What Is A Conceptual Framework

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What is a Conceptual Framework?

A Conceptual framework is a visual representation that helps to illustrate the

expected relationship between cause and effect in a financial context. It is
also called a Conceptual Model or research model. Different variables and the
assumed relationships between those variables are included in the model
and reflect the expectations.
This framework is a tool that is used before to a study. This makes a
Conceptual Framework an analytical tool. It is used to make conceptual
distinctions and bring together different ideas. Strong Conceptual
Frameworks lead to actual realisation of the intended objective.

Origin of the Conceptual Framework

A Conceptual Framework originates in the financial reporting of accountancy.
This is a default setting for practical problems to be tested objectively. Thus,
in a Conceptual Framework, fundamental financial issues are dealt with,
including ‘what useful features does the accounting need’, ‘which basic
elements are we dealing with (assets, liabilities, equity, etc.)’ and ‘what
variables are needed for the preparation of the financial statement’.

Testing research
In a Conceptual Model, the relationships are clearly defined between the
different variables and their relationship to each other. Typically, the model
is prepared before actual research takes place.
In addition, the type of research determines whether it is wise and useful to
work with a Conceptual Framework. In testing research, the use of a
Conceptual Framework is customary.

Based on hypotheses, a certain idea can be shown. The basis of testing

research is to demonstrate the cause-effect relationship, which is also
reflected in the Conceptual Framework. In testing research, one works with
specific expectations about cause and effect relationships, which are
displayed in the schematic model.

Nevertheless, the model is also suitable for exploratory research. This often
consists of broadly defined concepts instead of specifically defined variables.
In this type of research, the specific relationships are identified afterwards
and the variables are directly measurable and formulated fairly concretely.

Conceptual Framework example and variables

What does it look like?

In fact, the Conceptual Framework is a representation of a problem
statement / research question. It also looks pretty simple. Once the
independent and dependent variables have been determined, a Conceptual
Framework can be started:

• Frameworks – The dependent and independent variables are

drawn up in the frames.
• Arrows – the arrows between two concepts indicate that there is a
causal link; where the arrow comes from influences where the
arrow points to.
• Lines – where a relationship (correlation) between 2 variables is
expected, but no connection, a line is used.
Conceptual Framework Advantages
Working with a Conceptual Model has various advantages. First, the user is
“forced” to think carefully about the variables and give them precise

In addition, the guidelines help you to reach a final result. The standards that
are determined in advance will be consistent with this framework, so that
everyone who has the variables knows exactly what is expected.
It’s Your Turn
What do you think? Are you using a Conceptual Framework in research or
problem solving? Can you apply the Conceptual Model in today’s modern
business companies? Do you recognize the practical explanation or do you
have more suggestions? What are your success factors for problem analysis
and researching?
Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

More information
1. Gartner, W. B. (1985). A conceptual framework for describing the
phenomenon of new venture creation. Academy of management
review, 10(4), 696-706.
2. Seuring, S., & Müller, M. (2008). From a literature review to a
conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management. Journal
of cleaner production, 16(15), 1699-1710.

<a href=”https://www.toolshero.com/problem-solving/conceptual-
framework/”>ToolsHero.com: Conceptual Framework</a>
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