Gant Semester Project
Gant Semester Project
Gant Semester Project
This guide does not address tuning procedure, tuning theory, or profess, attempt, or
advise in any way the act of tuning a vehicle, engine, or motor. That information is
extensively documented by numerous sources including the MS EFI forum, MSEx-, and innumerable other sources both online and in print.
This guide was developed in cooperation with Phil Tobin, author of the TunerStudio
software to make the transition from the carburreted world to modern electronic
fuel injection easier.
The author of this guide can not and will not take any responsibility for damages
caused to persons or property as a result of techniques described in this manual.
This guide is provided free of charge. If asked to pay for this publication, please con-
tact EFI Analytics directly.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
System Requirements 1
Initial Setup 2
Creating a New Project 2
Accel Enrich 16
Extended and Advanced Tabs 16
Further Resources 19
Introduction to TunerStudio MS
Welcome to TunerStudio MS, the most popular and capable MegaSquirt tuning
solution available today. TunerStudio is the most widely used tuning software for the
MegaSquirt family of controllers, and is available either as a free download with essen-
tial features, or for purchase with expanded features and capabilities.
Main Table of This guide will cover the paid version of the software, and will familiarize new users
Contents with the basic functions of the software program. A basic understanding of the Tuner-
Studio software is a crucial aspect of a successful tuning process.
Initial Setup System Requirements
The TunerStudio TunerStudio is designed to be a lightweight application, and will run on many
User Interface computers with minimal resources without issue. It is suggested that a cheap
used laptop be purchased for tuning purposes to prevent damage to a more
Using Tune Files expensive machine in a garage and vehicular environment.
Setting Engine Below you will find a list of suggested system requirements for the laptop running
TunerStudio MS. The software can be run on almost any computer, but computers
Ignition and VE with better video card capabilities will be able to render gauges quicker and more
Tables smoothly.
Startup and Idle •Windows 98 or above
•Apple OSX, Leopard or above
Accel Enrich •Linux (Most distros)
•Java Runtime Environment 1.7
Datalogging and •1GHZ Processor
VE Analyze Live •512mb RAM
Further Resources DB9 Serial Port or USB to Serial Port Adapter
TunerStudio has been successfully installed and run on computers with processors
as slow as 366MHZ, and with a few adjustments, can be made to run smoothly on
computers that do not meet the suggested system requirements. TunerStudio can be
optimized for slower machines in the following ways:
•Dashboard Anti Aliasing - Right Click on the dashboard and choose the option for
Antialiasing. This being on has little to no impact with good video drivers, however on
older machines, antialiasing being on can double CPU usage.
•Dashboard selection - The default dash with the 8 gauges has no gauges overlap-
ping whereas other layouts do overlap gauges. On slower computers, keep the default
•Modal Dialogs - Under the Menu Options-->Performance-->Modal Dialogs , this
options will stop animating the dashboard gauges while any dialogs are open so your
CPU can focus on the dialog at hand. Any data logging continues.
Initial Setup
After successfully installing TunerStudio MS on your computer, the first step is to set
up the program to communicate with your ECU. TunerStudio uses a feature called
Project Setup to do this.
Please verify that your MegaSquirt ECU is properly wired, and turns on when the
Main Table of vehicle is powered on. If the ECU is wired correctly, proceed with the following
Contents steps.
Creating a New Project
Initial Setup
Attach one end of the DB9 serial cable to the ECU, and the other to the tuning com-
The TunerStudio
User Interface puter with TunerStudio installed.
Using Tune Files 1: Open TunerStudio. If this is the first time TunerStudio has been run, the Create
New Project dialog box (Figure 1.1) will appear automatically. If it does not, simply
Setting Engine go to File -> Project -> New Project.
Ignition and VE 2: Create a name for the project, then turn
Tables the key of the vehicle on to power on the
MegaSquirt ECU.
Startup and Idle
3: Click the Detect option beside the ECU
Accel Enrich Definition heading.
5: Enter a brief project description. Figure 1.1: New Project Dialog Box
Once the above steps have been completed, we can proceed with configuring the
project. Click Next in the Create New Project dialog box. The next screen that ap-
pears will be a series of Configuration Settings (Figure 1.2), settings that will influ-
ence how the MegaSquirt ECU interprets the data it receives from some engine
sensors, and how TunerStudio displays some of the information it receives.
When this screen appears, the first pull-down menu is for EGO O2 Sensor choice.
TunerStudio provides for several options for popular wideband and narrowband
oxygen sensors. Choose the option appropriate for your application.
The next menu offers a choice of Lambda Display methods, between AFR and
Lambda. For most beginning users, AFR will be the more useful, and is far more
commonly used. If AFR is chosen, the value will be shown as a ratio of Parts Oxygen
to Parts Fuel (e.g. 14.7:1, or stoichemetric). If the Lambda option is chosen, Tuner-
Studio will display a voltage reading instead of the ratio reading of AFR.
The TunerStudio User Interface
In order to make future tuning easier, it is helpful to become acquainted with the
basic layout of TunerStudio. There are four basic areas on the screen: the Menu Bar,
Access Bar, Dashboard, and Notification Area (Figure 2.1)
Main Table of
Initial Setup
The TunerStudio
User Interface
Using Tune Files
Setting Engine
Ignition and VE
Startup and Idle Figure 2.1: TunerStudio User Interface
The Menu Bar
Accel Enrich
Similar to the menu bar present in most programs, the TunerStudio menu bar
Datalogging and contains options that influence the operation of the software program. Software
VE Analyze Live preferences, project setup, datalogging, sensor configuration, and more are accessed
Further Resources through the Menu Bar.
The Dashboard
The Dashboard is where all of the engine gauges are located. There are eight spots for
gauges in the default layout, and each gauge can be changed by right-clicking on the
gauge face and choosing a different one from the drop-down list.
Notification Area
This small area contains notifications of what functions the ECU is currently per-
forming (Cranking, Warm-Up Enrichment, Accel Enrichment, etc.).
Using Tune Files
Once you have set up the project for the ECU you will be tuning, you must associate
a Tune File or MSQ with the project to tell the ECU basic parameters that it will use
in its operation. These parameters include numerous engine constants and variables,
tables for fuel injection and ignition, and many more items.
Main Table of To start, you must find a tune file that matches your engine setup. . A good source
Contents for finding MSQs is the MS EFI forum. You need not concern yourself with finding
an exact match for your setup, but you need to find an MSQ that has been developed
Introduction for a motor similar to yours. For example, if you were tuning a Chevrolet 350 V8,
Initial Setup starting out with an MSQ for a 2.3 liter Volvo 4 cylinder would not be a good match.
The TunerStudio The tune file that you choose to associate will be the basis for all future tuning that
User Interface will occur with the ECU. The most important aspects of the donor tune file are the
VE table and Ignition table. Other fueling settings and ignition settings are easily
Using Tune Files
changed, but building a good, workable VE table or Ignition table from scratch is
Setting Engine very difficult for even the most advanced MegaSquirt tuners.
Once you have found a suitable MSQ, simply download the file and save it to your
Ignition and VE desktop.
Startup and Idle Associating a Tune File With a Project
Accel Enrich With TunerStudio open and the ECU powered on and connected to the laptop,
choose Open Tune from the File button on the Menu Bar. (Figure 3.1), and locate
Datalogging and the MSQ that you downloaded on the hard disk of your
VE Analyze Live computer.
Further Resources
Once you choose to open the MSQ, it will automatically be
associated with the project that you chose.
If you choose to open a tune file without an ECU connected to TunerStudio, the
software will prompt you to choose between two options. You can either choose Yes
to use an existing project to open the tune file, or choose No to simply view the tune
If you choose to use an existing project to open a tune file, any changes made in of-
fline mode will automatically be saved, and the ECU will be updated the next time it
is connected.
If you choose to only view the tune file, changes can be made, but will not be auto-
matically saved upon closing the program, neither will the ECU be updated with the
changes when it is connected.
Setting Engine Constants
In order for your MegaSquirt ECU to function correctly, it is essential that the ECU
knows a few constants about your particular vehicle. These constants include how to
decode the RPM signal that MegaSquirt receives from the crank trigger, how to con-
vert resistance values from the temperature sensor into temperature readings, how
long the fuel injectors should stay open, and many more variables.
Main Table of
Calibrating Engine Sensors
MegaSquirt uses a handful of sensors to determine the operating condition of the
Initial Setup engine. These sensors include
The TunerStudio
User Interface •Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS)
•Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) Sensor
Using Tune Files •Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor
•Crank Position Sensor
Setting Engine •Oxygen Sensor
•Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
Ignition and VE
Tables These sensors must all be calibrated to read correctly in TunerStudio and provide the
correct data to the ECU during engine operation. The following sections describe
Startup and Idle how to calibrate each sensor.
Accel Enrich Note: During sensor calibration, the MegaSquirt ECU must be powered on and con-
nected to TunerStudio.
Datalogging and
VE Analyze Live
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Further Resources
In order to calibrate the CTS, choose “Calibrate
Thermistor Tables” from the Tools drops down
in the Menu Bar. This will open a dialog box
with several options in it (Figure 4.1).
4: Once the temperature values have been found and put in the table, click Write to
Controller, and then Close.
Calibrating the TPS is very easy. From the Tools option on the Menu Bar, choose
Calibrate TPS. A dialog box will open called Calibrate
Throttle Position Sensor (Figure 4.3).
2: With the accelerator fully depressed (pedal to the floor, throttle fully open), click
Get Current beside Full Throttle ADC Count
Note: If you have calibrated the TPS correctly, the blue bar beneath the two ADC count
windows. As the pedal is depressed and released, this blue bar should progress smoothly
along it’s full travel.
3: Click “Accept”, the dialog box closes, and returns you to the dashboard.
Main Table of
Contents MAP Sensor
The Manifold Air Pressure sensor also feeds vital information to the ECU that is
Initial Setup used in the fueling calculation. The MAP sensor detects the pressure or vacuum of
the air entering the engine. MegaSquirt uses an onboard MAP sensor, and there are
The TunerStudio three choices; a standard 3-bar sensor, and upgraded 4 bar sensor for individuals
User Interface running high boost levels, and a dual 4 bar sen-
Using Tune Files sor, with one sensor detecting engine conditions,
and the other used for barometric corrections. The
Setting Engine latter is extremely useful for those who drive their
Constants vehicles in both low elevations and mountainous
areas. Begin calibrating the MAP sensor by choos-
Ignition and VE
Tables ing Sensor Calibration from the Tools option in
the Menu Bar. The dialog box that opens is shown
Startup and Idle in Figure 4.4.
1: From the Common Sensors drop down menu,
Accel Enrich
choose the sensor that you installed in your Mega-
Datalogging and Squirt ECU or that you specified when ordering
VE Analyze Live your ECU. Figure 4.4: MAP Calibration
-GM 3-BAR is the most common sensor.
Further Resources -MPX 4250 is the upgraded 4-bar sensor.
-MPXH 6400 is the dual 4-bar sensor.
2: When you have selected the appropriate sensor for your application, click Burn
and then Close.
The Wideband style of sensor is much more precise, and will provide an actual read-
ing of exhaust gas oxygen content to the ECU. A Wideband sensor operates on a
reading from 0v-5v, with 0v being full lean and 5v being full rich. These sensors
typically have a gauge that is mounted in the passenger compartment which will
show a numerical value of the air to fuel ratio that the motor is running at. For a
gasoline fuel engine, a reading of 14.7 is considered stoichemetric, or the proper bal-
ance between parts air to parts fuel. An AFR of 14.7 means that for every 14.7 parts
air that the motor is using, it is using one equal part fuel. Any numerical value below
14.7 is rich, and any numerical reading above 14.7 is lean. Different fuels (ethanol,
diesel, LPG, etc.) have different stoichemetric ratios.
The TunerStudio In order to calibrate your MegaSquirt ECU to the proper settings for your oxygen
User Interface sensor, choose Calibrate AFR Table from the
Tools drop down in the Menu Bar. The dialog
Using Tune Files
box that appears is illustrated in Figure 4.5.
Setting Engine
Constants 1: From the EGO Sensor drop-down menu,
choose the oxygen sensor that you used when
Ignition and VE building your MegaSquirt system. If your wide-
Tables band system is not listed in the menu, choose
the “Custom Linear WB” option, and input the
Startup and Idle
Settings correct values that should be obtained from the
Wideband manufacturer.
Accel Enrich 2: Click Write to Controller and then Close to
Datalogging and dismiss the dialog box. Figure 4.5: AFR Table Calibration
VE Analyze Live
Further Resources Trigger Wheel Settings
MegaSquirt needs some sort of trigger to let the ECU know where the engine is
in it’s rotating cycle, and thus, when to inject fuel and send a signal to the ignition
system. There are innumerable ways to configure a trigger system, ranging from
adapting a stock trigger system from your vehicle, using a pickup in a distributor,
using the Ford EDIS or DSM/Mitsubishi CAS, or creating your own system. Thus, it
is impossible to illustrate all possible trigger options.
Fuel Constants
MegaSquirt uses a number of fuel related constants to accurately inject fuel into the
motor in the correct quantities at the correct time.
Required Fuel
The Required Fuel, or Req Fuel setting deter-
Main Table of mines how long the fuel injector is open, and
delivering fuel. This pulse is measured in milli-
Introduction seconds. In order to calculate Req Fuel, simply
use the built-in calculator accessible from the
Initial Setup Engine Constants option found in the Basic
Setup menu of the Access Bar. The dialog box
The TunerStudio
User Interface that appears is shown in Figure 4.7.
Using Tune Files Clicking the Required Fuel option will open
the Required Fuel Calculator which asks for a
Setting Engine few parameters about your particular motor:
The calculator considers engine displacement,
Ignition and VE cylinder number, fuel injector flow rate, and
Figure 4.7: Injection Constants
Tables your target AFR to calculate the Required
Fuel value. The calculator window is shown in
Startup and Idle Figure 4.8. Once TunerStudio has performed
the necessary calculation, choose Okay, and
Accel Enrich the value will automatically be placed in the
required fuel field.
Datalogging and
VE Analyze Live The remaining fields in the Engine Constants
dialog box should be filled out according to the Figure 4.8: Req Fuel Calculator
Further Resources
parameters of your motor. Once the window
has been completed, choose Burn and Close.
Ignition and VE Tables
This section will discuss how to navigate through the various ignition setup win-
dows, and how to manipulate ignition and VE tables. Editing these tables is how you
will tune your EMS, and knowing how to smoothly navigate these tables, under-
standing keyboard shortcuts is essential to the tuning experience.
there are four options that can be changed. First is the choice to enable or disable
noise filtering and second is the option to reject the tach pulse under the circum-
stances defined by the final two fields, Time (ms) and Percentage (%). Note Fig-
ure 5.2, where the Time field is set to 1.0 and the Percentage field is set to 10. This
means that if the tach signal increases or decreases by more than 10 percent within
in 1 millisecond, the ECU will reject the tach signal until it stabilizes.
The VE Table is accessed from the Basic Settings option on the Access Bar. The
Fuel VE Table 1 button will open the VE table for editing. Figure 5.4 illustrates a
VE table ready to edit. To ac-
cess the ignition table instead,
choose Ignition Table 1. The
numbers along the vertical axis
relate to fuel load on the VE
table, and Ignition Load on the
ignition table. The values along
the horizontal axis are engine
RPM speeds on both tables.
interpolates values from adjoining cells to provide the smoothest running engine
Note: Neither table should be manipulated without a working Wideband EGO sensor.
If your vehicle does not have one installed, take the vehicle to a professional tuner.
Table Controls
Main Table of In order to edit a cell in the table, simply click the cell. It will appear highlighted. To
Contents select a range of cells, click and drag over the desired area to select all cells within
that are.
Initial Setup In the upper right hand corner of the VE table window, you will see a series of but-
tons which control various features related to the VE table.
The TunerStudio
User Interface Export (up arrow) and Import (down arrow) Table
Using Tune Files These buttons allow you to import a VE table from another Mega
Squirt user or export your table to another user without creating a
Setting Engine new project file.
Set To
Ignition and VE
Tables Set a selected range of cells to a specified value
Select a range of cells and click this button to automatically interpo
late selected cells within that range.
Startup and Idle Settings
Tuning startup and idle settings is perhaps the most difficult phase of tuning for an
inexperienced tuner, for the simple reason that there is a very short time to manipu-
late the values, and in order to test changes, the motor must completely cool.
All of the tools to tune cranking and startup parameters are listed under the Start-
Main Table of up/Idle tab on the Access Bar.
Cranking Settings
Initial Setup MegaSquirt needs to know a few variables that re-
late to engine cranking, such as cranking speed in
The TunerStudio RPM, a flood clear percentage, and when to inject
User Interface fuel during cranking (either every rotation of the
motor, or every other rotation.). These settings
Using Tune Files can be found in the Cranking Settings option in
Setting Engine the Startup/Idle tab and are shown in figure 6.1.
In the Cranking RPM field, enter the approxi-
Ignition and VE mate RPM that your motor spins at when crank-
Tables ing. Usually, values between 300-500 RPM will
work. Figure 6.1: Cranking Settings
Startup and Idle
The second field is an option for Flood Clear, or a TPS value that, if exceeded, will
Accel Enrich result in no fuel being injected in order to clear flooded cylinders. The recommend-
ed value for this field is 80%. The final option in this window is to inject fuel when
Datalogging and
VE Analyze Live cranking with Every rotation, or Every Other rotation. For most motors, the Every
option is preferred. Burn and Close when finished.
Further Resources
Priming and Cranking Pulse
The Priming Pulse and Cranking Pulse options from the Startup/Idle tab control
the injector pulsewidths when the engine is being cranked or is being primed before
a start. Each is dependent on the temperature of the engine coolant, as a warm or
hot engine takes less fuel to fire than a cold engine. The adjustments for these win-
dows are simple line graphs manipulated by clicking and dragging on the blue points
along the yellow lines. Each window is illustrated in Figures 6.2 and 6.3 respectively.
Burn and Close after making changes.
The controls for afterstart enrichment can be accessed from the Startup/Idle tab
on the Access Bar. Choosing the ASE Percentage option will open the Afterstart
Main Table of Enrichment Percentage dialog box. Here, you can control how much additional fuel
Contents is provided to the motor in the moments after starting, based on coolant tempera-
ture. Figure 6.4 illustrates the ASE Percentage
Introduction window.
Initial Setup
Like many other TunerStudio variables, the
The TunerStudio percentage of ASE is controlled by clicking and
User Interface dragging the blue boxes placed along the yel-
low line. On the visual graph, the vertical axis
Using Tune Files
is percent enrichment, and the horizontal axis
Setting Engine is coolant temperature. Figure 6.4 illustrates a
Constants normal ASE curve. Figure 6.4: ASE Adjustment
Ignition and VE
Startup and Idle Idle Air Control
Though an optional item in any MegaSquirt
Accel Enrich installation, an Idle Air Control Valve, or IAC,
Datalogging and helps to give a motor a smooth, stable idle. The
VE Analyze Live IAC works by opening an closing a variable valve
in a tube placed between the front and rear of
Further Resources the throttle plate. Essentially, the IAC allows a
controlled amount of air to bypass the throttle
plate at idle in order to speed up or slow down
idle. Settings for the IAC motor of your choos-
ing are located in the Idle Control option of the
Startup/Idle tab on the Access Bar. Figure 6.5
shows the Idle Control window.
After changes have been finalized, choose to Burn the settings to the ECU and Close
the window.
Accel Enrich
In order to keep your motor properly and to keep AFRs in check, it is important to
utilize the Accel Enrich function build into TunerStudio. This feature will automati-
cally sense when the throttle plate snaps open, and a large volume of air rushes into
the motor. More air requires more fuel to maintain a proper air and fuel mixture.
Further Resources
Extended and Advanced Tabs
The Access Bar contains two more tabs that apply only to much more advanced us-
ers of TunerStudio. The Extended tab houses options such as Flex Fuel, Staged Injec-
tion, Launch Control, and Nitrous, subjects that are outside the range of a beginners
guide to TunerStudio. These advanced features require an intimate knowledge of
automotive tuning practices, and a familiarity not only with TunerStudio, but with
MegaSquirt programming and development as well. and the MS EFI forum both contain excellent resources for experi-
menting with these more advanced features.
Datalogging and VE Analyze Live
Likely the simplest, yet most useful feature of TunerStudio is the ability to Datalog.
Datalogging, in simple terms, is recording every engine event that the ECU sees
during an operational session in a way that it can be played back and analysed later.
Main Table of Datalogs play a crucial role in perfecting your MegaSquirt installation. Often times,
Contents a recurring problem on the road or during a tuning session becomes extremely evi-
Introduction dent when the datalog is viewed.
Initial Setup A sample datalog is shown in Figure 8.1. TunerStudio records engine data as a graph,
and automaticaly saves it in a format accessible to the freeware program Mega-
The TunerStudio LogViewer, another product from EFI Analytics.
User Interface
Using Tune Files MegaLogViewer enables the tuner to simultaneously view the datalog and tune file,
making on-the-fly adjustments as needed to the tune file.
Setting Engine
Ignition and VE
Startup and Idle
Accel Enrich
Datalogging and
VE Analyze Live
Further Resources
VE Analyze Live
A lifeboat for floundering new automotive tuners, VE Analyze Live is a feature built
in to TunerStudio that helps the EMS “autotune” itself to an extnet. VE Analyze live
considers every value that a professional tuner does, only much faster and much
more efficiently. VE Analyze Live works by automatically manipulating VE values to
reach a target AFR, as set in the AFR Table 1 in the Basic Setup tab of the Access
VE Analyze Live mode is entered by clikcing the VE Analyze Live tab which ap-
pears below the Startup/Idle button on the Access Bar. Figure 8.2 shows what the
VE Analyze Live screen looks like.
There are only a few parts to the VE Analyze Live screen, and the module itself
Main Table of
Initial Setup Figure 8.2: VE Analyze Live
The TunerStudio
User Interface minimal attention on the part of the operator. The basic parts of the screen are as
Using Tune Files
Update Controller Checkbox: When checked, VE Analyze will update the control
Setting Engine
Constants ler every 15 seconds with the recommended values. It will act as if you are
pressing the Send button every 10 seconds. This will allow VE Analyze
Ignition and VE dial in as you drive. If you want VE Analyze to generate the recommedations,
Tables but not send them to the controller until you have been able to review
them, leave this unchecked. Uncheck is the is recommended for first use es
Startup and Idle
Settings pecially at heavy throttle conditions so you can verify that the recommended
values make sense.
Accel Enrich
Send Button: When clicked, the recommended table will be written to the controller
Datalogging and RAM and it will begin using the recommended table.
VE Analyze Live
Further Resources Burn Button - This signals the Controller to persist the values in RAM to Flash so
they are stored for use after the controller is power cycled. When values are
written to RAM, but not flash, the controller will use them, however once the
controller is power cycled they are lost and the values will be loaded from
flash memory. This button should be clicked when you are finished and want
to keep you values.
Start / Stop Auto Tune Button: Activates and deactivates VE Analyze Live.
Heat Maps
Heat maps are a viual representation of how much data VE Analyze Live has been
able to gather on a particular cell. Cells in the heat map start off red and gradu-
ally turn green as more and more data is gathered. It is imporant to note that the
only way VE Analyze Live will be able to gather data on cells is to actually drive the
vehicle around with the VE Analyze Live function enabled. As the vechicle is driven,
the module will be allowed to work and make modifications to the VE Table and at-
tempt to hit the AFR targets set in AFR Table 1.
The heat maps are visible on the right side pane of the VE Analyze Module, and are
illustrated in Figure 8.3.