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IM- Gastro


1. Average amount of fecal volume that comes from terminal ileum to the cecum
a. 200 cc c. 1200 cc
b. 800 cc d. 2000 cc

2. What layer of the esophageal wall is normally absent but characteristically present in
the epithelial segment of the GI tract?
a. Lining mucosa c. Muscularis
b. Serosa d. Submucosa

3. A main function of the GI tract:

a. Water absorption c. Food preparation for digestion
b. Food propulsion d. Elimination of waste

4. Parietal cell stimulates this cell that increases acid production

a. Somatostatin c. Secretin
b. Acetylcholine d. Prostaglandin

5. What cells in the upper gut are responsible for somatostatin production
a. D cells c. Enterochromaffin cells
b. G cells d. Duodenal endocrine cells

6. Esophageal motility disorder characterized mainly by diffuse regurgitate contraction of

the esophagus
a. Nutcracker Esophagus c. Diffuse esophageal spasm
b. Achalasia d. Transient LES relaxation (tLESR)

7. Major factors in the causation of GERD, EXCEPT:

a. Overwhelmed LES by gastric pressure
b. Inappropriate tLESR
c. Increased intragastric acidity
d. Decreased LES resistance

8. Most common symptom of GERD

a. Dysphagia c. Epigastric pain
b. Heartburn d. Belching

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9. The most sensitive test for the diagnosis of GERD is
a. Esophageal monometry c. Bernstein Test
b. PPI Test d. 24-hr ambulatory pH monitoring

10. Urgent endoscopic intersection on foreign bodies in the esophagus, EXCEPT:

a. Esophageal FB ingestion c. Swallowing cocaine bag
b. Sharp and pointed objects d. Button …

11. A 48 yo male presents with dysphagia and fits of coughing everytime he swallows. He
has lost 10 kg. He has history of alcohol drinking and heavy smoking. Your MOST
appropriate diagnostic work up will be
a. Upper GI Endoscopy w/ Biopsy
b. Chest CT Scan
c. Barium Esophagogram
d. Endoscopic Ultrasound

12. A 47 yo female complaining of dyspepsia underwent upper GI endoscopy which

revealed a smooth extramural mass, 10 mm in size in the distal esophagus. The lesion
has a normal looking overlying mucosa w/ an ulcer located at the center. The MOST
likely diagnosis is:
a. Lipoma c. Fibroid polyp
b. Leiomyoma d. Squamous Cell CA

13. Most common benign tumor of the esophagus

a. Lipoma c. Fibroma
b. Leiomyoma d. Lymphoma

14. The most important factor in the causation of esophageal adenocarcinoma is:
a. Smoking c. Gastroesophageal reflux
b. Heredity d. Barrett’s Epithelial Dysplasia

15. Gastric Adenocarcinoma is most commonly located in the

a. Fundus c. Body
b. Cardia d. Antrum

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16. The most common type of hiatal hernia that has propensity to GERD is
a. Type I c. Type III
b. Type II d. Type IV

17. The type of esophageal diverticulum that commonly occurs in an area of natural wall
weakness kown as Killan’s Triangle
a. Zenker’s Diverticulum c. Epiphrenic Diverticulum
b. Traction Diverticulum d. False Diverticulum

18. The following conditions are examples of impaired digestion and absorption of the GIT,
a. Infectious enterocolitis c. Malabsorption Syndrome
b. Zolliger-Ellison Syndrome d. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

19. A good example of hypomotility disorder of the esophagus is

a. Achalasia c. Scleroderma
b. Nutcracker esophagus d. Hypertensive LES

20. The most dreaded complication of GERD

a. Bleeding c. Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
b. Stricture d. Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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