2. Surfaces shall be sufficiently smooth and even to suit the gap-filling and bonding characteristics
of the adhesive. Prepare as necessary.
3. Operatives shall observe both the manufacturers' and statutory requirements for storage and
safe usage of adhesives.
4. No adhesives shall be used in unsuitable environmental conditions or beyond the manufacturer's
recommended maximum shelf life or open-pot time periods.
5. Adhesives shall be applied using recommended spreaders/ applicators to ensure correct
coverage. Bring surfaces together within the recommended time period and apply pressure
evenly over the full area of contact surfaces to ensure full bonding.
6. Surplus adhesive shall be removed using methods and materials recommended by the adhesive
manufacturer and without damage to affected surfaces.
A. Installation Tolerances
1. A high degree of accuracy shall be employed in the fabrication and installation of the works and
support structures.
2. At the time of completion, the visual requirements of the works are such that within any planning
grid section the allowable tolerances are achieved.
3. On-Site Dimensions:
a) All dimensions to be checked on Site.
b) The final design shall accommodate all specified tolerances and differences between actual
Site dimensions and dimensions as indicated on the Shop Drawings.
c) The works shall be erected in proper alignment in relation to established lines and grades
as indicated on the Shop Drawings and account shall be taken of the installation tolerance
requirements of the panel system such that units are accurately located.
d) Cut-outs for interfacing works shall be to the dimensions as indicated on the Design
Drawings ±1mm.
A. Cleaning
1. If stainless steel has not been protected by adhesive film, thoroughly clean prior to presentation
to the Engineer for acceptance.
2. Upon completion remove debris and unused materials from the Site and dispose of safely. Clean
the work of dirt, splashes and excess material. Make good adjacent surfaces marred by the
execution of the work, to the acceptance of the Engineer.
B. Adjusting: Make good fastening holes and minor damage to the acceptance of the Engineer. Return
items to the shop that cannot be satisfactorily repaired on Site for refinishing or replacement.
A. Do not deliver components to the Site until required and do not remove protective packaging/
coverings until immediately before required for fastening.
B. Keep components and completed work clean and dry, and adequately protect from physical damage
until Taking-Over.
End of Section
12. Valve charts and irrigation valve operation schedule complete with controller station number,
size, flows sequence of operation and operating time.
E. Post Contract Samples: Not required.
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017800
Closeout Submittals and submit the following.
1. Warranties.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Manuals: Include component list with the manufacturer's
reference numbers, descriptions of materials and procedures for repairing and cleaning of
finishes; and cleaning frequency.
3. All work included under this section shall be warranted by the Contractor against all defects and
malfunction of materials & workmanship for a period of one year from the date of final
acceptance. Should problems arise during the warranty period, all necessary repairs &/ or
replacements shall be made by the Contractor in an expedient manner at no additional cost to
the Owner.
B. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer Establishment Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Manual
for acceptance at Taking-Over. The final content of the manual shall be agreed with the Engineer but
shall include the following:
1. Design basis of irrigation system.
2. As-built Drawings.
3. Logic of operation of the systems.
4. Description of Equipment:
a) Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions.
b) Performance curves, data sheets, test reports, relevant catalogues and warranties.
c) Complete nomenclature, illustrations, assembly drawings, diagrams required for
maintenance and commercial number of replaceable parts.
5. Operating Procedures:
a) Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions.
b) Regulation, control, stopping, shut down and emergency instructions.
c) Summer and winter operating instructions.
d) Special operating instructions.
6. Maintenance Procedures:
a) Routine operations.
b) Guide to trouble shooting.
c) Disassembly repairs and reassembles.
d) Alignment, adjusting and checking.
7. Valve charts and irrigation valve operation schedule complete with controller station number,
size, flows sequence of operation and operating time.
8. Spare Parts:
a) List of recommended spare parts.
b) Names, contact numbers and addresses of spare part suppliers.
9. Bill of Quantities of Material used in the contract.
C. Depending on the Project scope of works this manual should be incorporated with Landscape soft
works and other Landscape hard works maintenance as 1 complete volume.
D. Once approved, the Contractor shall prepare and submit 3 No. sets of fully book bound manuals with
the original manufacturer's technical catalogues, literature and other similar documents and 1 No. soft
PDF copy on CD with scanned literature as necessary at final completion handing over.
E. Note: Allow 14-days for Engineer's review of drawings and manuals.
A. Upon completion of installation, request the Engineer to review works to determine if work is
substantially complete. Submit a request of a minimum 5 days prior to the anticipated inspection date.
If work is substantially complete, the Owner shall issue a Taking-Over letter identifying
commencement of Guarantees Period.
1. If work is not substantially complete, Engineer shall issue a written list of outstanding work to be
done on a timely schedule agreed upon by the Contractor and the Engineer.
2. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when outstanding work is completed and ready for
review. When outstanding work is complete, as determined by Engineer a letter of Taking-Over
shall be issued.
D. During the maintenance period, the Contractor shall carry out maintenance of the irrigation and
planting strictly in accordance with the approved Establishment Operations and Maintenance (O+M)
Manual accepted by the Engineer. Depending on the project's scope of works this manual should be
incorporated with irrigation and other hard landscape maintenance as one complete volume.
E. The extent of the works to be maintained by the Contractor shall be deemed to cover and include all
soft landscape areas and irrigation systems within the overall Project boundaries as indicated on the
contract drawings.
A. The Contractor shall ensure that a senior qualified supervisor and planning engineer are made
available for organising and running the maintenance program. The Contractor shall also have
available an experienced irrigation technician who can supervise a team of plumbers and helpers on a
day-to-day basis who would be responsible for operation and maintenance in the downstream side.
Pumping station operation and maintenance would be under the responsibility of a separate team of
operatives and maintenance staff reporting to the pumping station technician.
B. The maintenance team should carry the essential tools and the spare fittings at all times.
A. General
1. Repair or replace broken hardware and pipes with materials that match the originals. Test all
2. Identify leaks and repair them promptly. Signs of leakage include particularly green spots, soggy
areas around spray heads and above ground hoses, jammed spray heads and torn hoses.
3. Shut off irrigation systems and adjust whenever irrigation water falls or runs onto hard surfaces
such as sidewalks, streets or driveways.
4. As plants mature, add or relocate system components as needed to maintain uniform distribution
of water. Ensure that system modifications do not exceed the system watering capacity.
B. System Pressure
1. The system pressure has to be monitored on the daily basis. The pressure drop is mainly due to
leakage in the system, which has to be attended immediately.
2. The pressure drop in the filter needs to be checked and if the drop exceeds 0.5 bars the
automatic flushing should start.
C. Irrigation Controller The following is a checklist for the controller.
1. Check the scheduled functioning of the controller.
2. Check for any faulty or tripped stations.
3. Reset automatic controllers according to the changing/ seasonal needs of the plants. Irrigation
systems should be rescheduled quarterly to correct run times.
4. Program the irrigation controller for multiple start times on watering by sprayers to reduce runoff
and deep percolation below root zone. Drip systems should NOT be cycled in this manner.
5. Any changes or an alteration in the controller has to be with prior permission of the Engineer.
D. Solenoid Valves, Quick Coupling Valves and Air Valves
1. All these valves are to be monitored for efficient working during the operation of the system.
2. Inspect the valves to see if they operate without slamming open or closed in order to prevent
damage from surges.
A. Flush valves are provided at the end of the main line if it is not a ring main design and at the end of
each drip laterals. The lines have to be flushed every 3 weeks to maintain the proper workings of the
A. The downstream pressure has to be adjusted in the pressure regulator module of the solenoid valve
and set to the design pressure before starting the irrigation system.
B. With the use of TSE water, the solenoid valves are subjected to clogging and interrupt in the
continuous operation of the system. Hence periodic servicing in every year is recommended. The
Contractor should follow the manufacturer's instruction for the servicing. Any part, which is faulty, has
to be replaced immediately.
C. The gate valve in the solenoid valve assembly should be closed and opened slowly in order to avoid
D. If the valve and or the valve box need to be changed, make sure that the identifying tags are
maintained on the box and the valve.
E. The Y-strainer installed with solenoid valve also needs to be cleaned thoroughly minimum in every 2
months or more frequently so as to improve the smooth working of the system.
A. Drip lines and emitters
1. With constant movement of people and machinery during maintenance of the landscape drip
lines and emitters are likely to get displaced from its original position causing plants to yellow.
Therefore the position has to be adjusted as and when required.
2. The chances of salt build up and sand accumulation are high in drip irrigation system and hence
drip tubes are to be flushed and emitters are to be cleaned periodically. A regular maintenance
program of inspection and flushing shall prevent emitter clogging.
B. Bubblers
1. The debris in the water can clog the filters of the bubbler and water emission uniformity shall be
substantially reduced, affecting the efficiency of the system. Filter cleaning has to be performed
2. In case the flow of bubbler is still less, check the point of connection for blockage or bending and
C. Sprayers
1. The coverage radius and the flow may have to change depending on water application rate and
can be adjusted by turning the screw on top of the nozzle. The tension of the spring has to be
checked for positive retraction under any conditions. Inspect alignment of the check valves for
eliminating leaks and puddles at the lower heads, protecting landscape from damage and
erosion while reducing wastage of water.
2. The filter beneath the nozzle gets clogged with debris and needs to be cleaned to ensure uniform
D. Rotors
1. Arc and radius adjustment has to be made from time to time for proper coverage. The tension of
the spring has to be checked for positive retraction under any conditions. Inspect alignment of
the check valves for eliminating leaks and puddles at the lower heads, protecting landscape from
damage and erosion while reducing wastage of water.
2. The filter at the bottom of the rotors gets clogged and should be cleaned in every year to ensure
uniform coverage.
A. The maintenance team should be well equipped with tools and fittings to attend to the repair
immediately in coordination with the supervisor and Engineer if required. If excavation is to be done,
following points should be considered.
1. The excavation area should be demarked with warning tape.
2. The area shall be isolated using the isolation valve.
3. Care should be taken for not to damage the nearby plants and vegetation.
4. For excavating grass area, lay plastic sheet and put the excavated soil on the plastic.
5. Care should be taken not to mix the topsoil with soil of lower layer.
6. The replacing materials should be the same as specified and used in the system. Any materials
other than specified require prior permission of the Engineer and As-built Drawings updated
7. Proper thrust block have to be provided if required.
8. After backfilling, proper levelling has to be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
A. Operations and Maintenance (O+M) Schedule: Within 7 days of Taking-Over (PAC), the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer for acceptance a comprehensive Operations and Maintenance (O+M)
Schedule that includes methodology for addressing all horticultural and other issues explained in this
section for each location and plant species. This shall include any other maintenance of landscape.
B. Daily Records: The Contractor shall keep records of daily operations undertaken in relation to
maintenance works. This shall include activities and procedures carried out on a day-to-day basis,
and be submitted with the Monthly Report.
C. Weekly Programme Schedule
1. The Contractor's Supervisor shall inspect the Site once per week during the maintenance period
and shall prepare a brief schedule of operations required for the coming week. The format for the
schedule of operations shall cover each distinct area of the site. The schedule shall describe the
operations the contractor intends to carry out in the coming week to cover the items listed in the
specification and to ensure that the current weather conditions and growing performance, insect
attack, and other similar elements are taken into account.
2. A copy of this schedule is to be submitted to the Engineer every week so that a running record of
proposed operations can be checked at the maintenance inspections each month. If in the
opinion of the Engineer the maintenance works have not been satisfactorily carried out according
to site conditions and the specifications, part of the monthly payment shall be withheld until the
works have been satisfactorily carried out.
D. Monthly Maintenance Schedule: The Contractor shall prepare a Monthly Maintenance Schedule
forecasting the required maintenance operations for the coming month. This should be submitted for
acceptance to the Engineer before 25th of the preceding month. Maintenance activities shall not be
limited to those listed in this Schedule, and submission or approval of this schedule in no way relieves
the Contractor from the responsibilities of carrying out any additional maintenance works required to
keep the landscape in good condition.
E. Monthly Report: The Contractor shall prepare and submit a monthly report detailing all activities and
practices adopted during the previous month to the Engineer for review. This report shall be submitted
during first week of every month. The Engineer shall review and comment on the works done, based
on weekly and monthly forecasted work schedules and daily reports.
F. The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing any equipment, pipework or any irrigation system
components that fail to survive as a result of inadequate maintenance operations or poor
workmanship during the establishment and maintenance period.
A. During landscape work, keep pavements clean and work areas in an orderly condition.
B. Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other
contractors and trades and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance
periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged landscape work as directed.
C. All clippings, trimmings, cuttings, trash and debris resulting from work of this contract are to be
promptly removed from the Site.
A. The Contractor shall compile a comprehensive Ongoing Maintenance Manual for post final completion
use that shall include the following:
1. As-built Drawings.
2. Description of equipment:
a) Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions.
b) Performance curves, data sheets, test reports, relevant catalogues and warranties.
c) Complete nomenclature, illustrations, assembly drawings, diagrams required for
maintenance and commercial number of replaceable parts.
3. Operating Procedures:
a) Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instrUctions.
b) Regulation, control, stopping, shut down and emergency instructions.
c) Summer and winter operating instructions.
d) Special operating instructions.
4. Maintenance Procedures:
a) Routine operations.
b) Guide to trouble shooting.
c) Disassembly repairs and reassembles.
1. Alignment, adjusting and checking.
5. Valve charts and Irrigation valve operation schedule complete with controller station No., size,
flows sequence of operation and operating time.
6. Spare parts.
a) List of recommended spare parts.
b) Names, contact numbers and addresses of spare part suppliers.
7. Bill of Quantities of Material used in the contract.
8. Equipment inventory, maintenance procedures and full manufacturer's maintenance manuals.
9. Personnel requirements.
B. This manual shall be submitted for approval at least 2 weeks prior to Final Completion.
A. 2 weeks before the end of the Establishment Maintenance Period, a joint inspection shall be held with
the Contractor and the Engineer to review the requirements for alteration or replacement in order to
gain approval for Final Handover. In order to ensure satisfactory handover procedures, the site
meetings held each month between the Contractor, Engineer and Owner Representative shall be
used to inspect and approve the maintenance works which shall be reviewed to ensure adequate
work has been done.
B. At the time of final inspection, all areas under this contract shall be in good working order. If, after the
inspection, the Owner Representative and Engineer are of the opinion that all Works have been
performed in accordance with the Design Drawings, Specifications and site instructions, the Engineer
shall give written approval of acceptance and completion of the project. If all or certain portions of the
Works are not acceptable under the terms and intent of the Design Drawings and Specification, the
formal Establishment Maintenance Period for all the work shall be extended at no cost to the
Department, until the defects in the Works have been corrected and the Works are accepted by the
Department and the Engineer.
End of Section
C. Pre-contract Samples
1. Not required.
D. Post Contract Submittals
1. Shop Drawings.
2. Product Data on materials and components for use.
3. Supplementary Product Literature: Include a statement from the manufacturer for the design life
of the system.
4. Statement of manufacturer's review confirming suitability of specified materials.
5. List of tests included.
6. Summary of deviations from the Landscape Specification.
7. Outline technical specifications reflecting proposed materials/ systems.
8. A list of proposed suppliers and Subcontractors intended to be used.
9. Preliminary Method Statement.
10. Preliminary Quality Plan.
11. Preliminary Schedule of Works.
12. Certified test data.
E. Post Contract Samples
1. Soil samples, manures, geotextiles, mulches, root barriers, steel edge, reinforced grass fiber are
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017800
Closeout Submittals and submit the following.
1. Warranties.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Manuals: Include component list with the manufacturer's
reference numbers, descriptions of materials and procedures for repairing and cleaning of
finishes; and cleaning frequency.
3. All work included under this Work Section shall be warranted by the Contractor against all
defects and malfunction of materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date of
final acceptance. Should problems arise during the warranty period, all necessary repairs and/ or
replacements shall be made by the Contractor in an expedient manner at no additional cost to
the Owner.
A. General
1. The Engineer may order the work stopped if unauthorized use of protected area is occurring, or if
tree protection fencing is not restored within 24 hours of notice to do so. This is extremely critical
to the Design of the Project.
2. Tree protection fencing removed after acceptance of the Engineer for temporary construction
access shall be neatly stockpiled for reinstallation. Tree protection fencing and root protection
shall be reinstalled, as specified herein, immediately when construction operations permit.
B. Mock-ups
1. Required for steel edge on slope.
C. Prototypes: Not required.
D. Contractor's Qualifications
1. The Supervisor shall be a graduate in Horticulture or Agricultural Science with minimum 6-years
exposure to landscape projects in the Middle East.
2. The Foreman shall be a degree or diploma holder in Horticulture/ Agriculture Science with not
less than 4 years of Site experience in landscape projects.
3. They should be experienced having a broad knowledge of all phases of landscape pest and
disease control; shrub and tree pruning; fertilization; and , maintenance and repair, enabling
them to recognise field problems and to carry out remedial measures time to time.
4. They shall be able to organise the work force and manage works to keep the plants in premium
A. Construction activity within the areas fenced off around trees shall be prohibited. This shall include the
following activities:
1. Parking or driving equipment, machinery or vehicles.
2. Grading operations or excavation.
3. Storing construction materials, equipment, stockpiling of excavation or fill, soil, gravel, and other
similar elements.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 320190 / 2 Operations & Maintenance Of Planting
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
4. Dumping chemicals, wash-out materials from cleaning equipment, paint clean up, concrete or
mortal remainder, trash, garbage, or debris.
5. Burning within or in proximity to protected areas.
6. Felling trees into protected areas.
7. Trenching or grading within the drip lines or protection zones of protected trees without notifying
the Engineer in writing 10 days in advance of operation. This includes operations involving
utilities, irrigation, drainage, and other similar elements.
A. Maintain all planting areas and plants until Taking-Over. Maintenance shall be as a minimum in
accordance with requirements specified in Section 329300 Planting General Maintenance.
B. Taking-Over shall not be awarded until 100% of all plant material is planted and in living, healthy
condition and is planted in accordance with the Specification. A fully defoliated plant, though it may
survive, cannot be considered as successful establishment due to its possible ill health at a later
C. The Engineer shall make an inspection for Taking-Over of planting work of this Work Section at time of
Taking-Over of the entire Contract Work and prior to the Maintenance Period. Comply also with
provisions of Division 01 General Requirements for closeout procedures.
1. Submit a written request for inspection at least 1 week prior to the day on which the inspection
for Taking-Over is requested.
2. A snagging/ punch list shall be prepared based on the status of items deemed, by the Engineer,
as not substantially complete.
3. Upon completion of the inspection for Taking-Over, the Engineer shall review and amend the
Contractor's snagging list of items to be completed or corrected as determined to be necessary
and shall indicate the anticipated time period for their completion or correction.
4. The Contractor shall notify Engineer when outstanding work is completed and ready for review.
When outstanding work is complete, as determined by Engineer a letter of Taking-Over shall be
D. The Maintenance Period for works covered in this Work Section shall not begin until all items have
been completed or corrected.
E. Once this has occurred the Contractor shall be issued a letter of acceptance by the Owner of Taking-
Over. Upon receipt of the letter of acceptance the Contractor's responsibility for maintenance shall
terminate and the Maintenance Period shall begin.
A. All landscaping work of this Contract shall carry a minimum 1 year warranty from specified date of
Taking-Over. Refer to provisions in Division 01 General Requirements, Contract Conditions.
B. The following guarantee provisions shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities that
manufacturer/ producer, Contractor and the installer may have by law or by other provisions of the
Contract Documents.
C. Replace any palms, trees, shrubs, accents, groundcovers, succulents or turf that have died or that
are, in the opinion of the Engineer, in unhealthy or unsightly condition or that have lost their natural
shape due to dead branches, excessive pruning, excessive defoliation and/ or inadequate or improper
maintenance. Cost of replacement shall be at no additional cost to the Owner.
D. The Contractor shall not be held responsible for acts of vandalism occurring after the beginning of
Maintenance Period, nor shall the Contractor be held responsible for deleterious effects caused by
maintenance procedures performed by the other parties without the concurrence of the Contractor.
Should any of the above acts occur, provide suitable documentation for review by the Engineer and
the Owner.
E. During the Maintenance Period, the Engineer may make periodic inspections of the plant material;
additional times for inspections may be required in addition to these dates to ensure compliance with
the terms of the Contract Documents. Correct any deficiencies immediately upon notification.
A. After the Maintenance Period all planting, including trees, palms, shrubs, accents, groundcovers,
succulents and turfed areas shall be reviewed for final acceptance.
B. Acceptance shall not be given if any planting is unhealthy or has lost its natural shape due to dead
branches, excessive pruning, excessive defoliation and/ or inadequate or improper maintenance.
C. No partial acceptance shall be given.
D. Upon completion of Guarantees Period, the Contractor shall request the Engineer and the Owner to
review work to determine if it is acceptable. Submit request a minimum of 5 days prior to the
anticipated inspection date. If work is acceptable, the Contractor and the Owner shall issue a Final
Acceptance letter.
E. If work is not accepted, the Engineer shall issue a written list of outstanding work. The Guarantees
Period to continue until completion of work.
F. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when outstanding work is completed and ready for review.
When work is complete, as determined by Engineer, a letter of Final Acceptance shall be issued.
G. From this date forward, maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Riyadh Municipality. Following
acceptance the Riyadh Municipality shall be given access to areas for maintenance work.
A. General Maintenance: Wheelbarrows, shovels, forks, brushes, pick axe, trowels, secateurs, wire
cutters, irrigation keys, hand roller, knives, buckets, gloves, filter masks, chemical spray bottles.
B. Lawn Maintenance: Rotary mower, cylinder mower, verticutter, aerator, fertilizer spreader, weed edger,
back-pack blower.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of installation and maintenance in accordance with
the Landscape Specification. This shall include ensuring that all interfacing requirements relating to
other systems or works.
B. All work is to be performed in a professional manner within the standards of the industry, using quality
equipment, methods and materials.
C. Work Schedule: The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with a proposed scheduling of the expected
day and time tasks listed which is to be performed. This schedule is to be accepted by the Engineer
prior to Project maintenance commencement.
D. The frequencies of the tasks stated are suggested minimums only. During extremely wet or dry
periods, the Contractor is to adjust schedules to ensure correct and proper conditions are maintained.
E. Meet with the Engineer on Site after Taking-Over of previous work planting work and discuss what
needs to be done to maintain and establish that work. Receive written instructions from the Engineer
before beginning any work.
A. At start of Maintenance Period, the Contractor shall arrange a meeting with Engineer and Owner to
review together the submitted maintenance program and any modifications required for the duration of
the Maintenance Period.
B. Approximately 90 days after the beginning of Maintenance Period, the Engineer and the Contractor
shall inspect the Site to observe the completed planting work and sustained condition of plants.
Perform any necessary remedial work identified and reported by the Engineer immediately following
this inspection.
C. Any plants that are found to be missing, defective or not in good condition at any time during the
Maintenance Period shall be replaced by the Contractor, who shall bear all the associated costs at no
additional cost to the Owner. Replacement of plants shall occur as weather conditions permit and
within the specified planting period unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. Plant conditions
should be, be is not limited to, the following.
1. Plants shall be free of dead or dying branches and shall bear foliage of normal density, size and
2. Trees having lost their central leader or exhibit crown dieback at the end of the 1 year guarantee
shall be replaced.
3. Replacements shall match adjacent specimens of the same species in size and form.
4. Replacements shall be subject to all requirements stated within this specification.
5. Labor and all materials needed for installation of replacements shall be included in the
6. The guarantee of all replaced plants shall extend for an additional period of 1 year from the date
of their acceptance after replacement.
D. The Contractor shall maintain, at all times, sufficient stock of regularly utilized fertilizers, chemicals,
tools, spare parts and other consumables at Site.
A. After planting and prior to the onset of the 365-day maintenance period the Contractor shall be
responsible for carrying out all necessary measures to ensure that the plant material thrives and
become established and that the landscape areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition.
B. The Contractor is to provide all required labor, plant and materials in accordance with the approved
C. The extent of the landscape to be maintained by the Contractor shall be deemed to cover and include
all soft landscape areas within the overall Project boundaries as indicated on the Design Drawings.
D. The Contractor shall make periodic inspections during the Maintenance Period to determine what
changes, if any, should be made in the maintenance program. Any recommended changes shall be
submitted in writing to the Engineer.
E. The Contractor shall carry out the following maintenance operations when necessary during
establishment period and as directed to alleviate any undesirable growing conditions.
1. Replacement of dead/ missing plants.
8. The simplest form of pruning shall occur all year round, with great activity in spring; to remove
from the stems of all trees and shrubs any unwanted lateral buds as they begin to produce
leaves. This can be done by rubbing the buds of the tree with your thumb. Some of the plants do
not require vigorous annual pruning and after their initial training may need no more than minor
pruning to remove spent flowers, seed pods and to cut or tine, weak or crossing branches to
maintain an overall balanced shade. Light pruning to shape a plant or remove dead branches
can be done all year round. However, heavy pruning should be done during the dormant season
(December to February) only when leaves have fallen.
9. Some evergreens flower and seed abundantly. The spent flower trussed should be removed as
soon as possible. This is referred to as dead heading. This prevents the plant forming seed pods
and diverts its energy into producing strong new shoots and flower buds. Dead heading should
be carried out immediately after the flowers fade and before seed pods begin to form. Carefully
snap off the spent flower truss between the forefinger and thumb. Take care not to damage the
growth buds, which are present in the leaf axils immediately below the flower truss.
10. If it is necessary to restrict the growth of a tree or shrub heading back shall be implemented. This
refers to thinning out, removing or shortening of small lateral braches or lateral buds. Choose a
lateral bud that is pointing outward so that the new branch produced by the bud shall grow out
from the trunk rather that criss-cross with other branches inside the foliage. Cutting above an
outward pointing lateral bud shall also open up the plant for light, air and orderly growth. All cuts
shall be clean leaving no stubs. Cut ends shall be applied with a fungicide to prevent entry of
disease causing organisms.
11. Clipping to reduce the height or size of the shrubs, to remove dead top growth and to stimulate
lateral and/ or flowering growth shall be carried out. It may be carried out with secateurs, shears
or mechanical shears.
12. Thinning out of plants is achieved by removing and crossed branches and dead or diseased
wood in order to open up the centre of the plant. This allows free circulation of air and helps to
prevent a build-up of matter branches which can contribute to disease and pest problems.
Thinning shall be part of the routine maintenance checks every 2 weeks.
a) Stakes for all ornamental trees should be inspected on a monthly basis to prevent girdling of
trunks or branches, and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. Any lean from natural
causes should be straightened. Stakes loosened or broken shall be repaired or replaced
using pressure treated 50mm square stakes as specified. Similarly tree ties also shall be
inspected at monthly intervals. Loosen ties when necessary to avoid constricting the growth
of limbs and the trunk. Where necessary stakes and ties shall be replaced using the
equivalent material being removed. Tree stakes and supports should be removed only once
the plants are anchored strongly by its own root system and the tree is capable of standing
vertical and able to resist normal summer high winds and winter storms. At completion of
the maintenance contract the Contractor shall obtain acceptance from the Engineer to
remove all stakes and ties, excepting those trees requiring continued support.
13. The amount of water needed for healthy growth shall vary depending on plant size, wind and sun
exposure, season and soil type. Therefore, an optimum average water flow should be
established for each season or major change in weather.
14. The Contractor shall start the regular maintenance fertilizer application program from 3 months
after planting. The Contractor shall always refer to the list of approved fertilizers and
micronutrients for the fertilizer programs.
15. The Contractor shall maintain proper controls by spraying at such frequencies and in such
amounts as to prevent insect and disease problems on trees and shrubs. He shall undertake
timely control measures of sap-sucking, leaf-eating and stem-boring type insects. Sap-sucking
pests include aphids, scale insects, mealy bugs, thrips, and leaf or tree hoppers. Some such as
aphids are carriers of virus diseases, and some like scale insects, leaf hoppers and aphids,
secrete a sticky substance on stems and branches which induces growth of a disfiguring black
fungus called sooty mould. Tiny dark thrips suck plant sap to cause malformation of leaves and
flowers with white streaks and marks that are particularly noticeable on darker blooms; and
phyllids or leaf miners cause swellings or discolored patches on leaf surfaces or distortion of
whole leaf. Leaf diseases, fungal, bacterial and viral, can also be responsible for abnormities of
the leaves of trees. Powdery mildew, one of the most common, coats leaves with a white, ash-
like deposit causing them to curl and drop off. Whenever needed, a contact, systemic or fumigant
chemical shall be used to control these insects and diseases.
16. The Contractor shall plan for the control of weeds by removing all undesirable plant material
around the base of trees on a regular basis. For trees planted in grass areas, approximately
800mm diameter should be maintained around the base of the trees, free from grass and other
plant material. Trees in gravel and other planted areas should be kept clear of all undesirable
plant materials. The best method to maintain planting basins free from weeds is to remove them
by hand digging periodically. Due to the tendency for the roots of most shrubs to be near the
surface, it is recommended that weeds in close vicinity of the plants stem i.e. approximately
500mm are removed by hand and not dug out so as to avoid any risk of damage. Chemicals can
be used only in places away from other plants.
17. Pennisetum Setaceum can be pruned back hard after flowering to within a few buds of the old
growth. Alternatively it may be pruned back hard to within 2 No. buds from the ground to promote
a new bushy growth. If a more natural look is required the pruning frequency can be dramatically
reduced or not required at all.
C. Groundcovers
1. The growth pattern of ground cover should be maintained in such a way that within the same
type, canopy level should be equally maintained without growth differences unless otherwise
instructed by the Engineer. The top growth should be cut back to promote lower growth and
horizontal growth. Edging should be carried out when plants have reached the edge of boundary.
All pruning should be carried out using hand shears or a powered hedge trimmer. After cutting, all
clippings should be removed to avoid any problems of disease transmission from the dead
2. Self-seeding plants shall be removed on a routine basis whenever found. The seeding shall be
removed by hand with the roots intact to prevent any re-growth.
3. The Contractor shall apply fertilizers in accordance with the approved Method Statement that is
subjected to review every 3 months depending upon the season, health of plants, horticultural
practices and after the soil test reports.
4. The Contractor shall undertake control measures in accordance with the approved Method
Statement that is subjected to revisions monthly according to pest and disease problems. The
Contractor shall get the acceptance of the Engineer before every chemical application and it shall
be done in strict accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions.
5. As it is not easy to isolate weeds growing within a ground cover area, only hand weeding shall be
permitted in order to avoid chemical injury to ground covers. If a weed needs chemical control
measures, the Contractor shall use a selective chemical that kills only the weed without harming
ground cover.
D. Lawn
1. The Contractor shall carry out all maintenance practices in a systematic manner so as to give the
best conditions of lawn. In areas of extreme trespass or movement of people, extra management
care shall be required. Such areas should be brought under frequent aeration using proper
aerating equipment to break down the hard soil pan formed by trespassing. Care should also be
taken to replant 'dead spots' as it is appears. To achieve a healthy lawn, the Contractor shall
undertake the following maintenance operations.
2. To exhibit attractive lush growth the frequency of mowing shall be determined by the grass
variety grown, climatic conditions and other microclimatic factors. Mowing frequency shall vary
from twice weekly to once fortnightly in summer and cooler months respectively depending upon
the speed of growth and species or in accordance with the need according to growing conditions.
Grass shall be mowed at a height of 25mm generally, but not less than 1/ 3 of total length of
grass blade as this can cause physiological shock. Under no circumstances shall grass be
mowed immediately after irrigation or a rain. Mowing shall be followed at right angles to previous
cutting direction. Machinery for mowing (a mechanized mower) shall be fitted with grass
collecting boxes. Equipment shall be in optimum operating condition prior to use. Faulty or un
serviced equipment is not accepted for use. Cutting blades of mower should be inspected before
each cutting and should be sharpened if required. Any broken or bent blades shall be replaced
immediately. Spillage of clippings should be manually removed immediately after mowing before
next irrigation. The Contractor shall alternatively use a modern mower that can cut grass in to
fine pieces and spread grass clippings on the land. In such case care shall be taken not to delay
between mowing.
3. Mowing frequency is generally twice weekly and weekly for the cool season.
4. Trimming grass against the base of walls, fences, curbstones and in places where access for
mowers is not possible shall be done regularly by hand with grass shears or with a powered
nylon string trimmer. Edging, that refers to the cutting of horizontal growing grass against
pavements, flower beds, plant basins and other similar elements shall be best carried out using a
motorized edging machine or long handled shears. Edging and trimming should be practiced at a
frequency of not less than once a week during summer months (March to October) and as
required during dormant cold months (November to February).
5. The Contractor has to undertake aeration of lawn area to break down the hard pan of topsoil.
Aeration would usually follow vericutting works ie. twice yearly unless soil conditions or usage
dictate greater frequency. The type of aeration shall be hollow tine.
6. Verticutting is the mechanised operation to remove thatch from turf. The minimum standard if
machinery to achieve this on medium sized lawns would be a pedestrian operated unit. It is
normal practice to mow the turf short, verticut in one direction, remove the thatch and then repeat
the operation in the reverse direction. The lawn should be generously watered as soon as
possible after verticutting to reduce turf stress.
7. The Contractor shall ensure that the grass be given sufficient amount of water through the
irrigation system to maintain the grass in a green healthy condition. Necessary changes in rate of
watering during different months of year shall be in accordance with the instruction of the
Engineer. For maximum effect to be gained, watering should be carried out in early mornings, to
avoid excessive moisture loss due to evaporation. The Contractor shall follow the Irrigation
Manual to get guidance for irrigation rates and methodology.
8. Fertilizer application to turf should normally be on a monthly basis but could be reduced
according to season and grass type. Fertiliser can be applied either using applicators, which can
be tractor mounted for large areas or broadcast by hand in small areas. Application rates should
be between 50 and 75g/ m². The quantity of fertilizer should be divided in half and applied at
intervals in opposing directions. Applying fertilizer in the opposing direction eliminates missed
areas and streaking. Irrigation shall be applied following the fertilizer application in the early
morning. Do not apply fertiliser or irrigation in windy conditions to ensure even and adequate
irrigation coverage to ensure the fertilizer is completely washed in.
9. It is essential to prevent weeds from becoming established in turf. Regular inspection and early
physical removal of all the weeds is needed. Only when needed should herbicides be used.
While using herbicides care shall be taken to choose the right chemicals, as non-selective
herbicides shall kill the lawn grass. The Contractor shall obtain the acceptance of the Engineer
after submitting the literature of the product and by doing test applications. Broadleaf herbicides
should be applied while the target weed is actively growing and are best applied late in the day to
avoid excessive evaporation that would prevent the plant from absorbing sufficient chemical. If
broadleaf weed infestation is severe, it may be necessary for several applications at
approximately 2 week intervals to achieve acceptable control. Herbicides can be applied using
powered spraying machines or a knapsack sprayer. When using any chemical it is important to
follow the manufacturer's instructions.
10. The Contractor shall repair dry or damaged patches or gaps in lawn area with the same variety
grass during a suitable season.
11. Top dressing is the application of fine topsoil to lawn areas to remove minor hollows, settlement
or unevenness of damaged areas.
12. Top dressing with organic compost shall also be practiced in accordance with the "maintenance
application" fertilizer, or in accordance with the acceptance od the Engineer. When using
compost, care shall be taken to use well-decomposed compost in powder form free from lumps
or other impurities. Manure shall be applied during moderate weather conditions and either hand
spread or using a manure spreader for large lawn areas. On no occasion should manure be
allowed to fall in heaps on the lawn surface. Manure application shall be avoided immediately
before dethatching or mowing. The best time is just after mowing before first irrigation. Lawn area
shall be thoroughly watered after manure spreading. Always keep the ground moist until the
manure particles are properly incorporated with soil.
13. Irrigation requirements can be defined as follows:
a) December, January and February - 3 run days per week.
b) March, April and November - 4 run days per week.
c) May, June, July August, September and October - 6 run days per week.
14. Irrigation is best applied in 2 No. cycles, i.e. Late evening and early morning, avoiding windy
periods of the day that affect sprinkle efficiency. The system should be run on test once weekly
during the day to observe sprinkler performance and to make repairs and or adjustments
E. Surface Grooming
1. The mulch shall be checked on a regular basis for neat line appearance, windblown sand
accumulations, litter, damage and any weeds. The mulch shall be kept approximately 25mm from
the trunks of trees, shrubs and accents.
2. The soil areas for groundcover areas shall be kept clean of rubbish, weeks and other materials.
3. Erosion areas shall be filled immediately and all grades made good.
F. Fertilization
1. Fertilization of trees and palms shall be done using granular fertilizer applied to the soil surface
and cultivated into the top 50mm, allowing the usual irrigation cycle to water-in the fertilizer.
When using urea, water should be applied soon after application.
2. Shrubs Accents and Groundcovers: Apply fertilizer products to the general area of planting
according to type. Some plants shall require little fertilizing, others shall require greater frequency
and/ or application rate. Due to dense covering of groundcovers and gravel mulch for shrubs and
accents water soluble fertilizers shall be required. Water tests should also be performed to
ensure accurate types of fertilizers are implemented.
G. Irrigation System and Watering
1. Make adjustments and settings of automatic controllers, if any, to establish frequency and length
of watering periods. During the contract period, the Contractor is to repair or replace any
equipment damaged as a result of contract operations at the Contractor's expense.
2. Sprinkler system is not to be operated when extremely windy or hot conditions prevail.
3. Watering cycles is to be timed to cause the least inconvenience to the building occupants and
visitors. Entrances are not to be wet during the arrival and departure of occupant employees/
4. Sprinkler heads on a continuing basis are to be cleaned, adjusted, repaired, and maintained at a
proper height.
5. When irrigating turf areas, the Contractor shall make sure that sprinkler heads are adjusted to
cover turf areas and shrubs and that sprinkler heads are clean so the water comes out evenly.
The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all turf, groundcovers, shrubs, trees and palms
are adequately watered at all times, whether or not sprinklers are provided.
H. Landscape Insect, Rodent and Disease Control
1. The Contractor is to implement an integrated pest management (IPM) program for the control
and eradication of pests and plant diseases.
2. Chemicals used, methods of application and reporting procedures are to fully comply with local
3. The Contractor is to furnish services necessary to exterminate rodents and insects using only
those pesticides which comply with the provisions of the Local Insecticide and Fungicide
4. These services are to be performed by a licensed pest control contractor or certified chemical
A. Operations and Maintenance (O+M) Schedule: Within 7 days of Taking-Over (PAC), the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer for acceptance a comprehensive Operations and Maintenance (O+M)
Schedule that includes methodology for addressing all horticultural and other issues explained in this
section for each location and plant species. This shall include any other maintenance of landscape.
B. Daily Records: The Contractor shall keep records of daily operations undertaken in relation to
maintenance works. This shall include activities and procedures carried out on a day-to-day basis and
be submitted with the Monthly Report.
C. Weekly Programme Schedule
1. The Contractor's supervisor shall inspect the Site once per week during the maintenance period
and shall prepare a brief schedule of operations required for the coming week. The format for the
schedule of operations shall cover each distinct area of the Site. The schedule shall describe the
operations that the Contractor intends to carry out in the coming week to cover the items listed in
the Specification and to ensure that the current weather conditions and growing performance,
insect attack, and other similar factors are taken into account.
2. A copy of this schedule is to be submitted to the Engineer every week so that a running record of
proposed operations can be checked at the maintenance inspections each month. If in the
opinion of the Engineer the maintenance works have not been satisfactorily carried out according
to Site conditions and the Specification, part of the monthly payment shall be withheld until the
works have been satisfactorily carried out.
D. Monthly Maintenance Schedule: The Contractor shall prepare a Monthly Maintenance Schedule
forecasting the required maintenance operations for the coming month. This should be submitted for
acceptance to the Engineer before 25th of the preceding month. Maintenance activities shall not be
limited to those listed in this Schedule, and submission or acceptance of this schedule in no way
relieves the Contractor from the responsibilities of carrying out any additional maintenance works
required to keep the landscape in good condition.
E. Monthly Report: The Contractor shall prepare and submit a monthly report detailing all activities and
practices adopted during the previous month to the Engineer for review. This report shall be submitted
during first week of every month. The Engineer shall review and comment on the works done, based
on weekly and monthly forecasted work schedules and daily reports.
F. The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing any plants that fail to survive as a result of
inadequate maintenance operations, poor workmanship or poor quality of plant material during the
establishment and maintenance period. The Final Completion Certificate shall not be issued until all
plants scheduled in the Design Drawings and Schedule of Work are successfully installed in a healthy
condition in the manner specified and as accepted by the Engineer.
G. The Contractor shall arrange analysis of soil samples from locations within the Project at 6 monthly
intervals or as directed by the Engineer. The required number of samples shall be decided and
instructed by the Engineer depending on the size of the Project and other planting features. Test
results shall comply with the specified standards for pH levels of planting medium. The Contractor
shall take necessary corrective measures if it does not comply.
H. All landscape areas shall be inspected monthly by the Engineer and lists of remedial works issued
after each inspection. All items on the remedial lists are to be carried out by the time of the next
inspection, i.e. within 1 month.
A. During landscape work, keep pavements clean and work areas in an orderly condition.
B. Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other
contractors and trades and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance
periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged landscape work as directed.
C. All clippings, trimmings, cuttings, trash and debris resulting from work of this contract are to be
promptly removed from the Site.
A. The Contractor shall compile a comprehensive Ongoing Maintenance manual for post final completion
use that shall include the following:
1. Pesticide/ herbicide/ fungicide applications - Details and Method Statements including safety,
application rates and procedure, schedules of pesticides/ herbicides/ fungicides.
2. Irrigation - including water application rates and maintenance procedures.
3. Landscape maintenance - details and Method Statements including fertilizer descriptions,
application rates and programs.
4. General maintenance - including pruning, stakes and ties, berm-work, replacement, and clean
5. Equipment inventory, maintenance procedures and full manufacturer's maintenance manuals.
6. Personnel requirements.
B. This manual shall be submitted for approval at least 2 weeks prior to Final Completion.
C. This manual shall include monitoring and management strategies, including monitoring of soil
conditions, health, species diversity and abundance of the landscape.
A. 2 weeks before the end of the Establishment Maintenance Period, a joint inspection shall be held with
the Contractor and the Engineer to review the requirements for alteration or replacement in order to
gain acceptance for Final Handover. In order to ensure satisfactory handover procedures, the Site
meetings held each month between the Contractor, the Engineer and the Owner shall be used to
inspect and approve the maintenance works which shall be reviewed to ensure adequate work has
been done.
B. At the time of final inspection, all areas under this contract shall be free of weeds, neatly cultivated
and raked, and all plants in good order. Grass shall be neatly cut and all clippings removed. No bare
patches of earth shall be visible in turf or ground cover planting areas unless specified. If, after the
inspection, the Owner and the Engineer are of the opinion that all Works have been performed in
accordance with the Design Drawings, Specification and Site instructions, the Engineer shall give
written acceptance and completion of the Project. If all or certain portions of the Works are not
acceptable under the terms and intent of the Design Drawings and Specification, the formal
Establishment Maintenance Period for all the work shall be extended at no cost to the Owner, until the
defects in the Works have been corrected and the Works are accepted by the Owner and the
End of Section
4. Quality assurance Site inspections and testing shall be as required by the Engineer in
accordance with Division 01 General Requirements, Section 014000 Quality Requirements.
A. Agricultural or wadi soil shall be obtained from approved wadi sources. The soil structure shall be of a
fibrous sandy loam character containing less than
20% clay and free of roots, clods and stones larger than 25mm, pockets of coarse sand, noxious
weeds sticks, brush and other litter. It shall be free of
pests and plant diseases and any materials or substrates that could adversely affect plant life.
B. Submittal of analysis of wadi soil mix shall be made prior to bringing to the site including the following
1. Submittal of analysis of wadi soil mix shall be made prior to bringing to the site including the
following tests:
2. Soil type, structure and texture.
3. pH.
4. conductivity (EC) in S/ m at 25o.C.
5. Total carbonate on content (CaCO3).
6. Percentage Nitrogen (N).
7. Total and available phosphorous (P2O5/ P).
8. Soluble and exchangeable Potassium (K).
9. Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), Chloride (Cl), Carbonate
(CaCO3), Bicarbonate (H2CO3), Nitrate (NO3) and Sulphate (SO4) content.
10. Total dissolved solids in ppm.
11. Organic Matter Percentage.
12. Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR).
A. Surfaces to receive agricultural soil shall have been compacted and trimmed to a tolerance of +0mm
and -50mm in level based upon the details shown on the Design Drawings. Agricultural/ Wadi soil
shall not be placed until the sub surface has been inspected and approval given by the Employer.
1. Add agricultural soil to soil mix according to Specification Section 329300 Plants. Resultant soil
mix shall be placed to the line and levels shown on the Design Drawings or shaped as instructed
on site, with a tolerance of (+50mm, - 0mm). The soil mix shall not be compacted in any way.
Following placement the soil shall be harrowed to loosen and remove clods of earth. Agricultural
soil shall be stored separately at all times to avoid contamination by other fill materials. In the
event that the believes that contamination has occurred then the material will be rejected for use
as agricultural soil and incorporated into the works as general fill.
1. Coordinate work with Section 024113 Selective Site Demolition and 020100 Maintenance of
Existing Condition. Rough shaping and compacting must be done up to minus 15cm from the
finished levels. Once all rough grading has been finalized and approved-areas to be planted are
then excavated to the desired depths for the various planting requirements, Refer to
Infrastructure Specification.
1. Soil shall only be placed and shaped following the approved rough shaping as a guide.
Steepness of slopes and desired heights may not be altered as a result of addition of soil mix. If
required additional boulders must be placed and added according to site and location
requirements. All elements need to be regularly submitted for approval by the Employer.
2. It is important to note that landscape works cannot be implemented and fixed by obtaining
approval on shop drawings alone. Location, shape or suitability of elements on approved shop
drawings must further be coordinated and approved by appointed Engineer on site. It is the
responsibility of the Contractor to continue shaping until the Employer has given approval for
such works. Shaping and modelling of earthworks shall be done with no additional payment to
the Contractor and may include additional cutting or filling procedures to obtain final result. Final
location or quantities must be recorded and shop drawings updated accordingly. Such updated
drawings need to be coordinated and updated with all related disciplines.
1. The soil mix shall be tested at the following frequency whilst soil is being placed:
a) Grading: 1 test per day or 1 test per 100 cubic metres.
1. Do not use any cement-based materials when the temperature is below 4°C and falling.
2. Protect uncured work from damage, sunlight and rapid drying; provide insulated and
polyethylene as applicable.
B. Precipitation
1. Do not use saturated materials.
2. Do not perform grading or compaction of sub-bases when the ground is saturated or covered
with standing water.
3. Protect formed levels and prepared bases from heavy rainfall.
4. Do not carry out paving work during rainfall.
5. Protect items set with mortar from rain until fully cured, with suitable covers.
C. Weather Limitations for Bituminous Setting Bed
1. Install bituminous setting bed only when ambient temperature is above 4°C and when base is
2. Apply asphalt adhesive only when ambient temperature is above 10°C and when temperature
has not been below 2°C for 12 hours immediately before application. Do not apply when setting
bed is wet or contains excess moisture.
D. Weather Limitations for Mortar and Grout
1. Cold-Weather Requirements: Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in
ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602.
2. Retain subparagraph below for pavers set in mortar. Hot weather has more effect on paver
installations than on masonry because horizontal surfaces absorb more solar energy than
vertical surfaces. Insert specific limits to suit local conditions.
3. Hot-Weather Requirements: Comply with hot-weather construction requirements contained in
ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602. Provide artificial shade and windbreaks and use cooled materials
as required. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of 38°C and higher.
a) When ambient temperature exceeds 38°C, or when wind velocity exceeds 13 km/ h and
ambient temperature exceeds 32°C, set pavers within 1 minute of spreading setting-bed
A. Source of Supply
1. Obtain each type of unit paver, joint material, and setting material from single source with
resources to provide materials and products of consistent quality in appearance and physical
B. Type EXH-101 Stone Tile
1. Description: Stone tile exterior paving to areas indicated on the Design Drawings to achieve the
required performance criteria stated in the Specification.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Option 1
a) Stone Type: Local sourced crushed limestone with black quartz.
b) Finish: Sandblasted.
c) Nominal Size: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Substrate: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Option 2
a) Stone Type: Locally-sourced limestone.
b) Finish: Sawn-face or Flamed face finish.
c) Nominal Size: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
d) Provide curbs and edge restraints as indicated on the Design Drawings.
C. Type EXH-102 Paving Stone Flamed
1. Description: Exterior paving stone with slip resistant finish to areas indicated on the Design
Drawings of suitable thickness and bedding to achieve the required performance criteria stated in
the Specification.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Nominal Size: 90mm x 90mm.
5. Thickness: 9mm.
6. Finish: Flamed.
7. Bedding: Sand/ cement mortar.
8. Joints: Minimal sand infill joints.
9. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
10. Provide curbs and edge restraints as indicated on the Design Drawings.
D. Type EXH-103 Paving Stone Polished
1. Description: Exterior paving stone with slip resistant finish to areas indicated on the Design
Drawings of suitable thickness and bedding to achieve the required performance stated in the
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Stone Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
5. Nominal Size: 90mm x 90mm.
6. Thickness: 9mm.
7. Finish: Polished.
8. Color: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
9. Sub-base: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
10. Bedding: As required to meet the performance requirements and in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
11. Joints: Minimal sand infill joints.
12. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
13. Provide curbs and edge restraints as indicated on the Design Drawings.
E. Type EXH-104 Paving Stone Flamed
1. Description: Stone cobble paving to areas indicated on the Design Drawings of suitable thickness
and bedding to achieve the required performance criteria stated in the Specification.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Stone Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
5. Nominal Size: 90mm x 90mm.
6. Thickness: 9mm.
7. Finish: Flamed.
8. Color: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
9. Sub-base: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
10. Bedding: As required to meet the performance requirements and in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
11. Joints: Minimal sand infill joints.
12. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
13. Provide curbs and edge restraints as indicated on the Design Drawings.
F. Type EXH-105 Paving Stone Flamed
1. Description: Exterior paving stone with slip resistant finish to areas indicated on the Design
Drawings of suitable thickness and bedding to achieve the required performance criteria stated in
the Specification.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Nominal Size: 90mm x 90mm.
5. Thickness: 9mm.
6. Finish: Flamed.
7. Bedding: Sand/ cement mortar.
8. Joints: Minimal sand infill joints.
9. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
10. Provide curbs and edge restraints as indicated on the Design Drawings.
G. Type EXH-110 Cast-In-Place Concrete (Footpath)
1. Description: Cast in place concrete with slip resistant finish to footpath areas indicated on the
Design Drawings of suitable thickness and bedding to achieve the required performance stated
in the Specification.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 321400 / 4 Unit Paving
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
a) Colored Mortar Pigments for Grout: Natural and synthetic iron and chromium oxides,
compounded for use in mortar and grout mixes. Use only pigments that have proved,
through testing and experience, to be satisfactory for use in Portland cement grout.
3. Standard Cement Grout: In accordance with ANSI A118.6, sanded.
4. Polymer-Modified Tile Grout: In accordance with ANSI A118.7, sanded.
5. Thinset Mortar: Latex-modified Portland cement mortar complying with ANSI A118.4.
6. Water: Potable.
G. Grout Sealer: A proprietary water-based sealer that resists water, oil and acid-based contaminants,
simplifies maintenance and does not change the appearance of the grout.
H. Stone Sealer: Thin uniform film of proprietary seal to be applied to stone and slate.
I. Reinforcement
1. Reinforcement in mortar bedding shall be in accordance with the Structural Engineer.
2. Determine the final selection/ type of reinforcement subject to acceptance by the Engineer.
J. Sealant Movement Joints: Sealant movement joints shall be provided where necessary.
K. Preformed Strip/ Section Movement Joints: Where indicated on the Design Drawings, preformed strip/
section movement joints shall be provided and fastened in accordance with the manufacturer's written
A. General: Comply with referenced standards and with manufacturers' written instructions for mix
proportions, mixing equipment, mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing times, and other procedures
needed to produce setting-bed and joint materials of uniform quality and with optimum performance
characteristics. Discard mortars and grout if they have reached their initial set before being used.
B. Mortar-Bed Bond Coat: Mix neat cement, water and latex additive to a creamy consistency. Use water
only when stated as appropriate by the manufacturer in the mix instructions.
C. Portland Cement-Lime Setting-Bed Mortar: Type M in accordance with ASTM C 270, Proportion
D. Latex-Modified, Portland Cement Setting-Bed Mortar: Proportion and mix Portland cement, sand, and
latex additive for setting bed in accordance with written instructions of latex-additive manufacturer and
as necessary to produce stiff mixture with a moist surface when bed is ready to receive pavers.
E. Latex-Modified, Portland Cement Bond Coat: Proportion and mix Portland cement, aggregate, and
liquid latex for bond coat in accordance with written instructions of liquid-latex manufacturer.
F. Thinset Mortar Bond Coat: Proportion and mix thinset mortar ingredients according to manufacturer's
written instructions.
G. Job-Mixed Portland Cement Grout: Proportion and mix job-mixed Portland cement and aggregate
grout to match setting-bed mortar except omit hydrated lime and use enough water to produce a
pourable mixture.
1. Pigmented Grout: Select and proportion pigments with other ingredients to produce color
required. Do not exceed pigment-to-cement ratio of 1 to 10, by weight.
2. Colored-Aggregate Grout: Produce color required by combining colored aggregates with Portland
cement of selected color.
H. Packaged Grout Mix: Proportion and mix grout ingredients according to grout manufacturer's written
A. Fabricate stone in accordance with requirements indicated and with the following references.
1. For stone not otherwise indicated, comply with recommendations in Marble Institute of America's
(MIA) "Dimension Stone - Design Manual."
B. Cut to the required shape out of solid stone blocks.
C. Form units in the largest lengths practical, with ends cut to maintain a consistent joint width of 10mm.
Form curved sections with parallel sides except for a tight radius bend where they shall be cut from an
appropriately sized square of stone.
D. Apply the required finish to exposed faces.
E. Mixing: Mix mortar materials in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
F. Tolerances
1. The specified slab thickness dimensions shall be minimum, with an upper limit of +5mm.
2. Width and lengths of varying sizes shall not deviate by more than ±2mm of the described size.
G. Manufacturing Tolerances
1. Paving sizes stated in the Specification are nominal and the actual sizes required to meet the
joint sizes, etc. shall be determined by the Contractor.
2. Slabs shall be butted/ manufactured with the tolerance of ±0.5mm.
8. Expansion and Control Joints: Provide for sealant-filled joints at locations and of widths indicated.
Provide compressible foam filler as backing for sealant-filled joints unless otherwise indicated;
where unfilled joints are indicated, provide temporary filler until paver installation is complete.
Install joint filler before setting pavers. Sealant materials and installation are specified in Section
079200 Joint Sealants.
9. Provide edge restraints as indicated. Install edge restraints before placing unit pavers.
a) Install edge restraints in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Install stakes
at intervals required to hold edge restraints in place during and after unit paver installation.
b) For metal edge restraints with top edge exposed, drive stakes at least 25mm below top
c) Where pavers set in mortar bed are indicated as edge restraints for pavers set in aggregate
setting bed, install pavers set in mortar and allow mortar to cure before placing aggregate
setting bed and remainder of pavers. Cut off mortar bed at a steep angle so it will not
interfere with aggregate setting bed.
d) Where pavers embedded in concrete are indicated as edge restraints for pavers set in
aggregate setting bed, install pavers embedded in concrete and allow concrete to cure
before placing aggregate setting bed and remainder of pavers. Hold top of concrete below
aggregate setting bed.
10. Provide steps made of pavers as indicated. Install paver steps before installing adjacent pavers.
a) Where pavers set in mortar bed are indicated for steps constructed adjacent to pavers set in
aggregate setting bed, install steps and allow mortar to cure before placing aggregate
setting bed and remainder of pavers. Cut off mortar bed at a steep angle so it will not
interfere with aggregate setting bed.
11. Regularity:
a) Sudden irregularities shall not occur.
b) Where appropriate in relation to the geometry of the surface, the variation in gap under a
3m straightedge (with feet placed anywhere on the surface) shall be not more than 6mm.
c) The difference in level between adjacent paving units shall be not more than 2mm.
B. Aggregate Setting-Bed Applications
1. Compact soil subgrade uniformly to at least 95% of laboratory density in accordance with ASTM
D 698 or ASTM D 1557.
2. Proof-roll prepared subgrade to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Excavate soft
spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by the
Engineer, and replace with compacted backfill or fill as directed.
3. Place separation geotextile over prepared subgrade, overlapping ends and edges at least
4. Place aggregate subbase and base, compact by tamping with plate vibrator, and screed to depth
5. Place aggregate subbase and base, compact to 100% of ASTM D 1557 maximum laboratory
density, and screed to depth indicated.
6. Place drainage geotextile over compacted base course, overlapping ends and edges at least
7. Place leveling course and screed to a thickness of 25mm-38mm, taking care that moisture
content remains constant and density is loose and uniform until pavers are set and compacted.
8. Treat leveling course with herbicide to inhibit growth of grass and weeds.
9. Set pavers with a minimum joint width of 1.5mm and a maximum of 3mm, being careful not to
disturb leveling base. If pavers have spacer bars, place pavers hand tight against spacer bars.
Use string lines to keep straight lines. Fill gaps between units that exceed 10mm with pieces cut
to fit from full-size unit pavers.
a) When installation is performed with mechanical equipment, use only unit pavers with spacer
bars on sides of each unit.
10. Vibrate pavers into leveling course with a low-amplitude plate vibrator capable of a 16 to 22kN
compaction force at 80 to 90 Hz. Use vibrator with neoprene mat on face of plate or other means
as needed to prevent cracking and chipping of pavers. Perform at least three passes across
paving with vibrator.
a) Compact pavers when there is sufficient surface to accommodate operation of vibrator,
leaving at least 900mm of uncompacted pavers adjacent to temporary edges.
b) Before ending each day's work, compact installed concrete pavers except for 900mm width
of uncompacted pavers adjacent to temporary edges (laying faces).
c) As work progresses to perimeter of installation, compact installed pavers that are adjacent
to permanent edges unless they are within 90mm of laying face.
d) Before ending each day's work and when rain interrupts work, cover pavers that have not
been compacted and cover leveling course on which pavers have not been placed with
nonstaining plastic sheets to protect them from rain.
11. Spread dry sand and fill joints immediately after vibrating pavers into leveling course. Vibrate
pavers and add sand until joints are completely filled, then remove excess sand. Leave a slight
surplus of sand on the surface for joint filling.
12. Do not allow traffic on installed pavers until sand has been vibrated into joints.
13. Repeat joint-filling process 30 days later.
C. Mortar Setting-Bed Applications
1. Saturate concrete subbase with clean water several hours before placing setting bed. Remove
surface water about one hour before placing setting bed.
2. Apply mortar-bed bond coat over surface of concrete subbase about 15 minutes before placing
mortar bed. Limit area of bond coat to avoid its drying out before placing setting bed. Do not
exceed 1.6mm thickness for bond coat.
3. Apply mortar bed over bond coat; spread and screed mortar bed to uniform thickness at
subgrade elevations required for accurate setting of pavers to finished grades indicated.
4. Place reinforcing wire over concrete subbase, lapped at joints by at least one full mesh and
supported so mesh becomes embedded in the middle of mortar bed. Hold edges back from
vertical surfaces approximately 13mm.
5. Place mortar bed with reinforcing wire fully embedded in middle of mortar bed. Spread and
screed mortar bed to uniform thickness at subgrade elevations required for accurate setting of
pavers to finished grades indicated.
6. Mix and place only that amount of mortar bed that can be covered with pavers before initial set.
Before placing pavers, cut back, bevel edge, and remove and discard setting-bed material that
has reached initial set.
7. Wet brick pavers before laying if the initial rate of absorption exceeds 30 g/ 194 cm² per minute
when tested in accordance with ASTM C 67. Allow units to absorb water so they are damp but
not wet at time of laying.
8. Place pavers before initial set of cement occurs. Immediately before placing pavers on mortar
bed, apply uniform 1.5mm thick bond coat to mortar bed or to back of each paver with a flat
9. Tamp or beat pavers with a wooden block or rubber mallet to obtain full contact with setting bed
and to bring finished surfaces within indicated tolerances. Set each paver in a single operation
before initial set of mortar; do not return to areas already set or disturb pavers for purposes of
realigning finished surfaces or adjusting joints.
10. Spaced Joint Widths: Provide suitable joint width as recommended by the manufacturer with
variations not exceeding ±1.5mm.
11. Grouted Joints: Grout paver joints in accordance with ANSI A108.10.
12. Grout joints as soon as possible after initial set of setting bed.
a) Force grout into joints, taking care not to smear grout on adjoining surfaces.
b) Clean pavers as grouting progresses by dry brushing or rubbing with dry burlap to remove
smears before tooling joints.
c) Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using a jointer larger than joint
thickness unless otherwise indicated.
d) If tooling squeezes grout from joints, remove excess grout and smears by dry brushing or
rubbing with dry burlap and tool joints again to produce a uniform appearance.
13. Cure grout by maintaining in a damp condition for seven days unless otherwise recommended by
grout or liquid-latex manufacturer.
D. Movement Joint Metal Edgings: Fastening shall be bedded in cement and sand/ screwed to plugs at
600mm centers, to exact finished level of floor/ pavings.
E. Sealant Movement Joints: Preparation and application shall be in accordance with Section 079200 of
the Specification. Joints shall extend through paving and bedding to substrate. Joints shall coincide
with any movement joints left in the substrate.
A. Testing Apparatus
1. On Site the following apparatus shall be maintained in good repair.
a) Maximum and minimum thermometers as and where required.
b) Soil thermometers as required for measuring the mortar and ground temperatures.
c) Apparatus for carrying out the test described in the standards specified.
d) Syphon can, Gammon Morgan or Speedy apparatus for measuring the moisture content of
e) Apparatus for carrying out the test described in the standards specified.
f) Apparatus for making mortar cubes or prisms in accordance with the standards specified.
g) Apparatus for measuring the air content of the mortar in accordance with the standards
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 321400 / 14 Unit Paving
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
B. Precipitation: Do not perform grading or compaction of sub-bases when the ground is saturated or
covered with standing water.
A. Type EXH-501 Aggregate Chippings 1
1. Description: Aggregate chipping on suitable substrate to locations as indicated on the Design
2. Aggregate Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
4. Depth: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Substrate: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
B. Type EXH-502 Aggregate Chippings 2
1. Description: Aggregate chipping on suitable substrate to locations as indicated on the Design
2. Aggregate Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer..
4. Depth: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Substrate: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
C. Type EXH-503 Aggregate Chippings 3
1. Description: Aggregate chipping on suitable substrate to locations as indicated on the Design
2. Aggregate Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
4. Depth: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Substrate: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
D. Type EXH-510 Rockfill
1. Description: Rockfill aggregates on suitable substrate to locations as indicated on the Design
2. Rock Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
4. Depth: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Substrate: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
E. Type EXH-511 Small Paving Stone
1. Description: Small paving stone aggregates on suitable substrate to locations as indicated on the
Design Drawings.
2. Stone type: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
4. Depth: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Substrate: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Color and Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
A. Sand Bedding
1. Sand bedding shall be naturally occurring clean sharp sand or crushed rock.
2. It shall be graded for laying coarse sand in accordance with the gradation requirements in ASTM
C 33 for fine aggregate.
3. The clay, silt, fine dust shall not be more than 3% by mass.
4. It shall be free from chlorides or other deleterious salts, contaminants and cement.
5. The moisture content shall be between 3-7%.
6. It shall be obtained from a single source.
B. Aggregate Materials
1. Regional Materials: Aggregate shall be extracted, harvested or recovered, as well as
manufactured, within 800km of Project Site.
2. Graded Aggregate: Sound crushed stone or gravel in accordance with ASTM D 448 for Size
3. Graded Aggregate: Sound crushed stone or gravel in accordance with ASTM D 448 for Size
4. Graded Aggregate: Sound crushed stone or gravel in accordance with ASTM D 448 for Size
5. Graded Aggregate: Sound crushed stone or gravel in accordance with ASTM D 448 for Size
6. Graded Aggregate: Sound crushed stone or gravel in accordance with ASTM D 2940, base-
course material or subbase material.
A. Verification of Conditions: Prior to commencing installation, examine the substrate, adjacent
construction and conditions in which the work will be installed.
B. Verify dimensions, bases and surfaces and proof-rolled prepared subgrade to receive the work of this
C. Notify the Engineer of unsatisfactory conditions. Proceed with aggregate surfacing installation only
after deficient subgrades have been corrected.
A. Regularity: Sudden irregularities shall not occur.
B. Compact soil subgrade uniformly to at least 95% of ASTM D 698 and ASTM D 1557 laboratory
C. Proof-roll prepared subgrade to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Excavate soft
spots, unsatisfactory soils and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by the Engineer,
and replace with compacted backfill or fill as directed.
D. Place aggregate surfacing, compact by tamping with a plate vibrator, and screed to depth indicated.
E. Do not deliver bedding sand to the working area over uncompacted surfacing areas. Ensure that there
is no disturbance to the bedding course by either pedestrian or wheeled traffic. Fill voids left by screed
F. Do not leave areas of bedding exposed; proceed with laying of aggregate surfacing immediately.
G. Provide edge restraints as indicated on the Design Drawings. Install edge restraints before placing
aggregate surfacing.
1. Install edge restraints in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Install stakes at
intervals required to hold edge restraints in place during and after aggregate surfacing
2. For metal edge restraints with top edge exposed, drive stakes at least 25mm below top edge.
End of Section
1. Warranties.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Manuals: Include component list with the manufacturer's
reference numbers, descriptions of materials and procedures for repairing and cleaning of
finishes and cleaning frequency.
A. Curb and Gutter Suppliers
1. Obtain units and associated materials from manufacturers having at least 10 years' experience of
producing similar items.
2. Certification to ISO 9001 or operates a quality system acceptable to the Engineer.
B. Provide mock-ups, prototypes, quality benchmark installations, testing and inspections in accordance
with Section 014000 Quality Requirements.
C. Mock-ups
1. To be confirmed by the Engineer.
D. Prototypes
1. To be confirmed by the Engineer.
E. Quality Benchmark Installation
1. Following agreement of samples, an area of 25m² of each type of module in location to be
F. Preconstruction Testing/ Reports
1. Submit reports of independent tests demonstrating that the products and systems comply with
the specified performance requirements.
2. Where test results for a material or product are not available, undertake testing to show
compliance with the Specification at an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the
3. The provision of testing data or the carrying-out of tests does not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities regarding the performance requirements, durability or service life requirements.
4. Details of tests shall be provided to demonstrate the performance of materials and finishes in
resisting abrasion from pedestrian traffic (hands, rings, luggage, cloth, shoes, etc.) and any other
abrasion resulting from adjacent traffic movements.
5. Adhesion and Compatibility Test Reports: From latex-additive manufacturer for mortar and grout
containing latex additives.
6. Sieve Analyses: For aggregate setting-bed materials, in accordance with ASTM C 136.
7. Preconstruction Adhesion and Compatibility Testing: Submit to latex-additive manufacturer, for
testing as indicated below, samples of paving materials that will contact or affect mortar and
grout that contain latex additives.
a) Use manufacturer's standard test methods to determine whether mortar and grout materials
will obtain optimum adhesion with, and will be non-staining to, installed pavers and other
materials constituting paver installation.
A. Delivery: Carefully pack and load the curb and gutter units to prevent damage without causing staining
or discoloration. Deliver bulk materials in sealed bags clearly marked with their weight and products in
unopened manufacturer's packaging, clearly identified with relevant information.
B. Storage
1. Store curb and gutter units on wood platforms at least 100mm clear of the ground and protect
with waterproof covers to prevent staining. Store products in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations. Store bulk materials on impervious bases and in separate bins to prevent
2. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not
use cementitious materials that have become damp.
3. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and
contamination avoided.
4. Store liquids in tightly closed containers protected from freezing.
5. Store asphalt cement and other bituminous materials in tightly closed containers.
C. Handling: Handle curb and gutter units carefully to avoid damage to face and edges. Reject damaged
materials or those otherwise unfit for use.
A. Temperature
1. Do not use any cement-based materials when the temperature is below 4°C and falling.
2. Protect uncured work from damage, sunlight and rapid drying. Provide insulated and
polyethylene as applicable.
B. Precipitation
1. Do not use saturated materials.
2. Do not perform grading or compaction of sub-bases when the ground is saturated or covered
with standing water.
3. Protect formed levels and prepared bases from heavy rainfall.
4. Do not carry out paving work during rainfall.
5. Protect items set with mortar from rain until fully cured, with suitable covers.
C. Weather Limitations for Mortar and Grout
1. Cold-Weather Requirements: Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in
ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602.
2. Hot-Weather Requirements: Comply with hot-weather construction requirements contained in
ACI 530.1/ ASCE 6/ TMS 602. Provide artificial shade and windbreaks and use cooled materials
as required. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of 38°C and higher.
a) When ambient temperature exceeds 38°C or when wind velocity exceeds 13 km/ h and
ambient temperature exceeds 32°C, set pavers within 1 minute of spreading setting-bed
A. Source of Supply
1. Obtain each type of unit curb or gutter, joint material and setting material from single source with
resources to provide materials and products of consistent quality in appearance and physical
B. Type EXH-301 Concrete Curb
1. Description: Concrete curbs to areas indicated on the Design Drawings to achieve the required
performance criteria stated in the Specification.
2. Curb Type: Concrete.
3. Nominal Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
4. Finish: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
5. Color: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
6. Sub-base: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Bedding: As required to meet the performance requirements and in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
8. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
9. Edge Restraints: Manufacturer's standard plastic or metal edge restraints.
C. Type EXH-302 Concrete Low Curb Tree Edging on Road
1. Description: Concrete curbs to areas indicated on the Design Drawings to achieve the required
performance criteria stated in the Specification.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Nominal Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Color: Natural/ buff.
6. Sub-base: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Bedding: Sand/ cement mortar.
8. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
9. Edge Restraints: Manufacturer's standard plastic or metal edge restraints.
D. Type EXH-303 Stone Curb
1. Description: Stone curbs to areas indicated on the Design Drawings to achieve the required
performance criteria stated in the Specification.
2. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Stone Type: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
4. Nominal Size: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. Color: Natural/ buff.
6. Sub-base: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
7. Bedding: Sand/ cement mortar.
8. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
5. A method statement for the installation of all the work shall be provided, taking into account
movements of the structural slab including:
a) Dimensional setting out and joints alignment.
b) Floor services.
c) Construction tolerances.
d) Movement joints, bay joints and relief joints.
e) Full adhesion.
f) Full bed without hollows.
g) Cracking to grouted joints, which will not be acceptable.
h) Resilient and insulation layer.
6. The work shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any element of the work
or adjacent structural or building elements.
B. Specific Dead Loads
1. The work's own dead load shall be accommodated locally and without causing deflections or
movements that affect abutting elements.
2. The dead loads derived from permanent fixtures or services attached to the surfaces of the work
shall be accommodated without any reduction in performance.
C. Specific Live Loads
1. The work shall be capable of accommodating the following live loads without any reduction in
a) Movements of the concrete slabs and loads imposed upon them.
b) All loads resulting from movements of the structure as a whole.
c) Loads from a 2.5 ton cherry picker type access machine.
d) Working loads up to 11.5-ton axle load shared between two wheels with assumed 300mm x
300mm area of tyres producing an ultimate load of 1.8N/ mm².
D. Stone Abrasion Resistance: Minimum value of 10, based on testing according to ASTM C 241 or
ASTM C 1353.
E. Static Coefficient of Friction (slip resistance): To ASTM C 1028, minimum value of 0.6 for level
F. Environmental Performance Requirements
1. Thermal Movement: It shall be ensured that the work is capable of withstanding differential
surface temperatures without any reduction in the specified performance. Any movement joints,
as necessary to cater for any thermal movement, shall be provided.
2. Moisture Movement
a) The work shall withstand the following movement without permanent deformation or any
reduction in the specified performance:
1. Due to changes in the moisture content of its components, resulting from variations in
the moisture content of the air.
2. Due to drying shrinkage of building components, both short term and long term.
3. Strength and Physical Properties of Stone
a) Stone supplied for use in accordance with the Specification shall comply with the following:
1. Slip resistance, to recognized procedure.
2. Staining potential, to recognized procedure.
3. Coefficient of thermal expansion, to recognized procedure.
4. Cyclic heating and cooling, to recognized procedure.
b) Provide information and values for review by the Engineer for the following test criteria:
1. Petrographic description: No deleterious constituents.
2. Density: 2560kg/ m³ minimum.
3. Water absorption: 0.40% maximum.
4. Flexural strength under concentrated load shall be 10.34 Mpa minimum (wet). Note:
Tests shall be performed at proposed project thickness.
5. Abrasion resistance: Provide values for assessment.
6. Slip resistance: Provide values for assessment (dry and wet). Note: Tests shall be
performed at proposed project thickness.
c) Surface Finish
1. Staining potential: Non-susceptible.
A. General Requirements of Stone
1. The stone types specified are based on the visual requirements of the Engineer. The Contractor
shall confirm the suitability of the stone types specified based on performance requirements and
testing as specified and confirm suitability for all intended purposes and applications. Should the
Contractor deem the stone types inappropriate, the Contractor shall inform the Engineer in
writing and recommend suitable stone type(s) similar in appearance to those specified by the
Engineer and provide samples for review and acceptance.
2. Arrangements shall be made for the Engineer, and others as necessary, to inspect samples of
stone in the respective quarries which represent the range of variations in appearance. The
acceptance of the Engineer shall be obtained before confirming orders with suppliers or
proceeding with production.
3. The stone shall be thoroughly seasoned and free from cracks, vents, fissures or other defects
that may adversely affect appearance, strength, weathering qualities or durability. Stone shall be
dressed and worked prior to delivery to Site.
4. No deleterious constituents or Pyrite shall be permitted.
5. Stone shall be insusceptible to staining.
6. Stone finishes shall be as described and accepted by sampling.
7. The desired colors and textures shall be established through range samples due to their
permissible variations in material characteristics. Present a selection of representative range
samples to the Engineer for viewing, sufficient in number to show the complete range of
variations in colors and textures of the proposed stone prior to commencing production.
B. Curbs and Edge Restraints
1. Plastic Edge Restraints: Manufacturer's standard triangular PVC extrusions designed to serve as
edge restraints for unit pavers.
2. Steel Edge Restraints: Manufacturer's standard painted steel edging.
3. Aluminum Edge Restraints: Manufacturer's standard extruded-aluminum edging.
4. Precast Concrete Curbs: Made from normal-weight concrete.
5. Stone Curbs: Granite curbing, produced in random lengths not less than 900mm from granite in
accordance with ASTM C 615.
C. Accessories
1. Cork Joint Filler: Preformed strips in accordance with ASTM D 1752, Type II.
2. Compressible Foam Filler: Preformed strips in accordance with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2A1.
D. Bedding Materials
1. Aggregate Setting-Bed Materials:
a) Graded Aggregate for Subbase: Sound, crushed stone or gravel in accordance with ASTM
D 448 for Size No. 57 for light traffic uses and ASTM D 2940, subbase material for heavy-
duty applications.
b) Graded Aggregate for Base: Sound, crushed stone or gravel in accordance with ASTM D
448 for Size No. 8 for light traffic uses and ASTM D 2940, base material for heavy-duty
c) Sand for Leveling Course: Sound, sharp, washed, natural sand or crushed stone complying
with gradation requirements in ASTM C 33 for fine aggregate.
d) Stone Screenings for Leveling Course: Sound stone screenings in accordance with ASTM D
448 for Size No. 10.
e) Sand for Joints: Fine, sharp, washed, natural sand or crushed stone with 100% passing
1.18mm sieve and no more than 10% passing 0.075mm sieve.
1. Provide sand of color needed to produce required joint color.
f) Separation Geotextile: Woven geotextile fabric, manufactured for separation applications;
made from polyolefins or polyesters, with elongation less than 50%; complying with
AASHTO M 288 and the following, measured per test methods referenced:
1. Survivability: Class 2, AASHTO M 288.
2. Apparent Opening Size: 0.250mm sieve, maximum; ASTM D 4751.
3. Permittivity: 0.02 per second, minimum; ASTM D 4491.
4. UV Stability: 50% after 500 hours' exposure, ASTM D 4355.
g) Drainage Geotextile: Nonwoven needle-punched geotextile fabric, manufactured for
subsurface drainage applications, made from polyolefins or polyesters, with elongation
greater than 50%, complying with AASHTO M 288 and the following, measured per test
methods referenced:
1. Survivability: Class 2, AASHTO M 288.
2. Apparent Opening Size: 0.425mm sieve, maximum; ASTM D 4751.
D. Latex-Modified, Portland Cement Setting-Bed Mortar: Proportion and mix Portland cement, sand and
latex additive for setting bed in accordance with written instructions of latex-additive manufacturer and
as necessary to produce stiff mixture with a moist surface when bed is ready to receive pavers.
E. Latex-Modified, Portland Cement Bond Coat: Proportion and mix Portland cement, aggregate and
liquid latex for bond coat in accordance with written instructions of liquid-latex manufacturer.
F. Thinset Mortar Bond Coat: Proportion and mix thinset mortar ingredients according to manufacturer's
written instructions.
G. Job-Mixed Portland Cement Grout: Proportion and mix job-mixed Portland cement and aggregate
grout to match setting-bed mortar except omit hydrated lime and use enough water to produce a
pourable mixture.
1. Pigmented Grout: Select and proportion pigments with other ingredients to produce color
required. Do not exceed pigment-to-cement ratio of 1 to 10 by weight.
2. Colored-Aggregate Grout: Produce color required by combining colored aggregates with Portland
cement of selected color.
H. Packaged Grout Mix: Proportion and mix grout ingredients according to grout manufacturer's written
A. Fabricate stone in accordance with requirements indicated and with the following references.
1. For stone not otherwise indicated, comply with recommendations in Marble Institute of America's
(MIA) "Dimension Stone - Design Manual."
B. Cut to the required shape out of solid stone blocks.
C. Form units in the largest lengths practical, with ends cut to maintain a consistent joint width of 10mm.
Form curved sections with parallel sides except for a tight radius bend where they shall be cut from an
appropriately sized square of stone.
D. Apply the required finish to exposed faces.
E. Mixing: Mix mortar materials in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
F. Tolerances
1. The specified slab thickness dimensions shall be minimum, with an upper limit of +5mm.
2. Width and lengths of varying sizes shall not deviate by more than ±2mm of the described size.
G. Manufacturing Tolerances
1. Curb and gutter sizes stated in the Specification are nominal and the actual sizes required to
meet the joint sizes shall be determined by the Contractor.
2. Units shall be butted/ manufactured with the tolerance of ±0.5mm.
A. Appointment of Testing Laboratory
1. For the purpose of testing, a qualified geologist/ stone consultant shall be appointed for the
whole cycle of testing required. The qualified geologist/ stone consultant shall certify that the
samples tested are from the same block(s) selected for the project and continuing custody of
samples together with marking of blocks will be deemed essential. Deliver all samples to the
testing laboratory, including the completion of all customs formalities (if appropriate) and the
payment of all levies or duties.
B. Natural Stone Testing Regime
1. Selection:
a) Quarry Assessment: Quarry evaluation, poured-in-place material variability and
characteristics, production facility inspection and quality system assessment shall be carried
out by an independent qualified geologist/ stone consultant experienced in the use of
natural stone for exterior and internal flooring.
b) Representative approval testing blocks (3 No.) shall be selected by a qualified geologist/
stone consultant working for an independent accredited testing laboratory. Testing shall be
performed at an independent accredited testing laboratory. The material selected for testing
shall match the agreed project reference control samples.
c) The testing laboratory or supplier shall be engaged to select testing samples at the quarry.
C. Quarrying Supervision
1. Quarrying shall be supervised and coordinated by the stone fabricator to ensure that the as-
quarried block orientations will yield finished material with characteristics as specified herein.
2. All stone shall be cut from matched blocks with a uniform background color. Matched blocks shall
mean blocks extracted from a single bed of stratum in the quarry. The use of blocks chosen at
random, although similar in general character and color to that of the accepted stone shall not be
permitted except by written permission of the Engineer. Provide mock-ups, prototypes, quality
benchmark installations, testing and inspections in accordance with Section 014000 Quality
3. Approval Testing (Based on 3 No. Representative Blocks per Stone Source).
B. Sweep concrete substrates to remove dirt, dust, debris and loose particles.
C. Acceptance of Base
1. Before starting work, the points stated below shall be followed:
a) The base shall be sound, clean and suitably close textured.
b) The levels and falls of the base shall be as detailed, within the specified tolerance of
c) Drainage outlets shall be within +0 to -10mm of the required finished level.
A. General
1. Do not use unit curbs and gutters with chips, cracks, voids, discolorations or other defects that
might be visible or cause staining in finished work.
2. Cut curb and gutter units with motor-driven masonry saw equipment to provide clean, sharp,
unchipped edges. Cut units to provide pattern indicated and to fit adjoining work neatly. Use full
units without cutting where possible. Hammer cutting shall not be acceptable.
3. Joint Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings or match and continue existing curb and
gutter unit joint pattern.
4. Curbs and/ or Gutters over Waterproofing: Exercise care in placing curbs and/ or gutters and
setting materials over waterproofing so protection materials are not displaced and waterproofing
is not punctured or otherwise damaged. Carefully replace protection materials that become
displaced and arrange for repair of damaged waterproofing before covering with paving.
a) Provide joint filler at waterproofing that is turned up on vertical surfaces unless otherwise
indicated; where unfilled joints are indicated, provide temporary filler or protection until curb
and/ or gutter installation is complete.
5. Tolerances: Do not exceed 0.8mm unit-to-unit offset from flush (lippage) nor 3mm in 3m from
level, or indicated slope, for finished surface of curb and/ or gutter.
6. Expansion and Control Joints: Provide for sealant-filled joints at locations and of widths indicated.
Provide compressible foam filler as backing for sealant-filled joints unless otherwise indicated.
Where unfilled joints are indicated, provide temporary filler until curb and/ or gutter installation is
complete. Install joint filler before setting curbs and/ or gutters. Sealant materials and installation
are specified in Section 079200 Joint Sealants.
7. Provide curb edge restraints as indicated. Install edge restraints before placing curb units.
a) Install curb edge restraints in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Install
stakes at intervals required to hold edge restraints in place during and after curb unit
b) For metal curb edge restraints with top edge exposed, drive stakes at least 25mm below top
8. Regularity:
a) Sudden irregularities shall not occur.
b) Where appropriate in relation to the geometry of the surface, the variation in gap under a
3m straightedge (with feet placed anywhere on the surface) shall be not more than 6mm.
c) The difference in level between adjacent curb and/ or gutter units shall be not more than
B. Aggregate Setting-Bed Applications
1. Compact soil subgrade uniformly to at least 95% of laboratory density in accordance with ASTM
D 698 or ASTM D 1557.
2. Proof-roll prepared subgrade to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Excavate soft
spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by the
Engineer, and replace with compacted backfill or fill as directed.
3. Place separation geotextile over prepared subgrade, overlapping ends and edges at least
4. Place aggregate subbase and base, compact by tamping with plate vibrator and screed to depth
5. Place aggregate subbase and base, compact to 100% of ASTM D 1557 maximum laboratory
density and screed to depth indicated.
6. Place drainage geotextile over compacted base course, overlapping ends and edges at least
7. Place leveling course and screed to a thickness of 25mm-38mm, taking care that moisture
content remains constant and density is loose and uniform until curbs and/ or gutters are set and
8. Treat leveling course with herbicide to inhibit growth of grass and weeds.
9. Set curb and/ or gutter units with a minimum joint width of 1.5mm and a maximum of 3mm, being
careful not to disturb leveling base. If curbs have spacer bars, place curbs hand tight against
spacer bars. Use string lines to keep straight lines. Fill gaps between units that exceed 10mm
with pieces cut to fit from full-size curb units.
a) When installation is performed with mechanical equipment, use only curb units with spacer
bars on sides of each unit.
10. Spread dry sand and fill joints immediately after setting curb units into leveling course. Add sand
until joints are completely filled, then remove excess sand. Leave a slight surplus of sand on the
surface for joint filling.
11. Do not allow traffic on installed curbs until sand has been suitably filled into joints.
12. Repeat joint-filling process 30 days later.
C. Bituminous Setting-Bed Applications
1. Place bituminous setting bed where indicated and in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. Spread mix at a minimum temperature of 121°C.
2. Apply neoprene-modified asphalt adhesive to cold setting bed by squeegeeing or troweling to a
uniform thickness of 1.6mm. Proceed with setting of curb units only after adhesive is tacky and
surface is dry to touch.
3. Place curb units carefully by hand in straight courses, maintaining accurate alignment and
uniform top surface. Protect newly laid curb units with plywood panels on which workers can
stand. Advance protective panels as work progresses but maintain protection in areas subject to
continued movement of materials and equipment to avoid creating depressions or disrupting
alignment of curbs.
4. Joint Treatment: Place curb units with hand-tight joints. Fill joints by sweeping sand over paved
surface until joints are filled. Remove excess sand after joints are filled.
D. Mortar Setting-Bed Applications
1. Saturate concrete subbase with clean water several hours before placing setting bed. Remove
surface water about one hour before placing setting bed.
2. Apply mortar-bed bond coat over surface of concrete subbase about 15 minutes before placing
mortar bed. Limit area of bond coat to avoid its drying out before placing setting bed. Do not
exceed 1.6mm thickness for bond coat.
3. Apply mortar bed over bond coat; spread and screed mortar bed to uniform thickness at
subgrade elevations required for accurate setting of curbs to finished grades indicated.
4. Place reinforcing wire over concrete subbase, lapped at joints by at least one full mesh and
supported so mesh becomes embedded in the middle of mortar bed. Hold edges back from
vertical surfaces approximately 13mm.
5. Place mortar bed with reinforcing wire fully embedded in middle of mortar bed. Spread and
screed mortar bed to uniform thickness at subgrade elevations required for accurate setting of
curbs to finished grades indicated.
6. Mix and place only that amount of mortar bed that can be covered with curb units before initial
set. Before placing curb units, cut back, bevel edge, and remove and discard setting-bed
material that has reached initial set.
7. Place curb units before initial set of cement occurs. Immediately before placing curbs on mortar
bed, apply uniform 1.5mm thick bond coat to mortar bed or to back of each paver with a flat
8. Tamp or beat curb units with a wooden block or rubber mallet to obtain full contact with setting
bed and to bring finished surfaces within indicated tolerances. Set each curb unit in a single
operation before initial set of mortar; do not return to areas already set or disturb curb units for
purposes of realigning finished surfaces or adjusting joints.
9. Spaced Joint Widths: Provide suitable joint width as recommended by the manufacturer with
variations not exceeding 1.5mm.
10. Grouted Joints: Grout curb joints in accordance with ANSI A108.10.
11. Grout joints as soon as possible after initial set of setting bed.
a) Force grout into joints, taking care not to smear grout on adjoining surfaces.
b) Clean curb units as grouting progresses by dry brushing or rubbing with dry burlap to
remove smears before tooling joints.
c) Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using a jointer larger than joint
thickness unless otherwise indicated.
d) If tooling squeezes grout from joints, remove excess grout and smears by dry brushing or
rubbing with dry burlap and tool joints again to produce a uniform appearance.
12. Cure grout by maintaining in a damp condition for seven days unless otherwise recommended by
grout or liquid-latex manufacturer.
E. Movement Joint Metal Edgings: Fastening shall be bedded in cement and sand/ screwed to plugs at
600mm centers, to exact finished level of curbs.
F. Sealant Movement Joints: Preparation and application shall be in accordance with Section 079200 of
the Specification. Joints shall extend through curbs and/ or gutters and bedding to substrate. Joints
shall coincide with any movement joints left in the substrate.
A. Testing Apparatus
1. On Site, the following apparatus shall be maintained in good repair:
a) Maximum and minimum thermometers as and where required.
b) Soil thermometers as required for measuring the mortar and ground temperatures.
c) Apparatus for carrying out the test described in the standards specified.
d) Syphon can, Gammon Morgan or Speedy apparatus for measuring the moisture content of
e) Apparatus for carrying out the test described in the standards specified.
f) Apparatus for making mortar cubes or prisms in accordance with the standards specified.
g) Apparatus for measuring the air content of the mortar in accordance with the standards
A. Cleaning: Remove dirt, stains, and discoloration without damage to installed materials. Clean drains,
channels and gullies of debris.
1. Remove temporary protective coating as recommended by coating manufacturer and as
acceptable to curb and/ or gutter and grout manufacturers.
2. Do not allow protective coating to enter floor drains. Trap, collect and remove coating material.
B. Adjusting: Remove and replace broken, chipped, stained or otherwise defective units, or units which
do not match as intended. Provide new units to match adjoining units and install in same manner as
original units, with same joint treatment and with no evidence of replacement. Make good or replace
adjoining work marred by the curb and/ or gutter installation, to the acceptance of the Engineer.
C. Pointing: During tooling of joints, enlarge voids or holes and completely fill with grout. Point joints at
sealant joints to provide a neat, uniform appearance, properly prepared for sealant application.
A. Curb units bedded on mortar shall be kept free from pedestrian traffic as recommended by the
B. Access to curbed areas shall be restricted as necessary to prevent damage from Site traffic.
C. Site traffic to areas with geotextile shall be avoided until the upper granular sub-base has been fully
laid with the prior acceptance of the Engineer.
End of Section
E. Prototypes
1. Not required.
F. Quality Benchmark Installation
1. Following agreement of samples, an area of 25m² of each type of module in location to be
agreed with the Engineer.
G. Preconstruction Testing/ Reports
1. Submit reports of independent tests demonstrating that the products and systems comply with
the specified performance requirements.
2. Where test results for a material or product are not available, undertake testing to show
compliance with the Specification at an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the
3. The provision of testing data or the carrying-out of tests does not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities regarding the durability or service life requirements.
A. Delivery: Carefully pack and load the surfaces to prevent damage without causing staining or
discoloration. Deliver bulk materials in sealed bags clearly marked with their weight and products in
unopened manufacturer's packaging, clearly identified with relevant information.
B. Storage
1. Store products in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Store bulk materials on impervious bases and in separate bins to prevent contamination.
C. Handling: Handle carefully to avoid damage to face and edges. Reject damaged materials or those
otherwise unfit for use.
A. Temperature
1. Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit athletic
recreational surface system to be installed according to manufacturers' written instructions and
warranty requirements.
2. Do not use any cement-based materials when the temperature is below 4°C and falling.
3. Protect uncured work from sunlight and rapid drying; provide insulated and polyethylene as
B. Precipitation
1. Do not use saturated materials.
2. Do not perform grading or compaction of sub-bases when the ground is saturated or covered
with standing water.
3. Protect formed levels and prepared bases from heavy rainfall.
4. Do not carry out paving work during rainfall.
5. Protect items set with mortar from rain until fully cured, with suitable covers.
A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace
components of athletic recreational surface system that fail in materials or workmanship within
specified warranty period.
1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following:
a) Reduction in impact attenuation.
b) Deterioration of surface and other materials beyond normal weathering.
2. Warranty Period: 10 years from date of Taking-Over.
A. Source of Supply: Obtain products for each item from a single manufacturer.
B. Type EXH-710 Rubber Flooring
1. Description: Composite rubber safety surface including all necessary accessories and fastenings
to complete the installation.
2. Material: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
3. Manufacturer: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
4. Product Reference: To be confirmed by the Engineer from the manufacturer's full range.
5. Color: To be confirmed by the Engineer.
6. Size: To be confirmed by the Engineer as per the manufacturer's full range.
7. The rubber surface shall be laid on a suitable concrete or macadam substrate, as per the
Structural Engineer's specification and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
8. Tiles shall be connected with plastic connector pins in accordance with the manufacturer's
9. The special surface shall not promote or sustain growth of any organism or micro-organism, nor
provide harbourage for vermin or insects.
10. Bedding: In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations as accepted by the Engineer.
11. Joints: As recommended by the manufacturer as accepted by the Engineer.
12. Pattern: As indicated on the Design Drawings.
A. General Performance: Surfacing shall comply with performance requirements without failure due to
defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction.
B. Structural Performance Requirements
1. Specific Movements:
a) The works shall be detailed, manufactured and installed to accommodate all movements of
the substrates without damage or any reduction in the performance.
b) Provide all necessary movement joints to accommodate the movements to which the
surface is expected to be subjected, whether indicated on the Design Drawings or not.
c) Show all movement joints on the Shop Drawings, which shall be subject to acceptance by
the Engineer.
d) The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that movement joint thicknesses are
e) A method statement for the installation of all the works shall be provided, taking into account
movements of the structural slab including:
1. Dimensional setting out and joints alignment.
2. Floor services.
3. Construction tolerances.
4. Movement joints, bay joints and relief joints.
5. Full adhesion.
6. Full bed without hollows.
7. Cracking to grouted joints, which will not be acceptable.
8. Resilient and insulation layer.
f) A full understanding of the behaviour of the building structure, its movements and its effects
upon the works is required.
g) The works shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any element of
the works or adjacent structural or building elements.
2. Specific Dead Loads:
a) The works' own dead load shall be accommodated locally and without causing deflections
or movements that affect abutting elements.
b) The dead loads derived from permanent fixtures or services attached to the surfaces of the
works shall be accommodated without any reduction in performance.
3. Specific Live Loads:
a) The works shall be capable of accommodating the following live loads without any reduction
in performance:
1. Vertically applied loads acting on the surface of the component. The works shall
sustain safely, without reduction in performance and without permanent deformation
the burden imposed by the equipment.
2. Vertical loads applied in the form of adult foot traffic.
C. Environmental Performance Requirements
1. Thermal Movements: It shall be ensured that the works are capable of withstanding differential
surface temperatures without any reduction in the specified performance. Any movement joints,
as necessary to cater for any thermal movement, shall be provided.
2. Moisture Movement:
a) The works shall withstand the following movement without permanent deformation or any
reduction in the specified performance:
1. Due to changes in the moisture content of its components, resulting from variations in
the moisture content of the air.
2. Due to drying shrinkage of building components, both short term and long term.
3. Slip Resistance:
a) When tested using the TRL Pendulum Tester, exterior paving, inclusive of surface treatment,
shall achieve the following pendulum test value (PTV):
1. Dry: Not less than 40 PTV.
2. Wet: Not less than 40 PTV.
b) When tested using the surface roughness meter, exterior paving shall achieve the following
surface roughness (Rz) value:
1. Not less than 20 µm Rz.
D. Impact and Abrasion Resistance
1. Construct and reinforce surface systems to prevent permanent damage or distortion where
exposed to impact loads.
2. The works shall resist abrasion from agreed cleaning methods and maintenance systems without
any noticeable change in surface appearance. Generally, surfaces shall be sufficiently hard to
resist all reasonable impacts from hand-held objects.
3. The extent of any damage determined through testing shall be recorded and, where possible,
quantified. Details shall be submitted to the Engineer.
4. Details of tests shall be provided to demonstrate the performance of materials and finishes in
resisting abrasion from pedestrian traffic (hands, rings, luggage, cloth, shoes, etc.) and any other
abrasion resulting from adjacent traffic movements.
A. General
1. Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials: In accordance with ASTM F 1292.
2. Accessibility of Surface Systems: In accordance with ASTM F 1951.
3. Damage: Materials that are chipped, scratched, damaged or have any other physical
imperfections shall not be used in the works
B. Engineered Wood Fibers: In accordance with ASTM F 2075.
C. Inorganic Aggregate Materials: Clean, washed, and free of loam, clay, organic matter, debris, and
other foreign substances.
1. Fine Sand:
a) In accordance with ASTM C 136 for the following sieve analysis test results:
1. Sieve Sizes and Percent Passing through Panel: No. 16 passing 100%, No. 30 passing
98%, No. 50 passing 62%, No. 100 passing 17%, and No. 200 passing 0 to 1%.
2. Coarse Sand:
a) In accordance with ASTM C 136 for the following sieve analysis test results:
b) Sieve Sizes and Percent Passing through Panel: No. 4 passing 98%, No. 8 passing 73%,
No. 16 passing 4%, No. 30 passing 1%, and No. 50 passing 0 to 1%.
3. Fine Gravel: Rounded, hard, durable stone, free of sand, with particle size less than 9.5mm in
diameter; in accordance with ASTM C 136 for the following sieve analysis test results:
a) Sieve Sizes and Percent Passing through Panel: 9.5mm passing 100%, No. 3-½ passing
93%, No. 4 passing 65%, No. 8 passing 8%, No. 16 passing 5%, and No. 30 passing 4%.
4. Medium Gravel: Rounded, hard, durable, riverbed gravel or tumbled stone, free of sand, with
particle size less than 13mm in diameter; in accordance with ASTM C 136 for the following sieve
analysis test results:
a) Sieve Sizes and Percent Passing through Panel: 13mm passing 100%, 9.5mm passing 80%
8mm passing 20%, No. 4 passing 8%, and No. 16 passing 3%.
D. Adhesives
1. Type to match durability class of core material in accordance with the manufacturer's
2. Do not use adhesives that contain urea formaldehyde.
E. Fastenings: Refer to Section 050523 Metal Fastenings.
1. All necessary fastenings shall be installed for the works.
2. Visible fastenings shall match accepted samples.
F. Sealants: Refer to Section 079200 Joint Sealants. Provide in accordance with the manufacturer's
G. Sand Bedding
1. Sand bedding shall be naturally occurring clean sharp sand or crushed rock.
2. The clay, silt, fine dust shall not be more than 3% by mass.
3. It shall be free from chlorides or other deleterious salts, contaminants and cement.
4. Comply with athletic recreational surface system manufacturer's written installation instructions.
Install athletic recreational surface system over area and in thickness indicated.
B. Geosynthetic Installation
1. General: Install geosynthetics according to athletic recreational surface system manufacturer's
and geosynthetic manufacturer's written instructions.
a) Geotextiles: Completely cover area indicated, overlapping sides and edges a minimum of
100mm/ 200mm with manufacturer's standard treatment for overlapping loosely laid or
adhesively bonded seams.
1. Perimeter: Adhere edges on all sides to top of perimeter curb or footing.
C. Installation of Seamless Surface Systems
1. Seamless Surface: Mix and apply components of special surface system according to
manufacturer's written instructions to produce a uniform, monolithic wearing surface and impact-
attenuating system of total thickness indicated.
a) Substrate Primer: Apply over prepared substrate at manufacturer's standard spreading rate
for type of substrate.
b) Poured Cushion Course: Spread evenly over primed substrate to form a uniform layer
applied at manufacturer's standard spreading rate in one continuous operation, with a
minimum of cold joints.
c) Intercoat Primer: Over cured cushion course, apply primer at manufacturer's standard
spreading rate.
d) Wearing Course: Spread over primed base course to form a uniform layer applied at
manufacturer's standard spreading rate in one continuous operation and, except where
color changes, with no cold joints unless otherwise indicated. Finish surface to produce
manufacturer's standard wearing-surface texture.
1. Where colored pattern is/ graphics are indicated, place adjacent colored material as
soon as placed colored material is sufficiently cured, using primer or adhesive if
required by manufacturer's written instructions.
e) Lacquer Topcoat: Spray or roller applied at manufacturer's standard coating rate in one
continuous operation.
f) Edge Treatment: Flush/ Extended surface course/ Saw-cut base and vertical pour. Fully
adhere edges to substrate with full coverage of substrate. Maintain fully cushioned
thickness required in accordance with safety performance requirements.
D. Installation of Tile Surface System
1. Tile Units: Provide a uniform wearing surface with no unaligned units, raised edges, or surface
a) Lay out units from center marks established with principal perimeter edges, discounting
minor offsets, so units at opposite edges of installation are of equal width. Adjust as
necessary to avoid using cut widths that equal less than one-half of a unit at perimeter.
Allow for border edge.
b) Cut and fit units around special surface equipment supports and vertical surfaces. Do not
create voids greater than 9.5mm wide.
1. Do not stretch units during installation.
c) Adhesively Applied Units: Adhere units to substrates using a full spread of adhesive applied
to substrate or to unit and to each other.
d) Mechanically Fastened Units: Anchor to substrates.
e) Mechanically Attached Units: Mechanically attach all four sides of units, including border
edge and corner units, to each other using number of fasteners per side as recommended
by system manufacturer. Free lay sheet of attached units on substrate.
f) Mechanically Attached Units Retained by Adhesively Applied Perimeter Units: Mechanically
attach all four sides of units to each other using number of fasteners per side as
recommended by system manufacturer. Adhere not less than one course of perimeter units
and border edge and corner units to substrates using a full spread of adhesive applied to
substrate or to unit and to each other.
g) Edge Borders: Maintain fully cushioned thickness required in accordance with safety
performance requirements.
h) Filler/ Sealant: Mask area surrounding cutouts around special surface equipment supports
and other obstructions. Apply a full bead of filler/ sealant, filling cutouts immediately after
laying tile with cutout.
E. Installation of Loose Fill Surface System
1. Loose-Fill Edgings: Place as indicated, and permanently secure in place and attach to each other
according to edging manufacturer's written instructions.
2. Loose Fill: Place athletic recreational surface system materials including manufacturer's
standard amount of excess material for compacting naturally with time/ including manufacturer's
standard amount of excess material for compacting mechanically to required depths after
installation of equipment support posts and foundations.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 321800 / 7 Athletic And Recreational Surfacing
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
3. Stabilizing Mats: Coordinate installation of mats and mat anchoring system with placing and
compacting of loose fill.
4. Compacting and Grading: Uniformly compact and grade loose fill according to manufacturer's
written instructions to an even surface free from irregular surface changes as indicated.
5. Finish Grading: Hand rake to a smooth finished surface and to required elevations.
A. Testing Agency: A qualified testing agency shall be engaged to perform tests and inspections.
B. Testing Services: Testing and inspecting of completed applications of surface system shall take place
according to ASTM F 1292.
C. Remove and replace applications of athletic recreational surface system where test results indicate
that it does not comply with requirements.
D. Additional testing and inspecting, at the Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine
compliance of replaced or additional work with requirements.
E. Slip Resistance Testing
1. Pendulum Test: Exterior paving shall be evaluated in both dry and wet conditions using the TRL
Pendulum Tester to obtain the pendulum test value (PTV) specified.
2. Samples shall be tested at the following stages of the project:
a) Approval.
b) Production.
c) Post-installation (Poured-in-place).
3. Submit test results to the Engineer for acceptance in due time, prior to each of the project stages
or as agreed with the Engineer.
4. Test samples must include any surface sealer or treatment to be applied to the finished exterior
A. Cleaning: Remove dirt, stains, and discoloration without damage to installed materials. Clean drains,
channels and gullies of debris.
B. Adjusting: Replace broken, chipped, stained or are otherwise defective units, or units which do not
match as intended. Make good or replace adjoining work marred by the paving installation, to the
acceptance of the Engineer.
A. Surfaces bedded on mortar shall be kept free from pedestrian traffic as recommended by the
B. Seamless/ Tile Systems: Prevent traffic over system for not less than 48 hours after installation.
C. Access to surface areas shall be restricted as necessary to prevent damage from Site traffic and
D. Site traffic and plant access to areas with geotextile shall be avoided until the upper granular sub-base
has been fully laid with the prior acceptance of the Engineer.
End of Section
3. After topsoils have been accepted, mix and amend as necessary in batches of up to 230m³ each.
Each test batch shall be sampled, tested and approved prior to delivery to the Site. Tests include:
a) Topsoil: Gradation, organic content, moisture content and full agricultural parameters.
b) In-Place Tests: Compaction, moisture content and confirmatory tests of all topsoils.
C. Test Reports
1. Submit agricultural material test reports as specified herein for confirmation of each soil mix
design and for Site quality control.
2. Comply with additional testing and test report requirements specified in Article "Quality
Assurance" herein.
3. In testing and analysis reports, use the test criteria specified herein. Failure to include any of the
stated criteria shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the test reports.
4. Use test reports and format indicted by Sample Test Report Forms attached to the end of this
Section. Each test report shall include the following and/ or such other information required
specific to the material tested:
a) Date Issued.
b) Project Title and names, addresses and telephone number(s) of Contractor and material
supplier and soil type or soil mix tested.
c) Testing laboratory name, address and telephone number and name(s) as applicable, of
each field and laboratory inspector.
d) Date, place and time of sampling or test with record of temperature and weather conditions.
e) Location of material sampling source.
f) Type of test(s) including ASTM reference and/ or written description of testing parameters
g) Particle size analysis/ distribution as defined below as well as by hydrometer method.
h) Particle size analysis including gradation(s) indicated by sample test report form(s).
i) Fertility analysis: pH, soluble salts, nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, phosphate,
potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, iron, manganese, zinc, turfium, copper, aluminium,
molybdenum, lead, mercury, selenium, chromium, cadmium, nickel, cobalt and arsenic.
j) Cation exchange capacity.
k) Results of tests including identification of deviations from acceptable ranges. Identify any
toxic substance(s) harmful to plant growth or life.
l) Organic matter content.
m) Hydrometer Test describing percentage of sand, clay and silt.
n) pH, Buffer pH, soluble salts and C:N ratio.
D. Certificates
1. Submit certified analysis for each soil treatment, amendment and fertilizer material to be used
and not submitted as product data pre-packaged material with labelled documentatio of analysis
acceptable to the Engineer. Include guaranteed analysis and weight of material as delivered to
Site of work. Analysis shall be by a recognised laboratory according to methods established by
the Association of Official Agricultural (Analytical) Chemists.
2. Certificate of Supply: Upon delivery of topsoils to the Site, include Certificate of Supply together
with Supplier material tickets for each topsoil load delivered to Site.
E. Samples
1. Submit samples of the following for the Engineer's acceptance in accordance with Division 01
General Requirements, Section 013300 Submittal Procedures. Provide 2 No. sets of the
a) Topsoil (Prior to amending): 1Kg along with soil analysis report.
b) Compost: 1Kg of each specified with analysis report.
c) Fertilizers: 1Kg of each specified with analysis report.
d) Soil Amendments: 500g of each specified with analysis report.
e) Planting medium (after amendment) with analysis report.
f) Each sample shall be a composite of a minimum of 10 No. individual samples taken from
representative portions of a pile or source combined, thoroughly mixed and bagged.
g) Do not order materials until the Engineer's acceptance has been obtained. Delivered
materials shall closely match the approved samples.
F. Sources for Soil Components and Soil Mixes
1. Submit information identifying sources for all soil components and the firm responsible for mixing
of soil mixes.
2. The Engineer shall have the right to reject any soil supplier.
3. Soil mix supplier shall have a minimum of 5 years' experience at supplying custom topsoil mixes.
4. Submit certification that accepted supplier is able to provide sufficient quantities of materials and
mixes for the entire Project.
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 014700 Quality
Assurance, and submit the following.
B. Qualifications for Horticultural Soil Installations
1. Work of horticultural topsoil installation shall be performed with personnel familiar and
experienced with horticultural soil preparation and related requirements associated with lawn and
planting installations under the supervision of a foreman experienced in landscape work.
2. Foreman on the job shall speak English and able to exhibit at least 5 years' experience in the
installation of horticultural soils and soil mixes.
C. Qualifications for Inspecting and Testing Horticultural Materials: Qualifications of the Contractor's
Agricultural Chemist/ Testing Laboratory/ Agency shall be submitted to and accepted by the Engineer
prior to start of procurement of soil materials, placing or amending topsoil materials and planting
operations on Project.
1. Agricultural Chemist: Experienced person or persons employed by public or private soils testing
laboratory, qualified and capable of performing tests, making soil recommendations and issuing
reports as specified herein.
2. Soils Testing Laboratory: An independent laboratory with the experience and capability to
conduct the testing indicated and that specialises in types of tests to be performed and capable
of making soil recommendations and issuing reports as specified herein.
D. Pre-Installation Conference: A pre-installation conference shall be held prior to commencement of Site
operations to establish procedures to maintain optimum working conditions, to coordinate
requirements for testing and to coordinate this work with related and adjacent work.
E. Inspections and Testing of Horticultural Soil Materials
1. Material Testing: The Contractor shall engage and pay for the services of a qualified Agricultural
Chemist/ Soils Testing Laboratory/ Agency to perform all materials testing and inspections of
Project-related base components and Topsoils, as well as any other material testing and soil mix
material testing required in this Work Section or additionally required by the Engineer.
2. On Site Quality Control Testing and Inspections: The Contractor shall engage and pay for the
services of a qualified Testing Laboratory/ Inspection Agency to perform on Site observations,
testing and inspections. Soil placement and other earthwork shall be subject to quality control
inspections and testing as specified or if any questionable conditions, additionally as directed by
the Engineer.
a) Contractor shall cooperate in obtaining samples and performing tests of in-place materials
and shall furnish incidental field labour in connection with any tests to be performed.
b) During landscape construction operations, in addition to the Contractor's Testing Laboratory/
Agency, the Engineer may be present at the Site to observe and monitor placing and
amending soil material operations and shall be permitted free and unrestricted access to the
Site and work.
c) The Engineer reserves the right to take and analyse at any time such additional samples of
horticultural soil and soil amendment materials as deemed necessary for verification of
conformance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall furnish samples for this
purpose upon request and shall perform material testing as requested. The Engineer or the
Owner may, at their discretion, take additional tests or order additional tests respective to
d) Based on observations and evaluation of quality control tests, the Testing Laboratory/
Agency shall make recommendations to the Engineer regarding conformance of the soil
material and placing operations to Contract Documents and compatibility of actual
subsurface conditions to required subsurface conditions.
e) The Engineer shall evaluate the recommendations of respective Testing Laboratory/ Agency
and shall judge the compliance of the work with Contract Documents, issue any changes or
revisions required to Contract Documents to accommodate subsurface conditions which
differ from design assumptions and/ or advise the Contractor to direct remedial work where
the completed work does not comply with Contract Documents.
f) Topsoils and/ or other components delivered to the Site may be periodically sampled and
tested for compliance. Materials not matching the approved previously submitted. Samples
shall be removed from the Site at no additional cost to the Owner.
3. Materials in question shall not be used, pending test results of conformance to specified
F. Standards and Other Code of Practice
1. ASTM International Standards (ASTM):
a) ASTM C136: "Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates"
(Dry Sieving).
b) ASTM D422: "Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils" (Hydrometer).
c) ASTM D698: "Standard Test Methods For Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Standard Effort" (Standard Proctor).
d) ASTM D1557: Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Modified Effort.
e) ASTM D1556: Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the
Sand- Cone Method.
f) ASTM D2167: Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the
Rubber Balloon Method.
g) ASTM D2922: Standard Test Method for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by
Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).
h) ASTM D49721: "Standard Test Method for pH of Soils".
2. Woods End Research Laboratory, Mt. Vernon, Maine: Solvita Manual, Version 3.5.
3. Association of Official Agricultural (Analytical) Chemists.
4. American Association of Nurserymen, American Standards for Nursery Stock, (ANSI Z60.1),
latest edition, published by the American Association of Nurserymen.
5. ANSI: American National Standards Institute.
A. Base Components and topsoils shall not be handled, hauled, placed or compacted when wet or
immediately after a heavy rainfall. Soil should be handled only when the moisture content is less than
or equal to the optimum water content as determined for the standard proctor test. The Engineer shall
be consulted to determine if the soil is too wet to handle.
B. Packaged Materials
1. Packaged soil amendment material for topsoil mixes shall be delivered to the location where
topsoils are to be mixed.
2. Deliver all packaged materials in unopened bags or containers, each bearing the name,
guarantee and trademark of the producer, materials composition, manufacturers' certified
analysis and the weight of the material. Retain package labels for the Engineer's review.
C. Soil Material Deliveries
1. No soil of any type shall be delivered to the Site until test reports have been reviewed and
approved for compliance with criteria of this Work Section.
2. The Contractor shall furnish delivery ticket(s) with name and address of vendor, date and
estimated volume of each delivery to the Engineer.
3. Topsoil(s) delivered to the Site shall be stockpiled to extent allowed and only in areas accepted
by the Engineer. Limited storage and stockpile space is available on Site and the Contractor shall
schedule deliveries accordingly. Materials held in storage shall be protected from contaminants
and erosion. Tarps may be required if rain is predicted to protect soils from moisture.
4. Submit temporary storage means and methods for acceptance by the Engineer.
D. Bulk Material Deliveries
1. Deliver bulk materials with each individual shipment accompanied by an affidavit and/ or
certification from the vendor (supplier), countersigned by the Contractor upon receipt, identify
the material type, composition, analysis and weight and certifying that the material furnished
complies with specification requirements of this Project.
2. Affidavits and/ or certifications shall be furnished in duplicate with 1 No. copy submitted to the
Engineer at the end of day of shipment receipt at the Site and the second copy retained with
material or on file with the Contractor.
E. Soil Storage/ Stockpiling
1. Stockpiles of topsoils, either on Site or at mixing facilities, should be no more than 2000mm in
height to prevent anaerobic conditions within the pile(s). Stockpiles shall be sheltered from
weather to prevent excessive water absorption and blowing by winds as accepted by the
2. After mixing, topsoils stored off-site, during transport and delivery shall be covered with a
tarpaulin if needed due to inclement weather or wind exposure.
3. Prevent compaction of topsoils in stockpiles.
4. Stockpile soil materials away from edges of water or open excavations. Do not store within drip
line of trees.
5. Comply with other requirements for soil storage and stockpiling specified elsewhere in Contract
F. Soil that is to be stockpiled longer than two weeks, whether on or off Site shall not be placed in
mounds greater than 2000mm high.
G. Topsoil Storage Heaps
1. Location: As directed by the Owner.
B. Turf fertilizer shall be commercial grade, free flowing, beaded and uniform in composition and shall
conform to applicable Riyadh Municipal and Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries regulations.
C. Packing should clearly mention the name, weight, nutrient content in percentages and any other
additives present. Products shall be packed in such a way that it doesn't contaminate environment
and should avoid any spillage.
D. For granular fertilizers it shall be of uniform granular size for easy spreading. It shall be without any
moisture contamination and free of caking and impurities.
E. NPK elements rates for the fertilisers shall be conform to the following:
1. Tree and shrub planting-slow release, compound fertiliser shall be 4-19-10+7.5+3.4, or an
acceptable equivalent.
2. Grass- pre-seeding, soluble, compound fertilizer shall be 10-12-10, or and acceptable equivalent.
3. Palm shall be 8-8-16 or acceptable equivalent.
4. Lawn grass shall be 21-0-0 or acceptable equivalent.
5. General use shall be 16-8-8 or acceptable equivalent.
6. The potassium in any fertilizer used is to be from an organic source.
F. Slow release organic fertilizers (Non-biological) should conform to following specifications:
1. The fertilizer should be heat treated and fermented.
2. The organic matter content should not be less than 40%.
3. Moisture content should not exceed 25%.
4. EC should not exceed 10 millimhos/ Cm in an extract from 1:5.
5. The pH should not exceed 7.5 in an extract of 1:5.
6. The C/ N ratio should not exceed 20:1.
7. The sodium chloride (NaCl) percentage should not exceed 2% and soluble sodium should not be
more than 0.8%.
8. It should be free of soil, sand and other impurities.
9. It should be free from harmful weed seeds, disease causing pathogens, nematodes, insect pests,
and other similar pests.
G. In cases where liquid organic fertilisers are to be used the following aspects should be considered:
1. The content of organic matter and plant nutrient elements should not be less than 25%.
2. Fertilizers of which the main contents are humic or fulvic acid. The percentage of both should not
be less than 12%.
3. Fertilizers which contain organic matter, humic or fulvic acid and NPK shall have a percentage
not be less than 50% of all these contents together.
H. Inorganic fertilizers of pure chemical nature shall conform to the product specifications and label
1. Packing should clearly mention the name, nutrient content in percentages and any other
additives present.
2. Products shall be packed in such a way that it doesn't contaminate environment and should
avoid any spillage.
3. Shall be non-toxic to humans, birds or animals, under normal use.
4. All inorganic fertilizers are to be in slow release sulphur-coated. Granular form or tablets. It is to
be dry, free-flowing and free of lumps for easy spreading.
5. For liquid chemical fertilizer, it shall be clear liquids without crystallization and settlements.
6. For suspension fertilizer, particles shall easily dissolve when diluted.
7. All products shall be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and preferred to be an
ISO certified company's product.
8. Fertilizer is to be packed in standard waterproof containers, clearly marked with the name of the
manufacturer, weight and analysis.
9. Store fertilizer in a weather proof location and in such a manner that it shall stay dry and its
effectiveness shall not be impaired.
I. Application of slow release fertilizer is to be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Fertilizers shall be included when mixing soils and further applications before and during the
maintenance period shall be done in accordance with the Engineer's instructions and the Owner's
A. An ideal planting medium shall provide a condition in which the root system of the new plant can
resume easy growth and develop new root hairs to absorb water and nutrients. This shall be achieved
by carefully blending ingredients such as the sweet soil, compost, fertilisers, conditioners and water
retaining amendments.
1. Mixing of soil medium to produce the topsoil mixes shall be completed at an off Site facility
specifically established for the purpose of controlled soil mixing. Uniformly mix ingredients by
windrowing and turning or other approved method. Organic matter shall be maintained moist, not
wet, during mixing. Percentages of components, unless otherwise noted, shall be established
upon completion of individual test results for components of the various mixes.
2. Adequate quantities of mixed topsoil materials shall be provided to attain, after compaction and
natural settlement, all design finish grades. In addition, allow for quantities required by transition
zones. Verify quantities of each soil type needed for placement.
B. Mixing Soils
1. Topsoil mixes shall be a combination of approximately 60% sand (sweet soil), 40% compost, plus
additional soil amendment materials.
2. Uniformly mix ingredients of sweet soil and compost deemed to be necessary as a result of
testing in the proportions and to requirements specified for each topsoil.
3. Organic matter shall be maintained moist, not wet, during mixing.
4. Other amendments shall not be added unless accepted to extent and quantity by the Engineer
and additional tests have been conducted to verify that type and quantity of amendment is
5. Estimated percentages of component materials are provided for general guidance. Actual
percentages shall be modified upon completion of individual test results for Base Components
and finalised after batch tests.
C. Size of planting pit shall be as follows unless otherwise indicated:
1. Palm Pit: 1800mm x 1800mm x 1800mm.
2. Tree Pit: 1500mm x 1500mm x 1500mm.
3. Shrubs, Accents: 600mm x 600mm x 600mm.
4. Groundcovers: 300mm x 300mm x 300mm.
5. Turf Areas: 300mm depth.
D. Rates mentioned in this clause are for the first application prior to planting only. Further applications
before and during the maintenance period shall be done in accordance with the Engineer's
instructions to be given on Site.
A. The main functions of a geotextile used beneath softscape areas for filtration and separation. The
manufacturer shall be able to supply accompanying documentation upon request.
B. Obtain each type of geotextile from a single source with resources to provide materials and products
consistent quality in appearance and physical properties.
C. General Separation Geotextile
1. Polymer type: Prime-quality, virgin polypropylene containing 1% carbon black UV inhibitor.
2. Fibre Type: A blend of high-tenacity, staple fibres with diameters selected for optimum
3. Nominal Size: 175m x 6000mm.
4. Thickness: 3mm.
5. Apparent Pore Size: 130μm.
6. Survivability: Class 2, AASHTO M 288.
7. Tensile Strength: 20.
8. Coefficient of Permeability (m/ s) x10-3: 6.6; ASTM D4491.
9. UV Stability: A minimum of 50% after 500 hours' exposure, ASTM D4355.
10. Static Puncture Strength (CBR) - (kN): 3.
D. Installation
1. Geotextiles shall be delivered to site in packaging, which shall protect the product from damage
during handling, storage. Packaging shall be suitable to protect the product from UV degradation.
Product shall be kept in appropriate packaging until such time that it is required for installation.
2. The geotextile shall be clearly and indelibly marked with the product name along the edge of the
roll at regular intervals no greater than 5000mm. The labelling shall clearly identify the product
supplied in accordance with standards.
3. The rolls of geotextile shall be stored on level ground and stacked not more than 5 No. rolls high
and no other materials shall be stacked on top of the geotextiles.
4. The geotextile shall be laid and installed in the positions and to the line and levels described on
the Design Drawings. Construction plant shall not operate directly on the geotextile.
5. Joints shall be formed by overlapping by a minimum of 1000mm. A reduction in overlap to
300mm may be considered by the Engineer where the sub-layer is firm and above water level.
A. All pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, nematicides, miticides, tree sealants and other similar elements
fall under the Plant Protection Chemicals. Applications should be avoided in order to minimize
environmental impact, when necessary natural solutions shall be used.
B. If plant protection chemicals use cannot be avoided, whether in the form of solutions, granules,
emulsifiable concentrates, pellets or fumigants, they shall conform to all legal safety standards. Only
chemicals approved and listed by the Riyadh Municipality and Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
shall be used.
C. The product shall be non-toxic to humans with a low mammalian toxicity and a high LD50 value and
should cause only a minimal damage to the environment. The Contractor should educate the persons
involved in carrying out plant protection measures about all safety precautions for storage and
handling of the product. It should be useful and effective against the target pests.
D. The Contractor shall be liable for ensuring that all chemicals are stored separately and handled and
supplied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. Product label shall carry
details of product's ingredients, formulations, toxicity, and rates of application, pests controlled and
proper means of safe handling. The Contractor shall be able to provide the MSDS (Material Safety
Data Sheet) of product as instructed by the Engineer and use only approved products.
A. Where required to make up levels within soiled planting areas, the Contractor shall use clean free
draining sand fill to the acceptance of the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit samples and tests for
B. Imported fill shall be clean and free from toxic substances, roots and rubbish and shall be neither
excessively dry nor waterlogged.
C. Place clean filling in layers approximately 150mm thick compacted to 85% of the dry density ratio of
the surrounding soil according to relevant American or British Standard. Minimise slumping and further
internal packing down. Construct changes in grade over a minimum width of 500mm to smooth,
gradual and rounded profiles.
D. 'Black' sand shall not be acceptable.
A. Prior to construction and soil placement operations at landscape areas, ascertain the location of all
electric cables, conduits, irrigation, under-drainage systems, planking, rails and utility lines. Take
proper precautions so as not to disturb or damage all elements including the waterproofing system.
The Contractor's failing to take these precautions shall be responsible for making requisite repairs to
damaged utilities at the Contractor's own expense.
B. Verify that required utilities are available, in proper location and ready for use. Coordinate with other
trades and respective Subcontractors. Relate and adjust work together with irrigation system installer
for completion of system in relation to planting requirements.
C. Verify that all work requiring access through or adjacent to areas where Topsoils are to be placed has
been completed and no further access (other than exterior planting installation) shall be required. In
the event that access shall be required, access shall be accepted by Engineer and shall be subject to
replacing soil areas disturbed.
A. General
1. For each planting area, each layer of topsoils shall be completed prior to the placement of
subsequent soil layers.
2. Proposed compaction equipment and methodology for placing topsoils shall be submitted to and
accepted by the Engineer prior to the start of topsoil placement operations. Small tracked
equipment, such as a Dingo 22306 or a roller shall be required for compaction of Topsoils.
B. Setting out
1. Stake out the outline of planting areas, groundcover beds and individual tree and shrub locations
and for acceptance by the Engineer prior to plants being installed.
2. Stake out planting of tree/ palm at locations as indicated on the Design Drawings except where
obstructions exist below ground, overhead or where approved changes have been made during
construction. Complete staked layout of planting beds and pits before seeking layout acceptance
from the Engineer.
C. Grading and Grading Tolerances
1. Prior to spreading of any planting medium, the sub-grade shall be filled or excavated to the
appropriate levels.
2. Uniformly smooth grades of all areas including excavated and fill sections. Graded surface shall
be reasonably smooth, compacted and free from irregular surface changes. Comply with
compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines and elevations indicated. Refer to
Section 329000 Landscape Grading.
3. Provide a smooth transition between adjacent existing grades and new grades.
4. Planting areas shall be fine graded within ±25mm of grades indicated on the Design Drawings.
Maintain all "flat" areas and slopes to allow free flow of surface drainage without ponding.
5. Grading of Topsoil
a) Topsoil condition shall be reasonably dry and workable.
b) Contours shall be smooth and flowing, with falls for adequate drainage. Hollows and ridges
are not permitted.
c) Finished levels after settlementshall be 25mm flushed with adjoining paving, kerbs,
d) Notify the Engineer if required levels cannot be achieved by movement of existing soil.
6. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between such points and
existing grades, except that the surface shall be rounded at abrupt changes or slopes. Care shall
be exercised in grading all flat areas so as to prevent low spots and water pockets.
7. Smooth out unsightly variations, bumps, ridges and depressions that shall hold water. Remove
stones, litter or other objectionable material.
8. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots and trim high spots in accordance with required surface
D. Percolation tests shall be carried out to ensure the water can drain away. The test shall be carried out
using the following procedure:
1. Fill the plant pit with irrigation water and mark the level reached.
2. Monitor the rate of percolation over a period of one hour. If the water level drops by more than
20mm then the pit has passed the test.
3. If the plant pit fails the test, bore holes shall be augured at the bottom of the pit to achieve proper
percolation to the acceptance of the Engineer.
E. Placement of Topsoil
1. Topsoils shall be placed in layers not to exceed 300mm in thickness and compacted to meet
minimum and maximum requirements as specified below:
a) A transition zone shall be formed between the clean sand fill and the Topsoil by placing
25mm of the corresponding Topsoil over the corresponding clean sand fill and raking a
50mm thickness.
b) Clean sand shall be compacted to between 84% and 86% standard Proctor.
c) Topsoil shall be compacted to between 82% and 85% standard Proctor, except soils
beneath the rootballs shall be compacted to between 87% and 90% standard Proctor to
create a firm pedestal and prevent settlement of the rootballs.
d) In all cases, the soil being placed shall be in a dry to damp condition. No wet soils shall be
2. Prevention of compacted soils can be accomplished by beginning the work in corner, against
walls or the centre of isolated beds and progressing outwards towards the borders.
3. The Contractor shall place barricades as required to prevent any unnecessary compaction of
topsoil from vehicles, equipment or pedestrian traffic.
F. Lawn Areas
1. The ground level should be prepared in such a way to avoid any water logging, surface run-off or
soil erosion. Levels shall be graded toward drainage inlets or subsoil drainage lines where
indicated. Always form slopes away from buildings and structures.
2. Prior to planting of lawn areas the following shall be carried out:
a) Cultivate to a depth of 300mm.
b) Bring the water content of the area to be planted to Site capacity and allow water to
percolate until standing water disappears.
c) Apply fertilizer recommended to the acceptance of the Engineer.
d) Level the ground to finish levels with suitable garden tools and machinery. All sticks, stones
larger than 10mm diameter, weeds, debris and other extraneous material shall be removed.
Area shall be rolled and raked to true lines free from unsightly variations, bumps, ridges or
A. Contractor shall perform field testing of material as specified.
B. Notify the Engineer at least 2 days' notice prior to start of each or any phase of horticultural soil
C. Allow in schedule of operations for the Engineer to observe each soil layer before further construction
work or operations are performed. Placement and compaction of all Topsoils shall be monitored and
observed by Testing/ Inspection Agency at the discretion of the Engineer. Construction Monitoring
shall be as additionally specified in "Quality Assurance" herein.
D. Material testing shall confirm that materials on Site and as delivered and comply with requirements as
specified in Part 1 Article "Quality Assurance" herein.
E. Field Density Testing to check the degree of compaction of subgrades, fill and backfill shall be taken
by the Testing Laboratory/ Agency as specified in Part 1 Article "Quality Assurance".
F. If corrections are required in the opinion of the Engineer based on test reports or other data, the
Contractor shall amend at no additional costs to the Owner.
A. Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris.
B. Where completed and compacted soil or sub-base areas are disturbed by subsequent construction
operations or adverse weather, scarify the surface, reshape and compact to the required density prior
to further construction.
C. Repair and re-establish grades to the specified tolerances where completed or partially completed
surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled or where they lose compaction due to subsequent
construction operations or weather conditions.
D. Remove and replace soil material to depth as directed by the Engineer; reshape and compact as
E. Where settling occurs before the Taking-Over period elapses, remove finished surfacing, backfill with
approved fill, compact and reconstruct surfacing.
F. Restore appearance, quality and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work and eliminate
evidence of restoration to the greatest extent possible.
G. All remedial operations associated with use of topsoil mixes shall be reviewed and accepted by the
A. Maintain the Site in an orderly condition during the progress of Work.
B. Promptly remove soil, debris and any other rubbish created by work as it accumulates from within the
landscape boundary and remove daily. The landscape areas shall be kept in a clean and tidy condition
with all driveways, paths, edges, curb gutters and gullies swept and kept clear of debris at all times.
Clean wheels of vehicles before leaving Site to avoid tracking soil onto roadways, walks or other
paved areas.
C. Any soils contaminated by gasoline, oil, plaster, construction debris, unacceptable soils or other
substances that would render subgrade or a topsoil material unsuitable for plant growth shall be
removed from the premises whether or not such pollution occurs or exists prior to or during the
Contract period. In the event that contaminated material is placed, this material shall be removed and
replaced with approved material.
D. Legally dispose of waste material at a location identified by the Owner and approved by the Riyadh
End of Section
7. Spare Parts: The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's listing of spare parts and obtain
acceptance prior to commissioning any piece of equipment.
8. Shop Drawings showing extent of turf installed and all changes to the planting layout during
installation shall be recorded by the Contractor on a complete set of drawings and submitted to
the Engineer as As-built Drawings to be submitted to the Engineer at least 1 month after Taking-
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017800
Closeout Submittals.
B. Operations and Maintenance (O+M) Manual outlining tasks, dated program/ timetable, procedures,
personnel, equipment for the turf work. The O+M manual shall be submitted to the Engineer by the
Contractor for acceptance at least 3 months prior to the date for Taking-Over. 3 No. bound copies of
the manual in A4 format shall be presented to the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide 3 No. bound
copies to the KSA Statutory Authorities and/ or company maintaining the work beyond the Contract
Completion date.
C. Spares: A minimum 2% to 3% (additional) of the total amount of material assessories required for the
work, including but not limited to geotextile fabric and soil additive, shall be kept safe and secure on
Site in a location accepted by the Engineer at all times for future use. It is the responsibility of the
Contractor to replenish and maintain the same amount of spares on Site at all times to the acceptance
of the Engineer.
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 014000 Quality
B. Qualifications of Personnel
1. A qualified landscape installer whose work has resulted in successful turf establishment in
accordance with Section 329300 Plants and this Work Section.
C. Standards and Other Codes of Practice: In addition to the requirements indicated on the Design
Drawings and specified in the Specification, the Work shall be in accordance with the Saudi Building
Code (SBC).
1. BS 4428 Code of practice for general landscape operations (excluding hard surfaces).
2. BS 7370-3 Grounds maintenance. Recommendations for maintenance of amenity and functional
turf (other than sports turf).
A. Store materials inside, off the ground, under cover, shaded, dry and protected from weather, direct
sunlight, surface contamination, aging, corrosion and damage from construction traffic and other
B. Deliver materials to Site in original packages, unopened containers or bundles, labeled with
manufacturer's name, weight and guaranteed analysis attached to each container. Samples shall be
submitted to the Engineer for inspection and stored on the Site in a dry location until acceptance is
given the Engineer.
C. Empty bags or containers shall be counted on Site by the Engineer or his representative and shall not
be disposed of until instructed.
D. A suitable holding facility and/ or nursery for proposed turfing on or adjacent to the Site as required
shall be protected from construction work, shaded from sun and wind and shall be provided with an
adequate supply of irrigation water.
E. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements and other facilities, previously installed turf and
existing plants from damage caused by turfing operations.
F. Provide erosion control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of bulk materials, discharge of
soil bearing water runoff and airborne dust reaching adjacent properties, water conveyance systems
or walkways.
G. Each delivery of materials shall have appropriate certificates and product labels for each material
accompanying all authorized orders for signature and certification on Site.
H. Wind Deflecting Fences: All plants and planted areas are to be protected from the ingress of sand and
exposure to wind blown sand. Wind deflecting fences consisting of black shade cloth doubled over a
3-wire fence 1200mm high are to be erected as and when required and to the acceptance of the
A. Planting Restrictions
1. Planting shall not be carried out before October or after March without the specific acceptance of
the Engineer.
2. If water supply is or is likely to be restricted by emergency legislation, notify the Engineer
immediately and do not carry out planting until instructed. If planting has been carried out, obtain
instructions on watering.
B. Sequencing: The Contractor to coordinate specific work in sequence with all other Work on Site or
adjacent to the Site to avoid delay or hindrance and to ensure all work is performed efficiently.
C. Verification and Dimensions: Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check
and verify all dimensions, levels and turf area conditions and shall immediately inform the Engineer of
any discrepancies between the Shop Drawings and/ or the Specification and actual Site conditions.
No work shall be done on any area where there are such discrepancies or where conditions are
unsuitable for successful plant materials establishment until acceptance for same has been given by
the Engineer.
A. Special Warranty: The Contractor agrees to repair turf and associated accessories that fail in
materials, workmanship, or growth within the specified period. Warranty and Defects Liability period
from date of Taking-Over is 12 months.
A. Maintenance Period: The Contractor agrees to maintain turfing, associated accessories and structures
to the accepted quality, completion and integrity for 12 months after Taking-Over.
A. Imported Topsoil
1. Sweet Topsoil: Premuim grade shall be in accordance with BS 3882.
2. The topsoil shall be free from non-soil material, brick and other building materials and wastes,
hydrocarbons, plant matter, weed seeds or roots, and any other foreign matter or material or
substance that would render the sand unsuitable for horticultural use.
3. Topsoil for turf areas shall be free-draining, non-toxic and capable of sustaining healthy plant
growth. The topsoil shall not contain calcium carbonate, subsoil, refuse, roots, heavy clay,
noxious weeds, phytoxic materials, coarse sand, rocks, brush, litter or any other deleterious
4. The representative samples of imported sweet soil shall be analyzed for all of the following
characteristics. The supplier shall be accepted by the Engineer. The topsoil shall have following
a) Physical Parameters
1. Clay (Less than 0.002mm): 0% to 5%.
2. Silt (0.002 - 0.05mm) % 0 - 10
3. Sand (0.05mm to 2.00mm): 85% to 100%, of which:
a) Particles Between 2.00mm to 1.00mm: Less than 5%.
b) Particles Between 1.00mm to 0.50mm: -0% less than 5%.
c) Particles Between 0.50mm to 0.25mm: Between 10% and 25%.
d) Particles Between 0.25mm to 0.10mm: Between 45% and 65%.
e) Particles Between 0.15mm to 0.05mm: Between 5% and 30%.
f) Maximum Stone Content (2mm to 50mm): By weight, 10%.
g) Maximum Stone Size in Any Dimension: 20mm.
h) Permeability, mm/ Hr: 20mm/ Hr to 120mm/ Hr.
i) Porosity (total): >30%.
b) Chemical Parameters
1. pH Value, Units: 6.0 to 8.5.
2. Electrical Conductivity (Water Extract), µS/ cm: <500.
3. Electrical Conductivity (CaSO4 extract) µS/ cm: <2500.
4. Exchangeable Sodium Percentage: <6%.
5. Total Copper (Cu): <130mg/ kg.
6. Total Nickel (Ni): <50mg/ kg.
7. Total Zinc (Zn): <300mg/ kg.
8. Water-Soluble Boron (B): <3mg/ kg.
9. Chlorides: <220ppm in saturated extract.
10. Sulphates: <15ppm in saturated extract.
11. SAR: <5%.
12. Nitrates: 75ppm in saturated extract.
13. Physical Loam Made up by Particle Size: Sand (2mm to 0.05mm) 70% to 80%; Silt
(0.05mm to 0.002mm) 25% to 30%; Clay (<0.002mm) 5% maximum.
14. Typical depth for turf areas shall be 300mm. Greater depth shall be required to create
mounding areas.
6. Manufacturer's manual and guidelines for the installation and maintenance procedures for
materials and products before commencement of work.
7. Spare Parts: The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's listing of spare parts and obtain
acceptance prior to commissioning any piece of equipment.
8. Shop Drawings showing extent of plants installed and all changes to the planting layout during
installation shall be recorded by the Contractor on a complete set of drawings and submitted to
the Engineer as As-built Drawings to be submitted to the Engineer at least 1 month after Taking-
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017800
Closeout Submittals.
B. Operations and Maintenance (O+M) Manual outlining tasks, dated program/ timetable, procedures,
personnel, equipment for the planting work. Then O+M manual shall be submitted to the Engineer by
the Contractor for acceptance at least 3 months prior to the date for Taking-Over. 3 No. bound copies
of the manual in A4 format shall be presented to the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide 3 No.
bound copies to the KSA Statutory Authorities and/ or company maintaining the work beyond the
Contract Completion date.
C. Spares: A minimum 2% to 3% (additional) of the total amount of material assessories required for the
work, including but not limited to geotextile fabric and soil additive, shall be kept safe and secure on
Site in a location accepted by the Engineer at all times for future use. It is the responsibility of the
Contractor to replenish and maintain the same amount of spares on Site at all times to the acceptance
of the Engineer.
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 014000 Quality
B. Qualifications of Personnel
1. Work shall be performed and supervised at all times by qualified personnel.
2. Supervisory personnel shall have a minimum of 10 years' experience in landscape work similar
to the work included in the scope of this Project, 3 years of which shall have been in a work
supervisory capacity. The installers shall have 5 years' experience in planting preparation and
installation. The Contractor shall also employ on his staff a Horticulturist with 10 years' relevant
experience including construction supervision experience and a minimum of 3 years' experience
in desert climates.
3. Soil Testing Laboratory Qualifications: An independent or university laboratory, recognized by the
Department of Agriculture with experience and capacity to conduct the testing indicated and that
specializes in types of tests to be performed.
C. Standards and Other Code of Practice: In addition to the requirements indicated on the Design
Drawings and specified in the Specification, the Work shall be in accordance with the Saudi Building
Code (SBC).
1. BS 3936-1 Nursery stock. Specification for trees and shrubs.
2. BS 3936-7 Nursery stock. Specifications for bedding plants.
3. BS 3936-10 Nursery stock. Specifications for ground cover plants.
4. BS 3998 Tree Work. Recommendations.
5. BS 4043 Recommendations for transplanting root-balled trees.
6. BS 4428 Code of practice for general landscape operations (excluding hard surfaces).
7. BS 6031 Code of practice for earthworks.
A. Store materials inside, off the ground, under cover, shaded, dry and protected from weather, direct
sunlight, surface contamination, aging, corrosion and damage from construction traffic and other
B. Deliver materials to Site in original packages, unopened containers or bundles, labeled with
manufacturer's name, weight and guaranteed analysis attached to each container. Samples shall be
submitted to the Engineer for inspection and stored on the Site in a dry location until approval and
acceptance is given the Engineer.
C. Empty bags or containers shall be counted on Site by the Engineer or his representative and shall not
be disposed of until instructed.
D. A suitable holding facility and/ or nursery for proposed planting on or adjacent to the Site as required
shall be protected from construction work, shaded from sun and wind and shall be provided with an
adequate supply of irrigation water. Refer to Section 329500 Plant Procurement.
E. Provide each plant or group of plants of a single species or cultivar with supplier's labeling for delivery
to Site. Reference standard: BS 3936-1, BS 3936-7 and BS 3936-10. Plants or group of plants to
show the following.
1. Full botanical name and common name in English and Arabic.
2. Total number.
3. Number of bundles.
4. Part bundles.
5. The Owner's name and Project reference.
6. Supplier's name.
7. Plant specification, in accordance with scheduled National Plant Specification categories .
F. Fixings shall be secure and non-removable. Label information shall not fade. Submit sample label,
information and fixings for approval.
G. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements and other facilities and turf areas and exiting plants
from damage caused by planting operations.
H. Provide erosion control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of bulk materials, discharge of
soil bearing water runoff and airborne dust reaching adjacent properties, water conveyance systems
or walkways.
I. Each delivery of materials shall have appropriate certificates and product labels for each material
accompanying all authorized orders for signature and certification on Site.
J. Wind Deflecting Fences: All plants and planted areas are to be protected from the ingress of sand and
exposure to wind blown sand. Wind deflecting fences consisting of black shade cloth doubled over a 3
wire fence 1200mm high are to be erected as and when required and to the acceptance of the
A. Environmental Conditions
1. Carry out the work while soil and weather conditions are suitable. Do not plant in conditions of
strong wind.
2. Planting shall not be carried out before October or after March without the specific acceptance of
Engineer. An exception shall be the planting of large palms, which shall be planted during the
period of optimum root growth, including but not limited to, mid April to the end of September.
3. If water supply is or is likely to be restricted by emergency legislation, notify the Engineer
immediately and do not carry out planting until instructed. If planting has been carried out, obtain
instructions on watering.
4. Times of Year for Planting
a) Deciduous Trees and Shrubs: Late October to late March, time to be agreed, as
recommended by the ecologist.
b) Herbaceous Plants: September/ October through March/ April.
c) Container Grown Plants: At any time if ground and weather conditions are favorable.
d) Watering and Weed Control: Provide as necessary.
e) Wildflower Plugs: Mid September to mid November or March/ April.
B. Sequencing: Contractor to coordinate specific work in sequence with all other Work on Site or
adjacent to the Site to avoid delay or hindrance and to ensure all work is performed efficiently.
C. Verification and Dimensions: Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check
and verify all dimensions, levels and planting area conditions and shall immediately inform the
Engineer of any discrepancies between the Design Drawings and/ or the Specification and actual
conditions. No work shall be done on any area where there are such discrepancies or where
conditions are unsuitable for successful plant materials establishment until acceptance for same has
been given by the Engineer.
A. Special Warranty: The Contractor agrees to repair or replace plantings, associated accessories and
structures that fail in materials, workmanship, or growth within the specified period. Warranty and
Defects Liability period from date of Taking-Over is 12 months.
A. The Contractor shall allow for all costs associated with making connections/ tie-ins between the
existing As-built situation and the proposed work for infrastructure, utilities and landscaping.
A. Maintenance Period: The Contractor agrees to maintain planting, associated accessories and
structures to the accepted quality, completion and integrity for 12 months after Taking-Over.
A. Plants/ Trees
1. Material shall be undamaged, sturdy, healthy and vigorous.
2. Of good shape, well balanced and without elongated shoots. Unless otherwise stated, with
straight trunks, leader intact, and free from objectionable disfigurements. In no case shall trees
be topped before delivery.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 329300 / 3 Plants
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
3. Grown in a suitable environment and hardened off. Trees and plants shall have been grown in a
local nursery and acclimatised for Site area conditions.
4. Shall be free from pests, diseases, discoloration, weeds and physiological disorders. The
Contractor shall provide certificates which guarantee that trees and shrubs are free from pest
and disease on delivery and have been monitored and approved by a plant pathologist.
5. Budded or Grafted Plants: Bottom worked.
6. Root System and Condition: Balanced with branch system.
7. Plants/ trees shall be in accordance with the UK National Plant Specification or identical local
horticultural standard and specifications as indicated on the Plant Schedule.
8. Species: True to name.
9. Origin/ Provenance: Riyadh, KSA region. Trees/ specimen plants grown in local area for at least
2 growing seasons.
B. Container Grown Plants/ Trees
1. Pot Type: Air pots. Bare root balls if air pot size too small for tree.
2. Pot Size: Supplied in the container size specified by the Owner's horticulturist. Size of container
to be adequate to the dimensions of the plant.
3. Growing Medium: With adequate nutrients for plants to thrive until permanently planted.
4. Plants: Centered in containers, firmed and well watered.
5. Root Growth: Substantially filling containers, but not root bound, and in a condition conducive to
successful transplanting.
6. Hardiness: Grown in the open for at least 2 months before being supplied.
7. Containers: With holes adequate for drainage when placed on any substrate commonly used
under irrigation systems.
8. Planting: Remove plants carefully from the containers without causing damage to the root system
or ball of aorta. Set so that when settled they shall bear the same relation to ground level as
before transplanting. Backfill, any broken or frayed roots shall be cleanly cut off.
9. Watering: Refer to paragraph 3.3 C.
C. Tree Anchoring System
1. Rootball Matting: Shall match quality and performance of PM2 Plati-Mat by Platipus (3 No.
sections of heavy duty wire mesh combined with a strong fabric placed around the top of the
rootball to spread the pressure of the wire cables to prevent them cutting into the rootball).
2. Tree Stabilizer: Softwood timber triangle around top of rootball (with 6mm galvanized cable fixed
to deadman) shall help space out cables over rootball. Shall be confirmed if appropriate in this
3. Deadman: 2 No. Pre-cast concrete curb, size and weight adequate for intended purpose.
4. The Contractor shall ensure system is adequate to support trees in location. Alternative methods
for tree anchoring may be proposed by the Contractor. Submit proposals for approval.
D. Air Pot Grown Plants/ Trees
1. Where air pots are used to containerise trees, approved nursery standards shall be followed:
a) Size of container shall be 10% larger than the rootball and generally be of adequate
proportion for the size and dimension of the tree.
b) Materials: Shall be an approved proprietary system.
c) Growing Medium: Supplied in a growing medium with adequate nutrients for the tree to
thrive until permanently planted out. Shall be maintained weed-free.
d) Plants: Centered in containers, firmed and well watered.
e) Trees shall be grown in air pots from February/ March to mid July as a minimum period.
f) Pots with trees shall be placed vertically on a ground root barrier, tied to post and tension
cable supports using approved rubber ties. All trees shall be generously spaced, and
protected against chafing, irrigated, fertilized and maintained in accordance with approved
European standards.
g) Drip irrigation shall provide adequate water and slow release fertilizer to maintain the tree in
a vigorous and healthy condition.
h) Planting: Remove plants carefully from the containers without causing damage to the root
system or ball of aorta. Set so that when settled they bear the same relation to ground level
as before transplanting. Backfill, any broken or frayed roots shall be cleanly cut off.
i) Watering: Refer to paragraph 3.3 C.
E. Bare Rootballs
1. Where root balls are wrapped, approved nursery standards shall be followed:
a) Plants: the root ball shall be firm. Cracked or damaged root balls either before or during
planting shall be rejected.
b) Materials: to be wrapped with hessian and bound with a heavy cord, twine or rope. Ensure
fully covered by hessian, to be maintained at all times until planting.
c) Trees to placed vertically on a ground root barrier, tied to post and tension cable supports
using approved rubber ties. All trees to be generously spaced, and protected against
chafing, irrigated, fertilized and maintained in accordance with approved European
d) Drip irrigation to provide adequate water and slow release fertilizer to maintain the tree in a
vigorous and healthy condition.
e) Planting: remove ropes and hessian carefully before planting. Do not pull hessian out
from under the root ball to avoid damage. Spread roots out carefully in natural position and
carefully place under and filling all voids with planting medium . Any roots which are broken
or frayed shall be cleanly cut off.
f) Watering:Refer to paragraph 3.3 C.
F. Imported Topsoil for Exterior Planting Beds
1. Imported Topsoil accepted for planting beds shall be free-draining, non-toxic and capable of
sustaining healthy plant growth. The topsoil shall not contain calcium carbonate, subsoil, refuse,
roots, heavy clay, noxious weeds, phytoxic materials, coarse sand, rocks, brush, litter or any
other deleterious materials.
2. Samples of imported and existing topsoil shall be analyzed for all the following characteristics.
The supplier shall be accepted by the Engineer. The topsoil shall have following characteristics:
a) pH: 6.0 to 7.5 of saturated soil.
b) EC: Less than 2500mmhos in saturated extract.
c) Chlorides: <220ppm in saturated extract.
d) Sulphates: <15ppm in saturated extract.
e) SAR: <5%.
f) Nitrates: 75ppm in saturated extract.
g) Physical Loam Made up by Particle Size: Sand (2mm to 0.05mm) 70% to 80%; Silt (0.05mm
to 0.002mm) 25% to 30%; Clay (<0.002mm) 5% maximum.
h) Typical depth for exterior planting beds unless otherwise indicated shall be 450mm.
3. Material sample for existing and imported topsoil shall be submitted to the Engineer for
G. Fertilizer
1. Inorganic fertilizer additive 'Osmocote' or identical. The product shall be in the form of slow
release granular, tablets or spikes as dictated by plant type. For all planting, the sulfur coated
slow release compound fertilizer shall contain: 16% soluble nitrogen, 18% phosphoric acid and
5% water soluble potash plus iron. Contact local supplier. Sample material to be submitted to
Engineer for acceptance.
H. Soil Additive
1. Provide natural siliceous, non-crystalline (amorphous) soil conditioner as soil additive or a similar
product that produces irrigation-water requirements to the Engineer's acceptance. The
application of the soil conditioner shall be to the manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Soil additive for topsoil shall be Zeoplant or identical.
3. No content of synthetic polymers or co-polymers shall be allowed. The soil additive shall conform
to the following minimum moisture retaining properties:
a) At least 95% of the additive should be inorganic (mineral).
b) Minimum 35meq/ 100gr CEC (Cationic Exchange Capacity) is required.
c) The soil additive shall effectively reduce the consumption of irrigation water by minimum
d) Water Holding Capacity (WHC): 420%.
e) Moisture Content: 19%.
f) For nutrition elements, the soil additive shall contain the following: 3% potassium; 0.7%
soluble potassium; 800mg/ kg nitrogen; 400mg/ kg phosporous; 160meq/ kg.
g) For micro and trace elements, the soil additive shall contain iron, manganese, molybdenum,
zinc, boron and copper.
h) Moisture retaining soil additive composition shall be rhyolitic tuff, phyllo silicate and natural
cellulose fiber material which is also used as a food additive.
I. Wooden Stakes
1. Provide wooden stakes as necessary for planting stabilization, fully paint wooden stakes in black
color with epoxy paint to the acceptance of the Engineer.
J. Plant Supplier and Procurement
1. Refer to Section 329500 Plant Procurement for details of plant supplier and the requirements of
planting for the Project.
A. Soil Examination
1. Examine materials and conditions under which the work is to be installed, and do not proceed
until unsatisfactory conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work has
been corrected.
a) Verify that no foreign or deleterious material or liquid such as paint, paint washout, concrete
slurry, concrete layers or chunks, cement, plaster, oils, gasoline, diesel fuel, paint thinner,
turpentine, tar, roofing compound or acid has been deposited in soil within the planting area.
b) Do not mix or place soils and soil amendments in frozen, wet or muddy conditions.
c) Suspend soil spreading, grading, tilling operations during periods of excessive soil moisture
until the moisture content reached acceptable levels to attain the required results.
d) Uniformly moisten excessively dry soil that is not workable and which is too dusty.
2. If contamination by foreign or deleterious material or liquid is present in soil within the planting
area, remove the soil and contamination as directed by the Engineer and replace with new
B. General Plant Examination
1. Examine all plant material delivered to Site. Plant material supplied shall comply with the
a) Plants shall be true to and supplied under English names.
b) All planting stock shall be well balanced and well formed, sound, vigorous, healthy and free
from disease, sunscald, abrasion, harmful insects or insect eggs and with a healthy,
unbroken root system filling their containers but not root-bound.
c) All planting shall be certified free of pests, viruses and other similar elements.
d) Only nursery-grown plants shall be used.
e) All plants shall be container grown unless specified otherwise.
f) All trees and palms forming avenues or formal planting lines shall be selected to be of the
same size and appearance all to the acceptance of the Engineer.
g) Nomenclature of trees, palms and plants shall be in accordance to the scientific names
given in Royal Horticultural Society, "Directory of Gardening", Oxford University Press,
reprinted 1974 and Supplement 1969, Hortus 3 and Exotica.
C. Advanced Tree Examination
1. Examine all advanced trees delivered to Site. Plant material supplied shall comply with the
a) Advanced trees shall have an accepted caliper as outlined in the planting schedule.
b) Trees to be height as specified in planting schedule for species from top of root ball to top of
central leader.
D. Shrub Examination
1. Examine all shrubs delivered to Site. Plant material supplied shall comply with the following:
a) Shrubs shall meet requirements for spread and height indicated in the Design Drawings.
b) They shall be new season stock having been transferred to the current container size a
minimum of 12 weeks prior to inspection in the nursery.
c) Measurement of height and stem caliper for shrubs shall be taken from the ground level to
the average height of the shrubs and not the longest branch or stem.
d) Shrubs shall have at least 3 No. stems and shall be well balanced and bushy with strongly
developed root system, free from pest and disease.
e) All shrubs shall be grown in containers of appropriate dimensions suitable for the size of the
f) Refer to planting schedule for installation sizes for each plant species.
E. Ground Cover Examination
1. Examine all groundcovers delivered to Site. Plant material supplied shall comply with the
a) All ground cover species shall be evenly balanced and spaced to allow equal growth in all
b) Plants shall have fully developed root system and leaves. Root cuttings shall not be
c) All plants shall be container grown.
d) Refer to planting schedule for installation sizes for each plant species.
A. Herbicide
1. Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations.
B. Weed Control for Invasive Non-native Weeds
1. Locations: As required.
2. General: Prevent weeds from seeding and perennial weeds from becoming established, by hand
C. General Fertilizer - Slow Release
1. Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist specification.
2. Locations: All shrub planting areas.
3. Application: Spread evenly and in accordance with the Owner's Horticulturalist
a) Timing: Immediately before cultivation.
b) Rate: In accordance with the manufacturer's directions.
D. Cultivation
1. Compacted topsoil: Break up to full depth to ensure adequate drainage.
2. Topsoil Cultivation: After spreading, any large, compacted lumps of topsoil shall be broken down
by appropriate cultivation to produce a fine tilth suitable for planting. Loosen, aerate and break up
soil into particles of 2mm to 8mm.
a) Depth: Refer to Design Drawings for topsoil depth for various plant type.
b) Timing: Within a few days before planting (maximum 5 days).
c) Cultivate the top 200mm after the fertilizer is applied.
d) Weather and ground conditions shall be suitably dry.
e) Surface: Leave regular and even.
f) Levels: Flushed with adjoining paving or curbs. Allowance should be kept for mulch.
g) Undesirable Material Brought to the Surface: Remove visible weeds, roots and large stones
with any dimension exceeding 25mm, tufts of grass, foreign matter.
h) Soil within root spread of trees and shrubs to be retained. Do not dig or cultivate.
A. Regular Plant Layout to all Beds
1. Spacing: As plant schedule.
2. Density: As plant schedule.
B. Shrub Planting Pits
1. Timing: Excavate 1 day to 2 days (maximum) before planting.
2. Sizes: As plant schedule. 150mm wider than when roots fully spread and 200mm minimum depth
under root ball.
3. Sloping Ground: Maintain horizontal bases and vertical sides with no less than minimum depth
4. Excavation: Shall be dug by any method subject to approval, submit details. Remove excavated
5. Pit Bottom Improvement: Break up to a depth of 150mm, incorporating fertilizer/ ameliorant as
recommended by the Owners' Horticulturalist report.
6. Shrub planting backfilling material shall be in accordance with the Owners' Horticulturalist
C. Watering and Irrigation
1. Before Planting: Irrigate all pits with potable water for half a day to moisten soil.
2. As soon as planting is complete, shrub pits shall be thoroughly watered using potable water.
When water has drained to less than soil saturation, backfill carefully as required to fill voids and
depressions, and continue to water until full saturation of the tree pit is assured.
D. Pruning
1. After planting remove dead or broken branches.
2. Bare rooted shrubs shall be pruned to reduce the total amount of anticipated foliage by 25% if
plant has not been pruned in the nursery. If plants require pruning at time of planting, the
Contractor shall follow recommendations of the nursery and ensure work is carried out by
appropriately qualified staff.
3. All cuts shall be made using sharp instruments and shall be flush with the trunk or adjacent
branch to ensure the elimination of stubs.
4. Typical growth habits of the plant shall be retained with as much height and spread as is
5. Shrubs with single leader shall not be poled or the leader removed. Unless specified otherwise,
trees with damaged leaders shall be rejected.
E. Planting Bulbs/ Corms/ Tubers
1. Depth: Top of bulb/ corm/ tuber at a depth of approximately twice its height, base in contact with
bottom of hole.
2. Backfilling: Finely broken soil. Lightly firm to existing ground level.
3. Naturalized planting in existing grassed areas:
a) Scattering: Random. Plant bulbs/ corms/ tubers where they fall.
b) Planting: Neatly remove a plug of turf and replace after planting.
F. After Planting
1. Watering: Immediately after planting, thoroughly and without damaging or displacing plants or
2. Firming: Lightly firm soil around plants and fork and/ or rake soil, without damaging roots, to a
fine tilth with gentle cambers and no hollows.
3. Top Dressing: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturist recommendation.
a) Depth: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturist recommendation.
G. Mulching Planting Beds
1. Material:
a) Coarse grade organic mulch or identical, regionally sourced organic mulch.
b) Material: 40mm to 100mm nuggets. The Contractor shall submit sample for approval.
c) Purity: Free of pests, disease, fungus and weeds.
2. Preparation: Clear all weeds. Water soil thoroughly.
3. Coverage: All shrub and tree planted areas, to the depth of 75 mm.
4. Finished level of mulch: flush with adjacent grassed or paved areas after soil settlement.
A. Tree Pits
1. Timing: Excavate 1 day to 2 days (maximum) before planting.
2. Sizes: As indicated on Design Drawings.
3. Sloping ground: Maintain horizontal bases and vertical sides with no less than minimum depth
4. Excavation: Shall be dug by any method, subject to approval, submit details. Remove excavated.
5. Pit Bottoms: With slightly raised centre. Break up to a depth of 300mm.
a) Treatment: In accordance with the Owner's Horticulturalist.
6. Pit sides: Scarify.
7. Backfilling material: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations and soil specification.
8. Accessories:
a) Tree pit drainage layer shall be as indicated on Design Drawings.
b) Tree anchoring system shall be as indicated on the Design Drawings.
B. Watering and Irrigation
1. Before Planting: irrigate all plants. Plants shall be watered to Site capacity at least 24 hours
before planting to ensure that the growing medium in the containers/ rootballs is moist at
2. After planting: as soon as planting is completed, tree pits shall be thoroughly watered using
potable water. When water has drained to less than soil saturation, backfill carefully as required
to fill voids and depressions, and continue to water until full saturation of the tree pit is assured.
C. Tree Pit Root Barriers
1. Locations:
a) Wherever the installed rootball shall be within 2000mm of a building foundation or services
or where tree is installed, withing paving areas.
b) The Contractor shall install, agreeing locations with the Engineer in accordance with
approved European horticultural standards.
2. Manufacturer
a) Product Reference: Product shall prevent penetration and contact of tree roots with
services. Proprietary high strength, non-biodegradable, non-permeable, polyethylene root
barrier. 2mm thickness, 2000mm depth.
3. Depth of top of root barrier below finished soil level shall be 50mm.
4. Installation: With vertical sides and in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. Top of
root barrier shall be installed as per Manufacturer's recommendations.
5. Backfill Material: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations and soil specification.
D. Tree Pit Aeration Pipe
1. Perforated aeration pipe with cap.
a) Manufacture: Greenleaf Horticulture or identical.
b) Product Reference: Root Rain Precinct or identical.
c) Comprises a perforated plastic ring pipe and double inlet pipes for root zone aeration.
d) Cast aluminum/ bronze vent lid permanently attached to inlet by stainless steel fitting.
e) Cap designed shall withstand heavy loads.
f) Vertical inlet pipes shall be cut to required length to ensure that the inlet is flush with the
paving surround.
2. Location: Wrapped around tree root ball with aeration pipe, cap to be flushed with ground level.
E. Tree Pit Drainage
1. Depth of Excavation: Refer to the Design Drawings.
2. Drainage Mat:
a) Manufacturer: Elmich or identical.
b) Position: Laid over sloped screed.
c) Material: To be lightweight and of 100% recycled plastic.
d) Compressive Strength: 100T/ m² or more.
3. Geotextile Sheet:
a) Type: Geotextile sheet of 150/ 160 Gsm of approved make and sample.
b) Material: Woven polyester.
c) Position: Laid over drainage mat wrapped along sides and bottom and fixed to sides.
d) Accessories: Aluminum strip screwed to the vertical faces with screws dipped in a Fevicol
product (SR998), or identical, to seal any breaks in the water proof layer.
4. Drainage Pipes:
a) Type: Shall be in accordance with the Specification.
b) Diameter: Shall be in accordance with the Specification.
c) Position: Lay around perimeter of pit within aggregate layer.
d) Discharge: Shall be in accordance with the Specification.
5. Completed Pits: Test for free drainage before planting.
6. Tree pit drainage over natural ground as indicated on the Design Drawings.
F. Semimature Trees
1. Prepare roots and transplant in accordance with BS 4043 or in accordance with the Owner's
Horticulturalist recommendations.
2. Backfilling Material: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations and soil specification.
3. Support: Underground guying or anchoring system as indicated on the Design Drawings.
4. All trees of a particular species shall come from one supplier and shall be selected from a single
5. Sizes and dimensions shall be as indicated on the Design Drawings.
6. Each individual tree shall be judged on its quality, including current balance and a well
established framework of branches.
7. Physical damage to either stem/ trunk or branches is not acceptable.
8. Pest infected and diseased stock is not acceptable.
9. Trees shall be matched for height, spread, volume, stem girth and shall be as identical as
possible in overall appearance, unless otherwise specified.
10. Rootballs shall be wrapped in burlap hessian or other suitable natural fibre material. Wire
baskets shall be used in addition to burlaps. During transportation branches shall be drawn
together and secured with soft string or tape. Pads shall be used to prevent damage to the bark
where appropriate. No branches shall be cut.
11. Burlap hessian shall be free from toxins, termites, pathogens or other extraneous substances
harmful to plant, animal or human life.
12. Trees that are damaged in any way or do not carry the Owner tag upon arrival on Site shall not
be accepted.
13. Transportation and installation shall not be undertaken when there are known to be high winds or
very cold conditions.
14. Trees shall be delivered to Site within 24 hours of loading at the nursery.
15. Trees shall be planted within 24 hours of delivery to Site. No storage of trees on Site is permitted
except in exceptional circumstances with acceptance of the Engineer.
16. Planting shall be carried out at suitable times, accepted by the Engineer.
17. Watering of trees shall be carried out as a maintenance operation. It is the responsibility of the
Contractor to water as necessary to keep the trees in their best conditions. Water shall be
applied slowly to penetrate the entire root zone.
18. Spraying to control insects, fungus and other diseases shall be undertaken as necessary and
shall continue throughout the maintenance period.
19. Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations and soil specification for tree pit backfill
20. Firm backfilling around rootball in 150mm layers taking care not to disturb roots. Do not over-
21. Support: Underground guying or anchoring system as indicated on the Design Drawings.
22. Where damage to the root system occurs during planting, cut back to sound growth and treat any
cut ends larger than 25mm diameter with fungicidal treatment.
23. Plant tree in center of pit at original depth in soil. Where trees are planted in rows, the Contractor
to ensure that they line up.
24. To facilitate watering, form watering hollow in backfill material at base of tree 75mm depth
and diameter to match rootball size. Where possible, maintain watering hollow for 2 planting
seasons and thereafter to be removed. The Contractor shall allow cost in rates.
G. Reserve Stock
1. The Contractor shall make provision to lift, containerise, store and maintain at an approved
nursery a quantity of semi-mature trees equal to 10% of each species used to keep as
replacement in the event of vandalism, theft, during the maintenance period. The reserve stock
shall remain the property of the Contractor and any reserve stock used shall be charged to the
Owner at rates included in the contract.
2. Surplus Material: Following the completion of the maintenance period, the stock shall initially be
offered to the Owner for purchase.
H. Pleached Trees
1. Trees shall be planted in clean line.
2. Tree centers shall be in accordance with the Design Drawings.
3. Allow for adjustments to achieve uniform screening effect.
I. Pruning
1. After planting remove dead or broken branches.
2. Bare rooted trees shall be pruned to reduce the total amount of anticipated foliage by 25% if
plant has not been pruned in the nursery. If plants require pruning at time of planting, the
Contractor to follow recommendations of the tree nursery and ensure work is carried out by
appropriately qualified tree surgeon.
3. All cuts shall be made using sharp instruments and shall be flush with the trunk or adjacent
branch to ensure the elimination of stubs.
4. Typical growth habits of the plant are to be retained with as much height and spread as is
5. Trees shall not be poled or the leader removed. Unless specified otherwise, trees with damaged
leaders shall be rejected.
J. Tree Anchoring System
1. Manufacturer: Platipus Deadmen System - Plati-Ma or identical.
2. Product Reference: RF1RDMP or identical.
3. Rootball Matting: Shall match quality and performance of PM2 Plati-Mat by Platipus or identical
(3 No. sections of heavy duty wire mesh combined with a strong fabric placed around the top of
the rootball to spread the pressure of the wire cables to prevent them cutting into the rootball).
4. Tree Stabilizer: Softwood wooden triangle around top of rootball (with 6mm galvanized cable
fixed to deadman) shall help space out cables over rootball. Shall be confirmed if appropriate in
this location.
5. Deadman: 2 No. Pre-cast concrete curb, size and weight adequate for purpose.
6. The Contractor shall ensure system is adequate to support trees in location. Alternative methods
for tree anchoring may be proposed by the Contractor. Submit proposals for approval.
K. Tree Backfilling Material
1. Composition: Previously prepared mixture of topsoil excavated from pit and additional topsoil as
2. Ameliorant/ Conditioner: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations.
a) Application Rate: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations.
3. Fertilizer: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations.
a) Application Rate: Refer to the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations.
L. Mulching Trees
1. Coverage: Over an area of 1200mm x 1200mm with the tree in the center.
2. Finished Level of Mulch: Fflush with adjacent grassed or paved areas after soil settlement.
M. Tree Protection
1. Type: Trunk protection.
2. Material: Hessian wrapping.
3. Size: In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
4. Color: Natural fiber.
5. Support: In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
6. General: Ensure that protection methods do not impede natural movement of trees or restrict
A. Plant Locations
1. Do not vary the plant locations from those required. If it appears necessary to vary the locations
and plant spacing to avoid service lines, or to cover the area uniformly, or for other reasons,
apply for directions from the Engineer.
B. Handling and Storage of Plants
1. All plant material shall be handled and stored in accordance with the following:
a) Standard: To the Owner's Horticulturalist recommendations or identical.
b) Protect plants from drought, strong winds and sun.
c) Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery unless approved by the Owner's Horticulturalist.
Do not top trees, before or after delivery.
d) Handle plants with care. Protect from mechanical damage and do not subject to shock, e.g.
by dropping from a vehicle.
e) Plants shall be delivered to site within 24 hours of loading at the nursery.
f) Submit details of plant packaging for approval.
g) Packaging of Bulk Quantities: Pallets or bins sealed with polyethylene and shrink wrapped.
h) Irrigation: No planting shall be commenced until all operations associated with the
installation of the irrigation are complete, final grading levels are achieved and planting
areas prepared, and work has been inspected and approved.
i) Planting: Upright or well balanced with best side to front.
j) All trees/ shrubs delivered damaged or dying shall be rejected and replaced by the
Contractor at no extra cost to the Owner.
k) Plant material shall be lifted or moved in such a manner that the roots are not disturbed.
l) Plant material shall be lifted or moved by holding the container and not the above ground
portion of the plant.
m) Root systems of all plants shall not be allowed to dry out at any time and shall not be
exposed to excessive or artificial heat or to freezing temperatures.
n) During transportation all plants shall be packed adequately to ensure protection for climatic
or physical injuries.
o) Tarpaulins or other covers shall be placed over plants when they are transported by trucks
or in open freight cars.
p) All plants shall be treated with anti-dessicant prior to transportation.
q) Immediately prior to lifting, palm trees shall have their fronds reduced in length by 30%,
sprayed with anti-dessicant and tied up with 3 No. layers of hessian to enclose the growing
r) The roots shall be pruned and the root ball protected with 3 No. layers of hessian tied up
with wire and kept moist constantly with wet shingle, moss, straw or other suitable material.
s) Plants which are not to be planted on the day of delivery to Site are to be stored as follows:
Store plants in an accepted well ventilated and well drained shaded area, protected from
excessive heat (or early morning cold), wind and sun and surfaced with 120mm of fine
t) Plants to be stored in an upright position, care should be taken to provide enough space
between plants so that light reaches all round the bottom of the plant.
u) Palm trees shall be planted directly on arrival on Site.
v) If palms have to be held for longer than 12 hours before planting they should be 'heeled-in'
in trenches which are kept moist at all times.
w) Special attention should be given to palms with balled and burlapped roots. Rootball shall
be protected by a cover of burlap. Cover shall be kept on at all times to prevent drying out of
the rootball.
x) Plants shall be kept well watered and protected from wind and sun damage.
C. Plant Timing and Programme
1. Planting shall take place before 10:00 hours and after 16:30 hours but can be carried out at other
times if acceptance is given by the Engineer.
D. Preparation of Soil Mix
1. Proposed planting bed areas shall be prepared and cleaned to the required levels.
2. Planting medium for all planting is to be composed of sweet soil as specified in this Work
3. Specified soil additives shall be mixed with sweet soil at the rates specified by the manufacturer.
4. The soil shall be mixed mechanically by an accepted method to create a homogeneous mixture.
Application rates shall be checked and accepted by the Engineer prior to mixing each batch.
5. The planting medium shall be free of plants or their roots, sticks, building materials, chemical
pollutants, subsoil or any other deleterious matter. Planting medium shall be examined and
accepted on Site before placing.
E. Planting Sequence
1. Grade topsoil mix as specified in the Specification.
2. Stake out the outline of planting areas and individual tree and shrub locations for acceptance by
the Engineer.
3. Excavate planting areas and individual pits to the sizes specified in the Specification.
4. Excavated sub-soil shall be removed from Site and shall not be mixed with the planting medium
or used to form berms around the plants. Refer to Section 320513 Soils for Exterior
Improvements for excavated soil requirements.
5. Fill planting pit with irrigation water and ensure the water can drain away. In case of poor
drainage a percolation test shall be carried out and drainage holes augered if required.
6. Planting pits shall be tested by filling with water. Conditions permitting the retention of water for
longer than 2 hours shall be reported prior to proceeding with work.
7. After positioning palms in their accepted position, install palm tree anchors as specified by the
manufacturer. Anchors shall be checked at least every 4 months.
8. Backfill pit/ beds, after having been tested for drainage with accepted planting medium in layers
not exceeding 300mm and water compact. Allow for compaction/ subsidence by overfilling by
9. Once placed the growing medium shall be covered with plastic sheeting and clearly marked to
prevent disturbance until planting commences.
10. During backfilling place slow release fertilizer tablets 250mm to 300mm deep.
11. For palms the tablets should be located approximately 1000mm from the trunk or adjacent to drip
12. At the time of planting a hole shall be made into the pit/ bed large enough to take the plants root
ball. The planting hole shall be thoroughly watered prior to planting. Plants shall be carefully
removed from containers.
13. Plastic pots shall be split with a knife and plants removed with all the soil intact around the roots.
Care shall be taken not to damage the roots or foliage of the plants.
14. The plant shall be placed upright in the hole. Care shall be taken to ensure that the collar line
(line of contact between soil and stem) is at the same level as the surrounding ground.
15. Fill around the plant with planting medium in layers of 150mm, each layer separately firmed to
eliminate all air pockets until final soil level is reached.
16. A circular watering basin slightly larger than the planting hole shall be formed. During and
immediately after planting, the plants shall be thoroughly watered.
8. Inspected weekly and replaced within 4 weeks after reporting by Maintenance Staff and the
Engineer. Removal and replacement of dead or unsatisfactory planting due to maintenance, poor
plant quality and/ or malfunctioning of the irrigation system. Replacements shall be to the original
accepted standard or to the standard as accepted by the Engineer.
9. Inspected weekly and replaced within 4 weeks after reporting by Maintenance Staff and
Engineer: Removal and replacement of any broken edging and pavers.
10. Monitored weekly for pesticide/ fungicide/ herbicide applications as required to maintain healthy
vegetation and turf. Applied any time as required during maintenance.
11. Monitored weekly for fertilization as required to maintain healthy vegetation and turf. Applied any
time as required during Maintenance Period.
12. Monitored weekly for salinity control as required to maintain healthy vegetation and turf. Applied
any time as required during Maintenance Period.
13. Monitored monthly for maintenance of preservative planting as recommended and specified by
the manufacturer. Maintained strictly as specified by manufacturer and accepted by the Engineer.
14. Monthly and at end of Maintenance Period: Full report and recording of equipment used,
maintenance procedures and frequency of maintenance undertaken to be handed over to the
Engineer on a monthly basis and at completion of maintenance.
B. The Contractor shall provide all required labor, plant and materials in accordance with the accepted
C. During the Maintenance Period, the Contractor shall make adequate provision for irrigation and/ or
operate the irrigation system as required and maintain same, comprehensively overhauled and in
perfect working order.
D. The Contractor shall keep minimum number of gardeners in proper uniforms, full time, at Site and
shall be required to send additional manpower as and when required to carry out special maintenance
work like removing dry palm fronds and similar items.
E. Qualified and experienced personnel with horticultural qualifications shall be required to visit the Site
regularly for correct diagnosis of pests or diseases and to take timely remedial measures.
F. An experienced plumber shall be deputed to the Site on regular intervals to check the irrigation
system and adjust/ replace the equipment which is not working properly.
G. Seasonal adjustments to the irrigation operation schedule and programming of controllers shall be
done by a qualified irrigation engineer.
H. The Contractor shall maintain, at all times, sufficient stock of regularly used fertilizers, chemicals,
tools, spare parts and other consumables at Site.
I. Plant cuttings, trimmings, cut branches, dry leaves and other waste shall be removed daily by the
Riyadh Municipality dump.
J. The Contractor shall make good any settling below accepted finished levels and shall ensure the
integrity of any mulches at the surface.
K. The Site shall be kept neat and tidy at all times.
A. Owner shall prepare maintenance programme. The following items shall be included:
1. Basic and specialist plant care;
2. Basic and specialist lawn care;
3. Plant replacement;
4. Watering and irrigation control;
5. Applications to the growing medium: fertilisers, ameliorants and compost and micro-nutrients.
A. General
1. Weed Ccontrol: Maintain weed free area around all trees and shrub planting.
a) Diameter (minimum): The larger of 1000mm or the surface of original planting pit.
b) Keep planting beds clear of weeds by hand weeding.
c) Planted Areas: Fork over beds as necessary to keep soil loose, with gentle cambers and no
hollows. Take care not to reduce depth or effect of mulch.
d) Precautions: Ensure that trees and shrubs are not damaged by use of mowers, nylon
filament rotary cutters and similar powered tools.
e) Temporary Fencing/ Hessian Wrap: Check condition and repair as appropriate in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
f) Climber Fixing: Ensure all climbers secured to wire/ fences without damaging plants or
inhibiting growth. Ensure adequate support for all climbers.
g) Firming Up: Gently firm loosened soil around trees/ shrubs. Straighten leaning trees/ plants.
h) Trees: Spray crown when in leaf from late spring to early autumn and during excessively hot
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 329300 / 14 Plants
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
B. Taking-Over of the Work shall be accepted by the Engineer to allow for the first date of the
Maintenance Period to commence. Any defects or non completion of work during construction shall be
rectified before maintenance can commence and a certificate issued for Taking-Over.
C. The Contractor shall be liable for any defects of landscape work or defects caused by the landscape
work. This includes all landscape planting, turfing, associated fixtures, equipment, accessories,
footings, preparation work, furniture, paving and other landscape materials.
D. Any defects discovered by the Contractor, maintenance crew and/ or Engineer, shall be rectified by
the Contractor as part of regular ongoing maintenance. All rectification work shall be completed to
satisfaction and acceptance of the Engineer and the work program as requested by the Engineer.
E. During the maintenance period, the Contractor shall provide for full training to the Facilities
Management staff to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Engineer. The training shall commence at
least 4 months prior to the completion of the maintenance period by the Contractor and take place
over a 1 month period. The training shall finish 3 months before completion of maintenance to allow
for a smooth handover period. Refer to Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017900
Demonstration and Training for training requirements.
F. For completion of the 12 month maintenance period and a Final Completion or Taking-Over certificate
to be issued, any defects of workmanship shall be rectified to the satisfaction and acceptance of the
End of Section
1. All rubbish and litter as it accumulates within the THN shall be cleared and removed daily. The
areas shall be kept in a clean and tidy condition with all driveways, paths, edges, curb gutters
and gullies swept and kept clear of debris at all times. All rubbish and debris shall be removed
from the facility.
B. Oil and Petrol Storage at THN
1. All oil and petrol containers are to be kept in suitable sheds provided by the Contractor, who is to
observe all regulations regarding the storage of inflammable liquids. If any areas of soil are
affected by oil or petrol spillage, the contaminated soil is to be dug up until uncontaminated
ground is reached, and removed from Site and such areas made good as directed by the
C. Accepted Chemical at THN
1. Only chemicals accepted and listed by the local government authorities shall be used at the
THN. All chemicals shall be non-toxic to human beings, birds and animals and subject to the
acceptance of a qualified specialist. The Contractor shall be liable for ensuring that all chemicals
are stored separately, handled and supplied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's printed
D. Existing Services at THN
1. The Contractor shall determine the location of all existing underground services at the THN
location prior to commencing excavation work. Any work in confined spaces or in the vicinity of
major utility services shall be executed by hand.
E. Protection of Plant Stock at THN
1. The Contractor shall ensure all plant stock is continuously protected from any adjacent
construction work, shaded from the damaging effects of the sun and wind and be provided with
an adequate supply of irrigation water at all times.
F. Preparation for Delivery
1. The plants shall be prepared for delivery with adequate watering, support and protection. The
roots of all plants shall be protected from drying out or overheating prior to loading.
2. Plants shall be transported from the point of growing to their destination by the Contractor in
accordance with the delivery program.
G. Holding Costs
1. The Contractor shall allow for holding plant materials for periods of up to 2 months beyond the
agreed program schedule in order to provide the Contractor flexibility in the planting programs.
2. In the event of delays in the construction program, the Contractor may be asked to hold plant
stock beyond the final installation dates as agreed with the Engineer. In this case, monthly
charges may apply as agreed and as approved by the Owner.
A. General Plant Quality: Plants at the THN and finally installed within the Site shall have the following
1. Free of pests and disease including viruses, nematodes, phytophera, scale, mealy bug, red
spider, aphids, white fly and thrips.
2. Free of mechanical or insect damage including leaf burn, chewing insect and stem marks.
3. Healthy specimens showing consistent vigor during the growth period.
4. Well hardened off with consistent even growth typical of the species.
5. Correctly and clearly labeled with scientific name, size and production and acceptance reference
6. Supplied in accepted recyclable containers and provide for root pruning during root growth.
7. The soil medium shall be free of all known pests and diseases and any other material detrimental
to plant health. The soil mix shall be free of seeds or developed plants other than the nominated
species but with a high ratio of nutrients and organic matter to promote growth and to hold
irrigation water.
8. Trunks and limbs shall be free of burn marks and from scarring other than that due to necessary
pruning operations.
9. Owner reserves the right to reject any plant found to be defective at the THN 4 to 6 weeks prior
to final installation at the Site.
B. Tree Quality Requirements
1. Vigorous healthy trees that can be easily trained into attractive trees with structurally strong roots
and crowns.
2. True to type or name as ordered or indicated on the plans and shall be individually tagged or
tagged in groups by species and cultivar (variety).
3. All trees shall be healthy, have a form typical for the species or cultivar, be well rooted and
properly trained.
4. All trees shall be free of plant diseases and pest infestations. Inspection certificates shall
accompany each delivery of plants. Phytosanitary certificates, as required by law, shall be
obtained and provided for inspection for all plants and plant materials from outside KSA.
5. The root ball of all trees shall be moist throughout, and the crown shall show no signs of moisture
C. Broad Leaved Trees Quality Requirements
1. Each tree shall have a single, fairly straight trunk that has not been headed or that could be
pruned to a central leader.
2. Trees shall have potential lateral scaffold branches.
3. For small growing trees, branches shall be at least 50mm apart vertically; trees could be trained
in the landscape to 3 No. to 7 No. branches, 120mm or more apart vertically.
4. For large growing trees, branches shall be at least 150mm apart vertically; trees could be trained
in the Landscape to 5 to 9 branches, 450mm or more apart vertically.
5. Branches shall be radially distributed around the trunk.
6. Branches shall not be more than 2/ 3 the diameter of the trunk, measured 25mm above the
7. Branch attachments shall be free of included bark (bark embedded between the trunk and a
8. No lateral branches below the lowest potential scaffold shall be larger than ¼ the trunk diameter
at point of attachment.
9. Trees shall have potential lateral scaffold branches.
10. The tree shall stand upright without support.
11. The tree shall have small (less than ¼ diameter of trunk) temporary branches along the trunk
below the scaffold branches.
D. Roots of Container Trees: Trees (regardless of species) at the THN and finally installed within the Site
shall be.
1. The tree shall be free of roots greater than 1/ 5 the trunk diameter visibly circling the trunk and
free of "knees" (roots) protruding above the soil.
2. The root ball periphery shall be free of circling roots larger than 5mm in diameter or a mat of
5mm or larger roots (acceptable diameters of circling peripheral roots depend on species and
size of container).
E. Palm Plant Quality Requirements
1. All plants are to be selected to give a maximum height variation between plants of 300mm in
stem height between soil level and base of the lowest leaf at the time of planting.
2. The heads of the palms shall be well balanced with minimum acceptable number of leaves in
accordance with the schedule and accepted by the Engineer and evidence of at least 1 No.
growing and green new shoot all free from pest and disease attack. Palms with a hollow crown
center and no healthy new shoot shall not be accepted.
3. No dead fronds are to be present and all fronds on the plants shall be free from yellowing, tears
or splits.
4. Cut fronds shall be in accordance with the handling and storage of plants portion within Part 3 of
this Work Section and to the acceptance of the Engineer. Unnecessary cutting of fronds shall not
be permitted.
5. Any flowers, fruits and suckers shall be removed before being brought to Site and cut cleanly
from the base of the stems.
6. Palms shall be balled and burlapped unless container grown palms are available. Offshoots shall
not be acceptable.
7. Palms shall have a vigorous root system, crown of new fronds, proper color of adult palm fronds
and sufficient hardiness.
8. Prior to transporting for transplanting, all suckers, flowering and fruiting parts and approximately
30% of fronds shall be removed.
9. Remaining fronds shall be sprayed with an anti-dessicant 24 hours prior to lifting. The fronds are
to be lifted to enclose and protect the growing tip, wrapped in hessian and securely tied in
10. The roots shall be balled and the hessian tied. The root ball is to be held secure using wire mesh
and hessian materials to contain the soil and retain maximum soil moisture.
11. Verticality shall be maintained within a tolerance of 1:25 unless instructed by Engineer.
12. The crown shall be protected at all times and shall be burlapped for transport and until the palm
is growing successfully in its final location. The protection shall only be removed with the consent
and acceptance of the Engineer.
A. The plant stock to be grown on the THN facility includes the species nominated in the accepted
planting schedule indicated on the Design Drawings. The Contractor is to provide the nominated plant
species in accordance with the parameters and numbers described in the Contract Documents.
B. Substitutions of plant material shall not be permitted unless authorized in writing by the Engineer in
accordance with Division 01 General Requirements, Section 012500 Substitution Procedures.
C. The Contractor shall provide a certificate from an independent qualified horticulturalist verifying the
quality of the plant material and the likelihood of the material achieving the specified dimensions and
material quality outlined in the Contract Documents by the delivery dates to the Site. The certificates
are to be supplied to the Engineer upon delivery to the THN.
D. Requests by the Engineer to prune plant stock to a more appropriate form for inclusion in the work
shall not be considered as reasonable grounds for supply of undersized plants.
E. The Contractor shall verify that the plant material has been identified at the supply source with a
reference number and label prior to transport from the supplier's premises. On delivery to the Site,
plant identification shall be confirmed by the Engineer.
F. All plants are to be true to scheduled nomenclature, accurately labeled and supplied in size indicated
on the schedule and in accordance with the accepted procurement records.
G. Plants being sourced and supplied shall have adequate strength in the stems.
H. The Contractor shall submit in writing, the source of all plant materials specified, including the original
supplier's company name and contract name at the time of ordering.
I. Potting Soil for Plant Stock at THN
1. Desert topsoil (sweet sand) shall be imported from an local area designated by the KSA Statutory
Authority having jurisdiction. It shall be free-draining, non-toxic and capable of sustaining healthy
plant growth. The soil shall not contain calcium carbonate, subsoil, refuse, roots, heavy clay,
noxious weeds, phytoxic materials, coarse sand, rocks, brush, litter or any other deleterious
materials. The soil shall have following characteristics:
a) pH: 6.0 to 7.5 of saturated soil.
b) EC: Less than 2500mmhos in saturated extract.
c) Chlorides: < 220 ppm in saturated extract.
d) Sulphates: < 15 ppm in saturated extract.
e) SAR: < 5%.
f) Nitrates: 75 ppm in saturated extract.
g) Physical loamy made up by particle size as follows:
1. Sand (2mm to 0.05mm): 70% to 80%.
2. Silt (0.05mm to 0.002mm): 25% to 30%.
3. Clay (<0.002mm): Maximum 5%.
2. The representative samples of soil shall be analysed for all the above characteristics and results
submitted to the Engineer for acceptance.
J. Compost for Plant Stock at THN
1. Compost shall be a product such as Nutrimix or Oekomusz or an acceptable equivalent, free of
risk from fungal infection being transferred to plants.
K. Fertilizers for Plant Stock at THN
1. General fertilizer shall be sulfur coated slow release compound fertilizer, 16-18-5 + Fe + trace
elements for shrubs, trees and for grass areas and shall be Osmocote or identical.
2. Fertilizer shall be furnished in standard containers with the name, weight and guaranteed
analysis of the contents clearly marked.
A. Prune only where selective pruning of branches or canopy is necessary to facilitate secure
A. All plant material shall be handled and stored at the THN in accordance with the following.
1. Plant material shall be lifted or moved in such a manner that the roots are not disturbed.
2. Plant material shall be lifted or moved by holding the container and not the above ground portion
of the plant.
3. Root systems of all plants shall not be allowed to dry out at any time and shall not be exposed to
excessive or artificial heat or to freezing temperatures.
4. During transportation all plants shall be packed adequately to ensure protection for climatic or
physical injuries.
5. Tarpaulins or other covers shall be placed over plants when they are transported by trucks or in
open freight cars.
Landscape Specification AECOM Middle East
Issued for Tender-Rev.01 329500 / 4 Plant Procurement
Al Malga Development-Riyadh, KSA
A. General: Comply with the requirements of Division 01 General Requirements, Section 017800
Closeout Submittals, and submit the following:
1. Warranties.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Manuals: Include component list with the manufacturer's
reference numbers, descriptions of materials and procedures for repairing and cleaning of
finishes and cleaning frequency.
A. Standards and other Codes of Practice: In addition to the requirements indicated on the Design
Drawings and specified in the Specification, the Work shall be in accordance with the Saudi Building
Code (SBC).
1. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
2. ANSI: American National Standards Institute.
a) ANSI Z60.1-04 Nursery Stock.
b) ANSI A300 (Part 1)-2001 Tree Care Operations - Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant
Maintenance - Standard Practices.
c) ANSI Z133.1 06 Tree Care Operations Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, Maintaining and
Removing Trees and Cutting Brush Safety Requirements.
3. AOAC: Association of Official Agricultural Chemists.
4. USDA: United Stated Department of Agriculture.
5. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).
B. The Contractor's Qualifications: A specialist, who has at least 10 years successful experience in
performing similar work, and is certified to BS EN ISO 9001, or operates a similar quality system
acceptable to the Engineer.
C. Site Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full-time supervisor on the Site when
transplanting is in progress.
D. Topsoil Analysis: Furnish soil analysis by a qualified soil testing laboratory.
1. Report suitability of topsoil for plant growth. State recommended quantities of nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potash nutrients and soil amendments to be added to produce satisfactory
E. The Contractor shall schedule and conduct a Pre-installation Conference at the Site with the
Landscape Architect prior to breaking ground.
F. Quality Benchmark Installation
1. An area determined by the Engineer of each element of the works fully installed, completed and
accepted by the Engineer.
G. Pre-construction Testing/ Reports
1. Submit reports of independent tests demonstrating that the products and systems comply with
the specified performance requirements.
2. Where test results for a material or product are not available, undertake testing to show
compliance with the Specification at an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the
3. The provision of testing data or the carrying-out of tests does not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities regarding the performance requirements, durability or service life requirements.
A. Proceed and coordinate work as the Site becomes available, consistent with seasonal limitations for
B. The Contractor shall tag at the Site, those plants to be transplanted to new locations for the review
and approval of the Landscape Architect prior to any transplanting or demolition activities.
A. Site observation visits herein specified shall be made by the Landscape Architect. The Contractor
shall request Site observation 2 days in advance of the time observation is required.
B. Site observation shall be required for the following parts of the work:
1. Perimeter trenching and backfilling.
2. Staging of boxed trees and shrubs.
3. Irrigation of boxed trees and shrubs.
C. Other Site inspections shall be made by the Landscape Architect without notice.
D. The Contractor or an authorised representative shall be on the Site at the time of each scheduled Site
observation visit by the Landscape Architect.
A. Storage: Store materials and component parts under cover in dry and clean conditions, clear of the
ground. Protect materials from damage or marring of exposed surfaces and coatings. Retain
protection for as long as possible after installation.
B. Handling: Handle materials using methods and equipment without damage to trees or palms.
Replace damaged items or work which cannot be satisfactorily transplanted on Site to the acceptance
of the Engineer.
A. Environmental Requirements
1. Perform both off Site mixing and on Site soil work only during suitable weather conditions. All
work shall be carried out during the appropriate season and in weather conditions suitable for the
operation. No planting shall be carried out during periods of heavy rain, sandstorms, heavy winds
and/ or during intense daytime heat.
2. Soil mixes shall not be handled, hauled or placed during rain or wet weather or when wet near or
above Site capacity or the Optimum Water (Moisture) Content as determined in a Standard
Proctor test, whichever is lower.
B. Sequencing and Scheduling: Adjust, relate together and otherwise coordinate work of this Work
Section with work of the Project and all other Work Sections of the Specification.
C. Existing Conditions
1. The Contractor shall familiarise itself with existing Site conditions as well as all references to
existing conditions in the Specification.
2. Should the Contractor, in the course of Work, find any discrepancies between the Design
Drawings and physical conditions or any omissions or errors in the Contract Documents or in
layout as furnished by the Owner, it shall be the Contractor's duty to inform the Engineer
immediately in writing for clarification. Work done after such discovery, unless authorised by the
the Engineer, shall be done at the Contractor 's risk.
D. The work shall be supervised by a qualified arborist or Landscape Architect experienced in this type of
E. All areas shall be kept neat, clean and necessary precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to
plants and existing Site structures and surfacing.
F. When planting trees and shrubs after finished areas are completed, protect areas and promptly repair
damage caused by planting operations.
A. For palm and trees identified to be transplanted, the Contractor shall dig, box, transport, store, water
and maintain trees, as required, until transplanting. Existing trees which do not conflict with
construction operation shall be left in place, watered and barricaded until transplanting. No
transplanting operation shall begin until approved by the Owner. Storage location for trees shall be
approved by the Owner.
B. The Contractor shall take all precautions and care necessary to avoid damage to existing services,
fences or other improvements on and in the vicinity of the Site and to minimise disturbance of any
trees which are to remain after construction.
C. Palms and trees to be transplanted / relocated shall be removed and stored in an area indicated by
the Owner and the Engineer. Trees and palms shall be stored and maintained until transplanting can
be completed.
D. The contract unit price paid for transplant palm/ tree shall include full compensation for furnishing all
labour, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in transplanting
palms/ trees, complete in place, as shown on the Design Drawings, as specified in the Specification
and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer.
E. Soil Testing
a) If specified in the Contract Specific Requirements, soil tests shall be carried out prior to tree/
palm relocation. Analysis of the soil at the proposed transplant Site and any imported
backfill material shall be carried out so that appropriate amendments may be applied.
Analysis may include, but shouldn't be limited to pH, EC, organic matter, Major and Trace
Elements and Exchangeable Cations.
b) Soil tests shall be conducted by a laboratory accredited under ISO 9001 and results shall be
submitted to the Engineer of Record.
A. Provide a warranty for the work of this Work Section undertaking to repair or replace defective work
for a period of 12 years. Include in the warranty confirmation that the installation has been inspected
and completed in accordance with the warranty requirements. Include for performing repairs at the
convenience of the Owner.
A. No insecticides shall be used.
2. All saw cuts are to be clean and free from any ripping or splitting and shall be trimmed smooth
after cutting with an approved insecticide/ fungicide solution which is to be reapplied once per
week until leaf growth has established and been approved.
J. Paint cuts over 75mm in diameter with tree paint, covering all exposed and living tissue.
K. In dry weather conditions, trees are to be sprayed with approved anti-transpirant.
A. Before any excavation is carried out, the Contractor shall mark the proposed root ball size on the
B. Hand Spade Excavated
1. Prior to digging, the soil around the root system shall be thoroughly moistened to help keep the
root ball together.
2. The root ball shall be excavated around the outside of the root trench. All exposed roots shall be
pruned flush with the face of the root ball. Sharp secateurs or loppers should be used to cut
roots. Roots shall be cut in a way that shall not jar and loosen the soil in the root ball. The depth
of the root ball is dependent on each individual species. Digging below the root ball shall occur
when the amount of roots reduce considerably within the root ball trench. This shall determine
the depth of the root ball. Tension shall be applied by the crane or machine while undercutting
the root ball.
C. Mechanically Excavated
1. The root ball shall be mechanically excavated around the outside of the root pruning trench. A
qualified operator shall carry out the work. Once the desired depth has been reached, the root
ball shall be shaped by hand. All exposed roots shall be pruned flush with the face of the root ball
using sharp loppers. Roots shall be cut and removed, ensuring the root ball is not loosened.
D. Planting Pits
1. Holes resulting from the removal of transplanted palms/ trees shall be backfilled the same day as
2. Each planting pit shall conform to the details and the Specification prior to transplanting subject
to the acceptance of the Engineer or the Landscape Architect.
E. Digging for Box Transplantation
1. Trenching: Dig trench outside trench previously dug for root pruning.
2. Do not damage new roots. Do not permit cracking of root ball or loss of soil.
3. Protect root ball by completely wrapping with burlap in accordance with the standard nursery
A. Lifting Technique
1. Lifting of palms shall be carried out or supervised by a qualified and/ or suitably experienced
arborist and crane operator using a crane and supports.
2. Appropriate lifting equipment shall be used.
3. Suitable slings shall be attached around a balance point of the trunk and shall provide a support
system around the root ball. When a sling is attached to the trunk, padding and protection is
required to reduce possible damage. Palms shall not be lifted by the trunk alone. A qualified
crane operator shall determine the support system to be used.
B. Preparation for Transport
1. Refer to the Contract Specific Requirements for preparation for transport methods.
2. The transport vehicle shall be adequate to transport the palm without damage.
C. No trees/ palms shall be dragged during transplanting operations.
A. Palms with long slender trunks shall be adequately supported from above the transport balance point
to beyond the growing tip. The supports shall be firmly strapped in place. The number of supports
used shall vary with each palm. All points of contact between the palm and the supports shall be
protected with burlap or similar padding.
B. Burlap Root Ball
1. Only natural fibre materials that have not been chemically treated shall be used to support the
root ball. Synthetic materials shall not be used. Burlap shall be applied before moving the palm to
protect the shape and structure of the root ball during transport. Once the palm is lifted burlap
shall be used to cover the base of the root ball.
A. Use machinery in good condition with a minimum tolerance (maximum 50mm) between cutting
blades. All blades shall be true to their designed shape and free of bends, which could interfere with
their operation. Mount tree spade on a suitable stable machine capable of supporting the weight of all
removed material and heavy enough to force the blades into the soil.
a) Death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from lack of adequate
maintenance, neglect, abuse by the Owner, or incidents that are beyond the Contractor 's
b) Structural failures including plantings falling or blowing over.
2. Any delay in completion of planting operations which extends planting into more than 1 planting
season shall extend Warranty Period correspondingly.
3. Warranty Periods from Date of Taking-Over:
a) Warrant that all trees planted under this Contract shall be healthy and in flourishing
condition of active growth 1 year from date of Final Acceptance.
C. Replace, without cost to the Owner, and as soon as weather conditions permit, all dead plants and all
plants not in vigorous, thriving condition as determined by the Owner during and at the end of
Warranty Period. Plants shall be free of dead or dying branches and branch tips, and shall bear
foliage of a normal density, size, and color. Replacements shall closely match adjacent specimens of
the same species and shall be subject to all specified requirements.
End of Section