FIN4110: Options and Futures: Zongbo Huang Cuhk (SZ)
FIN4110: Options and Futures: Zongbo Huang Cuhk (SZ)
FIN4110: Options and Futures: Zongbo Huang Cuhk (SZ)
Zongbo Huang
Commodity Swaps
Commodity Swaps
Buy a Strip of Futures Contracts
Buy a Swap
Swap Settlement
Hedging Swap Positions
• The risk of variable natural gas prices has been transferred from
the producer to the counter party. How does the counter party
hedge the risk associated with the swap?
• The natural way to hedge would be for the counter party to buy
a strip of futures to lock in a price for the natural gas he
committed to deliver.
Market Value of the Swap
• When the producer and the counter party enter into the swap,
the swap is priced so that the market value of the swap is zero.
• Suppose that on December 1, futures curve becomes
Currency Swaps
Currency Swaps
• The firm can enter into a series of currency forwards, one for
each of the four years. What is the Euro cost locked in?
• The firm could enter into a swap where the firm makes a fixed
set of euro payments.
• Let C denote the euro coupon payments and P be the principal
payment made by the European firm.
• What euro coupon and principle payments should the firm be
required to make?
Interest Rate Futures and Swaps
Zero Coupon Bonds
• The prices of zero coupon bonds can be inferred from prices of
coupon bonds.
• Example: we observe the following coupon bond prices
1. 1 year 5% coupon bond: 100
2. 2 year 6% coupon bond: 100
3. 3 year 4% coupon bond: 98
What are the prices of 1-year, 2-year, 3-year zero coupon bonds?
• If you invest in a zero you pay P0i today and receive $100 in
period i. The rate of return on that position should be the
riskfree rate over that period, that is,
= er(0,t)t
P0t = 100e−r(0,t)t
or equivalently
r(0, t) = ln(100/P0,t )
Forward Prices
• The forward prices can be computed from the zeros using a cash
and carry.
• Let F0,i,j = forward price in period 0 for a future on a zero which
matures in period j with delivery in period i.
• Suppose I want to price a forward contract on a 3 year zero bond
with delivery in two years (i.e I want F0,2,5 ).
• Consider the following portfolio:
today delivery
buy spot (a 5-year zero) −P05
sell a forward F0,2,5
Total −P05 F0,2,5
• In general,
F0,i,j = 100
Eurodollar Futures Contracts
• Quantity: $1million/contract
• Contracts are cash settled based on the 3 month LIBOR rate (this
is the fixed rate on US dollar deposits in banks not subject to US
banking regulations.
• The expiration futures price (i.e. the settlement price) =
100 × (1 − rLIBOR )
• At expiration the payoff to the long is:
• Example: Suppose on 2-28-04,a firm would like to lock in a 3
month lending rate starting in June on $1 M. The Eurodollar
futures price for June delivery was 97.74.
• If they buy a the long Euro 3 month future, they can lock in a 3
month lending rate of 100-97.74 =2.26%.
• Suppose the spot LIBOR rate in June is 2.10%.
• If the firm enters into the long futures position, the firm receives
Interest Rate Swap
month LIBOR rate and the payments are exchanged every six months for 3
years. (Interest payments are typically made in arrears but we will ignore
that for now.)
• The cashflow
The cash flow
for afor a possible
possible setrates
set of LIBOR of isLIBOR rates is given below.
given below.
Why Use Interest Rate Swaps?
• The swap can be priced (i.e the appropriate fixed rate for the
swap can be determined) by using the futures prices.
• Suppose there is a Euro dollar swap (i.e., floating rate is LIBOR)
which makes payments every 3 months.
• The floating rate payer’s net revenue from the swap every 3
months is:
(1M) × (90/360) × (rfixed − rLIBOR )
• To hedge this position (that is, remove the exposure to the
floating rate) the floating rate payer can take a short position in
a strip of 3 month Euro dollar futures.
• The net revenue from the strip of short futures every 3 months is:
• Every 3 months the total revenue from the two positions is:
• This position produces a certain cash flow every 3 months. The
initial cost of the position is zero. Since there is no risk and no
capital required for the position (the strip and futures and the
swap are both ”free”), the rate of return on the position should
be zero.
• This implies that the present value of the net cash flows should
be zero or else there is an arbitrage opportunity. This implies
that the fixed rate on the swap must be such that:
2500 × [F0,t,t+1 − 100(1 − rfixed )]e−r(0,t)×t/4 = 0.