Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae: Differences, Definitions and Tips
Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae: Differences, Definitions and Tips
Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae: Differences, Definitions and Tips
Experience/career type
Geographic location
What is a CV?
A CV (abbreviation for the Latin word curriculum vitae, or “course of life”) is a detailed and comprehensive document
which describes the course of your academic and professional accomplishments.
Image description
What to include on a CV
Typically, you’ll include your career history as well as your education, awards, special honors, grants or scholarships,
research or academic projects, and publications on your CV. You might also include professional references, coursework,
fieldwork, descriptions of dissertations and a personal profile that lists your relevant skills and attributes.
What is a resume?
A resume is a document that summarizes your career history, skills and education. The term originates from the French
word résumé, which translates to “abstract” or “summary.”
Image description
Key ideas
The main differences between a resume and a CV are length, content and purpose.
Resumes are typically one to two pages while CVs have no length restrictions but are typically between three and
ten pages.
A resume is a concise, curated summary of your professional accomplishments that are most relevant to the
industry job you’re applying for. Depending on your level of professional experience and the role, you may also
include descriptions of academic and personal projects or volunteer work.
A CV is a comprehensive, in-depth document presenting your relevant academic and professional achievements
that are often used when applying for teaching or research positions.
When deciding whether to submit a resume or a CV, consider the role and geographic location of the position. If
you’re in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask a representative of the organization such as the hiring manager, recruiter or an
HR representative to help you decide.
To use my skills in the best possible way for achieving the company’s goals.
(Company Goals & Strategies: Goals and strategies drive a company's success. Goals give an indication of where a
company is headed, while strategies indicate how the company is going to get there. Goals aligned with the company's
mission, vision and values and strategies aligned with goals are important elements in the successful achievement of
To secure a challenging position that utilizes my years of experience, while allowing me the
opportunity to grow professionally.
(To secure a challenging position that utilizes my years of experience, while allowing me the opportunity to grow
professionally. I offer strong interpersonal skills to develop global customer solutions with thought leadership and
integrity, excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication and presentation skills, functioning well both
independently and collaboratively with an outgoing personality. My goal is to become a valued asset.)
If you were are applying for highly qualified jobs: (you need to change according the company
information. Here interviewers check your skills orally only so, careful about what they ask from
your qualifications which you have studied until now)
To gain employment with a company or institution that offers me a consistently positive atmosphere
to learn new technologies and implement them for the betterment of the business.
To join a company that offers me a stable and positive atmosphere and inspires me to enhance and
therefore to innovate the work culture for the betterment of all parties concerned.
To join an interactive organization that offers me a constructive workplace for communicating and
interacting with customers and people.