Group Assignment Video Case: Let'S Break A Deal: Business College
Group Assignment Video Case: Let'S Break A Deal: Business College
Group Assignment Video Case: Let'S Break A Deal: Business College
building business relationships. Sometimes a closer relationship is needed to
negotiate smoothly with business partners. Even though the deal was almost
done, Norio was expecting to now build a relationship with Michael. He
seems to be offended that his contact has been reassigned and is unsure he
wants to move forward.
When Norio mentions Roger likes sushi and that fact, he knows Roger likes
sushi indicates that they had a gotten to know each other. He expects to
develop a relationship with his business associates, but Michael wants to get
right to business. Michael says “let’s get the ball rolling’ indicating that he’s
trying to pressure Norio into signing the agreement because it’s important to
the company and he has other business to attend to. And then, Norio really
has no interest in signing the contract and he uses evasive responses.
Michael is unaware that it is very important for those from Japan to establish
close personal relationships before talking about business. His violation of
such mores, which concerns routine social conventions, is probably the main
reason that he fails to have Norio sign the contract.
They were misunderstanding each other because there was a lack of sensitivity
to each other’s cultural norms, from these misunderstandings can cause big
problems affecting each other's cooperation. And maybe, their long-term
partnership as well as the signing of the contract could be broken and affected their
work, their companies. The contract can be canceled, it can affect the company's
profits, the number of products and services sold, it can cause chaos in the
company's work environment. From these effects, the productivity of everyone in
the company can also drop. The company can lose many advantages in the
competitive market, causing great harm to the company. Not only that, but this
misunderstanding also caused a bad impression of Michael from Norio. Norio may
feel that Michael is an unprofessional person who can affect his self-image.
Different cultures have different meaning of words, behaviors, and gestures.
Culture also gives rise to prejudices, ethnocentrism, manners, and opinions. It
forms the way people think and behave. When people belonging to different
cultures communicate, these factors can become barriers. So, when you work with
foreign partners, you must search for more information about them, their company
and their country’s culture. It will help you in communication, and your process.
Your company will get a good look in the eyes of partners, improve company
image as well as professional attitude when cooperating. From there can attract
many contracts from other partners.
Question 3: What advice would you give Michael before he meets with another
Japanese business person in the future?
From the cultural mistakes mentioned in the video, Michael needs to draw a few
lessons to apply in the next meeting with another Japanese business person:
First, American workplaces focus on the individual, Japanese workplaces focus on
the group. The Japanese businessman wants to know more about the relationship
between each other, therefore, Michael should have a warm talk to have more
information about personal things, to build the relationship stronger and gain their
trust. Michael should understand that this performance not only creates a tight
connection, but it also increases the level of success of the deal.
Second, Michael doesn't have to be so aggressive because signing a contract is a
process which needs a calm mindset, he should be more delicate while he talks
according to the postures, emotions, tone of the voice, the feeling of a partner since
this way expresses that Michael does care about them. Pushing people for
commitment or answers before they’re ready can break relationships. Be respectful
of formal processes and traditions and do not interrupt when they are talking.
Finally, Michael should prepare and know more about the culture that he is going
to confront to have a topic to discuss and there is no hesitation as well as some
awkward situations might happen. Michael need to give a clearer and more
detailed information when your partners asking about things that they concern.
Besides the cultural issues mentioned in the video, there are still plenty of business
ettiquettes in Japan that Michael should pay attention since a country has a very
old culture and it is very difficult to change the roots in them. It’s really necessary
for you to know the Japaneses’ value.
If you plan on discussing important issues about your project with a partner or
want to reach a conclusive decision with a client, make sure you forward plan a
meeting with a detailed agenda and highlight the specific outcomes you want to
When you persuade your Japanese partners about any decision, you should always
be clear about what you are doing and why you are doing it and be patient with you
partners, wait for them to feel ready enough. You shouldn’t rush the processes
because it might seems unprofessional for the Japanese.
Group Solidarity
For Japanese cultural mindset, business successes and failures are attributed to the
team, rather than to a single person. Even when conferring accolades, it is the usual
practice to recognize the whole group of workers rather than one individual.
Hence, you should always try to give public credit to the entire team, rather than
just a single person, avoid singling someone out for attention, including yourself.
You should always put the collective interest above individual interests and when
you make a decision, you need to consider how the decision affects the team.
Always paying attention when your partners is speaking and respect their ideas.
You need to show interest when you are in a conversation and respond
enthusiastically to questions asked by your partners. You need to be aware of your
partner's preferences and ask questions based on them, try not to ask some
questions about their privacy.
The Japanese value modesty. So sweet-talking, flattering the other party is not
really works for the Japanese. In addition, going overboard with complimenting
yourself can come off as arrogant or self-centered, the way you normally conduct
yourself can be abrasive and obnoxious without you realizing it. During a business
meeting, it is important to speak in a calm tone without making too much of a
commotion and be humble. When falling short of expectations, the best approach
is simply to apologize for any inconvenience and express that you will work to
resolve the problem, don’t make excuses
The Janpaneses always focus on the relationship with their partners. The stronger
the relationship is built, the more trust you will recieve from your Japanese partner.
You should invest hugely in relationship-building like arrange longer meeting to
have more conversations with your partners, invite them to have dinner. And you
need to be calm and gentle when pitching for a new business model or idea, avoid
hard-sell approach and respect the way they make decisions, it might takes a lot of
times but Japanese really careful with their decisions. Japanese business etiquette
mandates patience and the view that time and careful consideration help build trust
and cement relationships.