Munn 1987
Munn 1987
Munn 1987
of Relaxation Measurements
NMR spin-lattice relaxation measurements of fluids contained in porous solids could be a powerful
tool for pore size/structure analysis. It does not suffer from many of the inherent disadvantages of
mercury porosimetry/nitrogen condensation such as the necessity of a pore shape assumption, measuring
only the smallest constriction in a pore, sample compression (porosimetry), and limited pore size range
(condensation). However, the successful extraction of the desired pore volume distribution from exper-
imental spin-lattice relaxation measurements requires the solution of an "ill-posed" problem. A recently
developed nonnegatively constrained least-squares (NNLS) algorithm was used to approach this problem.
Two methods were used including matching relaxation data in real time using the NNLS algorithm and
transforming both the data and the governing equations into the frequency time domain and subsequent
matching with NNLS. Numerical experiments were conducted using artificial pore size distribution data
generated for a variety of distribution types. The two methods were used to analyze both the exact
generated data and the generated data containing 5% random error. Direct analysis of the data was more
accurate in reproducing the artificial pore structures than the Fourier transform analysis except in the
limit of high experimental noise. Deconvolution of the artificial pore structure from exact data gave
nearly exact results. Analysis of data after introducing 5% random error to the data yielded less accurate,
yet stable results. Small oscillations in the calculated distributions were noted but these are on the same
order of or smaller than those normally encountered in porosimetry/condensation experiments. ©1987
Academic Press, Inc.
INTRODUCTION c o m p r e s s i o n (porosimetry), a n d n a r r o w p o r e
size range ( a d s o r p t i o n / c o n d e n s a t i o n ) . D e s p i t e
Investigators in the field o f nuclear m a g n e t i c the p o t e n t i a l a d v a n t a g e s o f N M R s p i n - l a t t i c e
r e s o n a n c e logging for p e t r o l e u m f o r m a t i o n s r e l a x a t i o n m e a s u r e m e n t s as a p o r e structure
have observed t h a t fluids in the vicinity o f a analysis tool, the m e t h o d has n o t b e e n pre-
surface will u n d e r g o s p i n - l a t t i c e r e l a x a t i o n at viously d e m o n s t r a t e d as a viable tool. T h e
a faster rate t h a n fluids far r e m o v e d f r o m the m y r i a d o f p o r e d i a m e t e r s typically f o u n d in
surface (1). This suggests t h a t i f one c o n d u c t s p o r o u s m a t e r i a l s requires the s o l u t i o n o f an
a s p i n - l a t t i c e r e l a x a t i o n e x p e r i m e n t o n fluids unstable, " i l l - p o s e d " p r o b l e m to extract the
c o n t a i n e d in a p o r o u s solid, one should be able desired p o r e size d i s t r i b u t i o n f r o m the ob-
to ascertain p o r e structure i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t served r e l a x a t i o n data.
the solid. N M R p o r e structure analysis c o u l d In this paper, we investigate the p r o p e r t i e s
be a p o w e r f u l new tool since it does n o t suffer o f the F r e d h o l m integral e q u a t i o n w h i c h m u s t
f r o m m a n y o f the p r o b l e m s i n h e r e n t to m e r - be successfully i n v e r t e d to extract the desired
cury porosimetry and adsorption/condensa- p o r e size d i s t r i b u t i o n f r o m the o b s e r v e d re-
t i o n analysis. T h e s e p r o b l e m s i n c l u d e the ne- laxation decay. Several n u m e r i c a l schemes are
cessity o f a p o r e shape a s s u m p t i o n , m e a s u r i n g investigated a n d their sensitivity to r a n d o m
the smallest c o n s t r i c t i o n in a p o r e r a t h e r t h a n e x p e r i m e n t a l m e a s u r e m e n t errors is deter-
the average size, l i m i t e d s a m p l e size, s a m p l e m i n e d . In a following p a p e r (2), we illustrate
0021-9797/87 $3.00
Copyright © 1987 by Academic Press, Inc.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 119, No. 1, September 1987 All fights of reproduction in any form reserved.
o . . . . .
Quantitatively, the return to equilibrium of
the magnetization vector for a fluid following
a 180 ° rotation applied in an external mag- -0.5-
netic field is given by (3)
M(t) =Mo(1 - 2 exp(--t/Tl)), [1]
o12 o14 0:6 o18
where M(t) is the measured magnetization at t(s)
decane were used and measurements were ployed to attack this problem and are reviewed
made at temperatures of311 and 339 K. Rea- by House (11). Sacher and Morrison (12) used
sonable agreement between the two techniques four different algorithms for the solution of
was noted. In a study of rock wettability by Eq. [7] to extract adsorption energy distribu-
N M R techniques, Brown and Fatt (8) also tions. The methods tested include Dantzig's
avoided the solution of Eq. [3] by using a single simplex method, systematic overrelaxafion
T~. Loren (9) related the mean T~ of porous (SOR) method, Lemke's complementary pivot
solids to the sample's permeability. Cowgill et algorithm, and a nonnegatively constrained
aL (10) assumed that their M(t) data could be linear least-squares (NNLS) routine. Of the
described by the sum of three exponential four methods, the nonnegafively constrained
components for spin-lattice relaxation in least-squares routine developed by Lawson
sandstones in an effort to correlate perme- and Hanson (13) was found to be significantly
ability and spin-lattice relaxation. A least- faster and more resistant to round-off errors
squares routine was used to extract the three than the other three methods. This routine is
Tl'S and the relative fraction of water with each "numerically stable" which means that the er-
component. ror in the solution caused by uncertainty in
The simplest approach to solving Eq. [3] in the data and round-off error accumulated
order to obtain a T~ distribution is to use the during the computation can be bounded.
so-called direct approach. The Fredholm in- Wesson et al. (14) have stated explicitly that
tegral equation is approximated as a finite se- if the number of distribution values is signif-
ries of discrete T1 intervals. The domain of icantly less than the number of data points
T~minthrough T~maxis divided into I intervals: (i.e., the problem is significantly overcon-
N strained), this method will converge to a
M(ti) = Mo ~, K(ti, Tlj)f (Tlj)A Tlj unique solution for the desired adsorption en-
j=l ergy distribution.
Brown and co-workers (15, 16) have used
i = 1. . . . , L [4]
Tikhonov's method of "regularization" (17)
Equation [4] can be rewritten in matrix form: in an attempt to extract pore volume distri-
butions from spin-lattice relaxation measure-
M= KAT~f [5]
ments. The advantage of this method is that
The elements of K are given by a continuousf(T~) distribution is obtained in-
stead of discrete values. Butler and co-worker's
K(ti, TIj) = M0[1 - 2 exp(-ti/Tlj)] (18) modification of this method, which in-
j = l . . . . . N, i = 1 . . . . . I. [6] cludes the constraint that only nonnegative
values o f f ( T 0 are physically acceptable, is
Given that the elements of K a r e smooth func- used. The disadvantage of this regularization
tions and I is sufficiently large, Eq. [4] should technique is that the magnitude of the regu-
approximate Eq. [3] fairly accurately. Equa- larizafion parameter, 6, must be specified. The
tion [6] may be solved to yield the T1 distri- f(T~) distribution takes on different values for
bution, f ( T l ) : each value of 6. As 6 is decreased, f(T1) be-
f= AT~IK 1M. [7] comes more structured and will start oscillat-
ing as 6 approaches zero. The optimum 6 value
In general, this direct approach will be quite is a function of the data noise level and cannot
sensitive to noise in the data. be explicitly determined. Brown and co-work-
The problem of extracting adsorption en- ers created artificial M(t) data with no noise
ergy site distributions from adsorption iso- from assumed unimodal and bimodal T1 dis-
therms is similar to that encountered in this tributions. Agreement between the calculated
work. A variety of techniques have been era- and starting distributions was good. Compar-
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 119, No. 1, September 1987
ison between NMR derived and mercury po- is minimized such that all elements of f a r e
rosimetry pore size distributions is less clear zero or positive. The complete details of the
since the surface effect parameter, TIsurfac~,was scheme are given by Lawson and Hanson (13).
allowed to vary for each sample to minimize First, the kernal in Eq. [4] is modified to a
the observed difference between the two simple exponential decay (from 1.0 to 0.0 in-
methods. stead of from -M0 to +M0) and the data ma-
A significant body of literature exists on the trix, 214, is transformed accordingly. With the
matching of experimental data to exponential kemal defined as such, the Fourier transform
decay models. In addition to NMR relaxation, of the M(t) curve is finite and it is easier to
this problem is of importance in a wide range append zero values to the experimental data
of fields including chemical kinetics, Laplace for large times when the system has essentially
transform inversion, and astrophysics. Tech- reached equilibrium. The elements of the
niques for solving the problem range in com- modified kernal matrix for the real time
plexity from direct inversion, as discussed matching are
above, to complex, multiple-step procedures.
These methods have included Fourier analysis
K(ti, Tlj) = exp(-ti/Tlj). [9]
(19-21), Z-transforms (22), and spline ap- In addition to matching the experimental
proximations (23). Since the problem consid- magnetization data in the real-time domain,
ered here is whether direct inversion of relax- both the data and the model may be trans-
ation data in the real-time or frequency-time formed into the frequency-time domain before
domains results in reasonable approximations the model parameters are determined. The
to the desired pore size distribution, no exten- application of an integral transform serves to
sive review of the literature is included. For average high-frequency experimental noise.
NMR pore size analysis to be practical, the This approach has worked quite well in other
f(Tl) calculation must be relatively straight- parameter-matching problems such as the
forward and computationally efficient even if chromatographic determination of adsorp-
mathematical rigor must be sacrificed. tion/diffusion parameters (24, 25). The ex-
perimental data and the multiple exponential
MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS decay model equations are transformed via the
application of a Fourier transform (26):
Since the NNLS scheme is numerically sta-
ble, very fast, easy to implement, and proven
to be effective for the similar problem of cal-
M(~o) = M(t)exp(-iwOdt. [10]
culating adsorption energy distributions, it
appears that this scheme may be useful for the Expressions for the theoretical (i.e., model)
inversion of spin-lattice relaxation data. For Fourier series coefficients, a,-mod and bn-mod,
this work, the NNLS routine is used to min- are obtained by transforming Eqs. [4] and [9]
imize and separating M(~0) into real and imaginary
[IM--KATlfI[. [8] components, an-rood and b n - m ~ a r e
tained by matching the theoretical coefficients case. For FT analysis, M is transformed into
to those obtained from the M(ti) data. The the frequency-time domain using Eq. [13].
experimental Fourier coefficients are obtained Equation [13] is evaluated numerically using
from Filon's cosine formula (27). Both schemes
employ the identical NNLS algorithm, the
a,_exp =
o J
P M(t)dt
only differences being the Kand M matrix def-
initions. The analysis is performed using 100
generated M(t) points and 50f(T1) "patches"
equally spaced on a logarithmic axis covering
three cycles of TI (0.001 to 1.0 s). All numer-
ical experiments were conducted using a VAX
bn-exp= i2P M(t)sin(wt)dt/[ p fo2"M(t)dt] . 11/785 computer with double-precision ac-
curacy. To ascertain the sensitivity of both
schemes to experimental error, varying
We make the arbitrary decision to match amounts of between 0 and 5% random uni-
only the real portions of M(~0). Therefore, the form error are introduced into the M(t) data.
elements of the M matrix in Eq. [8] are defined The comparison is repeated for f(Tl) distri-
by Eq. [13]. The elements of the K matrix are butions containing two separate Gaussian
given by Eq. [11] divided byf(Tlj)ATlj. The peaks (to simulate a bimodal pore size distri-
transformation yields the same number of bution around two different radii). The differ-
transformed data points as raw experimental ence between two adjacent peaks is varied to
data points (as n is defined as going from 1 to determine the capability of differentiating be-
/, the number of raw data points). Thus, the tween neighboring pore sizes. For all numer-
criterion of overdetermination is still satisfied ical experiments, the M(t) decay curve was
(14). The difference is that the problem is now calculated from f(TO and Eq. [4] and com-
a function of n, P, and TI instead of time and pared to the initial M(t) curve. Typical values
7"1. In principle, the analysis should be inde- of the L2 norm were on the order of 0.005 for
pendent of the period, P. the non-FT scheme and 0.01 for the FT
We attempt to solve the problem given by scheme. Complete details of these numerical
Eq. [8] by matching in both the real- and the experiments are reported by Munn (28).
frequency-time domains. To determine which
analysis scheme would yield the best results,
the two were compared in reproducing known As a first test, the non-FT and FT schemes
distributions. The two techniques were first were used to deconvolute M(t) data artificially
applied to deconvolutions involving only one generated using single or dual delta functions
or two discrete T1 components. After estab- forf(Tl). These deconvolution results accu-
lishing the accuracy and stability of the nu- rately reproduced the delta functions, which
merical schemes in this manner, the number were then replaced by more realistic artificial
of T~ values was expanded to give a more re- representations of actual pore size distribu-
alistic representation of an actual pore size tions. A comparison of the two analysis
distribution. The maximum range of antici- schemes for a single Gaussian distribution is
pated experimental error/noise was used in the shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Values of the distri-
comparison of the Fourier transform (FF) and bution which are calculated to be zero are not
non-Fourier transform (non-FT) techniques. included. For the non-FT analysis, the single
A distribution i n f ( T 0 is defined and then broad peak was fit well although, instead of
used to generate an "experimental" data ma- the smooth starting function, the calculated
trix, M, as given by Eq. [4]. This data set is distribution suffered from some small oscil-
analyzed directly in the non-Fourier transform lations. The distribution calculated using the
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 119, No. 1, September 1987
0.6- 0.6
0.4 q~
0.2. 0,2
o.ool . . . . . . b.'Ol . . . . . . . . 6:1 ........ 0.001 0.01 0.1
FIG. 2. Deconvolution of a single Gaussian distribution FIG. 4. Deconvolution of a dual Gaussian distribution
using the non-FT algorithm. No error case. using the non-FT algorithm. No error case.
FT scheme located the middle of the generated Comparison of the two methods after ad-
peak quite well but was considerably narrower dition of 5% uniform random error to the M(t)
than the starting peak. data, the maximum expected for actual mea-
Figu?es 4 and 5 include the generated and surements, is shown in Figs. 6 and 7 for a single
calculated T~ distributions for a bimodal dis- Gaussian distribution. The FT method dem-
tribution. Two Gaussian peaks with mean T~ onstrates negligible change in the calculated
differing by approximately one order of mag- distribution case indicating that the filtering
nitude are used to calculate M(t) with no ran- inherent to the FT analysis does serve to min-
dom noise. For the non-FT case, Fig. 4, the imize the effects of random noise. The non-
generated and calculated T~ distributions are FT method, in identical circumstances, does
virtually identical. However, for the FT lose accuracy, as compared to the exact case,
scheme, Fig. 5, only the larger of the two peaks and splits the single broad generated peak into
could be reproduced. The smaller calculated two narrower peaks. However, the accuracy
peak varied by a factor of 2 from the starting of the non-FT and FT schemes is still on the
peak. same order at this upper error bound.
0.6- .6
"~ 0.4-
0I o . . . . . . . ~.~ . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.001 0.01 0,1 0.001 0.01 0.1
T1 T1
FIG. 3. Deconvolution of a single Gaussian distribution FIG. 5. Deconvolution of a dual Gaussian distribution
using the FT algorithm. No error case. using using the FT algorithm. No error case.
0.6- 6-
A ......l
0,2- 2~
0[ 0( . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T1 T1
FIG. 6. Deconvolution of a single Gaussian distribution FIG. 8. Deconvolution of a dual Gaussian distribution
using the non-FT algorithm. Five percent error case. using the non-FT algorithm. Five percent error case.
Similar conclusions can be drawn from are represented. The value chosen for P, how-
comparison of the dual Gaussian distribution ever, is not inconsequential (i.e., different val-
cases with 5% random noise, Figs. 8 and 9. ues of P yield differentf(T1) distributions). It
For the non-FT method, agreement between should be noted that the FT results in this
the calculated and the generated peaks is ex- study are "best-case" results. The value of P
cellent and better than that for the single broad is varied to achieve the best fit to the known
peak illustrated in Fig. 2. The addition of 5% Gaussian distributions. The optimum P value
noise has little effect on the FT method since was not based upon any of the problem pa-
the calculated distribution is virtually the same rameters but was arrived at by trial and error.
as the no noise case, Fig. 3. This approach could not be used for the in-
The problems with the Fourier transform version of spin-lattice relaxation data in prac-
approach are small but significant. Theoreti- tice since it implies some prior knowledge of
cally, the value of the period, P, is of no con- the usually unknown pore size distribution.
sequence as long as it is chosen small enough Apparently, this large dependence of the cal-
so that several cycles of the cosine function culated Tl distribution on P arises from the
0.6- 6
'~ 0.4- 4-
0.001 0.01 0.1 0.001 0.01 0,1
T1 T1
FIG. 7. Deconvolution of a single Gaussian distribution FIG. 9. Deconvolution of a dual Oaussian distribution
using the FT algorithm. Five percent error case. using the FT algorithm. Five percent error case.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 119, No. 1, September 1987
[] C A L C U L A T E D
ror), the performance of the non-FT analysis
scheme was superior to the Fourier transform 0.6"
tainty. T1
As the non-FT analysis was established as FIG. l 1. Deconvolution of two Gaussian peaks in close
the superior scheme, it was desired to test its proximity using the non-FF algorithm. Five percent error
ability to discern separate distributions in close case.
proximity to each other. This was achieved by
moving the two peaks in the dual Gaussian one might expect that the resolution of the
distribution case closer to each other. Any two peaks would become quite difficult. Figure
breakdown in resolution as the two peaks 12 illustrates this comparison for the exact
neared each other could be observed for both case. Excellent agreement is noted between the
exact and error-containing data. Figures 10 generated and the calculated distributions.
through 13 are the results of this resolution When 5% error is introduced, Fig. 13, both
analysis. Figure 10 contains generated and peaks are identified but the relative magni-
calculated plots for two peaks with m e a n T1 tudes are quite different. This last comparison
of 0.015 and 0.026 s and no r a n d o m error. represents a worst-case analysis for N M R pore
The reproduction of the generated peaks is es- structure analysis since the data is assumed to
sentially exact. When 5% error is introduced be so noisy and the two peaks overlap. Con-
into the same comparison, the two calculated ventional pore size analysis techniques such
peaks appear at the correct Tl's but the peak as mercury porosimetry and nitrogen adsorp-
heights are slightly different. When the two tion would also have difficulty differentiating
peaks are even closer to each other (mean TI between the two peaks for this starting distri-
= 0.015 and 0.019 s) such that they overlap, bution.
A 0.6-
0,2- 0.2.
o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
o.ool O.Ol o.1 0.001 0.01 0.1
T1 T1
FIG. 10. Deconvolution of two Gaussian peaks in close FIG. 12. Deconvolution of two overlapping Gaussian
proximity using the non-FT algorithm. No error case. peaks using the non-FT algorithm. No error case.
J o u r n a l o f C o l l o i d a n d I nt er f ac e Science, Vol.119,No. 1,September1987
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