Minov S and Kessel G Recent Publications
Minov S and Kessel G Recent Publications
Minov S and Kessel G Recent Publications
Abdalla, M., and Kiczko, Ł., Abed Mshiho Neman Qarabash.
Sayfo: An Account of the Assyrian Genocide (Alternative
Histories: Narratives from the Middle East and
Mediterranean; Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
Abramowski, L., Neue christologische Untersuchungen (Texte
und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen
Literatur 187; Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2021).
Aguilar Sanchez, V.M., Corpus Nestorianum Sinicum: “Thus Have
I Heard on the Listening of Mishihe (the Messiah)” 序聽迷詩
所經 and “Discourse on the One-God” 一神論. A Theological
Approach with a Proposed Reading Structure and Translation
(Analecta Gregoriana 331; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press,
The list of publications is based on the online Comprehensive Bibliography
on Syriac Christianity, supported by the Center for the Study of Christianity
at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the database is accessible at:
_on_syriac_christianity/library Suggested additions and corrections can be
sent to: sergeyminov@gmail.com.
We are most grateful to Prof. Sebastian P. Brock (University of Oxford) for
his generous assistance and encouragement.
188 Bibliographies
Butts, A.M., Heal, K.S., and Brock, S.P., Clavis to the Metrical
Homilies of Narsai (CSCO 690, Subs. 142; Leuven: Peeters,
Chaillot, Ch., The Assyrian Church of the East: History and
Geography. Trans. by N. Russell (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2021).
———. Biserica Asiriană a Răsăritului: istorie şi geografie.
Trans. by E.M. Mărginean (Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară
Clujeană, 2021).
Chédid, Y., L’hymnodie syriaque de l’Église maronite selon la
tradition de l’Ordre antonin maronite: le legs du Père Maroun
Mrad (Paris: Geuthner, 2021).
Chialà, S., Isacco di Ninive. Discorsi ascetici: Prima collezione
(Padri orientali; Magnano: Qiqajon, 2021).
Coakley, J.F. (ed.), Among the Assyrian Christians: Sketches of
Life in Persia 1893–1898 by F. F. Irving (Chicago, Illinois: Atour
Publications, 2021).
Daiber, H., From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond. Volume 1:
Graeco-Syriaca and Arabica (Islamic Philosophy, Theology
and Science 114.1; Leiden: Brill, 2021).
De Giorgi, A.U., and Eger, A.A., Antioch: A History (Cities of the
Ancient World; London: Routledge, 2021).
del Río Sánchez, F., Living on Blurred Frontiers: Jewish Devotees
of Jesus and Christian Observers of the Law in Palestine, Syria
and Mesopotamia (5th‒10th Centuries) (Semitica Antiqua 5;
Córdoba: UCOPress, 2021).
Dusenbury, D.L., Nemesius of Emesa on Human Nature: A
Cosmopolitan Anthropology from Roman Syria (Oxford Early
Christian Studies; New York: Oxford University Press, 2021).
Elkhoury, A., and Kitchen, R.A., Jacob of Serugh. Selected
Metrical Homilies: The Fall of the Idols; Love of Money; The
Treasure Hidden in a Field (Syriac Treasures 1; Washington,
D.C.: The Hidden Pearl Press, 2021).
Bibliographies 191
Hoyland, R.G., Brock, S.P., Brunner, K.B., and Tannous, J., The
Life of Simeon of the Olives: An Entrepreneurial Saint of Early
Islamic North Mesopotamia (Texts from Christian Late
Antiquity 66; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2021).
Jakob, J., Syrisches Christentum und früher Islam: Theologische
Reaktionen in syrisch-sprachigen Texten vom 7. bis 9.
Jahrhundert (Innsbrucker theologische Studien 95;
Innsbruck: Tyrolia, 2021).
Kautt, J.L., Die Schrift Contra Judaeos des syrischen
Kirchenschriftstellers Dionysius bar Ṣalibi (Tübinger
Judaistische Studien 4; Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2021).
Keser-Kayaalp, E., Church Architecture of Late Antique Northern
Mesopotamia (Oxford Studies in Byzantium; New York:
Oxford University Press, 2021).
Khan, G., and Noorlander, P.M. (eds.), Studies in the Grammar
and Lexicon of Neo-Aramaic (Cambridge Semitic Languages
and Cultures 5; Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2021).
Kozah, M., Kiraz, G.A., Abu-Husayn, A., Al Thani, H., and Al-
Murikhi, S.Sh. (eds.), Beth Qaṭraye: A Lexical and
Toponymical Survey (Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 58;
Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2021).
La Spisa, P., Martyrium Arethae Arabice: Le versioni arabe del
Martirio di Areta (BHG 166). Edizione critica e traduzione
annotata (Äthiopistische Forschungen 86; Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021).
Le Coz, R., Istoria Bisericii Siro-Orientale: Creştinii din Iran, Irak
şi Turcia. Trans. by O. Gordon and A. Teodorescu (Philocalica
Syriaca 3; Arad: Sfântul Nectarie, 2021).
Lied, L.I., Invisible Manuscripts: Textual Scholarship and the
Survival of 2 Baruch (Studien und Texte zu Antike und
Christentum 128; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021).
Bibliographies 193
Aras, M., Glaube und Heilung aus der Perspektive der syrischen
Kirchenväter am Beispiel der kanaanäischen Frau (Mt 15,21–
28) (Ph.D. dissertation; Universität Paderborn, 2021).
Bar-Sawme, G., Entering the Holy Place in Syriac Orthodox
Liturgy: A Ritual and Theological Analysis (Th.D. dissertation;
Department of Theology, Uppsala University, 2021).
Croq, A., Les représentations de l’au-delà chez les chrétiens de
Syrie-Mésopotamie durant les premiers siècles de l’Islam. À
partir de l’édition critique de l’Apocalypse de Grégoire d’Édesse
(Thèse de doctorat en Études arabes, civilisations islamique
et orientales; École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL, 2021).
Everett, N.J., ‘A Place of the Shekinah’: Contextualising Isaac of
Nineveh’s Homily on the Cross in the Religious Cosmography of
Late Antique Mesopotamia (Ph.D. dissertation; SOAS,
University of London, 2021).
Jacobs, B., Syriac Testimonies against the Muslims: The Qur’ānic
and Extra-Qur’ānic Quotations in Dionysius bar Ṣalībī’s
Disputation against the Arabs (Ph.D. dissertation; Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, 2021).
Jamali, N., A Study of the Interactions among Zoroastrian, Jewish
and Roman Legal Systems during the 7th and 8th Centuries CE
Based on a Critical Edition of Īšō‘-boḵt’s Corpus Juris with
Commentary and an English Translation (Ph.D. dissertation;
University of Toronto, 2021).
198 Bibliographies
Abdallah, K., “À la frontière des steppes syriennes: l’église de
‘Uqayribāt et ses mosaïques,” Syria 97 (2020 [2021]), 389-436.
Bibliographies 199
Kiel, Y., “Above and Beyond the Law: Applying Moral Standards
in the Sphere of Private Law in the Jewish Babylonian, East
Syrian Christian, and Iranian Legal Traditions,” Diné Israel 35
(2021), 1-34.
Kilroy, B., “Meditating with the ‘Odes of Solomon’: Abbot
Francis Acharya’s Translation Published in 2018,” The Harp
35 (2019 [2021]), 121-141.
King, D., “How to Edit Aristotle in Syriac: Response to
Arzhanov,” Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24:2 (2021), 519-
Kinzig, W., “Zwei neuentdeckte Predigten des Nestorios:
Adversus haereticos de divina trinitate (CPG 5691) und In
symbolum fidei. Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar,”
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient
Christianity 24:3 (2021), 437-489.
Kiraz, G.A., “Disgruntled Bishop: A Garshūnī Letter from Bishop
Dinḥā of Midyat to Patriarch Peter III,” in: E.-M. Wagner
(ed.), A Handbook and Reader of Ottoman Arabic (Semitic
Languages and Cultures 9; Cambridge: Open Book
Publishers, 2021), 399-414.
———. “A European “Syriac” Painting and Seventeenth-
Century Humanism,” in: S. Brelaud, J. Daccache, M. Debié, M.
Farina, F. Ruani and É. Villey (eds.), Le calame et le ciseau:
colophons syriaques offerts à Françoise Briquel Chatonnet
(Cahiers d’études syriaques 8; Paris: Geuthner, 2021), 117-131.
———. “Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt:
Evidence from the Cairo Genizah,” Intellectual History of the
Islamicate World 9:1-2 (2021), 62-87.
———. “A Reconstruction of the Lexicon of Ḥenanisho‘ bar
Saroshway,” in: M. Kozah, G.A. Kiraz, A. Abu-Husayn, H. Al
Thani and S.Sh. Al-Murikhi (eds.), Beth Qaṭraye: A Lexical
and Toponymical Survey (Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies
58; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2021), 195-422.
234 Bibliographies
———. “The Syriac Life of Mary of Egypt,” in: J.E. Walters (ed.),
Eastern Christianity: A Reader (Grand Rapids, Michigan:
William B. Eerdmans, 2021), 104-122.
Salimovskaya, A., “The Image of the Caliph al-Mamun and Its
Transformation in Medieval Christian-Arabic Literature,”
Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского
гуманитарного университета. Серия III: Филология 69
(2021), 106-115 [in Russian].
Salvesen, A., “The Hexaemeron of Jacob of Edessa on Birds as
Moral Examples,” The Harp 35 (2019 [2021]), 79-96.
Santus, C., “L’adoration de Naaman: pour une histoire croisée
des querelles des rites,” Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 116:3-4
(2021), 804-830.
———. “Giuseppe Simonio Assemani Consultore del
Sant’Uffizio,” Parole de l’Orient 47 (2021), 175-190.
———. “Wandering Lives: Eastern Christian Pilgrims, Alms-
Collectors and “Refugees” in Early Modern Rome,” in: M.C.
Wainwright and E. Michelson (eds.), A Companion to
Religious Minorities in Early Modern Rome (Brill’s
Companions to the Christian Tradition 95; Leiden: Brill,
2021), 237-271.
Sarrió Cucarella, D.R., “Christian Apologetics with Regards to
Islam: A Demonstration of the Truth of the Gospel by Yaḥyā
ibn ‘Adī,” Le Muséon 134:3-4 (2021), 373-388.
———. ““That the Law of Christ Abrogates but Cannot Be
Abrogated”, by Yaḥyā b. Ğarīr al-Takrītī: Text and Translation
with an Introduction,” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
73:1-2 (2021), 57-78.
Sassi, N., “Towards a New Edition of the Book of Hierotheos,”
Studia Patristica 125 [22] (2021), 157-164.
Schmidt, A.B., “Eine syrische Amulettrolle mit Beschwörungen
für Frauen: Erevan, Matenadaran, rot. syr. 72. Teil I: Edition
Bibliographies 257
Digital projects
Ahiqar: The Story of Ahiqar in its Syriac and Arabic Tradition
Team: Reinhard G. Kratz; Simon Birol; Aly Elrefaei
Bibliographies 273