NCP Risk For Infection Intraop
NCP Risk For Infection Intraop
NCP Risk For Infection Intraop
Institute of Nursing
Submitted by: Arenzana, Alyssa Mae M. Name & age of Patient: OVM
Section: BSN214 Group: 53A Initial /Final Medical Diagnosis: Complete Spinal Cord Transection
C7- C8 Level, Spinal Shock Secondary to Trauma
Risk for Infection Injury to the spinal The client is
The client is 35 y/o with a related to traumatized cord can range in After 8 hours of free of signs
diagnosis of Complete Spinal tissue severity form mild nursing intervention, and
Cord Transection C7- C8 flexion-extension the client will be able symptoms of
Level, Spinal Shock Ơwhiplashơ injuries to to free from signs and infection.
Secondary to Trauma. complete transaction symptoms of infection.
of the cord with
A cut was made in his neck permanent
for the operation Corpectomy quadriplegia. Trauma
C6, Interbody Graft Fusion to the cord can occur After 4 hours of Monitor vital signs To monitor The client Ɲs
C5-C7, Anterior Cervical at any level but most nursing intervention, signs and vital signs
Plating C5-C7. commonly occurs in clientƞs vital signs will symptoms of remained
the cervical and lower be stable. infection stable
The clientƞs tissue was left thoracic-upper lumbar ! throughout the
open for more than 4 hours. vertebrae. These "#$$%&! surgery.
common cord injuries
There were many incisions are due in part to the (
made. support given by the
ribs to the thoracic !m!!
A JP drain was left after the spine and the flexibility
skin has been sutured. of the cervical and !!
lumbar spinal +))!
Complications of After 4 hours of Administers Bodyƞs The client
surgery include nursing intervention, prescribed defense remained free
infection and poor the client will not prophylactic against from harboring
wound healing are acquire any treatments. infection microorganism.
more likely to occur in microorganism. ë !
malnourished client. "#$$%&!
The Perioperative (
nurse ensures the
sterility of supplies and !m!!
equipment. ë
All members of the !!
health care team use +)#
sterile technique to
minimize postoperative Implements aseptic All members
infections. If a technique. of the health
suspected or actual care team use
break in the sterile Performs skin sterile
field occurs, the preparations. technique to
contaminated minimize
instruments and Protects from cross- postoperative
clothing are removed contamination infections.
and replaced with new, ,(
sterile items. !