Eroes of Rynn: Nearthed Rcana
Eroes of Rynn: Nearthed Rcana
Eroes of Rynn: Nearthed Rcana
By Ben Petrisor, F. Wesley Schneider, and Jeremy Crawford
CREATING YOUR CHARACTER some races, such as dwarves and elves, can live for
centuries—a fact noted in the description of the race.
When you create your D&D character, you decide whether
your character is a member of the human race or one of HEIGHT AND WEIGHT
the game’s fantastical races, which include the races
presented in this article. If you create a character using a Player characters, regardless of race, typically fall into the
race option presented here, follow these additional rules same ranges of height and weight that humans have in our
during character creation. world. If you’d like to determine your character’s height or
weight randomly, consult the Random Height and Weight
ABILITY SCORE INCREASES table in the Player’s Handbook, and choose the row in the
table that best represents the build you imagine for your
When determining your character’s ability scores, increase character.
one of those scores by 2 and increase a different score by
1, or increase three different scores by 1. Follow this rule
regardless of the method you use to determine the scores,
such as rolling or point buy. Native to the world of Krynn, Kender are diminutive
The “Quick Build” section for your character’s class Humanoids that look like humans with pointed ears and
offers suggestions on which scores to increase. You’re free diverse appearances. Kender have a supernatural curiosity
to follow those suggestions or to ignore them. Whichever that drives them on to adventures big and small. This
scores you decide to increase, none of the scores can be curiosity is said to be connected to the whimsical magic of
raised above 20. the Feywild, that some believe kender have a high affinity
for. Due to their curiosity, many kender have found
themselves falling through gates and portals to other
planes and worlds.
7th freedom of Evard’s black hallucinatory
movement tentacles terrain
9th mass cure mislead dream
At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin feature, wounds
which offers you the choice of a subclass. The following
option is available when making that choice: Lunar Magic. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose what
lunar phase manifests its power through your magic: Full
LUNAR MAGIC Moon, New Moon, or Crescent Moon. While in the chosen
phase, spells of the associated phase in the Lunar Spells
On many worlds, the moon is a revered celestial body with table can be cast once without expending a spell slot. Once
magical properties. On Krynn, the gods of magic are you cast a spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you
associated with the world's three moons. On the world of finish a long rest.
Toril, the god Selûne uses the light of the moon to battle