AN117 From Hall Effect To TMR Rev0.1
AN117 From Hall Effect To TMR Rev0.1
AN117 From Hall Effect To TMR Rev0.1
2 Introduction
There is a multitude of systems to transduce a
magnetic field to a proportional voltage. These
magnetic sensors have been implemented into Figure 1 The Hall effect in a thin plate.
different applications within different industries. Under no magnetic field, the voltmeter should read
Some applications include: magnetic encoders, e- 0 V in Figure 1 (a). However, when a magnetic
compass, absolute angle sensor, simple on/off field, perpendicular to the current flow, is applied to
switch, current sensing. the plate, a small voltage appears across the plate,
which can be measured by the voltmeter Figure 1
Hall-effect was discovered by Edwin Hall in 1879.
After more than a century of development, Hall
effect sensors have reached limitations that are The separation of charge establishes an electric
forcing system designers to search for new field that opposes the migration of further charge,
technologies to achieve their targets of: power so a steady electrical potential is established for as
consumption, sensitivity, accuracy and cost. long as the electrons are flowing. The force that
pushes charged particles such as electrons is
TMR technology is the natural evolution of older
called the Lorentz force and is described by the
technologies like GMR and AMR. This paper will
following equation:
provide a very high level introduction to the different
technologies by understanding the physics behind
every phenomenon. Then, the paper gives an in-
𝐹𝐹⃑ = 𝑞𝑞0 𝐸𝐸�⃑ + 𝑞𝑞0 𝑣𝑣⃑ × 𝐵𝐵
depth look at Crocus Technology’s TMR solution. Equation 1 Lorentz Force Equation.
3.3.2 AMR
The first discovery of this effect dates back to 1856
by William Thomson. The effect is referred to today
as AMR (Anisotropic Magneto-Resistance).
3.3.3 GMR
Giant Magneto-Resistance (GMR) was first
0 90 180 270 360 discovered in 1988 independently by Albert Fert
Angle between (I) and (M) and Peter Grünberg. Both were later rewarded the
Nobel Prize in 2007 for this discovery.
TMR-based products.
10% GMR
1% 4.1 CMOS Process Agnostic
Crocus Technology does not own a CMOS foundry.
It operates as an IP provider, offering any foundry
the opportunity to add TMR technology to their
0 90 180 270 360
External magnetic field angle
Figure 13 Field line with regards to the TMR Crocus solved this issue by using the field lines to
junction. differentially program the sensors. This process is
The main objective of the field lines is to generate a referred to as DTAP (Differential Thermal Assisted
local, homogeneous magnetic field. The field lines Programming).
are used both during production and during the
lifetime of the sensor.
5 Conclusion
During production, they are used to program and Crocus Technology’s TMR offers the best
trim the sensor products. Enabling huge savings as alternative to older magnetic sensors. Advantages
any standard test equipment can program, trim and include: lowest power consumption in the 200 nA
test the devices without anther specialized machine range, high sensitivity reaching 600 mV/mT and a
generating and controlling an external magnetic cost-effective solution due to the high CMOS
field. integration capability which enables a monolithic IC
(integrated circuit).