DUP - VRT Program

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Week 1 Cycle 1: DUP/VRT Strength Program

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 4x6 TM Deadlift 6x3 TM Snatch 5x3 TM Clean 5x3 TM
Up 6x5

DB Shoulder Press 4x8

Back Squat 4x6 TM Strict Press 4x8 Back Squat 5x4 TM Bench Press 6x3 TM

Barbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 7 EMOM for RDL 5x8 Moderately
Front Squat 6x3 TM
AHAP Up 4x8 6min Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

Ascending Ladder in 9
min 21-15-9
AMRAP 7min Rest Rest
Power Snatch Aslt Bike Cal
Row 15 Cal
135/95lbs Push Press
15 Wall Ball 30/20lbs
Burpee 155/105lbs
*1,1,2,2,3,3 until time

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
Week 2 Cycle 1: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 4x6 TM Deadlift 6x3 TM Snatch 5x3 TM Clean 5x3 TM
Up 6x5

DB Shoulder Press 4x8

Back Squat 4x6 TM Strict Press 4x8 Back Squat 5x4 TM Bench Press 6x3 TM

Barbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 8 EMOM for RDL 5x8 Moderately
Front Squat 6x3 TM
AHAP Up 4x8 6min Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

50 Reps for Time

Rest 50 OH Squats 4 Rounds for Time
Dumbbell Snatch Rest
115/75lbs 7 Deadlift 315/225lbs
*Every break equals 7 Muscle Ups
Box Jump 24/20in
10 pull ups

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
Week 3 Cycle 1: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 4x6 TM Deadlift 6x3 TM Snatch 5x3 TM Clean 5x3 TM
Up 6x5

DB Shoulder Press 4x8

Back Squat 4x6 TM Strict Press 4x8 Back Squat 5x4 TM Bench Press 6x3 TM

Barbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 9 EMOM for RDL 5x8 Moderately
Front Squat 6x3 TM
AHAP Up 4x8 6min Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

3 Rounds for Time AMRAP 8min

Tabata Each Move Rest Rest
Run 400m 7 Bar Dip
Row Cal
8 Power Snatch 7 Toe to Bar
Push Ups
155/105lbs 7 Ring Row

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
Week 4 Cycle 1 Deload: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 3x5 TM Deadlift 4x3 TM Snatch 3x3 TM Clean 3x3 TM
Up 6x5

DB Shoulder Press 3x8

Back Squat 3x5 TM Strict Press 3x8 Back Squat 3x4 TM Bench Press 4x3 TM

Barbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 7 EMOM for RDL 3x8 Moderately
Front Squat 4x3 TM
AHAP Up 4x8 6min Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

30-20-10 50 Push Jerk

Aslt Bike 50 Cal for Rest Rest
Hang Power Snatch 165/115lbs
time, rest 2 min 50
95/65lbs *every break equals 3
Cal for time
Air Squats muscle ups

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
Week 5 Cycle 2: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 5x7 TM Deadlift 7x2 TM Snatch 5x3 TM Clean 5x3 TM
Up 6x4

Weighted Dip 4x8

Back Squat 5x7 TM Dumbbell Press 4x10 Back Squat 5x3 TM Bench Press 7x2 TM

Dumbbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 7 EMOM for Stiff Leg DL 4x8
Front Squat 6x3 TM
AHAP Up 4x9 8min Moderately Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

Rest 2 Rds for Time Rest

Death by Power Clean Karen 150 Wall Balls
30 Pull Ups
and Jerk 185/125lbs for Time 20/14lbs
40 Cal Row

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
Week 6 Cycle 2: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 5x7 TM Deadlift 7x2 TM Snatch 5x3 TM Clean 5x3 TM
Up 7x4

Weighted Dip 4x8

Back Squat 5x7 TM Dumbbell Press 4x10 Back Squat 5x3 TM Bench Press 7x2 TM

Dumbbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 7 EMOM for Stiff Leg DL 5x7
Front Squat 6x3 TM
AHAP Up 4x10 9min Moderately Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

AMRAP 7 min
Rest 4 Rds for Time Rest 50-40-30
5 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Aslt Bike Cal Double Under
5 Squat Clean
9 Thruster 115/75lbs Kb Swing 53/35lbs

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
Week 7 Cycle 2: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 5x7 TM Deadlift 7x2 TM Snatch 5x3 TM Clean 5x3 TM
Up 8x4

Weighted Dip 4x8

Back Squat 5x7 TM Dumbbell Press 4x10 Back Squat 5x3 TM Bench Press 7x2 TM

Dumbbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 8 EMOM for Stiff Leg DL 5x7
Front Squat 6x3 TM
AHAP Up 4x11 8min Moderately Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

AMRAP 9 min 50 Back Squats for

9 Chest to Bars Rest Time at Bodyweight
12 Front Squat *every pause more 5min Max Cal Row
135/95 lbs than 5 sec is 4 bar
14 Bar Facing Burpee facing burpees

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
Week 8 Cycle 2 Deload: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reverse Banded Pull

Bench 3x7 TM Deadlift 4x2 TM Snatch 5x3 TM Clean 5x3 TM
Up 8x4

Weighted Dip 4x8

Back Squat 3x7 TM Dumbbell Press 4x10 Back Squat 3x3 TM Bench Press 4x2 TM

Dumbbell Row 3x10 Reverse Banded Pull GHD 6 EMOM for Stiff Leg DL 5x7
Front Squat 3x3 TM
AHAP Up 3x11 8min Moderately Heavy

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

For Time AMREP 7 min barbell

Run 800m Rest 30-25-20-15-10-5 Rest complex
50 Situps Double Under 1 Rep = 1 Deadlift + 1
50 Push Ups Aslt Bike Cal Squat Clean + 1 Jerk
Run 800m at bodyweight

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body
PR Week: DUP/VRT Strength Program
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Bench 1 RM Deadlift 1 RM Snatch 1 RM Strict Press 1RM

Back Squat 1 RM Clean 1 RM

Front Squat 1 RM

Rest 10min Rest 10min Rest 10min

Rest Rest
15min Easy Aslt Bike 15 min walking 15min Row

Green blocks are moves to be done with bands Each week aim to increase load 5 lbs upper body moves, 10 lbs lower body

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