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AEO Handbook 2020

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Classifications and Specifications Guide

Automotive Engine Lubricants

September 2020

Chevron Oronite is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron, one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies.

We utilize over 100 years of additive chemistry expertise to develop, produce and market innovative products that meet new lubri-
cant specifications resulting from more stringent industry and government standards.

We leverage our expertise, insights, and strategic position to deliver trusted technical solutions that create value.

We have an unwavering focus on operational excellence with a commitment to supply quality products safely and reliably,
on time, every time.

And we are committed to long-term collaborative relationships built on trust, integrity and flexibility.

The Automotive Engine Lubricants Classification and Specifications Guide is one example of how Oronite Adds Up... for you.

Chapter 1: Viscosity classifications - SAE J300

SAE J300 revised January 2015 - SAE viscosity grades for engine oils ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2: API and ILSAC requirements for gasoline and diesel engine oils
API «S» and ILSAC Gasoline service categories engine and laboratory test requirement summary
- Current ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
- Obsolete .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
API SM, SN, SN + RC Gasoline service category laboratory test limits .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
API SH, SJ and SL Gasoline service category laboratory test limits .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
API «S» Gasoline service categories engine test limits ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
ILSAC GF-4, GF-5 and GF-6 Standard laboratory test limits ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
ILSAC GF-1, GF-2 and GF-3 Standard laboratory test limits ................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
ILSAC Standards engine test limits .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
API «C» Diesel service categories engine and laboratory test requirement summary - Current ........................................................................................................ 25
API «C» Diesel service categories laboratory test limits - Current ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
API «C» Diesel service categories engine test limits - Current ............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
API «C» Diesel service categories engine and laboratory test requirement summary - Obsolete ..................................................................................................... 32
API «C» Diesel service categories engine test limits - Obsolete ......................................................................................................................................................................... . 33
Chapter 3: ACEA sequences for gasoline and diesel engine oils
ACEA sequences - Overview of validity periods .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
- For gasoline and diesel engines ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
- For heavy duty diesel engines ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
ACEA 2012 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
- For gasoline and diesel engines ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
- For heavy duty diesel engines ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63

Chapter 4: China GB, Global DHD-1, JASO HD-DL and US Military requirements for diesel engine oils
GB 11121 - 2006 (#) - Passenger car gasoline engine oil .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
GB 11122 - 2006 (#) - Heavy duty diesel engine oil .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
GLOBAL DHD-1- specification .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
JASO DH-1, DH-2, DH-2F, DL-0, DL-1 specification - Laboratory test ............................................................................................................................................................... 70
JASO DH-1, DH-2, DH-2F, DL-0, DL-1 specification - Engine test ......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
MIL-PRF-2104M specification ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 74
Chapter 5: OEM requirements for gasoline and diesel engine oils
BMW .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 79
CATERPILLAR ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
CHRYSLER ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
CUMMINS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 84
DETROIT .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
DEUTZ .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 96
FIAT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 100
FPT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 104
FORD .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 105
GM .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
JAGUAR ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
MAN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 113
MERCEDES-BENZ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 115
MTU ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 133
PACCAR DAF ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 137
PORSCHE ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 138

PSA - PEUGEOT - CITROEN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 139

RENAULT ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 147
SCANIA ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 149
VOLVO ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 150
VOLKSWAGEN ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 156
Chapter 6: ACC, API, ATC and ATIEL codes of practice (CoP)
API and ATIEL base stock categories ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 161
API EOLCS definitions for Base Oil Interchangeability guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................... 162
ATIEL Code of Practice definitions for base stock interchange guidelines .................................................................................................................................................. 163
ATIEL base stock interchange guidelines use of alternative base stocks in validated formulations ............................................................................................... 164
ACC and ATC guidelines for minor formulation modifications ........................................................................................................................................................................... 165
ACC guidelines for program guidelines .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
ACC and ATC guidelines data required for candidate data packages ............................................................................................................................................................ 170
Chapter 7: API guidelines for:
- Viscosity grade read-across (VGRA)
- Base oil interchange (BOI)
API 1509 - Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System Guidelines:
- Viscosity Grades Read Across Requirements for formulations containing Group I, II, III and IV base stocks .......................................................................... 173
API 1509 - Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System Guidelines: API Base Oil Interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils ................. 194
API 1509 - Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System Guidelines: API Base Oil Interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils .............................. 203

Chapter 8: ATIEL guidelines for:

- Viscosity grade read-across (VGRA)
- Base oil interchange (BOI)
- Viscosity modifier interchange
ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 217
ATIEL Base oil interchange guidelines
- For the M271Evo & M111SL .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 226
- For the DV6C, DV4TD, TU3M ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 227
- For the M111 FE test ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 228
- For the OM646LA test ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 229
- For the VW TDI, OM646LA Bio, EP6CDT, TU5JP & OM501LA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 230
ATC viscosity modifier interchange guidelines ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 231
Chapter 9: Tests and engines
Engine test conditions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 233
Chapter 10: Elastomer compatibility testing
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits....................................................................................................................................................................................... 239
Chapter 11: Requirements for approvals and performance recognition
Approvals and performance recognition ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 253
Chapter 12: OEM requirements for natural gas engine oils
Requirements for gas engine oils for busses and trucks ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 256
Chapter 13: Unit conversion
Unit conversion tables (temperature conversion) .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 259
Measurement conversion from US to SI units ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 262
Decimal inches to millimeters - Millimeters to inches ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 264
Acronym table .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 265
SAE J300
SAE J300 revised January 2015 - SAE viscosity grades for engine oils (1) (2)

Low-Temperature (°C) Low-Temperature (°C) Low-Shear-Rate Low-Shear-Rate

High-Shear-Rate Viscosity (6),
SAE Viscosity Grade Cranking Viscosity (3), Pumping Viscosity, Kinematic Viscosity (5), Kinematic Viscosity (5),
(mPa.s) at 150°C
(mPa.s) (mPa.s, with No Yield Stress) (4) (mm2/s) at 100°C (mm2/s) at 100°C

Max. Max. Min. Max. Min.

0W 6200 at -35 60 000 at -40 3.8 - -
5W 6600 at -30 60 000 at -35 3.8 - -
10W 7000 at -25 60 000 at -30 4.1 - -
15W 7000 at -20 60 000 at -25 5.6 - -
20W 9500 at -15 60 000 at -20 5.6 - -
25W 13000 at -10 60 000 at -15 9.3 - -
8 - - 4.0 <6.1 1.7
12 - - 5.0 <7.1 2.0
16 - - 6.1 <8.2 2.3
20 - - 6.9 <9.3 2.6
30 - - 9.3 <12.5 2.9
40 - - 12.5 <16.3 3.5 (0W-40, 5W-40, 10W-40)
40 - - 12.5 <16.3 3.7 (15W-40, 20W-40, 25W-40, 40)
50 - - 16.3 <21.9 3.7
60 - - 21.9 <26.1 3.7

(1) 1 mPa.s = 1 cP; 1 mm2/s = 1 cSt
(2) All values, with the exception of the low-temperature cranking viscosity, are critical specifications as defined by ASTM D3244.
(3) ASTM D5293: Cranking viscosity - The non-critical specification protocol in ASTM D3244 shall be applied with a P value of 0.95.
(4) ASTM D4684: Note that the presence of any yield stress detectable by this method constitutes a failure regardless of viscosity.
(5) ASTM D445.
(6) ASTM D4683, ASTM D4741, ASTM D5481, or CEC L-036-90.

API and
for gasoline
and diesel
engine oils
API “S” and ILSAC gasoline service categories engine
and laboratory test requirement summary - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All SAE Viscosity grades 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx
L-38 X or Seq VIII - - - - - - CRC L-38 - -
Ball rust test X (5) or Seq IID X (5) X (5) X (5) X (5) X (5) X (5) Ball rust test X X
Sequence II IID or BRT(5) - - - - - - Sequence II - -
IIIE or IIIF or IIIG (8)(9) IIIF or IIIG (9) IIIG + IIIGA (1) or IIIG (or IIIH) + IIIH + (IIIHA or IIIH + (IIIHA or
Sequence III or ROBO), or IIIH + Sequence III or ROBO) , or IIIH + IIIH + IIIHA + IIIHB
or IIIH (12) or IIIH (13) IIIH + ROBO (IIIGA or ROBO) (3) ROBO) ROBO) + IIIHB
Sequence V VE or IVA + VG (or VH) (5) VG or VH (5) VG or VH (5) VG or VH (5) VG or VH (5) VH VH Sequence V VG or VH VH
Sequence VI - - - - VID or VIE or VIF (7) - VIE or VIF Sequence VI VID or VIE VIE
Sequence VIII X or L-38 X X X X X X Sequence VIII X X
Sequence IX - - - X (11) X (11) X X Sequence IX X
Sequence X X X Sequence X X
Viscometrics SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 Viscometrics SAE J300 SAE J300
Volatility X X X X X X X Volatility X X
Filterability X X X X X X X Filterability X X
Foaming X X X X X X X Foaming X X
Flash point X - - - - - - Flash Point - -
Homog. & miscibility X X X X X X X X
Homog. & miscibility X X
TEOST 33C (4) & TEOST 33C (4)
MHT (6) & MHT
Gelation index X X X X (5)
X (5)
X (5)
X (5)
Gelation index X X
Shear stability X X X X X X X Shear stability X X
ROBO Test - - - X or IIIGA (3) X or IIIGA X or IIIHA (3) X or IIIHA (3) ROBO test X or IIIGA X or IIIHA (3)
Catalyst compatibility X X X X (6) X (6) X (6) X (6) Catalyst compatibility X X
Emulsion retention - - - - X - X Emulsion retention X X
Elastomer compatibility - - - X X X X Elastomer compatibility X X
Phosphorus retention - - - - X - X Phosphorus retention X X
HTHS viscosity, 150°C X (10)
X (10) X (10) X (10) X (10) X (10) X (10)

(1) IIIGA required only for SAE grades 0W-20, 5W-20, 0W-30, 5W-30 and 10W-30. (7) Viscosity grades are limited to 0W, 5W and 10W multigrade oils.
(2) VE not required for oils containing a minimum of 0.08% phosphorus in the form of zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (ZDDP). (8) F
 or oils containing less than 0.08 % phosphorus, in the form of ZDDP, the Sequence IIIF plus Sequence VE test is allowed
(3) Not required for monograde and 15W, 20W and 25W multigrade oils. as an alternative to Sequence IIIE.
(4) Not required for 0W-20 and 0W-16. (9) F
 or oils with ≥ 0.06 mass % and < 0.08 % phosphorus, in the form of ZDDP, the Sequence IIIG test is allowed as an
(5) If CI-4, CJ-4, CK-4 and/or FA-4 categories precede the “S” category and there is no API Certification Mark, the Sequence alternative to Sequence IIIF plus Sequence VE.
VG (ASTM D 6593), Ball Rust Test (ASTM D 6557), and Gelation Index (ASTM D5133) tests are not required. (10) Not required for some viscosity grades.
(6) F or all viscosity grades: if CF-4, CG-4 and/or CI-4 categories precede the ‘S’ category and there is no API Certification (11) Required only for oils claiming to meet API SN with SN PLUS or API SN with SN PLUS and Resource Conserving.
Mark, the limits for phosphorus, sulfur and the TEOST MHT do not apply.
Note that these oils have been formulated primarily for diesel engines and may not provide all of the performance
requirements consistent with vehicle manufacturers’ recommendations for gasoline-fueled engines.
API “S” and ILSAC gasoline service categories engine
and laboratory test requirement summary - Obsolete -
SAE Viscosity grades All SAE Viscosity grades 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx
CRC L-38 X X X X or Seq VIII CRC L-38 X X - -
Ball rust test - - - X or Seq IID Ball rust test - - X X
Sequence II IID IID IID IID or BRT Sequence II IID IID - -
Sequence IV - - - - Sequence IV - - IVA IVA
Sequence V VD VD VE VE or IVA + VG Sequence V VE VE VE (1) + VG VG
Sequence VI - - - - Sequence VI VI VIA VIB VIB
Sequence VIII - - - X or L-38 Sequence VIII - - X X
Caterpillar - - 1H2 Caterpillar - - - -

Ford Falcon - - - Ford Falcon - - - -

Viscometrics SAE J 300 SAE J 300 SAE J 300 SAE J300 Viscometrics SAE J 300 SAE J 300 SAE J 300 SAE J300
Volatility - - - X Volatility X X X X
Filterability - - - X Filterability X X X X
Foaming - - - X Foaming X X X X
Flash point - - - X Flash point X X - -
Homog. & miscibility - - - X Homog. & miscibility X X X X
Gelation index - - - - Gelation index - X X X
Shear stability - - - X Shear stability X X X X
Catalyst compatibility - - - X Catalyst compatibility X X X X

(1) Not required for oils containing a minimum of 0.08% mass phosphorus in the form of Zinc dialkyldithiphosphates (ZDDP).
(2) For oils containing less than 0.08% phosphorus, in the form of ZDDP, the Sequence IIIF plus Sequence VE test is allowed as an alternative to Sequence IIIE.
(3) For oils with ≥0.06 mass% and <0.08% phosphorus, in the form of ZDDP, the Sequence IIIG test is allowed as an alternative to Sequence IIIF plus Sequence VE.
API SM, SN, SN + RC gasoline service category laboratory test limits
0W-20/30 , 5W- Other 0W-16/20/30 , 5W- Other 0W-16/20/30 , 5W- Other
SAE Viscosity grades All Viscosity grades All Viscosity grades
20/30, 10W-30 grades 16/20/30, 10W-30 grades 16/20/30, 10W-30 grades

Laboratory test requirements

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), cSt. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683, D4741, or D5481), mPa.s, min. SAE J300 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3

Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), cP at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Pumpability (ASTM D4684), 60000 cP max./ no yield stress at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

NOACK volatility (ASTM D5800), % loss at 250°C, max. 15 (1)

15 (1) 15 (1) 15 (1) 15 (1) 15 (1) 15 (1) 15 (1)

Volatility loss at 371°C (ASTM D6417), %, max. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Filterability, % flow reduction, max.

EOFT (ASTM D6795) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

EOWTT (ASTM D6794), with 0.6, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0% H2O. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Phosphorus (ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. (3) (4)

0.08 - 0.08 - 0.08 0.08 - 0.08

Phosphorus (ASTM D4951), % m/m, min. (3) (4)

0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

Sulfur (ASTM D4951 or D2622), sulfur, % m/m, max. (3) (4)

0.5 / 0.7 (13) - 0.5 / 0.6 (13) - 0.5 (16)
/ 0.6 (17) 0.5 / 0.6 (13) - 0.5 (16) / 0.6 (17)

Sequence IIIGA (ASTM D4684), aged oil low temperature viscosity or

Pass - Pass Pass (10)
Pass Pass Pass (10)
ROBO Test (ASTM D7528), aged oil low temperature viscosity (11) (12)

Foaming tendency option A (ASTM D892), ml, max., foaming/settling

Sequence I 10 / 0 (5)
10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (6) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (6) 10 / 0 (6) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (6)
Sequence II 50 / 0 (5)
50 / 0 (5) 50 / 0 (6) 50 / 0 (5) 50 / 0 (6) 50 / 0 (6) 50 / 0 (5) 50 / 0 (6)
Sequence III 10 / 0 (5)
10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (6) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (6) 10 / 0 (6) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (6)

High temperature foaming (option A) (ASTM D6082), max. 100 / 0 (6)

100 / 0 (6) 100 / 0 (6) 100 / 0 (6) 100 / 0 (6) 100 / 0 (6) 100 / 0 (6) 100 / 0 (6)

Homogeneity and miscibility (ASTM D6922). Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7)

TEOST MHT (ASTM D7097), high temperature deposits, mg deposit, max. (3) 35 45 35 45 35 - - -

Ball rust test (ASTM D6557), avg. grey value, min. 100 100 100 (14)
100 (14) 100 (14) 100 (14) 100 (14) 100 (14)

Phosphorus retention (Sequence IIIGB/IIIHB) (ASTM D7320/D8111), min, % - - - - 79/81 - - 81

TEOST 33 (ASTM D6335), total deposit weight, mg, max. - - - - 30 (2)

- - 30 (2)

API SM, SN, SN + RC gasoline service category laboratory test limits
0W-20/30 , 5W- Other 0W-16/20/30 , 5W- Other 0W-16/20/30 , 5W- Other
SAE Viscosity grades All Viscosity grades All Viscosity grades
20/30, 10W-30 grades 16/20/30, 10W-30 grades 16/20/30, 10W-30 grades

Laboratory test requirements

Gelation index (ASTM D5133), max. (14)

12 (8) - 12 (8) - 12 (8) 12 (8) - 12 (8)

Shear stability (Seq VIII) (ASTM D6709). Pass (9) (18)

Pass (9) (18) Pass (9) (18) Pass (9) (18) Pass (9) (18) Pass (9) (18) Pass (9) (18) Pass (9) (18)

Emulsion retention (ASTM D7563) : Oil mixed with 10% Water, 10 % E85
0°C, 24 Hrs. - - - - No water separation - - No water separation
25°C, 24 Hrs. - - - - No water separation - - No water separation

Elastomer compatibility (ASTM D7216) (15)

- - Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

(1) Calculated conversions specified in ASTM D5800 are allowed.
(2) Not required for SAE XW-16 or XW-20.
(3) For all viscosity grades: if CH-4, CI-4 and/or CJ-4 categories precede the “S” category and there is no API Certification Mark, the limits for phosphorus, sulfur and the TEOST MHT do not apply. However, the CJ-4 limits for phosphorus and sulfur do apply for CJ-4
oils. This footnote cannot be applied if CK-4 or FA-4 is also claimed. Note that these “C” category oils have been formulated primarily for diesel engines and may not provide all of the performance requirements consistent with vehicle manufacturers’ recom-
mendations for gasoline-fueled engines.
(4) This is a non critical specification as described in ASTM D3244.
(5) Settling volume determined at 10 minutes.
(6) Settling volume determined at 1 minute.
(7) Shall remain homogenous and, when mixed with ASTM reference oils, shall remain miscible.
(8) To be evaluated from -5°C to temperature at which 40.000 cP is attained or -40°C, or 2°Celsius below the appropriate MRV TP-1 temperature (defined by SAE J 300), whichever occurs first.
(9) 10-h stripped Kinematic viscosity at 100°C must remain in original SAE grade.
(10) Not required for monograde and 15W, 20W and 25W multigrade oils.
(11) If CCS viscosity measured is less than or equal to the maximum CCS viscosity specified for the original viscosity grade, run ASTM D4684 (MRV TP-1) at the MRV temperature specified in SAE J300 for the original viscosity grade.
(12) If CCS viscosity measured is higher than the maximum viscosity specified for the original viscosity grade in SAEJ300, run ASTM D4684(MRV TP-1) at 5 °C higher temperature (i.e., at MRV temperature specified in SAE J300 for the next higher viscosity grade)
(13) For SAE 10W-30.
(14) If CI-4, CJ-4, CK-4 and/or FA-4 categories precede the “S” category and there is no API Certification Mark, the Sequence VG (ASTM D 6593), Ball Rust Test (ASTM D 6557), and Gelation Index (ASTM D5133) tests are not required.
(15) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
(16) For SAE 0W-20/30, 5W-20/30 viscosity grades.
(17) For all viscosity grades other than SAEs 0W-20/30, 5W-20/30.
(18) Data to support stay-in-grade requirement for read-across shall be supported by ASTM D6278 (30 passes). The following limits for kinematic viscosity at 100°C after shear must be met: xW-16 ≥ 5.8 mm2/s / xW-20 ≥ 6.5 mm2/s / xW-30 ≥ 8.5 mm2/s / xW-40
≥ 11.5 mm2/s / xW-50 ≥ 15.0 mm2/s / xW-60 ≥ 19.8 mm2/s.
API SH, SJ and SL gasoline service category laboratory test limits
0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-20,
SAE Viscosity grades 5W-30 10W-30 15W-40 0W-20, 5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30 Other grades (14)
Other grades (14)
5W-30, 10W-30

Laboratory test requirements

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 2.6 SAE J300 2.6

Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa.s at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Pumpability (ASTM D4684), 60000 mPa.s max./ no yield stress at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

NOACK volatility (ASTM D5800), % loss at 250°C, max. 25 (11)

20 (11) 18 (11) 22 (2) 20 (1) 15 15

Volatility loss at 371°C (ASTM D6417), %, max. 20 (11)

17 (11) 15 (11) - - - -

Volatility loss at 371°C (ASTM D6417or ASTM D5480), %, max. - - - 17 (2)

15 (1) 10 10

Filterability, % flow reduction, max.

EOFT (ASTM D6795) 50 50 - 50 50 50 50
EOWTT (ASTM D6794), with 0.6, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0% H2O. - - - Report Report 50 50

Phosphorus (ASTM D4951 or D5185), % m/m, max. 0.12 0.12 - 0.10 (3)
- 0.10 (3) (8) -

Phosphorus (ASTM D4951 or D5185), % m/m, min. 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 (13)
0.06 (13) 0.06 (13) 0.06 (13)

Foaming tendency option A (ASTM D892), ml, max., foaming/ settling

Sequence I 10 / 0 (12)
10 / 0 (12 10 / 0(12) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5)
Sequence II 50 / 0 (12 50 / 0 (12 50 / 0(12) 50 / 0 (5) 50 / 0 (5) 50 / 0 (5) 50 / 0 (5)
Sequence III 10 / 0 (12 10 / 0 (12 10 / 0(12) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5)
High temperature foaming optional blending
Report (4)
Report (4) Report (4) 200 / 50 (6) 200 / 50 (6) 100 / 0 (6) 100 / 0 (6)
(ASTM D6082), ml, max., foaming/ settling

Homogeneity and miscibility (ASTM D6922) Pass (7)

Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7)

TEOST 33 (ASTM D6335), total deposit weight, mg, max. - - - 60 60 - -

API SH, SJ and SL gasoline service category laboratory test limits
0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-20,
SAE Viscosity grades 5W-30 10W-30 15W-40 0W-20, 5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30 Other grades (14)
Other grades (14)
5W-30, 10W-30

Laboratory test requirements

TEOST MHT (ASTM D7097), high temperature deposits, mg deposit, max. - - - - - 45 45

Gelation index (ASTM D5133), max. - - - 12 (15)

- 12 (15)

Shear stability (Seq VIII) (ASTM D6709) - - - Pass (16) (17)

Pass (16) (17) Pass (16) (17) Pass (16) (17)

Flash point (ASTM D92) (10), °C, min. 200 205 215 200 - - -

Flash point (ASTM D93) (10), °C, min. 185 190 200 185 - - -

Ball rust test (ASTM D6557), avg. grey value, min. - - - 100 (15)
100 (15) 100 (15) 100 (15)

(1) Only required for 15W-40 oils.
(2) Meet the volatility requirement in either Test Method D5800, D5480, or D6417.
(3) T his is a non critical specification as described in ASTM D3244.
(4) Report kinetic foam volume (ml), static foam volume (ml) and collapse time (s).
(5) Settling volume determined at 10 minutes.
(6) Settling volume determined at 1 minute.
(7) Shall remain homogenous and, when mixed with ASTM reference oils, shall remain miscible
(8) For all viscosity grades: if CF-4, CG-4 and/or CI-4 categories precede the “S” category and there is no API Certification Mark, the limits for phosphorus do not apply. However, the CJ-4 limits for phosphorus and sulfur do apply for CJ-4 oils.
This footnote cannot be applied if CK-4 or FA-4 is also claimed. Note that these “C” category oils have been formulated primarily for diesel engines and may not provide all of the performance requirements consistent with vehicle manufacturers’ recommendations
for gasoline-fueled engines.
(9) T here are no bench tests and measured parameter requirements for other viscosity grades. Only the most recent edition of SAE J300 requirements have to be met on all oils.
(10) Meet either Test Method D92 or D93 flash point requirement.
(11) Meet either Test Method D5800 or D2887 volatility requirement.
(12) Settling volume determined at 5 minutes.
(13) Not required if passing Sequence VE (ASTM D5302) results are obtained.
(14) Does not include 0W-16 and 5W-16.
(15) If CI-4, CJ-4, CK-4 and/or FA-4 categories precede the “S” category and there is no API Certification Mark, the Sequence VG (ASTM D6593), Ball Rust Test (ASTM D6557), and Gelation Index (ASTM D5133) tests are not required.
(16) 10-h stripped Kinematic viscosity at 100°C must remain in original SAE grade..
(17) Data to support stay-in-grade requirement for read-across shall be supported by ASTM D6278 (30 passes). The following limits for kinematic viscosity at 100°C after shear must be met: xW-20 ≥ 6.5 mm2/s / xW-30 ≥ 8.5 mm2/s / xW-40 ≥ 11.5 mm2/s / xW-50
≥ 15.0 mm2/s / xW-60 ≥ 19.8 mm2/s.
API “S” gasoline service categories engine test limits
API CATEGORY (SE) (SF) (SG) SH (1) (6)
SJ (1)
10W-30 10W-30
SAE Viscosity grades All All All All All All All All xW-16 xW-20 xW-30 & other All xW-16 xW-20 xW-30 & other
grades grades

CRC L-38 (ASTM D5119)

Bearing weight loss, mg, max. 40 40 40 40 40 - - - - - -

Piston skirt varnish, min. - - 9.0 - - - - - - - -

10 h. stripped viscosity - - - Stay in grade Stay in grade - - - - - -

Sequence VIII (ASTM D6709)

Bearing weight loss, mg, max. - - - 26.4 (9) 26.4 (9) 26.4 26 26 26 26 (16) 26 (16)

Stay in Stay in Stay in

10 h. stripped viscosity - - - Stay in grade (11) Stay in grade (11) Stay in grade (11) Stay in grade (11) Stay in grade (11) (16)
grade (11) grade (11) grade (11) (16)

Sequence IID (ASTM D5844)

Average engine rust, min. 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 - - - - - -

Lifter sticking, max. none none none none none - - - - - -

(ASTM D5533, D6984, D7320, D8111) IIIH + IIIHA IIIH IIIH + IIIHB
275 at 80 h./150 150 at
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 375 at 40 h. 375 at 64 h. 375 at 64 h. -/325 (10)
/150 -/325 (10)/150/307 (14) 150 at 100 h. 150 at 100 h./150 100 100
at 100 h./181 (15) 100 h./150

Hours to 375 % vis. inc. at 40°C, min. - - - 64/-/- 64/-/-/- - - - - - -

Average engine sludge, min. 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2/-/- 9.2/-/-/- - - - - - -

8.9/8.5 (13)/-
Average piston skirt varnish, min. 9.1 9.2 8.9 8.9/8.5 /-
9.0/-/7.9 (15)
- - - - -
/7.5 (14)

Average oil ring land deposits, min. 4.0 4.8 3.5 3.5/-/- 3.5/-/-/- - - - - - -

-/3.2 (13)/3.5
Weighted piston deposits, min. - - - -/3.2 (13)
/3.5 4.0/3.5/3.3 (15)
3.5/3.2 4.0/3.7 4.0/3.7 4,2 4,2
/2.5 (14)

Ring sticking (hot stuck) None None None None (2) (13)
None (2) (13) None None None None None None

Lifter sticking None None None None/-/- None/-/-/- - - - - - -

Cam or lifter scuffing None None None None/-/- None/-/-/- - - - - - -

Maximum cam + lifter wear, μm (in.), max. 254 (0.0100) 203 (0.0080) 64 (0.0025) 64 (0.0025)/-/- 64 (0.0025)/-/-/- - - - - - -

30 (0.0012)/ 30 (0.0012)/
Average cam + lifter wear, μm (in.), max. 102 (0.0040) 102 (0.0040) 30 (0.0012) 20 /60/-
60/- - - - -
20 (12)/60 20(12)/60/-

API “S” gasoline service categories engine test limits
API CATEGORY (SE) (SF) (SG) SH (1) (6)
10W-30 10W-30
SAE Viscosity grades All All All All All All All All xW-16 xW-20 xW-30 & other All xW-16 xW-20 xW-30 & other
grades grades

Low temperature Viscosity - - - - - Report (4)/Report (5)/- Pass(5) Pass(5) Pass(5) Pass Pass

Phosphorus retention, %, min. - - - - - - - - 79 (7)/81 - 81

Sequence VID, VIE, VIF VID/

(ASTM D7589, D8114, D8226) VIF

FEI 2, %, min. - - - - - - - - 1.3/1.8 1.2/1.5 0.9/1.2 0.6/1.0 - 1,9 1,8 1,5 1,3

Sum of FEI, %, min. - - - - - - - - 2.8/3.7 2.6/3.2 1.9/2.5 1.5/2.2 - 4,1 3,8 3,1 2,8

(1) A
 lternative engine tests may be run instead of those presented as described in ASTM letter of April 28, 2000. Ball Rust Test instead of Sequence IID; Sequence IVA plus Sequence VG instead of Sequence VE; Sequence VIII instead of CRC L-38;
Sequence IIIF as an alternative to Sequence IIIE (See ASTM D4485 -11c for limits of these alternative engine tests).
(2) For IIIE in SH/SJ, an oil related stuck ring occurs on a piston with an individual oil ring land deposit rating < 2.6.
(3) Oil consumption is no longer a pass/fail limit. The test is invalid if oil consumption is ≥ 5.2 L and Noack Volatility is ≤ 15% or oil consumption is ≥6.5 L and Noack Volatility is > 15%.
(3) Evaluate the 80-hour test oil sample by ASTM Test Method D4684 (MRV TP-1) at the temperature indicated by the low temperature grade of oil as determined on the 80-hour sample by ASTM Test Method D5293 (CCS Viscosity).
(5) The ASTM Test Method D4684 (MRV TP-1) result on the 100-hour end of test sample must meet the requirements of the original grade or the next higher grade at the SAE J 300 temperature.
(6) API SH may only be licensed if it is preceded by a “C” category in the Service symbol.
(7) API SN + Resource Conserving Sequence IIIGB (ASTM D7320).
(8) A Sequence IIIGA test is identical to a Sequence IIIG test, except only low temperature viscosity performance is measured.
(9) A lternative for CRC L-38.
(10) For IIIF in SH/SJ determine viscosity increase at 40°C at 60h.
(11) D ata to support stay-in-grade requirement for read-across shall be supported by ASTM D6278 (30 passes). The following limits for kinematic viscosity at 100°C after shear must be met:
xW-20 ≥ 5.6 mm2/s / xW-30 ≥ 8.5 mm2/s / xW-40 ≥ 11.5 mm2/s / xW-50 ≥ 15.0 mm2/s.
(12) Calculate by eliminating the highest and lowest cam-plus-lifter wear results and then calculating an average based on the remaining ten rating positions. For SH and SJ, determine at 80 h.
(13) For IIIF in SH/SJ, determine at 80 h.
(14) Kinematic viscosity at 60 hours and weighted piston deposit and piston skirt varnish at 70 hours.
(15) Kinematic viscosity, weighted piston deposit and piston skirt varnish at 70 hours.
(16) Sequence VIII bearing weight loss and shear stability not required for SAE XW-16.
API “S” gasoline service categories engine test limits
+ RC

SAE Viscosity grades All All All All All All All All All All All

Sequence IVA (ASTM D6891)

Cam wear avg, μm, max. - - - 120 (4) 120 (4) 120 90 90 90 - -


Average intake lifter volume loss, mm3, max. - - - - - - - - - 2,7 2,7

End of test iron, ppm, max. - - - - - - - - - 400 400


Average engine sludge, min. 9.2 9.4 9.0 9.0/7.8 9.0/7.8/7.4 - 7.8/7.4 7.8/7.4 8.0/7.6 8.0/7.6 7,6 7,6

Rocker arm cover sludge, min. - - 7.0 7.0/8.0 7.0/8.0/7.4 - 8.0/7.4 8.0/7.4 8.3/7.7 8.3/7.7 7,7 7,7

Average piston skirt varnish, min. 6.4 6.7 6.5 6.5/7.5 6.5/7.5/7.4 - 7.5/7.4 7.5/7.6 7.5/7.6 7.5/7.6 7,6 7,6

Average engine varnish, min. 6.3 6.6 5.0 5.0/8.9 5.0/8.9/8.6 - 8.9/8.6 8.9/8.6 8.9/8.6 8.9/8.6 8,6 8,6

Oil screen debris, %, max. - - - - - - Report/- Report/- Report/- Report/- Report Report

Oil screen clogging, %, max. 10.0 7.5 20 20/20 20/20/Report - 20/Report 20/Report 15/Report 15/Report Report Report

Oil ring clogging, %, max. (2) 10.0 10.0 15 Report Report/Report/- - Report/- Report/- Report/- Report/- Report Report

Compression ring sticking (hot stuck) None None None None/None None - None None None None None None

Cold stuck rings - - - - - - Report/- Report/- Report/- Report/- Report Report

Maximum cam wear, µm (in.), max. Rate & Report 64 (0.0025) 380 (0.015) 380 (0.015)/- 380 (0.015)/-/- 380 (3) - - - - -

Average cam wear, µm (in.), max. Rate & Report 25 (0.0010) 130 (0.005) 127 (0.005)/- 127 (0.005)/-/- 127 (3)
- - - - -

Sequence IX (ASTM DXXXX)

Average number of events, max. - - - - - - - 5 (5) 5 (5) 5 (5) 5 (5)

Sequence X (ASTM DXXXX)

chain stretch, % increase, max. - - - - - - - - - 0,085 0,085

(1) A
 lternative engine tests may be run instead of those presented as described in ASTM letter of April 28, 2000. Ball Rust Test instead of Sequence IID; Sequence IVA plus Sequence VG instead of Sequence VE; Sequence VIII instead of CRC L-38;
Sequence IIIF as an alternative to Sequence IIIE (See ASTM D4485 -04 for limits of these alternative engine tests).
(2) Oil ring clogging as a pass criterion, suspended indefinitely by ASTM on June 1, 1994.
(3) Not required for oils containing a minimum of 0.08% mass phosphorus in the form of ZDDP.
(4) Demonstrate passing performance in Sequence VE, or alternatively, in both Sequence IVA and VG.
(5) Required only for oils claiming to meet API SN with SN PLUS or API SN with SN PLUS and Resource Conserving.
ILSAC GF-4, GF-5 & GF-6 standard laboratory test limits
SAE Viscosity grades 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx

Laboratory test requirements

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa.s at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Pumpability (ASTM D4684), 60000 mPa.s max./ no yield stress at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

NOACK volatility (ASTM D5800), % loss at 250°C, max. 15 (2)

15 (2) 15 (2)

Volatility loss at 371°C (ASTM D6417), %, max. 10 10 10

Filterability, % flow reduction, max.

EOFT (ASTM D6795) 50 50 50

EOWTT (ASTM D6794), with 0.6, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0% H2O. 50 50 50

Phosphorus (ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. (4) 0.08 0.08 0.08

Phosphorus (ASTM D4951), % m/m, min. (4)

0.06 0.06 0.06

Sulfur (ASTM D4951 or D2622), sulfur, % m/m, max. (4)

0.5 (11)/0.7 (15) 0.5 (11)/0.6 (15) 0.5 (11)/0.6 (15)

Sequence IIIGA (ASTM D4684), aged oil low temperature viscosity or ROBO Test (ASTM D7528), aged oil low temperature viscosity - Pass (12) (13)
Pass (12) (13)

Foaming tendency option A (ASTM D892), ml, max., foaming/ settling

Sequence I 10/0 (6)

10/0 (6) 10/0 (6)

Sequence II 50/0 (6)

50/0 (6)
50/0 (6)

Sequence III 10/0 (6)

10/0 (6) 10/0 (6)

High temperature foaming (option A) (ASTM D6082), max. 100/0 (7)

100/0 (7) 100/0 (7)

Homogeneity and miscibility (ASTM D6922). Pass (8)

Pass (8) Pass (8)

TEOST MHT (ASTM D7097), high temperature deposits, mg deposit, max. (4) 35 35 -

Ball rust test (ASTM D6557), avg. grey value, min. 100 100 100

Phosphorus volatility (Sequence IIIGB) (ASTM D7320), min. - 79% 81%

TEOST 33 (ASTM D6335), total deposit weight, mg, max. - 30 (3)

30 (3)

Gelation index (ASTM D5133), max. (9) 12 (9) 12 (9) 12 (9)

ILSAC GF-4, GF-5 & GF-6 standard laboratory test limits
SAE Viscosity grades 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx

Laboratory test requirements

Shear stability (Seq VIII) (ASTM D6709). Pass (10) Pass (10) (14) Pass (10) (14)

Emulsion retention (ASTM D7563): Oil mixed with 10% Water, 10 % E85

0°C, 24 Hrs. - No separation No separation

25°C, 24 Hrs. - No separation No separation

Elastomer compatibility (ASTM D7216) (1)ww - Pass Pass

(1) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
(2) Calculated conversions specified in ASTM D5800 are allowed.
(3) No limit for 0W-20.
(4) For all viscosity grades: if CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 and/or CI-4 categories precede the “S” category and there is no API Certification Mark, the limits for phosphorus, sulfur and the TEOST MTH do not apply. This is a non-critical specification as described in ASTM
Note that these oils have been formulated primarily for diesel engines and may not provide all of the performance requirements consistent with vehicle manufacturers’ recommendations for gasoline-fueled engines.
(5) Test formulation with highest additive (DI/VI) concentration. R/A results to all other base oil/ viscosity grade formulations using same or lower concentration of identical additive (DI/VI) combination. Each different DI/VI combination must be tested.
(6) Settling volume determined at 10 minutes.
(7) Settling volume determined at 1 minute.
(8) Shall remain homogenous and, when mixed with ASTM reference oils, shall remain miscible.
(9) To be evaluated from -5°C to temperature at which 40.000 cP is attained or -40°C, or 2°Celsius below the appropriate MRV TP-1 temperature (defined by SAE J 300), whichever occurs first.
(10) 10-h stripped Kinematic viscosity@100°C must remain in original SAE grade.
(11) For 0W-xx , 5W-xx.
(12) a) If CCS viscosity measured is less than or equal to the maximum CCS viscosity specified for the original viscosity grade, run ASTM D4684 (MRV TP-1) at the MRV temperature specified in SAE J300 for the original viscosity grade.
b) If CCS viscosity measured is higher than the maximum viscosity specified for the original viscosity grade in SAEJ300, run ASTM D4684(MRV TP-1) at 5 °C higher temperature (i.e., at MRV temperature specified in SAE J300 for the next higher
viscosity grade).
(13) EOT ROBO or IIIGA Sample must show no yield stress in the D4684 viscosity must be below the maximum specified in SAE J300 for the original viscosity grade or the next higher viscosity grade, as outlined in (12).
(14) Data to support stay-in-grade requirement for read-across shall be supported by ASTM D6278 (30 passes). The following limits for kinematic viscosity at 100°C after shear must be met:
xW-20 ≥ 5.6 mm2/s / xW-30 ≥ 8.5 mm2/s / xW-40 ≥ 11.5 mm2/s / xW-50 ≥ 15.0 mm2/s.
(15) For 10W-xx.
ILSAC GF-1, GF-2 and GF-3 standard laboratory test limits


SAE Viscosity grades 0W-xx, 5W-xx 10W-xx 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx 0W-xx, 5W-xx, 10W-xx
Laboratory test requirements
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300
HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300
Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa.s at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300
Pumpability (ASTM D4684), 60000 mPa.s max./ no yield stress at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300
NOACK volatility (ASTM D5800) (2), % loss at 250°C, max. 25 (1)
20 (1) 22 15
Volatility loss at 371°C (ASTM D6417) , %, max.
20 (1) 17 (1) 17 10
Filterability , % flow reduction, max.

EOFT (ASTM D6795) 50 50 50 50

EOWTT (ASTM D6794), with 0.6, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0% H2O. - - Report 50
Phosphorus (ASTM D4951 or D5185), wt %, max. - - 0.1 0.1
Foaming tendency option A (ASTM D892), ml, max., foaming/ settling
Sequence I 10 / 0 (3) 10 / 0 (3) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5)
Sequence II 50 / 0 (3)
) 50 / 0 (3) 50 / 0 (5) 50 / 0 (5)
Sequence III 10 / 0 (3)
10 / 0 (3) 10 / 0 (5) 10 / 0 (5)
High temperature foaming (option A) (ASTM D6082), max. - - 200 / 50 (4)
100 / 0 (4)
Homogeneity and miscibility (ASTM D6922). Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7) Pass (7)
TEOST MHT (ASTM D7097), high temperature deposits, mg deposit, max. - - - 45
Gelation index (ASTM D5133), max. (9) - - - 12 (10)
TEOST 33 (ASTM D6335), total deposit weight, mg, max. - - 60 -
Flash point (ASTM D92) (6), °C, min. 200 200 200 200
Flash point (ASTM D93) (6), °C, min. 185 185 185 185

(1) Can run either D5800 or D6417.
(2) ILSAC GF-1 requires CEC L-40-A-93 result. Test method CEC L-40-A-93 is equivalent to ASTM D5800.
(3) Settling volume determined at 5 minutes.
(4) Settling volume determined at 1 minute.
(5) Settling volume determined at 10 minutes.
(6) Meet either Test Method D92 or Test Method D93 flash point requirement.
(7) Shall remain homogenous and, when mixed with ASTM reference oils, shall remain miscible. Formerly “Federal Test Method 791B, Method 3470”.
(8) Formerly known as GM 9099P.
(9) Formerly known as D2887.
(10) To be evaluated from -5°C to temperature at which 40.000 mPa.s is attained or -40°C, or 2°Celsius below the appropriate MRV TP-1 temperature (defined by SAE J 300), whichever occurs first.
ILSAC standard engine test limits
Other 10W-xx 10W-xx 10W-xx 10W-xx
0W-20 0W-20 0W-30 0W-20 0W-30
SAE Viscosity grades (1) 0W-xx 5W-xx 10W-xx 0W-xx & 10W-xx & other & other xW-20 xW-30 & other xW-16 xW-20 xW-30 & other
5W-20 5W-20 5W-30 5W-20 5W-30
5W-xx grades grades grades grades
CRC L-38 (ASTM D5119)
Bearing weight loss, mg, max. 40 40 - - - - -
Piston skirt varnish, min. 9.0 - - - - - -
10 h stripped viscosity Stay in grade (6)
Stay in grade (6) - - - - -
Sequence VIII (ASTM D6709)
Bearing weight loss, mg, max. - - 26.4 26 26 - 26
10 h stripped viscosity - - Stay in grade (6)
Stay in grade (6) Stay in grade (6) -
Stay in grade (6)
Sequence IID (ASTM D5844)
Average engine rust, min. 8.5 8.5 - - - - -
Lifter sticking, max. none none - - - - -
(ASTM D5533, D6984, D7320, D8111)
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 375 at 64h - 275 at 80h 150 at 100h 150 at 100h 100 at 90h 100 at 90h
Hours to 375% vis. increase at 40°C, min. - 64 - - - - -
Average engine sludge, min. 9.2 9.2 - - - - -
Average piston skirt varnish, min. 8.9 8.9 9.0 - - - -
Average oil ring land deposits, min. 3.5 3.5 - - - - -
Weighted piston deposits, min. - - 4.0 3.5 4.0 / 3.7 4,2 4,2
Ring sticking (oil related) None (2) None (2) - -
- - -
Hot stuck piston rings None None None None None
Lifter sticking None - - - - - -
Cam or lifter scuffing None - - - - - -
Maximum cam + lifter wear, μm (in.), max. 64 (0.0025) 64 (0.0025) - - - - -
Average cam + lifter wear, μm (in.), max. 30 (0.0012) 30 (0.0012) 20 60 - - -
Oil consumption, l, max. 5.1 5.1 5.2 - - - -
Low temperature viscosity - - Report (3) Pass (4) - - -

(1) Allowed viscosity grades for ILSAC GF-1 / GF-2 / GF-3 / GF-4 /GF-5 are limited to SAE 0W-xx, 5W-xx and 10W-xx. (5) A
 Sequence IIIGA test is identical to a Sequence IIIG test, except only low temperature viscosity performance is measured.
(2) An oil related stuck ring occurs on a piston with an individual oil ring land deposit rating < 2.6. (6) Data to support stay-in-grade requirement for read-across shall be supported by ASTM D6278 (30 passes).
(3) Evaluate the 80-hour test oil sample by ASTM Test Method D4684 (MRV TP-1) at the temperature indicated by the low The following limits for kinematic viscosity at 100°C after shear must be met:
temperature grade of oil as determined on the 80-hour sample by ASTM Test Method D5293 (CCS Viscosity). xW-20 ≥ 5.6 mm2/s / xW-30 ≥ 8.5 mm2/s / xW-40 ≥ 11.5 mm2/s / xW-50 ≥ 15.0 mm2/s.
(4) T he ASTM Test Method D4684 (MRV TP-1) result on the 100-hour end of test sample must meet the requirements of the
original grade or the next higher grade at the SAE J 300 temperature.
ILSAC standard engine test limits
Other 10W-xx 10W-xx 10W-xx 10W-xx
0W-20 0W-20 0W-30 0W-20 0W-30
SAE Viscosity grades (1) 0W-xx 5W-xx 10W-xx 0W-xx & 10W-xx & other & other xW-20 xW-30 & other xW-16 xW-20 xW-30 & other
5W-20 5W-20 5W-30 5W-20 5W-30
5W-xx grades grades grades grades
Sequence IVA (ASTM D6891)
Average cam wear, μm, max. - - 120 90 90 - -
Average intake lifter volume loss, mm3, max. - - - - - 2,7 2,7
End of test iron, ppm, max. - - - - - 400 400
Sequence VE (ASTM D5302) -

Average engine sludge, min. 9.0 9.0 - - - -

Rocker arm cover sludge, min. 7.0 7.0 - - - -
Average piston skirt varnish, min. 6.5 6.5 - - - -
Average engine varnish, min. 5.0 5.0 - - - -
Piston undercrown deposits - To report - - - -
Ring land deposits - To report - - - - -
Cylinder bore wear -
To report - - - -
Oil screen clogging, %, max. 20 20 - - - -
Oil ring clogging, %, max. (2) 15 To report - - - -
Compression ring sticking (hot stuck) None None - - - -
Maximum cam wear, μm (in.), max. 380 (0.015) 380 (0.015) 380 (3) - - -
Average cam wear, μm (in.), max. 130 (0.005) 127 (0.005) 127 (3) - - -

(1) Allowed viscosity grades for ILSAC GF-1 / GF-2 / GF-3 / GF-4 GF-5 are limited to SAE 0W-xx, 5W-xx and 10W-xx.
(2) Effective 8, October 1993, the oil ring clogging parameter has been suspended indefinitely as a requirement for the sequence VE.
(3) Not required for oils containing a minimum of 0.08% mass phosphorus in the form of Zinc dialkyldithiphosphates (ZDDP).
ILSAC standard engine test limits
Other 10W-xx 10W-xx 10W-xx 10W-xx
0W-20 0W-20 0W-30 0W-20 0W-30
SAE Viscosity grades (1) 0W-xx 5W-xx 10W-xx 0W-xx & 10W-xx & other & other xW-20 xW-30 & other xW-16 xW-20 xW-30 & other
5W-20 5W-20 5W-30 5W-20 5W-30
5W-xx grades grades grades grades
Sequence VG (ASTM D6593) VG VG VG or VH VH VH
Average engine sludge, min. 7.8 7.8 8.0/7.6 7,6 7,6
Rocker arm cover sludge, min. 8.0 8.0 8.3/7.7 7,7 7,7
Average piston skirt varnish, min. 7.5 7.5 7.5/7.6 7,6 7,6
Average engine varnish, min. 8.9 8.9 8.9/8.6 8,6 8,6
Oil screen clogging, %, max. 20 20 15/report Rate and report Rate and report
Oil screen debris, %. - Rate and report Rate and report Rate and report/- Rate and report Rate and report
Oil ring clogging, %. Rate and report Rate and report Rate and report/- Rate and report Rate and report
Hot stuck compression rings, max. None None None None None
Cold stuck compression rings Rate and report Rate and report Rate and report/- Rate and report Rate and report
Average follower pin wear, cyl #8, μm. - Rate and report - - -
Average ring gap increase, cyl #1 & #8, μm. - Rate and report - - -
Sequence VI (ASTM RR-D:2-1204)
EFEI (fuel economy improvement), %, min. 2.7 - - - - - -
Sequence VIA (ASTM D6202)
FEI vs. ASTM BC-2, %, min. - 1.4 (4) 1.1 (5) 0.5 (6) - - - - -
Sequence VIB (ASTM D6837)
FEI relative to ref. oil BC, %, min. : FEI 1 2.0 1.6 0.9 2.3 1.8 1.1
- - - - -
FEI relative to ref. oil BC, %, min. : FEI 2 1.7 1.3 0.6 2.0 1.5 0.8
Sum of FEI 1 + FEI 2, min. - 3.0 1.6 - - - - - -
FEI 2, %, min. - - - - 1.2/1.5 0.9/1.2 0.6/1.0 1,9 1,8 1,5 1,3
Sum of FEI, %, min. - - - 2.6/3.2 1.9/2.5 1.5/2.2 4,1 3,8 3,1 2,8

(1) Allowed viscosity grades for ILSAC GF-1 / GF-2 / GF-3 / GF-4 are limited to SAE 0W-xx, 5W-xx and 10W-xx. (4) 1.7% min. if Sequence VIB is used (calculated FEI at 16h. vs. ASTM reference oil BC run before the candidate oil).
(2) E ffective 8, October 1993, the oil ring clogging parameter has been suspended indefinitely as a requirement for the (5) 1.3% min. if Sequence VIB is used (calculated FEI at 16h. vs. ASTM reference oil BC run before the candidate oil).
sequence VE. (6) 0.6% min. if Sequence VIB is used (calculated FEI at 16h. vs. ASTM reference oil BC run before the candidate oil).
(3) Not required for oils containing a minimum of 0.08% mass phosphorus in the form of Zinc dialkyldithiphosphates (ZDDP).
API “C” diesel service categories engine and laboratory
test requirement summary - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All xW-30, xW-40 xW-30

Sequence IIIF or IIIG X (1)

X X X - -

CATERPILLAR SINGLE CYLINDER 1P+1K (1R or 1P) + (1K or 1N) (1R or 1P) + (1K or 1N) 1N 1N 1N


MACK T-8E (2) X X X (2) - - -

MACK T-9 (3) X or T-10 or T-12 - - - - -

MACK T-10 (4) - X or T-12 X or T-12 - - -

MACK T-11 - - X X X X

MACK T-12 - - - X X X

MACK T-13 - - - - X X

CUMMINS M11/M11 EGR (5) M11 or ISM M11-EGR or ISM M11-EGR or ISM - - -





COAT - - - - X X


Sheared oil stay in grade ASTM D6278 or D7109 X X X X X X

Sooted Oil MRV, ASTM D6896 Mack T-10A (6) or Mack T-11A - T-10A or T-12A T-10A or T-12A T-11A T-11A T-11A


ASTM D874, ASTM D4951 P and S - - - X X X

Volatility, ASTM D5800 X X X X X X

Foam, ASTM D892, no option A X X X X X X

Elastomer compatibility - X X X X X

(1) Seq IIIF 60h viscosity increase.
(2) A passing Mack T-11 can be used in place of the T-8E.
(3) The Mack T-9 and T-10 tests are no longer available to run. This requirement can be satisfied by passing a Mack T-12 against API CH-4 limits.
(4) T he Mack T-10 test is no longer available to run. This requirement can be satisfied by passing a Mack T-12 against API CI-4 limits.
(5) T he Cummins M11 and M11EGR tests are no longer available to run. This requirement can be satisfied by passing a Cummins ISM against API CH-4 or CI-4 limits.
(6) A passing Mack T-12A can be used in place of the T-10A.
API “C” diesel service categories laboratory test limits - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All xW-30, xW-40 xW-30

Foaming tendency, (ASTM D892), ml, max., foaming/ settling

Sequence I 10 / 0 (1) (4) 10 / 0 (1) (4) 10 / 0 (1) (4) 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0

Sequence II 20 / 0 (1) (4)

20 / 0 (1) (4)
20 / 0 (1) (4) 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0

Sequence III 10 / 0 (1) (4)

10 / 0 (1) (4) 10 / 0 (1) (4) 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0

HTCBT at 135°C (ASTM D6594). ppm increase, max.

Copper 20 20 20 20 20 20

Lead 120 120 120 120 120 120

Tin Report Report Report - - -

Copper strip rating (acc. to ASTM D130), max. 3 3 3 3 3 3

HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. SAE J300 3.5 3.5 3.5 xW-30: 3.5, xW-40: SAE J300 2.9

HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, max. - - - - xW-30: NA, xW-40: SAE J300 3.2

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s, min. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa.s at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Pumpability (ASTM D4684), 60000 mPa.s max./ no yield stress at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

NOACK volatility (ASTM D5800) 10W-30 15W-40 Not 10W-30 For 10W-30

% loss at 250°C, max. 20 18 15 15 13 15 13 13

Volatility loss at 371°C (ASTM D6417), %, max. 17 15 - - - - -

Kinematic Viscosity after shearing (ASTM D6278) xW-30 xW-40 xW-30 xW-40 xW-30 xW-40
- - -
Kin. Visc. at 100°C after 30 cycle Bosch shearing, mm2/s, min. 9.3 12.5 9.3 12.5 9.3 12.5

Kinematic Viscosity after shearing (ASTM D7109) xW-30 xW-40 xW-30 0W-40 Other xW-40

Kin. Visc. at 100°C after 90 cycle Bosch shearing, mm2/s, min. - - - 9.3 12.5 9.3 12.5 12.8 9.3

HTHS Visc, at 150°C after 90 cycle Bosch shearing, mm2/s, min. - - - - 3.4 - - 2.8

API “C” diesel service categories laboratory test limits - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All xW-30, xW-40 xW-30

Elastomer Compatibility (ASTM D7216) (2)

Nitrile NBR Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Silicone VMQ - Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Polyacrylate ACM Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Fluorelastomer FKM Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Vamac G - - Pass Pass Pass

MRV TP-1 (ASTM D4684)

Viscosity of the 180 h. used oil drain sample from a T-11 test (3), tested at -20°C, mPa.s, max. - 25000 25000 - - -

If yield stress is detected, use the modified test method (external preheat), then measure 25000 25000
the viscosity, mPa.s, max.
Measure the yield stress, Pa. <35 <35

MRV TP-1 (ASTM D6896)

Viscosity of the 180 h. used oil drain sample from a T-11 test, tested at -20°C, mPa.s, max. - - - 25000 25000 25000

If yield stress is detected, use the modified test method (external preheat), then measure 25000 25000 25000
the viscosity, mPa.s, max.
Measure the yield stress, Pa. <35 <35 <35

Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. (non critical) - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0

Phosphorus (ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. (non critical) - - - 0.12 0.12 0.12

Sulfur (ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. (non critical) - - - 0.4 0.4 0.4

(1) 10 minutes settling.
(2) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
(3) Results from T-10A or T-12A can be used as an alternative to T-11A results.
(4) Option A not allowed.
API “C” diesel service categories engine test limits - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All xW-30, xW-40 xW-30

Sequence IIIF, IIIG (ASTM D6984, D7320) IIIF (60h) or IIIG IIIF or IIIG IIIF or IIIG IIIF or IIIG

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 - -

Viscosity (at 40°C), increase from 10 min sample, %, max. (IIIF) 295 - 295 - 295 (MTAC) (1) 275 - 275 - 275 (MTAC) 275 - 275 - 275 (MTAC) 275 - 275 - 275 (MTAC)

Kinematic viscosity, % increase at 40°C, max. (IIIG) 150 - 150 - 150 (MTAC) 150 - 150 - 150 (MTAC) 150 - 150 - 150 (MTAC) 150 - 150 - 150 (MTAC)


1K (2) 1N 1N 1N

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Top groove fill (TGF), %, max. 24 - 27 - 29 24 - 27 - 29 24 - 27 - 29 20 - 23 - 25 20 - 23 - 25 20 - 23 - 25

Weighted demerits (WD), max. 332 - 347 - 353 332 - 347 - 353 332 - 347 - 353 286.2 - 311.7 - 323.0 286.2 - 311.7 - 323.0 286.2 - 311.7 - 323.0

Top land heavy carbon (TLHC),%, max. 4-5-5 4-5-5 4-5-5 3-4-5 3-4-5 3-4-5

Piston, ring and liner scuffing none none none none none none

Ring sticking - - - none none none

Avg. oil cons., g/MJ max., 0-252 h. 0.139 0.139 0.139 0.15 0.15 0.15


1R (3)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Top groove carbon (TGC), demerits, max. 36 - 39 - 41 52 - 57 - 59 52 - 57 - 59

Weighted demerits (WD), max. 350 - 378 - 390 382 - 396 - 402 382 - 396 - 402

Top land carbon (TLC), demerits, max. 40 - 46 - 49 31 - 35 - 36 31 - 35 - 36

Piston, Ring and Liner scuffing none none none

Ring sticking - none none - - -

Avg. oil cons., g/h, max., 0-360 h 12.4 - -

Initial oil cons. g/h, max., 0-252 h - 13.1 13.1

Final oil cons., g/h, max., 432-504 h - Initial + 1.8 Initial + 1.8

Final oil cons., g/h, max., 312-360 h 14.6 - -

(1) MTAC - use method without transformations.
(2) Alternatively, Test Method D6750 (1N) can be used; if this test method is used, the measured parameters and primary performace criteria are the same as those shown
for Test Method D6750 (1N) in the CJ-4 category, except that oil consumption, max, is 0.5 g/MJ.
(3) Oils shall pass either Cat 1P or Cat 1R. Cat 1P limits are those required for API CH-4.
API “C” diesel service categories engine test limits - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All xW-30, xW-40 xW-30


M11 M11 EGR M11 EGR

Run number. 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Rocker pad avg. weight loss norm. to 4.5% Soot, mg, max. 6.5 - 7.5 - 8.0 - -

Average crossshead weight loss, mg, max. - 20.0 - 21.8 - 22.6 20.0 - 21.8 - 22.6 - - -

Oil filter ∆P at EOT, kPa, max. 79 - 93 - 100 275 - 320 - 341 275 - 320 - 341

Average engine sludge, CRC merits at EOT, min. 8.7 - 8.6 - 8.5 7.8 - 7.6 - 7.5 7.8 - 7.6 - 7.5

Average top ring weight loss, mg - Report Report


(ASTM D7468)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Merit rating, min. - - - 1000 - 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 - 1000

Top ring weight loss, mg, max. - - - 100 - 100 - 100 100 - 100 - 100 100 - 100 - 100

Crosshead wear, mg, max. (anchor) 7.5 - 7.8 - 7.9 7.5 - 7.8 - 7.9 7.5 - 7.8 - 7.9 7.1 (5.7) 7.1 (5.7) 7.1 (5.7)

Oil filter ∆P at 150 h., kPa, max. (anchor) 79 - 95 - 103 55 - 67 - 74 55 - 67 - 74 19 (13) 19 (13) 19 (13)

Valve adj. screw mass loss, mg, max. (anchor) - - - 49 (27) 49 (27) 49 (27)

Engine sludge, CRC merits at EOT, min. (anchor) 8.1 - 8.0 - 8.0 8.1 - 8.0 - 8.0 8.1 - 8.0 - 8.0 8.7 (9.0) 8.7 (9.0) 8.7 (9.0)


Run number. 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Average pin wear, mils, max. 0.30 - 0.33 - 0.36 0.30 - 0.33 - 0.36 0.30 - 0.33 - 0.36 0.30 - 0.33 - 0.36 0.30 - 0.33 - 0.36 0.30 - 0.33 - 0.36

Average pin wear, (μm), max. (7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1) (7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1) (7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1) (7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1) (7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1) (7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1)


Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 - -

Oil aeration at 20 h, %, max. 8.0 - 8.0 - 8.0 (MTAC) (2) 8.0 - 8.0 - 8.0 (MTAC) (2) 8.0 - 8.0 - 8.0 (MTAC) (2) 8.0 - 8.0 - 8.0 (MTAC)


Run number - - - - 1-2-3 1-2-3

Average aeration, 40 h to 50 h, %, max. 11.8 - 11.8 - 11.8 11.8 - 11.8 - 11.8

(1) A Cummins ISM test and its limits can be used as an alternative for the Cummins M11/ M11-EGR test.
(2) MTAC - use method without transformations.
API “C” diesel service categories engine test limits - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All xW-30, xW-40 xW-30


Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Merit rating, min. 1000 - 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 - 1000

Oil consumption, g/h, max. (anchor) - - - 31 (25) - -

Top land carbon avg., max., %. (anchor) 35 (30) - -

Top groove carbon avg., max., %. (anchor) 53 (46) - -

Second ring top carbon, max., %. (anchor) 33 (22) - -

Hot stuck piston ring None - -

MACK T-8E (1)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 - - -

Relative viscosity at 100°C at 4.8% soot, max. 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 (2)
1.8 - 1.9 - 2.0 (3) 1.8 - 1.9 - 2.0 (3)

Visc. Inc. at 100°C at 3.8% soot, mm2/s, max. 11.5 - 12.5 - 13 - -

MACK T-11 (1) )

(ASTM D7156)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Minimum % TGA soot at 4.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C. - - - 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3

Minimum % TGA soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C. 6.00 - 5.89 - 5.85 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9

Minimum % TGA soot at 15.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C. - 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5


Run number. 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Slider tappet weight loss, mg, average, max. - - - 100 - 108 - 112 100 - 108 - 112 100 - 108 - 112

Cam lobe wear, μm, average, max. 55 - 59 - 61 55 - 59 - 61 55 - 59 - 61

Crosshead weight loss, mg, average. Report Report Report

(1) A Mack T-11 test and its limits can be used as an alternative for the Mack T8-E test in the applicable categories.
(2) Relative viscosity = Viscosity at 4.8% Soot / (viscosity of new oil - 50% of viscosity loss by ASTM D3945).
(3) Relative viscosity = Viscosity at 4.8 % Soot / Viscosity of New Oil sheared in ASTM D6278.
API “C” diesel service categories engine test limits - Current -
SAE Viscosity grades All xW-30, xW-40 xW-30

MACK T-9 (1)

Run number 1-2-3

Avg. liner wear norm. to 1.75% soot, μm, max. 25.4 - 26.6 - 27.1 - - - - -
Average top ring weight loss, mg, max. 120 - 136 - 144
Lead increase, ppm, max. 25 - 32 - 36
MACK T-10 (2)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Merit rating, min. - 1000 - 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 - 1000
Liner wear, μm, max. (anchor) 32 - 34 - 35 32.0 (30) 32.0 (30) - - -
Ring wear, mg, max. (anchor) 150 - 159 - 163 158 (140) 158 (140)
Lead content at EOT mg/kg, max. (anchor) 50 - 56 - 59 35 (30) 35 (30)
Lead content 250-300 h, mg/kg, max. (anchor) - 14 (10) 14 (10)
Used oil pumpability at 75 h, MRV at -20°C, mPa.s, max. (3)
- 25000 (NYS) (4) 25000 (NYS) (4)
Mack T-12 (ASTM D7422)
Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3
Merit rating, min. - 1000 - 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 - 1000 - -
Liner wear, μm, max. (anchor) 30.0 - 30.8 - 31.1 26 (23) 26 (23) 24 (20) 24.0 - 24.0 - 24.0 24.0 - 24.0 - 24.0
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. (anchor) 120 - 132 - 137 117 (82) 117 (82) 105 (70) 105 - 105 - 105 105 - 105 - 105
Oil consumption, g/h, max. (anchor) - 95 (82) 95 (82) 85.0 (65.0) - -
Lead content at EOT, mg/kg, max. (anchor) 65 - 75 - 79 42 (35) 42 (35) 35 (25) - -
Lead content 250-300 h, mg/kg, max. (anchor) - 18 (13) 18 (13) 15 (10) - -
Used oil pumpability at 75 h, MRV at -20°C, mPa.s, max. (3)
- 25000 (NYS) (4)
25000 (NYS) (4) 25000 (NYS) (4) - -
Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3
IR Peak at EOT, Abs., cm-1 - -
- - 125 - 130 - 133 125 - 130 - 133
Kinematic viscosity increase at 40°C, % max. 75 - 85 - 90 75 - 85 - 90
Average oil consumption, 48 h to 192 h, g/h, max. Report Report

(1) A Mack T-12 or Mack T-10 test and its limits can be used as an alternative for the Mack T-9 test.
(2) A Mack T-12 test and its limits can be used as an alternative for the Mack T-10 test.
(3) Sample to test can also be from a Mack T-10A test or a Mack T-12A test to generate the sample for ASTM D4684 as used to measure this parameter. (Mack T-10A is the name given to a Mack T-10 test run for 75 h.
Mack T-12A is the name given to a Mack T-12 test run for 100 h.).
(4) If Yield stress is detected, use modified ASTM D4684 (external preheat) ; then limits become Viscosity : 25.000 cP max and Yield Stress, < 35 Pa.
API “C” diesel service categories engine and laboratory test
requirement summary - Obsolete -
SAE Viscosity grades All

Sequence VIII (or CRC L-38 (1) X X X X X X X X

Sequence III - - - - - - - IIIF or IIIG

CATERPILLAR 1H/1H2 1G2 1G2 1G2 1M-PC 1M-PC 1K 1N

DD6V-53T - - X - - - - -

DD6V-92TA - - - - - X - -

MACK T-6 - - - X - - X or T-9 or T10 -

MACK T-7 - - - X - - X or T-8A -

MACK T-8 / T-8E - - - - - - - T-8

CUMMINS NTC-400 - - - X - - X (2) -

RFWT - - - - - - - X

EOAT aeration Navistar - - - - - - - X

Cummins corrosion - - - - - - X X

Metals, AN, BN - - - - X X X X

(1) Test no longer available.
(2) C ummins NTC 400 can be replaced by one additional Cat 1K, meeting CF-4 limits.
API “C” diesel service categories engine test limits - Obsolete -
SAE Viscosity grades All

CRC L-38 (ASTM D5119)

Bearing weight loss, mg, max. 50 50 50 50 - - - -

Piston skirt varnish, min. 9.0 9.0 9.0 -

Sequence VIII (ASTM D6709) (3)

Run number - - - - 1-2-3 1-2-3 - 1-2-3

Bearing weight loss, mg, max. 29.3 - 31.9 - 33.0 29.3 - 31.9 - 33.0 33.0 29.3 - 31.9 - 33.0

Used oil vis., mm2/s > SAE grade limit, min. - - - 0.5 (2) (4)

Sequence III IIIF or IIIG

Run number - - - - - - - 1-2-3

60 h. Viscosity (at 40°C), increase from 10 min. sample, %, max. (IIIF) 325 - 349 - 360

Kinematic viscosity, % increase at 40°C,max. (IIIG) 150 - 173 - 184


Run number - - - - - - 1-2-3 1-2-3

Top groove fill, %, max. 45 80 80 80 70 - 24 - 26 - 27 20 -23 - 25

Weighted total demerit, max. 140 300 300 300 240 100(5) 332 - 339 - 342 286.2 - 311.7 - 323.0

Top land heavy carbon (TLHC),%, max. 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 (0.0005) - - 4-4-5 3-4-5

Piston, ring and liner scuffing - - - - None - None None

Ring sticking - - - - None - None None

Avg. oil cons., g/Mj max., 0-252 h. - - - - - - 0.139 0.139

Avg. oil cons., g/Mj max., 228-252 h. - - - - - - 0.075 -


Oil cons. (2nd order regression) <ref.oil+1std dev < ref oil

Cam follower pin wear, in., max. - - - 0.002 - - 0.002 -

Crownland heavy carbon, %, max. 25 15

Piston deposits, third ring land, total CRC demerits for all 6 pistons, max 40 -

API “C” diesel service categories engine test limits - Obsolete -
SAE Viscosity grades All


Run number 1-2-3

Weighted total demerit, avg., max. 400 -

Hot stuck rings. None -

Liner distress, avg. % area, max. 12.0 -

Valve distress - - None - - - - -

Piston rings face distr.fire ring, demerit, max. - 0.23 - 0.24 - 0.26

Piston rings face distr., avg. 2nd+3rd ring, demerit, max. 13.0 0.20 - 0.21 - 0.22

Cylinder liner scuffing, area %, max. - 45 - 48 - 50

Cylinder liner port plugging area, avg., %, max. - 2–2–2

Cylinder liner port plugging area, single cylinder, %, max. - 5-5-5


Run number. 1-2-3

Average pin wear, mils, max. 0.45 - 0.49 - 0.50

Average pin wear, (μm), max. (11.4 - 12.4 - 12.7)


Oil aeration at 20 h., %, max. 10.0

MACK T-6 (1) (1) (6)

Merit rating, min. 90 (2) 90 (2)


Avg. rate of vis. inc. at 100°C/h. for last 50 h., mm2/s/h, max. 0.040 0.04 (7)

API “C” diesel service categories engine test limits - Obsolete -
SAE Viscosity grades All

MACK T-8 / T-8A T-8A (7)


Run number - 1-2-3

100-150 hour avg. rate of vis. Inc. at 100°C/h, mm2/s/h, max. 0.20 -

Relative viscosity at 100°C at 4.8% soot, max. - - - - - - - -

Visc. Inc. at 100°C at 3.8% soot, mm2/s, max. - 11.5 - 12.5 - 13.0

Filter plugging, diff. press., Kpa (psi), max. - 138 (20)

Oil consumption, avg. lb/bhp-h(g/kWh), max. - 0.0005 (0.304)

MACK T-9 (6)

Avg. liner wear norm. to 1.75% soot, μm, max. 40

Average top ring weight loss, mg, max. 150

Lead increase, ppm, max. -

MACK T-10 (9)

Avg. liner wear norm. to 1.75% soot, μm, max. 47

Average top ring weight loss, mg, max. 180

(1) 151 mg or greater gives 0 Mack merit.
(2) All individual ratings must be greater than 0.
(3) ASTM D4485-5a issue shows that a Sequence VIII is required to meet API CF, API CF-2, API CF-4 and API CG-4.Sequence VIII has been shown to correlate with CRC L-38,now no more available.
(4) Limit do not apply to monograde oils.
(5) Rating of top and 2nd groove carbon and land carbon.
(6) A Mack T-9 test and its limits (as reported in CF-4 above) can be used as an alternate for the Mack T-6 test.
(7) A Mack T-8A test version and its limits (as reported in CF-4 above) can be used as an alternate for the Mack T-7 test.
(8) Cummins NTC 400 is no longer available and can be replaced by one additional Caterpllar 1K and ASTM D5968 CBT at copper.
(9) A Mack T-9 test and its limits (as reported in CF-4 above) can be used as an alternate for the Mack T-6 test.
for gasoline
and diesel
engine oils
ACEA sequences - Overview of validity periods

Issue year of full document First allowable use Mandatory for new claims Oils with this claim may be marketed until

1996 January 1, 1996 March 1, 1997 March 1, 2000

1998 March 1, 1998 March 1, 1999 March 1, 2002

1999 September 1, 1999 September 1, 2000 February 1, 2004

2002 February 1, 2002 February 1, 2003 November 1, 2006

2004 November 1, 2004 November 1, 2005 December 31, 2009

2007 February 1, 2007 February 1, 2008 December 23, 2010

2008 December 22, 2008 December 22, 2009 December 22, 2012

2010 December 22, 2010 December 22, 2011 December 22, 2014

2012 December 14, 2012 December 14, 2013 December 1, 2018

2016 December 1, 2016 December 1, 2017 …

acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A3/B3-16 A3/B4-16 A5/B5-16
1. Laboratory tests

1.1 Viscosity Grades According to SAE J300 No restriction except as defined by shear stability and HTHS requirements.
Latest Active Issue Manufacturers may indicate specific viscosity requirements related to ambient temperature.

1.2 *Shear Stability CEC L-014-93 or

ASTM D6278 or Viscosity after 30 cycles measured at 100°C mm2/s All grades to be “stay in grade”
ASTM D7109

1.3.1 HTHS Viscosity CEC L-036-90 Dynamic Viscosity at 150°C and shear rate of 106 s-1 mPa.s ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.9 and ≤ 3.5

1.3.2 *HTHS Viscosity at CEC L-036-90 Dynamic Viscosity at 100°C and shear rate of 106 s-1 mPa.s - Report
1.4 Evaporative Loss
CEC L-040-93 Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250°C % ≤ 13

1.5 TBN ASTM D2896 mg KOH/g ≥ 8.0 ≥ 10.0 ≥ 8.0

1.6 *Sulphur ASTM D5185 % m/m Report

1.7 *Phosphorus ASTM D5185 % m/m Report

1.8 *Sulfated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≥ 0.9 and ≤ 1.5 ≥ 1.0 and ≤ 1.6 ≤ 1.6

1.9 Chlorine ASTM D6443 ppm m/m Report

1.10 *Oil / Elastomer Max. variation of characteristics after immersion for

Elastomer type
compatibility 7 days in fresh oil without pre-ageing
CEC L-112-16
Tensile strength % Report Report Report Report
Elongation at rupture % -70 / +20 -65 / +15 -51 / +9 -65 / +19
Volume variation % -5.5 / +2.1 -1.8 / +8.9 0.0 / +12.0 -2.5 / +16.0
Sequence I (24°C) 10 – nil
1.11 Foaming tendency ASTM D892
Tendency – stability ml Sequence II (94°C) 50 – nil
without option A Sequence III (24°C) 10 – nil

acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A3/B3-16 A3/B4-16 A5/B5-16
1. Laboratory tests

1.12 High temperature ASTM D6082

foaming tendency High temperature Tendency – stability ml Sequence IV (150°C) 100 – nil
foam test

1.13 Low-temperature MRV mPa.s

pumpability CEC L-105-12 - According to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Yield stress (MRV at SAE J300 temperatures applicable for Pa
fresh oil viscosity grade)

1.14 O
 il oxidation with Oil oxidation at 168h (DIN 51453) A/cm ≤ 120 ≤ 120 ≤ 100
Oil oxidation at 216h EOT (DIN 51453) A/cm Report Report ≤ 120
CEC L-109-14
Viscosity increase, relative at 168h (delta KV100) % ≤ 150 ≤ 150 ≤ 60

Viscosity increase, relative at 216h (delta KV100 at EOT 216h) % Report Report ≤ 150

* Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the C-categories.
acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A3/B3-16 A3/B4-16 A5/B5-16
2. Engine tests

2.1 Gasoline DI engine CEC L-111-16 Piston cleanliness merit ≥ RL259

cleanliness (EP6CDT) Turbo charger deposits **, average value of zones C, D, E and F merit ≥ 6.0
2.2 Low temperature ASTM D6593-00 Average engine sludge merit ≥ 7.8
sludge (Sequence VG) Rocker cover sludge merit ≥ 8.0
Average piston skirt varnish merit ≥ 7.5
Under protocol Average engine varnish merit ≥ 8.9
& requirements Comp. ring (hot stuck) None
for API Oil screen clogging % ≤ 20
2.3 *Valve train scuffing

2.4 *Black sudge Daimler M271 Engine sludge, average merit ≥ RL140 + 4σ or ≥ RL261 + 1σ

2.5 Fuel economy CEC-L-054-96 (M111) Fuel economy improvement % - - ≥ 2.5

2.6 DI diesel oil Absolute viscosity increase at 100°C and 5.5% soot mm /s
≤ 0.9 x RL248 result
dispersion at medium CEC L-106-16 (DV6C)
temperature Piston cleanliness ** merit ≥ 2.5

2.7 Diesel engine wear CEC L-099-08 Cam wear outlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 140 ≤ 120
(OM646LA) Cam wear inlet (avg. max. 8 cams) ** μm ≤ 110 ≤ 100
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cyl.) ** μm ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0
Bore polishing (13mm) (max of 4 cyl.) ** % ≤ 3.5 ≤ 3.0
Tappet wear inlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) ** μm Report Report
Tappet outlet wear (avg. max.wear 8 cams) ** μm Report Report
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons) ** merit Report ≥ 12
Engine sludge average ** merit Report ≥ 8.8

acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A3/B3-16 A3/B4-16 A5/B5-16
2. Engine tests

2.8 *DI diesel piston Piston cleanliness merit ≥ RL 206 minus 4 points ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206
cleanliness & ring
sticking Ring sticking (Rings 1 & 2)
Average of all 8 rings ASF ≤ 1.2 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0
CEC L-078-99
Max. for any 1st ring ASF ≤ 2.5 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 2nd ring ASF 0.0 0.0 0.0
EOT TBN (ISO 3771) ** mg KOH/g ≥ 4.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 4.0
EOT TAN (ASTM D 664) ** mg KOH/g Report Report Report
Piston cleanliness merit - ≥ RL255 + 2
2.9 Effects of biodiesel CEC L-104-16
Ring sticking ** ASF - Report
(OM646LA Bio)
Sludge ** merit - Report

*/** Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the C-categories.
acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-16 C2-16 C3-16 C4-16 C5-16
1. Laboratory tests

1.1 Viscosity Grades According to SAE J300 No restriction except as defined by shear stability and HTHS requirements.
Latest Active Issue Manufacturers may indicate specific viscosity requirements related to ambient temperature.

1.2 *Shear Stability CEC L-014-93 or

ASTM D6278 or Viscosity after 30 cycles measured at 100°C mm2/s All grades to be “stay in grade”
ASTM D7109

1.3.1 HTHS Viscosity CEC L-036-90 Dynamic viscosity at 150°C and shear rate of 106 s-1 mPa.s ≥ 2.9 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.6 and < 2.9

1.3.2 *HTHS Viscosity at CEC L-036-90 Dynamic viscosity at 100°C and shear rate of 106 s-1 mPa.s Report Report Report
1.4 Evaporative loss Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250°C % ≤ 13 ≤ 11 ≤ 13

1.5 TBN ASTM D2896 mg KOH/g - ≥ 6.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 6.0

1.6 *Sulphur ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.3

1.7 * Phosphorus ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.05 ≥ 0.07 ≤ 0.09 ≥ 0.07 ≤ 0.09 ≤ 0.09 ≥ 0.07 ≤ 0.09

1.8 *Sulfated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.8

1.9 Chlorine ASTM 6443 ppm m/m Report

1.10 *Oil / Elastomer Max. variation of characteristics after immersion for

Elastomer type
compatibility 7 days in fresh oil without pre-ageing
CEC L-112-16
Tensile strength % Report Report Report Report
Elongation at rupture % -70 / +20 -65 / +15 -51 / +9 -65 / +19
Volume variation % -5.5 / +2.1 -1.8 / +8.9 0.0 / +12.0 -2.5 / +16.0
Sequence I (24°C) 10 – nil
1.11 Foaming tendency ASTM D892
Tendency – stability ml Sequence II (94°C) 50 – nil
without option A Sequence III (24°C) 10 – nil

acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-16 C2-16 C3-16 C4-16 C5-16
1. Laboratory tests

1.12 High temperature ASTM D6082

foaming tendency High temperature Tendency – stability ml Sequence IV (150°C) 100 – nil
foam test

1.13 Low-temperature MRV mPa.s

pumpability CEC L-105-12 According to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Yield stress (MRV at SAE J300 temperatures applicable for Pa
fresh oil viscosity grade)

1.14 Oil oxidation with Oil oxidation at 168h (DIN 51453) ≤ 100 ≤ 100 ≤ 100 ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Oil oxidation at 216h EOT (DIN 51453) ≤ 120 ≤ 120 ≤ 120 ≤ 120 ≤ 120
CEC L-109-14
Viscosity increase, relative at 168h (delta KV100) ≤ 60 ≤ 60 ≤ 60 ≤ 60 ≤ 60

Viscosity increase, relative at 216h (delta KV100 at EOT 216h) ≤ 150 ≤ 150 ≤ 150 ≤ 150 ≤ 150

* Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the C-categories.
acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-16 C2-16 C3-16 C4-16 C5-16
2. Engine tests

2.1 Gasoline DI engine CEC L-111-16 Piston cleanliness merit ≥ RL259

cleanliness (EP6CDT) Turbo charger deposits **, average value of zones C, D, E and F merit ≥ 6.0
2.2 Low temperature ASTM D6593-00 Average engine sludge merit ≥ 7.8
sludge (Sequence VG) Rocker cover sludge merit ≥ 8.0
Average piston skirt varnish merit ≥ 7.5
Under protocol Average engine varnish merit ≥ 8.9
& requirements Comp. ring (hot stuck) None
for API Oil screen clogging % ≤ 20
2.3 *Valve train scuffing

2.4 *Black sudge Daimler M271 Engine sludge, average merit ≥ RL140 + 4σ or ≥ RL261 + 1σ

≥ 1.0
2.5 Fuel economy CEC-L-054-96 (M111) Fuel economy improvement % ≥ 3.0 2.5 ≥ 3.0
(for -W-30 only, no limit for xW-40)
2.6 D
 I diesel oil Absolute viscosity increase at 100°C and 5.5% soot mm /s
≤ 0.9 x RL248 result
dispersion at medium CEC L-106-16 (DV6C)
temperature Piston cleanliness ** merit ≥ 2.5

2.7 Diesel engine wear CEC L-099-08 Cam wear outlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 120 ≤ 120
(OM646LA) Cam wear inlet (avg. max. 8 cams) ** μm ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cyl.) ** μm ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0
Bore polishing (13mm) (max of 4 cyl.) ** % ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0
Tappet wear inlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) ** μm Report Report
Tappet outlet wear (avg. max.wear 8 cams) ** μm Report Report
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons) ** merit Report ≥ 12
Engine sludge average ** merit Report ≥ 8.8

acea 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-16 C2-16 C3-16 C4-16 C5-16
2. Engine tests

2.8 *DI diesel piston Piston cleanliness merit ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206
cleanliness & ring
sticking Ring sticking (Rings 1 & 2)
Average of all 8 rings ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.2 ≤ 1.0
CEC L-078-99
Max. for any 1st ring ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.5 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 2nd ring ASF 0 0 0
EOT TBN (ISO 3771) ** mg KOH/g Report Report Report
EOT TAN (ASTM D 664) ** mg KOH/g Report Report Report
Piston cleanliness merit ≥ RL255 + 2
2.9 Effects of biodiesel CEC L-104-16
Ring sticking ** ASF Report
(OM646LA Bio)
Sludge ** merit Report

(1) Footnotes referring to the following requirements in the A/B- and C-Classes:
No. 1.2 Referring to the latest Version of the SAE J300 the minimum Viscosity for xW-20 Oils after Shearing is 6.9 cSt.
No. 1.3.2 The CEC L-036-90 method is not yet approved for the parameter HTHS at 100°C.
No. 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 Maximum limits, Values take into account method and production tolerances.
No. 1.6; 1.7 Internal standard method has to be used.
No. 1.10 For Categories A3/B3, A3/B4, A5/B5 and C1, C2, C3, C4: Available Test data from the Predecessor-Test CEC L-039-96 may be used for ACEA 2016 instead of CEC L-112-16 under the condition that a Full L-039
Data set including RE1, RE2, RE3 & RE4 + the Daimler DBL-AEM (requirements as specified by Daimler AG), provided the requirements as specified in ACEA 2012 are met.
No. 2.1, 2.6, 2.9 ** Parameter is not an official CEC Parameter.
No. 2.2 The limits shown are based on those applied in U.S. market requirements. ACEA will continuously review the situation to ensure that these limits are Alternatively, Sequence VH test may be used with limits as defined for API SN: Average engine
sludge, merits: 7.6 (min); Average rocker cover sludge, merits: 7.7 (min); Average engine varnish, merits: 8.6 (min); Average piston skirt varnish, merits: 7.6 (min); Oil screen clogging, % area: Rate & Report; Hot-stuck compression rings: None.
The limits shown are based on those applied in U.S. market requirements. ACEA will continuously review the situation to ensure that these limits are appropriate for European vehicles and lubricants.
No. 2.3 The CEC L-038-94 (TU3M) Test was removed from these Oil Sequences since hardware will run out in early 2017. However, in order to assure/support Wear Protection although TU3 is removed, ACEA intends to introduce the ASTM Seq. IVB Test
as a TU3-Sucessor regarding valve train wear with the next Oil Sequences Revision, with Limits for Seq. IVB then to be defined based on ILSAC Spec.
No. 2.4 Until the new CEC Test Method L-107 is fully developed, the Gasoline Sludge Protection Performance of Engine Oil Formulations must be proven by the M271 Sludge Test procedure as described by Daimler AG. Test results obtained by the M271
procedure will be accepted only under the condition that they come from Test Rigs being referenced and quality controlled by Daimler AG. Limits are based on the same Reference Oil as with the old M111 Sludge Test.
Once the L-107 Procedure is fully CEC-approved, the L-107 may be used, with limits officially communicated by ACEA.
Daimler M271 Sludge Reference Oil has changed from RL140 to RL261. ACEA claims may be demonstrated using either RL140 or RL261. The limits applicable to each reference oil are given above.
No. 2.8 * Test Report must give measured values before & after the test, all measurements to be taken in the same lab.
Note: EOT TAN is considered to become performance criteria in the future. Any test run prior to the publication of the ACEA 2012 Oil Sequences can be used whether or not it has data for EOT TAN.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-16 E6-16 E7-16 E9-16
1. Laboratory tests

1.1 Viscosity grades SAE J300 No restriction except as defined by shear stability and HTHS requirements.
Latest Active Issue Manufacturers may indicate specific viscosity requirements related to ambient temperature.
1.2 Shear stability CEC L-014-93 or
ASTM D6278 or Viscosity after 30 cycles measured at 100°C mm2/s Stay in grade
ASTM D7109
ASTM D7109 Viscosity after 90 cycles measured at 100°C mm2/s Stay in grade
1.3 HTHS viscosity Dynamic Viscosity at 150°C and Shear Rate of 106 s-1 mPa.s ≥ 3.5
CEC L-036-90
Dynamic Viscosity at 100°C and Shear Rate of 106 s-1 mPa.s Report
1.4 Evaporative loss
CEC L-040-93 Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250°C % ≤ 13

1.5 Sulfated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≤ 2.0 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.0 ≤ 1.0

1. 6 Phosphorus ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.08 ≤ 0.12

1.7 Sulphur ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.4

1.8 *Oil / Elastomer Max. variation of characteristics after immersion for

Elastomer type
compatibility 7 days in fresh oil without pre-ageing
CEC L-112-16
Tensile strength % Report Report Report Report
Elongation at rupture % -70 / +20 -65 / +15 -51 / +9 -65 / +19
Volume variation % -5.5 / +2.1 -1.8 / +8.9 -0.0 / +12.0 -2.5 / +16.0
1.9 Foaming tendency Sequence I (24°C) 10 – nil Sequence I 10/0
Tendency – stability ml Sequence II (94°C) 50 – nil Sequence II 20/0
without option A
Sequence III (24°C) 10 – nil Sequence III 10/0
1.10 High temperature
ASTM D6082 Tendency – stability ml Sequence IV (150°C) 200 – 50
foaming tendency

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-16 E6-16 E7-16 E9-16
1. Laboratory tests

1.11 Oxidation CEC-L-085-99 (PDSC) Oxidation induction time min. ≥ 65

1.12 Corrosion Copper increase ppm Report Report ≤ 20
ASTM D6594 (HTCBT) Lead increase ppm Report ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Copper strip rating max Report Report 3
1.13 *TBN ASTM D2896 mg KOH/g ≥ 12 ≥7 ≥9 ≥7
1.14 Low-temperature MRV
pumpability CEC L-105-12 Yield stress (MRV at SAE J300 temperatures applicable
for fresh oil viscosity grade)
1.15 Oil oxidation with Oil oxidation at 168h (DIN 51453) A/cm ≤ 90 ≤ 80 ≤ 120 ≤ 90
biodiesel CEC L-109-14
Viscosity increase, relative at 168h (delta KV100) % ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 300 ≤ 150

* Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the E-categories.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-16 E6-16 E7-16 E9-16
2. Engine tests

2.1 *Wear CEC L-099-08

Cam wear outlet (avg. Max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 140 ≤ 140 ≤ 155 ≤ 155
(OM 646LA)
2.2 *Soot in oil ASTM D5967 Test duration 300 h, Relative viscosity at 4.8% soot and 50% shear
mm2/s ≤ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3
(Mack T8-E) loss, 1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test average
2.3 *Bore polishing Piston Cleanliness, average merit ≥ 26 ≥ 17
Piston cleanliness
CEC L-101-08 Bore polishing, average ** % ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.0
(OM501LA) Oil consumption ** kg/test ≤9 ≤9
Engine sludge, average ** merit Report Report
2.4 *Soot-induced wear Merit - - ≥ 1000
Crosshead weight loss mg - ≤ 7.5 / 7.8 / 7.9 ≤ 7.1
ASTM D7468
1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test avg Oil filter diff. press at 150h kPa - ≤ 55 / 67 / 74 ≤ 19
(Cummins ISM)
1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test avg Engine sludge merit - ≥ 8.1 / 8.0 / 8.0 ≥ 8.7
1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test avg Adj, screw weight loss mg - ≤ 49
2.5 *Wear Merit - ≥ 1000 ≥ 1000
Cylinder liner wear (CLW) μm - ≤ 26 ≤ 24

ASTM D7422 Top ring weight loss (TRWL) mg - ≤ 117 ≤ 105

(Mack T-12) End of test lead ppm - ≤ 42 ≤ 35
∆ lead 250 h -300 h ppm - ≤ 18 ≤ 15
Oil consumption (phase II) g/h - ≤ 95 ≤ 85

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2016
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-16 E6-16 E7-16 E9-16
2. Engine tests

2.6 B
 iofuel impacted Piston cleanliness merit - ≥ RL255 + 4 - ≥ RL255 + 2
piston cleanliness CEC L-104-16
and engine sludge Ring sticking ** ASF - Report - Report
(OM646LA Bio)
Engine Sludge, average ** merit - Report - Report

* Footnotes referring to the following requirements in the E-Class:
No. 1.8 Full Data sets being obtained on CEC L-039-96 + the Daimler requirements for DBL-AEM as specified by Daimler AG can be used instead of CEC L-112-16, provided the requirements as specified in ACEA 2012 are met.
No. 1.13 For E7, values < 9.00 are not accepted.
No. 2.1 Additional parameters may be included once approved by CEC.
No. 2.2 Mack T11 results obtained as part of an API CI-4, CI-4 plus, CJ-4, CK-4 or FA-4 approval program, can be used in place of Mack T8E.
No. 2.3, 2.6 ** Not CEC approved parameters.
No. 2.4 Merit number shall be calculated according to the API CI-4 specification.
No. 2.5 For E6 & E7 merit number shall be calculated according to the API CI-4 specification.
For E6 & E7 Mack T10 results obtained as part of an API CI-4 or CI-4 plus approval program, can be used in place of Mack T12.
Mack T-12 Cylinder Liner Wear and Top Ring Weight Loss results obtained as part of an API CK-4 or FA-4 approval program,
which includes a passing Volvo T-13 at the API CK-4 or API FA-4 level,may be used to satisfy the requirements of the Mack T-12 in the ACEA Oil Sequences.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A1/B1-12 A3/B3-12 A3/B4-12 A5/B5-12
1. Laboratory tests

1.1 Viscosity grades SAE J300 No restriction except as defined by shear stability and HTHS requirements.
Latest Active Issue Manufacturers may indicate specific viscosity requirements related to ambient temperature.
1.2 *Shear stability xW-20 ≥ 5.6
CEC L-014-93
Viscosity after 30 cycles
(Bosch Injector) mm2/s xW-30 ≥ 9.3 All grades to be stay in grade
measured at 100°C
or ASTM D6278
xW-40 ≥ 12.0
1.3 Viscosity at high
CEC-L-036-90 Viscosity at 150°C and 106 s-1 ≥2.9 and ≤3.5
temperature & mPa.s ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.9 and ≤3.5
(2nd Edition) Shear rate xW-20: 2.6 min.
high shear rate
1.4 Evaporative loss CEC-L-040-93 (Noack) Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250°C % ≤ 13

1.5 TBN ASTM D 2896 mg KOH/g ≥ 8.0 ≥ 8.0 ≥ 10.0 ≥ 8.0

1.6 *Sulphur ASTM D5185 % m/m Report
1.7 *Phosphorus ASTM D5185 % m/m Report
1.8 *Sulfated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≤ 1.3 ≥ 0.9 and ≤ 1.5 ≥ 1.0 and ≤ 1.6 ≤ 1.6
1.9 Chlorine ASTM 6443 % m/m Report
1.10 *Oil / Elastomer Max. variation of characteristics after immersion for Elastomer type
compatibility 7 days in fresh oil without pre-ageing
RE1 RE2-99 RE3-04 RE4 DBL-AEM
CEC-L-039-96 Hardness DIDC points -1 / +5 -5 / +8 -22 / +1 -5 /+5 +5 / +10
Tensile strength % -40 / +10 -15 / +18 -30 / +10 -20 / +10 -35 / -
Elongation at rupture % -50 / +10 -35 / +10 -20 / +10 -50 / +10 -50 / -
Volume variation % -1 / +5 -7 / +5 -1 / +22 -5 / +5 -5 / +15
1.11 Foaming tendency Sequence I (24°C) 10 – nil
Tendency – stability ml Sequence II (94°C) 50 – ni
without option A
Sequence III (24°C) 10 – nil

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A1/B1-12 A3/B3-12 A3/B4-12 A5/B5-12
1. Laboratory tests

1.12 High temperature ASTM D6082

foaming tendency High temperature Tendency – stability ml Sequence IV (150°C) 100 – nil
foam test
1.13 *Oxidation in Catalysed ageing test until 144h at 170°C & with air bubbling:
presence of 1. on pure oil
biodieselw 2. with B10 added (B71 1892 GO B10 LUB)
PAI at 144h % Report
Kin. Viscosity at 100°C variation:
GFC-Lu-43A-11 - at 72h cST & % Report
- at 96h cST & % Report
- at 120h cST & % Report
- at 144h cST & % Report and at
144 h: < +200%
(no solidification)
1.14 Low-temperature MRV at SAE J300 temperatures applicable for fresh oil viscosity grade
pumpability Acc to SAE J300 Acc to SAE J300 Acc to SAE J300
CEC L-105 Viscosity mPa.s
for fresh oil for fresh oil for fresh oil
Yield stress Pa

* Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the C-categories.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A1/B1-12 A3/B3-12 A3/B4-12 A5/B5-12
2. Engine tests

2.1 High temperature Ring sticking (each part) merit ≥ 9.0

Ring sticking CEC-L-088-02 Piston varnish (5 elements, average of 4 pistons) merit ≥ RL 216
oil thickening (TU5JP-L4) Absolute viscosity increase at 40°C between min and max values
72 Hour test mm2/s ≤ 0.8 x RL 216
during test

Oil consumption kg/test Report

2.2 *Low temperature Average engine sludge merit ≥ 7.8

ASTM D6593-00 Rocker cover sludge merit ≥ 8.0
(Sequence VG)
Average piston skirt varnish merit ≥ 7.5
Under protocol Average engine varnish merit ≥ 8.9
& requirements
for API Comp. ring (hot stuck) None

Oil screen clogging % ≤ 20

2.3 V
 alve train scuffing Cam wear, average μm ≤ 10
wear CEC-L-038-94
Cam wear, max. μm ≤ 15
Pad merit (avg. of 8 pads) merit ≥ 7.5

2.4 *Black sludge Engine sludge, average merit ≥ RL140 + 4σ

2.5 *Fuel economy CEC-L-054-96 (M111) Fuel economy improvement vs. reference oil RL 191 (15W40) % ≥ 2.5 - ≥ 2.5

2.6 Medium CEC-L-093-04 Absolute viscosity increase at 100°C and 6% soot mm2/s ≤ 0.60 x RL 223 result
temperature (DV4TD)
dispersivity To be replaced by DV6C Piston merit merit ≥ (RL 223 minus 2.5 pts)

2.7 *DV6C oil dispersion

at medium Absolute viscosity increase at 100°C and 6% soot mm /s

temperature for CEC L-106

Limits to defined
passenger car (DV6C)
direct injection Piston merit merit
diesel engines

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
A1/B1-12 A3/B3-12 A3/B4-12 A5/B5-12
2. Engine tests

2.8 *Wear Cam wear outlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 120 ≤ 140 ≤ 120

Cam wear inlet (avg. max. 8 cams) μm ≤ 100 ≤ 110 ≤ 100

Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cyl.) μm ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0

CEC-L-099-08 Bore polishing (13mm) (max of 4 cyl.) % ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.5 ≤ 3.0

Tappet wear inlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm Report Report Report
Tappet outlet wear (avg. max.wear 8 cams) μm Report Report Report
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons) merit Report Report ≥ 12
Engine sludge avg. merit Report Report ≥ 8.8
2.9 *DI diesel piston Piston cleanliness merit ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206
cleanliness & minus 4 points
ring sticking
Ring sticking (Rings 1 & 2)
Average of all 8 rings ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.2 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0
(VW DI) Max. for any 1st ring ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.5 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 2nd ring ASF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
EOT TBN (ISO 3771) mg KOH/g ≥ 4.0 ≥ 4.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 4.0
EOT TAN (ASTM D 664) mg KOH/g Report Report Report Report
2.10 *Effects of bio- Piston cleanliness merit Report
CEC L-104 Ring sticking ASF Report

Sludge merit Report

* Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the C-categories.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-12 C2-12 C3-12 C4-12
1. Laboratory tests

1.1 Viscosity grades SAE J300 No restriction except as defined by shear stability and HTHS requirements.
Latest Active Issue Manufacturers may indicate specific viscosity requirements related to ambient temperature.
1.2 *Shear stability CEC L-014-93 Viscosity after 30 cycles
mm2/s All grades to be stay in grade
or ASTM D6278 measured at 100°C
1.3 Viscosity at high
Viscosity at 150°C and 106 s-1
temperature & CEC-L-036-90 mPa.s ≥2.9 ≥3.5
Shear rate
high shear rate
1.4 Evaporative loss CEC-L-040-93 (Noack) Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250°C % ≤ 13 ≤ 11

1.5 TBN ASTM D 2896 mg KOH/g - ≥ 6.0

1.6 *Sulphur ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.2
1.7 *Phosphorus ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.05 ≤ 0.09 ≥ 0.07 and ≤ 0.09 ≤ 0.09
1.8 *Sulfated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.5
1.9 Chlorine ASTM 6443 ppm m/m Report
1.10 *Oil / Elastomer Max. variation of characteristics after immersion for Elastomer type
compatibility 7 days in fresh oil without pre-ageing
RE1 RE2-99 RE3-04 RE4 DBL-AEM
CEC-L-039-96 Hardness DIDC points -1 / +5 -5 / +8 -25 / +1 -5 / +5 -5 / +10
Tensile strength % -50 / +10 -15 / +18 -45 / +10 -20 / +10 -35 / -
Elongation at rupture % -60 / +10 -35 / +10 -20 / +10 -50 / +10 -50 / -
Volume variation % -1 / +5 -7 / +5 -1 / +30 -5 / +5 -5 / +15
1.11 Foaming tendency Sequence I (24°C) 10 – nil
Tendency – stability ml Sequence II (94°C) 50 – ni
without option A
Sequence III (24°C) 10 – nil

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-12 C2-12 C3-12 C4-12
1. Laboratory tests

1.12 High temperature ASTM D6082

foaming tendency High temperature Tendency – stability ml Sequence IV (150°C) 100 – nil
foam test
1.13 *Oxidation in Catalysed ageing test until 144h at 170°C & with air bubbling:
presence of 1. on pure oil
biodieselw 2. with B10 added (B71 1892 GO B10 LUB)
PAI at 144h % Report
Kin. Viscosity at 100°C variation:
GFC-Lu-43A-11 - at 72h cST & % Report
- at 96h cST & % Report
- at 120h cST & % Report
- at 144h cST & % Report and at
144 h: < +200%
(no solidification)
1.14 Low-temperature MRV at SAE J300 temperatures applicable for fresh oil viscosity grade
CEC L-105 Viscosity mPa.s Acc to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Yield stress Pa

* Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the C-categories.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-12 C2-12 C3-12 C4-12
2. Engine tests

2.1 High temperature Ring sticking (each part) merit ≥ 9.0

Ring sticking CEC-L-088-02 Piston varnish (5 elements, average of 4 pistons) merit ≥ RL 216
oil thickening (TU5JP-L4) Absolute viscosity increase at 40°C between min and max values
72 Hour test mm2/s ≤ 0.8 x RL 216
during test

Oil consumption kg/test Report

2.2 *Low temperature Average engine sludge merit ≥ 7.8

ASTM D6593-00 Rocker cover sludge merit ≥ 8.0
(Sequence VG)
Average piston skirt varnish merit ≥ 7.5
Under protocol Average engine varnish merit ≥ 8.9
& requirements
for API Comp. ring (hot stuck) None

Oil screen clogging % ≤ 20

2.3 V
 alve train scuffing Cam wear, average μm ≤ 10
wear CEC-L-038-94
Cam wear, max. μm ≤ 15
Pad merit (avg. of 8 pads) merit ≥ 7.5

2.4 *Black sludge Engine sludge, average merit ≥ RL140 + 4σ

2.5 *Fuel economy CEC-L-054-96 (M111) Fuel economy improvement vs. reference oil RL 191 (15W40) % ≥ 3.0 ≥ 2.5 ≥ 1.0 (for xW-30 grades)

2.6 Medium CEC-L-093-04 Absolute viscosity increase at 100°C and 6% soot mm2/s ≤ 0.60 x RL 223 result
temperature (DV4TD)"
dispersivity To be replaced by DV6C Piston merit merit ≥ (RL 223 minus 2.5 pts)

2.7 *DV6C oil dispersion

at medium Absolute viscosity increase at 100°C and 6% soot mm /s

temperature for CEC L-106

Limits to defined
passenger car (DV6C)
direct injection Piston merit merit
diesel engines(1)

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-12 C2-12 C3-12 C4-12
2. Engine tests

2.8 *Wear Cam wear outlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 120 ≤ 120 ≤ 120

Cam wear inlet (avg. max. 8 cams) μm ≤ 100 Report ≤ 100

Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cyl.) μm ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0

CEC-L-099-08 Bore polishing (13mm) (max of 4 cyl.) % ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0

Tappet wear inlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm Report Report Report
Tappet outlet wear (avg. max.wear 8 cams) μm Report Report Report
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons) merit Report Report ≥ 12
Engine sludge avg. merit Report Report ≥ 8.8
2.9 *DI diesel piston Piston cleanliness merit ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206 ≥ RL 206
cleanliness &
ring sticking Ring sticking (Rings 1 & 2)
Average of all 8 rings ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.2 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 1st ring ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.5 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 2nd ring ASF 0.0 0.0 0.0
EOT TBN (ISO 3771) mg KOH/g Report Report Report
EOT TAN (ASTM D 664) mg KOH/g Report Report Report

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
C1-12 C2-12 C3-12 C4-12
2. Engine tests

2.10 *Effects of bio- Piston cleanliness merit Report

CEC L-104 Ring sticking ASF Report

Sludge merit Report

* Footnotes referring to the following requirements in the A/B- and C-Classes:
No. 1.2 The minimum viscosity for xW-20 oils after shearing is 5.6 cSt.
No. 1.6; 1.7; 1.8 Maximum limits, Values take into account method and production tolerances
No. 1.6; 1.7 Internal standard method has to be used.
No. 1.10 All reference materials and limits for RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 and DBL-AEM can be used until acceptable new reference materials (proposed from CEC L-039-96) are available and appropriate limits have been set.
The Daimler requirements for DBL-AEM D (proposed from CEC L-039-96) are available and appropriate limits have been set.
The Daimler requirements for DBL-AEM D 8948/200 are VDA 675301, 7 days ± 2h, 150°C ± 2°C, closed cup test.
RE-1, RE-2, RE-3, RE-4 based on CEC and DBL-AEM based on Daimler AG data may continue to be used “grandfathered” for the lifetime of the ACEA 2012 sequences.
On April 16, 2016 ACEA issued a clarification advising that CEC has declared the CEC L-039-96 test method to be out of control in respect of the elastomers RE3 (VMQ) and RE4 (NBR). Those elastomers are therefore deleted from the CEC
L-039-96 test method and the CEC test method has been updated accordingly”
No. 1.13 Until a CEC Test Method is developed, the oxidation behavior of engine oil formulations must be proved by GFC-Lu-43A-11.
Test results obtained by this procedure will be accepted under the condition that they come from labs having participated to the official round robin and comply with the quality criteria of GFC.
No. 2.2 The limits shown are based on those applied in U.S. market requirements. ACEA will continuously review the situation to ensure that these limits are appropriate for European vehicles and lubricants.
No. 2.4 Until a new CEC Test Method is developed, the gasoline sludge protection performance of engine oil formulations must be proved by the M 271 sludge test procedure as described by Daimler AG.
Test results obtained by the M 271 procedure will be accepted under the condition that they come from test rigs being referenced and quality controlled by Daimler AG.
M111 SL data, in place of M271 data, can be used to support a claim against the ACEA 2012 Sequences concerning the sludge requirement.
Limits are based on the same reference oil as with the old M111 sludge test.
No. 2.5 ACEA considers the CEC L-54-T-96 test the only valid comparator against which claims of lubricant fuel economy improvement should be made.
No. 2.7 May be performed as soon as it becomes available as an alternative to the DV4 test. ACEA will decide when the DV4 test will be finally deleted from this specification.
CEC-L-093-04 (DV4 Test) test results obtained in accordance with the ATIEL guidelines may be used by a grandfathering process also after this test has become unavailable to run and is replaced by the CEC-L-106 (DV6 Test) procedure.
No. 2.8 Not all parameters are yet official CEC parameters. C2 limit for inlet cam wear under definition.
No. 2.9 Test report has to give measured values before & after the test, all measurements to be taken in the same lab.
Note: TAN is considered to become performance criteria in the future. Not all parameters are yet official CEC parameters.
Any test run rior to the publication of the ACEA 2012 Sequences can be used wether or not it has EOT TAN. Test run since the ACEA 2012 Sequences became active on 1 December 2012 require VWTDi EOT TAN.
No. 2.10 Test is still under development at the time of publishing of this specification.
Test has to be performed for all qualifications against 2012 Oil Sequences from the time the test is officially released by CEC (running programs only).
All test criteria is rate and report.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-12 E6-12 E7-12 E9-12
1. Laboratory tests

1.1 Viscosity grades SAE J300 No restriction except as defined by shear stability and HTHS requirements.
Latest Active Issue Manufacturers may indicate specific viscosity requirements related to ambient temperature.
1.2 Shear stability CEC-L-014-93
(Bosch Injector) Viscosity after 30 cycles measured at 100°C mm2/s Stay in grade
or ASTM D6278
ASTM D6278 Viscosity after 90 cycles measured at 100°C mm2/s Stay in grade
1.3 V
 iscosity at high
Viscosity at 150°C and 106 s-1
temperature & CEC L-036-90 mPa.s ≥ 3.5
Shear rate
high shear rate
1.4 E
 vaporative loss CEC L-040-93 (Noack) Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250°C % ≤ 13

1.5 Sulfated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≤ 2.0 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.0 ≤ 1.0

1. 6 *Phosphorus ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.08 ≤ 0.12

1.7 *Sulphur ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.4

1.8 *Oil / Elastomer Max. variation of characteristics after immersion for

CEC-L-039-96 Elastomer type
compatibility 7 days in fresh oil without pre-ageing
RE1 RE2-99 RE3-04 RE4 DBL-AEM
Hardness DIDC points -1 / +5 -5 / +8 -22 / +1 -5 / +5 +5 / +10
Tensile strength % -40 / +10 -15 / +18 -30 / +10 -20 / +10 -35 / -
Elongation at rupture % -50 / +10 -35 / +10 -20 / +10 -50 / +10 -50 / -
Volume variation % -1 / +5 -7 / +5 -1 / +22 -5 / +5 -5 / +15
1.9 Foaming tendency Sequence I (24°C) 10 – nil Sequence I 10/0
Tendency – stability ml Sequence II (94°C) 50 – nil Sequence II 20/0
without option A
Sequence III (24°C) 10 – nil Sequence III 10/0
1.10 High temperature
ASTM D6082 Tendency – stability ml Sequence IV (150°C) 200 – 50
foaming tendency

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-12 E6-12 E7-12 E9-12
1. Laboratory tests

1.11 Oxidation CEC-L-085-99 (PDSC) Oxidation induction time min. R&R ≥ 65

1.12 Corrosion Copper increase ppm R&R R&R ≤ 20
ASTM D6594 (HTCBT) Lead increase ppm R&R ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Copper strip rating max R&R R&R 3
1.13 *TBN ASTM D2896 mg KOH/g ≥ 12 ≥7 ≥9 ≥7
1.14 Low-temperature MRV at SAE J300 temperatures applicable
pumpability for fresh oil viscosity grade
CEC L-105 Acc to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Viscosity mPa.s
Yield stress Pa

* Additional information is given as footnotes underneath the table for the E-engine test categories.
ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-12 E6-12 E7-12 E9-12
2. Engine tests

2.1 *Wear CEC L-099-08

Cam wear outlet (avg. Max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 140 ≤ 140 ≤ 155 ≤ 155
(OM 646LA)
2.2 *Soot in oil ASTM D5967 Test duration 300 h, Relative viscosity at 4.8% soot and 50% shear
mm2/s ≤ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 ≤ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 ≤ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3
(Mack T8-E) loss, 1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test avg
2.3 Soot in oil Min TGA soot @ 4.0 cSt (100°C) % 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3
Mack T-11
Min TGA soot @ 12.0 cSt (100°C) % 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9
(ASTM D7156)
Min TGA soot @ 15.0 cSt (100°C) % 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5

2.4 *Bore polishing Bore polishing, average % ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.0 ≤ 2.0
Piston cleanliness
Piston Cleanliness, average merit ≥ 26 ≥ 26 ≥ 17 ≥ 17
CEC L-101-08
Oil consumption kg/test ≤9 ≤9 ≤9 ≤9

Engine sludge, average merit R&R R&R R&R R&R

2.5 *Soot-induced wear Merit ≥ 1000

Rocker pad avg weight loss at 3.9% soot mg ≤ 7.5 / 7.8 / 7.9 ≤ 7.1
Cummins ISM 1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test avg Oil filter diff.press at 150h kPa ≤ 55 / 67 / 74 ≤ 19
(ASTM D7468)
1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test avg Engine sludge merit ≥ 8.1 / 8.0 / 8.0 ≥ 8.7

1 test / 2 test avg / 3 test avg Adj, screw weight loss mg ≤ 49

ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils
ACEA Dec. 2012
for heavy duty diesel engines
This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits may be indicated by individual member companies.

Requirements Test method Properties Unit
E4-12 E6-12 E7-12 E9-12
2. Engine tests

2.6 *Wear Merit - ≥ 1000 ≥ 1000 ≥ 1000

Avg. liner wear μm - ≤ 26 ≤ 26 ≤ 24

Average top ring weight loss mg - ≤ 117 ≤ 117 ≤ 105

Mack T-12
(ASTM D7422) End of test lead ppm - ≤ 42 ≤ 42 ≤ 35

∆ lead 250-300 hrs ppm - ≤ 18 ≤ 18 ≤ 15

Oil consumption (phase II) g/hr - ≤ 95 ≤ 95 ≤ 85

(1) Footnotes referring to the following requirements in the E-Class:
No. 1.6; 1.7 Internal standard method has to be used.
No. 1.8 All reference materials and limits for RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 and DBL-AEM can be used until acceptable new reference materials (proposed from CEC L-039-96) are available and appropriate limits have been set.
The Daimler requirements for DBL-AEM D (proposed from CEC L-039-96) are available and appropriate limits have been set.
The Daimler requirements for DBL-AEM D 8948/200 are VDA 675301, 7 days ± 2h, 150°C ± 2°C, closed cup test.
RE-1, RE-2, RE-3, RE-4 based on CEC and DBL-AEM based on Daimler AG data may continue to be used “grandfathered” for the lifetime of the ACEA 2012 sequences.
On April 16, 2016 ACEA issued a clarification advising that CEC has declared the CEC L-039-96 test method to be out of control in respect of the elastomers RE3 (VMQ) and RE4 (NBR). Those elastomers are therefore deleted from the
CEC L-039-96 test method and the CEC test method has been updated accordingly.
No. 1.13 For E7, values < 9.00 are not accepted.
No. 2.1 OM602A data can be used instead of OM646LA data providing it meets the requirements as specified in the 2007 ACEA sequences.
Additional parameters may be included once approved by CEC.
No. 2.2 Mack T11 results obtained as part of an API CI-4, CI-4 plus or API CJ-4 approval program, can be used in place of Mack T8E.
No. 2.4 Bore polish, oil consumption and engine sludge are non-approved CEC parameters.
OM441LA data can be used instead of OM501LA data providing it meets the requirements as specified in the 2007 ACEA sequences.
No. 2.5 For E7 results from M11HST (ASTM D6838), at API CH-4, or M11EGR (ASTM D6975), at API CI-4 or CI-4 Plus, can be used in place of Cummins ISM. Merit number shall be calculated according to the API CI-4 specification.
No. 2.6 For E6 & E7 merit number shall be calculated according to the API CI-4 specification.
For E6 & E7 Mack T10 results obtained as part of an API CI-4 or CI-4 plus approval program, can be used in place of Mack T12.
China GB,
Global DHD-1,
and US Military
for diesel
engine oils
GB 11121 - 2006 (#) - Passenger car gasoline engine oil
Viscosity grades (1) 0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-20, 5W-30, 5W-40, 5W-50, 10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50, 15W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50, 30, 40, 50

Viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445) (3), mm2/s SAE J300 (1)

Low temp cranking (ASTM D5293), mPa.s, max. 0W-xx 3250 (-30°C) 6200 (-35°C) 6200 (-35°C) 6200 (-35°C) 6200 (-35°C) 6200 (-35°C) 6200 (-35°C) 6200 (-35°C)
5W-xx 3500 (-25°C) 6600 (-30°C) 6600 (-30°C) 6600 (-30°C) 6600 (-30°C) 6600 (-30°C) 6600 (-30°C) 6600 (-30°C)
10W-xx 3500 (-20°C) 7000 (-25°C) 7000 (-25°C) 7000 (-25°C) 7000 (-25°C) 3500 (-20°C) 3500 (-20°C) 7000 (-25°C)
15W-xx 3500 (-15°C) 7000 (-20°C) 7000 (-20°C) 7000 (-20°C) 7000 (-20°C) 7000 (-20°C) 7000 (-20°C) 7000 (-20°C)
20W-xx 4500 (-10°C) 9500 (-15°C) 9500 (-15°C) 9500 (-15°C) 9500 (-15°C) 9500 (-15°C) 9500 (-15°C) 9500 (-15°C)
Viscosity index (ASTM D2270), min. xW-xx -
30 75
40, 50 80
Pour point (ASTM D97), °C, max. 0W-xx -40 -40
5W-xx -35 -35
10W-xx -30 -30
15W-xx -23 -25
20W-xx -18 -20
30 -15 -15
40 -10 -10
50 -5 -5
Borderline pumping temperature 0W-xx -35 -
(ASTM D3829), °C, max. 5W-xx -30 -
10W-xx -25 -
15W-xx -20 -
20W-xx -15 -
Low temperature pumping viscosity 0W-xx - 60000 (-40°C) 60000 (-40°C) 60000 (-40°C) 60000 (-40°C) 60000 (-40°C) 60000 (-40°C) 60000 (-40°C)
(ASTM D4684), mPa.s, max.(no yield stress) 5W-xx - 60000 (-35°C) 60000 (-35°C) 60000 (-35°C) 60000 (-35°C) 60000 (-35°C) 60000 (-35°C) 60000 (-35°C)
10W-xx - 60000 (-30°C) 60000 (-30°C) 60000 (-30°C) 60000 (-30°C) 30000 (-25°C) 60000 (-30°C) 60000 (-30°C)
15W-xx - 60000 (-25°C) 60000 (-25°C) 60000 (-25°C) 60000 (-25°C) 60000 (-25°C) 60000 (-25°C) 60000 (-25°C)
20W-xx - 60000 (-20°C) 60000 (-20°C) 60000 (-20°C) 60000 (-20°C) 60000 (-20°C) 60000 (-20°C) 60000 (-20°C)

GB 11121 - 2006 (#) - Passenger car gasoline engine oil
Viscosity grades (1) 0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-20, 5W-30, 5W-40, 5W-50, 10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50, 15W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50, 30, 40, 50

High temperature high shear viscosity, xW-20 - 2.6

(ASTM D4741), mPa.s, min. 0W-30, 5W-30, 5W-40,
- 2.9
10W-30, 10W-40, 15W30

5W-50, 10W-50, 15W-40,

- 3.7
15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50

Water (ASTM D95), %, max. Trace (0.03)

Mechanical impurities (ASTM D2273), wt%, max. 0.01
Flash point (COC), (ASTM D92),°C, min. 0W-xx, 5W-xx 200
10W-xx 205
15W-xx, 20W-xx 215
30, 40, 50 220(30), 225(40), 230(50)
TBN (ASTM D2896), Sulphated ash (ASTM
D874), Sulfur (ASTM D4951), Nitrogen (ASTM Report
D5762) (4)
Engine test and laboratory tests corresponding
API requirements (including their footnotes) (5)

(#) Note that all P&C and bench tests are treated as critical limits by China authorities who sample finished oils from the market for quality check (although ASTM D4485 is included in ‘Reference Documents’).
Delivery inspections’ are required. Batch inspections: KV, VI, CCS, PP, impurities, water, FP, foaming, high temp. foaming, ash, TBN, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Periodic inspections (every 6 months): volatility, borderline pumping temperature; MRV; HTHS and sulfur.
Periodict inspections (once a year): gelation index, high temp. deposit, homogeneity and miscibility, filterability, L-38 or Seq. VIII.
For the latest API oil categories or other oil categories not listed in GB 11121: Lubricant manufactures’ ‘Enterprise Standard’ is allowed with following conditions: ‘Enterprise Standard’ is more stringent than GB 11121; Get approval from and keep record in local authorities.
(1) E
 arly version of SAE J300 fresh oil properties are listed within respective category: SAE J300-1987 (corresponding to GB/T 14906-94) for SE and SF, SAE J300-1999 for other categories.
(2) G F-x specifications are obsolete under ILSAC (only the latest version is in use at any time) but adopted by GB without reference to ILSAC because there is no Energy Conserving or Resource Conserving listed in GB.
(3) Corresponding ASTM test methods are listed instead of original Chinese methods (i.e.: GB/T or SH/T) if applicable (e.g.: GB/T 265 is corresponding to ASTM D445; SH/T 260 is modified in relation to ISO 3733:1999, which is corresponding to ASTM D95).
(4) At the time of ex-factory of each batch of products, the producer shall report the actual measured value of this item to the users and dealers, if any disputes, the result of engine test shall prevail. ‘Report’ of phosphorus (ASTM D5185) is also required for SE & SF.
(5) T he original specification tests and limits are listed but replacement tests and limits for older categories can be used. Additional requirements: Volatility for SF, use API SH/SG limits; Foaming (ASTM D892) for SE and SF: 25/0, 150/0, 25/0.
GB 11122 - 2006 (#) - Heavy duty diesel engine oil
0W-20, 0W-30, 0W-40, 5W-20, 5W-30, 5W-40, 5W-50, 10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50,
Viscosity grades (1)
15W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50, 20W-60, 30, 40, 50, 60
Viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445) (3), mm2/s SAE J300 (1)

Low temperature cranking (ASTM D5293), mPa.s, max. 0W-xx 3250 (-30°C) 6200 (-35°C)
5W-xx 3500 (-25°C) 6600 (-30°C)
10W-xx 3500 (-20°C) 7000 (-25°C)
15W-xx 3500 (-15°C) 7000 (-20°C)
20W-xx 4500 (-10°C) 9000 (-15°C)
Viscosity index (ASTM D2270), min. xW-xx -
30 75
40, 50 80
Pour point (ASTM D97), °C, max. 0W-xx -40 -40
5W-xx -35 -35
10W-xx -30 -30
15W-xx -23 -25
20W-xx -18 -20
30 -15 -15
40 -10 -10
50, 60 -5 -5
Pumping temperature 0W-xx -35 -35 - - - -
(ASTM D3829), °C, max. 5W-xx -30 -30 - - - -
10W-xx -25 -25 - - - -
15W-xx -20 -20 - - - -
20W-xx -15 -15 - - - -
Low temperature pumping viscosity 0W-xx - 60000 (-40°C)
(ASTM D4684), mPa.s, max.(no yield stress) 5W-xx - 60000 (-35°C)
10W-xx - 60000 (-30°C)
15W-xx - 60000 (-25°C)
20W-xx - 60000 (-20°C)

GB 11122 - 2006 (#) - Heavy duty diesel engine oil
0W-20, 0W-30, 0W-40, 5W-20, 5W-30, 5W-40, 5W-50, 10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50,
Viscosity grades (1)
15W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50, 20W-60, 30, 40, 50, 60
High temperature high shear viscosity, xW-20 - 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.5
(ASTM D4741), mPa.s, min. 0W-30, 5W-30, 5W-40, - 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.5
10W-30, 10W-40, 15W30

5W-50, 10W-50, 15W-40, - 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7

15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50,
Water (ASTM D95), %, max. Trace (0.03)
Mechanical impurities (ASTM D2273), wt%, max. 0.01
Flash point (COC), (ASTM D92),°C, min. 0W-xx, 5W-xx 200
10W-xx 205
15W-xx, 20W-xx 215
30, 40, 50, 60 220 (30), 225 (40), 230 (50), 240 (60)
TBN (ASTM D2896), Sulphated ash (ASTM D874), Sulfur (ASTM
D4951), Phosphorus (ASTM D5185), Nitrogen (ASTM D5762) (4)
Engine test and laboratory tests corresponding API
requirements (including their footnotes) (5)

(#) Note that all P&C and bench tests are treated as critical specifications by China authorities who sample finished oils from the market for quality check (although ASTM D4485 is included in ‘Reference Documents’).
Delivery inspections’ are required. Batch inspections: KV, VI, CCS, PP, impurities, water, FP, foaming, ash, TBN, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Periodic inspections (every 6 months): volatility, borderline pumping temperature; MRV; HTHS and sulfur. Periodict inspections
(once a year): corrosion, high temp. corrosion, KV after shearing, L-38 or Seq. VIII.
For the latest API oil categories or other oil categories not listed in GB 11122: Lubricant manufactures’ ‘Enterprise Standard’ is allowed with following conditions: ‘Enterprise Standard’ is more stringent than GB 11122; Get approval from and keep record in local authorities.
(1) E
 arly version of SAE J300 fresh oil properties are listed within respective category: SAE J300-1987 (corresponding to GB/T 14906-94) for CC and CD, SAE J300-1999 for other categories.
(2) T here is no CI-4+ in GB.
(3) Corresponding ASTM test methods are listed instead of original Chinese methods (i.e.: GB/T or SH/T) if applicable (e.g.: GB/T 265 is corresponding to ASTM D445; SH/T 260 is modified in relation to ISO 3733:1999, which is corresponding to ASTM D95).
(4) A t the time of ex-factory of each batch of products, the producer shall report the actual measured value of this item to the users and dealers, if any disputes, the result of engine test shall prevail.
(5) T he original specification tests and limits are listed but replacement tests and limits for older categories can be used. Additional foaming (ASTM D892) requirements: For CF and CF-4: 20/0, 50/0, 20/0; For CD and CC: 25/0, 150/0, 25/0.
GLOBAL DHD-1 specification
Laboratory tests Limits
Foaming tendency w/o option A (ASTM D892), ml, max.
Sequence I 10 / 0 (1)
Sequence II 50 / 0 (1)
Sequence III 10 / 0 (1)

High temperature foaming (ASTM D6082), ml, max. 100 / 0 (1)

Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. 2.0

Base number (ASTM D4739), mg KOH/g, min. 10

HTCBT at 135°C (ASTM D6594). ppm increase, max.

Copper 20
Lead 120
Tin 50
Copper strip rating (acc. to ASTM D130), max. 3.5

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445),mm2/s. SAE J300

Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa.s at -xx°C SAE J300

Pumpability (ASTM D4684), 60.000 mPa.s max. at -xx°C SAE J300

NOACK volatility, ASTM D5800 or CEC L-40-93, % loss, max. 15

Shear stability, ASTM D3945 or CEC L-14-A-93

Kin. Visc. at 100°C after 30 cycle Bosch shearing, mm2/s, min. Stay in grade

Oxidation induction time, PDSC, CEC-L-085-99, Min, min. 35

Elastomer compatibility, CEC-L-039-96 (2)


(1) A
 fter 1 min. settling.
(2) P lease refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
GLOBAL DHD-1 specification
Engine tests Limits
Run number 1/2/3
Aeration, EOAT (ASTM RR D02-1379)
Oil Aeration at 20 h., %, max. 8.0
OM 441 LA (CEC L-52-T-97)
Bore polishing, average, %, max. 2.0
Piston cleanliness, average, merit, min. 25.0
Boost pressure loss, 400 h, %, max. 4
Specific oil consumption, kg/test, max. 40
Mack T-9 (ASTM D6483)
Average liner wear at 1.75% soot, µm, max. 25.4 / 26.6 / 27.1
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. 120 / 136 / 144
Used oil lead increase, ppm, max. 15 (3)

TAN increase at EOT, max. 2.0

Cummins M11 (300 h extended test) (ASTM RR:D02-1440)
Rocker pad total weight loss at 4.5% soot, mg, max. 6.5 / 7.5 / 8.0
Engine sludge at 200 h, CRC merit, min. 8.7 / 8.6 / 8.5
Oil filter ∆P at 200 h, kPa, max. 79 / 93 / 100
Caterpillar 1R (ASTM D6923) (4)
Weighted total demerit, max. 397 / 416 / 440
Top groove carbon fill, %, max. 40 / 42 / 44
Top land carbon, %, max. 37 / 42 / 46
Average initial oil consumption, 0-252 h, g/h, max. 13.1
Average final oil consumption, 432-504 h, g/h, max. 1.5X Initial
Piston ring sticking and liner scuffing None
Sequence IIIF (ASTM D6984) (5)
Viscosity increase at 40°C at 60 h (unadjusted), %, max. 200
Mack T-8E (300 h extended test) (ASTM D5967)
Relative viscosity at 4.8% soot TGA, max. 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3
Mitsubishi Fuso 4D34T4 Valve train wear test (JASO M 354:1999)
Avg.cam diameter loss, µm, max. (6) 95
Roller Follower Wear Test (ASTM D5966)
Pin wear, µm, max. 7.6 / 8.4 / 9.1

(3) Lead max. 25 ppm, if fresh oil has TBN (ASTM D4739) greater than 10.
(4) The Caterpillar 1R requirements may be satisfied with a passing API CH-4 test result in the Caterpillar 1P.
(5) The Sequence IIIF oxidation requirements may be satisfied with a passing API CH-4 test result in the Sequence IIIE.
(6) Normalized at 4.5 mass % carbon residue increase.
JASO DH-1, DH-2, DH-2F, DL-0, DL-1 specification - Laboratory test
DH-1-14 DH-2-15 DL-1-14
DH-1-15 DH-2-17 DL-1-15
DH-1-05 DH-1-17 DH-2-08 DH-2F-17 DL-0-17 DL-1-08 DL-1-17
SAE Viscosity grades - - - - - xW-20, xW-30 xW-20, xW-30

Laboratory tests Limits

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445),mm2/s. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa.s at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Pumpability (ASTM D4684), 60.000 mPa.s max. at -xx°C SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300

Hot surface deposit control at 280°C (JPI-5S-55-99), merit, min. 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0

Foaming tendency w/o option A (ASTM D892), ml, max.

Sequence I 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0

Sequence II 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0

Sequence III 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0

High temperature foaming (ASTM D6082), ml, max. - - - - 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0

NOACK volatility (ASTM D5800), % loss at 250°C, max. 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 15 15 15

HTCBT at 135°C (ASTM D6594). ppm increase, max.

Copper 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Lead 120 120 100 100 120 120 120

Tin 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Copper strip rating (acc. to ASTM D130), max. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Shear stability (ASTM D6278) xW-30: 8.6 xW-30: 8.6

Kin. Visc. at 100°C after 30 cycle Bosch shearing, mm2/s, min. Stay in grade (1) Stay in grade (1) Stay in grade (1) Stay in grade (1) Stay in grade (1) xW-20: Stay in grade (1) xW-20: Stay in grade (1)

Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. Report Report 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 1.6 0.6 0.6

Base number (ASTM D4739), mg KOH/g, min. 10.0 (2) 10.0 (2) - - - Report (2) Report (2)

Base number (JIS K2501:2003 8.), mg KOH/g, min. 10.0 (2)

10.0 (2) 5.5 5.5 - Report (2) Report (2)

Base number (ASTM D2896 or JIS K2501:2003 9.), mg KOH/g, min. - - - - 8.0 - -

JASO DH-1, DH-2, DH-2F, DL-0, DL-1 specification - Laboratory test
DH-1-14 DH-2-15 DL-1-14
DH-1-15 DH-2-17 DL-1-15
DH-1-05 DH-1-17 DH-2-08 DH-2F-17 DL-0-17 DL-1-08 DL-1-17
SAE Viscosity grades - - - - - xW-20, xW-30 xW-20, xW-30

Laboratory tests Limits

Phosphorus (ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. Report Report 0.12 0.12 Report 0.1 0.1

Sulfur (ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. Report Report 0.5 0.5 Report 0.5 0.5

Chlorine (ASTM D6443), ppm, max. Report Report 150 150 Report 150 150
Elastomer compatibility (CEC L-39-T-96) (3) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
or Elastomer compatibility (ASTM D7216) (3) - Pass - Pass Pass - Pass

(1) O
 nly for multi grade oils.
(2) Only one of Base number has to be run.
(3) Only one of Elastomer compatibility has to be run. Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
JASO DH-1, DH-2, DH-2F, DL-0, DL-1 specification - Engine test
Specifications DH-1-05 DH-1-14 DH-1-15 DH-2-17
DH-2-08 DL-1-08 DH-2-14 DL-1-14 DH-2-15 DL-1-15 DL-0-17 DH-2F DL-1-17
First date when classification indication is allowed - October 1, 2014 October 1, 2015 October 1, 2017
Last date when a new reporting is accepted March 31, 2016 March 31, 2017 March 31, 2018 -
On-file termination date September 30, 2019 September 30, 2020 September 30, 2021 -

Engine tests Limits

Nissan Diesel TD25 Piston detergency test (JASO M 336:1998)(1)

Top groove fill, %, max. 60.0 60.0 - - - - - - -

Deposits on ring lands, merit Report Report - - - - - - -

Piston ring sticking All free All free - - - - - - -

Hino N04C Piston detergency test (JASO M 336:2014)

Weighted Total Demerit, max. - - 740 740 740 740 740 740 740

Top groove fill, %, max. - - Report Report Report Report Report Report Report

Deposits on ring lands, merit - - Report Report Report Report Report Report Report

Piston ring sticking - - All free All free All free All free All free All free All free

Mitsubishi Fuso 4D34T4 Valve train wear test (JASO M 354:2006)

Avg.cam diameter loss, µm, max. (2) 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 - - - - -

Max.cam diameter loss, µm, max. (2) 210 210 210 210 - - - - -

Cam surface wear No pitting No pitting No pitting No pitting - - - - -

Hino N04C Valve train wear test (JASO M 354:2015)

Tappet Wear, µm, max. - - - - 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3

Mack T-8A (ASTM D5967) (3)

Viscosity increase (100 to 150 h.) at 100°C, mm2/s/h., max. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

or Mack T-8E (ASTM D5967) (3)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Relative viscosity at 100°C at 4.8% soot, max. 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3

JASO DH-1, DH-2, DH-2F, DL-0, DL-1 specification - Engine test
Specifications DH-1-05 DH-1-14 DH-1-15 DH-2-17
DH-2-08 DL-1-08 DH-2-14 DL-1-14 DH-2-15 DL-1-15 DL-0-17 DH-2F DL-1-17
First date when classification indication is allowed - October 1, 2014 October 1, 2015 October 1, 2017
Last date when a new reporting is accepted March 31, 2016 March 31, 2017 March 31, 2018 -
On-file termination date September 30, 2019 September 30, 2020 September 30, 2021 -

Engine tests Limits

or Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156) (3)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

Minimum % TGA Soot at 4.0 cSt increase at 100°C 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3 3.5 - 3.4 - 3.3

Minimum % TGA Soot at 12.0 cSt increase at 100°C 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9 6.0 - 5.9 - 5.9

Minimum % TGA Soot at 15.0 cSt increase at 100°C 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5 6.7 - 6.6 - 6.5

D6984), or SEQUENCE IIIG (ASTM D7320) (4) or IIIG or IIIG or IIIG or IIIG or IIIG

Viscosity increase at 40°C, increase after 64 h, %, max. (IIIE) 200 - 200 - 200 - 200 200 -

Viscosity increase at 40°C, increase after 60 h, %, max. (IIIF) 295 275 (after 80 h.) 295 275 (after 80 h.) 295 275 (after 80 h.) 295 295 275 (after 80 h.)

Viscosity increase at 40°C, increase after 100 h, %, max. (IIIG) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

Hino N04C Fuel economy test (JASO M 362:2017)

Average fuel economy improvement (fresh oils), %, min. - - - - - - - 3.7 -

Sum of average fuel economy improvement (fresh + aged oils),

- - - - - - - 6.8 -
%, min. (5)

M111 Fuel economy test (CEC L-54-T-96) (6)

Fuel economy improvement, %, min. - 2.5 - 2.5 - 2.5 - - 2.5

(1) T
 D25 engine is no longer supplied since March 2009.
Alternative detergency tests for DH-1-05 and DH-2-08 are: Caterpillar 1K (ASTM D6750), Caterpillar 1N (ASTM D6750), Caterpillar 1P (ASTM D6681), Caterpillar 1R (ASTM D6923), Caterpillar C13 (ASTM D7549) according to the limits of API CH-4, CI-4 and CJ-4.
Alternative detergency test for DL-1-08 is: VWTDI2 (CEC-L-78-T-99) according to the limits of ACEA C2-08.
(2) Normalized at 4.5 mass % carbon residue increase.
(3) Only one of the Mack tests has to be run.
(4) Only one of the Sequence III tests has to be run.
(5) Aged oil after 200 h operation, which was obtained according to the JASO M 336 or JASO M 354, shall be used.
(6) Not required for 10W-30.
MIL-PRF-2104M specification (2)
Laboratory tests Limits
SAE Viscosity grades 10W 30 40 15W-40 SCPL (4)
API performance level CH-4 CH-4 CH-4 CI-4 CI-4

Foaming tendency w/o option A (ASTM D892), ml, max.

Sequence I 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1)

Sequence II 20 / 0 (1) 20 / 0 (1) 20 / 0 (1) 20 / 0 (1) 20 / 0 (1)

Sequence III 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1) 10 / 0 (1)

Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5

HTCBT at 135°C (ASTM D6594). ppm increase, max.

Copper 20 20 20 20 20
Lead 120 120 120 120 120
Tin Report Report Report Report Report

Copper strip rating (acc. to ASTM D130), max. 3 3 3 3 3

HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683, D4741, or D5481), mPa.s, min. - 3,5 3,7 3,7 2,7

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s. 5.6 to <7.4 9.3 to <12.5 12.5 to <16.3 12.5 to <16.3 8.0 to <9.3

Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa.s at -xx°C 7000 at -25°C - - 7000 at -20°C 4300 at -35°C

Pumpability (ASTM D4684), mPa.s max. at -xx°C 60000 at -30°C - - 60000 at -25°C 13000 at -40°C

NOACK volatility, ASTM D5800, % loss, max. 18 - - 15 14

Shear Stability KV100, CEC L-014-93 or ASTM D3945, Kin. Viscosity, mm2/s - - - 12,5 8

Flash Point, ASTM D92, °C, min. 205 220 225 215 210

Pour point, ASTM D97, D5949 or D5950, °C, max. -30 -18 -15 -25 -55

Allison TES-295 Elastomer compatibility (5) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Allison C-4 Graphite and paper friction

Mid-point dynamic friction ≥ qualified batch sample mean mid-point friction coefficient minus 0.012
Slip time ≤ max. acceptable slip time criteria

MIL-PRF-2104M specification (2)
Laboratory tests Limits
SAE Viscosity grades 10W 30 40 15W-40 SCPL (4)
API performance level CH-4 CH-4 CH-4 CI-4 CI-4

Caterpillar TO-4/TO-4M (SEQ1220) TO-4 TO-4 TO-4 TO-4M TO-4M

Avg.dynamic coefficient, % 90.0-140.0

Avg.static coefficient, % 91.0-127.0
Disc wear, mm, max. 0,04
Energy limit, m/s, min. 25

Caterpillar TO-4/TO-4M (SEQFRRET) TO-4 TO-4 TO-4 TO-4M TO-4M

Avg.dynamic coefficient, %
at 3000 cycles 85.0-130.0
at 8000 cycles 90.0-125.0
at 15000 cycles 90.0-125.0
at 25000 cycles 95.0-125.0

Homogeneity and miscibility (ASTM D6922) Pass (3)

Pass (3) Pass (3) Pass (3) Pass (3)

(1) After 1 min. settling.
(2) Specification covers engine oils suitable for lubrication of reciprocating compression-ignition internal combustion engines and for power transmission fluid applications.
(3) Shall remain homogenous and, when mixed with ASTM reference oils, shall remain miscible.
(4) Single Common Powertrain Lubricants (full synthetic, all season, i.e., artic-to-desert, heavy duty diesel engine oil to reduce fuel consumption and extend oil drain interval).
(5) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
MIL-PRF-2104M specification (2)
Engine tests Limits
SAE Viscosity grades 10W, 30, 40 15W-40, SCPL
API performance level CH-4 CI-4

Aeration, EOAT (ASTM RR D02-1379)

Oil Aeration at 20 h., %, max. 8.0

Caterpillar 1K (ASTM D6750) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3

Weighted total demerit, max. 332 / 347 / 353 332 / 347 / 353

Top groove carbon fill, %, max. 24 / 27 / 29 24 / 27 / 29

Top land heavy carbon, %, max. 4/5/5 4/5/5

Oil consumption, g/MJ (0-250h), max. 0,139 0,139

Piston ring sticking and liner scuffing None None

Caterpillar 1P, 1R (ASTM D6681, D6923) 1P 1R (4)

Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3

Weighted total demerit 350 / 378 / 390 382 / 396 / 402

Top groove carbon fill, % 36 / 39 / 41 52 / 57 / 59

Top land heavy carbon, % 40 / 46 / 49 31 / 35 / 36

Average oil consumption, 0-360 h, g/h 12.4 -

Initial oil cons. g/h, max., 0-252 h - 13,1

Final oil consumption, 312-360 h, g/h 14.6 -

Final oil consumption, 432-504 h, g/h - Initial + 1.8

Ring sticking - None

Piston, ring and liner scuffing None None

Cummins ISM (ASTM D7468) (5) Run number 1-2-3 1/2/3

Crosshead wear, mg, max. 7.5 - 7.8 - 7.9 7.5 - 7.8 - 7.9

Oil filter ∆P at 150 h, kPa, max. 79 - 95 - 103 55 - 67 - 74

Engine sludge at end-of-test, CRC merit, min. 8.1 - 8.0 - 8.0 8.1 - 8.0 - 8.0

Mack T-8E (300 h extended test) (ASTM D5967) (5) Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3

Relative viscosity at 4.8% soot TGA, max. 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 1.8 - 1.9 - 2.0

Viscosity increase at 3.8% soot TGA, mm2/s max. 11.5 - 12.5 - 13.0 -

MIL-PRF-2104M specification (2)
Engine tests Limits
SAE Viscosity grades 10W, 30, 40 15W-40, SCPL
API performance level CH-4 CI-4

Sequence IIIF, IIIG (ASTM D6984, D7320) IIIF (60h) or IIIG IIIF or IIIG

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3

Viscosity (at 40°C), increase from 10 min sample, %, max. (IIIF) 295 (MTAC) 275 (MTAC)

Kinematic viscosity, % increase at 40°C, max. (IIIG) 150 (MTAC) 150 (MTAC)

Roller follower wear test (RFWT) (ASTM D5966) Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3

Average Pin Wear, (μm) max 7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1 7.6 - 8.4 - 9.1

Mack T-12 (ASTM D7422) (5)

Run number 1-2-3 1-2-3

Merit rating, min. - 1000 - 1000 - 1000

Liner wear, μm, max. (anchor) 30.0 - 30.8 - 31.1 -

Top ring weight loss, mg, max. (anchor) 120 - 132 - 137 -

Lead content at EOT, mg/kg, max. (anchor) 65 - 75 - 79 -

Used oil pumpability at 75 h, MRV at -20°C, mPa.s, max.(7) - 25000 (NYS) (6)

Fuel Consumption Improvement (FCI) test

FCI, %, min. - 2.0 (relative to baseline oil)

High temperature durability test

Viscosity increase, %, max. - 70

TBN, mg KOH/g, min. - 4,0

Copper, mg/kg, max. - 60

Iron, mg/kg, max. - 430

Lead, mg/kg, max. - 150

TBN/ TAN, min. - 0,50

(1) Per ASTM D5862, with the exception that ratings from any five of the six cylinders shall be averaged.
(2) Specification covers engine oils suitable for lubrication of reciprocating compression-ignition internal combustion engines and for power transmission fluid applications.
(3) If yieldstress is detected, modified ASTM D4684 can be used.
(4) Oil grades 15W-40 and SCPL shall pass either Cat 1P or Cat 1R. Cat 1P limits are those required for API CH-4.
(5) See ASTM D4485 for alternate test method(s) and performance criteria.
(6) If Yield Stress is detected, use modified ASTM D4684 (external preheat); then limits become Viscosity: 25000 cP max and Yield Stress: <35 Pa.
(7) S ample to test can also be from a Mack T-10A test or a Mack T-12A test to generate the sample for ASTM D4684 as used to measure this parameter. Mack T-10A is the name given to a Mack T-10 test run for 75 h.
Mack T-12A is the name given to a Mack T-12 test run for 100 h.)
for Gasoline
and Diesel
engine oils
BMW Long Life specification overview
BMW Specifications LL-01 LL-01 FE LL-04 LL-12 FE LL-14 FE+ LL-17 FE+
Standard BMW Diesels
Minimum level for All Gasoline engines from Mandatory for DPF from MY 2013 onwards. Backward compatible
Application ONLY for EU and USA
Gasoline from MY2002 MY 2005 Diesels (Not backward with LL-14 FE+
NOT allowed for
Minimum level high power Diesels. Allowed for Gasoline
OK for older Gasoline ONLY for EU, NAFTA,
for non-DPF Diesels OK for non-DPF Diesels Check manual for details. from MY 2013 with N20
engines with Valvetronic China
from MY2003 (Rule of thumb: Multiple and "Baukasten" engines
Mandatory for engines
Not allowed for Diesel OK for gasoline from MY OK for gasoline from MY NOT allowed for other
OK for older engines with Gasoline Particulate
Engines 2002 in Europe only 2002 in Europe only engines
Filters (GPF's)
Not allowed for M engines Not allowed for M engines Not allowed for M engines Not allowed for M engines Not allowed for M engines OK for Gasoline from
in general, only for new in general, only for new in general, only for new in general, only for new in general, only for new MY 2013 with N20 and
S55- and S63-M-engines S55- and S63-M-engines S55- and S63-M-engines S55- and S63-M-engines S55- and S63-M-engines "Baukasten" engines
NOT allowed for other
Not allowed for M engines
in general, only for new
S55- and S63-M-engines
ACEA basis A3/B4 -16
A5/B5 -16 C3 -16 excl. P limit C2 -16 C5 -16 excl. S. Ash limit C5 -16
SAE Viscosity grade 0/5W-30/40 xW-30 0/5W-30/40 xW-30 xW-20 xW-20
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-036-90), mPa.s, min. 3.5 3.0 3.5 2.9 2.6 2.6
Kin. viscosity at 100 °C, mm2/s SAE J300 ≥ 10.0 SAE J300 ≥ 8.8 ≥ 7.8 & < 9.3 ≥ 7.8 & < 9.3
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 10.0 10.0 6.0 6.0 9.5 6.0
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m ≥ 1.0 & ≤ 1.6 ≤ 1.6 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 1.3 ≤ 0.8
-42 for 0W-xx, TBD for -42 for 0W-xx, TBD for -42 for 0W-xx, TBD for -42 for 0W-xx, TBD for
Pour Point (ASTM D97), °C, max. -42 -42
5W-xx 5W-xx 5W-xx 5W-xx

BMW Long Life specification overview
BMW Specifications LL-01 LL-01 FE LL-04 LL-12 FE LL-14 FE+ LL-17 FE+
Required BMW laboratory tests:
FZG Wear test A10/16.6R/130 (CEC L-84-02),
8 8 8 8 8 8
failure load stage, min.
Required BMW engine tests:
N20 Performance
Piston cleanliness (average 4 pistons), merit, min. 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0
Engine sludge avg., merit, min. 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1
Average weighted turbo deposits, merit, max. 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 20 20 20 20 20 20
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. 20 20 20 20 20 20
Fe-content, ppm, max. 130 130 130 130 130 130
N20 Aeration
Fresh oil, part 1 (Avg. run 3, 4, 5 at 6500 rpm), %, max. 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Fresh oil, part 2 at 3125 ml, %, max. 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
Used oil (70h), part 1 (Avg. run 3, 4, 5 at 6500 rpm), %, max. 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Used oil, part 2 at 3125 ml, %, max. 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
N42 Valvetronic RNT , ratio: candidate/reference, max 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0
B48 Gasoline fuel economy NEDC/WLTP/CAFE - Pass (1)
- Pass (1) Pass (2) Pass (2)
B47 Diesel fuel economy WLTP - - - Pass (3)
- Pass (4)
Comparable or better Comparable or better Comparable or better
B47 Aeration - - -
than reference oil than reference oil than reference oil
B47 Diesel turbo charger deposits test, merit, max - - 1.6 1.6 - 1.6

(1) Limit ≥ -0.5 % vs 0W-20 ref oil on NEDC and WLTP, ≥ -0.4 % for CAFE
(2) Limit ≥ 0.0 % vs 0W-20 ref oil for NEDC, WLTP and CAFE
(3) Limit ≥ -0.0% vs 0W-30 ref oil for WLTP
(4) Limit ≥ -0.5% vs 0W-30 ref oil on WLTP
CATERPILLAR Engine Crankcase Fluid (ECF) recommendations
Model year 2007 (1) Pre-model year 2007 (1)
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) 10W-30, 15W-40
Preferred Cat DEO-ULS Cat DEO-ULS
Cat DEO and Cat DEO-ULS require in addition to the tests required for Cat ECF classifications, pass results in a number of Cat Proprietary multi-cylinder tests,
field tests and a variety of quality assurance tests.
Cat ECF-3 / API CJ-4
Commercial lubricants Cat ECF-3 / API CJ-4 (2)
Cat ECF-2
Cat ECF-1-a

(1) The oils are listed in order of preference
(2) Cat ECF-2 oils of ≤ 1 percent ash content are also allowed

Caterpillar specification Application Caterpillar ECF specifications requirements

Cat ECF-3 Caterpillar 2007 model year on-highway diesel engines. API CJ-4
Also highly recommended for other Caterpillar engines in on-highway
Cat 3500 series and smaller machine and commercial diesel engines.
Cat ECF-2 All 2006 model year and older Caterpillar on-highway diesel engines and API CI-4 / CI-4 PLUS
Cat 3500 Series and smaller commercial and machine diesel engines. Cat C13 500h. engine test as defined in the API CJ-4 oil category requirements
Not applicable to Cat engines equipped with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and 2- Oils of sulfated ash >1.50 wt% are not allowed.
Sulfated ash ≤ 1.50wt%
API oil categories older than API CI-4 may not claim to meet the Cat ECF-2 specification.
Cat ECF-1-a All 2006 model year and older Cat on-highway diesel engines and API CH-4
Cat 3500 series and smaller commercial and machine diesel engines. Cat 1P SCOTE (1)
test (ASTM D6681).
Not applicable to Cat model year 2007 and newer on-highway engine models. Sulfated ash ≤ 1.30wt%
Not applicable to Cat engines equipped with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF). If 1.30 < sulfated ash ≤ 1.50wt%, two passing Cat 1P test (ASTM D4485) at the single pass limits
API oil categories older than API CI-4 may not claim to meet Cat ECF-1-a specification.

(1) SCOTE Single Cylinder Oil Test Engine.
CATERPILLAR Engine Crankcase Fluid (ECF) recommendations
Fuel sulfur level (ppm) Cat engine oils TBN of commercial engine oils (mg KOH/g)
≤ 500 Cat DEO-ULS, Cat DEO ≥7
> 500 - 1000 Cat DEO-ULS, Cat DEO ≥7
> 1000 Cat DEO ≥ 10

CHRYSLER GROUP LLC requirements – MS-6395 specification

Specification MS-6395
Bench test requirements and limits According to ILSAC GF-5
Engine test requirements and limits According to ILSAC GF-5
Chrysler field test
Chrysler vehicles for 100000 miles in taxicabs in Las Vagas over two summers and one winter Pass

CUMMINS Engineering Standards (CES)
CES Number 20076 20077 20078 20081 20086 / 20087
API, ACEA, JASO performance level API CI-4, ACEA E7 API CK-4 / FA-4
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) xW-30, xW-40 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40 xW-30, xW-40 xW-30, xW-40 xW-30, xW-40 / xW-30
Laboratory tests (1)
Viscosity at 40°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s Report Report Report Report Report
at 100°C Per SAE J300 Per SAE J300 Report Report Report
Shear stability (ASTM D3945, D6278, D7109, CEC L-14-A-96) D7109 (90 cycles) D7109 (90 cycles)
xW-30: 9.3; 0W-40: 12.5;
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s, min. xW-30: 9.5, xW-40: 12.5 Stay in grade xW-30: 9.3, xW-40: 12.5 xW-30: 9.3, xW-40: 12.5
xW-40: 12.8
Low temperature cranking and pumping viscosity
CCS (ASTM D5293), mPa.s, max. Per SAE J300 Per SAE J300 Report Report Report
MRV (ASTM D4684), mPa.s, max. Per SAE J300 Per SAE J300 Report Report Report
HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683, CEC L-36-90), mPa.s, min. 3.7 Per SAE J300 3.5 3.5 3.5 / 2.9 - 3.2
Gelation index (ASTM D5133), max. 12 - 12 12 12
Evaporative loss (Noack) (ASTM D5800), %, max. xW-30: 20, xW-40: 18 - 15 xW-30: 15, xW-40: 13 13
(CEC L-40-A-93), %, max. - 12 - - -
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. Report Report - - -
(ASTM D4739), mg KOH/g, min. - - 10.0 Report Report
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g Report Report Report Report Report
Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.00 / 1.02 / 1.03 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Ba, Bo, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mo, Si, Na, Zn (ICP) Report Report Report Report Report
Phosphorus (ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. Report Report Report 0.12 0.12
Sulfur (ASTM 4951), % m/m, max. Report Report Report 0.4 0.4
Nitrogen (ASTM D4629 / D5762), % m/m Report Report Report Report Report
Infrared spectrum (CES 60005) Report Report Report Report Report
Oxidation induction time (PDSC) (CEC-L-85-T-99), min. - 35 - - -

CUMMINS Engineering Standards (CES)
-2 -
CES Number 20076 20077 20078 20081 20086 / 20087
Elastomer compatibility (CEC L-39-96, ASTM D7216) (2)
Nitrile (NBR) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Silicone (VMQ) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Polyacrylate (ACM) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Fluorelastomer (FKM) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Vamac G (AEM) - - - Pass Pass
Corrosion tendency (HTCBT) (ASTM D5968 at 275°F, D6594 at 135°C) D5968 D5968 D6594 D6594 D6594
Copper increase, ppm, max. 20 20 20 20 20
Lead increase, ppm, max. 120 100 120 120 120
Tin increase, ppm, max. 50 100 50 50 50
Copper strip rating (ASTM D130), max. 3 - 3 3 3
Foaming tendency
Sequence I (24°C), II (94°C), III (24°C) (ASTM D892) (No option A), ml, max. 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0
Sequence IV (150°C) (ASTM D6082), ml, max. - 200 / 50 - - -
Low temperature pumping viscosity (75 / 180 h T10(A) / T11(A)) (ASTM D4684)
MRV viscosity at -20°C, mPa.s, max. - - 25000 25000 18000
MRV yield stress - - No yield stress No yield stress No yield stress

CUMMINS Engineering Standards (CES)
CES Number 20076 20077 20078 20081 20086 / 20087
Engine tests (1)
Caterpillar 1P (ASTM D6681)
Weighted total demerit Report - - - -
Top groove carbon fill, % Report - - - -
Top land heavy carbon, % Report - - - -
Average oil consumption, 0-360 h, g/h Report - - - -
Final oil consumption, 336-360 h, g/h Report - - - -
Piston ring and liner scuffing Report - - - -
Caterpillar 1R (ASTM D6923)
Weighted total demerit, max. - - 382 - -
Top groove carbon fill, %, max. - - 52 - -
Top land carbon, %, max. - - 31 - -
Average oil consumption - initial 0-252 h, g/h, max. - - 13.1 - -
Average oil consumption - final 432-504 h, g/h, max. - - Initial + 1.8 - -
Piston ring sticking and liner scuffing - - None - -
Caterpillar 1K (ASTM D6750) (3) Run number 1/2/3
Weighted total demerit, max. 332 / 347 / 353 - 332 - -
Top groove carbon fill, %, max. 24 / 27 / 29 - 24 - -
Top land heavy carbon, %, max. 4/5/5 - 4 - -
Oil consumption, g/bhp-h / g/kW-h, max. 0.5 g/bhp-h - 0.5 g/kW-h - -
Piston ring sticking and liner scuffing None - None - -
Caterpillar 1N (ASTM D6750) (3) Run number 1/2/3
Weighted total demerit, max. - - 286.2 286.2 286.2 / 311.7 / 323
Top groove carbon fill, %, max. - - 20 20 20 / 23 / 25
Top land heavy carbon, %, max. - - 3 3 3/4/5
Oil consumption (0 - 252 h), g/kWh, max. - - 0.5 0.5 0.5
Piston ring sticking and liner scuffing - - None None None

CUMMINS Engineering Standards (CES)
CES Number 20076 20077 20078 20081 20086 / 20087
Caterpillar C13 (ASTM D7549)
Merit rating, min. - - - Report 1000
Oil consumption delta , g/h, max. - - - Report 31
TLC, %, max. - - - Report 35
TGC, %, max. - - - Report 53
2nd Ring top carbon, %, max. - - - Report 33
Hot stuck piston ring - - - Report None
Aeration volume Run number 1/2/3
Aeration volume (ASTM D6894), vol%, max. 8.0 - 8.0 8.0
Average aeration (COAT) (ASTM D8047), vol%, max - - - - 11.8 / 11.8 / 11.8
Cummins ISB (ASTM D7484) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Slider tappet weight loss, avg., mg, max. - - - 100 / 108 / 112 100 / 108 / 112
Cam shaft wear, avg., µm, max. - - - 50 / 53 / 55 50 / 53 / 55
Crosshead weight loss, avg., mg - - - Report Report
Cummins ISM (ASTM D7468)
Merit rating, min. - - - 1000 1000
Crosshead total weight loss, mg at 3.9% avg. soot, max. - - - 7.1 7.1
Diff. pressure across oil filter after 150 h, kPa, max. - - - 19 19
Adjusting screw weight loss, mg, max. - - - 45 45
Avg. engine sludge CRC merits at EOT, min. - - - 8.7 8.7
Cummins M11 (300 h extended test) (ASTM D6838) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Rocker pad total weight loss at 4.5% soot, mg, max. - - - - -
Crosshead wear weight loss at 6.5% soot, avg., mg, max. 12.0 12.0 - - -
Engine sludge at 200 h, CRC merit, min. 8.7 / 8.6 / 8.5 8.7 / 8.6 / 8.5 - - -
Oil filter ∆P at 200 h, kPa, max. 79 / 93 / 100 79 / 93 / 100 - - -
Cummins M11 EGR (ASTM D6975)
Crosshead total weight loss at 4.6% avg. soot, mg, max. - - 20.0 - -
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. - - 175.0 - -
Engine sludge at end-of-test, CRC merit, min. - - 7.80 - -
Oil filter ∆P at 250 h, kPa, max. - - 275.0 - -

CUMMINS Engineering Standards (CES)
CES Number 20076 20077 20078 20081 20086 / 20087
Mack T-8 (250 h) (ASTM D5967) Run number
Viscosity increase at 3.8% soot, mm2/s, max. - - - - -
Oil filter ∆P, kPa, max. - - - - -
Oil consumption, g/kWh, max. - - - - -
Mack T-8E (300 h extended test) (ASTM D5967) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Relative viscosity at 4.8% soot TGA, max. 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0 1.8 - -
Viscosity increase at 100°C at 3.8% soot, mm2/s, max. 11.5 / 12.5 / 13.0 11.5 / 12.5 / 13.0 Report - -
Oil filter ∆P, kPa, max. - 138 - - -
Oil consumption, g/kWh, max. - 0.304 - - -
Mack T-9 (ASTM D6483) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Average liner wear at 1.75% soot, µm, max. 25.4 / 26.6 / 27.1 25.4 / 26.6 / 27.1 - - -
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. 120 / 136 / 144 120 / 136 / 144 - - -
Used oil lead increase, ppm, max. 20 / 27 / 31 25 / 32 / 36 - - -
Lead increase from 400 to 500 h, ppm, max. 10 - - - -
Mack T-10 (ASTM D6987)
Merit rating, min. - - 1000 - -
Average liner wear, µm, max. - - 32 - -
Average top ring weight loss, mg, max. - - 158 - -
Lead increase from 0 to 300 h, ppm, max. - - 35 - -
Lead increase from 250 to 300 h, ppm, max. - - 14 - -
Oil consumption, avg., g/h, max. - - 65 - -
Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156) Run number 1/2/3
Minimum % TGA Soot at 4.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C - - - 3.5 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3
Minimum % TGA Soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C - - - 6.0 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9
Minimum % TGA Soot at 15.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C - - - 6.7 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5
Mack T-12 (ASTM D7422) 1/2/3
Merit rating, min. - - - 1300 -
Liner wear, avg., µm, max. - - - 20 21 / 22 / 23
Top ring weight loss, avg., mg, max. - - - 105 105
EOT used oil lead / new oil lead content, ppm, max. - - - 30 Report
Lead increase from 250 h to 300 h, mg/kg, max. - - - 12 Report
Oil consumption, avg., g/h, max. - - - 80 Report

CUMMINS Engineering Standards (CES)
CES Number 20076 20077 20078 20081 20086 / 20087
Roller follower wear test (ASTM D5966) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Pin wear, mils max. 0.30 / 0.33 / 0.36 - - - 0.30 / 0.33 / 0.36
µm, max. 7.6 / 8.4 / 9.1 - 7.6 7.6 7.6 / 8.4 / 9.1
Mitsubishi 4D34T (JASO M354-1999)
Cam lobe wear, µm., max. - - 95.0 - -
Sequence IIIE (ASTM D5533)
Viscosity increase at 64 h at 40°C from 10 min sample, %, max. 100 - - - -
Sequence IIIF (ASTM D6984) / Sequence IIIG (ASTM D7320) IIIF IIIF (IIIG)
Cam and tappet wear, µm, max. - - 20.0 - -
Viscosity increase at EOT at 40°C, %, max. - - 275 275 (150) -
Oil consumption, l, max. - - 5.2 - -
OM 441 LA (CEC L-52-T-97)
Bore polishing, avg., %, max. - 2 - - -
Piston cleanliness, avg., merit, min. - 25 - - -
Boost pressure loss at 400 h, %, max. - 4 - - -
Oil consumption, kg/test, max - 40 - - -
OM 602A (CEC L-51-A-97)
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. - 90 - - -
Cam wear, avg., µm, max. - 45.0 - - -
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cyl.), µm, max. - 20.0 - - -
Bore polishing, %, max. - 7.0 - - -
Oil consumption, kg/test, max. - 10 - - -
Piston cleanliness, avg., merit, min. - Report - - -
Engine sludge, avg., merit - Report - - -
Volvo T-13 (ASTM WK50204) (4) Run number 1/2/3
IR peak height at EOT, A/cm, max - - - - 80 / 80 / 80
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, %, max - - - - 50 / 50 / 50
Average oil consumption 48-192 h, max - - - - Report

(1) Unless a Cummins limit is more stringent, all applicable tiered limits shall be consistent with requirements of ASTM D4485 or relevant ASTM body.
(2) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” and ACEA Sequence E for limits.
(3) For CES 20078, oil shall pass either Caterpillar 1K or Caterpillar 1N.
(4) Candidate base oil saturates shall be no less than the reproducibility of ASTM D2007-11 (currently 4.0 mass%) from the base oil saturates of the T-13 tested oil.
DETROIT Fluids Specification (DFS)
Specifications 93K214 93K215 93K218 93K222 / 93K223
API performance level API CI-4 PLUS API CH-4 API CJ-4 API CK-4 / API FA-4
Recommended for all four-cycle
Detroit™ engines including with
Cooled EGR-equipped engines Recommended for all four-cycle
and without an after treatment
without after treatment devices Detroit™ engines including with
Non-EGR-equipped engines, system, EPA07/10/GHG14/GHG17
or any engine operating on Low and without an after treatment
Description operating on fuel below 5000 and older (including legacy
Sulfur fuel. These engines meet system, EPA07/10/GHG14/GHG17
ppm sulfur fuel. engines), operating on ULSD fuel
2002 to 2006 model year emis- and older (including legacy
with extended drain interval.
sion requirements. engines), operating on ULSD fuel.
93K223 not recommended to
use in EPA07 and older engine.
xW-30, xW-40 / xW-30
SAE J300 viscosity grades - - xW-30, xW-40
(x ≥ 5)
Laboratory tests
Sulphated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0
Phosphorus (ASTM D4951, ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. - - 0.12 0.12
Sulphur (ASTM D4951, ASTM D2622), % m/m, max. - - 0.4 0.4
xW-30: 3.5; xW-40: Report /
HTHS viscosity at 150°C (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. 4.2 3.5 xW-30: 3.5; xW-40: Report
Shear stability (ASTM D6278 / D7109)
Viscosity at 100°C after 30 cycles shear (ASTM D445), mm2/s, min. - 12.5 - -
Viscosity at 100°C after 90 cycles shear (ASTM D445), mm2/s, min. 12.5 - xW-30: 9.3; xW-40: 12.5 xW-30: 9.3; xW-40: 12.8 / 9.3
HTHS viscosity after 90 cycles shear (ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. 3.9 - xW-30: Report; xW-40: 3.9 xW-30: 3.4; xW-40: 3.9 / 2.8
Low temperature pumpability (ASTM D4684 or D6896)
MRV viscosity TP-1 at -20°C, mPa.s - - - Report
Yield stress, Pa, max. - - - 35
Evaporative loss (Noack) (ASTM D5800), % loss, max. 13 18 13 13
(ASTM D5480), % loss, max. - 15 - -
Pour point (ASTM D97), °C, max. -25 -25 -27 -27
Foaming tendency (ASTM D892) No option A No option A Option A allowed Option A allowed
Sequence I, II, III, ml, max. 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 (4) 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 (4)
Corrosion tendency (HTCBT) (ASTM D6594)
Copper increase, ppm, max. 20 20 20 20
Lead increase, ppm, max. 120 120 120 120
Tin increase, ppm, max. 50 50 - -
Copper strip rating (ASTM D130), max. 3 3 3 3

DETROIT Fluids Specification (DFS)
Specifications 93K214 93K215 93K218 93K222 / 93K223
Elastomer compatibility (ASTM D7216 / CEC L-39-96) (1)
Nitrile (NBR) Pass (2) Pass (3) Pass (2) Pass (2)
Silicone (VMQ) Pass (2) - Pass (2)
Pass (2)
Polyacrylate (ACM) Pass (2) Pass (3) Pass (2) Pass (2)
Fluorelastomer (FKM) Pass (2) Pass (3) Pass (2) Pass (2)
Vamac G Rate & report (3) Pass (3) Pass (2) Pass (2)
Engine tests
Low temperature pumpability of sooted oil (ASTM D4684 / D7110)
MRV viscosity at -20°C of 75 h oil from Mack T-10, T-10A or T-11 test at 5% soot,
25000 - - -
mPa.s, max.
MRV viscosity at -20°C of 180 h oil from Mack T-11 or T-11A test, mPa.s, max. - - 18000 18000
Yield stress, Pa, max. 35 - 35 35
Sequence IIIF (ASTM D6984)
Viscosity increase at 80 h at 40°C, %, max. 275 295 275 (MTAC) (5) -
Oil consumption, l, max. 5.2 - - -
Sequence IIIG (ASTM D7320) (Alternative to IIIF)
EOT viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 150 (MTAC) (5)
Roller follower wear test (ASTM D5966) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3 1/2/3
Average pin wear, mils, max. 0.30 0.30 / 0.33 / 0.36 0.30 / 0.33 / 0.36 0.30 / 0.33 / 0.36
or µm, max. 7.6 7.6 / 8.4 / 9.1 7.6 / 8.4 / 9.1 7.6 / 8.4 / 9.1
Engine oil aeration test Run number 1/2/3
EOAT (ASTM D6994), aeration, vol %, max. - 8.0 8.0 (MTAC) -
COAT (ASTM D8047), avg. aeration, 40 h to 50 h, % - - - 11.8 / 11.8 / 11.8
Mitsubishi 4D34T4 (JASO M 354)
Valve train wear, cam lobe wear, µm, max. - 95 - -
OM 441 LA (CEC L-52-T-97) (6)
Bore polishing, avg., %, max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 -
Piston deposits, avg., merit, min. 25.0 25.0 25.0 -
Boost pressure loss at 400 h, %, max. 4 4 4 -
Specific oil consumption, kg/test, max. 40 40 40 -

DETROIT Fluids Specification (DFS)
Specifications 93K214 93K215 93K218 93K222 / 93K223
OM 501 LA (CEC L-101-09) (7), (8)
Piston cleanliness avg., merit, min. - -
19.0 20.0
Ring sticking 2nd ring, ASF, max. -
- 1.0 1.0
Engine sludge avg., merit, min. - -
9.0 9.0
General engine deposits avg., demerit, max. - -
2.0 2.0
Wear rating (visual) avg., demerit, max. - -
3.0 3.0
Bore polishing avg., %, max. - - 2.0 2.0
Cylinder wear avg., mm, max. - - 0.008 0.008
Turbocharger deposits, demerit, max. - - 2.0 2.0
TBN (ASTM D4739) at end of test, mg KOH/g - - Rate & report Rate & report
TAN (ASTM D664) at end of test, mg KOH/g - - Rate & report Rate & report
Specific oil consumption, g/h, max. - - 30.0 30.0
OM 646 DE22LA Wear test (CEC L-99-08) (7)
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve (avg. max. wear 8 cams), µm, max. - - 100 / 130 100 / 130
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cylinders), µm, max. - - 5.0 5.0
Bore polishing (13 mm), %, max. value of 4 cylinders - - 3.5 3.5
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons), merit, min. - - 12.0 14.0
Engine sludge avg., merit, min. - - 8.8 8.8
Ring sticking - - No No
Tappet wear inlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams), µm - - Rate & report Rate & report
Tappet wear outlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams), µm - - Rate & report Rate & report
Bearing wear main / con rod bearing, µm, max. (9) - - 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1
Piston ring wear axial at ring 1 / ring 2 / ring 3, µm, max. (9) - - 10.4 / 6.0 / 5.0 10.4 / 6.0 / 5.0
Piston ring wear radial at ring 1 / ring 2 / ring 3, µm, max. (9) - - 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0
Timing chain wear (elongation), %, max. - - 0.4 0.4
Oil consumption, g/test, max. - - 7000 7000
Soot, %, max. - - 4.0 - 7.0 3.0 - 6.0
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. - - 100 100

DETROIT Fluids Specification (DFS)
Specifications 93K214 93K215 93K218 93K222 / 93K223
Caterpillar 1K or 1N (ASTM D6750) 1K (1N) (10) 1K 1N 1N
Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3 1/2/3
Weighted total demerits (WDN), max. 332 (286) 332 / 347 / 353 286.2 / 311.7 / 323.0 286.2 / 311.7 / 323.0
Top groove fill (TGF), %, max. 24 ( 20) 24 / 27 / 29 20 / 23 / 25 20 / 23 / 25
Top land heavy carbon (TLHC), %, max. 4 (3) 4/5/5 3/4/5 3/4/5
Oil consumption, 0-252 h, avg., g/kW-h, max. 0.5 (0.5) 0.5 / 0.5 / 0.5 0.5 0.55 / 0.54 / 0.54
Oil consumption, 0-252 h, g/MJ, max. - - - 0.15 / 0.15 / 0.15
Piston ring sticking and liner scuffing None (None) None None None
Caterpillar 1R (ASTM D6923), 1P (ASTM D6681) 1R 1P
Run number 1/2/3 - -
Weighted total demerits (WDR), max. 382 350 / 378 / 390 - -
Top groove carbon fill (TGC), %, max. 52 36 / 39 / 41 - -
Top land carbon (TLC), %, max. 31 40 / 46 / 49 - -
Average oil consumption, g/h, max. - 14.4 / 14.6 / 14.6 - -
Initial, 0-252 h, g/h, max. 13.1 - - -
Final, 432-504 h, g/h, max. Initial + 1.8 - - -
Piston ring and liner scuffing None None - -
Caterpillar C13 (ASTM D7549) Run number 1/2/3
Merit rating, min. - - 1000 1000 / 1000 / 1000
Hot stuck piston rings - - None None
Top land carbon (TLC) - - Rate & report Rate & report
Top groove carbon (TGC) - - Rate & report Rate & report
Cummins M11 EGR (ASTM D6975) (11)

Crossshead total weight loss at 4.6% avg. soot, mg, max. 20.0 - - -
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. 175 - - -
Oil filter ∆P at 250 h, kPa, max. 275 - - -
Engine sludge, avg., CRC merits, min. 7.80 - - -
Cummins M11 (ASTM RR: DO2 1439) Run number 1/2/3
Crossshead weight loss, mg, max. - 6.5 / 7.5 / 8.0 - -
Oil filter ∆P at end-of-test, kPa, max. - 79 / 93 / 100 - -
Sludge rating, merits, min. - 8.7 / 8.6 / 8.5 - -

DETROIT Fluids Specification (DFS)
Specifications 93K214 93K215 93K218 93K222 / 93K223
Cummins ISM (ASTM D7468) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Merit rating, min. - - 1000 1000
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. - - 100 / 100 / 100 100 / 100 / 100
Crosshead weight loss, avg., mg - - Rate & report Rate & report
Cummins ISB (ASTM D7484) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Slider tappet weight loss, mg , avg., max. - - 100 / 108 / 112 100 / 108 / 112
Cam lobe wear, µm, avg., max. - - 55 / 59 / 61 55 / 59 / 61
Crosshead weight loss, avg., mg - - Rate & report Rate & report
Mack T-8E (ASTM D5967) Run number 1/2/3
Relative viscosity at 100°C at 4.8% soot, max. - 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 - -
Viscosity increase at 100°C at 3.8% soot, mm2/s, max. - 11.5 / 12.5 / 13 - -
Mack T-10 (ASTM D6987) Run number 1/2/3
Merit rating, min. 1000 1000 - -
Liner wear, avg., µm, max. 32 32 / 34 / 35 - -
Top ring weight loss, avg., mg, max. 158 150 / 159 / 163 - -
EOT used oil / new oil lead content, ppm, max. 35 50 / 56 / 59 - -
Lead increase from 250 to 300 h, ppm, max. 14 - - -
Oil consumption, avg., g/h, max. 65 65 - -
Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C from 90 pass sheared (ASTM D6278 mod.)
6.00 - - -
new oil as interpolated from 2 data points, %, min.
TGA soot at 4.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - - 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3
TGA soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - - 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9
TGA soot at 15.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - - 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5

DETROIT Fluids Specification (DFS)
Specifications 93K214 93K215 93K218 93K222 / 93K223
Mack T-12 (ASTM D7422) Run number 1/2/3
Merit rating, min. - - 1000 -
Top ring mass loss, mg, max. 105 / 105 / 105
Cylinder liner wear, µm, max. 24.0 / 24.0 / 24.0
Mack T-13 (ASTM D8048) Run number 1/2/3
IR peak at EOT, Abs., cm-1 - - - 80 / 80 / 80
Kinematic viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. - - - 50 / 50 / 50
Average oil consumption, 48 h - 192 h, g/h, max. - - - Report
DD13 Scuffing test (WK53775)
Hours-to-Scuff, h, min. - - - 31

(1) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
(2) According to ASTM D7216.
(3) According to CEC L-39-96.
(4) Option A is allowed.
(5) Either the Sequence IIIF of Sequence IIIG requirement shall be met.
(6) Requirement can be satisfied by submitting MB 228.3 approval documentation and information relating the candidate formulation and that tested.
(7) Requirements for the OM 501 LA and/or the OM 646DE22LA engine tests may be satisfied by a MB trading approval for MB 228.31 or 228.51 on the candidate formulation.
(8) Only for xW-30 or 0W-40: Evaluation of bearing wear in an OM 501 LA engine with new crankshaft and premeasured bearings is required. Rerating by Daimler at TP/PHC.
(9) The worst result (outlier result) will be replaced by the second worst to calculate the average to control outliers.
(10) Requirement can be satisfied with passing result from either Caterpillar 1K or 1N test.
(11) M11 EGR tests ending after March 1, 2003 may not be used to satisfy this requirement. The Mack T10 (ASTM D6981) Top Ring Weight Loss max. limit of 140 mg then applies.
DEUTZ lubricating oil Quality Classes (DQC)
DQC I-02: Minimum oil quality, some shorter oil change intervals.

DQC II-18: Engine oil, usually used in engines with open crankcase ventilation.

DQC III-18: Standard quality, high performance diesel engine oils, for use in engines with closed crankcase ventilation and/or with high thermal loads.

DQC IV-18: Ultra high performance diesel engine oils for engines with the highest levels of output, with closed crankcase ventilation and/or with the highest thermal loads and the highest requirement for piston cleanliness (suitable for
TTCD steel piston engines).

DQC II-18 LA: Low ash engine oil, usually used in engines with open crankcase ventilation.

DQC III-18 LA: Low ash high performance diesel and gas engine oil, standard quality, for use in engines with closed crankcase ventilation and/or with high thermal loads.

DQC IV-18 LA: Low ash ultra high performance diesel and gas engine oil for engines with the highest levels of output, with closed crankcase ventilation and/or with the highest thermal loads and very high requirements for piston
cleanliness (suitable for TTCD steel piston engines) and extended oil change intervals.

Specifications DQC I-02 DQC II-18 DQC II-18 LA DQC III-18 DQC III-18 LA DQC IV-18 DQC IV-18 LA
CEA E3-96, E4-16,
E5-02, E7-16, API
ACEA E2-96, ACEA E6-16, ACEA E4-16, ACEA E6-16,
ACEA performance level CG-4, CH-4, CI-4, ACEA E7-16 (1) ACEA E9-16 (1)
API CF, or CF-4 E9-16, or API CJ-4 E7-16 (1) E9-16 (1)
or DHD-1
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) xW-30, xW-40, 15W-50, 20W-50 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15) xW-30, xW-40 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15) xW-30, xW-40 (x = 0, 5, 10)
Laboratory Tests
Density at 15°C (DIN ISO EN 12185, DIN 51757, ASTM D4052) Report Report Report
Viscosity at 40°C (DIN EN ISO 3104, DIN 51562-1, ASTM D445), mm2/s Report Report Report
at 100°C Report Report Report
HTHS viscosity at 150°C (CEC L-36-90), mPa.s, min. 3.5 3.5 3.5
at 100°C Report Report Report
Viscosity index (VI) (DIN ISO 2209, ASTM D2270) Report Report Report

DEUTZ lubricating oil Quality Classes (DQC)
Specifications DQC I-02 DQC II-18 DQC II-18 LA DQC III-18 DQC III-18 LA DQC IV-18 DQC IV-18 LA
Shear stability (CEC L-14-93, ASTM D6278, D7109)
Viscosity at 100°C after 30 cycles shear (ASTM D445), mm2/s Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade
Viscosity at 100°C after 90 cycles shear (ASTM D445), mm2/s Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade
Low temperature pumping viscosity (ASTM D4684, CEC L-105-12), mPa.s, max. according to SAE J300 according to SAE J300 according to SAE J300
Low temperature cranking viscosity (DIN 51377, ASTM D5293), mPa.s Report Report Report
Evaporative loss (Noack) (CEC L-40-93, DIN 51581-13), %, max. as ACEA or API 12 11
TAN (DIN EN 12634, ASTM D664), mg/KOH/g Report Report Report
TBN (DIN ISO 3771, ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. as ACEA or API 9 7 12 7
Sulfated ash (DIN 51575, ASTM D874), % m/m, max. as ACEA or API; DQC II-18 LA: ≤ 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0
Ca, Mg, Zn, Mo, Bo, Na, Si, K (DIN 51391-2, -3, 51399-1, -2, 51443-2 (Bo), ASTM D4951) Report Report Report
Chlorine (DIN ISO 15597, ASTM D6443), % m/m, max. 0.015 0.015 0.015
Phosphorus (DIN 51399-1, -2, ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. Report Report 0.12 Report 0.08
Sulfur (DIN 51399-1, -2, DIN EN ISO 14596, 16591, ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. Report Report 0.4 Report 0.3
Flash point (COC) (DIN EN ISO 2592, ASTM D92), °C, min. Report Report Report
Pourpoint (DIN ISO 3016, ASTM D97), °C, max. Report Report Report
Oxidation induction time (PDSC) (CEC L-85-99), min, min. as ACEA or API 70 70 70 (2) / 110 (3) 70
Oil oxidation with biodiesel, CEC L-109-14
Oxidation increase after 168 h, A/cm, max. - 120 90 90 80
Kinematic viscosity increase at 100°C after 168 h, %, max. - 300 150 130 130
Corrosion (HTCBT) (ASTM D6594)
Copper, ppm increase, max. as ACEA or API 20 20
Lead, ppm increase, max. as ACEA or API 90 70
Copper strip rating (ASTM D130), max. as ACEA or API 3 3
Elastomer compatibility (CEC-L-116-16) (2) according to ACEA according to ACEA according to ACEA
Foaming tendency (ASTM D892) (No option A), ml, max. as ACEA or API according to ACEA according to ACEA
High temp foaming tendency (ASTM D6082), ml, max. as ACEA or API according to ACEA according to ACEA
Turbocharger deposits (DIN 51535), mg, max. - 110 90 (5)

DEUTZ lubricating oil Quality Classes (DQC)
Specifications DQC III-10 DQC III-10 LA DQC IV-10 DQC IV-10 LA
Engine Tests
OM 646 LA (CEC-L-99-A-08)
Cam wear outlet, average, µm, max. 140 120
Cam wear inlet, average, µm, max. 110 100
Cylinder wear, average, µm, max. 5.0 5.0
Bore polishing, %, max. 3.5 3.0
Tappet wear, inlet Rate & report Rate & report
Tappet wear, outlet Rate & report Rate & report
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. 100 100
Oil consumption, target value, kg/test, max. 7 7
Mack T-8E (ASTM D5967) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Relative viscosity at 4.8% soot (300 h), %, max. 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3
Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156), alternative to Mack T-8E
Minimum TGA soot at 4.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, max. - 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3 -
Minimum TGA soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, max. 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9
Minimum TGA soot at 15.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, max. - 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5 -
OM 501 LA (CEC L-101-08)
Bore polishing, avg., %, max. 2.0 1.0
Piston cleanliness, avg., merit, min. 17 30
Turbocharger deposits, demerit, max. Rate & report Rate & report
Oil consumption, kg/test, max. 9 9
Sludge, avg., merit, min. Rate & report Rate & report
Wear (visual), avg., demerit, max. Rate & report Rate & report
Total deposits, avg., demerit, max. Rate & report Rate & report
Cylinder wear, µm, max. Rate & report Rate & report
Ring sticking piston ring 2, ASF, max. Rate & report Rate & report
Cummins ISM (ASTM D7468)
Rocker pad weight loss at 3.9% soot, avg., mg, max. 7.5 7.1 7.5 7.1
Oil filter ∆P at 150 h, kPa, max. 55 19 55 19
Engine sludge, avg., merit, min. 8.1 8.7 8.1 8.7
Adjusting screw weight loss, mg, max. - 49 - 49

DEUTZ lubricating oil Quality Classes (DQC)
Specifications DQC III-18 DQC III-18 LA DQC IV-18 DQC IV-18 LA
Mack T-12 (ASTM D7422), alternative to Volvo T-13 for DQC III-18 LA
Merit rating, min. 1150 (6)
1150 (6) / 1200 (7) 1300 (6) Volvo T-13
Liner wear, avg., µm, max. 26 26 24 mandatory
Top ring weight loss, avg., mg, max. 117 105 117
Lead end-of-test, mg/kg, max. 42 35 42
∆ lead 250-300 h, mg/kg, max. 18 15 18
Oil consumption (phase II), g/h, max. 95 85 95
Volvo T-13 (ASTM D8048), alternative to Mack T-12 for DQC III-18 and DQC IV-18
FTIR Oxidation peak height at EoT, abs., max. 125 125 125 80
Viscosity increase at 40°C (300-360 h), %, max. 75 75 75 50
Nitration Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
∆ lead Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oil consumption, avg. 48-192 h, g/h, max. 40 40 40 40
OM 646 LA Bio (CEC L-104-16)
Piston cleanliness, avg., merit, min. - RL255 + 2 - RL255 + 4
Ring sticking, ASF - Rate & report - Rate & report
Sludge, avg. - Rate & report - Rate & report

(1) DEUTZ requirements may be higher than the ACEA specification.
(2) If Mack T-12 engine test is used.
(3) If Volvo T-13 engine test is used instead of Mack T-12 engine test.
(4) Alternative CEC L-39-T-96 (Use either the most recent complete Daimler requirements +RE3, or complete requirements + Daimler requirements for AEM).
(5) Variation of DIN 51535: Calibration with RL 206 and FES T-XH5-12.
(6) Merit calculation as per API CI-4.
(7) Merit calculation as per API CJ-4.
FIAT service fill engine oil specifications, conventional SAPS

FIAT 9.55535 Specifications G1 G2 M2 N1 N2 Z2

MS-12991 (only for spark
Chrysler equivalent MS-50081 - MS-12991 - (only SAE 5W-40
ignition engines)
for NAFTA)
Service fill engine oil - Service fill engine oil - Service fill engine oil - Service fill engine oil - Service fill engine oil - Service fill engine oil -
Long Life - Low HTHS Long Life - Low HTHS Long Life - High HTHS Low HTHS Long Life - High HTHS High HTHS
“Long drain” oils for
Energy saving oils for Standard oils for spark “Long drain” oils for
“Long drain” oils for spark Energy saving oil for spark ignition and Diesel
Description spark ignition engines and ignition engines and spark ignition and Diesel
ignition engines Diesel engines engines with high features
ethanol blended gasoline ethanol blended gasoline engines
Fuel type Gasoline & Ethanol Gasoline & Ethanol Gasoline (& Diesel) Diesel Diesel & Gasoline Diesel & Gasoline
Worldwide, minimum
Main region Latin America Latin America (Brazil) - India Europe & North America
ACEA, API, or ILSAC required level A1/B1 -12
A3/B4 -12 A3/B4 -12 A5/B5 -12 A3/B4 -12 A3/B4 -12
Acceptable SAE Grades 5W-30 5W-40 0W/5W-40 5W-30 0/5W-40 0/5W-40
Laboratory tests (on fresh oil)
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-036-A-90), mPa.s ≥ 2.9 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.9 and ≤ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5
Noack (CEC L-40-A-93), % (m/m), max. 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 8.0
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Sulfur (DIN 51 400), % (m/m), max. 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % (m/m), max. 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Molybdenum (ASTM D4951), ppm 150-300 150-300 - - - 50-150
Oxidation stability (PDSC), (CEC L-085-99), min. ≥ 80 ≥ 80 - - - ≥ 120
According to latest ACEA According to latest ACEA According to latest ACEA According to latest ACEA According to latest ACEA According to latest ACEA
Oil-elastomers compatibility
oil sequence above oil sequence above oil sequence above oil sequence above oil sequence above oil sequence above
Physical and chemical data (FPT MEC031) Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report
FIAT engine tests
M756 - 1.3 M-JET2 M756 - 1.3 M-JET2 M758 - 1.3 M-JET
Aeration test (LP.MEC100) (2015) - - -
4V E5 95hp 4V E5 95hp 4V E6b 95hp
Air content , %, max.
- - - 10.0 10.0 10.0
M756 - 1.3 M-JET2 M756 - 1.3 M-JET2 M758 - 1.3 M-JET
Turbocharger test (LP. DUR114) (2017) - - -
4V E5 95hp 4V E5 95hp 4V E6b 95hp
Air temperature variation, %, max. - - - 5 5 5
Total deposit, g, max. - - - 1 1 1

(1) After oil temperature stabilization at 130°C and 4500 rpm.
FIAT service fill engine oil specifications, mid-SAPS
FIAT 9.55535 Specifications S1 S2 S3 S4 T2 DS1 DSX DM1 D3 GH2 GS1 GSX CR1
Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Other requirements Standard
FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1) FPT 07988 (1)
FPT 07988 (1)
Service fill Service fill Service fill
Service Fill Service Fill Service Fill Service Fill Service fill Service fill Service fill en- Service fill Service fill
engine oil engine oil engine oil Service fill
Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil engine oil engine oil gine oil - Long engine oil engine oil
Application - Mid SAPS - Mid SAPS - Mid SAPS engine oil -
- Mid SAPS - - Mid SAPS - - Mid SAPS - - Low SAPS - - Mid SAPS - - Mid SAPS - Life - High - Mid SAPS - - Mid SAPS -
- High HTHS - - Very Low - High HTHS - Low HTHS
Very High Very High
Energy saving “Mid-SAPS” Energy saving
energy saving energy saving “Mid-SAPS” Energy saving Very high
“Mid-SAPS” - High “Mid-SAPS” "Mid SAPS"
“Mid-SAPS” “Mid-SAPS” “Mid-SAPS” “Mid-SAPS” high perform “Mid-SAPS” energy Energy saving
oils for “Low-SAPS” performance oils specific oils for Heavy
oils for spark oils for spark oils specific oils specific / “long drain” oils for saving oils oils for spark
Description Diesel engines oils for Diesel oils for spark for EURO 6 Diesel and
ignition ignition and for EURO 6 for EURO 6 oils for spark EURO 6 for EURO 6 ignition
Specific for engines ignition and Diesel with Light Trucks
engines Diesel engines Diesel with Diesel with ignition spark ignition spark ignition engines
high features CNG-LPG high features with DPF
high features high features engines engines engines
turbochargers engines turbo
turbo turbo
Diesel &
Fuel type Diesel Gasoline Diesel CNG & LPG Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline
(Euro 5) North
Main region Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe
India & Brazil America
(Euro 4)
API SN and API SN and
ACEA, API, or ILSAC required level C1 or C2-12 C3-12 C3-12 C4-12 C3-12 C2-12 C5-16 C5-16 API CJ-4 / SM C3-12 C2-12
Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler
Other requirements - - RN 0720 - - - - - - -
MS-11106 MS-10902 MS-6395
5W-40 / 0W/5W/
Acceptable SAE grades 5W-30 0W/5W-40 5W-30 5W-30 0W/5W-40 0W-30 0W-20 0W-20 5W-40 0W-30 0W-20
10W-50 10W-20/30
Laboratory tests (on fresh oil)
HTHS viscosity (CEC L- ≥ 2.9 and
≥ 2.9 and ≤ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.8 and ≤ 2.9 ≥ 2.6 and ≤ 2.9 - ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.9 and ≤ 3.5 ≥ 2.6 and ≤ 2.9 -
036-A-90), mPa.s < 3.5
HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683), ≥ 2.6 for xW-20
- - - - - - - - ≥ 3.5 - - -
mPa.s ≥ 2.9 for xW-30
HTHS after shear (30 pass) ≥ 2.3 for xW-20
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(ASTM D6278), mPa.s ≥ 2.6 for xW-30
≤ 40000 at
-40°C for 0W-xx
Borderline pumping viscosity ≤ 40000 at
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(ASTM D4684A), mPa.s -35°C for 5W-xx
≤ 50000 at
-30°C for 10W-xx
Noack (CEC L-40-A-93), % (m/m),
11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 13.0 8.0 11.0 11.0 -
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 9.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 10.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 -
Sulfur (DIN 51 400), % (m/m), max. - - - - - - - - - 0.30 - - -
Sulfur (ASTM D5185), % (m/m), max. 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.40 - 0.30 0.50 -

FIAT service fill engine oil specifications, mid-SAPS
FIAT 9.55535 Specifications S1 S2 S3 S4 T2 DS1 DSX DM1 D3 GH2 GS1 GSX CR1
Phosphorus (ASTM D5185),
0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 - 0.090 0.090 0.080 -
% (m/m), max.
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874),
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 -
% (m/m), max.
Molybdenum (ASTM D4951), ppm - - - - - - - 450-550 - - - 150-300 -
Oxidation stability (PDSC),
- - - - 120 100 100 100 - 120 100 100 -
(CEC L-085-99), min.
Flash point (ASTM D92A), °C - - - - - - - - - - - - 200
According to According to According to According to According to According to According to According to According to According to According to According to
latest ACEA latest ACEA latest ACEA latest ACEA latest ACEA latest ACEA latest ACEA latest ACEA API CJ-4 / latest ACEA latest ACEA latest ACEA According to
Oil-elastomers compatibility
oil sequence oil sequence oil sequence oil sequence oil sequence oil sequence oil sequence oil sequence SM and MS- oil sequence oil sequence oil sequence MS-6395
above above above above above above above above 10902 above above above
Physical and chemical data
Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report
(FPT MEC031)
FIAT engine tests
M756 - M756 - M758 - M758 - M758 - M062 - M062 -
Aeration test
1.3 M-JET2 4V - 1.3 M-JET2 4V - - 1.3 M-JET 4V 1.3 M-JET 4V 1.3 M-JET 4V - - 1.0 Twinair 1.0 Twinair -
(LP.MEC100) (2015)
E5 95hp E5 95hp E6b 95hp E6b 95hp E6b 95hp NA 65hp NA 65hp
Air content , %, max
10.0 - 10.0 - - 10.0 10.0 10.0 - - ≤ 10.0 ≤ 10.0 -
M756 - M756 - M758 - M758 - M758 -
Turbocharger test
1.3 M-JET2 4V - 1.3 M-JET2 4V - - 1.3 M-JET 4V 1.3 M-JET 4V 1.3 M-JET 4V - - - - -
(LP.DUR114) (2017)
E5 95hp E5 95hp E6b 95hp E6b 95hp E6b 95hp
Air temperature variation, %, max 5 - 5 - - 5 (3)
5 (3)
5 (3)
- - - - -
Total deposit at 300h, g 1 - 1 - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - - - -
M735 - M735 - M735 -
Accelerated DPF test
- - - - - 1.6 M-Jet2 1.6 M-Jet2 1.6 M-Jet2 - - - - -
(FPT DUR017)
4V E5 120hp 4V E5 120hp 4V E5 120hp
Total oil consumption, kg/test - - - - - Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report - - - - -
Engine oil analysis: - - -
Soot (DIN 51452), wt% - - - - - Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report - - - - -
TBN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g - - - - - Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report - - - - -
Viscosity increase at 40°C (ASTM
- - - - - Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report - - - - -
D445), %
Fe content (suitable method
- - - - - Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report - - - - -
to be declared), ppm
Pb content (suitable method
- - - - - Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report - - - - -
to be declared), ppm

FIAT service fill engine oil specifications, mid-SAPS
FIAT 9.55535 Specifications S1 S2 S3 S4 T2 DS1 DSX DM1 D3 GH2 GS1 GSX CR1
Engine wear: - - -
Rod bearing loss average
- - - - - ≤6 ≤6 ≤6 - - - - -
top, µm
Main bearing loss average
- - - - - ≤4 ≤4 ≤4 - - - - -
bottom, µm
Cam profile max wear
- - - - - ≤ 20 ≤ 20 ≤ 20 - - - - -
(h max), µm
Cam profile maw wear
- - - - - ≤5 ≤5 ≤5 - - - - -
(base radius), µm
Camshaft max wear, µm - - - - - ≤7 ≤7 ≤7 - - - - -
Engine cleanliness rate
- - -
(CEC M-02-A-78):
Ring sticking, merit - - - - - ≥ 8.5 ≥ 8.5 ≥ 8.5 - - - - -
Varnish average, merit - - - - - ≥ 3.0 ≥ 3.0 ≥ 3.0 - - - - -
M735 - M735 -
NEDC simulation (CAL006) - - - - - 1.6 M-Jet2 1.6 M-Jet2 - - - - - -
4V E5 120hp 4V E5 120hp
FC reduction vs. Ref 5W-30
- - - - - 1.0 (tbc) 1.0 (tbc) - - - - - -
(TD6200510), %, min
M735 -
Fuel economy test
- - - - - - - 1.6 M-Jet2 - - - - -
4V E5 120hp
Fuel consumption reduction vs
- - - - - - - 1.8 - - - - -
Ref 0W-30, %, min.

(1) For FDR on first application complete qualification procedure is needed ( Standard FPT 07988).
(2) After oil temperature stabilization at 130°C and 4500 rpm.
(3) Engine intake air temperature 20°C +/- 2°C.
FPT Engine Oil Requirements

Recommended Engine Oil Quality

Engine family Oil Drain Interval
Euro 5, IV, V 5W-30, - - - - Light + medium duty: 40000 km, 2 yrs, 800 h
Family 1 (Daily)
Euro 5, VI 0W-30 - - - - Heavy duty: 20000 km, 1 yr
Euro IV, V - 5W-30 15W-40 - - Light duty: 80000 km; Medium duty: 60000 km
Tector (Eurocargo)
Euro VI - - - 5W-30 10W-40 Heavy duty: 40000 km, 1 yr (1), 800 h
ACEA E4: 100000 km, 1 yr
CURSOR 8 (Stralis) Euro IV, V - 5W-30 15W-40 - -
ACEA E7: 80000 km
ACEA E6: 100000 km, 1 yr, 2000 h
CURSOR 9 (Stralis) Euro VI - - - 5W-30 10W-40
ACEA E9: 80000 km
ACEA E4: 150000 km, 1 yr
CURSOR 10, 13 (Stralis) Euro IV, V - 5W-30 15W-40 - -
ACEA E7: 100000 km
5W-30, ACEA E6: 150000 km, 1.5 yr
CURSOR 11, 13 (Stralis) Euro VI - - - 10W-40
0W-20 (2) ACEA E9: 100000 km, 1 yr

(1) ACEA E6: 1.5 yr.
(2) Exclusively PLI Urania SAE 0W-20.
FORD MOTOR COMPANY active Ford engine oil specifications
M2C960-A1 (5W-20)
M2C945-A (5W-20)
WSS FORD M2C929-A (5W-30) M2C961-A1 (5W-30)
M2C950-A M2C948-B M2C913-D M2C913-C M2C925-B M2C917-A M2C946-A (5W-30) M2C171-F1 M2C214-B1
Specifications M2C930-A (5W-20) M2C962-A1 (0W-20)
M2C947-A (0W-20)
M2C963-A1 (0W-30)
Initial / Initial for 929 = Service / Initial / Initial /
Fill type Service (3) Service Initial / Service Service Initial / Service Initial / Service
Service Diesels / Service 930 = initial Service Service
All Diesels World- All Diesels World-
New MY
wide (except wide where fuel
2015 Transit, Ford Ka,
Gasoline world- where M2C950-A Sulfer level is
Mondeo and Gasoline Consult
Application wide excl. North is specified) ≤ 300 ppm. (1) Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Diesel
Focus with (Fuel Economy) Ford for
America Allowed for Allowed for
new 2.0 Diesel requirements
Gasoline in some Gasoline in some
markets markets
Diesel & Diesel & gasoline Diesel &
Fuel type Gasoline Diesel & Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Diesel
Gasoline (max 300 ppm S) Gasoline
Worldwide, excl. Worldwide, excl. Worldwide, excl. Scheduled to be Scheduled to be US + Mexico + Latin US + Mexico + Latin
Main region excl. North Europe US US
North America North America North America phased out phased out Amerika + China Amerika + China
ILSAC or API and ACEA C2 -12 without C2-12 without
A5/B5 -10 A5/B5 -08 A5/B5 -08 (2) C3 -08 GF-4 GF-5 GF-6 API CK-4 API FA-4
required level M111FE M111FE
0W-20 / 0W-30 / According According
Acceptable SAE Grades 0W-30 5W-20 5W-30 5W-30 5W-20 5W-40 5W-30 / 5W-20 5W-30 / 5W-20
5W-20 / 5W-30 to API CK-4 to API FA-4
HTHS viscosity
≥ 2.9 & < 3.5 ≥ 2.6 & < 2.9 ≥ 2.9 & < 3.5 ≥ 2.9 & < 3.5 ≥ 2.9 & < 3.5 - - According SAE J300 According SAE J300 > 3.5 ≥ 2.9 & ≤ 3.2
(CEC L-036-90), mPa.s
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-036-
90 after CEC L-014-88 or 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.6 - - - - - -
ASTM D6278), mPa.s, min.
Shear stability
≥6.5 for XW-20
(CEC L-014-93 or ASTM Stay in grade ≥ 6.8 - < 9.3 9.3 - <12.5 9.3 - <12.5 ≥ 6.8 - < 9.3 - - - - -
≥6.5 for XW-30
D6278), kin. viscosity, mm2/s
Noack, (ASTM D5800),
13 13 13 13 13 - 15 15 15 13 13
%, max.
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874),
0.8 0.8 1.3 1.3 1.3 - - - - - -
% m/m, max.
Phosphorus (ASTM D4951),
≥ 0.06 & ≤ 0.09 ≥ 0.06 & ≤ 0.08 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.1 - ≤ 0.08 ≥ 0.06 & ≤ 0.08 ≥ 0.06 & ≤ 0.08 ≥ 0.10 & ≤ 0.12 ≤ 0.12
% m/m
Sulfur (ASTM D4951, or
0.3 0.3 Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4
ASTM D5453), max.
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg
7.0 7.5 10.0 8.0 8.5 - - - - - -
KOH/g, min.
Copper corrosion
1b 1b 1b 1b 1b - 1b 1b - - -
(ASTM D130), rating, max.
Gelation index
12 12 12 12 12 - 12 12 12 - -
(ASTM D5133), max.

FORD MOTOR COMPANY active Ford engine oil specifications
M2C960-A1 (5W-20)
M2C945-A (5W-20)
WSS FORD M2C929-A (5W-30) M2C961-A1 (5W-30)
M2C950-A M2C948-B M2C913-D M2C913-C M2C925-B M2C917-A M2C946-A (5W-30) M2C171-F1 M2C214-B1
Specifications M2C930-A (5W-20) M2C962-A1 (0W-20)
M2C947-A (0W-20)
M2C963-A1 (0W-30)
Initial / Initial for 929 = Service / Initial / Initial /
Fill type Service (3) Service Initial / Service Service Initial / Service Initial / Service
Service Diesels / Service 930 = initial Service Service
35 35 35 35 35 - 30 35 - - -
high temp. dep., mg, max.
Ball rust test (ASTM D6557),
100 100 100 100 100 - 100 100 100 - -
average grey value, min.
Daimler biodiesel oxidation
test, average of 3 runs, 35 - 50 - - - - - - - -
A/cm, max.
EOT Sample must
show no yield stress.
D4684 below SAE
Aged oil low temp viscosity, J300. If CCS used
Seq. IIIGA or ROBO ≤ CCS grade then run
≤ 60000 ≤ 60000 MRV TP-1 at original - - - - - - - -
(ASTM D7528 or D7320), grade if CCS used
mPa.s ≥ max original grade
then run
MRV TP-1 at next
higher grade.
Ford timing belt compatibility
Pass (4) Pass (4) Pass (4) - - - - - - - -
(CEC-L-039-96 procedure)
M111 fuel economy (CEC L-054-
- - ≥ 3.0 ≥ 3.0 ≥ 3.3 - - - - - -
96), average of 3 tests, %
> 0.6% > 0.7%
Ford gasoline fuel economy vs 5W-20 vs 5W-20
- - - - - - - - -
test at ISP, % WSS M2C925-B WSS M2C925-B
Ref Oil Ref Oil
> 0.75%
Ford diesel fuel economy vs 5W-30
- - - - - - - - - -
test at ISP, % WSS M2C913-D
Ref Oil
Ford gasoline durability
- - - - - - - - - - -
test at ISP
Ford diesel test for chain
Pass - Pass - - - - - - - -
wear at ISP
Ford valve train wear test - Pass (5) -

(1) Can be used in regions with higher S fuel levels up to 3000 ppm, but with reduced drain interval.
(2) ACEA A5/B5 quality, but in 5W-20 viscosity grade.
(3) For Initial Fill M2C948-A is used. This spec has the Seq. VID added.
(4) Please refer to chapter “ Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
(4) F ord valve train wear test in development. Preliinary approval may be granted based on a) previously licensed CJ-4 formulation that is also licensable to CK-4;
b) previously licensed CJ-4 oil with an antioxidant boost to pass the T-13 test that also licensable to CK-4; c) vehicles testing conducted on F-Series 6.7L Super Duty Vehicle(s).
GM engine oil specifications
Specifications dexos1 tm dexos1 tm
gen 2 dexos2 tm
Factory Fill: Gasoline worldwide Factory Fill: Diesel worldwide
Application Service Fill: Gasoline excluding European region (incl. E85, CNG, LPG) Service Fill: Diesel worldwide and
Service Fill: Gasoline excluding European region Gasoline in European region
Laboratory tests
SAE viscosity grade, Service Fill, SAE J300 0/5W-20/30 0/5W-16/20/30 0/5W-30/40
SAE viscosity grade, Factory Fill, SAE J300 0/5W-20/30 0/5W-16/20/30 5W-30, 0W-40
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-36-A-90 or ASTM D4741), mPa*s, min. xW-20: 2.6 / xW-30: 2.9 xW-16: 2.3 / xW-20: 2.6 / xW-30: 2.9 3.5
Low temperature cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293) Standard per SAE J300 Standard per SAE J300 Standard per SAE J300
Low temperaturep pumping viscosity (ASTM D4684)
At -40°C, ASTM D4684, mPa*s, no yield stress, max. - 0W-xx: 40000 / 5W-xx: Report -
At -35°C, ASTM D4684, mPa*s, no yield stress, max. - 0W-xx: Report / 5W-xx: 40000 -
At -30°C, ASTM D5133, mPa*s, no yield stress, max. - Rate & Report -
At -25°C, ASTM D5133, mPa*s, no yield stress, max. - Rate & Report -
At -20°C, ASTM D5133, mPa*s, no yield stress, max. - Rate & Report -
At -15°C, ASTM D5133, mPa*s, no yield stress, max. - Rate & Report -
Gelation index (ASTM D5133), mPa*s, max. - 12
Kinematic viscosity (DIN ISO 3104 / ASTM D445), mm2/s -
At 40°C Rate & Report Rate & Report
At 100°C - xW-16: ≥ 6.1 & < 8.2 Rate & Report
At 100°C xW-20: ≥ 6.9 & < 9.3 xW-20: ≥ 6.9 & < 9.3 -
At 100°C xW-30: ≥ 9.3 & < 12.5 xW-30: ≥ 9.3 & < 12.5 -
Shear stability (CEC L-14-A-93) xW-30: ≥ 9.3 & < 12.5 / xW-40 ≥ 12.5 & < 15.0
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, mm2/s, range - Stay within GM fresh oil limits
HTHS at 150°C, mPa*s, min. - xW-16: 2.1 / xW-20: 2.4 / xW-30: 2.7 -
Noack volatility (CEC L-40-A-93 / ASTM D5800), % loss (A method), max. 13.0% Avg of 3 consecutive runs: 13.0% -
Sulfated ash, (DIN 51 575 / ASTM D874), % m/m, max 1.0 1.0 13.0%
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 6.0 6.0 0.8
Chlorine (ISO 15597), mg/kg, max. 150 150 6.0
Phosphorus (DIN 51363-3/-2 or ASTM D4951), mg/kg, max. 850 850 150
Sulfur (DIN ISO 14596 or ASTM D2622), mg/kg, max. 4500 4500 ≥ 700 & ≤ 900
Corrosion performance (GMW16073), max. 0 (no corrosion) (1) - 3500

GM engine oil specifications
Specifications dexos1 tm dexos1 tm
gen 2 dexos2 tm
Foaming tendency option A (ASTM D892), ml, max., foaming / settling
Sequence I 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
Sequence II 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0
Sequence III 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
High temperature foaming (ASTM D6082), max. 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0
Ball rust test (ASTM D6557), average grey value, min. 100 100 100
Elastomer compatibility Elastomer type: Elastomer type: Elastomer type:
ACEA: CEC L-39-T-96 RE-1, RE-4 - RE-1, RE-4
SAE: ASTM D7216 SAE J2643: ACM-1, HNBR-1, VMQ-1 SAE J2643: ACM-1 (or ACM-2), HNBR-1, VMQ-1, FKM-2 SAE J2643: ACM-1, HNBR-1, VMQ-1
Engine tests, ACEA
High temperature deposits, ring sticking, oil thickening TU5JP-L4, (CEC-
L-088-02) (2)
Ring sticking (each part), merit, min. 9.0 9.0 9.0
Piston varnish (6 elements, average of 4 pistons), merit, min. RL 216 RL 216 RL 216
Absolute viscosity increase at 40°C between min and max values during test,
0.8 x RL 216 0.8 x RL 216 0.8 x RL 216
mm2/s, max.
Oil consumption, kg/test Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report
Low temperature sludge, Sequence VG (ASTM D6593-00) (2)
Average engine sludge, merit, min. 8.3 8.3 8.3
Rocker cover sludge, merit, min. 8.5 8.5 8.5
Average piston skirt varnish, merit, min. 7.5 7.5 7.5
Average engine varnish, merit, min. 8.9 8.9 8.9
Comp. ring (hot stuck) none none none
Oil screen clogging, %, max. 10 10 10
Valve train scuffing wear, TU3M (CEC-L-038-94) (2)
Cam wear, average, mm., max. 10 10 10
Cam wear, max., mm, max. 15 15 15
Pad merit (average of 8 pads), merit, min. 7.5 7.5 7.5

GM engine oil specifications
Specifications dexos1 tm dexos1 tm
gen 2 dexos2 tm
Black sludge, M271 (MB method) (3)
Engine sludge, average, merit, min. RL140 + 4∑ RL140 + 0.4 RL140 + 4∑
Fuel economy, M111 (CEC-L-054-96)
Fuel economy improvement vs.reference oil RL 191 (15W40), %, min. - - 2%
Medium temperature dispersivity, DV6 (CEC-L-106)
Absolute viscosity increase at 100°C and 5.5% soot, mm2/s, max. - - 0.9 x RL 248 result
Piston merit Rate & Report
Wear, OM646LA (CEC-L-099-08)
Cam wear outlet (average max.wear 8 cams), mm, max. - - 120
Cam wear inlet (average max.8 cams, μm, max. - - 100
Cylinder wear (average 4 cyl.), μm, max. - - 5.0
Bore polishing (13mm) (max of 4 cyl.), %, max. - - 3
Tappet wear inlet (average max.wear 8 cams) , mm. - - Rate & Report
Tappet outlet wear (average max.wear 8 cams), mm. - - Rate & Report
Piston cleanliness (average 4 pistons), merit. - - Rate & Report
Oil consumption, kg/test - - Rate & Report
Engine sludge avg., merit. - - Rate & Report
DI diesel piston cleanliness & ring sticking, VW TDI (CEC-L-078-99)
Piston deposits, merit, min. - - > RL 206 + Std Dev
Ring sticking, average 1st gr, ASF, max. - - 1.0
Ring sticking, max. 1st / 2nd gr, ASF, max. - - 1/0
End of test TBN, DIN 51639-1, mgKOH/g, min. - - Rate & report
End of test TAN, ASTM D664, max. - - Rate & report

GM engine oil specifications
Specifications dexos1 tm dexos1 tm
gen 2 dexos2 tm
Engine tests, API and GM
High temperature deposits, ring sticking, oil thickening,
Seq. IIIG / IIIGA (ASTM D7320) (4)
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 150 - 150
Weighted piston deposits, merit, min. 4.5 - 4.5
Ring sticking (hot stuck) None - None
Average cam + lifter wear, μm, max. 60 - 60
Oil consumption, l. Rate & Report - Rate & Report
Aged oil low temperature pumping viscosity (ASTM D4684), mPa*s Pass equal or next higher grade - Pass equal or next higher grade
Bearing corrosion, Sequence VIII (ASTM D6709)
Bearing weight loss, mg, max. 26 26 26
10 h stripped viscosity, mm2/s Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade
NEDC fuel economy gasoline (ISP T0384-2014)
Fuel economy improvement vs.reference oil, %, min. - xW-30: 0.5%, xW-20: 0.8%, xW-16: Report -
Fuel economy, Sequence VID (ASTM D7589) (5) xW-20 xW-30 xW-20 xW-30
FEI 2, %, min. 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.9 -
Sum of FEI, %, min. 2.6 1.9 2.6 1.9 -
GM oxidation and deposit test (GMW17043)
Viscosity increase at 100 h, %, max. - 100 -
Average weighted piston deposits, merit, min. - 5.2 -
Average groove 3 Deposits, merit, min. - 9.0 -
Average piston skirt varnish thrust side, merit, min. - 9.0 -
Average pistonskirt varnish anti-thrust side, merit, min. - 9.0 -
Hot stuck rings - none -
Oil consumption, l. - Rate & Report -
CCS viscosity (ASTM D5293), mPa*s - 0W-xx: Report at -35°C, 5W-xx: Report at -30°C -
Meet requirement of original grade or next higher
Low temperature pumping viscosity (ASTM D4684), mPa*s - -
grade depending CCS results
Phosphorus retention, %, min. - 79 -
GM aeration test (GMW17295), % Aeration
0.5 h to 1 h aeration - Rate & Report -
4 h to 5 h aeration - Rate & Report -
19 h to 20 h aeration - Rate & Report -
28 h to 29 h aeration - < GM Aeration reference oil 1 -
Maximum micro motion aeration - Rate & Report -

GM engine oil specifications
Specifications dexos1 tm dexos1 tm
gen 2 dexos2 tm
GM pre-ignation test (GMW17244)
≥ 3 of 5 consecutive tests with 0 peak pressure
Number of pre-ignition events in 5 runs, counts - events, no tests with more than 2 peak pressure -
GM turbo charger deposit test (GMW17299)
Turbo coolant out temperature increase, %, below - 13 -
Average weighted turbo deposits, merit - Rate & Report -
GM valve-train wear test (GMPTE-T DUR021, RNT method)
Cam wear max., nm/h, max. 5 5 5
Tappet wear max., nm/h, max. 2 2 2
GM aeration test (GMPTE-T MEC024)
Aeration rate of Candidate vs. Ref.Oil Candidate < Ref.Oil - Candidate < Ref.Oil
Max .difference in aeration of aged Candidate vs. Ref.Oil EOT candidate oil - Fresh Ref.Oil < +2 - EOT candidate oil - Fresh Ref.Oil < +2
Oil release test (gasoline), OP1 (GMPTE-T DUR020) (6)
Function test, oil pressure, bar Pass Pass Pass
Run-in oil consumption, g/h 15 - 39 15 - 39 15 - 39
Viscosity increase at 40°C (DIN ISO 3104), %, max. 130 130 130
TAN at EOT (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g, max. 8.0 8.0 8.0
Nitration at EOT (DIN 51 453), A/cm, max. 30 30 30
Oil release test (diesel) (GMPTE-T DUR019)
Piston ring clearance 1st ring (avg.), mm, max. - - 0.05
Piston ring clearance2nd ring (avg.), mm, max. - - 0.15
Piston ring clearance 3rd ring (avg.), mm, max. - - 0.08
Connecting rod bearing wear, μm, max. - - 3
Main bearing wear (avg.), μm, max. - - 3
Camshaft wear (avg.) μm, max. - - 10
Timing chain elongation, mm, max. - - 0.8
Duplex chain elongation, mm, max. - - 0.7
Balancer chain elongation, mm, max. - - 1.5
Pistin cleanliness, merit - - Rate & Report
Oil consumption, g/h, max. - - 15
Blow-by (max.), l/min., max. - - 50
Viscosity increase at 100°C and 2.5 wt% soot, mm2/s, max. - - 6.0

(1) For factory fill only. (4) GM does NOT accepts the ROBO test as replacement for the oil aging phase for the Sequence IIIGA test.
(2) TU5JP, Seq. VG, TU3M, M271 to be run as long as available. (5) Seq VID to be replaced by Seq VIE when available.
(3) M271 Sludge to be replaced by M271EVO when available. (6) OP1 test to be replaced by OP2 when available. 111
Jaguar Land Rover Limited engine oil specifications

JLR specifications - please contact JLR for information

MAN works standards
Specifications M 3275-1 / 2 M 3277 (1) M 3377 M 3477 M 3575 M 3677 M 3777 M 3977
ACEA E9 -08 and API ACEA E6 -16, API
ACEA / API performance level ACEA E7 -08
(Issue 2) ACEA E4 -08
(Issue 2) ACEA E4 -12 ACEA E6 -12 ACEA E6 -12 ACEA E6 -12
CJ-4 CK-4
M 3275-1: 5W-x,
0W-30, 5W-30, 0W-30, 5W-30,
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) 10W-x, 15W-x 0W-x, 5W-x, 10W-x 0W-x, 5W-x, 10W-x 0W-x, 5W-x, 10W-x xW-30, xW-40 0W-20, 5W-20
10W-30 10W-30
M 3275-2: 30, 40, 50
Laboratory tests
Colour - - - - - - - Green
Density at 15°C (DIN 51757), g/ml Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Viscosity at 40°C (DIN 51562-1) Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
at 100°C In acc. with DIN 51511 In acc. with DIN 51511 In acc. with DIN 51511 In acc. with DIN 51511 In acc. with DIN 51511 In acc. with DIN 51511 In acc. with DIN 51511 7.6-9.3
Viscosity index (DIN ISO 2909) - Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-36-A-90), mPa.s, min. 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.6-2.9
Shear stability (DIN EN ISO 20844) xW-30: 9, xW-40: 12
Viscosity at 100°C after 90 cycles shear 30, 40, 50:
xW-30: 9, xW-40: 12 xW-30: 9, xW-40: 12 xW-30: 9, xW-40: 12 xW-30: 9, xW-40: 12 Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade
(DIN 51562-1), mm2/s, min. Stay in grade
Evaporative loss (NOACK) (DIN 51581-1), %, max. 13 12 12 12 13 12 12 13
Flash point (COC) (DIN EN ISO 2592), °C, min. 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215
Pour point (DIN ISO 3016), °C, max. 10W-x: -30; 0W-x, 5W-x: -40; 0W-x, 5W-x: -40; 0W-x, 5W-x: -40; xW-30: -27; 10W-30: -30; 10W-30: -30; -40
15W-x: -27
30, 40, 50: - 10W-x: -30 10W-x: -30 10W-x: -30 xW-40: -30 0W-30, 5W-30: -40 0W-30, 5W-30: -40
TBN (DIN ISO 3771), mg KOH/g, min. Report Report Report 10 Report 10 10 10
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g, min. Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Metallic constituents (Calcium, magnesium, others)
Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
(DIN 51399-1)
Zinc (DIN 51399-1), % m/m, min. 0.08 Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Phosphorus (DIN 51399-1), % m/m, max. Report Report 0.11 0.08 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.08
Boron (DIN 51399-1), % m/m Report Report - Report Report Report Report Report
Nitrogen (additive) (calculated), % m/m Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Sulfated ash (DIN 51575), % m/m, max. 2.0 2.0 1.2 - 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Sulfur in finished oil (DIN EN ISO 14596)
- - 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3
(as additive only), % m/m, max.
Ethylen glycol (DIN 51375-2), % m/m, max. 0.05 0.05 0.05 Report 0.05 Report Report Report
Turbocharger and intercooler deposits
Report 120 120 100 Report 100 100 100
(MTV 5040) (DIN 51535), mg, max.

MAN works standards
Specifications M 3275-1 / 2 M 3277 (1) M 3377 M 3477 M 3575 M 3677 M 3777 M 3977
Oxidation stability (PDSC) (CEC L-85-99), min, min. - - 100 100 - 100 100 120
Foaming tendency (ASTM D892) (No option A)
Sequence I, II, III, ml, max. 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 50 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0
Sequence IV, ml, max. - - - - - - - 100 / 0
Elastomer compatibility (VDA 675 301, M 3273) (2) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Base oil blend analysis (M3353) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Engine tests
OM 501 LA (CEC L-101-08)
Piston merit, average, merit, min. 17.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 17.0 26.0 28.0 28.0
Wear rating (visual), average, demerit, max. 3.0 2.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Bore polishing, average, %, max. 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
General engine deposits, average, demerit, max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Cylinder wear, average, mm, max. 0.008 0.008 0.008 - 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008
Ring sticking, piston ring 2, ASF, max. 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Turbocharger deposits, demerit, max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 - 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Engine sludge, average, merit, min. 9.0 9.4 9.4 Rate & report 9.0 9.4 9.4 9.4
Specific oil consumption, kg/test, max. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
TBN at end-oftest, mg KOH/g Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TAN at end-of-test, mg KOH/g Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
OM 646 LA (CEC L-099-08)
Cam wear inlet (average max. 8 cams), µm, max. 110 100 100 - 110 100 100 100
Cam wear outlet (average max. wear 8 cams),
140 120 120 140 140 120 120 120
µm, max.
Cylinder wear (average 4 cyl.), µm, max. 5.0 5.0 5.0 - 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Bore polishing (13 mm) (max of 4 cyl.), %, max. 3.5 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0
Tappet wear inlet (average max. wear 8 cams),
Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
µm, max.
Tappet outlet wear (average max.wear 8 cams),
Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
µm, max.
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. 100 90 90 - 100 90 90 90
Oil consumption, kg/test, target value, max. 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 7

MAN works standards
Specifications M 3275-1 / 2 M 3277 (1) M 3377 M 3477 M 3575 M 3677 M 3777 M 3977
Mack T-13 (ASTM D8048)
IR Oxidation peak height at 360 h, A/cm, max. - - - - - - 80 80
KV40 increase (300 - 360 h), %, max. - - - - - - 50 50
Field test (M 3554)
Field test with three MAN trucks - - - - - Pass Pass Pass

(1) Approval of engine oils and additive packages will be dependent on the results in the test engines OM501LA and OM646LA. Alternatively, these two CEC tests may be replaced with the 400 h test in the MAN D2876 LF04 engine.
(2) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
(3) Test fuel in accordance with EN 590, but with a sulphur content <10 mg/kg and without addition of FAME. 
MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
Mono-/multigrade viscosities Multi Multi Multi Multi Multi Multi Multi Multi Multi Multi
5W-30, 0W-, 5W-30, 0W-, 5W-30, 0W-, 5W-30, 0W-, 5W-30, 0W-, 5W-30,
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) 0W-, 5W-X 0W-, 5W-30 0W-, 5W-30 0W-, 5W-20
0W-, 5W-, 0W-, 5W-40 10W-X 10W-X 10W-X 10W-X
Only 0W-/ Only 0W-/
SAE xW-30 and 0W-40 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
5W-30 5W-30
DBL, Read Across guidelines, ACEA, API, DDC
Related Daimler Liefervorschrift (DBL) 6615 6615 6615 6615 6615 6615 6615 6615 6615 6615
MB read across (5)
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Package pass (5) No No No No No No No No No No
ACEA Oil Sequences required If any ACEA Ax, Bx, Cx, Ex or Fx oil sequence is claimed all tests within this oil sequence are mandatory.
RN oil specification level, RN certificate is
RN0710 RN0720 - - - - - - - -
mandatory, validity acc. to RN certificate
Laboratory tests
Sulphated ash (DIN 51575 or ASTM D874),
≥ 0.7 & < 1.5 0.5 > 0.9 & ≤ 1.5 0.8 > 1.0 & ≤ 1.6 0.8 0.8 > 1.0 & ≤ 1.6 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8
% m/m, max
TBN (ASTM D2896), fresh oil, mg KOH/g, min. 8.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 10.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 7.5 7.5
TBN (ASTM D4739), fresh oil, mg KOH/g - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TAN (ASTM D664), fresh oil, mg KOH/g - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Density at 15°C (DIN 51757), kg/m3 - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Flash point (DIN EN ISO 2592, ASTM D92), °C - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Pour point (ISO 3016 or ASTM D97), °C, max. Rate & report Rate & report -27 -27 -27 -27 -36 -36 -39 -39
Evaporative loss (Noack)
12 11 13 12 10 10 10 10 10 11
(CEC L-40-93, ASTM 5800), %, max.
Kinematic viscosity (ASTM D445, DIN 51562-1),
KV at 40°C - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
KV at 100°C - - Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 ≥ 7.8
Viscosity at High Temperature and High Shear
(CEC L-36-90), mPa.s, min
HTHS at 100°C - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
HTHS at 150°C ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.9 & < 3.2 ≥ 2.9 & < 3.2 ≥ 2.6 & < 2.9

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
Shear stability (CEC L-14-93, ASTM D6278,
at 30 cycles at 30 cycles at 30 cycles at 30 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles
30 cycles / ASTM D7109, 90 cycles)
Kin. viscosity at 100°C after 30 / 90 cycles
Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade
shearing, mm2/s
Chemical elements
Zinc (DIN 51399 -1/2, ASTM D4951,
Rate & report Rate & report 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
ASTM D5185), % m/m, min.
Sulphur (DIN 51399 -1/2, ASTM D4951,
Rate & report 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3
ASTM D5185), % m/m, max.
Phosphorus (DIN 51399 -1/2, ASTM D4951,
Rate & report 0.9 0.05 - 0.11 0.05 - 0.09 0.05 - 0.11 0.05 - 0.09 0.05 - 0.09 0.07 - 0.11 0.07 - 0.09 0.07 - 0.09
ASTM D5185), % m/m, max.
Chlorine (DIN 51399-2, ASTM D6443), % m/m,
Rate & report Rate & report 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Calcium (DIN 51399-1/2, ASTM D4951,
- - 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3
ASTM D5185)
Magnesium (DIN 51399-1/2, ASTM D4951) - - 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3
Elements B, Ba, Mo, N, Si, % m/m - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Dielectric constant Ɛr of fresh oil
Temic oil sensor (DAI) test method at
- - 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5
20°C - 100°C, % m/m
Daimler oxidation test - fresh oil at 160°C
(Daimler oxidation test procedure)
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 168 h, mm2/s, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oxidation DIN 51453 at EOT 168 h, A/cm, max. - - 60 60 25 25 20 20 20 20
∆ kin. viscosity at 100°C, absolute, mm2/s, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
∆ kin. viscosity at 100°C, relative, %, max. - - 80 80 70 70 50 50 50 50

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
Daimler oxidation test - with fuel dilution
5% B100 at 160°C
(FAME from OM 646 Biodiesel test)
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 168 h, mm2/s, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oxidation at EOT 168 h, A/cm, max. (DIN 51453) - - 100 100 80 80 40 40 40 40
∆ kin. viscosity at 100°C, absolute, mm2/s, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
∆ kin. viscosity at 100°C, relative, %, max. - - 120 80 70 70 50 50 50 50
Oxidation test - with fuel dilution
7% B100 at 150°C
(CEC L-109) (FAME from OM 646 Biodiesel test)
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 168 h, avg. 2 runs,
- - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
mm2/s, max.
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 216 h, avg. 2 runs,
- - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
mm2/s, max.
Oxidation at EOT 168 h, avg. 2 runs, A/cm, max.
- - 120 100 100 80 50 100 50 50
(DIN 51453)
Oxidation at EOT 216 h, avg. 2 runs, A/cm, max.
- - 150 120 120 100 80 120 80 80
(DIN 51453)
∆ kin. viscosity 168 h, avg. of 2 runs, absolute,
- - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
mm2/s, max.
∆ kin. viscosity 168 h, avg. of 2 runs, relative,
- - 150 60 60 60 50 60 50 50
%, max.
∆ kin. viscosity 216 h, avg. of 2 runs, absolute,
- - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
mm2/s, max.
∆ kin. viscosity 216 h, avg. of 2 runs, relative,
- - 350 150 150 150 100 150 100 100
mm2/s, max.
TOC oxidation test (D55 3099)
TAN, mg KOH/g R&R at 80 h R&R at 96 h - - - - - - - -
PAI CO, max. 400 at 80 h 400 at 96 h - - - - - - - -
Variation of viscosity at 40°C, %, max. 200 at 80 h 200 at 96 h - - - - - - - -
Variation of viscosity at 100°C, % R&R at 80 h R&R at 96 h - - - - - - - -
MCT cokefaction test (GFC Lu 27), merit, min. 7.0 7.0 - - - - - - - -

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
SRV (Schwing Reib Verschleiß) tTest, PC ring /
liner (MBN10474, SRV version 4 to be applied) (2)
Load carrying capacity, fresh oil, avg. 5 runs,
- - 100 - 150 100 100 100 100 100
N, min.
Coefficient of friction, fresh oil, avg. of 5 runs,
- - Rate & report - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
µr, max.
Load carrying capacity, aged oil, avg. 5 runs,
- - Rate & report - 60 Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
N, min.
Coefficient of friction, aged oil, avg. of 5 runs,
- - Rate & report - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
µr, max.
CCS (according to SAE J300, fresh oil)
At SAE J300 fresh oil temperatures, mPa.s, max. Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300
MRV (according to SAE J300, fresh oil)
MRV at SAE J300 fresh oil temperature, mPa.s,
- - Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 30000 30000 30000 30000
Yield stress, Pa - - Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300
CEC Low temperature pumping test
(CEC L-105) (2)
MRV at SAE J300 fresh oil temperature, mPa.s,
- - According to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Yield stress, Pa, max. - - No No No No No No No No
High Temperature Corrosion Bench Test
(HTCBT) (modified ASTM D6594 at 135 °C)
Cu increase, without / with 10% B100*, ppm,
- - 20 / 200 20 / 200 20 / 150 20 / 150 20 / 150 20 / 150 20 / 150 20 / 150
Pb increase (only fresh oil), ppm, max. - - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Copper strip rating, without / with 10% B100*,
- - 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a
* Reference fuel B100 (80/20 RME/SME from
OM 646 TDG-L-104)

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
Foaming tendency (ASTM D892)
Sequence I (24°C) (ASTM D892 w/o option A),
10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
ml, max.
Sequence II (94°C) (ASTM D892 w/o option A),
50 / 0 50 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0
ml, max.
Sequence III (24°C) (ASTM D892 w/o option A),
10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
ml, max.
Sequence IV (150°C) (ASTM D6082 after 1 min
100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0
settling period), ml, max.
Elastomer compatibility
According ACEA (CEC L-112-16) A3/B3 C4 A3/B3 C3 A3/B4 C3 C3 A5/B5 C2 C5
Infrared spectrum (window material KBr, ZnSe,
Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
NaCl, cell thickness 100-125 µm)
Brand name / Type / Content of ……
Base oil acc. ATIEL Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Additive package Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Any additional additive component
Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
(e.g. PPD, VII, anti foam additive)

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
Engine tests
M 271 sludge test (M 271 classic sludge DL, until
M 271 EVO, CEC L-107, is ready at CEC) (2)
Engine sludge, avg., merit, min. RL140 + 4σ RL140 + 4σ 8.8 8.8 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1
M 271 EVO sludge (CEC L-107 when ready at
CEC, as alternative to M 271 Sludge Test) (2)
Engine sludge, avg., merit, min. - - RL261 + 4xRSD RL261 + 4xRSD RL261 + 4xRSD RL261 + 4xRSD RL261 + 4xRSD RL261 + 4xRSD RL261 + 4xRSD RL261 + 4xRSD
M 271 wear test (MB DL, wear 250 h) (2)
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve, avg. max. wear 8
- - 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 / 5.0
cams, µm, max.
Piston ring wear radial ring 1 / 2, avg., µm, max. (4)
- - 5.0 / 12.0 5.0 / 12.0 5.0 / 12.0 5.0 / 12.0 5.0 / 12.0 5.0 / 12.0 5.0 / 12.0 5.0 / 12.0
Piston ring wear axial ring 1 / groove 1, avg., µm,
- - 5.0 / 15.0 5.0 / 15.0 5.0 / 15.0 5.0 / 15.0 5.0 / 15.0 5.0 / 15.0 5.0 / 15.0 5.0 / 15.0
max. (4)
Ring sticking - - No No No No No No No No
Main bearing wear, avg., µm, max. - - 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5
Conrod bearing wear, avg., µm, max. - - 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5 1.5 / 3.5
Timing chain wear (elongation), %, max. - - 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Timing chain wear (single chain link), %, max. - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
M 111 fuel economy (CEC L-54-96)
Fuel economy improvement vs. RL252
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 xW-30: 2.0 xW-30: 2.0 xW-30: 2.2 2.5 2.5 3.0
(15W-40), %, min.
(for xW-30) (C3) (for xW-30) xW-40: 1.7 xW-40: 1.7 xW-40: 1.7

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
NEDC MB fuel economy tests - (FE benefit in
NEDC, PC chassis dynamometer Test) for
0W-30/-40 and 5W-30/-40 vs. MB RL001
Otto & MB RL002 Diesel (3)
FE in W204 C250 CDI / engine: OM651 vs.
- - - - - xW-30: 0.5 xW-30: 1.2 - 1.4 1.7
MB RL002, %, min.
xW-40: R & R xW-40: 0
FE in W204 C320 CDI / engine: OM642 vs.
- - - - - xW-30: 0.7 xW-30: 1.2 - 1.8 2.7
MB RL002, %, min.
xW-40: R & R xW-40: 0
FE in W204 C200 K / engine: M271 ML 18 vs.
- - - - xW-30: 0 xW-30: -0.5 xW-30: 0 0.5 0.5 1.0
MB RL001, %,min.
xW-40: R & R xW-40: R & R xW-40: R & R
FE in W204 C350 CGI / engine: M271 DE35 vs.
- - - - xW-30: 0 - - 0.4 0.4 0.8
MB RL001, %, min.
OM 646 DE22LA wear test (CEC L-99-08) (2)
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve (avg. max. wear 8
100 / 120 100 / 120 100 / 130 100 / 130 90 / 110 90 / 110 90 / 110 90 / 110 90 / 110 90 / 110
cams), µm, max.
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cylinders), µm, max. 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Bore polishing (13 mm), value of 4 cylinders,
3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
%, max.
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons), merit, min. Rate & report Rate & report 12.0 14.0 14.0 16.0 16.0 14.0 16.0 16.0
Engine sludge avg., merit, min. Rate & report Rate & report 8.8 8.8 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1
Ring sticking Rate & report Rate & report No No No No No No No No
Tappet wear inlet (avg. wear 8 cams), µm Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Tappet wear outlet (avg. wear 8 cams), µm Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Bearing wear main / con rod bearing, µm, max. (4) Rate & report Rate & report 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1
Piston ring wear axial ring 1 / 2 / 3, µm, max. (4) Rate & report Rate & report 10.4/6.0/5.0 10.4/6.0/5.0 8.7/4.0/3.0 8.7/4.0/3.0 8.7/4.0/3.0 8.7/4.0/3.0 8.7/4.0/3.0 8.7/4.0/3.0
Piston ring wear radial ring 1 / 2 / 3, µm, max. (4) Rate & report Rate & report 10.0/12.0/8.0 10.0/12.0/8.0 10.0/12.0/8.0 10.0/12.0/8.0 10.0/12.0/8.0 10.0/12.0/8.0 10.0/12.0/8.0 10.0/12.0/8.0
Timing chain wear (elongation), %, max. Rate & report Rate & report 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Oil consumption, g/test, max. Rate & report Rate & report 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000
Soot, %, max. Rate & report Rate & report 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. Rate & report Rate & report 100 100 90 90 90 90 90 90

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 226.5 226.51 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51 229.52 229.6 229.61 229.71
OM 646 DE22LA biodiesel test (CEC L-104) (2)
Piston cleanliness, avg. 4 pistons, merit, min. - - 20.0 20.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
Engine sludge, avg., merit, min. - - 8.8 8.8 9.0 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2
Ring sticking - - No No No No No No No No
TBN at EoT (ASTM D4739), mg KOH/g, min. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TAN at EoT (ASTM D664), mg/KOH/g, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oil consumption, g/test, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Soot, %, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Daimler OM 646 DE22LA aeration test
(Daimler inhouse test)
Gas content in engine oil - high reference oil,
- - - - - - - - Rate & report Rate & report
after 5 h, vol.%
Gas content in engine oil - candidate oil, after
- - - - - - - - Rate & report Rate & report
5 h, vol.%
Gas content in engine oil - high reference oil,
- - - - - - - - Rate & report Rate & report
after 20 h, vol.%
Gas content in engine oil - candidate oil, after
- - - - - - - - Rate & report Rate & report
20 h, vol.%
Ratio candidate oil after 5 h / high reference oil
- - - - - - - - 1.2 1.2
after 5 h, max.
Daimler LSPI engine test (Daimler inhouse test) (8)
Ratio of Preignition events (candidate oil / refer-
- - - - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
ence oil MBRL010), max.
VW TDI (CEC L-79-99) - - - - -
Piston cleanliness, avg., merit, min. RL 206 RL 206 RL 206 RL 206 RL 206 RL 206 RL 206 RL 206 RL 206 RL 206
All other requirements as listed in ACEA 2012 A5/B5 C4 A3/B4 C3 A3/B4 C3 C3 A5/B5 C2 C5
VW T4 (VW PV 1449)
All test parameters from VW 502.00 - - Yes - Yes - - - - -
LLR Renault in-house test
PAI CO at end of test, max. - 200 - - - - - - - -
Viscosity increase at 40°C at end of test, %, max. - 100 - - - - - - - -
Oil consumption, g/h, - Report - - - - - - - -
Piston deposits, merit, min. - 5 - - - - - - - -
Ring sticking (all rings) - No - - - - - - - -

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for passenger car (service fill) V2017.1
(1) Complete test reports for each test have to be submitted. All required data have to be measured, calculated values are not accepted.
(2) For MB Engine Tests: Rerating at RD/PDI for all related engine parts is required.
(3) Only for xW-30 or 0W-40: Evaluation of bearing wear in a OM 501 LA engine with new crankshaft and premeasured bearings. Rerating by Daimler at TP/PEH.
(4): The worst result (outlier result) will be replaced by the second worst to calculate the average to control outliers.
(5) Read Across only according to MB Read Across Guidelines for engine tests (based on the latest ATC and ATIEL Code of Practice). MB Package Pass only for Mineral Oils (SN, ATIEL Grp. I and II) and for SAE 15W-40, 20W-40, 15W-50, 20W-50.
(6) Corresponding ACEA Sequences or DDC specification level is indicated. Since the performance level of these specifications is different to MB specification they cannot be used alternatively to MB specification.
(7) D
 etailed rating for Mack T-12, Cummins ISM and Caterpillar C13 according to API CJ-4 Merit Systems; Mack T-12 Cylinder Liner Wear and Top Ring Weight Loss results obtained as part of an API CK-4 or FA-4 approval program, which includes a passing Volvo
T-13 at the API CK-4 or API FA-4 level may be used to satisfy the requirements of the Mack T-12 for MB-Approval 228.31.
(8) Introduced on 01.11.2018 according to BEAM message from 07/2018.

Conditions for approvals and the use of performance claims (MB sheets) against MB oil specifications
MB requires that any claims for oil performance to meet the mentioned MB specifications, must be based on credible data and controlled tests in accredited test laboratories.All engine performance testing used to support a claim of
compliance with these MB oil specifications must be generated according to the MB Read Across Guidelines and the European Engine Lubricants Quality.Management System (EELQMS).
An MB Approval for each new oil formulation is valid for 5 years.
The validity period of rebrands and reblends is limited by the runtime of the original and therefore limited to max. 5 years.
From the introduction date of a new version of the MB Specification the previous version is still valid one year. During this period of time both specification versions are valid for approvals.
Package Pass approvals: For every treat rate a trading approval is required. The trading approvals are handled like approvals for new oil formulations.

As a consequence the following timeline is valid from now on:

MB Specification - Issue (version with year spec. no.) First allowable use New approvals by at the latest
MB Specification V2009.1 16.03.2009 21.03.2013
MB Specification V2012.1 21.03.2012 substituted by MB Specification V2012.2 on 01.10.2012
MB Specification V2012.2 01.10.2012 31.05.2017
MB Specification V2016.1 31.05.2016 31.05.2018
MB Specification V2017.1 01.06.2017 substituted y MB Specification V2019.1 on 15/01.2019
MB Specification V2019.1 15.01.2019

First allowable use means that approvals and claims cannot be made against the specification before the date indicated.
New approvals by means that from this date all approvals for new oil formulations must be according to the latest MB specification release.

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 228.2 / 3 228.31 228.5 228.51 228.52 228.61
Mono-/multigrade viscosities Mono / multi Multi Multi Multi Multi Multi
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) acc. ACEA acc. ACEA acc. ACEA acc. ACEA acc. ACEA xW-30
SAE xW-30 and 0W-40 Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes (3)
Yes (3) Yes (3) Only xW-30 (3)
DBL, Read Across guidelines, ACEA, API, DDC
Related Daimler Liefervorschrift (DBL) 6610 6610 6610 6610 6610 6610
MB read across (5) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Package pass (5) Yes Yes No No No No
Corresponding ACEA Oil Sequences level (6) E7 E9 E4 E6 E6 F8
ACEA Oil Sequences required If any ACEA Ax, Bx, Cx, Ex or Fx oil sequence is claimed all tests within this oil sequence are mandatory.
API Oil Categories required - API CJ-4 - - - API FA-4
Corresponding DDC Oil Specification level (6) - 93K218 - - - 93K223
Laboratory tests
Sulphated ash (DIN 51575 or ASTM D874A), % m/m, max > 1.0 & ≤ 2.0 1.0 > 1.0 & ≤ 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
TBN (ASTM D2896), fresh oil, mg KOH/g, min. 8.0 7.0 12.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
TBN (ASTM D4739), fresh oil, mg KOH/g Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TAN (ASTM D664), fresh oil, mg KOH/g Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Density at 15°C (DIN 51757), kg/m3 Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Flash point (DIN EN ISO 2592, ASTM D92), °C Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Pour point (ISO 3016 or ASTM D97), °C, max. R & R / -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Evaporative loss (Noack) (CEC L-40-93, ASTM 5800), %, max. 13 13 13 12 12 12
Kinematic viscosity (ASTM D445, DIN 51562-1), mm2/s
KV at 40°C Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
KV at 100°C Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300
Viscosity at High Temperature and High Shear (CEC L-36-90), mPa.s, min
HTHS at 100°C Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
HTHS at 150°C 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 ≥ 2.9 & ≤ 3.2
Shear stability (CEC L-14-93, ASTM D6278, 30 cycles / ASTM D7109, 90 cycles) at 30 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles at 90 cycles
Kin. viscosity at 100°C after 30 / 90 cycles shearing, mm2/s Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 228.2 / 3 228.31 228.5 228.51 228.52 228.61
Chemical elements
Zinc (DIN 51399 -1/2, ASTM D4951, ASTM D5185), % m/m, min. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Sulphur (DIN 51399 -1/2, ASTM D4951, ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. Rate & report 0.4 Rate & report 0.3 0.3 0.4
Phosphorus (DIN 51399 -1/2, ASTM D4951, ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. Rate & report 0.12 Rate & report 0.08 0.08 0.12
Chlorine (DIN 51399-2, ASTM D6443), % m/m, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report 0.015 0.015 0.015
Calcium (DIN 51399-1/2, ASTM D4951, ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report 0.15 Rate & report
Magnesium (DIN 51399-1/2, ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Elements B, Ba, Mo, N, Si, % m/m Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Dielectric constant Ɛr of fresh oil
Temic oil sensor (DAI) test method at 20°C - 100°C, % m/m 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5
Daimler oxidation test - fresh oil at 160°C (Daimler oxidation test procedure)
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 168 h, avg. of 3 runs, mm2/s, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oxidation DIN 51453 at EOT 168 h, avg. 3 runs, A/cm, max. 80 80 25 25 25 25
Delta kin. viscosity at 100°C, avg. of 3 runs, absolute, mm2/s, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Delta kin. viscosity at 100°C, avg. of 3 runs, relative, %, max. 100 100 80 80 80 80
Daimler oxidation test - with fuel dilution 5% B100 at 160°C
(FAME from OM 646 Biodiesel test) (Daimler ox. test procedure)
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 168 h, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oxidation at EOT 168 h, max. (DIN 51453) 120 120 90 80 80 80
Delta kin. viscosity at 100°C, absolute, mm2/s, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Delta kin. viscosity at 100°C, relative, %, max. 300 150 130 100 100 100
Oxidation test - with fuel dilution 7% B100 at 150°C (CEC L-109) (FAME from OM 646 Biodiesel test
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 168 h, avg. 2 runs, mm2/s, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Kin. viscosity at 100°C, EOT 216 h, avg. 2 runs, mm2/s, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oxidation at EOT 168 h, avg. 2 runs, A/cm, max. (DIN 51453) 120 90 90 80 80 80
Oxidation at EOT 216 h, avg. 2 runs, A/cm, max. (DIN 51453) - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Delta kin. viscosity 168 h, avg. of 2 runs, absolute, mm2/s, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Delta kin. viscosity 168 h, avg. of 2 runs, relative, %, max. 300 150 130 130 130 130
Delta kin. viscosity 216 h, avg. of 2 runs, absolute, mm2/s, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Delta kin. viscosity 216 h, avg. of 2 runs, relative, mm2/s, max. - - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
CCS (according to SAE J300, fresh oil)
At SAE J300 fresh oil temperatures, mPa.s, max. Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 228.2 / 3 228.31 228.5 228.51 228.52 228.61
MRV (according to SAE J300, fresh oil)
MRV at SAE J300 fresh oil temperature, mPa.s Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300
Yield stress, Pa Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300 Acc. SAE J300
CEC low temperature pumping test (CEC L-105)
MRV at SAE J300 fresh oil temperature, mPa.s According to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Yield stress, Pa No No No No No No
Deposit test (MTU, DIN 51535), mg, min. Rate & report Rate & report 130 130 130 130
Sooted oil MRV (T-11/T-11A) (ASTM D6896)
180 hour sample T-11/T-11A drain MRV, mPa.s, max. - 18000 - - - 25000
Yield stress, Pa, max. - 35 - - - 35
High Temperature Corrosion Bench Test (HTCBT) (modified ASTM D6594 at 135 °C)
Cu increase, without / with 10% B100*, ppm, max. 20 / 200 20 / 200 20 / 200 20 / 200 20 / 200 20 / 200
Pb increase (only fresh oil), ppm, max. 100 100 100 100 100 100
Copper strip rating, without / with 10% B100*, max. 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a 3 / 4a
* Reference fuel B100 (80/20 RME/SME from OM 646 TDG-L-104)
Foaming tendency (ASTM D892)
Sequence I (24°C) (ASTM D892 w/o option A), ml, max. 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
Sequence II (94°C) (ASTM D892 w/o option A), ml, max. 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 / 0
Sequence III (24°C) (ASTM D892 w/o option A), ml, max. 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
Sequence IV (150°C) (ASTM D6082 after 1 min settling period), ml 200 / 50 200 / 50 200 / 50 200 / 50 200 / 50 200 / 50
Elastomer compatibility
API (ASTM D7216) - API CJ-4 - - - API FA-4
Infrared spectrum (window material KBr, ZnSe, NaCl, cell thickness 100-125 µm) Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Brand name / Type / Content of ……
Base oil acc. ATIEL Report Report Report Report Report Report
Additive package Report Report Report Report Report Report
Any additional additive component (e.g. PPD, VII, anti foam additive) Report Report Report Report Report Report

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 228.2 / 3 228.31 228.5 228.51 228.52 228.61
Engine tests
OM 646 DE22LA wear test (CEC L-99-08) (2)
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve (avg. max. wear 8 cams), µm, max. 100 / 130 100 / 130 90 / 110 90 / 110 90 / 110 90 / 110
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cylinders), µm, max. 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Bore polishing (13 mm), value of 4 cylinders, %, max. 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons), merit, min. 14.0 14.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0
Engine sludge avg., merit, min. 8.8 8.8 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1
Ring sticking No No No No No No
Tappet wear inlet (avg. wear 8 cams), µm Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Tappet wear outlet (avg. wear 8 cams), µm Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Bearing wear main / con rod bearing, µm, max. (4) 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1
Piston ring wear axial ring 1 / 2 / 3, µm, max. (4) 10.4 / 6.0 / 5.0 10.4 / 6.0 / 5.0 8.7 / 4.0 / 3.0 8.7 / 4.0 / 3.0 8.7 / 4.0 / 3.0 8.7 / 4.0 / 3.0
Piston ring wear radial ring 1 / 2 / 3, µm, max. (4) 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0
Timing chain wear (elongation), %, max. 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Oil consumption, g/test, max. 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000
Soot, %, max. 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 6.0
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. 100 100 90 90 90 90
OM 646 DE22LA biodiesel test (CEC L-104) (when ready) (2)
Piston cleanliness, avg. 4 pistons, merit, min. Rate & report 20.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
Engine sludge, avg., merit, min. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Ring sticking Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TBN at EoT (ASTM D4739), mg KOH/g, min. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TAN at EoT (ASTM D664), mg/KOH/g, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oil consumption, g/test, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Soot, %, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 228.2 / 3 228.31 228.5 228.51 228.52 228.61
OM 501 LA Euro 5 (CEC L-101-09) (2), (3)
Piston cleanliness, avg., merit, min. 20.0 20.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
Ring sticking, 2nd rings, ASF, max. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Engine sludge, avg., merit, min. 9.0 9.0 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4
General engine deposits, avg., demerit, max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Wear rating (visual), avg., demerit, max. 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Bore polishing, avg., %, max. 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Cylinder wear, avg., mm, max. 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008
Turbocharger deposits, demerit, max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Specific oil consumption, g/h, max. 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
TBN at EoT, mg KOH/g (ASTM D4739) Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TAN at EoT, mg KOH/g (ASTM D664) Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Daimler OM 471.999 (Daimler inhouse test, 400 h) (when ready as alternative to OM 501)
Piston cleanliness, avg., %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
Ring sticking, 2nd rings, %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
Engine sludge, avg., %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
General engine deposits, avg., %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
Wear rating (visual), avg.,%, min 70 70 75 75 75 75
Bore polishing, avg., %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
Cylinder wear, avg., %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
Turbocharger deposits, %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
Ease of movement of turbocharger (Freigängigkeit), %, min. 70 70 75 75 75 75
Specific oil consumption, g/h, max. 25 25 25 25 25 25
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C EoT (ASTM D445, DIN 51562-1), mm2/s Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Oxidation at EoT, A/cm (IR) Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Nitration at EoT, A/cm (IR) Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TBN at EoT (ASTM D4739), mg KOG/g Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
TAN at EoT (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
OM 501 LA Euro 5 fuel economy test (Daimler inhouse test, WHTC, FE vs. MB RL003 or RL012, 10W-40 (2)
FE benefit vs. MB RL003, only required for xW-30, %, min. 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8
FE benefit vs. MB RL013, only required for xW-30, %, min. 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 228.2 / 3 228.31 228.5 228.51 228.52 228.61
DD13 scuffing test
Hours-to-Scuff, min - 31 31 31 31 31
Change in mass fraction of Fe at Hours-to-Scuff, mg/kg - Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156)
TGA soot at 4.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3 - - - 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3
TGA soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9 - - - 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9
TGA soot at 15.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5 - - - 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5
Mack T-12 EGR (ASTM D7422) (7)
Mack merit rating, min. - 1000 - - - -
Mack T-12 EGR (ASTM D7422)
Top ring mass loss, mg, max. - - - - - 105 / 105 / 105
Cylinder liner wear, µm, max. - - - - - 24.0 / 24.0 / 24.0
Volvo T-13 oxidation test (ASTM D8048)
IR peak at EoT, abs, A/cm, max. - - - 125 / 130 / 133 125 / 130 / 133 125 / 130 / 133
Kinematic viscosity increase at 40°C EoT, relative, %, max. - - - 75 / 85 / 90 75 / 85 / 90 75 / 85 / 90
Average oil consumption, 48 h to 192 h, g/h, max. - - - Report Report Report
Cummins ISM EGR (ASTM D7468) (7) - - - -
Cummins merit rating, min. - 1000 - - - 1000
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. - 100 / 100 / 100 - - - 100 / 100 / 100
Cummins ISB EGR (ASTM D7484) - - - -
Slider tappet weight loss, avg., mg, max. - 100 / 108 / 112 - - - 100 / 108 / 112
Cam lobe wear, µm, max. 55 - 55 / 59 / 61 - - - 55 / 59 / 61
Crosshead weight loss, mg - Rate & report - - - Rate & report
Caterpillar C13 (ASTM D7549) (7) - - - -
CAT merit rating, min. - 1000 - - - 1000 / 1000 / 1000
Hot-stuck piston ring - None - - - -

MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
MB Sheet No.(1) 228.2 / 3 228.31 228.5 228.51 228.52 228.61
Caterpillar 1N (ASTM D6750) - - - -
286.2 / 311.7 / 286.2 / 311.7 /
Weighted demerits, max. - - - -
323.0 323.0
Top groove fill, %, max. - 20 / 23 / 25 - - - 20 / 23 / 25
Top land heavy carbon, %, max. - 3/4/5 - - - 3/4/5
Oil consumption (0-252 h), g/kWh, max. - 0.5 - - - 0.54 / 0.54 / 0.54
Oil consumption (0-252 h), g/MJ, max. - - - - - 0.15 / 0.15 / 0.15
Piston / ring / liner scuffing - None - - - None
Piston ring sticking - None - - - None
Roller followerwear test (ASTM D5596) - - - -
Pin wear, avg., mils, max. - 0.30/0.33/0.36 - - - 0.30/0.33/0.36
or µm, max. - 7.6/8.4/9.1 - - - 7.6/8.4/9.1
Engine oil aeration test (ASTM D6894) - - - - -
Oil aeration volume (MTAC), %, max. - 8.0 - - - -
Caterpillar C13 COAT (ASTM D8047)
Average aeration, 40 h to 50 h, %, max. - - - 11.8/11.8/11.8 11.8/11.8/11.8 11.8/11.8/11.8

(1) Complete test reports for each test have to be submitted. All required data have to be measured, calculated values are not accepted.
(2) For MB Engine Tests: Rerating at RD/PDI for all related engine parts is required.
(3) Only for xW-30 or 0W-40: Evaluation of bearing wear in a OM 501 LA engine with new crankshaft and premeasured bearings. Rerating by Daimler at TP/PEH
(4) The worst result (outlier result) will be replaced by the second worst to calculate the average to control outliers.
(5) R
 ead Across only according to MB Read Across Guidelines for engine tests (based on the latest ATC and ATIEL Code of Practice). MB Package Pass only for Mineral Oils (SN, ATIEL Grp. I and II) and for SAE 15W-40, 20W-40, 15W-50, 20W-50; for 228.31 ad-
ditionally: Base Oils (SN. ATIEL Grp. II & III <30%) and only for SAE 10W-30.
(6) Corresponding ACEA Sequences or DDC specification level is indicated. Since the performance level of these specifications is different to MB specification they cannot be used alternatively to MB specification.
(7) D
 etailed rating for Mack T-12, Cummins ISM and Caterpillar C13 according to API CJ-4 Merit Systems; Mack T-12 Cylinder Liner Wear and Top Ring Weight Loss results obtained as part of an API CK-4 or FA-4 approval program, which includes a passing Volvo
T-13 at the API CK-4 or API FA-4 level may be used to satisfy the requirements of the Mack T-12 for MB-Approval 228.31.
MERCEDES-BENZ specifications for heavy duty (service fill) V2017.1
Conditions for approvals and the use of performance claims (MB sheets) against MB oil specifications
MB requires that any claims for oil performance to meet the mentioned MB specifications, must be based on credible data and controlled tests in accredited test laboratories.
All engine performance testing used to support a claim of compliance with these MB oil specifications must be generated according to the MB Read Across Guidelines and the European Engine Lubricants Quality.Management System
An MB Approval for each new oil formulation is valid for 5 years.
The validity period of rebrands and reblends is limited by the runtime of the original and therefore limited to max. 5 years.
From the introduction date of a new version of the MB Specification the previous version is still valid one year. During this period of time both specification versions are valid for approvals.
Package Pass approvals: For every treat rate a trading approval is required. The trading approvals are handled like approvals for new oil formulations.

MB Specification - Issue (version with year spec. no.) First allowable use New approvals by at the latest
MB Specification V2009.1 16.03.2009 21.03.2013
MB Specification V2012.1 21.03.2012 substituted by MB Specification V2012.2 on 01.10.2012
MB Specification V2012.2 01.10.2012 31.05.2017
MB Specification V2016.1 31.05.2016 31.05.2018
MB Specification V2017.1 01.06.2017 substituted by MB Specification V2019.1 on 15.01.2019
MB Specification V2019.1 15.01.2019

First allowable use means that approvals and claims cannot be made against the specification before the date indicated.
New approvals by means that from this date all approvals for new oil formulations must be according to the latest MB specification release.

MTU diesel engine oil specifications - MTL5044
• Oil category 1: Normal quality (generally corresponds to API-CF, CG-4, CH-4, or ACEA E2-96).
• Oil category 2: Higher quality level (corresponds to SHPD = Super High Performance Diesel, or ACEA E7-08).
• Oil category 2.1: Higher quality with low ash-forming additive content (low SAPS) (API CJ-4, ACEA E9-08).
• Oil category 3: High performance diesel engine oil (quality level above ACEA E4-08).
• Oil category 3.1: High performance diesel engine oil with low ash-forming additive content (low SAPS) (ACEA E6-08).

Oil category - - 1, 2, 2.1, 3 3.1

Viscosity grades (SAE J300) 30 40 5W-30, 10W-30 5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40 5W-30, 10W-40
Laboratory tests
Density at 15°C (DIN51757, ASTM D1298), g/ml Report Report
Viscosity at 40°C (DIN 51562-1, ASTM D445), mm2/s Report Report Report Report Report
at 100°C 9.3 - 12.5 12.5 - 16.3 9.3 - 12.5 12.5 - 16.3 12.5 - 16.3
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-036-90), mPa.s, min. - 3.5
Shear stability (DIN 51382, CEC L-014-93, ASTM D6278, D7109)
Viscosity after 30 cycles shear (DIN 51562-1, ASTM D445), mm2/s - Oil cat. 1, 2: Stay in grade
Viscosity after 90 cycles shear (DIN 51562-1, ASTM D445), mm2/s - Oil cat. 2.1, 3, 3.1: Stay in grade
Viscosity index (VI) (DIN ISO 2209, ASTM D2270) Report Report
Pour point (DIN ISO 3016, ASTM D97), °C Report Report
Flash point
COC (DIN EN ISO 2592, ASTM D92), °C, min. 215 215
PM (DIN EN ISO 2719), °C Report Report
Evaporative loss (Noack) (DIN 51581, CEC L-040-93), %, max. 10 13 12
Oil cat. 1, 2: 8.0
TBN (ISO 3771, ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 8.0 Oil cat 2.1: 7.0 7.0
Oil cat. 3: 12.0
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g Report Report
Oil cat. 1, 2, 3: 1.0 - 2.0
Sulfated ash (DIN 51575, ASTM D874), % m/m, max. 1.0 - 2.0 1
Oil cat. 2.1: 1.0
Mg, Ca, Bo, Mo, Na, K (DIN 51391-3) Report Report

MTU diesel engine oil specifications - MTL5044
Oil category - - 1, 2, 2.1, 3 3.1
5W-30, 10W-30, 5W-30,
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) 30 40
5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40 10W-40
Chlorine (DIN 15597), mg/kg, max. 150 150
Oil cat. 1, 2, 3: Report
Phosphorus (DIN 51363-2/-3), % m/m, max. Report 0.08
Oil cat. 2.1: 0.12
Oil cat. 1, 2, 3: Report
Sulfur (DIN 51400-1, DIN EN ISO 14596), % m/m, max. Report 0.3
Oil cat. 2.1: 0.4
Zinc (DIN 51391-3), % m/m, min. 0.035 0.035
Nitrogen (ASTM D3228, D5762), % m/m Report Report
Further additive elements >0.01 % m/m Report Report
Elastomer compatibility (DIN 53521), SRE NBR 28, FPM AK6 (1) Pass Pass
FZG gear rig (DIN 51354-2, CEC L-07-A-95), damage force stage, min. 11 11
Foaming tendency (ASTM D6082), ml, max. 200 - 50 200 - 50
Turbocharger deposits (MTV 5040) (DIN 51535), mg, max. - 120
PDSC oxidation test (CEC L-85-99), min Report Report

MTU diesel engine eil specifications - MTL5044
Oil category 1 2. 2.1 3. 3.1
Laboratory tests
OM 441 LA (CEC L-52-T-97)
Bore polishing, average, %, max. 3.0 - -
Piston cleanliness, average, merit, min. 22 -
Cylinder wear, aerage, µm, max. 8.0 -
Engine sludge, average, merit, min. 9.0 -
Specific oil consumption, g/h, max. 100 -
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. - - -
Wear rating, demerit, max. 2.5 - -
General engine deposits, demerit, max. 3.0 - -
Oil drain interval, h 200 - -
OM 501 LA (CEC L-101-09)
Piston cleanliness, average, merit, min. 16.0 19.0 28.0
Ring sticking piston ring 2, ASF, max. 1.0 1.0 1.0
Engine sludge, average, merit, min. 9.0 9.0 9.4
General engine deposits, average, demerit, max. 3.0 2.0 2.0
Wear rating, average, demerit, max. 3.0 3.0 2.0
Bore polishing, average, %, max. 3.0 2.0 1.0
Cylinder wear, average, µm, max. 8 8 8
Turbocharger deposits, demerit, max. 3.0 2.0 2.0
TBN (ASTM D4739) at end of test, mg KOH/g Report Report Report
TAN (ASTM D664) at end of test, mg KOH/g Report Report Report
Oil consumption, g/h, max. 50.0 30.0 30.0
OM 611 (Mercedes-Benz 300 h test)
Bore polishing, max. value of 4 cylinders 4.0 - -
Piston cleanliness, average, merit, min. 23 - -
Cylinder wear, average, µm, max. 7.0 - -
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve, average, µm, max. 140 / 155 - -
Engine sludge, average, merit, min. 8.0 - -
Oil consumption, g/test, max. 6000 - -
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 100 - -

MTU diesel engine eil specifications - MTL5044
Oil category 1 2. 2.1 3. 3.1
OM 646 DE22LA (CEC L-099-08)
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve, average, µm, max. 120 / 155 100 / 130 90 / 110
Cylinder wear, average, µm, max. 5 5 5
Bore polishing (13 mm), max. value of 4 cylinders 4.0 3.5 3.0
Piston cleanliness, average, merit, min. 10.0 12.0 14.0
Engine sludge, average, merit, min. 8.6 8.8 9.1
Ring sticking, yes/no No No No
Tappet wear inlet / outlet, average, µm, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Bearing wear main / con rod bearing, µm, max. 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1 2.1 / 2.1
Piston ring wear axial at ring 1 / ring 2 / ring 3, µm, max. 10.4 / 6.0 / 5.0 10.4 / 6.0 / 5.0 8.7 / 4.0 / 3.0
Piston ring wear radial at ring 1 / ring 2 / ring 3, µm, max. 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0 10.0 / 12.0 / 8.0
Timing chain wear (elongation), %, max. 0.4 0.4 0.4
Oil consumption, g/test, max. 7000 7000 7000
Soot, %, max. 4.0 - 7.0 4.0 - 7.0 4.0 - 7.0
Viscosity increase at 100°C, %, max. 100 100 90
Mack T-8E (ASTM D5967) (Not for oil category 2.1) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3 1/2/3
Relative viscosity at 100°C at 4.8% soot, max. - 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3
Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156) (Oil category 2.1) Run number 1/2/3
TGA soot at 4.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3 -
TGA soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9 -
TGA soot at 15.0 mm2/s increase at 100°C, %, min. - 6.7 / 6.6 / 6.5 -

(1) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
PACCAR DAF engine oil requirements and oil drain intervals

Engine Engine Oil Recommendation Oil Drain Interval

Euro V / EEV
Paccar PR ACEA E6, xW-40 Standard drain: 75000 km
Extended drain (1): 100000 km
Paccar MX ACEA E6, E9, xW-30, xW-40 Standard drain: 90000 km
Extended drain (1): 150000 km only with ACEA E6
Euro VI
Paccar PX-4, PX-5, PX-7 ACEA E9 + CES 20081, 10W-30 Standard drain: 60000 km
Paccar MX-11 (MY2013-2016) ACEA E6, E9, xW-30, xW-40 Standard drain: 75000 km
Extended drain (1): 150000 km with ACEA E6
Paccar MX-11 (MY2017) ACEA E6, E9, xW-30, xW-40 Standard drain: 100000 km
Extended drain (1): 150000 km with ACEA E6
Paccar MX-13 (MY2013-2016) ACEA E6, E9, xW-30, xW-40 Standard drain: 90000 km
Extended drain (1): 180000 km with ACEA E6
Paccar MX-13 (MY2017) ACEA E6, E9, xW-30, xW-40 Standard drain: 100000 km
Extended drain (1): 200000 km with ACEA E6
EPA 2010
Paccar MX-11 , MX-13 (2) (MY2013-2016)
API CJ-4, CK-4, xW-30, xW-40 Severe duty, Vocational : 30.000 miles

Normal duty, Long haul : 40.000 / 60.000 (5) miles


Paccar MX-11, MX-13 (2)

(MY2017) API CJ-4, CK-4, xW-30, xW-40 Severe duty, Vocational : 30.000 miles

Long haul (4): 50.000 (5) / 75.000 (6) miles

(1) DAF Service Rapido system: double fuel filter and centrifugal oil filter; MX-13 engine has 6 L larger sump.
(2) Standard with extended oil drain package.
(3) Fuel consumption: <2.5 km/L (<6 MPG); Gross vehicle weight: >36.300 kg (>80.000 lb).
(4) Fuel consumption: >2.5 km/L (>6 MPG); Gross vehicle weight: <36.300 kg (<80.000 lb).
(5) Only if idle time is <20%.
(6) Only for MY2017 MX-11 and MX-13 engines, used oil analysis program recommended for extended ODI’s greater than 60.000 miles.
(7) MX-11 engine available as from 2015.
PORSCHE engine oil requirements

Specifications Porsche A40 Porsche C40 Porsche C30 Porsche C20

Performance requirements:
HTHS (CEC L-36-A-90), mPa.s, min. 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.6
ACEA level A3/B3 , A3/B4 -16
C3-16 C3-16 C5-16
Volkswagen approval - - VW 504.00 / 507.00 VW 508.00 / 509.00
VW T4 (PV 1449) Included in VW Specification Included in VW Specification
Viscosity at 40°C at end of test, mm2/s, max. 200 +/- test stand severity 200 +/- test stand severity
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 130 +/- test stand severity 130 +/- test stand severity
TBN end of test, DIN 51639-1, mg KOH/g, min. Ref Oil of test stand +1 (typical =4) ≥ 5 mg(KOH)/g + TBN Fresh Oil × Std Dev
TAN increase end of test, TAN points, max. 4 4
Piston merit, 5 parts, min. 1.0 1.0
Ring sticking, ASF, max. none none
VW Fuel economy (PV 1496 Audi EA888)
FE vs. RL 5W-30, %, min. - 0.0 Included in VW Specification Included in VW Specification
Porsche durability (9A1, 3.6L, 360 kW B6 engine, 163.7 h cycling test): Pass Pass - -
Sludge rating, merit, min. 9.5 9.5 - -
Turbo deposits, merit, min. 6.0 6.0 - -
Turbo feed pipe deposits, merit, min. 7.4 7.4 - -
Turbo charger sealing ring sticking none none - -
Piston ring groove fill % max. (Porsche method) 100 100 - -
Piston ring sticking none none - -
Cylinder liner wear: washboard none none - -
Cam wear, µm, average, max. 8 -10 8 -10 - -
Cam wear, µm, max. 9 - 12 9 - 12 - -
Tappet wear, µm, average 3 - 10 3 - 10 - -
Tappet wear, µm, max. 5 - 13 5 - 13 - -
Thrust curve as Ref. Oil or better as Ref. Oil or better - -
VW W12 TSI PZD (PV xxxx) Pass
HPDSC (CEC L-85-99 / ASTM D6186)
Porsche profile run at 210°C Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report
Oxidation stability (CEC L-109)
With Porsche poor fuel specification (POSK) Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report
With NMA (N-Methyl Aniline) Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report

PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN engine oil specifications
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290 B71 2297 B71 2302 B71 2312 B71 2010
Expiration date 02-mai-22 10-oct-22 23-juil-22 11-oct-22 30-août-22 30-sept-22 18-sept-22
Factory- and service
Service fill gasoline
Service fill and Service fill engine oil fill gasoline engine Service fill engine oil Service fill engine oil
Service fill engine oil engine oil ACEA Cx,
first fill engine oil ACEA Cx, except C5 oil ACEA C2 or C3. ACEA C2 or C3. ACEA C5.
Application ACEA A3/B4. except C5.
ACEA A3/B4. (2) Applicable in Europe Applicable outside Applicable in Europe Applicable in Europe
Applicable worldwide Applicable in warm
Applicable worldwide only Europe only only
(Brazil & China)
Fuel type Gasoline & Diesel Gasoline & Diesel Gasoline & Diesel Gasoline & Diesel Gasoline & Diesel Gasoline & Diesel Gasoline & Diesel
Allowed SAE Viscosity grade(s) 10W-40 5W-40 5W-30 5W-30 (restricted) 0W-30 0W-30 0W-20
ACEA basis (1)
A3/B4 -12 A3/B4 -12 Cx-16 except C5-16 Cx-16 except C5-16 C2 -12 or C3 -12 C2 -16 or C3 -16 C5 -16
Physical characteristics
Kinematic viscosity (ISO 3104 or ASTM D445)
Within SAE J300
Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300
at 100°C (KV100), mm2/s grade above ≥ 11
grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above
(target: 12.5)
at 40°C (KV40), mm2/s Report Report Report ≥ 65 Report Report Report
Viscosity index (ISO 2909 or ASTM STP43C) Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Shear stability after 30 cycles
(CEC L-14-A-93 or ASTM D6278)
-0.7 mm2/s max
at 100°C (KV100), mm2/s Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade
compared to KV100
at 40°C (KV40), mm2/s Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Low temperature viscosity (CCS) Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300
(ASTM D5293), cP grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above
Pumpability limit temperature (MRV) Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300
(ASTM D4684), cP grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above
Dynamic viscosity HTHS Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300 Within SAE J300
≥ 3.2
(CEC L-39-A-90 or ASTM D4683), cP grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above grade above
Density at 15°C (ISO 12185 or ASTM D4052), kg/m 3
Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Flash point (ISO 2592 or ASTM D92), °C, min. ≥ 210 ≥ 210 ≥ 210 ≥ 210 ≥ 210 ≥ 210 ≥ 210
Pour point (ISO 3016 or ASTM D97), °C Report ≤ -35 ≤ -35 ≤ -35 ≤ -35 ≤ -35 ≤ -35
Superior or equivalent
30 max at 40°C 30 max at 40°C 15 max at 40°C 30 max at 40°C 30 max at 40°C 30 max at 40°C
Aeration / Air release at 40°C & 80°C performance to
4 max at 80°C ; 4 max at 80°C; 4 max at 80°C; 4 max at 80°C; 4 max at 80°C; 4 max at 80°C;
(ISO 9120 mod. or ASTM D3427), min. reference oil; provide
provide curves provide curves provide curves provide curves provide curves provide curves

PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN engine oil specifications
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290 B71 2297 B71 2302 B71 2312 B71 2010
Foaming tendency and stability
at 24°C (ISO 6247 or ASTM D892), ml / ml 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
at 93°C (ISO 6247 or ASTM D892), ml / ml 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0 50 / 0
at 24°C after 93°C (ISO 6247 or ASTM D892), ml / ml 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0 10 / 0
at 150°C, (ASTM D6082), ml / ml 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0
High temperature volatility (Noack)
≤ 13 ≤ 13 ≤ 13 ≤9 ≤ 13 ≤ 13 ≥ 13
(CEC L-40-A-93 or ASTM D5800), wt%
Chemical characteristics
Total acid number (TAN)
Report Report ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0
(ISO 6619 or ASTM D664), mgKOH/g
Total base number (TBN), mgKOH/g
ISO 3771 or ASTM D2896, min. ≥ 10.0 ≥ 10.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 6.0
ASTM D4739 Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Infrared spectrum Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
HPDSC (CEC L-85-99) on used oil of ATO test
Oxidation induction time (OIT) at 72, 96, 120, 144h Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Onset ignition temperature, at 72, 96, 120h Report Report Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA
Onset ignition temperature, at 144h Report Report ≥ 205 ≥ 205 ≥ 205 ≥ 205 ≥ 205
Steel corrosion - -
in presence of water (ASTM D665-A) Light rusting Light rusting Light rusting Light rusting Light rusting
in presence of salted water (PSA D53 5207 or
2; light rusting 2; light rusting 2; light rusting 2; light rusting 2; light rusting
ASTM D665-B)
Copper corrosion (ISO 2160 or ASTM D130) Report Report Report Report Report

PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN engine oil specifications
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290 B71 2297 B71 2302 B71 2312 B71 2010
Elementary analysis (ASTM D5185 or ASTM D6443)
According to ACEA According to ACEA
Sulphur (S) content, ppm ≤ 3000 ≤ 3000 ≤ 3000 ≤ 3000 ≤ 3000
level above level above
According to ACEA
Phosphorus (P) content, ppm ≤ 1000 ≤ 800 ≤ 800 ≤ 800 ≤ 800 ≤ 800
level above
Lithium (Li, Lead (Pb), Sodium (Na) and
≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25
Potassium (K) global content, ppm
Other elements (Ca, Mg, Zn, B, Mo, Si, Ba, N …)
Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
content, ppm
Chlorine (Cl) content, ppm Report Report ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25
Nitrogen (N) content, ppm - - Report Report Report Report Report
Calcium (Ca) content, ppm - - ≤ 1700 ≤ 1400 ≤ 1400 ≤ 1400 ≤ 1400
Calcium (Ca) & magnesium (Mg) global
- - ≤ 1700 ≤ 1700 ≤ 1700 ≤ 1700 ≤ 1700
content, ppm
Sulphated ash content
≥ 1.0 & ≤ 1.6 ≥ 1.0 & ≤ 1.6 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8
(ISO 3987 or ASTM D874), % m/m
Labotory mechanical tests
4-Ball machine - wear test (ISO 20623)
Average imprint diameter at 40kg, 60min,
≤ 0.50 ≤ 0.50 ≤ 0.50 ≤ 0.50 ≤ 0.50 ≤ 0.50 ≤ 0.50
1500rpm, mm
4-Ball machine - extreme pressure test (ISO 20623)
Seizure load, kg ≥ 100 (target) ≥ 100 (target) ≥ 100 (target) ≥ 100 (target) ≥ 100 (target) ≥ 100 (target) ≥ 100
Imprint diameter at 100kg, mm ≤ 0.55 ≤ 0.55 ≤ 0.55 ≤ 0.55 ≤ 0.55 ≤ 0.55 ≤ 0.55
PSA specific laboratory tests
Resistance to water (D57 5046) No gelation No gelation No gelation No gelation No gelation No gelation No gelation
PCT Coking test at 288°C
≥ 8.0 ≥ 8.0 ≥ 8.0 ≥ 8.0 ≥ 8.0 ≥ 8.0 ≥ 8.0
(GFC Lu-29-T-97 v.5), merit
PCT Coking test at 305°C
Report Report Report; Target = 8.0 Report; Target = 8.0 Report Report; Target = 8.0 Report
(PSA SOP 01563_10_00802), merit

PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN engine oil specifications
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290 B71 2297 B71 2302 B71 2312 B71 2010
TOC Oxidation stability at 170°C (ATO3)
test duration = 120h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h
(PSA SOP 01563_11_00047)
KV100 at 0, 72, 96, 120h & 144h, mm2/s Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
RKV (relative KV100 change compared to fresh oil) ≥ -20 (target) and
- - - - - -
at 72 & 96h, % ≤ +20
RKV (relative KV100 change compared to fresh oil) ≥ -20 (target) and ≥ -20 (target) and ≥ -20 (target) and ≥ -20 (target) and ≥ -20 (target) and ≥ -20 (target) and
at 72, 96 & 120h, % ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20
RKV at end of test (compared to fresh oil), % ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200
(RKV at 120h - RKV at 96h) / 24, %/h ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5
(RKV at 144h - RKV at 120h) / 24, %/h - ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5
PAI at 72, 96 & 120h Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Insoluble content at 120h, wt% < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05
Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as
TOC Oxidation stability with 8% added E10 standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test
(ATOE3) (Ethanol fuel) PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C:
merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min
TOC Oxidation stability with 1% added EHN1 Pass same limits as Pass same limits as Pass same limits as Pass same limits as Pass same limits as Pass same limits as Pass same limits as
(Nitration) standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test
Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as
TOC Oxidation stability with 8% added E22 standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test
(Brasil ethanol fuel) PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C:
merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min
Same limits as
TOC Oxidation stability with 8% added E10S standard TOC test
- - - - -
(China ethanol fuel) PCT at 288°C:
merit 7.0 min
Same limits as Same limits as
TOC Oxidation stability with 5% added BVRP2 standard TOC test standard TOC test
- - - - -
(Malaysia gasoline) PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C:
merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min
Same limits as Same limits as
TOC Oxidation stability with 8% added M15 standard TOC test standard TOC test
- - - - -
(China methanol fuel) PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C:
merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min
Same limits as Same limits as Same limits as
TOC Oxidation stability with 8% added E100 standard TOC test standard TOC test standard TOC test
- - - -
(Brasil ethanol fuel) PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C: PCT at 288°C:
merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min merit 7.0 min

PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN engine oil specifications
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290 B71 2297 B71 2302 B71 2312 B71 2010
TOC Oxidation stability with 10% added B10
test duration = 120h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h test duration = 144h
(ATOB3) (B10LUB)
KV100 at 0, 72, 96, 120h & 144h, mm2/s Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
RKV (relative KV100 change compared to ≥ -30 (target) and
- - - - - -
fresh oil) at 72 & 96h, % ≤ +20
RKV (relative KV100 change compared to ≥ -30 (target) and ≥ -30 (target) and ≥ -30 (target) and ≥ -30 (target) and ≥ -30 (target) and ≥ -30 (target) and
fresh oil) at 72, 96 & 120h, % ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20 ≤ +20
RKV at end of test (compared to fresh oil), % ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200 ≤ +200
(RKV at 120h - RKV at 96h) / 24, %/h ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5
(RKV at 144h - RKV at 120h) / 24, %/h - ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5
PAI at 72, 96 & 120h Report Report Report Report Report Report Report
Insoluble content at 120h, wt% < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05
Compatibility with elastomers
Please refer to chapter Please refer to chapter Please refer to chapter Please refer to chapter
Compatibility with ACEA elastomers According to ACEA According to ACEA According to ACEA
“Elastomer Compatibility” “Elastomer Compatibility” “Elastomer Compatibility” “Elastomer Compatibility”
(CEC L-112-16) (1) level above level above level above
for limits for limits for limits for limits
Please refer Please refer
Better or same Better or same Better or same
to chapter “Elastomer to chapter “Elastomer
performances than performances than performances than
Compatibility with PSA elastomers Compatibility” Compatibility”
- - PSA reference PSA reference PSA reference
(PSA S22 5106) for limits for limits
(available at (available at (available at
(available at (available at
Freudenberg, France) Freudenberg, France) Freudenberg, France)
Freudenberg, France) Freudenberg, France)

PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN engine oil specifications
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290 B71 2297 B71 2302 B71 2312 B71 2010
Engine test requirements
According to ACEA According to ACEA According to ACEA According to ACEA According to ACEA According to ACEA According to ACEA
ACEA engine tests
level above level above level above level above level above level above level above
DW10C Engine endurance test, at FEV Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA
DW10B Engine lash adjuster wear test, at APL Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA - - Acceptability by PSA
EP6CDT Engine endurance test, with E10S fuel, at ISP - - - Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA - -
Once available; Once available; Once available; Once available; Once available;
EC5 400-h endurance test, at PSA - -
acceptability by PSA acceptability by PSA acceptability by PSA acceptability by PSA acceptability by PSA
EB2ADTS LSPI test on aged oil, at ISP - - Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA
Better or equal to Ref Better or equal to Ref Better or equal to Ref
Better or equal to Ref
EB2 Turbo fuel economy test, at ISP - Report - oil (Total Quartz Ineo oil (Total Quartz Ineo oil (Total Quartz Ineo
oil (Total MA7)
First 0W-30) First 0W-30) First 0W-20)
EB2NA engine; EB2ADTS engine; EB2ADTS engine; EB2ADTS engine; EB2ADTS engine;
EB2NA / EB2ADTS 800h durability test, at PSA - -
Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA
Report, compared to Better or equal to Ref Better or equal to Ref Better or equal to Ref Better or equal to Ref
EB2ADTS emissions test, at ISP - Ref oil (Total Quartz - oil (Total Quartz Ineo oil (Total Quartz Ineo oil (Total Quartz Ineo oil (Total Quartz Ineo
7000 5W-40) HTC 5W-30) First 0W-30) First 0W-30) First 0W-20)
DW10FD 450h PCC endurance test, at PSA - - - - Acceptability by PSA Acceptability by PSA -
DV5RC 50h sticking test, at PSA - - - - - - Acceptability by PSA

(1) Please refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits of ACEA 2016.
(2) Additional requirements for first fill.
PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN passenger car engine oil requirements
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290
Turbocharger gasoline & diesel
Application Gasoline engines Diesels with DPF
engines without DPF
ACEA basis (1) A3/B4 -08 or A5/B5 -08 A3/B4 -08 C4 -08
SAE viscosity grade 0/5W-30 & 0/5/10W-40 0/5W-30 & 0/5/10W-40 0/5W-30 & 0/5W-40
HTHS (CEC L-36-A-90), mPa.s, min. 2.9 3.5 3.5
Noack volatility (CEC L-40-A-93, loss (B method)), max. 13.0 12.0 11.0
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m > 0.7 & ≤ 1.5 > 0.7 & ≤ 1.5 < 0.50
Phosphorus (ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. Rate & report Rate & report 0.09
Sulfur (ASTM D4951, or ASTM D5453), % m/m, max. Rate & report Rate & report 0.2
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 8 8 6
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Low temperature pumpability viscosity (ASTM D4684), mPa.s According SAE J300 According SAE J300 According SAE J300
Density (ISO 12185/NFT 601172), kg/m3 Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Flash point (ISO 2592), °C , min. 200 200 200
Pour point (ISO 3016), °C Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Copper corrosion (3 hrs at 150 °C) (ISO 2160), rating 1a 1a 1a
Anti-wear properties (60 min - 40daN, Avg. Diameter) (ISO 20623), mm, max. 0.5 0.5 0.5
De-airing at 40 °C (ISO 9120), minutes, max. 35 35 35
Water content (GFC TR-40-A-14), %, max. 0.05 0.05 0.05
Oxidation test TOC (D55 3099), Big tube (150g), 170°C,
360 mg/kg of iron, 10l/h air. Samples at 0, 8, 80, 96, 140 h. (TAN, PAI CO, viscosity)
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g, max. report at 80 h report at 80 h report at 96 h
PAI CO, max. 400 at 80 h 400 at 80 h 400 at 96 h
Variation of viscosity at 40°C, %, max. 200% at 80 h 200% at 80 h 200% at 96 h
Variation of viscosity at 100°C, %, max. report at 80 h report at 80 h report at 96 h
MCT (cokefaction test), (GFC Lu 27), merit, min. 6.0 7.0 7.0
Storage stability test (2)
(PSA in-house test method) See spec for details See spec for details See spec for details

PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROEN passenger car engine oil requirements
Specifications B71 2300 B71 2296 B71 2290
Compatibility test First Fill oils (2) (PSA in-house test method) See spec for details See spec for details See spec for details
Compatibility with plastics (2) (PSA in-house test method) See spec for details See spec for details See spec for details
Particular contamination (2) (ISO 4426) 16 / 13 16 / 13 16 / 13
Filterability (2) (ME 64120 A 014/--B), ∆P (bar) with KN filter
After 5 minutes, bar, max. 0.05 0.05 0.05
After 50 minutes, bar, max. 0.2 0.2 0.2
FMA, micron, max. 12 12 12
LLR durability, PSA engine durability test at IFP (PSA in-house test method)
Viscosity increase at 40°C (PAI CO), %, max. - - 100
Oil consumption, g/h, max. - - Rate & report
Piston deposis, merit, min. - - 5
Ring sticking, max. - - None (for all rings)

(1) PSA does not require official ACEA approval, only tests mentioned in their specs. These are based on ACEA 2008 tests and limits.
(2) For Factory Fill only.
RENAULT passenger car engine oil requirements
Specifications RN17 RN17FE RN17RSA
All gasoline engines except
Some gasoline engines
for sport applications
(see owner’s manual).
(see RN17RSA). Renault Sport and
Application New 1.5l Euro 6 diesel engines
New Euro 6 diesel engines Alpine engines
starting mid-2018
starting mid-2018 and all diesel
(see owner’s manual)
engines without DPF
ACEA basis (1)
C3 -16 C5 -16 C3 -16
SAE viscosity grade 5W-30 0W-20 0W-40
HTHS (CEC L-36-A-90), mPa.s, min. 3.5 2.6 4.1
Noack volatility (CEC L-40-A-93, loss (B method)), max. 11.0 11.0 11.0
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8
Phosphorus (ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. 0.09 0.09 0.09
Sulfur (ASTM D4951, or ASTM D5453), % m/m, max. 0.3 0.3 0.3
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 7.5 7.5 7.5
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g, max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Low temperature pumpability viscosity (ASTM D4684), mPa.s According SAE J300 According SAE J300 According SAE J300
Density (ISO 12185/NFT 601172), kg/m3 Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Flash point (ISO 2592), °C , min. 200 200 200
Pour point (ISO 3016), °C Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Copper corrosion (3 hrs at 150 °C) (ISO 2160), rating Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
HTCBT at 135°C (ASTM D6594). ppm increase, max.
Copper 20 20 20
Bronze strip rating 1 1 1
Copper strip rating (acc. to ASTM D130), max. 1b 1b 1b
Ball rust test (ASTM D6557), avg. grey value, min. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
De-airing at 40 °C (ISO 9120), minutes, max. 35 35 35
Water content (GFC TR-40-A-14), %, max. 0.05 0.05 0.05

RENAULT passenger car engine oil requirements
Specifications RN17 RN17FE RN17RSA
Oxidation test TOC (D55 3099), Big tube (150g), 170°C,
360 mg/kg of iron, 10l/h air. Samples at 0, 24, 120, 136, 168 h. (TAN, PAI CO, viscosity)
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g, max. report at 120 h report at 120 h report at 120 h
PAI CO, max. 400 at 120 h 400 at 120 h 400 at 120 h
Variation of viscosity at 40°C, %, max. 200% at 120 h 200% at 120 h 200% at 120 h
Variation of viscosity at 100°C, %, max. report at 120 h report at 120 h report at 120 h
MCT (cokefaction test), (GFC Lu 27), merit, min. 7.0 7.0 7.0
LLR durability, Renault engine durability test at IFP (Renault in-house test method)
Viscosity increase at 40°C, %, max. 100 - -
PAI CO, max. 200 - -
Piston deposis, merit, min. 3.5 - -
Ring sticking, max. 9 - -
Fuel Economy on NEDC cycle, Renault Fuel Economy test (test engine: K9K636) (2)
Fuel economy vs Ref oil (Renault supply, ACEA C4, SAE 5W-30, HTHS 3.2), %, min. - ≥ 0.0 -

(1) Renault does not require official ACEA approval, only tests mentioned in their specs. These are based on ACEA 2016 tests and limits.
(2) Performed by CERTAM.
SCANIA Long Drain Field (LDF) test requirements

• Scania has the following specifications: LDF, LDF-2, LDF-3, Low Ash, LDF-4, LDF-3 FS and LDF-5.
• The Scania specifications are no longer public information, so we are not able to publish these.

VOLVO CAR CORPORATION engine oil specifications
Volvo Car Specifications VCC RBS0-2AE 0W-20 95200356 95200377
Lastest version date Sept 10th 2014 Sept 10th 2014 Sept 10th 2014
Volvo Car 0W-20 low ash, long drain,
high fuel economy oil. Suitable only for
Volvo Car high ash standard service Volvo Car high ash, fuel economy,
HTHS 2.6 capable Volvo engines starting
Application fill oil suitable for all gasoline and service fill oil suitable for all gasoline
with the Volvo Engine Architecture (VEA)
diesel engines. and diesel engines.
diesel and gasoline engine platform.
Not backward compatible.
Main region Europe and US China Worldwide
C2 -12
ACEA level A3/B4-12 A5/B5-12
Unless otherwise stated per test
Acceptable SAE grades 0W-20 0W-30 0W-30
Viscosity (ASTM D445) at 150°C, mm2/s 3.6 Rate & report Rate & report
Viscosity (ASTM D445) at 100°C, mm2/s ≥ 7.0 & ≤ 9.3 ≥ 11.5 & ≤ 12.5 ≥ 9.3 & ≤ 12.6
Shear stability KV100 (CEC L-014-93 or ASTM D6278), Kin. Viscosity, mm2/s ≥ 7.0 & ≤ 9.3 ≥ 9.3 & ≤ 12.5 ≥ 9.3 & ≤ 12.6
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-036-90), mPa.s, min. 2.75 3.5 ≥ 2.9 & < 3.5
Shear stability HTHS (CEC L-014-93 or ASTM D6278), mPa.s, min. 2.75 3.5 ≥ 2.9 & < 3.5
Noack (ASTM D5800), %, max. 13 13 13
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. 0.9 ≥ 1.0 & ≤ 1.6 ≤ 1.6
Phosphorus (ASTM D5185), % m/m ≥ 0.07 & ≤ 0.09 Rate & report Rate & report
Sulfur (ASTM D4951, or ASTM D5453), max. 0.3 Rate & report Rate & report
TBN (ASTM D2896), mg KOH/g, min. 7.5 10.0 8.0
Pour point (ASTM D97), °C, max. -48 Rate & report -
Copper corrosion (ASTM D130 or ISO2160), rating, max. 1b 1b 1b
Gelation index (ASTM D5133), max. 8.5 - -
Flash Point (ASTM D93), °C, min. 185 Rate & report 230
Foaming high temperature (ASTM D6082), ml, max. 100/0 100/0 50/0
M111 fuel economy (CEC L-054-96), %, min. 3.4% (avg. of 3 tests) - 2.5%

VOLVO CAR CORPORATION engine oil specifications
Volvo Car Specifications VCC RBS0-2AE 0W-20 95200356 95200377
VW TDI (PV 1452)
Piston deposits, merit, min. > RL 206 + Std Dev RL 206 + Std Dev > RL 206 + Std Dev
Ring sticking. average 1st gr, ASF, max. 1.0 1.0 1.0
Ring sticking. Max. 1st / 2nd gr, ASF, max. 1/0 1/0 1/0
End of test TBN (DIN 51639-1), mgKOH/g, min. 4.0 4.0 4.0
End of test TAN (ASTM D664), max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
OM 646 DE22LA wear (CEC L-099-08)
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve (average wear 8 cams), µm, max. 100 / 120 100 / 120 100 / 120
Cylinder wear (average 4 cylinders), µm, max. 5.0 5.0 5.0
Bore polishing (13 cm), max value of 4 cylinders, %, max. 3.0 3.0 3.0
Tappet wear inlet/oulet (average wear 8 cams), µm Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Piston cleanliness (average 4 pistons), merit, min. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
Engine sludge average, merit, min. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report

Volvo VDS-3, Mack EO-N, Volvo VDS-4, Mack EO-O PP, Volvo VDS-4.5, Mack EOS-4.5,
Specifications Renault RLD-2 Renault RLD-3 Renault RLD-3
STD 417-0002 STD 417-0001 STD 417-0003
ACEA / API performance level ACEA E7 and/or API CI-4 ACEA E9 and/or API CJ-4 ACEA E6, E9, API CJ-4 or CK-4
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) xW-30, xW-40 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15) xW-30, xW-40 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15) xW-30, xW-40 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15)
Laboratory tests
Density (ASTM D1298), kg/m3 Report Report Report
Flash point COC (ASTM D92), °C Report Report Report
Pour point (ASTM D97), °C Report Report Report
Viscosity (ASTM D445) at 40°C, mm2/s Report Report Report
at 100°C, mm2/s xW-30: 9.3 - 12.5; xW-40: 12.5 - 16.3 xW-30: 9.3 - 12.5; xW-40: 12.5 - 16.3 xW-30: 9.3 - 12.5; xW-40: 12.5 - 16.3
HTHS viscosity (ASTM D4683 or CEC L-36-97), mPa.s Report Report Report
Shear stability (ASTM D7109)
Viscosity at 100°C after 90 cycles shear (ASTM D445), mm2/s, min. xW-30: 9.3; xW-40: 12.5 xW-30: 9.3; xW-40: 12.5 xW-30: 9.3; xW-40: 12.5
HTHS viscosity after 90 cycles shear (ASTM D4683 or CEC L-36-90), mPa.s, min. xW-30: 3.4; xW-40: 3.7 xW-30: 3.4; xW-40: 3.9 xW-30: 3.4; xW-40: 3.9
Low temperature cranking viscosity (CCS) (ASTM D5293), mPa.s, max. Acc. to SAE J300 Acc. to SAE J300 Acc. to SAE J300
Low temperature pumping viscosity (MRV) (ASTM D4684), mPa.s, max. Acc. to SAE J300 Acc. to SAE J300 Acc. to SAE J300
Base oil viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445), mm2/s, min. (1) Report Report Report
Evaporative loss (Noack) (ASTM D5800 or CEC L-40-93), %, max. 13 13 13
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. - 1.0 1.0
Phosphorus (ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. - 0.12 0.12
Sulfur (ASTM D4951), % m/m, max. - 0.4 0.3
Foaming tendency (ASTM D892) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3 1/2/3
Sequence I, II, III, ml, max. 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0 10 / 0, 20 / 0, 10 / 0
Corrosion (ASTM D6594)
Copper increase, ppm, max. 20 20 20
Lead increase, ppm, max. 120 120 120
Copper strip rating (ASTM D130), max. 3 3 3

Volvo VDS-3, Mack EO-N, Volvo VDS-4, Mack EO-O PP, Volvo VDS-4.5, Mack EOS-4.5,
Specifications Renault RLD-2 Renault RLD-3 Renault RLD-3
STD 417-0002 STD 417-0001 STD 417-0003
Hot surface oxidation (PDSC) (CEC L-85-99)
Oxidation induction time, min., min. 65 - -
Low temperature pumpability (CEC L-105-12)
MRV (3), mPa.s, max. According to SAE J300 According to SAE J300 According to SAE J300
Yield stress, Pa, max. According to SAE J300 According to SAE J300 According to SAE J300
Oxidation stability (CEC L-109-14)
Viscosity increase, %, max. 300 150 130
Oxidation, A/cm, max. 120 90 80
Seal compatibility (4)
Nitrile, Silicone, Polyacrylate, FKM, Vamac G (ASTM D7216) Pass Pass Pass
Engine tests
Cummins ISM (ASTM D7468) Run number
Merit rating, min. - 1000 1000
Crosshead weight loss at 3.9% soot, mg, max. 7.5 / 7.8 / 7.9 7.1 7.1
Oil filter delta p at 150 h, kPa, max. 55 / 67 / 74 19 19
Engine sludge, average, merit, min. 8.1 / 8.0 / 8.0 8.7 8.7
VAS weight loss at 3.9% soot, average, mg, max. - 45 45
Cummins ISB EGR (ASTM D7484) Run number
Slider tappet weight loss, average, max. - 100 / 108 / 112 100 / 108 / 112
Cam lobe wear, average, max. - 50 / 53 / 55 50 / 53 / 55
Crosshead weight loss, average, mg - Report Report

Volvo VDS-3, Mack EO-N, Volvo VDS-4, Mack EO-O PP, Volvo VDS-4.5, Mack EOS-4.5,
Specifications Renault RLD-2 Renault RLD-3 Renault RLD-3
STD 417-0002 STD 417-0001 STD 417-0003
Mack T-8E (ASTM D5967) (5) Run number 1/2/3
Relative viscosity at 4.8% soot, max. 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0 - -
Slope at 275 h or 5.8% soot (if reached before 275 h), max. (6)
0.75 - -
Mack T-10 (ASTM D6987) / Mack T-12 (ASTM D7422) T-10 / T-12 (7, 8)
T-12 (8) T-12 (8)
Merit rating, min. 1250 / 1250 1300 1300
Cylinder liner wear, µm, max. 32 / 26 21 21
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. 158 / 117 105 105
∆ lead 0 - 300 h, ppm, max. 35 / 42 30 30
∆ lead 250 - 300 h, ppm, max. 14 / 18 12 12
Oil consumption, g/h, max. 65 / 95 80 80
Mack T-11 or T-11A used oil MRV TP-1 (ASTM D6896) (2)

180 h drain MRV viscosity, mPa.s, max 25000 18000 18000

MRV yield stress, Pa, max. 35 35 35
Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
TGA soot at 4.0 mm2/s increase, %, min. - 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3 3.5 / 3.4 / 3.3
TGA soot at 12.0 mm2/s increase, %, min. - 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9 6.0 / 5.9 / 5.9
Mack T-12 (ASTM D7422)
Cylinder liner wear, µm, max. - - 21.0
Top ring weight loss, mg, max. - - 105
∆ lead 0 - 300 h, ppm, max. - - Report
∆ lead 250 - 300 h, ppm, max. - - Report
Oil consumption, g/h - - Report
Mack T-13 (ASTM D8048)
KV40 increase (300 - 360 h), %, max. - - 50
Oxidation peak height, A/cm, max. - - 80
Nitration, A/cm - - Report
∆ lead, ppm, max. - - Report
Average oil consumption (ag. 48 - 192 h), g/h, max. - - 40

Volvo VDS-3, Mack EO-N, Volvo VDS-4, Mack EO-O PP, Volvo VDS-4.5, Mack EOS-4.5,
Specifications Renault RLD-2 Renault RLD-3 Renault RLD-3
STD 417-0002 STD 417-0001 STD 417-0003
OM 501 LA (CEC L-101-08)
Piston deposits, average, merit, min. 17 - -
Bore polish, average, %, max. 2 - -

Oil consumption, kg/test, max. 9 - -

Engine sludge, average, merit Report - -
Sequence IIIF (ASTM D6984)
KV40 increase at 80 h, %, max. 275 - -
Sequence IIIG (ASTM D7320)
EOT KV40 increase (adjusted), %, max. - 150 -
KV40 increase at 100 h (unadjusted), % [B] - Report -
KV40 increase at 80 h (unadjusted), % [C] - Report -
KV40 increase at 60 h (unadjusted), % [D] - Report -
EOT Ratio [(B-C)/(C-D)], max. - Report -
CAT Oil Aeration Test (COAT) (WK 51937) Run number 1/2/3 1/2/3
Average aeration 40 to 50 h, % vol., max. - 11.6 / 11.7 / 11.8 11.8 / 11.8 / 11.8
Volvo D12D460 (TC 415) (9)

Piston deposits, merit, min. 40 40 40

Ring riding, %, max. 50 50 50
Bore polish, cm2, max. 150 150 150
Oil consumption (400 h), g/h, max. 35 35 35
Oil consumption (final 100 h), g/h, max. 35 35 35
Fuel economy (D12D460) (10)

Fuel economy , ESC 13 mode (Flat and Hilly) (11), g/kWh, min. - xW-30: p/n 8715091 -
Environmental aspects (10)
STD 900-0008 STD 900-0008 STD 900-0008

(1) T
 he base oil viscosity of the finished oil must always be higher or equal to the base oil viscosity of all test formulations used in the Mack T-12, Cummins ISB and Cummins ISM tests.
(2) R
 esults from T-10A (or T-12A if established and accepted by ASTM) can be used as an alternative to T-11A results. Limits as for API CI-4 or CI-4 PLUS apply.
(3) M
 RV shall be measured at the temperature required for respective W-grade in accordance with SAE J300.
(4) A dditional requirements may apply for factory-fill and Volvo Group-branded products. These are the unadjusted specification limits. Candidate oils need to conform to adjusted limits. Seal results shall be presented along with adjusted specification limits.
(5) T
 he results for Mack T-11 (ASTM D7156) obtained as part of API CI-4, CI-4 PLUS or CJ-4 approval programs can be used.
(6) S lope is calculated using derivative of a 3rd order polynomial regression fit of Soot vs Relative Viscosity using the last seven data points (150-300 h).
(7) T
 he results for Mack T-10 or Mack T-12 can be used.
(8) If passing results in Volvo T-13 are obtained, only CLW and TRWL data at the listed limits are required.
(9) T est code: Volvo Powertrain Corporation.
(10) A
 pplies only to factory-fill and Volvo Group-branded products.
(11) A
 ccording to Volvo Powertrain Corp. weighting factors.
VOLKSWAGEN engine oil specifications
504.00/507.00 508.00/509.00 508.88/509.99 502.00/505.00 501.01/505.00 505.01 First Fill ex. EU
TL 525.53
First Fill TL 521.95 TL 525.77 - TL 521.67
(5W-40 only)
Dec 2004 / Mar 2005 /
Last version date 1-Aug-2017 Apr-13 Dec-14 Jan-15 March 2005
Dec 2004 May 2010
VW low ash, VW 0W-20 low ash,
No New Approvals! No New Approvals!
universal service long drain, high fuel VW high ash oil
VW normal ash Existing approvals Existing approvals
Fill oil, fully backward economy oil. for outside Europe VW normal ash
standard service can requalify as long can requalify as long
compatible and in Suitable only for with different quality service fill oil
fill oil. as no changes. as no changes.
Europe used for HTHS 2.6 capable fuel than in EU. for gasoline engines
Not allowed VW mid SAPS stand VW mid SAPS
Service Fill extended drain. VW engines Normal drain. under server duty
for Pump injector alone service fill oil factory fill for
Mandatory for in EU and US. Not allowed for and pump injector
diesels. Not allowed for diesel engines gasoline engines
diesels with DPF. Not backward diesels with DPF. diesels WITHOUT
for modern day at severe duty and under severe duty
Only allowed compatible. Currently allowed DPF.
VW engines. pump injector diesels and pump injector
in ultra low sulfur Not allowed outside only in Brazil.
for non DPF diesels diesels without DPF.
fuel regions. EU and USA.
ACEA basis (VW DPF test C5-16 A3/B4 -16 A3/B4 -16 A3/B3 -16 C3-16 C3 -16
drives to C3)
SAE viscosity grade 0/5W-30 0W-20 0/5/10W-30/40 0/5W-30/40 0..20W-30..60 0/5W-30/40 5W-40
HTHS (CEC L-36-A-90), mPa.s, min. 3.5 2.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
According According According According According According
KV 100 (DIN 51562-1), mm2/s ≥ 7.8 & ≤ 9.3
SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300 SAE J300
Shear stability (CEC L-14-A-93), 30 cycles
KV 100 (DIN 51562-1), mm2/s, % loss after shear, max. 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15%
KV 100 (DIN 51562-1), mm2/s, after shear, min. Stay in grade 6.9 Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade Stay in grade
Noack volatility (CEC L-40-A-93), loss, B method, max. 11% 11% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13%
TBN (DIN 51639-1), mg KOH/g, min. 6.0 6.0 11.0 10.0 8.0 7.0 7.0
≤ 1.5 & Pass VW ≤ 1.0 & Pass VW
Sulfated ash (DIN 51575), % m/m. ≥ 1.0 & ≤ 1.5 ≥ 1.0 & ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.8
DPF test DPF test
Chlorine (DIN ISO 15597), % m/m, max. - 0.0050 - - - - -
Phosphorus (DIN 51363-3), % m/m. Rate & Report Rate & Report ≥ 0.08 & ≤ 0.15 ≥ 0.09 (1) ≥ 0.08 (1) ≥ 0.07 (1) Rate & Report
Sulfur (DIN EN ISO 14596), % m/m, max. Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report
Zirkonium content (PV1497), % m/m - 0.0025 - - - - -
Color. (no norm) - Green - - - - -

VOLKSWAGEN engine oil specifications
504.00/507.00 508.00/509.00 508.88/509.99 502.00/505.00 501.01/505.00 505.01 First Fill ex. EU
PAH value (VW 50550 and PV 1448), % m/m (6)
Rate & Report Rate & Report Rate & Report - - - Rate & Report
Sum PAH 1 till 12, mg/kg, max. 10 10 10 - - - 10
Ben(a)pyren, mg/kg, max. 1 1 1 - - - 1
Class 23/22/18 for Class 23/22/18 for Class 23/22/18 for Class 23/22/18 for
4/6/14 µm, 4/6/14 µm, 4/6/14 µm, 4/6/14 µm,
Impurities by particles (ISO 4406) (6) - - -
Class 23/18 for Class 23/18 for Class 23/18 for Class 23/18 for
5/15 µm 5/15 µm 5/15 µm 5/15 µm
Emulsion stability (ASTM D7563)
0°C and 24h. - - No phase separation - - - -
25°C and 24h. - - No phase separation - - - -
Oxidation stability (CEC L-109)
Oil oxidation at 216 h, A/cm, max. 55 55 - - - - -
Viscosity increase, relative at 216 h, %, max. 50 50 - - - - -
Corrosion test (PV 1401), corrosion grade, max.(6) 1 1 1 - - - 1
Corrosion test (PV 1425) (6)
Steel, grade, max. 1 1 1 - - - 1
Copper, grade, max. 2 2 2 - - - 2
Weight loss, % m/m, max. 0.5 0.5 0.5 - - - 0.5
Corrosion test (PV 1492), corrosion grade, max. - - 1 - - - -
Foaming tendency option A (ASTM D892),
ml, max., foaming / settling
Sequence I 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0
Sequence II 30 / 0 30 / 0 30 / 0 30 / 0 30 / 0 30 / 0 30 / 0
Sequence III 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0
High temperature foaming (ASTM D6082), max. 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0 100 / 0
VW oil/seal compat. (PV 3344) (2)
AEM1/AEM2 500 h 500 h 168 h 168 h 168 h 168 h 168 h
ACM1 500 h 500 h 168 h 168 h 168 h 168 h 168 h
AK6/1 168 h 168 h 3 x 94 h 3 x 94 h 3 x 94 h 3 x 94 h 3 x 94 h

VOLKSWAGEN engine oil specifications
504.00/507.00 508.00/509.00 508.88/509.99 502.00/505.00 501.01/505.00 505.01 First Fill ex. EU
M271 Sludge test (MB procedure)
Engine sludge average, merit, min. 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 RL140 + 4Σ 9.1 9.1
OM 646 DE22LA Wear (CEC L-099-08)
Cam wear inlet / outlet valve (average wear 8 cams), µm, max. 100 / 120 50 / 60 90 / 110 100 / 120 110 / 140 100 / 120 100 / 120
Tappet wear inlet / outlet valve (average wear 8 tappets ), µm. - Report - - - - -
Cylinder wear (avgerage 4 cylinders), µm, max. 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Bore polishing (13 cm), max value of 4 cylinders, %, max. 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 3.0
Bore polishing (13 cm), avg. value of 4 cylinders, %. - Report - - - - -
VW T4 (PV 1449)
200 - VW 200 - VW 200 - VW 200 - VW 200 - VW
Viscosity at 40°C at end of test, mm2/s, max. - -
correction correction correction correction correction
130 - VW 130 - VW 130 - VW 130 - VW 130 - VW
Vis. increase at 40°C, %, max. - -
correction correction correction correction correction
Ref Oil (typical 5) - Ref Oil (typical 5) - Ref Oil + 3 (typical 8) Ref Oil +1 (typical 6) - Ref Oil (typical 5) -
TBN end of test, DIN 51639-1, mg KOH/g, min.
VW correction VW correction - VW correction VW correction VW correction
TAN increase end of test, TAN points, max. 4 4 3 4 4
Piston merit, 5 parts, min. 1 1 1 1 - - 1
Ring sticking, ASF, max. none none none none - - none
VW Fuel economy (PV 1451)
0W-30: 2.5% /
FE vs. RL 191 (15W-40), %, min. 4.0% (4) - - - - -
5W-30: 2.0%
VW Fuel economy (PV 1496 Audi EA888)
FE vs. RL 5W-30, %, min. only PV 1451 allowed 1.5% (4) - - - - -

VOLKSWAGEN engine oil specifications
504.00/507.00 508.00/509.00 508.88/509.99 502.00/505.00 501.01/505.00 505.01 First Fill ex. EU
VW TDI (PV 1452)
> RL 206 + RL 206 + RL 206 + > RL 206 + > RL 206 + RL 206 + > RL 206 +
Piston deposits, merit, min.
Std Dev Std Dev Std Dev + 2 Std Dev Std Dev - 4 Std Dev Std Dev
Ring sticking. average 1st gr, ASF, max. 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0
Ring sticking. Max. 1st / 2nd gr, ASF, max. 1/0 1/0 0/0 1/0 2.5 / 0 1/0 1/0
End of test TBN (DIN 51639-1), mgKOH/g, min. Rate & report Rate & report 6.0 6.0 4.0 Rate & report Rate & report
End of test TAN (ASTM D664), max. Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report
VW 1.4 L FSI (PV 1481)
Ref Oil FSI 5510 - Ref Oil FSI 5510 - Ref Oil FSI 5510 -
Inlet valve deposits, max. - - - -
38.18% 38.18% 38.18%
VW DPF 1.9 L TDI (PV 1485)
Backpressure increase / oil consumption, mbar / kg, max. 6.0 6.0 - - - - -
VW bio-diesel sludge test (PV 1800)
Avg low ref oil +/- Avg low ref oil +/-
test stand severity test stand severity
Oil sump sludge, merit, min. - - - - -
+ 40% (high ref + 40% (high ref
minus low ref) minus low ref)
Ring sticking, ASF, max. - 0 - - - - -
VW RNT wear test Full test (650 h) - - - - 250 h test 250 h test
Baumuster Prufung (3) Complete Program - - - Short program Short program

(1) If the phosphorus content is < 0.10 % m/m, functional and/or in-vehicle tests may be required for release. Type and scope of these tests shall be coordinated with VW prior to approval.
(2) P  lease refer to chapter “Elastomer Compatibility” for limits.
(3) Consult VW for actual baumuster requirements.
(4) F  or VW508.00/509.00 Fuel Economy performance either PV 1451 or PV 1496, Audi EA888 can be used.
(5) C  ontrol parameter. For information only.
(6) F  actory Fill only.
ATC and
ATIEL codes
of practice
API and ATIEL base stock categories

Saturates (1) Sulfur (2)

Viscosity Index (3)
wt% wt%
Group I < 90 and/or > 0.03 and 80 ≤ VI < 120
Group II ≥ 90 and ≤ 0.03 and 80 ≤ VI < 120
Group III ≥ 90 and ≤ 0.03 and ≥ 120
Group IV Polyalphaolefins (PAO)
Group V All other base stocks not included in Group I, II, III, or IV.

(1) ASTM D2007 / IP129 for Group I or II / IP 129 for Goup II or III or IV.
(2) ASTM D2622 / ASTM D4294 / ASTM D4927 / ASTM D3120 may be used.
(3) ASTM D2270.
API EOLCS definitions for Base Oil Interchangeability guidelines

Acc. To Appendix A is / are

A lubricant component that
- is produced by a single manufacturer to the same specifications (independent of feed source or manufacturer’s location),
- meets the same manufacturer’s specification,
E.1.2.1 Base stock - is identified by a unique formula, product identification number, or both,
-m ay be manufactured using a variety of different processes including but not limited to distillation,
solvent refining, hydrogen processing, oligomerization, esterification, and rerefining.
Rerefined stock shall be substantially free from materials introduced through manufacturing, contamination, or previous use.”
E.1.2.2 Base stock slate A product line of base stocks that have different viscosities but are in the same base stock grouping and from the same manufacturer.
E.1.2.3 Base oil The base stock or blend of base stocks used in an API-licensed oil.

ATIEL Code of Practice definitions for base stock interchange guidelines

Acc. To Appendix A is / are

The base stock or blend of base stocks which, when mixed with performance additives, is used in an engine lubricant marketed as
A.1 Base oil
conforming to ACEA Oil Sequences
A base oil component that:
- is produced and used in accordance with the ATIEL Base Oil Quality Assurance (Appendix B) and Interchange Guidelines given in Appendix
A of the ATIEL Cope of Paractice issue 20
- is produced by a single manufacturer or partner group to the same specification, independently of feed source or manufacturer’s location,
A.1 Base stock -m  eets the same manufacturer’s or partner group’s specification and is identified by a unique formula, product identification number or
-m  ay be manufactured using a variety of different processes including but not limited to distillation, solvent refining, hydrogen processing,
oligomerization, esterification, and re-refining,
- is substantially free from materials introduced through manufacturing, contamination, or previous use.
A company which produces, at one or more manufacturing sites, base stock(s) for use in lubricants for which compliance with
2.1 Base stock manufacturer
ACEA Oil Sequences is claimed.
The starting material such as crude oil, refinery intermediate or used lubricating oil from which base stocks are produced at a
A.1 Feedstock manufacturing site.
A particular feedstock may originate from a single source or multiple sources.
A product line of base stocks that:
- is produced by the same manufacturer,
- meets the ATIEL definition of base stock,
A.1 Base stock slate - is in the same ATIEL Base Stock Group (I to IV)
- may have different specified viscosities and other properties,
- has been demonstrated, in lubricants for which compliance with ACEA Oil Sequences is claimed, to be technically substitutable by
other appropriate base stocks on the same slate.
Base stock slates that the lubricant manufacturer or base stock manufacturer or partner group concerned has demonstrated are
A.1 Linked slates
interchangeable without the need for further engine testing for the tests for which linking has been demonstrated
A voluntary grouping of two or more base stock manufacturers who have:
A.1 Partner group - base stock slates complying with the ATIEL definition of base stock slate,
- linked base stock slates on the basis of a written agreement.
The process of substituting base stock(s) from alternative base stock slates in engine lubricants validated as complying with ACEA Oil
A.1 Base oil interchange

ATIEL base stock interchange guidelines
Use of alternative base stocks in validated formulations
Base stocks can differ in their physical properties and chemical composition, which may result in differences in the performance of formulated engine lubricants in engine tests and in
service. The ATIEL BOI guidelines define the minimum engine test necessary to ensure that the standard of engine lubricant performance defined by the ACEA Oil Sequences will be
Same slate or linked base stock slate
maintained when one base stock is substituted by another in validated formulations. These guidelines are given in Appendix A.
Base stocks having the same quality control specifications are assumed to be interchangeable only if they belong to the same slate or to linked slates and so substitution of a base stock
by another base stock within the same base stock slate, or within linked slates is permitted. In all other cases, the base oil interchange guidelines apply.
Base Oil Interchange Tables (Appendix A - A4) identify which engine tests can be waived (“not required”) and which shall be passed (“required”) to permit interchange base stocks in an
originally-tested engine lubricant formulation with those from a different base stock slate.

Passing results are required only for those engine tests that are a requirement of the ACEA categories for which support is being established.
Complete ACEA Performance Data Set documentation is required for the original formulation.
Guidelines for Base Oil Interchange (BOI)
App. A. A4
#6.5.2 When applying the guidelines, the performance additive package and its concentration, the viscosity modifier (VM) (possible concentration adjustment shall be less than 15% mass fraction
relative) and the viscosity grade of the formulations shall remain the same.
BOI test work shall be carried out separately from any possible Viscosity Modifier Interchange or other performance additive package modification.

Where base stocks from more than one base stock group are interchanged simultaneously, cumulative base stock substitutions shall not exceed 10% or 30% by mass, as given in the BOI
tables in Appendix A.

ACC and ATC guidelines for minor formulation modifications
ACC (*) Appendix ATC (**) Section
Appendix H of the ACC Code of Practice # Section h of the ATC Code of Practice #
Performance additive package
Level 1 Level 2 Modifications within an ATC data set or programme
minor formulation modifications
Decrease in treatment level of either the entire
performance additive package or its individual Not allowed except for ZnDTP or detergent rebalance Not allowed except for permissible rebalances h.1
Performance additive package treatment level
≤ 20%(4) > 20 to ≤ 30% H1 Allowed h.2
Single component of performance additive package
Allowed h.2
- present at > 1.0% in finished oil ≤ 20%(4) > 20 to ≤ 30% H2
- present at ≤ 1.0% in finished oil
• ≤ 0.3% ≤ 100 %(4) > 100% to 200% (max 0.6% in formulation to be tested) H 3.a
• > 0.3% to ≤ 0.6% ≤ 50 %(4) > 50% to 100% H 3.b
• > 0.6 % to ≤ 1% ≤ 30 %(4) > 30% to 100 % (max 1.3% in formulation to be tested) H 3.c
New component addition
Not allowed ≤ 10% of total final performance additive package H4 ≤ 10% by mass of final Performance Additive Package. h.3
(Only one Permitted)
Allowed whilst maintaining constant formulation
Rebalance of ZnDTP Allowed while maintaining constant Phosphorus level, Phosphorus level.
Not allowed H 5.a
(Only one permitted) this may include introduction of a new ZnDTP This may include introduction of a new ZnDTP:
only one new ZnDTP introduction is allowed
Required for Seq VIB/VID for 0.04% ≤ Phosphorus
Allowed except ≤ 0.12% increase(1)
Increase in ZnDTP treatment level H 5.b
VIB/VID/VIE/VIF(1) Required for all engine tests for increases above
0.12% Phosphorus(1)
Permitted if sulfated ash remains constant Acceptable provided overall soap level is not
Rebalance of metallic detergents
Not allowed Overall soap must not be decreased H6 decreased, only one new metallic detergent h.5
(Only one permitted)(2)
Soap increase ≤ 30 % per individual soap type (2) introduction is allowed

ACC and ATC guidelines for minor formulation modifications
ACC (*) Appendix ATC (**) Section
Appendix H of the ACC Code of Practice # Section h of the ATC Code of Practice #
Performance additive package
Level 1 Level 2 Modifications within an ATC data set or programme
minor formulation modifications
Performance additive package minor
modifications ≤ 3 or 4 (3)
Other limitations H7 No
The sum of all modifications shall not result in an increase in
treatment level of any major component > 30%
All modifications which involve a metallic detergent
(e.g. performance additive package treat rate increase,
Any metallic detergent modification for Seq IX Not allowed metallic detergent increase, metallic detergent rebalance, or H 11 No
new metallic detergent introduction) requires Level 2 sup-
port for the Sequence IX

The performance additive package commercialized must include all permitted minor modifications. ACC Appendix H 10, ATC Section h.6.
(*) From ACC CoP Code Bulletin C57 with effective date December 3, 2017: Applies only to sequence IIIF, IIIG, IIIH, IVA, VG, VIB, VID, VIE, VIF, VIII, and IX engine tests.
(**) From ATC CoP Section H, Feb. 2017.
(1) H
 .5.b) original language: An increase in treatment level of zinc dithiophosphate (ZnDTP), in a formulation where the phosphorus level from ZnDTP is greater than 0.04%, up to a maximum of 0.12 % phosphorus from ZnDTP is acceptable with Level 2 support for
the Sequence VIB and/or VID and Level 1 support for all other engine tests. For increases above 0.12% P from ZnDTP, Level 2 support is required for all engine tests. Alternatively, Guideline H2 or H3 could be used if applicable.
(2) T he detergent rebalance may be effected simultaneously with the addition of a new metallic detergent component in line with the requirements of Guideline 4. In the specific instance where the soap and metal type of the new component are already present in
the formulation, the rebalance counts as one modification. In other cases, the simultaneous rebalance/ addition counts as tow minor modifications.
(3) Matrix Core approach allows 4 minor modifications; non-matrix Core approach only allows 3 minor modifications.
(4) See guideline 11 for the Sequence IX test.
ACC and ATC guidelines for minor formulation modifications
Base stocks and other
ACC (*) Appendix ATC (**) Section
constituents minor
Appendix H of the ACC Code of Practice # Section h of the ATC Code of Practice #
formulation modifications
Base stock ratio change: Acceptable with Level 1 support:
Unrestricted (4)
Same slate ≤15% absolute on a normalized to 100 % base stock ratio.
H 8.a h.8d
Follow the principles given in h.7 (also covers new base stock addition)
Different slate
No change in Gp V permitted
New base stock addition Acceptable with Level 1 support: Within same base stock slate Group I to Group I, Group II to Group II,
H 8.a h.7.1
Same slate ≤ 15% of base oil (base stock blend) Group III to Group III,Group IV to Group IV is unrestricted.
Different slate ≤ 10 % in finished oil H 8.b Interchange Base Stock (1), (4)
Base stock in
(Limit to Group I, II, III or IV only) Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
original formulation
Group I Note 7 ≤10% (8) ≤30% >30% (2) ≤30% >30% (2) ≤10 (2)
Group II ≤10% (8) ≤10% (8) ≤30% >30% (2) ≤30% >30% (2) ≤10 (2)
Group III None (8) None (8) ≤10% (6)(8) ≤30 ≤10 (2)

Group IV None (8) None (8) None Note 3 ≤10 (2)

Group V None None None None None
Tests which are not deemed to be sensitive to base stock
Use the API base oil
Matrix approach changes may be run in any applicable base stock h.7.2
interchangeability guidelines
(as per the ATIEL Code base oil interchange principles)

ACC and ATC guidelines for minor formulation modifications
Base stocks and other
ACC (*) Appendix ATC (**) Section
constituents minor
Appendix H of the ACC Code of Practice # Section h of the ATC Code of Practice #
formulation modifications
≤ 15% relative allowed without further support
Viscosity modifier treat level
≤ 15% relative within Level 1 H 8.c >15 % relative is allowed if in alignment with ATIEL h.8a
Viscosity Grade Read Across Guidelines
Pour point depressant treat
Acceptable with Level 1 H9 Acceptable h.8b
level or type change
Antifoam treat level or
Acceptable with Level 1 except COAT (5)
H9 Acceptable h.8c
type change

The performance additive package commercialized must include all permitted minor modifications. (ACC Appendix H 10, ATC Section h.9).
(*) From ACC CoP Code Bulletin C57 with effective date December 3, 2017: Applies only to sequence IIIF, IIIG, IIIH, IVA, VG, VIB, VID, VIE, VIF, VIII, and IX engine tests.
(**) From ATC CoP Section H, Feb. 2017: Cumulative substitutions must not exceed 10% or 30% by mass, as relevant and as defined above, from any initial/intermediate candidate for which test data are to be retained in support of the final candidate without
specific engine test data.
With specific engine test data, replacement of Gp I or II with Gp III or IV is unlimited.
Where changes such as above are introduced as the result of failing engine test data, and to pass an engine test, the reverse substitution may not be made subsequently, even if apparently allowed under the rules above, without the relevant engine test having been
re-run and passed on a system representative of the final base stock mix to be promoted.
(1) All percentages are %m of the finished oil.
(2) Allowed with specific engine test data from the specific engine test.
(3) Substitution of Gp IV by another manufacturer’s Gp IV is allowed as defined by the ATIEL Code of Practice Issue Number20 (Appendix A, Base Stock Interchange Guidelines).
(4) Base stock groupings are as defined by the ATIEL Code of Practice Issue Number 20, Appendix A, Section A1.
(5) P
 ublished in Code Bulletin C-48 effective April 22, 2016: When changing foam inhibitor type or treatment level in the Caterpillar Oil Aeration Test (COAT), Level 1 support alone is not adequate; fundamental formulation knowledge support must exist to ensure
performance is not deteriorated in this test.
(6) For the TU5JP, follow ATIEL Code of Practice Issue Number 19, Appendix B, Table B.3. For other engine tests, follow the table above.
(7) Follow ATIEL Code of Practice Issue Number 20, Appendix A, Table A.4.2 BOI Tables for engine tests listed there. For the TU5JP and DV43E follow ATIEL Code of Practice Issue Number 19, Appendix B.
(8) For the M111FE, follow the requirements of the ATIEL Code of Practice Issue Number 20, Appendix A, Table BOI.3. For other engine tests, follow the table above.
ACC guidelines for program guidelines

ACC (*) Appendix

Appendix I of the ACC Code of Practice #
Program guidelines built on existing Core Data sets developed
Level 1 Level 2
under the ACC code
Uptreat of Performance additive package treatment level ≤ 20% except for Seq IX ≤ 20% for Seq IX I 1 a)
Uptreat of additives already present or additives
Not allowed Any amount I 1 b)
which were not present in the original tested formulation
New component addition Not allowed Any amount I1
Change in viscosity modifier shear stability within the same
Not allowed Allowed I3
chemical type (1) and manufacturer
Addition of dispersant for monograde or other grade with a lower
dispersant viscosity modifier treatment level compared to what was used Not allowed Required for all Sequence engine tests except VG I4
in a multigrade program will be defined by Seq VG
Substitution of Group III or Group IV base stock for Group I, Group II,
Not allowed Allowed I5
and/or Group III base stock is allowed with Level 2 support.
Substitution of API Group V base stock for up to 10% of the base stock
Not allowed Allowed I6
for PCMOs and diesel engine oils

The performance additive package commercialized must include all permitted minor modifications. ACC Appendix H 10, ATC Section h.6.
(*) From ACC CoP Code Bulletin C57 with effective date December 3, 2017.
(1) Chemical type means chemical family, such as, but not limited to, styrene ester, polymethacrylate, styrene butadiene, styrene isoprene, polyisoprene, olefin copolymer, and polyisobutene.
ACC and ATC guidelines data required for candidate data packages

• Analytical Testing • Rheological Testing

- All additive elements known to be present - Viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445)
- TBN (ASTM D2896) - CCS (if W grade) (ASTM D5293)
- HTHS at 150°C (ASTM D4683, D4624, or D4741)
• Analytical Testing • Rheological Testing
Level 1
- All additive elements known to be present - Viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445)
- TBN (ASTM D2896) - Viscosity at 40°C (ASTM D445)
Appendix E 2
- IR (Infrared trace) - CCS (if W grade) (ASTM D5293)
- MRV (if W grade) (ASTM D4684)
- HTHS at 150°C (ASTM D4683, D4624, or D4741)
• Base Stock Analysis
- Saturates (ASTM D2007)
- Sulfur (ASTM D1552/ D2622/ D3120/ D4294/ D4297)
- Viscosity Index (ASTM D2270)
• Engine Tests / Final Formulation • Demonstrate No Harm
- Full length ASTM operationally valid engine tests on oils containing performance additive package(s)
Level 2 representative of the chemistry in the final formulation.
= Level 1+ - ASTM calibrated test stands to be used in all cases.
ACC CoP Appendix E 3 and - Tests limited to the following:
definition of Level 2 support
in Glossary of Terms Tab 1 - statistically designed engine test matrices, or
- complete engine test programs, or
- partial set of tests from same technology family

ACC and ATC guidelines data required for candidate data packages

• Analytical Testing • Rheological Testing

- Finished oil metals where present - Viscosity at 100°C (ASTM D445)
- Finished oil S, N, Si, P, Cl (1)
- CCS (if W grade) (ASTM D5293)
Section G g.4 - TBN (ASTM D2896) • Treatment level in finished oil of
- Sulfated ash (ASTM D874) - Performance additive package
ACC - Base stocks
- Viscosity Modifier
- Other constituents
• Base Stock Analysis

ATC CoP - Saturates (ASTM D2007 or IP129)

Section G g.2 - Sulfur (ASTM D2622 or ASTM D4294 or ASTM D4927 or ASTM D3120)
- Viscosity Index (ASTM D2270)

(1) Cl determination is only required on the final formulation and where an ACEA A/B or C claim is being made.
guidelines for:
- Viscosity grade
read-cross (VGRA)
- Base oil
interchange (BOI)
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Tables F-2 through F-19 on following pages indicate when a viscosity grade read-across is allowed (X) and not allowed (-).
For viscosity grades not included in those tables, read across is allowed for certain tests if the viscosity grades meet all the applicable technical principles described in Table F-1.
Read-across for viscosity grades not covered by Table F-1 through F-20 is not allowed until API’s BOI/VGRA Task Force reviews the justification and data supporting a change to the tables and recommends the change to the API Lubricants
Stardard Group and the Lubricants Stardard Group approves the change.
Check marks in Table F-1 indicate which technical principles apply to a specific test.

Table F-1A

Passenger car motor oils
Detergent (dispersant)-inhibitor (DI) content of the read-across viscosity grade
shall be equal to, or higher than, that of the original viscosity grade. The increase √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ (3)
in DI is limited to the maximum allowed by the ACC Code of Practice
Base stock blend kinematic viscosity at 100°C of the read-across viscosity
grade must be equal to or higher than that of the original viscosity grade, NA NA √ √ NA √ √ √ NA (3)
considering the precision of the test method
The viscosity modifier (VM) content of the read-across viscosity grade
NA NA (4) (4) NA (4) √ √ or (5) √ or (5) (3)
must be equal to or lower than that of the original viscosity grade

Table F-18

Passenger car motor oils
Detergent (dispersant)-inhibitor (DI) content of the read-across viscosity grade shall be equal to, or higher than, that of the original viscosity grade.
√ √ √ √ √
The increase in DI is limited to the maximum allowed by the ACC Code of Practice
Base stock blend kinematic viscosity at 100°C of the read-across viscosity grade must be equal to or higher than that of the original viscosity grade,
√ NA √ √ NA
considering the precision of the test method
The viscosity modifier (VM) content of the read-across viscosity grade must be equal to or lower than that of the original viscosity grade √ NA √ and (8) √ or (5) (7)

Diesel engine oils 1M-PC

Detergent (dispersant)-inhibitor (DI) content of the read-across viscosity grade shall be equal to or higher than that of the original viscosity grade. The increase in DI is limited to the maximum allowed by the ACC Code of Practice √
Base stock blend kinematic viscosity at 100°C of the read-across viscosity grade must be equal to or higher than that of the original viscosity grade, considering the precision of the test method √
The viscosity modifier (VM) content of the read-across viscosity grade must be equal to or lower than that of the original viscosity grade √
Finished oil volatility of the read-across viscosity grade must be equal to or lower than that of the original viscosity grade √

(1) √ = principle is applicable; NA = not applicable.
(2) T echnical principles for the Sequence IIIGA are limited to 0W, 5W, and 10W multigrades.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across can only be added after review by the API BOI/VGRA Task Force and approval by the API Lubricants Committee.
(4) V  iscosity modifier content must be no more than 1.5 times higher than the viscosity modifier content in the oil on which the test was run.
(5) F or dispersant-type VM, the VM content of the read-across viscosity grade must be equal to or higher than the original viscosity grade.
(6) R  ead-across viscosity grades must contain an equal amount of the same group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend if a Group V base stock is used in the original viscosity grade.
(7) V iscosity modifier content must be no more than 2.5 times higher than the viscosity modifier content in the oil on which the test was run.
(8) R elative viscosity modifier treat level was not found to be a statistically significant factor impacting Seq. IVB performance. The range of relative VM treat rates evaluated in the BOI/VGRA matrix was 1.0x to 1.7x.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
L-38/Sequence VIII tests - Table F-2

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50
5W-20 NA X X X X X X X X X X X X
5W-30 X NA X X X X X X X X X X X
10W — — NA — — — — X — — X X X
10W-30 — — X NA X X X X X X X X X
10W-40 — — X X NA X X X X X X X X
15W-40 — — — X X NA X X X X X X X
15W-50 — — — — X X NA X X X X X X
20W — — — — — — — NA — — X X X
20W-40 — — — — — X X X NA X X X X
20W-50 — — — — — — X X X NA X X X
30 — — — — — — — — — — NA X X
40 — — — — — — — — — — — NA X
50 — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

Table F-3

L-38/Sequence VIII 10 hr Stripped Kinematic ASTM D6278 (30 Passes) Kinematic

Viscosity Grade
Viscosity@100 °C (mm2/s), min Viscosity@100 °C (mm2/s), min
XW-16 6,1 5,8

XW-20 6,9 6,5

XW-30 9,3 8,5

XW-40 12,5 11,5

XW-50 16,3 15,0

XW-60 21,9 19,8

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(5) T he read-across in table F-2 applies only to bearing weight loss and piston varnish.
(6) A ll multigrade oils must meet the requirement of Table F-3. Data to support stay-in-grade performance shall be maintained by the licensee for active API Service Categories and ILSAC specifications. Either CRC L-38/Sequence VIII
or ASTM D6278 (30 passes) may be used to support stay-in-grade requirements where the limits are listed in Table F-3.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence IID - Table F-4

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

5W-20 NA X X X X X X X X X X X —

5W-30 X NA X X X X X X X X X X —

10W — — NA — — — — X — — X X —

10W-30 — — X NA X X X X X X X X —

10W-40 — — X X NA X X X X X X X —

15W-40 — — — X X NA X X X X X X X

15W-50 — — — — X X NA X X X X X X

20W — — — — — — — NA — — X X X

20W-40 — — — — X X X X NA X X X X

20W-50 — — — — — X X X X NA X X X

30 — — — — — — — X — — NA X X

40 — — — — — — — — — — X NA X

50 — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence IIIE/IIIF/IIIG/IIIGB tests - Table F-5

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

5W-20 NA — X X — — — X X X X X X

5W-30 Xa NA X X X X X X X X X X X

10W — — NA — — — — X — — X X X

10W-30 — — X NA X X X X X X X X X

10W-40 — — X X NA X X X X X X X X

15W-40 — — — X X NA X X X X X X X

15W-50 — — — — — X NA — X X X X X

20W — — — — — — — NA — — X X X

20W-40 — — — — — — — X NA X X X X

20W-50 — — — — — — — — X NA X X X

30 — — — — — — — — — — NA X X

40 — — — — — — — — — — — NA X

50 — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
Viscosity modifier content must be no more than 1.5 times higher than the viscosity modifier content in the oil on which the test was run.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(a) The read from 5W-30 to 5W-20 applies to Sequence IIIF/IIIG only.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence IIIH - Table F-6

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 0W-16 0W-20 0W-30 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

0W-16 NA — — X — X X — — — X X — X X X

0W-20 X NA — X — X X — — — X X X X X X

0W-30 X X NA X X X X X X — X X X X X X

5W-20 — — — NA — — X — — — X X — X X X

5W-30 — — — X NA — X — X — X X X X X X

10W — — — — — NA — — — — X — — X X X

10W-30 — — — — — — NA — — — X X X X X X

10W-40 — — — — — — X NA X — X X X X X X

15W-40 — — — — — — — — NA — X X X X X X

15W-50 — — — — — — — — X NA X X X X X X

20W — — — — — — — — — — NA X — X X X

20W-40 — — — — — — — — — — — NA — — X X

20W-50 — — — — — — — — — — — X NA — X X

30 — — — — — — — — — — — — — NA X X

40 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NA X

50 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Standards Group.
Viscosity modifier content should not be higher than that in the oil tested.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence IIIGA and ROBO tests - Table F-7

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40

5W-20 NA — X X —

5W-30 X NA X X X

10W-30 — — X NA X

10W-40 — — X X NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
Viscosity modifier content must be no more than 1.5 times higher than the viscosity modifier content in the oil on which the test was run.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) Tested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence IVA Test - Table F-8

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

5W-20 NA — X X — — — X Xa Xa X X X

5W-30 X NA X X X X X X X X X X X

10W — — NA — — — — X — — X X X

10W-30 — — — NA — X — X X X X X X

10W-40 — — — X NA X X X X X X X X

15W-40 — — — X — NA X X X X X X X

15W-50 — — — — — — NA — X X X X X

20W — — — — — — — NA — — X X X

20W-40 — — — — — X — — NA X X X X

20W-50 — — — — — — — — — NA X X X

30 — — — — — — — — — — NA X X

40 — — — — — — — — — — — NA X

50 — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(a) Read-across permitted if requirements in F.1.3 are met.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence IVA Test - Table F-9

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 0W-16 0W-20 0W-30 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 20W-50

0W-16 NA X X X X X X X X

0W-20 X NA X X X X X X X

0W-30 X X NA X X X X X X

5W-20 — — — NA X X X X X

5W-30 — — — X NA X X X X

10W-30 — — — — — NA X X X

10W-40 — — — — — X NA X X

15W-40 — — — — — — — NA —

20W-50 — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Group.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) Relative viscosity modifier treat level was not found to be a statistically significant factor impacting Seq. IVB performance. The range of relative VM treat rates evaluated in the BOI/VGRA matrix was 1.0x to 1.7x.
(4) N ew viscosity grade and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(5) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence VE/VG test nondispersant viscosity modifier - Table F-10

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

5W-20 NA — X X — — — X — — X X —

5W-30 X NA X X X X X X X X X X —

10W — — NA — — — — X — — X X —

10W-30 — — — NA — X — X X X X X —

10W-40 — — — X NA X X X X X X X —

15W-40 — — — X — NA X X X X X X X

15W-50 — — — — — — NA — X X X X X

20W — — — — — — — NA — — X X X

20W-40 — — — — — X — — NA X X X X

20W-50 — — — — — — — — — NA X X X

30 — — — — — — — — — — NA X X

40 — — — — — — — — — — — NA X

50 — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence VE/VG test dispersant viscosity modifier (a) - Table F-11

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

5W-20 NA X — X X X X — X X — — —

5W-30 — NA — Xb X X X — X X — — —

10W — — NA — — — — X — — X X —

10W-30 — — — NA X X X — X X — — —

10W-40 — — — X NA X X — X X — — —

15W-40 — — — X X NA X — X X — — —

15W-50 — — — — — — NA — X X — — —

20W — — — — — — — NA — — X X X

20W-40 — — — — — X X — NA X — — —

20W-50 — — — — — — X — — NA — — —

30 — — — — — X X — X X NA X X

40 — — — — — — — — — — — NA X

50 — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(a) Read-across is allowed to formulations with an equal or higher concentration of dispersant viscosity modifier.
(b) 1 0W-30 read-across is permitted at a lower concentration of dispersant viscosity modifier than the 5W-30 provided that a passing SAE 30 is also obtained on the formulation where the DI treat remains unchanged.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence VH test nondispersant viscosity modifier - Table F-12

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 0W-16 0W-20 0W-30 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

0W-16 NA — — X — X X — X — X X X X X X

0W-20 X NA — X X X X — X — X X X X X X

0W-30 X X NA X X X X X X X X X X X X X

5W-20 — — — NA — X X — X — X X X X X X

5W-30 — — — X NA X X X X — X X X X X X

10W — — — — — NA — — — — X X X X X X

10W-30 — — — — — — NA — X — X X X X X X

10W-40 — — — — — — X NA X — X X X X X X

15W-40 — — — — — — — — NA — X X X X X X

15W-50 — — — — — — — — X NA X X X X X X

20W — — — — — — — — — — NA X — — X X

20W-40 — — — — — — — — — — — NA — — X X

20W-50 — — — — — — — — — — — — NA — X X

30 — — — — — — — — — — — — — NA X X

40 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NA X

50 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Standards Group.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence VID test - Table F-13

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 0W-20 5W-20 0W-30 5W-30 10W-30 0W-40 5W-40 10W-40

0W-20 NA X1 — — — — — —

5W-20 X1 NA — — — — — —

0W-30 X2 X2 NA X1 X1 — — —

5W-30 X2 X2 X1 NA X1 — — —

10W-30 X2 X2 X2 X2 NA X1 X1 X1

0W-40 — — — — X1 NA X1 X1

5W-40 — — — — X1 X1 NA X1

10W-40 — — — — X1 X1 X1 NA

X1 = VGRA is allowed if HTHS@100°C (D6616) of the candidate oil is less than or equal to the original tested oil OR if HTHS@100°C (D6616) of the candidate oil meets the conditions of equations shown below.
X2 = VGRA is allowed if the original tested oil meets the FEI Sum and FEI2 limit requirements for the read-across viscosity grade and the HTHS@100°C (D6616) of the candidate oil is less than or equal to the original tested oil.

Equations F.1.0
Testing is not required if both equations are true:
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEIsumLimit - FEIsumOriginal) / -0.485} + (HOriginal * R)
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEI2Limit – FEI2Original) / -0.227} + (HOriginal * R)
HCandidate is the HTHS@100°C of the candidate oil as measured by ASTM D6616
HOriginal is the HTHS@100°C of the original tested oil as measured by ASTM D6616
FEIsumLimit is the FEI sum passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEIsumOriginal is the FEI sum (FEI1Original + FEI2Original) result of the original tested oil
-0.485 is the FEIsum coefficient from the Seq. VID industry matrix model
FEI2Limit is the FEI2 passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEI2Original is the FEI2 result of the original tested oil
-0.227 is the FEI2 coefficient from the Seq. VID industry matrix model

R is the reproducibility as reported in the most recent version of ASTM D6616. The current R = 0.035 (3.5%) for ASTM D6616-07.
The range of the HTHS@100°C used to develop the Seq. VID industry matrix model was 5.44 to 7.68 cP (5.25 to 7.95 cP when allowance is made for D6616 reproducibility).
This information is for reference. It does not restrict application of the guidelines by the marketer who is responsible for ensuring that each licensed engine oil satisfies all engine and bench test performance requirements.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence VIE test - Table F-14

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 0W-20 5W-20 0W-30 5W-30 10W-30 0W-40 5W-40 10W-40

0W-20 NA X1 — — — — — —

5W-20 X1 NA — — — — — —

0W-30 X2 X2 NA X1 X1 — — —

5W-30 X2 X2 X1 NA X1 — — —

10W-30 X2 X2 X2 X2 NA X1 X1 X1

0W-40 — — — — X1 NA X1 X1

5W-40 — — — — X1 X1 NA X1

10W-40 — — — — X1 X1 X1 NA

X1 = VGRA is allowed if HTHS@150°C (D4683) of the candidate oil is less than or equal to the original tested oil OR if HTHS@150°C (D4683) of the candidate oil meets the conditions of equations shown below.
X2 = VGRA is allowed if the original tested oil meets the FEI Sum and FEI2 limit requirements for the read-across viscosity grade and the HTHS@100°C (D6616) of the candidate oil is less than or equal to the original tested oil.

Equations F.1.0
Testing is not required if both equations are true:
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEIsumLimit - FEIsumOriginal) / -0.733} + (HOriginal * R)
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEI2Limit – FEI2Original) / -0.246} + (HOriginal * R)
HCandidate is the HTHS@150°C of the candidate oil as measured by ASTM D4683
HOriginal is the HTHS@150°C of the original tested oil as measured by ASTM D4683
FEIsumLimit is the FEI sum passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEIsumOriginal is the FEI sum (FEI1Original + FEI2Original) result of the original tested oil
FEI2Limit is the FEI2 passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEI2Original is the FEI2 result of the original tested oil

R is the reproducibility as reported in the most recent version of ASTM D4683. The current R = 0.03207 x HOriginal for ASTM D4683-17.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence IX tests - Table F-15
“For viscosity grades not listed in the table below, bracketing two passing formulations for a given technology may be used to waive additional testing.
VGRA is allowed if the candidate’s base oil viscosity at 100°C falls within the range of the base oil viscosity at 100°C of the 2 passing formulations.
Additionally, the viscosity modifier content must be no more than 1.5 times higher than the highest viscosity modifier content in the oils used to support the VGRA bracket. (This approach applies to formulations with base stock Group II,
Group III and Group IV.).

Can Be “Read-Across” (3) to:

Test Run on 0W-16 0W-20 0W-30 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30

0W-16 NA X X X X X

0W-20 X NA X X X X

0W-30 X X NA X X X

5W-20 X X X NA X X

5W-30 X X X X NA X

10W-30 X X X X X NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) Tested formulations containing Group I and/or Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same base stock in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group II, III and IV base stocks
Sequence X tests - Table F-16
For viscosity grades not listed in the table below, bracketing two passing formulations for a given technology may be used to waive additional testing.
VGRA is allowed if the candidate’s base oil viscosity at 100°C falls within the range of the base oil viscosity at 100°C of the 2 passing formulations.
Additionally, the viscosity modifier content must be no more than 1.5 times higher than the highest viscosity modifier content in the oils used to support the VGRA bracket. (This approach applies to formulations with base stock Group II,
Group III and Group IV.).

Can Be “Read-Across” (3) to:

Test Run on 0W-16 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 10W-30 10W-40

0W-16 NA X X X X X X

0W-20 X NA X X X X X

5W-20 X X NA X X X X

5W-30 X X X NA X X X

5W-40 X X X X NA X X

10W-30 X X X X X NA X

10W-40 X X X X X X NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Standard Group.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) New viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if the requirements described in F.1.3. are met.
(4) B OI/VGRA matrix testing was conducted with oils containing a wide range of viscosity modifier. Oils with zero viscosity modifier were also tested. Oils tested with 2.5 times the amount of viscosity modifier included in the formulation or no viscosity modifier
were shown to be statistically no different from the original oil.
(5) T ested formulations containing Group I and/or Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same base stock in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
F.4 VGRA for bench tests

These tests are required in the core data set (see ACC Code of Practice for definition of core data set), and then read-across is allowed to all other viscosity grades within the same base stock slate.

F.4.2 EOWTT (ASTM D6794)

This test must be run on the formulation with the highest additive (DI/VI) combination.
Results are then read-across results to all other base oil/viscosity grade formulations using same or lower concentration of the identical additive (DI/VI) combination.
Each different (DI/VI) combination must be tested.


If there is one passing Ball Rust Test (BRT) (ASTM D6557) in the core data set as defined by the ACC Code of Practice, read-across is allowed to all other viscosity grades and base oil slates.


For oils formulated with Group II and/or Group III base stocks, the Emulsion Retention ASTM D7563 is required only for the highest additive (DI/VI) concentration.
Read across is allowed to all other Group II, Group III and combinations of Group II and Group III base oil/viscosity grade formulations using the same or lower concentration of the identical additive (DI/VI) combination. If the PPD type
is changed for the DI/VI combination, testing is required.


If there is one passing HTCBT (ASTM D6594) in the core data set as defined by the ACC Code of Practice, read-across is allowed to all other viscosity grades and base oil slates.

TEOST Test (Method 33) - Table F-17

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 20W-40 20W-50 Mono- Grade

5W-20 NA X — — — — — —

5W-30 X NA X X X X X X

10W-30 — — NA X X X X X

10W-40 — — X NA X X X X

15W-40 — — — — NA X X X

20W-40 — — — — — NA X X

20W-50 — — — — — X NA X

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for viscosity grades identified based on data and some application of technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) M onogrades are defined as SAE 10W, SAE 20W, SAE 30, SAE 40, and SAE 50.
(3) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(4) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(5) N ew viscosity grades and associated read-across are allowed if requirements described in F.1.3 are met.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
TEOST MHT-4 - Table F-18

Can Be “Read-Across” to:

Test Run on 5W-20 5W-30 10W 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W 20W-40 20W-50 30 40 50

5W-20 NA X — X X — — — — — — — —

5W-30 X NA — X
X — — — — — — — —

10W — — NA — — — — — — — — — —

10W-30 X X — NA X X X — — — — — —

10W-40 X X — X NA X X — — — — — —

15W-40 — — — X X NA X — — — — — —

15W-50 — — — X X X NA — — — — — —

20W — — X — — — — NA — — — — —

20W-40 — — — X X X X — NA X — — —

20W-50 — — — X X X X — X NA — — —

30 — — X — — — — X — — NA — —

40 — — X — — — — X — — X NA —

50 — — X — — — — X — — X X NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) Tested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(4) If the viscosity grade of interest is not in the table, then the TEOST MHT-4 must be run.
(5) T he principles behind this table are that higher base oil viscosity tends to give poorer performance and that VM level is not necessarily detrimental.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
GF-5 Elastomer compatibility test (ASTM D7216 Annex 2A) - Table F-19
For viscosity grades not listed in the table below, bracketing two passing formulations for a given technology may be used to waive additional testing.
VGRA is allowed if the candidate’s base oil viscosity at 100°C falls within the range of the base oil viscosity at 100°C of the 2 passing formulations.

Can Be “Read-Across” (3) to:

Test Run on 0W-20 0W-30 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 10W-40

0W-20 NA X X X X X

0W-30 X NA X X X X

5W-20 X X NA X X X

5W-30 X X X NA X X

10W-30 X X X X NA X

10W-40 X X X X X NA

(1) X
 = read-across is permitted for the viscosity grades identified based on data and some applications of the technical principles approved by API BOI/VGRA Task Force and API Lubricants Committee.
(2) A dash (—) means that read-across is not permitted; NA = not applicable.
(3) Tested formulations containing Group I and/or Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same base stock in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Table F-20
Read-across for viscosity grades not covered explicitly by this table are not allowed unless permitted by table F-1.

Performance test From SAE To SAE

Caterpillar 1K 10W-40 10W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50
15W-40 10W-30, 20W-40, 20W-50
30 10W, 20W, 40, 10W-30, 15W-40, 20W-50
40 10W, 20W, 30, 10W-30, 15W-40, 20W-50

Caterpillar 1M-PC (a)

5W-30 All single grades and 5W-20, 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50
10W-30 All single grades and 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50
10W-40 All single grades and 10W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50
20W-20 (b) All single grades except 10W
30 All single grades except 10W
40 All single grades except 10W
50 All single grades except 10W
10W All single grades
15W-40 All single grades and 20W-40, 20W-50
15W-50 All single grades and 15W-40, 20W-40, 20W-50
20W-40 All single grades except 10W and 20W-50
20W-50 All single grades except 10W and 20W-40

Caterpillar 1N 15W-40 10W-30, 20W-40, 20W-50

20W-20 (b) 10W
30 10W, 20W-20 (b)
40 10W, 20W-20 (b), 30
50 10W, 20W-20 (b), 30, 40
Caterpillar 1P 10W-30 15W-40, 20W-40, 20W-50
10W-40 10W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50
15W-40 20W-40, 20W-50
15W-50 15W-40, 20W-40, 20W-50

Caterpillar 1R 10W-30 15W-40

10W-40 10W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50

Caterpillar C13 10W-30 15W-40

10W-40 10W-30, 15W-40
15W-50 15W-40

(1) T
 his table originally became effective January 1, 1992. Engine manufacturers may not recommend all of the viscosity grades shown in the table for a particular engine type.
(2) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(a) No 0W and 5W single grades were considered for this table. 1M-PC read-across guidelines effective December 1, 2002.
(b) T hese read across also apply to SAE 20 and SAE 20W monograde oils.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Table F-20
Read-across for viscosity grades not covered explicitly by this table are not allowed unless permitted by table F-1.

Performance test From SAE To SAE

Corrosion Bench Test (CBT) 10W-30 15W-40

COAT 15W-40 10W-30, 10W-40

10W-40 10W-30

Elastomer Compatibility 10W-30 15W-40

15W-40 10W-30

High Temperature Corrosion Bench Test (HTCBT) See F.4.5

Mack M11HST 10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50

15W-40 10W-40, 15W-50

Mack M11EGR 10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50

15W-40 10W-40, 15W-50

Cummins ISB 10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50

15W-40 10W-40, 15W-50

Cummins ISM 10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50

15W-40 10W-40, 15W-50

Cummins NTC-400 15W-40 10W-30, 20W-50 (c)

20W-50 10W-30, 15W-40
30 10W, 20W, 10W-30, 15W-40, 20W-50
40 10W, 20W, 30, 10W-30, 15W-40, 20W-50

Detroit Diesel 6V 92TA 10W-XX (d) 15W-XX (d), 20W-XX (d), 30, 40, 50
10W-30 15W-40, 20W-50, 30, 40, 50
15W-XX (d) 20W-XX (d), 30, 40, 50
15W-40 20W-50, 30, 40, 50
20W-XX (d) 30, 40, 50
30 40, 50
40 50

Navistar Engine Oil Aeration Test (EOAT) 10W 10W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50
10W-30 10W, 15W-40, 15W-50
15W-40 10W, 10W-30, 15W-50
15W-50 10W, 10W-30, 15W-40
40 10W, 30, 10W-30, 15W-40, 15W-50
Roller Follower Wear Test 10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50, 30, 40, 50
15W-40 15W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50, 40, 50

(1) T
 his table originally became effective January 1, 1992. Engine manufacturers may not recommend all of the viscosity grades shown in the table for a particular engine type.
(2) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(c) 20W-50 must contain no more bright stock than the 15W-40.
(d) P rovided the XX for “Grade Tested” is less than or equal to XX of the multigrade oil for “Read Across to.”
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
viscosity grades read across requirements for formulations containing
Group I, II, III and IV base stocks
Table F-20
Read-across for viscosity grades not covered explicitly by this table are not allowed unless permitted by table F-1.

Performance test From SAE To SAE

Mack T-6 (e) 10W-30 15W-40, 20W-50
15W-40 10W-30, 20W-50
20W-50 10W-30, 15W-40
30 10W, 20W, 40, 10W-30, 15W-40, 20W-50

Mack T-7 (f) 10W-30 15W-40, 20W-50

15W-40 10W-30, 20W-50
20W-50 10W-30, 15W-40
30 10W, 20W, 40, 10W-30, 15W-40, 20W-50

Mack T-8, Mack T-8A and Mack T-8E (f) 15W-40 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-50

Mack T-9 (e)

10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40 (h), 20W-50 (h)
15W-40 15W-50, 20W-40 (h), 20W-50 (h)

Mack T-10 10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40 (h), 20W-50 (h)
15W-40 15W-50, 20W-40 (h), 20W-50 (h)

Mack T-10A 15W-40 0W-XX, 5W-XX, 10W-XX

Mack T11 (g) 10W-30 10W-40

10W-40 10W-30
15W-40 10W30, 10W-40, 15W-50
15W-50 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40
20W-40 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-50
20W-50 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 15W-50, 20W-40
Mack T-11A 15W-40 0W-XX, 5W-XX, 10W-XX

Mack T-12 10W-30 10W-40, 15W40, 15W50, 20W-40 (h), 20W-50 (h)
15W-40 15W-50, 20W-40 (h), 20W-50 (h)

Mack T-12A 15W-40 OW-XX, 5W-XX, 10W-XX

Mack T-13 10W-30 10W-40, 15W-40

10W-40 10W-30, 15W-40
15W-40 10W-30, 10W-40

(1) T
 his table originally became effective January 1, 1992. Engine manufacturers may not recommend all of the viscosity grades shown in the table for a particular engine type.
(2) T ested formulations containing Group V stocks must contain an equal amount of the same Group V base stock (e.g., ester) in the finished oil blend for application of viscosity grade read-across.
(e) A CF-4 test program with T-9 data to validate engine wear performance must use the T-6 viscosity grade read across guidelines.
(f) A CF-4 test program with T-8A or T-8E data to validate soot handling performance must use the T-7 viscosity grade read across guidelines.
(g) Base oil saturates in the test and final formulations must comply with the guidelines in E.3.1.9, and in cases where a dispersant viscosity modifier (DVM) is used, the DVM level in the final formulation must be equal to or greater than the level in the test oil.
(h) Provided the saturates level in the new candidate oil is equal to or greater than the original candidate oil and the sulfur level is equal to or less than that of the original candidate oil within the precision of the tests.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
Interchange for passenger car motor oils - Appendix E.2


E.2.1.1 Based on existing engine test data submitted to API, the passing engine tests specified in Section E.2 are required for interchanging the base stock in an original API-Licensed PCMO.

E.2.1.2 In any case where base stocks of more than one group are interchanged simultaneously, the most severe testing requirement applies.

E.2.1.3 Engine testing is not required when a single interchange base stock that meets the definition of Group I, Group II, Group III, or Group IV is used at less than or equal to 10 mass percent of the blended PCMO formulation. In some
cases, higher percentages of Group III or Group IV may be substituted without further engine testing as specified in Appendix E, or in the ACC Code (Appendix I, Guideline 5). The ACC Code should be followed for Group V.

E.2.1.4 The PCMO blended with the interchange base stock shall meet all physical and chemical specifications and bench test requirements for the appropriate API Service Category and/or ILSAC specification.

E.2.1.5 Base stocks approved under the provisions of these Guidelines may be commingled without further testing, consistent with provisions of Appendix F.

E.2.1.6 Acceptable test methods for base stock and base oil blend properties are listed in Table E-1.
It is understood that when comparing properties, the precision of the methods is taken into consideration.
In the following tables, BOBV refers to the Base Oil Blend Viscosity measured by ASTM D445.

E.2.1.7 For engine oils licensed by API against the ILSAC GF-5 standard, the licensee shall ensure that the ROBO or IIIGA data supporting the final formulation was produced in a formulation containing the pour point depressant and
base stock(s) used in the licensed formulation.
E.2.2.1 API recognizes the importance of the Multiple Test Evaluation Procedures. Engine testing to support base oil interchangeability shall be in accordance with Appendix N.
These Guidelines shall be used in conjunction with the ACC Code.

E.2.2.2 Complete performance documentation is required for the original Passenger Car Motor Oils (PCMO).
The detergent inhibitor (DI) and/or viscosity modifier (VM) remain unchanged when interchange base oils are tested, except as provided by the ACC Code.
A base oil interchange obtained under these guidelines applies to a single PCMO formulation.
In the event of a change in the DI and/or VM outside the ACC Code, these Guidelines shall be reapplied.

Interchange for passenger car motor oils - Appendix E.2

Property Test Method

Saturates ASTM D2007
Viscosity Index ASTM D2270
Sulfur (use one listed method) ASTM D1552
ASTM D2622
ASTM D3120
ASTM D4294
ASTM D4927

The most recent version of each of the listed standards shall be used.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E.2.2.3 For the passenger car tests listed in Table E-2, these Guidelines may allow some testing relief.
Check the Guidelines for each specific test before establishing the test program requirements for a specific oil formulation.

Table E-2 - Tests for API S category base oil interchange

Appendix E Resource ILSAC ILSAC ILSAC

Reference Conserving GF-5 GF-6A GF-6B
Sequence IID D5244 E.4.6 X X
Sequence IIIE D5533 E. X X
Sequence IIIF D6984 E. X X X
Sequence IIIG/IIIGA/IIIGB D7320 E. X X X X X
Sequence IIIH/IIIHA/IIIHB D8111 E. X X X X X X X
Sequence IVA D6891 E. X X X X X X
Sequence IVB DXXXX E. X X X
Sequence VE D5302 E. X X X
Sequence VG D6593 E. X X X X X X
Sequence VH DXXXX E. X X X X X X X X X
Sequence VID D7589 E. X X
Sequence VIE D8114 E. X X X X X X X X X
Sequence VIF D8226 E. X X X X
CRC L-38 D5119 E. X X
Sequence VIII D6709 E. X X X X X X X X
Sequence IX DXXXX E. X X X X
Sequence X DXXXX E. X X X
Ball Rust Test D6557 E.4.6 X X X X X X X X X
EOFT D6795 E.4.4 X X X X X X X X X
Filterability - EOWTT D6794 E.4.5 X X X X X X X X
Homogeneity & Miscibility D6922 E.4.4 X X X X X X X X X
TEOST 33/33C D6335 E.4.2 X X X X
TEOST MHT D7097 E.4.3 X X X X
Aged Oil Low Temp. Vis. ROBO D7528 E.2.1.7 X X X X X
Elastomer Compatibility Std. Ref. Elastomers D7216 E.4.13 X X X X X

X = Test methods where BOI is defined. Testing requirements can be found in API 1509 Appendixes G and Q and/or ASTM D4485.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E. Sequence IIIE / IIIF / IIIFHD / IIIG and IIIGA tests required for interchanging the base stock (2) - Table E-4

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group I Required Required Required
>30% Required >30% Required
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group II Required Required Required
>30% Required >30% Required
≤30% Not Required,
Group III Required Required Required Required
>30% Required
≤30% Not Required,
Group IV Required Required Not Required (1)
>30% Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
(2) S ingle Technology Matrix (STM) is an alternate approach to BOI for Sequence IIIF, IIIFHD, IIIG and IIIGA (see appendix R).
Additionally, once five passing IIIGB tests have been demonstrated on a unique technology (A Unique Technology is a single package (DI) at a constant treat rate), then no additional Sequence IIIGB testing is required for that unique technology.

E. Sequence IIIH and IIIHB tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-5

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
≤30% Not Required,
Group I Required Required Required Required
>30% Required
≤30% Not Required,
Group II Required Required Required Required
>30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E. Sequence IVA tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-6

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≤ and ≤50% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Not Required Required
saturates ≥ original >50% Required
Not Required if saturates ≤50% Not Required,
Group II Required Not Required Required
≥ original >50% Required
Group III Required Required Not Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. Sequence IVB tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-7

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Not Required if BOBV at 100°C Not Required if BOBV at 100°C
Group II Required Required Required
≥ original ≥ original
Not Required if BOBV at 100°C Not Required if BOBV at 100°C
Group III Required Required Required
≥ original ≥ original
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
(2) T he guidelines in this table were developed from data generated on oils with Viscosity Grades from SAE 0W-16 to SAE 20W-50.
These do not restrict applications of the guidelines by the marketer that is responsible for ensuring that each licensed engine oil satisfies all engine and bench test performance requirements.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E. Sequence VE / VG tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-8

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≤ and ≤50% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Not Required Required
saturates ≥ original >50% Required
Not Required if saturates ≤50% Not Required,
Group II Required Not Required Required
≥ original >50% Required
Group III Required Required Not Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. Sequence VH tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-9

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if the condition in Not Required if BOBV Not Required if BOBV
Group I Required Required
footnote (1) is fulfilled at 100°C ≥ original at 100°C ≥ original
Not Required if BOBV
at 100°C ≥ original and candidate Not Required if BOBV Not Required if BOBV
Group II Required Required
base oil saurates by ASTM D2007 at 100°C ≥ original at 100°C ≥ original
≥83% and sulfur ≤0.13%
Not Required if BOBV
at 100°C ≥ original and candidate Not Required if BOBV Not Required if BOBV
Group III Required Required
base oil saurates by ASTM D2007 at 100°C ≥ original at 100°C ≥ original
≥83% and sulfur ≤0.13%
<50% Not Required if BOBV at <50% Not Required if BOBV at
Group IV Required Not Required (1) Required
100°C ≥ original, ≥50% Required 100°C ≥ original, ≥50% Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) N
 ot required if BOBV at 100°C ≥ original and both original and candidate base oil saurates by ASTM D2007 ≥83% and sulfur ≤0.13%; or Not required if BOBV at 100°C ≥ original when original base oil saurates by ASTM D2007 <83% and sulfur >0.13% and candi-
date oil saturates ≥ original and candidate oil sulfur ≤ original.
(2) N ot required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E. Sequence VID tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-10

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Not Required if Required Required
HTHS at 100°C(D6616) ≤ original.
Group III Required If HTHS at 100°C > the original, Required Required
see Equations E.1.0
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

Equation E.1.0
If HTHS at 100°C of the candidate oil is > the HTHS at 100°C of the original passing oil, testing is not required if both equations are true:
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEIsumLimit-FEIsumOriginal) / -0.485} + (HOriginal * R)
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEI2Limit-FEI2Original) / -0.227} + (HOriginal * R)
HCandidate is the HTHS at 100°C of the candidate oil as measured by ASTM D6616
HOriginal is the HTHS at 100°C of the original tested oil as measured by ASTM D6616
FEIsumLimit is the FEI sum passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEIsumOriginal is the FEIsum (FEI1Orginal + FEI2Orginal) result of the original tested oil
-0.485 is the FEIsum coefficient from the Seq. VID industry matrix model
FEI2Limit is the FEI2 passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEI2Original is the FEI2 result of the original tested oil
-0.227 is the FEI2 coefficient from the Seq. VID industry matrix model
R is the reproducibility as reported in the most recent version of ASTM D6616
R = 0.035 (3.5%) for ASTM D6616-07
The range of HTHS at 100°C used to develop the Seq. VID industry matrix model was 5.44 to 7.68 cP.

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E. Sequence VIE tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-11

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Not Required if Required Required
HTHS at 150°C ≤ original.
Group III Required If HTHS at 150°C > the original, Required Required
see equation below
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

Equation E.1.0
If HTHS at 150°C of the candidate oil is > the HTHS at 150°C of the original passing oil, testing is not required if both equations are true:
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEIsumLimit-FEIsumOriginal) / -0.733} + R
HCandidate ≤ HOriginal + {(FEI2Limit-FEI2Original) / -0.246} + R
HCandidate is the HTHS at 150°C of the candidate oil as measured by ASTM D4683
HOriginal is the HTHS at 150°C of the original tested oil as measured by ASTM D4683
FEIsumLimit is the FEI sum passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEIsumOriginal is the FEIsum (FEI1Orginal + FEI2Orginal) result of the original tested oil
FEI2Limit is the FEI2 passing limit for the original tested viscosity grade
FEI2Original is the FEI2 result of the original tested oil
R is the reproducibility as reported in the most recent version of ASTM D6616
R = 0.03207 x HOriginal + 0.0389 for ASTM D4683-17
-0.733 and -0.246 are coefficients from the Seq VIE industry matrix model

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E. Sequence VIF tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-12

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Required Required Not Required Required
Not Required if base oil VI of
Group III Required Required Not Required Required
candidate ≥ original test oil
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. Sequence VIII / CRC L-38 tests required for interchanging the base stock(2)(3) - Table E-13

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Group II Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
≤30% Not Required,
Group III Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
>30% Required
≤30% Not Required,
Group IV Required Required Not Required (1) Required
>30% Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

Viscosity Grade L-38/Sequence VIII 10 hr Stripped Kinematic Viscosity@100 °C (mm2/s), min ASTM D6278 (30 Passes) Kinematic Viscosity@100 °C (mm2/s), min
XW-16 6,1 5,8
XW-20 6,9 6,5
XW-30 9,3 8,5
XW-40 12,5 11,5
XW-50 16,3 15,0
XW-60 21,9 19,8

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
(2) These BOI Guidelines apply only to bearing weight loss.
(3) Data to support stay-in-grade performance shall be maintained by the licensee for active API Service Categories and ILSAC specifications. Either CRC L-38/Sequence VIII or ASTM D6278 (30 passes) may be used to support stay-in-grade requirements where
the limits are listed in Table E-13.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for passenger car motor oils
E. Sequence IX tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-15

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Group III Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Group IV Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) T
 he guideline in this table were developed from data generated on oil with Viscosity Grades from SAE 0W-16 to SAE 10W-30. It does not restrict application of the guidelines by the marketer that is responsible for ensuring
that each licensed engine oil satisfies all engine and bench test performance requirements.

E. Sequence X tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-16

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Group III Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Group IV Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) T
 he guideline in this table were developed from data generated on oil with Viscosity Grades from SAE 0W-16 to SAE 10W-40. It does not restrict application of the guidelines by the marketer that is responsible for ensuring
that each licensed engine oil satisfies all engine and bench test performance requirements.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
Interchange for diesel engine oils - Appendix E.3


E.3.1.1 Based on existing engine test data submitted to API, passing engine tests specified in Section E.3
are required for interchanging the base stock in an original API-Licensed Heavy Duty Engine Oil (HDEO).

E.3.1.2 In any case where base stocks of more than one group are interchanged simultaneously, the most severe testing requirement applies.

E.3.1.3 Engine testing is not required when a single interchange base stock that meets the definition of Group I, Group II, Group III, or Group IV is used at less
than or equal to 10 mass percent of the blended HDEO formulation. In some cases, higher percentages of Group III or Group IV may be substituted without
further engine testing as specified in Appendix E or in the ACC Code (Appendix I, Guideline 5). The ACC Code should be followed for Group V.

E.3.1.4 The HDEO blended with the interchange base oil shall meet all physical and chemical specifications required for the appropriate API Service Category.

E.3.1.5 Base stocks approved under the provisions of these Guidelines may be commingled without further testing, consistent with Appendix F.

E.3.1.6 Acceptable test methods for base stock and base oil blend properties are listed in Table E-1.
It is understood that when comparing properties, the precision of the methods is taken into consideration.
In the following tables, BOBV refers to the Base Oil Blend Viscosity measured by ASTM D445.

E.3.2.1 API recognizes the importance of the Multiple Test Evaluation Procedures.
Engine testing to support base oil interchangeability shall be in accordance with Appendix N.
These Guidelines shall be used in conjunction with the ACC Code.

E.3.2.2 Complete performance documentation is required for the original HDEO’s.

The detergent inhibitor (DI) and/or viscosity modifier (VM) remain unchanged when interchange base oils are tested, except as provided by the ACC Code.
A base oil interchange obtained under these guidelines applies to a single HDEO formulation.
In the event of a change in the DI and/or VM outside the ACC Code, these Guidelines shall be reapplied.

E.3.2.3 When a base stock or slate of base stocks is to be changed in a number of different viscosity grades containing a single HDEO formulation, these
Guidelines shall be used in conjunction with appendix F, except when the recommended grade for testing contains less than or equal to 10 mass percent
of the interchange base stock in the formulation. In this case, the next higher viscosity grade shall be tested.

E.3.2.5 Heavy Duty engine tests required for interchanging the base stock given in E. through E.
The BOI Guidelines vary according to the API base oil group and amount of the base stocks used in the original test oil and the candidate oil formulations.
All percentages are mass percent of the total formulation unless otherwise noted.

API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E.3.2.4 For the HDEO tests listed in Table E-16, the BOI Guidelines may allow some testing relief.
Check the Guidelines for each specific test before establishing the test program requirements for a specific oil formulation.

Table E-17 - Tests for API C category base oil interchange

Appendix E CI-4 w/ CK-4/

Test Name ASTM CF CF-2 CG-4 CH-4 CI-4 CJ-4
Reference CI-4 PLUS FA-4
Sequence IIIF / IIIFHD D6984 E. X X X X X
Sequence IIIG D7320 E. X X X X X
CRC L-38 D5119 E. X X X
Sequence VIII D6709 E. X X X
Caterpillar 1M-PC D6618 E. X X
Caterpillar C13 D7549 E. X X
Caterpillar 1K D6750 (1K) E. X X X
Caterpillar 1N D6750 (1N) E. X X X X X
Caterpillar 1P D6681 E. X X X
Caterpillar 1R D6923 E. X X
Caterpillar Oil Aeration Test D8047 E. X
Engine Oil Aeration Test D6894 E. X X X X X
Cummins ISM D7468 E. X X X X
Cummins ISB D7484 E. X X
Cummins M11 D6838 E. X
Cummins M11 EGR D6975 E. X X
Detroit Diesel 6V92TA D5862 E. X
Mack T-8 D5967 E. X
Mack T-8E D5967 E. X X X
Mack T-9 D6483 E. X
Mack T-10 D6987/M E. X X X
Mack T-10A 75h used oil in D4684 E.4.7 X X
Mack T-11 D7156 E. X X X
Mack T11A D6896 E.4.10 X X X
Mack T-12 D7422 E. X X X X
Volvo T-13 D8048 E. X
Roller Follower Wear Test D5966 E. X X X X X X
Cummins HTCBT D6594 E.4.11 X X X X X
Elastomer Compatibility CI-4 D7216 E.4.8 X X
Elastomer Compatibility CJ-4 D7216 E.4.9 X

X = Test methods where BOI is defined. Testing requirements can be found in API 1509 Appendixes G and Q and/or ASTM D4485.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
Caterpillar 1M-PC tests required for interchanging the base stock (API 1509 March 2015 version)

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required
≤30% Not Required for API CF if candidate oil also meets API SJ
Group II Not Required Not Required Required Required
≤30% Not Required for API CF if candidate oil also meets API SJ
Group III Required Required Not Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

Detroit Diesel 6V92TA tests required for interchanging the base stock (API 1509 March 2015 version)

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if BOBV at Not Required if BOBV at
Group I Required Required Required
100°C ≥ original 100°C ≥ original
Not Required if BOBV at Not Required if BOBV at
Group II Required Required Required
100°C ≥ original 100°C ≥ original
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties AND the BOBV @ 100°C is ≥ the BOBV in the originally approved formulation.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. Caterpillar 1K tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-19

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Not Required Required
>30% Required >30% Required
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group II Not Required Not Required Required
>30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. Caterpillar 1N tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-20

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Not Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group II Not Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. Caterpillar 1R tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-21

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Not Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. Caterpillar 1P tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-22

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Required in only one Group II
Group I Not Required base stock for CH-4, Required Required Required
Not Required for CI-4
Group II Not Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. Mack T-9 tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-23

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≤ and ≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Required
saturates ≥ original >30% Required >30% Required
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group II Required Not Required if saturates ≥ original Required
>30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. Mack T-8 / T-8E tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-24

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if either of the following is met:
1. Saturates of original is ≥ 80% and interchange base oil
Group I saturates is ≥ original Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
2. Saturates of original is < 80% and interchange base oil
saturates is ≥ original at 95% confidence level
Not Required
Group II Required Not Required Not Required Required
if saturates ≥ original
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. Mack T-10 tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-25

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≤ AND ≤30% Not Required if saturates ≤30% Not Required if saturates
Not Required if saturates ≥ AND
Group I saturates ≥ AND BOBV at ≥ AND BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, ≥ AND BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, Required
BOBV at 100°C ≥ original
100°C ≥ original >30% Required >30% Required
≤30% Not Required if saturates ≤30% Not Required if saturates
Not Required if saturates ≥ AND
Group II Required ≥ AND BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, ≥ AND BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, Required
BOBV at 100°C ≥ original
>30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. RFWTs tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-26

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Not Required Required
>30% Required >30% Required
Required in only one Group I ≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group II Not Required Required
base stock >30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. EOATs tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-27

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Not Required Required
>30% Required >30% Required
≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group II Not Required Not Required Required
>30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties

E. Cummins M11 / M11 EGR tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-28

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≤ and ≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Required
saturates ≥ original >30% Required >30% Required
Not Required ≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group II Required Required
if saturates ≥ original >30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. Cummins ISM and ISB tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-29
If only one passing Cummins ISM or ISB test is available on a given technology, Table E-29 applies.
If more than one passing Cummins ISM or ISB test is available on a given technology, BOI is allowed if the candidate’s base oil blend saturates level, sulfur content and BOBV at 100°C fall within the range of saturates , sulfur and BOBV at
100°C of the base oil blends in the original passing oils with a minimum of two tested/two passed and the Group III content of the candidate falls within the range of the Group III content covered by the original passing oils.

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≤ and ≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group I Not Required Required
saturates ≥ original >30% Required >30% Required
Not Required ≤30% Not Required, ≤30% Not Required,
Group II Required Required
if saturates ≥ original >30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E.3.2.12 Mack T-12 tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-30
If only one passing Mack T-12 test is available on a given technology, Table E-30 applies.
If more than one passing Mack T-12 test is available on a given technology, BOI is allowed if the candidate’s base oil blend saturates level, sulfur content and BOBV at 100°C fall within the range of saturates, sulfur and BOBV at 100°C of the
base oil blends in the original passing oils with a minimum of two tested/two passed and the Group III content of the candidate falls within the range of the Group III content covered by the original passing oils.

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≤ and ≤30% Not Required if saturates ≥ and ≤30% Not Required if saturates ≥ and
Not Required if saturates ≥ and
Group I saturates ≥ and BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, Required
BOBV at 100°C ≥ original
BOBV at 100°C ≥ original >30% Required >30% Required
≤30% Not Required if saturates ≥ and ≤30% Not Required if saturates ≥ and
Not Required if saturates ≥ and
Group II Required BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, BOBV at 100°C ≥ original, Required
BOBV at 100°C ≥ original
>30% Required >30% Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. Mack T-11 tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-31

Base Oil Interchange for all Mack T-11 engine tests started after April 28, 2006, may be determined using the method provided in Tables E-31 or E-32 or Figure E-1.
Tables E-31 and E-32 and Figure E-1 all define the minimum saturates content of the candidate oil that can be interchanged from the original test oil.

Table E-31 Mack T-11 BOI Saturates Requirements (within a range)

Tested Oil Candidate Oil

X ≤ 70.0 80.0 minimum

70.0 < X < 95.0 (0.6*X + 38) minimum

X ≥ 95.0 95.0 minimum

E. Caterpillar C13 tests required for interchanging the base stock

If only one passing Caterpillar C13 test is available on a given technology and only Group II and/or Group III base stocks are present in the passing C13 oil and the candidate, then C13 BOI is allowed if the candidate’s base oil blend viscos-
ity index (VI) is equal to or less than the VI of the base oil blend of the passing C13 oil. If Group I base stock is present in either the passing C13 oil or the candidate, then C13 BOI is allowed if the base oil blend of the candidate has the
same saturates level, the same or less sulfur and the same or lower VI than the base oil blend of the passing C13 oil. Additional guidelines apply when Group III base stock is present in the C13 passing oil:
a. The candidate oil must have Group III content equal to or less than the passing oil.
b. The typical VI of the Group III in the candidate must be no more than 6 units higher than the typical VI of the Group III in the passing C13 oil with no allowance for test precision.

Group IV base stocks can be interchanged provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
When Group V base stocks are present , the C13 test must be run.

If more than one passing Caterpillar C13 test is available on a given technology, BOI is allowed if the candidate’s base oil blend saturates level, sulfur content and viscosity index fall within the range of saturates level, sulfur, and VI of the
base oil blends in the original passing oils (minimum two tested/two passed oils) and the Group III content of the candidate oil falls within the range of the Group III content covered by the original passing oils. Additionally, the typical VI
of the Group III in the candidate oil must be no more than 6 units higher than the typical VI of the Group III in the passing C13 oil with no allowance for test precision.

API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E. Volvo T-13 tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-33

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.

E. Caterpillar Oil Aeration tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-34

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Required Required Required Required Required
Group II Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group III Required Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Not Required (1) Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Not required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer’s specifications in all physical and chemical properties.
API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
Complete bench testing is required for interchanging a base stock in an API-licensed oil except where noted in the guidelines below.

E.4.2 TEOST 33 tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-35

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Group I Not Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group II Not Required Not Required Not Required Required Required
Group III Required Not Required Not Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Required Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

(1) Applies to 5W-30 and high viscosity grades only.

E.4.3 TEOST MHT tests required for interchanging the base stock - Table E-36

Interchange base stock

Base stock in original test oil Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Not Required if sulfur ≥ and
Group I Required Required Required Required
saturates ≤ original
Group II Not Required Not Required Not Required Required Required
Group III Required Not Required Required Required Required
Group IV Required Required Required Required Required
Group V Required Required Required Required Required

API 1509 engine oil licensing and certification system guidelines:
API base oil interchangeability guidelines for diesel engine oils
E.4.4 Homogeneity and Miscibility (H&M) ASTM D6922 and Engine Oil Filterability (EOFT) ASTM D6795 [formerly known as GM 9099P Filterability (Standard Method)] tests are required in one viscosity grade represented in the
core data set. Each base oil interchange requires only one H&M and one EOFT test. (See ACC Code for definition of core data set.) Core data sets are typically developed in SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40 or 15W-40 viscosity grades.

E.4.5 The Engine Oil Water Tolerance Test (EOWTT) ASTM D6794 [formerly GM 9099P Filterability (Modified Method for ILSAC GF-2/GF-3)] for each base oil interchange is required only in the viscosity grade with the highest additive
(DI/VI) combination.

E.4.6 If there is one passing Ball Rust Test (BRT) ASTM D 6557 in the core data set as defined by the ACC Code, read-across is allowed to all other viscosity grades and base oil slates.

E.4.7 A Mack T-10A or Mack T-12A test is not required for base oil interchange if the saturates and sulfur content (within the precision of the two analytical tests) of the interchange base oil fall within the range of the saturates and sulfur
content of the base oils in the original candidate oils (minimum two candidate oils), and fresh oil MRV-TP1 (ASTM D 4684) at –20°C of the interchange candidate is equal to or less than the BOI matrix limit.

The BOI matrix limit is defined as :

BOI matrix limit = 25000 – margin of safety
Margin of safety is defined as :
Margin of safety = largest of Y1-X1, Y2-X2, or 0
X1 = fresh oil MRV-TP1 at –20°C for original candidate oil 1
X2 = fresh oil MRV-TP1 at –20°C for original candidate oil 2
Y1 = MRV-TP1 at –20°C of 75-hour T-10A or T-12A sample for original candidate oil 1
Y2 = MRV-TP1 at –20°C of 75-hour T-10A or T-12A sample for original candidate oil 2

E.4.8 The CI-4 Elastomer Compatibility Test is not required if the saturates and sulfur content (within the precision of the tests) of the interchange base oil fall within the range of the saturates and sulfur content of the base oils in the
original candidate oils (minimum two candidate oils) and the DI package is unchanged.

E.4.9 The CJ-4 Elastomer Compatibility Test is not required if the saturates and sulfur content (within the precision of the tests) of the interchange base oil fall within the range of the saturates and sulfur content of the base oils in the
original candidate oils (minimum two candidate oils) and the DI package is unchanged.

E.4.10 In addition to the Mack T-11 BOI guidelines being met, for Base Oil Interchange in the Mack T-11A the fresh oil MRV-TP1 (ASTM D 4684) at –20°C of the interchange candidate must be less than or equal to 20000 cPs with no
yield stress.

E.4.11 If there is one passing High-Temperature Corrosion Bench Test (HTCBT) (ASTM D 6594) in the core data set as defined by the ACC Code, read-across is allowed to all other viscosity grades and base oil slates.

E.4.12 For oils formulated with Group II and/or Group III base stocks, the Emulsion Retention ASTM D7563 is required only for the highest additive (DI/VI) concentration. Read across is allowed to all other Group II, Group III and
combinations of Group II and Group III base oil/viscosity grade formulations using the same or lower concentration of the identical additive (DI/VI) combination. If the PPD type is changed for the DI/VI combination, testing is required.

E.4.13 A passing GF-5 Elastomer Compatibility Test (ASTM D7216 Annex A2) in the core data set (as defined in the ACC Code) run in Group II or Group III or a mix of Group II and Group III, can be read across to formulations using other
Group II or Group III or a mix of Group II and Group III base stocks.
Additionally, there is no viscosity grade restriction if the read across is limited to 0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30 and 10W-40 viscosity grades.
When reading to a candidate using Group I base stocks, the GF-5 Elastomer Compatibility Test (ASTM D7216 Annex A2) is not redquired if the base oil saturates and base oil sulfur content (within the precision of the tests) of the
interchange base oil fall within the range of the base oil saturates and base oil sulfur content of the base oils in the original candidate oils (minimum two candidate oils) and the DI package is unchanged.

guidelines for:
- Viscosity grade
read-across (VGRA)
- Base oil
interchange (BOI)
- Viscosity modifier
interchange (VMI)

ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
TU3M test
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
5W-50 - RA RA RA RA
10W-50 - RA RA RA
10W-60 -
15W-40 RA RA RA - RA RA RA
15W-50 RA - RA
20W-40 RA RA RA RA - RA
20W-50 RA -
Stipulated requirement: the KV at 100ºC of the finished oil of the read across grade must be greater than or equal to that of the tested grade.

TU5JP test
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
5W-20 - RA RA RA RA
10W-30 RA - RA RA RA
15W-40 RA RA - RA RA
20W-40 -
20W-50 RA RA RA RA -
Stipulated requirement: if the viscosity modifier concentration increase is larger than 15% mass fraction relative, VGRA can be permitted if technical support as defined in Section h.15 of the ATC Code of Practice is available to justify the read across. 217
ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
M111 Sludge or DV4TD test (non dispersant viscosity modifier)
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
5W-20 - RA RA RA RA
10W-30 RA - RA RA RA
15W-40 RA RA - RA RA
15W-50 RA RA RA RA - RA RA
20W-40 -
20W-50 RA RA -
Stipulated requirement: if the viscosity modifier concentration increase is larger than 15% mass fraction relative, VGRA can be permitted if technical support as defined in Section h.15 of the ATC Code of Practice is available to justify the read across.

ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
M111 Sludge or DV4TD test (dispersant viscosity modifier)
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
0W-30 - RA RA RA RA RA
0W-40 - RA RA
5W-40 RA RA - RA RA RA
5W-50 RA - RA
10W-50 RA RA RA RA - RA
10W-60 RA RA -
15W-50 RA RA RA RA RA RA -
20W-40 RA RA - RA
20W-50 RA RA RA RA RA RA -
Stipulated requirement: if the viscosity modifier concentration increase is larger than 20% mass fraction relative or decrease by more than -10% mass fraction relative, VGRA can be permitted if technical support as defined in Section h.15 of the ATC Code of Prac-
tice is available to justify the read across.

ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
DV6C or M271 Evo test (non dispersant viscosity modifier)
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
5W-20 - RA RA RA RA
10W-30 RA - RA RA RA
15W-40 RA RA - RA RA
15W-50 RA RA RA RA - RA RA
20W-40 -
20W-50 RA RA -
Stipulated requirement: if the viscosity modifier concentration increase is larger than 15% mass fraction relative, VGRA can be permitted if technical support as defined in Section h.15 of the ATC Code of Practice is available to justify the read across.

ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
DV6C or M271 Evo test (dispersant viscosity modifier)
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
0W-30 - RA RA RA RA RA
0W-40 - RA RA
5W-40 RA RA - RA RA RA
5W-50 RA - RA
10W-50 RA RA RA RA - RA
10W-60 RA RA -
15W-50 RA RA RA RA RA RA -
20W-40 RA RA - RA
Stipulated requirement: if the viscosity modifier concentration increase is larger than 20% mass fraction relative or decrease by more than -10% mass fraction relative, VGRA can be permitted if technical support as defined in Section h.15 of the ATC Code of Prac-
tice is available to justify the read across.

ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
OM646LA wear test
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50 30 40
5W-50 - RA RA RA RA RA
10W-50 - RA RA RA RA
10W-60 -
15W-50 RA - RA RA
20W-50 RA - RA
30 - RA
40 -
Stipulated requirement: VGRA is permitted for multigrade lubricants if the KV at 100ºC in the read across viscosity grade is greater than or equal to that of the tested viscosity grade.

ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
M111 fuel economy test
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
0W-20 -
0W-30 RA -
0W-40 RA RA - RA
5W-20 RA -
5W-30 RA RA RA -
5W-40 RA RA RA RA RA -
10W-30 RA RA RA RA -
Stipulated requirement:
The KV at 40°C of the finished oil of the read across grade must be lower than or equal to that of the tested grade.
The KV at 100°C of the finished oil of the read across grade must be lower than or equal to that of the tested grade.
The HTHS at 150°C viscosity of the finished oil of the read across grade must be lower than or equal to that of the tested grade.

ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
VW TDI or OM646LA Bio or EP6CDT test (non-dispersant viscosity modifier)
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-20 0W-30 0W-40 5W-20 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 10W-50 10W-60 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50
5W-20 - RA RA RA RA
10W-30 RA - RA RA RA
15W-40 RA RA - RA RA
20W-40 -
20W-50 RA RA RA RA -
Stipulated requirement: if the viscosity modifier concentration increase is larger than 15% mass fraction relative, VGRA can be permitted if technical support as defined in Section h.15 of the ATC Code of Practice is available to justify the read across.

OM441LA & OM501LA Test (Non-dispersant viscosity modifier)

Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-30 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50 30 40
0W-30 -
5W-30 - RA RA RA RA
5W-40 - RA RA RA
5W-50 - RA
10W-30 - RA
10W-40 - RA RA
15W-40 -
15W-50 -
20W-40 -
20W-50 -
30 -
40 -
Stipulated requirement: if the viscosity modifier concentration increase is larger than 15% mass fraction relative, VGRA can be permitted if technical support as defined in Section h.15 of the ATC Code of Practice is available to justify the read across.
ATIEL viscosity grade read across guidelines
MACK T-8E test (For ACEA oil sequences only)
Test run on: Can be read across (RA) to:
↓ 0W-30 5W-30 5W-40 5W-50 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-50 20W-40 20W-50 30 40
0W-30 -
5W-30 RA - RA RA
5W-40 RA - RA
5W-50 RA -
10W-30 RA RA RA RA - RA
10W-40 RA RA RA RA -
15W-50 RA RA RA RA RA RA -
These read across table includes more viscosity grade read accross than API 1509 to reflect the European market. However these read accross guidelines have been produced only for test data to be used to support ACEA Oil Sequences claims. They
cannot be used to support API claims where the relevant read across guidelines from API 1509 shall be followed.

ATIEL base oil interchange guidelines for the M271Evo & M111SL

From original base stock To interchange base stock (all % in mass of the formulated lubricant)
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP I required
>10% required >10% required (2) >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP II required
>10% required >10% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤10% not required
GROUP III required
>10% required >10% required >10% required >10% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤10% not required conditions on PAO
GROUP IV required
>10% required >10% required >10% required characteristics (1)
GROUP V required required required required required

(1) G
 roup IV base stocks can be interchanged without additional qualification testing, providing that the interchange PAO meets the original PAO manufacturer’s specifications for physical and chemical properties.
The following key properties need to be met in the substituted stock:
-Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, 40°C and -40°C
-Viscosity Index
-Noack Volatility
-Pour Point
(2) Not required for M111SL
ATIEL base oil interchange guidelines for the DV6C, DV4TD, TU3M

From original base stock To interchange base stock (all % in mass of the formulated lubricant)
≤10% not required ≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP I not required required
>10% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP II required
>10% required >10% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP III required
>10% required >10% required >10% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required conditions on PAO
GROUP IV required
>10% required >10% required >30% required characteristics (1)
GROUP V required required required required required

(1) G
 roup IV base stocks can be interchanged without additional qualification testing, providing that the interchange PAO meets the original PAO manufacturer’s specifications for physical and chemical properties.
The following key properties need to be met in the substituted stock:
-Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, 40°C and -40°C
-Viscosity index
-Noack volatility
-Pour point
ATIEL base oil interchange guidelines for the M111 FE test

From original base stock To Interchange Base Stock (all % in mass of the formulated lubricant)
≤10% not required ≤10% not required
≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP I >10% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1) 10%-30% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1)
>30% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required
≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP II 10%-30% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1)
>10% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1)
>30% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤10% not required
≤30% not required
GROUP III 10%-30% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1) 10%-30% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1)
>10% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1)

>30% required >30% required >30% required

≤10% not required ≤10% not required
≤30% not required conditions on PAO
GROUP IV 10%-30% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1) 10%-30% HTHS, KV40 conditions (1)
characteristics (2)
>30% required >30% required >30% required
GROUP V required required required required required

(1) No M111FE testing is required if the HTHS at 150°C and KV40 values of the interchange formulation are lower than or equal to that of the original formulation
(2) G roup IV base stocks can be interchanged without additional qualification testing, providing that the interchange PAO meets the original PAO manufacturer’s specifications for physical and chemical properties.
The following key properties need to be met in the substituted stock:
-Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, 40°C and -40°C
-Viscosity index
-Noack volatility
-Pour point
ATIEL base oil interchange guidelines for the OM646LA test

From original base stock To Interchange Base Stock (all % in mass of the formulated lubricant)
≤10% not required
GROUP I not required not required not required required
>10% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP II required
>10% required >10% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP III required
>10% required >10% required >10% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required conditions on PAO
GROUP IV required
>10% required >10% required >30% required characteristics (1)
GROUP V required required required required required

(1) G
 roup IV base stocks can be interchanged without additional qualification testing, providing that the interchange PAO meets the original PAO manufacturer’s specifications for physical and chemical properties.
The following key properties need to be met in the substituted stock:
-Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, 40°C and -40°C
-Viscosity index
-Noack volatility
-Pour point
ATIEL base oil interchange guidelines for the
From Original base stock To Interchange Base Stock (all % in mass of the formulated lubricant)
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP I required
>10% required >10% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP II required
>10% required >10% required >30% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required
GROUP III required
>10% required >10% required >10% required >30% required
≤10% not required ≤10% not required ≤30% not required conditions on PAO
GROUP IV required
>10% required >10% required >30% required characteristics (1)
GROUP V required required required required required

(1) G
 roup IV base stocks can be interchanged without additional qualification testing, providing that the interchange PAO meets the original PAO manufacturer’s specifications for physical and chemical properties.
The following key properties need to be met in the substituted stock:
-Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, 40°C and -40°C
-Viscosity index
-Noack volatility
-Pour point
ATC viscosity modifier interchange guidelines

DVM to DVM or
Performance Category NDVM to NDVM (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
NDVM to DVM (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

M111SL (8), M271EVO (9)
M111SL (8), M271EVO (9)
OM646LA, OM646LA Bio
Gasoline/Light Duty Diesel VW TDI
DV4E3 (10), DV6C (10)
M111 FE
OM646LA Bio
M111 FE

M111SL (8), M271EVO (9)
M111SL (8), M271EVO (9)
Gasoline/Light Duty Diesel OM646LA, OM646LA Bio
with After Treatment Devices DV4E3 (10), DV6C (10)
M111 FE
OM646LA Bio
M111 FE

Mack T8E or Mack T-11 (11, 12, 13) OM646LA, OM646LA bio
OM 441 LA, OM501LA Mack T-8E or Mack T-11 (12, 13)
Heavy Duty Diesel
Cummins ISM (14) OM 441 LA or OM501LA
OM646LA Bio Cummins ISM (14)

(1) Refer to Section d.2 for CEC test methods to be used.
(2) Full testing is required for VMI not listed above.
(3) Physical mixes of NDVM and DVM are treated as DVM.
(4) Only the tests included in the ACEA Oil Sequence/SAE grade for which read across is required have to be run.
(5) Where alternative tests are listed, e.g., “T-8E or T-11”, the alternative test cannot be run to document read-across if a failing result has already been obtained on the other test.
(6) Cummins ISM (or M11HST or M11 EGR for ACEA E7-12) not required if the new lubricant formulation has the same or a greater HTHS value compared with the original tested formulation.
(7) For Sequence VG, refer to ACC Code of Practice.
(8) Or the M271 sludge test procedure as described by Daimler AG. This engine test is not documented in the ATC Code as it is not a CEC test method.
(9) Until the new CEC test method L-107 is fully CEC-appoved, the M271 sludge test procedure as described by Daimler AG must be run. Once the L-107 is fully approved, the L-107 may be used.
(10) Only CEC approved parameters apply.
(11) M
 ack T-8E requirement is waived if the replacement NDVM is within the same chemical type as the tested NDVM (chemical type means chemical family such as, but not limited to, styrene ester, polymethacrylate, styrene butadiene, styrene isoprene,
polyisoprene, olefin copolymer and polyisobutylene).
(12) For ACEA E9-12, Mack T-11 is required instead of the Mack T-8E.
(13) Mack T-11 results obtained as part of an API CK-4, CI-4, CI-4+ or API CJ-4 or API FA-4 approval program can be used in place of Mack T-8E.
(14) For ACEA E7-12, the Cummins M11HST or Cummins M11EGR test may be used in place of the Cummins ISM test.
Engine test conditions
Engine characteristics Test conditions Performance ratings
Fuel Duration
Tests Procedure Inject. Engine
Engine Max.
Fuel type: Oil fill Total test
of each
Oil Deposit/ Vis.
Aspiration displ., output, % S, volume, duration, speed, temp., Piston Sludge Varnish incr. Ring Wear Other
reference type type RON/ phase, kW. corros.
l kW/rpm FAME % l h rpm °C cleanliness /Oxid.
Pb,g/l h
ACEA tests
Mercedes 100/ 3 times 13 Step 750- Fuel
CEC L-054-96 MP L4 (16v) 2.0 95/ 0 4 0-49 20-75
M111FE 5500 appr. 2 h (2) cycle 3070 economy
Mercedes 100/ 750-
CEC L-53-T-95 MP L4 (16v) 2.0 95/ 0 4.35 286 (1)
48-76-100 (1) 0-100 15-130 X X RS Cam
M111SL 5500 6000
Mercedes 150/ 1000-
CEC L-107-16 DI L4 (16v) 1.8 95/ 0 6.50 tbd tbd 0-150 30-125 X RS
M271 SL 5500 5500
Mercedes 103/ 1000-
CEC L-42-X3-97 DI L4 TCIC 4.0 0.3 5.8 300 50 30-98 114-126 X X X Liner, BP OC
OM 364LA 2400 2400
Mercedes 243/ 1140-
CEC L-52-T-97 DI V6 TCIC 11.0 0.05 18 400 50 0-/ 240 120 X X X General BP/OC
OM 441LA 2100 2100
Mercedes 360/ <0.0003, 1080- 106-
CEC L-101-08 DI V6 TCIC 11.9 19.1 kg 300 50 18-360 X X BP OC
OM 501LA 1800 4-5 1800 126.5
Mercedes 90/ 1000- Cam,
CEC L-51-A-98 IDI L5 TC 2.5 0.3 7.6 200 1 0-90 50-142 X X X OC
OM 602A 4600 5000 liner, BP
Mercedes OM 105/
MB DL, 300h DI L4 (16v) TC 2.2 0.005 300 X X X X X BP OC
611 DE 22 LA 4200
Mercedes 110/ 1000-
CEC L-104-16 DI L4 (16v) TCIC 2.2 B15 0.15 6.50 120 120 0-90 47-133 X X X RS
OM646 BIO 4200 4200
Mercedes 110/ <0.0003, 750-
  DI L4 (16v) TCIC 2.2 5 kg 300 50 0-110 45-135 Cam
OM 646LA 4200 4-5 4200
51/ 1100
PSA DV4 TD CEC L-93-04 DI L4 TC 1.4 0.03 4.7 120 0.5 0-40 120 X X Oil soot
4000 4000
PSA DV6 82/ 0.77; 0.14;
CEC L-106-16 DI L4 TC 1.6 0.00, 4.5 3.7 120 1750; 0-82 120 X X Oil soot
CTED 3600 0.08
115/ E10, 750-
PSA EP6 CDT CEC L-111-16 DI L4 (16v) TCIC 1.6 0 /0 4.7 174 29 0-115 50-125 X turbo
5800 100/0 6500
53/ 1500 Follower
PSA TU-3MS CEC L-038-94 SP L4 (16v) 1.4 95/ 0 3 100 40-60 1.6-11 40-100 Cam
5500 3000 Scuffing
PSA TU- 80/ 6*2 phases
CEC L-088-02 MP L4 (16v) 1.6 95/ 0 3.2 72 5600 62 150 X X RS OC
5JP-L4 5800 (6*12h)
Volvo D12D PK320 DI L6 TC 12.1 338 0.0003 17.8 400 0.1 0.2 0-338 110-125 X Rid- BP OC
Volvo 600- Fuel
DI L6 TC 12.1 338 0.0003 24 3* 8h. 0-338 105-110
D12DFE 1700 economy
81/ 4150-
VW TDI CEC L-078-99 DI L4 TCIC 1.9 0.3 4.5 54 2.5 0.5 81-Idle 145-40 X X X
4150 Idle
Engine test conditions
Engine characteristics Test conditions Performance ratings
Fuel Duration
Tests Procedure Inject. Engine
Engine Max.
Fuel type: Oil fill Total test
of each
Oil Deposit/ Vis.
Aspiration displ., output, % S, volume, duration, speed, temp., Piston Sludge Varnish incr. Ring Wear Other
reference type type RON/ phase, kW. corros.
l kW/rpm FAME % l h rpm °C cleanliness /Oxid.
Pb,g/l h
JASO tests
Mitsubishi 121.4/ 0.05 max,
JASO M 354:05 DI L4 TCIC 3.9 7.0 160 - 3200 121.4 105 Cam
Fuso 4D34T4 3200 0.001 max
Nissan Diesel 55.0/ 0.05 max,
JASO M 336:98 IDI L4 - 2.5 4.8 200 - 4300 55.0 120 X RS
TD25 4300 0.001 max
JASO M 354:15 120/ Tappet
Hino N04C DI L4 TCIC 4.0 0.001 max 8.0 200 - 2800 120 113 -
JASO M 336:14 2800 -
800 1.6 50
Nissan 91.9/ 89~93 1h
JASO M 331:91 PFI V6 2.0 2 200 or 300 1800 18.5 96 WTD X
VG20E 6000 0 ( 24+24+12 )
3500 34.1 117
Nissan 103/ 89 min. 1h 800 1.2 50
JASO M 328:95 PFI L4 2.4 3 100 Cam
KA24E 5600 0 ( 50+10 ) 1500 2.3 60.5
99/ 89 min.
Toyota 1GFE JASO M 333:93 PFI L6 2.0 2.5 48 or 96 4800 29.6 149 X
5600 0

(1) Depending on fuel batch severity. MP = Multi point TCIC = Turboch. intercooler L4 = In Line 4 cylinders RS = Ring Sticking
(2) Ref.-cand.-ref. SP = Single point TC = Turbocharged V6 = 6 cylinders in V OC = Oil consumption
DI = Direct Injection IDI = Indirect Diesel Injection L6 = In Line 6 cylinders BP = Bore polishing
PFI = Port fuel injection L5 = In Line 5 cylinders
Engine test conditions
Engine characteristics Test conditions Performance ratings
Fuel Duration
Tests Procedure Inject. Engine
Engine Max.
Fuel type: Oil fill Total test
of each
Oil Deposit/ Vis.
Aspiration displ., output, % S, volume, duration, speed, temp., Piston Sludge Varnish incr. Ring Wear Other
reference type type RON/ phase, kW. corros.
l kW/rpm FAME % l h rpm °C cleanliness /Oxid.
Pb,g/l h
API / ILSAC tests
BRT ASTM D6557 Bench test to replace Seq IID engine test 0.1 18 rust
CAT 1M-PC 31.3/ Bearing Liner
ASTM D6618 IDI Singe TC 2.2 0.40 min. 6.8 120 1800 31 WTD TGF WTD RSC RS
(for CF) 1800 96 scuffing
Caterpillar 52/ Bearing WDK TGF
ASTM D6750 DI Single TC 2.4 0.40 6.0 252 2100 52 WDK RS
1K 2100 107 TLHC
Caterpillar 52/ Bearing WDN TGF Liner
ASTM D6750 DI Single TC 2.4 0.05 6.0 252 2100 52 WDN RS OC
1N 2100 107 TLHC scuffing
Caterpillar 55/ WDP TLC
ASTM D6681 DI Single TC 2.43 0.05 6.8 360 1800 55 130+/-3 WDP OC
1P 1800 TGC
Caterpillar 68/ WD TLC Liner
ASTM D6923 DI Single TC 2.43 0.05 6.8 504 1800 68 120 WDR RS OC
1R 1800 TGC scuffing
Caterpillar 391/ Gallery
ASTM D7549 DI C13 TC 12.5 0.0015 38 500 1800 1760 TLHC WTD weight OC
C13 1800 98
TGF TLC loss
Cummins 224/ 1600/ Valve
ASTM D7484 DI L6 TC 5.9 0.0015 14.5 350 100/250 110
ISB 2600 Cyclic train
1600 Rocker
Cummins 332/ +/-2 cover Valve Filter
ASTM D7468 DI L6 TC 10.82 0.05 24.8 200 50 300 115
ISM 1900 1800 and oil train plugging
+/-5 pan
Cummins 275/ +/-2 130 Valve
ASTM D6838 DI 370E TC 11.0 0.05 29 200 50 275 plug-
M11 1800 1800 maxi. train
Cummins 275/ +/-2 Valve
ASTM D6975 DI L6 TC 11.0 0.05 300 50 plug-
M11-EGR 1800 1800 train
Cummins 298/
DI TCIC 14 0.4 200 2100 298 250 X follower OC
NTC-400 2100
V6 2 370/ 1200 130 364 Face
DD6V92TA ASTM D5862 DI TCIC 9.0 0.1-0.4 22 100 102-111 Port
Cycle 2300 2300 379 distress
Engine test conditions
Engine characteristics Test conditions Performance ratings
Fuel Duration
Tests Procedure Inject. Engine
Engine Max.
Fuel type: Oil fill Total test
of each
Oil Deposit/ Vis.
Aspiration displ., output, % S, volume, duration, speed, temp., Piston Sludge Varnish incr. Ring Wear Other
reference type type RON/ phase, kW. corros.
l kW/rpm FAME % l h rpm °C cleanliness /Oxid.
Pb,g/l h
API / ILSAC tests
EOAT 160/
ASTM D6894 DI V8 TC 7.3 0.05 16 20 3000 153 121 max Deaeration
Navistar 3000
COAT ASTM D8047 DI L6 TC 12.5 0.0015 38 50 1800 0 90 Deaeration
261/ 1800/ Weight Liner +
Mack T-9 ASTM D6483 DI E7-350 TC 12.0 0.05 45.4 500 75/425 0/261 99/ 107 X TR
1800 1250 loss BC
Mack T-8 ASTM D5967 DI E.7 TC 12.0 0.05 45.4 250 1800 258 100-107 plug- X OC
Mack T-8A ASTM D5967 DI E.7 TC 12.0 0.05 45.4 150 1800 258 100-107 plug- X
Mack T-8E ASTM D5967 DI E.7 TC 12.0 0.05 45.4 300 1800 258 100-107 X OC
343/ 1800/ 245/ Weight
Mack T-10 ASTM D6987 DI L6 TC 12.0 0.05 35.9 300 75/225 88/ 112 Liner BC OC
1800 1200 325 loss
Mack T-11 ASTM D7156 DI L6 TC 12.0 0.05 30.9 252 1800 240 88 X
343/ 1800/ 245/ Weight
Mack T-12 ASTM D7422 DI L6 TC 12.0 0.0015 35.9 300 100/200 88/ 116 Liner BC OC
1800 1200 325 loss
25.8 kg 370 kW.
for Load is
PC-10 Liner
371/ ~13ppm S, break-in, controlled
Mack T-13 ASTM D8048 DI L6 TC 13 Test 360 360 h 1500 130 X wear / OC
1500 0% FAME 22.8 kg to a fuel
Fuel bearings
test flow rate
charge of 68
155/ Roller
RFWT ASTM D5966 IDI V6 - 6.5 0.05 50 1000 30-34 120
3500 follower
Leaded Cam +
SEQ IIIE ASTM D5533 V6 3.8 64 3000 50.6 149 X RS OC
gasoline lobe
Unl. Cam +
SEQ IIIF ASTM D6984 V6 3.8 80 3600 73.6 155 X X X RS
gasoline lifter
125 bhp/ Unl. Hot
SEQ IIIG ASTM D7320 V6 3.8 100 Steady state 3600 150 X X X OC
3600 gasoline stuck
Chrysler 224 / Unl.
SEQ IIIH ASTM D8111 PFI 3.6 90 Steady state 3900 102 151 X X X RS
V6 6350 Gasoline
103 / 1h 800 1.2 50
SEQ IV-A ASTM D6891 PFI L4 2.4 89 min. 3 100 Cam
5600 ( 50+10 ) 1500 2.3 60.5
Engine test conditions
Engine characteristics Test conditions Performance ratings
Fuel Duration
Tests Procedure Inject. Engine
Engine Max.
Fuel type: Oil fill Total test
of each
Oil Deposit/ Vis.
Aspiration displ., output, % S, volume, duration, speed, temp., Piston Sludge Varnish incr. Ring Wear Other
reference type type RON/ phase, kW. corros.
l kW/rpm FAME % l h rpm °C cleanliness /Oxid.
Pb,g/l h
API / ILSAC tests
7/8 800 / Cam +
SEQ IV-B ASTM Dxxxx PFI L4 1.5 0 200 54
seconds 4300 lifter
120(1) x 72 2500 25 68
Ford Unl.
SEQ VE ASTM D5302 PFI 2.3 3.67 288 75(1) x 72 2500 25 99 X X RS Cam
OCH-4 Gasoline
45(1) x 72 750 0.75 46
Unl. 2 1200 68
SEQ VG ASTM D6593 PFI Ford V8 4.6 Philips 3 216 1.15 2900 100 X X RS
«J» 0.45 700 45
2 1200 68
SEQ VH ASTM Dxxxx PFI Ford V8 4.6 216 1.15 2900 100 X X RS
0.45 700 45
I aging = 16
Ford V-8 Unl. II aging = 80 800 45 Fuel
SEQ VI-B ASTM D6837 MP 4.6 6 133 2.18 15.39
('93) Gasoline FEI I 7.5 1500 105 economy
FE II 7.5
I aging = 16
Unl. II aging = 109 695- Fuel econ./
SEQ VI-D ASTM D7589 MP GM V6 3.6 5.4 155 1.5-22 35-115
Gasoline FEI I 7.5 2000 FE retention
FE II 7.5
I aging = 16
226 / Unl. II aging = 109 695- Fuel econ./
SEQ VI-E ASTM D8114 DI GM V6 3.6 5.4 196 1.5-22 35-115
6800 Gasoline FEI I 7.5 2000 FE retention
FE II 7.5
I aging = 16
226 / Unl. II aging = 109 695- Fuel econ./
SEQ VI-F ASTM Dxxxx DI GM V6 3.6 5.4 196 1.5-22 35-115
6800 Gasoline FEI I 7.5 2000 FE retention
FE II 7.5
CLR 3.7 / Unl. Shear
SEQ VIII ASTM D6709 0.7 1.8 40 3150 ~ 3.7 143 BWL
mono 3150 Gasoline stability
Ford Pre-
269 / Unl.
SEQ IX ASTM Dxxxx DI Ecoboost TC 2.0 16 1750 49 95 ingnition
1750 Gasoline
L4 events
2 1200 68
SEQ X ASTM Dxxxx PFI Ford V8 4.6 216 1.25 2900 100 X X RS
0.45 700 45

(1) Depending on fuel batch severity IC = Intercooler TC = Turbocharged L6 = In Line 6 cylinders BP = Bore Polishing WDK = Total weighted demerit for Cat 1K TGC = Top groove carbon
(2) Ref.-cand.-ref IDI = Indirect Diesel Injection MP = Multi point V8 = 8 cylinders in V BC = Bearing corrosion WDK = Total weighted demerit for Cat 1K TGF = Top groove filling
DI = Direct Injection TCIC = Turboch. intercooler RS = Ring Sticking BWL = Bearing Weight Loss WDK = Total weighted demerit for Cat 1K TLC = Top land carbon
PFI = Port fuel injection L4 = In Line 4 cylinders OC = Oil consumption WDK = Total weighted demerit for Cat 1K TLHC = Top land heavy carbon
SC = Supercharged V6 = 6 cylinders in V RSC = Ring side clearance
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
Specifications ACEA 2008 / 2010 / 2012
Related specifications Seq. A/B, C Seq. E Seq. A/B, C, E Seq. A/B, C Seq. E Seq. A/B, C, E
RE1 RE2-99 RE3-04 RE4 DBL-AEM
Elastomer material
(FPM, Fluorocarbon) (ACM, Acryl Acrylate Copolymers) (VMQ, Silicon) (NBR, Nitrile Butyl Rubber) Vamac, Ethylene Acrylic Elastomer)
Operating conditions CEC L-39-96 CEC L-39-96 CEC L-39-96
Test piece S2 S2 S2
Duration, h 168 168 168
Pre-aging of the oil No No No
Oil weight, g 270 270 270
Temperature, °C 150 100 150
Change after test
Hardness, pts -1 / +5 -1 / +5 -5 / +8 - 22 / +1 -25 / +1 -5 / +5 -5 / +10
Tensile strength, % -40 / +10 -50 / +10 -15 / +18 -30 / +10 -45 / +10 -20 / +10 -35 / -
Elongation at break, % -50 / +10 -60 / +10 -35 / +10 -20 / +10 -20 / +10 -50 / +10 -50 / -
Volume, % -1 / +5 -1 / +5 -7 / +5 -1 / +22 -1 / +30 -5 / +5 -5 / +15

Specifications ACEA 2016

Related specifications Sequence A/B, C, E
CEC L-112-16 RE6 RE7 RE8 RE9
Elastomer material (FKM, Fluorocarbon) (ACM, Acryl Acrylate Copolymers) (HNBR, Hydrogenated Nitrile Butyl Rubber) (AEM, Ethylene Acrylic Elastomer)
Operating conditions CEC L-112-16
Test piece S2 S2 S2 S2
Duration, h 168 168 168 168
Pre-aging of the oil No No No No
Oil weight, g 270 270 270 270
Temperature, °C 150 120 150 150
Change after test
Tensile strength, % Report Report Report Report
Elongation at break, % -70 / +20 -65 / +15 -51 / +9 -65 / +19
Volume, % -5.5 / +2.1 -1.8 / +8.9 0.0 / +12.0 -2.5 / +16.0

Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
Specifications JASO DH-1 / DH-2 / DL-1
Related specifications DH-1, DL-1 DH-2 DH-1, DH-2, DL-1 DH-1, DH-2, DL-1 DH-1, DH-2, DL-1
RE1 RE2-99 RE3-04 RE4 DBL-AEM (Vamac,
Elastomer material
(FPM, Fluoro) (ACM, Acrylic) (VMQ, Silicon) (NBR, Nitrile) Ethylene Acrylic)
Operating conditions CEC L-39-96 CEC L-39-96 CEC L-39-96
Test piece S2 S2 S2
Duration, h 168 168 168
Pre-aging of the oil No No No
Oil weight, g 270 270 270
Temperature, °C 150 100 150
Change after test
Hardness change, pts -1 / +5 -1 / +5 -5 / +8 -25 / +1 -5 / +5 -35 / -
Tensile strength change, % -40 / +10 -50 / +10 -15 / +18 -45 / +10 -20 / +10 -50 / -
Elongation at break change, % -50 / +10 -60 / +10 -35 / +10 -20 / +10 -50 / +10 -5 / +15
Volume change, % -1 / +5 -1 / +5 -7 / +5 -1 / +30 -5 / +10 -

Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
API CJ-4 / CK-4 / FA-4
Nitrile Silicone Polyacrylate Fluoroelastomer
Elastomer material Vamac G
Operating conditions ASTM D7216
Duration, h 336
Pre-aging of the oil No
Temperature, °C 100 150 150 150 150
Change after test (1) (2)
Volume change, % +5 / -3 +TMC 1006 / -3 +5 / -3 +5 / -2 +TMC 1006 / -3
Hardness change, pts +7 / -5 +5 /-TMC 1006 +8 / -5 +7 / -5 +5 / -TMC 1006
Tensile strength change, % +10 / -TMC 1006 +10 / -45 +18 / -15 +10 / -TMC 1006 +10 / -TMC 1006
Elongation at break change, % +10 / -TMC 1006 +20 / -30 +10 / -35 +10 / -TMC 1006 +10 / -TMC 1006
Compression set (3) Report Report Report Report Report

(1) These are unadjusted specification limits for elastomer compatibility. Candidate oils shall, however, conform the adjusted specification limits, the calculation of which is described in ASTM D4485 annex A4.
(2) Ref Oil is TMC 1006 (original blend or subsequent approved re-blends of TMC 1006).
(3) Only required for DFS 93K214, per ASTM D395.
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
API SN / SN Resource Conserving / ILSAC GF-5
API SP / SP Resource Conserving/ ILSAC GF-6
Hydrogenated Nitrile Silicone Polyacrylate Fluorocarbon Ethylene Acrylic
Elastomer material
(HNBR-1) (VMQ-1) (ACM-1) (FKM-1) (AEM-1)
Operating conditions ASTM D7216 Annex A2
Duration, h 336
Pre-aging of the oil No
Temperature, °C 100 150 150 150 150
Variations after test (1)
Volume change, % -5 / 10 -5 / 40 -5 / 9 -2 / 3 -5 / 30
Hardness change, pts -10 / 5 -30 / 10 -10 / 10 -6 / 6 -20 / 10
Tensile strength change, % -20 / 15 -50 / 5 -40 / 40 -65 / 10 -30 / 30

(1) C
 andidate oil testing for elastomer compatibility shall be performed using the five Standard Reference Elastomers (SREs) referenced herein and defined in SAE J2643.
Candidate oil testing shall be performed according to ASTM D7216 Annex A2.
The post-candidate-oil-immersion elastomers shall conform to the specification limits detailed herein.
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
Specifications GLOBAL DHD-1
Elastomer material
(FPM, Fluorocarbon) (ACM, Acryl Acrylate Copolymers) (VMQ, Silicon) (NBR, Nitrile Butyl Rubber)
Operating conditions CEC L-39-96 CEC L-39-96
Test piece S2 S2
Duration, h 168 168
Pre-aging of the oil No No
Oil weight, g 270 270
Temperature, °C 150 100
Variations after test in
Hardness change, pts -1 / +5 -5 / +5 -25 / +1 -5 / +5
Tensile strength change, % -50 / +10 -15 / +10 -45 / +10 -20 / +10
Elongation at break change, % -60 / +10 -35 / +10 -20 / +10 -50 / +10
Volume change, % -1 / +5 -5 / +5 -1 / +30 -5 / +5

Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
Specifications GM dexos1 / 2
RE1 RE4 DBL-AEM Nitrile Silicone Fluorocarbon Polyacrylate
Elastomer material
(FPM) (NBR) (Vamac) (NBR-1) (VMQ-1) (FKM-2) (ACM-1) (1)
Operating conditions CEC L-39-96 VDA 675301 ASTM D7216 Annex A2
Test piece S2 S2
Duration, h 168 168
Pre-aging of the oil No No
Oil weight, g or specimen : oil ratio 270 1 : 80
Temperature, °C 150 150
Change after test
-30 / +10 (Dexos 1)
Hardness change, pts. -1 / +5 -5 / +5 -5 / +10 -5 / +5 -30 / +10 -10 / +10
-10 / +10 (Dexos 2)
Tensile strength change, %. -40 / +10 -20 / +10 -35 / - -20 / +10 -45 / 0 -80 / +50 -30 / +30
Elongation at break change, %. -50 / +10 -50 / +10 -50 / - -35 / 0 -40 / 0 -90 / +55 -45 / +5
Volume change, %. -1 / +5 -5 / +5 -5 / +15 -5 / +5 -5 / +40 -5 / +5 -5 / +5
Tensile stress at 50% elongation change, % - - - -10 / +35 -50 / +10 -50 / +55 -20 / +65

(1) U
 se ACM-1 until ACM-2 is available.
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
Specifications VOLKSWAGEN Factory Fill specifications
Elastomer material RE-AK6/1 (1) RE-ACM1 (2) RE-AEM2 (3) RE-AEM1 (4)
VW TL 521 67 X X X X
VW TL 521 95 X X X X
VW TL 525 77 X X X
Operating conditions
Procedure PV 3344, PV 3323, DIN 53504
Test Piece S3A
Pre aging Yes
Specimen: oil ratio 1 : 80
Temperature, °C 150
Duration, h 168 282 (3 x 94) 500 168 500 168 500 168
Change after test
Tensile strength, N/mm2, min. 7 8 - - - - - -
Tensile strength change, % max. 60 - 40 30 40 35 40 30
Elongation at break, %, min. 160 160 - - - - - -
Elongation at break change, %, max. 50 50 40 30 40 30 40 30
Hardness change, pts. - - -4 / +10 -5 / +6 -4 / +10 -10 / +10 -4 / +10 -8 / +8
Weight change, % - - -2 / +6 -2 / +4 -3 / +10 -3 / +15 -3 / +10 -3 / +15
Cracks None None - - - - - -

(1) O
 ld name: FPM AK6
(2) O ld name: ACM
(3) Old name: Vamac
(4) R E-AEM1 scheduled to disappear, AEM2 is replacement
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
Specifications VOLKSWAGEN Service Fill specifications
Elastomer material RE-AK6/1 (1) RE-ACM1 (2) RE-AEM2 (3) RE-AEM1 (4)
VW 504 00 / 507 00 X X X X
VW 508 00 / 509 00 X X X X
VW 502 00 / 505 01 X X X X
VW 502 00 / 505 00 X X X X
VW 501 01 / 505 00 X X X X
Operating conditions
Procedure PV 3344, PV 3323, DIN 53504
Test piece S3A
Pre aging Yes
Ratio specimen: oil 1 : 80
Temperature, °C 150
Duration, h 168 282 (3 x 94) 500 168 500 168 500 168
Change after test
Tensile strength, N/mm2, min. 7 8 - - - - - -
Tensile strength change at break, % max. 60 50 40 30 40 35 40 30
Elongation at break, %, min. 160 160 - - - - - -
Elongation at break change, %, max. 50 50 40 30 40 40 40 30
Hardness change, pts. - - -4 / +10 -5 / +6 -4 / +10 -10 / +10 -4 / +10 -8 / +8
Weight change, % - - -2 / +6 -2 / +4 -3 / +10 -3 / +15 -3 / +10 -3 / +15
Cracks None None - - - - - -

(1) O
 ld name: FPM AK6
(2) O ld name: ACM
(3) Old name: Vamac
(4) R E-AEM1 scheduled to disappear, AEM2 is replacement
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
Specifications FORD WSS-M2C948-B
Elastomer material RE1, RE2-99, RE3-04, RE4, DBL-AEM
(Hydrogenated Nitrile Butyl Rubber)
Operating conditions CEC L-039-96
Test piece See ACEA Sequences S2
Duration, h 168
Pre-aging of the oil No
Oil weight, g 270
Temperature, °C 150
Change after test
Hardness change, pts See ACEA Sequences -5 / +6
Tensile strength change, % -30 / +20
Elongation at break change, % -35
Volume change, % -5 / +5

Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
- 10 -
MB 226.5, MB 228.0, MB 229.31,
Specifications MB 226.51 MB 228.31 MB 228.5 MB 228.51 MB 228.61 229.5 MB 229.6
229.1, .3 .1, .2, .3 .51, .52

MAN M 3271-1, 3 /
Specifications MTU MTL 5044 Oil Cat. 1 / 2 / 2.1 / 3 / 3.1
3275-1, -2 / 3277 / 3377 / 3477 / 3575 / 3677
Elastomer material
(SRE-NBR 28) (AK 6) (SRE-NBR 28) (AK6)
VDA 675 301 and
Operating conditions VDA 675 301 DIN 53521 DIN 53521
M 3273 (1)
Test piece S2 S2 S2 S2
Duration, h 168 168 168 168
Pre-aging of the oil No No No No
Oil weight, specimen / oil ratio 1 : 80 1 : 80 1 : 80 1 : 80
Temperature, °C 100 150 100 150
Change after test
Hardness change, pts max. -10 -5 / +5 -10 / 0 -5 / +5
Tensile strength change, % min. max. -20 max. -30 max. -20 max. -50
Elongation at break change, %, min. max. -30 max. -40 max. -35 max. -55
Volume change, % 0 / +10 -2 / +5 0 / +10 0 / +5

(1) P
 rocedure with addition of 0.6 % vol. of hydrochloric acid to the candidate oil to test.
Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
- 11 -
CES 20081 / 20086 / 20087
Specifications CES 20078 DFS 93K214 / 93K218 / 93K222 / 93K223
VDS-3 / 4 / 4.5
Requirements API CI-4, CI-4 PLUS API CJ-4, CK-4, FA-4

Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
- 12 -
Specifications PSA B71 2290 & PSA B71 2297
Elastomer material Freudenberg AEM 8540 blue Freudenberg 80FKM260519 noir Freudenberg 75FKM595 brun Freudenberg 70HNBR248231 noir
Operating conditions S22 5106
Duration, h 168 1000 168 1000 168 1000 168 1000
Temperature, °C 150 150 150 150 150 150 135 135
Change after test
Volume variation, % -5 / 5 -5 / 5 -3 / 3 -3 / 3 -3 / 3 -3 / 3 -5 / 5 -5 / 5
IRDH (Hardness) variation, points -5 / +5 0 / +10 -5 / +5 -5 / +5 -5 / +5 -5 / +5 -5 / +5 -5 / +5
Module 100 variation, %, max. +50 +70 +50 +70 N/A N/A +50 +70
Tensile strength variation, %, min. -20 -20 -30 -40 -80 -80 -20 -20
Elongation at break variation, %, min. -30 -40 -30 -60 -60 -70 -30 -30
Elongation at break, % min. 150 150 150 100 100 100 150 150
Compression set, %, max. 30 50 50 50 70 90 60 70

Specifications PSA B71 2290 & PSA B71 2297

CEC L-112-16 RE6 RE7 RE8 RE9
Elastomer material (FKM, Fluorocarbon) (ACM, Acryl Acrylate Copolymers) (HNBR, Hydrogenated Nitrile Butyl Rubber) (AEM, Ethylene Acrylic Elastomer)
Operating conditions CEC L-112-16
Test piece S2 S2 S2 S2
Duration, h 168 168 168 168
Pre-aging of the oil No No No No
Oil weight, g 270 270 270 270
Temperature, °C 150 120 150 150
Change after test
Tensile strength, % -60 -30 -20 -20
Elongation at break, % -50 -30 -40 -30
Volume, % -3 / +3 -3 / +3 5 / +10 -5 / +5

Elastomer compatibility operating conditions and limits
- 13 -
Specifications FORD WSS-M2C948-B
Elastomer material Volume change (1) Hardness change (1)
V1 (Ethylene/Acrylic) +7 to +20 -15 to -2
V2 (Ethylene/Acrylic) +2 to +12 -7 to +3
V3 (Ethylene/Acrylic) +7 to +22 -14 to -2
P1 (Polyacrylate) 0.00 to +8 -10 to 0.00
P2 (Polyacrylate) 0.00 to +8 -11 to =3
P3 (Polyacrylate) 0.00 to +4 -8 to +4
F1 (Fluoroelastomer) 0.00 to +4 -5 to +4
F2 (Fluoroelastomer) 0.00 to +4 -2 to +5
N1 (Nitrile) Report Report

(1) L
 imits are subject to change because of variation in elastomer performance from one batch to the next. If results in a reference are outside the limits stated in the tabel, the limit shall be replaced with “equal to or better than reference”.
for approvals
Approvals and performance recognition
Oil Company actions OEM actions Fees

Specifications Annual Annual Small changes,

Official Official Validity Qualified Formulation
Forms Sample IR Original Reblend Rebrand field renewal documentation
letter letter period prod. list change
sample fee fees
API Licensing No Yes No No Yes 1 year Yes (2) (3) (3) (3)
ACEA No Yes No No No (1)
No No 0 0 0 0 0 0
BMW Yes Yes Yes No Yes 2 years (17) Yes 5000 € 3000 € 2000 € 4000 € No 500 € No
CUMMINS CES 20074, 20076,
Cummins 15000 15000 Yes for
20077, 20078, 20081, 20086, No No No No Yes 1 year No
internal US $ US $ customers
Detroit Diesel 93K214, 93K215,
Yes Yes (4) Yes No Yes 1 year DDC Website 1050 US $ 1050 US $ 1050 US $ No Yes (5) 100-200 US $
93K216, 93K218
No, without
JASO DH-1, DH-2, DL-1 Yes Yes No Yes Yes 1 year (7)
Yes 40000 ¥ 40000 ¥ 40000 ¥ change of No Yes (7) No
product name
Mack EO-M Plus No Yes (4)
Yes No Yes (1)
Mack Website 1080 US $ 1080 US $ 1080 US $ No No 100-200 US $
Volvo VDS-4 / Mack EO-O
No Yes (4)
Yes No Yes 2 years Mack Website 1080 US $ 1080 US $ 1080 US $ Yes (6)
No 100-200 US $
Premium Plus
Volvo VDS-4.5 / Mack EOS-4.5 No Yes (4) Yes No Yes 2 years Mack Website 0 0 0
MAN M3277, MAN M3477, MAN
Yes Yes (16)
2l No Yes 2 years Yes 5000 € 2500 € 2500 € 5000 €
MERCEDES-BENZ Yes Yes (8) 100 ml No Yes 5 year max. (9)
Yes 2500 € 2500 € 2500 € 1250 €
Single grade 1250 € 1000 € 1000 €
MTU Yes Yes (13)
Yes (13)
Yes (13)
Yes - Yes 625 €
Multi-grade 1750 € 1250 € 1250 €
Dexos No (19) Yes 1 gal No No (14)
Yes 1000 € 3150 € 3150 € 1000 € Yes Yes (15)
PORSCHE Yes Yes 2l Yes Yes 3 years Yes 3250 € 3250 € 3250 € 3250 € No No No
PSA Yes Yes No Yes Yes 1 year (20) Yes 20000 € 20000 € 20000 € 20000 € No 20000 € No
RENAULT (passenger cars) Yes Yes 2l No Yes 4 years Yes 5800 € 5800 € 5800 € 5800 € No No Yes
VOLVO VDS-3 Yes No No No Yes (1)
No No No No No

Approvals and performance recognition
Oil Company actions OEM actions Fees

Specifications Annual Annual Small changes,

Official Official Validity Qualified Formulation
Forms Sample IR Original Reblend Rebrand field renewal documentation
letter letter period prod. list change
sample fee fees
DQC II 1000 € 750 € 750 €
Deutz Yes Yes Yes No Yes 3 years No -
DQC III & DQC IV 2500 € 2000 € 1500 €
VW 500 00, VW 501 01,
VW 502 00, VW 503 00,
VW 505 01 (11), VW 503 01, No (19)
Yes No Yes Yes (18)
No (12) 0 2000 € 1340 € 0€ No No No
VW 505 00, VW 506 00,
VW 506 01

(1) V
 alid until specification change or modification in lubricant formulation.
(2) A PI publication 1520.
(3) Fees are calculated according to a yearly volume of production of lubricants to be licensed: minimum is US $ 1250 for API members and US $ 1500 for non-members. In addition, an annual fee of US $ 0.0020 per gallon of licensed motor oil after the 1st million
gallons of product is assessed.
(4) F orms submitted to Test Engineering Inc. of San Antonio, Texas.
(5) A nnual renewal fee is US $500/product.
(6) Mack field sample US $1000 each.
(7) T o maintain on-file registration, it’s required to pay an on-file maintenance fee: minimum charge is 30 000 ¥ per year up to 1 000 kl of sales of each registered oil. For sales quantity of 1 000 kl or more, fees are calculated in increments of 30 ¥ per kl.
(8) Electronic application via DC BEAM system.
(9) Validity as long as original approval. Yearly renewal required.
(11) Combinations with VW 505.01: Rebrand, reblend and renewal are possible but no new approval.
(12) V AG France publishes a list.
(13) Application must include Appendix F and IR run in a approved laboratory which will send a 100 ml sample to MTU upon applicant request.
(14) First generation dexos1TM licences will expire on August 31, 2016. Second generation dexos1TM formulations will be accepted for review at the March 2015 dexos Approval Committee Meeting. Dexos2TM to be determined.
(15) A blender is charged 3150 US $ for the initial qualification fee and each formulation that a blender has registered is also charged a License Release Fee of 1000 US $ per calendar year.
(16) C ustomer to do the reblend and send bench test results.
(17) Technical approval is valid for 6 years. A commercial renewal involving a 500 € fee is required every 2 years.
(18) O riginal approvals (for additive companies) are valid 5 years after the oldest engine test. Reblend and rebrand approvals are valid 3 years from the day of the demand.
(19) A pproval provided in dexos eSubmission system.
(20) T  echnical validity is for 3 years from the date of release of the active PSA specification. Commercial approval has to be renewed every year with payment of the appropriate fees.
natural gas
engine oils
Requirements for gas engine oils for busses and trucks
Cummins Mercedes-Benz Detroit MAN
Specifications Iveco Volvo Scania
CES 20074 CES 20085 228.31 / 228.51 93K216 M3271-1 / -3

ACEA E6 (+2 TBN),

ACEA / API / OEM performance level - - - ACEA B5 ACEA E6 + M 3477 ACEA E6 + VDS-3 Scania Low Ash
(light-duty only)
30, 40, 5W-x, 10W-x,
Viscosity grades (SAE J300) 10W-30, xW-40 10W-30, xW-40 Acc. ACEA 15W-40 Acc. ACEA xW-30, xW-40 10W-40
15W-x / 5W-x, 10W-x
Laboratory Tests
HTHS viscosity (CEC L-36-90, ASTM D4683),
3.5 3.5 3.5 4.2 Acc. ACEA 3.5 Report 3.5
mPa.s, min.
Shear stability (CEC L-14-93, ASTM D6278,
Viscosity at 100°C after 90 cycles shear xW-30: 9; xW-30: 9.3;
- - Stay in grade 12.5 Stay in grade Stay in grade
(ASTM D445), mm2/s, min. xW-40: 12 xW-40: 12.5
HTHS viscosity after 90 cycles shear xW-30: 3.4;
- - - 3.9 - - -
(ASTM D4683), mPa.s, min. xW-40: 3.7
Evaporative loss (Noack) (ASTM D5800),
13 13 13 / 12 15 13 13 13 13
% loss, max.
Sulfated ash (ASTM D874), % m/m, max. 0.4 - 0.6 0.7 - 0.9 1.0 0.8 Acc. ACEA 1.0 1.0 1.0
Zinc (ASTM D5185), % m/m, min. 0.06 - 0.90 0.08 - 0.10 Rate & report - - 0.08 / Report - -
Phosphorus (ASTM D5185), % m/m, max. 0.06 - 0.085 0.07 - 0.09 0.12 - Acc. ACEA Report / 0.08 0.08 0.12
Calcium (ASTM D5185), % m/m 0.09 - 0.15 0.18 - 0.23 Rate & report - - Report - -
Sulfur, % m/m, max. 0.4 0.4 0.4 / 0.3 0.3 0.4
Infrared spectrum (CES 6005) Rate & report Rate & report Rate & report - -
TBN (ASTM D2896, D4739), mg KOH/g, min. 5.0 5.5 - - HD: 9, LD: 8 7 9 -
TAN (ASTM D664), mg KOH/g 0.5 - 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 - - - - - -
Pour point (ASTM D97), °C, max. - - -27 -25 - 5W-x: -40, 40: -15 Report -

Requirements for gas engine oils for busses and trucks
Cummins Mercedes-Benz Detroit MAN
Specifications Iveco Volvo Scania
CES 20074 CES 20085 228.31 / 228.51 93K216 M3271-1 / -3

Foaming tendency (ASTM D892)

(No option A) - - 10/0, 50/0, 10/0 10/0, 20/0, 10/0 10/0, 50/0, 10/0 10/0, 50/0, 10/0 10/0, 20/0, 10/0 10/0, 50/0, 10/0
Sequence I, II, III, ml, max.
Corrosion tendency (CBT / HTCBT)
D5968 D5968 mod. D6594 D6594 D6594 D6594 D6594 D6594
(ASTM D5968 / D6594)
Copper increase - without / with 10% m/m
20 / - 20 / - 20 / 200 20 / - Report Report 20 Report
B100, ppm, max.
Lead increase, ppm, max. 120 120 100 120 Report Report 120 Report
Tin increase, ppm, max. 50 50 - 50 Report Report - Report
Copper strip rating - with / without 10% m/m
3/- 3/- 3 / 4a 3/- - - 3
B100 (ASTM D130), max.
Thin Film Oxygen Uptake Test (TFOUT)
- - X-(0.22(X+5)) (1) - - - -
(ASTM D4742), min, min.
Engine Tests
See document
Currently Cummins is working on 1000 h standard lab.
qualification testing for this specification. test in a DDC Series Acc. ACEA E6 Acc. ACEA E6, E9,
Dynamometer tests specifications for Acc. ACEA Acc. ACEA
Once testing is determined these test(s) will 50G Model MK + VDS-3 API CJ-4
service fill engine
be added to this specification. engine
oils V2016.1
M 3271-3: Field test
Minimum of 5 of each ISL-G and ISX-12G 6 engines for 1 year
Field tests - - monitored by EMRA - Scania Low Ash
series engines. Minimum duration 1 year. or 60.000 miles

(1) W
 here X = Engine Tested Oil TFOUT
Unit conversion tables
Temperature conversion
To From To To From To To From To To From To To From To
°F °T °C °F °T” °C °F °T °C °F °T °C °F °T °C
-144.4 -98 -72.2 96.8 36 2.22 249.8 121 49.44 402.8 206 96.67 683.6 362 183.33
-140.8 -96 -71.1 98.6 37 2.78 251.6 122 50.00 404.6 207 97.22 687.2 364 184.44
-137.2 -94 -70.0 100.4 38 3.33 253.4 123 50.56 406.4 208 97.78 690.8 366 185.56
-133.6 -92 -68.9 102.2 39 3.89 255.2 124 51.11 408.2 209 98.33 694.4 368 186.67
-130.0 -90 -67.8 104.0 40 4.44 257.0 125 51.57 410.0 210 98.89 698.0 370 187.78
-126.4 -88 -66.7 105.8 41 5.00 258.8 126 52.22 411.8 211 99.44 701.6 372 188.89
-122.8 -86 -65.6 107.6 42 5.56 260.6 127 52.78 413.6 212 100.00 705.2 374 190.00
-119.2 -84 -64.4 109.4 43 6.11 262.4 128 53.33 415.4 213 100.56 708.8 376 191.11
-115.6 -82 -63.3 111.2 44 6.67 264.2 129 53.89 417.2 214 101.11 712.4 378 192.22
-112.0 -80 -62.2 113.0 45 7.22 266.0 130 54.44 419.0 215 101.67 716.0 380 193.33
-108.4 -78 -61.1 114.8 46 7.78 267.8 131 55.00 420.8 216 102.22 719.6 382 194.44
-104.8 -76 -60.0 116.6 47 8.33 269.6 132 55.56 422.6 217 102.78 723.2 384 195.56
-101.2 -74 -58.9 118.4 48 8.89 271.4 133 56.11 424.4 218 103.33 726.8 386 196.67
-97.6 -72 -57.8 120.2 49 9.44 273.2 134 56.67 426.2 219 103.89 730.4 388 197.78
-94.0 -70 -56.7 122.0 50 10.00 275.0 135 57.22 428.0 220 104.44 734.0 390 198.89
-90.4 -68 -55.6 123.8 51 10.56 276.8 136 57.78 431.6 222 105.56 737.6 392 200.00
-86.8 -66 -54.4 125.6 52 11.11 278.6 137 58.33 435.2 224 106.67 741.2 394 201.11
-83.2 -64 -53.3 127.4 53 11.67 280.4 138 58.89 438.8 226 107.78 744.8 396 202.22
-79.6 -62 -52.2 129.2 54 12.22 282.2 139 59.44 442.4 228 108.89 748.4 398 203.33
-76.0 -60 -51.1 131.0 55 12.78 284.0 140 60.00 446.0 230 110.00 752.0 400 204.44
-72.4 -58 -50.0 132.8 56 13.33 285.8 141 60.56 449.6 232 111.11 755.6 402 205.56
-68.8 -56 -48.9 134.6 57 13.89 287.6 142 61.11 453.2 234 112.22 759.2 404 206.67
-65.2 -54 -47.8 136.4 58 14.44 289.4 143 61.67 456.8 236 113.33 762.8 406 207.78
-61.6 -52 -46.7 138.2 59 15.00 291.2 144 62.22 460.4 238 114.44 766.4 408 208.89
-58.0 -50 -45.6 140.0 60 15.56 293.0 145 62.78 464.0 240 115.56 770.0 410 210.00
-54.4 -48 -44.4 141.8 61 16.11 294.8 146 63.33 467.6 242 116.67 773.6 412 211.11
-50.8 -46 -43.3 143.6 62 16.67 296.6 147 63.89 471.2 244 117.78 777.2 414 212.22
-47.2 -44 -42.2 145.4 63 17.22 298.4 148 64.44 474.8 246 118.89 780.8 416 213.33
-43.6 -42 -41.1 147.2 64 17.78 300.2 149 65.00 478.4 248 120.00 784.4 418 214.44
-40.0 -40 -40.0 149.0 65 18.33 302.0 150 65.56 482.0 250 121.11 788.0 420 215.56
-36.4 -38 -38.9 150.8 66 18.89 303.8 151 66.11 485.6 252 122.22 791.6 422 216.67

Unit conversion tables
Temperature conversion
To From To To From To To From To To From To To From To
°F °T °C °F °T °C °F °T °C °F °T °C °F °T °C
-32.8 -36 -37.8 152.6 67 19.44 305.6 152 66.67 489.2 254 123.33 795.2 424 217.78
-29.2 -34 -36.7 154.4 68 20.00 307.4 153 67.22 492.8 256 124.44 798.8 426 218.89
-25.6 -32 -35.6 156.2 69 20.56 309.2 154 67.78 496.4 258 125.56 802.4 428 220.00
-22.0 -30 -34.4 158.0 70 21.11 311.0 155 68.33 500.0 260 126.67 806.0 430 221.11
-18.4 -28 -33.3 159.8 71 21.67 312.8 156 68.89 503.6 262 127.78 809.6 432 222.22
-14.8 -26 -32.2 161.6 72 22.22 314.6 157 69.44 507.2 264 128.89 813.2 434 223.33
-11.2 -24 -31.1 163.4 73 22.78 316.4 158 70.00 510.8 266 130.00 816.8 436 224.44
-7.6 -22 -30.0 165.2 74 23.33 318.2 159 70.56 514.4 268 131.11 820.4 438 225.56
-4.0 -20 -28.9 167.0 75 23.89 320.0 160 71.11 518.0 270 132.22 824.0 440 226.67
-0.4 -18 -27.78 168.8 76 24.44 321.8 161 71.67 521.6 272 133.33 827.6 442 227.78
3.2 -16 -26.67 170.6 77 25.00 323.6 162 72.22 525.2 274 134.44 831.2 444 228.89
6.8 -14 -25.56 172.4 78 25.56 325.4 163 72.78 528.8 276 135.56 834.8 446 230.00
10.4 -12 -24.44 174.2 79 26.11 327.2 164 73.33 532.4 278 136.67 838.4 448 231.11
14.0 -10 -23.33 176.0 80 26.67 329.0 165 73.89 536.0 280 137.78 842.0 450 232.22
17.6 -8 -22.22 177.8 81 27.22 330.8 166 74.44 539.6 282 138.89 845.6 452 233.33
21.2 -6 -21.11 179.6 82 27.78 332.6 167 75.00 543.2 284 140.00 849.2 454 234.44
24.8 -4 -20.00 181.4 83 28.33 334.4 168 75.56 546.8 286 141.11 852.8 456 235.56
28.4 -2 -18.89 183.2 84 28.89 336.2 169 76.11 550.4 288 142.22 856.4 458 236.67
32.0 0 -17.78 185.0 85 29.44 338.0 170 76.67 554.0 290 143.33 860.0 460 237.78
33.8 1 -17.22 186.8 86 30.00 339.8 171 77.22 557.6 292 144.44 863.6 462 238.89
35.6 2 -16.67 188.6 87 30.56 341.6 172 77.78 561.2 294 145.56 867.2 464 240.00
37.4 3 -16.11 190.4 88 31.11 343.4 173 78.33 564.8 296 146.67 870.8 466 241.11
39.2 4 -15.56 192.2 89 31.67 345.2 174 78.89 568.4 298 147.78 874.4 468 242.22
41.0 5 -15.00 194.0 90 32.22 347.0 175 79.44 572.0 300 148.89 878.0 470 243.33
42.8 6 -14.44 195.8 91 32.78 348.8 176 80.00 575.6 302 150.00 881.6 472 244.44
44.6 7 -13.89 197.6 92 33.33 350.6 177 80.56 579.2 304 151.11 885.2 474 245.56
46.4 8 -13.33 199.4 93 33.89 352.4 178 81.11 582.8 306 152.22 888.8 476 246.67
48.2 9 -12.78 201.2 94 34.44 354.2 179 81.67 586.4 308 153.33 892.4 478 247.78
50.0 10 -12.22 203.0 95 35.00 356.0 180 82.22 590.0 310 154.44 896.0 480 248.89
51.8 11 -11.67 204.8 96 35.56 357.8 181 82.78 593.6 312 155.56 899.6 482 250.00
53.6 12 -11.11 206.6 97 36.11 359.6 182 83.33 597.2 314 156.67 903.2 484 251.11

Unit conversion tables
Temperature conversion
To From To To From To To From To To From To To From To
°F °T °C °F °T” °C °F °T °C °F °T °C °F °T °C
56.4 13 -10.58 208.4 98 36.67 361.4 183 83.89 600.8 316 157.78 906.8 486 252.22
57.2 14 -10.00 210.2 99 37.22 363.2 184 84.44 604.4 318 158.89 910.4 488 253.33
59.0 15 -9.44 212.0 100 37.78 365.0 185 85.00 608.0 320 160.00 914.0 490 254.44
60.8 16 -8.89 213.8 101 38.33 366.8 186 85.56 611.6 322 161.11 917.6 492 255.56
62.6 17 -8.33 215.6 102 38.89 368.6 187 86.11 615.2 324 162.22 921.2 494 256.67
64.4 18 -7.78 217.4 103 39.44 370.4 188 86.67 618.8 326 163.33 924.8 496 257.78
66.2 19 -7.22 219.2 104 40.00 372.2 189 87.22 622.4 328 164.44 928.4 498 258.89
68.0 20 -6.67 221.0 105 40.56 374.0 190 87.78 626.0 330 165.56 932.0 500 260.00
69.8 21 -6.11 222.8 106 41.11 375.8 191 88.33 629.6 332 166.67
71.6 22 -5.56 224.6 107 41.67 377.6 192 88.89 633.2 334 167.78
73.4 23 -5.00 226.4 108 42.22 379.4 193 89.44 636.8 336 168.89
75.2 24 -4.44 228.2 109 42.78 381.2 194 90.00 640.4 338 170.00
77.0 25 -3.89 230.0 110 43.33 383.0 195 90.56 644.0 340 171.11 Interpolation
78.8 26 -3.33 231.8 111 43.89 384.8 196 91.11 647.6 342 172.22 1.8 1 0.56
80.6 27 -2.78 233.6 112 44.44 386.3 197 91.67 651.2 344 173.33
82.4 28 -2.22 235.4 113 45.00 388.4 198 92.22 654.8 346 174.44
84.2 29 -1.67 237.2 114 45.56 390.2 199 92.78 658.4 348 175.56 °T Figures are readings
86.0 30 -1.11 239.0 115 46.11 392.0 200 93.33 662.0 350 176.67 in either °F or °C.
87.8 31 -0.50 240.8 116 46.67 393.8 201 93.89 665.6 352 177.78
89.6 32 0.00 242.6 117 47.22 395.6 202 94.44 669.2 354 178.89 Equivalent to 273.15 K (kelvin)
91.4 33 0.56 244.4 118 47.78 397.4 203 95.00 672.8 356 180.00
93.2 34 1.11 246.2 119 48.33 399.2 204 95.56 676.4 358 181.11
95.0 35 1.67 248.0 120 48.89 401.0 205 96.11 680.0 360 182.22

Unit conversion tables
Measurement conversion from US to SI units - 1 -
Customary Unit x Factor = SI Unit Customary Unit x Factor = SI Unit
Area square meter, m2 Flow meter3 or kilogram
square foot, ft2 9.2903 square decimeter, dm2 second, m3 or kg/s
square inch, in2 6.4516 square centimeter, cm2 foot3/minute, ft3/min 0.47195 decimeter3/second, dm3/s
square US statute mile, mi2 2.59 square kilometer, km2 Imp gallon/hour, gal/h 1.2628 centimeter3/second, cm3/s
square yard, yd2 0.83613 square meter, m2 US gallon/hour, gal/h 1.0515 centimeter3/second, cm3/s
pound-mass/minute, Ibm/min 7.5599 gram/second, g/s
Density kilogram/meter3, kg/m3 short ton/hour, st/h 0.252 kilogram/second, kg/s
gram/centimeter3, g/cm3 1000 kilogram/meter3, kg/m3
ounce-mass/inch3 ozm/in3 1.73 megagram/meter3, Mg/m3 Force newton, N (kg•m/s2)
pound-mass/foot3, Ibm/ft3 16.018 kilogram/meter3, kg/m3 dyne 10 micronewton, μN
pound-mass/lmp gallon, Ibm/gal 99.776 kilogram/meter3, kg/m3 kilogram-force, kgf 9.80665 newton, N
pound-mass/US gallon, Ibm/gal 119.83 kilogram/meter3, kg/m3 avdp pound-force, Ibf 4.44822 newton, N
long ton/yard3, lHyd3 1.3289 megagram/meter3, Mg/m3 poundal, pdl 0.13826 newton, N

Energy or Work joule, J (N•m, kg•m /s2) Length meter, m

British thermal unit, Btu (Int. Table) 1.05506 kilojoule, kJ angstrom, Å 100 picometer, pm
calorie, cal (Int. Table) 4.1868 joule, J foot, ft 0.3048 meter, m
foot-pound-force, ft•lbf 1.35582 joule, J inch, in 25.4 millimeter, mm
horsepower-hour, hp•h 2.6856 megajoule, MJ micron, μ 1 micrometer, μm
meter kilogram-force, m•kgf 9.80665 joule, J Int, nautical mile, naut mi (6076.1 ft) 1.852 kilometer, km
watt-hour, W•h 3.6 kilojoule, kJ US statute mile, mi (5280 ft) 1.6093 kilometer, km
yard, yd 0.9144 meter, m

Unit conversion tables
Measurement conversion from US to SI units - 2 -
Customary Unit x Factor = SI Unit Customary Unit x Factor = SI Unit
Mass kilogram, kg Viscosity dynamic pascal-second, Pa.s
avdp ounce-mass, ozm 28.3495 gram, g kinematic meter2/second, m2/s
avdp pound-mass, Ibm 0.45359 kilogram, kg centipoises, cP 1.0 millipascal-second, mPa•s
long ton, It (2240 Ibm) 1.01605 megagram, Mg centistokes, cSt 1.0 millimeter2/second, mm2/s
metric ton (tonne), mt (2204.6 Ibm) 1000.0 kilogram, kg
short ton, st (2000 Ibm) 907.2 kilogram, kg Volume cubic meter, m3
barrel (oil), bbl (42 US gal, 35 Imp gal) 0.15899 cubic meter, m3
Power watt, W (J/s, kg.m2/s) cubic foot, ft3 (1728 in3) 28.317 cubic decimeter, dm3
Btu (Int. Table)/hour, Btu/h 0.29307 watt, W Imp gallon, gal (160 Imp oz, 0.16054 ft3) 4.5461 liter, I
kilo calorie(lnt. Table)/hour, kcal/h 1.1639 watt, W US gallon, gal (128 US oz, 0.13368 ft3) 3.7854 liter, I
foot-pound-force/second, ft•lbf/s 1.35582 watt, W cubic inch, in3 16.387 cubic centimeter, cm3
horsepower, hp (550ft•Ibf/s) 745.7 watt, W liter, L 1.0 cubic decimeter, dm3
metric horsepower, mhp, PS or CV 735.5 watt, W US fluid ounce, fl oz 29.574 cubic centimeter, cm3
US liquid pint, liq pt (16 fl oz) 0.47318 liter, I
Pressure or Stress pascal, Pa (N/m2, kg/m.s2) US liquid quart, liq qt (32 fl oz) 0.94635 liter, I
normal atmosphere, atm (760 torr) 101.325 kilopascal, kPa cubic yard, yd3 0.76455 cubic meter, m3
bar, b 100.0000 kilopascal, kPa
dyne/centimeter2, dyne/cm2 0.1 pascal, Pa
inch of water @ 39.2°F (4°C) 249.08 pascal, Pa
kilogram-force/centimeter2 , kgf/cm2 98.0665 kilopascal, kPa
millimeter of Hg @ 0°C (32°F), torr 133.322 pascal, Pa
pound-force/inch2, psi 6.89476 kilopascal, kPa
long ton/inch2, lt/in2 15.4443 megapascal, MPa

Unit conversion tables
Decimal inches to millimeters Millimeters to inches
in mm in mm in mm mm in mm in mm in
.01 .254 .36 9.144 .71 18.034 1 0.0394 36 1.4173 71 2.7953
.02 .508 .37 9.398 .72 18.288 2 0.0787 37 1.4567 72 2.8346
.03 .762 .38 9.652 .73 18.542 3 0.1181 38 1.4961 73 2.8740
.04 1.016 .39 9.906 .74 18.796 4 0.1575 39 1.5354 74 2.9134
.05 1.270 .40 10.160 .75 19.050 5 0.1968 40 1.5748 75 2.9528
.06 1.524 .41 10.414 .76 19.304 6 0.2362 41 1.6142 76 2.9921
.07 1.778 .42 10.668 .77 19.558 7 0.2756 42 1.6535 77 3.0315
.08 2.032 .43 10.922 .78 19.812 8 0.3150 43 1.6929 78 3.0709
.09 2.286 .44 11.176 .79 20.066 9 0.3543 44 1.7323 79 3.1102
.10 2.540 .45 11.430 .80 20.320 10 0.3937 45 1.7716 80 3.1496
.11 2.794 .46 11.684 .81 20.574 11 0.4331 46 1.8110 81 3.1890
.12 3.048 .47 11.938 .82 20.828 12 0.4724 47 1.8504 82 3.2283
.13 3.302 .48 12.192 .83 21.082 13 0.5118 48 1.8898 83 3.2677
.14 3.556 .49 12.446 .84 21.336 14 0.5512 49 1.9291 84 3.3071
.15 3.810 .50 12.700 .85 21.590 15 0.5906 50 1.9685 85 3.3465
.16 4.064 .51 12.954 .86 21.844 16 0.6299 51 2.0079 86 3.3858
.17 4.318 .52 13.208 .87 22.098 17 0.6693 52 2.0472 87 3.4252
.18 4.572 .53 13.462 .88 22.352 18 0.7087 53 2.0866 88 3.4646
.19 4.826 .54 13.716 .89 22.606 19 0.7480 54 2.1260 89 3.5039
.20 5.080 .55 13.970 .90 22.860 20 0.7874 55 2.1654 90 3.5433
.21 5.334 .56 14.224 .91 23.114 21 0.8268 56 2.2047 91 3.5827
.22 5.588 .57 14.478 .92 23.368 22 0.8661 57 2.2441 92 3.6220
.23 5.842 .58 14.732 .93 23.622 23 0.9055 58 2.2835 93 3.6614
.24 6.096 .59 14.986 .94 23.876 24 0.9449 59 2.3228 94 3.7008
.25 6.350 .60 15.240 .95 24.130 25 0.9842 60 2.3622 95 3.7402
.26 6.604 .61 15.494 .96 24.384 26 1.0236 61 2.4016 96 3.7795
.27 6.858 .62 15.748 .97 24.638 27 1.0630 62 2.4409 97 3.8189
.28 7.112 .63 16.002 .98 24.892 28 1.1024 63 2.4803 98 3.8583
.29 7.366 .64 16.256 .99 25.146 29 1.1417 64 2.5197 99 3.8976
.30 7.620 .65 16.510 1.00 25.400 30 1.1811 65 2.5591 100 3.9370
.31 7.874 .66 16.764 31 1.2205 66 2.5984
.32 8.128 .67 17.018 32 1.2596 67 2.6378
.33 8.382 .68 17.272 33 1.2992 68 2.6772
.34 8.638 .69 17.526 34 1.3386 69 2.7165
.35 8.890 .70 17.780 35 1.3780 70 2.7559

Acronym table

AAM Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers ECTC Engine Coolant Technical Committee of CEC
ACC American Chemistry Council ECU Electronic Control Unit (Gasoline + Diesel)
ACEA Association des Constructeurs Européens d’Automobiles EDC Electronic Diesel Control
ACM Acrylic Copolymer Material (Seal - Monomer is Ethylene Acrylate) EELQMS European Engine Lubricant Quality Management System
AFNOR Association Française de Normalisation EFTC Engine Fuel Technical Committee of CEC
API American Petroleum Institute EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials, USA ELTC Engine Lubricant Technical Committee of CEC
ATC Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe EMA Engine Manufacturers Association, USA
(Additives Technical Committee)
EOAT Engine Oil Aeration Test
ATIEL Association Technique de l’Industrie Européenne des Lubrifiants EOLCS Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System
BN Base Number (TBN : Total Base Number) EPA Environmental Protection Agency
BOI Base Oil Interchangeability EUDC Extra Urban Driving Cycle
BTC CEC British National Organisation (British Technical Committee) EUROPIA European Petroleum Industry Association
CCFA Comité des Constructeurs Français d’Automobiles (France) FAP Filtre à Particules, Particulate Filter (= DPF)
CEC Conseil Européen de Coordination FSI Fuel Stratified Injection
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation GDI Gasoline Direct Injection
CCMC Comité des Constructeurs d’Automobiles du Marché Commun GFC CEC French National Organisation
(Groupement Français de Coordination)
CEFIC Conseil Européen des Fédérations de l’Industrie Chimique
CIMAC Congrès International des Machines à Combustion GRPE Group of Reporters on Pollution and Energy
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association, USA HC HydroCarbon
CONCAWE Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe HDI High pressure Direct Injection (Diesel)
CoP Code of Practice HEUI Hydraulically actuated and Electronically controlled Unit Injector
CRC Coordination Research Council, USA HPI High Pressure Injection (Diesel)
CRT Continuously Regenerating Trap HTCBT High Temperature Corrosion Bench Test (Cummins)
CUNA CEC Italian National Organisation HTHS High Temperature High Shear (Viscosity)
(Commissione tecnica di Unificazione neel’ Autoveicolo)
IDI Indirect Diesel Injection
DHD Diesel Heavy Duty (Global DHD-1 specification) ILMA Independent Lubricant Manufacturer Association (USA)
DI Direct Injection ILSAC International Lubricant Standardization & Approval Committee
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung IP Institute of Petroleum, UK
DKA CEC German National Organisation ISO International Organisation for Standardization
(Deutscher Koordinierung Ausschuss)
JAMA Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter JASO Japan Automobile Standards Organisation
EAM Ethylene Acrylic copolymer Material (Seal) JIS Japan Industry Standard
EAME Europe Africa Middle-East JPI Japan Petroleum Institute

Acronym table

JSAE Society of Automotive Engineers, Japan PDSC Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter
LDF Long Drain Field test (Scania) RNT Radio Nucleide (wear) Test
LEDL Low Emission Diesel Lubricant RWFT Roller Follower Wear Test
LRI Lubricant Review Institute, USA SAAC Statistical Application Advisory Committee of CEC
MTAC Multiple Test Acceptance Criteria SAE Society of Automobile Engineers, USA
MVEG Motor Vehicle Emission Group SAPS Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulfur
NBR Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (seal) TDI Turbocharged Direct Injection
OEM Original Equipement Manufacturers TLTC Transmission Lubricant Technical Committee of CEC
OHC OverHead Camshaft TRWL Top Ring Weight Loss
OICA Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs Automobiles (EU) VDA Verband der Automobilindustrie, Germany
OMEM Other Major Engine Manufacturers VDS Volvo Drain Specification
PAJ Petroleum Association of Japan VTW Valve Train Wear

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California, USA
The Netherlands
California, USA Omaezaki
San Antonio Shanghai
Texas, USA

San Juan del Rio Ningbo

Mexico China
Projected startup 2020

Texas, USA Singapore

Belle Chasse Chennai

Louisiana, USA India

Mauá France

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