Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
•Demonstrate how marketing research fits into the marketing planning process
•Technology and growth of global business are increasing the complexity of marketing research.
•New data connection tools, including Twitter, clickstream tracking, and GPS, pose serious questions in
regard to consumer privacy
•Current variety of available tools and techniques makes choosing a method for a particular research
project ingreasingly challenging.
•Tasks include:
•Marketing Research draws heavily on the social sciences both for methods and theory
-Are diverse
•Marketing Research can be applied to a wide variety of problems involving the Four Ps:
-Positioning Products.
PERCEPTUAL MAPPING : Used to picture the relative position of products on two or more product
dimensions important to consumer purchase decisions.
√ locations
√ channel
√ distribution partners
•RETAILING RESEARCH: Focus on trade area analysis, store image/perception, in-store traffic patterns,
and location analysis.
•BEHAVIORAL TARGETING: Displays ads at one website based on the user's previous surfing behavior.
-Essential that companies know how to obtain good returns from their promotional budgets.
SHOPPER MARKETING: Marketing to consumers based on research of the entire process consumers go
through when making a purchase.
-Attitudinal Research
-Sales tracking
-How large is the demand potential within the target market at various price levels?
-Are there opportunities to offer different price lines for different target markets?
-Researchers used these studies to identify two or more segments within the market for a particular
company's products
-To study consumer behavior as activities embedded in a cultural context and laden with identify
•Internal or External
•Custom or Standardized
•Brokers or Facilitators
•Objective suppliers
STANDARDIZED RESEACH FIRMS- Provide general results following a standard format so that can results
of a study conducter for one client can be compared to norms.
-Services provided by standardized research firms that include data made or developed from a common
data pool or databased.
•As marketing research firms expand, requirements for successfully executing marketing research
projects will change.
-Presentation Skills
-Foreign-Language Competency
-Negotiation Skills
-Computer Profiency
•Major source of ethical issues are the interactions among the three key groups:
-Research Provider
-Client/Research Buyer
-Unethical Pricing
-Cost cutting
-Interviewers working for research firms may also engage in unethical behavior.
•CURBSTONING: Data collection personnel filling out surveys for fake respondents.
-By not providing promised incentives to respondent for completing interviews or questionnaires
-By stating that interviews are very short when in reality they may last an hour or more
•At the end of any study involving deception, subjects must be "debriefed" to explain deception.
-Subject debriefing: Fully explaining to respondents that was used during research.
Claiming that a survey is for research purposes and then asking for a sale or donation.
• Requesting detailed research proposal from a several competing research providers with no intention
of actually selecting a firm to conduct the research.
-Faking behavior
•Marketing Research Society summarizes the central principles in ESOMAR's code as fallows:
-Behave ethically
-Ensure respondents are cooperating voluntarily and are well informed a risks.