Critical Book Review About SEMINAR On ELT
Critical Book Review About SEMINAR On ELT
Critical Book Review About SEMINAR On ELT
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Page : 15
ISSN : 1469-8439
As the study only focus on the EFL textbooks, the readers only know about
the materials used in the EFL textbooks. Readers didn’t have knowledge about the
reality of the condition of how High School students learn the multicultural values in
learning English. The study only do research of one EFL textbook, where not every
students in Indonesia use the same textbook. It is better to do the research with some
other textbook to compare the multicultural values content in EFL textbooks in
The article about the representation of multicultural values in the Indonesian
Ministry of Education and Culture-Endorsed EFL textbook is overall good to read as
reference to know about multicultural values content in EFL textbook in Indonesia.
The findings of the article are explained detailly and easy to understand. However, it
is better to do the research with more EFL textbook to compare the multicultural
values content in EFL textbooks to get a better description and explanation.