3.4 Final Paper
3.4 Final Paper
3.4 Final Paper
S P Broomfield
Energy Business
Ansty, Coventry
In 1997 Rolls-Royce initiated a programme to upgrade the successful 6562 package which
combined the RB211-24G gas generator and the RT62 power turbine, to increase both
power and thermal efficiency. This resulted in the RB211 G-T gas generator and the RT61
power turbine, together designated the 6761. The gas generator modifications included an
upflowed IP compressor, an Aero Trent HP compressor, a revised ‘short’ combustor DLE
system and improvements to turbine materials. The power turbine was completely
redesigned going from 2 to 3 rotor stages. The 6761 package gives a nominal 15%
increase in power and a 2% increase in thermal efficiency over the 6562.
In 2003 a demonstrator 6761 was installed at a Trans Canada Pipe Lines (TCPL) gas
pumping station in Nordegg Alberta. TCPL already operate the worlds largest fleet of
RB211 packages with over 80 RB211 based units of various types and ratings. The unit
ran over the next 3 years in normal operational duty and in November 2006 the gas
generator was removed for a routine hot end refurbishment having completed 24,233 hours
and being the lead unit of the 6761 fleet. Removal of the engine also provided an
opportunity to inspect the PT whilst still installed.
The engine was returned to the Rolls-Wood overhaul facility in Aberdeen Scotland where it
was inspected and a refurbishment workscope defined to enable the engine to complete a
further 25-30,000 hours when a full overhaul will be conducted. Overall the engine was
found to be in very good condition with little work required over that normally expected for a
G rated RB211 at the same running hours. Inspection of the PT whilst still installed in the
berth also identified no problems requiring repair work.
This paper summarises the design changes incorporated into the 6761 package, the
operational experience at Nordegg and covers in detail the condition of the engine and PT
after 24,233 hours running.
Note: Since April 2007 the RB211 and RT series power turbine range have been re-
designated. Thus the 6761 package is now marketed as the RB211-GT61.
BOV Blow Off Valves
DLE Dry Low Emissions
FOD Foreign Object Damage
HP High Pressure
IP Intermediate Pressure
NGV Nozzle Guide vane
OGV Outlet Guide Vane
PT Power Turbine
RVDT Rotary Variable Displacement Transducer
SB Service Bulletin
TBC Thermal Barrier Coating
VIGV Variable Inlet Guide Vane
90,000 800
power MW
-524D4 50
-524B Industrial
50,000 Trent
Industrial 25
Industrial RB211-24GT
Industrial RB211-24G
Industrial RB211-24C
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Increased e
77500 BTU/s
Design SOT (T41) =1545
Similar shaft
196 lb/s
TGT(T455) = 1050K
In addition to the new turbo machinery and Unit Health Monitoring (UHM) system was
installed. This collects data from numerous measurement points on the unit, which is then
processed and compared with performance models. The data is plotted as trends and
published over the internet so that it can be viewed by engineers based at remote
locations. The trends also have pre-defined alarm levels which will generate alarms in the
event of significant changes from the baseline.
The engine was first installed in April 2003 and, following a commissioning period, entered
commercial service in May 2003. It was finally removed for refurbishment in November
2006 having completed 24,233 hours and 190 starts.
The most notable engine problem was that in June 2004 the IP Turbine bearing vent
was found to be blocked with carbon. At this time the unit was out of service while a
modification upgrade was carried out. The engine was therefore removed to a local
overhaul base and the vent line cleaned. The cause of the carbon was found to be due
to contamination of the oil by Zinc from the Dollinger oil system demister element. This
is a known problem, which is resolved by fitting of a stainless steel element ref Service
Information Letter 057.
The unit was shutdown during this period to allow installation of a modification to the
engine to prevent compressor surges on trip shutdowns. Service experience had
Between July 2003 and January 2004 the unit suffered a number of failures of the main
oil pump. This is a gear pump driven by shaft from the PT and provides the primary oil
supply to the PT and compressor bearings as well as a hydraulic drive for the RB211
oil pump. A comprehensive investigation was carried out including vibration surveys of
the pump and optical measurements of the relative thermal growths of the pump and
power turbine. This investigation resulted in significant changes to the system
including selection of a different pump manufacturer, realignment of the pump with the
PT and the use of flexible hoses for the pump inlet and outlet connections. The flow
control for the hydraulic drive was also changed to provide better speed stability for the
RB211 oil pump. These modifications have been very successful with no further main
oil pump problems since October 2004 when the system was upgraded.
During this period running on the electrically driven standby pump minimized loss of
unit availability.
Overall the unit performed very well in service, and after the RB211 was reinstalled in
November 04 no further problems are recorded until final removal in Nov 06 having
completed 24,233 hours and 190 starts. Since commercial service commenced the
unit exceeded the contact availability of 94%. No combustor components were
replaced during its life in order to maintain start reliability or noise / emissions
The unprocessed data available on UHM was examined to understand the normal
operating power / temperatures etc and hence the RB211 and PT mechanical
condition. The typical IP turbine exit temperatures (T455), for instance, were generally
760-770 during the winter and between 770 and the limiting 780 Deg C during the
winter. Over the range of ambient temperatures in Canada this represents powers
between 23 and 33 Mw.
In November 2006 the Nordegg RB211, serial number 1890-2013, became the first G-T to
be removed for a scheduled half-life refurbishment. This was carried out at the Rolls-Wood
facility in Aberdeen. As the first RB211 G-T to achieve this milestone the opportunity was
taken to carry out a detailed inspection to identify any problem areas. As is normal at mid-
life the PT was not removed but inspected whilst installed in the berth. The following
describes the condition of the engine and power turbine.
The only indications of rotor tip rubs were across the split line on rotor 1 and
around most of the circumference on rotor 2, biased towards the trailing
edge. However both took the form of swept clean areas with no material
actually removed from the abradable lining. Measurements of the blade
lengths and casing diameters confirmed the tip clearances to be within new
build limits.
One rotor 2 blade was noted as missing a 2x2mm corner from the leading
edge. Examination indicated this was as the result of FOD and it was
subsequently dressed out. The stage 3,4 and 5 blade lockplates were
loose but this is normal for the hours run. No further work was carried out on
the IP rotor assembly.
The HP compressor rotor was inspected in the built-up state and found to
be in good condition altho ugh minor FOD was present on a numerous
blades throughout the compressor. No corrosion was present and the
coating on rotor 2 was in good condition although there were minor impact
chips. It was necessary to replace 13-off stage 1, and 5-off stage 6 blades
as they were deemed to be outside the available FOD dressing limits.
The rotor path linings were in good condition with only stage 2 showing any
obvious indication of a blade rub over 270 Deg. The surface of the rotor
path linings on stages 1, 4, 5 and 6 did exhibit a slight glaze over most of
the circumference that may indicate very light contact with the rotor blades.
No glaze was visible on stage 3.
Measurement of the tip clearances indicated very small increases over new
build limits and as the linings were in good condition they were not
The stator vane aerofoils were in good condition although FOD was
present on a number requiring 2-off stage 1 and 1-off stage 5 vanes to be
replaced. Rubs were present on the stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 platform seals over
180-360 degrees. No rub was present on the stage 5 stator seal. As the
stator seal linings were in good condition they were not replaced.
All of the combustion supports exhibit typical wear on the discharge nozzle
pads upto approx 0.020 – 0.030’’ in depth. The discharge nozzle upper
location bore generally exhibited polish marks only with very little material
loss. The combustor lower location bore appeared to be in ‘as new’
The discharge nozzles were in typical condition with the various surfaces
found as follows:-
The combustion liners were in very good condition. The secondary rings
were in excellent condition with a few small cracks around the secondary
windows and very few areas of sulphidation. The cracking around the
secondary windows was well within the limits for continued service running
ref SB139. The primary splitter had a small amount of erosion around the
exit diameter. The primary and secondary barrels were in good condition
with no corrosion or significant TBC loss.
All of the combustion liners, discharge nozzles and supports were repaired
using standard repair schemes.
There were no mechanical issues noted with the fuel injector assemblies
and these were sent to the manufacturers for ‘as received’ flow checks prior
to cleaning. HP Turbine
The HP turbine blade interlocks were tight generally with slight movement of
only 20 blades possible by hand. There was no erosion evident of the non-
abutment faces, which still achieved as new clearances. The interlock
abutment faces all had a black shiny appearance although some had a
slightly uneven hammered appearance. However aero experience is that
this appearance is typical for this type of blade. The shroud seal fins were
in good condition with no erosion or wear visible. The tip fences exhibited
only very light contact marks with the honeycomb. The aerofoils were in
good condition with no indications of coating loss or erosion. There was
some white splatter on the leading edges, which is often as a result of
impact from TBC released from the combustion system.
Strip of the HP turbine rotor assembly revealed heavy wear to the blade
root dampers. On some, this wear was sufficient to result in the damper
breaking in half. There were also matching frettage marks on the blade
lockplates where the damper makes contact. Wear to this extent has not
been seen on aero engines and therefore it is likely to be related to the
speeds and temperatures typically seen in industrial operation. However as
the HP turbine assembly had satisfactorily achieved its required life and, as
the dampers are sacrificial parts normally replaced whenever the turbine
rotor is dismantled, this is not regarded as a life-limiting problem. Further
investigation will be carried out to understand the wear mechanism.
Additional G-T engines, 2 of which are due to have 25K overhauls
conducted within the next 6 months, will be inspected to further assess the
damper condition.
As repair schemes for the G-T HP blades are still under development they
were replaced with new components for rebuild. The old blades are held
awaiting overhaul although a number have been used for investigation into
cleaning of the damper surface, internal sulphidation and coating trials.
The HPNGV’s were in good condition with some TBC loss but no
significant erosion of the inner trailing edge platforms as often seen on DLE
engines. Other than small patches of TBC loss there were no hot spots on
the outer platform or the aerofoils. All of the HPNGV’s were subsequently
overhauled using standard repair schemes.
The discharge nozzle inner rail dog slots exhibited heavy wear, matching
that on the discharge nozzles dogs. This is not unusual and was repaired
using standard repair schemes.
The HP seal segments were in good condition with slight bowing of the
backing evident and thinning of the bird’s mouth at the IPNGV interface.
There was some high temperature erosion in the centre of the backing but
no cracking was evident visually. The honeycomb was in very good
condition and the front stage, which is often eroded down level with the
backing, was only eroded down level with the filler. However despite their
good overall condition all the segments were subsequently rejected for
thinning of the rear inner birdmouth at the centre and ends down to 0.061’’-
0.066’’ against a min thickness of 0.071’’. Although some thinning and
cracking in the centre is commonly seen rejection at only 25k hours is
unusual. However there is some evidence from the development
programme that the short combustor has a slightly more outboard traverse
The IP seal segments within the casing assembly showed a typ ical green appearance with
patches of light surface erosion. Gaps between some of the segments were beginning to
open up. The honeycomb lining was in good condition for the hours with a few patches on
the front stage eroded down close to the backing. All the seal segments were repaired and
The seal segment retainers and exit liners were in excellent condition with no distortion,
erosion or corrosion evident.
The HP turbine roller bearing Metco seal was found to be almost completely removed from
the carrier. Ref also section This is probably due to a heavy rub with the rotor
labyrinth at some point resulting in the Metco being torn out. With reference to section 4.1
note that the engine was reported as seizing in June 2004 following a trip shutdown. This is
probably the event that damaged the seal. However there did not appear to have been any
detrimental effects as a result as the area outside the seal was still clean and dry. Both HP
and IP roller bearings were felt to run smoothly which indicates that there has been no
significant carbon accumulation inside the housing.
The IPNGV’s had a grey / green colouration, but were in good condition with no apparent
deterioration of the coating. Subsequent visual inspection revealed cracks in 2 of the
IPNGV’s in the radius between the trailing edge aerofoil and outer platform. Cracks in this
area have not been seen before and therefore these two vanes were replaced with new
components and the rejected vanes returned to Montreal for engineering lab investigation.
Both vent covers (mushrooms) were noted as missing from the IP BOV pistons. One was
found trapped in the IP BOV cage. In the other IP BOV a dent was noted in the cage
possibly from impact with the mushroom but it could not be located. As the BOV cage was
intact the mushroom must have been drawn into the engine and may have been
responsible for the FOD damage at the front of the HP compressor. Loss of the IPBOV
mushroom is commonly seen and improved fitting or complete removal is being
investigated. A longer-term solution involving a completely new design of IPBOV is also in
The Power turbine was inspected in the Nordegg berth. The ‘D’ module, which comprises
the inlet guide vanes, was removed to facilitate the inspection of the ‘T’ module, which
comprises the main rotor, stator and casing assembly.
The ‘D’ module was found to be in good condition with no cracking or oxidation of the
vanes present although FOD was evident in the trailing edge of one aerofoil.
Measurements of the front inner seal showed some deformation. However there had been
no contact with the matching rotating seal on the rear of the RB211 IP turbine disc and
therefore this is not of concern.
The ‘T’ module was in excellent overall condition. The first stage blades were inspected
directly, the remaining rotor and stators viewed by borescope. All the rotor and stator
aerofoils were in good condition with no cracking or oxidation present.
Wear of the stage 1 rotor tip seals was good with a clear, concentric witness in the
honeycomb over the front fin and light rubs in the intermediate and rear honeycomb stages.
The second stage tip seals were inspected by borescope and this showed heavier wear
with a rolled edge evident in the rotor fin. Inspection of the third stage tip seals was not
possible as access to the exhaust volute was not available.
The exterior of the PT was in good condition although some heat staining was evident
around the rear of the exhaust hood. This is caused by gas leaks though the bolted joints
between the hood sections. These joints are difficult to access and as the leakage is
acceptable currently this will be rectified during a future major maintenance outage.
Examination of the PT bearings was not possible as both the crane capacity and access
are limited. This is primarily due to the crane being configured for the previous RT56 PT
installation. This will be rectified prior to the next major inspection at 50,000 hours.
6.0 Conclusions
Overall the engine and power turbine were in very good condition and following normal
refurbishment and servicing were cleared for a further 25,000 hours operation.
The only significant problem in the RB211 was the HP turbine blade damper frettage. The
dampers are regarded as sacrificial parts and normally replaced when the rotor is
stripped. The frettage to the blade damper surfaces is not a life-limiting problem and it is
anticipated it would be repaired as part of the normal overhaul process.
Wear to the combustion system components was similar to that exhibited for long
combustor DLE machines and the components were all within the normal repair limits.
There is little experience as yet on 25k hour short combustor G-T engines although a G
rated short combustor engine exhibited significantly less wear than 1890-2013. This may
indicate that with better optimisation of the fuel map, a further reduction in combustor noise
and therefore wear could have been achieved. The combustion liners themselves were in
very good condition with little cracking and oxidation around the secondary windows.
Cracking and oxidation of the HPNGV platforms was minimal indicating that the short
combustor has been successful in reducing temperatures in this area.
Although the HPNGV inner platform were in good condition the HP seal segments were
rejected due to thinning of the inner bird’s mouth. It is likely that this could have been
avoided by the application of Sermaloy J coating to mod 1504.
The PT was in very good condition with no defects or areas of concern. Failures of the
main oil pump were encountered in the first year of operation. Following a detailed
investigation a revised pump and installation was fitted in October 2004 and there have
been no further problems since.
Over the next 4 months two further G-T engines are scheduled for overhaul having achieved
25k hours and these will provide additional evidence on the condition of G-T engines and
RT61 PT’s after 25,000 hours.
Since the TCPL Nordegg unit commenced operation the G-T fleet has grown, and now
comprises a total of 27 DLE engines in service with a further 15 on order. In addition to the
DLE units a further 26 conventional combustor 6761’s are in service or on order. Total
6761 fleet running hours are approx 250,000.
Overall the 6761 service experience has been remarkably trouble free. The Nordegg
RB211 and PT condition have shown no major lifing issues and the 6761 fleet is expected
to demonstrate the same exemplary service experience as the previous variants.
7.0 References
The author wishes to thank the following for their assistance and contributions
Will Ellsworth RR Technical Support North America
Kevin Powell Rolls Wood Aberdeen