PMT RC 661 Hydranal Manual

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for Karl Fischer Titration

This HYDRANAL™ Manual is intended to be a useful

reference handbook for analysts performing routine Please, do not hesitate to
Karl Fischer (KF) titration. It contains practical contact us at
recommendations and is the culmination of over
40 years of diligent product development and close
collaboration with our customers. We have tried to
organize the information systematically according Global Market
Thomas Wendt
to product groups and application areas to make it HYDRANAL Center of Excellence
both informative and easy to use. Seelze, Germany
Tel: +49 5137 999 353
Besides this handbook, we have also published Fax: +49 5137 999 698
many results in the literature and listed them in
the Literature Appendix. For analysts wanting
a deeper understanding of KF principles, we Global Market
highly recommend the textbook by Eugen Scholz Dr. Roman Neufeld
HYDRANAL Center of Excellence
“Karl-Fischer Titration” [1]. Seelze, Germany
Tel: +49 5137 999 451
Over the years, we have investigated the KF titration
of many diverse products and substances. Details
of each particular case are beyond the scope of this
manual, but are available in our comprehensive Global Market
Laboratory Reports library. Available Laboratory Agnieszka Kossakowska
Reports are noted in the text with the prefix “L” and HYDRANAL Technical Specialist
Warsaw, Poland
are available for download from our website. Tel: +48 512 355 628

We have always adhered to the principle of

recommending only those working methods
and applications that we have tried and verified APAC
Charlie Zhang
ourselves. We never accept nor copy any untested HYDRANAL Application Lab
publications or methods. By using this principle, Shanghai, China
Tel: ++86 21 2894 4715
we hope to ensure a high level of working safety
and optimum results for you.

We are here to serve you, to help you choose and use APAC
the right Hydranal reagents and develop reliable Linda Zhang
HYDRANAL Application Lab
working methods. Please feel free to contact us.
Shanghai, China
We look forward to helping you solve your most Tel: ++86 21 2894 4771
routine or challenging KF titration needs.
for Karl Fischer Titration
1. Introduction: 5.2 Volumetric titrations using
Innovations by Riedel-de Haën the two-component reagent
1.1 New bases.................................................1 HYDRANAL-Titrant (E) and
HYDRANAL-Solvent (E)...................14
1.2 New reagents...........................................1
5.3 Coulometric titrations with
1.3 Scientific investigations.....................1
1.4 Patents........................................................2 A/AG/E/AG-H/AG-Oven
1.5 Analytical support.................................2 and HYDRANAL-Coulomat CG....15

2. HYDRANAL reagents 5.4 Coulometry without a

2.1 HYDRANAL-Composite
one-component reagents 5.5 Back titrations......................................18
for volumetric titrations......................3 5.6 Standardization of titer ..................18
2.2 HYDRANAL-Solvent and 5.7 End point indication.........................19
HYDRANAL-Titrant two-
component reagents for 6. Laboratory recommendations
volumetric titrations.............................4 6.1 The KF laboratory...............................21
2.3 HYDRANAL-Coulomat reagents 6.2 Titration instrumentation...............21
for coulometric determinations.....5
6.3 Titration cells........................................21
2.4 HYDRANAL products for the
6.4 Burettes...................................................22
determination of water in
aldehydes and ketones.......................6 6.5 Working medium renewal...............22

2.5 HYDRANAL water standards...........7 6.6 End point stability and

instrumentation delay......................23
2.6 HYDRANAL for back titration..........8
2.7 HYDRANAL buffers...............................8 7. Sample preparation
7.1 Sampling and sample
2.8 HYDRANAL auxiliary products.......8
3. The advantages of HYDRANAL 7.2 Sample size............................................24
3.1 Titration speed........................................9
7.3 Addition of the sample.....................25
3.2 End point stability.................................9
7.4 Pre-dissolution of the sample......26
3.3 Accuracy..................................................10
7.5 Extraction of water from
4. Chemical fundamentals behind the sample.............................................27
Karl Fischer titration
8. Variants of the KF titration caused by
4.1 Working medium................................11 the matrix
4.2 pH...............................................................11 8.1 Addition of alcohols..........................28
5. Standard procedures for KF titrations 8.2 Addition of chloroform.....................29
5.1 Volumetric titrations using 8.3 Addition of formamide.....................30
the one-component reagent 8.4 Methanol-free working media.....30
8.5 Neutralization of bases...................31
8.6 Neutralization of acids.....................32
8.7 Titration at low temperature.........33

HYDRANAL Manual Contents

8.8 Titration at elevated 11. Foods and natural products
temperature...........................................34 11.1 Carbohydrates.....................................56
8.9 Titration in boiling methanol........34 11.2 Fats and fatty products...................56
8.10 The determination of water 11.3 Dairy and proteinaceous
in gases....................................................35 products..................................................56
8.11 The use of ovens.................................36 11.4 Vegetable-based products............57
8.12 Titration curves ...................................38 11.5 Chocolates, sweets, toffees...........57
9. Organic compounds 11.6 Bakery products, pastas..................58
9.1 Hydrocarbons.......................................40
12. Medicines and cosmetic products.............59
9.2 Halogenated hydrocarbons..........41
9.3 Alcohols...................................................42 13. Technical products
13.1 Mineral oils, crude oils and
9.4 Phenols....................................................42
related products..................................61
9.5 Ethers.......................................................44
13.2 Paints, lacquers, adhesives...........62
9.6 Aldehydes and ketones....................44
13.3 Plastics....................................................62
9.7 Carboxylic acids, esters and
13.4 Liquified gases....................................63
9.8 Compounds containing 14. Appendix
nitrogen...................................................49 14.1 Literature................................................64
9.9 Compounds containing sulfur....51 14.2 Subject index........................................65
9.10 Siloxanes, silanols..............................52 14.3 Reagent index......................................67
9.11 Peroxides................................................52

10. Inorganic compounds

10.1 Salts...........................................................53
10.2 Acids, oxides and carbonates.......54


Chapter 1. Introduction: Innovations by Riedel-de Haën
Water content plays an important role in many chemical 1.2 New reagents
processes, product performance, organoleptic properties As a result of the investigations undertaken, new reagents
and stability. A defined, reliable and truly practical method for for the determination of water were developed that surpass
water measurement was introduced in 1935 when chemist the classic Karl Fischer solutions. The first two-component
Karl Fischer (KF) published his manuscript “New procedure reagent containing diethanolamine as the base, Hydranal-
for the determination of the water content in liquids and Solvent and Hydranal-Titrant, was introduced in 1980. This
solids.” (K. Fischer; Angew. Chemie 1935, 48, 394). Karl reagent allows a rapid titration with a stable end point. The
Fischer titration, as it was to be known, could be followed base of this reagent was changed to imidazole in 1986 to
by nearly any laboratory interested in water determination. improve the buffering of the KF system and increase the
Consequently, it has become one of the most frequently water capacity of the solvent to 7 mg/mL. This reagent is
employed methods in analytical chemistry. described in detail in section 2.2.
But the technique was open to improvement. Beginning in Hydranal-Composite, a one-component reagent that
1979, Riedel-de Haën chemists Eugen Scholz and Helga contains imidazole as the base, was introduced to the market
Hoffmann investigated ways to improve Karl Fischer titration, in 1980. Details of this reagent can to be found in section 2.1.
making it safer, more accurate, easier to use and applicable
to a wider range of substrates. These improvements became In later years the coulometric reagents Hydranal-Coulomat
the foundation of the Hydranal™ product line described in A and Hydranal-Coulomat C followed and enabled the
this Manual. coulometric technique for water determination (see
section 2.3). In 1991 a new set of coulometric reagents
Three important innovations define the Hydranal line: free of halogenated hydrocarbons was introduced. Next
• Noxious pyridine was replaced by bases that are both were introduced special methanol-free reagents for the
safer and more effective. determination of water in aldehydes and ketones, designated
Hydranal-K reagents. This product line comprises the
• New reagents and techniques reduce the number of
Hydranal-Composite 5 K and Hydranal-Medium K for
required components, make end points clearer and more
the volumetric determination of water and Hydranal-
stable, and give faster and more sensitive reactions.
Coulomat AK, and Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K for coulometric
• Safety innovations beyond pyridine replacement include determination (section 2.4).
removal of halogenated hydrocarbons and replacement
of methanol. The range of KF titration reagents was completed with the
addition of Hydranal-Water Standards (section 2.5), titration
The results of Dr. Scholz and his team’s investigations were reagents for back titrations and buffering substances
of such fundamental importance that patents were received (sections 2.6 and 2.7, respectively), as well as ethanol-based
for many of the new reagents and their use. So far, more than reagents, the Hydranal-E types.
fifty patents have been issued or are pending in Europe, the
US, Japan and other countries. Research continues to this The most recent developments include Hydranal-CRM
day toward the development of new, innovative Hydranal Water Standards and Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1 PC
products and working methods. with improved stability. Research into additional non-toxic
reagents is ongoing.
1.1 New bases
1.3 Scientific investigations
The original KF method and many currently commercially
available products use noxious pyridine as the base. In conjunction with the development work undertaken,
Beginning in 1979, Riedel-de Haën initiated a series of fundamental questions required satisfactory answers. The
systematic investigations led by Dr. Eugen Scholz aimed at introduction of new reagents demanded the verification
replacing pyridine. The result of these investigations soon of the stoichiometry of the reaction. We came to the
showed that pyridine could be replaced by bases that are conclusion that the well known equations for the reaction
superior for such applications. The most significant results did not fully describe the course of the KF reaction observed
were published in the Fresenius “Zeitschrift für Analytische and necessitated further investigation. The results of the
Chemie” in the series entitled “Karl Fischer Reagents without investigations undertaken by Dr. Eugen Scholz and his team
Pyridine” [2-9]. The initial publications reported on the use have since been published in both English and German by
of diethanolamine as a base [2-5]. Subsequent articles [8] Springer Verlag [1].
reported on the use of imidazole, which has since proven to
be the best Karl Fischer base. Imidazole, an integral Hydranal
component, proved to be an ideal buffer for the KF system; it
ensures a rapid and accurate KF titration.

HYDRANAL Manual 1 Chapter 1: Introduction: Innovations by Riedel-de Haën

It is important to note that Honeywell does not permit
1. ROH + SO2 + R’N ↔ [R’NH]SO3R the manufacture of patented reagents for commercial or
2. [R’NH]SO3R + H2O + I2 + 2R’N  2[R’NH]I + [R’NH]SO4R personal use. This also applies to the application of such
reagents. The procurement of the patented reagent also
ROH = alcohol, typically methanol
grants the right of its usage.
R’N = base
Figure 1.3. Scheme of Karl Fischer reaction.

The sulfur dioxide reacts with the alcohol to form an ester 1.5 Analytical support
that is subsequently neutralized by the base (Figure 1.3). The The determination of water using the KF method is carried
anion of the alkyl sulfurous acid is the reactive component out using specialized instrumentation. There are a number
and is already present in the KF reagent. The titration of of commercially available instruments that are designed
water constitutes the oxidation of the alkyl-sulfite anion to specifically for KF titrations. Our Hydranal reagents are
alkyl sulfate by the iodine. This reaction consumes water. compatible with these titrators and our well-equipped
Hydranal laboratories have the most important KF
This means that two significant prerequisites must be fulfilled
instruments available on the international market.
in order to assure a stoichiometric course of the KF reaction.
The first is the presence of a suitable alcohol to esterify the Often we are asked by customers for technical assistanceto
sulfur dioxide completely [1]. The practical consequences of help them determine the water content of their specific
the results are explained in section 4.1. products. In most cases we were able to find an acceptable
solution to their application. When we deem these methods
The second is the presence of a suitable base necessary for
to be of general interest, which is often the case, we mention
the complete neutralization of the acids produced during
them in this Manual, and sometimes publish a Laboratory
the reaction. The basicity of pyridine is too low to completely
Report on the subject. Available Laboratory Reports are
neutralize the acid and is the cause of the sluggish titration
noted in the text with the prefix “L”. For some samples we
observed using the classic (non-Hydranal) KF titration
offer also Ph. Eur. Suitability Test Reports which have prefix
reagents. If the base is too strong, the solution becomes too
"S". Additionally, we publish Technical Information Sheets
alkaline and an end point will not be reached. A titration in
(prefix "T") containing useful technical tips on different
the pH range of 5-7.5 is preferred and this can be achieved
KFT related topics. All reports can be downloaded from our
by the use of imidazole. The pH adjustment is therefore of
prime importance for the course of an efficient KF titration
(see section 4.2). Take advantage of our vast experience with KF titration
by contacting our Hydranal laboratories for help and
information on:
1.4 Patents
The results of our investigations were of such fundamental • KF titration in general
importance that patents were filed for many of the new • How to deal with difficult samples
Hydranal reagents and their use. More than 50 patents
• Method development work on your samples,
have been filed, many of which have since been granted
free of charge
and are, therefore, binding. Of particular note are patents
DP 3008421, EP 0035066, EP 0127740, EP0075246, • How to receive detailed application protocols from us
EP0135098, GB 2,234,066, JP 61-54182, USP 4,740,471, • How to obtain Hydranal product information
USP 4,378,972, USP 4,748,126, USP 4,429,048, USP
4,619,900 and the USP 5,139,955. Additional patents have Our experts at the Hydranal hotline can be accessed
been granted in other countries, including Spain, Brazil, by phone, fax or e-mail. Contact details are listed at the
South Africa, etc. Further patents are pending. beginning of this Manual.

HYDRANAL Manual 2 Chapter 1: Introduction: Innovations by Riedel-de Haën

Chapter 2. HYDRANAL reagents
Pyridine-free Karl Fischer reagents produced by Honeywell 2.1.2 General procedure
are sold under the registered trademark Hydranal. Hydranal The following procedure (Figure 2.1.2) is recommended
is a result of our dedicated investigations into improving for titrations with Hydranal-Composite. The titration
the safety, accuracy and ease-of-use of the KF technique. procedure is described in detail in section 5.1. Variations
Hydranal reagents fulfill all the requirements of practical to the procedure as a result of differences arising from
laboratory analysis and enable analysts to choose the the sample matrix are discussed in section 8. Specific
optimum reagent for their specific application and procedures for many products are described in sections
instrumentation. The Hydranal product line consists of one- 9 to 13. Suitable instrumentation for these titrations is listed
component and two-component reagents for volumetric in section 6.
determinations, coulometric reagents and special reagents
for the determination of water in ketones and other difficult
2.1.3 The product line
substances. The product range is complemented by
calibration standards for the determination of the titer (water There are currently four different Hydranal-Composites;
equivalent) and buffer solutions. each one is designed for a specific application.

The Hydranal range of reagents uses imidazole or Hydranal-Composite 5 has a titer of 4.5 to 5.5 mg H2O/mL.
diethanolamine (available in a few reagents) as the base, It is the preferred reagent for most applications. It contains
rather than pyridine. Imidazole and diethanolamine are imidazoles, sulfur dioxide and iodine in diethylene glycol
effective and guarantee reliable analyses. The composition monoethyl ether (DEGEE). Hydranal-Composite 5 is very
of Hydranal reagents, their target applications and usage stable and has a shelf life of three years. The titer decay is
guidelines are summarized in the following sections. approximately 0.3 mg H2O/mL per year.

Hydranal-Composite 2 has a titer of 1.6 to 2.4 mg H2O/

2.1 HYDRANAL-Composite one-component mL and is used for the titration of samples with lower water
reagents for volumetric titrations contents. It contains imidazoles, sulfur dioxide and iodine
in diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (DEGEE). Hydranal-
One-component reagents contain all the reactants (i.e.
Composite 2 is very stable and has a shelf life of three years.
iodine, sulfur dioxide and imidazole) dissolved in a suitable
The titer decay is approximately 0.1 mg H2O/mL per year.
alcohol. These reagents are intended for the volumetric KF
titration of water. Hydranal-Composite 1 has a titer of 0.8 to 1.2 mg H2O/
mL and is used for the titration of samples with very low
2.1.1 Applications water levels. It is distinguished from the other titrants by
its high reaction sensitivity, meaning that trace amounts of
Hydranal-Composite is a universal reagent for volumetric
water can be titrated rapidly. This reagent has a shelf life of
KF titration methods of determining water. It is suitable
three years. The titer decay is approximately 0.1 mg
for all commercially available instrumentation. Hydranal-
H2O/mL per year.
Composite one-component reagent is preferred because
it is relatively simple to use. All necessary reactants are Hydranal-Composite 5 K is a special reagent intended for
conveniently contained in one solution. The working the determination of water in aldehydes and ketones (hence
medium (i.e. the solvent required) is chosen according the designation “K”). Applications using this reagent are
to the dissolution properties of the sample substance described in sections 2.4 and 9.6. Hydranal-Composite 5 K
being analyzed. consists of the same components as Hydranal-Composite 5

1. Fill the burette with HYDRANAL-Composite

Composite Methanol Rapid or HYDRANAL-CompoSolver E
into the titration vessel
HYDRANAL- 3. Titrate it to dryness with HYDRANAL-Composite
Methanol dry,
HYDRANAL- 4. Add the sample
Methanol Rapid or 5. Titrate the water content with HYDRANAL-Composite
CompoSolver E

Figure 2.1.2. General procedure for volumetric one-component titration.

HYDRANAL Manual 3 Chapter 2: HYDRANAL reagents

and can therefore be used for any application. However, a 2.2.1 Applications
titration with this reagent is slightly slower because of its When combined Hydranal-Solvent and Hydranal-Titrant
modified composition. are virtually a universal reagent for the determination of
Hydranal-Methanol Rapid contains accelerators for the KF water by KF titration. These reagents can be used with all
reaction and reduces titration times significantly. commercially available titration equipment. In practice, the
two-component reagent is preferred when rapid titrations
Hydranal-Methanol dry is a medium for the titration vessel
and highly accurate results are required. The two-component
and contains a maximum of 0.01% H2O. For general
system is more accurate due to its faster rate of reaction. By
applications the titration speed can be improved by the
reacting with the water faster it does not experience as much
addition of a titration accelerator, like Hydranal-Solvent
influence from atmospheric moisture as the slower one-
(section 2.2.3) or Hydranal-Buffer for Acids (section 2.7). An
component system. Both reagents are very stable: titrants
efficient titration can be achieved in practice by using a 3:1
have a three year shelf life, while the solvents have a five year
mixture of methanol and Hydranal-Solvent as solvent for the
shelf life. The titer of Hydranal-Titrant will not change as long
sample and working medium for the titration.
as the bottle remains tightly sealed.
Hydranal-CompoSolver E contains accelerators and is
based on ethanol. It can be used instead of methanol. 2.2.2 General procedure
Hydranal-Solver (Crude) Oil is the most useful working We recommend the following procedure for the two-
medium for titration in oils. It contains methanol, xylene and component titration technique. Hydranal-Solvent serves as
chloroform and fulfills the requirements of ASTM D 4377-00 the working medium; Hydranal-Titrant is used to titrate the
method. sample (see Figure 2.2.2).

Hydranal-LipoSolver CM and Hydranal-LipoSolver MH are This titration procedure is described in detail in section 5.2.
special working media for titration in non-polar samples. Variations in the procedure to accommodate different
They contain a mixture of chloroform and methanol (CM) or sample matrices are given in section 8. Specific procedures
methanol and 1-hexanol (MH). for many products are described in sections 9 to 13.

Note: Although the Hydranal-Solvent and Hydranal-Titrant

2.2 HYDRANAL-Solvent and HYDRANAL- can be premixed and used as a one-component reagent, the
Titrant two-component reagents for stability of the mixture is significantly reduced. We do not
volumetric titrations recommend this practice.
The two-component reagents consist of all the necessary
reactants for the titration, but in two different solutions. 2.2.3 The product line
Hydranal-Solvent is the solvent solution consisting of Different grades of Hydranal-Solvent and Hydranal-Titrant
sulfur dioxide and imidazole in methanol. Hydranal-Titrant reagents are available for different applications.
is a solution of iodine with a pre-determined titer (water
Hydranal-Solvent is the preferred working medium for
equivalent). Hydranal-Solvent E and Hydranal-Titrant E
the two-component titration techniques. It consists of a
contain ethanol instead of methanol as solvent.
solution of imidazole and sulfur dioxide in methanol and
In the two-component system, both Hydranal-Solvent and has a nominal capacity of 7 mg H2O/mL. The solution
Hydranal-Titrant are necessary for the titration. has been pre-dried to maximum water content of 0.02%.
Hydranal-Solvent has a five year shelf life, during which the
water content will not increase as long as the bottle remains

1. Fill the burette with HYDRANAL-Titrant or

Titrant or
HYDRANAL- 2. Add HYDRANAL-Solvent or
Titrant E HYDRANAL-Solvent E to the titration vessel
3. Titrate it to dryness with HYDRANAL-Titrant
or HYDRANAL-Titrant E
4. Add the sample
Solvent or 5. Titrate the water content with
Solvent E

Figure 2.2.2. General procedure for volumetric two-component titration.

HYDRANAL Manual 4 Chapter 2: HYDRANAL reagents

Hydranal-Solvent E is the same as Hydranal-Solvent except 2.3 HYDRANAL-Coulomat reagents for
it contains ethanol instead of methanol. It is preferred from coulometric determinations
safety (ethanol is less toxic than methanol) and solubility
For standard coulometric KF titrations, two reagent
(some samples are more soluble in ethanol) standpoints,
solutions, an anolyte (the solution about the anode) and a
however should be used quickly after opening.
catholyte (the solution about the cathode), are necessary.
Hydranal-Solvent CM contains imidazole and sulfur dioxide The anolyte is a modified KF reagent containing iodide
in a mixture of methanol and chloroform and was developed instead of iodine. The Karl Fischer reaction occurs in the
for the determination of water in oils and fats. The capacity anolyte [1]. The catholyte enables the counterpart cathode
for water of this solution is approximately 3 mg H2O/mL. reaction that must proceed so that the by-products of the
KF reaction produced at the cathode are not disturbed [1].
Hydranal-Solvent Oil contains imidazole and sulfur dioxide
Coulometric cells without a diaphragm are also available. In
in a mixture of methanol and a long-chain aliphatic alcohol.
that case, the anodic and cathodic compartments are not
It does not contain chloroform. Hydranal-Solvent Oil is
separated and only one reagent, the anolyte, is needed [14].
designed for the determination of water in oils and fats. The
Hydranal products for coulometric KF titration are given the
capacity for water of this solution is approximately 3 mg H2O/
name Hydranal-Coulomat.
mL. The Hydranal-Solvent CM and Hydranal-Solvent Oil
have different solubilizing properties, giving analysts choices
in the ability to dissolve oily samples. 2.3.1 Applications
Hydranal-Coulomat A and Hydranal-Coulomat CG are the
For titration in oils also Hydranal-Solver (Crude) Oil can be
standard reagents for coulometric KF titration. Hydranal-
used in two-component system.
Coulomat AG, AD and AG-H are anolytes free of halogenated
Hydranal-Titrant 5 is the standard titrating agent for general solvents, Hydranal-Coulomat CG is the corresponding
applications. It is a methanolic solution of iodine with an catholyte. Hydranal-Coulomat E is a new reagent where
exact titer adjustment of 4.95 to 5.05 mg H2O/mL. The titer most of methanol is replaced by ethanol. It is also free of
remains unchanged even after prolonged storage, as long halogenated solvents.
as the bottle remains unopened. The titer however may drop
slightly through handling, since methanol is hygroscopic.
2.3.2 General procedure
Hydranal-Titrant 5 E is the same as Hydranal-Titrant 5 except The following general procedure is used for the coulometric
the methanol has been replaced by ethanol. determination of water (see Figure 2.3.2).

Hydranal-Titrant 2 is a titrating agent for small amounts of This titration procedure is described in detail in section 5.3.
water. The titer is adjusted to 1.96 to 2.04 mg H2O/mL. The Alterations to the procedure due to the sample matrix are
methanolic solution of iodine can show a slight drop in titer given in section 8. Procedures for many specific samples are
during handling. described in sections 9 to 13.

Hydranal-Titrant 2 E is the same as Hydranal-Titrant 2 except

the methanol has been replaced by ethanol.

1. Fill the anodic compartment (A) with

Hydranal-Coulomat A/AG/AG-H/E
2. Fill the cathodic compartment (C) with
3. Switch on the instrument (cell is
A C automatically titrated to dryness)
4. Push the analysis button
5. Inject the sample
HYDRANAL-Coulomat A,
6. Record the water content at the end of
the analysis
or HYDRANAL-Coulomat E 7. Repeat steps 4-6

Figure 2.3.2. General procedure for coulometric titration.

HYDRANAL Manual 5 Chapter 2: HYDRANAL reagents

2.3.3 The product line Additionally, a second side reaction, the well-known bisulfite
Hydranal-Coulomat A is the anodic reagent (anolyte) for addition, can occur during the titration of aldehydes.
coulometric titration. It contains sulfur dioxide, imidazole This unwanted side reaction consumes water leading to
and iodide in a solvent mixture of methanol and chloroform. erroneously low results [1].
It is preferred for cells with diaphragm. A volume of 100 mL We have developed and patented Hydranal reagents that do
in the anodic compartment will suffice for the determination not produce these side reactions, eliminating or significantly
of approximately 1000 mg H2O. reducing these sources of error. These innovations include
Hydranal-Coulomat AD is a chloroform-free anolyte specific amines and alcohols not found in competitive KF
reagent especially designed for coulometric cells without reagent formulations.
a diaphragm. The reagent for the volumetric titration of water in aldehydes
Hydranal-Coulomat AG is a chloroform-free anolyte. It and ketones consists of two components: Hydranal-
contains two suitable bases, along with sulfur dioxide, Composite 5 K and Hydranal-Working Medium K, Hydranal-
imidazole, iodide and methanol as solvent. It has a water Medium K or Hydranal-KetoSolver.
capacity of 1000 mg per 100 mL. Hydranal-Coulomat AG is Hydranal-Composite 5 K is the titrating reagent for the
also suitable for use in coulometry without a diaphragm. determination of water in aldehydes and ketones. It consists
Hydranal-Coulomat E contains the same components as of a solution of imidazole, sulfur dioxide and iodine in
Hydranal-Coulomat AG, but the majority of the methanol diethylene glycol monoethyl ether.
is replaced by ethanol. It is suitable for cells with and Hydranal-Working Medium K is the corresponding solvent
without diaphragm. system for Hydranal-Composite 5 K titrant. It contains
Hydranal-Coulomat AG-H is an anolyte for the investigation 2-chloroethanol and chloroform. Hydranal-Working Medium
of hydrocarbons. It contains a long-chain alcohol and similar K is added to the titration vessel and serves as the working
components as Hydranal-Coulomat AG, but is preferred for medium and as the solvent for the sample. Both solutions are
cells with diaphragm. used like a one-component reagent, i.e. in accordance with
the procedures described in sections 2.1.2 and 5.1.
Hydranal-Coulomat AG-Oven is an anolyte with minimal and
extremely stable drift. It was developed for the determination Hydranal-Medium K is a new, less toxic medium that can
of water in gases or with a KF Oven connected to a coulometer. replace Hydranal-Working Medium K.

Hydranal-Coulomat Oil is an anolyte for the water Hydranal-KetoSolver is free of halogenated solvents. It gives
determination in oils, including crude oil. It contains a slightly slower titration rate.
chloroform and xylene as the solubilizing agents. Hydranal- The Hydranal reagents described above can be used
Coulomat Oil is preferred for cells with diaphragm. for the determination of water in substances other
Hydranal-Coulomat CG is the catholyte free of halogenated than aldehydes and ketones. The Hydranal-Medium K,
solvents. It contains a patented formulation containing Hydranal-Working Medium K and Hydranal-KetoSolver
ammonium salts as the reactive component and methanol can act as the solvent for the determination of water in any
as the solvent. A volume of 5 mL is sufficient for the substance where methanol can interfere with the titration
determination of 200-300 mg water. and must be avoided. Further information can be found in
section 8.4.
Hydranal-Coulomat AK and Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K are
complementary, methanol-free reagents intended for the Hydranal-Composite 5 K can be used as a universal titrating
coulometric determination of water in ketones and other reagent. It does, however, have a slower titration rate than
substances that react with methanol. Further information on Hydranal-Composite 5 (refer to section 2.1.3). In many
these products can be found in sections 2.4 and 8.4. cases, Hydranal-Medium K can be used in conjunction with
the standard volumetric reagent, Hydranal-Composite 5. For
the determination of water in aldehydes and certain reactive
2.4 HYDRANAL products for the
ketones however, it is strongly recommended that only
determination of water in aldehydes Hydranal-Composite 5 K be used (section 9.6.1).
and ketones
Hydranal-Coulomat AK is an anolyte for the coulometric
Historically, aldehydes and ketones have posed
determination of water in ketones. It contains imidazole,
problems for KF titration because they react with some
sulfur dioxide and iodide dissolved in a suitable solvent
conventional reagents to produce acetals and ketals [1].
mixture. Its capacity is approximately 100 mg of water
The water formed in this reaction is also titrated, leading
per 100 mL.
to erroneously high results and vanishing end points.
Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K is the corresponding catholyte.
It does not contain halogenated hydrocarbons. The water
capacity of 5 mL Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K is 100 mg.

HYDRANAL Manual 6 Chapter 2: HYDRANAL reagents

Both Hydranal-Coulomat AK and Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K Hydranal-CRM Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate
reagent solutions are used in the same way as the standard Water content: ~15.66%
Hydranal reagents for coulometry, i.e. according to the Certified Reference Material for general KF applications.
procedures described in sections 2.3.2 and 5.3. This product provides similar performance as the “normal”
standard quality above but with higher grade on quality
2.5 HYDRANAL water standards control and documentation.

It is good analytical practice to check the titer of KF titration Hydranal-Water Standard 10.0
reagents prior to performing new titrations, especially if the Water content: 10.0 mg/g = 1.0%
reagent bottle has been previously opened. The titer can be This standard is intended for calibrating volumetric KF
calibrated using a number of substances that have differing reagents. The liquid nature makes it suitable for application
advantages and varying limitations [1]. We therefore in all known KF media without any limitations regarding
recommend Hydranal-Water Standards with an exactly solubility. One package contains ten 8 mL glass ampoules.
confirmed water content for: Depending on application the content of one ampoule can
• Titer determination enable a triple-determination.

• Monitoring precision and accuracy Hydranal-CRM Water Standard 10.0

Water content: 10.0 mg/g = 1.0%
• Validation and inspection of Karl Fischer titrators Certified Reference Material for calibrating volumetric KF
according to ISO, GMP, GLP and FDA guidelines reagents. This product provides similar performance as the
All of Hydranal-Water Standards are verified against NIST “normal” standard quality above but with higher grade on
SRM 2890 and some additionally against NMIJ CRM4222-a. quality control and documentation. One package contains
They are supplied with detailed instruction for use and ten 8 mL glass ampoules.
depending on their quality either with Report of Analysis Hydranal-Water Standard 1.0
(RoA) or Certificate of Analysis (CoA) showing the exact Water content: 1.0 mg/g = 0.1%
water content. This standard is intended to verify coulometric water
Liquid standards consist of a solvent mixture with specific determinations or the volumetric determination for low water
composition and precisely determined water content. levels. One package contains ten 4 mL glass ampoules.
They are packaged under argon in pre-notched single-use Depending on application the content of one ampoule can
glass ampoules. enable a triple-determination.

Solid standards contain defined amounts of chemically Hydranal-CRM Water Standard 1.0
bound water suitable for both general use as well as for the Water content: 1.0 mg/g = 0.1%
Karl Fischer oven. These standards are packed in amber Certified Reference Material intended to verify coulometric
glass bottles. water determinations. This product provides similar
performance as the “normal” standard quality above but with
In 2014, Hydranal Technical Service in Seelze completed its higher grade on quality control and documentation. One
combined accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 and package contains ten 4 mL glass ampoules.
ISO Guide 34, the so-called “Gold Standard Accreditation”,
which is the highest achievable quality level for producers Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1
of Certified Reference Materials (CRMs). With the Water content: 0.1 mg/g = 0.01%
double accreditation, Hydranal introduced the very first This standard is intended to verify coulometric determinations
commercially available CRM Water Standards for Karl of small amounts of water. One package contains ten 4 mL
Fischer titration. glass ampoules. Depending on application the content of
one ampoule can enable a triple-determination.
Hydranal-Standard Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate
Water content: ~15.66% Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1 PC
Sodium tartrate dihydrate is mentioned in some Water content: 0.1 mg/g = 0.01%
regulations as the primary standard for KF applications. This standard is intended to verify coulometric
Sodium tartrate forms a dihydrate, which, under normal determinations of small amounts of water. It has improved
conditions, remains stable and does not loose or adsorb stability compared to Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1: shelf life
moisture. This dihydrate has a water content of 15.66% increased from two years to three years and can be stored at
plus quite small amounts of adhered water, which are room temperature instead of 2-8°C. One package contains
qualified by volumetric KF titration. The product is ten 4 mL glass ampoules. Depending on application the
presented in a finely-powdered form that dissolves content of one ampoule can enable a triple-determination.
relatively quickly but still limited in methanolic KF solvents.

HYDRANAL Manual 7 Chapter 2: HYDRANAL reagents

Hydranal-Water Standard Oil 2.8 HYDRANAL auxiliary products
Water content: approx. 10 ppm (0.001%) Karl Fischer titration is applied to multifarious substances.
Mineral-oil based matrix standard for KF titration in oils. The nuances in sample properties influence the Karl Fischer
Depending on the individual Lot in most cases this standard titration differently. There are a number of ways to adjust
contains less than 10 ppm water and is intended to check the working conditions in order to enable a direct titration
the KF determination at the absolute low trace level. One of the sample and avoid complicated and error-prone pre-
package contains ten 8 mL glass ampoules. dissolution and pre-extraction steps. In some cases the
These two solid standards are intended to check the reliability addition of solubilizers is recommended.
of a Karl Fischer ovens:
Hydranal-Formamide dry
Hydranal-Water Standard KF Oven 140-160°C Solubilizer, max. 0.02% water.
Water content: ~5%, based on lactose
Hydranal-Water Standard KF Oven 220-230°C
Solubilizer, max. 0.01% water.
Water content: ~5.55%, based on potassium citrate
2.6 HYDRANAL for back titration
Solubilizer, max. 0.02% water.
The back titration method, described in section 5.4, is rarely
used. However, we supply a reagent for volumetric back
Both titration vessel and reagent bottle should be protected
titration applications:
from infiltration from atmospheric moisture by using drying
Hydranal-Water-in-Methanol 5.0 tubes filled with proper drying agent:
This solution contains 5.00 ± 0.02 mg H2O/mL.
Hydranal-Humidity Absorber
Drying agent for air and gases. Amorphous alumina silica gel
2.7 HYDRANAL buffers
with indicator. Water absorption capacity <25%.
The KF reaction is pH dependent, with pH 5-7.5 being the
ideal range. Strongly acidic samples slow the reaction and Hydranal-Molecular Sieve 0.3 nm
must be neutralized without inducing an alkaline reaction of Drying agent for air and gases without indicator.
the working medium prior to starting the titration. Details are Water absorption capacity >15%.
given in section 8.6.

Hydranal-Buffer for Acids is a suitable buffer solution to These two reagents can be used for rough testing of
stabilize the pH to within the ideal range of 5-7. It contains volumetric titration performance:
imidazole and has a buffer capacity of 5 mmol acid per
Hydranal-Sodium tartrate dihydrate
mL. Hydranal-Buffer for Acids also enhances the visual
Test solution for volumetric titration.
indication of the end point as the yellow background color is
Water content: ~15.66%
suppressed. A distinct color change to brown can be better
Hydranal-Standard 5.0
Hydranal-Buffer for Bases is a ready-made working medium Test substance for volumetric titration.
for water determination in bases. It contains salicylic acid Water content: ~5.00 mg/mL.
and has a buffer capacity of 1 mmol base per mL.

Solid buffer substances, Hydranal-Benzoic Acid, Hydranal- For rough measurements without a titrator, special test kits
Salicylic Acid and Hydranal-Imidazole, can be used together for visual water determination according to Karl Fischer can
with standard KF reagents. be used:

Hydranal-Moisture Test Kit

The set contains syringes, titration vessel and reagents:
2 x 500 mL Hydranal-Solvent E, 100 mL Hydranal-Titrant 5
E and 100 mL Hydranal-Standard 5.0.

HYDRANAL Manual 8 Chapter 2: HYDRANAL reagents

Chapter 3. The advantages of HYDRANAL
The Hydranal reagents, initially only intended as an The titration using a pyridine-containing one-component
alternative to the original pyridine-containing reagents, have reagent takes approximately ten minutes (curve C).
surpassed the popularity of classical Karl Fischer solutions Hydranal-Composite 5 shortens this titration time to
in many application areas. Many of the Hydranal advances, about four minutes (curve B). The most rapid titration,
like more effective bases and safer reagents have equaled taking less than two minutes, is achieved with the Hydranal
the replacement of pyridine in importance; an unexpected two-component reagent (curve A). The high reactivity of
but certainly welcome observation. The classical KF Hydranal reagents has been achieved by an optimization
reagents titrate very slowly and with vanishing end points of the reactants and an adjustment of the pH of the total
making it difficult to determine the actual end of the titration. titration system.
Accurate reagent consumption, and hence the accurate
water measurement, depends on the working conditions
3.2 End point stability
and the results of the analysis are somewhat uncertain The titration curves in Figure 3.1 show that the end point
when using the classical KF reagents. A significant problem stability improves as the titration time is reduced. The
with slow titration is that moisture has time to permeate into advantages of Hydranal reagents become even more
the system. The uncertainty of the results increases as the apparent when trace amounts of water are determined, as
expected amount of water in the sample decreases. Also, the depicted in Figure 3.2. A definite end point was reached
determination of trace amounts of water using the original using the Hydranal two-component reagent (curve A)
KF reagents is nearly impossible because of the insufficient while the titration curve of the pyridine-containing KF
basicity of the pyridine used in those reagents [1]. reagent (curve C) gives the impression that the instrument
aborted without having reached a finite end point. This is of
3.1 Titration speed particular significance when determining small amounts
of water; exactly the case when the solvent is titrated to
Hydranal reagents are characterized by a rapid course of
dryness by the instrument. Each uncertainty in the pre-
titration. Figure 3.1 compares the course of 3 titrations of
titration phase of the analysis adds to the inaccuracy of the
40 mg of water.
resultant determination of water content.

H2O [mg]
H2O [mg]
40 A B C

30 A C


2 4 6 8 t [min]
2 4 6 8 t [min]
Figure 3.1. Titration of 40 mg of water using: Figure 3.2. Titration of trace amounts of water using:
A - Hydranal two-component reagent; A - Hydranal two-component reagent;
B - Hydranal one-component reagent; C - pyridine-containing reagent.
C - pyridine-containing one-component reagent.

HYDRANAL Manual 9 Chapter 3: The advantages of HYDRANAL

3.3 Accuracy showed a systematic deviation of +2.5% in the range
The greater reliability of Hydranal reagents was tested by 10-20 mg H2O and a scatter of 1-2%, which infers a
running a series of side-by-side water determinations on total error of as much as 4%. Hydranal-Composite one-
Hydranal reagents and a pyridine-containing KF reagent. In component reagent showed a systematic error of 0.5%,
each case, the titer of each titrant was standardized using which is still better than the pyridine-containing KF reagent.
100 mg of water. Different amounts of water were titrated The most accurate results were obtained using the Hydranal
by each reagent and the standard deviation (scatter) of two-component reagent.
twenty analyses was calculated. The results are presented in In order to assure a stoichiometric course of the KF
Table 3.3. reaction, certain fundamental requirements must be met
The consumption of the Hydranal two-component reagent and several potential interferences must be avoided. The
was directly proportional to the total water content over the working medium, which is the solvent used to dissolve and
entire range tested, clearly indicating that the KF reaction titrate the sample, and the pH of the system are the two
remains stoichiometric. The pyridine-containing KF reagent most important considerations.

Table 3.3. Error and scatter in the determination of water [1]. 20 individual analyses

Water content KF reagent One-component Two-component

containing pyridine HYDRANAL-Composite HYDRANAL-Solvent &
100 mg ± 0.44% ± 0.30% ± 0.20%

50 mg +0.56 ± 0.62% +0.06 ± 0.24% +0.01 ± 0.30%

20 mg +1.68 ± 0.93% +0.33 ± 0.60% +0.02 ± 0.25%

10 mg +2.59 ± 1.85% +0.84 ± 0.6% -0.1 ± 0.5%

5 mg +2.40 ± 2.5% +0.72 ± 1.2% +0.2 ± 1.0%

HYDRANAL Manual 10 Chapter 3: The advantages of HYDRANAL

Chapter 4. Chemical fundamentals behind Karl Fischer titration
4.1 Working medium an exact determination of the titer under the identical
The working medium is the solvent or solvent mixture in working parameters. Therefore, we do not recommend the
which the sample is dissolved and in which the KF titration use of pure aprotic solvents as the working medium for
is carried out. The correct working medium assures the KF titrations.
stoichiometry of the KF reaction. The working medium These fundamental rules also apply for KF titrations with
must be able to dissolve the sample and the products Hydranal reagents. With the one-component reagent
of the titration reaction and allow confident end point Hydranal-Composite, the working medium can be
determination [1]. Only a few solvents can fulfill all of selected by the user. Methanol is used in the majority of
these requirements. cases because of the advantages previously mentioned.
Methanol is the preferred choice for a working medium, Mixtures of methanol and chloroform or methanol and
it permits a rapid and stoichiometric course of the KF formamide are used in specific cases in order to improve the
reaction. Most samples dissolve easily in methanol, and solubility of the sample. Hydranal-CompoSolver E, which is
it gives a sensitive and reliable indication of the end point. based on ethanol, can also be used. When working with the
Often, other solvents are added to the methanol, although two-component reagent, Hydranal-Solvent, which contains
the methanol content should always be at least 25%. methanol as the solvent, is used as the working medium. The
addition of chloroform or formamide is possible in specific
1-Propanol, ethanol and other long-chained alcohols are cases. Replacing these solvent components by other
better at dissolving lipophilic molecules than methanol solvents is not permissible. Proven mixtures of solvents are
and can be added to the methanol to improve solubility of described in detail in section 8.
the sample (section 8.1). Occasionally, they can be used
alone as the solvent while developing methods for these
types of compounds (section 8.4).
4.2 pH
In the ideal pH range 5-7.5, the Karl Fischer reaction runs
2-Methoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) quickly and stoichiometrically. At higher pH values a side
and 1-methoxy-2-propanol are other alcohol solvents. reaction occurs that consumes iodine. It can be observed
They are preferred when side reactions (esterification, ketal by a reversal of the end point. In stronger acidic conditions
formation, etc.) can occur in the presence of methanol. the reaction constant of the KF reaction decreases. Thus
Titrations in these solvents are slower than in methanol at pH 2-3 the reaction appears much slower and at pH 1
(section 8.4). the KF reaction does not take place at all [1]. Depending on
We have investigated 2-chloroethanol as a methanol application, a pH range of 4-7 is acceptable.
alternative or additive. It suppresses side reactions and The titration of water produces acids that must be neutralized.
enables a rapid KF reaction (section 8.4). The Hydranal reagents contain imidazole as the base to
Chloroform is a good solvent for solubilizing fats and can neutralize these acids and buffer the titration system. The
be combined with methanol. The methanol content should pH is thus stabilized around the ideal value of 5, ensuring a
be at least 25% and preferably 50% (see section 8.2). The rapid and stoichiometric course of the reaction.
use of 100% chloroform changes the stoichiometry of the The pH balance of the titration can be upset by the
KF reaction and is therefore not suitable to use on it own. introduction of large amounts of strong acids or bases, for
Formamide improves the solubility of polar substances example, when the water content of such substances is to
and can be mixed with methanol for the determination be determined [1]. These substances must be neutralized
of water in proteins (section 8.3). The methanol content by adding an appropriate weak base or acid or a buffer
should not be less than 50% [1]. A 30% proportion of solution to the working medium. Details are given in
formamide usually suffices and is preferred. section 8.5 and 8.6.

Other solvents can be used in specific cases. Caution is Sluggish or vanishing end points can be an indication
called for when using aprotic solvents as they alter the of a fluctuation of the pH of the system outside the
stoichiometry of the KF reaction towards the Bunsen optimal range. When this is suspected, the pH should be
equation [1], i.e. the titer of the titrant appears erroneously measured. A glass pH electrode, previously calibrated in
high. The change in titer does not remain constant, but an aqueous solution, can be used for this. The pH of the
depends on the ratio of the alcohol to the aprotic solvent. system should not however be determined directly in the
This ratio changes throughout the titration since the titration cell because the pH electrode will introduce water
titrating agent contains alcohol. The result is an indefinable to the system. Instead, the pH should be measured on a
ratio, a continuously changing stoichiometry and portion of the working medium that has been taken from
inaccurate results. To be accurate, this approach requires the titration cell with a few drops of water.

HYDRANAL Manual 11 Chapter 4: Chemical fundamentals behind Karl Fischer titration

The log K vs. pH curve for a KF titration appears in
Figure 4.2. Note the optimal range of pH 5-7.5 over which log K
the log K does not change significantly.

2 4 6 8 10 pH

Figure 4.2. Dependence of the reaction rate constant

K on the pH (Verhoef, J. C. and Barendrecht, E.;
Mechanism and Reaction Rate of the Karl-Fischer
Titration Reaction. J. Electroanal. Chem. 1976, 71,

HYDRANAL Manual 12 Chapter 4: Chemical fundamentals behind Karl Fischer titration

Chapter 5. Standard procedures for KF titrations
The KF titration has been carried out in many different 5.1.2 Addition of the working medium
ways in the past 70 years. Originally, organic solvents Next, 20-40 mL of working medium are added to the
were titrated directly with the KF reagent. Later, solvents titration vessel. The amount of working medium added
used as diluents were introduced where water content was depends on the size of titration cell and on the size of the
determined by so-called “blank titrations” and subtracted sample to be titrated (see section 6.5). The titration cell is
in the subsequent calculations. Today, a suitable solvent is closed immediately after the addition of working medium
usually added to the titration vessel, dehydrated by a pre- in order to keep the amount of unavoidable atmospheric
titration and used as the working medium for the titration moisture to an absolute minimum. Hydranal-Methanol dry
of the sample. The function of the working medium was or Hydranal-Methanol Rapid or Hydranal-CompoSolver E
covered in more detail in section 4.1. can be used as a working medium.
Three basic forms of the KF titration have evolved:
• Volumetric titration using a one-component reagent 5.1.3 Pre-titration
Next, the solvent in the titration vessel is titrated to
• Volumetric titration using a two-component reagent
dryness with Hydranal-Composite. This pre-titration is
• Coulometric titration important because it removes the residual water that was
Volumetric titrations are used when water content is high, in the solvent and the moisture adhering to the surfaces in
i.e. 1-100 mg per sample. the cell and on the electrode. The atmosphere of the cell
is also dried of moisture. A completely anhydrous working
Coulometry is a micro-method and is particularly suitable medium is achieved in this way. The pre-titration must
for samples with low water content, on the order of 10 µg be carried out very carefully since any error will influence
up to 10 mg of water per sample. the subsequent determination of the water content of
The fundamental techniques of each of the three titration the sample. Also proper stirring speed should be applied.
methods are described in this section. They can be used A titration to a stable end point is the prerequisite for a
to analyze many different substances. When difficulties reliable analysis. Because the amount of water removed by
in analyzing a sample are encountered, modifications to the pre-titration is relatively small, this titration is carried
the basic technique are made. Suggested variations to the out as slowly as possible. An excess of reagent during pre-
titration procedures to accommodate different sample titration also induces an error of the same magnitude in
matrices are given in section 8. Titrations of specific the subsequent determination of water. A perfectly dried
products are described in sections 9-13. titration cell has a maximum drift consumption of 0.01 mL
of KF reagent per minute.

5.1 Volumetric titrations using the one-

component reagent HYDRANAL-Composite 5.1.4 Weighing the sample
Hydranal-Composite are the one-component KF reagents. After pre-titration of the working medium and titration
They are preferred reagents for KF titration because of cell to dryness, a pre-determined quantity of the sample
convenience – they contain all the necessary reactive to be investigated is added to the working medium. The
components in one solution. The working medium it cell is opened for as short a time as necessary and then
requires (the solvent for the sample) is not prescribed and closed again immediately after the sample was added to
can be chosen by the analysis within limits. Hydranal- keep intrusion of atmospheric moisture to an absolute
Composite can be used with all commercially available minimum. Recommended sample addition techniques
titration equipment with only minor changes to the working (syringes, pipettes, weighing boats, etc.), are described in
procedures. The sequential steps of a titration of water detail in section 7.3.
using the one-component reagent are described in the The size (mass or volume) of the sample per titration
following section. depends on its water content, the volume of the burette,
the titer of the titration agent and the desired accuracy.
5.1.1 Addition of the reagent Details are given in section 7.2. We recommend using as
First, the burette is filled with Hydranal-Composite. With much sample as to consume approximately half a burette
many instruments, the original bottle is connected to volume of reagent. When using Hydranal-Composite 5
the equipment. Whatever the set-up, it is imperative that (water equivalent 5 mg H2O/mL) and a 10 mL burette, the
the burette, stock vessel and their interconnections are amount of sample is chosen so it contains approximately
absolutely dry. Residual water can cause local changes in 25 mg of water. In many cases, like in the determination
the titer and lead to errors in the results. The stock vessels of trace amounts of water, the sample size will be
should be protected from infiltration of atmospheric significantly lower.
moisture by using drying tubes (see section 6.4).

HYDRANAL Manual 13 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

5.1.5 Titration of the water content 5.1.7 Replacement of the working medium
Once the sample has been added, the titration should be Following the completion of a titration, the spent solutions
started immediately. The dosage rate of the titration agent should be removed from the titration cell. Most instruments
can be adjusted to the anticipated amount of water. The are equipped with pumps that not only empty the titration
titration rate should be rapid initially, but reduced when cell but also dry the atmosphere within it. A plastic wash
the end point is imminent. Modern KF instrumentation bottle proves very useful for the manual removal of the spent
automatically adjusts the titration rate to the amount of solution (section 6.5). The titration cell should be opened for
water still remaining in the titration vessel. as short time as possible in order to keep the introduction of
atmospheric moisture to an absolute minimum.
A definite determination of the end point is as important
as the pre-titration step. Generally, one titrates to an end Usually the titration cell is immediately refilled with fresh
point of 10 seconds stability (section 5.6). A stable end solvent and dehydrated by a pre-titration. Automatic
point is a significant indication of the course of a titration titration instruments are programmed for continuous
with no complications. A vanishing end point indicates that titrations. Modern instruments allow an automatic
the water in the sample was released too slowly or that “conditioning”. The solvent is continuously kept at its
there were interferences from side reactions. equivalency point. Thus, a prepared working medium and
a dry titration cell are constantly available and ready for the
5.1.6 Calculation of the results next sample.

After a stable end point has been reached, the amount of Sequential titrations in the same working medium are
Hydranal reagent used is read from the burette scale. The possible. The solvent mixture of the previous titration is
water content is calculated from the volume consumed immediately used as the working medium for the titration
and the water equivalent (titer) of the reagent: of the next sample. In this way, the use of a fresh solvent
and a pre-titration for each titration is not required. When
mg H2O = a  WE

performing sequential titrations, the substance being
a  WE investigated should be of the same type. Also, the methanol
% H2O =
10  e content in the working medium must not fall below 25% or
where: the end point may be altered.

a = the consumption of reagent in mL

5.2 Volumetric titrations using the two-
WE = water equivalent (titer) of the reagent in
component reagent HYDRANAL-Titrant (E)
mg H2O/mL
and HYDRANAL-Solvent (E)
e = weight of the sample in g
The Hydranal two-component system consisting of
The following formula is applied for the statistical Hydranal-Titrant and Hydranal-Solvent is distinguished by
evaluation of a series of titrations: a rapid titration rate, stable end points and highly accurate
results. The titer of Hydranal-Titrant is absolutely stable as
1 xi long as moisture does not penetrate into the reagent.
Mean m= n
A proven method has been established when using
Standard deviation two-component reagents. Hydranal-Solvent serves as

( x)
the working medium and is added to the titration cell.
x i2 - 1
Sabs = Hydranal-Titrant is used as the titrating agent and is added
n i

n-1 to the cell from the burette. This reagent can be used
100 · Sabs with all commercially available equipment. The actual KF
S rel = m % titration is carried out in a similar fashion as with the one-
component reagents described above.
xi = result of each analysis 5.2.1 Addition of HYDRANAL-Titrant/Titrant E
n = number of analyses First, Hydranal-Titrant is added to the burette, i.e. it is
the stock vessel for the burette. Stock vessel, valves and
m = mean interconnections must be completely dry. The stock
S = standard deviation vessels are protected from atmospheric moisture by the
addition of drying tubes (see section 6.4).

HYDRANAL Manual 14 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

5.2.2 Addition of HYDRANAL-Solvent/ 70 mL of Hydranal-Titrant 2 can be consumed during the
Solvent E subsequent titrations. Otherwise, the water content of the
solvent component will be exceeded and accurate results
Next, 20-40 mL of Hydranal-Solvent are added to the
will not be obtained.
titration vessel. The exact amount added depends primarily
on the size of the titration cell. The titration cell is sealed
immediately following the addition of Hydranal-Solvent 5.3 Coulometric titrations with HYDRANAL-
in order to keep the unavoidable intrusion of atmospheric Coulomat A/AG/E/AG-H/AG-Oven and
moisture to a minimum. HYDRANAL-Coulomat CG
In coulometric titration of water, the iodine required for the
5.2.3 Pre-titration KF reaction is produced by anodic oxidation of iodide [1]:
The Hydranal-Solvent added to the titration vessel is 2 I⁻ - 2 e⁻  I2
then titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Titrant. This pre-
titration is analogous to that of the one-component The iodine reacts with the water present according to the
reagent and requires the same care (see section 5.1.3). Karl Fischer reaction (see section 1.3). Iodine is consumed
The instrumentation used should be equipped with a as long as water is present. An excess of iodine indicates
particularly fast stirrer to ensure complete mixing of the end point of the titration. Because the amount of water
reactants within the cell. The stir rate should, however, titrated is proportional to the total current consumption
preclude the inclusion of potential moisture from the (current X time), the water content can be determined from
cell atmosphere. the current required for the titration.

Because the titration current is low, a maximum of 5-10 mg

5.2.4 The sample H2O can be determined in an economically acceptable time
The same rules apply as for the one-component reagent period of 10 minutes. Coulometry is principally intended
(section 5.1.4). In addition, it must be remembered that for the determination of water in substances with low
the Hydranal-Solvent has a defined and limited capacity water content (0.1-0.0001%). Particular advantages are
for water that cannot be exceeded (see section 2.2.3). to be seen in the ppm range. This is a micro-method and
Usually, an effective water capacity of approximately 7 mg is therefore the ideal complement to volumetric titration
H2O per mL of Hydranal-Solvent is anticipated, i.e. if 20 mL methods for smaller amounts of water.
Hydranal-Solvent are available, a maximum water content In practice, commercially available instruments directly
of 140 mg H2O can be titrated. indicate the water content, either in µg H2O or ppm H2O.
The coulometric cell is the main component of the
5.2.5 Titration of the water content equipment. The most commonly used cell consists of an
The titration of water is started immediately after the anodic compartment, where the Karl Fischer titration takes
sample has been added to the vessel. The initial stages of place, and a smaller cathodic compartment where the
the titration should be rapid, but reduced in rate as the end corresponding cathodic reaction (a reduction of protons,
point approaches. A stable end point must be achieved or hydrogen ions) occurs. The anodic compartment contains
the results will be in doubt (see section 5.1.6). the necessary anolyte, whereas the cathodic compartment
contains the suitable catholyte. The compartments are
separated by a diaphragm that prevents an interchange of
5.2.6 Calculation of the results
the two reagent solutions.
The results are calculated in the same manner as for the
one-component reagent (see section 5.1.6). The purpose of each solution is different. The elemental
iodine generated in the anodic compartment of the cell
reacts with the other reactants ultimately consuming the
5.2.7 Replacement of HYDRANAL- Solvent/
water in the sample. The anolyte is basically a modified KF
Solvent E solution. It enables the anodic oxidation of iodide to iodine
As with a one-component reagent, following completion of with a 100% yield of current. The counterpart reaction,
the titration the spent working medium should be removed which the catholyte must be capable of producing, takes
from the cell. Fresh Hydranal-Solvent is then added and place in the cathodic compartment. Since diffusion of
the pre-titration repeated, ensuring a prepared working the reactive components cannot be ruled out in spite of
medium ready for the next titration. the diaphragm separating the two compartments, the
Subsequent titrations are also possible using the two- components of the catholyte must be compatible with
component titration system. However, the water capacity the anolyte. Therefore, we cannot recommend the use
(7 mg H2O/mL) of the solvent component must be taken of an anolyte in the cathodic compartment. This would
into consideration. If 20 mL of Hydranal-Solvent have been enhance the danger of reductive products from the
applied, a maximum of 28 mL of Hydranal-Titrant 5 or cathode diffusing through the diaphragm to the anode.

HYDRANAL Manual 15 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

A subsequent oxidation by elemental iodine leads to anodic compartment of the coulometric titration cell using
erroneously higher water content results. a dry funnel. During this process the coloration should
disappear again.
Hydranal-Coulomat A/AG-H and Hydranal-Coulomat
CG are reagents that have been developed especially for The amount of reagent used depends upon the
coulometric cells with a diaphragm. Hydranal-Coulomat titration instrument. Usually, it requires approximately
A/AG-H is the anolyte, Hydranal-Coulomat CG is the 100-150 mL. The titration cell is immediately closed after
catholyte (see section 2.3.3). Their proper use is described the addition of reagent. A titration cannot be initiated if
in the following sections. When handling the reagents, the solution still shows an excess of elemental iodine, in
particular care should be taken to ensure the exclusion of which case an appropriate addition of water, or preferably
moisture since coulometry is a micro-method and even aqueous methanol, will remove the iodine and ensure a
the smallest amounts of water can result in serious errors. properly functioning anolyte.
A 1 mL volume of normal laboratory atmosphere contains
about 10 µg of H2O, a value easily detected by the sensitive 5.3.2 Filling the cathodic compartment with
coulometric method. The absolutely anhydrous titration
cell must therefore never be exposed to the atmosphere,
The cathodic compartment is filled with Hydranal-
not even when adding the sample. Thus the sample should
Coulomat CG. The amount of reagent used is in accordance
be injected into the cell by a syringe through a septum.
with the manufacturer’s instructions, usually 5 mL. Relative
Coulometric cells without a diaphragm consist of only one to the anolyte, the level of the catholyte in the cathodic
chamber. The anode and cathode reactions take place in compartment should be slightly lower in order to prevent
the same electrolyte solution - the anolyte. The cathode diffusion into the anodic compartment.
reaction must not produce any by-products that could be
The cathodic compartment must also be anhydrous,
oxidized and give the impression of extra water in the cell.
as otherwise the moisture will diffuse into the anodic
Hydranal-Coulomat AD has been developed especially
compartment and cause sluggish end points and erroneous
for coulometric cells without a diaphragm. Hydranal-
results. This solution is dehydrated in a similar manner. A
Coulomat AG/E/AG-Oven are also suitable for this form of
slight excess of elemental iodine is not detrimental.
coulometric titration.

Coulometric titration is in principle very easy to carry out.

5.3.3 Drying the titration cell
The machine is switched on and the sample is injected
The design and construction of the titrator is such that the
into the sealed cell via a syringe through a septum. After
titration cell is self-drying upon initiation of the instrument.
a few minutes, the water content of the sample is digitally
A titration cannot be started unless the titration cell is dry.
displayed by the machine. The next sample can be
injected immediately. The instrument determines and indicates the degree of
dryness of the equipment automatically. This is shown as
5.3.1 Filling the anodic compartment with a “drift” or “background” in µg H2O/min or µg H2O/sec,
depending on the instrument. It reflects the amount of
water that the equipment removes per minute, i.e. residual
AG-Oven moisture or penetrating moisture. Other instruments
It is important that the titration cell be completely dry. indicate only the background titration current.
Once the spent reagent from the previous determination
has been removed, the cell has to be refilled with fresh The drift of the instrumentation used for the coulometric
reagent solution. If the cell was dismantled for cleaning determination of water should not exceed 50 µg H2O/min.
or other reasons, it must be dried at 50°C in a drying The drift value of a freshly replenished titration cell should
cabinet prior to using it again. The drying of the diaphragm not exceed 10 µg H2O/min. Ideally 4 µg H2O/min can
requires special care. Consult the titration instrument be achieved.
manufacturer’s instructions. The drift can increase during a series of determinations.
A slight excess of iodine during the manufacture of This does not appreciably influence the accuracy of
Hydranal-Coulomat A/AG/E/AG-H/AG-Oven removes the the analyses as the instrumentation automatically
last traces of moisture from the reagent. The light brown compensates for the inherent drift value. This is only true
color of the reagent can disappear during transport and/ when the drift rate is relatively stable.
or storage because the solution is hygroscopic. When This self-dehydration process exists only for the anolyte.
colorless, any absorbed moisture can be removed by adding Moisture retained in droplets in the cell and moisture
several drops of Hydranal-Titrant, or any other 5% solution adhering to the walls is slowly released and is the cause
of iodine in methanol, until the slightly brown coloration of of high drift values. This residual moisture can be quickly
the reagent has been re-established. An excess of iodine removed by gently shaking the filled titration vessel.
should, however, be avoided. The solution is added to the

HYDRANAL Manual 16 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

Moisture from the cathodic compartment can sometimes absolutely. There are many causes for the errors in titration
be the cause of a high drift resulting from the slow results. Inaccurate addition of the sample, moisture in the
diffusion of water through the diaphragm into the anodic titration cell, spent or unsuitable reagents, penetration
compartment. Reductive substances produced in an of reductive substances from the cathodic compartment
unsuitable (or spent) catholyte have the same effect. through the diaphragm, side reactions that produce water,
Therefore we highly recommend replacing the catholyte poisoned electrodes and instrumentation defects are a few
at least once a week, irrespective of how long the anolyte sources of error.
was used.
We therefore recommend determining the recovery rate
of water at regular intervals. Such a control determination
5.3.4 Addition of the sample is relatively simple: 1 g (exactly weighed by difference) of
The drift should be controlled before the sample is added. Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1 or 1.0 is injected into the
In order to obtain reliable drift compensation by the titration cell using a calibrated syringe to determine the
instrument, the drift should be stable. Some instruments water content. Recovery rates for water of 0.03 mg H2O/g
will go into “wait” mode and not titrate when the drift is too for Hydranal-Water Standard 1.0 or 0.005 mg H2O/g for
high or not sufficiently stable. Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1 from the value given on the
certificate can be considered acceptable. Such a control
The titration is initiated by pressing the start button. The
titration can be carried out following a series of water
liquid sample to be analyzed is then injected through the
determinations. It should be conducted if the reagent or
septum into the anolyte. The addition of solid samples
equipment appears suspect. A daily control will give the
should be avoided, as the titration cell should not be
analyst additional assurance.
opened. Solid samples can be dissolved in suitable solvents
and added in solution form.
5.3.7 Replacement of the reagents
Also, the moisture can be evaporated from the solid sample
The spent reagent can be replaced relatively easy. The spent
in an oven, collected and added as a vapor to the titration
anolyte is removed from the anodic compartment through
cell (see section 8.11). Gaseous samples are introduced
the sample port opening by means of a plastic suction
into the anolyte via a gas inlet tube. Further details are
bottle (section 6.5). Certain instruments are equipped
given in section 8.10.
with pumps. The anodic compartment is subsequently re-
The sample should always be weighed by difference. filled with Hydranal-Coulomat A/AG/E/AG-H/AG-Oven,
The size of the sample depends on the anticipated water as described in section 5.3.1. The cathodic compartment is
content and the desired accuracy. The optimum sample similarly replenished with Hydranal-Coulomat CG (section
size can be easily calculated (see section 7.2). For practical 5.3.2). It is common practice to replenish both reagents at
reasons, the sample size should not exceed 10 mL. The the same time.
volume of a coulometric titration cell will hold another
Changing the reagent in a diaphragm-less cell is relatively
50 mL, approximately. A single titration of 10 mL of sample
easy. After the spent reagent is removed, fresh Hydranal-
means a total of 5 determinations possible per reagent fill.
Coulomat A/AG/E/AG-H/AG-Oven is added to the cell.
The smallest sample size is dependent upon the desired
accuracy. The reproducibility of results varies from 1-10 µg Determining whether or not the reagent is spent and
H2O per determination depending on the instrument used. requires changing is more complicated. There are many
factors that influence this decision, including:
Generally, 0.5-5.0 mL samples in liquid form are added.
Gaseous samples range from 100 mL to 10 L. • If the drift or background is significantly increased
• If the titration cell is full
5.3.5 Calculation of the results • If the water capacity of the reagent has
Modern coulometric titration equipment indicates the been exhausted
amount of water digitally in mg and thus enables an easy
• If the instrument is defective
conversion to mass units. Most instruments will show the
results in mass or volume units, i.e. % or ppm if the sample Usually, it is a full titration cell that causes the replacement
size was entered. of the reagent. Most cells have a 100 mL reagent capacity
and a total cell volume of 150-160 mL. The reagent
5.3.6 Reliability must be replenished after 50-60  mL of sample has been
added. Furthermore, the successive dilution reduces the
Coulometry is often referred to as an “absolute method,”
conductivity and necessitates replenishment of the reagent.
which implies the “absolute” and total reliability of the
results. Only the total current measured is absolute. The capacity limit of Hydranal-Coulomat A/AG/E/AG-H/
Whether the current measured is proportional to the AG-Oven is seldom reached. The chemical composition
actual amount of water in the sample cannot be assured together with the known equation for the KF reaction

HYDRANAL Manual 17 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

ensures a total capacity of 1000 mg H2O per 100 mL AG/AG-Oven is used. The same principle as described in
volume. This water capacity can be fully utilized. Hydranal- section 5.3 applies to carrying out this form of coulometry. A
Coulomat Oil has a water capacity of 300 mg per 100 mL. catholyte is not necessary, so section 5.3.2 is not applicable.
The capacity limit of the catholyte cannot be calculated
because exchange reactions take place with the anode. It 5.5 Back titrations
must be determined empirically. The water capacity of 5 mL
The back titration method was used more often in
Hydranal-Coulomat CG is 200-300 mg. Gases develop
the past. This method was of significance when the
when approximately 200 mg H2O are analyzed. They do
KF reagents contained pyridine and were thus slow. The
not however influence the function of the catholyte. A
determination of water could be accelerated using the back
dissipation of sulfur can take place when more than 300 mg
titration technique.
H2O is determined per 5 mL of catholyte. This is avoided by
replenishing the reagent early. Titrations with Hydranal reagents are rapid and back
titrations are not usually necessary. The need to perform
A calculation of the total amount of water is relatively
a back titration with Hydranal reagents is rare [1], although
difficult as not only the water from the sample, but also the
it is possible in principle with all one- and two-component
blank consumption of reagent during the self-drying time
Hydranal reagents. The individual steps are as follows:
must be considered. Certain instruments are equipped
to register the total water consumption since the last 1. Hydranal-Methanol dry is added to the titration
replacement of the reagent. This enables an accurate cell and titrated to dryness using Hydranal-
calculation of the remaining capacity of the reagent. Composite according to section 5.1.3. If the two-
component reagent is used, Hydranal-Solvent
A drift increase often means the reagent must be replaced.
is added to the cell and dried using Hydranal-
An increase in the drift can have different causes. Side
Titrant according to section 5.2.3. The working
reactions, such as esterification or the formation of ketals
medium can be modified through the addition of
lead to a production of water. A continual infiltration of
other solvents.
moisture into the cell can also be the source. However, a
spent catholyte solution is most often the cause. When 2. The sample is then weighed into the cell according to
reductive substances from the cathodic compartment the procedure outlined in section 5.1.4 or 5.2.4.
diffuse through the diaphragm into the anodic 3. An excess of titrant is added, e.g. 10 mL of Hydranal-
compartment, they react like water and cause an increase Composite or Hydranal-Titrant. The quantity of titrant
in the drift. A drift increase can equally be caused by the is calculated to ensure that the expected water content
diffusion of moisture from the cathodic into the anodic is exceeded.
compartment. Whatever the cause, it is recommended to
replenish the reagent in order to guarantee an accurate 4. After waiting for a time determined by the sample being
and error-free water determination. investigated, the working medium is back titrated with
Hydranal-Water-in-methanol 5.0.
In case of doubt, the recovery rate of water should be
determined as described in section 5.3.6. This method is The water content of the sample is calculated from the
a reliable way of determining whether the equipment is difference between the water capacity of the added
functioning properly and capable of producing accept- titrant and the water content of the methanol used for the
able results. back titration:

mg H2O = (WEKF x mLKF ) - (WEmeth. x mLmeth.)

5.3.8 Machine always switched on For back titration, two solutions of known titer are required:
The coulometric cell should always be dry and operational the KF solution and the Hydranal-Water-in-methanol 5.0.
to enable a fast water determination. This can be achieved The titer of the KF solution is determined according to
if the machine remains permanently switched on. Moisture the procedure in section 5.6. The titer of the Hydranal-
penetrating the cell will be immediately eliminated this way. Water-in-methanol 5.0 is determined against the adjusted
No additional reagent is consumed by using this working KF solution.
method since the amount of reagent used is determined
by the amount of free moisture. If the machine is switched
5.6 Standardization of titer
off, the same amount of water collects in the cell and
Determining the titer of reagents is part of the routine work in
will be eliminated only when the machine is switched on,
a KF laboratory. It is a necessary task as the titer of standard
which can take a long time and uses up the same amount
solutions changes or can change by the penetration of
of reagent.
atmospheric moisture [1]. The frequency of the titer control
depends mainly on the choice of the titrating agent employed
5.4 Coulometry without a diaphragm and how tightly sealed the equipment is against permeation
For cells without a diaphragm, Hydranal-Coulomat AD/E/ by atmospheric moisture.

HYDRANAL Manual 18 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

The stability of the titer of Hydranal-Composite is in sealed glass ampoules. The use of pure water is equally
exceptionally good and a weekly control of its titer acceptable, however the low amounts required are difficult
is sufficient. to handle and weigh.

The determination of the titer of Hydranal-Titrant is really

not necessary since it can be stored indefinitely. The titer 5.6.1 HYDRANAL-Standard Sodium
should, however, be controlled occasionally. This apparent Tartrate Dihydrate
contradiction arises from the hygroscopic nature of absolute Sodium tartrate dihydrate is mentioned in some
methanol. Improper handling of the titrant can lead to regulations as the primary water standard for KF titrations.
infiltration of atmospheric moisture and a decrease in the It remains stable, does not effloresce (which means to
titer of the reagent for subsequent titrations. become a powder by losing water of crystallization) and is
The titer is calculated as the water equivalent, WE (in not hygroscopic under normal laboratory conditions.
mg H2O per mL of reagent) for Karl Fischer titrations: Hydranal Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate is available in different
weight of water in mg qualities like “pure chemical”, “normal standard” or “CRM
WE = standard”. It has a water content of approx. 15.66%. The
consumption of reagent in mL exact value is stated on the Report of Analysis or Certificate
We prefer to frequently control the titer, which we consider of Analysis provided with these different qualities. It
to be more a control of the titration conditions. The titer of dissolves relatively quickly but only in limited amounts in
Hydranal-Composite changes approximately 0.01 water pure methanol. By using Hydranal-Solvent or a mixture
equivalent per week. Such changes are hardly significant of Hydranal-Solvent and methanol, the solubility can be
for a daily control of the titer. If, however, large deviations increased to a certain extent. Depending on the titer to be
are detected the titration conditions must be inspected. determined, a size of 0.1-0.5 g (equal to 15-75 mg H2O)
is used. The consumption of titrating reagent to be
Titer fluctuations can arise from the infiltration of moisture,
standardized should be about half of burette volume.
the equipment being no longer air-tight, spent drying agent
and other causes. Titer values that fluctuate from day to day,
increasing and decreasing, are a proven indication of scatter 5.6.2 HYDRANAL-Water Standard 10.0
in the analysis and are not due to a fluctuation of the titer. This standard is a liquid standard for volumetric water
determinations. It is each delivered in 8 mL glass ampoules.
We do not recommend determining the titer in the morning,
One package contains 10 ampoules and a Report of
even though it is a common practice. Because the plastic
Analysis giving the exact water content for the batch. To
tubing on the instruments is permeable to moisture, the
determine the titer, an ampoule is opened and portions of
titer of the KF reagent typically decreases slightly during
about 2 g (exactly weighed by difference) are added to the
the night. The tubes should be flushed several times with
titration vessel using a syringe.
fresh reagent prior to determining the titer. The determined
titer must always be compared with the previous day’s
results to ensure it does not vary in value outside the
5.6.3 Water
normal, expected range. Pure water can also be used as a standard calibration
substance. This would appear to be the simplest method.
A fluctuation in the room temperature of the laboratory However, it is not trivial to accurately weigh and add
can cause fluctuations in the titer. KF reagents consist of precisely 20-50 mg of water. Weighing by difference of a
organic solvents whose coefficients of thermal expansion micro-syringe proves to be the most suitable method.
are significantly greater than that of water. A temperature
increase of 1°C will usually result in a titer decrease of
about 0.1%.
5.7 End point indication
All of the customary methods of KF end point indication
The titer is determined in the same manner as described can be employed when using Hydranal reagents. This
in sections 4.1 and 4.2. Instead of titrating the water in a is also valid for the preferred biamperometric and
sample, a substance of known water content or a known bipotentiometric methods [1], as well as for the seldom-
amount of water is added and titrated. The same working used method of visual indication. The indication of the
conditions, i.e. the same solvent(s), the same volumes end point is improved by the use of Hydranal reagents no
and the same temperature are used as for the subsequent matter which method of end point indication is used.
investigation of the sample.

Different standards offer advantages and limitations and 5.7.1 Electrometric indication
are used for the titer determination [1]. For volumetry The antiquated KF reagents containing pyridine were
we recommend the use of Hydranal-Standard Sodium notorious for how difficult it was to determine the end point
Tartrate Dihydrate for an exact titer determination or of a titration. The equivalency point of the reaction was
Hydranal-Water Standard 10.0 which is a liquid standard reached slowly with these reagents, primarily due to the

HYDRANAL Manual 19 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

weak basicity of pyridine. Actual reversal of the end point 5.7.2 Visual indication
was not uncommon. Conventional KF reagents yield a color change from yellow
To obtain unambiguous end point determination, a special to brown that is relatively vague. A sulfur dioxide-iodide
technique was developed. The end point was established complex [SO2I]⁻ is present in the system at a pH of 4-5 just
when a defined potential (bipotentiometric indication), or before the equivalence point is reached and causes the
current (biamperometric indication) was not only reached yellow coloration.
but remained constant for a specified length of time, e.g. 20 This complex dissociates at pH values of 6-7 and the
seconds. This end point delay is typical of the KF titration titration solution becomes colorless. Since Hydranal
and all the instruments available incorporate an end point reagents have a higher pH than conventional reagents,
duration setting, which can be adjusted individually (see there is less yellow coloration and the color change to
section 6.6). A duration or delay setting of twenty seconds brown is easier to recognize. A complete decolorization of
has proven to be preferred time in practice. Changing this the working medium can be achieved by the addition of
delay time often changes the consumption of KF solution Hydranal-Buffer for Acids. The pH of the system is raised
and thus alters the results. to 6-7 and the solution becomes completely colorless.
The latest development for end point determination is the In practice, a sufficient (5 mL), amount of Hydranal-
“drift-stop”. Using this method, the titration is stopped Buffer for Acids is added to the working medium prior to
when a chosen drift is measured in the titration cell. the pre-titration. The titration is then carried out in the
normal manner. Refer to sections 4.1.3 and 4.2.3 for the
Special protocols for end point determination are not
appropriate procedures.
necessary when using Hydranal reagents. A stable end
point is reached (see section 3) quickly. The delay time can
be adjusted according to the substance under investigation. 5.7.3 Photometric indication
The delay time can be reduced to five seconds if only the Use of photometric methods to measure the end point is
adherent moisture is being determined. This also applies currently used only in flow injection methods of analysis.
to titrations where the influence of side reactions should Wavelengths of 525 or 600 nm are monitored. The
be suppressed. If, on the other hand, the water in the sample absorption spectrum of Hydranal reagents is depicted in
can be released and titrated only slowly, the end point delay Figure 5.7.3. Curve A shows the absorption spectrum with
time can be set to 60 seconds in order to ensure a complete an excess of iodine; curve B with an excess of water. The
determination of the total amount of water present. There greatest sensitivity is achieved in the 460-480 nm range.
is no influence on the titration result in either case; the titer If the excess iodine is to be measured, the less sensitive
remains constant independent of the titration conditions. range (520-620 nm) is chosen.




400 500 600 700 [nm]

Figure 5.7.3. Absorption spectrum of Hydranal
reagents: A - with an excess of iodine; B - with an
excess of water.

HYDRANAL Manual 20 Chapter 5: Standard procedures for KF titrations

Chapter 6. Laboratory recommendations
Successful Karl Fischer titration requires techniques 6.3 Titration cells
and considerations beyond those of normal volumetric Commercially available volumetric titration cells are usually
titrations because of the acute need to prevent glass vessels kept tightly closed by plastic seals. The
contamination of the system by extraneous moisture. In penetration of atmospheric moisture is kept to a minimum.
this section, we will discuss certain details that demand The cell is hermetically sealed when in use, and is only
particularly close attention. briefly opened in order to add the sample or to replenish the
solvent. When titration cells are disassembled, the residual
6.1 The KF laboratory adherent solvent adsorbs atmospheric moisture making
Karl Fischer titrations do not require a specialized the subsequent titration of the re-assembled titration cell
laboratory. When using Hydranal reagents a fume hood is very difficult. When this happens, a complete overhaul and
not required because these reagents do not contain pyridine drying of the cell is required. Best results are achieved by a
and do not possess a noxious odor. A KF titration should thorough, final rinse with methanol or other water-miscible
be carried out under normal ambient conditions whenever solvent following the removal of solids. The cell is then
possible. Room temperature higher than normal should dried with a dryer, or in a drying cabinet at 50-70°C.
be avoided since the organic solvents, such as methanol
The size of the titration cell should not be larger than
or diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, have relatively low
absolutely necessary because the unused volume is a
thermal expansion coefficients (approximately 0.1%
source of extraneous moisture. The inner surfaces of the
per °C). Temperature fluctuations can influence the titer
cell should be smooth, enabling a uniformly thin film of
significantly. Furthermore, equipment such as water baths,
methanol. Any surface defects where methanol can collect
which can increase the relative humidity of the atmosphere,
will retain water and cause sluggish end points. Corners
should not be placed in the vicinity of KF instrumentation.
and seals that enable the formation of pockets of solvent
are particularly detrimental. Titration cells should be gas-
6.2 Titration instrumentation tight to allow venting with dried air.
Many different titration instruments are used for KF
Titrations demanding high accuracy, like coulometric
titration. Commercially available equipment is preferred.
titrations, should be carried out only in glass titration cells.
These instruments are available from a variety of
Titration cells with plastic seals have a higher permeability
manufacturers worldwide. There is a wide range of options
for water vapor. We determined the permeation rate
from simple to complex. Simple instruments consist of a
being as high as 1 mg H2O/hour into titration cell of such
burette and an indication system. Titrators carry out the
construction. This is equivalent to a reagent consumption
titration automatically, register the weight of the sample
rate of 0.003 mL/min. Corresponding consumption rates
being determined, adapt the titration rate to the amount of
for titration cells constructed completely from glass are
water in the sample and print out the titration results [1].
much lower, approximately 0.05 mg H2O/hour.
Simple titration apparatus are also available that enable KF
In our Hydranal laboratories and other facilities that
titrations to be carried out with minimum equipment and
use KF titration, we use titration apparatus with ground
at minimum cost [1]. These systems are desirable when
glass connections for titrations requiring high accuracy.
KF titrations are performed only occasionally or when
Such apparatus can be easily dried by the customary
investigating the potential for the method before investing
pre-titration. Commercially available titration cells are
in more expensive equipment.
preferred for routine work as these provide acceptable
Hydranal reagents are suited for all types of KF accuracy and are very practical.
instrumentation. We have tested and/or used equipment
Even glass titration cells are not absolutely impermeable
from Metrohm, Mettler- Toledo, SI Analytics, Radiometer,
to water vapor. They will absorb moisture from the
Orion, Prolabo, Fisher Scientific, Photovolt, Mitsubishi,
atmosphere when left unused. This causes sluggish end
Hiranuma, Kyoto Electronic and CSC Scientific. We use
points in subsequent titrations. It is recommended to keep
many of these instruments in our Hydranal laboratories to
the equipment programmed to a continuous overnight
ensure compatibility of our methods.
titration in order to prevent an accumulation of moisture
The different KF titration instruments differ in their design in the cell when not in use. The same effectiveness can
and concept, their ease of use and handling. It is not be achieved by the addition of a sufficient amount of
possible to give detailed instructions on the specifics of titration agent to the cell. The cell should then be shaken
each instrument. Instead, we will mention a few basic rules the next day to remove the moisture in any solvent pockets
that we consider to be important for everyday practice and and adherent on the cell walls. This procedure is strongly
are common to all types of instruments. recommended for coulometric titration cells.

HYDRANAL Manual 21 Chapter 6: Laboratory recommendations

The titration cell should be completely disassembled if it molecular sieves. However, if the stock bottle contains
will be unused for long periods of time. The parts should reagents that contain water, like Hydranal-Water-in-
be rinsed with methanol and dried. Atmospheric drying will methanol 5.0 or the Hydranal-Standard 5.0, the water
normally suffice, or it can be dried overnight in a drying content can be reduced by the use of drying tubes. This
cabinet at 50°C or for 5-10 minutes using a fan. Higher can be avoided by using drying tubes containing the same
drying temperature is not recommended because can lead reagent as in the stock bottle.
to deformation of plastic parts of the cell.
Today’s piston burettes are usually connected to stock
Most titration cells have a variable speed stirring bottles and to titration vessels by means of plastic tubing
mechanism, usually a magnetic stirrer. During a titration, that is permeable to water vapor. Use of this tubing will
the stirring rate should be set to a speed ensuring rapid cause a slow decrease in the titer of the KF titrating agent
mixing of the reagent added. Insufficient stirring can easily held in the tubing. We observed a 5% decrease in titer
lead to an over-titration. However, excessive stirring draws overnight. The reagent can completely decolorize within a
cell atmosphere into the titration medium and can alter the few days. The remaining reagent in the connecting tubes
end point. Atmospheric moisture will be absorbed and can should be discarded since it will mix with fresh reagent
lead to a reversal of the end point. from the subsequent suction into the burette and cause a
change in titer of the initial titration reagent fill. It remains
Proper positioning of the burette and electrodes is important.
debatable whether the first burette filling should be used
The burette tip should be centered above the stirrer to ensure
for a titration. However, it should never be used to determine
a rapid distribution of the reagent added. The indicator
the titer, as the results could be erroneous.
electrodes should be near the titration cell wall to ensure
sufficient contact with the titration medium.
6.5 Working medium renewal
6.4 Burettes A suitable working medium (sample solvent) is added to
the titration vessel prior to the determination of water. The
Both dispensing and piston burettes can be used for
criteria governing the choice of solvent are described in
KF titration. Dispensing burettes should be permanently
section 8 and in the product-specific methods. The amount
attached to the stock bottle to prevent contact with
of reagent depends on the size of the titration cell and on the
atmospheric moisture when refilling the burette. The
size of the sample to be investigated. Volumetric titrations
burette should be vented only by an anhydrous atmosphere
normally require 20-40 mL of reagent; coulometry usually
and be equipped with appropriate drying tubes. Such
requires 100 mL.
drying tubes should be large enough to completely remove
the moisture intrusion into the venting atmosphere. The The simplest method for adding the working medium to the
burette should be filled via the upper opening, rather titration cell is by using a funnel. However, we recommend
than filled by pressurization through the lower inlet. The using pipettes since they ensure a more accurate addition
latter requires a larger quantity of air with consequent of the amount of reagent and are a better protection
introduction of atmospheric moisture. against infiltration by atmospheric moisture. Although
any moisture adsorbed when filling the cell with working
The burette tip should be inserted deeply enough into the
medium will be removed by the pre-titration, it requires
titration vessel solution to be well submerged below the
additional KF reagent, which is essentially wasted.
liquid level.
Dispensing bottles are practical as they enable a quick
Piston burettes should be used for KF titrations. Modern
and sufficiently accurate addition of the required amount
commercial KF titration instruments are almost exclusively
of working medium. It should be pointed out however, that
equipped with piston burettes. These are connected to the
plastic is not impervious to water vapor and any working
suction side of the reagent stock bottle. Certain titration
medium in the bottles will have increasing moisture
instruments have standard connections that enable a
content over time.
direct connection to the Hydranal reagent bottle. The KF
reagent is drawn into the burette from the stock bottle. The Today most titration instruments are equipped with
filling rate should not be too high as this leads to bubbles automated dosage systems that add the reagents to
that can cause inaccuracies in the reading of the volume. the titration cell either manually or automatically as
determined by the course of the titration reaction. These
The KF reagent is portioned into the titration vessel from
systems usually have an automatic pumping device for
the burette, which should have sufficiently large volume
the removal of spent reagent from previous titrations. This
to accommodate the number of desired titrations. The
automated filling and emptying reduces the exposure of
dispensing rate is automatically determined and controlled
the cell to atmospheric moisture and ensures that the flow
by the course of the titration and the remaining water to be
of air into the cell is dry.
titrated. The volume of reagent dispensed is displayed.
Most titration instruments are equipped with drainage
The stock reagent bottles should be protected from
valves that enable easy emptying the cell. However, the
atmospheric moisture by drying tubes that contain

HYDRANAL Manual 22 Chapter 6: Laboratory recommendations

stopcocks must be regularly lubricated to avoid valve the reaction. These micro-titration systems cannot tolerate
seizure. An alternative, simple technique for the manual an excess reagent of as little as one drop, approximately
removal of spent working medium from the titration cell is 0.01 mL, in the titration cell. End points that endure longer
by using a plastic wash bottle. The tip of the compressed than twenty seconds are rare under such micro-titration
bottle is introduced into the titration cell and pressure on conditions because the influence of extraneous moisture
the bottle is released to suck out the desired amount of increases as the titration volume decreases. The delay time
spent working medium. Care should be taken during the of the end point sensitivity must be adapted to modern
drainage operation to ensure that no foreign atmosphere methods of reagent addition.
is drawn into the titration cell.
A long end point delay time is not necessary when using
A suction bottle is suitable for the anodic compartment Hydranal reagents. These reagents reach the equivalence
of a coulometric titration cell. We use pipettes fitted with point of the KF reaction rapidly. The equivalence point
suction bulbs for the removal of spent reagent from the of the reaction is reached immediately with Hydranal-
cathodic compartment. Solvent/Titrant; the final end point depends upon the time
required for the added reagent to mix. An end point time
A modified working medium must sometimes be used, as
delay of five seconds is sufficient for Hydranal-Composite.
for the addition of benzoic acid for the titration of a base.
Because of the speed and flexibility of Hydranal reagents,
In such cases a funnel is a useful tool by which to add
it is possible to adjust the end point delay to the individual
the benzoic acid, or any other solid. Particles of the solid
requirements of the sample under investigation (refer to
that remain on the funnel are rinsed into the cell with the
section 5.6.1).
working medium.
Although bipotentiometric and biamperometric methods
6.6 End point stability and of end point indication are excellent for KF titrations,
interferences are sometimes encountered. The interference
instrumentation delay
is caused by the coating on the platinum electrodes,
A delay in the cut off of the instrumentation at the end point
a common occurrence during the titration of samples
is typical because of the previously used slow reacting KF
containing oils or sugars. These titrations are characterized
reagents (refer to section 5.6.1). Today, all commercially
by a delayed end point indication and an over-titration. A dark
available instruments are equipped with a timer to pre-
brown colorization of the reacted constituents is indicative
set this delay time. Each manufacturer uses different
of this type of contamination, which is solved by a thorough
designations for this function, such as Delay, Stop-Delay,
cleaning of the platinum electrodes.
End Point Time and Temps Fin. Delay times between 5 and
100 seconds can be pre-set. The end point sensitivity of The end point is also influenced by the choice of solvent
some Japanese instruments is set differently. system. When 1-propanol is used instead of methanol,
an over-titration can occur. The indication potentials/
The commonly accepted end point duration of twenty
currents are apparently dependent on the solvent system
seconds is now in question due to the development of
of the reaction. Certain instruments can be adjusted to
new instruments and the availability of new, improved
compensate for the use of specific solvents.
KF reagents capable of much faster titrations. The micro-
dosage systems of modern piston burettes enable titrant
volumes as small as 0.5 to 1 µL to be added accurately to

HYDRANAL Manual 23 Chapter 6: Laboratory recommendations

Chapter 7. Sample preparation
It is a rule of thumb that the analysis can only be as good Sampling and analyzing gaseous samples presents
as the sample. Analytical laboratories have valuable particular difficulties. The water content of gaseous
expertise in the vagaries of handling samples within their samples is typically low. It can easily be changed
particular application areas. However, samples destined through contact of the sample with the vessel walls and
for water determination require additional analytical connections. Samples taken from gases must therefore
considerations [1]. be treated immediately with scrubber liquids that absorb
the moisture. The most practical method is to direct the
7.1 Sampling and sample treatment gas through the KF titration cell, preferably a coulometric
Water is everywhere and it can come into contact with the titration cell. This technique eliminates the influence of the
sample in numerous ways. Hygroscopic substances, both otherwise necessary determination of a blank value for the
solids and liquids, adsorb moisture readily and exhibit solvent or correction for the volume factor of the absorption
high water content, even if the adsorption of water is agent. Further details are given in sections 7.3.5 and 8.10.
restricted to the surface of the sample being investigated. Liquefied gases can be kept in pressurized cylinders provided
Care should be taken when sampling to ensure that it is that a homogeneous distribution of the water content can be
indeed representative of the bulk and not from the outer assured. However, if the water separates upon pressurization,
or surface regions of the sample that are more likely to the sample is no longer representative and cannot be used
have a higher water content. Conversely, substances for subsequent analyses.
that easily release water contain less water in the surface
layers than in the bulk. The water content of samples can
also change. Adherent water on solid samples can diffuse
7.2 Sample size
into colder areas of the bottle, for example if the sample is The sample size (mass, volume) is dictated by the sample’s
left on a window ledge or next to warm equipment. Water expected water content and the desired accuracy of
can separate from samples of dispersions. The same the determination.
applies when the temperature of the sample drops below A high degree of accuracy can be achieved by volumetric
the solubility of water for the sample. The addition of a titration when the water content of the sample titrated
solubilizing agent, 2-propanol for example, can stabilize consumes approximately half of the reagent in the burette.
the sample in solution in either case. Further preventive This corresponds to approximately 50 mg H2O for a reagent
measures are described in the literature [1]. of 5 mg/mL titer in a burette containing 20 mL of reagent.

Table 7.2.1. Recommended sample sizes for volumetric KF titration.

Titer 5 mg/mL Titer 2 mg/mL Titer 1 mg/mL
Burette volume Burette volume Burette volume
5 mL 10 mL 20 mL 5 mL 10 mL 20 mL 5 mL 10 mL 20 mL
Recommended sample size (g) Recommended sample size (g) Recommended sample size (g)
90% X 0.04 0.08 0.007 0.015 X X X X
75% X 0.05 0.1 0.01 0.02 X X X 0.02
50% X 0.08 0.16 0.015 0.03 0.05 X 0.015 0.025
Expected water content

20% 0.08 0.125 0.25 0.025 0.05 0.1 X 0.025 0.05

10% 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.025 0.05 0.1
5% 0.25 0.5 1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.05 0.1 0.2
2.5% 0.5 1 2 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.4
0.25% 5 10 20 2 4 8 1 2 4
0.1% (1000 ppm) 12.5 25 25 5 10 20 3 6 12
0.01% (100 ppm) 25 25 X 25 25 X 25 25 X
0.001% (10 ppm) X X X 25 X X 25 X X

Consumption >¹/2 burette volume

Consumption ¹/2 burette volume

Consumption <¹/2 burette volume

X = not recommended

HYDRANAL Manual 24 Chapter 7: Sample preparation

Table 7.2.2. Recommended sample sizes for coulometric KF titration. 7.3.1 Pipettes
Expected water content Recommended sample size The use of a pipette enables a very accurate addition of liquid
(corresponds to absolute water samples. Pipettes are preferred for larger sample volumes
in the sample) (2-50 mL). Obviously, the pipette must be absolutely dry.
10.0% = 100 mg/g 0.05 g     (5000 µg water) We rinse our pipettes thoroughly with methanol and leave
them overnight in a 50°C drying cabinet. It is our experience
1.0% = 10 mg/g 0.2 g      (2000 µg water)
that pipettes dried in this fashion have a residual water
0.1% = 1 mg/g 1 g        (1000 µg water) content of less than 50 µg and do not constitute significant
error in volumetric determinations.
0.01% = 0.1 mg/g 1-2 g     (100-200 µg water)

0.001% = 0.01 mg/g 5-10 g    (50-100 µg water) If the pipette is not dry, it should be rinsed 2-3 times with
the substance being investigated prior to the titration.

It is important to remember that as the water content of If the sample is hygroscopic we strongly recommend using
the sample decreases, the sample size must increase a fresh pipette between subsequent sample additions.
to maintain accuracy. For this to be practical, a change For these types of samples, we determined water content
in burette size, a reduction in reagent titer or both may of 250 µg H2O after 1 minute and 1000  µg H2O after
be required to accommodate the sample. Instrument 15 minutes in a 25 mL pipette used to add the methanol.
manufacturers offer burettes as small as 1 mL, and when
coupled with a titer 1 mg/mL reagent, 0.1 mg of water may 7.3.2 Calibrated syringes
be titrated. Syringes with calibrated cylinder (e.g. Hamilton brand
The sample size for a coulometric determination should syringes) are often used for the volumetric addition of small
be such that it contains approximately 100-5000 µg H2O sample volumes (<5 mL). Such syringes enable a sufficient
to achieve a high degree of accuracy. Amounts as low as degree of accuracy. However, they require extreme care in
100 µg H2O can also be determined by trace analysis. their handling.
Optimized conditions can determine water contents of Glass syringes should be disassembled for cleaning with
10 µg, although the reproducibility of such determinations a suitable solvent and then rinsed with methanol before
obviously decreases. drying. After allowing them to air dry, the syringe and
A selection of samples sizes is presented in Tables 7.2.1 injection needle should be further dried in a desiccator
and 7.2.2. The actual amounts used for the titration will, chamber. Our experience shows that it takes several days
of course, depend upon the titer of the reagent used, the to thoroughly dry such needles. We therefore prefer to first
burette and the desired accuracy of the titration. dry glass syringes using air and then flush them with the
substance under investigation 2-3 times prior to adding
the sample. The syringe is used to inject the sample into
7.3 Addition of the sample
the titration cell, preferably through a septum. This method
When adding sample to the titration vessel, whether the excludes the infiltration of atmospheric moisture into
sample is a solid or a liquid, care must be taken to avoid the titration, an absolute prerequisite for a coulometric
introduction of the atmospheric moisture along with the determination of water. However, such sealants can also
sample into the vessel. Preventative measures correspond be a potential source of error if droplets from the needles
to the individual properties of the particular matrix. are retained by the septum. The syringe cylinder should
Samples should be weighed and added under their normal therefore be retracted before puncturing the seal, as well
conditions to prevent changes in moisture content due to as before removal, to ensure that extraneous droplets are
differences in environmental conditions. Weighing and not retained by the needle.
adding samples into the titration vessel should be done as
quickly as possible to keep contamination by atmospheric The accuracy can be improved by weighing the syringe
moisture to a minimum. before and after adding the sample. This method of
weighing by difference is described in the next section.
Resorting to working in a glove box should be the exception
rather than the rule. Particular care is required when working
with samples that are frozen or refrigerated. Cold samples
7.3.3 Plastic syringes
will collect water via condensation and should therefore be Injecting the sample through a septum stopper prevents
allowed to warm to room temperature in an air-tight vessel the inclusion of atmospheric moisture, which is an absolute
prior to weighing and addition. The homogenization of prerequisite for coulometric methods because they are used
samples in liquid form by ultrasonic methods is possible, but to determine extremely small amounts of water. It is also to
determined on a case-by-case basis. be recommended for volumetric titrations.

HYDRANAL Manual 25 Chapter 7: Sample preparation

Plastic syringes, which are quite common since they are flow meter can also be used to determine the amount of
disposable and inexpensive, eliminate tedious cleaning gas when calculating the flow time. Prerequisites are
procedures between samples. They are supplied air- an accurate flow meter and a constant gas flow. New
dry and can be used without any additional treatment. instruments require a gas flow of only 70 mL/min.
Nevertheless, we rinse our plastic syringes 2-3 times with
Instruments based on aqueous measurement principles
the substance under investigation prior to use. This method
are more accurate. The KF titration cell must be
is recommended for micro-determinations of water, like
completely air-tight.
coulometry. Weighing by difference is a technique to
improve the accuracy over that of a volumetric addition. Liquefied gases should be added as liquids to the
KF titration cell. If the sample is allowed to boil, the water
The syringe is filled with the sample and weighed. The
may remain in the sample container in liquid form and the
desired amount of sample is injected into the titration cell
water content of the sample will not be representative.
as described in section 7.3.2. The syringe is then re-weighed
Bottles containing the liquefied gas should be inverted
and the difference in weight constitutes the actual weight
in order to add samples only in liquid form into the
of the sample that was added.
titration cell.
The syringe used for sample addition is usually equipped
with a sufficiently long injection needle to go beneath the 7.4 Pre-dissolution of the sample
surface of the liquid in the titration cell. Thin needles are
Although direct addition of the sample into the titration
preferred to prevent excessive wear of the rubber stopper.
cell is preferred, it is not always possible. This is often the
Sturdier needles are required for viscous samples.
case when a large amount of an inhomogeneous sample is
Plastic syringes have proven to be excellent vessels for required, e.g. butter, or when solids have to be dissolved for
weighing pastes and highly viscous liquids. The syringe a coulometric determination of their water content.
needle is not used with these samples. The viscous liquid
The sample should be first dissolved in a suitable solvent,
or paste sample is drawn into the plastic syringe and added
which should be as anhydrous as possible. An aliquot of
to the titration cell. The actual amount of sample added is
this solution is measured and added to the titration cell
determined by weighing by difference.
and the titration carried out.
Waxes and similar substances can also be added by this
Such methods of sample addition require particular
method. They are first melted in a drying cabinet or air-
care if error is to be eliminated or at least minimized. All
tight vessel at 50°C. The plastic syringe is warmed at the
equipment, including flasks, funnels, pipettes, weighing
same time to prevent solidification of the wax during the
boats, etc., must be completely dry. The water content of
subsequent weighing and addition of the sample.
all solvents used for dissolution should be intrinsically
low and be determined by a separate titration. That is, the
7.3.4 Funnels for solid samples water content of the solvent used for the dissolution of the
Solid samples should be weighed and added directly to sample must be determined and taken into account in the
the titration cell whenever possible. This method ensures final calculation of the water content of the sample.
a reliable addition of sample and a rapid titration. Direct
Note: If 20 g of substance have been dissolved in a 100 mL
addition also avoids the need to measure separately the
measuring cylinder made up to the mark, a volume of
moisture content of solvents used to dissolve the solid.
80-100 mL of solvent has been used. Accuracy is called for.
Various accessories are available for volumetric titration
The volume or mass fraction of the sample and solvent
instruments to assist the addition of solid samples. Certain
components must be taken into account when calculating
titration instruments are equipped with a plastic dipper for
the total moisture of solutions. If the correction factor is
this purpose. Other instruments have so-called sample
relatively large, the solvent cannot be considered 100%
locks. We often use a plastic weighing funnel. It is filled with
pure. It is necessary in those cases to calculate the mass
the sample and weighed. The funnel tip is then inserted
fraction of each component in order to obtain accurate
into the previously dried opening in the lid of the titration
calculation of the total residual water. This is particularly
vessel and the contents tipped into the cell. The emptied
important in coulometric titrations when the sample is
funnel is then re-weighed.
introduced via syringe and the amount calculated by the
weighing by difference method.
7.3.5 The addition of gases
The ability to prepare sample solutions and to add them to
Gases are introduced either directly into the titration cell or
the titration vessel without introducing any omnipresent
via an adsorption medium. Suitable measurement methods
moisture takes time and experience to master. It is not trivial
and a diagram of the equipment are given in section 8.10.
to eliminate this source of error. We strongly recommend
The volume of gas is measured using a flow meter. The that whenever possible, the sample should be added to the
flow rate is usually 6-10 L/hour or 100-150 mL/min. The titration cell directly without pre-dissolution.

HYDRANAL Manual 26 Chapter 7: Sample preparation

7.5 Extraction of water from the sample The extraction process can be accelerated by increasing
Some samples release water very slowly or are so the extraction temperature. The moisture can also be
inhomogeneous that large sample masses are required. extracted by refluxing the sample. However, the apparatus
These types of samples require the pre-extraction of the must be equipped with sufficiently large drying tubes filled
moisture to obtain accurate KF titrations. with activated molecular sieves. The inherent water value of
the extraction instrumentation must also be determined,
The simplest means of pre-extracting is to soak the sample i.e. a correction factor for the extraction equipment must
in a suitable solvent, usually methanol, in an Erlenmeyer be evaluated.
flask for several hours. An aliquot of the solvent is then
titrated. It is important to consider that the volume of the It is obvious from these discussions on the additional
solvent must be able to dissolve the amount of moisture measures necessary for the pre-extraction of water from
extracted from the sample or the resulting water content the sample that these methods should only be employed
measured will be erroneously low. As a general rule, 1 mL when a direct titration of the sample is not possible (refer
of methanol should not be expected to extract more than to section 8.9).
1 mg of water.

HYDRANAL Manual 27 Chapter 7: Sample preparation

Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix
KF titration is applied to multifarious substances. The prerequisites for the KF titration must be maintained (see
nuances in sample properties influence differentially the section 4).
course of the KF titration. There are a number of ways to
Only a limited modification of the solvent component of
adjust the working conditions in order to enable a direct KF
the two-component reagent, Hydranal-Solvent/Titrant,
titration of the sample and avoid complicated and error-
is possible since the solvent contains reactants for the KF
prone pre-dissolution and pre-extraction steps. Many of
reaction system. The coulometric KF reagents, Hydranal-
these variants are generally applicable and, as such, are
Coulomat A/AD/E/AG/AG-H, may only be modified in
described in this section. For example:
exceptional cases. Any modification must not only assure
• Fats, oils and long-chained hydrocarbons have limited the KF reaction takes place, but must also retain sufficient
solubility in methanol. Solubility can be improved by electrolytic conductivity within the cell (the minimum
the addition of long- chain alcohols or chloroform to conductivity is dictated by the type of instrument used).
the working medium. Furthermore, a 100% current yield from the anodic
oxidation of iodide must be assured.
• Proteins, carbohydrates and inorganic salts are either
insoluble or dissolve only slightly. An addition of Summarized working procedures are presented in this
formamide improves the dissolution, dispersion and the section for each of the titration variants. Procedures
extraction of water from these samples. for the one-component reagents are designated with
“O”, two-component reagents are designed with “T”
• In certain samples, methanol can cause interfering side
and coulometry is given “C.” Section 5 provides the
reactions. It can be replaced by other solvents that do
foundations of KF titration that the practical methods in
not react.
this section are based upon.
• Acids and bases can alter the pH of the KF system
outside the desirable range and must be neutralized.
8.1 Addition of alcohols
• The influence of slow side reactions can be suppressed Methanol does not satisfactorily dissolve long-chained
by carrying out the titration at a lower temperature. hydrocarbons, so a biphasic solution can form in the titration
• Natural substances slowly release water. A titration at vessel. This does not necessarily impede the KF titration since
50°C or in boiling methanol accelerates the extraction the water in the hydrocarbon phase is quickly extracted and
of water and/or dissolution of the sample. measured during the titration. However, problems can occur
if the indication electrode is situated in the hydrocarbon
• Ovens are used to drive off the moisture from solids that phase rather than in the methanol, or when oily deposits
only release water at temperature higher than 60°C. An coat the electrode. These problems are avoided by adding
inert gas is used to carry the moisture into the KF cell. 1-propanol to the working medium. A mixture of Hydranal-
• KF solutions can absorb the moisture from gaseous Methanol dry and 1-propanol is used as the working medium
samples. of one-component reagent, Hydranal-Composite. For
the two-component reagent, Hydranal-Solvent/Titrant, a
If the working conditions of the titration are modified, the portion of the solvent component is replaced by 1-propanol.
requirements of the KF reagents must also be considered. The The amount of solvent component used depends upon the
solvent used with the Hydranal-Composite one-component amount of water expected to be determined (1 mL Hydranal-
reagent can be extensively modified. However, the basic Solvent approximates 7 mg H2O).

Table 8.1. Working procedures with addition of alcohols.

Volumetric one– Volumetric two– Coulometric titration

component titration component titration

Procedure 8.1.O Procedure 8.1.T Procedure 8.1.C

Titrating agent Hydranal–Composite Hydranal–Titrant Catholyte 5 mL Hydranal–Coulomat CG
or Hydranal–Titrant E
Medium/Solvent 10 mL Hydranal–Methanol dry + 10 mL Hydranal–Solvent + 20 mL Anolyte 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat
20 mL 1-propanol 1-propanol AG-H
or 10 mL Hydranal–Methanol Rapid 10 mL Hydranal–Solvent E + 20 mL
+ 20 mL 1-propanol 1-propanol
or 30 mL Hydranal–CompoSolver E 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent Oil
or 30 mL Hydranal–LipoSolver MH

HYDRANAL Manual 28 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

Long-chain alcohols can be used in the same way as water, the methanol content should not be less than 35%
1-propanol. Occasionally it is necessary to investigate by volume, although a 25% Hydranal-Methanol dry/75%
alcohols of various chain lengths, and choose the Hydranal-Chloroform solvent mixture is acceptable for
alcohol based on its solubility toward the sample trace analyses, in spite of the possibility of a slight change
being investigated. in the stoichiometry of the KF reaction (the factor for
the titrating agent apparently increases). An addition of
For coulometric determination, Hydranal- Coulomat AG-H
Hydranal-Chloroform also accelerates the KF reaction.
is used as anolyte since it contains a long-chain alcohol.
The coulometric reagent, Hydranal-Coulomat A, already
Procedure 8.1.O Alcohol addition, one-component
contains chloroform and as such has better solubility of
volumetric titration
fatty substances. The chloroform content can be increased,
10 mL Hydranal-Methanol dry or Hydranal-Methanol
but should not exceed 30% by volume or the conductivity
Rapid and 20 mL 1-propanol, or 30 mL Hydranal-
will be decreased to levels that can cause interferences
CompoSolver E or 30 mL Hydranal-LipoSolver MH are
with certain coulometric instruments. The minimum
added to the titration vessel and titrated to dryness with
conductivity differs from instrument to instrument, so an
Hydranal-Composite. The weighed sample is then added
exact maximum chloroform volume cannot be given here.
and titrated in the same manner.
Procedure 8.2.O Chloroform addition, one-component
Procedure 8.1.T Alcohol addition, two-component
volumetric titration
volumetric titration
10 mL Hydranal-Methanol dry or Hydranal-Methanol
10 mL Hydranal-Solvent or Hydranal-Solvent E and 20 mL
Rapid or Hydranal-CompoSolver E, respectively, and 20 mL
1-propanol or 30 mL Hydranal-Solvent Oil are added to
Hydranal-Chloroform or 30 mL Hydranal-LipoSolver CM
the titration vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-
are added to the titration vessel and titrated to dryness
Titrant or Hydranal-Titrant E. The sample (water content
with Hydranal-Composite. The sample is then added and
<70 mg H2O) is then added and titrated in the same manner.
titrated in the same manner.
Procedure 8.1.C Alcohol addition, coulometric titration
Procedure 8.2.T Chloroform addition, two-component
The anodic compartment of the coulometric cell is filled
volumetric titration
with 100 mL Hydranal-Coulomat AG-H. The cathodic
30 mL Hydranal-Solvent CM (or 10 mL Hydranal-Solvent
compartment is filled as usual with 5 mL Hydranal-
or Hydranal-Solvent E and 20 mL Hydranal-Chloroform)
Coulomat CG. The determination is carried out in the
are added to the titration vessel, and titrated to dryness
usual way.
with Hydranal-Titrant or Hydranal-Titrant E. The sample
(<70 mg H2O) is then added and titrated in the same manner.
8.2 Addition of chloroform
Procedure 8.2.C Chloroform addition, coulometric
Fats, long-chained hydrocarbons and other lipophilic
substances have limited solubility in alcohols. Addition
The anodic compartment of the coulometric titration
of Hydranal-Chloroform greatly improves their solubility.
cell is filled with 100 mL Hydranal-Coulomat A or 70 mL
Because chloroform reduces the dissolution of inorganic
Hydranal-Coulomat A and 30 mL Hydranal-Chloroform or
salts in methanol, adding it enables the determination of
100 mL Hydranal-Coulomat Oil. The cathodic compartment
the salts’ adherent (not bulk) water content. However, some
is filled as usual with 5 mL Hydranal-Coulomat CG. The
methanol is always required and it can only be partially
water content is determined according to the general
replaced (see section 4.1). For an exact determination of
recommendations given in section 5.3.

Table 8.2. Working procedures with addition of chloroform.

Volumetric one- Volumetric two- Coulometric titration

component titration component titration
Procedure 8.2.O Procedure 8.2.T Procedure 8.2.C
Titrating agent Hydranal–Composite Hydranal–Titrant Catholyte 5 mL Hydranal–Coulomat CG
or Hydranal–Titrant E
Medium/Solvent 10 mL Hydranal–Methanol dry + 10 mL Hydranal–Solvent + 20 mL Anolyte 100 mL Hydranal–
20 mL Hydranal–Chloroform Hydranal–Chloroform Coulomat A
or 10 mL Hydranal–Methanol Rapid 10 mL Hydranal–Solvent E + 20 mL or 70 mL Hydranal–Coulomat A
+ 20 mL Hydranal–Chloroform Hydranal–Chloroform + 30 mL Hydranal–
or 10 mL Hydranal–CompoSolver E 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent CM or 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat
+ 20 mL Hydranal–Chloroform Oil
or 30 mL Hydranal–LipoSolver CM

HYDRANAL Manual 29 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

8.3 Addition of formamide 8.4 Methanol-free working media
Hydranal-Formamide dry improves the solubility of polar Methanol is the normal working solvent, but it can
substances in methanol and is therefore preferred for the sometimes cause undesirable side reactions that interfere
determination of water in carbohydrates, proteins and with the desired KF titration reaction. Examples of such
inorganic salts. Hydranal-Formamide dry also accelerates side reactions are esterification with certain mineral acids,
the extraction of moisture from solids and is used in the the formation of acetals and ketals with aldehydes and
titration of starch and other foodstuffs and naturally ketones, respectively, or reactions with certain amines
occurring substances, as well as in titrations at elevated and siloxanes.
temperature. Hydranal-Formamide dry accelerates the
When such reactions may occur, it is advantageous
course of the reaction. Because it can also influence the
to replace the methanol with non-reactive solvents.
stoichiometry of the KF reaction, formamide should not be
Although solvents such as pyridine, dioxane, formamide,
used at concentrations >50% by volume.
dimethylformamide and propylene carbonate are quoted
Procedure 8.3.O Formamide addition, one-component in the literature as being suitable replacements for
volumetric titration methanol, we strongly disagree with this assertion. Non-
20 mL Hydranal-Methanol dry or Hydranal-Methanol alcoholic solvents alter the stoichiometry of the KF reaction
Rapid and 10-20 mL Hydranal-Formamide dry are added to (section 4.1).
the titration vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-
Methylglycol (2-methoxyethanol) is also often
Composite. The sample is then added and titrated in the
recommended, and in certain cases is a suitable
same manner.
replacement for methanol. However, the course of the
Procedure 8.3.T Formamide addition, two-component KF titration with this solvent is slower and very sluggish
volumetric titration with certain instruments. The indication potentials are
20 mL Hydranal-Solvent or Hydranal-Solvent E and changed so that a greater or lesser degree of over-titration
10-20 mL Hydranal-Formamide dry are added to the occurs, depending on the instrument. The formation of
titration vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal- acetals and ketals is not completely suppressed. The same
Titrant or Hydranal-Titrant E. The sample (<140 mg H2O) is applies to use of ethanol or 1-propanol.
then added and titrated in the same manner.
Our systematic search for suitable KF alcohols found
We have tried the use of formamide in the coulometric that certain halogenated alcohols (2-chloroethanol,
titration with diaphragm. Side reactions blacken the trifluoroethanol) and 1-methoxy-2-propanol are
cathode, and after one day the anolyte has to be discarded. particularly suitable. We used this work as the basis of
Coulometric titration without diaphragm can be applied in our methanol-free KF reagents [11]. These reagents are
that case. In the coulometric titration without diaphragm 10- designated as Hydranal-K reagents because they were
20% Hydranal-Formamide dry can be added to the anolyte. primarily developed for determination of water in ketones
and aldehydes (section 2.4). These reagents are also
Procedure 8.3.C Formamide addition, coulometric
suitable for moisture determination of amines (section 9.8),
siloxanes (section 9.10) and other titrations in methanol-
The coulometric cell without diaphragm is filled with 80 mL
free working media.
Hydranal-Coulomat AG or Hydranal-Coulomat AD and
10-20 mL Hydranal-Formamide dry. The determination is
carried out in the usual way.

Table 8.3. Working procedures with addition of formamide.

Volumetric one-component titration Volumetric two-component titration

Procedure 8.3.O Procedure 8.3.T
Titrating agent Hydranal–Composite Hydranal–Titrant
or Hydranal–Titrant E
Medium/Solvent 20 mL Hydranal–Methanol dry + 20 mL Hydranal–Solvent +
10-20 mL Hydranal–Formamide dry 10-20 mL Hydranal–Formamide dry

or 20 mL Hydranal–Methanol Rapid + 20 mL Hydranal–Solvent E +

10-20 mL Hydranal–Formamide dry 10-20 mL Hydranal–Formamide dry

HYDRANAL Manual 30 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

Table 8.4. Working procedures for methanol-reacting compounds.

Volumetric one- Coulometric titration

component titration
Procedure 8.4.O Procedure 8.4.C
Titrating agent Hydranal–Composite 5 K Catholyte 5 mL Hydranal–Coulomat CG-K

or Hydranal-Composite 5
Medium/ 30 mL Hydranal–Medium K Anolyte 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat AK
or 30 mL Hydranal–Working Medium K
or 30 mL Hydranal–KetoSolver

Our further research into alternate alcohols lead to the line Procedure 8.4.C Compounds reacting with methanol,
of halogen-free KF solvents called Hydranal-KetoSolver. coulometric titration
The anodic compartment of the coulometric titration cell
The K-type reagents are available in both a one-component
is filled with 100 mL Hydranal-Coulomat AK and 5 mL
system for volumetric determinations and for coulometry.
Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K are added to the cathodic
Both reagents are described in detail in section 2.4 and
compartment. The general procedure given in section 5.3
used like the corresponding non-K reagent. A variety of
is then followed. Methanolic solutions of iodine must not to
ketones can also be titrated in the new working medium,
be used to dry the reagents! We recommend a solution of
the ethanol-based Hydranal-CompoSolver E.
iodine in 2-methoxyethanol or Hydranal-Composite 5 for
Procedure 8.4.O Compounds reacting with methanol, this purpose.
one-component volumetric titration
30 mL Hydranal-Working Medium K or Hydranal-Medium K
8.5 Neutralization of bases
or Hydranal-KetoSolver are added to the titration vessel
Strong bases can increase the pH of the KF system if the
and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Composite 5. (The
basicity exceeds the buffering capacity of the reagent
titration of aldehydes or ketones requires Hydranal-
solutions. A fading titration may be observed or end point
Composite 5 K.) The sample is then added and titrated
will not be reached at all. Strong bases must be neutralized
using the same reagent.
prior to starting the titration by the addition of an adequate

Table 8.5. Working procedures for strong bases.

Volumetric one–component Volumetric two–component Coulometric titration

titration titration
Procedure 8.5.O Procedure 8.5.T Procedure 8.5.C
Titrating agent Hydranal�Composite Hydranal–Titrant Catholyte 5 mL Hydranal–Coulomat CG
or Hydranal–Titrant E
Medium/Solvent 40 mL Hydranal–Buffer for 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent + Anolyte 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat A +
Bases 5-7 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid 20 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid
or 30 mL Hydranal–Methanol dry + 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent E + or 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat AG +
5-7 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid 5-7 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid 20 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid
or 30 mL Hydranal–Methanol 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent + or 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat AG–H
Rapid + 5-7 g Hydranal–Benzoic 5-7 g Hydranal–Salicylic acid + 20 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid
or 30 mL Hydranal–CompoSolver E 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent E + or 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat E +
+ 5-7 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid 5-7 g Hydranal–Salicylic acid 20 g Hydranal–Benzoic acid
or 30 mL Hydranal–Methanol dry +
5-7 g Hydranal–Salicylic acid
or 30 mL Hydranal–Methanol
Rapid + 5-7 g Hydranal–Salicylic
or 30 mL Hydranal–CompoSolver E
+ 5-7 g Hydranal–Salicylic acid

HYDRANAL Manual 31 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

amount of Hydranal-Salicylic acid, Hydranal-Benzoic acid Procedure 8.5.C Basic compounds, coulometric
or Hydranal-Buffer for Bases. Hydranal-Buffer for Bases is titration
a ready-made working medium for water determination in Hydranal-Coulomat A/E/AG/AG-H is acidified by
basic samples. It contains salicylic acid and has a buffer approximately 20% by weight of benzoic acid for the
capacity of 1 mmol base per mL. coulometric determination of bases. 20 g Hydranal-
Benzoic acid is added to the anodic compartment of the
Hydranal-Benzoic acid is typically used because it is easy
cell using a funnel (approximately 160 mmol acid). The
to handle and does not have an unpleasant odor. Hydranal-
Hydranal-Benzoic acid is rinsed into the cell with 100 mL
Benzoic acid shifts the pH to <5. Salicylic acid is stronger
Hydranal-Coulomat A/E/AG/AG-H. A 5 mL of Hydranal-
and shifts the pH to <4, which is outside the desirable pH
Coulomat CG is added to the cathodic compartment of
range and can slow down the course of the titration slightly.
the cell in the usual manner. The instrument is then turned
Hydranal-Salicylic acid is especially useful for the moisture
on and the titration cell titrated to dryness. Approximately
determination of phenols.
160 mmol of the base can be analyzed using this method.
Procedure 8.5.O Basic compounds, one-component
volumetric titration
8.6 Neutralization of acids
40 mL Hydranal-Buffer for Bases or 30 mL Hydranal-
Moderately strong to strong acids can reduce the pH of
Methanol dry or Hydranal-Methanol Rapid or Hydranal-
the working medium and cause significant reduction in
CompoSolver E and 5-7 g Hydranal-Benzoic acid or
the titration reaction rate. Acids must be neutralized prior
Hydranal-Salicylic acid are added to the titration vessel.
to starting the titration. The most practical approach is to
The Hydranal-Benzoic acid or Hydranal-Salicylic acid
neutralize the acid by the addition of a suitable base to the
is put into a funnel and rinsed into the titration cell with
working medium. However, the base should not cause an
the proper solvent. The alcoholic solution is then titrated
increase in the pH to such a degree that no end point of the
to dryness with Hydranal-Composite. The base being
pre-titration is reached. Pyridine is a commonly used base
determined (<40 mmol) is then added and titrated with
for this purpose. More suitable, however, are buffering
systems that not only neutralize but also stabilize the pH
Procedure 8.5.T Basic compounds, two-component of the system. Media based on imidazole, like Hydranal-
volumetric titration Solvent or Hydranal-Buffer for Acids, fulfills this role.
30 mL Hydranal-Solvent or Hydranal-Solvent E and 5-7 g Hydranal-Solvent has buffering capacity that can be
Hydranal-Benzoic acid or Hydranal-Salicylic acid are utilized when titrating with the Hydranal two-component
added to the titration vessel. The Hydranal-Benzoic acid or reagent system. A 1 mL volume of Hydranal-Solvent can
Hydranal-Salicylic acid is put into a funnel and rinsed into buffer approximately 0.6 mmol of acid, i.e. a maximum
the titration cell with the Hydranal-Solvent or Hydranal- amount of 12 mmol of acid can be added to the titration if
Solvent E. The solution is titrated to dryness with Hydranal- the usual quantity of 20 mL Hydranal-Solvent is used. We
Titrant or Hydranal-Titrant E. The base being determined recommend the use of imidazole or, preferably, Hydranal-
(<30 mmol) is then added and titrated in the same manner Buffer for Acids (buffering capacity 5 mmol acid/mL) for
with Hydranal-Titrant or Hydranal-Titrant E. larger quantities of acidic samples. Certain carboxylic
acids that tend to esterify [1] are neutralized without
esterification by using Hydranal-Buffer for Acids.

Table 8.6. Working procedures for strong acids.

Volumetric one–component Volumetric two–component Coulometric titration

titration titration
Procedure 8.6.O Procedure 8.6.T Procedure 8.6.C
Titrating agent Hydranal–Composite Hydranal–Titrant Catholyte 5 mL Hydranal–Coulomat CG
or Hydranal–Titrant E
Medium/Solvent 30 mL Hydranal–Buffer for Acids 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent + 5-7 g Anolyte 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat
Hydranal–Imidazole A + 20 g Hydranal–Imidazole
or 10 mL Hydranal–Methanol dry + 30 mL Hydranal–Solvent E + 5-7 g or 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat
20 mL Hydranal–Buffer for Acids Hydranal–Imidazole AG + 20 g Hydranal–Imidazole
or 10 mL Hydranal–Methanol 30 mL Hydranal–Buffer or 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat
Rapid + 20 mL Hydranal–Buffer for Acids AG-H + 20 g Hydranal–Imidazole
for Acids
or 10 mL Hydranal–CompoSolver 10 mL Hydranal–Solvent/ or 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat
E + 20 mL Hydranal–Buffer for Solvent E + 20 mL Hydranal- E + 20 g Hydranal–Imidazole
Acids Buffer for Acids

HYDRANAL Manual 32 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

Concentrated sulfuric acid and gaseous hydrochloric acid end point to the KF titration. These side reactions can
esterify very easily with methanol and therefore cannot sometimes be suppressed by carrying out the titration at
be analyzed using this procedure. Concentrated sulfuric lower temperature. The titration can be carried out at 0°C
acid requires external neutralization in a methanol-free, by placing the titration vessel in an ice bath. Lower titration
pyridine-based system. Water determination is carried out temperature can be achieved by the use of a salt-ice or a
at an aliquote of the solution (see section 10.2). dry ice/methanol mixture. The titration cell can of course,
be equipped with a thermal jacket and be cryostatically
Procedure 8.6.O Acids, one-component volumetric
cooled to a pre-determined and controlled temperature.
10 mL Hydranal-Methanol dry or Hydranal-Methanol The choice of the low temperature for the titration is primarily
Rapid or Hydranal-CompoSolver E and 20 mL Hydranal- determined by the nature and extent of the side reaction. The
Buffer for Acids, or 30 mL Hydranal-Buffer for Acids are rate of the titration reaction using Hydranal reagents is still
added to the titration vessel and titrated to dryness with sufficiently high even at low temperature. Using the two-
Hydranal-Composite. The acid being investigated (<100 component reagent, Hydranal-Solvent/Titrant, titrations
mmol) is then added and titrated in a similar manner with can still be carried out at -60°C with satisfactory speed.
Hydranal-Composite. At temperature below -20°C, Hydranal-Composite is not
recommended because of increasing viscosity.
Procedure 8.6.T Acids, two-component volumetric
titration Low temperature titrations can be carried out according to
30 mL Hydranal-Solvent or Hydranal-Solvent E and 7 g the standard procedures in section 5, or modified according
Hydranal-Imidazole (=100 mmol), or 30 mL Hydranal-Buffer to the titration variants given in sections 8.1 through 8.6.
for Acids, or 10 mL Hydranal-Solvent or Hydranal-Solvent However, a few special points should be considered. At low
E and 20 mL Hydranal-Buffer for Acids are added to the temperature the end point indication can shift. Therefore
titration cell and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Titrant or the polarization current and voltage must be adapted
Hydranal-Titrant E. The acid being measured (<120 mmol) is appropriately. Also, the sample should be in liquid form
then added and titrated in a similar manner with Hydranal- to allow injection via a septum if possible. Cells cooled
Titrant or Hydranal-Titrant E. to a low temperature absorb atmospheric moisture very
easily and should not be opened to allow introduction of
Procedure 8.6.C Acids, coulometric titration
solid samples.
100 mL Hydranal-Coulomat A/AG/AG-H/E and 20 g
Hydranal-Imidazole are added to the anodic compartment In principle, the coulometric determination of water at
of the coulometric cell. 5 mL of Hydranal-Coulomat CG is low temperature is also possible. This does not appear
added in the usual way to the cathodic compartment. The useful in practice, as the side reactions cannot be
instrument is turned on and analysis performed as normal. completely suppressed.
This amount of reagent is sufficient for the analysis of
The interferences accumulate with successive sample
approximately 300 mmol of a moderately strong acid.
additions and the total effect of the side reaction increases.
When the titration vessel is not cooled, for example during
8.7 Titration at low temperature overnight storage, the side reaction is re-activated and
Slowly occurring side reactions can be the cause of a consumes the reagent in a short time.
continual consumption of iodine and do not allow a stable

Composite HYDRANAL-Titrant

Methanol dry
or Mixtures
or Mixtures

0 to -60˚C

Figure 8.7. Titration at low temperature.

HYDRANAL Manual 33 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

8.8 Titration at elevated temperature Because coulometry is not recommended for insoluble
Substances that dissolve slowly in methanol or the KF substances, we have not investigated coulometric titration
working medium can give slow titrations. This also applies at elevated temperature.
to solids that release the retained water very slowly, as is
the case with many foodstuffs and cellular substances 8.9 Titration in boiling methanol
[1]. A volumetric titration at an elevated temperature of For certain difficult samples, methods to more rigorously
50-60°C enables both the dissolution of the sample and extract moisture are required. For example, a direct KF
an acceleration of the extraction of the moisture from the titration at 50°C of coarsely ground coffee beans is not
sample. A volumetric titration at 50°C does not require any possible because the water is released from the sample
modifications to the standard procedure or instrument. The too slowly.
simplest form of equipment can be a controlled hotplate
The moisture can be extracted by refluxing the sample and
and a magnetic stirrer. Also, the titration cell can be placed
titrating the extract. We have combined the extraction by
in an oil bath and the temperature can be controlled by
boiling methanol with a direct KF titration [13]. The principle
monitoring the working medium with a thermometer.
of this titration technique is depicted in the Figure 8.9.
If titrations at elevated temperature are carried out
frequently, a titration cell equipped with a thermostatically We used a three-necked round bottom flask equipped
controlled jacket is recommended. Titration temperature with a magnetic stirrer. One end of the reflux column
above 50°C can lead to difficulties when using a standard was connected to one of the three flask openings and the
titration cell. The boiling methanol condenses at the top of other end was sealed against moisture by the attachment
the vessel and causes an uncontrollable reflow of moisture of a large drying tube containing molecular sieves. The
into the titration system. indicator electrode and the burette were connected to the
remaining two openings of the titration flask (Figure 8.9).
The standard techniques described in sections 5.1 and
5.2 are applicable to volumetric titrations at elevated A determination of water in the sample is carried out by
temperature. Basically, all of the titration variations first titrating the apparatus to dryness. To do this, 50 mL
described in sections 8.1 through 8.6 can be applied to of Hydranal-Methanol dry are added to the flask, heated
titrations at elevated temperature. Hydranal-Formamide while stirring until boiling and titrated to dryness to a
dry is often added for the titration of foodstuffs, as stable end point with Hydranal-Composite. At this point,
discussed in section 8.3, in order to combine the extraction the methanol and the equipment are sufficiently pre-dried.
properties of this solvent with the advantages of the higher The heater is then removed from the flask to allow a slight
titration temperature. cooling of the Hydranal-Methanol dry. The sample (1-2 g)
is added, the heater adjusted and the contents of the flask
An elevated temperature titration is carried out by adding
the appropriate working medium to the titration cell and
heating the system to the prescribed temperature. The The titration is then started. The titration takes
working medium is then titrated to dryness and the sample approximately 20-25 minutes. We have tested this titration
is added and titrated in the usual manner.

Composite HYDRANAL-
HYDRANAL-Titrant Composite

Methanol dry
or Mixtures Methanol dry
or Mixtures

50°C +Q (Q = heat transfer rate)

Figure 8.8. Titration at elevated temperature. Figure 8.9. Titration in boiling methanol.

HYDRANAL Manual 34 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

method in boiling Hydranal-Methanol dry with samples minimize the loss or gain of moisture from surfaces. The
such as starch and flour. We believe that this technique system should also permit heating of tubing and supply
can be employed in the investigation of numerous natural lines to prevent the condensation of water from the
products and substances that release water very slowly. For gaseous sample.
example, caramels melt and release retained water easily
A suitable arrangement for the titration of gases is depicted
at elevated temperature, allowing a rapid determination
in Figure 8.10.1. A flowmeter (D) is installed in the tubing.
of their water content. We believe that a titration in boiling
The flow rate of the gas is regulated by a valve (R). The
Hydranal-Methanol dry is advantageous in other cases
installation of a three-way valve (V) enables the flow of gas
where a direct KF titration of the water content is otherwise
to bypass the titration cell. A drying tube (T) is installed on
not possible.
the top of the generator electrode in the titration cell (Z)
We also measured the recovery rate of water for the above to prevent back diffusion of moisture into the titration cell.
described method and concluded that a stoichiometric The system must be thoroughly purged in order to achieve
reaction for the titration is assured when Hydranal- stable and homogeneous conditions prior to introducing
Composite is used. the gaseous sample into the KF titration cell. Before starting
the analysis, the flow of gas is bypassed through valve (V)
8.10 The determination of water in gases and the flow rate regulated by valve (R), as monitored by
the flow meter (D), to a constant flow of 100-500 mL/min.
Moisture in gaseous samples must first be transferred into
When the system has stabilized (after 10-30 minutes), the
the liquid phase of the KF system. This can be achieved
flow of gas is directed into the titration cell by valve (V). The
by bubbling the gas sample through an appropriate
volume of gas is determined either by calculation from the
absorption medium that absorbs the water from the
flow rate and time, or by the volumetric flowmeter (G).
sample. Liquids recommended for the absorption of water
from gases are high boiling point alcohols like 1-propanol The sample size is determined by the water content of
and ethylene glycol. The sorption medium containing the the gas being investigated, the instrumentation and the
moisture from the gas sample is then titrated in the normal desired accuracy of the analysis. When the appropriate
manner. A preferred method, however, is to pump the gas amount of gaseous sample has been directed through the
sample directly into the KF titration cell. This eliminates a titration cell, valve (V) is turned to bypass the remainder
number of potential sources of error, like the inherent water of the sample. The water content of a known amount of
content of the sorption medium, changes in volume of the gaseous sample in the cell is thus titrated.
gas or the intrusion of extraneous moisture from handling.
If water determination using this method is carried out
Capillary tubes inserted deeply in the KF solution are used frequently or if the reproducibility of the analysis and
to transfer gaseous samples. Fritted glass filters are also stability of the introductory system is to be verified, it is
recommended to improve the distribution of the gas. We advantageous to install a titration arrangement directly to
consider the use of capillary tubes to be adequate, provided the sample source.
the flow rate of the gas does not exceed 250 mL/minute
If the sample is taken from a container, the same titration
(15 liters/hour).
arrangement can be used provided the gas in the container
The system to introduce the gas into the titration cell has not liquefied. Liquid samples must always be added as
should be well-designed and as compact as possible to liquids to the titration cell (section 7.3.5).

R = flow regulation valve
G V D = flowmeter
G = volumetric flowmeter
V = 3-way valve
R Z = titration cell
T = drying tube

Figure 8.10.1. Titration of gases.

HYDRANAL Manual 35 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

Coulomat CG
Composite 2
Titrant 2


Methanol dry HYDRANAL-
or Mixtures Solvent or
Mixtures HYDRANAL-Coulomat AG-Oven
A = anode compartment,
C = cathode compartment

Figure 8.10.2. Schematic procedure for titration of gases.

to the same level with ca. 10 mL Hydranal-Coulomat CG

and titrated to dryness in the usual manner.
Both volumetric and coulometric titration methods can
be used for the determination of moisture in gases (Figure Then, a predetermined quantity of gas is bubbled through
8.10.2). Volumetric titrations require larger sample sizes the titration cell. The titration is started and the water
containing mg amounts of water. Coulometric titrations content determined in the usual manner. In principle it
are preferred for the determination of water in “dry” gases is also possible to carry out the titration while the gas is
where the samples contain only a few g H2O/liter. bubbling through and thereby obtain the result very quickly.
Consecutive determinations cause methanol to evaporate
Procedure 8.10.O Gases, one-component
from the anode chamber of the titration cell. Evaporated
volumetric titration
methanol can be replaced using Hydranal-Methanol dry to
50-100 mL Hydranal-Methanol dry are added to the
maintain the original volume.
titration vessel in the usual manner. Should larger
amounts of gaseous sample be foreseen, mixtures
of solvents can be used that have a higher boiling 8.11 The use of ovens
point and therefore will not evaporate easily while the Many substances release their water only at high
sample is being introduced. A mixture of methanol temperature making them unsuitable for direct KF titration.
and ethylene glycol or 1–propanol is suitable. Pure Examples of such substances are plastics and a number of
ethylene glycol is highly viscous and problems can be inorganic salts.
encountered in the subsequent titration. The use of pure
The moisture in such substances can be driven off and
1–propanol can cause problems with the indication of the
collected in a tube furnace at 100 to 300°C, depending
end point.
on the sample, and transferred to the KF titration cell by
The solvent is titrated to dryness in the usual manner. purging the tube with a dry, inert gas. An example of such
Hydranal-Composite 2 (titer approximately 2 mg H2O/mL) a system appears in Figure 8.11.1. A constant flow of gas
is the preferred reagent system. The desired volume of gas is achieved by regulating valve (R) and monitoring the
is introduced into the titration cell and the water adsorbed gas flow using the flow meter (D). The gas is then dried in
by the working medium from the sample is titrated with the drying tower (T) before being passed over the heated
Hydranal-Composite 2 in the same manner. sample into the titration cell (Z).

Procedure 8.10.T Gases, two-component This method of moisture determination can be applied to
volumetric titration substances such as:
A mixture of 20 mL Hydranal-Solvent and 40 mL • Insoluble solids that only release their inherent water
1-propanol are added to the titration cell and titrated to at temperature above 60°C (plastics, salts).
dryness with Hydranal-Titrant 2. The use of Hydranal-
Titrant 2 is preferred because of its lower titer. The desired • Solids and liquids that undergo side reactions with
amount of gaseous sample is then introduced into the conventional KF titration reagents (ascorbic acid,
titration cell and the water adsorbed is subsequently mineral oils), assuming that the matrix is not vaporized
titrated using Hydranal-Titrant 2 in the same manner. at such temperature and that none of the substances
disassociate or degrade to products that can interfere
Procedure 8.10.C Gases, coulometric titration with the subsequent KF titration of water and lead to
The anodic compartment is filled with 150 mL Hydranal- falsely high or low levels.
Coulomat AG-Oven and the cathodic compartment is filled
Suitable carrier gases are air or nitrogen, with nitrogen

HYDRANAL Manual 36 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

P R = regulating valve

+Q D = flowmeter
T = drying tube
Z = titration cell
Q = heat transfer rate
Z P = sample

Figure 8.11.1. Scheme of KF system with oven.

preferred when the sample is sensitive to oxidization A KF titration is carried out by first assembling the
at process temperature of 100-300°C. Commercially apparatus, switching on the instrumentation and
available pumps can be used for air and are available preconditioning the system. The flow of gas is set to the
already equipped with dryers. Nitrogen is supplied from a desired rate and passed through the KF cell. The system
pressurized container. must be brought to a stable condition before adding the
sample. The drift must remain constant for a long period
We recommend the use of molecular sieves to dry
of time, at least 10 minutes, since this drift is later required
the carrier gas. A residual water content of less than
for the automatic correction of the subsequent water
10 μg H2O/liter is thereby assured. This amount does
determination. The automatic correction for the drift is
not present a potential problem in the subsequent water
based on the assumption that the residual drift of the
determination. Carrier gases containing high amounts of
system does not change throughout the total duration of
water should be pre-dried using silica gel. KF reagents are
the determination, which is typically 20 minutes. Drift that
not intended as drying agents as the solvents evaporate
increases from 6 μg/min to 10 μg/min, for example, could
in the drying tube and can cause side reactions through
cause an error of as much as 80 μg of water. This is why the
dissociation of the components at higher temperature.
baseline conditions should remain constant throughout
The flow of carrier gas is set to 100 to 500 mL/min. Using the total conditioning of the system and subsequent
smaller amounts of gas reduces the amount of extraneous determinations. The gas flow must not be altered under
moisture contributed by the carrier gas, which is usually any circumstances, as this will change the drift values
eliminated by the drift correction of the instrumentation, as well.
and improves the absorption of extracted water by the
Once the drift has stabilized, the previously weighed
KF reagent in the vessel. Larger amounts of gas reduce
sample is added. The oven is opened and the combustion
the risk of water condensing in the tubing when large
boat is quickly placed in the cold zone of the tubular oven.
quantities of moisture are being transferred.
The oven is then immediately closed. The addition of the
Commercially available KF ovens can be set to heating sample is a critical step because atmospheric moisture can
temperature of 50-300°C. Higher temperature is enter the system while the oven door is open. This critical
necessary for drying inorganic salts. The temperature step should be practiced on blank samples to ensure
chosen depends on the properties of the substance being smooth operation. It may be necessary to take this step
investigated. The moisture driven off from the sample into consideration in the calculations. Newer instruments
in the drying oven is transferred into the titration cell use vials in a heating block, which is an improvement
by the carrier gas. The same fundamental rules for the for the determination of very low water contents. The
investigation of gases (section 8.10) also apply here, and specific procedures for each instrument differ and the
the same reagents can also be used. Since the samples manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed.
often contain only trace amounts of moisture, it is preferred The titrator is set so that it does not automatically shut off
to combine the drying oven with a coulometer. prematurely. It should be programmed to run for at least
The sample size depends on the water content of the 10 minutes. This is necessary because the sample first has
sample and the type of equipment used for KF titration. to be heated and only a small amount of water, if any, is
Generally, the size of the sample should be chosen to initially released.
ensure that an adequate amount of water is present in The working conditions must be optimized for each product
the KF system. We recommend 500-3000 μg water for analyzed. Of particular importance is the determination of
coulometric titrations, and 1-10 mg of water for volumetric the optimum oven temperature to remove the water. The
titrations. Smaller amounts of water increase the standard temperature must be high enough to drive off the moisture
deviation of the determinations. Larger amounts of water from the sample within 10-15 minutes. But it must be
can lead to condensation in the tubing. kept low enough to prevent vaporization of the sample
matrix, which could interfere in the KF titration, and, at the

HYDRANAL Manual 37 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

% H20
10 A

0 5 10 15 20 t [min]
Figure 8.11.2. Determination of optimum temperature for KF oven.

same time, high enough to prevent condensation in the rate of addition of reagent from the burette. After reaching
transfer tubing. the sustained 20-second end point, point “b” (the excess
of reagent) shows that the subsequent consumption of the
We determine the optimum temperature for a substance
reagent is virtually zero. This is an indication of how tightly
empirically by graphically evaluating the course of the
sealed the cell is and the working technique of the titration.
titration against time (Figure 8.11.2). Water in the titration
cell is not detected in the first minute (initial phase). Figure 8.12.2 depicts the titration of 40 mg water in the
The steepness of the curve increases as the water is presence of 5 mL acetone. Portion “b” of the curve is no
released from the sample. The curve levels off after about longer vertical and indicates a continual consumption of
10-20 minutes as the last traces of moisture are driven off the excess reagent and is caused by the ketal formation.
and the carrier gas purges the oven dry again. The “b” portion of the graph is in fact a straight line. The rate
of this side reaction is constant. The initial water content of
The end of the titration should be reached after a further
the sample can therefore be evaluated by extrapolation of
3-10 minutes. Curve A in Figure 8.11.2 depicts the ideal
the “b” portion of the curve to t = 0. The origin of the curve,
course of drying sodium tartrate dihydrate at 160°C.
t = 0, should therefore be carefully determined. The titration
Curve B depicts a sluggish release of water, as the oven
must start immediately after the sample is added or, even
temperature of 120°C is too low.
better, shortly before the sample is added. This latter
technique is called a “flying start”.
8.12 Titration curves
The graphical evaluation of the course of a titration
We find valuable to record the course of a titration in
enables the real water content of individual samples to be
terms of consumption of reagent vs. time during our
determined more accurately, in spite of a slow side reaction
investigations and in our development work. The titration
taking place. Such a method should always be used when
curves give insight into the course of the titration, indicate
the side reaction cannot be suppressed by suitable means.
potential sources of interference and enable a graphical
elimination of interferences and an evaluation of the actual In many cases, the titration curves can give an indication
water content. of the source of error, and making it possible to reduce or
even eliminate such interference. Figure 8.12.3 depicts the
Titration curves are obtained using commercially available
attempt to titrate the water content of dimethylpolysiloxane
titration instrument with an analog output fitted to the
in a methanolic working medium. A strong side reaction,
burette. An x-y recorder is connected to this output. The
the etherification of the silanol groups, is the cause of a
total titration is thus recorded. Many titrators offer the
continuous consumption of reagent. A low water content
opportunity to connect a PC or display the titration curve
could be inferred from the beginning of the titration curve.
on a monitor. Furthermore, we often titrate beyond the
If the same titration is carried out in a methanol-free
established end point in order to monitor any slow side
working medium according to the procedure 9.10.1, a
reactions that might have influenced the titration. This can
definite end point is obtained, as shown in Figure 8.12.4.
be clearly seen by the following examples.
The subsequently low consumption of reagent is a clear
Figure 8.12.1 shows the regular course of the titration of indication that the side reaction has been suppressed
40 mg water with Hydranal-Composite using Hydranal- sufficiently using the methanol-free medium, and that the
Methanol dry as the working medium. The efficiency of the end point given corresponds to the actual water content of
reagent is demonstrated by the rapid titration of the free the sample.
water, as seen from the “a” region of the curve. The gradient
of this portion of the titration curve is dependant upon the

HYDRANAL Manual 38 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

V [mL reagent] V [mL reagent]
b 10
EP b
6 8

a a

0 0
2 4 6 8 t [min] 2 4 6 8 t [min]

Figure 8.12.1. Titration of 40 mg water with HYDRANAL- Figure 8.12.2. Titration of 40 mg water with HYDRANAL-Composite in
Composite in methanolic working medium. methanolic working medium in the presence of 5 mL acetone.

V [mL reagent] V [mL reagent]

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1 EP
0 0
2 4 6 t [min] 2 4 6 t [min]

Figure 8.12.3. Titration of water content of dimethylpolysiloxane Figure 8.12.4. Titration of water content of dimethylpolysiloxane in
in methanolic working medium. methanol-free working medium

HYDRANAL Manual 39 Chapter 8. Variants of the KF titration caused by the matrix

Chapter 9. Organic compounds
The moisture analysis by KF titration is frequently applied in methanol. Even if the dissolution is incomplete, the
to organic compounds. It is important to adjust the titration water is still titrated completely. Lipophilic hydrocarbons
conditions to accommodate the variety of matrices and require the addition of 1-propanol, long-chain alcohols
functional groups of the compounds of interest. or Hydranal-Chloroform (sections 8.1 and 8.2), which
not only improves the solubility but also accelerates
9.1 Hydrocarbons the titration rate. Double bonds seldom interfere with
The determination of water in hydrocarbons is relatively the KF reaction, but can produce a slow or vanishing
straightforward and can usually be performed following end point. We recommend the Hydranal-Composite
the standard procedure described in section 5.3. for compounds possessing double bonds because
Solubility in the working medium may be an issue. the interferences are less apparent using this reagent.
Lower molecular weight hydrocarbons usually dissolve

Table 9.1. Titration procedures for hydrocarbons.

Compound Titration Procedure

n-Pentane Standard titration procedures (sections 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3)
iso-Octane Addition of 1-propanol or chloroform to the working medium is recommended
(sections 8.1 or 8.2)
Petroleum ether
Allocymene Addition of chloroform to the working medium is recommended (section 8.2)

HYDRANAL Manual 40 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

Because the water content of hydrocarbons is usually very to 1-tetradecene for a determination of water in carbon
low, the coulometric titration method is recommended. tetrachloride (L 001). We reduced the free chlorine in
If the water content is determined volumetrically, a 1,2-dichloroethane using an imidazole-sulfite solution
titrating reagent of low titer should be used, like Hydranal- (L 003). Note: This solution must not contain any iodide!
Composite 2 or Hydranal-Titrant 2.
Procedure 9.2.1 Addition of free chlorine across a
A summary of the titration methods we recommend for double bond
many common hydrocarbons is presented in Table 9.1. A 2 mL aliquot of 1-tetradecene is mixed with 20 mL of
the sample containing free chlorine. The solution turns
9.2 Halogenated hydrocarbons colorless within several minutes and the chlorine odor
disappears. The sample is chlorine-free with certainty after
The determination of water in halogenated hydrocarbons
10 minutes and can be titrated. Because the solubility of
is also straightforward. Typically, the solubility of these
1-tetradecene in methanol is poor, Hydranal-Chloroform
compounds in methanol is not a concern. The addition of
is added as described in section 8.2. The water content of
Hydranal-Chloroform may be necessary for more lipophilic
1-tetradecene is determined separately and accounted for
compounds. Coulometry is also the recommended
in the final calculations.
technique. The halogenated hydrocarbons we have
investigated and the recommended titration procedures Procedure 9.2.2 Reduction of free chlorine
are summarized in Table 9.2. A 10 g sample of Hydranal-Imidazole is dissolved in
100 mL Hydranal-Methanol dry prior to the addition of
Halogenated hydrocarbons can contain free chlorine as
5 g sulfur dioxide. A 2 mL aliquot of this imidazole-sulfite
a result of the manufacturing processes. The chlorine
solution is mixed with 100 mL of the sample containing the
oxidizes the iodide in the KF solution to iodine, which
free chlorine until the chlorine odor completely disappears.
then “titrates” the water in the sample. This causes the
A portion of the treated sample is taken and titrated
measured water content to be erroneously low by a factor
according to procedures 5.1-5.3. The water content of
corresponding to the amount of free chlorine. To remove
the imidazole-sulfite solution is similarly determined (blank
its interference on the titration, the free chlorine can be
titration) and corrected for in the calculations. Instead of the
reduced prior to the KF titration or it can be added across a
imidazole-sulfite solution, Hydranal-Solvent can be added.
double bond. We give examples of both of these techniques
in procedures 9.2.1 and 9.2.2. Free chlorine was bonded

Table 9.2. Titration procedures for halogenated hydrocarbons.

Compound Titration Procedure

Allyl chloride Standard titration procedures (sections 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3)
Benzyl chloride
Benzyl bromide
2-Chloro-6-fluorobenzyl chloride
Cyclohexyl chloride
1-Bromodecane Addition of alcohol or chloroform to the working medium is recommended (sections 8.1 or 8.2)
4-Chlorobenzhydryl chloride

HYDRANAL Manual 41 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

9.3 Alcohols The KF titration of most phenols is straightforward. Problems
The KF determination of water in alcohols is straightforward. are mainly encountered with the higher molecular weight
The solubility of alcohols in Hydranal-Methanol dry is phenols and with aminophenols.
usually better than their hydrocarbon counterparts. Addition Volumetric titrations are less susceptible to interference
of 1-propanol or 1-hexanol proves necessary only for very than coulometric titrations. The most suitable reagent is
lipophilic alcohols, like stearyl alcohol. Table 9.3 summarizes Hydranal-Composite.
the recommended procedures for alcohols that we have
An end point could not be reached when certain phenols were
titrated, but rather a continual consumption of iodine was
The water content of alcohols can also be determined observed. This phenomenon is pH dependant. An addition
coulometrically. For samples with high water content the of Hydranal-Salicylic acid suppressed this interference and
titration can take a relatively long time, so volumetric titration enabled a normal titration. We presume that such phenols
is preferred. are oxidized by iodine and that the oxidation process is pH
9.4 Phenols Interferences are encountered more frequently in coulometry.
We have investigated the KF titration of many phenolic This behavior can be explained by the higher oxidation
compounds using both coulometric and volumetric potential of the anode in comparison to that of free iodine.
titrations with one- and two-component reagents [12]. We
In several cases a deposition of material onto the electrodes
used the standard procedures described in sections 5.1,
was noticed (designated “D” in Table 9.4). The electrodes
5.2 and 5.3 and worked with a sample size of 10 g in each
were poisoned, i.e. the current yield was far too low and the
case. We also investigated the stability of the end point and
electrodes had to be cleaned in a chromic/sulfuric acid or a
the quantitative recovery rate of added water. Our results are
nitric acid solution.
presented in Table 9.4. The following general conclusions
can be drawn from the results.

Table 9.3. Titration procedures for alcohols.

Compound Titration Procedure
Ethanol Standard titration procedures (sections 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3)
Ethylene glycol
Benzyl alcohol
Stearyl alcohol Addition of alcohol or chloroform to the working medium is recommended (sections 8.1 or 8.2)

HYDRANAL Manual 42 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

We also found that the recovery rates of additionally added pertinent to analogous phenols can be drawn from the data
water were sometimes too high (designated “R” in Table in Table 9.4. For reliable results when working with phenolic
9.4). It could not be determined whether poisoned electrodes compounds, we recommend investigating the end point
were the cause. We also found unexpected recovery rates for stability and determining the recovery rate of added water.
water using volumetry, which must be due to other causes. The latter is easily accomplished by adding a known amount
of water, e.g. 1 mL Hydranal-Water Standard 1.0, to the
A systematic evaluation of the analytical results awaits
titrated phenol sample and continuing the titration.
additional laboratory data. However, a number of conclusions

Table 9.4. Titration procedures for phenols.

Compound HYDRANAL-Composite HYDRANAL-Solvent + HYDRANAL-Coulomat

Phenol Standard procedure 5.1 Standard procedure 5.2 Standard procedure 5.3
Salicylic acid
Methyl salicylate
Resorcinol dimethyl ether
o-Cresol Addition of salicylic acid (Procedure
Pyrocatechol Addition of salicylic acid
(Procedure 8.5.T) D, no end point
2-Naphthol D, R = 130%
8-Hydroxyquinoline R = 200%
Guaiacol D
Hydroquinone sluggish end point R = 110%
Hydroquinone monomethyl ether R = 110% R = 103%
Resorcinol R = 140% R = 200%
Pyrogallol max. 1 g no end point no end point
2-Aminophenol max 0.1 g no end point brown solution
3-Aminophenol max 0.1 g no end point brown solution
4-Aminophenol max 0.1 g no end point brown solution
(D = deposition of material, R = recovery rate)

HYDRANAL Manual 43 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

9.5 Ethers addition and leads to a falsely low water content.
The KF determination of water in ethers is straightforward 2-Methoxyethanol does not sufficiently inhibit the
and similar in principle to hydrocarbons. Lipophilic ethers formation of both ketals and acetals and results in a slow
require the addition of alcohols or chloroform to the titration rate. The levels of water are too high and, because
working medium (sections 8.1 and 8.2). only small samples can be analyzed, the accuracy of the
titration is negatively affected.
Coulometry is suitable for the determination of short-
chained and aromatic ethers. We found the titration end Our research identified suitable solvents that permit
point of ethylene glycol derivatives to be sluggish. An end determination of water in aldehydes and ketones without
point could not be reached with vinylethyl ether. The ethers adverse side reactions. These solvents are the basis of the
we investigated are summarized in Table 9.5. Hydranal K-type reagents.

Table 9.5. Titration procedures for ethers.

Compound Titration Procedure R R OCH3

Diethyl ether Standard titration procedures CH3OH
C=O+ C + H2O
1,4-Dioxane (sections 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3)
OCH3 3
Diethylene glycol monomethyl C=O+ C + H2O
ether R CH3OH of acetals
Figure 9.6.a. The formation
or ketals.

Diethylene glycol diethyl ether H H SO3 HNR’

Polyethylene glycol 200 C = O + SO2 + H2O + NR’ C
Polyethylene glycol 1000 RH RH SO3 HNR’
C = O + SO2 + H2O + NR’ C
R = Base
2-Iodanisole NR' = Base
Guaiacol Figure 9.6.b. The bisulfite addition.
Resorcinol dimethyl ether

Didecyl ether Addition of alcohol or chloroform

to the working medium is 9.6.1 Volumetric titration
recommended (sections 8.1 As a result of the challenges with KF titration of aldehydes
or 8.2)
and ketones, we developed special reagents for their
determination by volumetric titration:

9.6 Aldehydes and ketones • Hydranal-Composite 5 K

Both aldehydes and ketones pose problems with KF • Hydranal-Working Medium K

titration because they form acetals and ketals respectively • Hydranal-Medium K
with conventional KF reagents (Figure 9.6.a). The reaction
• Hydranal-KetoSolver
forms water, which is also titrated, resulting in vanishing
end points and erroneously high water content. With A detailed description of these reagents is presented in
aldehydes a second side reaction, the bisulfite addition, section 2.4. The following abbreviated working procedure
can also occur (Figure 9.6.b). This reaction consumes provides an introduction to its usage.
water and leads to erroneously low water content [1].
Procedure Aldehydes and Ketones
We have investigated the behavior of certain aldehydes 20-50 mL Hydranal-Working Medium K or Hydranal-
and ketones toward the KF titration. The results have Medium K or Hydranal-KetoSolver are added to the titration
been published [1, 11]. The reactivity of aliphatic ketones vessel and titrated to a stable end point with Hydranal-
decreases with increasing chain length. Aromatic ketones Composite 5 K. The sample is then added and immediately
are less reactive than aliphatic ketones. Aldehydes are titrated to a stable end point.
much more reactive than ketones and their tendency to
By using these reagents and following the recommended
undergo the bisulfite addition is particularly strong.
titration procedures, the side reactions of acetal or ketal
The formation of acetals and ketals can be suppressed formation and the bisulfite addition are significantly
by replacing methanol in the titrating agent with another suppressed. Consequently, interferences are not
solvent, typically pyridine and 2-methoxyethanol encountered in the titration of aldehydes and ketones.
(methylglycol). However, we found both of these solvents Other techniques can also reduce the influence of these
to be unsatisfactory [1, 11]. Pure pyridine alters the negative side reactions in certain cases, as described in
stoichiometry of the KF reaction, enhances the bisulfite the following discussion.
HYDRANAL Manual 44 Chapter 9. Organic compounds
The bisulfite addition reaction begins upon addition Diketones usually behave like normal ketones. Exceptions
of the sample to the sulfur dioxide-containing working are diacetyl ketone and 1,2-cyclohexandione to a certain
medium. Therefore, the KF titration should be started extent. The adjacent keto groups, particularly in diacetyl
immediately to prevent any water present in the titration ketone, are very reactive and only small amounts of sample
vessel from undergoing the bisulfite addition. We utilize can be analyzed. This is not the case with benzyl ketone
the “flying start” method whereby the sample is added presumably due to the aromatic substituents present in
within 20 seconds of start of the titration. The instrument this compound.
initiates the titration as soon as the sample is added.
Keto-carboxylic acids shift the pH of the working medium
Titrators should be programmed to add the reagent rapidly
and delay the course of the titration. Buffering the working
for the same reason. However, commercially available
medium slightly accelerates the titration and restores the pH.
instruments vary greatly in this respect.
Procedure Keto-carboxylic acids
Despite such precautions, some of the water can still
25 mL Hydranal-Medium K or Hydranal-Working Medium K
be bound as bisulfite adduct, especially when titrating
or Hydranal-KetoSolver or Hydranal-CompoSolver E
aromatic aldehydes. The dissociation of the bisulfite adduct
are added to the titration vessel, mixed with 0.1-0.5 g
must first occur in order to run a reliable determination of
Hydranal-Imidazole and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-
the water content in the sample. This is possible by using
Composite 5 K. The keto-carboxylic carboxylic acid sample
Hydranal-K reagents since they sufficiently suppress the
is then added and titrated in the usual manner.
formation of acetals and ketals.
Keto-carboxylic acids can be titrated according to
The amount of water to be titrated should be low enough so
procedure Exceptions are 2-oxo-propionic acid
that titrations are not inordinately long. We found sample
and 2-oxobutyric acid (alpha-keto acids), which exhibit
sizes that contain a total of 10-25 mg H2O are ideal. This
a strong tendency to undergo the bisulfite addition. The
amount of water consumes 2-5 mL of reagent.
amounts of Hydranal-Imidazole added must be kept small
We have investigated the moisture determination of a since it enhances the bisulfite addition.
number of aldehydes and ketones during the development
The pH of the working medium is not shifted by the esters
of the Hydranal-K reagents. These compounds are listed in
of keto-carboxylic acids, and they can be titrated according
Table 9.6. The table shows the name of the chemical and
to procedure
the water content. The water content given is for reference
only and is not to be taken as a limit. Column 3 lists the Many aldehydes can be analyzed in a similar manner.
size of the sample that can be titrated in a 25 mL volume of The formation of acetals cannot be detected under these
Hydranal-Working Medium K or Hydranal-Medium K. The titration conditions. On the other hand, the bisulfite
entry “10 mL” or “10 g” represents the largest sample size addition takes place very rapidly and the sample sizes
analyzed. Smaller sample sizes are indicated in column 4 usually have to be reduced. The “flying start” method is a
with a designation for the reason of the limited sample size: good way of reducing the influence of the bisulfite addition.

B = bisulfite addition Aromatic aldehydes are less reactive and consequently

I = indication interferences present fewer problems. Aliphatic aldehydes are more
L = limited solubility reactive. The formation of acetal with acetaldehyde
A = buffering of acid is particularly strong, and a sample size of only 2 mL
should be used for the titration. The reactivity decreases
The data in Table 9.6 shows that the determination
with increasing chain length and the sample size can be
of water in most ketones is straightforward. 10 mL
increased to 5 mL starting with butyraldehyde (see L 248).
samples of aliphatic ketones can be titrated without any
interference, even with acetone and cyclohexanone, which Formaldehyde does not undergo acetal formation and can
are particularly reactive. However, trifluoroacetone gives be titrated with methanolic reagents as in procedure 5.1 or
a noticeable bisulfite addition reaction so a “flying start” 5.2. However, the total water content cannot be determined.
titration and a verification of end point are required for its Typically only 50% H2O is found in a 35% formaldehyde
reliable determination. solution. Part of the water is bound as paraformaldehyde.
The total water content can be determined by carrying out
Aromatic ketones and long-chain aliphatic ketones are
the titration at 50°C according to procedure described in
less reactive and can also be titrated with Hydranal-
section 8.8. Details can be found in Laboratory Reports
Composite 5 and Hydranal-Medium K or Hydranal-
L 006 and L 386.
Working Medium K or Hydranal-KetoSolver or Hydranal-
CompoSolver E (the use of Hydranal-Composite 5 K is not A glyoxal solution (40%) behaves similarly to formamide
necessary). Most heterocyclic ketones perform similarly and can be titrated at elevated temperature (L 267). With
to aromatic ketones. With acetyl pyridine the bisulfite a glutaraldehyde solution (50%) we titrated free water at
addition is apparently activated by the pyridyl group, and room temperature and total water content at 50°C.
therefore interferes with the water determination.

HYDRANAL Manual 45 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

Table 9.6. Titration procedures for aldehydes and ketones.

Substance Water content Total amount Restriction

Aliphatic ketones
Acetone 0.064% 10 mL
Methyl-n-propyl ketone 0.22% 10 mL
Methyl-iso-butyl ketone 0.041% 10 mL
Ethyl-iso-butyl ketone 0.39% 10 mL
Allyl acetone 0.19% 10 mL
3-Octanone 0.082% 10 mL
2-Decanone 0.080% 10 mL
Dihexyl-ketone 0.0086% 5g I
Cyclohexanone 0.032% 10 mL
1,1,1-Trifluoroacetone 0.25% 10 mL B
Hexachloroacetone 0.12% 5 mL I
Aromatic ketones
Acetophenone 0.029% 10 mL
2-Fluoroacetophenone 0.21% 10 mL
2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone 0.021% 5g L
2-Aminoacetophenone 0.13 % 10 mL
Benzylmethyl ketone 0.038% 10 mL
Benzylacetone 0.64% 10 mL
Benzophenone 0.0032% 5g I
Benzoin 0.043% 2g L
Heterocyclic ketones
2-Acetylpyridine 0.39% 10 mL B
2-Pyrrolidone 0.058% 10 mL
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 0.021% 10 mL
2-Benzoylpyridine 0.016% 10 g
3-Acetylindol 0.34% 2g L
Diacetyl 0.10% 1 mL B
Acetylacetone 0.043% 10 mL
2,5-Hexandione 0.32% 10 mL
1,2-Cyclohexandione 0.90% 1g B
Benzoylacetone 0.037% 10 g
Benzil (Dibenzoyl) 0.032% 10 g
Dibenzoylmethane 0.036% 10 g
Keto-carboxylic acids and
2-Oxo-propionic acid 1.07% 10 mL B, A
2-Oxo-butyric acid 0.95% 1g B, A
Levulinic acid 0.22% 10 mL A
3-Phenyl propionic acid 0.020% 5g L
2-Acetylbenzoic acid 0.079% 5g L, A
2-Benzoyl benzoic acid 0.94% 10 mL
Ethyl acetoacetate 0.52% 10 mL
Ethyl levulinate 0.057% 10 mL
Ethyl benzoylacetate 0.033% 10 g

HYDRANAL Manual 46 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

Table 9.6. (continued)
Aliphatic aldehydes
Acetaldehyde 0.021% 2 mL B
Propionaldehyde 0.15% 2 mL B
n-Butyraldehyde 0.035% 5 mL B
Crotonaldehyde 0.10% 5 mL B
Octaldehyde 0.26% 5 mL B
Glycolaldehyde 0.25% 1g B, L
Chloral 0.12% 10 mL exothermic
Chloral hydrate 10.86% 0.5g high water content
Bromal 0 I
Paraldehyde 0.018% 10 mL
Cyclohexane carbaldehyde 0.027% 5 mL
Diphenylacetaldehyde 0.11% 10 mL B
Acetaldehyde diethylacetal 0.029% 10 mL
Bromacetaldehyde diethylacetal 0.043% 10 mL I
Aromatic aldehydes
Benzaldehyde 0.13% 5 mL B
2-Bromobenzaldehyde 0.10% 2 mL B
Salicylaldehyde 0.027% 10 mL
3-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 0.22% 5g B
2-Anisaldehyde 0.040% 10 mL B
4-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 0.016% 10 g
Phenylglyoxal 1.00% 0.5 g
(B = bisulfite addition, I = indication interferences, L = limited solubility, A = buffering of acid)

9.6.2 Coulometric titration Use of methanol as the solvent is particularly detrimental

We have also developed reagents for the coulometric because it enhances the formation of ketals. The
determination of water in ketones: coulometric titration cell must be thoroughly cleaned
when replacing conventional methanol-containing
• Hydranal-Coulomat AK
coulometric reagents with Hydranal K-type reagents. If
• Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K ketones are analyzed on a regular basis, we recommend
having a separate coulometric titration cell dedicated to
The composition of both solutions is described in section
this analysis to prevent the need for frequent cleaning or
2.4. Hydranal-Coulomat AK is the anolyte and is added to
the possibility of methanol contamination.
the anodic compartment of the titration cell. Hydranal-
Coulomat CG-K is the corresponding catholyte. Their Iodine solutions based on methanol must not be used
use in determining water by coulometric titration was to dry the reagents used in the ketone titration cell. We
discussed in section 5.3. However, certain unique features recommend the use of Hydranal-Composite 5 or a solution
of this reagent should be mentioned in further detail. of iodine in diethylene glycol monoethyl ether.

The solvent system of the reagent has been carefully made The reagent can be used in the usual way for the determination
up to meet the demands of ketone analysis using modern of water in ketones. The samples sizes should be relatively
KF instruments. The composition of the reagent has small, preferably 1 mL. The sample size of reactive ketones,
been optimized and should not be altered by the addition such as cyclohexanone, should only be 0.2 mL or 0.5 mL.
of other solvents. For the same reason, no more than Larger samples can cause serious instrument drift and
20 mL of liquid sample per 100 mL of reagent should be eventually an end point will not be reached. The instrument
used. The same restrictions apply to the analysis of solids also influences the sample size.
dissolved in solvents. We recommend a 4:1 (v/v) solution
After several ketone samples have been analyzed in the
of 2-methoxyethanol and Hydranal-Chloroform, or the
reagent, the instrument indicates a drift or a residual current.
solvents used individually, because they ensure minimal
This drift corresponds to the amount of water that the
alteration to the electrolytic properties of the anolyte.

HYDRANAL Manual 47 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

instrument removes per minute. This also means that in a [7, 9]. Some of the acids investigated are shown in Table
drifting cell there is a continual consumption of reagent. It is 9.7. Interferences in the determination of carboxylic acids
therefore understandable that a titration cell that has been are primarily due to the formation of water during the
used for a number of successive ketone titrations will have a esterification reaction. This is more evident when the
permanent consumption of reagent. The reagent in the cell sensitive coulometric titration is used. Propionic acid is an
will be spent within a few days even if it has not been used for example. The water content can be successfully determined
the titration of further samples. volumetrically whereas the interference due to esterification
is noticeable when coulometric methods are used.
Aldehydes can be analyzed with the same reagent but
with some restrictions. Aldehydes undergo the same side Dichloroacetic acid exhibits a slight tendency to esterify and
reactions, but more rapidly than corresponding ketones. The must therefore be neutralized. The titration is conducted
water content of benzaldehyde, representative of aromatic according to procedure 8.6.
aldehydes, can be determined with an acceptable degree of
This procedure also applies to other acids [7]. A buffered
accuracy if the sample size is restricted to 0.5 mL. Aromatic
working medium accelerates the dissolution of citric acid
aldehydes undergo the bisulfite addition and, like ketones,
and enables a rapid titration according to procedure 8.6.
the dissociation of the bisulfite adduct must occur first in
order to run a reliable determination of the water content The tendency of a carboxylic acid to esterify decreases with
in the sample. The acetal formation with n-butyraldehyde increasing chain length. Butyric acid, malonic acid, salicylic
is particularly strong and the delay time of the instrument acid and many other carboxylic acids do not esterify and can
should not be set too high. This side reaction decreases be analyzed according to the standard procedures presented
with increasing chain length. Side reactions predominate in in sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. The solubility of lipophilic (longer
acetaldehyde to such an extent that it cannot be analyzed. chain length) carboxylic acids can be improved by addition of
1-propanol or Hydranal-Chloroform to the working medium
An accurate determination of water in aldehydes should
(Procedures 8.1 and 8.2). Titration at elevated temperature
be carried out using the volumetric titration with Hydranal-
can also be carried out, and is advantageous for compounds
Composite 5 K and Hydranal-Medium K or Hydranal-Working
such as stearic acid.
Medium K or Hydranal-KetoSolver. Hydranal-Coulomat
AK and Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K can also be used to Formic acid is difficult because it is prone to esterification
investigate other compounds, like hydrocarbons, halogenated and iodometric oxidation (L 171). The esterification can
hydrocarbons or alcohols. They are not suitable for the analysis be suppressed by using a non-methanolic solvent. A 2 mL
of acids and bases. sample of formic acid can be titrated in Hydranal-Working
Medium K according to procedure 8.4.O. The side reaction,
Using the same reagent for the determination of the water
presumably oxidation by iodine, is enhanced by attempts to
content of a mixture of ketones and other substances is
neutralize formic acid.
possible if the substance does not chemically react with the
ketone. Therefore, alcohols cannot be investigated in the Terephthalic acid and similar carboxylic acids are difficult
presence of ketones. to dissolve. If titrated as a suspension, only the adherent
moisture is determined. We dry a 2 g sample at 200°C in the
We have found it economical and practical to titrate
KF oven and set the instrument for a 30 second delay time.
aldehydes/ketones and other compounds in separate,
Amino acids are similar in that only the adherent moisture
dedicated cells. The standard reagents for coulometry,
is determined by a titration of the suspension. Amino acids
Hydranal-Coulomat A/AG/AG-H/E and Hydranal-Coulomat
can be analyzed using the oven technique, the drying
CG, have a significantly higher water capacity than the
temperature being optimized for the particular compound.
Hydranal-K reagents.
A titration of esters of carboxylic acids is usually
straightforward, as they remain neutral. The solubility in
9.7 Carboxylic acids, esters and salts
methanol decreases with increasing chain length, and the
The determination of water in carboxylic acids is usually
addition of 1-propanol or Hydranal-Chloroform according to
straightforward provided the acids are soluble. Stronger
procedures 8.1 and 8.2 respectively, proves helpful.
acids have to be neutralized prior to the titration in order to
maintain the pH of the KF system. Certain carboxylic acids A coulometric analysis of ethyl acrylate is straightforward.
(formic acid, acetic acid), tend to undergo side reactions and We added Hydranal-Chloroform according to procedure 8.2
require special treatment [1]. The esters of carboxylic acids for the volumetric determination. Dimethyl terephthalate
can be analyzed without any difficulty. More problematic are dissolves only slowly in mixture of Hydranal-Chloroform
the salts of carboxylic acids since they do not dissolve readily and Hydranal-Methanol dry. Since the titration takes a long
(see section 10.1). time, atmospheric moisture can affect the results of the
determination of the low water content of the sample. We
The determination of water can be conducted either
therefore used a KF coulometer and a drying oven with an
volumetrically or coulometrically. We have investigated
oven temperature of 120°C and a delay time of 30 seconds.
both methods in detail, and the results have been published

HYDRANAL Manual 48 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

The salts of carboxylic acids can be determined without any Table 9.8.1, working methods tested by us and recommended
difficulty if they are sufficiently soluble. Sodium benzoate is sample sizes are given. For coulometry the given sample
a prime example (L 339). We often carry out such titrations weight is the sum of approximately 10 to 20 equally sized
at elevated temperature (section 8.8) and add Hydranal- samples. The investigation techniques and results are
Formamide dry (Procedure 8.3) in order to dissolve the summarized in an extensive Laboratory Report (L 288).
sample as rapidly as possible. We have used these techniques Additional nitrogen compounds can be found in the Index of
for investigating tripotassium citrate (L 241), diammonium Laboratory Reports in section 14.2.
hydrogen citrate, trisodium citrate dihydrate, potassium
Weak basic amines of the first group with pKb values above
sodium tartrate tetrahydrate and sodium glutamate.
8 (mainly heterocyclic amines) resemble hydrocarbons
The water is released at room temperature so slowly from and can be analyzed according to the standard procedures
the magnesium salts of aspartic acid and aspartic acid given in sections 5.1 and 5.2. A coulometric determination
hydrochloride that a titration is not possible. However, the according to procedure 5.3 is also possible.
titration at 50°C in the presence of Hydranal-Formamide dry
The second group comprises strongly basic amines, mainly
takes 3-5 minutes.
aliphatic amines, which alter the pH of the KF system and
The disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid cause fading end points. They must be neutralized by the
(EDTA-Na2 • 2H2O) is similar and also requires the addition addition of an excess of Hydranal-Benzoic acid or Hydranal-
of Hydranal-Formamide dry and a titration at elevated Salicylic acid to the working medium or by the use of
temperature (L 012). Hydranal-Buffer for Bases, in accordance with procedure
8.5. The sample size must be such that it will be completely
Table 9.7. Titration procedures for carboxylic acids, esters and salts. neutralized by the benzoic acid or by the Hydranal-
Buffer for Bases.
Compound Titration procedure
Butyric acid Standard titration procedures The third group of amines is irregular [1]. A stable end point
(sections 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3) cannot be achieved with aniline, toluidine, aminophenol and
2-Ethylhexanoic acid
certain diamines, even when they have been neutralized
Mandelic acid
before titration. We presume the presence of a side reaction,
Cinnamic acid although its chemical nature has not been confirmed. It is
Malonic acid possibly an N-methylation reaction of the aromatic amine. An
Fumaric acid oxidation reaction with excess iodine is also conceivable as
Tartaric acid well as anodic oxidation in coulometry. These side reactions
are partly pH dependant and can be suppressed by making
Citric acid
the conditions strongly acidic by the addition of Hydranal-
Benzoic acid
Salicylic Acid in a methanol-free solvent system or by using
Salicylic acid Hydranal-Buffer for Bases. In some extreme cases sulfur
Naphthalenecarboxylic acid dioxide can also be used for this purpose. We recommend the
Indolecarboxylic acid following procedures.
Nicotinic acid Procedure 9.8.O Nitrogenous compounds, one-
Dichloroacetic acid Neutralization according to component volumetric titration
procedure 8.6 30 mL Hydranal-Buffer for Bases or 30 mL Hydranal-
Bromoacetic acid
Methanol dry and 5 g Hydranal-Salicylic acid are added to
Trichloroacetic acid
the titration vessel. The Hydranal-Salicylic acid is added to
Acetic acid See discussion in section 9.7
a funnel, inserted into the opening in the lid of the titration
Propionic acid vessel and washed into the vessel with Hydranal-Methanol
Formic acid dry. The solution is titrated to dryness with Hydranal-
Composite. Then the base under investigation is weighed
9.8 Compounds containing nitrogen into the cell and titrated with Hydranal-Composite.
The amine bases represent the most important group of
Procedure 9.8.T Nitrogenous compounds, two-
compounds that contain nitrogen. This group consists of
component volumetric titration
aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic amines. The amines act
30 mL Hydranal-Solvent and 6 g Hydranal-Salicylic acid
very differently toward the KF titration but can be classified
are added to the titration vessel. The Hydranal-Salicylic
into three groups:
acid is added to a funnel, inserted into the opening in the
• Weakly basic compounds lid of the titration vessel and washed into the vessel with
• Strongly basic compounds Hydranal-Solvent. The solution is titrated to dryness with
Hydranal-Titrant. Then the base under investigation is
• Compounds that undergo side reactions
weighed into the vessel and titrated with Hydranal-Titrant
We have investigated a large number of nitrogenous bases. In in the same way.

HYDRANAL Manual 49 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

Table 9.8.1. Titration procedures for amines.

Substance of investigation HYDRANAL-Composite HYDRANAL-Solvent HYDRANAL-Coulomat

+ Titrant
Procedure Sample mass Procedure Sample mass Procedure Sample mass
Aliphatic Amines
n-Propylamine 8.5.O 1.5 g 9.8.T 1.0 g 8.5.C 2.0 g
iso-Propylamine 8.5.O 2.0 g 9.8.T 1.5 g 8.5.C 3.0 g
n-Butylamine 8.5.O 2.0 g 9.8.T 1.5 g 8.5.C 2.0 g
n-Hexylamine 8.5.O 3.0 g 9.8.T 3.0 g 8.5.C 3.0 g
3-Methoxypropylamine 8.5.O 3.0 g 9.8.T 2.0 g 8.5.C 3.0 g
tris-Hydroxymethylaminomethane 8.5.O 3.0 g 9.8.S 3.0 g 8.5.C 2.0 g
2-Aminoethanol 8.5.O 2.0 g 9.8.S 2.0 g 8.5.C 1.0 g
Cyclohexylamine 8.5.O 2.0 g 8.5.T 2.0 g 8.5.C 5.0 g
Dipentylamine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 4.0 g 8.5.C 6.0 g
Dicyclohexylamine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 2.0 g 8.5.C 15.0 g
Diethanolamine 8.5.O 5.0 g 8.5.T 4.0 g 8.5.C 7.0 g
Triethylamine 8.5.O 4.0 g 8.5.T 4.0 g 8.5.C 7.0 g
N,N-Dimethylethanolamine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 2.0 g 8.5.C 7.0 g
Triethanolamine 8.5.O 5.0 g 8.5.T 5.0 g 8.5.C 7.0 g
N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine 8.5.O 4.0 g 8.5.T 4.0 g 8.5.C 10.0 g

1,2-Diaminoethane 9.8.O 0.5 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
Diethylenetriamine 9.8.O 1.0 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
Triethylenetetramine 9.8.O 0.5 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
Tetraethylenepentamine 9.8.O 0.5 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
3-(N,N-dimethylamino)-propylamine 9.8.O 1.5 g 9.8.S 1.0 g n.d.
Hexamethylenediamine 9.8.O 2.0 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.

Cyclic amines
Pyrrolidine 9.8.O 1.0 g 8.5.T 1.5 g 5.3 1.0 g
Piperidine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 3.0 g 5.3 4.0 g
1-Methylpiperidine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 3.0 g 5.3 10.0 g
Piperazine 8.5.O 1.5 g 8.5.T 1.5 g 5.3 2.0 g
Morpholine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 3.0 g 5.3 10.0 g

Aromatic Amines
Aniline 9.8.K 5.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 1.5 g
o-Toluidine 9.8.K 5.0g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 2.0 g
m-Toluidine 9.8.K 5.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 1.0 g
4-Anisidine 9.8.K 3.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 1.0 g
2-Aminophenol 9.8.K 1.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g n.d.
1-Naphthylamine 9.8.K 5.0 g 9.8.S 2.0 g 8.4.C 2.0 g
N-Methyl aniline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 10.0 g
N,N-Dimethylaniline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 10.0 g
N,N-Diethylaniline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 20.0 g
Diphenylamine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 5.0 g
1,2-Phenylenediamine 9.8.K 1.0 g n.d. n.d.
1,3-Phenylenediamine 9.8.K 1.0 g n.d. n.d.
4-Methyl-1,2-phenylenediamine n.d. n.d. n.d.

Heterocyclic amines
Pyridine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
2-Picoline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
Chinoline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
Imidazole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
1-Methylimidazole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.5 g
Benzimidazole 5.1 1.0 g 5.2 1.0 g 5.3 1.0 g
1,3,5-Triazine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 6.0 g
1,2,4-Triazole 5.1 1.0 g 5.2 1.0 g 5.3 5.0 g
Benzothiazole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 20.0 g
Pyrrole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
Indole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
Carbazole 5.1 0.2 g 5.2 1.0 g 5.3 0.5 g
Nicotine 5.1 4.0 g 5.2 3.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
8-Hydroxychinoline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
2-Aminopyridine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
3-Aminopyridine 9.8.0 3.0 g 9.8.T 2.0 g n.r.
2-Aminobenzothiazole 9.8.0 5.0 g 9.8.T 2.0 g n.r.

n.d. = not determinable , n.r. = not recommended

HYDRANAL Manual 50 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

Procedure 9.8.S Nitrogenous compounds, 9.9 Compounds containing sulfur
volumetric titration Most sulfur-containing compounds, like sulfides,
15 mL Hydranal-Solvent and 15 mL of a methanolic sulfur disulfides and sulfonic acids do not present any difficulty in
dioxide solution (3 mol SO2/ liter) are added to the titration the determination of their water content. The mercaptans
vessel and titrated to dryness using Hydranal-Titrant. The (thiols) are an exception because they are oxidized by the
base under investigation is weighed into the vessel and iodine and the water content is erroneously high. This
titrated in the same way with Hydranal-Titrant. oxidation is rapid and quantitative and can thus be utilized
The interferences are more pronounced in coulometric for the removal of thiols.
titrations and occasionally cause poisoned electrodes. 2 RSH + I2  RSSR + 2 HI
Coulometry is therefore only marginally suitable. Salicylic
acid can also be used for acidification in coulometry, We investigated this technique with cysteine hydrochloride
although salicylate anions (if the acid is fully neutralized) monohydrate [3]. The sulfide group is first iodometrically
can also cause poisoning of electrodes. Therefore, we do oxidized in the titration vessel with Hydranal-Titrant
not recommend the use of salicylic acid. In certain cases, using Hydranal-Formamide dry as the solvent (i.e. in
especially aromatics, a methanol-free working medium is the absence of sulfur dioxide). Hydranal-Solvent is then
advisable. In these cases, procedure 8.4 is followed. added and titrated with Hydranal-Titrant. The water is
thereby determined.
Certain compounds give more reliable titrations in
a methanol-free and acidified working medium, for Details of this analysis can be found in the literature [3].
example aniline (L 030), ethylenediamine (L 027) or The water content of all solvents used must be determined
diethylenetriamine and homologous molecules (L 026). by a blank titration and corrected for in the calculations.
Procedure 9.8 K can be used for these compounds. The This method appears to be applicable only to samples
sample size is limited with these compounds because the with relatively high water content. The coupling of thiols
side reaction cannot be fully suppressed. of low water content to N-ethylmaleimide, according to
Francis and Pershing (Figure 9.9), appears to be more
Procedure 9.8.K Reactive nitrogenous compounds, suitable. This method can also be used for cysteine. We
volumetric titration have investigated N-acetylcysteine (L 315), L-cysteine
25 mL Hydranal-Working Medium K and 5 g Hydranal- hydrochloride (L 316, 317), S-carboxymethyl-L-cysteine
Salicylic acid are added to the titration vessel and titrated (L 318). We also verified this method with 1-octanethiol
to dryness using Hydranal-Composite 5. Then a maximum (L 032), thioglycolic acid (L 256), ethylthioglycolate
of 30 mmol amine base is added. The water content is (L 280) and glycerinemonothioglycolate (L 173).
titrated with Hydranal-Composite 5.

The determination of water in acid amides does not present

any difficulties. They can be analyzed according to the O
standard procedures 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (Table 9.8.2). =

The titration of nitro-compounds is equally straightforward. H C
They can be analyzed according to the standard RSH + N– C 2 H 5 N – C2 H 5

procedures 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. However, nitro-compounds H C RS C

are chemically reduced in coulometry without a diaphragm C C

and cannot be titrated with this method. Determination of O O

the water content of hydroxylamine and hydrazine salts is
difficult since both compounds are oxidized by iodine in Figure 9.9. The coupling of thiols to N-ethylmaleimide.
neutral solutions and a titration is only possible in strongly
acidic conditions. A water determination with Hydranal-
Composite does not allow a pH adjustment in the solvent
and, therefore, hydroxyammonium salts give erroneously Procedure 9.9 Sulfur-containing compounds
high water content. Indication irregularities occur 20 mL Hydranal-Methanol dry, 5 mL Hydranal-Buffer for
with hydrazine. Acids and 1 g N-ethylmaleimide (8 mmol) are added to
the titration vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-
Table 9.8.2. Titration procedures for amides.
Composite, after which 0.5 g (approximately 3.3 mmol)
Compound Titration Procedure 1-octanethiol are added. The conversion is complete after
Formamide Standard titration procedures about 5 minutes and the free water can then be determined
(sections 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3) using Hydranal-Composite.
Chloroacetamide We could determine water content <0.1% using this
N,N-Dimethylacetamide method. This analytical technique can also be applied to
other mercaptans if the above referenced (and optimized)
ratios can be maintained.

HYDRANAL Manual 51 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

The behavior of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is very unusual thereby formed can be titrated. This is an indirect analysis
(L 141). Although stable end points are obtained in the of silanol groups using KF reagents. Boron trifluoride is
presence of dimethyl sulfoxide, the recovery rates for used as the catalyst and its amount is chosen to maintain
water are erroneously low. The recovery rate is reduced to a pH of 2.5-3. Hydranal-Chloroform is added to improve
95% by 5% DMSO by volume and to 80% by 25% DMSO the solubility. The etherification is further enhanced by a
in methanolic solutions. The use of DMSO as a solvent is temperature of 50°C.
questionable and should be closely scrutinized.
Procedure 9.10.2 Siloxanes, elevated temperature
20 mL Hydranal-Solvent, 30 mL Hydranal-Chloroform and
9.10 Siloxanes, silanols 4 mL boron trifluoride-diethyl ether complex are added to
Difficulties are encountered in the determination of water the titration vessel, heated to 50°C and titrated to dryness
in dimethylpolysiloxanediol having the following structure: with Hydranal-Titrant. Approximately 0.5 g siloxane are
then added and titrated.
CH 3

HO˗ Si˗O˗ H 9.11 Peroxides

We have investigated the water determination of some

CH 3 n peroxides (L 279). Iodine is formed with the Karl Fischer

reagent according to two possible reactions:
The outer silanol groups etherify with the methanol in
Reaction 1:
the reagent and the end point of the KF titration fades. A
ROOH + 2 HI  ROH + I2 + H2O
titration using a methanol-free reagent is possible (L 057).
A comparison of both titrations is given by Figures 8.12.3 Reaction 2:
and 8.12.4. R-CO-OO-CO-R + 2 HI  2 RCOOH + I2

Procedure 9.10.1 Siloxanes For one side, the hydroperoxides produce equimolar
30 mL Hydranal-Working Medium K are added to the amounts of iodine and water, which can be reacted with a
titration vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal- sufficient excess of sulfite, so that the KF titration is not
Composite 5. 5 g siloxane are then weighed by difference disturbed (Reaction 1). All other peroxides react according
and added. The water content is titrated with Hydranal- to Reaction 2, although with different reaction rates. The
Composite 5. Stop time: 10 seconds. water determination is carried out at lower temperature in
order to suppress side reactions. An overview is given in
The water content of methyl hydrogen polysiloxane can be
Table 9.11.
determined using the same procedure.
For details, refer to titration methods in section 8.7,
It is also possible to accelerate the etherification of the
literature publication [15] and Laboratory Report L 279.
silanol groups catalytically to an extent that the water

Table 9.11. Titration recommendations for peroxides.

Compound Side reaction product Reaction rate Recommendation

Hydroperoxide ROOH I2 + H2O immediate SO2 excess
Perester R-CO-OO-R’ I2 slow 0°C
Diacylperoxide I2 fast -20°C
Percarbonate I2 very fast -40°C

HYDRANAL Manual 52 Chapter 9. Organic compounds

Chapter 10. Inorganic compounds
The chemical structures of inorganic compounds differ The solubility of the different salts varies greatly. Zinc sulfate
very greatly, and substances must be differentiated and heptahydrate dissolves very quickly and the titration of the
treated individually if necessary [1]. A number of common water content is straightforward. Zinc sulfate monohydrate
fundamental rules are given in this section, together with dissolves slowly and incompletely and not all of the water is
recommendations of working procedures. titrated. The water of crystallization in manganese sulfate
monohydrate cannot be titrated because this substance
10.1 Salts is insoluble.

Salts of inorganic and organic acids as well as other Problems can be encountered with the salts of copper.
crystalline compounds can comprise water in various ways: When the two-component reagent is used, the instrumental
• Water of crystallization indication shows an immediate end point. Cupric ions
apparently depolarize the indicator electrodes. This
• Entrapped moisture interference is not observed when Hydranal-Composite is
• Adherent moisture used. The water contents found are 0.5 mol too low as the
cupric copper has an oxidizing effect in the KF solution [1].
The method used to determine the water content can
sometimes differentiate between adherent moisture and Iron(III) salts behave similarly. Titration of iron(III) chloride
water of crystallization or included (entrapped) water. hexahydrate was possible with Hydranal-Composite
(L 023). With sodium molybdates (L 231) the water content
10.1.1 Water of crystallization found was far too high. Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II)
trihydrate can only be titrated with the one-component
The water of crystallization can only be determined
reagent Hydranal-Composite (L 334).
quantitatively when the sample can be dissolved in a
suitable solvent. Suitable solvents are Hydranal-Methanol When substances dissolve slowly, as is the case with
dry and Hydranal-Solvent in accordance with procedures barium chloride dihydrate or cadmium acetate dihydrate,
5.1 and 5.2. The addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry finely grinding the sample can help.
according to procedure 8.3 or a titration at elevated
With certain hydrates, the water of crystallization can be
temperature according to procedure in section 8.8 can
titrated without the sample actually dissolving. An example
also be utilized. Usually the working conditions should
of such a hydrate is calcium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate,
ensure that the sample dissolves within 3-5 minutes. We
CaHPO4 • 2 H2O, which can be titrated at 50°C in the
have analyzed a number of hydrates as summarized in
presence of Hydranal-Formamide dry within 20 minutes
Table 10.1.1.
using the two-component reagent. Such substances can
Table 10.1.1. Titration procedures for hydrates. be titrated as suspensions, though care must be taken to
ensure that the water content diffuses out of the crystal
Compound Titration procedure lattice. The titration time can be reduced by grinding
Aluminum sulfate octadecahydrate Titration according to the sample.
Ammonium iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate standard procedures
The hydrates of calcium sulfate are somewhat unique. The
Ammonium oxalate monohydrate (sections 5.1, 5.2) or
water of crystallization in calcium sulfate dihydrate cannot
Barium acetate monohydrate addition of formamide
be titrated, whereas the water of the hemihydrate (fired
Barium chloride dihydrate (section 8.3)
Cadmium acetate dihydrate plaster) can be.
Calcium chloride dihydrate
Iron (II) chloride tetrahydrate 10.1.2 Entrapped moisture
Iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate Many anhydrous crystalline salts include approximately
Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate
0.1-0.3% water. This causes the product to harden during
Potassium oxalate monohydrate
storage. The same is true for organic crystalline substances,
Copper sulfate pentahydrate
e.g. sugar. This entrapped moisture can only be determined
Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate by volumetric analysis when the substance completely
Magnesium sulfate hexahydrate dissolves. A titration according to procedures 5.1 or 5.2 can
Manganese (II) chloride tetrahydrate then be conducted. The addition of Hydranal-Formamide
Disodium hydrogenphosphate-12-hydrate dry can help in many cases (Procedure 8.3). A number of
Sodium hypophosphite monohydrate substances investigated are given in Table 10.1.2.
Sodium tartrate dihydrate
Another method to determine the amount of entrapped
Nickel sulfate hexahydrate
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate water is by using a drying oven. Some substances release
Zinc sulfate monohydrate entrapped moisture at temperature around 300°C, so that

HYDRANAL Manual 53 Chapter 10. Inorganic compounds

the combination of a drying oven and a KF instrument, contents. They must be neutralized in a methanol-free
as described in procedure 8.11, could be used. We have medium beforehand.
analyzed iron(III) salts (L 023), iron(III) pyrophosphate
Procedure 10.2 Acids, oxides and carbonates
(L 252) and tri-magnesium phosphate (L 250) with
A 100 mL measuring flask is filled with 50 mL dry
this method.
(<0.01% H2O) pyridine. Approximately 5 g of the acid to be
determined are then accurately weighed out and added to
Table 10.1.2. Titration procedures for anhydrous salts. the flask. After cooling to room temperature, the pyridinium
salt precipitate is brought into solution by filling the flask to
Compound Titration procedure the 100 mL mark with Hydranal-Methanol dry. An aliquot
of this is taken and its water content determined according
Ammonium chloride Titration according to standard
Ammonium nitrate procedures (sections 5.1, 5.2) or to procedure 5.1 or 5.2.
Potassium chloride addition of formamide The calculation of the water content of the acid must take
Potassium fluoride (L 244) (section 8.3) the water content of the pyridine and the methanol into
Potassium hexafluorophosphate
account. These values must be determined separately.
(L 247)
Potassium hydrogen fluoride Sulfuric acid (L 049) and sulfuric acid/hydrofluoric acid
Potassium iodide mixtures (L 050) are analyzed according to this procedure.
Potassium nitrate A special procedure has been established for anhydrous
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate hydrofluoric acid. This acid is determined directly in a mixture
Sodium iodide of Hydranal-Methanol dry and Hydranal-Imidazole (L 051).

Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid has to be neutralized with

10.1.3 Adherent moisture
Hydranal-Buffer for Acids (L 337).
If only the adherent moisture on the surface of the sample
is to be determined, the dissolution of the substance KF solutions are always weakly acidic and can react with
must be prevented. Furthermore, the titration should be oxides, for example CaO:
conducted very swiftly in order to prevent the diffusion
of water of crystallization or entrapped moisture into the
CaO + 2 HI  Cal2 + H2O
titration. We use the following procedure that uses a high
proportion of Hydranal-Chloroform to prevent dissolution:

Procedure 10.1.3 Inorganic salts, adherent moisture The water formed in the reaction is also titrated. This
5 mL Hydranal-Solvent and 20 mL Hydranal-Chloroform reaction is quantitative with strongly basic oxides, and
are added to the titration vessel and titrated to a stable end can occur so quickly that the amounts of water liberated
point. A large sample, 2-5 g, is then added and immediately
titrated with Hydranal-Titrant to a 5 second end point. If Table 10.2. Titration procedures for oxides and carbonates.
a partial dissolution of the sample cannot be prevented,
a graphical evaluation of the titration, as described in Compound Titration procedure
section 8.12, can be conducted to distinguish between Aluminum oxide Titration according to standard
adherent moisture and water of crystallization. Chromium dioxide procedure 5.1 or 5.2
Iron(III) oxide
Bismuth oxide
10.2 Acids, oxides and carbonates
Tin(IV) oxide
Two important points must be made when determining the Calcium carbonate
water content of acids. First, the acids must be neutralized
Antimony oxide Buffer with HYDRANAL-Buffer for
to prevent a shift in the working pH of the KF solution. Copper(II) oxide Acids according to 8.5
Second, certain acids tend to undergo esterification that Manganese(IV) oxide
forms water and gives falsely high results [1].
Lead(II) oxide React rapidly with KF reagents
The working technique as described in section 8.6 is Calcium oxide
therefore employed for the titration of acids, i.e. the acids Calcium peroxide
are neutralized in the titration vessel with Hydranal- Magnesium oxide
Mercury oxide
Imidazole or Hydranal-Buffer for Acids. This method only
Silver oxide
applies to aqueous acids.
Zinc oxide
Concentrated acids like gaseous hydrogen chloride or Zinc peroxide
96% sulfuric acid would undergo partial esterification Sodium hydrogen carbonate
with methanol and lead to erroneously high water Potassium hydrogen carbonate

HYDRANAL Manual 54 Chapter 10. Inorganic compounds

actually correspond to the stoichiometry. Other oxides
react sluggishly and the reaction can be sufficiently
suppressed by buffering the medium to pH 7 to enable an
accurate determination of the water content. A number of
fired oxides are stable and no difficulties are encountered.
Hydroxides, carbonates and certain salts of weak acids
have titration behavior similar to the oxides.

Fired antimony oxide can be titrated directly, precipitated

antimony oxide dissolves only slowly. When working with
these compounds, we recommend benzyl alcohol as the
working medium and titrating to a 5 second end point.
Precipitated manganese dioxide is very reactive and
requires an immediate titration in a buffered medium.
Sodium hydrogen carbonate and potassium hydrogen
carbonate react quantitatively with the KF reagent and the
stoichiometrically formed water (1 mol/mol NaHCO3) can
be subtracted in the calculations.

HYDRANAL Manual 55 Chapter 10. Inorganic compounds

Chapter 11. Foods and natural products
Food and other natural products are often subject to Sugar replacements like sorbitol (L 320) or xylite (xylitol)
moisture analysis. Moisture affects shelf life, packaging (L 324) also need Hydranal-Formamide dry.
properties and texture of foods and the careful control
The water content of potato starch must be measured at
is necessary to maintain product quality. We have
elevated temperature according to section 8.8 (L 072)
investigated the determination of water in food products
because the water is released slowly and incompletely
extensively over the past years. Data on specific products
at room temperature. The same is true for wheat flour
[10] as well as a summary of techniques have been
(L 068). Wheat grits are coarse and must be finely ground
published [1]. We have found that KF titration is more
before a titration at 50°C is possible (L 067). A titration in
reliable than determining the water content by the loss
boiling Hydranal-Methanol dry according to procedure 8.9
on drying method. We typically recommend volumetric
is preferred.
titration for solid food products that are insoluble in usual
KF working media.
11.2 Fats and fatty products
Because foods often contain complex cellular structures
Fats present a problem because of their poor solubility
that release water very slowly even if finely divided,
in methanol. Chloroform or long chain alcohols are often
we often combine titration at elevated temperature
used as a solvent agent [1, 10].
(section 8.8) with an addition of Hydranal-Formamide
dry (Procedure 8.3). We have also carried out titrations in Sunflower oil can be titrated according to procedure 8.2
boiling Hydranal-Methanol dry (Procedure 8.9), a method with an addition of Hydranal-Chloroform to the working
that proves very advantageous for a large number of food medium. The sample is added using a plastic syringe
samples. without the needle due to its viscosity. A titration agent
of low titer should be chosen for the titration (L 075), as
It is impossible to define one titration method that works
the water content is very low (approximately 0.01%). The
for all compounds. Each product requires an individual
same is applicable to peanut oil and rape seed (canola) oil
treatment because of the disparate solubility and chemical
(L 319). We found a slight post-consumption of reagent
stability properties. Therefore, we have developed many
with several oils that could be due to a side reaction (L 063).
product-specific procedures for commonly analyzed
We therefore recommend a rapid titration and a 5 second
food substances.
end point.

The same chloroform-containing solvent is used for the

11.1 Carbohydrates
moisture analysis of margarine. The sample is added using
The adherent moisture of saccharose (sucrose) is of
a Teflon® spatula or a syringe without the needle. The
primary interest. It is determined in a working medium
margarine should be homogenized before addition (L 083).
of high chloroform content (80% Hydranal-Chloroform,
The same considerations apply for the moisture analysis of
20% Hydranal-Methanol dry, v/v) following procedure 8.2
butter (L 104).
(L 073). Saccharose must be completely dissolved in order
to determine the total, i.e. entrapped as well as adherent The water content of lard and other hard fats is low and
water content. A working medium containing 50% titration agents of low titer are preferred, like Hydranal-
Hydranal-Formamide dry by volume (L 073) according to Composite 2 or Hydranal-Titrant 2 (L 098).
procedure 8.3 is preferred. Mayonnaise is titrated in medium containing Hydranal-
Glucose, maltose and honey (L 233) fully dissolve at Methanol dry and Hydranal-Chloroform according to
room temperature, but can also be titrated at 50°C [10]. procedure 8.2. A plastic syringe without a needle is used
Galactose, fructose, lactose and mannitol (L 210) require to add the sample (L 084). A titration agent with a high titer
the addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry according to (Hydranal-Composite 5 or Hydranal-Titrant 5) should be
procedure 8.3. At 50°C the standard procedure without used because of the high water content.
Hydranal-Formamide dry can be employed (L 168).

Fondant (saccharose and glucose syrup) requires the addition 11.3 Dairy and proteinaceous products
of Hydranal-Formamide dry and titration at 50°C (L 322). Because its water content is high, difficulties during
the KF titration of milk are rarely encountered. Standard
Glucose-based molasses does not dissolve satisfactorily
procedures in 5.1 or 5.2 are followed. The milk must be
in methanol and adheres to the electrodes, requiring
homogenized prior to taking the sample. For accuracy, the
the addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry according
sample should be added to the titration vessel carefully
to procedure 8.3 (L 105). The same applies to starch
using a plastic syringe with needle. The sample weight is
syrup (L 213), molasses (L 227), penetrose (L 071), and
calculated by the difference in weight technique (L 085).
saccharose-based fruit gums (L 099, L 100).

HYDRANAL Manual 56 Chapter 11. Foods and natural products

The technique used for milk can be applied to coffee cream Certain differences exist between spray tower dried and
[10], yogurt (L 097) and curds (L 074). All samples must freeze dried instant coffees (L 092). We also recommend
be thoroughly homogenized. Viscous samples should be the addition of Hydranal-Salicylic acid in order to suppress
added to the cell using a plastic syringe without the needle. a side reaction caused by a by-product. The titration can
be carried out according to procedure 8.3.
High and low fat milk powders (L 081, L 082) can be
analyzed using standard titration techniques. Because Cocoa powder is measured at elevated temperature
the titrations can take as long as ten minutes, we prefer according to section 8.8 (L 094). The titration takes
to conduct such titrations at elevated temperature approximately 10 minutes. This is another example where
(section 8.8). The addition of Hydranal-Chloroform helps we recommend titration in boiling methanol. The beans
to distribute the fats of high-fat milk. We have found KF are finely milled in a laboratory grinder equipped with a
titration to be more reliable than determining the water cooling jacket. The titration is carried out in the presence
content by the loss on drying method. of Hydranal-Formamide dry at 50°C (L 093).

Dairy fat emulsions tend to deposit on the vessel walls and Ginger also requires the addition of Hydranal-Formamide
indicator electrodes. To avoid this, we recommend a 1:1:1 dry and titration at 50°C (L 341).
mixture of Hydranal-Methanol dry, Hydranal-Formamide
Almonds should be finely ground prior to titration at 50°C
dry and Hydranal-Chloroform by volume as the working
in the presence of Hydranal-Formamide dry (L 086 and
medium (L 077).
L 295).
Cheese presents a problem because water does not extract
We have also carried out titrations of corn, wheat and other
from it easily. To overcome this problem, we finely grate the
grains at 50°C and confirmed their reproducibility and
sample beforehand, use a mixture of Hydranal-Methanol
repeatability when using Hydranal reagents.
dry and Hydranal-Formamide dry as the working medium
(section 8.3), and titrate at elevated temperature (L 095). With wheat flour (L 329), wheat semolina (L 331) and rusks
(L 332) we also have applied the tube furnace combined
Dried egg powders are amenable to KF titration. A mixture
with the KF titrator.
of Hydranal-Methanol dry and Hydranal-Formamide
dry according to procedure 8.3 is also used for the We have also studied the KF titration of snuff (finely
determination of water in dried egg white at elevated pulverized tobacco) at 50°C and found the addition of
temperature (L 163). We have also applied the same Hydranal-Formamide dry according to procedure 8.3
method to the determination of water in egg yolk (L 103). beneficial. The water content of tobacco stems, which
contain very coarse particles, could only be measured by
titration in boiling Hydranal-Methanol dry.
11.4 Vegetable-based products
Vegetable-based products are often difficult to titrate using
the KF method because the water is usually released slowly 11.5 Chocolates, sweets, toffees
and incompletely from the sample matrix. As an example, An analysis of chocolate requires an addition of Hydranal-
extraction of soya grits for 24 hours at room temperature Chloroform to dissolve the fats. We recommend the
in methanol did not extract all of the water in the sample. procedure outlined in section 8.2. If the chocolate sample
As a result, titration at 50°C is the preferable method for is first cut into very small pieces, a suspension can be made
these samples. This method has been successfully used within minutes. The water content of the suspension can
for the analysis of starches and flour (refer to section 11.1). then be easily titrated (L 071 and L 079).
Our investigations with roasted coffee show that titration The addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry to the working
in boiling Hydranal-Methanol dry can also improve the medium (Procedure 8.3) aids the extraction and titration of
extraction. The coffee is finely ground and titrated using toffee at elevated temperature and maltitol-based candies
the apparatus described in procedure 8.9. The titrations are at room temperature (L 309). The sample added in the form
rapid and the results are reliable. We have used the same of fine flakes dissolves in 3-5 minutes (L 069 and L 224).
technique for the analysis of coffee beans. We previously Mamba® brand toffees (chewy fruit-flavored toffees) are also
used pre-extraction techniques for the determination of titrated at 50°C in the presence of Hydranal-Formamide dry
water in roasted coffee. The water content of the roasted according to procedure 8.3 (L 091). Thinly sliced wine gums
coffee sample was extracted at 50-60°C using Hydranal- are analyzed in a similar fashion (L 066). Marzipan is added
Methanol dry. A part of the extract was subsequently titrated. to a Hydranal-Methanol dry/Hydranal-Chloroform mixture
Raw coffee can be titrated under same conditions (L 335). according to procedure 8.3 in the form of flakes and titrated
Coffee extracts (instant coffee) should be titrated at at 50°C (L 080 and L 232). Licorice also benefits by the
room temperature in the presence of formamide. The addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry. The titration is carried
water content is released too slowly using pure methanol. out according to procedure 8.3 (L 088).

HYDRANAL Manual 57 Chapter 11. Foods and natural products

Chewing gum necessitates a separate extraction of water
(L 308).

Usually the use of a homogenizer in the titration vessel

shortens the time for dissolution, and in some cases can
avoid the need for Hydranal-Formamide dry addition.

11.6 Bakery products, pastas

Light pastries, like biscuits (L 078) and rusks (L 064), must
be finely milled using a laboratory grinder. They are then
titrated at 50°C in the presence of Hydranal-Formamide
dry. The same method is used for the analysis of noodles
and pasta (L 076).

HYDRANAL Manual 58 Chapter 11. Foods and natural products

Chapter 12. Medicines and cosmetic products
Moisture content affects the shelf life, tablet stability and titrant of low titer should be used if the water content of the
efficacy of most drugs. Karl Fischer titration has been a sample is low (L 136).
standard method in the leading pharmacopoeias for the
Amylase containing samples benefit by the addition of
last forty years. The determination of the water content is
Hydranal-Formamide dry (Procedure 8.3), which improves
obligatory for many chemicals used in the manufacture
the dispersion and enables a rapid titration (L 149).
of medicines. The different pharmacopoeias prescribe
differing analytical techniques. A direct titration of the Viscous lecithin samples benefit by the addition of both
water content is the preferred method, though back Hydranal-Chloroform and Hydranal-Formamide dry (L 333).
titrations are sometimes warranted. The end point is Penicillin can be difficult to analyze because it contains
usually determined amperometrically, although visual penicilloic acid and other hydrolysis products of penicillin
end point determinations are possible. The solvents and that are also oxidized by iodine and lead to erroneously high
sample sizes are prescribed in the individual methods. results. This side reaction can be suppressed by titrating
The pharmacopoeias also describe the manufacture of in weakly acidic conditions. We follow procedure 8.4.C
the KF reagent solutions. The European Pharmacopoeia for the coulometric determination of water, but first add
(Ph. Eur.) describes a reagent solution consisting of 20 g Hydranal-Salicylic acid to acidify 100 mL Hydranal-
700 mL ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, 700 mL Coulomat A. We have successfully analyzed penicillin G
pyridine, 200 g iodine and 190 g liquid sulfur dioxide. procaine, penicillin G Na, penicillin G K and tetracycline
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) recommends a HCl using this method. The procedures 8.4.O and 8.4.T
reagent solution comprising of 670 mL methanol, 270 mL apply for volumetric methods of determining the water
pyridine, 125 g iodine and an indefinite amount of gaseous content (L 166). Benzyl penicillin procaine is described in
sulfur dioxide. Laboratory Report L 307.

The reagents as described in these pharmacopoeial Erythromycin is titrated quite easy using Hydranal reagents
methods are not commercially available. Consequently, the (L 242), whereas fading end points are found with the
use of Hydranal reagents for titration of drug substances pyridine-containing reagents. Dobutamine hydrochloride
is permitted by both pharmacopoeias and is much monohydrate requires an addition of Hydranal-Salicylic
more convenient than preparing the individual reagent acid (L 230) in order to suppress a side reaction. For
solutions. The USP states: “A commercially available, adenosine-5’-triphosphoric acid disodium salt, increasing
stabilized solution of Karl Fischer reagent may be used. the pH with Hydranal-Buffer for Acids is advisable (L 249).
Commercially available reagents containing amines other The mono-phosphate can be titrated with the standard
than pyridine and/or alcohols other than methanol may method.
also be used.” The same is true for the Ph. Eur. It permits With many organic salts, the addition of Hydranal-
the use of “other methods… provided that the same Formamide dry in combination with titration at 50°C
results… will be achieved.” We have carried out a variety of improves the titrations. This is the case for magnesium
comparison tests of the Ph. Eur. reagent versus Hydranal- aspartate (L 010 and L 268), magnesium lactate (L 225),
Composite 5. These tests are available upon request. calcium glycerophosphate (L 251), calcium gluconate
In addition to defining the reagents, the pharmacopoeias (L 259) or caffeine (L 024). For arginine aspartate the addition
prescribe the analytical procedures for the listed of Hydranal-Salicylic acid is additionally advisable (L 298).
products. Hydranal reagents can be used for all of these Glycerine monostearate requires the addition of Hydranal-
procedures. Besides the products specifically listed in Chloroform or titration at 50°C to aid solubility (L 297).
the pharmacopoeia, the water content of many other
drug and cosmetic products must be measured. We have Medicines for intravenous injections are sometimes
investigated a number of products and formulations using supplied as dry substrates in order to prolong their shelf life.
the methods described below. The residual water content significantly affects shelf life
and can be specified to be even lower than <100 μg H2O per
Methanol is not a good solvent for herbs; neither extracts ampoule. The determination of water at such low levels can
nor suspensions give reliable titrations. By adding be difficult, mostly because of the possible contamination
Hydranal-Formamide dry according to procedure 8.3, by extraneous moisture once the ampoule seal has been
a rapid titration and a stable end point is assured (L 138). broken. If the substance is dissolved by injecting Hydranal-
The determination of the water content of suppository aids, Methanol dry into the ampoule through the lyophilization
which are waxed-based, involves dissolving the sample stopper, a correction factor for the water content of the
in a working medium containing Hydranal-Chloroform methanol is necessary. We used a modified coulometric
and titrating at elevated temperature (Procedure 8.2). A determination method and injected dry anolyte into the
ampoule to dissolve the sample (L 135), as described in

HYDRANAL Manual 59 Chapter 12. Medicines and cosmetic products

procedure 12.1 below. Newer models of KF ovens allow Water-based cosmetic preparations such as facial tonics,
vials to be heated and investigated directly. hydro-active fluids, super-effect fluids, suntan oils, shower
gels, chamomile and herbal shampoos as well as beeswax
Procedure 12.1 Lyophilized samples
preparations are analyzed in methanolic media by following
The coulometric cell is dried in the usual manner. Anolyte is
the standard titration procedures (L 172, L 175).
added and approximately 5 mL are then removed from the
cell using a long-needled plastic syringe and immediately Emulsions such as suntan creams or night creams should
returned to the anodic compartment. The coulometer be analyzed at elevated temperature in the presence of
indicates the moisture adhering to the syringe. The Hydranal-Chloroform. The same applies for panthenol and
moisture is removed from the syringe by repeated purging liquid lanolin (L 211).
the syringe with anolyte until anhydrous.
Waxes that contain citric acid distearyl ester or
Using the dry syringe, 5 mL of anolyte are removed from pentaerythrite di-coconut ester (Dehymuls® E or F)
the cell and injected into the sample ampoule through dissolve very slowly at room temperature. We have
the lyophilization stopper. The substance dissolves (or successfully measured their water content by KF titration
suspends) in the anolyte upon shaking (vibroshaking may at 50°C in the presence of trichloroethylene (L 132, L 133).
be necessary). The dissolved sample is then injected into
the anodic compartment of the coulometric cell using the
same syringe. The water content is determined according
to standard procedure 5.3.

HYDRANAL Manual 60 Chapter 12. Medicines and cosmetic products

Chapter 13. Technical products
The term “technical products” applies to very disparate Lubrication oils (motor oils, hydraulic oils) consist primarily
group of products that can be analyzed by KF titration of hydrocarbons, but contain many additives. These
methods. Procedures for analysis of technical gases, additives improve the viscosity, lower the pour point, prevent
oils, plastics, ion exchangers, paper, paints, fertilizers and oxidation, reduce friction, suppress the formation of foam,
many other products are found in the literature [1]. We amalgamate or separate solids as well as having a number
have investigated a number of these substances in our of other functions. They deserve particular attention when
own laboratories, usually in reply to customer inquiries. lubricants are analyzed since they can interfere in the KF
All of the products reported here have been studied in titration. Modified mercaptans, thiophosphoric acid esters
our laboratory. and higher phenols can be oxidized by the KF titration,
thereby consuming iodine and introducing errors. Ketones
13.1 Mineral oils, crude oils and and keto acids can undergo the formation of ketals with
methanol and produce water. The same is true of the free
related products
silanol groups in polysiloxane additives. Overbased earth
Mineral oils and their derivatives mainly consist of long-
alkaline sulfonates and phenolates contain metal oxides
chained hydrocarbons and have limited solubility in
that can react with acids in the KF reagents to produce water.
methanol. Addition of Hydranal-Chloroform improves
solubility, although this is not always successful since the We have investigated several motor oils and certain
problems encountered are often more complex. Crude additives in greater depth. The water content of a basic
oil is basically a mixture of hydrocarbons containing tar. oil containing no additives could be determined without
The water in crude oils is not homogeneously distributed. any difficulty according to procedure 8.2. Polyols, like
This requires special sample preparation techniques, such antifreeze, can be analyzed by following the standard
as addition of Hydranal-Xylene to the working medium. procedure 5.1. A 4:1 mixture of Hydranal-Medium K and
This proved particularly helpful in the analysis of crude Hydranal-Formamide dry must be used for the dissolution
oils like Iran Heavy and Bachaquero grades described in of olefin copolymers. The water determination was
Laboratory Report L 108 and in procedure 13.1.1 below. straightforward under these conditions. A 3:1 mixture of
Hydranal-Chloroform and Hydranal-Methanol dry was
Procedure 13.1.1 Crude oil
used for the analysis of polybutene (L 188).
30 mL Hydranal-Solver (Crude) Oil or a 25 mL mixture
of Hydranal-Methanol dry, Hydranal-Chloroform and Two additives point out the problems associated with
Hydranal-Xylene (1:1:2, v/v/v) is added to the titration moisture determination of additive-containing oils. An
vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Composite. A incorrect water content of 8% was found when overbased
1-5 g sample of crude oil is then accurately weighed and calcium sulfonate underwent KF titration, presumably
added using a syringe (weighing by difference). The water due to calcium oxide reacting with the KF reagent (see
content of the crude oil sample is then determined by section 10.3). Like the overbased calcium sulfonate, zinc
titrating with Hydranal-Composite. diethyldithiophosphate also gave erroneous results (2.8%
water), in this case from the oxidation of the sulfide groups
Most useful and reliable is the use of Hydranal-Solver
by the iodine.
(Crude) Oil. It fulfills the requirements of ASTM D 4377-
00. The solubility and titration speed is improved in Consequently, it is not surprising that incorrect values
comparison to the solvent mixture. for the water content of motor oils containing additives
are obtained by direct KF titration methods. We found an
Oil distillates vary greatly. Low boiling-point fractions
apparent water content of 1700 ppm in ARAL Super Elastic
necessitate an addition of chloroform followed by titration
Turbo SAE 15 W/40 by a volumetric titration according
according to procedure 8.2. Coulometric methods of
to procedure 8.2.O (L 201). We further determined water
analysis can be used since the water content of distillates
contents of 1400 ppm in Shell Rimula® Multigrade and
is typically very low. The standard procedure 5.3 can be
2000 ppm in a Texaco oil. We proved that this oil can be
followed as Hydranal-Coulomat A and AG-H contain
oxidized by iodine and that the reductive components can
solubilizing agents.
put the results in error. In summary, it can be said that a
Kerosene behaves similarly, although the Hydranal- direct titration of the water content of motor oil is not
Chloroform content should be increased for the coulometric particularly reliable.
determination according to procedure 8.2 C (L 112).
To overcome these errors due to reactive additives, we use a
Heavy heating oils tend to deposit onto the electrodes and KF oven to drive off the moisture directly into a coulometric
vessel walls during KF titrations. We therefore recommend cell (Procedure 8.12). At oven temperature of 120-
an addition of xylene to the working medium as given in the 140°C, we found 32 ppm H2O in the ARAL oil, compared
procedure 13.1.1 for fuel oil (L 111). to 1700 ppm without the oven. Apparently, the additives

HYDRANAL Manual 61 Chapter 13. Technical products

disassociate at higher oven temperature and cause errors. 13.3 Plastics
For these investigations we set the oven vertically and Water is usually very securely entrapped in plastics and
use it as an “oil vaporizer” (L 106). Newer KF ovens allow difficult to titrate. The water content can only be determined
analysts to investigate oils in an oil sampler or vial. volumetrically when the substance can be dissolved in
Silicon oils present fewer problems. Their analysis requires a suitable solvent. For plastics, easy dissolution is the
an addition of Hydranal-Chloroform in order to improve the exception rather than the rule.
solubility. We follow procedure 8.2, modified by also using Phenol-urea-formaldehyde resins dissolve only slowly at
Hydranal-Titrant 2 because of the low water content of the room temperature and the water determination can take as
oils. For coulometric determinations, we use Hydranal- long as 30 minutes. Resulting values are often erroneously
Coulomat Oil or a mixture of 60 mL Hydranal-Coulomat A low. A titration at 50°C in the presence of Hydranal-
and 40 mL Hydranal-Chloroform as the anolyte. Insulating Formamide dry takes only 4-6 minutes (L 130) and gives
oils (transformer oils) resemble silicone oils and can be more accurate results.
analyzed according to the same procedure.
Procedure 13.3.1 Phenol-urea-formaldehyde resins
20 mL Hydranal-Solvent and 10 mL Hydranal-Formamide
13.2 Paints, lacquers, adhesives dry are added to the titration vessel, heated to 50°C and
Pigments are solids that normally do not dissolve in KF titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Titrant. The sample (0.1-
reagents. However, the adherent water can be determined 0.2 g) is then added and titrated at 50°C.
without any difficulty. Procedure 5.1 or 5.2 is followed.
Polyamide is insoluble in the KF working medium and is
The determination of water in dispersion paints containing first dissolved in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (L 126). The time
polyvinyl acetates and intermixed polymers of vinyl required to dissolve the sample depends primarily on the
chloride and acetate is straightforward. We followed the chip size. Stirring as well as heating to 50-70°C reduces the
standard procedure described in section 5.1 in most cases. time required.
The addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry according to
procedure 8.3.O greatly improves the dispersion of acrylic Procedure 13.3.2 Polyamides
paints. We use a plastic syringe without the needle to add 20 mL 2,2,2-trifluoroethanolare are added to a 50 mL
the sample. The sample size (approximately 0.05-0.1 g) measuring flask and a sample (<1 g) is added. The sample
must be determined accurately since the water content is should dissolve within two hours when constantly stirred.
relatively high. 25 mL Hydranal-Solvent are added to the titration
vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Titrant. The
Epoxy styrene varnish has to be titrated in a mixture of total sample in the measuring flask is then added and
methanol and toluene (L 323). immediately titrated according to standard procedure
The influence of the organic solvent in lacquers must 5.2. The residual water content of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol is
also be considered since it can interfere in the titration determined by a blank titration of 20 mL of the solvent.
of the water content. Ketones (section 9.6) and reactive The polyamide will precipitate during the course of the
amines (section 9.8) are especially problematic. If a stable titration. The titration vessel must therefore be cleaned
end point cannot be achieved in a methanolic medium, occasionally to remove scale from the electrodes and
a methanol-free working medium should be used. In a cell walls.
number of cases, an unknown side reaction could be
suppressed by the use of Hydranal-Working Medium K and Polycarbonates dissolve in certain chlorinated
following procedure 8.4. hydrocarbons. We used the following procedure, described
in L 129. In general the indirect method using a KF oven
The water content of the fungicide paste Mergal® is should be preferred.
determined on a regular basis by our laboratories.
Titration at 50°C according to section 8.8 ensures a facile Procedure 13.3.3 Polycarbonates
dispersion of the paste. Adhesives are analyzed using 25 mL Hydranal-Working Medium K and 20 mL
various methods. The titration of polyurethane adhesive trichloroethylene are added to the titration cell and
in methanol according to procedure 5.1 is straightforward. titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Composite. The sample
An addition of Hydranal-Chloroform following procedure (approximately 2 g) of polycarbonate is then added and
8.2 was necessary for the determination of water in titrated when dissolved.
chlorinated polyurethane caoutchouc (L 124) in order to The time required to dissolve the sample depends on the
dissolve the sample. We also used the same procedure size of the chips. This is true for all plastics. The chip size
for the determination of water in cyanoacrylate adhesives should therefore be as small as possible. If the dissolution
(UHU® instant glue, L 118). time is long, the drift value of the titration cell should be
determined and taken into account in the calculations. The
cell drift is the residual consumption of reagent by the dry

HYDRANAL Manual 62 Chapter 13. Technical products

Table 13.3. Recommended oven temperature for different types of plastics.

Plastic Temperature needed to release water

Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Copolymer (ABS) 180°C
Melamine resin 160°C
Polyacrylamide-copolymerizate (L 246) 200°C
Polyamide (L 167) 160-200°C
Polycarbodiimide 150°C
Polycarbonate (L 127) 160-200°C
Polyethylene (L 128) 140°C
Polymethylmethacrylate (L 215) 180°C
Polypropylene 160-180°C
Polyethyleneterephthalate 180-200°C
Terephthalic acid 200°C
Soft PVC (L 204) 140-160°C

titration cell and is expressed in mL reagent per minute. It a KF coulometer is being used more frequently as the
is best determined by titrating the cell to dryness as usual effectiveness of the combination in solving difficult
and then setting the instrumentation to continual titration titrations becomes apparent. Using this technique, the
for 5 minutes. water is driven off at 120-200°C and transferred into the
KF cell by a dried carrier gas. The moisture determination
Procedures according to DIN (Deutsches Institut für
is carried out according to procedure 8.11. Different oven
Normung e.V.) 53715, “Determination of water content
temperature is recommended for different types of plastics
of plastics by the Karl Fischer method,” recommended
(see Table 13.3).
for the titration of suspensions of powdered plastics
also apply. We conducted determinations on powdered We have carried out the water determination in many
polyethylene according to standard procedures 5.1 and different plastics. A comprehensive overview is given in
5.2 and found a reasonable correlation with results from Laboratory Report L 328.
determinations using a drying oven (section 8.11; L 193).
Plastic granulates do not release water completely and the 13.4 Liquefied gases
results from volumetric titrations are often too low.
The water determination in liquid gases can be carried out
The water content of powdered polypropylene is only by volumetric and coulometric titration if some sample
partially released during a volumetric titration. It is our peculiarities are taken into account. We have titrated
experience that the drying tube method should be used liquefied butane (L 338) and sulfur dioxide (L 340).
for this determination. The drying oven combined with

HYDRANAL Manual 63 Chapter 13. Technical products

Chapter 14. Appendix
14.1 Literature 8. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (7).
1. Eugen Scholz “Karl-Fischer Titration” Springer-Verlag, Zweikomponenten-Reagenzien mit Imidazol. E.
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo (1984), 140 Scholz, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 312, 460-464
pages, ISBN 3-540-12846-8 German Edition ISBN (1982)
3-540-13734-3 English Edition 9. Karl Fischer Reagents without Pyridine (8).
2. KarI-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin E. Scholz, Coulometric Determination of Water. E. Scholz,
Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 303, 203-207 (1980) Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 314, 567-571 (1983)

3. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (2). 10. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (9). Die
Wasserbestimmung in Cysteinhydrochlorid- Wasserbestimmung in Lebensmitteln. E. Scholz,
Monohydrat. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., Dtsch. Lebensm. Rundsch., 79, 302-306 (1983)
305, 416 (1981) 11. Karl Fischer Titration of Aldehydes and Ketones. E.
4. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (3). Die Scholz, Anal. Chem., 57, 2965-2971 (1985)
Genauigkeit der Wasserbestimmung. E. Scholz, 12. Wasserbestimmung in Phenolen durch Karl-Fischer-
Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 306, 394-396 (1981) Titration. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. (1988),
5. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (4). 330, 694-697
Einkomponenten-Reagenzien. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. 13. Karl-Fischer-Titration in siedendem Methanol.
Anal. Chem., 309, 30-32 (1981) Wasserbestimmung in Röstkaffee. E. Scholz, Dtsch.
6. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (5). Neue Lebensm. Rundsch. 84, 80-82 (1988)
Eichsubstanzen. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 14. Karl-Fischer-Coulometrie ohne Diaphragma. E.
309, 123-125 (1981) Scholz, Labor Praxis 13, 526-531 (1989)
7. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (6). 15. Water determination of peroxide derivatives by Karl
Wasserbestimmung in Carbonsèuren. E. Scholz, Fischer titration at low temperatures. E. Scholz,
Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 310, 423-426 (1982) Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. (1991), 340, 71-72

HYDRANAL Manual 64 Chapter 14. Appendix

14.2 Subject index
Absorption spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cosmetic products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59, 60
Acetal formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 30, 44, 45, 48 Coulometric reagents. . . 1, 3, 5-7, 15-18, 28-34, 36, 37, 47, 59, 60, 62
Acetone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 45 Crude oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 61
Acids. . . . . . 8, 11, 28, 30, 32, 33, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 53-55, 59-61 Curds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Adhesives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Cyanoacrylate adhesive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Alcohols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 11, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 40, 42, 44, 48, 56, 59 Cysteine hydrochloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Aldehydes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3, 6, 30, 31, 44, 45, 47, 48 Dairy products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 57
Almonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Delay time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 23, 48
Amides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 62 1,2-Dichloroethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Amines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 30, 49, 50, 59, 62 Diketones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 46
Aminophenol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43, 49, 50 Dimethylpolysiloxane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 39, 52
Ampoules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 19 Dimethyl sulfoxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Amylase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Dimethyl terephthalate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Aniline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 50, 51 Dissolution of samples. . . . . . . 3, 8, 26, 28, 29, 34, 40, 48, 54, 58, 61, 62
Anodic compartment. . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6, 15-18, 23, 29, 31-33, 36, 47, 60 Disulfides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Anolyte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6, 15-17, 28-32, 47, 59, 60, 62 Double bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 41
Antimony oxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 55 Drift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 37, 47, 48, 62
Ascorbic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Drying tubes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 13, 14, 22, 27
Back titration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 18, 59 Earth alkaline sulfonates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Bakery products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 EDTA, sodium salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Barium chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Egg white. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Bases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 6, 8, 9, 11, 28, 31, 32, 48, 49 End point delay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 23
Benzaldehyde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 48 End point indication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 11, 14, 15, 19-23, 33, 36, 38
Benzoic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 23, 31, 32, 46, 49 Ether. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 6, 11, 21, 40, 43, 44, 47, 52, 59
Benzyl alcohol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 55 Ethyl acrylate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Biscuits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Extraction of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 28, 30, 34, 57, 58
Bisulfite addition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 44, 45, 47, 48 Facial tonic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Blank titration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 41, 51, 62 Fat emulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 56 Fats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 11, 28, 29, 56, 57
Butyraldehyde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 47, 48 Flour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 56, 57
Butyric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 46, 48, 49 Formaldehyde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 62
Calcium hydrogenphosphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Formamide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 11, 28, 30, 34, 45, 49, 51, 53, 54, 56,
Calcium sulfate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 57, 58, 59, 61, 62
Calibration standard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 19 Formic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 49
Carbohydrates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 30, 56 Fructose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Carbonates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 55, 62 Fruit gum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Carboxylic acids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 45, 46, 48, 49 Funnels for solids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 23, 26, 32, 49
Carrier gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37, 38, 63 Galactose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Cathodic compartment. . . . 5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 Gases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 8, 18, 24, 26, 35, 36, 37, 61, 63
Catholyte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28, 29, 31, 32, 47 Glucose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Grits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 57
2-Chloroethanol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 11, 30 Herbs, extracts of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Chlorine, free. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Hydrocarbons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 6, 28, 29, 40, 41, 44, 48, 49, 61, 62
Chloroform. . . . . . . . . . . 4-6, 8, 11, 28-30, 40-42, 44, 47, 48, 52, 54, 56, Hydrocarbons, halogenated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 6, 30, 41, 48
57, 59-62 Hydroxides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Chocolate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Instrumentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 35, 37, 63
Cocoa powder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Insulating oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Coffee beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 57 Kerosene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Coffee cream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Ketal formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 11, 18, 30, 38, 44, 45, 47, 61
Coffee, instant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Ketones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3, 6, 30, 31, 44, 45, 46,47, 48, 61, 62
Coffee, roasted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Keto-carboxylic acids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 46
Conductivity, electric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 28, 29 Lactose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 56
Copper salts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Lanolin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Lacquers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

HYDRANAL Manual 65 Chapter 14. Appendix

Lard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Salts, inorganic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 54
Lubrication oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Sample addition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 25, 26, 33
Maltose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Sample size. . . . . . . . . . . 13, 17, 24, 25, 35-37, 42, 45, 47-49, 51, 59, 62
Manganese sulfate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Sample treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-27
Margarine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Shampoos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Marzipan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Silanol groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 52, 61
Mayonnaise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Silanols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Silicone oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Mercaptan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 52, 61 Siloxanes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 52
Methanol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 2, 4-6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21-23, Sodium citrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
25, 27-36, 38-42, 44, 45, 47-49, 51-54, 56, 57, 59-62 Sodium hydrogen carbonate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 55
Methanol, boiling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 34, 57 Sodium tartrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 19, 38, 49, 53
Methanol, replacement of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 30 Solvents, aprotic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Methoxyethanol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 30, 31, 44, 47 Standardization of titer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 19
Milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 57 Standard, liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 19
Milk powder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Starch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 35, 56, 57
Mineral oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 36, 61 Subsequent titrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 19, 21
Moisture, adherent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 48, 53, 54, 56 Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 53, 56
Molasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Sulfides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Molecular sieves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 27, 34, 37 Sulfonic acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 54
Nitro-compounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Sulfuric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 42, 54
Noodles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Suntan cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
N-ethylmaleimide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 52 Suntan oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Octanethiol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 52 Sweets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
One-component reagent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 53 Syringes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 13, 25, 26
Oven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8, 15-18, 26, 28, 36-38, 48, 53, 54, 60-63 Technical products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Oxides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 55, 61 Temperature, elevated. . . . 30, 34, 35, 45, 48, 49, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60
Paints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61, 62 Temperature, low. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Penicillin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59, 65, 66 Terephthalic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 63
Ph Eur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Tetracycline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Phenols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 42, 43, 49, 61, 62 Tetradecene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 41
Phenol-urea-formaldehyde resin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Thiols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Pigments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Thiophosphoric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Plastics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 61, 62, 63 Titration cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 13-18, 20-26, 29, 31-38, 47, 48, 62, 63
Polyamide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 63 Titration curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 38
Polybutene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Polycarbonate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 63 Toffees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Polyethylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 63 Toluidine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 50
Polyethyleneterephthalate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Tube furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 57
Polypropylene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Two-component reagent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 28,
Polyurethane adhesive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 32, 33, 42, 53
Potassium citrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 USP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 59
Potassium hydrogen carbonate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 55 Vegetable-based products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Pre-titration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 32 Vinylethyl ether. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Propanol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 40, 42, 48 Water capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 6, 7, 15, 17, 18, 48
Propionic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 45, 46, 48, 49 Water of crystallization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 53, 54
PVC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Waxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 59, 60
Pyridine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3, 9, 10, 18-21, 30, 32, 44, 45, 50, 54, 59 Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 57
Recovery rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 42, 43, 52 Wine gum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Rusks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 58 Yogurt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Saccharose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Zinc diethyldithiophosphate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Salicylic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 31, 32, 42, 43, 48, 49, 51, 57, 59 Zinc sulfate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Salts of organic acids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

HYDRANAL Manual 66 Chapter 14. Appendix

14.3 Reagent Index

Volumetric One-Component Titration - Titrating Agents

Cat. No. Product Name Description Pack Size
34827 Hydranal-Composite 1 One-component reagent, titer ~1 mg/mL 500 mL; 1 L
34806 Hydranal-Composite 2 One-component reagent, titer ~2 mg/mL 500 mL; 1 L; 2.5 L
34805 Hydranal-Composite 5 One-component reagent, titer ~5 mg/mL 500 mL; 1 L; 2.5 L
34816 Hydranal-Composite 5 K One-component reagent for titration of ketones and aldehydes, 500 mL; 1 L; 2.5 L
titer ~5 mg/mL

Volumetric One-Component Titration - Media

Cat. No. Product Name Description Pack Size
37817 Hydranal-Methanol Rapid Medium containing accelerators 1 L; 2.5 L
34741 Hydranal-Methanol Dry Medium for general use 1 L; 2.5 L
34734 Hydranal-CompoSolver E Ethanol-based medium containing accelerators 1 L; 2.5 L
34697 Hydranal-Solver (Crude) Oil Working medium containing methanol, xylene and chloroform 1 L; 2.5 L
for titration in oils
37855 Hydranal-LipoSolver CM Working medium containing methanol and chloroform for titration 1L
in non-polar samples
37856 Hydranal-LipoSolver MH Working medium containing methanol and 1-hexanol for titration 1L
in non-polar samples
34698 Hydranal-Medium K Less toxic working medium containing chloroform for ketones and 1L
34738 Hydranal-KetoSolver Working medium free of halogenated solvents for ketones and aldehydes 500 mL; 1 L
34817 Hydranal-Working Medium K Working medium containing chloroform and 2-chloroethanol 1L
for ketones and aldehydes

Volumetric Two-Component Titration

Cat. No. Product Name Description Pack Size
Methanol based
34811 Hydranal-Titrant 2 Two-component reagent, titer ~2 mg/mL 500 mL; 1 L; 2.5 L
34801 Hydranal-Titrant 5 Two-component reagent, titer ~5 mg/mL 500 mL; 1 L; 2.5 L
34800 Hydranal-Solvent Working medium for two-component titration 1 L; 2.5 L
Ethanol based
34723 Hydranal-Titrant 2 E Two-component reagent, titer ~2 mg/mL 1L
34732 Hydranal-Titrant 5 E Two-component reagent, titer ~5 mg/mL 500 mL; 1 L; 2.5 L
34730 Hydranal-Solvent E Working medium for two-component titration 500 mL; 1 L; 2.5 L
Special media
34812 Hydranal-Solvent CM Working medium for two-component titration, containing methanol and 1 L; 2.5 L
chloroform for titration in non-polar samples
34749 Hydranal-Solvent Oil Working medium for two-component titration, containing methanol and 1L
1-hexanol for titration in non-polar samples
34697 Hydranal-Solver (Crude) Oil Working medium containing methanol, xylene and chloroform for titration 1 L; 2.5 L
in oils

HYDRANAL Manual 67 Chapter 14. Appendix

Coulometric Titration
Cat. No. Product Name Description Pack Size
34807 Hydranal-Coulomat A Anolyte preferred for cells with diaphragm 500 mL
34836 Hydranal-Coulomat AG Anolyte suitable for cells with and without diaphragm 500 mL; 1 L
34843 Hydranal-Coulomat AG-H Anolyte for titration of long-chained hydrocarbons, 500 mL
preferred for cells with diaphragm
34739 Hydranal-Coulomat AG-Oven Anolyte for determination with Karl Fischer oven, 500 mL
suitable for cells with and without diaphragm
34820 Hydranal-Coulomat AK Anolyte for titration of ketones, preferred for cells with diaphragm 500 mL
34868 Hydranal-Coulomat Oil Anolyte for titration of oils, preferred for cells with diaphragm 100 mL; 500 mL
34726 Hydranal-Coulomat E Anolyte based on ethanol, suitable for cells with and without diaphragm 500 mL
34810 Hydranal-Coulomat AD Anolyte preferred for cells without diaphragm 500 mL
34840 Hydranal-Coulomat CG Catholyte 10 x 5 mL
34821 Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K Catholyte for titration of ketones 10 x 5 mL

Titer Standardization and Instrument Inspection

Cat. No. Product Name Description Pack Size
34425 Hydranal-CRM Water Standard 10.0 Liquid CRM standard, water content 10.0 mg/g = 1.0% 10 x 8 mL
34426 Hydranal-CRM Water Standard 1.0 Liquid CRM standard, water content 1.0 mg/g = 0.1% 10 x 4 mL
34424 Hydranal-CRM Sodium Tartrate Solid CRM standard, water content ~15.66% 10 g
34849 Hydranal-Water Standard 10.0 Liquid standard, water content 10.0 mg/g = 1.0% 10 x 8 mL
34828 Hydranal-Water Standard 1.0 Liquid standard, water content 1.0 mg/g = 0.1% 10 x 4 mL
34847 Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1 Liquid standard, water content 0.1 mg/g = 0.01% 10 x 4 mL
(shelf life 2 years, to be stored at 2-8°C)
34446 Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1 PC Liquid standard water content 0.1 mg/g = 0.01% (improved stability 10 x 4 mL
compared to 34847: shelf life 5 years, to be stored at room temp.)
34694 Hydranal-Water Standard Oil Liquid standard based on mineral oil, water content approx. 10 ppm 10 x 8 mL
34696 Hydranal-Standard Sodium Tartrate Solid standard, water content ~15.66% 25 g
34693 Hydranal-Water Standard KF Oven Solid standard for control of Karl Fischer ovens, water content ~5%, 10 g
140-160°C based on lactose
34748 Hydranal-Water Standard KF Oven Solid standard for control of Karl Fischer ovens, water content ~5.55%, 10 g
220-230°C based on potassium citrate

HYDRANAL Manual 68 Chapter 14. Appendix

Auxiliaries for Karl Fischer Titration
Cat. No. Product Name Description Pack Size
34724 Hydranal-Formamide Dry Solubilizer, max. 0.02% water 1L
37863 Hydranal-Chloroform Solubilizer, max. 0.01% water 1L
37866 Hydranal-Xylene Solubilizer, max. 0.02% water 1L
34804 Hydranal-Buffer for Acids Liquid buffer medium, based on Imidazole 500 mL
37859 Hydranal-Buffer for Bases Liquid buffer medium, based on Salicylic acid 1L
32035 Hydranal-Benzoic Acid Buffer substance 500 g
37865 Hydranal-Salicylic Acid Buffer substance 500 g
37864 Hydranal-Imidazole Buffer substance 500 g
34813 Hydranal-Standard 5.0 Test solution for volumetric titration, water content 5.00 mg/mL 100 mL; 500 mL
34803 Hydranal-Sodium Tartrate Test substance for volumetric titration, water content ~15.66% 100 g
34802 Hydranal-Water-in-Methanol 5.0 Reagent for volumetric back titration, water content 5.00 mg/mL 500 mL; 1 L
34788 Hydranal-Humidity Absorber Drying agent for air and gases with indicator 500 g; 1 kg
34241 Hydranal-Molecular Sieve 0.3 nm Drying agent for air and gases 250 g
37858 Hydranal-Moisture Test Kit Test kit for the visual water determination according to Karl Fischer 1 kit
without titrator

Karl Fischer reagents containing pyridine

Methods utilizing reagents containing pyridine are still in use, therefore we offer also traditional Karl Fischer reagents.
However we recommend to use less toxic modern reagents. Please contact us if you are willing to change to pyridine-free
reagents and test Hydranal products.

Cat. No. Product Name Description

36115 Reagent solution according to Karl Fischer For titrimetric determination of water.

Supplied in one solution, iodine/sulfur dioxide/pyridine solution, 1 mL ~ 5 mg H2O

36116 Reagent solution according to Karl Fischer Solution A: sulfur dioxide/pyridine,for titrimetric determination of water.

Supplied in two separate solutions, 0.5 mL each of solutions A and B mixed

are equivalent to ~3 mg H2O. For use with Solution B (36117)
36117 Reagent solution according to Karl Fischer Solution B: methanolic iodine, for titrimetric determination of water.

Supplied in two separate solutions, 0.5 mL each of solutions A and B mixed

are equivalent to ~3 mg H2O. For use with Solution A (36116)

HYDRANAL Manual 69 Chapter 14. Appendix

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