Module 2: Discipline and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences

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Culminating Activity

Module 2: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Subject Teacher: Mr. Mikko L. Domingo

Lesson Description:

This course introduces some Applied Social Sciences, namely, Counseling, Social Work, and Communication, which
draw their foundation from the theories and principles of Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and other Social

Course Objectives:

A. The learners make appropriate decisions on how understanding of the key concepts, principles, and processes of
humanities and social sciences shall be demonstrated based on sound criteria


Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences

*Applied Social Science - An integrated science cutting across and transcending various social science disciplines in
addressing a wide range of issues in a contemporary, innovative, and dynamic way
- the application of Social Science, theories and concepts.

Three Disciplines in Applied Social Science*

1. Counseling - The process of guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or decisions have to be made
about himself or herself and his or her life course
2. Social Work – associated with government welfare and social programs aimed at achieving social
justice, fairness and attainment of social equilibrium.
3. Communication – deals with how human use verbal and non-verbal messages to create meaning
in various contexts.

Discipline in Counseling – a relationship characterized by the application of one or more psychological theories and
recognized set of communication skills appropriate to a client’s intimate concerns, problems or aspirations.

*Counseling is designed to facilitate positive change in student behavior, feelings and attitude.

*Psychometric Test – a kind of tests that measure the intelligence, traits and others.

*Context and Basic Concepts of Counseling

 Urie Bronfenbrenner
 Peers as Context – kind of context that introduced by their friends or family.
 Neighborhood as Context
 Culture as Context
 *Culture – source of norms, values, symbols, and language
 Counseling as Context
 Client Factors – everything that a client brings to the counselling context
 Counselor Factors – personality skills, and personal qualities of a counselor can significantly impact the outcomes of
the counselling relationship.
 Contextual Factors – environment where to conduct the counseling sessions
o *Quiet, Warm and Comfortable Place away from distraction
 *Process Factors – actual counseling undertaking. The goal towards INDEPENDENCE.
o Developing trust
o Exploring problem areas
o Helping to set goals
o Empowering into action
o Helping to maintain change
o Agreeing when to end the helping relationship
Counseling aimed at empowering a client. Client empowerment means that they develop skills and abilities that
require self-management and improved motivation toward actions that are good for one’s self and develop positive
outlook toward the past.

Counselling provides clients the opportunity to get *emotional release from their pent-up frustrations and other personal
Principles of Counselling
 *Advice / Advice giving – has to avoid breeding a relationship in which the counselee feels
inferior and emotionally dependent on the counselor
 *Reassurance – a valuable principle that can bring about a sense of relief that may empower a
client to function normally again
 *Release of emotional tension – opportunity to ger emotional release from their pent-up
frustrations and other personal issues.
 *Clarified Thinking – encourages a client to accept responsibility for problems and to be
more realistic in solving them
 *Reorientation – involves a change in the client’s emotional self through a change in basic
goals and aspirations
 *Listening Skills – attempt to understand both the content of the client’s problem as they see
it, and the emotions thy experiencing related to the problem.
 *Respect – put their personal feelings aside and treat the client with respect. In all circumstances, clients must be
treated with RESPESCT, no matter how peculiar or utterly different they are from the counselor.
 *Empathy and Positive Regard – Empathy requires the counselor to listen and understand the feelings and
perspective of the client; Positive Regards is an aspect of respect.
 *Clarification, confrontation and interpretation – Clarification is an attempt by the counselor to restate what the
client is either saying or feeling, so the client may learn something to understand the issue better.
 *Transference and Countertransference – When clients are helped to understand transference reaction, they are
empowered to gain understanding of important aspects of their emotional life. Countertransference helps both
clients and counselors to understand the emotional and perceptional reactions.

Core Values of Counseling

1. *Respect for human dignity. This means that the counselor must provide a client unconditional
positive regard, compassion, non-judgmental attitude, empathy, and trust.
2. Partnership. A counselor has to foster partnerships with the various disciplines that come
together to support an integrated healing that encompasses various aspects such as the physical,
emotional, spiritual, and intellectual.
3. *Autonomy. This entails respect for confidentiality and trust in a relationship of counseling and
ensuring a safe environment that is needed for healing. It also means that healing or any advice cannot be
imposed on a client.
4. Responsible caring. This primarily means respecting the potential of every human being to change and to
continue learning throughout his/her life, and especially in the environment of counseling.
5. Personal integrity. Counselors must reflect personal integrity, honesty, and truthfulness with clients.
6. *Social justice. This means accepting and respecting the diversity of the clients, the diversity of individuals,
their cultures, languages, lifestyles, identities, ideologies, intellectual capacities, personalities, and capabilities
regardless of the presented issues.

Roles of a Guidance Counselor

 Assist the person or persons (clients) in realizing a change in behavior or attitude, in seeking achievement of goals, in
finding help
 Teach social skills, effective communication, spiritual guidance, decision-making, and
career choices
 Aid in coping with a crisis

*Philippine Republic Act No. 9258 defines a guidance counselor as a natural person
who has been professionally registered and licensed by a legitimate entity and by virtue
of specialized training to perform the functions of guidance and counseling.


 Attending and Listening
o *Active Listening – listening with purpose and responding in such a way that clients are aware that they have both
been heard and understood.
 *Reflective Skills – key skills are restating, paraphrasing and summarizing
 Probing skills – facilitate going deeper, asking more directed or leading questions

Four (4) Common Skills that Require Studying the Curriculum of Accumulated
Scientific Knowledge

1. Communication skills
These include the ability to actively listen, demonstrate understanding, ask appropriate
questions, and provide information as needed.
1. Motivational skills
These skills are the ones that influence a helpee to take action after the helping session or consultation.
1. Problem-solving skills
These include differentiating between symptoms and the problem, pinpointing probable causes and triggers for the
problem, and then generating a range of possible solutions to the actual problem.
1. Conflict resolution skills
These involve learning about styles of conflict resolution including recognizing the signs of conflict and learning the
process of conflict resolution.

-The End-
Culminating Activity Week 1

Name: Date
Year and Section:


Tell whether the statement is true or false.

1Natural science is the study of society and the manner in which people behave
and influence the world around us.
2. Social science is the study of how natural phenomena around us work which
includes biology, botany and zoology etc.
3. Geography studies the allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interact
with social structure to address questions about production.
4. Counseling is a a field of Applied Social Science.
5Demography studies the analysis of statistics of birth, human movement, morbidity,
and mortality.
6. Applied Social Science is focused on the use and application of the different theories
of social science disciplines to understand society and solve social problems.
7. Political Science is a main discipline of applied social science.
8. Counseling is a field that focuses on providing guidance, help and support to individuals
by applying some psychological methods which involve processes such as case history data, personal interviews and
aptitude tests.
9. Social work is a field of Applied Social Science where practitioners help families,
groups and communities enhance people’s skills and ability to help themselves in resolving their own social and
community problems.
10. Engineering is a discipline of Social Science.


Try to research in the internet about the problem of Depression. Write a short report on the existence of
Depression in our country, its causes and effects to people. Then write your short recommendation on how are we
going to fight against depression and why we need to solve this problem.

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