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Iskavalayoga Induvarayoga Ithasala

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Tajik Yoga Condition Variation Effect

Iskavalayoga Planets in kendras ( 1, 4, 7 and 10 ) NA good

and Panaparas ( 2, 5, 8, and 11 )
Induvarayoga Planets in Apoklimas NA Not good
Ithasala Fast Moving Planet Behind the Slow    
Moving Planet
Vartamana Intermingling of rays between the   Positive
faster and the slower moving planets
resulting in ‘Vartamana’ Ithasala.
Sampurna The difference between two planets is   Instant
1 degree only
Bhavishyat When the Deepthamsas of both the   Positive in near
planets are about to mingle. future
Ishrapha When faster planet is ahead of a   Failure in
slower planet more than one degree. endeavour
Nakta In the absence of Ithasala Yoga Of itthshala object will be
between a fast-moving and a slow- yoga with fulfilled through
moving planet, if a faster moving the help of a third person
planet is in between involved in third planet easily
aspect with the other two, there is which is fast
transference of influence from the fast moving
moving planet to the slow-moving
planet resulting in Nakta Yoga
Yamaya When two planets are not in mutual Of itthshala object will be
aspect but are in Ithasala with a slow- yoga with fulfilled through
moving planet the help of a third person
third planet with request and
which is effort
slow moving
Manau When a malefic planet [Saturn or Of Failure in
Mars] imparts inimical aspect to the itthashala attempts, debts,
faster moving planet in itthashala yoga loss, enemity
yoga and quarrels.
Kamboola When Moon joins Itthasala yoga Of Excellently
itthashala positive
Gairi When the Moon is with any other Of Negative or
Kamboola planet whether or not forming a yoga, Kamboola cancellation of
and when any other planet has just Yoga kamboola
entered the sign.
Khallasara When a planet [Ascendant] is   Disappointment
between the two planets placed one in undertakings.
sign ahead and one sign behind -
without sharing any aspect among
any of them
Radda when a planet is in retrogression or in Of Success after
combustion or within the orb of the itthashala much troubles.
  If Radda Yoga is formed in Apoklima   Initial success
but failure later
Dupparikutha When a slow-moving planet, exalted, Of Fulfilment of
occupying own house or otherwise Itthashala desires.
auspicious enters into Ithasala Yoga
with a faster moving planet
Duttota When two weak planets are forming Of success through
any yoga but one of the planet is itthashala the help of
receiving support by forming another person
itthashala with strong planet[in
exaltation or own house]
Thambira When a faster planet strongly Of fulfilment of
disposed at the end of a sign is about itthashala desires.
to form Ithasala with a slow-moving
planet - in the next sign
Kuttha If a planet in the ascendant is   fulfilment of
aspected by a planet occupying a desires.
Kendra or Panphara which should be
his own or exaltation house
Durupha When a planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th   Powerless Yoga
is debilitated or occupies an enemy's
house or is retrograde or combust and
enters into Ithasala with another
planet similarly afflicted

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