Reaction Paper 4
Reaction Paper 4
Reaction Paper 4
A Reaction Paper
Greyzon R. Abdon
BSAcc – 4A
Today, in an era when many people feel powerless to change their lives,
together, a group of people can achieve goals that none of them could achieve alone.
Cooperatives are an almost universal form of organization today found in practically all
countries and used by people in many ways. The cooperatives are formed to secure low-
cost credit, to purchase supplies and equipment for farming and household needs, to
market products, even to secure many services, like electric power, irrigation, health, and
insurance. Cooperatives can be used in many ways to benefit people in the everyday
needs of life.
combining with one another, achieve advantages available to the rich and the powerful
so that they may advance not only materially but also morally. In other words, a
cooperative is a business organization that is owned by those who use its services, the
control of which rests equally with all the members. It is voluntary and democratic and the
objectives. They can be summed as follows: they aim to provide goods and services, they
aim to eliminate the unnecessary profits of middlemen in trade and commerce, they seek
to prevent the exploitation of the weaker members of society, they aim to protect the rights
of people both as producers and consumers, and they promote mutual understanding
tools for economic development. The Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), the
is a voluntary organization of people who have agreed to pool their resources together in
order to undertake an economic enterprise for the purpose of meeting their common
needs, and which they themselves democratically manage and control, and share the
cooperatives are SHOs which are also business enterprises which the members
themselves own, manage and control in accordance with accepted democratic principles.
They are not organized primarily for profit nor to serve other people but to serve the needs
of their own members. Memberships in cooperatives is voluntary and open to all those
who need their services. Finally, the economic benefits from cooperatives are shared by
Cooperatives are viewed as important tools for improving the living and working
conditions of both women and men. Since the users of the services owned them,
cooperatives make decisions that balance the need for profitability with the welfare of
their members and the community, which they serve. Cooperatives organize all over the
world because they can help in almost every circumstance. Both developing and
that promotes collaborative social change. While foreign aid and investments drastically
help impoverished communities, external remedies are only half the battle. Co-ops
provide a grassroots initiative and social structure to address all symptoms of poverty.
Cooperatives also make aid and assistance all the more powerful. With strong
communities and the right foreign assistance, eradication of extreme poverty becomes all