Instruction Manual: EN FR DE IT SP
Instruction Manual: EN FR DE IT SP
Instruction Manual: EN FR DE IT SP
Spectrum Analyzer
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................ 3
GETTING STARTED .................................................................................... 8
ISA-730 Introduction .................................................... 10
Appearance ................................................................. 12
First Time Use Instructions .......................................... 19
BASIC OPERATION ................................................................................... 29
Frequency Settings ...................................................... 32
Span Settings .............................................................. 35
Amplitude Settings ...................................................... 38
Autoset ....................................................................... 40
Marker ........................................................................ 43
Measurement .............................................................. 55
Limit Line Testing ........................................................ 62
Bandwidth ................................................................... 67
Trace .......................................................................... 68
Display ....................................................................... 73
Save/Recall Files ........................................................ 77
System Settings .......................................................... 83
REMOTE CONTROL .................................................................................. 85
Interface Configuration ................................................ 86
Command Syntax ........................................................ 89
Command List ............................................................. 92
FAQ.......................................................................................................... 117
APPENDIX ............................................................................................... 119
ISA-730 Default Settings ............................................ 119
This chapter contains important safety instructions that you must
follow during operation and storage. Read the following before
any operation to insure your safety and to keep the instrument in
the best possible condition.
Safety Symbols
These safety symbols may appear in this manual or on the instrument.
Safety Guidelines
When using the unit in the United Kingdom, make sure the power cord meets the
following safety instructions.
As the colours of the wires in main leads may not correspond with the coloured marking
identified in your plug/appliance, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured Green & Yellow must be connected to the Earth terminal
marked with either the letter E, the earth symbol or coloured Green/Green & Yellow.
The wire which is coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with
the letter N or coloured Blue or Black.
The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal marked with the
letter L or P or coloured Brown or Red.
If in doubt, consult the instructions provided with the equipment or contact the supplier.
This cable/appliance should be protected by a suitably rated and approved HBC mains
fuse: refer to the rating information on the equipment and/or user instructions for details.
As a guide, a cable of 0.75mm2 should be protected by a 3A or 5A fuse. Larger
conductors would normally require 13A types, depending on the connection method
Any exposed wiring from a cable, plug or connection that is engaged in a live socket is
extremely hazardous. If a cable or plug is deemed hazardous, turn off the mains power
and remove the cable, any fuses and fuse assemblies. All hazardous wiring must be
immediately destroyed and replaced in accordance to the above standard.
This chapter provides a brief overview of the ISA-730, the
package contents, instructions for first time use and an
introduction to the front panel, rear panel and GUI.
ISA-730 Introduction
The ISA-730 is a low-cost, basic spectrum analyzer. The ISA-730 has all the basic
features of our more advanced models, but in a smaller package, designed
especially for education.
Main Features
150kHz~3GHz bandwidth
100kHz resolution
ACPR measurement
OCBW measurement
USB 2.0 Device port for the virtual com port communication
Package Contents
Check the contents before using the ISA-730.
ISA-730 Front Panel
Span Search Trace Hardcopy
GHz /
7 8 9 Sec dB
Arrow keys
MHz /
4 5 6 mSec
kHz /
F5 1 2 3 µ Sec Enter
RF Input
DC ±25V MAX.
+30dBm MAX. terminal
LCD display 640 X 480 color LCD display. The display shows the soft keys
for the current function, frequency, amplitude and marker
Span Span Sets the span, with options for full span, zero
span and last span.
Peak Search Search Finds each maximum and minimum peak.
Used with the Marker functions.
Limit Line Limit Line Sets and tests Pass/Fail limit lines.
Hardcopy setup Setup Configures the hardcopy options.
RF input terminal RF input port. Accepts RF inputs.
N-type: female
Rear Panel
USB B port
RS232 port
VGA port
information Function
Traces and
Soft menu
Reference level Displays the reference level. For details, see page 38.
Marker information Displays marker information. For details see page 43.
Soft menu keys The Soft menu keys are associated with the F1 to F6 function
keys to the right of the display.
Trace Icons Displays the color of each active trace and the trace mode of
each active trace. See page 68 for more information about
Entry/Message area This area is used to show system messages, errors and input
Frequency/ Displays the Start, Center and Stop frequencies, RBW, Span
Bandwidth settings and Sweep settings.
Trace and Main display showing the traces (page 68), limit lines (62) and
waveforms marker positions (43).
Description The ISA-730 has two adjustable tabs at the front that can be
used to position the instrument into two preset orientations.
Software Update
System version Before updating the software, please check the software
1. Press >Information[F4].
Software version
Update software 1. Place the update file, MAIN1.BIN, into the root directory of
a USB flash drive.
2. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on the front
3. Press System
>Update From USB Flash[F5].
Description If the type B USB port on the rear panel is to be used for
remote control, then the USB driver must be installed. The
USB driver is located in the CD that accompanied this
Note If the USB driver installation fails, you can try to manually
install the driver.
You can tell that the driver hasn’t been installed if you see
the AT91USBSerial icon in the ports node.
Right clicking this icon will allow you to manually install the
ISA-730.ini driver.
Description The factory default settings can be easily restored using the
Preset key on the front panel. The default settings cannot be
changed. See page 119 for a list of the factory default
Steps 1. Press .
The following conventions are used throughout the user manual. Read the
conventions below for a basic grasp of how to operate the ISA-730 menu system
and front panel keys.
Soft Menu keys The F1 to F6 function keys on the right side of the display
correspond directly to the soft-menu keys on their left.
F1 ~ F6 function keys
Soft-menu keys
Span Search Trace Hardcopy
Amplitude Meas Display Setup
Autoset Limit Line Memory System
GHz /
7 8 9 Sec dB
F4 MHz /
4 5 6 mSec
kHz /
F5 1 2 3 µ Sec Enter
DC ±25V MAX.
+30dBm MAX.
Input Parameter
Selecting this type of menu key will allow you to enter a new
value with the numeric keypad or increment/decrement the
value using the scroll wheel or number pad. See the
parameter input description below for more details.
Toggle State
Pressing this menu key will toggle the state. Notice that any
soft-menu key that can be toggled will have the active
parameter underlined.
Pressing this menu key will allow you to toggle the state of
the function between on and off. When in the on-state, the
parameter value can be manually edited. Use the numeric
keypad to enter the new value or use the scroll wheel to
increment/decrement the current value. Again, the setting that
is underlined is the active setting.
Sub Menu
Return to the Start of When you have navigated down a menu tree and you wish to
a Menu Tree. return to the start of the menu tree, simply press the same
Menu again.
> More[F6] > Min Hold[F2],
Active Function
Pressing this type of menu key will activate that function. The
menu key will be highlighted to show it is the active function.
Numerical keypad
GHz /
7 8 9 Sec dB
MHz /
4 5 6 mSec
kHz /
1 2 3 µSec Enter
Using the numeric When prompted to enter a parameter, use the number keys
keypad (0~9), the decimal key (.) and the minus key (-) to enter a
value. After a value has been entered, the unit keys can be
used to select the units.
Edited parameter
Back Space Use the backspace key to delete the last character or number
Using the scroll Use the scroll wheel to alter the current value. Clockwise
wheel increases the value, anti-clockwise decreases the value. The
scroll wheel is usually used for values that are highly variable,
such as the center frequency settings.
Frequency Settings ...................................................... 32
Center Frequency ....................................................................... 32
Start and Stop Frequency ........................................................... 32
Center Frequency Step ............................................................... 34
Span Settings .............................................................. 35
Span ............................................................................................ 35
Full Span ..................................................................................... 36
Zero Span.................................................................................... 36
Last Span .................................................................................... 37
Amplitude Settings ...................................................... 38
Reference Level .......................................................................... 38
Amplitude Units ........................................................................... 39
Scale/Div ..................................................................................... 39
Autoset ....................................................................... 40
Using Autoset .............................................................................. 40
Limiting the Autoset Vertical Search Range ............................... 41
Limiting the Autoset Horizontal Search Range ........................... 42
Marker ........................................................................ 43
Activating a Marker ..................................................................... 44
Frequency Settings
Center Frequency
Description The center frequency function sets the center frequency and
centers the display to the center frequency.
Range: 0kHz~3GHz
Default: 1.5GHz
Description The start/stop frequency function will set the start and stop
frequency of the span.
Range: 0kHz~3GHz
Default Start 0Hz
frequency: 3GHz
Default Stop
Note The start and stop frequency can change when the span
settings are used.
The stop frequency must be set higher than the start
frequency (for spans 0).
Description The Step function sets the step size of the center frequency
when using the arrow keys.
When the arrow keys are used to alter the center frequency,
each press will move the center frequency by the step size
specified by the Step function.
Range: 1Hz~3GHz
Step size
Span Settings
Description The Span function will set the frequency range of the sweep.
The sweep will be centered around the center frequency.
Setting the span will alter the start and stop frequencies.
Range: 0kHz~3GHz
Default Span: 3GHz
Display Span
Set Span
Full Span
Description The Full Span function will set the span to the full frequency
This function will set the start and stop frequencies to 0Hz
and 3GHz respectively.
Operation 1. Press > Full Span[F2].
Zero Span
Description The Zero Span function will set the frequency range of the
sweep to 0Hz and fixes the start and stop frequencies to the
center frequency. The Zero Span function measures the time
domain characteristics of the input signal at the center
frequency. The horizontal axis is displayed in the time
0Hz Span
Last Span
Description The last span function returns the spectrum analyzer to the
previous span settings.
Operation 1. Press > Last Span[F4].
Amplitude Settings
The vertical display scale is defined by the reference level amplitude, attenuation,
scale and external gain/loss.
Reference Level
Amplitude Units
Description The amplitude units can be set from dBm, dBmV or dBuV.
1. Press Amplitude
> Units …[F3] to change the amplitude units.
The Autoset function searches the peak signals and picks the signal peak with the
maximum amplitude, and then shows it in the display.
Using Autoset
Operation 1. Press > Autoset[F1].
After Autoset
Description You can set the amplitude floor so that the signals lower than
the setting will be ignored by the Autoset search.
2. Enter the amplitude limit with the number pad and Enter
Description You can change the frequency span limit in the display to get
a better view of the Autoset result. By default, the frequency
span after Autoset is set at 3MHz.
A Marker shows the frequency and amplitude of a waveform point. The ISA-730
can activate up to 5 markers or marker pairs simultaneously.
The marker table and peak table functions help editing and viewing multiple
markers in a single display.
The delta marker function allows you to see the frequency and amplitude
differences between reference markers.
The ISA-730 can automatically move a marker to various locations including the
peak signal, center frequency, and start/stop frequency. Other marker operations
regarding signal peaks are available in the Peak Search function.
Activating a Marker
There are two basic marker types, normal markers and delta markers. Normal
markers are used to measure the frequency/time or amplitude of a point on the
trace. Delta markers are used to measure the difference between a reference point
and a selected point on the trace.
Marker: 1~5
Description Delta markers are marker pairs that measure the difference in
frequency and amplitude between a reference marker and a
delta marker.
4 5 6
marker position. 0 /
Move marker to 1. Press > To Peak[F4].
Move marker to 2. Press > To Center[F5].
Marker to Start[F2]
Marker to Stop[F3]
Marker to Step[F4]
Marker to Ref. Level[F5]
Description The Marker Trace function moves the selected marker to the
currently active trace.
Marker 1, Trace B
Description All markers that have been activated, both normal and delta
markers, can be turned off at the same time with the All Mrk
Off function.
Description The ISA-730 has a Marker Table function to show all the
active markers and measurements at once.
2. The display will split into two screens. The bottom half will
show the Marker Table with the marker No. (normal,
reference or delta), frequency and the amplitude of the
Marker Table
Description 1. While the Marker Table function is the active function, the
position of each marker and delta marker can be edited
within the marker table.
3. Enter the new position of the marker using the keypad and
units keys.
Peak Search
The Peak Search key is used to find trace peaks. The currently active marker is
used in conjunction with the peak functions to mark the peaks that are found.
Peaks can be sorted by frequency or amplitude in the peak table.
Description Move the active marker to the highest peak. The highest peak
can be either found once or continuously.
2. Press Search >Peak Search[F1]. The marker will move to
the highest signal peak.
Description The Peak to Center function moves the marker to the highest
signal peak and moves the center frequency to that peak.
2. Press Search
>Peak to Center[F5].
Description The Search key can be used to search for a number of
different peaks.
Peak Search Next Peak: Searches for next highest peak visible
on the display.
Next Peak Right: Searches for the next peak to the right
of the marker.
Next Peak Left: Searches for the next peak to the left of
the marker.
2. Press Search and select the type of peak you wish to find.
Next Peak
Next Peak Right
Next Peak Left
Peak Table
Operation 1. Press Search >More [F6]>Peak Table[F1] and turn the peak
table on.
Display 3. The bottom-half of the screen shows the peak table with
the peak marker no., frequency and amplitude.
Peak markers
Peak Table
This section describes how to use the automatic measurement modes. The ISA-
730 includes the following measurements:
Between 0Hz~3GHz
(0Hz excepted)
Adjacent channel The frequency distance between
offset 1 ~ 2 the adjacent channels and main
Range: 1
Between 0Hz~3GHz
(0Hz excepted)
OCBW% The ratio of occupied bandwidth to
the amount of power consumed.
Range: 0% to 100%, 0.1%
Offset 1
Offset 2
Channel spacing
To next main
2. The display splits into two screens. The top screen shows
the sweep waveform. The bottom screen shows the ACPR
settings and measurement results in real time.
Note The main channel bandwidth and space settings are shown in
the setup area at the bottom of the screen, not on the soft-key
Channel BW
Channel space
Adj CH Offs 1[F2] Sets the channel offset of the 1
adjacent channel.
Adj CH BW 2[F3] Sets the bandwidth of the 2
adjacent channel.
Adj CH Offs 2[F4] Sets the channel offset of the 2
adjacent channel.
2. The display splits into two screens. The top shows the
channel bandwidth. The bottom screen shows the OCBW
measurement results in real time.
Note The main channel bandwidth and space settings are shown in
the setup area at the bottom of the screen, not on the soft-key
Channel BW
Channel space
The limit lines can be manually edited using 10 frequency points from the start to
the stop frequencies.
Limit Line
Operation 1. Press to enter the Limit Line menu.
Low Line
Spectrum display
11. Press Undelete[F5] the restore the last point that was
Pass/Fail Testing
Pass: Fail:
Upper limit Upper limit
Note Before pass/fail testing can begin, limit lines for the upper
and/or lower limits must first be saved and activated. See the
page 62.
If only high limit line is on, each trace point has to be lower
than the high limit line to get a PASS judgment, otherwise
get the judgment will be FAIL.
BW key sets the resolution bandwidth (RBW). The resolution bandwidth and the
sweep time are related. Please take into account how the sweep time is effected by
the resolution bandwidth.
Operation 1. Press BW > RBW[F1] and set the RBW to Auto or Man.
The ISA-730 is able to set the parameters of up to 3 different traces on the display
at once. Each trace is represented by a different color and is updated with each
Selecting a Trace
Display Icons
Trace A, B, C
Trace Type & Icon The type of trace used determines how the trace data is
stored or manipulated before being displayed. The analyzer
updates each trace according to the type of trace used.
Trace: A, B, C
Trace Math
Description Performs trace math from two traces (A, B) and stores the
results in trace A or swaps the data from trace A to trace B.
Math functions A <--> B Swaps the data from trace A to B and vice
A <--> B [F1]
A + B -> A [F2]
A – B -> A [F3]
A + const ->A [F4]
A – const ->A [F5]
Average Trace
Range: 4 ~ 100
Default: 4
Average: On (8)
The Display key configures the basic display settings as well as the split screen
Operation 1. Press Display > LCD Dimmer[F1] and use either the
number pad, the scroll wheel or arrow keys to set the
Operation 1. Press Display > Display Line[F3] to turn the display line on.
Display line
Description The split spectrum view is able to view two different sweep
ranges on the display at the same time using a split screen
view. The top and bottom view can have independent sweep
ranges, amplitudes, spans and other settings. However only
one split screen (top or bottom) can be swept each time.
Note After exiting the split spectrum view, the analyzer will use
the settings from the active window. The settings for the
inactive screen will be retained for the next time that split
spectrum view is used.
Save/Recall Files
The ISA-730 can save and recall setup data, trace data and limit line data to and
from internal memory. There are five memory locations for each save file type.
These files cannot be saved to USB.
The Hardcopy key can be used to save image files to a USB flash drive.
Save/Recall Setup
Description Setup data contains all the data necessary to recall the state
of the ISA-730 to known state.
kHz /
µSec Enter
2. Press to execute the save.
kHz /
2. Press µSec Enter to execute the recall.
Source: A, B, C
Destination: 1~5
Source: 1~5
Destination: A, B, C
Description Upper and lower limit lines can be saved to one of 5 pre-set
internal memory locations. The limit line data cannot be saved
to USB.
Save 1. To save the current upper and lower limit lines, press
> Limitln to[F5] and choose a memory location to
save to with the arrow keys.
kHz /
2. Press µSec Enter to execute the save.
> Limitln from[F6] and choose a memory location
to recall from with the arrow keys.
kHz /
4. Press µSec Enter to execute the recall.
2. Press and the image file will begin saving.
Wait a few moments for the file to save. When the file has
finished saving, “Screen Saved OK” will appear at the
bottom of the display.
Warning Do not remove the USB drive until the file has completed
Hardcopy Setup
Description The Hardcopy Setup key is used set the image file properties
of the bitmap file that is created when the Hardcopy key is
Ink Saving: This will invert all the colors on the display
so that the file will conserve ink when
Operation 1. Press Setup and choose the image type:
Ink Normal[F1]
Ink Saving[F2]
Note The next time the Hardcopy key is pressed, the image will
be saved using the settings above.
Description The Preset key is used to load the default settings. The
default settings are listed in the appendix on page 119.
Operation 1. Press .
The system will load the preset settings and the screen will
update with the new settings.
System Settings
System Information
System Language
This chapter describes basic configuration of IEEE488.2 based
remote control.
Interface Configuration
Configure Remote Interface
Data bit: 5, 6, 7, 8
Description The ISA-730 can use either the type B USB port or the
RS232 port on the rear panel for remote control.
When using the USB B port, the ISA-730 uses a USB driver
to simulate an RS232 connection with a PC via USB. It is
these RS232 settings that are configured for remote control.
Before using the USB B port for remote control, please install
the USB driver. See page 22 for details.
2. RS232 Connection:
Connect an RS232C cable from the PC to
the rear panel RS232 port.
3. Press System
>Serial Port…[F1]> Serial[F1] to enter the
remote configuration.
Data[F4]: 5, 6, 7, 8
To check the COM port No., see the Device Manager in the
For WinXP go to;
Control panel → System → Hardware tab.
Run this query command via the terminal after the instrument
has been configured for remote control (page 86).
Manufacturer: RS PRO
Command Syntax
meas meas:freq:cen?
Command types
Example meas:freq:cen?
1 2 3 4 5
3. Parameter 1
Command List
IEEE488.2 Standard
*IDN? ..................................................................................... 94
Sweep Commands
si ............................................................................................ 95
sn ........................................................................................... 95
ts ............................................................................................ 95
meas:freq:cen ........................................................................ 96
meas:freq:st ........................................................................... 96
meas:freq:stp ......................................................................... 97
Span Commands
meas:span ............................................................................. 98
meas:span:full ....................................................................... 98
meas:refl:unit ......................................................................... 98
meas:refl ................................................................................ 99
Marker Commands
meas:mark:on ...................................................................... 100
meas:mark:off ...................................................................... 101
meas:mark:norm .................................................................. 101
meas:mark:norm:freq? ........................................................ 102
Trace commands
meas:tra:val1:val2 ............................................................... 105
meas:tra:avg:on ................................................................... 106
meas:tra:avg:off ................................................................... 107
meas:tra:read ...................................................................... 107
Power measurement
meas:acpr ............................................................................ 108
meas:acpr:lower? ................................................................ 109
meas:acpr:upper?................................................................ 109
meas:ocbw .......................................................................... 110
meas:ocbw:bw? ................................................................... 110
meas:ocbw:chpw? ............................................................... 110
Limit Line
meas:lmtline:passfail ........................................................... 111
meas:lmtline:on ................................................................... 112
meas:lmtline:off ................................................................... 112
BW commands
con:rbw:auto ........................................................................ 112
con:rbw? .............................................................................. 112
con:rbw:man ........................................................................ 113
con:rbw:mode? .................................................................... 113
con:swt?............................................................................... 114
Display commands
con:disp:split:upper .............................................................. 114
con:disp:split:lower .............................................................. 114
con:disp:split:alt ................................................................... 115
con:disp:split:full .................................................................. 115
Preset commands
con:preset ............................................................................ 115
System commands
con:sys:ser? ........................................................................ 116
*IDN? ..................................................................................... 94
*IDN? Query
Manufacturer: RS PRO
Sweep Commands
si ............................................................................................ 95
sn ........................................................................................... 95
ts ............................................................................................ 95
Si Set
Example si
Sn Set
Example sn
Ts Set
Description Resets the sweep and starts it once (i.e., sweeps one time).
Example ts
Frequency Commands
meas:freq:cen ........................................................................ 96
meas:freq:st ........................................................................... 96
meas:freq:stp ......................................................................... 97
meas:freq:cen Query
>100 kHz
meas:freq:st Query
Span Commands
meas:span ............................................................................. 98
meas:span:full ....................................................................... 98
meas:span Query
meas:span:full Set
Syntax meas:span:full
Amplitude Commands
meas:refl:unit ......................................................................... 98
meas:refl ................................................................................ 99
meas:refl:unit Query
Parameter/ 1 dBm
Example meas:refl 10
>10 dBm
Example meas:mark on 1
meas:mark:off Set
meas:mark:norm Set
Example meas:mark:norm 1
meas:mark:norm:freq? Query
Return parameter <freq> Returns the frequency and unit of the selected
Example meas:mark:norm:freq 1?
meas:mark:norm:level? Query
Return parameter <amp> Returns the amplitude and unit of the selected
Example meas:mark:norm:level 1?
meas:mark:delta Set
Description Sets the selected marker to delta mode. It also sets the
relative frequency of the delta marker (in relation to the
Return parameter <freq> Returns the relative frequency and unit of the
selected delta marker.
Example meas:mark:norm:freq 1?
meas:mark:delta:level? Query
Return parameter <amp> Returns the amplitude and unit of the selected
delta marker.
Example meas:mark:delta:level 1?
meas:mark:tomin Set
Example meas:mark:tomin 1
meas:mark:topeak Set
Example meas:mark:topeak 1
meas:mark:tonp Set
Description Moves the selected normal or delta marker to the next peak.
Example meas:mark:tono 1
meas:mark:trace Set
1 Trace A
2 Trace B
3 Trace C
Example meas:mark:trace 1 2
Trace Commands
meas:tra:val1:val2 Set
2 Trace B
3 Trace C
3 View mode
4 Blank mode
Example meas:tra 1 1
meas:tra:avg:on Set
2 Trace B
3 Trace C
Example meas:tra:avg:on 1 4
meas:tra:avg:off Set
Description Turns the average function off for the selected trace.
2 Trace B
3 Trace C
Description Returns the all the trace data for the selected trace.
2 Trace B
3 Trace C
Example meas:tra:read? 1
>{ -92, -91, -90, -90, -90, -88, ……., -89, -92, -92, -91 }
Returns the trace data for the selected trace(s). A total of 501
trace points are returned, from the start frequency to the stop
frequency. If “all” is selected, the trace data is returned in
three lots, {trace A}{trace B}{traceC}. The units are in
decibels. If the selected trace is not active, 0s will be returned
for each trace point.
Example meas:acpr on
Description Returns the lower ACPR measurement result for the selected
channel offset (offset 1 or 2).
2 Channel offset 2
Example meas:acpr:lower? 1
meas:acpr:upper? Query
Description Returns the upper ACPR measurement result for the selected
channel offset (offset 1 or 2).
2 Channel offset 2
Example meas:acpr:upper? 1
meas:ocbw Query
Example meas:ocbw on
Example meas:ocbw:bw?
meas:ocbw:chpw? Query
Example meas:ocbw:chpw?
1 Pass
meas:lmtline:on Set
Syntax meas:lmtline:on
meas:lmtline:off Set
Syntax meas:lmtline:off
BW Commands
con:rbw:auto Set
Syntax con:rbw:auto
con:rbw? Query
1 100kHz
2 300kHz
3 1MHz
Example con:rbw?
con:rbw:man Set
2 300kHz
3 1MHz
Example con:rbw:man 1
con:rbw:mode? Query
Example con:rbw:mode?
con:swt? Query
Example Con:swt?
Display Commands
con:disp:split:upper Set
Description Turns on the split window function and sweeps the top
Syntax con:disp:split:upper
con:disp:split:lower Set
Description Turns on the split window function and sweeps the bottom
Syntax con:disp:split:lower
con:disp:split:alt Set
Description Sweeps the upper and lower windows alternatively in the split
window mode.
Syntax con:disp:split:lower
con:disp:split:full Set
Syntax con:disp:split:full
Preset Commands
con:preset Set
Syntax con:preset
System Commands
con:sys:ser? Query
Return parameter <string> Returns the serial number in the following format:
Example con:sys:ser?
• I connected the signal but it does not appear on screen.
Run Autoset and let the ISA-730 find the best display scale for your target signal.
Press the Autoset key, then press Autoset[F1]. For details, see page 40.
The sweep time determines how often the trace is updated on the screen. To
increase the sweep time, try reducing the span or using a wider RBW setting.
If you cannot see the trace on the screen, there may be a number of possibilities.
1. The trace is just off screen: Try to adjust the reference level with the amplitude
2. The trace may be in the “Blank” mode: Putting the trace into view mode will
enable the trace to be viewed again.
Make sure the device is powered On for at least 30 minutes, within +20°C~+30°C.
This is necessary to stabilize the unit to match the specification.
ISA-730 Default Settings
The following default settings are the factory configuration settings for the spectrum
analyzer (Function settings/Test settings).
Frequency Center Frequency: 1.5GHz Start Frequency: 0Hz
Stop Frequency: 3GHz CF Step: Auto
Span Span: 3GHz
Amplitude Reference level: -30.0dBm Scale Div: 10
Units: dBm
Autoset Amp.Floor: Auto Span: Auto
Marker Marker: Off
Peak Search N/A
Meas ACPR: Off OCBW: Off
Limit Line H Limit: Off L Limit: Off
Pass/Fail: Off
BW RBW: Auto
Trace Trace: A: Clear&Write Average: Off
Display Full Display: Active Display line: off
Memory N/A
Preset N/A
Hardcopy N/A
Hardcopy Setup Ink Normal
System N/A
ISA-730 Specifications
The specifications apply when the ISA is powered on for at least 30 minutes to
warm-up to a temperature of 20˚C to 30˚C, unless specified otherwise.
SSB Phase Noise -85dBc / Hz (typical, 500kHz offset, RBW : 30kHz, Sweep time:
1.5s, Span:1MHz@1GHz)
Inherent Spurious less than -45dBc @ -40dBm Ref. Level (typical less than -50dBc)
Operating 5 to 45°C
Temperature (Guaranteed at 25 ±5°C, without soft carrying
ISA-730 Dimensions
Unit: mm
Frequency Marker BW Preset
Span Search Trace Hardcopy
Amplitude Meas Display Setup
Autoset Limit Line Memory System
GHz /
7 8 9 Sec dB
F4 MHz /
4 5 6 mSec
kHz /
F5 1 2 3 µ Sec Enter
DC ±25V MAX.
+30dBm MAX.
296.0 105.0
Declaration of Conformity
We declare that the below mentioned product
Type of Product: Spectrum Analyzer
Model Number: ISA-730
is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the
Approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to EMC: 2014/30/EU, LVD:2014/
35/EU, WEEE: 2012/19/EU and RoHS: 2011/65/EU.
For the evaluation regarding the Electromagnetic Compatibility and Low Voltage Directive,
the following standards were applied:
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