Major Article
Key Words Background: The aim of this study was to obtain the first national estimates of the current prevalence and
incidence and death of health care−associated infections (HAIs) of all types in acute care hospitals in Ukraine.
Methods: Prospective surveillance was conducted from January 2014 to December 2016 in 17 hospitals. Sur-
Antibiotic resistance
Surveillance veillance case definitions were derived from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National
health care-associated infections Healthcare Safety Network HAI case definitions. The identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of cultures
were determined using a automated microbiology analyzer. Some antimicrobial susceptibility tests used
Kirby-Bauer antibiotic testing.
Results: Of 97,340 patients, 10,986 (11.3%) HAIs were observed. The most frequently reported HAI types
were surgical site infections (60%), respiratory tract infections (pneumonia and lower respiratory tract,
18.4%), bloodstream infections (10.2%), and urinary tract infections (9.5%). Death during hospitalization was
reported in 9.7% of HAI cases. The most common organism reported was Escherichia coli, accounting for
21.8% of all organisms, followed by Staphylococcus aureus (18.4%), Enterococcus spp (15.7%), and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa (12.4%). Antimicrobial resistance among the isolates associated with HAIs showed that 42.1% and
3.6% of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp isolates were b-lactam (oxacillin)− and glycopeptide (teico-
planin)-resistant, respectively. Meticillin resistance was reported in 39.2% of S aureus isolates.
* Address correspondence to Salmanov Aidyn Gurbanovych, MD, PhD, Department of Microbiology, Epidemiology, and Infection Control, Shupyk National Medical Academy of
Postgraduate Education, 9 Dorogozhytskaya St, 04112 Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail address: (A.G. Salmanov).
Conflicts of interest: None to report.
Ethics approval and consent to participate: The authors state that the procedures followed conformed to the ethical standards of the responsible human experimentation com-
mittee and in agreement with the World Medical Association and the Declaration of Helsinki. This document is in the possession of the correspondence author. The study was
approved by the Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ukraine. Ethical considerations including privacy of personal data were considered during all steps
of the research.
0196-6553/© 2019 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
e16 A.G. Salmanov et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 47 (2019) e15−e20
Conclusions: HAIs and increasing antimicrobial resistance present a significant burden to the Ukraine hospi-
tal system. Infection control priorities in hospitals should include preventing surgical site infections, respira-
tory tract infections (which also include PNEU and LRTI), bloodstream infections, and urinary tract infections,
as well preventing infections due to antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.
© 2019 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.
Health care−associated infections (HAIs) are a significant global diagnosis, test ordering practices for microbiology cultures, microbi-
threat to patient safety. HAIs are one of the most common adverse ology laboratory procedures, and instructions for surveillance data
events in patient care and account for substantial morbidity and collection and reporting.
mortality.1-6 Despite major advances in infection control interven- All eligible patients admitted from January 1, 2014, to December
tions, HAIs remain a major public health problem and patient safety 31, 2015, have been included in the surveillance. Patients who were
threat worldwide.1 According to published national or multicenter transferred to the ICU from an outside hospital are also included.
studies, pooled HAI prevalence in mixed patient populations was Exclusion criteria were patients with a community-acquired infec-
from 3.5%-12%.1,5-8 tion, ICU stay for less than 48 h, and death within 48 h of ICU admis-
HAIs annually account for 37,000 attributable deaths in Europe sion. The follow-up of each patient was continued until discharge,
and potentially many more that could be related, and they account referral, or death.
for 99,000 deaths in the United States. Annual financial losses due to
HAIs are also significant, as they are estimated at approximately €7 Definitions
billion in Europe, including direct costs only and reflecting 16 million
extra days of hospital stay, and approximately $6.5 billion in the HAI was considered to be an infection developing during a hos-
United States.9 pitalization. Major and specific HAI site definitions were adapted
In previous studies, variable proportions of HAIs, considered to from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) 2008
be preventable by intensive hygiene and control programs, have National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) case definitions.16
been reported.10,11 Among the infection prevention initiatives, Because of limitations in laboratory infrastructure, clinical sepsis
surveillance of HAIs is the cornerstone to decrease infection rates (which is not currently included in NHSN) was included among
in hospitalized patients, and it is considered to be the best way HAIs under surveillance in neonatal intensive care units. An infec-
to ensure patient safety.12 Continuous monitoring of HAI rates tion episode met HAI criteria when it occurred on or after the third
can be used to assess effectiveness of interventions and provides calendar day in the ICU or within 2 calendar days of discharge from
information that may be used for benchmarking comparison.13 the ICU. Serologic and antigen test results were not included in case
Owing to high morbidity and mortality caused by these infections, definitions because laboratories in participating hospitals did not
early diagnosis and treatment of these infections with appropriate have the capability to perform these tests. In addition, institution of
antibiotics are essential. antimicrobial treatment by a physician was not considered to be
In Ukraine, a national network for the prospective surveillance of sufficient for diagnosis of an HAI because of widespread use of
HAIs in all wards is not in place. To identify specific HAI prevention empiric antimicrobial therapy.
targets and, therefore, reduce disparities between countries, ongoing Multidrug resistance (MDR) was defined in accordance with cur-
surveillance is necessary. However, resources are severely limited in rent published interim standard definitions, which were used in the
Ukraine, creating difficulties implementing surveillance and estab- most recent NHSN AMR report.17 Specifically, an isolate of Acineto-
lishing effective measures for infection control and HAI prevention. In bacter spp was defined as having MDR if it tested nonsusceptible
Ukraine, efforts to improve infection control training and to begin (ie, resistant or intermediate) to at least 1 drug in 3 of the following
HAI surveillance have been under way. However, previous reports of 6 antimicrobial agents/groups: piperacillin or piperacillin/tazobac-
HAIs in Ukraine were limited to surgical site infections (SSIs) and did tam, extended-spectrum cephalosporins (cefepime or ceftazidime),
not address the broad spectrum of HAIs.14,15 aminoglycosides, ampicillin/sulbactam, carbapenems, and fluoroqui-
The aim of this study was to obtain the first national estimates of nolones. For Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, MDR was defined as
the current prevalence and incidence burden of HAIs in acute care testing nonsusceptible (ie, either resistant or intermediate) to at least
hospitals in Ukraine and to assess the excess mortality attributable to 1 drug in 3 of the 5 following antimicrobial groups: piperacillin
HAIs, overall and separately, for main sites of infection and trace anti- or piperacillin/tazobactam, extended-spectrum cephalosporins (cefe-
microbial resistance (AMR) phenotypes and responsible pathogens. pime or ceftazidime), fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, and carba-
Setting and patients
The data were collected as a part of the hospital’s infection preva-
Over a 36-month period (January 2014 to December 2016), this lence survey. According to the Health Research Act, Ukraine, quality
multicenter prospective (surveillance for HAIs) study was performed assurance projects, surveys, and evaluations that are intended to
in 17 Ukrainian hospitals (64% general, 18% pediatric, and 18% wom- ensure that diagnosis and treatment actually produce the intended
en’s hospitals), which are similar in terms of medical equipment, per- results do not need ethical committee approval, and patient consent
sonnel, laboratory facilities, and number of beds. All participating is not required.
hospitals were required to have at least 1 full-time infection control
professional, a clinical microbiology laboratory with the capacity to Data collection
process cultures, at least 1 intensive care unit (ICU), and a data man-
ager. Hospital staff participating in HAI surveillance received a train- Surveillance data on all HAIs, both inpatients and their causative
ing course that covered topics such as HAI case definitions and pathogens, were collected retrospectively on a form specifically
A.G. Salmanov et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 47 (2019) e15−e20 e17
Table 2
Characteristics of patients with and without HAIs treated in Ukrainian hospitals, 2014-2016
Characteristics All patients n (%) No n (%) Yes n (%) P value* Prevalence of HAIs (%)
Among all 10,986 HAIs, a total of 11,231 organisms were identi- Mortality
fied (Table 4). Considering all HAI types together, E coli were most
Type of infection Infections (n) n (%) 95% CI
commonly reported, accounting for 21.8% of all organisms, fol-
lowed by Staphylococcus aureus (18.4% of all organisms), Enterococ- All infections 10,986 1,067 (9.7) 9.4-10.0
UTI 1,049 92 (8.8) 7.9-9.7
cus spp (15.7% of all organisms), and P aeruginosa (12.4% of all
LRTI 2,021 325 (16.1) 15.3-16.9
organisms). These were the same organisms reported most com- BSI 1,123 158 (14.1) 13.1-15.1
monly for SSI cases. For PNEU, Acinetobacter spp were most com- SSI* 6,595 477 (1.4) 1.3-1.5
monly reported, accounting for 27.4% of all organisms, followed by Other** 198 15 (7.6) 5.7-9.5
Klebsiella spp (23.8% of all organisms). For BSI, Klebsiella spp were BSI, bloodstream infection; HAI, health care−associated infection; LRTI, lower respira-
most commonly reported (26.1% of all organisms), followed by tory infection; SSI, surgical site infection; UTI, urinary tract infection.
*Among 34,625 operated patients.
S aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (14.6% of all organ-
**Other infection types include bone and joint infection; central nervous system infec-
isms each). In contrast, for UTI, Candida spp were most commonly tion; cardiovascular system infection; eye, ear, nose, throat and mouth infection; and
reported (17.6% of all organisms), followed by P aeruginosa (16.7% reproductive system infection; skin and soft tissue infection; gastrointestinal tract
of all organisms). infection.
A.G. Salmanov et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 47 (2019) e15−e20 e19
Table 4
Pathogens reported during surveillance for HAIs in Ukrainian hospitals, 2014-2016
Microorganism All HAI (n = 11,231) SSI (n = 523) PNEU (n = 523) BSI (n = 523) UTI (n = 523)
(teicoplanin)-resistant, respectively. Meticillin resistance was reported We identified several patient characteristics that increased the
in 39.2% of S aureus isolates, with known AST results. Vancomycin risk of HAIs and death. Male sex, old age, use of urinary tract catheter,
resistance was reported in 11.3% of isolated enterococci. Among the longer pre-prevalence period, and comorbidity were all factors affect-
gram-negative bacteria, third-generation cephalosporins (cefotaxime ing patient outcome. These factors should always be taken into
or ceftazidime) resistance was found in 53.8% of Klebsiella spp and in account in assessing each patient’s risk of HAIs, and in targeting infec-
32.1% of E coli isolates. Carbapenem resistance was reported in 8.1% of tion control and prevention measures in care and treatment. To
all included Enterobacteriaceae, also highest in Klebsiella spp, and in adjust for comorbidity we used the Charlson comorbidity index.
31.8% of P aeruginosa isolates and in 76.2% of Acinetobacter spp isolates. In this study, we found that gram-negative bacteria were the most
Results of univariate analysis showed that no statistically signifi- common causal pathogens, in agreement with several surveillance
cant difference between infection and the independent covariates studies in the United States,22 Europe,23 Saudi Arabia,24 and Brazil.25
was found (data not shown). Among these gram-negative bacteria, E coli, P aeruginosa, Klebsiella
spp, and Acinetobacter spp were the most frequently reported. This
DISCUSSION finding is of particular concern, since these organisms are often
involved in outbreaks that require the activation of an organizational
To our knowledge, this study was the first attempt to assess the response until the outbreak is under control.19
overall burden of HAIs at the national level in Ukraine. We estimate In addition, we found the high level of resistance to multiple anti-
that HAIs are encountered with an average prevalence of 11.3% (95% biotics is a great concern. This condition represents an indication of
CI, 11%-11.6%), and the prevalence of the 4 most frequently recorded seriously limited options for the treatment of patients infected with
types of infections was for the following: SSI, 6.8 % (95% CI, 6.7-7.0), those microorganisms.
PNEU, 2.1% (95% CI, 2.0-2.2), BSI, 1.2% (95% CI, 1.1-1.3), and UTI, 1.1 % The strengths of the study lie in the prospective nature and appli-
(95% CI, 1.0-1.2). Prevalence of HAIs among operated patients was cation of NHSN methodology. It is well known that indicators of HAIs
19.0%. Of all reported HAIs, the most frequently reported HAI types provided by surveillance activities require comparison with adequate
were SSIs (60%), RTIs (18.4%, PNEU and LRTI), BSIs (10.2%), and UTIs reference data to stimulate further infection control actions and to
(9.5%). Of the HAI case-patients identified, 9.7% died before discharge. enhance quality of care.
We found that patients with HAIs had a significantly increased mortal-
ity risk compared with patients without HAIs. The highest mortality Study limitations
risk was observed in patients with BSIs, followed by patients with RTIs
(PNEU and LRTI). No increased risk of death was found in patients with The absence of global national surveillance data in Ukraine com-
UTIs and SSIs. pelled us to rely entirely on data from the only existing national
Few comparable studies of the burden of HAIs have been performed point prevalence survey to assess the global burden of HAIs. Data
to date, with most conducted at the regional or single-center level,1,18 validation efforts suggested a low sensitivity for detection of HAI,
and even fewer at the national level.1,4,5 Most multicenter studies which likely stems from the following factors: (a) case definitions
assessing the impact of HAIs have been primarily conducted in ICUs or are complex and health care workers were unfamiliar with defini-
have focused on a single type of HAI and/or resistance phenotype.19,20 tions prior to the start of surveillance; (b) owing to limitations
Comparison of results between different studies remains difficult in resources, occasionally microbiology and laboratory testing
primarily because of differences in patient-case mix and methodol- becomes temporarily unavailable; and (c) in Ukraine there is wide-
ogy. According to published national or multicenter studies, pooled spread use of empiric antimicrobial therapy and limited use of the
HAI prevalence in mixed patient populations was from 3.5%-12%.1,5-8 clinical microbiology laboratory for therapeutic decision. Factors (b)
In our study, the overall prevalence of patients with HAI was 11.3%. and (c) may contribute to why PNEU, which can be identified with-
Only a few studies have estimated the global impact of HAIs on out positive culture results, was reported more often than either
mortality in hospital settings, and, as in this study, they all reported UTIs or BSIs, which do require laboratory confirmation.However,
increased mortality.2,4 As shown in other studies,2,4,5 we also found during data validation all reported HAI cases were found to satisfy
that patients with BSIs or LRTIs had increased risk of dying during the surveillance criteria for HAI. The strengths of the study lie in the
follow-up period, even after adjusting for the effects of age, comor- prospective nature, and application of NHSN methodology. It is well
bidity, underlying disease severity, and other important risk factors known that indicators of HAIs provided by surveillance activities
for death. SSIs and UTIs were not associated with increased mortality require comparison with adequate reference data to stimulate
risk, which has also been seen by others.4,5,21 further infection control actions and to enhance quality of care. 23
e20 A.G. Salmanov et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 47 (2019) e15−e20