Sacks aaGROVE
BOOM 2611. 70" (846m-21.2m);3-section Trapezoidalt-shaped
{ull power mechanically synchronized main boom,
"25't. ~ 60 ft. (7.5m - 18.2m) ; 3-section Trapezoidalt-shaped
full power mechanicaly synchronized main boom.
[Boom extension is composed ofa 6s in. (165mm) bore, doubie-
‘acting telescope cyinder with integral holding valve which ex
tends the mi section. Fly section is machanically extended by a
‘ain. (22mm) dia cable attached o the mid section whichinsures.
postive synchronization at all boom lengths. Extension cable is
Supported by two 147 in. (378mm) tread da, motalic sheaves
Iwhieh are attached tothe outer end of the mid section. A separ
rate 3 in. (19mm) dia, cable is provided for boom retraction.
[Boom telescope sections are supported on Nylatron wear pads.
Side adjustable wear pads prevent motakto-metal contact of
inner Boom sectons and permit ease of boom side alignment.
“Aeable extension system is offered to comply with certain inter-
rational market requirements consisting ofa 198 in. (29mm) ca.
textension cable and two 24% in, (623mm) tread dia. metalic
supporting sheaves,
“JIBS - 23 1.28 (7.1m -11.6m) telescoping “A"-rame for 28
“OR. (8.6m~21.2m) boom. Jo can be adusted from 23. (7.1m),
retracted length to 33 A. (10-1m) and 38 ft (11.6m) lengths.
23 ft. (7-Am) “A-frame tor 281%, 70 ft. (8.56m-21.2m) boom,
20 ft (6.1m) “A frame for 25 f-60't,(75m- 18.2) boom
‘A’srame section attaches to boom nose end stows beneath
the main boom for travel. Jibs can be set at ofsets of 0”, 15°
‘and 30° dibs Include #b backstops, single rope sol-equalizing
Suspension, removable pin-type rope guard and a single
43% in. (249mm) tread 6a, metalic sheave
BOOM NOSE - Reinforced hi-strength stool construction. Three
‘metalic load bearing sheaves, 10% in. (270mm) tread dia.
mounted on heavy duty tapered roller bearings. One ("two with
{uniary hoist andior jb) metalic floating idler sheave, 10% in.
(270mm) tread dia,, mounted on bronze bushing. Removable
pin-ype rope guards for easy reoving. Rope dead ends on either
‘side of boom nose.
“A'boom nose is olfered to comply with certain interational
market requirements consisting of three metalic load bearing
sheaves, 13% In, (349mm) tread dia, and one ("two with auxiliary
hoist andor jb) metalic Hoating icler sheave, 13% in. (349rmm)
tread da.
“AUXILIARY BOOM NOSE - Removable single motalc load bearing
‘sheave, 19% in, (248mm) toad da., mountedto main boom nose
forsingie part ine work: Equipped with removable pir-type rope
BOOM ELEVATION - Two double-acting 9 in. (220mm) dia. bore, 96
in, (914mm) stroke cylinders with integral holding valves provide
Clevaton from 0° fo 75°. Pendulum-ype boom angle indicator
‘mounted on lt side of base boom section. ("Electronic,in-cab,
‘boom angle indicator,
SWING - Grove planetary speed reducer powered by a high torque,
Tow RPM hydraule orbst motor providing smooth, precise 90°
Continuous rotation. Equippad with Grove “glide swing” with
foot activated multiple dise swing brake for precision stopping
Electricnydraulic ewing parking brake, hand operated plunger-
type house lock or “hand operated 360° posive swing lock con
{toled from operator's cab, Externally driven sealed ball bearing
(with pinion guard. Precision machined bearing mounting,
Surface prevents distortion of swing circle bearing. Maximum
Speed 3.3 RPM. (non-ree swing w/auto. multisise brake
(CAB - One-man tumtabe-mounted on vibration and shock absorbing
rubber grommats, fully enclosed, al-stee!. Full vision with tinted
tempered salety glass (except removable front windshield and
hinged skylight which are tinted laminated safety glass). Hinged
‘skylight, sliding left side door and siding right side window for
‘ventilation, Dash-mounted control levers, combination hand and
{oot controls for boom elevation and engine throttle, outrigger
sight level bubble, electte windshield wiper, electric hom, door
‘and window lacks, domelight, dashight, 2lbs.(1.25kal dry type
fire extinguisher, cab mounted worlight. (“Electronic boom
langle indicator with adjustable high and low angle presets
‘and A/V warning, "20,000 BTUih. diesel fuel heater, “defroster
fan, "windshield washer, “manual skylight wiper, and “sound
suppression, *ochometer, "reat bat, "ead spotlight)
CONTROLS — Left of steering whoo! are dash-mounted, hand:
‘operated control levers for swing, boom telescope and rear axle
Stoering; at ight are control levers for boom elevation, “auxliary
hoist and main hoist. Foot-operated controls consist of dynamic
Swing brake, boom elovaton, serice brakes and engine throttle.
(Operators right hand consove includes transmission gear selec:
tion, high-low range selection, hand-operated engine thotte,
ultigger sequence controls, emergency parking brake, outrigger
sight lavel Bubble, “heater controis‘console pan! gts, engine
Slet/stop. Addtional dash-mounted controls incude “electric
‘Oscillation lockout override, workights and master ignition,
feloctic hom integral wth steering wheel.
CAB INSTRUMENTATION — Engine oil pressure, engine water
temperature (except Deutz Diesel, voltmeter, transmission!
converter oil temperature ard electric fuel gsuge. “Emergency
Steer indicator, "rear wheel elignment indicator. A/V warnings
for low air system pressure, and “engine low oll pressure and
high water temperature, (Cylinder head temperature gauge and
\Vibelt failure indicator for optional ai-caoted Deutz engine.)
All gauges are international type
COUNTERWEIGHT - Removable, bolted fo turntable mast, station-
‘ary. Weight varies dependent on boom & hoist configuration
(fefer to Axle Weight Distributon Chart),
"Auio-visual warning in combination with control lever lockoutt
ff: hoist up, telescope out and boom down crane functions.
Kruger LMI control console provides operator with display of
‘boom length and load moment. A separate Grove anti-two block
system can be obtaned independent othe complete Kruger LMI,
{and is available with audio-visual waming only or audio-visual
‘warning in combination with Grove cortrol ever lockout of host
Up, telescope out and boom down crane functions.HOIST SPECIFICATIONS
[Desriptions Two speed and pul paneary driv, poner up and down with Tapa automatic
Eetronic hoist drum rotation indicator.
Grove Medel HO-15H-108 -¢(Contoliad Free Fal) ‘Grove Model HO-16H-118
Gearmatic Model 25 SGECR.
Bram Dimensions Tin dometar Bm Sin. diameter (228mm) F2in dieneter GOS)
in tenth (406mm) 13 in, iength (386mm) 11 in length (278mm)
175i, ange diameter (445e0) 17.5 in. ange diameter (445m) 17.5 in. lange diretr (445mm)
Jaa, Single Lie Spwdli2 in. (13mm) da. rope 8/8 n. (16mm) di. rope [Main Hoist ‘Aasiliary Heit
Bare Dram 87 FM (87 5m 207 FPM (87 Sani) 14 FRM (40.8m/min) 19 FPN (47.2m/nin)| 287 FPM (87 5m/nin)
Meas Drom 140 FPM (108.6 nin) 327 FEM (89.7) 186 FP 55,7m/min). 220 FPM (67.Imimin)| 340 FPM (103.6n/in)
Fall rum PM (IT6 7mm) 78 FEM (116Sm/min) ——|248.FPM (7S. 280 FPM {8B.4a/mi)| 383 FPM (116.7evmin)
Max. Single Line ull
Bare Drom [9165 tos. 41574) ‘9165s, (615749) 9145 bs (414aeg) 8145 be 41484q) | 9165 bs. 4157e0)
Mean Dram 7730 ins. (35065) 8025 tbs (3640) 7105 tbs. (3222kg) 7105 tbs. (22224q) | 7286 bs, (3560)
Fs 5900 be 3125kg) 6930s. (3143ka 5085 bs. (2207g)__5065 i. (2297s) _| 6890 ibs. (S126ig)
Drum Rope Copecty 1720 fof 172(n. la rope 480 of S/8 i. da [S80 of 72m. di. rope 95 fof 1/2in. da rove
(146.3m of 15mm) {207.3m of 130m) {147.60 of 13m)
265 ft. of 5/8 in, 550 fof 1/2 in. di. rope 395 fof 1/2in. da. 10
i 167.80 of 3mm) _{ 1204 of 30m)
Perniabe Sng ora U2 (Tava) cia BAT a Tin, (isn dia AT ease
Line Rope Pull w/ 7826 bs, (959580) 7800 is. (348749) 7600s. (2447)
A/Zin. (13mm) di, 1847 class $18. (VB) dia, 1947 la U2in (Gram) da 197 cass izin, (13mm) di, 1847 cles
150 be (2780%g) 7926 bs. G8B5ig) 780) 5150 tbs. 27804)
“ssivth wire rope minimum 1/2 in (13mm) Below top of drum Hanae.
“Contvotted tree fal ost option available for main oF auxiliary Nols, not both,
EXTENSION CYCLE ~ As the mid-section is extended by
the telescope cylinder, the fy section is pulled out of
the mid-section in crect proportion by a ein. (22mm)
cable. The extension cable has a safety factorot 3.510
1 (610 1 with international version and 1% in. (20mm)
dla, cable) ands attached with threaded connections:
fat base section and retained on either side of the
sheave sogment by swagod collars. This prevents the
boom from retracting should the cable break.
RETRACTION CYCLE Ashe telescope cyinder retracts
the mid-section, the fy section is retracted proportion.
ally by a % in, (19mm) cable attached tothe inside of
‘he tly section, threaded around a sheave attached to
the base of he mid-section and anchored to the base
*For281t.- 70 t. (8.6m~21.2m) boom and
‘optional 26 A. - 60 (7.5m — 18.2m! boom.DIMENSIONS
10° 3 1/8” (3127) [w/28 — 70 ft. and 25 — 60 ft.
(7.5 — 18.2m), (8.6 — 21.2m) booms with or
w/o aux. hoist]
NOTE: With 20.5125 tres with fender,
17' (5182) (4 wheel steer)
NOTE: Dimensions shown in parentheses
are in millimeters (mm).
Twesze | A | 8 Ci pobo oe eee J [AUuaRYHoIsT]
‘ oo | me | oe | ree | sow roow | am 810
T6:00x25 | (r400) | (1960) | cause) | 70) | oa | | 7% | taes6) | cea | 8 | (2680)
Ee Too | 26m" | GEARMATIO | Te
aes (1480) | - (2061) (2687) (495) | (365) AP ae Se (3289) (880) MODEL 25 (270)
Boomienata [it ™
25'-60'd-ection] oa | 12 Ow
(7m. 182m! | (10056) | (2818)
28-70; daection| a6 | 15 10h
@em-ziam | «it o7) | (4850)| 10
ve =
+ ‘S00
WAKE & MODEL Sevan Desa #SaN “Cummina VaTE14S—"Gatrpila S208 “Deutz POLST?
Tre CQineOKV. Boyne ORV. BOyIndor OHV. Cylinder OHV.
BORE Seco — aea5in (117mm) -451n.(F149mm) 9897 (000m)
STROKE see iagnm —aysin @samm). SOI. (270mm) 4724 n. (120.00)
DISPLACEMENT See ei ereen®) S7bau in. (Bisa?) 696 can. (10 424ene) 345 cu, (85M)
HORSEPOWER (WET) 115.6 2500 21 @ 2000 tet @ 2000 $14 @ 2650
GOVERNED RPM 2200 2900 2a00 2000
SORGUE WET) FeO pe, kgm) 250". bs. GASKGM) 279K. Ibs. (9BGkgm) 240. bs. (3.2g.m)
‘@ 1800 @ 1000 ‘@ 1400 @ 1300
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 Vol raver 2,0, 12,08,
Nave Ground Nogatwe Ground Negetve Ground Negative Ground
STARTING SYSTEM 24 Vat 24 vor 24Vor 24,vot
COMBUSTION SYSTEM 2G ple whiower 4 ya, 4 oye, Sop,
Naturally Aspirated Naturally Aspirated Naturally Aspirated
COOLING SYSTEM (CAP) Lgud—94 ga «sud gegen 13.1ga Ar Cooled
(355 for) (oe. ters) (508 ters)
FUEL CAPACITY cee cer ers) COgal 27 es) SD gal (27 hers) _—6Oga. 227 Hes)
AIR CLEANER: Dry Type Dry Type Dry Type. ‘Dry Type
AIRGOMPRESSOR «12 FM toc ice 73cm
+HOURMETER Sandor Sendra i SicaGROVE,
MAIN FRAME - All welded box-Iype construction braced with cross-
members. High-strength steel ramels reinforced atetcal pons
fo insure @ ngid tumtable mounting. Front and rear combination
Iting!towing an tie-down lugs are integral wth the main frame
OUTRIGGERS - Front and rear hydraulic double-box integral with
main frame; telescoping beams extend to 17 (5.2m) centerto-
Center and retract t0 8 tt. (24m) by 3 in. (76mm) bore
‘ouble-acting cylinders, 21 in. (633mm) stroke 5:5 in. (140mm)
bore double-acting vertical jacks with integral check valves
for quick leveling on uneven terrain. Vertical jacks equipped
with removable, stowable, ightwoight, high strength
‘square steel floats. All outrigger controls mounted in
‘operator's cab. Required sequence control arrangement efi
nates unintentional outrigger actuation. In addition to the
Slanderd integral Roding valves and, for added security, the
exclusive Grove “Spin-lock is offered, which permits the out-
Figger vertical jack to be mochanically locked in any position
throughout ts stroke.
powershit transmission with rear axle disconnect. Engine
founted converter, 2.15:1 stall rato with PTO drive for nysrauic
‘SPEEDS - 6 forward and 6 reverse. (4 x 4)
(@:-epeods - high range ~ 2-wheel crive)
(G-speeds - low range - 4-wheel drive)
[AXLES — Front - Planetary dtive/stear type mounted rigid to frame.
“Total reduction ratio 19.03:
Rear: (4 x 4) planetary driveisteer type, Total reduction ratio
19.08:1. *No-spin diferent.
Driving (4x 4) rear axle is pivot mounted to allow 0 in. to 10 in.
(254mm) oscliaton for rough terrain negotiation,
‘on rear axle permits rear axe ascilation only with boom centered
inthe over front position. Automatic axle lockout assures a rigid
liting platform when iting on-rubber over-the-side. *(Marwelly
‘activated electric override contro for automatic hydraulic lock
‘STEERING - Front - Power assist hydraulic; controled by steering
‘wheel. Rear ~ Full hydraule;tiler bar contol. Independent front
{and rear steering contol allows operator to choose mode of travel
for optimum "on-the-move" maneuverablily. Four steering
‘modes available are: independent front wheo! steer, independent
{ear wheel steer. 4-wheel coordinated steer and 4-wheel crab
Steer, ("Electric emergency stoering systom),
SERVICE BRAKES - Dual braking systom, air over hydraulic actua-
tion onal 4 wheels. Size: 17%. xin. (438mm x 102mm). Total
lining area 276 sq. in. (178m), “Ale dryer prevents moisture in
the system for maximum braking efficiency.
PARKING BRAKE - Spring applied, sir released cab-controied park-
ing brake mounted on front axie,
TIRES - 20.5 x 25 - (20 PAL) Earthmover type, tubeless,
“16:00 x 25 ~ (20 P.AL) Earthmover type, tubeless,
“TOW WINCH - Braden PD-15 cab-controlled, front mounted (less
Tope and hook). Single line pull~ 1,000 Ibs. (6604Kq); single line
speed- 58.9 FFM (17.Smimin). Drum capacty of 340. (103.6)
Of sin. (16mm) dla. rope. Controlled by rear steer lever via
selector switch
RESERVOIR -88 gallon (333 ters) capacity, al steel fabrication
‘with internal baffles, clean-out access, exterior sight level
(gauge, beathor cap. Strap mounted o frame to reduce high
Stress levels at comer wolds.
FILTER - Tank mounted, return line replaceable cartridge with
‘bypass protection and filer bypass indicator. 25 micron
PUMPS 3 main gear pumps. 112.5GPM (425.8LPM) combines
‘capacity. Separate power steering pump 187 GPM (71
LPM). (Pump disconnect lover with engine jogging switch
to faciltate engagement of hydraulic pumps. Jogging switch
located on tumtable convenient to disconnect lever)
CONTROL VALVES - Precision four-way double-acting with in-
{egral load holding, main and circuit relief valves. Three
individual valve banks permting simultaneous independent
‘Contol of three crane functions. Maximum operating pres-
sure of 2500 PSI (175.Bkgiem)
“OIL COOLER - Full flow, tin and tube, oi 0 ae.
POWER DISTRIBUTION - Main hoist - 99.5 GPM (149.5 LPM)
(@ 2250 PSI (158. 1kgicm?); Main hoist boost, “Auxiliary
hoist. it, telescope ~ 46.5 GPM (175 LPM) @ 2500 FS!
(175 8kgiem?); Rear steer. swing, outiggers ~ 26.5 GPM
(100.3 LPM) @ 2250 PSI (158. tkgiom.
Testction indicator, front and rear mounted iting lugs, front
‘storage well, console light,| hourmeter, hydraulic test panel
Tight, 360° rotating beacon, pintie hooks, tie inflation kit,
backup alarm, hoist drum eable followers, tachometer, seat bel
‘manual skylight wines, windshield washer, hook biock tie down
“Denotes optonal equipmentAXLE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION CHART
a Pane aa
Sane gS een anes | mom ea ree | rom [aaa
eign rey eee sae bose | gee | aa | ee
Be arstbioagn cova necmanion [aes | att {aa Uae ar ee
rite gar cer ome | ae fe | ia | ee
rear ce) Bee ee
eg clea ae | ge) Se Ls
iin tend fects Bi ee eae
Eau oaes ee | a ee
cee a8 ies |e ee
ee esate 3o | ee | aes
eerie shel {coe tee een ee oe
RE diate a 08 ot
% in, (13mm) dia. rope [Use with 25 ft. —
uae ec Sie oe ae Ce os
Br nes em | ae ues
Soon By ee Bese
oat ole coe os
seers piencor es Bs |e
meade | as AG ss
' 7970 ib, (3615Ka) cngt, used on 70 fe, Boom with or wlo aux. hoi
‘#5 6020 ib, (2731ks) ewat, used only on 80 ft. boom with ux. host,
6620 ib, (30033) ews ured only on 60 ft boom w/o aux. hoist.
‘Tranemiesion | Gear Waximum Speed | Gradeabilly | _Tractive Effort at Stall
Forward Delve: Range Shift MPH | KWH @ Stall (%) LBs. KG.
“Wheel Drive tow ist 24 39 68 17,470
4 Wheel Drive Low and 55 Es 310 p13
4 Wheel Drive low ord 152 5 86 21508
2 Wheel Drive High ist 3a 37 3 755
2 Wheel Drive High 2a 7 188 122 3381
2 Wheel Drive High 3d m1 38 23 uaz
NOTE: Allperormance dates based'on 4,000"b. (21 772kg) machine with 16,0025 tes, 44 drve and GMé.SANengine andmay varyplus orminus 10% due fo
variations in engine perfomance.
Machines shoutl be operatzd wb th its of engine crankcase design (3
(nd above 27% (4x 2 cv) ae theoretical.
Cl, 20°-GM 8 Deut, 40° Cummins). Gradeabity valves above 45% (4x4 drive)A FRAME FOR ROUGH-TERRAIN
Double parallel boxcbeam construction with boxed cross-members and full ength
longitudinal, welded as a single unit and reinforced at crtical points to resist
torsional stresses and provide a strong, rigid mounting for the turntable. After
fessembly, the beating mountng-surface is precision machined to assure
‘T00%s meial-fo-metal contact for the swing bearing. Outigger boxes
are integral wih the frame to provide adeitonal strangth and stability,
“Telescoping beam and jack outiggers have a spread of 17 (5.2m) which provides a nearly
Square sance for outstanding stabilty throughout the 360" iting range. Jacks have a vertical
Stoke of 21 in, (&33mm) and are equipped with integral hokéng valves. The exclusive Grove
Spin oe, which permis the jack tobe locked mechanically in any position, is avaiable as
‘optional equipment
Fullpower hydraulic steering with four stecring
modes permits 4-whee! coordinated, 4-wheel crab
bing, 2wheel (font oF rear) steering for easier
maneuvering in tight quarters. Grove's system of
{independent contol for ach axle permits a greater
Cogree of manewverablity with greater ease for
the operator.