Assignment / Self-Study Notes-4: Unit: 3 (Yoga and Lifestyle)
Assignment / Self-Study Notes-4: Unit: 3 (Yoga and Lifestyle)
Assignment / Self-Study Notes-4: Unit: 3 (Yoga and Lifestyle)
HASTASANA: - Procedure: Stand on a flat surface with feet together. Inhale and
raise arms over the head by interlocking the fingers. While exhaling bend to left
side of the waist and hold the position as long as one can do. Come to original
Position by inhaling. The same procedure is followed with the right side.
Benefits: 1. It is beneficial in weight loss.
2. It is beneficial to make the waist slim and chest expansion.
3. It is also recommended to increase height for children.
Contraindications: One must avoid practicing the asana if he has had an injury
in the neck or shoulder, headache, low blood pressure etc..
Diabetes is a disease in which the level of glucose in the blood or the blood
sugar level increases.
Some of the best yoga exercises are given below, which helps in diabetes-
Procedure: Lie down on your stomach. Forehead should be resting on the
ground. Place your hands (palms downward) at shoulder level, keeping elbows
parallel. Inhale and raise your head, chest and abdomen. Arch your back as
much as possible, tilt your head back and look up. The elbows should be
straight. Hold this position while breathing normally. Exhale, bend your elbows
and bring your body down to the floor.
Asthma is a disease of lungs in which the airways become blocked or
narrowed causing difficulty in breathing.
Some of the best yoga exercises are given below, which helps in asthma.
Sukhasana: (Easy pose or relaxing pose)
Procedure : Sit on the floor folding the left leg until it touches the right[4]
thigh. Then the right leg is folded so that it touches the left thigh. The
hands are kept on the knees and are held with palm upwards and the
thumb and forefinger looped together. The spine remains erect and the
breathing is normal.
Benefits: Calms your mind, reduces fatigue, improves concentration,
improves posture, etc..
Contraindications: The individual who have knee injuries, hip injuries,
spinal disc problems should not perform this asana.
Procedure: Lie flat on back on the floor. Bend the knees so that the soles of
feet are on the floor and closer to buttocks. Your hands must be placed
behind the shoulders, ensuring fingers are opened up and pointed towards
shoulders. Then balance weight on limbs. Press feet and palms, and lift entire
body off the mat. Let the head hand gently.
1. This posture is excellent for people suffering from asthma as it stretches
the chest and the lungs.
2. Excellent for people suffering from osteoporosis.
3. It improves the digestion.
4. Strengthens arms, wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen and spine.
1. People suffering from hernia, back injury, cardiac or spinal problems
should avoid this asana.
2. People with high or low blood pressure, headache or diarrhea, avoid
performing chakrassana.
1. It reduces obesity.
2. It cures constipation.
3. It improves body posture.
4. Helps to reduce hypertension.
5. It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance.
1. People suffering from shoulder injury and headache should avoid this
2. Do not perform this asana during low blood pressure .
3. Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty
valves, should not perform this asana.
Procedure: Lie down on the floor with your back on the floor. Inhale slowly. Lift
your legs and bend your knees towards your chest till the thighs touch your
stomach. Hold your knees with your hands and lock your fingers. Lift your head
and touch your knee with the chin or nose and hold this position for some time.
Exhale slowly and come back to the initial position.
Benefits: 1. Effective for people having diabetes or high blood pressure.
2. Keeps the abdominal muscles healthy.
3. Helps burn fat in the thighs, buttocks and abdominal region.
4 .Regular practice of this asana cures gastric problems.
1. People who have undergone surgery in their belly or abdominal region
avoid this asana.
2. Pregnant women should not practice this asana.
Procedure: Stand straight with both feet together. Hold your hips with your
hands. Bend backwards without bending your knees with slow inhalation.
Remain in this pose for some time.
Benefits :
1. Controls high blood pressure.
2. Improve lung capacity.
3. It improves digestion.
4. It reduces fat in the waist and thigh.
5. It relieves stress in the neck and shoulders. [8]
Avoid performing this asana if you have migraine, headache, low blood pressure
and diarrhoea.
1. Avoid doing this asana if you have ulcet and hernia.
2. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asasna.
Procedure: Lie flat with your back on the floor. Place your arms alongside the
body, slightly apart. Palms should be facing upwards. Your legs should be
straight and separated. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly and relax.
1. It controls high blood pressure.
2. It relieves mental tension.
3. This asana relaxes the mind and body.
4. It improves memory and concentration.
5. It also improves energy level.
Back pain is mainly caused due to leading a sedentary life style, sitting for long
hours in front of T.Vs, computers, i-paids, and driving cars or scooters for a long
Yogic asanas recommended for the prevention and management of back pain
Procedure: Lie down on your stomach and place both hands under the thighs
with palms facing downward. Inhale, lifting your legs up. Ensure that your legs is
not bent at the knee and the chin is resting on the ground. Hold this position for
some time.
1. It helps in relieving lower back pain.
2. It helps in relieving stress.
3. It improves posture.
4. It strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks and back of the arms
and legs.
5. It helps in removing constipation. [11]
1. People with a weak spine should avoid this asana.
2. The individuals with a weak heart and high blood pressure should avoid
this asana.
Exercise Question: