Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
A Science Investigation
S.Y. 2021-2022
RESEARCH BACKGROUND………………………………………………………….3
SCOPE &LIMITATIONS………………………………………………………………..3
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………………….4
DEFINITION OF TERMS………………………………………………………………4
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………………..5
Chapter 1
Washing dishes is one of the major household chores, our parents are facing every
day. One of the hardest part of washing dishes are the tough stains and grease that is
all over the common kitchen tools we use in our everyday life. Dishwashing liquid is a
great help to minimize the time of removing those tough stains and grease on our kitchen
tools. This days the price of things are getting expensive like dishwashing liquid so the
researchers thought of making dishwashing liquid so that researchers can see how much
money can save when researchers make dishwashing liquid soap out of orange peels
and gumamela petals. The Researchers thought of researching how to make
dishwashing liquid out of nature and not chemicals. This study aims to produce a
dishwashing liquid out of orange peels extract and gumamela petals that will remove the
stains and grease in common kitchen tools. The Researchers will make dishwashing
liquid out of orange peels and gumamela petals by peeling the orange and put the peels
of orange to the pot with ¼ cup of vinegar in the mixture and mix it and then grind the
gumamela petals using mortar and pestle and researchers can also used a flat surface
stone as a surface a round one to grind petals, mix the gumamela petals into the mixture
and put the mixture in the bottle.
This study aims to produce a dishwashing liquid out of nature and not chemicals.
The Researchers will use these orange peels and gumamela petals to make something
new like dishwashing liquid, the orange peels and gumamela petals will help the
researchers in making dishwashing liquid it is fragrant, chemical free and environmental-
friendly especially the youth, to develop any biodegradable and/or non-biodegredable
materials that would otherwise be thrown away and turn them into new products and also
people’s can save their money from not buying some expensive dishwashing liquid.
This study aims to determine the General Acceptability of Orange (Citrus x Sinesis)
peels extracts and Gumamela (Hibiscus) petals as Dishwashing Liquid Soap in terms of
removing those though stains and grease on common kitchen tools.
General Acceptability of the Orange (citrus x sinesis) peels extracts and gumamela
(hibiscus) is not acceptable as dishwashing liquid.
The study will produce a new kind of dishwashing liquid that is completely organic.
It will make use of Gumamela petals mixed with water and Orange peels extract to
produce a dishwashing liquid that is chemical free yet effective in removing stain or grease
present in common kitchen tools at the most affordable price compare to the commercial
brand sold in the market. The dishwashing liquid will be making use of Orange peels
extract and Gumamela petals which are being ignored if not use as ornamentals. So, this
will help people not to waste the Orange peels ang Gumamela petals and make it more
Saponification process is one of the process where the researchers get the idea.
Saponification process is a type of conversation where a fat is converted into soap. It is
hydrolyze with alkali to form a soap and glycerol. In this study the fat or the oil used was
the Gumamela petals extract. The idea of the researchers that the viscosity of the
Gumamela petals extract will help on producing such cleaning product with additional of
other extract liquid such as Orange peels extract, to produce a dishwashing liquid with a
good smell and a good variety on cleaning dishes and other kitchen wares. The other
idea that the researcher believed was though ability of the Gumamela petals to produce
bubbles that will help the dishwashing liquid to be more presentable to wash dishes.
Cup – tool used to measure how much water and vinegar were putting in
Dishwashing liquid - also known as dishwashing soap, dish detergent and dish soap is
a detergent used to assist dishwashing
➢ Orange Peels
➢ Liquid
➢ Gumamela
➢ Blending
➢ Mixing
➢ Water
Analysis of
Final Product
Its show the process that we used to test our product and this product will be test in
a small carenderia where a lot of kitchen tools are washed to see if it can effectively
remove grease and stains from the kitchen tools. Furthermore our product is highly
acceptable as dishwashing Dishwashing Liquid Soap.