CSC 651: Capstone Project (II) Syllabus: Transition, or An Equivalency If Another Process Is Used
CSC 651: Capstone Project (II) Syllabus: Transition, or An Equivalency If Another Process Is Used
CSC 651: Capstone Project (II) Syllabus: Transition, or An Equivalency If Another Process Is Used
Dr. Chenglie Hu Phone: 524-7170 e-mail:
This is a continuation of the software project that the student has partially finished in CSC650.
The student will complete the latter two phases of the Unified Process: Construction and
Transition, or an equivalency if another process is used.
This class is the second of two-course sequence that serves as the Capstone for the Masters of
Software Engineering. In this course students will:
Construct or continue evolve the software project he or she has started in CSC650
Deliver the software product that has been fully tested (and accepted by the client if
Perform continued execution of the Unified Process or another process
Perform more iteration on the documents produced in CSC650, as well as re-factoring the
existing design and/or code
Produce user manuals and maintenance notes as appropriate
Tentative Schedule
This course CSC650, together with CSC650, is meant to evaluate whether the student has
mastered the material to meet the goals of the Masters of Software Engineering Program. The
Program Outcomes are as follows:
The following objectives for CSC651 will be used to measure student success.
This class will be graded by the CSC Faculty and based upon the following criteria.
Criteria Weight
The quality of the completed product, 90%
documents produced in the latter two UP
phases, the tests execution, and re-factoring
[MSE Outcomes 1 - 5]
The quality of status report, final 10%
presentations and regular communication
with the instructor [MSE Goals 1 - 5]
If making code available is not an issue, please burn the code into a CD and place it in
your binder.
For university library archiving purposes, you are expected to compile all documents of
CSC651 (except the code) and the some relevant documents form CSC650 (such as
requirement specs, SPMP, analysis and design artifacts) into a single PDF file.
Final Presentation
The final presentation is formal. The focus of the presentation should be on the latter two phases
of the UP: Construction and Transition, as well as on the demonstration of the finished product.
Policy Statements
(1) The instructor and the College reserve the right to modify, amend, or change the syllabus
(course requirements, grading policy, etc.) as the curriculum and/or program require(s).