Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Sixth Semester
Civil Engineering
(Regulations 2017)
PART B — (5 13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) Explain in detail about lucknow developmental plan in the phase of
highway planning. (13)
(b) Discuss in detail about the obligatory points controlling highway
alignment. (13)
12. (a) Design the rate of super elevation for a horizontal highway having a
curve of radius 450 m with a design speed of 120 kmph. (13)
(b) Elaborate how PIEV theory is linked with reaction time of a driver? (13)
13. (a) Write a design procedure of IRC for Rigid pavement. (13)
(b) Explain about the different types of cracks in flexible pavements. (13)
14. (a) Elaborate the viscosity and penetration laboratory test on bituminous
materials. (13)
(b) Elaborate any three quality controls testing on road aggregates with its
IRC recommendations. (13)
(b) Describe the criteria that are followed during a highway project
formulation. (13)
PART C — (1 15 = 15 marks)
16. (a) Explain the different effects on Environment and Ecology of the
surroundings due to a highway project. (15)
(b) What you understand by privatization of highways? Explain with its
advantages. (15)
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