Zero Velocity Valves For Water Hammer Prevention (PDF) - What Is Piping
Zero Velocity Valves For Water Hammer Prevention (PDF) - What Is Piping
Zero Velocity Valves For Water Hammer Prevention (PDF) - What Is Piping
The zero-velocity valve constitutes an outer shell and an inner fixed dome.
In the center, the valve closing disc is mounted. One or more conical
compressed springs held this disc in a close position in situations when
there is no water flow. A bypass connects the upstream and downstream of
the disc. The springs produce such forces that the disc will be in a fully
open position when the water velocity is 25% of the maximum design
velocity. Again, when the velocity becomes less than 25% of the maximum
velocity, the disc starts closing and fully closed at zero velocity. At this stage,
the upstream water column is prevented from creating pressure surge
Long life
Low maintenance
Trouble-free, smooth operation
Easy installation
Silent operation.
The working principle behind the design of zero velocity valves is to arrest
the forward-moving water column at zero momentum. When the velocity is
zero, no return velocity is established.
When a pump suddenly trips, the forward velocity of the water column
decreases due to gravity and friction. When the forward velocity becomes
less than 25%, the flaps of the zero-velocity valve close at the same rate as
the water velocity. The flap comes to the fully closed position when the
forward velocity approaches zero magnitudes. Thus the water column on
the upstream side of the valve is prevented from getting a reverse velocity
to create a pressure surge. The bypass valve maintains balanced pressures
on the disc. It also avoids the vacuum creation on the downstream side of
the valve if that column experiences a certain reversal.
Clean the valve from inside and outside to remove any foreign particles.
Zero velocity valves are usually installed in horizontal or inclined
During installation ensure proper alignment of the valve flange and
pipe flange.
Zero velocity valves are usually manufactured of carbon steel, cast iron,
S.G. Iron, cast steel, and fabricated steel material. However, depending on
the requirement, other materials can be used. The common size range for
the zero velocity valves is 80 mm to 3000 mm.