4 Citizenship-Training SC

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Nation building is not just the duty of our leaders but it’s also the responsibility of
every Filipino citizen. Hence, the state recognized the youth as the most dynamic
segment of the population and the future of the Nation. The youth are considered
as the social agents of change. They must be educated and provided with
opportunities to achieve their full potentials. They must learn how to be
responsible and how to be critical minded about the social realities. They must be
empowered to be involved in social issues and advocacies while inculcating in
them the qualities of good a citizen. The NSTP law or R.A. 9163 mandates
that citizenship training be given emphasis in all of its three (3) program

Input 1


1. Be on Time, Honor Your Commitments. This 1st Little Thing may sound very
simple. But it addresses one of the most noticed and talked about negative
traits of the Filipino – that of always being late for something. Filipinos are
known for always being late and some make fun of it and say the “Filipino
Time”. Being late is a sign of lack of discipline. It shows lack of responsibility.
To be punctual, to come on time for a meeting or commitment, takes only a
little discipline from each one of us. Let’s make “Filipino Time” mean being on
time, all the time.

2. Fall in Line, Respect Others & Follow the Law. This 2nd Little thing also sounds
very simple and ordinary. It is not only in big situations and crisis but also
through simple, seemingly ordinary situations that the character of a person is
tested and revealed. This simple act of falling in line or following traffic rules
reflects on our character and reveals our discipline and level of education as a
people. It is an indication that the person knows what is right from wrong and
what is good from bad.

3. Sing our national anthem with pride and honor. One of the simplest acts we can
do to honor the Filipino and our Motherland. Singing our national anthem with
pride is honoring all those of our people who fought and died to make us a
nation of free people today. What is being asked of us is really very simple –
to stand up, put our right palm over our chest, and sing the anthem with pride.

4. Study well. Give your best in everything you do. Dream big! Study and educate
yourself. If you are educated, even if you are poor, the high and mighty will
listen to you and the most powerful men/women will think a hundred times
before violating your rights and liberties. Educate yourself so you become part
of the solution. Learn the true essence of education, that is, to know the good
from the bad, the truth from the falsity, and may you prefer the good and the

5. Be Honest. Do not cheat, lie or steal. Report any crime or illegal act. The biggest
problems in our government today and in the past are all about honor, or the
lack of it. They are all about cheating, stealing and lying. It is a challenge for
us to promote a “Culture of Honor”. Our youth should learn not to cheat, steal
or lie and to report people who do so we may have a better tomorrow. By
doing so, we become part of the hope of our nation.

6. Conserve water, plant a tree and dispose your garbage properly. Our country is a
hotspot for climate change and clearly there are indications of changing
climate patterns around the world. In our own little ways, we can reverse the
trend of degradation and save our environment by conserving water, planting
trees, disposing garbage and even lobbying laws to protect and preserve

7. Be an ambassador of the Filipino. Speak positively of the Filipino & Country. We

need to be careful with the words we use to call and describe ourselves. The
words we use to call and describe ourselves, if we keep on repeating them
someday soon would become our reality. Using “Ay naku, only in the
Philippines!”, “Naku, Pinoy na Pinoy talaga!”, “Pinoy kase eh!” or the label
“Juan Tamad” by the Spaniards are used in negative way and create a
negative image of Filipinos. Let us try to develop a beautiful and positive way
of looking at the Filipino. Speak positively of the Filipino and our country
before our family, friends and other people, especially foreigners. Let us be
models of what an educated and dignified Filipinos is. And lastly, let us
support Filipino talents and products wherever we may be. Our challenge is to
build a positive and healthy image, a wonderful view of ourselves as a people.
Our children, our youth, our future, need to believe that there is greatness in
our race.

8. Buy Pinoy. Do not buy fake or smuggled goods. Why buy Filipino products?
Because whenever you buy a Filipino product, wherever you may be, perhaps
at least 40% of the price that you pay for the product will go back to the
Philippines. Part of the money that you paid will support the business and
employees of the company that manufactured the product. It will nurture the
talents and skills of Filipino. And some part of the money you paid would also
go to the government by the way of taxes. Our simple act of buying Filipino
products support our Motherland, especially in these times when our country
needs every little bit of help from each one of us. It is an act of patriotism. It is
an act of Bayanihan.

9. Save, plan ahead and learn business early. To get a head start on life you must
also become financially literate. Simply put, you must learn not only how to
make a living, but also, more importantly, how to save, invest and manage
your money. Save and invest early.

10. During elections, vote for and support candidates who stand for what is right and good.
The youth has the biggest voting number in the country. But do they have the
strongest voice in the country? Do they also have the biggest influence in the
government and in society as a whole? Do they have appropriate representation
in the government? Do they exert their power in affecting change in society? If
we want to see progress in our country, we must start with the way we perform
our duties as citizens. As a people we must be involved.

11. Respect our elders, practice mano po. There is nothing like “Mano po” in the rest of
the world, especially in these modern times. It is uniquely and wonderfully
Filipino. Our “mano po” is a habit and tradition that truly captivates the hearts of
foreigners who come to our shores. Our respect for our elders is truly one of our
best traits as a people.

12. Pray for our country and our people. The Filipino is essentially a person of faith.
He believes in a creator, although the name may vary among religions. When
we pray together, we become one people. But prayer without action or charity
is nothing. Even if we pray to God in church every Sunday but fail to see Him
in every person we meet in the street, there is something wrong with our faith.
We must pray as people, but we must also act to help one another, as one

Input 2

Republic Act 9418 [Volunteer Act of 2007]

⚫ It shall be the policy of the State to promote the participation of the various
sectors of the Filipino society, and as necessary, international and foreign
volunteer organizations in public and civic affairs and adopt and strengthen the
practice of volunteerism as a strategy in order to attain national development and
international understanding [Section 2].

⚫ The inculcation of volunteerism as a way of life shall rekindle in every Filipino the
time-honored tradition of Bayanihan to foster social justice, solidarity and
sustainable development [Section 2].

⚫ Volunteerism in the Academe includes, but is not limited to, provision of technical
assistance and sharing of technology within the academic circle, target
communities and other clienteles and the upgrading of the quality of education
and curriculum methodologies while providing career enhancement and
exposure to the volunteers. b) Volunteerism in the Corporate Sector as an
expression [Section 5a].

⚫ The Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education

(CHED) shall integrate volunteerism as part of the curriculum in basic and higher
education to raise the consciousness of the youth and develop the culture of
volunteerism among the citizenry [Section 12b].
Input 3:


Underlying Principles:
1. Good citizenship is the duty of every Filipino.
2. Good citizenship actions proceed from the following good citizenship values
which is also the National Motto of the Philippines as stated in Chapter III,
Section 40 of Republic Act 8491 [Annex 1]:

I. Pagka-Maka-Diyos II. Pagka-Maka- III. Pagka- IV. Pagka-

a. Faith in the Tao Makabansa Makakalikasan
Almighty a. Love a. Unity a. Concern for
b. Respect for Life b. Freedom b. Equality the
c. Order c. Peace c. Respect for Law Environment
d. Work d. Truth and
e. Concern for the e. Justice Government
Family and d. Patriotism
Future e. Promotion of
Generations the Common
3. The building of a strong, peaceful, progressive nation of the just and humane
society envisioned in the Philippine Constitution requires that every Filipino
citizen makes his unique contribution thereto.

4. Citizens are called to help, affirm, and reinforce one another as they seek to be
good citizens.

5. Good governance and good citizenship are inseparable.

Ethical people are good citizens. They go beyond their own interests, demonstrate a
concern for the needs of others and recognize their obligations to make their home,
school, neighborhood and country the best they can be. There are many ways to
express good citizenship. For some people, citizenship means performing public
service such as volunteering, serving in the armed forces, running for elective office
or campaigning for a candidate. For others, citizenship is holding a job, paying taxes
and obeying the law still to others, citizenship just means being born as a “citizen” of
the country.

Citizenship is not passive. Citizenship demands participation, involvement and

contribution. No one can make a difference without being involved. A good citizen is
not content to be just an anonymous face in the crowd or a non-participating member
of a group.

Citizenship DOs
• Being a good neighbor. Caring about and pursuing the common good.
• Giving the share to make the school and community better, cleaner and safer
• Conserving resources by practicing the three R’s: reduce, re-use, and recycle
• Staying informed, voicing you opinions and voting on issues affecting the
Citizenship DONTs
• Looking out only for yourself
• Littering and waste resources
• Leaving all political matters to the “experts”



A. Faith in the Almighty

• “Faith can move mountains”.
• If faith in God worked miracles for us during the EDSA experiences, it can also work in our
everyday lives;
• The kind of faith we professed at EDSA was one that drove us into action (faith in action).
Our Faith, which moved us to act was the single biggest factor that made EDSA work, one
that indeed “move mountains”
• Faith in the Almighty is an innate trademark Filipino value. All of have it. (Cite Filipino
culture and attitudes/history that are testaments to this fact);
• Example: when the country was plunged into shock and misery brought about by the
devastation of the 1991 earthquake, Filipinos consoled themselves and lifted each other’s
spirit by crying sincere tears, a symbol of their bearing each other’s pains and by praying
together with an extraordinary faith to get through such calamity. Such attitude clearly
defines the Filipinos’ unique regard for the value of Faith in the Almighty
• We should take pride in our faith and use it to improve our lives. More than ever, our faith
as a people has proven to be stronger and more meaningful. We even face the prospect of
sharing faith with those who actually introduced it to us in the first place (Cite “empty
churches” in predominantly Catholic/Christian western countries like Spain);
• Our faith is a call of conversion; from graft and corruption, indolence, our desire from
convenience rather than hard work, growing adherence to materialism at the expense of
the loss of our values and integrity, and our sense of helplessness when confronted with
• We should learn to pray from our hearts, not merely by our lips

B. Respect for Life

• Every person’s life is a precious gift, no individual has the right to harm or destroy it
• Human life must be respected, protected and preserved from the moment of conception
• “Our body is God’s temple”, we should take care of it and regard it as sacred
• We should uphold and recognize each other’s dignity as person and grow to appreciate
each other’s worth
• Every person is a gift in himself and deserves the opportunity to realize and share his own
giftedness to society without fear of harm and persecution
• Every person is safeguarded by basic human rights and is responsible for the rights of
• Every person should be given the opportunity to lead a purpose driven life

C. Order
• Learn to prioritize: do first things first
• God is our number one value, foremost priority, and source of all motivations and
• Some simple ways of prioritizing or putting things in order include the following: cleanliness
and proper arrangement of things, belongings, living quarters, and work area, time
management (faithfully following an established routine/schedule), budgeting and expense
allocation, resources management, prioritization/sorting of activities according to level of
importance or urgency, and goal setting
• In doing first things first in the light of effecting change in our country,
change/transformation should begin with us before it can proceed to a broader scale. The
determination to develop the value on a wider scale towards national development should
then evolve into a collective resolve by every citizen to live out the value and allow it to
pervade into our people’s consciousness and culture
• Learn to be orderly in your work by establishing a system and routine
• The value of Order ensure all citizens of security (in the form of order established by laws),
peace (when order is maintained by law enforcement agencies of the government and
other sectors of society), harmony (as a result of the social contract borne out of the
implications of the law and basic understanding of ethics and values) and progress (as a
value/sense of order constantly seeks to promote efficiency and effectiveness in a person’s
work, job or routine, the person is able to be more productive)
• Disorder triggers situations of panic, unrest, confusion, havoc, chaos, and anarchy
• Order is so essential to us that we even have to follow a particular order in loving (God,
Country, Family…)
• Basic values like diligence and cleanliness stem from the value of orderliness
• Order entails the discipline of the mind, emotion and action. Some virtues/values that may
be required when one wishes to develop the value of Order are prudence, temperance,
discipline, humility, diligence, patience and resilience

D. Work
• Man is destined to work, it is in his nature
• Discuss the Filipino culture of and regard to the following: kapit sa patalim, ningas cogon,
mañana habit, etc
• Job and work defined and differentiated
• Achievement is getting things done well while activity is a matter of merely staying busy
• Our country will progress if every Filipino puts value in honest hard work
• Every Filipino should strive towards self-reliance
• Learn to invest your God-given talents in your work
• “Don’t settle for mediocrity, aim for excellence”
• Well done is better than well said – Benjamin Franklin
• Do your best and God will take care of the rest
• “Living within your means is spending less than what you earn:
• Living within one’s means is a key element of success and progress as it encourages the
values of discipline, frugality, prudence and the virtue of temperance

E. Concern for the Family and Future Generations

• The future of humanity passes by way of the family
• Our family is threatened daily by many issues that tend to destroy its sanctity, unity and
• We should be vigilant and possess the resolve to always value our family as our most
precious gift after our own lives
• A family is strengthened by the love, understanding and mutual respect among its
• A family is the best place of refuge, strength, inspiration, example and source of love for
toady’s youth at risk and couples whose values and virtues are challenged daily by the
ways of the world of covetousness and materialism
• More than ever, we should work harder to teach and guide our children in the ways of good
values and responsibility as they are more vulnerable to negative influences brought about
by the advent of high technology and materialism which, gives them freer access to
activities that potentially undermine their good values and virtues
• Giving due respect to our elders and caring fro them is a testament of our enduring value
of respect for our family as a people and confirms our love and deference to the people
from whose lives and labor we owe our own
• Our family is worth more that any worldly gain
• Make it a point to spend “quality time” with your family as this will unite your more closely
and bind you in understanding and love
• The family can survive the challenges of the times only if it is armed with sound principles
and values that promote love and life


A. Love
• Love is the value from which the other values that form a good person develop from
• Love entails responsibility and service
• Real love is one that shares, trusts, cares, respects, accepts, and forgives;
• Love is the key to our nation progress. It will encourage our people to be committed to
serve and be concerned for each other’s well being, making true the pledge of
mamamayan muna bago sarili… mamamayang hindi makasarili
• The Law of Love surpasses every other law
• The true measure of love is, loving without measure

B. Freedom
• According to to Dr. Jose P. Rizal, “Nations win their freedom by deserving it, by loving what
is just, what is good, what is great to the point of dying for it.”
• The value of freedom is never without the virtue of responsibility
• Freedom without responsibility results to anarchy
• Freedom is a gift freely given, thus, it should be something freely shared
• Freedom should be practiced with a clear understanding of its bounds, a sense of
discipline and the virtue of charity
• Our sense of freedom should lead us to love our fellowmen, understand their plight and do
what is good and right while avoiding what is wrong and evil
• The dream of freedom is not just one man but should be of every human heart
• The fruit of freedom is cultivated by a people’s genuine sense of cooperation and desire to
be responsible for their actions for the benefit of the common good

C. Peace
• Peace cannot be attained through violence or other ways that do not promote order
• Some examples of situations by which the end of peace cannot be reached by the means
of violence and disorder:
a. Physically harming children as a method of disciplining them
b. Airing one’s sentiments on good government and societal issues by way of mutiny or
coup d’etat
c. Resorting to fights and other violent displays to settle disputes/disagreements
d. Stealing to pay-off debt
e. Resorting to acts of corruption to attain financial security
• The four pillars of peace: Love, Freedom, truth, and justice
• The two keys to peace: solidarity with the poor and sustained economic development
• Peace begins with one’s self and is a God-given gift that must be continuously nurtured by
prayer and reflection of one’s values and principles
• Peace can be attained and sustained when people develop a deep consciousness of their
faith in God, concern for their fellowmen, loyalty to their country, and respect for the
• Peace cannot thrive in a world where people do not live in dignity
• There can be no lasting peace if the nations of the world prosper at the expense of other

D. Truth
• Truth is important to a society because it is a condition for freedom
• Truth entails transparency, honesty, integrity, sincerity and humility
• Identify the fruits of a culture of truth as against the negative effects of a culture of lies
• The truth entails sacrifices and effort but is a worthy cause that highlights our own capacity
as persons to do good and live with integrity
• When in doubt about a certain issue that tends to challenge one’s integrity, look towards
the “Absolute Truth that is God and discover that only good things of value and those that
esteem truth spring forth from Him (“I am the way, the truth and the life” – John 14:7)
• Honestly should be applied in all our roles in life, be it as a spouse, parent, child, sibling
teacher, colleague, superior, subordinate, public servant, etc.
• No one has the monopoly of truth
• In the end, the truth always prevails

E. Justice
• The justice system is important as it ensures that all people, regardless of any form of
distinction, will receive the full benefit and protection of the law
• Justice is important in the life of a person because it ensure that society fosters an
atmosphere of human dignity, security and one that allows every person equal opportunity
to pursue prosperity, development and happiness
• “Justice delayed is justice denied”, reflect on the implication of this statement to our
present judicial system and processes
• Justice is important because it is the basis by which people are moved to charity towards
their fellowmen
• Justice is the key to progress, the foundation of freedom and the bedrock principle of unity
and equality among all men


A. Unity
• Unity: solidarity in the service of humanity as opposed to crab mentality
• Unity is about sharing a common vision and working together towards the same dream of
social justice, prosperity and happiness
• History is a testament of our people’s legacy of strength when we are united (cite EDSA
experience, the significance of PEOPLE POWER)
• A sense of Unity will lead our people to feel each other’s needs and deepest sentiments
and will lead them to share in the fruits of each other’s progress
• In the fight against poverty, graft and corruption, injustice, decadent values and violence,
Unity is the key by which we can triumph over all these. There is indeed strength in
number. If our people work together to really work sincerely towards making themselves
good citizens, how can such evil elements thrive in our society? But this fight is won by the
collective effort and resolve of our people. We should not allow one of our members to fail
or falter as we view the failure and success of one of our countrymen as that of our own
• In every bout of our country with social ills and challenges, we must be able to say to our
countrymen: “We are in this together, We will raise each other up, and We will triumph!”

B. Equality
• As we come from the same Maker, we share in the same destiny to live happily, in dignity,
in peace and harmony
• It is a universally accepted truth that ”all men are created equal, gifted with reason and
freewill.” This is the basic principle from which our own fundamental rights (Bill of Human
Rights) are based
• Every citizen is assured of Equality if his basic human rights are ensured
• Every person should be given equal opportunity to develop himself, be a better person and
pursue happiness in his lifetime. Thus, all agencies of society, the family, school and
government and community should respect this right and aid in the person in his pursuit
• No man is over and above the law. The laws provide fairly for everyone without distinction.
Justice is blind when it metes out justice. It does not judge based on preferences but only
on the basis of facts and the truth
• The value of Equality should move every citizen to look after and care for the less-
fortunate, the poor, and the oppressed. When lived by everyone, the value of Equality is
every man’s assurance that he can live a life of worth and dignity, free from insecurity and
injustice no matter what his circumstances in life are. Truly the value of equality is a key by
which man is set free

C. Respect for Law and Government

• Discuss the implications of the following social issues:
o Basic obedience of traffic rules and regulations
o Water and electricity pilferages in household
o Insurgency, coup, mutiny as an option by individuals or groups to air grievances or
pursue agenda
o Tax evasion (give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, and to God that which is
o Vote-buying, other acts of electoral fraud
• The law is not meant to curtail freedom; It is meant to ensure that every citizen act
responsibly while exercising his freedom
• The law and government are not meant to enslave people; they are meant to establish
order in society, and by their duly constituted powers free people from the bondage of
poverty, ignorance, insecurity, violence and disregard
• The law and government should not serve the interests of a few, especially those who are
in positions of power and authority. Rather, the law and government must give preferential
option to serve and pursue interests of the poor and less-fortunate members of society.
Hence, Law and Government should lead all citizens to be charitable to others especially
those in need of help, support and protection
• The nature of laws is to provide sanctions for the irresponsible practice of freedom. For
every policy, there exists a corresponding implication. Thus, the need for
punishment/penalty as a disciplinary measure when a policy/law is violated. In the final
analysis, laws and the government are meant to institute order in a society that has a
tendency to abuse freedom and trample on the rights of the weak. Their roles from part of
society’s effort to form its members into responsible, conscientious, dignified and charitable
• Love is not the perfection of the Law. Fear and intimidation should not be our motivations
when we obey the law and respect the mandate of the government. Rather, we should find
it in ourselves to love the Law and Government as they seek to protect our rights and
dignity as persons
• Our own respect for Law and government should stem the from the ultimate law of the
heart; that of mutual respect, charity and love for others

D. Patriotism
• Patriotism is a call for every citizen
• Our country needs people who are committed to serve the interest of the nation no matter
who are seated at the helm of the government
• Our country’s heroes, the ones who will move our country to greater heights are not found
in pedestals or pinnacles of power and prestige; they are found in the hearts and deeds of
ordinary people seeking to be good citizens in their everyday lives
• There is such a thing as unsung heroes but none whose deeds do not touch the life of at
least one person
• Patriotism is about loving one’s country by being a steadfast good citizen in one’s daily
encounter of the challenges of life and society
• Patriotism inspires a citizen to respond to the call of service to his nation and look after his
fellowmen in need
• Patriotism is every person’s sense of duty and responsibility to contribute in the
development of his country, the protection of her integrity, and the upholding of the rights
and dignity of his people

E. Promotion of the common good

• Some essential elements needed for the holistic development and progress of the common
good are food, shelter, clothing, education, work, opportunity to improve one’s self, ability
to be free from fear, insecurity and injustice, and an atmosphere of sharing and fraternal
• “Put the welfare of the greater number of people over one’s own”
• We should always consider the welfare of the Common Good or of the other people when
we make decisions or when we act on something
• The value of Promoting the Common Good should move us to share and reach out to
others in need
• We should all be vigilant and steadfast in guarding our human rights as these ensure the
general welfare of the common good
• Work towards things that promote the greater good of the many vs. personal gain or
benefit of a select few
• All of creation should be made available to all men. Therefore, enterprises, individuals and
other entities should be mindful of the way they treat the environment, profit from other
people and deal with the rights and dignity of individuals. The blessing of creation are
meant for the enjoyment of all and should benefit everybody
• National interests should prevail over individual interests
• In the government, this quote captures the essence of a public servant who desires the
Promotion of the common good in his work amidst the demands and temptations of

“ My loyalty to my party ends when my loyalty to my country begins.

- Pres. Manuel L. Quezon


A. Concern of the Environment

• We should develop a sense of urgency in the way we treat our environment
• Every person’s mission of stewardship demands that s/he be more conscious of his/her
actions when s/he relates with the environment
• Treat Mother Nature as your own mother. In every sense of the word, she feeds us and
sustains our life, treats us kindly and lovingly by providing for us faithfully, not expecting
anything in return other than respect and love. As “her children,” we have utterly despoiled
her and given her less than the respect that she deserves. As a “parent,” she also has a
way of disciplining her children lest they abuse. Thus, we have floods and other calamities.

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