PMT RC 661 Hydranal Manual
PMT RC 661 Hydranal Manual
PMT RC 661 Hydranal Manual
for Karl Fischer Titration
We are here to serve you, to help you choose and use APAC
the right Hydranal reagents and develop reliable Linda Zhang
HYDRANAL Application Lab
working methods. Please feel free to contact us.
Shanghai, China
We look forward to helping you solve your most Tel: ++86 21 2894 4771
routine or challenging KF titration needs.
for Karl Fischer Titration
1. Introduction: 5.2 Volumetric titrations using
Innovations by Riedel-de Haën the two-component reagent
1.1 New bases.................................................1 HYDRANAL-Titrant (E) and
HYDRANAL-Solvent (E)...................14
1.2 New reagents...........................................1
5.3 Coulometric titrations with
1.3 Scientific investigations.....................1
1.4 Patents........................................................2 A/AG/E/AG-H/AG-Oven
1.5 Analytical support.................................2 and HYDRANAL-Coulomat CG....15
The sulfur dioxide reacts with the alcohol to form an ester 1.5 Analytical support
that is subsequently neutralized by the base (Figure 1.3). The The determination of water using the KF method is carried
anion of the alkyl sulfurous acid is the reactive component out using specialized instrumentation. There are a number
and is already present in the KF reagent. The titration of of commercially available instruments that are designed
water constitutes the oxidation of the alkyl-sulfite anion to specifically for KF titrations. Our Hydranal reagents are
alkyl sulfate by the iodine. This reaction consumes water. compatible with these titrators and our well-equipped
Hydranal laboratories have the most important KF
This means that two significant prerequisites must be fulfilled
instruments available on the international market.
in order to assure a stoichiometric course of the KF reaction.
The first is the presence of a suitable alcohol to esterify the Often we are asked by customers for technical assistanceto
sulfur dioxide completely [1]. The practical consequences of help them determine the water content of their specific
the results are explained in section 4.1. products. In most cases we were able to find an acceptable
solution to their application. When we deem these methods
The second is the presence of a suitable base necessary for
to be of general interest, which is often the case, we mention
the complete neutralization of the acids produced during
them in this Manual, and sometimes publish a Laboratory
the reaction. The basicity of pyridine is too low to completely
Report on the subject. Available Laboratory Reports are
neutralize the acid and is the cause of the sluggish titration
noted in the text with the prefix “L”. For some samples we
observed using the classic (non-Hydranal) KF titration
offer also Ph. Eur. Suitability Test Reports which have prefix
reagents. If the base is too strong, the solution becomes too
"S". Additionally, we publish Technical Information Sheets
alkaline and an end point will not be reached. A titration in
(prefix "T") containing useful technical tips on different
the pH range of 5-7.5 is preferred and this can be achieved
KFT related topics. All reports can be downloaded from our
by the use of imidazole. The pH adjustment is therefore of
prime importance for the course of an efficient KF titration
(see section 4.2). Take advantage of our vast experience with KF titration
by contacting our Hydranal laboratories for help and
information on:
1.4 Patents
The results of our investigations were of such fundamental • KF titration in general
importance that patents were filed for many of the new • How to deal with difficult samples
Hydranal reagents and their use. More than 50 patents
• Method development work on your samples,
have been filed, many of which have since been granted
free of charge
and are, therefore, binding. Of particular note are patents
DP 3008421, EP 0035066, EP 0127740, EP0075246, • How to receive detailed application protocols from us
EP0135098, GB 2,234,066, JP 61-54182, USP 4,740,471, • How to obtain Hydranal product information
USP 4,378,972, USP 4,748,126, USP 4,429,048, USP
4,619,900 and the USP 5,139,955. Additional patents have Our experts at the Hydranal hotline can be accessed
been granted in other countries, including Spain, Brazil, by phone, fax or e-mail. Contact details are listed at the
South Africa, etc. Further patents are pending. beginning of this Manual.
The Hydranal range of reagents uses imidazole or Hydranal-Composite 5 has a titer of 4.5 to 5.5 mg H2O/mL.
diethanolamine (available in a few reagents) as the base, It is the preferred reagent for most applications. It contains
rather than pyridine. Imidazole and diethanolamine are imidazoles, sulfur dioxide and iodine in diethylene glycol
effective and guarantee reliable analyses. The composition monoethyl ether (DEGEE). Hydranal-Composite 5 is very
of Hydranal reagents, their target applications and usage stable and has a shelf life of three years. The titer decay is
guidelines are summarized in the following sections. approximately 0.3 mg H2O/mL per year.
Hydranal-LipoSolver CM and Hydranal-LipoSolver MH are This titration procedure is described in detail in section 5.2.
special working media for titration in non-polar samples. Variations in the procedure to accommodate different
They contain a mixture of chloroform and methanol (CM) or sample matrices are given in section 8. Specific procedures
methanol and 1-hexanol (MH). for many products are described in sections 9 to 13.
Hydranal-Titrant 2 is a titrating agent for small amounts of This titration procedure is described in detail in section 5.3.
water. The titer is adjusted to 1.96 to 2.04 mg H2O/mL. The Alterations to the procedure due to the sample matrix are
methanolic solution of iodine can show a slight drop in titer given in section 8. Procedures for many specific samples are
during handling. described in sections 9 to 13.
Hydranal-Coulomat Oil is an anolyte for the water Hydranal-KetoSolver is free of halogenated solvents. It gives
determination in oils, including crude oil. It contains a slightly slower titration rate.
chloroform and xylene as the solubilizing agents. Hydranal- The Hydranal reagents described above can be used
Coulomat Oil is preferred for cells with diaphragm. for the determination of water in substances other
Hydranal-Coulomat CG is the catholyte free of halogenated than aldehydes and ketones. The Hydranal-Medium K,
solvents. It contains a patented formulation containing Hydranal-Working Medium K and Hydranal-KetoSolver
ammonium salts as the reactive component and methanol can act as the solvent for the determination of water in any
as the solvent. A volume of 5 mL is sufficient for the substance where methanol can interfere with the titration
determination of 200-300 mg water. and must be avoided. Further information can be found in
section 8.4.
Hydranal-Coulomat AK and Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K are
complementary, methanol-free reagents intended for the Hydranal-Composite 5 K can be used as a universal titrating
coulometric determination of water in ketones and other reagent. It does, however, have a slower titration rate than
substances that react with methanol. Further information on Hydranal-Composite 5 (refer to section 2.1.3). In many
these products can be found in sections 2.4 and 8.4. cases, Hydranal-Medium K can be used in conjunction with
the standard volumetric reagent, Hydranal-Composite 5. For
the determination of water in aldehydes and certain reactive
2.4 HYDRANAL products for the
ketones however, it is strongly recommended that only
determination of water in aldehydes Hydranal-Composite 5 K be used (section 9.6.1).
and ketones
Hydranal-Coulomat AK is an anolyte for the coulometric
Historically, aldehydes and ketones have posed
determination of water in ketones. It contains imidazole,
problems for KF titration because they react with some
sulfur dioxide and iodide dissolved in a suitable solvent
conventional reagents to produce acetals and ketals [1].
mixture. Its capacity is approximately 100 mg of water
The water formed in this reaction is also titrated, leading
per 100 mL.
to erroneously high results and vanishing end points.
Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K is the corresponding catholyte.
It does not contain halogenated hydrocarbons. The water
capacity of 5 mL Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K is 100 mg.
It is good analytical practice to check the titer of KF titration Hydranal-Water Standard 10.0
reagents prior to performing new titrations, especially if the Water content: 10.0 mg/g = 1.0%
reagent bottle has been previously opened. The titer can be This standard is intended for calibrating volumetric KF
calibrated using a number of substances that have differing reagents. The liquid nature makes it suitable for application
advantages and varying limitations [1]. We therefore in all known KF media without any limitations regarding
recommend Hydranal-Water Standards with an exactly solubility. One package contains ten 8 mL glass ampoules.
confirmed water content for: Depending on application the content of one ampoule can
• Titer determination enable a triple-determination.
Solid standards contain defined amounts of chemically Hydranal-CRM Water Standard 1.0
bound water suitable for both general use as well as for the Water content: 1.0 mg/g = 0.1%
Karl Fischer oven. These standards are packed in amber Certified Reference Material intended to verify coulometric
glass bottles. water determinations. This product provides similar
performance as the “normal” standard quality above but with
In 2014, Hydranal Technical Service in Seelze completed its higher grade on quality control and documentation. One
combined accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 and package contains ten 4 mL glass ampoules.
ISO Guide 34, the so-called “Gold Standard Accreditation”,
which is the highest achievable quality level for producers Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1
of Certified Reference Materials (CRMs). With the Water content: 0.1 mg/g = 0.01%
double accreditation, Hydranal introduced the very first This standard is intended to verify coulometric determinations
commercially available CRM Water Standards for Karl of small amounts of water. One package contains ten 4 mL
Fischer titration. glass ampoules. Depending on application the content of
one ampoule can enable a triple-determination.
Hydranal-Standard Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate
Water content: ~15.66% Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1 PC
Sodium tartrate dihydrate is mentioned in some Water content: 0.1 mg/g = 0.01%
regulations as the primary standard for KF applications. This standard is intended to verify coulometric
Sodium tartrate forms a dihydrate, which, under normal determinations of small amounts of water. It has improved
conditions, remains stable and does not loose or adsorb stability compared to Hydranal-Water Standard 0.1: shelf life
moisture. This dihydrate has a water content of 15.66% increased from two years to three years and can be stored at
plus quite small amounts of adhered water, which are room temperature instead of 2-8°C. One package contains
qualified by volumetric KF titration. The product is ten 4 mL glass ampoules. Depending on application the
presented in a finely-powdered form that dissolves content of one ampoule can enable a triple-determination.
relatively quickly but still limited in methanolic KF solvents.
Hydranal-Buffer for Acids is a suitable buffer solution to These two reagents can be used for rough testing of
stabilize the pH to within the ideal range of 5-7. It contains volumetric titration performance:
imidazole and has a buffer capacity of 5 mmol acid per
Hydranal-Sodium tartrate dihydrate
mL. Hydranal-Buffer for Acids also enhances the visual
Test solution for volumetric titration.
indication of the end point as the yellow background color is
Water content: ~15.66%
suppressed. A distinct color change to brown can be better
Hydranal-Standard 5.0
Hydranal-Buffer for Bases is a ready-made working medium Test substance for volumetric titration.
for water determination in bases. It contains salicylic acid Water content: ~5.00 mg/mL.
and has a buffer capacity of 1 mmol base per mL.
Solid buffer substances, Hydranal-Benzoic Acid, Hydranal- For rough measurements without a titrator, special test kits
Salicylic Acid and Hydranal-Imidazole, can be used together for visual water determination according to Karl Fischer can
with standard KF reagents. be used:
H2O [mg]
H2O [mg]
40 A B C
30 A C
2 4 6 8 t [min]
2 4 6 8 t [min]
Figure 3.1. Titration of 40 mg of water using: Figure 3.2. Titration of trace amounts of water using:
A - Hydranal two-component reagent; A - Hydranal two-component reagent;
B - Hydranal one-component reagent; C - pyridine-containing reagent.
C - pyridine-containing one-component reagent.
Table 3.3. Error and scatter in the determination of water [1]. 20 individual analyses
Other solvents can be used in specific cases. Caution is Sluggish or vanishing end points can be an indication
called for when using aprotic solvents as they alter the of a fluctuation of the pH of the system outside the
stoichiometry of the KF reaction towards the Bunsen optimal range. When this is suspected, the pH should be
equation [1], i.e. the titer of the titrant appears erroneously measured. A glass pH electrode, previously calibrated in
high. The change in titer does not remain constant, but an aqueous solution, can be used for this. The pH of the
depends on the ratio of the alcohol to the aprotic solvent. system should not however be determined directly in the
This ratio changes throughout the titration since the titration cell because the pH electrode will introduce water
titrating agent contains alcohol. The result is an indefinable to the system. Instead, the pH should be measured on a
ratio, a continuously changing stoichiometry and portion of the working medium that has been taken from
inaccurate results. To be accurate, this approach requires the titration cell with a few drops of water.
2 4 6 8 10 pH
After a stable end point has been reached, the amount of Sequential titrations in the same working medium are
Hydranal reagent used is read from the burette scale. The possible. The solvent mixture of the previous titration is
water content is calculated from the volume consumed immediately used as the working medium for the titration
and the water equivalent (titer) of the reagent: of the next sample. In this way, the use of a fresh solvent
and a pre-titration for each titration is not required. When
mg H2O = a WE
performing sequential titrations, the substance being
a WE investigated should be of the same type. Also, the methanol
% H2O =
10 e content in the working medium must not fall below 25% or
where: the end point may be altered.
( x)
the working medium and is added to the titration cell.
x i2 - 1
Sabs = Hydranal-Titrant is used as the titrating agent and is added
n i
n-1 to the cell from the burette. This reagent can be used
100 · Sabs with all commercially available equipment. The actual KF
S rel = m % titration is carried out in a similar fashion as with the one-
component reagents described above.
xi = result of each analysis 5.2.1 Addition of HYDRANAL-Titrant/Titrant E
n = number of analyses First, Hydranal-Titrant is added to the burette, i.e. it is
the stock vessel for the burette. Stock vessel, valves and
m = mean interconnections must be completely dry. The stock
S = standard deviation vessels are protected from atmospheric moisture by the
addition of drying tubes (see section 6.4).
Different standards offer advantages and limitations and 5.7.1 Electrometric indication
are used for the titer determination [1]. For volumetry The antiquated KF reagents containing pyridine were
we recommend the use of Hydranal-Standard Sodium notorious for how difficult it was to determine the end point
Tartrate Dihydrate for an exact titer determination or of a titration. The equivalency point of the reaction was
Hydranal-Water Standard 10.0 which is a liquid standard reached slowly with these reagents, primarily due to the
X = not recommended
0.001% = 0.01 mg/g 5-10 g (50-100 µg water) If the pipette is not dry, it should be rinsed 2-3 times with
the substance being investigated prior to the titration.
It is important to remember that as the water content of If the sample is hygroscopic we strongly recommend using
the sample decreases, the sample size must increase a fresh pipette between subsequent sample additions.
to maintain accuracy. For this to be practical, a change For these types of samples, we determined water content
in burette size, a reduction in reagent titer or both may of 250 µg H2O after 1 minute and 1000 µg H2O after
be required to accommodate the sample. Instrument 15 minutes in a 25 mL pipette used to add the methanol.
manufacturers offer burettes as small as 1 mL, and when
coupled with a titer 1 mg/mL reagent, 0.1 mg of water may 7.3.2 Calibrated syringes
be titrated. Syringes with calibrated cylinder (e.g. Hamilton brand
The sample size for a coulometric determination should syringes) are often used for the volumetric addition of small
be such that it contains approximately 100-5000 µg H2O sample volumes (<5 mL). Such syringes enable a sufficient
to achieve a high degree of accuracy. Amounts as low as degree of accuracy. However, they require extreme care in
100 µg H2O can also be determined by trace analysis. their handling.
Optimized conditions can determine water contents of Glass syringes should be disassembled for cleaning with
10 µg, although the reproducibility of such determinations a suitable solvent and then rinsed with methanol before
obviously decreases. drying. After allowing them to air dry, the syringe and
A selection of samples sizes is presented in Tables 7.2.1 injection needle should be further dried in a desiccator
and 7.2.2. The actual amounts used for the titration will, chamber. Our experience shows that it takes several days
of course, depend upon the titer of the reagent used, the to thoroughly dry such needles. We therefore prefer to first
burette and the desired accuracy of the titration. dry glass syringes using air and then flush them with the
substance under investigation 2-3 times prior to adding
the sample. The syringe is used to inject the sample into
7.3 Addition of the sample
the titration cell, preferably through a septum. This method
When adding sample to the titration vessel, whether the excludes the infiltration of atmospheric moisture into
sample is a solid or a liquid, care must be taken to avoid the titration, an absolute prerequisite for a coulometric
introduction of the atmospheric moisture along with the determination of water. However, such sealants can also
sample into the vessel. Preventative measures correspond be a potential source of error if droplets from the needles
to the individual properties of the particular matrix. are retained by the septum. The syringe cylinder should
Samples should be weighed and added under their normal therefore be retracted before puncturing the seal, as well
conditions to prevent changes in moisture content due to as before removal, to ensure that extraneous droplets are
differences in environmental conditions. Weighing and not retained by the needle.
adding samples into the titration vessel should be done as
quickly as possible to keep contamination by atmospheric The accuracy can be improved by weighing the syringe
moisture to a minimum. before and after adding the sample. This method of
weighing by difference is described in the next section.
Resorting to working in a glove box should be the exception
rather than the rule. Particular care is required when working
with samples that are frozen or refrigerated. Cold samples
7.3.3 Plastic syringes
will collect water via condensation and should therefore be Injecting the sample through a septum stopper prevents
allowed to warm to room temperature in an air-tight vessel the inclusion of atmospheric moisture, which is an absolute
prior to weighing and addition. The homogenization of prerequisite for coulometric methods because they are used
samples in liquid form by ultrasonic methods is possible, but to determine extremely small amounts of water. It is also to
determined on a case-by-case basis. be recommended for volumetric titrations.
or Hydranal-Composite 5
Medium/ 30 mL Hydranal–Medium K Anolyte 100 mL Hydranal–Coulomat AK
or 30 mL Hydranal–Working Medium K
or 30 mL Hydranal–KetoSolver
Our further research into alternate alcohols lead to the line Procedure 8.4.C Compounds reacting with methanol,
of halogen-free KF solvents called Hydranal-KetoSolver. coulometric titration
The anodic compartment of the coulometric titration cell
The K-type reagents are available in both a one-component
is filled with 100 mL Hydranal-Coulomat AK and 5 mL
system for volumetric determinations and for coulometry.
Hydranal-Coulomat CG-K are added to the cathodic
Both reagents are described in detail in section 2.4 and
compartment. The general procedure given in section 5.3
used like the corresponding non-K reagent. A variety of
is then followed. Methanolic solutions of iodine must not to
ketones can also be titrated in the new working medium,
be used to dry the reagents! We recommend a solution of
the ethanol-based Hydranal-CompoSolver E.
iodine in 2-methoxyethanol or Hydranal-Composite 5 for
Procedure 8.4.O Compounds reacting with methanol, this purpose.
one-component volumetric titration
30 mL Hydranal-Working Medium K or Hydranal-Medium K
8.5 Neutralization of bases
or Hydranal-KetoSolver are added to the titration vessel
Strong bases can increase the pH of the KF system if the
and titrated to dryness with Hydranal-Composite 5. (The
basicity exceeds the buffering capacity of the reagent
titration of aldehydes or ketones requires Hydranal-
solutions. A fading titration may be observed or end point
Composite 5 K.) The sample is then added and titrated
will not be reached at all. Strong bases must be neutralized
using the same reagent.
prior to starting the titration by the addition of an adequate
Composite HYDRANAL-Titrant
Methanol dry
or Mixtures
or Mixtures
0 to -60˚C
Composite HYDRANAL-
HYDRANAL-Titrant Composite
Methanol dry
or Mixtures Methanol dry
or Mixtures
Figure 8.8. Titration at elevated temperature. Figure 8.9. Titration in boiling methanol.
R = flow regulation valve
G V D = flowmeter
G = volumetric flowmeter
V = 3-way valve
R Z = titration cell
T = drying tube
Methanol dry HYDRANAL-
or Mixtures Solvent or
Mixtures HYDRANAL-Coulomat AG-Oven
A = anode compartment,
C = cathode compartment
Procedure 8.10.T Gases, two-component This method of moisture determination can be applied to
volumetric titration substances such as:
A mixture of 20 mL Hydranal-Solvent and 40 mL • Insoluble solids that only release their inherent water
1-propanol are added to the titration cell and titrated to at temperature above 60°C (plastics, salts).
dryness with Hydranal-Titrant 2. The use of Hydranal-
Titrant 2 is preferred because of its lower titer. The desired • Solids and liquids that undergo side reactions with
amount of gaseous sample is then introduced into the conventional KF titration reagents (ascorbic acid,
titration cell and the water adsorbed is subsequently mineral oils), assuming that the matrix is not vaporized
titrated using Hydranal-Titrant 2 in the same manner. at such temperature and that none of the substances
disassociate or degrade to products that can interfere
Procedure 8.10.C Gases, coulometric titration with the subsequent KF titration of water and lead to
The anodic compartment is filled with 150 mL Hydranal- falsely high or low levels.
Coulomat AG-Oven and the cathodic compartment is filled
Suitable carrier gases are air or nitrogen, with nitrogen
+Q D = flowmeter
T = drying tube
Z = titration cell
Q = heat transfer rate
Z P = sample
preferred when the sample is sensitive to oxidization A KF titration is carried out by first assembling the
at process temperature of 100-300°C. Commercially apparatus, switching on the instrumentation and
available pumps can be used for air and are available preconditioning the system. The flow of gas is set to the
already equipped with dryers. Nitrogen is supplied from a desired rate and passed through the KF cell. The system
pressurized container. must be brought to a stable condition before adding the
sample. The drift must remain constant for a long period
We recommend the use of molecular sieves to dry
of time, at least 10 minutes, since this drift is later required
the carrier gas. A residual water content of less than
for the automatic correction of the subsequent water
10 μg H2O/liter is thereby assured. This amount does
determination. The automatic correction for the drift is
not present a potential problem in the subsequent water
based on the assumption that the residual drift of the
determination. Carrier gases containing high amounts of
system does not change throughout the total duration of
water should be pre-dried using silica gel. KF reagents are
the determination, which is typically 20 minutes. Drift that
not intended as drying agents as the solvents evaporate
increases from 6 μg/min to 10 μg/min, for example, could
in the drying tube and can cause side reactions through
cause an error of as much as 80 μg of water. This is why the
dissociation of the components at higher temperature.
baseline conditions should remain constant throughout
The flow of carrier gas is set to 100 to 500 mL/min. Using the total conditioning of the system and subsequent
smaller amounts of gas reduces the amount of extraneous determinations. The gas flow must not be altered under
moisture contributed by the carrier gas, which is usually any circumstances, as this will change the drift values
eliminated by the drift correction of the instrumentation, as well.
and improves the absorption of extracted water by the
Once the drift has stabilized, the previously weighed
KF reagent in the vessel. Larger amounts of gas reduce
sample is added. The oven is opened and the combustion
the risk of water condensing in the tubing when large
boat is quickly placed in the cold zone of the tubular oven.
quantities of moisture are being transferred.
The oven is then immediately closed. The addition of the
Commercially available KF ovens can be set to heating sample is a critical step because atmospheric moisture can
temperature of 50-300°C. Higher temperature is enter the system while the oven door is open. This critical
necessary for drying inorganic salts. The temperature step should be practiced on blank samples to ensure
chosen depends on the properties of the substance being smooth operation. It may be necessary to take this step
investigated. The moisture driven off from the sample into consideration in the calculations. Newer instruments
in the drying oven is transferred into the titration cell use vials in a heating block, which is an improvement
by the carrier gas. The same fundamental rules for the for the determination of very low water contents. The
investigation of gases (section 8.10) also apply here, and specific procedures for each instrument differ and the
the same reagents can also be used. Since the samples manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed.
often contain only trace amounts of moisture, it is preferred The titrator is set so that it does not automatically shut off
to combine the drying oven with a coulometer. prematurely. It should be programmed to run for at least
The sample size depends on the water content of the 10 minutes. This is necessary because the sample first has
sample and the type of equipment used for KF titration. to be heated and only a small amount of water, if any, is
Generally, the size of the sample should be chosen to initially released.
ensure that an adequate amount of water is present in The working conditions must be optimized for each product
the KF system. We recommend 500-3000 μg water for analyzed. Of particular importance is the determination of
coulometric titrations, and 1-10 mg of water for volumetric the optimum oven temperature to remove the water. The
titrations. Smaller amounts of water increase the standard temperature must be high enough to drive off the moisture
deviation of the determinations. Larger amounts of water from the sample within 10-15 minutes. But it must be
can lead to condensation in the tubing. kept low enough to prevent vaporization of the sample
matrix, which could interfere in the KF titration, and, at the
0 5 10 15 20 t [min]
Figure 8.11.2. Determination of optimum temperature for KF oven.
same time, high enough to prevent condensation in the rate of addition of reagent from the burette. After reaching
transfer tubing. the sustained 20-second end point, point “b” (the excess
of reagent) shows that the subsequent consumption of the
We determine the optimum temperature for a substance
reagent is virtually zero. This is an indication of how tightly
empirically by graphically evaluating the course of the
sealed the cell is and the working technique of the titration.
titration against time (Figure 8.11.2). Water in the titration
cell is not detected in the first minute (initial phase). Figure 8.12.2 depicts the titration of 40 mg water in the
The steepness of the curve increases as the water is presence of 5 mL acetone. Portion “b” of the curve is no
released from the sample. The curve levels off after about longer vertical and indicates a continual consumption of
10-20 minutes as the last traces of moisture are driven off the excess reagent and is caused by the ketal formation.
and the carrier gas purges the oven dry again. The “b” portion of the graph is in fact a straight line. The rate
of this side reaction is constant. The initial water content of
The end of the titration should be reached after a further
the sample can therefore be evaluated by extrapolation of
3-10 minutes. Curve A in Figure 8.11.2 depicts the ideal
the “b” portion of the curve to t = 0. The origin of the curve,
course of drying sodium tartrate dihydrate at 160°C.
t = 0, should therefore be carefully determined. The titration
Curve B depicts a sluggish release of water, as the oven
must start immediately after the sample is added or, even
temperature of 120°C is too low.
better, shortly before the sample is added. This latter
technique is called a “flying start”.
8.12 Titration curves
The graphical evaluation of the course of a titration
We find valuable to record the course of a titration in
enables the real water content of individual samples to be
terms of consumption of reagent vs. time during our
determined more accurately, in spite of a slow side reaction
investigations and in our development work. The titration
taking place. Such a method should always be used when
curves give insight into the course of the titration, indicate
the side reaction cannot be suppressed by suitable means.
potential sources of interference and enable a graphical
elimination of interferences and an evaluation of the actual In many cases, the titration curves can give an indication
water content. of the source of error, and making it possible to reduce or
even eliminate such interference. Figure 8.12.3 depicts the
Titration curves are obtained using commercially available
attempt to titrate the water content of dimethylpolysiloxane
titration instrument with an analog output fitted to the
in a methanolic working medium. A strong side reaction,
burette. An x-y recorder is connected to this output. The
the etherification of the silanol groups, is the cause of a
total titration is thus recorded. Many titrators offer the
continuous consumption of reagent. A low water content
opportunity to connect a PC or display the titration curve
could be inferred from the beginning of the titration curve.
on a monitor. Furthermore, we often titrate beyond the
If the same titration is carried out in a methanol-free
established end point in order to monitor any slow side
working medium according to the procedure 9.10.1, a
reactions that might have influenced the titration. This can
definite end point is obtained, as shown in Figure 8.12.4.
be clearly seen by the following examples.
The subsequently low consumption of reagent is a clear
Figure 8.12.1 shows the regular course of the titration of indication that the side reaction has been suppressed
40 mg water with Hydranal-Composite using Hydranal- sufficiently using the methanol-free medium, and that the
Methanol dry as the working medium. The efficiency of the end point given corresponds to the actual water content of
reagent is demonstrated by the rapid titration of the free the sample.
water, as seen from the “a” region of the curve. The gradient
of this portion of the titration curve is dependant upon the
a a
0 0
2 4 6 8 t [min] 2 4 6 8 t [min]
Figure 8.12.1. Titration of 40 mg water with HYDRANAL- Figure 8.12.2. Titration of 40 mg water with HYDRANAL-Composite in
Composite in methanolic working medium. methanolic working medium in the presence of 5 mL acetone.
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1 EP
0 0
2 4 6 t [min] 2 4 6 t [min]
Figure 8.12.3. Titration of water content of dimethylpolysiloxane Figure 8.12.4. Titration of water content of dimethylpolysiloxane in
in methanolic working medium. methanol-free working medium
The solvent system of the reagent has been carefully made The reagent can be used in the usual way for the determination
up to meet the demands of ketone analysis using modern of water in ketones. The samples sizes should be relatively
KF instruments. The composition of the reagent has small, preferably 1 mL. The sample size of reactive ketones,
been optimized and should not be altered by the addition such as cyclohexanone, should only be 0.2 mL or 0.5 mL.
of other solvents. For the same reason, no more than Larger samples can cause serious instrument drift and
20 mL of liquid sample per 100 mL of reagent should be eventually an end point will not be reached. The instrument
used. The same restrictions apply to the analysis of solids also influences the sample size.
dissolved in solvents. We recommend a 4:1 (v/v) solution
After several ketone samples have been analyzed in the
of 2-methoxyethanol and Hydranal-Chloroform, or the
reagent, the instrument indicates a drift or a residual current.
solvents used individually, because they ensure minimal
This drift corresponds to the amount of water that the
alteration to the electrolytic properties of the anolyte.
1,2-Diaminoethane 9.8.O 0.5 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
Diethylenetriamine 9.8.O 1.0 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
Triethylenetetramine 9.8.O 0.5 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
Tetraethylenepentamine 9.8.O 0.5 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
3-(N,N-dimethylamino)-propylamine 9.8.O 1.5 g 9.8.S 1.0 g n.d.
Hexamethylenediamine 9.8.O 2.0 g 9.8.S 0.5 g n.d.
Cyclic amines
Pyrrolidine 9.8.O 1.0 g 8.5.T 1.5 g 5.3 1.0 g
Piperidine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 3.0 g 5.3 4.0 g
1-Methylpiperidine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 3.0 g 5.3 10.0 g
Piperazine 8.5.O 1.5 g 8.5.T 1.5 g 5.3 2.0 g
Morpholine 8.5.O 3.0 g 8.5.T 3.0 g 5.3 10.0 g
Aromatic Amines
Aniline 9.8.K 5.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 1.5 g
o-Toluidine 9.8.K 5.0g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 2.0 g
m-Toluidine 9.8.K 5.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 1.0 g
4-Anisidine 9.8.K 3.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g 8.4.C 1.0 g
2-Aminophenol 9.8.K 1.0 g 9.8.S 1.0 g n.d.
1-Naphthylamine 9.8.K 5.0 g 9.8.S 2.0 g 8.4.C 2.0 g
N-Methyl aniline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 10.0 g
N,N-Dimethylaniline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 10.0 g
N,N-Diethylaniline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 20.0 g
Diphenylamine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 8.4.C 5.0 g
1,2-Phenylenediamine 9.8.K 1.0 g n.d. n.d.
1,3-Phenylenediamine 9.8.K 1.0 g n.d. n.d.
4-Methyl-1,2-phenylenediamine n.d. n.d. n.d.
Heterocyclic amines
Pyridine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
2-Picoline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
Chinoline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
Imidazole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
1-Methylimidazole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 2.5 g
Benzimidazole 5.1 1.0 g 5.2 1.0 g 5.3 1.0 g
1,3,5-Triazine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 6.0 g
1,2,4-Triazole 5.1 1.0 g 5.2 1.0 g 5.3 5.0 g
Benzothiazole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g 5.3 20.0 g
Pyrrole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
Indole 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
Carbazole 5.1 0.2 g 5.2 1.0 g 5.3 0.5 g
Nicotine 5.1 4.0 g 5.2 3.0 g 5.3 2.0 g
8-Hydroxychinoline 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
2-Aminopyridine 5.1 5.0 g 5.2 5.0 g n.r.
3-Aminopyridine 9.8.0 3.0 g 9.8.T 2.0 g n.r.
2-Aminobenzothiazole 9.8.0 5.0 g 9.8.T 2.0 g n.r.
The titration of nitro-compounds is equally straightforward. H C
They can be analyzed according to the standard RSH + N– C 2 H 5 N – C2 H 5
Procedure 9.10.1 Siloxanes For one side, the hydroperoxides produce equimolar
30 mL Hydranal-Working Medium K are added to the amounts of iodine and water, which can be reacted with a
titration vessel and titrated to dryness with Hydranal- sufficient excess of sulfite, so that the KF titration is not
Composite 5. 5 g siloxane are then weighed by difference disturbed (Reaction 1). All other peroxides react according
and added. The water content is titrated with Hydranal- to Reaction 2, although with different reaction rates. The
Composite 5. Stop time: 10 seconds. water determination is carried out at lower temperature in
order to suppress side reactions. An overview is given in
The water content of methyl hydrogen polysiloxane can be
Table 9.11.
determined using the same procedure.
For details, refer to titration methods in section 8.7,
It is also possible to accelerate the etherification of the
literature publication [15] and Laboratory Report L 279.
silanol groups catalytically to an extent that the water
Salts of inorganic and organic acids as well as other Problems can be encountered with the salts of copper.
crystalline compounds can comprise water in various ways: When the two-component reagent is used, the instrumental
• Water of crystallization indication shows an immediate end point. Cupric ions
apparently depolarize the indicator electrodes. This
• Entrapped moisture interference is not observed when Hydranal-Composite is
• Adherent moisture used. The water contents found are 0.5 mol too low as the
cupric copper has an oxidizing effect in the KF solution [1].
The method used to determine the water content can
sometimes differentiate between adherent moisture and Iron(III) salts behave similarly. Titration of iron(III) chloride
water of crystallization or included (entrapped) water. hexahydrate was possible with Hydranal-Composite
(L 023). With sodium molybdates (L 231) the water content
10.1.1 Water of crystallization found was far too high. Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II)
trihydrate can only be titrated with the one-component
The water of crystallization can only be determined
reagent Hydranal-Composite (L 334).
quantitatively when the sample can be dissolved in a
suitable solvent. Suitable solvents are Hydranal-Methanol When substances dissolve slowly, as is the case with
dry and Hydranal-Solvent in accordance with procedures barium chloride dihydrate or cadmium acetate dihydrate,
5.1 and 5.2. The addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry finely grinding the sample can help.
according to procedure 8.3 or a titration at elevated
With certain hydrates, the water of crystallization can be
temperature according to procedure in section 8.8 can
titrated without the sample actually dissolving. An example
also be utilized. Usually the working conditions should
of such a hydrate is calcium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate,
ensure that the sample dissolves within 3-5 minutes. We
CaHPO4 • 2 H2O, which can be titrated at 50°C in the
have analyzed a number of hydrates as summarized in
presence of Hydranal-Formamide dry within 20 minutes
Table 10.1.1.
using the two-component reagent. Such substances can
Table 10.1.1. Titration procedures for hydrates. be titrated as suspensions, though care must be taken to
ensure that the water content diffuses out of the crystal
Compound Titration procedure lattice. The titration time can be reduced by grinding
Aluminum sulfate octadecahydrate Titration according to the sample.
Ammonium iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate standard procedures
The hydrates of calcium sulfate are somewhat unique. The
Ammonium oxalate monohydrate (sections 5.1, 5.2) or
water of crystallization in calcium sulfate dihydrate cannot
Barium acetate monohydrate addition of formamide
be titrated, whereas the water of the hemihydrate (fired
Barium chloride dihydrate (section 8.3)
Cadmium acetate dihydrate plaster) can be.
Calcium chloride dihydrate
Iron (II) chloride tetrahydrate 10.1.2 Entrapped moisture
Iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate Many anhydrous crystalline salts include approximately
Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate
0.1-0.3% water. This causes the product to harden during
Potassium oxalate monohydrate
storage. The same is true for organic crystalline substances,
Copper sulfate pentahydrate
e.g. sugar. This entrapped moisture can only be determined
Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate by volumetric analysis when the substance completely
Magnesium sulfate hexahydrate dissolves. A titration according to procedures 5.1 or 5.2 can
Manganese (II) chloride tetrahydrate then be conducted. The addition of Hydranal-Formamide
Disodium hydrogenphosphate-12-hydrate dry can help in many cases (Procedure 8.3). A number of
Sodium hypophosphite monohydrate substances investigated are given in Table 10.1.2.
Sodium tartrate dihydrate
Another method to determine the amount of entrapped
Nickel sulfate hexahydrate
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate water is by using a drying oven. Some substances release
Zinc sulfate monohydrate entrapped moisture at temperature around 300°C, so that
Procedure 10.1.3 Inorganic salts, adherent moisture The water formed in the reaction is also titrated. This
5 mL Hydranal-Solvent and 20 mL Hydranal-Chloroform reaction is quantitative with strongly basic oxides, and
are added to the titration vessel and titrated to a stable end can occur so quickly that the amounts of water liberated
point. A large sample, 2-5 g, is then added and immediately
titrated with Hydranal-Titrant to a 5 second end point. If Table 10.2. Titration procedures for oxides and carbonates.
a partial dissolution of the sample cannot be prevented,
a graphical evaluation of the titration, as described in Compound Titration procedure
section 8.12, can be conducted to distinguish between Aluminum oxide Titration according to standard
adherent moisture and water of crystallization. Chromium dioxide procedure 5.1 or 5.2
Iron(III) oxide
Bismuth oxide
10.2 Acids, oxides and carbonates
Tin(IV) oxide
Two important points must be made when determining the Calcium carbonate
water content of acids. First, the acids must be neutralized
Antimony oxide Buffer with HYDRANAL-Buffer for
to prevent a shift in the working pH of the KF solution. Copper(II) oxide Acids according to 8.5
Second, certain acids tend to undergo esterification that Manganese(IV) oxide
forms water and gives falsely high results [1].
Lead(II) oxide React rapidly with KF reagents
The working technique as described in section 8.6 is Calcium oxide
therefore employed for the titration of acids, i.e. the acids Calcium peroxide
are neutralized in the titration vessel with Hydranal- Magnesium oxide
Mercury oxide
Imidazole or Hydranal-Buffer for Acids. This method only
Silver oxide
applies to aqueous acids.
Zinc oxide
Concentrated acids like gaseous hydrogen chloride or Zinc peroxide
96% sulfuric acid would undergo partial esterification Sodium hydrogen carbonate
with methanol and lead to erroneously high water Potassium hydrogen carbonate
Fondant (saccharose and glucose syrup) requires the addition 11.3 Dairy and proteinaceous products
of Hydranal-Formamide dry and titration at 50°C (L 322). Because its water content is high, difficulties during
the KF titration of milk are rarely encountered. Standard
Glucose-based molasses does not dissolve satisfactorily
procedures in 5.1 or 5.2 are followed. The milk must be
in methanol and adheres to the electrodes, requiring
homogenized prior to taking the sample. For accuracy, the
the addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry according
sample should be added to the titration vessel carefully
to procedure 8.3 (L 105). The same applies to starch
using a plastic syringe with needle. The sample weight is
syrup (L 213), molasses (L 227), penetrose (L 071), and
calculated by the difference in weight technique (L 085).
saccharose-based fruit gums (L 099, L 100).
Dairy fat emulsions tend to deposit on the vessel walls and Ginger also requires the addition of Hydranal-Formamide
indicator electrodes. To avoid this, we recommend a 1:1:1 dry and titration at 50°C (L 341).
mixture of Hydranal-Methanol dry, Hydranal-Formamide
Almonds should be finely ground prior to titration at 50°C
dry and Hydranal-Chloroform by volume as the working
in the presence of Hydranal-Formamide dry (L 086 and
medium (L 077).
L 295).
Cheese presents a problem because water does not extract
We have also carried out titrations of corn, wheat and other
from it easily. To overcome this problem, we finely grate the
grains at 50°C and confirmed their reproducibility and
sample beforehand, use a mixture of Hydranal-Methanol
repeatability when using Hydranal reagents.
dry and Hydranal-Formamide dry as the working medium
(section 8.3), and titrate at elevated temperature (L 095). With wheat flour (L 329), wheat semolina (L 331) and rusks
(L 332) we also have applied the tube furnace combined
Dried egg powders are amenable to KF titration. A mixture
with the KF titrator.
of Hydranal-Methanol dry and Hydranal-Formamide
dry according to procedure 8.3 is also used for the We have also studied the KF titration of snuff (finely
determination of water in dried egg white at elevated pulverized tobacco) at 50°C and found the addition of
temperature (L 163). We have also applied the same Hydranal-Formamide dry according to procedure 8.3
method to the determination of water in egg yolk (L 103). beneficial. The water content of tobacco stems, which
contain very coarse particles, could only be measured by
titration in boiling Hydranal-Methanol dry.
11.4 Vegetable-based products
Vegetable-based products are often difficult to titrate using
the KF method because the water is usually released slowly 11.5 Chocolates, sweets, toffees
and incompletely from the sample matrix. As an example, An analysis of chocolate requires an addition of Hydranal-
extraction of soya grits for 24 hours at room temperature Chloroform to dissolve the fats. We recommend the
in methanol did not extract all of the water in the sample. procedure outlined in section 8.2. If the chocolate sample
As a result, titration at 50°C is the preferable method for is first cut into very small pieces, a suspension can be made
these samples. This method has been successfully used within minutes. The water content of the suspension can
for the analysis of starches and flour (refer to section 11.1). then be easily titrated (L 071 and L 079).
Our investigations with roasted coffee show that titration The addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry to the working
in boiling Hydranal-Methanol dry can also improve the medium (Procedure 8.3) aids the extraction and titration of
extraction. The coffee is finely ground and titrated using toffee at elevated temperature and maltitol-based candies
the apparatus described in procedure 8.9. The titrations are at room temperature (L 309). The sample added in the form
rapid and the results are reliable. We have used the same of fine flakes dissolves in 3-5 minutes (L 069 and L 224).
technique for the analysis of coffee beans. We previously Mamba® brand toffees (chewy fruit-flavored toffees) are also
used pre-extraction techniques for the determination of titrated at 50°C in the presence of Hydranal-Formamide dry
water in roasted coffee. The water content of the roasted according to procedure 8.3 (L 091). Thinly sliced wine gums
coffee sample was extracted at 50-60°C using Hydranal- are analyzed in a similar fashion (L 066). Marzipan is added
Methanol dry. A part of the extract was subsequently titrated. to a Hydranal-Methanol dry/Hydranal-Chloroform mixture
Raw coffee can be titrated under same conditions (L 335). according to procedure 8.3 in the form of flakes and titrated
Coffee extracts (instant coffee) should be titrated at at 50°C (L 080 and L 232). Licorice also benefits by the
room temperature in the presence of formamide. The addition of Hydranal-Formamide dry. The titration is carried
water content is released too slowly using pure methanol. out according to procedure 8.3 (L 088).
The reagents as described in these pharmacopoeial Erythromycin is titrated quite easy using Hydranal reagents
methods are not commercially available. Consequently, the (L 242), whereas fading end points are found with the
use of Hydranal reagents for titration of drug substances pyridine-containing reagents. Dobutamine hydrochloride
is permitted by both pharmacopoeias and is much monohydrate requires an addition of Hydranal-Salicylic
more convenient than preparing the individual reagent acid (L 230) in order to suppress a side reaction. For
solutions. The USP states: “A commercially available, adenosine-5’-triphosphoric acid disodium salt, increasing
stabilized solution of Karl Fischer reagent may be used. the pH with Hydranal-Buffer for Acids is advisable (L 249).
Commercially available reagents containing amines other The mono-phosphate can be titrated with the standard
than pyridine and/or alcohols other than methanol may method.
also be used.” The same is true for the Ph. Eur. It permits With many organic salts, the addition of Hydranal-
the use of “other methods… provided that the same Formamide dry in combination with titration at 50°C
results… will be achieved.” We have carried out a variety of improves the titrations. This is the case for magnesium
comparison tests of the Ph. Eur. reagent versus Hydranal- aspartate (L 010 and L 268), magnesium lactate (L 225),
Composite 5. These tests are available upon request. calcium glycerophosphate (L 251), calcium gluconate
In addition to defining the reagents, the pharmacopoeias (L 259) or caffeine (L 024). For arginine aspartate the addition
prescribe the analytical procedures for the listed of Hydranal-Salicylic acid is additionally advisable (L 298).
products. Hydranal reagents can be used for all of these Glycerine monostearate requires the addition of Hydranal-
procedures. Besides the products specifically listed in Chloroform or titration at 50°C to aid solubility (L 297).
the pharmacopoeia, the water content of many other
drug and cosmetic products must be measured. We have Medicines for intravenous injections are sometimes
investigated a number of products and formulations using supplied as dry substrates in order to prolong their shelf life.
the methods described below. The residual water content significantly affects shelf life
and can be specified to be even lower than <100 μg H2O per
Methanol is not a good solvent for herbs; neither extracts ampoule. The determination of water at such low levels can
nor suspensions give reliable titrations. By adding be difficult, mostly because of the possible contamination
Hydranal-Formamide dry according to procedure 8.3, by extraneous moisture once the ampoule seal has been
a rapid titration and a stable end point is assured (L 138). broken. If the substance is dissolved by injecting Hydranal-
The determination of the water content of suppository aids, Methanol dry into the ampoule through the lyophilization
which are waxed-based, involves dissolving the sample stopper, a correction factor for the water content of the
in a working medium containing Hydranal-Chloroform methanol is necessary. We used a modified coulometric
and titrating at elevated temperature (Procedure 8.2). A determination method and injected dry anolyte into the
ampoule to dissolve the sample (L 135), as described in
titration cell and is expressed in mL reagent per minute. It a KF coulometer is being used more frequently as the
is best determined by titrating the cell to dryness as usual effectiveness of the combination in solving difficult
and then setting the instrumentation to continual titration titrations becomes apparent. Using this technique, the
for 5 minutes. water is driven off at 120-200°C and transferred into the
KF cell by a dried carrier gas. The moisture determination
Procedures according to DIN (Deutsches Institut für
is carried out according to procedure 8.11. Different oven
Normung e.V.) 53715, “Determination of water content
temperature is recommended for different types of plastics
of plastics by the Karl Fischer method,” recommended
(see Table 13.3).
for the titration of suspensions of powdered plastics
also apply. We conducted determinations on powdered We have carried out the water determination in many
polyethylene according to standard procedures 5.1 and different plastics. A comprehensive overview is given in
5.2 and found a reasonable correlation with results from Laboratory Report L 328.
determinations using a drying oven (section 8.11; L 193).
Plastic granulates do not release water completely and the 13.4 Liquefied gases
results from volumetric titrations are often too low.
The water determination in liquid gases can be carried out
The water content of powdered polypropylene is only by volumetric and coulometric titration if some sample
partially released during a volumetric titration. It is our peculiarities are taken into account. We have titrated
experience that the drying tube method should be used liquefied butane (L 338) and sulfur dioxide (L 340).
for this determination. The drying oven combined with
3. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (2). 10. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (9). Die
Wasserbestimmung in Cysteinhydrochlorid- Wasserbestimmung in Lebensmitteln. E. Scholz,
Monohydrat. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., Dtsch. Lebensm. Rundsch., 79, 302-306 (1983)
305, 416 (1981) 11. Karl Fischer Titration of Aldehydes and Ketones. E.
4. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (3). Die Scholz, Anal. Chem., 57, 2965-2971 (1985)
Genauigkeit der Wasserbestimmung. E. Scholz, 12. Wasserbestimmung in Phenolen durch Karl-Fischer-
Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 306, 394-396 (1981) Titration. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. (1988),
5. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (4). 330, 694-697
Einkomponenten-Reagenzien. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. 13. Karl-Fischer-Titration in siedendem Methanol.
Anal. Chem., 309, 30-32 (1981) Wasserbestimmung in Röstkaffee. E. Scholz, Dtsch.
6. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (5). Neue Lebensm. Rundsch. 84, 80-82 (1988)
Eichsubstanzen. E. Scholz, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 14. Karl-Fischer-Coulometrie ohne Diaphragma. E.
309, 123-125 (1981) Scholz, Labor Praxis 13, 526-531 (1989)
7. Karl-Fischer-Reagenzien ohne Pyridin (6). 15. Water determination of peroxide derivatives by Karl
Wasserbestimmung in Carbonsèuren. E. Scholz, Fischer titration at low temperatures. E. Scholz,
Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 310, 423-426 (1982) Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. (1991), 340, 71-72
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