English: Quarter 2 - Module 2: A Voice To Be Heard
English: Quarter 2 - Module 2: A Voice To Be Heard
English: Quarter 2 - Module 2: A Voice To Be Heard
Quarter 2 – Module 2:
A Voice to be Heard
English – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 2: A Voice to be Heard
First Edition, 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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This module was designed and written for the learners. After going
through this module, the learner is expected to:
1. use conditional sentences in connecting text in particular dispositions
in real life.
2. identify the four types of conditional sentences.
What I Know
1 A Voice to be Heard
As a teenager, most of the time you want to talk about your dreams,
aspirations, future possibilities, or even regrets with your friends. To do it,
you must know how to use conditional sentences.
What’s In
“Social media is about having the courage to use your voice to start a
conversation, influence people, and bring about social changes.”
- Mirriam-Defensor Santiago
What’s New
Read the poem and based on each stanza, fill in the blanks with the
main idea of the writer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
If I Were A Voice
By: Charles Mackay
If I were a voice, a persuasive voice,
That could travel the wide world through,
I would fly on the beams of the morning light,
And speak to men with a gentle might,
And tell them to be true.
I'd fly, I'd fly, o'er land and sea,
Wherever a human heart might be,
Telling a tale, or singing a song,
In praise of the right - in blame of the wrong.
If I were a voice, a consoling voice,
I'd fly on the wings of air,
The homes of Sorrow and Guilt I'd seek,
And calm and truthful words I'd speak
To save them from Despair.
I'd fly, I'd fly, o'er the crowded town,
And drop, like the happy sun-light, down
Into the hearts of suffering men,
And teach them to rejoice again.
If I were a voice, a convincing voice,
I'd travel with the wind,
And whenever I saw the nations torn
By warfare, jealousy, or scorn,
If I were a voice, a convincing voice,
I 'd travel with the wind,
And whenever I saw the nations torn
By warfare, jealousy, or scorn,
Or hatred of their kind,
I'd fly, I'd fly, on the thunder-crash,
And into their blinded bosoms flash;
And, all their evil thoughts subdued,
I'd teach them Christian Brotherhood.
If I were a voice, a pervading voice,
I'd seek the kings of Earth;
I'd find them alone on their beds at night
And whisper words that should guide them right
Lessons of priceless worth;
I'd fly more swift than the swiftest bird,
And tell them things they never heard
Truths which the ages for aye repeat
Unknown to the statesmen at their feet.
If I were a voice, an immortal voice,
I'd speak in the people's ear;
And whenever they shouted 'Liberty,'
Without deserving to be free,
I'd make their error clear.
I'd fly, I'd fly, on the wings of day,
Rebuking wrong on my world-wide way,
And making all the Earth rejoice-
If I were a voice-an immortal voice.
Stanza no. 1
If I were a _______________, I _____________________
Stanza no. 2
If I were a _______________, I _____________________
Stanza no. 3
If I were a _______________, I _____________________
Stanza no. 4
If I were a _______________, I _____________________
What is It
In the above poem, the writer used conditional sentences to express his
disposition in life about the importance of having a voice to be heard.
What’s More
Activity 1
Identify the conditional type of the following sentences. Write type 0, type
1, type 2 or type 3 on a separate sheet of paper. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
Activity 2
Activity 3
What I Can Do
In your own words, write a response to the poem “If I were a Voice” by
Charles Mackay. Use conditional sentences to make a paragraph. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Additional Activities
Watch your favorite film and make 5 conditional sentences about it.
What I know
Activity 2
1. C
1. c 2. A
2. A 3. B
3. B 4. B
4. D 5. D
5. E
What's More
Activity 1
1. 2
2. 0
3. 3
4. 2
5. 1
6. 1
7. 1
8. 2
9. 1
10. 1
Answer Key
Exam English.
Jones, Matthew. “The Four Types of Conditionals and How to Use Them”.
June 12, 2020. https://magoosh.com/english-speaking/english-