Activity 1: Biased Term Why It Is Offensive Bias-Free Alternative

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Biased Term Why it is Offensive Bias-Free Alternative

Jesus Killer It discriminates a race. Jew

Which was said in the
attachment. It
discriminates the Jews
Lady President It highlights the need for President
specification of the
gender. Which is not
suppose to be necessary.
Little old Woman The reason it is offensive It would depend on the
is body shaming and preference of the
ageism. person. An experience
woman is better.
Redneck Discrimination to people A person who is
who just work hard is sunburned.
never okay. Their neck is Or a hard-working
red from farming or person.
making money under the
Retard Discriminates the A person with mental
disability of the person. disability. Or sometimes
This can result to a special person.
lowered self-esteem of
the person.

Activity 1
Application Exercise:

Non-academic Usage Academic Usage

1. They requested for additional They demanded for additional
reference materials. reference materials.
2. The conclusion gotten by the The conclusion received by the group
group doesn’t follow. does not follow.
3. The respondents needed to chill. The respondents needed to calm
4. The interviewee was pulling my The interviewee was teasing me.
5. The student promised to submit The student promised to submit the
the document asap document as soon as possible.

Worksheet 1A
Answer Revised from Before- Reading.

Most people like a fun and a silly partner. For some, these shows
that both of them are open and do not judge each other’s action. They can
be wrong without being scared of their partner’s rants. In contrast to a
partner who sees your mistakes and highlights it every time you argue. The
experience would be “toxic” in some terms. The feeling of comfort when
they don’t mind being judge in a space is the most satisfying area. So, that’s
why some people likes a date that is fun and silly rather than accurate but

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