Reading and Writing Skills

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Quarter 3 Week 1 Module 1

Shyla Mae B. Picazo
February 21, 2022


Enrichment Activity 1
Similarities Differences
Teachers use discussion, assignment and -Means of execution of tools
community to educate students -Learning pace of students

Enrichment Activity 2
The Creation Story The Creation Story
From Genesis (A Tagalog Myth)
Creation of the World In the beginning, God When the world first began
created the heaven and the there was no land. There
earth. And the earth was were only the sea and the
without form, and void; and sky, and between them was
darkness was upon the face a kite. One day the bird
of the deep. And the Spirit which had nowhere to light
of God moved upon the face grew tired of flying about,
of the waters. And God said, so she stirred up the sea
let there be light: and there until it threw its waters
was light. against the sky. The sky, to
restrain the sea, showered
upon it many islands until it
could no longer rise, but ran
back and forth. Then the sky
ordered the kite to alight on
one of the islands to build
its nest, and to leave the sea
and the sky in peace.
Creation of the first man According to the Priestly (P) Now at this time the land
and woman history of the 5th or 6th breeze and the sea breeze
century BCE (Genesis 1:1– were married, and they had
2:4), God on the sixth day of bamboo as their child. One
Creation created all the day when the bamboo was
living creatures and, “in his floating about on the water,
own image,” man both it struck the feet of the kite
“male and female.” God which was on the beach.
then blessed the couple, The bird, angry that
told them to be “fruitful and anything should strike it,
multiply,” and gave them pecked at the bamboo. Out
dominion over all other of one section came a man
living and from the other a

Enrichment Activity 3
Solution 3:
Solution 1: Governments to
People should have implement initiatives
regular exercise to improve their
citizen’s eating and
Problem: exercise habits
through education.
Obesity and Poor

Solution 4:
Solution 2: Governments to
People should eat a encourage their
balanced diet. citizens to walk or
cycle by building
more cycle lanes or
increasing vehicle

Enrichment Activity 4:
Patterns of Written Text Signal Words
1. Cause-Effect A cause of, because of, for, due to, as,
since, therefore, consequently, so, so that,
thus, the explanation for, and accordingly
2. Problem Solution The problem/dilemma is, if/then, so that,
solves, an answer to. and addresses the
problem of
3. Classification A part of, a kind of, a group of, a way of, a
class of, an example of, divided into, and
comprised of
4. Comparison-Contrast Similarly, in like manner, and in the same
way, on the contrary, the opposite,
compared to, in contrast, although, unless,
5. Definition Contain, make-up, involves, is/are, means,
is defined as, refers to, appears to be, as,
and pertains to
Patterns of Written Definition Similarities to Other Differences to Other
Texts Patterns of Written Patterns of Written
Texts Texts
1. Narration -it deals with stories -Both narrative and -Descriptive text adds
descriptive essays the details that help
should follow essay you visualize the
format with an characters and
introductory events in your mind's
paragraph, body eye. It — quite
paragraphs and a literally — describes
concluding paragraph. a person, place, or
thing. Narration
is the act of giving an
account. The narrator
is the person or
entity within a story
that tells the story to
the reader.
2. Description -a pattern of written -Both narrative and -Descriptive text adds
texts refers to descriptive essays the details that help
identifying concrete should follow essay you visualize the
details about format with an characters and
appearances, introductory events in your mind's
characteristics, and paragraph, body eye. It — quite
actions. paragraphs and a literally — describes
concluding paragraph. a person, place, or
thing. Narration
is the act of giving an
account. The narrator
is the person or
entity within a story
that tells the story to
the reader.
3. Definition -text explains what -Definition and -definition is
something is in classification are both (semantics) a
comparison to other orderly processes to statement of the
members of its class, give meaning to what meaning of a word or
along with any you want to convey or word group or a sign
limitations. state or symbol (dictionary
4. Comparison and -The comparison -classification/division -Classification essay
Contrast involves the and will introduce and
identification of comparison/contrast analyze several
similarities of at least are both comparing categories. But
two things, ideas, and categorizing an Comparison or
concepts, or persons item or text or which Contrast essay will
being compared while group the text belong focus on the
contrast encompasses similarities and
the identification of differences between
differences between or two stuffs.
among two subjects or
5. Cause and Effect -it presents why -cause/effect and -unlike the problem-
something happens, problem-solution are solution, this only
what causes it, what are both has a cause of the needs the effect of a
the effects, and how it problem cause of the problem
is related to something
6. Classification and -A pattern of written -Definition and -classification is the
Division text groups or classifies classification are both act of forming into a
items or things into orderly processes to class or classes; a
their parts, types, kinds, give meaning to what distribution into
or categories. you want to convey or groups, as classes,
state orders, families, etc.,
according to some
common relations or
7. Persuasion -it is a literary technique -it’s a pattern of -its different from the
that writers use to written text others because this
present their ideas needs a word of
through reason and persuading in writing
logic, to influence the
8. Problem-Solution -A problem-solution -cause/effect and -it is different from
text starts with a problem-solution are the other because
negative situation (a both has a cause of the the problem needs a
problem) and ends with problem solution immediately
a positive situation (a
solution). They are in
some ways similar to
cause-effect in terms of

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. C
20. D

Lesson 2

Enrichment Activity 1

Text 1: Lacks of language mechanics such as punctuations, capitalization, and the meaning is
not clear.
Text 2: Uses appropriates punctuations, capitalization, and the meaning is clear.

It is important to know the language mechanics in writing to be able to make a text easier to
read and understand.

Enrichment Activity 2
1. I visited Mr. Smith, the chairman of the board, on September 10.
2. President Smith gave a speech in which he said, ”Resigning is not an option.”
3. May I visit the oval office, President?
4. He loved the book, which was called “A Day in France.”
5. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I) looks into crimes, and the Bureau also
protects America.
6. I am originally from the South but I drove north and now I live in the North.
7. My courses this semester includes English, Science, and Math 100.
8. The State Board collects state and federal taxes.
9. September and October are the prettiest months of autumn.
10. The book, “The Big Red Dog,” is a hit among children: they enjoy reading about the dog’s

Criteria: (5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest)

Organization (Rating: 5)
Explanation of Asessment:
Because the organization of the text is accurately arranged, the text is easy to read and

Coherence (Rating: 5)
The coherence is well-structured because the connection of ideas to the central concept of
the text is easy to understand and follow.

Language Use (Rating: 5)

The language they use in the text are direct and simple and they did not use a words that
can offend people and because of this, the language use is well-made.

Mechanics (Rating: 5)
The language mechanics is well-made because the capitalization, punctuations, and spelling
are all correct and it makes the text easy to read and neat looking.
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. D

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