FPSC Syllabus AD FGO
FPSC Syllabus AD FGO
FPSC Syllabus AD FGO
S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
1. 140/2021 Assistant Director (BS-17), Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Federal Government Master’s degree or equivalent. Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Organization. Part-I Part-II
1. General Knowledge,
English = 20 marks 2. Everyday Science
Part-II 3. Basic Arithmetic
General Intelligence Ratios
Test=80 marks Percentages
Arithmetic Means
4. Current Affairs.
Developments at National and International
Levels in the last 2 years
Note : (Equal weightage for each topic at Part-II)
2. 141/2021 Assistant Director (BS-17), i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Food Department GB, Ministry Master’s degree in Commerce/ Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
of Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Economics/MBA/ MPA from a Part-II
Baltistan. University recognized by the English = 20 marks 1. Basic Arithmetic
HEC. 2. General Science
ii. Two (2) years post qualification 3. Basic knowledge of I.T
experience in Administration/ Professional Test=80 marks 4. Procedures of Receipt and Issue of Stores
Transportation/ Distribution/ 5. Stores procedures with relation to following
Supply/ Storage/ Marketing of topics:-
Civil supplies in Public/ well a. Stock Taking
reputed private organization. b. Care and preservation of Equipment and
c. Ware House Management
6. Public Procurement Rules, 2004
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
3. 142/2021 Accounts Officer (BS-17), i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Food Department GB, Ministry Master’s degree in Commerce/ Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
of Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Economics/ Accounting from a Part-II
Baltistan. University recognized by the English = 20 marks 1. Accounting Principles & Procedures,
HEC. 2. Scrutiny of Records for Audit Purposes
ii. Two (2) years post qualification 3. Journal, Ledger & Cash Book,
experience in Accounts and Professional Test=80 marks 4. Preparation of Annual Budget,
Budget matters in Public/ well 5. Financial Planning and Cost Accounting
reputed private Organization. 6. Heads of Accounts, Re-appropriation of Funds
and Supplementary Grants
7. Settlement of Audit Objections.
8. Public Procurement Rules, 2004
9. Basic Mathematics (Average, Ratio etc.)
10. Basic IT Knowledge
4. 143/2021 Assistant Manager IT (BS-17), i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Federal Government Master’s degree or equivalent Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Organization, in Computer Science. OR Part-I Part-II
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ 1. Computer Hardware & Software, ,
Bachelor’s degree in Software English = 20 marks 2. Data Communication & Networking,
Engineering or System 3. C/C++ Language,
Engineering/ Computer Part-II 4. Visual Basic,
Engineering. 5. Relational Database Management System
ii. Certification in MTA (Microsoft Professional Test = 80 (RDBMS),
Technology Associate) OR marks 6. Operating System Unix/Linux
7. Oracle/PLSQL,
CCNA (CISCO Certified
Network Associate) OR Note: For Pre-selected candidate, syllabus for
RHCSA (Red Hat Certified Descriptive Test is at Page-4 below
System Administrator)
The officer will be required to
qualify certification in either of the
above during probation period.
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
5. 144/2021 Civil Supply Officer (BS-16), i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Food Department GB, Ministry Bachelor’s degree in Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
of Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Commerce/ Economics/ BBA Part-II
Baltistan. from a University recognized by English = 20 marks 1. Basic Arithmetic
the HEC. 2. General Science
ii. Two (2) years post qualification 3. Basic knowledge of I.T
experience in Administration/ Professional Test=80 marks 4. Procedures of Receipt and Issue of Stores
Transportation/ Distribution/ 5. Stores procedures with relation to following
Supply/ Storage/ Marketing of topics:-
Civil supplies in Public/ well a. Stock Taking
reputed private organization. b. Care and preservation of Equipment and
c. Ware House Management
6. Public Procurement Rules, 2004
6. 145/2021 Senior Teacher (BS-17), Second Class or Grade “C” M.A/ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Directorate General of Special M.Ed in Special Education or Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Education, Ministry of Human equivalent qualification from a Part-I Part-II
Rights. recognized University of Pakistan/ 1. Educational System in Pakistan
abroad. English =20 marks 2. Educational Guidance & Counselling
OR 3. Basic Concepts in Special Education
Second class or Grade ‘C’ Master 4. Service Delivery Models in Special Education
Degree or equivalent qualification Professional Test=80 marks 5. Early Childhood Development of special persons
from a recognized University of 6. Disability Specific Teaching:
Pakistan/ abroad with one year a) Sensory Impairment
diploma in Special Education. Visual
b) Physical
Motor impairment
c) Autism and Pervasive Development Order
d) Other Intellectual/Academic exceptionalities
7. Assistive Devices for special education
8. Teaching strategies for special children
9. Class Room Assessment in Special Education
10. Management and Administration of Special
Page 4 of 26
I. Introduction to Computing
Introduction to Information Technology and Computers, History of Computing, Computer
HW and SW Details, Computer System Components and Communication System, Input &
Output devices and their types, Storage Media and their types, Types of Computer
Hardware, Information Security/Privacy, Computer Crimes and Ethical Challenges, Trees
(Binary Trees, Binary Search trees, AVL Trees, Encryption Algorithms (DES, RSA), Design
Concepts, Architectural Design, Design & Implementation, Project Management, Machine
Instruction Characteristics, Instruction Processing, Processor Structure & Function, Control
Unit Operation, Micro-programmed Control, Instruction-Level Parallelism And Superscalar
Processors, Parallel Processing, Multi-Processor and Multi-core Systems.
S. No. Title Author
1. Computer System Architecture M. Morris Mano
2. Software Engineering Ian Sommerville
3. Computer Networking: A Top Down James F. Kurose and Keith W.
approach featuring the Internet Ross
4. Data and Computer Communications William Stallings
5. Database Systems Concepts Silberchatz, Abraham & Korth,
6. Computer Networks Andrew Tanenbaum
7. Web Services: Principles and Technology Michael Papazoglu
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-139A/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor/ Vice Principal (Female) (Biology) (BS-19),
Islamabad Model Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education,
Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
Minimum Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Part-II: (Biology) 50 Marks
I. Anatomy and Embryology
Primary and secondary tissues. Meristems. Secondary growth in dicot stem.
Anatomy of leaf, stem and root.
Micro and megasporogenesis, pollination mechanism, fertilization, development of
Embryo and Endosperm, Seed dispersal.
II. Plant Physiology
Plant water relations, Osmotic Quantities, component potentials of water and their
role in transport, water absorption by roots, transpiration. Role of essential mineral
elements and their uptake. Plant hormones. Photoperiodism, Vernalization.
Dormancy and Seed germination. Enzymes.
Photosynthesis: Plant pigments, Light reaction, CO2 fixation, Mechanism of
Respiration: Glycolysis, Kreb cycle, Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation.
III. Genetics & Evolution
Mendelian Genetics, Multiple Alleles, Polygenic inheritance, Gene interaction,
Epistasis and pleiotropy, Sex-linked inheritance, Chromosomal aberrations,
Mutations, DNA repair.
Evolution of life, Convergent Evolution, Divergent Evolution, Parallel Evolution and
Natural selection
IV. Molecular Biology
Nucleic acids, DNA as hereditary material, DNA replication, Transcription, Genetic
code, Protein synthesis, Genetic engineering and its application, Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMO).
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-139B/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor/ Vice Principal (Female) (Chemistry) (BS-
19), Islamabad Model Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education,
Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
Minimum Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Part-II: (Chemistry) 50 Marks
I. Atomic structure.—Quantum theory, Schrodinger equation, Particle in box,
hydrogen atom. Hydrogen moleculeion, hydrogen molecule. Theories of
hydrogen and metallic bonding.
II. Electrochemistry.—Ionic equilibria, theory of strong electrolytes; ebye-Huckel
theory of activity coefficients, galvanic cells, membrane equilibria and fuel
cells. Theories of Acids and Bases, glass electrode, measurement of pH.
Electrolysis, overvoltage and corrosion.
III. Thermodynamics.—First law of thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy
functions. Thermochemistry, Entropy and second law of Thermodynamics,
Free energy and chemical equilibrium.
IV. Chemistry of Following Elements.—Oxygen, Carbon, Chlorine, Silicon, Nitrogen,
V. Inorganic Chemical Industries.—Sulphuric Acid, Fixation of Nitrogen, Chemical
Fertilizers, Semi-conductivity devices. Cement, Glass and Ceramics.
VI. Chemistry of Natural Products.—Elementary study of Carbohydrates. Oils
and Fats. Alkaloids and Vitamins.
VII. Industrial Organic Chemistry.—Organic Polymers. Fermentation processes
including preparation of Anti-Biotics. Petro-Chemical Industry.
Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-139C/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor/ Vice Principal (Female) (Computer Science)
(BS-19), Islamabad Model Colleges, Federal Directorate of
Education, Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional
Minimum Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Part-II: (Computer Science) 50 Marks (Descriptive)
I. Computer Architecture
Microprocessor Bus Structure (Address/Data/Control), Registers and Flags, Storage
Hierarchy (Main/Virtual/Cache/Secondary memory), Peripheral communication, CPU,
ALU, Principles of Instruction Set Design, Multiprocessors & Thread Level
II. Object Oriented Programming
Data types, control structures, functions, arrays, classes, methods, object and
encapsulation; constructors and destructors, operator and function overloading,
virtual functions, derived classes, inheritance and polymorphism, I/O and file
III. Data Structure and Algorithms
Stack and Queue, Sequential Search, Binary Search, Bubble sort, Merge sort, Quick
sort, Insertion sort, Selection Sort, Linked Lists, Infix to postfix conversions,
Expression tree construction, Tree traversals, Graph representation and traversal,
Minimum spanning tree.
IV. Database Management Systems
Entity Relationship modeling, Relational data model and algebra, Structured Query
language, Database design, functional dependencies and normal forms, concurrency
control and recovery techniques, Database security and authorization.
V. Computer Communications and Networks
Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission, LAN/WAN/MAN, Network layers,
Transport layer protocols TCP/IP, UDP, Error Control, Flow Control, Multiplexing,
Routing, Bridging, Network security issues.
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-139D/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor/ Vice Principal (Female) (English) (BS-19),
Islamabad Model Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education,
Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
Minimum Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Part-II: (English) 50 Marks
I. Essays:
Bertrand Russell (The Conquest of Happiness)
George Orwell (Politics and the English Language; The Prevention of Literature)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (The Transcendentalist; Self-reliance)
II. Short Stories:
Somerset Maugham (The Lotus-eater)
G.K.Chesterton (A Somewhat Improbable Story)
O’Henry (The Gift of the Magi)
III. Poetry:
William Wordsworth (Resolution Independence; Tintern Abbey)
John Keats (Ode to a Nightingale; Ode to Autumn)
Lord Alfred Tennyson (Ulysses; The Lady of Shalott)
Yeats (A Dialogue of Self and Soul; The Second Coming)
Eliot (The Wasteland; Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)
Philip Larkin (Maturity; Continuing to Live; The Trees)
IV. Drama:
Shakespeare (Hamlet; King Lear, As you like it and Twelfth Night)
William Congreve (The Way of the World)
Shaw (Pygmalion; Heartbreak House )
Harold Pinter (The Caretaker)
Eugene O’Neill (Long Day’s Journey into Night)
V. Novels:
Thomas Hardy (Far from the Madding Crowd)
George Orwell (Nineteen Eighty-four)
James Joyce (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)
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Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter) or William Faulkner (The Sound and
the Fury)
VI. Literacy Theory & Criticism
Psychoanalytic criticism
Feminist criticism
Postcolonial Criticism
Part-III: (Professional) 25 Marks (Descriptive)
I. Development of Curriculum and Instructional Material
Elements of Curriculum.
Curriculum Development Process: Need Assessment, Formulation of Aims and
Objectives, Taxonomies of Educational Objectives, Selection of Content,
Development of Curricular Materials.
II. Process of Teaching and Teaching Strategies
Process of Classroom Communication
Factors affecting Classroom Communication
Barriers to Classroom Communications
Use of Instructional Materials and Media
III. Educational Assessment and Evaluation
Concept of Classroom Assessment and Evaluation
Distinction between Assessment, Evaluation and Measurement
Approaches to Evaluation: Formative Evaluation; Summative Evaluation
Types of Test: Essay Type; Objective Type: Multiple Choice, True-False Items,
Matching Type; Principles of Construction of these Test
Characteristics of a Good Test: Validity, Reliability, Objectivity, Usability
IV. Research Methods in Education
Research Instruments: Questionnaire: Interview; Test; Observation; Rating Scale
Research Proposal and Report Writing.
S. No. Title Author
1. The basics Literary Theory. (2nd Ed.) Bertens, H. (2008).
2. A New Handbook of Literary Terms. Mikics, W. (2007).
3. A Companion to Twentieth Century Poetry. Roberts, N. (2003).
4. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Selden, R., Widdowson, P.,
Theory. (Fifth edition). & Brooker, P. (2005)
5. Twentieth Century British Drama. Smart, J. (2001).
6. Modern Critical Views & Interpretations, ed: 80’s Harold Bloom
and 90’s editions.
7. A Companion to 20th Century Drama Oxford: Krasner David. 2005.
8. Research in Education JW Best
9. Integrating Education Technology into Teaching Roblyer
10. Curriculum Development S. M. Shahid
11. Educational Measurement and Evaluation S. M. Shahid
12. Educational Administration S. M. Shahid
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-139E/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor/ Vice Principal (Female) (Mathematics) (BS-
19), Islamabad Model Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education,
Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
Minimum Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-139F/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor/ Vice Principal (Female) (Physics) (BS-19),
Islamabad Model Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education,
Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
Minimum Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Part-II: (Physics) 50 Marks
I. Mechanics
Vectors—Dots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and applications.
Newtonian laws of motion; calculus based approach to kinematics, forces and
dynamics, conservation law of energy; conservation of linear and angular
momentum; Gravitation; planetary motion and satellites; Kepler's laws; centripetal
Special theory of relativity. Mischelson—Morley experiment and Einstein’s
postulates; Lorentz transformation; time dilation and length contraction;
equivalence of mass and energy.
II. Waves and Oscillation
Free oscillation with one and two degrees of freedom; forced and damped
oscillations and phenomenon of resonance.
Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization of waves;
interfero-meter and Newton’s rings.
III. Heat and Thermodynamics
Perfect gas and Van der Waals equation; Three Laws of
Thermodynamics, internal energy, temperature, entropy. Thermal properties of
Simple system production and measurement of low temperatures;
Maxwellian distribution of molecular velocities; Brownian motion;
Transport phenomena. Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics and its
IV. Electricity and Magnetism
Gauss’ law Electric potential and Poisson and Laplace’s equation Dielectric
medium and Polarization; Ampere’s law; Vector potential; Magnetic properties
of matter; Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction; Maxwell’s equations;
Poynting theorem and Poynting Vector. Maxwell's equations in integral and
differential form.
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-139G/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor/ Vice Principal (Female) (Urdu) (BS-19),
Islamabad Model Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education,
Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
Minimum Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Part-II: (Urdu) 50 Marks
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-146/2021-R
Particulars of post 2nd Engineer (Electronics) (System Engineer PCBRF) (BS-18),
Pakistan Navy, Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i. Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical/ Electronics/ Computer or
Qualification & equivalent from the recognized University.
Experience: ii. Five (5) years post qualification experience in Govt./ Semi-Govt./ or
a firm of repute in repairs of the multi layer Printed Circuit Board/
use of Specialized Diagnostic Test Equipment/ handling of
Programmable ICs.
III. Electronics:
Transistors: types, calculations of voltages and currents in simple transistor circuits.
Amplifier & Oscillators: Working and classification of amplifiers, Class A and Class B
Amplifiers, Feedback Amplifiers, Types of Feedback, RC Oscillators.
DSP and Controls; filters, stability, Z-transform, Nyquist criteria, S domain, transfer
Net present value, Net future value, cash flows, auditing, income statement, balance
sheet, taxation, financial risk management, cost analysis.
VI. Project Management:
Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-147/2021-R
Particulars of post Associate Professor (Female) (Biology) (BS-19), F.G Colleges,
Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts/
Garrisons), Ministry of Defence.
Minimum Ph.D. degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post
Qualification & qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
Experience: University level.
M. Phil degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post
qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in the relevant subject
with Twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.
Part-I: (Biology) 50 Marks
I. Anatomy and Embryology
Primary and secondary tissues. Meristems. Secondary growth in dicot stem.
Anatomy of leaf, stem and root.
Micro and megasporogenesis, pollination mechanism, fertilization, development of
Embryo and Endosperm, Seed dispersal.
S. No. Title Author
1. Comparative Morphology of the Vascular Plants Foster, A.S. and E.H. Gifford.
2. Genetics: A Conceptual Approach. 4th edition Pierce, B. A.
3. Molecular Cell Biology Lodish,H., A. Berk, S.L. Zipursky,
4. Ilmi Biomolecules, Cell Biology and Genetics. Cheema, T.A. and Cheema Z.T.
5. Growth and Differentiation in Plants Phillips and Wareings
6. Animal behavior:- An Evolutionary Approach John Alcock
7. Biology Campbell, N.A.
8. Research in Education JW Best
9. Integrating Education Technology into Teaching Roblyer
10. Curriculum Development S. M. Shahid
11. Educational Measurement and Evaluation S. M. Shahid
12. Educational Administration S. M. Shahid
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